Weekend Open Thread 14 July 2018

Our beloved al beeb is in full anti President Trump mode . It gave up any pretence of neutrality ages ago and just rants in an unfocused group think way .

At times like this it is easier than normal to evidence the bias so please do….

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406 Responses to Weekend Open Thread 14 July 2018

  1. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Payne, regarding the Queen
    Everyone who meets The Queen is briefed on the correct protocol. If Mr & Mrs President had been asked to bow & curtsy I’m sure they would have done so. Despite the media edits and constant lies & misrepresentations I have noticed that Trump is always polite. (sometimes I wonder why he bothers with some of the vile people he puts up with) But he wouldn’t have wanted to disrespect The Queen.


    • Payne by name says:

      I agree and I as I reminded this person, Cherie Blair the wife of the then UK PM refused to curtsy to the Queen, so the idea that Trump was slighting the Queen is from the same negative playbook that accused Trump of trying to over feed the Japanese PM’s fish – until the unedited video revealed otherwise.


      • bil says:

        Plus he’s her equal in being head of state. Why should he bow if she doesnt courtesy?


        • Payne by name says:

          And of course the final irony is that the snowflakes melt in outrage over Trump ‘disrespecting’ the Queen (who these people usually probably hate anyway) but don’t think anything wrong with disrespecting the democratically elected head of our greatest ally.

          Endless hypocrisy from the Beeb, the MSM and hate fuelled lefties.


  2. ToobiWan says:

    ITV News trying to out beeb the beeb by having a “difficulty” finding white people to interview outside Wimbledon.
    They get double brownie points though for managing to find what was a possible mixed race couple.
    Earlier, they showed clip of a woman who must have had a sore head, judging by the head covering, at the TR counter rally, saying that they will not let people like him divide “us”.
    They went onto say that the pro Trump march was far smaller than the half a million people anti Trump embarrasathon yesterday.
    Numbers no doubt supplied by one D Abbott by the sound of it.


  3. john in cheshire says:

    Perhaps I’m not looking in the right places but there’s an absence of reporting ( apart from some negative reports in the London Standard and the Independent newspapers) on the Support Trump and Free Tommy Robinson protests today.

    If nothing else does, this shows the grip that the state has over our so called Fourth Estate. The media is so emasculated and corrupted it’s not worth anything at all. It’s dead but it won’t lie down.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I subscribe to a Reuters feed thinking it might be a bit more objective . But on the TR protest it uses the standard “ far right” terminology and doesn’t say “thousands of protesters “ its says “a few thousand protestors” .
      Now I know not many people will see the report but it is still harmful to a formally respectable news source .
      Maybe the definition of ‘ far right ‘ is any one who doesn’t accept the worldview of the ‘ far left “including NUJ members .


    • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

      Sounds good, hopefully Sam Harris will put it on his podcast after recording it. His politics are pretty much soft leftish/middle of the road, but he believes in free speech which is something rare nowadays.



  4. Lucy Pevensey says:

    So these libtards are protesting against having jobs and a growing economy is that it? I mean we wouldn’t want THAT in Britain would we? Not when we could be slaves to the Germans instead right?


  5. vlad says:

    Watching Wimbledon in a pub, someone exclaimed ‘The gazelle versus the gorilla’. While I appreciate his use of alliteration, I was naturally shocked by his racism and sexism. Considered making a citizen’s arrest for double hate crime, but in this weather?


    • Fedup2 says:

      A male commentator on 5 live said that the non black player “ has the legs for it ( to win) and instantly corrected and explained himself by saying she was faster that the other player – clear evidence that commentators / pundits have in built censors and warning lights for un pc terms .

      I take it the white lady has nice legs and the black lady is still built like a brick do do House .


  6. vlad says:

    Still nothing on beebistan webshite about the pro-Trump, free Tommy marches. Wouldn’t want to give the oxygen of publicity to the ‘wrong’ views now, would we?
    If they do get round to it, it’ll no doubt be all about ‘violent clashes’.

    I wonder if the boys in blue adopted the same softly-softly approach to the pro-Trump march as they did to the anti-Trump ones?


  7. Dover Sentry says:

    Will the BBC tell us as to how many people turned out to demonstrate against Trump?

    Instead of saying that there have been demonstrations all across the country, can they give us some facts, please? We pay the BBC for facts.

    I have been to two large towns not too far from London over the past two days, and I have seen no demonstrations. Not even a single person with a gripe.


    • Chalkywhite says:

      Well. that’s because they don’t know. can’t count, or have ulterior motives.
      See this ‘article’:


      They start by writing that ‘A sea of placards, banners and chanting from thousands of demonstrators has washed through Edinburgh’s city centre streets in protest against the US president’s visit to the UK’ (Note the use of the statements ‘a sea of placards’ and ‘washed through’, all strong prose) They then go on to say that ‘Organisers said 60,000 people took part in the day’s events in the capital’. Next sentence: ‘But Police Scotland estimated the figure to be 9,000’. Later on in the ‘article’ they quote somebody else as saying ‘We reckon over 60,000 people have taken part.’ So the Beeb don’t know, but in the spirit of unbiased reporting, they’re happy to go with ‘60,000’. although it is unverified.

      They’ve flooded their reporting over the last couple of days with photos of demonstrators. However, the majority of the photos have been close ups, so you can’t tell exactly how many people were there: 10 or 10,000?

      Reminds me of my local rag reporting on an anti Brexit demo a couple of years ago. Again, photos taken close up. There were about 15 demonstrators in total, but if you read the article you’d think the whole Town had turned out. The dangerous power of the media.

      Now, I don’t have an axe to grind with any demonstrators, it’s up to them what they do in their spare time. Freedom of speech and all that. But what gets my goat is the unbalanced reporting that emanates from the BBC, again and again and again. So which was it BBC 60,000 or 9.000?


      • Dover Sentry says:

        Exactly! But to the BBC, the 17 million who voted for Brexit don’t count.

        If the BBC filmed this 17 million, they could easily make it look like 71 million!

        There are those who say, that BBC have the ‘skills’ to do so. They use them daily.


  8. vlad says:

    Paraglider over Trump golf course. Surely his security guys would have been within their rights in taking down a UFO with hostile intentions?

    Last time I donate to Greenpeace.


  9. Lucy Pevensey says:

    ‘Free Speech Is Dead’ – Police in Khan’s London BAN Pro-Trump Rally at U.S. Embassy


    How long before the public mass-beheadings of ethnic Britons begin in London?


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think the justification for the police to prevent pro tr and pro Pres. Trump protests from joining was that it would ‘have an adverse effect on the community ‘ . When I saw this in the Londonistan evening standard – I wondered to which community they referred .
      Once protests can be controlled by the police so that it’s more convenient for them they can pick and choose whom they politically approve . So there s another freedom going – without much protest .

      Strange that we are now in a repressive state where Muslim mayors can pick and choose about which protest they approve and police can suspend protest in the name of the “ community”.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, it happened during Labour’s time in Government 1997-2010. They really tried to close down all protest in central London and had a one mile (or larger) exclusion zone centred on HoC & Downing Street.

        Mark Steel made a very funny half hour radio programme, back when the BBC still did comedy, about his attempts to get approval for a one man protest march.


      • G says:

        Reopen a new Newgate Prison I say! Including gallows. House all the foreign criminals solely in that place. Perhaps max half-a-dozen or so guards. Just think we could give a good send-off to those of a certain persuasion who are anxious to meet their Maker. Not forgetting the virgins of course.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I think you’ll find the main foreign prison is the bellmarsh madrasa . They’ll probably want one of those minor rats put up


  10. Guest Who says:

    So there were these waves of rockets, and in the middle, for no good reason…


  11. Lucy Pevensey says:



    • Lefty Wright says:

      Yes. That is very dangerous stuff alright but from my own experience it need not be fatal. Just stop drinking the muck and you pretty soon return to a more rational line of thought.


    • Fred Stubber says:

      That would have been good if it had been done properly with BBC News looking as if it was on the label.


  12. Lucy Pevensey says:

    (parody account)


    • smoogie7 says:

      Oh dear everyone is trolling fake Corbyn!

      Now if Corbyn became PM just wait until you see the riots! It would be a protest every week when Labour bring out yet another tax to pay for one of their ‘schemes’ yet the BBC will put it down to ‘far right hooligans who support Millwall’


    • G.W.F. says:

      But at least the protesters produced their plans for helping refugees.



      • Payne by name says:

        I think many of the ‘refugees’ prefer you to be a lot younger and obviously unwilling to have sex. They’ve no sense of achievement if you’re actively ‘opening your legs’ for them.


        • Fedup2 says:

          That picture will go down with all those African boys waiting on the coast of Libya to get to the promised land – the streets are not paved with gold – there are white ladies waiting with their legs open .
          I suppose the creature in that picture enjoys the idea of giving men a potential defence to rape allegations.


      • Beebophobic says:

        Woman in the picture has to be mentally ill if you ask me. Why the hatred of western civilisation? What sort of brainwashing has gone on in her life ? Did it all start at school ? At home ? Self-loathing somehow represented by a desire to destroy the very western democracy and society which has probably given this woman many advantages in life. Why doesn’t she just go and live in Iraq or Syria then ?


      • Roland Deschain says:

        I understand that’s been photoshopped.


      • vlad says:

        That should keep them out.


  13. smoogie7 says:

    The BBC have been quiet on May this week which is strange as all other news sources have been grilling her including the ‘Tory rags’ so what could it be?

    Perhaps if May gets tipped over, or ‘toppled’ then we might end up with the likes of JRM or Bojo in power and that could mean not just a hard Brexit but also a renewed support for the Tories at the expense of Labour who themselves are hanging on by a thread not sure which way May would swing. Corbyn’s somewhat back seat stance is also suspicious. He is scared still that once May is gone, so will he as he would not be able to compete with someone else


  14. bil says:

    Two things:
    1. Airbus is owned by France, Germany an Spain, why wouldnt they dis the uk going all brexit onthem
    2. Tariffs dont apply to aviation components,

    fake news from Airbus and the beeb who ran it as a top story for a whole weekend


  15. Beebophobic says:

    How nauseating to see Milliband with that flyer, the yellow one which groups together Nazis and Tommy Robinson. Robinson has seen at first hand what Muslims can do to the white working classes, a family member of his was directly caught up in what is wrongly called “grooming”. Sickeningly, key people in the police and social services, as well as local politicians have been only to happy to turn a blind eye rather than defend white British people who are still suffering. Another poster mentioned the appalling attack on Matt Hayden, a young rugby player, I had read about that some weeks ago. Clearly a racially motivated attempted murder which ought to carry a long sentence if the perpetrators can be found and tried in a court of law. How dare the pathetic Milliband liken TR to a Nazi. It almost makes me wish that some of the liberal-left elite would have to go through what TR’s family member and thousands like her did. That probably makes me sound terrible, but I just cannot understand why the liberal-left are not appalled and shocked to their very core by Rotherham, Telford, Oxford, Luton, Rochdale, Newcastle and all the others. Life sentences for all the convicted rapists, and very lengthy jail terms for all those who covered things up eg police officers, social services, childrens services, local politicians. I am left to conclude that the liberal-left elites are actually mentally ill, carrying some inner urge to destroy the very fabric of western civilisation and society.
    The horror of it all. My parents’ generation must be weeping at what they see. Grenfell fraudsters are the lowest of the low, just deport them without appeal, even if the money they have stolen will never be recovered. Ah, but they will have “right to family life” no doubt.
    Which countries might welcome disaffected British people ? Would love to go, but family commitments mean it is not possible really.


  16. Beebophobic says:

    Also, on R4 today between 7pm and 7.30pm, they were doing a hatchet job on Dominic Raab. I know next to nothing about him, but this just sounded so biased eg he was unfriendly to two women who stood against him at the last election, he is uncaring, he wrote a book saying he thought British workers were lazy etc etc. Had to switch off before it was finished.


  17. Eddy Booth says:

    Peter Mandelson ?
    Ha ha, sneaky tricks by the remain government to undermine Brexit:
    get a slimy and universally derided dickhead to support leave..
    they do the same with the repulsive Ian Duncan Shit


  18. Terminal Moraine says:

    ‘Playing rugby helped me accept being gay’

    Extra BBC promo points for the BBC on this one. LGBTQ+ and also race. Hold on… race? The author of the article the BBC have decided to feature (photo available from other sources) doesn’t quite seem to match the BBC ethnic origin that the BBC have chosen for him.

    Fake news or BBC artistic licence? Does the BBC even notice the BBC difference?






    • Eddy Booth says:

      more like
      ”I stopped fighting my mental heath gay disorder and found a hobby that involves plenty changing room perving.
      The only problem is, in moments of lucidity I feel utterly depressed ,thinking about the skin crawlingly filthy homosexual lifestyle i lead.”


  19. StewGreen says:

    Trailers are out for the next weeks Ed Balls documentary series on Trump voters
    Ed Balls: My Deep South Road Trip, the BBC show will see Balls meeting those who voted for the current Republican …
    Yeh the BBC had no journos who could be impartial on Trump so they send Ed Balls instead.

    I see BBC likes Ed Balls so much they used his photo in a recent story about Korean pop music.

    Another story mentions him as a judge of the 2018 Wicked Young Writer Awards,


    • Guest Who says:

      The impartiality shown by the bbc is always impressive.

      Nick Clegg as special reporter on Brexit for Newsnight.

      Ed Pede as Radio 4 gurn for hire before dashing off to jump on the Rumpwagon.

      Now Ed Twinkletoes dispatched to bring his unique take on a mutually despised country via the medium of dance.



  20. StewGreen says:

    The Honey shot, works out well for the Columbian girl in the BBC story
    ..she gets a job as a model and on TV etc.

    BTW men are paid for their bodies aswell
    David Beckham used his to play football

    And even tho he’s no brain machine his cuteness gets him promotion contracts
    Does the BBC want the world organised so less cute people get Beckham’s work ?


    • BRISSLES says:

      so less ” cute ” people get Beckham’s work ?

      That’s open to debate.


      • StewGreen says:

        Does the BBC want the world organised so the less-cute (ie ugly) people get Beckham’s work ?


        • BRISSLES says:

          I was merely commenting that some of us think that Beckham is anything but ‘cute’, so its a matter of opinion.


  21. StewGreen says:

    Business minister Andrew Griffiths quits as Mirror reveals his 2,000 sex texts
    Tory MP Andrew Griffiths’ lewd and depraved text message demands to two barmaids revealed
    \\ Imogen admitted she and her friend sent 47-year-old Mr Griffiths explicit videos and accepted his money //
    FFS You sent explicit videos to a man for money !
    #1 You are a prostitute
    #2 Of course he then sent you more texts
    The issue of how he was not working and just sending you texts all day is another issue.
    He’s a bondage nut, and became interested in her after she snapchatted “some racy video”
    \\ He arranged the transfer of six payments totalling £717 to an account used by Imogen’s friend. In return he asked for them to send him images and videos. //

    Sounds to me like he is autistic when it comes to his fetish .. and needs medical help.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Has he never heard of the website Chaturbate?
      the non too shy ladies have live webcams, with text chat and wifi controlled sex toys that energize when punters tip them money.
      (So a friend tells me)
      And he paid £717? just for some racy videos?
      Some business minister


      • StewGreen says:

        Maybe the story was released by Team May from her blackmail bank
        ..in order to demonstrate to possible rebels ..what could happen ?

        Likewise Labour bosses probably spiked a lot of sleaze stories about their lot.


    • Payne by name says:

      Why did he resign though? Surely all he had to do was speak to Keith Vaz and get some advice on literally balling it out and ignoring the criticism. As Keith, and others, have demonstrated you can’t criticise someone for their sexual activities – that would be slut shaming or sextophobia.


      • Guest Who says:

        No alternative white good salesmen on hand?


      • StewGreen says:

        If he’d been a lefty like Russel Brand his obsession with these cam girls would have been labelled “sex addiction”


  22. Beebophobic says:

    Looked at some footage of the Free TR and pro Trump rally in London. Not vast numbers, but enough, and seemed perfectly peaceful. Hope that the Anti-Fa scum didn’t try to whip up trouble. Footage on The Sun website, not somewhere I normally go to but at least they are showing the footage.
    Re Stew’s post above about Andrew Griffiths MP. Sounds pretty sleazy, but would the Mirror bother to cover such activities if it were a Labour MP who liked using prostitutes?


    • StewGreen says:

      Maybe the story was released by Team May from her blackmail bank
      ..in order to demonstrate to possible rebels ..what could happen ?

      Likewise Labour bosses probably spiked a lot of sleaze stories about their lot.


  23. StewGreen says:

    @Fedup mentioned this earlier


  24. StewGreen says:

    Is there a subliminal message in the banner advert on the Expresses frontpage ?
    Free who ?


    • vlad says:

      Tommy’s got a lot of bottle, that’s for sure.


    • smoogie7 says:

      Labour have now blagged a 5% lead in the polls through no effort. May has to go now! Some Tory support is going to UKIP but that is due to May be incompetent on Brexit than anything else. Corbyn is edging closer to Downing Street and the BBC must be enjoying every moment of it!


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        We need a new leader then. What are they doing about it? Why has it all gone so quiet? Why is Maybot speaking as though we are leaving the EU yet we are not? It almost looks as if they WANT a Labour government.
        Please stop calling her incompetent. She is doing the job she set out to do- keep us in the EU without our consent. She is looking thus far to be very capable and effective to that end.
        I can’t keep pretending that I think she had anything else in mind but to achieve the ‘remain’ goal. If the Tories don’t get their act together and fast they are finished. It’s a betrayal many people will never forget.


        • smoogie7 says:

          I am a bit worried how it has all gotten a bit quiet over the course of the week. We do need a new leader and I wouldn’t doubt that there is someone better for the job but we need them to act first.

          Some sources are stating that May become PM to ‘keep us in’ which is open to discussion at the moment. A remainer, should not be doing the job for Brexit.


  25. vlad says:

    ‘It’s known as the “honey shot” – when a conventionally attractive woman is picked out of the crowd by cameras at a sporting event.’


    We’ve reached a stage where the ultra-pc beeb daren’t say ‘an attractive woman’ without qualifying it with the imbecilic ‘conventionally’.

    On Planet Beeb it is deemed sexist to find a woman attractive. What a bunch of pussies.


    • bil says:

      Remember watching a Rugby Union World Cup game a few years ago. The New Zealand ex-player expert summariser (wish I could remember his name) when confronted with a “honey shot” said ” Ah, love the pretty ladies!” Havent heard him since.


    • Guest Who says:

      It seems the bbc is at last addressing the scourge of ‘back end of busism’, where pouts and sulks on age or race are rendered less convincing by being brought to the screen by those selected not for having good faces for radio.

      Possibly also driven by certain TelePrompTer reDerouterettes heading past the point where no amount of peroxide or sunbeds can offset a 55” LED HD screen.


  26. Celtic_Mist says:

    bBC ‘press review’ bring on a couple of clowns to mock Trump under the guise of an honest discussion about this article:


  27. Celtic_Mist says:

    I believe there would be UK cross party support to terminate funding of the BBC, once considered to be a national treasure, because the agenda it is pushing is that of the US Democratic Party, and amounts to interference in our national affairs by a foreign agent.


  28. Celtic_Mist says:

    Whatever became of this –
    “Down the other path is a strong BBC helping bind the country together at home and championing it abroad. A British creative beacon to the world. Providing a universal service for a universal fee. An internet-first BBC which belongs to everyone.”


    • ToobiWan says:

      From the three year old comments;
      Gary Hills
      3 years ago
      Utter crooks, disgusting proposal and the BBC is not worth it. It failed its own rules since it became so biased to the Tories and UKIP. I have no respect for them any more and and no dictatorship policy on payment will ever be accepted as just and fair regardless of spin.

      I don’t know which bloody version of the deluge of opinions, innuendo and bias, masquerading as news, the BBC has morphed into, this clown “enjoys” but it definitely isn’t the version beamed into Château Wan, the version I end up throwing the cat at!


  29. Celtic_Mist says:

    The BBC is no longer our ‘national treasure’ acting in the interest of the UK, and has aligned itself with the agenda of US Democratic Party news networks.


  30. Beeb Brother says:

    I went into London yesterday to check out some protests for myself. The Police presence for the ‘Free Tommy’ march was terrifying: row after row of Police vans, even a long way from the march; several helicopters; scores of Police on horseback who were extremely unfriendly; you could not even get close to the actual march. They were taking this very seriously indeed. The brute power of the state was awe-inspiring and petrifying. If you say things they order you to ignore there will be hell to pay.

    Clearly this is where the genuine outrage is brewing, not some middle class snowflakes upset Trump has hurt their feelings. One dreads to think how bad things really are in some of these Northern towns – just what we know is harrowing. Silencing the messenger is an ideal short-term solution for feckless politicians who want an easy life but the problem remains and deepens and darkens by being ignored. I could sense a terrible rage in what I did manage to see of the crowd.

    Totally memory holed by the BBC of course. I actually felt like I was in ‘1984’ yesterday in London. The BBC, like the Ministry of Truth, serves to keep us controlled rather than informed. The gulf between the world they present and the reality we experience is just what Orwell predicted would happen in totalitarian states.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      It’s sinister. The way they shamelessly promoted the hate for the anti-Trump protest and did their best to squash this one.
      They are becoming more aggressive.


  31. Guest Who says:

    John and Nicky have at last got that room.


    • vlad says:

      Is John Sweeney calling Trump a Nazi?

      Now we know how beeboids think, if you can call it thinking, more knee-jerk mob-think reflex.


    • JamesArthur says:

      This is typical fake news when seen in context…..the instant image doesn’t always tell the truth just what the taker wants you to see.

      I saw the video after Marr and it was a simple error which the Queen didn’t seem bothered about..Just like when Marr goaded May to call Trump a sexist because he helped her down the steps…credit to her ( and she doesn’t deserve much)..she didn’t rise to the bait..but Marr showed himself to be a BBC lackey- Trump was being polite because Teresa probably wouldn’t have got down the steps in her stupid shoes…


  32. Panda says:

    News just in from the ‘I think we got it just about right’ BBC newsroom: 64,900,000 people didn’t march against President Trumps visit yesterday and were rather glad he paid us a visit.


  33. taffman says:

    All Beeb is telling us that it’s her Brexit or no Brexit at all ?
    Well how about what we all voted for two years ago – OUT !
    Mrs May, Al Beeb and her supporters are still fighting the referendum.


  34. dafydd says:

    Im a rare commodity, a devout Conservative supporter living in Wales. Through thick and thin i have canvassed for, donated too and supported them at every election.

    I would like to officially announce that as of today they have lost my vote.

    At the referendum i voted to remain (shock horror) but i also believe in democracy and abiding by the will of the people, 17.4 million of them, something i now realise this Prime Minister and her cabinet do not.
    Theresa May is a complete liability to the Conservatives but more importantly a liability to this country

    If for what ever reason this country in the future requires a referendum, what confidence will we have that the then sitting government will abide by it and honour it, going by the conduct of this government, very little


  35. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Obama Loses 2 Million Twitter Followers Amid Crackdown On Fake Accounts

    “Former President Barack Obama‘s personal Twitter account lost more than two million followers on Thursday amid the social media platform removing fake and/or inactive accounts, The Daily Beast reports.

    Liberals have long boasted about the former president’s large social media following, but Obama just got a big surprise from Twitter as a portion of his followers are actually fake. The former president was more than likely very shocked by Twitter’s crackdown, but many won’t find it hard to believe there are millions of fake accounts following his account.”

    Read more


    • smoogie7 says:

      Just wait until the day that someone does that in the country. Corbyn would lose a lot of ‘followers’ as well, a few of them being Russian (not that the BBC would let us know about that)


    • StewGreen says:

      False narrative cos that’s just over two percent of his total following of 101 million.
      I reckon if Twitter were ourging all the non-human accounts he’d be losing more than 3 million.


  36. Dover Sentry says:

    We have to prepare ourselves.

    Brexit may not happen.

    The elite and the BBC are playing Brexit chess. They have their moves worked out.


    • G.W.F. says:

      I have been saying that Brexit will not happen since Remain plan B – election of Treezer – was applied. Now I will say that it will not happen if Remain plan C – election of Boris – is applied.


      • Dover Sentry says:

        I can hear May now…

        “After very careful consideration, the EU has rejected our Brexit proposals. In the interests of the British people, we will remain within the EU whilst we continue to negotiate the best terms for Brexit.””

        “”As I clearly stated before, Brexit means Brexit. I will continue to fight for the best interests of the British people.””

        And there we have it.


    • G says:

      For me, it goes higher. Treezer takes no instructions from the voter. Her direct authority comes from the NWO / UN leaders.


  37. Guest Who says:

    The bbc is quoting former Scotpished First Minister and train floor inspector and Jean Clod impersonator Smart Alec.



    • Payne by name says:

      It just reveals that Sturgeon isn’t really a proper leader if she can’t meet other leaders that she might not like.


  38. Beeb Brother says:

    Khan is on Marr – I am about to get very ‘triggered’ indeed. The idea that he should not be on because he annoys me is so absurd. I could just not watch or deal with how much he annoys me. Lefties say you should have no platform or adjust your speech to suit how ‘triggered’ they are which is absurd and makes progress impossible. How can we get anywhere if we cannot speak freely? It is hard enough to identify problems yet alone solve them. You fall at the first hurdle if you cannot even speak incths first place.


    • Beeb Brother says:

      “It is not my role as mayor to censor the views of Londoners,” Khan says.

      Can I say I do not like Islam then? Of course not – a member of Khan’s ‘hate crime hub’ will arrest me; there have been thousands of arrests. How can he say this with a straight face? How can Marr let such an outrageous falsehood pass without challenge?

      With Boris Johnson they would interrupt him and talk over him. Khan is allowed to spout utter bollocks and have his tummy tickled by Marr. Our capital is crumbling under his disastrous watch – Marr should be eviscerating him. Instead he just says Trump is racist for the billionth time and blames the Tories, never taking responsibility as a good leader must do.


  39. Guest Who says:

    Ah, but, bet she brought all her politics from the door of the BBC green room in.


  40. taffman says:

    Very little on Al Beeb on a leadership challenge, what are they afraid of? A new PM?
    Someone who is a Breixteer?

    Much outside speculation about Boris?
    Do you oldies remember the term ‘Stalking Horse’?
    Well I know who all the money and bets are on.


    • Lock13 says:

      I put a tenner on Boris last week at 4/1


    • smoogie7 says:

      I rather Mogg but will accept Bojo for now.

      Indeed they are scared of a new PM as the next one might not be so soft as May who is really ‘Labour in disguise’ after dangling the keys to Number 10 for Corbyn to grab.

      We need a new PM now and I am sick of waiting!


  41. Lock13 says:

    Extreme Far-right supporters of Trump and Tommy Robinson you sure Sadiq Khan? that’s me 53 year old bloke worked all his life in a professional job in London , family , dog and cat. Support the local football team , enjoy a pint .Friends from all races. Loves his Country objects to getting blown up or run over by terrorists.

    Never knew I was extreme Far-right


    • JimS says:

      It wouldn’t surprise me if objecting to May’s Brino ‘brexit’ plan will be regarded as a hate crime or an extremist viewpoint.


    • smoogie7 says:

      Anyone who is not a BBC Corbynist is ‘far right’ these days.

      I agree, anyone who does not fit the BBC’s and the left’s view is right about everything!


    • Guest Who says:

      Andrew Neil is more often balanced than not on most things, but a sniff of Trump or Robinson seems to send him straight to the Daft side of the Farce,

      Rather reminds me of those early morning extreme posts from new or infrequent visitors that are immediately followed by a howl of outrage and sorrowful claim it is why this site is failing from… critics who say.


      • smoogie7 says:

        Neil is one of the only good guys left who is not a leftie at the BBC. Saying that having a look at the picture it does not like the UK. Does anyone know where the original source is?


      • smoogie7 says:

        Neil is one of the only good guys left who is not a leftie at the BBC. Saying that having a look at the picture it does not like the UK. Does anyone know where the original source is?


      • Guest Who says:

        It seems to be spreading nicely.

        Somewhere, a spoofer is allowing themselves a quiet chuckle.


      • Payne by name says:

        That doesn’t help our cause that the person posting this is so hideously out of whack. How does that ever look like central London?

        An own goal that the Left and the MSM are predictably jumping on.


  42. AsISeeIt says:

    Soft, sympathetic interview between BBC lefty Andrew Marr and the Labour Mayor of London this morning.

    Polite, open questions about the Trump baby protest allow Khan to talk about his prepared narrative on this subject; bleating about free speech with no effective cross-questioning to contend with from the BBC man, despite some contentious assertions being made by Khan.

    On crime Marr again asked only softist open questions allowing Khan to bang on about Tory Cuts. No mention by either man of stop and search.

    The first point on which Marr bothered to push was an attempt to get Khan to call Trump “racist”. Khan side stepped but was given a platform to hint he was only being picked on becasue he was a muslim. Last time I looked islam was a religion, not a race – but Marr clearly was just interested in the soundbite and not the substance of such accusations..

    Then Marr revealed his own priorities as he asked what preparations for Brexit the Mayor had made. This line of questioning gave the pair the opportunity to paint for the nervous viewer notions of project fear. You know how this one goes – nighmares of planes stranded, food stock piled etc.

    Marr’s motivation to keep us in the EU appears again as he brings up the subject of a second referendum and sounds Khan out on his attitude to this daft idea. Obviously this one is back on the BBC agenda (it seems it has been there ever since the vote went the way BBC didn’t like).


    • smoogie7 says:

      Crime up due to Tory cuts? Shame those big bad Tories do not cut the BBC!


  43. G says:

    Just had a call from a friend who initially sat down to watch Marr. He’s always been a skeptic and vacillated over ditching the TV licence or not. He called to say a new asian face appears on the Marr news a “Babina” or something. Apparently, that got to him as never before and he agreed with me that the ‘off’ switch was the only answer particularly when another un-funny asian who claims to be a comedian appeared on the sofa along with Sopel and Amanda Platel.
    The BBC and its particularly sophisticated style of lying is getting to many more and some surprising people. Long may it continue I say.


    • john in cheshire says:

      I stopped watching anything on the far-left bbc ( apart from listening to radio 7, as it was originally called, for a couple of years until it was rebadged as radio4extra and destroyed as an entertainment station), in 2007 and stopped paying their protection money in 2013. As a result I’m better informed, happier and I’ve saved quite a lot of money.


  44. Jeff says:

    Khan uses the term “extreme, far right” about people who are attempting to expose Muslim rape gangs. It’s an absurd and poisonous pejorative term. And of course old Marxist Marr didn’t pick him up on it. What a surprise!
    Neither is he ever asked about his time as a human rights lawyer. He argued passionately that Louis Farrakhan, black separatist, Jew hating nut job, who said “Hitler had the right idea” should be allowed to visit Britain. So, he’s got all the time in the world for Jew baiting Nazis, but hates those that oppose them.
    I think Mayor Khan’s own racist, ultra left-wing opinions explains his position on both Trump and Tommy.
    Can you imagine the BBC not bringing these past events to the attention of the public if the mayor wasn’t both a Muslim and a lefty?
    He should be exposed.
    I won’t hold my breath…


  45. vlad says:

    Khant will never get a hard interview from the beeb. For a start they share his left-wing views, and they’re shit scared of appearing racist / islamophobic.


    • Banania says:

      They are scared of appearing racist, homophobe, etc.. But don’t you think that underneath that they are more terrified of Islam itself and of the danger of possible Moslem hostility? If not, they should be.


  46. vlad says:

    The beeb really worship Serena Williams don’t they?

    On a ‘Must See’ piece currently on their webshite Home page, they use her pic as a banner for a vid on ‘the secret to getting ‘in flow”.

    Strange, as a) she doesn’t appear at all in the vid, and b) she lost!
    Wouldn’t Kerber have been the logical choice?
    Oh, hang on, too hideously white for the racist beeb.


    • Rich says:


      They’re gutted because Serena Williams, you know, the one that had the baby, didn’t equal the Grand Slam record held by Margaret Court. Equal it mind, not beat.

      Margaret Court is everything that the bBbc hate, which is not too strong a word. I suppose she is the right gender but this is heavily outweighed by her other ‘faults’.

      White, straight, Christian and traditionally conservative in her views, it’s no wonder she is seldom mentioned by the bBbc. Tolerated but never celebrated.


  47. G says:

    I watched last Friday’s Press Conference in total. I noted that, no doubt by arrangement, Laura Coonsberg got the first opportunity to ask a question by our illustrious PM. That probably worked on the basis that the BBC was another ‘Fake News’ broadcaster that the President would not have beckoned a question from. So, probably, without Treezer, the BBC would probably have not been offered an opportunity to ask a question. “Another beauty”.


    • MartinW says:

      … and her question was, naturally, carping and nasty, as we have come to expect from the BBC.


  48. Beeb Brother says:

    Bannon on LBC with Farage. He makes a brilliant point about how white all these protests about racism are. Throughout their screeching about the horror of unequal outcomes they never actually ask the ‘minorities’ if they mind not being partners at law firms or whatever. I used to teach a Rastafarian boy and working 80 hour weeks and never seeing his family would be hell for him, though apparently not experiencing this hell is ‘structural racism.’


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Followed by a number of comments inadvertently making his point for him.


      • StewGreen says:

        Note LBC didn’t allow it to be just Bannon and Farage in the studio
        LBC’s considerably more leftwing politcal correspondent was in the studio and kept butting in.

        LBC 12pm “Steve Bannon has told the NF show that his former boss Donald trump is not a racist”
        how can that be news ?
        None of his policies divide people into races
        .. job measures benefit blacks, hispanics just as they benefit whites
        The try to smear him with “Muslim ban”
        but in reality muslims from a non-blacklist country enter the USA every day
        .. and Saudi then Israel were the first countries Trump chose to visit and negotiate with.

        Maajid is continuing his 2 hours by analysing what Bannon said.


      • StewGreen says:

        Here’s the general tone of the debate under the tweet

        Bannon is the devil— Dylan O'Connor (@dylanoconnor72) July 15, 2018


      • StewGreen says:

        Ah Maajid and @LBC’s Political Correpondent @theousherwood seem to be spending 2 hours neutralising what Bannon said
        @theousherwood has been wound up

        Bannon to me off-air: "Fuck you. Don't you fucking say you're calling me out. You fucking liberal elite. Tommy Robinson is the backbone of this country."— Theo Usherwood (@theousherwood) July 15, 2018

        He goes on ‘Bannon says he admires TR and that TR is not Islamophobic
        ..let me quote TR saying that Islam is a fascist religion’

        Yes I think that is TR’s general tone that the standard Islamic dogma is fascist ..in the way it awards women second class rights etc.
        TR always makes the point that he is not against Muslims but is against Islam.
        You can’t expect an unfair libmobber like @theousherwood to explain the difference.


        • StewGreen says:

          Caller calls Bannon the “high priest of Naional Socialism”
          and Maajid just replied “I’m not going to defend him, he admitted being a right-wing popularist”
          If maajid is going to mix up the words “popularist” with “fascist” then he is not in the real world

          Maajid’s thrust is that Islamist and popularist are both similar evils.
          This is totally wrong the hate preachers say it is OK to kill people , TR’s lot do not say it is OK to kill people.

          Maajid says that Bannon using terms like “fight” and “war” shows this
          whereas Bannon made it clear that this is a reaction to the Left for use taking a battle satnce against the right ..and the right failing to stick up ..and continuing to use liberal terms
          ..and now he says we must fight like they do (not physically but politically)


          • StewGreen says:

            MN keep s saying stuff like the PM of Huungary is very very right wing
            Twitter is raving against Bannon saying that he should never have been allowed on etc..He’s a fascist.

            It seems to me these Antifa never listen to Nigel Farage, yet word has gone out on their network saying that Bannon would be on ..and that they should all get outraged and protest.

            Look treating people unequally say in your job is wrong
            Yet continually bearing false witness by falsely shouting “racist/fascist” like Maajid, and Usherwood and the metrolibs do is a severe sin.


          • ID says:

            Madgit thinks of himself as a latter day Socrates, posing incisive questions to his callers to show their positions are basically self contradictory and so fundamentally flawed. Unfortunately, he can only control his “liberal intolerance” up to a degree.
            Certain callers wind him up and we are back to the Volksgerichthof and the Screaming Judge. Some Iranian rang in to claim that he found it easier to criticise islam in Iran than in the UK. Red rag to a bull for Madgit. Madgit decided in true liberal fashion that this was too preposterous to discuss and shouted him down as a true liberal would.
            Madgit thinks that the products of human reproduction, like zygotes and embryos are not human life, so I would consider his musings about political concepts like “popularism” or “globalism” to be similarly confused and worthless.
            I suppose Madgit has his blatherthon to demonstate that muslims are paragons of reason and reasonableness like Madgit.
            Fortunately,the mask slips every now and again.
            What we need is a reformed islam! What verses will Madgit advocate being removed from the “Good Book”?


        • theisland says:

          Raheem says Usherwood breached the agreement.

          The LibLabCon mob have their own version of taqiya.



  49. BRISSLES says:

    Cant wait to see the ‘outrage’ in this country if Trump gets voted in for a second term 🙂 which is highly possible !!


    • smoogie7 says:

      Expected to see Corbyn and co out doing a protest thinking that it is somehow going to ‘get at’ people on the other side of the planet