Our beloved al beeb is in full anti President Trump mode . It gave up any pretence of neutrality ages ago and just rants in an unfocused group think way .
At times like this it is easier than normal to evidence the bias so please do….
Our beloved al beeb is in full anti President Trump mode . It gave up any pretence of neutrality ages ago and just rants in an unfocused group think way .
At times like this it is easier than normal to evidence the bias so please do….
What no health warning!
US Women rescued after California cliff plunge
She was ‘lucky’ that the coolant didn’t contain ethylene glycol then. More than 5000 cases of poisoning occur in the USA each year.
Is Al Beeb’s “wife carrying race” report ‘sexist’?
In the interest of equality how about a hubby carrying race?
Over to you maxincony ………….
Iv’e been watching all this like many from a distance as I really can’t stand the BBC’ blatant anti Trump and Anti Brexit stance -and it seems to be getting worse…However watched Marr and he has shrivelled down to a limp sycophantic BBC droid a far cry from his former astute relatively balanced interviewer…
The so called Anti Trump marches – I’m in Manchester and was in the city all of Friday and so surprised when the BBC said there had been an anti Trump march then showed a picture..very clearly trying to make out it was a crowd – in fact if they had got an aerial shot you would have seen it was a small gathering outside town hall..which is why the BBC reporter did his interview in the side street and not in Albert square..you would have seen the reality .Fake news indeed
As for rest of MSM does any else get the feeling they really haven’t got much On Trump and are grasping at innocuous details – he has outplayed them as far as I am concerned
And that f… Trump blimp I laughed so much seeing it only getting about 20 feet off the ground..
Rant over, enjoy the sun
I don’t enjoy hot weather at all. I’d rather be cool and comfortable. What we need is rain. The hills of Kent are rather brown and unpleasant.
“Nearly 100 firefighters are battling a huge grass fire near Heathrow Airport.
London Fire Brigade said the inferno in west London is the size of four football pitches and firefighters have been at the scene since just before 4pm.”
Lucy, there are many fires in Israel set off by Hamas terrorists as it is their latest strategy. I wonder if the arsonists of Saddleworth Moor were of the perfect faith and where else they may be active.
I agree Lucy…but enjoy the rain doesn’t sound quite as good 🙂
They get some idiots on Sky News but Peter Bone MP was just on so look out for the clip, there will be a link at some point. Big things happening next week if he is telling the truth
There are two votes on EU matters coming up, flake, so that may be what Peter Bone was talking about.
If there are resignations AND defections then the PM is in trouble.
The Amesbury investigation is also starting to look a little uncomfortable for her.
Is Treezer May stupid or very devious and cunning?
I believe she is very stupid, but follows orders as do her BBC supporters.
I think Trump was taking the piss out of a stupid woman when he advised her to sue the EU.
Oh it’s Sue them , I thought it was soothe them !
”Donald Trump told Theresa May she should sue the EU rather than negotiate over Brexit, she has told the BBC.”
Mays done a great job giving the impression that she is well meaning, trying her hardest, but a little hapless and totally out of her depth.
But it’s obvious she isn’t negotiating, at least not for our side…
So headlines like this just help the remainers promote the narrative she is
Someone put a link, previously on this Thread to John Moloney’s Blogspot. I noted that he also thinks the PM is on the autistic spectrum. If, as I suspect she is, so that would be a real hindrance to her in negotiations at Cabinet and EU leader levels.
Someone put a link previously on this Thread to John Moloney’s Blogspot. I noted that he also thinks the PM is on the autistic spectrum. If, as I suspect she is, that would be a real hindrance to her in negotiations at Cabinet and EU leader levels.
The Food programme on Radio 4 is examining the demise of the Birmingham Balti Belt. Hardly any mention of the food, just one big propaganda exercise in raising the profile of the Pakistani population of the city; “Birmingham is a super multicultural city.”
The demise of the belt is attributed to the national Front and other right wing groups smashing restaurant windows and causing trouble.
As a Brummie who was a regular visitor to these restaurants here’s what the programme left out.
Poor hygiene of the restaurants.
Streets full of rubbish that restaurants and residents literally throw out on the street, anything from used catering cans of cooking oil to taxi drivers pouring used engine oil down down street drains.
The area is full of prostitutes as well as drugs being sold by restaurants, shops and pushers.
The risk of being assaulted and robbed in the area by gangs of Pakistani youths.
Cars being damaged for fun, again by Pakistani youths.
In short The Balti Belt is not a safe place, neither is it multicultural as 96% of the population is of Pakistani ethnicity, which the programme kept reinforcing.
I wonder if the BBC will report on the intimidation and violence perpetrated by the Somali gangs on commuters, shoppers, shop workers and each other in the Dale End area of Birmingham most evenings and weekends?
Birmingham really is a ‘vibrant’ city but not in the way the BBC wants to portray it.
The phrase is “Birmingham Balti Triangle”
Who uses the phrase “Birmingham Balti Belt” ?
You’d expect if a popular term it would get used on Twitter all the time
yet the latest mention was
\\ Adrian Goldberg @GoldbergRadio Apr 22 // twice
\\ @MishalHusainBBC Apr 22 //
then someone in 2014
and one person in 2013
Excepting the BBC, the phrase “Balti belt” was mentioned 4 times on Twitter this year
What… four?
That is surely enough to keep BBC Trending going for a month.
2017 News : Sparkbrook the jihadi capital of Britain: How a tiny area of Birmingham has produced one in 10 of the UK’s convicted Islamic terrorists – thanks to pandering PC Labour councillors
‘I think I’m the last [non-Muslim] business left,’ said father-of two Mr Mills, 54. ‘I don’t think I know of any others.’
Meanwhile, in nearby Fallows Road, Kevin Jones, a painter and decorator, represents the last vestiges of the old working class. He has lived in the street for the past 30 years.
‘Someone once asked me why I was still here. I told him I’d always been here. My wife has always been here. We brought up our four children in this house. Why should I move?’
He remembers, like it was yesterday, the time 17 years ago when he was working in a house further up the road. Suddenly, the police were everywhere. Mr Jones watched from a window as they stormed a property directly opposite. Later, a young Muslim man was arrested at the scene. The man was the infamous bomb-maker Moinal Abedin.
‘It was very scary,’ said Mr Jones, 53, who says he gets on well with all his Muslim neighbours.
Many Muslims living here today can trace their origins to the divided state of Kashmir, which has been the centre of an endless territorial dispute between Pakistan and India.
The Kashmir connection is significant. Throughout the Nineties, Kashmiri militants, fighting for an independent Kashmir, travelled to Birmingham openly to raise funds for the cause and inspire young local Muslims to join the fight.
Many of the 26 jihadists revealed to have come from Sparkbrook //
Wonder how many of the BBC’s diversity staff based in the Midlands live there. None I guess, – more likely to live in the affluent tree lined suburbs, yet love to portray how wonderful diversity is for Britain.
Caz is imagining bigly.
Ft remainers v al beeb remainers – yawn
That old joke about how can tell when a politician is lying -when the are speaking -.was designed for the outgoing PM
Part outgoing PMs have had a bit of affection from the big hearted British public – even Brown – but can any one really feel anything for the lying May when turns on the waterworks walking out of number 19 so that her other half can go out the f—-ing bins out?
Number 10 not number 19 darn it . Broke the iPhone screen again
This week the BBC published its Annual Reports and Accounts revealing the salaries of the highest earners. Responding to the news our chief executive John O’Connell said:
“The licence fee is a serious hit on ordinary families’ finances, and the BBC must ensure that every penny of it is spent responsibly. Top pay for the stars at the BBC was kept under wraps for many years, and those forced by law to pay the bill deserve to know if they are getting good value for their hard-earned money. A new generation of viewers are increasingly switching to streaming platforms and while the iPlayer does compete in this space, the licence fee is outdated and the BBC should look at longer-term reforms that suit the modern audience.”
If you are looking for 10 minutes of light relief have a view of the interview between the Matt frei – more a snow man than a snow flake on c4 news and Sebastian Gorka who worked for president Trump – there are echoes of The Kathy Newman execution .
Gorka v Channel 4’s Matthias “Arbeit Matt” Frei
Panic in the voice of the presenter.
Brilliant!! Thanks for posting!
We could do with some Gorkas in the UK.
Gosh, I enjoyed that! Easy to see who is squirming there.
R4 Drama now : \\ Hawk Wounded: Albert the One-Eyed of Habsburg has displaced Norbert and become Holy Roman Emperor, but Wenceslas plots revenge.//
Main character seems to be Ibrahim the spymaster
Interesting that al beeb doesn’t show the closing ceremony of the World Cup – pretty girls involved but stick with 4 millionaire ex footballers –
Strange that auty loves the idea of same sex sex but goes Puritan when foreigners start showing pretty girls – sure the dykes would love it .
And they even got a black Hollywood a lister in the show .
I hope that if the republicans go back to full on terrorism they will get m treated differently . Nice to see the likes of G Adams on the receiving end recently .
After the way British State has treated soldiers and coppers being accused of killings it will be a wonder any one would do the governments ‘ dirty work again or put them selves on the line .
There’s been a lot of shit talked about the GFA by the usual suspects North and South of the border ably assisted by those in the EU who pre-Brexit had probably never heard of it, and much of this talk has been about the ‘spirit’ of the agreement more than anything else, which is really not worth the toilet paper it’s written on.
Varadkar is as full of post-colonial loathing as someone half Irish/ half Indian can be but perhaps he would like to set aside his prejudices and the the anti-British hatred of Coveney to discuss not the GFA but the CTA, Common Travel Agreement, between Ireland and the UK, as surely it, and the subsequent rights and benefits that the Irish have apparently unrestricted access to when in Britain, should be looked at again after next March. Does anyone know how the current arrangement actually benefits anyone other than the Irish?
Any soldiers sent to Norn Iron in the near future when the war starts again as the remainers tell us will happen can expect to be hounded and arrested in 2068 if they dare to do anything to defend themselves.
That’s if we have the same dreadful lefty do gooders running the Country.
However, we will almost certainly be an Islamic state by then and the orange and green will both want out of the caliphate so they will join together to escape the horrors on the mainland.
BBC News channel just told us of the big anti Trump demonstrations all over the weekend. How do these newsreaders and corespondents, never mind the backroom staff sleep at night.
It’s called an index linked pension
Pug – it dont get much better than that . Cant say I have too much sympathy for the bloke. I wonder how many widows/mothers/fathers/sons and daughters are out there who had to bury a loved one with lovely lyrical Gerries bloody fingerprints all over the coffin.
Al beeb website has a story about their beloved NHS still using 9000 fax machines
Now I have personal experience of the consequences of this . My local GP communicates with the District Nurses by fax . Very often the fax machine is strangely out of action by not having paper .
I know what this is really about . It’s about lazy NHS professionals avoiding work as well as accountability because with the internet comes an audit trail for inquiries when the NHS kills patients . Also it’s harder for individual health professionals to be identified as responsible – just blame the fax machine .
As an aside I once tried to get a fax sent from the GP to the district Nurse but it wouldn’t go – so I physically took the fax the 2 miles to the district nurse office . They were not grateful .
For some reason al beeb misses what I have written above
It’s all happening.
What’s that saying about a powder keg?
Tory suspended after claims that Islamist extremists ‘rape British girls to create Muslim babies’
Get a grip
#1 It’s only a small town volunteer party officer
#2 it’s something she wrote more that 1 year ago
\\ The Lewes Conservatives’ president and chairwoman, said she would not want to be part of any organisation that does not allow her to voice her own opinion.
In the blog post on May 30 last year, she stated “radical so-called Islamists have for decades made it perfectly plain that they hate the indigenous British, our culture, values, freedom and Christian faith”.//
\\ The farmer and campaigner added: “They have said that they are just biding their time and waiting for instructions from their leaders and when the word comes they will ‘systematically wipe us out’.
“Already they are raping and impregnating British girls and young women, ‘creating’ Muslim babies; just see what is happening in Rochdale. The rest of us they say they will exterminate with bombs and knives.”
But she was suspended by the Conservative Party after it was flagged up by the Politics Home website.//
That statement about rape to make muslim babies has centuries of factual historical knowledge behind it, even if it is not true today. At least that aspect could be aired
“…even if it is not true today…”
Don’t you think it is?
He got that right.
Thankfully mcguinness went to hell quickly and it looks like Adams has an appointment with the Reaper too- comes around goes around ….
Another MP rsigns against May’s anti-Brexit coup
(He’s the guy who took David cameron’s seat at the by election)
Who put the #Chequers plan together?
Mrs May,
Mrs Merkel,
Al Beeb,
or all three?
When do the EU decide if to accept ‘Mays’ plan?
Perhaps they have already been rubber stamped by the ‘Empress of Europe’ ?
I reckon they have already agreed it in principle since our duplicitious PM and “Oily” Robbins were working behind Davis s back for quite a while.
I expect the plan was that they would moan and groan a bit but since nothing much has changed with our relationship with the EU they would be relaxed about it. – there would then be some sort of faux horse trading with “Our Gal” sticking it up them on some paltry “point of principle” and back she comes waving her piece of paper with “peace in our time”
Bingo! how to do a brexitless brexit in one easy lesson
Arnt we lucky to have such a strong PM.
Next time I decide to leave someone’s house I’m gonna go sit in their kitchen and argue that its soft leaving, while eating their chicken…
I suppose it’s been said on this site that Steve Baker has made a few interesting revelations?
I couldn’t decide up to now whether May was just useless or actually devious and treacherous.
Today, for the first time, I’m leaning towards the latter.
That is to say, she never had the slightest intention of implementing anything other than a make-believe Brexit.
Therefore, she can be awarded the A Merkel prize for the best graduate in Deception and Undermining your Country.
It appears that UKIP have a new website?……………………….
Vote UKIP.
Not BBC news as such (and will the BBC even report it?) but the mutiny is still going ahead after all:
WhatsApp! And who said that the Tories where not hip and modern?
Does anyone know how much the French paid to buy the argie referee in the World Cup final ?
Another conservative mp in government has done the honourable thing and resigned his office – no porn recordings were involved this time .
It was pretty clear from the word ‘go’, that the better team, by far, were the Croatians. The French got an undeserved free kick and an absurd, very undeserved penalty. At that point we all knew, I think, that the better team would lose.
We knew that flinging, set-piece football wins over entertaining, creative football. We suspected that brown packets stuffed with notes, or simply a little electronic transfer, would have done the trick.
Unsurprisingly, the French were a little better in the second half. They knew they had the ref with them.
So, how many Euros did it take? Hard to say….
Or was it pesos?
Couldn’t help but notice that miserably failed football manager Gary Neville over on ITV retrospectively said he felt that France was always going to be too good for Croatia with no evidence to support his claim, before declaring apropos of nothing that Boris Johnson and David Davis were muppets. Gee thanks Gazz, next time I need political analysis from a gormless, boss-eyed, shit-for-brains, I’ll know where to come.
Gary Lineker?
Lineker just described Harry Kane’s golden boot as “just a statistic”
lovely comment to make
Theresa May on immigration … from ‘hard’ line to ‘pink no line’ …
2012 … “Two and a half years ago, the coalition government was formed, and we made a clear promise to the British public. After thirteen years of uncontrolled mass immigration, this government would reduce and control immigration.” – Theresa May 2012
2015 … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society.” – Theresa May 2015
2018 … “Over the years, overall, immigration has been good for the UK. It has brought people with different backgrounds, different outlooks here to the UK,” – Theresa May 2018
yes I heard the cunt say (2018) that today and tele has been off since
John Sweeney roars in with textbook impartiality.
Worth checking if has ever opined something similar about other Presidents? If Obama, he’d lose his pension.
Reading through Al Beeb’s propaganda and form, I predict the next step will be a ‘Hobbson’s Choice’ offered by May, her BRINO or Remain in the EU.
She is trying to sell us a ‘pig in a poke’.
No mention of the option that was on the referendum -‘Leave the EU’.
Leave means Leave. Nothing more and nothing less.
Out !
I don’t disagree, but we still haven’t heard from David Davis or Boris how they think it should be done.
Perhaps they should go ask someone who knows the EU inside out first ?
Nigel Farage.
Roland and taffman, there are votes coming up this week which may just alter the picture slightly. I may be clutching at straws but am wondering whether others in the Conservative Party in Parliament are waiting to see how the two Lobbies fill this week before making a move.
There then may be some more resignations and possibly a challenge to Theresa May. If she does a ‘Major’ and tries to push back, then there may be actual resignations and defections. You only need a handful to join UKIP (preferably with the prior agreement of their constituencies) and the PM’s majority is gone and Labour and the SNP then have the option of attacking essential legislation or standard business such as the Budget.
I wonder if Theresa May and Philip Hammond regret switching it away from the Spring until after the Conference season?
The only way Theresa May could then strengthen her position is to gamble on another General Election. My prediction of October (back in January) was for economic reasons. I wasn’t expecting this!
There is a long summer ahead, Join UKIP and tell your Cons. MPs that you are doing just that. UKIP are growing in number again.
Most MPs are career people and don’t want to be unemployed.
Interesting argument between Sargon of Akkad and Benjamin Zand, a BBC reporter.
As you watch it, keep reminding yourself that Zand is a BBC employee. I expect his views are absolutely typical within that organisation.
Also expect the interview to reappear as a 1 min edited version later, to show how the ultra supreme extra special extreme alt far-right has infiltrated UKIP.
As ENG goes, that is a rubbish piece of work. Camera shake, really bad framing and the sound is none too good. It lost me about two minutes in.
Thee haughty tyrants ne’er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
Will but arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
“Britons never will be slaves.”
The ICM survey of 2015 found that 7% of Muslims support the objective to create an Islamic state.[48] Only 3% said that they support the way in which Isis is establishing a caliphate. (80K people) This is a small minority of British Muslims, but 3% of around 3 million Muslims is around 90,000 people supporting Isis. When it comes to free speech, the same survey found that 78% believed that no publication should have the right to publish pictures of Mohammed. This rose to 87% when talking about the right to publish pictures making fun of Mohammed. Muslims are thus very intolerant of criticism of their religion and do not support free speech in this respect.
3% (create caliphate) of 2,660,116 is 79,803 … SO ONLY 80K people want to establish a caliphate in the UK. Nothing to worry about.
Those surveys always make me laugh. Do they really think the average Mohammad in the street is going to tell whitie with a clipboard or a mic what he really believes about the caliphate, ISIS, terrorism, jihad, sharia, homosexuality, women’s rights, apostasy, stoning, child sex, infidels, polygamy, dhimmitude, Jews, atheists, free speech, democracy, cartoons, blasphemy, Salman Rushdie, Charlie, censorsip, fatwas, Theo van Gogh, 9/11… or the many controversial teachings and pratices of islam?
They’ve had hundreds of years of Taqiya to refine their lies.
Well, well, well. The BBC have rediscovered Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe.
And the BBC’s tone is very, very different from the end of 2017 and earlier this year.
Al beeb gleefully reports that President Trump has described the ReichEU as a “Foe”.
No wonder – I wonder what Brussels will do now that they know mr Trump will campaign for a second Term . ?
How on earth is a Conservative Prime Minister using a communist to develop her plans on how we Leave the EU?
How on earth has a known communist been employed in the Civil Service?
How on earth has a known communist been allowed to be a close advisor to the UK Prime Minister?
What earth is the matter with Mrs May that she’s using a known communist to secretly develop a plan to keep us in the EU despite we, the people, voting to leave?
Is Mrs May a crypto-communist? Or do the collectivists have so much dirt on this woman and her husband that she’s in thrall to them? If so, who are the collectivists who are controlling her?
do the collectivists have so much dirt on this woman and her husband that she’s in thrall to them? If so, who are the collectivists who are controlling her?
May has been busy erasing details about her father, allegedly. He was allegedly working as an Anglo Catholic Priest for six years alongside Britain’s most notorious serial killer, Dr Bodkin Adams and later, allegedly was in a Church outfit that had an alleged reputation regarding children. Allegedly. Maybe someone knows something we can only allege.
Deputy Leader of For Britain and others issued with a Dispersal Order to leave Durham within 15 minutes for waving the Union Jack.
Well, there you are. The police are on the side of our enemies, as if we didn’t know.
When the war actually begins, I wouldn’t want to be a policeman. Or woman; I’ll never forget the attitude of that police woman who was part of the arresting gang of Tommy Robinson; she was loving it!
Saw this letter in The Sun and thought I’d share it…
“After her appalling track-record as Home Secretary, Theresa May shouldn’t have even remained in politics, let alone become prime minister. On the upside, the whole Brexit fiasco has served us very well by exposing some important truths:
1. Democracy is nothing more than an illusion. Over the past two decades, we’ve seen Blair, Brown, Cameron, Clegg, and May in Number 10. All three political parties have been in power, yet the outcome has always been the same – more lies, more betrayal, more taxes, and more immigration. Regardless of how we vote, the UK government answers only to its globalist masters i.e. the Bilderberg ‘elite’. No plans about how we’d leave the EU were even made! That says it all.
2. The mainstream media (particularly the BBC) cannot be trusted. Everything from the news, to ‘entertainment’, to childrens’ television is now heavily laced with political propaganda, pushing a strong left-wing agenda. Online media sources such as Facebook and Twitter have also followed suit, silencing and banning anybody who’s opinion doesn’t fit the narrative. (Oh, and the police are actively involved too).
3. Despite claiming to be all about tolerance, equality, fairness and peace, socialist ‘lefties’ are in fact some of the most intolerant, discriminatory, subversive and hateful people you will ever meet. It’s no coincidence that the Fabian Society (upon which the Labour Party was built) depicts a wolf in sheep’s clothing above its motto “Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire” – meaning to destroy our culture and values, and rebuild them according to socialist ideology.
In summary, Brexit has pulled back the curtain, and we can now see the truth for ourselves. The political class has nothing but contempt for us. Our votes count for nothing. Our country isn’t ours. Honest hard-working taxpayers have been betrayed. The graves of our war heroes have been trampled on, and the name ‘Great Britain’ now seems more ironic with each passing day. Are we going to be remembered as the generation who allowed this to happen?”
Cassandra, that’s spot on. We know it. They know it. And now they know we know it and that’s why they are shit scared. It’s also why we can’t afford to lose because if we do, these bastards will crush us.
Remember Wat Tyler and his friends. We surely won’t be fooled again. Will we?
”After her appalling track-record as Home Secretary,”
She did exactly as instructed- keep immigration at record levels whilst playing the hapless, ineffectual halfwit.
No wonder she was promoted to PM for the Brexit Sting.
Sure everyone can see our democracy has been torpedoed;
but most just don’t care.
It’s Martin Niemoller all over:
First they came for the Boaty McBoatface, and I did not speak out—
Because I’ve got no sense of fun.
Then they came for Brexit, and I did not speak out—
Because I’ve got a Polish cleaning lady.
Then they came for me—
and there was no one left to speak for me.
“no one left to speak for me”
Yes! Vote UKIP instead.
First they came for the quislings, and I did not speak out-
Because I wasn’t a quisling.
Then they came for the bilderbergers, and I did not speak out-
Because I wasn’t a bilderberger.
Then they came for the soros hirelings, and I did not speak out-
Because I wasn’t a soros hireling.
Then the stopped coming because the problems were solved.
I’d sooner see Corbyn in Number 10 than allow this Conservative shower to remain in power.
Devious, lying sods.
I agree with your last few words, Sentry, but think on this: Home secretary: Diane Abbott, Foreign Sec: Emily Thornberry…
I could go on, but it’s painful.
Seems we are stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea.
We won’t get Corbyn because the Labour Europhiles are already planning another coup.
Be brave, Corbyn will never be PM even if he wins the election. It is the way of Trots to implode. UKIP could then fill the gap.
Vote UKIP .
The establishment control the media, they won’t allow Ukip to have its voice Taffman.
Mind you I’m still a Ukipper, no change there.
There are many Tories on this site who moan about the Tories but will still vote for them come the election.
If there is no Ukip candidate in my area I would rather spoil my vote if Treason May is the leader.
If Labour win the next election, that would strengthen Ukip.
Maybe that is the only way forward. Things need to get even worse before they get better.
The media has lost the battle of propaganda to the internet. Vote UKIP and tell your mates.
The Battle of Britain has began………..
‘Vote UKIP and tell your mates.’
Of course I do
They are mostly Tory voters yet agree with Ukip policy yet detest Remainer Tories and politically correct Muslim loving May. Weird.
Grassroots Tory voters are not the same as Tory MPs.
I think that the MPs will be finding this out shortly?
Island: You’ve made me wonder. I’ve often reflected on K. S. popping up there. However, there are at least two boxes he doesn’t tick. I know little about him, but I get a sort of Tony Blair feeling when I look at and listen to him…
Your best guess is who?
I don’t think KS wants the job – he prefers to direct from the shadows and has more lucrative plans for himself – so it will be one of his acolytes. Of course a lot depends on the timing.
KS is a real woodentop. Not inspiring, I am glad to say. Ummunna is a condescending creep. There may be somebody who is o.k. but he/she, by definition, won’t be allowed to get far.
Dover Sentry
Why not vote UKIP instead.
If Corbyn enters Number 10 then I leave this country. It is simple as that!
I heard that there will be significant events this week.
There are those who say…
It has been said…
The BBC has learned…. (love that one!)
Many people feel…
Reports are coming in that indicate…
There are concerns that…
The BBC. Biased to the core and beyond.
Is payment compulsory? 🙂
Was it only December 2017 when Doreen Tipton gave us this insight?
My goodness ! she really is brilliant .
The government tell us what to do when in reality we should be telling them what to do. The tail is wagging the dog. …………
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Tory voters know that Mrs May is a Remainer.
“Where’s mi puddin’?”
Was Junker really filmed drunk recently ? I have not seen any report about it on Al Beeb ?
they say either it was just sciatica or they sciatica drugs have a strong reaction with alcohol.
hard to imagine his mind is any fitter
Good grief !
On Al Beeb ?
ah Today’s trailers giver the new Ed Ball series a new title : Travels in Trumpland
Both Countryfile and Antique Roadshow ended with a screen like this
*Unsrcipted Production department, must be a BBC buzzword.
Both shows have scripts .. scripts which have been carefully constructed to build narrative
.. but they must be different from drama/soaps …they could call the section “Non-drama “
I understand Al Beeb is reporting that Greening is calling for a second referendum with a choice of three options?
We all know what that would mean.
It will be the biggest con this century.
Who is she trying to kid ?
i guess many leavers would boycott it?
Ooooooh looky here, she wants 3 options!
Accept PMs white paper proposal…30.3%
Leave with No Deal…34.8%
Stay in the EU…34.9%
bBBC ‘clear mandate to remain’ despite 65.1% voting for leave options. Divide and rule, split your opponents vote. Do you think we are all fucking stupid, Justine?
1. Leave The EU
2. Depart From The EU
3. Withdraw From The EU
78 year-old Greek shoots refugee who tries to burgle him
“Last week, a 78 year-old Greek man was arrested by police for shooting at a 16-year-old Syrian refugee with a shotgun, hitting his head and legs.
According to the Greek news outlet Lesvosnews, the Greek man admitted that he shot at the refugee upon confronting him inside his property. He thought the refugee was attempting to burgle his property. He stated clearly, however, that he had no intention to kill him.
The family of the refugee claim they forced their way into the old man’s property to get away from a mass fight between Afghans and Arabs to protect themselves. The fight occurred inside the nearby refugee camp of Moria.
The 78-year-old Greek man has repeatedly been a victim of migrant burglary in the past. During the trial, a large crowd of local residents gathered outside the courthouse in support of the elderly man. The head of the local community of Moria, Mr Nikos Trakellis was among them.
An earlier report that a Mr. Trakelis had started a hunger strike in protest of migrant crime outside of the Aegean and Island Policy General Secretariat. During his protest, he warned the Greek government that the residents are ready to take the law into their own hands, because they feel abandoned.
A reaction such as this was expected to happen sooner or later. It was only a matter of time that such an event would occur. Only the leftist Greek government turns a blind eye to migrant crime, which clearly upsets the local communities.”
Lucy, it’s hard not to feel for the ordinary Greeks, they’ve been through absolute shit with a series of corrupt governments, and sanctions from the EU, and really are trapped between a rock and a hard place – the EU’s ‘forgotten’ people dump.
According to the BBC reporter outside Blenheim Palace, the protesters weren’t your normal protesters, they were sophisticated west of London quiet people respectably registering their objection to Trump. You have to laugh, where do they find these people.
One couldn’t help but notice how the BBC acted as the prime Rabble-rouser before, during and after the pointless Trump march and even had the protester’s gathering spot outside Broadcasting House, make of that what you will.