Our beloved al beeb is in full anti President Trump mode . It gave up any pretence of neutrality ages ago and just rants in an unfocused group think way .
At times like this it is easier than normal to evidence the bias so please do….
Our beloved al beeb is in full anti President Trump mode . It gave up any pretence of neutrality ages ago and just rants in an unfocused group think way .
At times like this it is easier than normal to evidence the bias so please do….
What do people mean when they say “in terms”?
Is he quite sure he didn’t order the attack himself? We old people do get confuses at times.
“You may not have that (Union Jack) on there (Field to Celebrate Miners) because I am not prepared to police a riot.” @0:30
MP on news now claims we can count
… Leavers who support frictionless EU trade
+ Original Remainer voters
…. and thus say a majority support SOFT BREXIT
Well look at Remainer voter Piers Morgan who asserts that if there is a soft Brexit that is a betrayal and London will get burnt down.
It is wrong to count all Remainer voters as Soft Brexit people