As President Trump leaves the political mess of Britain we come to the week where we find out whether conservative politicians put country or party first . Al beeb will fuel the fire for their own benefit and we are here to watch and record .
Start the Week Open Thread 16th July 2018
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fuck twitter
Immigration to the UK is still soaring so BBC chap Danny Shaw talks about EU migration as his distraction headline.
The BBC prototype for this distraction technique was of course the BBC payroll revelations. Forget the gross over-pay for presenters and concentrate the public’s mind on the so-called gender pay gap.
Non-EU immigration is ever-rising. Our Danny cites reasons of ‘work’ of ‘study’ and something he terms ‘family reasons’.
The reality here is that when the resident immigrant population reaches a certain critical mass whilst their ties to home are maintained then further inward immigration is unstoppable. Afterall, it would be a terrible thing not to allow a cross-border marriage or allow a family to bring in their elderly grandparent, or two, right?
The horse has bolted. We know who it was who left the stable door open but there’s no come back.
The reality is that with our present porous borders people will still come up until the point is reached that there is no relative advantage between living in the West and living in the rest of the world.
It’s not a very bright future prospect, is it?
Afterall, it would be a terrible thing not to allow a cross-border marriage or allow a family to bring in their elderly grandparent, or two, right?
Absolutely. One effect of mass migration has been to split up families and it is only right that priority is placed into fixing this grave humanitarian problem. Surely the best option would be a well financed family reunification programme, whereby unhappy migrants could be returned to the countries of origin without prejudice? This would be an alternative to the misery caused when elderly grandparents and previously unknown spouses are uprooted from their homelands and transferred to cold, racist, unfamiliar Britain, plus allow people to rediscover their culture. Transport would be provided free of charge, with costs met by cancelling the foreign aid programme. Even if the all-in cost of relocation was £50K per head – including compensation to the BBC for lost TV license revenue – the foreign aid budget would allow for 280,000 unhappy souls every year to regain their happiness in a more familiar environment. It would be a great boost for the airline industry, too. You would have to have a heart of stone not to support such a generous, well-meaning programme.
Last night, after the world cup final, the BBC went into the streets of Paris, the message was universal – these streets that have seen violence and hostility and attacks, everyone is now united in joy, happy, happy, happy.
Looking at the News / Europe webpage, nothing to contradict that message –
But, looking at the ‘sport’ page, we get :
Nothing like the reality though – 500 people arrested, 845 cars destroyed, journalists beaten, shops looted and destroyed. None of this merits a line in the ‘news’.
Where are the Trey Gowdys, the Bob Goodlattes, the Ron Pauls in our state apparatus who disagree with the bead things that are being done to our country and who have the courage, intelligence and expertise to stop it?
If we haven’t people of this calibre, then we’re stuffed. If we have them, they had better step up to the mark because they are needed and time is rapidly running out.
Keep voting until the EU and the BBC get what they want eh?
The political elite have lost all contact with the public, they maybe still think that we`d trust them to give us a free and fair vote.
We now know that democracy is finished-they tried to rope in extra millions to get the vote they wanted in 2016. Remember when there weren`t enough youngsters on the electoral roll?
Tower Hamlets? Newham?
They can no longer guarantee a free and fair election any longer, Blair put the horsemeat into the foodchain way back-and like Foot and Mouth scandal of 2001, it`s too late to trust them any more.
Soros would fiddle his win this time, None of us would trust the elite to be honest any more. Which is why we`ve got to go, hard and cols as possible. If Greive and Soubry aren`t committing suicide next March 30th, chances are we`ve failed.
Blatant sexist feminist leftism on BBC Question time (as usual):
Deep linking just doesn’t work with iplayer on desktop ffs to you have to click on the time bar!
This is trivial stuff to be fair its just that it isn’t fair. Women can say these things and be like this on mainstream media and get away with it. If it was a white man saying it he would be crucified. Sexism against white men has become normalised in the media. It will be against black men next, and muslim men, and immigrant men so guys if youre listening you know whats coming 🙂
Gina Miller promoting negative gender stereotypes: 43m36s
“On a human level we must all admit, whatever you think idealogically or whatever, I have no idea how she[T. May] is still there because this is somebody who has type one diabetes putting up with all this stress with these MEN ALL AROUND HER PLAYING POWER GAMES ALL THE TIME”
Claire Perry MP strange altercation with Piers Morgan: 23m9s
There seems to be some variation in the number of eu people coming to Blighty in 2017. After deducting people leaving I heard to be ‘only 280000’ – so that alright because it’s less than the years before . Al beeb people sounded quite chipper about this state of affairs . Maybe it counts the new tv licences .
But that is a hell of a lot of people and I doubt they are all brain surgeons or much loved bankers
On farming today some farmer type woman was moaning that she couldn’t get the staff to pick her fruit and if she put up wages people wouldn’t stick around for long . I nearly cried – why should I be interested in capital v labour demands and whether this person makes a profit or not . The market is there to sort that out and I wouldn’t want to live in the sticks surrounded by Eastern European guest workers just so that a farmer can make money.
“if she put up wages people wouldn’t stick around for long ”
how does that one work
Well Kaiser
She said that as soon as they had enough pay they’d clear off ( to Dundee ) if I remember and not come back . I thought it strange because when I was a kid doing paper and milk rounds I’d work my bits off for a few bob . Maybe ReichEU guest workers and other labourers are more choosy .
Why no ask prisoners to do it for cash methinks ?
I am not conversant with current UKIP policy. If it does not include collecting zillions from Amazon and Co,
it must. Ditto all other “avoidance” activity. The old, about to expire, parties have done SFA about this
when a class of ten year old school children could suggest ten ways of doing it in half an hour.
UKIP policy must be instant merciless destruction of gravy-train quangos.
Government “donations” to pseudo-charities must cease instantly, charitable status must be withdrawn from Oxfam and similar “charities” who perform no UK charitable work.
Slash foreign aid.
Dismiss senior civil servants without pensions, UKIP appointees are required.
Junior civil servants must sign modified contracts, I suggest all are made part of the Ministry of Defence and
subject to military law. Shoot the next ten civil servants who leave an unencrypted laptop in a gay bar (court-martial etc. optional). Pour encourager les autres.
Divert the Thames through the House of Commons.
Time to put some pressure on the traitors.
Phase one.
As individuals.
Stop paying Council tax.
Stop paying TV licence, not that many on this site currently do.
Stop paying for utilities, water, gas, electricity, phone.
As businesses
Stop paying all income/corporation tax.
Withold PAYE collected from employees.
Withold VAT payments.
Anything else I have forgotten.
Restart payments when we have left the EU WITHOUT paying ANY exit fee.
Great post LCS.
We are either serious about our democratic vote getting negated or castrated-or we are not.
Even the briefest nod to England and its history shows that we will be violent if our expressed will is turned over, or we are lied to by traitors, anti-democrats or foreign agents.
This now means all those who benefit financially from keeping us a captive vassal state of the EUSSR.
We need to make history, a good start would be getting Tommy elected from his prison cell-FFS, even the IRA managed that with Bobby Sands, we need all hands to UKIP and to get Batten and Farage etc to do this.
They are either going to be our Five Star, or our tired golf club bores-really hope they choose to be the TRUE rebels , Nasty Party Bastards that we demand.
Are they serious or not?…and your list is a great start LCS.
Essential that Batten & Farage co-operate. NO INFIGHTING ALLOWED.
Killing the Conservative and Labour parties is the goal, this is probably the best opportunity to achieve it.
Suggest UKIP obtain funds from anti EU parties currently in the EU with an undertaking that when UKIP
Form a Government we return the favour. This will antagonise the Eurocrats but who cares, this is life or death. To the EU.
I agree. Gerard Batten is an excellent guy and would not want to see him pushed aside because Nigel wanted to back in.
I love Nigel but we need an army of fighters not just one so let’s not sacrifice Gerard.
Remember the poll tax riots?
When did we all go soft?
The poll tax riots were mainly students being forced to pay something that they hadn’t previously needed to pay. A tear up for them, was a day out of college.
The supporters of Brexit are mostly responsible tax paying individuals with jobs who can’t afford to risk them with mindless destruction and violence.
I particularly like part about diverting the Thames. 😉
When the water flows back into the Thames downstream it will be more polluted and contaminated.
No taxation without representation after all.
Forgotten, LCS?
Yes, if people have everything they need, clothing & domestic-wise, then fill up the car with fuel and the spare can, too, and be prepared to walk, cycle & use public transport when it runs out or stay at home and relax.
VAT is used to fund the EU.
It is collected on a monthly basis. If we avoided buying anything VATable for three to four months, HM Treasury might just be getting a little worried at the end of that time. After seven months they will be seriously rattled and measures would have to be taken.
Just doing that is enough to cause problems. The advantage is that it has no real consequences to the protestor – no damage to the Credit Record, no Court appearances for non-payment, no fines. If you withhold Council Tax it may also make life difficult for schools and old peoples homes. If you do not pay gas and electricity providers you may be cut off. Water supply is slightly different.
A Consumer Strike may have consequences for retailers but is the best action to take. Just think: no sugar eating or drinking for four months. A fantastic test of this crazy notion that we are all sugared up to the eyeballs. You may lose weight, might become fitter and healthier and may even live longer. Extra revenge!
A Consumer Strike is entirely legal otherwise I would not be suggesting it here. Please note that. So is giving up TV and not having to pay the Licence Fee.
It is important that we do not encourage law breaking or advocate any legally sanctionable activity on here.
Thank you for your considered response to my suggestions.
Suggestions which began “Phase one.”
There is a “Phase two”.
It isn’t BBC bias, but then again the media are becoming increasingly inseparable on this. Did anyone catch Steve Bannon on Nigel Farage’s LBC programme yesterday? I didn’t, but noted that Nick Ferrari and Theo Usherwood were out to get Bannon this morning.
Apparently Bannon swore at Usherwood after the broadcast and this was replayed on Ferrari’s show ad nauseam this morning. The microphones were thought to be switched off but lo, and behold: they weren’t, so the episode could now be played back. Not that I could understand a word with all the bleeps inserted.
One problem, apparently. Usherwood seems to have broken an agreement.
From the clips of the actual show that were played, it was clear from the tone of voice that Usherwood wasn’t a disinterested observer but very much had an axe to grind. Which gets me back to the question of who may have heard the original broadcast. Usherwood produced a quote from Tommy Robinson to the effect that all Muslims were to blame, thus proving his anti-Muslim “racism”. Does anyone who heard it know if the quote is accurate and if so the context in which it was said?
I had the strongest feeling of a set-up here and wonder what Nigel will think of it. Are they trying to force him out of LBC?
Bannon did a good job on usherwood , why this berk was in room I dont know.
He accused Bannon of only taking soft interviews and was frankly shot down and spat on and carried on simply interrupting and trying to point score
check out the clips of the interview with userwood looking like he wants to explode lmao
The whole NF show (audio) here – until it gets removed from youtube of course.
The Tommy questions start at about 1:17:00.
Usherwood gets all panicky towards the end of the show when he realises he hasn’t been flying the SJW anti-Trump flag convincingly enough.
It’s Laryngitis Time on BBC Radio 4 again. That endless 1.45pm R4 tribute (yawn) to the NHS (hooray!) has finished. Now, having done health, we are in pursuit of happiness. We are skipping wealth because the BBC has nicked it all for their Execs & ‘talent’ pay via the BBC-enriching TV Licence Fee.
Leo Johnson gets all sotto voce and laryngeal when he’s with that strange Timandra Harkness woman. Now he’s doing it again at 1.45pm, all this week, in ‘The Perfect Life’.
Trouble is, when a radio presenter does that sort of thing with the voice, the needle of my Bullshit Meter whangs over into the yellow and orange sectors and quivers between them. I’m sure it is threatening to jump into the red sector and stay jammed against the stop there.
BBC website headline ‘EU immigration to UK lowest for four years’. Clear subtext- Brexit doom and gloom scaremongering.
A truly unbiased broadcaster might have an alternative headline, ‘ why is non EU immigration at an all time high’.
Two issues here, intertwined.
One is the obvious BBC open door immigration, anti Brexit bias.
The other is the utterly useless Home Office, unfit for purpose for at least 10 years, pursuing its own open door immigration policy, and totally unchallenged.
“Civil Service employment continues to rise in Wales
On 31 March 2017, there were 332,800 Civil Service employees in England, 43,220 in Scotland, 32,440 in Wales and 3,760 in Northern Ireland.
The number of civil servants increased in Wales by 4.1%, in Northern Ireland by 6.7% and in Scotland by 0.4%. The number of civil servants employed overseas increased by 0.3%. Wales is the only country that showed an increase for both 2016 and 2017.
The number of civil servants employed in England decreased by 0.4%, falling by 1,190 from 333,990 to 332,800. Six of the nine English regions showed a decrease. The largest decreases were in the East of England (720; 3.2%) and the South East (860; 2.2%). Employment increased in the North East (by 480; 1.7%), the North West (by 410; 0.8%) and Yorkshire and The Humber (by 20; 0.1%).
The region with the highest number of civil servants was London with 78,070 (18.6%) employees. The lowest was the East Midlands (excluding Northern Ireland and Overseas) with 19,260 (4.6%); this is shown in Figure 6.”
Average of 11.6% of ethnic Civil Servants in London? More like 70% of the total if my observations are anything to go by.
Which accounts for your last sentence: the ethnics are ‘marking their own homework’ I have no doubt……………..
Interesting stat, G, thanks. Think in rUK, Dave & GO (together with the LimpDims) managed to reduce Blair & Browns ‘nearly one in four’ back to the old Major govt. ‘just over one in six’ by the time of 2015 GE. Mind you, they – and their successors – are still having to put up with all the flak over so-called ‘Austerity’ and ‘Cuts, cuts, CUTS!’ and ‘Tory Cuts’. In addition, devolved Parliaments can no doubt hire a certain number without reference to Westminster.
Meanwhile, the 1%, the 5% and the 10% (including all MPs, Peers and Civil Servants) have never had it so good.
The BBC TV News report of this is truly confused. They report EU citizens that are going back to their home country, a totally normal and common thing to happen, as “emigrating”. Now they have an EU family on that would be unaffected by Brexit, however it is reported emotively as if they need to leave for some undisclosed reason and neglect to say exactly why they are returning home or why any of them are returning home. It is emotively stated later that the “uncertainty” is “too much” !? Then it goes on to say that more EU migrants are entering than leaving LOL, more than even the governments targets! The report winds up with the conclusion that immigration is broadly stable! Headline news indeed
“The report winds up with the conclusion that immigration is broadly stable!”
That old political trick: “The good news is that your basement is filling with water at the same rate as yesterday!” (Yes but now the groundfloor carpets are sodden and the downstairs ring main has tripped). [Today’s ‘stable’ immigration adds to yesterday’s; yesterday’s immigrants haven’t gone home].
A little late to report, but on the BBC Sport Tennis HYS its fair to say that a. Writers were not holding back on the ‘equal pay for unequal work’ issue of the men (5 set marathons) v women (1 hour doss) matches at Wimbledon and b. Writers were not slow either to note the BBC’s love-fest with Serena Williams. An undoubtedly fine player but who…….errr………just happens to be black.
It was all rather gratifying.
Times : BBC overturns male Wimbledon bias with devotion to Serena Williams
\\ On its Wimbledon highlights programme this year almost 80 per cent of the coverage was of women’s matches.
Today at Wimbledon dedicated 2 hours and 45 minutes to clips of women’s matches
… and 38 minutes to men’s matches over the tournament, excluding finals weekend.
This covered periods of extended play with official commentary and not analysis, montages or sequences, which made up a large part of the programme.
More than half the in-depth coverage of women’s tennis during the first week was dedicated to Serena Williams. even though 112 women’s matches involving many players had been played.
.. Garbiñe Muguruza, the defending champion, did not feature at all and Angelique Kerber, the 11th seed who went on to win, was not showcased until the second week.
The focus on the women’s tournament is a turnaround from 2015 when the BBC Trust, the corporation’s governing body, investigated claims that more than 75 per cent of its coverage in the first week of Wimbledon was of men’s matches. //
Stew, did you know Serena has had a baby?
I’m getting so tired of hearing the endless ‘can’t have it all’ argument that the Beeb have been spouting since the night of the referendum result. I so wish someone would step up to the Beeb and say ‘why can’t we have it all?’.
Why don’t we start with wanting absolutely everything and only give up on things begrudgingly and when incentivised to. This endless defeatist attitude of can’t have our cake is exactly what is getting us a deal (if you can call it that) that no one is happy with.
And the Beeb has to take a big responsibility for this. In an act that could constitute a form of treachery they constantly pushed the narrative that we shouldn’t expect anything, that we are inferior in the negotiations and that we should take whatever crumbs the EU deign to give us. They have framed this mood and mindset that we can’t have or even hope for something beneficial to us.
They are the town criers for a disadvantaged punishment deal that they fully believe we deserve. Goddam traitors!
The EU is not an island, it has to engage with countries around the world in terms of trade, finance, posts, telecomms, air travel, sea travel, passports, time zones, ISO standards etc. It is certainly not self-sufficient.
Remarkably it can do all these things without forming political unions or charging (illegal) market access fees.
We voted to leave the political union and by implication to stop paying the union membership fee. That is the basis to start from.
The EU’s own treaties require it to establish good relations with its neighbours. We are waiting for that hand of friendship.
I agree. And let’s not forget the following bit from their latest treaty, which said:
Article 3
5. In its relations with the wider world, THE UNION SHALL uphold and promote its values and interests and contribute to the protection of its citizens. IT SHALL CONTRIBUTE TO peace, security, the sustainable development of the Earth, solidarity and mutual respect among peoples, FREE AND FAIR TRADE, eradication of poverty and the protection of human rights, in particular the rights of the child, as well as to the strict observance and the development of international law, including respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter.
So the very treaty that we signed contains the very statement that we are arguing about. I used this argument time and again during the referendum by why has no negotiator thrown this paragraph back at the EU?
The EU advocates promoting Free and Fair trade, so let’s have some of it without the endless jumping through hoops, unless of course the EU wants to admit that what they write in their treaties is complete and utter bollocks…
There is also a section that states every member has the right to leave and there is a process to do so (not exact words, but near enough)
However this doesn’t appear true and I have yet to see a process that was already there – it has been made up after we said we wanted to leave..I have pointed this out to Remainers but most of them haven’t read anything..
Ive said it before and I’ll say it again.
What on Earth is the point of having a cake if not to eat it!
So Amol/BBC you see the rise of Trump/Brexit/Orban etc. as The Decline of the West
Tonight 8pm R4
#Ironically : Of course that is on at 8pm when you will be watching the new Nadiya Show
which has the same title as her new book
\\ Overnight, Hussain became a new kind of role model. She was young, modern, British and also a hijab-wearing Muslim woman of colour who grew up one of six children in a working-class Bangladeshi community in Luton and had an arranged marriage at the age of 20. On screen, she was an infectiously warm presence, and a move into presenting seemed the natural progression. Since then, she’s fronted several food programmes, including a BBC2 series last year called Nadiya’s British Food Adventure, and was chosen to bake the Queen’s 90th birthday cake. She’s also got a novel and five cookbooks to her name. //
BTW She grew up in her father’s restaurant, so that must have given her a head start.
No thanks.
A ‘British’ cook that doesn’t use lard is like a French chef that doesn’t use butter.
Look in the index .. she has a BACON dish. Bacon is Haram … this book is Haram.
I don’t see how “modern” and “hijab-wearing Muslim” / “arranged marriage at the age of 20” / Woman stuck in the kitchen – go together. modern how?
Also, “woman of colour” as opposed to what? Colourless woman? Is it coz she iznt black? What’s it feel like to be used? Good luck to her to be fair
“one of six children in a working-class Bangladeshi community in Luton.”
And yet they describe her earlier as ‘British.’ How many from that community define themselves as ‘British’ I wonder – or are actually ‘working.’!!
When Bannon was on GMB last week the repulsive Susanna Reid kept referring to ‘Muslim Americans’. This to me implies American first, Muslim second.
We never hear the phrase ‘Muslim Britons’ though – it’s always ‘British Muslims’.
Heard it, hopeless really.
Sounds like Gary Bellamy from “Down The Line”, good comedy of old.
Amol says that Spengler was an “arch conservative”.
In my opinion he was a green visionary, lots on the Green movement used to think the same.
Rajah seemed quick to blame the west, but gave the Chinese and Pakistanis, Indians and Africa-as well as the whole sorry saga of Communism , a free pass.
Douglas sounded down, hope he`s OK. Needs Jesus or some religious purpose-if not a nice girlfriend.
If only,
this afternoon i have emailed my mp who is a brexiter and seems a decent man but i had to let him know of my feelings. i told him we resent being sold down the river and that if teresa may is still pm when its time for our vote that i would be voting ukip and would never vote for the tories again. Amonst other things i said nothing will get better untill we have a proper pm who cares for this country like mr rees mog. i just wanted to let him know how his constituants are feeling. i was suprised that within 4 minutes i received a reply from him stating he is doing his best to try to ajust the situation and i appreciate that. so i would suggest you all just send your mp a quick email with your views of the way we are being sold down the river and that if things dont change your vote is at risk. it just might make them sit up and vote differently.
I did and 5 days later got an email obviously written by Barwell, Olly Roberts or Blair for all I know telling me how wonderful the whitepaper is in delivering the brexit we voted for.
I also sent messages to all the MPs who have resigned from Government on principle thanking them. Didn’t expect it, not being a constituent, but got two thank yous back.
I’ve never written a letter to my MP before, but inspired by you Cromwell I fired one off this afternoon. My MP is a Remainer, but in essence I re-iterated your comments, so I now await a reply.
I sent one about Muslim jihadi rape gangs….I’m not wasting any more of my time.
cromwell, I’ve just taken your advice and emailed my mp who is Suella Braverman, Parliamentary Under-Secretary in the Department for Exiting the European Union. She used to be an avid brexit cheerleader but has chosen career over ethics. I look forward to her reply.
“Model knifed to death in row over girl.”
We must have a judge lead an inquiry into such institutional/cultural violence – we are not talking a single incident here like with Stephen Lawrence but a neverending cycle which disproportionately affects minorities. We need 24/7 media outrage but of course there is none as here there is nobody hideously white to blame.
The silence from the SJWs is deafening. They have reporters all over Alan Sugar tweeting something ‘racist’ but nothing about the regressive cultural values which are fuelling this epidemic of violence.
It is like that old trope of a robot being told something paradoxical which it cannot compute so it shuts down. When a designated victim group turns oppressor the SJWs simply cannot function and the issue is memory holed. It is how tragedies like Rotherham can happen.
Piers Morgan vs the Guardian
That is one of these fights where you hope they both lose.
Facts are sacred, well sacredish.
CP Scott must be rotating in his grave at 10,000 rpm.
CC, you’re in propaganda, the Guardian stopped doing journalism when God’s dog was a puppy.
The 28-year-old become one of the millions of refugees who migrated to Europe following the turmoil in Syria.
He was featured in a BBC Two documentary in 2015 which captured the migration crisis from the perspective of the refugees themselves.
Ahmad left Syria in 2013 and finally settled in England in 2015
After being granted asylum in the UK, Ahmad was joined by his daughters who are just two and four years old. They now live in Greater London, where he works.
– Summary: man leaves daughters to die in Syria, then expects new country to collect them. Which countries did he pass through and who paid for his human trafficking experience?
“…..Left Syria in 2013 and finally settled in England in 2015.” Daughters “…who are (current tense) of 2 and 4? Artificial insemination no doubt……………. Who paid for that?
he’s been nipping back home, booty call. Got residency so time to make a family and import them lol, was it only the “new” kids that came over I wonder. What about the woman who was clearly involved, no mention of a wife, are they even his kids?
Anybody able to tell me why Marks and Spencers-and other fashion outlets-get blamed by the BBC for loads of clothes going to landfill? But the fashion industry isn`t even mentioned, let alone the sweat shop manufacturers. Not once.
You and Yours as ever bashing business, but letting the glamour lefty arts forces that fuel this waste off the hook as usual.
The BBC reverse the polarity when it comes to drugs-refusing to blame the shop floor dealers, criminals and suppliers locally, but blaming the Big Cartels who employ the mules and gangs.
Whose rules are these then, why do we let the BBC off with their double minded standards? And there`s more.
Why are civil partnerships not automatically backed for heterosexuals by the BBC as an equal rights issue?
Why do male tennis players play 75% of the only tennis worth watching at Wimbledon, but get no more pay that the fops and bums and tums waddlings of wimminz tennis?
Why are air miles and global warming never get mentioned by the BBC when they`re jetting around football matches in Russia, or trailing Trump around the place as if they`d have anything useful to add to his Tweets?
Whose standards are all this lot? Why don`t we call the BBC out on their hypocrisy? And why do they get to decide what is news and what is not-all they`re saying has been bogus and fake since Blair in 1997.
This, again, highlights the problem when you employ foreigners.
Having been accompanied once by a foreign gentleman in Saudi who appeared to speak good English, on one memorable occasion, I passed him an object saying, “Here, stick that in a (particular) drawer”. Some days later, I found the object ‘stuck’ yes, stuck to the bottom of the drawer…………….. Figure that one out.
I forgot the one about a resin. ‘Put the contents of tin A into the mixer then add tin B’. You can work the rest (noisy) out.
“bogus and fake since Blair in 1997”?
As an old time I can assure you it was like that decades earlier.
Only now they have the resources and computing power to do it 24/7/365.
Doh it’s already unfair that there are hereditary peers
so it’s not a human rights improvement if the daughters of peers win their court case to be able to inherit the privilege .
… Kensington world problem
I rather enjoy the fact that the hereditary peers in the House of Lords are the only ones who have been elected.
And the old system, ‘accidents of birth’ was even more democratic as you never knew exactly what you would get until the Grim Reaper had his say on the generation above.
Man (or woman) of the people or a total rogue or a patrician carer or a skilled manager or a hopeless dreamer or a tough exploiter or a liberal and/or generous waster.
UK non-transparent justice
\\ A growing number of fraud and bribery cases are being tried in secret and risk harming justice, according to watchdog group Corruption Watch.
Most foreign bribery cases that have come to court in the past two years have been subject to reporting restrictions, the group said.
It also claims the Serious Fraud Office has been prevented from publicising two major corporate convictions due to court restrictions. //
screenshot of Times
Wednesday BBC2 Gardeners’ World
HRH addresses the nation
\\ Viewers must forgive the schedulers for uprooting their favourite programme from its regular Friday spot as it’s a very special edition.
The Prince of Wales has invited Adam Frost to Highgrove to talk trees.
… discuss the issue of biosecurity, an issues which could have a big effect on our gardens and landscapes //
Bet he’ll bang on about Climate Change
About the immigration numbers.
A man gets into England and manages to get permission to stay from the do gooders on whichever panel decides his future here.
He then gets his wife permission to come here.
They then get permission for their four children to live here.
Their parents are then allowed to come, all four and possibly the grandparents, maybe eight.
They all have brothers and sisters who must come as part of not splitting a family apart.
All the brothers and sisters now get permission for their children and their spouses families.
All these families have relations which can now be sent for to prevent splitting families up.
And so it goes on.
You know about the question, put 1 grain of rice on the first square of a chessboard, 2 on the next, 4 the next then 8 and so on.
It works similarly with immigrants, after all, we’re all related in the end.
I’ve been wondering whether we Brexiteers have -in part- been barking up the wrong tree. Equating leaving with control of borders, I mean. Look at immigration statistics. More people from outside EU, as always. Look at world demographics.
Europe is not where people will be coming from, other than in transit.
Once we have left, (if it ever happens) will things change, I wonder? Will politicians ever do anything other than sell out? Is it about EU membership only, or is it cos we have Home Secretaries like May, Rudd, Javid? (Or both!)
Any thoughts?
Real Europeneans should be welcomed. Third world illegal migrants without useful skills and qualifications, not.
True, Vlad.
My question kinda remains.
Who will ensure that sorting out happens?
How do so many people, not from EU, get in?
Someone is not enforcing?
And those who should aren’t being sorted out by politicians?
Where the buck supposedly stops, cos that’s why we vote in the first instance?
Our namby-pamby politicians have had an easy life sitting back claiming exorbitant expenses and letting Brussels run the country and now there is the prospect of having to do some actual work and take on real responsibility they are shitting it.
Begin by dumping the House of Lords.
GB is overpopulated as it is. Housing shortage, Hospital shortage, School shortage etc etc.
Good bye England’s green and pleasant land.
Get out of Europe regain sovereignty and adopt Australian immigration rules.
The Tories have let us down yet again !
Vote UKIP . You know it makes sense .
Agreed, Taffman. However, Australian immigration laws require politicians with guts to set up. Do we have any of those?
A national broadcaster who would support setting up those laws, rather than hysterically screaming about them (anticipated) would also help.
The whole political system has failed the UK.
Libs Labs and Cons are one and the same. Parliament is staged, Only a new party can change things.
They will will get rid of Al Beeb as a bonus.
Can’t see anything changing regarding non EU immigration. No discussion allowed, it is racist.
The Polish community where I live have set up a Saturday school to teach the Polish language, culture, traditions, etc. to their British born children. Apparently it is over subscribed. They don’t seem too positive about the future here. Take the money and run.
fnw, the immigration thing breaks into two. Security and Provision. Forgive me if I lapse into ‘mansplaining’ or the teaching of Granny around the hen-house outputs.
It was the first, Security, that ended pretty-much free for all immigration into the UK over a hundred years ago. WW1 did not help much either. In the modern era we have the threat of imported terrorism and that is why we must control immigration from the EU. Sadly, to the hard of thinking among the Libby and Alt-Left, that appears to be something they are prepared to risk – not just their own lives but everyone else as well.
With our democratic Social Support model economy, coupled to a limited land area with, in addition, uninhabitable areas (economically & physically) and an economy where activity is skewed toward the most populated part of the UK, it is important to control numbers from outside the EU in order to make provision of infrastructure together with the essentials for life; housing, water, heat, light, telecoms, health service, education, food supply, etc..
There are Two Ways to do that: Forecast or Predictive led or Demand led or a combination of the two. There are Three Ways to do that. Well, Four Ways, actually. Ahaah! You weren’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
You could take the modern approach that grew in the late 1990s of not really bothering at all and hoping eternal ‘unprecedented continuous economic growth’ would make us all so rich, that we wouldn’t have to think or worry about anything, it would happen automatically. Labour tended to ‘splurge supply’ on whatever would make them look good and on their favourite case du jour or divertissement required by the MSM, whenever the public had noticed and were starting to grumble, with the MSMs help, other bunglings and failures.
We had school walls falling down and asbestos leaking from ceilings despite the most money ever being spent by the DfE on buildings.
We had over one million unemployed despite that long period of continuous economic growth. Well, there was a lot of inflation in there, too, so that didn’t help with the unemployment issue but the inflation was self-inflicted.
*We had Public Sector employment rise to the highest ever level but had Labour not done that, the official unemployment numbers would have probably been over two million and there might have been serious unrest, especially every time when Brown fanfared the growth stats..
We had the lowest number of houses built and for some reason known only to them, Labour not only continued the social housing Right to Buy for tenants, they also continued the Thatcher ban on Local Authorities being allowed to reinvest proceeds in new Social Housing. A lot of the infrastructure provision was inadequate or came after the migration and after whatever houses were built. Things such as drainage, electricity generation, waste disposal, roads and rail (let alone airport expansion!) all come to mind, more if I thought harder.
That’s why it is essential in a modern economy you need to know how many people you have in the country and their level of economic activity, too. Labour completely lost control of the numbers and thought it would all work out OK somehow. The Major-led administration probably wasn’t much better.
You can do interesting sums on the back of envelopes and guesstimate the UK population. Try using UK Passport statistics, Driving Test statistics, TV Licence numbers (the BBC’s own stats), NI numbers, school numbers (tertiary education can provide data but you need to strip out overseas student numbers) Pensioner info, whatever.
Every now and then, something slips out on the BBC and you think ‘Hang on; so many with such and such’ and a few musings and scribblings later and the official number of around 65 million – on which so much planning & provision is predicated – seems to be short by at least 5 million or more.
That’s why our country exists in something of a state of perpetual inadequacy and probably why officials in the higher levels of the Civil Service love the EU. Not only can they blame Brussels for everything that is wrong here, they might get to go to Belgium or France or somewhere else on a cushy little EU number with generous pension attached and where things may be rather better organised.
*There’s something else I could mention relating to employment numbers but this is a long enough post already.
7 prison officers at a jail on the Isle of #Sheppey have been sacked for making racist comments on a WhatsApp group
others sent for diversity training.
Same jail \\ 16 Mar 2018 – Paul Golding, 36, was attacked in HMP Elmley on the Isle of Sheppey //
SIMILAR story 2017 Dec in Nottingham
\\ Prison guards suspended over sick ‘grab a Muslim’ game where they ‘kept score’ on WhatsApp group
Officers played provoking game targeting mostly black and Asian lags, with Muslims worth the most points //
“The US has known for a long time precisely what these people and their units are up to….question is why reveal it now under Trump and not Obama?”
It’s carefully timed to allow the Democrats/media to undermine Trump’s meeting with Putin. At the very least it can be used as a distraction.
The BBC will be in it to the elbows.
James Robbins and Eddie Mair seem “shocked” I tells ya, that the US Deep State is less-than-clean.
A joy to hear both Putin and Trump upsetting the right people like Robbins and Mair. How very dare they-don`t they know there are rules and Obama-style conventions to follow in respectable liberal games?
It`s as if punk is best kept with Toyah, Siouxsie Sioux, and not those horrid riff-raff like Rotten or Morrissey(of late).
Trump is a great disrupter, a perpetual stone in their Dorothy dancing shoes.
Great performance POTUS, thank you Mr Putin, just about the one last patriot between us and the Turks, Muslims way out east.
Now do you all know why Mrs May has dragged her feet for two long years and why Al Beeb have been hard at work trying to brainwash the people of the UK ?
If parliament is gridlocked by all that horrid nasty Brexit work, then why did Greening stand on that ticket in the last election? Surely if she`s incompetent, she should resign, lose her money and let Tommy stand-he`d sort them.
Parliament asked us-we told them we wanted to go-if they`re not up to it, give us 650 Brexit people then as well as a few like Gisela or Raheem-anyone who fancies their chances of making history by replacing the liberal foreskins who can`t do anything-not even sit tight and let us drop the EU, start again in April 2019.
Greening and Soubry, Rudd and Umumma-how did we end up with such a fatberg?
Excellent post, Holly, although you missed Grieve, Benn and der Starmer out.
You have an excellent point there.
It could be said that Greening proved herself to be hopeless at Education, putting the Grammar School ‘cart’ before the Technical School and Secondary School ‘horse’.
The Donald seems to have had a good day in Helsinki with Putin.
He met Kim Jong Un.
He’s met the Chinese leader.
All without too much kerfuffle.
You can almost hear the gnashing of teeth in the .bBBC newsroom
Sluff, he seems to have been welcomed in Finland. People lining the streets with cameras. No placards.
Second referendum ?
Message to so-called Tories, Alastair Campbell, Adonis and Al Beeb ……………
Watched the trump / putin press con . Sometimes I almost feel sympathy for the msm . They spend their entire careers chasing around career like minded politicians – the bubble has its collective snout in the trough
Then they come up against an American businessman and a KGB colonel who are now in charge and just can’t get it . They don’t speak or behave like the bubble so it gets afraid and reacts the way it does – hence the daily al beeb and pages of smug know it all columns in the Guardian .
Drain the damn swamp .
The BBC continue their push for equality of the sexes with:-
“Tour de France 2018: Why is there no women’s equivalent?…….simply business or blatant sexism”
What they don’t mention is the fact that woman cannot physically complete the route that the men ride because it’s simply beyond their abilities so they want a shorter course, with less stages, less mountainous and less days riding.
But they’ll still expect the same money.
The sponsors and the public have no interest whatsoever which probably means the BBC will push for full coverage to fill their ever dwindling sports calender.
The Tour de France is disgusting.
Total discrimination against wheelchair users. How are they supposed to go uphill or get across the cobbles?
And as for our transgender community – no adjustments at all.
Surely there must be some pressure groups somewhere to support these disadvantaged groups?
Sluff, it is THE Tour de Asthma, no longer the Tour de France for mostly white, West European athletes.
How much more diversity can you want?
Silly me. Tour de Asthma and Tour de Pregnancy & Giving Birth at the same time.
“Can yer ride tandem, Luv?”
Well. that’s most remarkable, and admirable. Bravo to that courageous cyclist.
Why do they insist on men and women being the same when they are not? Everyone knows that and there is no ‘victim’ here. In some respects it is great to be a man and hard being a woman and vice versa. So what? You do not get harmony if everyone plays the same note. Dualism seems to be woven into the fabric of creation, why fight it?
On average men are not attracted to masculine women and women want a powerful man who can take control and protect them – not some effeminate wussy. By trying to make men and women the same everyone suffers, so why do they fight so hard for it? They are as mad as a box of frogs.
I don’t think that there is a gender requirement for the Tour so women can enter if they want. Equality innit!
What about about a separate event just for post-op transexuals?
Call it ‘shifting gear’.
let the women raise the money organise a few teams and enter themselves I say,
no rule or course changes though.
They would all be eliminated in the first week methinks
Another London Stabbing ?
Anything on Al Beeb about it yet ?
pug, too good an opportunity to miss. If you haven’t watched already ….. enjoy!
Hat tip to AsISeeIt for posting it first: Arbeit Matt Frei interviewing Seb Gorka for Channel 4.
Dear Sebastian Gorka,
Would you like to take over the BBC ? I reckon you would be able to find a team of journalists and researchers who could give us a much fairer, balanced and realistic view of the world, as well as sticking to the facts.
Best wishes,
Beebophobic, no TV or licence for many months now.
‘Trump side’s with Russia over FBI.’
What a beauty. The BBC is so impartial it is impossible to tell what they think of Trump. And they sure gave that feckless hand-wringer Obama a hard time, I wonder if they liked him?
Do they not think that Trump might, for the sake of world peace, be trying to get on with Putin and having a go at him to his face might not conduce to a cordial conversation? He has to get by in the real world rather than finger-wagging from an ivory tower – as if you could tell off the former head of the KGB to his face, for f**k’s sake.
Trump would have won against Clinton regardless of a few Russians setting up Facebook groups or whatever. The narrative that ‘Russia’ won it for Trump is total horse shit – what did Clinton expect when she smeared half the electorate as ‘a basket of deplorables’?
One global broadcaster with colossal power openly meddled in the US election, doing everything in their power to ensure Trump lost. How is it ok for the BBC to meddle? They were an absolute disgrace in their coverage of the 2016 election.
I was think how Putin would have dealt with an academic pussy like Obama as against the brute force of President Trump . And if mainland Europe thinks America is no longer their comfort blanket so much the better .
They’ll do all they can to prevent his re election .×365.jpg
Hillary Clinton foolishly assumed that women would vote for a woman candidate. Mrs Clinton, you stuck by your philandering husband for the sake of your career, and then dared to make life miserable for some of hubby’s little bits on the side. Apparently, you were rude to White House staff. You are not as good as you think you are. Stop being such a bad loser…you and the whole liberal, globalist elite, remainers etc.
BBC News channel at 7pm are going full on world war 3 all because Trump said he had a good talk with Putin today.
First link up with a black (tick) Trump hating (tick) man said, “I would use the word ‘reckless’ “. Katy Kay then reads out a FBI (or CIA) statement saying “…blah blah…Trump is a traitor”. She then tries to get the black man to also use the word ‘traitor’ but he wouldn’t do it.
Then a statement from Germany moaning that Trump prefers Russia to the EU so Germany “cannot rely on America as an Ally anymore”.
It took until 7:15pm before any attempt at impartiality with a reporter saying “2 nuclear powers talking must be better than insulting each other” but that didn’t last long with Katy Kay saying “I’m sure many at Capitol Hill will have something to add to this (shit storm in a teacup)”.
Compare this BBC crap with RT times where they report the news with no opinions.
Germany sounds jealous, they’re like school kids. Germany should get on plenty-o-fish
Were they quoting madman Brennan? The guy’s a complete fruitcake. The man behind the coup. He will be indicted for lying under oath to Congress….just going to take a little bit of time.
Brennan on twitter….
Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???
Now if that isn’t unhinged I don’t know what is.
It’s saying something when many who still have a TV know that RT is more likely to be relatively impartial compared to BBC etc. They just do not get it. Trump likes to try to make deals and communicate, recognising differences but also always looking for ways to stimulate trade. I think he is doing well so far.
“Why the kid gloves for Trump, when it’s gloves off for the EU?”
Guardian opinion yesterday.
Donald Trump is the leader of what, since Obama, is our greatest ally.
The EU is in the business of destroying the nation states of Europe and is therefore an enemy.
Beyond 100 Days
Series 1: 16/07/2018
So much bias I thought it was CNN, its on now – I think there will be a link here:
There is too much to itemise, just watch it if you can stomach it. Putin had a bigger car, serious stuff
Beyond 100 Days isn’t really made for UK audiences.
It’s made to to be beamed into America by PBS
Seems to me the intention is to say “Look the British think Trump is an idiot as well”
Hence why this week’s would have been very bad
designed to show Trump’s UK in the worst possible light.
I have always said BBC’s output on Trump looks as if team Hillary ad buying team had come to the BBC and said “We want to buy $500m of team Hillary advertising on the BBC”
The official trailer on PBS own Youtube channel is not even available for UK viewers. Here’s a copy.
“Beyond 100 Days isn’t really made for UK audiences. It’s made to be beamed into America by PBS”
That explains a lot cheers!
C4 now housing association bosses scandal :
trick is they can sell off tenants properties to be redeveloped so rich property investors can have them
: It’s a double win
#1 The housing association gets good cashflow so the bosses justify paying themselves £300K etc
#2 They don’t bother building new properties for the tenants, instead you kick them out onto the private market, so you no longer have the hassle of looking after them any more.
Ended with nice story
The Labour shadow Home secretary Emily Thornberry’s hubby bought a Clerkenwell terrace house for £572k ..It’s now worth more that £1m
… Thornberry’s brother is living there.
Stew – lady nugee playing the mammon system ( a barrister ) or Tories being caught on the porn – it’s the corrupt bubble – and then when the time comes they expect us to vote for them .
More generally – the more I think on it the more I think A50 will be extended through a sordid deal between the Reich EU representative in number 19 and the drunks in Brussels .
The Reich knows the EU will suffer more from a no deal than us so around September they’ll offer a year extension and May will accept . Unless someone has the courage to take the whole thing by the scruff of the neck . It’s no longer about the factions of the Conservative party – it’s more about its existence . ( declaration -I have never been a member of any party )
(Sir) Nicholas Soames MP has tweeted that in his 35 years in the house of expense claims he has never seen such unpleasantness . My heart bleeds .,But he is a swamp dweller – all those years of politicians collectively denying the will of the people until the referendum leaves them to try to clear up their own mess .
Lots of progressive liberal heads exploding as they are suddenly confronted with reality.
Now the interesting question is….who did provide the dodgy data in the dodgy dossier? I don’t think Russia was playing both sides at all. There are a lot of dark actors at play not just a crooked DOJ/FBI/DNC/State Department/HRC campaign cabal.
Who did Putin explicitly name in today’s broadcast? William Browder, yes he of the Magnitsky Act fame
Well worth watching if you can get a copy
or this
This is the man Veselnitskaya was trying to warn Donald JR about at the infamous Trump Tower meeting as well as the Ziff brothers. Browder made billions illegally in Russia before Putin expelled him. The Ziff brothers and Browder are big HRC donors. Read the Testimonies given by Veselnitskaya, Glen Simpson and Rinat Akmethshin before the Senate Judiciary Committee on November 14 2017. Veselnitskaya wanted Trump to go after them, since she knew they were crooks. Putin is telling the truth on this one.
Browder avoiding a subpoena issued to him by Prevezon lawyer’s, scared stiff he would be exposed when having to tell the truth in court.
Browder may well have been one of the people feeding info to Steele as as a way of discrediting Fusion GPS who were after him. Through someone like Ed Baumgarter perhaps, another mad anti-Trump troll who worked for GPS Fusion on their research for Prevezon in Russia itself. His offices are about 200 meters away from Orbis Intelligence in central London. He probably thought once the FBI and CIA realised what a load of crp the dossier was, Fusion GPS would be a laughing stock….little did he realise….
William Browder.
I had not heard of him.
However Browder is an unusual surname. So I thought is it possible …? Is he related to …? Yes.
William is of partially Jewish extraction.
His grandfather, Earl Browder, was leader of the Communist Party of the USA and assisted in the transmission of US secrets to the USSR before WW2. A traitor.
Others involved in this treasonous behaviour included Ethel Rosenberg, Julius Rosenberg, Morton Sobell, Harry Gold, Nathan Gegory Silvermaster, Abraham Silverman, Harry Dexter White, David Greenglass …
Leopards and spots.
London model Harry Uzoka ‘murdered in row over girl’
More diverse enrichment.
“Our diversity is our strength” (Emir Khant)
The last sentence of the article…
Mr Dikanda, of no fixed address, denies murder, possessing a machete on 11 January and possessing a knife on 25 January.
How many chances do people get these days before they go to jail?
Plenty of chances for some, but Robinson is banged up for months without a fair trial for a non-violent “offence”. No justice system here any more, it cannot be trusted.
Nunes talking about the report the Republicans issued on Russian Interference in the 2016 elections…..published last year.
So the Republican’s report contained everything released by Rosenstein on friday plus more.hmmmmmmmm
Putin’s comment that he wanted Trump to win seems to me a rather subtle and certainly devastating remark made in revenge for a number of comments Trump has made in the past few days about Russia, in particular his strong advice that Germany should stop the Baltic pipeline that will put her in hock to Russia. As Putin would very well know, that remark is going to put some rocket fuel under the egregious and corrupt Müller and encourage the liars behind the “dossier and collusion” farce. I expect the BBC will seek to ‘big’ this up, with Sopel et al. mentioning it at every opportunity, saying “there you are, we told you Trump was collaborating”.
I doubt it. He feels free to say this because both he and Trump know there is nothing there. Don’t forget the FBI got a title 1 FISA warrant on Carter Page in October 2016. This worked retroactively and by the two hop rule meant they were able to look at everything Trump and his campaign as well as his presidency (it was renewed three times, so was valid for a year) were up to. And I mean every communication you can imagine. They are a busted flush. What the Democrats and the MSM are worried about is Putin revealing too much to Trump w.r.t Uranium One etc. Mueller , Clinton and Rosenstein are all involved in it. Putin has already referenced Bill Browder. This is why they are going mental.
Would love it if Putin does have some “kompromat” on Clinton and her cabal.
Addendum: I have now listened/watched the joint press conference of the Presidents, and did not hear Putin say he wanted Trump to win the election. My above comment was made on the basis of another report: I should have referred to source rather than comment on a reported comment! Anyway, it seemed the two wary leaders did accomplish some things, and I particularly liked Putin’s offer to the Müller team to visit Moscow to explore the so-called interference in the election. I think that called calling Müller’s bluff !
Bbc ‘analysis’.
John Sweeney liked this.
And here he is again…
Russia might not be much of a democracy, but neither is the UK any more. These sanctimonious MSM types who always think they have the moral high ground and that they speak for the nation, boy do they make me feel sick.
Gotta be nice to mr sweeney . He’s been mentally upset since taking on the Scientologist so he should be crowd funded to get help or pitied for his lack of judgement and cognitive needs
Sweeney was the bloke who hid in among a load of his wifes university students as he tried to secretly film in North Korea.
He put all their lives at risk, and failed to even get any decent new footage. Just put their lives at risk for a few minutes on Panorama.
Only the BBC would let this charlatan continue to work for them-he really is a lowlife to have done this.
On the immigration arrivals in the uk al beeb did a bit about it being okay as the numbers are reducing – ie 282 000 in 2017 .
Now that s a tricky number. It’s equivalent to one whole London Borough or 772 people a day . There is no break Down of ages – children – people of working age – fit – or in medical need . Pity .
You have to pay careful attention to figure out the beeb’s manipulations: at first it sounds confusing, as you try to figure out what is being said. Then things become a little clearer. Maybe it’s just the heat, scrambling my brains…
Does anyone here believe Javid is doing a better job than Rudd or May?
As I said – even at 772 people a day it gives no indication as to whether they will be a benefit or liability to Blighty .
After a full British brexit it will be time to pull up the draw bridge and listen to the sob stories of EU citizens who have to pay to come to Blighty .,
772 a day .
Where do they sleep on the first night ? Then the next night , then after that ? Meanwhile another 772 have arrived . Where do they sleep on their first night ? Has the government / local authorities sorted out the first lot ? The second lot ?
Meanwhile another 772 have gate crashed in .
Wrong on arrivals –
don’t fall for their trap of confusing net and total immigration.
in 2017: 630,000 arrived and 349,000 left
so a net extra 282,000 people.
”NET migration rose last year as inflows of citizens from Europe and other areas added 282,000 people to the UK population, official figures showed today.
The Office for National Statistics said that about 630,000 people, including 240,000 EU citizens, moved here from abroad during 2017. Only 349,000 left the country to live overseas.
That meant there were 282,000 more arrivals than departures during the year — a rise of 33,000 compared with the 2016 tally.
There was also a net inflow of 101,000 EU citizens last year. Most were from the “EU 15” nations, such as Spain, Italy and France, but there was a continuing net inflow from Eastern Europe.
The 240,000 arrivals outweighed the 139,000 departures, indicating that any deterrent effects of the Brexit vote have been limited, even though the number of Europeans departing rose by 23,000 over the 12-month period, while the number arriving dropped slightly by 9,000.
However, the EU net migration total was the lowest since 2013. Louis MacWilliam, an immigration lawyer at Blacks Solicitors LLP, said: “This suggests more needs to be done to reassure EU nationals that their long-term future in the UK is secure.”
There were also 227,000 more people moving to this country from outside the EU during 2017, mostly from Asian countries, than departing. That total was up by 46,000.
Nicola White, the head of migration statistics at the ONS, said net migration had dipped since the pre-referendum peak, but was consistent with earlier years. “It fell after record levels in 2015 and early 2016 and has been broadly stable since. This is similar to the level recorded in the year ending September 2014. Immigration has remained broadly stable and emigration has shown a gradual increase since 2015.”
772 people a day more still meets the maths – or tell me it doesnt. I don’t see any difference between people from within other Eu countries , the commonwealth or any of third worlders any one wants to name . It’s 772 a day too many ., ( yeah what about all those nurses who can barely speak a word of Anglo )
The thing that annoys me is the certainty that the 349,000 that left the country have more combined wealth than the 630,000 that entered – so the country is worse off in every way possible.
Russian meddling – such a boring groundhog topic which they are all over of course. How many hours of fake news have they subjected us to about this? Do they not feel some obligation to keep us interested or entertained? Agenda trumps everything with these bastards.
With YouTube you can watch anything that takes your fancy. With the lame stream media you are blugeoned over and over with their narrow agenda. Their death spiral will only accelerate as they are institionally incapable of a mature discussion of facts without resorting to lies, smears, deception and innuendo. I am sick and tired of it. With so many other alternatives I increasingly just switch off these days, as are so many others.
10:45pm to 11:45pm The Trump , Piers Morgangna interview
That’s kinda late