Welcome President Trump – now that’s a phrase we won’t hear on al beeb . Al beeb is neutral , untainted by bias , a world class broadcaster , so compare that with the last time an American President visited Britain and so many embarrassed themselves in exultation.
It won’t be difficult to evidence the bias but it needs to be done here.
regrets Engerland But the boys dun good .
It will be painful to see the French Africa team take the Croats apart in the final but al beeb will stick a multicultural spin on it
Iain seems a wee bit behind the curve.
More great stuff from Trump about Brexit. He shares our disdain for the political class and their compulsive lying, betraying their voters. He is one of us.
Big spelling mistake on the BBC News main page. I guess the BBC staff are getting ready for the Trump protest and haven’t got time to do their job today.
Under the title Trump: Brexit plan could kill US trade deal
The US president also says the ex-Foreign SOecretary Boris Johnson “would make a great prime minister”.
screen shot: https://ibb.co/jeq3P8
Just recorded the 8am news crap from Jon Sopel and Chris Mason re Trump, May, Brexit.
Mason has GOT to be related to James-what a ham, what a performance. He really needs to go into acting.
Have a listen-what moment!
And now , finger over press button on my school cassette for the Wandsworth one-some BBC actress does a great job on emphasising how long a dead Portuguese prisoner had been left hanging in 2016-“Thirty Seven Minutes”. Zowie Conway!
Is there an award at the BBC for failed Byker Grove wannabes like Chris and Zowie?
Not sure which of them will be wearing the slit black gown on the wed carpet. MeToo.
Great acting.
Oh, its coming up…byeee!
PS-anybody else still use cassettes for the car? Now Bin Ladens been slotted, I seem to have the market all to myself at school.
PPS-public sector grandees or Trump re trade? I for one know that May knows more!
Superb-oh, here it is…Byeee!
Sadiq Khan on Toady now lecturing us on our traditions of free speech. Cheers Sadiq, I really needed a Muslim, a man whose mosque still practises gender segregation, to inform me of traditional British freedoms and rights!
He was asked about the Trump blimp and he continued with his blather about freedom of speech and mentioned that there were protests in London tomorrow from the “extreme far right…” I had to think for a while before the penny dropped….bloody hell, that’s me!
Those of us who are going to attend the Free Tommy Robinson demo, tomorrow, 3pm in Whitehall, are now officially the “extreme far right”.
He continued to pour scorn on the president’s belief that we had imported violent crime. “The suggestion that immigration from Africa is responsible for knife crime is clearly nonsense” our diminutive mayor blithely mused.
Oh yeh? Have you seen these kids? Each and every one of them come from Africa and / or other charming enriching areas of the world. How have we not imported it?
Knife crime, gun crime, gang violence and drugs and now that delightful ethnic pass-time of throwing acid in someone’s face. Bless ’em!
These are the real delights of third world immigration.
Go Trump!
Great post “ extreme far right “ was what he said .
The albeeb msm bubble is fully inflated today . I thought our Justin crossed the bias line clearly in his interview with Sir Lord Alan Duncan – not the most pleasant of Conservative s and almost hot him to accuse al beeb of bias . Pity these characters never have the courage to take these beeboids on .
But I suppose they are afraid of reprisals from the State Broadcaster.
That’s me too Jeff. So anyone who doesn’t adhere to the Momentum school of thought is classed as being ‘extreme right’. No wonder they lost my vote back in the early noughties.
Have we reached peak Katty?
Laura still in the game…
Must ‘ve seen her own face in the mirror.
A face only a mother could love.
and yes, #CCBGB
(Reply to GW)
(As in: Is Katty worth her money? Why not make her redundant and share out the saving on salary among the sisterhood? Gains all round!)
What a disgraceful level of bias the BBC have reduced themselves to.
Last night we had Jon Sopel putting on a fake angry voice when reporting on the comments of President Trump.
He went on to say “I wonder whether all the those people who criticised President Obama for his statement on Brexit, saying he interfered, will be now saying the same about Trump”
The difference is Jon, Obama said his bit BEFORE the referendum, in an attempt to illegally influence the outcome. Trump said his bit AFTER the referendum in response to this Government attempting to illegally deny the people their rightful outcome.
Wasn’t it Sopel who, in a press conference with the POTUS in Washington said “The BBC is fair and impartial”
You should be sacked immediately.
This appears to have been filmed from the crèche.
It’s an ill wind etc. After his R4 Today slot this morning it must be on the cards that Sopel’s head will explode. He had set his indignation dial to eleven.
It’s the impotent hysterical, paroxism of Trump hate from all liberal media orifices I enjoy so much.
I even tuned into O’Brien on LBC in the hope that some long-latent aneurism might go pop on air because of the latest “outrage”.
Apparently, Trump lies 3000 times a day and James was puzzled why the plebs weren’t bothered. Trump’s “lies” are inconsequential – who cares how many people turned up at the inauguration? The left expect the plebs to believe their big lies like “it’s nothing to do with Islam – Islam is the religion of peace.”
Putting spoons in children’s underwear to prevent forced marriages? Honestly, how backwards can you get? If diversity is strength I am a banana.
Nothing to do with the BBC really but worth a look at how useless the BBC favourite Labour Party have become.
Jeremy Corbyn saying our PM has invited Trump over “at a time when his dangerous and inhumane policies are putting the lives and wellbeing of millions of people at risk.” – bit of an exaggeration!
He then continues, “The Labour Party is strongly committed to dialogue including those we strongly disagree with and in government we would find a way to work with his administration”
He then suggests the red carpet shouldn’t have come out. Seriously, he is suggesting Labour would still work with Trump but not use a red carpet?!?
When he says “our country” what do you think he REALLY means?
Venezuela or maybe Cuba.
Venezuela or maybe Cuba.
His policies if elected would be dangerous and inhumane. Millions would be killed or injured with his policies. This was in reply to Lucy.
Corbyn laid a wreath at the spot where some illegal Indian paedo died a few months ago.
Exactly all we`d expect from an Islington nonce.
Who better to tell us why Trumps unwelcome-more illegal Muslim or Asian peados though please-would fit in nicely with Labour and their well-known Paedophile Info Sexchange Suckoffs (PISS).
I read it in my Sun this morning(Trump Souvenir Edition), so must be true. (Jez Perv Drug Kill, p.19).
Worth reading it slowly to any lefties you meet down the skip.
Owen Jones is on Victoria Live at 9am. For an impartial broadcaster they “interview” this Labour supporting socialist and Trump/May/UK hater quite a lot.
I wonder what he has to say?
Is that little sh…t on benefits ? cos he sure as hell never seems to be at work !!!
Perhaps Al Beeb should send one of their ‘top’ reporters over to interview Mayor Khan about what he is doing to encourage tourism to London today?
Has the Mayor visited the former Ambassador Sir Christopher Mayer in hospital after his brutal attack?
American tourists (I have been told) spend a lot of money in London. It doesn’t seem to have occurred to Seditious Kahn that pissing off millions of American Trump supporters might be slightly damaging to the economy. They can always give Britain a miss and ‘vacation’ somewhere else. Across the Atlantic is a long way to go to feel insulted (and unsafe).
Mayor of London ?
Kermit the frog would have done a much better job , ask Al Beeb……….
Taff, they could market holidays in London as ‘adventure’ holidays like swimming with sharks or backpacking in Afghanistan.
I did enjoy ‘The indignation has landed’ commentary between Jon Sopel and Justin Webb on Toady this a.m.
Webb had failed to impose the beeb’s just demands on Secretary of State, Duncan, as to how the government should treat The Donald. Sopel was still upset that his hero, Barack O. had been criticized for interfering (and threatening the British public-not mentioned).
Both have not yet noticed that the Donald speaks his mind, and does not lay claim to be World’s top diplomat.
So both were very, very indignant. Especially as they think Toady should be able to instruct the Government on HOW diplomacy with the US should be run.
We also had the pleasure of an interview with Citizen Khan. Turned out HE was all about Free Speech, and how he couldn’t possibly interfere. I can think of quite a few blimps Khan would not only forbid, but shoot down personally, the hypocrite.
Toady: what pure unadulterated cr*p…
The BBC, in the form of Vicky Derbyshire’s female stand-in presenter this morning promises us:
“We’ll be speaking to people from across the range of opinion on President Trump”
So what do BBC editors give us for starters ? The viewers will be hoping for a tasty little appetiser.
But of course the BBC wheel on a huge plate of stodgy posh blancmange in the form of Labour’s Emily Thornberry
My heart sinks and stomach rebels. I feel the indigestion coming on – and switch off.
BBC radio Newcastle this morning, 7:00 to 7:30.
7 people interviewed giving their views on Trumps visit.
A bit like the specially selected, balanced, question time panels and audiences.
6 violently anti Trump saying things like “we want to show him that the people of the U.K. do not want him here”
The impression the bbc want to give is that nobody wants Trump here.
1 token Trump supporter (who, although they disagreed with Trump and don’t like him, still think he should be allowed to come)
Lots of ‘some people’ comments from the anti Trump bbc.
Business as usual then.
It’s the bloody hypocrisy that gets my goat. Those same 6 people would then argue EVERYONE should be allowed to come to the UK to live and “build bridges not walls”.
Even chief hypocrite Brendan Cox has crawled out from under his rock today and started lecturing everyone on right (him) and wrong (Trump) – that’s the same Brendan “grab them by the throat” Cox who was exposed as a sex pest.
They’ll be telling us next that the people of the U.K. do not want Brexit!
Comments really could be going better.
Rumour has it the BBC is hoping to crowd fund a helicopter. Cliff may chip in if Gary is a bit short.
If its full of air it won’t fly!
Brexit ‘could damage UK environment’ according to a ‘cross party group of MPs and Peers’ says Roger Harrabin, the BBC’s ‘Environment Analyst’
Really? Whereas open doors, and 4 million (official) EU immigrants hasn’t? Just how stupid do you think we are?
Besides, I’ve been to a number of EU countries over the years, and quite a few of them hardly come to mind as bastions of environmental awareness: Malta, Spain, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria…
Al Beeb viewing figures must be taking a dive 😀
But will they tell us?
BBC dishonest as usual.
I rarely listen to the BBC . Instead of R4 Today, I listen to Nick Ferrari on LBC. Where the boring BBC talks to itself or its favoured friends, on LBC one capable presenter with a small team supplies intersting coverage and a wide variety of commentators. On LBC, this morning, discussion of Trump’s interview with the Sun newspaper covered his criticism of Theresa May’s “trade Deal” and Trumps opinion that Europe was destroying it’s culture through mass immigration. I turned to R4 this morning at 8am to see how they covered Trumps Sun interview. They spent the whole hour talking to their own corresponants about the trade deal , the criticism of Sadiq Khan, and agreeing with themselves that they all hate trump, but there was not any mention of Trumps comments on mass immigration.
Denton, BBC ‘talking to itself’ is right, they do!
Along with what must be a very select (and rapidly shrinking) body of brainwashed disciples it all seems to be ‘reporters’ on the same wavelength, talking to each other. I very rarely watch anything BBC these days (no licence, no need), but when I do you can smell the desperation.
If you’re a regular visitor to HYS on the BEEB website you can see the same userIDs constantly repeating themselves with the same puerile (‘gammon bashing’ and ‘exit Brexit’) comments. Even the up and down arrows on HYS don’t seem to work correctly, so shouldn’t be believed… and the subjects they carefully select to allow people to comment on, all carefully orchestrated, but so transparent.
Let’s be honest, the BBC have become a farce and everyone knows it, is Trump partly behind that, and this website too? I’d like to think so in both cases.
Ditto BBC.
Be great to have smellovision at such times. Sweat, shit and drugs.
Mainly sweat of fear though.
Go Trump!
I caught a few moments of Phil Williams on 5Live last night. He had as a guest some American professor who is currently getting paid by the University of Birmingham.
We had a ‘Tonto’ moment when we were told that ‘we’ don’t like people like ‘Trump’ coming over here and insulting us as ‘we’ believe in being polite. Funny, has he missed all of the continuous insults made against ‘Trump’ by ‘impartial’ journalists on both sides of the Atlantic ever since he ran for office? The BBC can even work anti-‘Trump’ material into a weather forecast.
Later on our ‘expert’ told us how ‘Trump’ had fooled the deplorables into believing that he was not part of the ‘elite’ when he very much was. Surely it must be obvious to our ‘expert’ that President Trump isn’t one of the mainstream political class? The nouveau riche might have as much or even more money than the aristocracy but they will never be of that class.
So then, it looks like May has destroyed any free trade deal with the USA.
A deal that would not cost us £39 billion.
Not £39.05Bn or £38Bn? Show your workings
Just got in, so hardly heard any of this.
How do you stick with it?
Tell you what I DID hear though.
Just two flicks of BBC spunky sputum.
1. Once Soapy and Webmaster had completed their “how very dare he” slops on Godonald at 8.20, they schmoozes seamlessly into something about Les Dawsons “symphony”.#
Oh how the BBC loved this-working class, safely dead comedian amusing the liberati round the old pianoforte.
I see Trump as the Les Dawson of politics-we KNOW what tunes he`s playing and he`s driving the Left to madness and mockery every time he goes to that keyboard. Comedy disruption par excellance.
Trump is Les Dawson-playing all the right noted in the order WE want-not the orchestrated wank than lefty parlour game ordure would reathe rhave hoped he`d have been doing for their verite by now.
Keep those tunes coming Donald! We`re listening!
2. Tim Henman being asked advice on how to win the tennis by a Beeboid squash supplicant on equally outrageous pay, and knowing as much about wiff waff as my cat(PBUH).
Yet nobody laughs at the BBC.
hence our love of Les Trump and Donald Dawson!
Oh sorry.
Forgot to mention that Boy Georges hat man (is that some pervy code word for chaining gays to radiators?) is on Desert Island Discs.
Zounds-may well take alook at the roll call of “Great People” who that show used to have on-we now have Grace Jones Pretzel ponce in a Galway drawl being regard as something to listen to.
The BBC has slid into derangement.
Will see if any of my three hats will get me onto the show before the next wedding.
I have a 11 week old Springer Spaniel who was giving me a
hard time last night. So I may of heard this wrongly on the 10PM BBC
TV news.
We got taken to to Blenheim Palace where the reporter told us that
he was SORRY to report that there were no anti Trump demonstrations going on ,and it was very quiet, Before I write anything more on the
issue ,can anybody confirm what I thought I heard?
I will have to put Mimi (I always give my bitches Puccini heroine
names) in her cage before watching the news, for awhile.
As the BBC push the narrative against Trump, will they compare other leaders?
What has President Trump said about your country? {bbc.co.uk 13jul2018}
What has Iran Leader said about your country?
“Death to America”
“Death to Israel”
“Death to Free Masons”
– With Government Approved Logo.
What has Saudi Prince said about your country?
– Iran’s leader is the New Hitler.
The filthy little creep that passes himself off as London’s ‘mayor’ reliably informs us that his ‘permission’ for the inflatable Trump baby was because he ‘did not want to act as a censor’.
Unlike how he was regarding the advertisements featuring bikini-clad women in London.
Stinking hypocrite.
President of the European Commission being held up as he’s drunk as a skunk !
Sorry its not coming up as I’ve typed it. its
Never seen anything like it !
What is it about?
I’m not agreeing to twatters cookies to watch it..
ok get it I see the headline now
I love Trump’s expression of disdain as he walks past the drunken sod.
He was at least not lying in his own piss, as he is the rest of the time.
The rest just lie when NOT out of their gourds.
One big rehab tank the EU.
Bet the Russians will fear it. We do.
Hidden away in the Europe section of the Beebs website with a comment from the Dutch PM saying he was aware that JCJ has a back problem. Don’t you just love it when the political elite circle the waggons. Hilarious.
More like a ‘knocking it back’ problem.
It has been said that if you want to talk to him you have to catch him before lunch time. Just imagine how much non stop coverage this would get if it was someone like Nigel Farage or Donald Trump who was seen like like this.
Are we talking Robin Cook levels, or even Charlie Kennedy here?
Doubt if either Tusk or Drunker could compete with our own Dame Anna Sobrish or Alistair Campbell- a dry drunk if I ever I saw one.
Glad I `m not keeping HIM clean for AA meetings. Anna at least has a rich hubby at Morrisons, so I could always get a cheap joint.
Back to Charles Kennedy again now.
World Cup 2018: Fifa investigates England chants during Croatia defeat
Chants of a “possible discriminatory” nature by England fans during their World Cup semi-final defeat by Croatia are being investigated by Fifa.
‘It relates to the chanting of “no surrender” by supporters and other potentially discriminatory songs.’
In reference to not capitulating to terrorists like the IRA..
Guess the authorities have to nip this in the bud, the fans might be singing anti Islamic state songs next..
Appeasement must be enforced.
Beebistan provide a helpful map of Trump’s movements so the screaming mob can find him. Why don’t they also inform them where to find balaclavas, rocks, and guns while they’re at it, and some strong iron bars to trash city centres, as they will inevitably do.
The following day something even more unprecedented happened: at Britain’s memorial service for the war dead of last Tuesday, the first chords of “The Star-Spangled Banner” rumbled up from the great organ at St Paul’s Cathedral, and the Queen did something she’s never done before – she sang a foreign national anthem, all the words. She doesn’t sing her own obviously (“God Save Me”), but she’s never sung “La Marseillaise” or anything else, either; her lips never move.
And at that same service she also sang “The Battle Hymn Of The Republic”, for the second time in her life – the first was at the funeral of her first Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. On Friday, she fought back tears. When she ascended the throne, Harry Truman was in the White House. The first President she got to know was Eisenhower, back in the war, when he would come to the Palace to brief her father. She is the head of state of most of the rest of the English-speaking world – Queen of Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Bahamas, Belize, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, etc. But she understands something that few other leaders of the west seem to – that today the ultimate guarantor of the peace and liberty of her realms is the United States. If America falls, or is diminished, or retreats in on itself, there is no “free world”. That’s the meaning of the Queen’s “Ich bin ein Amerikaaner” moment.
Check out Fox News online for the coverage of the corrupt FBI agent Stzork.
An absolute shite. I smell a BBC job.
Teach them young ….
The enemy within.
The role of the Mayor of London
The Mayor of London sets the budget and is responsible for making London a better place for everyone who visits, lives or works in the city. The Mayor is elected every four years.
“making London a better place for everyone who visits” – by making it hard for Trump to visit Sadiq Khan is abusing his position.
Does Christopher Meyer count as a visitor( as a former US Ambassador)?
Or, now that he`s retied -is he a native?
Which one will the NNS/BBC log his attack under?
Do we need to Tell Mama or not?
Is it a hate crime?
This surely will get the Reality Checkers at the BBC and Facebook out to ensure that his attack is correctly logged.
As long as immigrants or Sodeek Kahn don`t get even a whiff of blame, it`ll be fine.
BBC News at One yesterday : 50% of British people disapprove of Trump!
BBC News at 7pm yesterday : 70-80% of British people disapprove of Trump!!
Some people might say that’s Fake News 🙂
Londoners is not the same as Britain.
I’ll watch and listen to News at One shortly : at the BBC rate of increase for the British peoples’ disapproval of Trump, I would expect to see a figure of around 110% today 🙂
Londoners only : 140% 🙂 🙂
We’ll I don’t recall being asked for my opinion on this
It’s reminiscent of the old Whiskas cat food ads that had to be changed from “8 out of 10 cat owners said their cats preferred it” to
“8 out of 10 cat owners, who expressed a preference, said their cats preferred it”
So basically it’s 50% of the British (probably typical lefty libtard types approached) people who were actually asked if they disapproved of Trump…..
Anybody able to tell me whether the vile bile being thrown at Trump by the faeces chucking liberal chimps, has ANYTHING to do with Trump only bothereing to speak to the Sun?
Remember when the BBC and Times would have been primed?
Another era-Express and Sun it is!
The rest is budgie cage liner.
The protests thus far are utterly pathetic with low turnout by ethnic minorities and Labour/Greenpeace voters tapping pots and pans and blowing whistles. The bbc however are ‘bigging’ up these pathetic protests as are Sky. Every Trump report starts with a smug reporter telling us about the protests everywhere when in fact the pictures show us that they are an insignificant rabble of leftists, ethnic minority activists and Islamists. It’s so blatant thst Sky and BBC are cheerleading these childish protests. And it’s laughable for Sadiq Khan to defend the balloon by citing freedom of speech, when in this country if you criticise or protest against Islam you get arrested. I do not feel like I belong in this country. As I type a bbc reporter is advertising for the Trump protests telling us that these activists are growing and are a melting pot of activists. They are a disgrace!
Comments say this is the start ,… begins at 2pm they are saying. Actually starts at 5pm.
“Protests in London for the arrival of President Trump, covered by all the MSM…8 Pakistani muslim men jailed in Oxford for raping and abusing girls as young a thirteen. Not a single protest, not even mentioned on the MSM.. this country needs to get its priorities right.” {twitter 13jul2018}
BBC spin, ‘Trump has embarassed May by Brexit comment’.
No, BBC, May did that herself when she sold us out!
President Trump is attacked over many things. One is ‘the environment’ when actually ‘some people’ are refering to the so-called ‘Paris Accord’.
I feel for the people of Japan whose friends and relatives have died in the floods in the Hiroshima area.
Tragic and unfortunate that that event is, it highlights the total hypocrisy, double mindedness and stupidity of humankind thinking it can control ‘the climate’, whatever is meant by ‘the climate’ because all sorts of factors define that, not least human personal preference.
I remember enviro-mentalists telling us all in the 1990s that not only were we going to increasingly fry during the first or second decade of the 21st century but that we were also going to endure massive drought sometime in those decades. At the same time they were telling us that glaciers would be melting all over the place and the poles would be ice-free and sea levels rise, not realising the obvious contradiction in their predictions.
I wish President Trump would read up a little on the history of enviro-mentalists and their predictions, memorise them and trot them out when TV & radio interviewers ask him.
It would be great to have him with some two or three liners for the history books on all ‘the things’ he is accused of. I fear that in 20 years time, if the globe is still spinning as is, the Alt-Left would have short one-line sentences and Tweets from which they construct the ‘history of President Trump’s time in office’ It would not be a fair one. I hope it is a fruitful time as President and I wish him well.
Mr President, please ease up on the Tweeting and also get those pins made of the balloon protest image in time for your next visit.
Ok, so the protestors have had a day off work, met up with like minded mates in London to blow a few whistles, nice weather to make a bit of noise and get on the telly. What’s the outcome ? what’s been achieved apart from traffic congestion ? bugger all. I’m surprised people can be arsed to travel to London to have a bit of a rant that they could do on Twitter. Although I have a chuckle when some are interviewed – not articulate, same old clichéd responses, and appear to have only one brain cell.
“…not articulate, same old clichéd responses, and appear to have only one brain cell.” If you look carefully you can see the clockwork key still sticking out the back waiting for someone to re-wind. Where is their, ‘Winding Officer’ from Cultural Marxism HQ?
Protestors-day off work Brissles?
You`ll know, of course that NONE of these pimps do any kind of work, either public sector pimps, low grade community /charity workers, food bank snafus or tattooed freaky deviants-who nobody but cBBC or Lizard Monthly would employ. This liberal pondlife only come alive when the sun is shining and there ` ten minute hate on offer to be blagged up by the BBC.
Meanwhile America and China works-and we`ll then hear the Beeb begging for more migrants to increase productivity.
To change the genders of freak and Corbynclitties like THIS lot, all on perpetual sick leave, mentally recovering and such.
Lots of leather for Owen Jones though, plenty drugs for the BBC hermies…Auberon Waugh warned us all of them, but he was an arch Reamer back then. Bet he`d have voted Leave though when he`d seen what Blair did to the nation, May will be as loathed as Blair by now.
“Ok, so protesters have had a day off work…
“Honestly? Look at them. Do you really think many of them are in full time employment?
Maybe a couple of social workers, a few discontented public sector types and the rest look pretty much unemployable to me. Blimey, have you heard some of the interviews? This is the great unwashed, Momentum mob, backed and clearly promoted by the BBC. Interesting to note though that the demo walked right past Beeb towers.
Universal basic income is a BBC pet issue : So BBC R4 now are airing Andrew Yang, alledged presidential candidate.
\\ with review of my book and Universal Basic Income in the New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/09/books/review/annie-lowrey-give-people-money-andrew-yang-war-on-normal-people.html
… if UBI is inevitable we’d better fight for it right now. Would alleviate untold human misery and give us time to adapt. If you wait too long – utter disaster.//
He would make a US VAT generating $800bn/pa
He claims it would alleviate poverty and domestic violence
.. in that case the metric fro native Alaskans and Hawaiians should be lower cos they already receive an annual government bounty.
On the Today programme (was it today or yesterday?), I was struck by a remark of one of the air-head protestors against Pres. Trump when questioned by a BBC reporter, who said (along with all the usual words, mysongynist, racist, etc) that she was against his policy of separating the children of illegal immigrants from their parents. A responsible and educated BBC reporter would have pointed out that Trump had passed a law preventing this, and that it was Bill Clinton who passed the legislation that mandated the separation.
Michael Howard uncritically accepts a story on Jeremy Vine from a ‘disability activist’ who complains that her multi-thousand pound wheelchairs get damaged by baggage handlers.
Another caller makes the same point.
It seems to this bear of little brain that the complaints are going to the wrong place. If a three thousand pound wheelchair can’t survive the baggage handling environment then it is not fit for purpose. We are told that golf clubs are looked after with care. Perhaps they are packed in bags that do the job required of them?
Auberon Waugh said that the old should stay at home and not be allowed to travel-they only clog up the public transport system for the rest of us.
Fair do`s.
But the disabled-what the hell are we letting them clog up everything for? Just so Rantzen could get a programme out of it. And here we are.
I was in Hong Kong-no oldies there unless they could dance or do TaiChi. They looked after the kids and kept them in school.
The disabled and infirm were not binned in care homes, they just weren`t running us over on their flashy scooters on the pavements.
We could learn plenty. Sod the disability moochers unless they`ve paid in when they could-and being a snowflake is NOT mental illness.
Had a bad morning.
Any group giving succour to the BBCs agenda needs rooting out and destroying. the BBC are using the “vulnerable” to club us all with a wet amputated limb 24/7.
Maybe they should push all the speshuls to the front of Trumps meetings-bet he could heal them!
Wall to wall coverage on the BBC of the protest through London…A constant steam of the ”great unwashed” being interviewed, slagging of Trump and May.
Same on Sky…
Why are we not surprised..
Lucy, that hits the nail right on the head!