As President Trump leaves the political mess of Britain we come to the week where we find out whether conservative politicians put country or party first . Al beeb will fuel the fire for their own benefit and we are here to watch and record .
Start the Week Open Thread 16th July 2018
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Over on C4 There is a repeat of Only Women comedy panel from Saturday
If I have read the bBBC small print correctly, under the Brexit doom and gloom headline, it turns out that nett immigration last year from EU countries to the UK was 92000.
Why do European citizens find us so attractive, despite all the doom and gloom from the BBC?
I’ve got this mad thing. When I see the president of america and Russia standing in the same room dealing with journo questions I can only see that jaw jaw is better than the alt.
Syria may have gone to the Russians but at least the muzzles have been sent on their way
Populations – america 325 million
Russia 115 million . Nothing to add to that
Slightly adrift.
Russia = 144 million –
Thanks G – guess it was a dodgy false news source – wonder why Russia doesn’t do a Merkel?
Kirsty Wark, on Newshite, interviews first Nicky Morgan, then David Davis. She is then ‘delighted to welcome’ Nick Clegg. Who, surprise surprise is given a completely free rein to stick the boot in, and remoan away, with no interruptions.
The usual level of impartiality, in other words.
Newshite by name, newshite by nature.
Why should Clegg’s opinions on anything be thought interesting? Why hasn’t he gone away?
What’s with UK schools tweeting about Free summer breakfasts using a graphic from the US
It doesn’t make sense , UK rents might be ridiculous
But UK breakfast food costs nearly nothing
generic breakfast cereals are less than a £1 a big box
and 2 litres of milk cos £1
And then everyone acts shocked when the take up is huge for free, no questions asked food. Who isn’t going to take that?
But because the demand is high it must mean that the country is riddled with poverty and we must do more.
If you offer something that is free, I don’t think you can accurately judge it’s take-up as indicative of a trend.
A question for Al Beeb to put to its audience …………….
Do Tory Members of Parliament put their party and jobs before the survival of the nation?
BBC Mislead Public With Fake Heat Record Scares
BBC news channel on the TV. Three women discussing the papers. Total agreement on how awful President Trump is and how dreadful brexit is going to be.
The US will no longer give any interviews to the BBC that much is clear.
It is slowly losing all credibility. Just a matter of time now till it implodes -probably quite spectacularly.
I’m sick of Sopel’s and Kuenssberg’s opinions because they have never said anything good about Trump or Brexit which is an insult to both US and UK Democracy and I have no idea how they get away with it.
Mist- And to add insult to injury, they’re both full of themselves, K more so even than S.
When BBC employees are taken to task by licence payers for making bias comments on Twitter or otherwise, the BBC always retaliate that they are not responsible for what they do in their own time, yet its ok for their employees to be insultingly biased on air without recourse !
I’m thinking that maybe I should give up on my two nephews because they are racists and misogynists and that is what, apparently, one should do to people like that.
They both think that caucasian people should be eliminated, especially from the northern lattitudes, where they have taken refuge from the searching rays of the sun, and replaced by the superior negroid races that have proved their ability to survive on benefits everywhere.
Similarly they despise women, some of whom have even been known to give birth to children and to waste years of their lives trying to raise them as well-rounded individuals capable of thinking for themselves. It is well known that children shouldn’t be born in the West anyway, there being plenty of superior negroid children ‘on tap’ as it were, and if they do need to be raised then the best ‘parents’ will be two people in a ‘same-gender’ relationship, as they are best placed to induce in the child the required feelings of group self-loathing inadequacy, ensuring a (short) lifetime of dependency on NHS (a national treasure) anti-depressants.
All part of Blair’s ‘salt and burn’ legacy.
Jim, do we have the same two nephews I wonder ?
‘Trump under fire after Putin meeting.’
By this they mean they have trawled Twitter for the usual suspects who hate Trump, such as John McCain, and regurgitated their comments. The headline might as well read: ‘Trump’s opponents continue to oppose him.’ What a surprise. ‘Water is wet.’
Could they not at least attempt a modicum of objectivity? Perhaps state what substantive topics were discussed – there must have been many – rather than zoom in on the one moment that fits their agenda and ramp the ‘outrage’ up to eleven? I would like to be informed of the facts and make my own mind up rather than be told what to think. I do not give a sh*t about ‘Russian meddling’ in the election. Countries always meddle in other countries’ elections and that was two years ago. We have to move onwards and upwards. It is all part of one epic tantrum that they lost the election and still cannot accept it.
Anyone can trawl Twitter – we do not need to pay the BBC a fortune to do it for us.
sarc on:
BB, The media is only doing the same as they did when Obama meddled in the Israeli elections by helping finance the opposition. Don’t you remember the public outcry and Twitter storms brought about by the BBC’s informed and objective reporting? Neither do I.
sarc off:
“The U.K. will go to the back of the line for trade deals if they vote to leave.”
This was flagrant interference in our sacred democracy by Saint Obama done openly and broadcast across the media, not some phantom ‘meddling.’ They talk about the US democracy being ‘sacred’ when trying to build up the Russia narrative but that hallowed democracy can be repudiated when it suits their ends.
Exactly. The outrage of foreign interference in an election is such a hypocritical piece of nonsense.
So even if the Ruskies did try to influence the election, so what?They’re the Russians. Along with the US, both countries have been trying to influence countries around the world for generations.
The hilarious thing as revealed in Ch 4’s interview with Gorka was the MSM trying to conflate Russian spies being charged with spying being in collusion with Trump.
If a bunch of shoplifters hit up John Lewis, does everyone blame Marks & Spencer?
Al Beeb tell us about a hose pipe ban. What about too many people coming in to the country requiring more water ?
I may be misremembering but weren’t there reports several years ago of water companies being forced by government, on instructions from either the UN or the EU, to close reservoirs? It was and probably still is all part of a plan, which included the flooding of parts of Somerset, to deprive people of access to vast swathes of our own country. I’m sure it was/is a result of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.
taffman, it is a rather suspicious space in which to initiate a ban. IIRC, lowest or second lowest density of population in England, highest rainfall area in England and plenty of snow and heavy frost last winter which the water companies tell us is essential (better than rain) for refilling reservoirs and restocking the water table.
Which area of England had some heavy snows all winter, especially in January-March?
Which area of England has the best natural water storage facilities apart from its reservoirs?
Of course, the defective memories of the BBC come into play and no questions are asked of water company Chief Executives but the BBC are always happy to drag someone from Vote Leave on to be attacked or a Chief Exec from Airbus to help the BBC attack Brexit.
‘Model’ Uzoka murdered by love rival.
Law of the jungle I guess.
Not an engineer?
Dear Al Beeb,
Didn’t we vote to leave the EU two years ago , or did I dream it ?
In an op-ed piece for the Times, Melanie Phillips supports the jailing of Tommy Robinson. Sadly, it is an increasing trend that even right thinking and Right leaning commentators feel obliged by the baying mob to prove how ‘balanced’ and liberal they are.
All part of the leftward slide of the ‘centre ground’, aided and abetted by the beeb.
I have to say that this is quite disappointing. I see that in an earlier piece she described him as being anti-Muslim and did the usual trick of giving his full name because she couldn’t just write Tommy Robinson and leave it at that.
I hope she never in her past had to write about Michael Caine for it must have been a nightmare having to write Maurice Joseph Micklewhite Jr. every time.
They just have to jump on the bandwagon that he broke the law, he was rightfully sent down. The law had passed a sentence on the black cab rapist but people were allowed to call that out for being wrong. The Birmingham Six were falsely imprisoned and then released.
But for Tommy imprisoned on a questionable politically motivated technicality reporting on crimes that we all know have been buried and suppressed for as long as possible, we should just wash our hands of him and have complete faith in the judicial system.
Taffman, Vlad, Payne,
There may be an explanation for Phillips’ view on Tommy Robinson, which is worth considering. Tommy’s support for the Jewish community is not wanted by the Board of Deputies.. And he is not popular among regular contributors to the BBC
Try this from JC News
‘Mr Robinson made a high-profile exit from the EDL in 2015, when he announced he was leaving because the group had grown too extreme.
But British Jewish communal organisations, such as the Board of Deputies, have previously rejected Mr Robinson’s support for British Jews.
In 2017 the board distanced itself from the far right activist after he was said to have attended a Jewish community event in Manchester.
“Tommy Robinson’s record of anti-Muslim provocation means that he could never be a partner of a respectable or mainstream Jewish organisation,” it said in a statement.
Thanks for the heads up though I think it disappointing for Mel not to be a bit braver. I thought she was more than someone who kept her head down and took orders from her clan.
Still she is happy to admit how wrong she was about the left. Maybe one day she’ll be able to look back and says she was wrong about TR. Hell Ben Shapiro had the balls to admit he was wrong about his initial thoughts on him. Showed a lot more stones than Sargon of Akkad did.
Thanks for the heads up though I think it disappointing for Mel not to be a bit braver. I thought she was more than someone who kept her head down and took orders from her clan.
Still she is happy to admit how wrong she was about the left. Maybe one day she’ll be able to look back and says she was wrong about TR. Hell Ben Shapiro had the balls to admit he was wrong about his initial thoughts on him. Showed a lot more stones than Sargon of Akkad did.
Toady watch
Liam Fox, I think, sensibly , doesn’t like al beeb. He often declines to kneel at the feet of toady but today he took on humph . MPs who support the vote of the people are called ‘rebels’ – how that can be .
Fed, Dr Fox left me wondering whether he had been ‘got at’. Doctor doctored, as it were. Or he reckons he’s got another shot at Party Leader soon and did not want to alienate potential supporters among the Remainers
Or maybe, just maybe, there is a cunning plan going on to roll out confusion & chaos (not unlike the bow wave that President Trump often pushes out in front of his latest visit, meeting, plan, commitment, statement, etc.) all the way to the crucial October 2018 point of no return. When that is reached, Theresa May goes into semi-teary mode before Parliament and MSM and says, “I’m so, so sorry, I tried my best. I did so want to achieve the best possible Brexit for all the country.” No-one notices the crossed fingers behind her back.
When the journos are all gone, she turns to the Remainers and says “Suck it up guys. It’s your fault. You’ve gotta live with it. Make it work or answer for it.” Turning to whatever is left of her Cabinet. “Meeting next XXXday, 9.30am. We’ll be working on the roll-out of Conservative policies to win us the next Election, OK?”
Oh, what? Er, I think I must have fallen asleep at the keyboard and dreamed that last bit. Oww! I’ve got keyboard marks all down one side of my face.
Up ( querty) I’d classify dr fox as a real conservative and busily positioning Blighty for a full brexit . I’m surprised he bothers at all with al beeb.
Fed, Dr Fox was tough but fair with Mishal last week but seemed a bit .. well, .. neutered …. today on TOADY.
He was on record during the EU-Ref campaign as being very against the EU and for some time beforehand. I liked his reference to his first week in Parliament made this a.m. on TOADY. We know who was responsible for that!
I think some of the strong Brexiteers in the Conservative Parliamentary Party are playing things very carefully at present. If they are in a heavy Leave constituency they know they have the backing for ‘going nuclear’ and are just being careful on timing.
Still over three months to go to deadline A and there’s the Party Conference season to navigate through first. We may have to be very patient but vigilant, all the while keeping the faith.
Web headline telling us all about Vote Leave being fined for breaking the rules yet no mention that I can see of Thornberry and her hubby playing the get rich game as reported by C4. Unrelated topics but the latter is much more relevant in showing the total hypocrisy of possible future ministers. The written press have picked it up (nothing I can see on Guardian website) yet the beeb seem to have ignored it. Much more of this and I can see the Winter Palace being stormed.
Starmer cashing in again.
See Guido on this today.
Fitted up by the 100% leftie EC.
Who have shredded the Remain cheating files.
Another organisation for the bin.
If Keir wants to talk about ‘very serious’ how about his position on Brexit being so far away from that which was in the Labour party manifesto.
My letter today to our beloved ‘leader’:
Oily Robbins now blatantly in charge:
“Theresa May’s top EU advisor has stripped the Brexit Ministry of its 50 best negotiating staff in a new Whitehall power grab. Downing Street mandarin Olly Robbins mounted the raid after David Davis resigned as the DexEU boss last week. The talks experts are moving into the Cabinet Office under Mr Robbins’ direct command, boosting his powerbase.”
I just cant press the like button on that for some reason
What’s happened to that other Olly that used to be on the Beeb quite a bit? The female one. Think she was an advisor to the LimpDims. Also think she ‘came out’ as pro-Brexit. Oh dear! That’s probably why she has disappeared from the airwaves.
Pro-Brexit. Probably means that she has been shut in a dark cupboard somewhere.
Brilliant post. I dream that she may read it (no pun intended) and have a conversion on the road to Damascus, so to speak.
Carrie ramps up her campaign on behalf of the downtrodden, and shows she really grasps what pushes the right social media buttons…
Simple solution to the problem of equal pay at the BBC. Everyone, from the DG downwards, goes onto PAYE. The total pay bill each year is divided equally between all employees.
Execs, Controllers, ‘Talent’, Presenters, Editors, Producers, Journalists, Administrators, Accountants, Secretaries, Engineers, Security, Caterers, Cleaners, etc., all get the same money irrespective of gender, qualifications, ability, length of service, etc., absolute, total, indisputable equality. No, better than that. It will be COMPLETE PAY EQUALITY. An end to all the fuss.
I have watched various friends and relations slowly die of this ghastly disease. And I am sure given the choice they would have much rather have earned £135,000 than lose their life in a slow and painful fashion – even if it did mean earning less than John Humphries.
I dont know whether Gracie has ever suffered from it but she is either very mad or so greedy and up herself that she has lost an sense of reality.
Typical lefty I suppose. The end will always justify the means.
How about this for a story that the far-left bbc will completely ignore. A bunch of muslims in France have organised a rap concert in the Bataclan club, where in 2015 muslims tortured, raped and murdered Frenchmen and women in the name of their satanic god and that French tart of a President of theirs is allowing it to take place.
Hmmm. This could be interesting…I suspect the French police will be out in force to protect the Muslims in the event of a far right attack…anyone in their right mind can see this is just a bunch of extremists using the laws of the land to piss on social justice and integrity
in the islamic mind the bataclan has been conquered they are just celebrating a battle won.
its like their attempts to build a mosque at ground zero
anyone who cant see this is a fool
coming up on LBC : “Children’s books must have more black characters, Arts Council funded report says”
…Doh ‘here’s some money to make a report on black character in books’
Do you think the researchers are going to come back and say ‘No everything is OK , so you didn’t even need to pay us to do this job’ ?
… Of course they are going to lean towards an answer which gives them further work.
There used to be plenty, but they were censored for some reason.
Reith lectures
This year some Canadian woman – about as interesting as watching paint dry . This fool thinks war can be ended . Me thinks Albeeb is so closed into propaganda view of the world that it forgets the nature of man… and she understand this . I’ve listened for 15 minutes to academic rambling.
As usual it’s all mens’ fault and gave examples of wimmin fighting for peace . Didn’t mention those lovely ladies in the Great War giving out white feathers ….
“As usual it’s all mens’ fault and gave examples of wimmin fighting for peace”. Did the Canadian mention the Swedish Parliament? All women. See what a ‘peaceful’ mess they’ve made of Sweden……….
probably didn’t mention Jihad brides in their fight for peace – although I stand to be corrected..
WHY do female academics / politicians think women would be better at solving problems than men – peace and everything else? No logic just rhetoric,
women are just as capable of being vicious vindictive illogical tyrants as men..they just do it differently until they get to the top and then they are the same..
so if we had a woman as PM everything would be just hunkdory then
I didn’t feel she had anything insightful to say about war. Her brief, derogatory references to the Crusades suggested that she had no idea about them. War is not a silly boys’ game that can be got rid of if we only adopt a female perspective. It is the struggle between tyranny and freedom. I can’t remember her even mentioning the word “freedom”. I regret to say that I sometimes feel that women do not value freedom as much as men do. Men are prepared to fight and die to preserve their freedom. She can only stand there lecturing us today because many people in the past have been prepared to go to war to win her that freedom.
On the Today prog’ this morning lots of people worrying about an impending water shortage after this hot, dry spell.
Yes, it’s been hot. Yes, it’s been dry. My sweet peas are parched and my wisteria is wilting. The powers that be are threatening us with hose pipe bans, to resist washing our cars (done!) and encouraging us to shower share.
Well ladies, if you’re in the area 😉
In short, we’re all using too much water!
However… I do wonder if our masters ever consider that our enormous and burgeoning population doesn’t impact at all on water use.
Our population is now hitting the 70,000,000 mark. More people, more homes more cars, more crowding more impact on the environment and believe it or not… more water usage.
Isn’t this just basic commonsense?
If it’s yellow let it mellow if it’s brown flush it down .
The only industry which doesn’t want you to use its product
Time to get Flowerdew on the job, Fed. That is if the GQT Panel members haven’t already been arrested by Plod for poisoning all of Wiltshire with organo-phosphates.
Down at Sparsholt there is equality, I’m told. Pupils of all genders are encouraged by Bob to pee on the compost heap.
We are told that there are more single person households in this country than ever before, and its a given that less water is used by that section of the community, so as I’m part of those statistics is it alright for me to use my hosepipe to get my quota of a 2+ person household ?
We’ve had a hosepipe ban in NI for a couple of weeks now but it doesn’t seem to have affected the Roma staffed car washes at all.
Sorry, I said Roma, I should say Romanian, as the groups of obviously Roma men I’ve seen lying about the footpaths recently smoking and joking, enjoying the sun , having taken over most the rentals in our once working-class backstreets, are obviously not ‘staffing’ anything.
Bear in mind this is a provincial town of about 30,000 people, that has lost nearly 2,000 well paid manufacturing jobs in the past 2 or 3 years and we’ll see how much longer this is tolerated although, as is to be expected, the growing tensions appear to be unnoticed by our chattering classes and our media and political ‘elite’.
Way back at the time of German rearmament, when Adenauer was Chancellor, the Mirror ran an outrageous cartoon by Vicky, a classic precursor of fake news. Konrad stood centre stage, hands wide open, saying ‘…and you know you can trust us’ while lurking in the background were shadowy figures of Hitler and the Kaiser. OK so far, point made, but the figures were flanked by other amorphous yet helmeted and armoured spectres – and invalidated the whole ‘message’.
Obviously Vicky’s grasp of history was coloured by events, but even he should have known that Germany was historically one of our most staunch allies – without Blucher and his Prussians we’d have lost at Waterloo, for all its faults our royal family have been essentially German for centuries and, despite the Kaiser – Queen Victoria’s favourite grandson and the reason for ‘Bertie’s’ pathological hatred which in many respects was a major catalyst of WW1 – large numbers of front line troops felt they were facing the wrong way in their trenches.
The point is that alliances and loyalties change with time and political expediency – and President Trump appreciates this fact, even if his prejudiced ‘advisors’ don’t. For Republican Speaker Paul Ryan to point out that ‘….Russians are not our allies’ may well be popular – and no doubt to be repeated throughout the day – but it simply reveals his ignorance and poor grasp of history.
I’d much prefer to think the POTUS knows what he’s doing. Much, much more so than any of the wasters we elect as, “politicians”.
Tonight Channel 4 Dispatches say Facebook loves the “far right””
\\Inside Facebook: Secrets of the Social Media Giant. #dispatches has been undercover inside facebook’s moderators.
Watch on C4, Tues at 9pm to see the levels of violence, self-harm and hate speech allowed to stay on the site
…and how the decisions are made. Presented by @krishgm //
The Channel4 exec posted a news article which claims Tommy Robinson articles are too popular to remove.
Why am I guessing Brendan Coxes Hatey no Hopers are involved in planning the prog ?
BBC TOADYISM and web-site
Vote Leave – under fire
President Trump – under fire
Theresa May PM & Chequers Plan – under fire
Conservative Party – under fire
Brexit – under fire
Water consumers – under fire
Water Companies – under fire
Tour de Asthma … oops, sorry, Tour de France – under fire
Tourists in Hawaii – under fire
The BBC likes to shoot at things with everything from a hurled tone of disapproval all the way up that list to outright campaigning with bombs and bullets of persistent questioning, undermining and repeated slurs.
That’s what attack dogs Webb and Humphries are there for. You’re not going to find them attacking Clinton, Merkel or Vote Remain.
They equate attacking someone with quality journalism.
fnw, you are right. It now ‘sticks out like a sore thumb’ and could cost the BBC. They previously have had a level of belovedness in the nation.
If they irritate more and more of the 17.4m Brexit voters AND there is a significant switch of (soft/medium) Remainers to being disenchanted with the EU, that disaffection may start to extend among those people to the BBC and its bias.
The continuing strength of the Conservative Party in the UK and the Republican Party in the USA could actually be due, in large measure, to the MSM and its attitudes.
The BBC are playing a very dangerous game. If they lose the support of well over half the adult population under 75 years of age, a political Party may just put privatisation of the BBC in their Manifesto for a future General Election.
With the Internet still growing throughout the world (although I think we may have another iBusiness crash, soon), the BBC’s share of home influence can now only go one way – decline.
Radio5 Live phone in : Sensing blood they’ve gone for a second day of anti-Brexit phone in
1 “Russian meddling”
2 “BBC Meddling”
Which one concerns you most?
Which one is more dangerous to our nation?
Which one are you forced to pay for?
This Mueller chap has indicted 12 Russian Intelligence employees in Russia for spying on America.
From CNN
All 12 defendants are members of the GRU, a Russian federation intelligence agency within the main intelligence directorate of the Russian military, who were acting in “their official capacities.”
Uhh? I was under the impression that was their job.
Then Russia should indict hundreds of CIA, GCHQ and others such, for similar “crimes” against Russia, taking place at GCHQ, Langley and other places. But they wont, for they will use that info to feed those revealed with disinformation.
This has nothing to do with spying but all about embarrassing Pres Trump prior to an important meeting. Mueller should be charged with revealing important security information.
Racist (anti British white) political dogma is endemic in English Schools – and endemic on the BBC’s children channel. Here is a newsround feature article on the CBBC channel:
Headline: “Black, Asian and ethnic minorities are not properly represented in children’s books”
What you get on the BBC is the tip of the iceberg. The English school system as well as the English Universities are filled with activists teachers, activist scholars, activist lecturers and professors and like the BBC are paid for at the British taxpayers expense.
Rick Edwards was on the Daily Politics yesterday. Grammar school, Cambridge, then into E4, then bBbc, one of an increasing number of well-educated yet indoctrinated media ‘young people’ who seem to deliberately hide any trace of their academic abilities when onscreen.
Rick wants voting to be made compulsory, to engage young people. He didn’t mention the Labour lies on student debt that were made at the last election, a party he obviously supports, and surely the most obvious recent example of a party attempting to bribe/ hoodwink young voters and to engage. Fair enough, his bias was obvious.
The thing is Jo Coburn didn’t mention it either, the Sun journalist present didn’t bother to mention it and neither, most glaringly, did the Conservative involved in the discussion, Suella Braverman, funnily enough also, like Rick, ex-Cambridge. In fact, the only one who did , mistakenly I think, mention students was the Labour MP Lucy Powell and she was allowed to go unchallenged, which only highlights to me their collective stupidity and an obvious complicity amongst apparent political opponents.
Anyway, Rick also thinks there should be political education, compulsory classes about politics, the right sort of politics I’m sure, political awareness taught in schools. Which brings me eventually round to ask,
‘You mean there isn’t already?’
Rich, good points. I was slightly encouraged by a recent conversation with a local man. His teenage child and their friends, all intelligent, see through the PC nonsense they are being fed at school, just say what they think the snowflake teachers want them to say, then do their own studying and research online at home. The local comp’s gender neutral loo is mocked privately, and is also used for snogging and groping! So some of the youngsters see through this PC brainwashing, but they will be very angry with people and system that fed it to them over decades. Will these bright youngsters be ones who choose to leave Britain ? What about the less intelligent children who have no books at home ? Do they believe all the indoctrination, or does their instinct tell them that is all a pack of wicked lies and social engineering, leaving them to know that the opposite is what is right and good for them and this country?
$400 million alleged from a criminal source within Russia donated to the Hilary campaign? Has the BBC or MSM reported on this? No rage, no disgust? No, “threat to democracy” etc.
I listened to all the >50 minute press conference and the statement made by Putin (he just, ‘dropped’ it) was staggering. Questions to the POTUS? All to do with his election campaign and Russian influence.
The US MSM is going to berserk as Pres Trump meets Pres Putin. The BBC too is going bat shiite crazy. Their journos have the look of being seriously constipated and in danger of their head or heart exploding. Pres Trump seems to be a health hazard for leftys.
Must read and watch the video
The bBbc give Lord Adonis an unchallenged platform yet again this morning on bBbc 2 Views, telling lies about others telling lies about Brexit. The man is a complete and utter prick.
Rich, he is a deceiver.
Psalm 118 applies!
I have just realised that it is weeks (ie. more than one) since I checked in with the senior BBC Editors’ (Laura, Kamal & Simon) Blogs. I don’t think I have posted on any HYS for a week or nearly so.
BBC: the language is leaving me.
Here’s a story you wont find on the BBC’S beloved Hamas Middle
East web page. A scorched FALCON was found in a burnt out
tree ,near to the Gaza border with the remains of an inciendiary device strapped to its claws.It will be interesting to see what the
“Ornithology Friends of Palestine ” have to say about it I suspect
as much from “Gays for Palestine” when members of the GLBT
community were being thrown off the roof s in GAZA.
Looks like in this neck of the woods ,the only safe place for
Gays and Falcons is Israel!
If the Conservative government in 2016 hadn’t ‘meddled’ in the Brexit campaign, the Leave vote could have been 10% higher. Project Fear anyone?
62% v 38% would have been the result.
That same Conservative government and again led by a Remainer, is ‘meddling’ in the Brexit negotiations. And of course assisted by the ‘meddling’ BBC.
Isn’t ‘meddling’ a fantastic word?
I loved Zulu when I first saw it as a boy. I was thrilled by the Zulu war chants and their charging. Their “saluting” the British soldiers at the end was very moving.
Now when I hear of the murders of white South African farmers I feel the film may have portrayed the Zulus with too much respect and dignity. Recently I was dismayed but not surprised to learn that the “saluting” never actually happened at the real Rorke’s Drift.
That’s disappointing to hear that the saluting never took place. Even back making the film, white guilt had to creep in to equate nobility and humility to the enemy.
Will the BBC report on this … MP’S HOUSING ‘HYPOCRISY’ Labour MP Emily Thornberry accused of ‘hypocrisy’ after her husband made £500k profit on home bought from housing association
The North London property was on the market as part of an “excess” social housing sell-off, a practice which Labour opposes
lady fivebellies can get away with anything she likes as far as the BBC are concerned
The bBbc are headlining/ celebrating the Netflix share price dropping.
It seems that Wall Street will crash because although Netflix forecast adding about 6 million new subscribers in the second quarter of this year they added ONLY 5.2 million new subscribers.
I wonder how many the bBbc lost?
Actually the market hasn’t opened yet ..will at 2pm
That fall is a guesstimate that a 12.8% drop will come
but look at the growth in the last 12 months
and the 5 year graph is similar
For Tesla The market is forecasting a 2.75% fall
It’s share price is still the same as 12 months ago, whereas Netflix has doubled
So fake news from the bBbc then Stew, who’d of thunk it?
They opened at the predicted prices then both Netflix and Tesla began to rise
Tesla rose into positive territory
Netflix started at 12% down and then up to 9% down on yesterday
They opened at the predicted prices then both Netflix and Tesla began to rise
Tesla rose into positive territory
Netflix started at 12% down and then up to 9% down on yesterday
No Punch and Judy
No Morris Dancers
No Union Jack flags
“A VETERAN children’s entertainer has hit out at “PC culture” after having Punch and Judy shows cancelled by those who believe the traditional act glorifies domestic abuse.
Mr Punch, better known as Darlington man Brian Lllewellyn, says the “PC brigade” and “snowflakes” are to blame for his bookings dwindling.
This week, he had a show allegedly cancelled by a school in Middlesbrough after he refused their request to ensure Punch did not hit Judy during the performance.
He claims staff also asked if he could provide a police officer, rather than a police man, and said another school had requested that he drop the traditional ‘Minstrel’ character from his act.
Mr Lllewellyn also had to remove Punch and Judy from his act to take part in Redcar’s Armed Forces Day celebrations recently, after concerns were raised about the depiction of domestic violence”….
I think it has been said that after their footie team lose a match some blokes go home and take it out on the Mrs, black eyes included. Are we then going to ban footie?
Long live Punchin Judy!
Big PR puff for the new Doctor Who in The Times today. Nothing about the actual content, of course, but reams about how it will inspire girls to aim higher and super heroes should be women.
What if the typical super hero qualities are grounded in biology? Men on average take more risks, are physically stronger etc. Women want a knight in shining armour and men aspire to be that knight. These differences are hard-wired in us through millions of years of evolution; the archetypes of our collective unconscious that Jung and Jordan Peterson speak of cannot be undone by some SJW. The idea women do not become super heroes is not because they never see such representations on screen but for profound biological and evolutionary reasons.
I suspect that female superheroes will always strike a jarred note as they contradict some fundamental reality about gender differences which I struggle to fully articulate; none of the female super hero films have been anything like as successful as the male ones. Men naturally aspire to protect and provide for women and a super hero is that ideal writ large.
I wonder about this inspiration thing. I have heard male and female scientists talk about how Carl Sagan or Patrick Moore inspired them to follow science as a career. But I haven’t heard anyone mention Dr Who. He/She could be an inspirational role model for budding time travellers I suppose.
Sorry folks I’m on a bit of a bBbc binge this morning, I usually sicken myself much more quickly than this, but think it’s good to know your enemy. I’ll probably give it a miss for about a fortnight now.
On the Daily Politics Fazia Shaheen makes yet another appearance. Previously she represented a think tank she founded herself and influenced few and now it seems she is a future Labour candidate standing against IDS.
Once again style over substance, being easily swatted aside at the minute by Nadine Dorries, indoctrinated, overly emotive and with no experience outside the closeted pseudo-political bubble, another one under ‘One of Us’ in the bBbc book of close-contacts.
Has Shaheen got the most irritating voice you have ever heard, even worse than Owen Jones? She has not really learned to speak. Does anybody take seriously anything she says?
Mueller has indicted 12 Russian Intelligence employees in Russia for spying on America.
From CNN
All 12 defendants are members of the GRU, a Russian federation intelligence agency within the main intelligence directorate of the Russian military, who were acting in “their official capacities.”
Uhh? I was under the impression that was their job.
Then Russia should indict hundreds of CIA, GCHQ and others such, for similar “crimes” against Russia, taking place at GCHQ, Langley and other places. But they wont, for they will use that info to feed those revealed with disinformation.
This has nothing to do with spying but all about embarrassing Pres Trump prior to an important meeting.
Mueller should be charged with revealing important security information to Russia. But first he must be fired. And I think that is what Mueller is hoping will happen. He cant get anything against Dona;d Trump. If he can get Pres Trump to fire him, this can give the Democrats enough reason to try and impeach Pres Trump for obstruction of justice.
I’ve always taken it for granted that whatever evils we were told that the Russian spies got up to our boys were doing likewise.
So no surprises there.
Coming up on @theJeremyVine Show before 2pm ????
1️⃣ There’s chaos in the Commons as MPs vote on Theresa May’s Brexit blueprint.
The government wants Parliament’s summer recess to start five days early – is that a way of solving the problem?
2️⃣ We look at whether 100 per cent school attendance awards are unfair on children who are ill.
3️⃣ An elderly woman has ploughed her car into a village flower show after taping ‘how to drive’ instructions to her dashboard.
Did you have to tell your mum or dad to stop driving?
(Did you have to tell your elderly BBC presenter to stop spouting BS? )
4️⃣ We meet a young singing star with millions of followers – but she has found fame entirely through social media.
Our Jeremy seemed to be in a quandry, does he slip his daughters into jobs with the BBC or does he set them up a YouTube channel (money! money!).
Never mind he shepherds his little guest, (more hits for her! kerching! kerching!), singing star into declaring her opposition to Brexit, (we are only a small country), job done! (I wonder why we are in the G8 then?)
Not to worry, that is unless her EU pals make Google enforce new EU copyright law and digital taxes on her, yay! Go EU!
What is it they say about a lie being half way round the world while truth is still lacing its boots?


Now, guess who retweeted that fake news, without any retraction I can see in the tsunami of anti-Trump retweets, likes and one-character posts that come from her Twitter account daily?

Wow you could do with a resize image tag on that
(You can normally add a suffix like “.jpg:small” but it’s still too big in this case)
Perhaps I could, but I wouldn’t know one if it came up to me in the street. One should be able to post pictures without needing a degree in computer language.
Sorry I wasn’t being critical just thinking aloud.

I can get smaller images by making smaller images in a graphics prog and then tweeting them, but it’s a faff
Gateway has the story
Nowadays you need a degree to empty the bins – or at least that is the way “progressive societies” are heading.
Considering how Josh used the #awkward on the first tweet, you think he would also have used it on the second which was far more #awkward.
Maybe he didn’t have room after writing #found out #provenbias #journalisticallycompromised
Sorry I`m not by here as much as of old.
No telly, simply don`t bother with anything but Radio 3 and Classic FM, as well as Steve Yabsley on BBC Somerset, Geoff Barker and his rock and roll hour on Saturday evenings.
No point, can write it myself these days.
Witness the “Trump and Russian indictment” crap from Mueller-, fed to CNN on Friday, meeting Putin on Monday.
Ditto with this Brexit crap. “Vote Leave get some made-up fine, on the very day that MPs are voting on same”.
The timing is so BBC, so Deep State-any fule no.
Maybe we need this riot and a few hangings before 2021.
How we miss the prose of ChrisH.
The Jonathan Meades of biased BBC.
And, when in full flow, chrisH is also the Jack Kerouac of Biased BBC.
(Although he does have a bit of a rival, let’s call her excellent ‘back up’ or ‘support’ in our Alicia.)
When I went to get my lunch time sandwich, the shop had the BBC news on its TV. Chukka Remoaner was making hay with the Electoral Commission’s skewed report on Vote Leave. He had the affront to accuse them of an attack on democracy.
Clearly there are absolutely no lengths to which they will not go to stop Brexit and at that point it hit me. This is going to end in violence. Likewise in the USA where the very thought of Trump and Putin trying to sort their differences has Trump’s opponents acting like madmen. Suddenly those who thought George W should have questioned the intelligence he was being given are aghast at Trump doing just that. They’d rather have war between Russia and the US than give Trump any credit.
Hi ChrisH – maybe you might consider contributing case studies of the BBC subterfuge. With your case studies rather than post them as a comment you might arrange with someone at “Contact Us” to get it posted as a separate article / commentary thread.
At the moment I am just in an observational stage (BBC website) – and currently fail to pick up on timing issues such as what you have flagged up regarding MPs & key votes in parliament. Ps it didn’t take me long to realise that “bias” doesn’t properly account for the BBC output. A far stronger set of words are needed to better account for it. I would call it a type of socio-political activism.
It’s ‘you couldn’t make it up’ time on BBC London lunchtime news.
There is a longstanding women’s only open air swimming lake on Hampstead Heath ( there’s also a men only and a mixed).
What’s the problem? Transgender men who identify as women want to use it. The lady representative who opposes this proposal is ….wait for it……a Lesbian and speaking solely from that perspective. She talked about privacy etc etc.
So, it seems its OK for Lesbians to ogle other women in a women only pool, but not transgender.
Of straight women or men there was of course no coverage at alll.
Oh dear, oh dear. Which favourite minority group will the BBC support?
It is so tempting to say the BBC have really got their knickers in a twist on this one.
Rename the ‘Mixed Pool’ as the ‘Mixed-Up Pool’ and the issue is solved!
Look what’s the problem? This gender stuff is quite straightforward once you get the hang of it.
right thats all clear to me then, thanks for that
Could we have a translation into English, please?
Hi RJ – in the social sciences – when researchers invent a new field of research, often one of the things they do first is to exclude others from understanding what the feck they are talking about.
If we knew what the feck they were talking about we would realise more often than not that they were talking BS and we would stop funding their research and the courses they teach.
These people invent labels for things that often only exist in their own imagination. This they call theory and it is that theory that underpins their research and teaching.
I’m reminded that Eddie Izzard once described himself as a Lesbian in a man’s body.
Over to Marina and Avery above.
What planet do these feminist idiots live on ? Does anyone but them care? As a woman, I am fed up with these feminist extremists who are actually seriously damaging the relationship between the genders, setting things back by decades. There is palpable tension between the sexes now. PS No such thing as Transgender, I’m with Germaine Greer on that one, not something I ever thought I would hear myself saying.
Sluff-I am surprised you watch one of the many “Womens Hour”
at this time of the day.
TOP BBC Stories … man who is now a women ….. complains …
What happened to contributor ‘Pounce’?
I miss Pounce as well
still posting away on
I think there was a flounce from Pounce.
Over what, I know not.
was he annoyed about non Bbc stories here?
or maybe that was someone else…
Eddy, he did beef about that but 1. he had a point, and, 2. he did it in a fairly light-hearted way and we teased him back a bit about it.
I think Pounce needs to recognise what is important and what is not important. I think he is a strong supporter of the bombing of Assad and Assad forces – and seemed to be fairly sensitive towards opinion more sceptical of that approach.
He took particular issue to those suggesting that Assad may not have bombed a rebel held region of Damascus with Chlorine canisters – a few days before the rebels were due to evacuate the area. Since then I have seen some indicators that Assad forces may have dropped a few Chlorine canisters. This was certainly covered by the BBC in the inimical BBC style and hence an appropriate topic for discussion.
We are all human and I always try to give people leeway because of it. I could certainly tell that Pounce was not a happy bunny. I did try to lighten the tone in that discussion and emphasised how important his voice was to this forum and how much appreciated he was. But ultimately all bunnies have to grow up or they could end up as rabbit stew.
He was an invaluable contributor on military & strategic matters. The chlorine thing is interesting as it is only recently that that has been revealed. At the time it was claimed to be something else, Sarin was one, but also another gas of which memory temporarily deserts me.
I noted the Chlorine confirmation, was it last week on the Beeb?, and thought ‘It probably wasn’t Assad then.’ Chlorine, IIRC, is not hard to do and would be within the scope of a rebel group. The canisters, IIRC, didn’t look too damaged in photos by their alleged fall from a helicopter.
Don’t think Pounce was too upset about that but he’s a busy guy with his own Blog. Thanks for the link, Kaiser, I was actually going to ask for that to be posted here again.
Seem to recall there were some security issues on his Blog, too, that he may have been busy sorting out. Trouble with having your own Blog is that they become a real ‘ball & chain’.
While we are ‘missing’ people here, what about Grant? Is he missing out on a glorious summer in Perthshire?
I had the impression Grant was an ex-pat living in Africa (possibly Nigeria)? With Pounce I think he is an occasional contributor to a website called Guido-Fawkes and maybe Breitbart as well. But I think his blog is the most important contribution he is providing. It seems to be very detailed and is something the main stream media have little interest in reporting and collating.
Stuart Maconie on BBC 6Music has always been a Guardian reading, left-winger, but even he excelled today whilst trying to signal his virtue.
After playing a song by Diana Ross & the Supremes he went on to say that they had all come from a housing project in Detroit, and then said “I love the fact that four black girls from the equivalent of a council estate can go on to change the face of music”
What on earth are you talking about Stuart? They were good, but change the face of music?
Diana Ross was the least-talented of the Supremes singers. She was promoted to the lead singer spot by Barry Gordy because they were having it off.
The msm and the remoaners are working themselves up into a frenzy about a supposed case of electoral fraud where opinions differ over how some money was allocated.
Some (soames) are calling to scrap the referendum result and start all over again.
Just imagine how crazy they would have gone if £9 million was spent on a booklet, sent to every house in the U.K., telling us to vote leave and saying everything to do with remaining would be disastrous.
Good job nothing like that happened eh!
And the photograph appearing alongside the Vote Leave spending story is of……
Vote Leave mugs.
The bBBC is not sending out a message there is it?……surely not, not from our trusted impartial £3 billion+ national treasure?!!!
Quite right Emmanuel,
Thank goodness the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the head of the CBI, the Governor of the Bank of England, the President of the United States and the UK’s national broadcaster didn’t try to influence the vote or we really would have a case of fraud on our hands.
third, don’t forget two previous Prime Ministers trying to stir up the threat of terrorism to make us vote Remain!
.”Victory unexpectedly smiled on us, and the peoples asked that those promises should be made good.
Naturally, expectations ran high. What has happened?
The governments now answer in effect:
We will promote your interests, but without your co-operation or assent.
We will make the necessary arrangements in secret behind closed doors.
The machinery we are devising will be a state machinery, not a popular one.
All that we ask of you is implicit trust.
You complain of our action in the past. You have good cause.
You say that the same men are about to determine your future.
Again you are right. But when you affirm that we are sure to make the like mistakes, you are wrong, and we ask you to take our word for it.
You complain that we are politicians who feel the weight of certain commitments and the fetters of obsolete traditions from which we cannot free ourselves;”
“By debarring the masses from participation in a grandiose scheme, the success of which depends upon their assent,
the governments are indirectly but surely encouraging secret combined opposition, and in some cases Bolshevism.
The masses resent being treated as children after having been appealed to as arbiters and rescuers.”
From The New York Herald September 14 1919.
Quoted in Emile Joseph Dillon. “The Inside Story of the Peace Conference”.
About The Treaty of Versailles, an earlier internationalist failure.