Welcome President Trump – now that’s a phrase we won’t hear on al beeb . Al beeb is neutral , untainted by bias , a world class broadcaster , so compare that with the last time an American President visited Britain and so many embarrassed themselves in exultation.
It won’t be difficult to evidence the bias but it needs to be done here.
regrets Engerland But the boys dun good .
It will be painful to see the French Africa team take the Croats apart in the final but al beeb will stick a multicultural spin on it
Twitter had this (the Trump welcome meme) tagged as ‘sensitive media’
Is it part of the training that everybody who does an outside broadcast or interview must first seek out a pro eu/ anti Trump/ pro Palestine etc protestor to stand behind them waving eu flags or shouting lefty slogans.
Has anyone here EVER seen an outside broadcast with somebody pro Trump or Brexit standing behind with the placard visible.
Maybe we will see that on the next bbc pro Brexit programme.
Emmanuel -You have got this 100% correct. Everything is controled at
the BBC by the Big Brother the head of Diversity. And by the Trotksyist
and Fifth Columnist editors, sub editors and researchers.
It’s what got us that load of bollocks on racial issues on Newsnight
last night on England and the World Cup. And we have to pay a license fee for watching this garbage.
Not just bodies in front of camera, Manny, but product placement also. Everything I see now on the BBC is viewed with a jaundiced eye, what is the subliminal message, etc.
I watched an episode of someone walking the Pennine Way the other night on BBC4.
The walker hoves up at a little shop out in the wilds of Yorkshire. As he walks into the shop, he passes a wire news stand. Whereupon, the camera lingers on a neatly folded copy of the bloody Guardian, masthead prominently displayed! Not sure what use this particular rag would serve to the average walker, it burns poorly and you can’s even wipe your arse on it!
Many white flight liberals moving from vibrant London to little Yorkshire towns, but never admit why..
Eddy Booth
Same here in Taffland.
What a mess in Londonistan. Silly balloons and ‘the law of the jungle’.
Sorry that I keep posting stuff today that isn’t directly BBC Bias.
But this is important. It may be BBBC related on the basis that BBC would probably never report it unless they could heavily edit it and call it “extreme right wing”
Lucy, thanks for the information. It is connected to BBC bias by omission. Sometimes I feel that this site is covering more news than the hundreds of overpaid sex offenders the BBC hired as journalists,
The people on here are spreading R.E.A.L news.
Read Elswhere And Learn (the truth).
Henry Newman from Open Europe has endorsed Mays White Paper today in the Guardian. Such is the way with these things it could mean either;
he suspects that the hardballers of the EU will try to ‘improve’ their position and negotiate themselves and us into a no deal scenario, or,
this actually meets with OE expectations and leaves enough leeway for full membership in the longer term.
Such is my distrust of political commentators, especially pro EU ones I would expect the second option is nearer the mark.
I’ll comment on the White Paper after I’ve read it across the weekend – at least it’s downloaded .
I suppose the whole rent a crowd will be out in force attacking symbols of America like McDonald’s as if it changes anything
I do wonder sometimes if Blighty really does deserve a Mcdonald / Corbyn Marxist Government . Perhaps the suffering caused is a “ price worth paying “ .
Open Europe is George Soros sock puppet isn`t it?
I think on former great men called Henry Newman.
And then note how bad we`ve become, when Soros Sock puppets elected by nobody get to tell us what`s best for us.
He was sad that Meyer had been attacked-even used the words “gosh” and “sad”-yet his like have caused this.
Not that the libscum would ever join the drops of blood together.
Although this site is primarily a biased bbc forum I think it is evolving into a bigger place where other information is also shared, information which is kept from us by the likes of the bbbc.
I think we all appreciate getting facts and news that the MSM want to keep from us.
The more we know the better we can counter the left and their lies.
I think we are basically an honest lot on here, anything which turns out not to be exactly the whole truth would be because of a genuine mistake or misunderstanding.
The vast majority of info on here I believe to be true with only a little amount possibly suspect and if wrong then unintentional.
I think Fedup is happy to have posts which generally expose the left wing lies even though it’s from other places than the bbc.
This site is becoming bigger and evolving and a reason is that it’s genuine and not fake (as in fake news)
Emmanuel / Lucy
I’m a free speecher – but there must be a limit especially as the law makers are repressing ideas and words they don’t like – across their bubble .
Although this site is , I suppose , here to record the bias of al beeb and thus the damage done to our way of life discussion is bound to wander off .
Strangely the thing which annoys me is not maxi but people who come on the site and says it’s hopeless and we are wasting our time . I refute that because it’s the best that can be done at the moment . Nothing stays the same .
many thought gandi and his protests were hopeless
This site is a tonic for the troops as far as I can see.
Never alone, not everyone has bowed the knee to Baal.
None of my mates have tellies now, here are the reasons.
One track agendas, desperate and repetitive.
Too many shades of faces and deviancies representing nothing but Notting Hill fantasies or wherever.
Leonard sachs
Cliff Richard
Brexit and Trump.
No particular order, climate change bollocks and Jihadi John crap not featuring this year.
You are dead right. Time and time again I have found links on this site to others that provide the news that the MSM would never print. This site is part of the network that will enable us to take back our country.
Al Beeb tell us of ‘millions of pounds spent on trump security’.
That’s millions of pounds wasted because of the bigoted protesters.
Protesters who need to get a real job.
Who do they wheel out to support the protest? Owen Jones, Al Beeb’s PR man.
An own goal by Al Beeb?
Oh how Al Beeb hate Mr Trump because he is draining the swamp. Al Beeb are running out of childish names to call him, as they continue to throw a hissy fit .
Well they could make savings by not marching for gay pride et al.
Seeing the Albeeb website it seems that sir vince cable has said that President Trump is becoming ‘an enemy of this country ‘ .
Now sir cable is not the sharpest knife in the box but to say such a thing of an American President is beyond the pale and perhaps a hate crime?
Al beeb also rebroadcasts tweets by the emir of Londonistan calling for peaceful protest. Methinks this dolt is realising there can be consequences of what he says and if people are harmed it will be on him .
And how many seats did Sir Cable’s party get in the last election ?
Yes taff – I don’t think they’ll be going ‘back to their constituencies any time soon’. Shocking thing for a politician to say. I think the secret service will put him on a list…
For god’s sake. A smug, irritating reporter interviewed two protestors. Yep, you guessed it: one was a posh, young student whose main beef with Trump was that she doesn”t like how rude he is and that he is old fashioned and racist. When pressed she stuttered, was clueless and waffled that he just isn’t treating people properly. In other words she doesn’t know what she is protesting about and wants to ban him from the uk simply because she doesn’t like him. Typical spoilt snowflake me me me posh student. And yes, you guessed it… the bbc reporter just let her get away with it. The other was a geriatric hippy-type who couldn’t seem to remember why he turned up. The bbc is spearheading the anti-Trump protests and is giving extended airtime to geeks like Owen Jones and arrogant big mouth students who no doubt will be going home to mummy and daddy for tea after being radical activists.
It is despicable. I love Trump and support him wholeheartedly. Trump is welcome!
It may be different later on, but the news channels are attempting to cover the protests – and are having difficulty finding anyone to interview in Regents Park ! a few old stragglies trying to keep from choking on their whistles and a couple of hairies tapping on an empty water bottle (eh?) – they all look as though they’ve got halitosis problems. We’re also getting overhead shots of a couple of buses on their way to Blenheim Palace. So much for the hundreds of thousands then.
So far the views of the protesters are ‘close up’ shots. A well used trick to fool the viewer that the amount of people attending is far more than appears.
Amateur Propaganda.
In the future Trump will acquire the same status as Margaret Thatcher in the Leftie mind set. as bogey man in chief .Mainly because like Thatcher he has confronted the Left head on and has played them at their own game. Therefore the pursuit of him will be relentless by the Liberal elite.
A very excited Duncan Kennedy, reporting from Blenheim Palace for BBC TV news at six, eagerly proclaimed that protesters there thought that Trump was a ‘racist’ and a ‘mysogenist’. Kennedy was clearly pleased with himself at his virtue-signalling on behalf of virtue -signallers. He could hardly contain himself at his intellectual scoop.
Should go far at the beeb.
I saw that, FNW and also heard the disappointment in Edward’s voice, back in the studio, to this question, “is the demo peaceful?”, when Kennedy said “at the moment.”
im kinda hoping it turns horribly violent and they turn on the police who are normally so diligent in protecting them from horrible white nazis
Everyone had a kid at school like Duncan Kennedy.
Not quite right but harmless.
Is there any one out there that can point out any right-wing or pro-Brexit Bias?
Over to you Mr Tony Hall………..
The bBBC ‘news’ is telling us what a disgrace it is that President Trump’s visit is costing tens of millions of pounds in security and policing.
So, how is it the President’s fault that gangs of unwashed loonies are setting up protests against him, needing thousands of police to try to stop their violence?
UKIP Polling highest level since May 2017. – YouGov Poll
Has it been reported on Al Beeb yet?
The Telly Goons are after me now that I have not paid their telly protection racket and I don’t mean Neddie Seagoon, Private Bogg , Eccles and Mini Banister.
I haven’t got the heart to tell them that I don’t have a TV 😉
I wish I had a pound for all those letters saying ‘An enforcement visit has been authorised’ or whatever gormless wording Capita comes up with. I live on an upper floor, my doorbell doesn’t work and even when it did I wouldn’t answer it unless I knew someone expected was coming. Bloody nazis, they never give up 🙂
Am I in on the 16th ? The letter asks me .
I will be but they won’t visit I’ll lay good odds on .
At least every letter from Capita is a stamp’s worth that won’t go to the beeb’s odious propaganda.
Don’t tell em, let them waste the beeb’s money.
Heard the BBC run two stories with Ulster in them on the 8am news.
One was about how horrid the Orangemen were being in Northern Ireland over todays marches-six days of beastliness, although our reporter mentioned that firebombs had been aimed from the Bogside.
That`ll be IRA then eh Beeb? Not that they`ll easily say so.
This story bled right into one about an Ulster lad getting cannabis oil today, maybe?
My take home is that Ulster needs all its cannabis oil on the NHS to keep them all from getting excitable.
Too much to expect a new editor to see how linking these two stories( by dint of both of them involving Ulster) might be easily made to be loopy. But loopy is just about the BBC can do thee days.
PS taffman-put a pretend telly in your window , play the radio underneath-drives the goons crazy.
Can Belgium be made to leave the EU with us if we beat them on Saturday in the Alternative World Cup Final?
I`d love to see Farage and Verhofstad having to take penalties to bring the Belgian out of the EU with us-and leave Mollenbeeck for Brussels to sort out, the rest of Belgium could then stop being the joke it`s been in my lifetime.
Is this coming game the most unwanted waste of three hours since Manchester United had to replay Bournemouth in a dead rubber game, when they`d found a made-up pretend bomb that last day of the season? Comedy, my boys still hope for a refund from Premier Inn(as if!)
Alicia Sinclair
“put a pretend telly in your window , play the radio underneath-drives the goons crazy.”
😀 😀 😀 !
Another stabbing in London today.
The Mayor of London should direct his attention to controlling knife crime not blowing up silly balloons.
Reasons I loathe the BBC and will never ever have a TV licence again…
1. Their blatant anti-Trump stance, appalling hostility to a democratically elected leader of our key ally.
2. Alastair The Snake Campbell on R5Live earlier ridiculing President Trump, saying that he was just a reality TV star.
3. The way the BBC covered for paedos such as Savile and Harris
4. The unfairness of having to pay to watch BBC with its liberal, globalist, social engineering, multi-culti agenda.
5. the outrageous salaries of so many BBC staff.
6. their key role in Project Fear
7. the sneering, “we speak for the nation” tone.
8. their constant expensive ads promoting their own output.
Need I go on ?
President Trump is most welcome here and I wish he could drain our swamp too. But the way he is being treated in some quarters, you could forgive him for turning his back on us. Just the sort of strong leader that we lack.
Beeb – here – here .
I think I really have to stop watching news programmes – I’ve just watched c4 7 news which was just one long President Trump hate .
Al beeb loves to take the Micky out of the presidents ‘ appearance – I thought all this lovely diversity meant we judge people by their looks but only for some . So it’s now okay to make comments about fat Lammy or the muzzie mayor who won’t wear a tie and like his type can’t speak the truth ( there you are max – one for your cut and paste)
Their behaviour with Trump has been an absolute disgrace. Their modus operandi for years has been to stamp out any thought crime brutally; anyone who stepped out of line too much would be personally attacked and brought down. People soon learned it best to go along with their demands, hence how tragic situations like Rotherham arise.
Trump refused to step into line so they went for him as hard as they could. He not only survived but hit back, denouncing them as ‘fake news’ just as they would denounce anyone they disagreed with as racist. It hurts so badly because they know it is true. They have been rumbled and no right-thinking person could remotely trust them again.
Need I go on? Yes, please do.
“Chants of a possibly discriminatory nature investigated.”
Even if they were actually discriminatory I could not care less – I imagine that is the whole point of chants.
The tide really is turning against these finger wagging wankers. What sort of prick wants to ‘protest’ Trump when all he has done is stand up for his people, unlike our elites who treat us with contempt? Most decent people would not be seen dead at such a pathetic tantrum.
Dear Mrs May,
You obviously haven’t got a clue as to how to leave the EU. Here are my suggestions.
1. Sack Oliver Robbins and begin charges of seddition against him.
2. Call all Permanent Sectretaries into No. 10 and tell that we are leaving the EU and if they feel that they cannot implement that policy then you will accept their resignations now.
3. Tell them to go back to their departments and cascade your message down the chain of command.
4. Telephone the EU Commission and tell them that we are leaving the EU and that we will not be paying them anything after that date and further that we will be submitting a detailed claim for what they owe us.
5. Tell them that we see no reason why we and they cannot achieve an arrangement mutually beneficial to both parties and that if they wish to discuss the matter then we are sure that we might be able to make some time available for a meeting in London. However knowing how slow they are to make any decisions they will realise that we cannot give this any high priority, they might well find themselves at the back of the queue.
That’s how the POTUS would do it. Is that you Mr Trump?
ITV 7:30pm How will Trump be received in Britain ?
Sir Christopher Meyer former British ambassador to USA beaten up in London.
When will Al Beeb criticise the Mayor of London?
Shouldn`t we be sponsoring these attacks on traitors past and present?
Prescott called him a red-socked fop.
Maybe an I Spy on Lord Fatfukk of Hull is called for.
Taffman, do you think Sir Christopher Meyer was deliberately targetted, or was it just a chance ? Either way it is shocking.
‘A man in his seventies was taken to hospital, though his injuries are not believed to be life threatening or changing.’ That’s the British Transport Police, who it seems picked up two feral teenagers for the attack and then let them go.
When did this ‘not life changing’ rubbish in connection with injuries start appearing? Is it a way to lessen the impact of reporting that vicious muggers will kick, stab, punch and bludgeon and throw acid at defenceless people..and most likely get away with a community service order?
If you have ever been a victim of a robbery, it can certainly be temporarily life changing in that you won’t likely want to walk the same streets for a while, or venture out at all.
It’s anarcho-tyranny – letting the barbarians free to prey on ordinary folk, while ordinary folk are severely punished for upsetting some snowflake on twitter. What an awful place London has become.
“They Like me a lot” edit
BBC local news ends by playing Trump : “They Like me a lot” ..stop
LBC News starts by playing Trump : “They Like me a lot”
Then Farage starts and plays a clip
Reporter “How do you feel about the planned protests ?”
DT : “I think it’s fine, I think they like me a lot in the UK, I think they agree with me on immigration. I am very strong on immigration.”
..and then he goes on making points about immigration
So I think it’s quite interesting where the news progs decided to make their edit so sharply before his next words ” they agree with me on immigration”
Loathe the BBC? Channel4 would have impressed you even more. The sneering Jon Snow and the subversive Matt Frei doing a running commentary during Trump’s arrival at Blenheim. Snow called it a ‘strange little visit’ and Frei trotted out his collection of anti-Trump bits and pieces.
No one does sneering quite like them. I think the links between Channel 4 and the beeb are not co-incidental?
The 2 they interview at the ‘protest’ are a well spoken Pakistani and a middle aged African woman and her screechy pubescent daughter who ranted the racist/fascist/mysoginist line that she had clearly been Coached.
can`t imagine that Inner London schools have been doing anyhting else BUT coaching their diverse druggies,deviants and speshuls into doing media interviews for this week.
Exams over, teachers sunbathing, quiet riots and acid attacks getting planned, and a video from Stormzy for a Conservatoire place.
Get rid of schools, these collective airheads are mere sharkbait for Islam-who DO teach their kids well-their knowledge of where to amputate is better than ours.
I think Theresa Mayhem needs to go away for awhile to have her head examined. How on earth could anyone get everything so ass backwards? Is she completely unaware of how angry the public are?
“Our Brexit deal for Britain respects the will of the British people.”
“The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite!”
Tennessee Williams
Strange how msm have not highlighted Tusk being a drunk who can’t stand up without support .
Any other political leader would be fried but he gets a free pass . Suppose the ReichEU will use our cash to buy him a new liver .
Tusk? I thought it was Juncker.
Guest – righto – they all look the same don’t they?
Melania is stunning! She looks like a film star.
Is that Treasona May wearing her true colours?
For what its worth and for what little good it will do I’ve emailed my MP, the local Conservative Association, and No 10 expressing my displeasure. I’ve also emailed David Davis, Boris Johnson, Maria Caulfield and Ben Bradley praising their principled stance.
Is this really allnI can do?
Just to remind you what it states in the 1689 Bill of Rights regarding Supremacy – part of our written constitution– and what lies behind my issue with Maastricht and our continued membership in BRINO:
I A B doe sweare That I doe from my Heart Abhorr, Detest and Abjure as Impious and Hereticall this damnable Doctrine and Position That Princes Excommunicated or Deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be deposed or murdered by their Subjects or any other whatsoever. And I doe declare That noe Forreigne Prince Person Prelate, State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Power Superiority Preeminence or Authoritie Ecclesiasticall or Spirituall within this Realme Soe helpe me God.
The Bill of Rights has never been rescinded.
See why Blair took treason off the statute book?
Melania is a hugely impressive woman.
Good point about Mrs May showing her true colours. Wonder if she is actually Common Purpose, that shadowy secret society which has infiltrated academia, NHS management, politics, media, social services etc etc. The idea is using NLP techniques to train the “graduates” of the CP course so that they all mouth the same mantras about diversity, Islam being the religion of peace etc etc. Brainwashing, and just as bad as the Scientologists if you ask me. Well exposed on ukcolumn.org and elsewhere. L
Love the way Trump has asked the NATO nations to up their defence spending. A strong leader doing what’s best for USA and the wider western world. Go Trump!!
Melania Trump speaks at least 5 languages. That is very important.
And May speaks with forked tongue.
Sadly, taffman, I too noticed the discomfort in her voice when she had to dissemble somewhat on the Brexit White Paper.
BBC cnuts speak only one.
Over and over and over again.
Britain’s Shame.
May is not the leader of this country, she`s leader of her godawful treacherous Tory Party.
Got that?…a party political leader-and not our Queen, let alone with any mandate but the reduced squib of nothing she cobbled together between London Bridge and Grenfell.
She`s a childless diabetic-and any court would say that she was mentally and physically unfit to sign anything, not even a milkmans order for more yogurt.
She`s never even signed a school report-she is NOT competent to sign anything that we might have to go to war to deal with , later.
Get her out-and Rees Mogg and his chums had better get a move on, get off the pot if you`re not going to shit. We want what we voted for-anything other, and democracy will be replaced by what the Left have long been dreaming of-and they`re not going to get it.
Of course Gordon Brown took over from Blair without having to go through a general election, and we all know how that ended. Mrs May took over from Cameron, but perhaps Leadsome would have been better. JRM, Boris, anyone would be better than this. But, please, not Corbyn and co.
In my email to my MP I stress the point that what the Conservative party have done this week will see Corbyn PM at the next GE. I honestly cannot see any scenario that this will not happen. Conservatives fault. UK will be all but destroyed.
Although Melania does look very nice I think I’m smitten with Ivanka.
May as a kamikaze pilot, Tories letting her crash her glider into the EUs pink pedalo, having lost all will to live-just surrender.
Personally, I`d put them all on Grenfell Towers as a funeral pyre, piss weak water sprinklers and let them dissolve in their own dampness.
Send for Soubry at least she could drink the pissed pole , the lush luxembugger and the greasy belgian under the table.
Think she`s going for the stupid but stubborn option now, is may.
Daren`t come out anymore, rabbit in the headlights ever since London Bridge, Borough Market.
Like Brown and Major, seeing her stubborness and pig headedness as leadership virtues.
She`s now past the point of no return, iceberg or death.
Not for us though. This is war, she will not be allowed the option of stiffing America, hogtieing this nation so Islam gets a clean cut with a Soros Stanley knife.
May is dead flies in a stagnant Euro millpond.
Smell the decay, don`t forget it.
I`m reading Ecclesiastes on Saturday to my girls. Seems apt.
I think Leadsom would have been great. She showed some real fight in the Brexit debates and her ‘inexperience’ that everyone kept going on about was just what was needed to cut through all the negative cries of ‘you can’t do that’.
Not being ingrained into the apathetic, lazy attitude of the civil service like May and others have become would have provided the jolt of ‘don’t come to me with problems, come to me with solutions’.
This country managed to fight a war and be practically alone for 18 months 75 years ago. Hell, we got out shit together so well and so quickly that we were building more aircraft than the Germans in 1940 – yet we are stumped with the notion of having to shuffle some paperwork and draw up some agreements.
I thought computers was meant to make everything quicker and better? I remember once reading a mini book that the British Government put together for soldiers going to fight in France in WW2. It was well written and well produced and just amazing that with a war going on we still had the resource, and pride, to put something out that was practical and useful.
Did you know Serena Williams had a baby nine months ago? Did you know Serena Williams had a baby ten months ago? Did you know Serena Williams had a baby less than a year ago? Did you know Serena Williams had a difficult delivery and complications last year?
Did you know the BBC were completely obsessed by the fact that Serena Williams had a baby? I certainly do.
What about Mr Serena Williams, BBC? Are you not the slightest bit interested in him? Will Serena play in the Wimbledon Ladies Final with the baby under her arm? Or will Daddy be found doing something ‘useful’?
This probably didn’t get the reaction that was expected.
Though in the comments someone seems to have struck a nerve.
.. Such mini-outdoor balloons are a VERY BAD thing, cos they end up escaping into the air and then into the nature and are extraordinarily difficult to clean up.
Note the ironic moral superiority signalling of the libs
Just like the OneShow had an Attenborough anti-plastics beach clean up special ..the week after they had sponsored a massive outdoor balloon release.
Good libs shouldn’t be buying such products anyway.
What’s going on with Moonpig ?
#1 It’s their Twitter PR guys
Screenshots show
..they stated publicly they are “enormous fans” of the hatey idea of sneering at Trump by making the big Trunp baby balloon
#2 As PR they show contempt of the law, cos they just used someone else’s design in their PR without asking permission
#3 They say it was a joke, but they advertised a product they cannot deliver, cos they don’t have a copyright agreement.
#4 As I said It’s ironic cos good libs shouldn’t be buying outdoor balloons anyway cos they’re damaging to the environment.
If a company’s PR dept has an ethical problem, I still don’t support consumer boycotts.
They are a poor and vindictive tool that harm innocent workers and businesses in between.
.. and you end up with tit for tat.
A Wetherspoons bar worker should not fear of falling victim to a boycott just cos libs don’t like Tim Martin freely expressing his opinion on Brexit.
I’d never send someone a Birthday or Christmas card anyway, they’re overpriced
.. Better You go and see your mates in person and use your money to buy them a pint.
Anyone know how many millions turned up for the Trump demo?
3 million? 4? Because I am hearing it was in the hundreds.
That despite the BBC advertising it night and day.
Millions-Dianne Abbott and the Unite Union surely confirm this if you ask them.
So far there certainly seems far fewer than attended the Tommy Robinson demo in June. We had tens of thousands, despite there being a total media blackout prior to the event. They only became interested when some hotheads had a run in with the police by Trafalgar Square. Then, of course it was “Far right demo erupts in violence.”
Blimey, this present demo has been advertised for weeks and they’ve blathered on about it endlessly today.
Little Owen Jones has been popping up on both Sky and the BBC, telling anyone that’s interested that he’s going to make Trump feel unwelcome.
This pathetic little turd resembles a petulant adolescent rather than a fully formed, grown up journalist.
BTW, there’s another “Free Tommy” demo this Saturday, 3pm Whitehall.
For some reason the BBC seem to have missed this one.
Can’t understand it…
Well, well. Things are so fantastic in Canada under Prime Minister Trudeau that people have to take drugs to get through and now 1000 a year die in beautiful British Columbia, mostly in Vancouver. Here’s a funny thing; they also use designer drugs and mixes and stuff like Fentanyl (now, where did I hear that mentioned recently?) that sort of kill people and definitely do kill people.
The BBC can investigate that and include a segment on TWT on R4. How about checking out drug taking in Wiltshire, BBC?
Do they know ‘it woz Putin wot dun it’, not Trudeau?
How many drug related deaths are there annually in our own capital then ?
Far fewer than Blackpool on a per capita basis, I suspect.
It’s a nasty problem that few want to talk about. Probably because the victims tend to be white. I suspect that locals in the NW are well aware though – another reason why they feel that Labour has let them down.
Wonder where we now are on the Trump Shithole Index.
Are we Dearborn? Toronto? Malmo or Port Au Prince?
I`m thinking Ankara-who would love to have an excuse to lock up Tommy Robinson with a gelded press and media like ours.
Daily Express website showing photos of President Trump’s visit. They cover the demonstrators too, to be honest just looks like small groups of brainwashed libtards. Funny how said libtards weren’t out protesting when the Saudi prince visited UK recently…now there’s a country which doesn’t treat women all that well. Usual libmob double standards.
Donald Trump – exclusive interview with The Sun (Tom Newton Dunn)
“I told May how to do Brexit but she didn’t listen to me”
On the new Brexit plan – “Mr Trump said: “If they do a deal like that, we would be dealing with the European Union instead of dealing with the UK, so it will probably kill the deal.”

Fabulous on QT.
Idiot Claire Perry (Soubry Style Tory) described Theresa Mays Brexit efforts ‘like a certain waistcoated manager of the British Lions’
Where do they find these clowns ?
She also had a full belly laugh when some moron in the audience called President Trump a racist/fascist/mysoginist.
Concrete boots for BBC Blenheim talking head. Somebody mentioned Trump’s ‘interference’ with Brexit and the talking head said something like, “But remember, President Obama came over here specially to tell us the UK would be at the back of the queue for a trade deal if we chose to exit the EU.” Amazing, ‘cos protester’s “children in prison” (i.e. 2014 Obama-era shots) and “Trump’s muslim ban” (Obama’s legislation) went unremarked. And finally, what about the slit up the back of Teresa May’s evening dress. When she walked up the steps of Blenheim Palace – those exposed thighs were so classy. Maybe I will take Croatian citizenship after all.
In the early days Treezer was forever showing off too much cleavage, yuk. I suspect an advisor had a word in her ear. Sadly now it’s too much leg, yuk.
The world looks at our parliament as the symbol of democracy.
After Mrs May, alas no more.
As we all know Stew it is probably what she wanted all along.
She has become like a pound shop clone of John Major but without the self belief.
She has created this situation where the POTUS will walk away.
The Hors D’oeuvres were the constant criticism of Trumps well founded statements and tweets on immigration and her acting as if she was some sort of paragon of morality and virtue.
We now of course have the main course – A deal which she pre-checked with Merkel – Of course Trump wont like it and of course after a few theatrical moans and groans the EU will eventually go for it – we even had well known democrats such as Soudbry and Cable praising it.
That was all going to work well with the Donald wasnt it?
But as usual its all the fault of that nasty ignorant yank – Trump
This treacherous woman with the help of a few of her cynical elitist friends is highhandedly destroying the hopes and futures of millions of us and at the same time destroying the democracy which she purports to support and which has given her a good living for decades.
And for what – kissing the arse of a Belgium drunk, and the right to import a few chocolate sprinkles free of tax.
I think we need to see this all now in context. This is not the end of the battle , it is just the start of the war.
As we all know Stew it is probably what she wanted all along.
She has become like a pound shop clone of John Major but without the self belief.
She has created this situation where the POTUS will walk away.
The Hors D’oeuvres were the constant criticism of Trumps well founded statements and tweets on immigration and her acting as if she was some sort of paragon of morality and virtue.
We now of course have the main course – A deal which she pre-checked with Merkel – Of course Trump wont like it and of course after a few theatrical moans and groans the EU will eventually go for it – we even had well known democrats such as Soudbry and Cable praising it.
That was all going to work well with the Donald wasnt it?
But as usual its all the fault of that nasty ignorant yank – Trump
This treacherous woman with the help of a few of her cynical elitist friends is highhandedly destroying the hopes and futures of millions of us and at the same time destroying the democracy which she purports to support and which has given her a good living for decades.
And for what – kissing the arse of a Belgium drunk, and the right to import a few chocolate sprinkles free of tax.
I think we need to see this all now in context. This is not the end of the battle , it is just the start of the war.
Comments…. are, ‘interesting’.
FAO Donald Trump
Dear President,
This is a plea from the indigenous European peoples, for assistance.
One of your predecessors, name of FDR, deliberately consigned most of Europe to the non-existent mercies of the Communists.
As you will have recently learned the Communists now have a mole as PM of the UK.
We need all the assistance the USA can provide. We need this assistance PDQ.
I can make no promises that we are now able to repay you for this assistance.
We need, right now :-
#1 Donations to anti-totalitarian (ie anti EU) movements throughout Europe. We understand that you are personally unable to make such donations. We believe no such restriction applies to your family or to other individuals who supported your election.
#2 Any administrative help and expertise which can be provided to the freedom parties of Europe to spend your donations wisely.
#3 All and any information about the activities of the traitors in Europe which are held in the extensive records of the US intelligence services be released and used in the most destructive (to them) manner possible.
#4 In the event that the above is insufficient to permanently destroy the EU and its supporters, we invite the US military forces to use the UK as a base for another campaign to destroy the enemies of freedom in Europe.
Give us the tools and we will finish the job.
Thank you, a European attempting to prevent our people being exterminated.
“For God’s sake look after our people”
Robert Falcon Scott, final Antarctic journal entry.
The bbc really knows how to phrase a… er… whatever this is…
President Trump will be in Scotland on Friday night and so will be BBC Any Questions
Just like President Trump, BBC Any Questions will be in Scotland on Friday night.
What’s your question for the panel?
Seems they are PRIMING you to ask a question about President Trump.
They begin with the big question mark; it seems they use icons to indicate topics.
Every Friday they do a similar promo post. “Get your point on air tonight” they’ve said
Of course it’s not for us normal people
They have a panel stuffed with metrolibs
And usually use a school or church-hall, so the audience is also stuffed with metrolibs.
Details of tonight’s Any Questions:
Edward Stourton presents from Largs Campus in Ayrshire,
the panel: the leader of the SNP at Westminster Ian Blackford MP, Baroness Chakrabarti (Shadow Attorney General )
the economist Dr Gerard Lyons *
and the Chairman of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee Tom Tugendhat MP ( Tory Remainer)
* He tweeted
Of course there is a Brexit dividend.
Outside the EU we can set policy to boost our domestic economy
Outside the EU we can position ourselves globally
Outside the EU we can distance ourselves from the disaster of the eurozone
Toady watch
Rabid response to The Sun interview with our president . Disappointment that al beeb didn’t get a chat .
I’ve never bought The Sun but the interview today will hopefully push the labour PM off to the Lords .
I wonder if bojo has his fingerprints on the interview idea ? I hope so . God I’m running out of popcorn and beeboids will hopefully be going for a group ‘ breakdown ‘
Have a listen to Alan Duncan getting harangued by the BBC at the moment.(8.15am Today).
Justin Webb is the New Freisler, amazing display-Alan Duncan is a cream puff, but shows just what the BBC are up to.
Webb is truly eveil and stupid, presumptuous and overpaid.
Oh here`s Jon Sopel too.
Trump is rude and talks to the Sun and not the BBC. Guilty.
Radio 4 has a trailer for ‘Sweet Reason’ about bonobos who live in matriarchal societies. Sounds like a hoot. God I hate that patriarchy which keeps us warm, safe, housed, watered, powered, fed and connected.
It would be great if it rained today. All those noble protestors forming the ‘resistance’ against that Nazi Trump might not be so keen on showing the world their virtue if it involved getting cold and wet.
Disappointing to hear Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio stating that, although she actually quite likes what Trump is doing re putting his country first and telling the truth about May and Brexit, she wouldn’t want to be seen to be “on the same side as Trump in anything”.
So basically, mirroring the mindset of the lefty libtards who hate him no matter what because it’s fashionable to do so, despite actually agreeing with his principles!
I think Julia Hartley Brewer just reserves the right to think for herself as opposed to all those numpties in the media that don’t.
“I think that trump..”“That bastard!” [interjects] “As I was saying, I think that trumpets add to the sound of a choir”.
“the same side as Trump in anything”
.. that does make it look like she is cowtowing to the libmob
..slip of the tongue ?
I wasn’t aware sending children abroad for forced marriages was something the British did. But it must be, because the article makes no attempt to identify the perpetrators.
“I wasn’t aware sending children abroad for arranged marriages was something the British did.”
It Isn’t.
WE don’t.
Maybe all those protesting Obama’s child abuse policies could blow a trumpet or something?
They have missed an opportunity to advise to also use spoons to protect you from a rusty scalpel during the FGM cutting season.
Seriously though, imagine a school headteacher deciding to use some of the school budget to buy a 1000 spoons! Can you feel that enrichment? I suppose the Liberals can argue that immigration is good for Britain especially for Sheffield Steel.
Good old BBC.
Put a target on Malala.
Now tipped off the enforcers what to look for, and where.
Ban knives …. use spoons .. because all cultures are equal .. don’t address the issue of forcing women to get married, just accept the culture and stuff a spoon down your knickers .. the year is 2018 …. the solution to bad cultures is a spoon in your knickers … hope that parents who want to force their kids to get married don’t watch the BBC.
“Leeds school uses spoons to help prevent forced marriage https://bbc.in/2KTAUmL“
Bugger spoons a knife would be a lot better.