251 days to Brexit . The holiday season upon us. Schools out which normally means a Silly Season but perhaps that’s been going on a while now. Anyway for those dedicated to evidencing the wrongs of Albeeb here’s a fresh thread.
Weekend open Thread 21st July 2018
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Israel has launched a wave of attacks on military targets in the Gaza Strip, after its soldiers came under gunfire at the border.
Was the soldier shot by an ‘unarmed’ demonstrator?
deegee, congrats! 🙂
While you are about it, please would you be so kind as to also displace the other DG in that office at the top of Broadcasting House? If he’s left there much longer, the BBC may not survive.
In that case keep him there. I no longer want the BBC to survive in any form.
Sorry but surely this has worn a bit thin. Can’t we just get on with our contributions now ?
‘Israel carries out Gaza strikes as soldier dies from gunshot’
To clarify, shot by another, though the bbc feels this is the best summary.
Nothing from the BBC on this yet?
A new PM is upon us and while the left (which of course includes the BBC) have been trying their hardest to push May out, now that she is leaving they are all going quiet. Maybe with the likes of Bojo or The Mogg potentially gaining power they know that the end of the left is getting closer and with it I hope that includes TV tax
(Genuinely sorry for pointing it out but…) the article was based on a bBBC interview. God it pains me to do it to you.
I wouldn’t have known, I never watch biased interviews from the BBC
Blast! But as good as I`ve ever managed.
”Israel launches Gaza strikes as soldier dies from gunshot.
…The Israeli military announced that one soldier had died from his wounds, the first in the most recent clashes
…Gaza officials said four Palestinians were killed in the strikes”
Seems only Muslims get killed
The following was taken from another Forum (where we all have a moan), and was made by a contributor on the subject of the candidacy for the Mayor of London – bit of an eye opener re Sad Khant …………………….
“I interviewed all the candidates in the last race and noticed that pretty much each candidate seemed to be going for a segment of society and targeting the vote from that demographic. Sadiq Khan spoke about supporting Muslims in London. I asked him why this should matter, given that most people in London are not Muslim, and what he was going to do about other issues. It didn’t go down terribly well, but I will always ask the questions I feel are worth asking and if something jumps out at me like that I will ask about it. “
Britain is a bit like Sweden in the ’70s according to an Abba documentary that was just on. Big leftist thing was happening then apparently
On no, Russian meddling! What do the left think spies actually do? Is the CIA and MI6 just a bunch of harmless folks building bridges and air dropping packages of sweets to people? Russia, the US and China have been ‘meddling’ in other countries affairs for years – Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, Afghanistan etc replete with ‘intelligence’ findings that were spectacularly untrue. Some people are just so childishly naïve ‘oh do stop spying on us, it’s really unfair’.
In 2015 the Chinese hacked into the Office of Personnel Management and stole personal information of more 20 MILLION Americans. The director of National Intelligence said “you have to kind of salute the Chinese for what they did” and Obama met President Xi 9 times over the course of 4 years and even met him again in 2017 when he wasn’t even the President. At any time did he use the harsh language that the media say Trump should have used on Putin. Of course not. Does China have an independent judiciary or freedom of speech or transparent democracy. No but what it does have is the largest armed forces in the world in personnel, the second largest military budget in the world and the second largest economy in the world. It’s a real and credible threat – so why isn’t it vilified in the same way as Russia? Why the double standards?
But best of all is the claim that Russia is the biggest threat to Western democracy. What utter moronic nonsense. The biggest threat to any form of democracy is having a democratic vote and then completely ignoring the popular mandate that you were given. It’s one thing trying to ‘influence’ an election with adverts and some bad news stories – that’s just trying to sway the undecided, dithering swing voter but actually refusing to implement the wishes of the people after a one issue, one vote referendum is far more destructive to people’s faith in the value of democracy. Ignoring democracy is the biggest threat to Western democracy.
But we can rely on the Beeb and the left and the MSM to keep puffing out the outrage smokescreen of how dreadful Putin and Russia are and how nasty Trump is for putting his country first whilst we turn a completely blind eye to the manoeuvring of China, the deceit of not delivering Brexit and the wholesale denigration of anyone with a right of centre viewpoint.
Excellent reading. Thank you Payne.
Payne “so why isn’t it vilified in the same way as Russia? Why the double standards?”
I would suggest one reason is because China and its cheap goods manufacture is the only thing standing in the way of rampant European & US inflation and the collapse of our economies.
President Trump needs to think long and hard with the help of a pencil and the back of a very large envelope and do some sub-micro micro economics before putting taxes on ALL Chinese imports into the US. He also needs to do that while blocking out all noise from The Swamp’s economists who work solely on and with ‘macros’.
Yes, he does but i’m sure he’ll figure it out.
Of course another reason for the hypocrisy is that so many in the swamp are up to their armpits with the Chinese and are incapable of considering the very real long term threat that China represents.
Thing about trade, Payne, is that it tends to rule out war. If ‘Jaw, jaw’ is better than ‘War, war’, ‘Trade, trade’ tends to do away with it altogether.
I would be a little surprised if China had territorial ambitions. They are going to be outnumbered, as well as being ‘out-teched’ already, by the Indians in the next decade. They are also vulnerable to the flexibility and new historical links of smaller Viet Nam, Cambodia, Taiwan & the Philippines to the US.
The ASEANS have had their wobbles but the potential for trade and also trade with their nearest major international potential partner – the US – are colossal.
The alternative is for President Trump (as well as the Conservatives in the UK), to really take cost and tax and regulation out of the US economy. Then he might be able to restart a lot of US manufacturing and compete that way. That is actually not so easy. (It would take a miracle for the Tories to wake up and for that to happen here.)
Trump might just do it. He’s already enraged the enviro-mentalists so he has nothing to lose there. He seems to be either creating jobs or benefiting from a natural upswing. He needs to keep going with the tax cuts but to do it for low earners. In the post-post modern world, they are the ones who drive economies not the high earners.
That’s where a Trade War with China could be handled. If he merely cuts taxes for the middle and the top earners AND adds tariffs to Chinese and ASEAN imports he will come unstuck on the economy.
I sent this to Any Answers today but it wasn’t used:
“Labour Party & anti-Semitism question. I think Sharan Burrow made an error in her first answer on this. She stated that gobalisation has failed to deliver what it promised.
That is not quite correct. Globalisation delivered and still does but politicians in many countries denied the benefit to their people by handing all the benefits to those who can enjoy them under globalism while heaping taxes and extra costs on the 90% below them. ”
Sharan Burrow had diverted to a trade unionist-type rant while answering the Labour Party Anti-Semitism question.
The first major nation to unwind the costs that Libby/Lefty/Alt-Leftism has heaped on its people will reap huge rewards.
A good reason for getting out of and away from the EU.
Well said.
The Russia narrative is so pathetic. They cannot let go as they have staked so much of their credibility on it. They are like a losing gambler throwing away bigger and bigger stakes when he should just walk away. If you are going to lie – especially on this scale – it has to at least be believable. The idea of an alpha patriot like Trump colluding with Russia always struck me as utter horse shit, which indeed it was.
The BBC flagrantly meddled in the election, doing everything humanly possible to ensure Clinton got elected. Their interference was an an epic and global scale. They have some chutzpah to then turn round and say meddling in elections is bad.
russias economy is about the size of italys
italy has elected a bunch of fascists the BBC tell me
should I be worried about a third roman invasion of britain
Very well said Payne.
Perhaps those shouting about Russian interference might take a reality check on how undercover operations work, a bit of light summer reading ? Ian Fleming, John Le Carre, Charles Cumming. All fiction of course. (if Jeremy ever gets in to No 10 he’ll get it but it might be too late by then )
I’m constantly baffled by the accusation that anybody who voted to Leave was told in a surreptitious way to do so by the Russians. Or by an over-budget Leave campaign. As far as I remember, every household in the UK was told to vote Remain. It wasn’t subversive at all, it was very clear. It was sent as a leaflet by the UK government to every household in the UK . It cost 9M of our shared money and we all received it.
The Russia accusation is ludicrous. The establishment did not expect to be challenged, and they still think that they are above the demos. As you quite rightly say. Ignoring democracy is the biggest threat to democracy.
Yes, it’s an interesting reversal of the situation during the cold war, Stations like Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe, Deutsche Welle and Radio Israeli were jammed by the Soviet Union until the late eighties. Even though these were at least state financed, no one thought the Soviets were in a stronger position by jamming them when Radio Moscow or Radio Peking were not jammed. Radio Moscow’s support for the “anti-imperialist struggle in British-occupied Northern Ireland” could be seen as heavy grade “fake news” or “meddling”, but not serious enough to jam. After decades of the BBC “nudging” the populace down various nonsensical ideological deadends, it’s not surprising that the powerrs that be fear the general public will succumb to any nonsense they may come across on the social media. Peak gullibleness has been reached when the media propagate the idea that a man can transform himself into a woman by merely “self identifying” as a woman. This seems to be the modern form of transubstantiation.
It’s no coincidence that the social media began to be attacked in Germany immediately after Merkel’s madness. It’s only when Trump won, that the social media became problematic in the USA. Likewise with Brexit. It’s not “fake news” that is the problem for the authorities, but the ability the social media give to the public to “compare notes”. In the DDR, for example, you could not found a local football club without some member of the party belonging to it. If people could freely talk about their experiences, they soon came to the conclusion that the party was incompetent and lying.
Cartoon for the week, Trump+Putin
Girl Guides org gets PR by replacing old task badges with wacky & PC badges
See “Media Critic” one
\\ the biggest overhaul in Girl-guiding history, traditional badges will be ditched and replaced with 72 new ones including vlogging, human rights, mixology* and mindfulness ..//
* nonalcohol cocktail making
New Girl Guide badges –
How to spot an unbiased al beeb journo
Surviving a drive by
Moaning about men
Hard done by
Spotting a Pakistani rape gang
Defensive tactics for knife attacks
How to wear a hijab
How to be a drugs mule
Lol. I think humour is a thought crime these days.
-How to withhold sex to get unreasonable demands from your partner.
-How to play the victim whilst simultaneously getting the best of everything.
-How to know exactly how much a man earns.
Ha ha
How to be a wag
How to get on Jeremy Kyle
Love Ireland badge
I said the silly season is on us .
Self Annihilation badge: actively promote other cultures above your own until yours is gone
experience the period poverty badge
How about a spoon down the nickers badge
This is ‘churnalism’ when Beeb staffers are sent a press release then churn it out. A total cop out. Sadly so much ‘news’ these days is just PR, even the stuff you think is actual news. Boaty McBoatface was a PR coup to get huge publicity for something nobody would normally care about.
Read a book called ‘Flat Earth News.’ Once you understand how the PR industry works you see their dirty finger prints on everything,
A couple of years ago there was an item on Toady for a treatment for diabetes. Turns out a friend’s son, in PR was responsible for doing the press release and getting the story on the BBC. Friend explained that it was not as successful as reported. So through fake news people given false hope. But why do researchers have to employ PR companies? What a waste of money and just to feed the multi headed serpent, the BBC.
I’ve always wondered why stories in the Daily Express have exactly the same pictures and text as the Daily Mail !!
the regular mother cures psoriasis/eczema stories with product xyz in the mail make me laugh and angry at the same time
tried some once out of desperation, stung like fook and brought me out in a rash
I suppose they will still be synchronized when the new editors have got going, except the stories will be different.
Good book that one BB.
Has its limitations in that Nick Davies is good on the media industry that he doesn`t like-but sees little wrong with either the Guardian or Observer-where he works.
And the BBC don`t get the kicking or scrutiny they deserve-the liberal left automatically still see them as a “good thing”.#
But still-pretty good, lots of good points.
The snowflake training badges
Mail : ‘media critic’, which asks girls to analyse news stories for bias and look for ‘gender stereotypes’ or gay and transgender representation in films.
For Rangers, who are aged 14 and above, there is even a ‘protest’ badge – which involves girls learning to talk about issues they care about and letting policy-makers know their views.
Craftivism (Guides): Craftivism involves carefully crafting items that make a statement, advocate for change and challenge injustice
Zero Waste (Brownies): Think about how to reduce plastic usage and encourage recycling.
there is actually a “climate change awareness” badge now also.
Rangers could study for a badge in ‘women’s rights’,
BBC kids page story
\\ As a regular volunteer for that organisation, it would have been nice to have had this information BEFORE it was presented to the press.
I suppose when parents contact me I can just refer them all to the Daily Mail for answers??? //
Guiding’s Social Justice Action page
See also
The Guides support Corbyn badge ?
The new Guiding USA badges are not as bad
Poor ol BP and his misses. How did it all go so horribly wrong
Girlguiding, Literally! GUIDING the girls to be good little Marxist SJWs
\\ OUT with the traditional.
IN with revisionist cultural Marxism.
New badges: ‘my rights’, ‘speaking out’, ‘zero waste’.
New skills: ‘influence’, ‘make a change’.
New interests: ‘human rights’, ‘personal brand’, ‘media critic’. //
the scouts were unflinchingly green and anti-waste long before some marxist moron decided to re-invent it.
and a damn site better at tidying up campsites than all those middle-class glastonbury morons
Wouldn`t worry.
Nobody is or will join these archaic things any more like guides or scouts.
We can all make up our own weird badges, and award ourselves. Schools do this all the time, so it`s a wind up of a story.
Just like all that the BBC dish up to us, we simply need to stop paying for it and talk to real people.
They hate the BBC just as we do.
Note=REAL people-not teachers or graduates.
BBC hasn’t picked up this Reuters story?
“The Russian Defense Ministry says it has sent a proposal to Washington to jointly organize the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland following agreements reached between the Russian and American presidents at their summit this week.
The ministry said on July 20 that it sent Washington a proposal for drawing up a joint action plan to bring Syrian refugees living in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and elsewhere back to the places they where lived before Syria’s civil war broke out in 2011 — a goal repeatedly espoused by U.S. President Donald Trump since taking office.
I hope it happens and the hundreds of thousands of real and fake refugees are removed from Europe but more importantly from our country.
It will be amusing to watch how they deal with all the fake Syrian refugees.
“….I hope it happens and the hundreds of thousands of real and fake refugees are removed from Europe but more importantly from our country.”
Remember how the BBC likes to portray these Invaders, sorry, migrants.
wonder what the syrians would do if we dumped that lot in downtown damascus
Report on BBC Radio Devon mid week of a group of women (wimmin) in a small Devon (retirement) village aiming to bring in a Syrian family. They were holding a fund raiser (antiques fair) to raise money to accommodate and look after the family. Nobody asked for how long they were planning to provide for these people. How long would it be before the family were ‘in the system’ and requiring the rest of their family to join them in the U.K.? Virtue signalling big time by the organisers and our fav. broadcaster. Does nobody think long term any more?
I do find myself wondering how there are more Syrian refugees than there are Syrians?
It’s a conundrum an no mistake.
We will be taking 800 of their so called ‘White Helmets’ next.
There should be a good profit to be made in selling white helmets all over the Middle East. A nice little earner eh ?
Oops, where is Naga this morning i wonder? Have even the BBC noticed that this childish/ bully of a woman just isn’t up to the job and that their box ticking agenda might be a teeny bit falling apart at the seams?
Sir/lord/godeternal attenborough getting his revenge for her car crash interview yesterday.
Its unmissable.
I’m very happy that I missed it. I deliberately miss her every morning, and everyone else spouting for the BBC…
Five Live Thursday night were at a crime writing festival, a lovely safe space free from their alt-Left politics. But of course within minutes they complain that there are too many white people there. What if detective fiction is a quintessentially English thing? G.K. Chesterton’s bumbling Father Brown ; Watson’s reticent tales of his good pal Sherlock; Miss Marple is delightfully English. What is the problem? Chinese love gambling; we all know Indian kids from school who became doctors; et cetera.
Why must every pursuit have an equal representation of every group? I thought diversity was our strength? What would that even achieve – throughout their obsession with ‘diversity’ they never tell us what this would achieve or if it would even be effective. It sounds good but so did communism.
The nature/nurture argument with children applies to cultures when you look at the geography of where their culture evolved. All the Australians I have known have been really outgoing, which seems inevitable when you consider they come from a tropical paradise. Unequal outcomes will happen when different groups like different things. There is no victim here. In fact forcing groups into pursuits they do not enjoy is tyranny.
Then again on Toady yesterday they talk about gaming and the ‘problem’ that more men than women work in the sector. Do women really long to fix computers for a living? Many would find it hell. They are institutionally incapable of honesty about certain things, such is the grip of group think and terror of being denounced for a thought crime. Thus we continue to grope round in the dark and waste fortunes chasing tyrannical and impracticable ideals. They really are silly for supporting this ‘hate speech’ nonsense for speaking the truth – essential to even hope to get out of this mess – is illegal if it hurts somebody’s feelings. All this lying and muddled thinking really offends me but sadly my ‘offence’ does not count.
I reckon one day in the future they’ll look back at the group think around the beginning of the 21st century of the false god of enforced ‘ diversity’ – organisations being engineered to look a particular way , targets for representation of certain ‘types’ of people in the media and other places .
It rejects the individual in favour of the group .
Europe must become less Judeo Christian white and more non white. But Africa and Asia must not become more whites. Can’t work it out.,
Fed, read that last para and had an immediate impression of a group of Daleks all spinning and screaming increasing frantically “Does not compute!” “Does not compute!” “Does not compute!”
If muslims and BAME’s really do want to integrate with UK society, why is it that we never see any of them at the Cheshire Show, the Kelsall Steam Rally, the Nantwich Show, the Astle Tractor Engine Rally, the Audlem Historic Boat Festival, the Woodfest Country Show or the Churnet Valley Real Ale Trail?
They’re all hideously white and fantastic day’s out………no doubt soon to be banned for being too racist.
“…..why is it that we never see any of them at the Cheshire Show, the Kelsall Steam Rally, the Nantwich Show, the Astle Tractor Engine Rally, (etc.)”
Simply, the mosque calls five times a day. It is impossible to fit anything else in between prayer times. Including, for most, work.
The answer is mobile mosques! There’s money to be made there, by some enterprising Muzzie…
They could always park on bridge pavements. After dashing there.
Mobile mosque = a rug. You could rent them out like deck chairs
Excellent article in the D/Mail yesterday by Tom Utley. Lots of humour in his report about attending a Paul Simon Concert, but re-living his youth made him more depressed at seeing the state of his contemporaries around him. He also made mention that it was a solely white concert – not a BAME to be seen, which he found rather astonishing given that Paul Simon’s repertoire included many African inspired songs.
I have found the same when attending 60’s concerts (that golden era of music you could actually dance to) – there is never a black face to be seen, but then, why should there be? most weren’t born, and the BAME’s of that era would listen to their own jazz music in smoky cellars, and not really seen at a Hollies or Kinks gig.
When going into peoples homes I used to do the “bob Marley cd” test – I’m white but I’m right on because I’ve got a Reggie cd .
Reggie who ? (lol !)
Whats not to like about Clint Eastwood and the General Saint?
Racial groups seem more segregated than ever. Musical/racial integration was a constant and improving landscape until something changed. Think Ska, blues etc. The music was the priority, but now race, culture and group identity is the priority
I think rapping was their thing
till it turned out the best rapper was white
Was at ” The Great Yorkshire Show ” last week in Harrogate, the atmosphere was like England 70 years ago, politeness, manners just a relaxing none threatening place to be. Yes a smattering of all communities but all English to a man and woman. My son who was with me, a city boy born and bread says the only other time he has experienced this atmosphere was when he attended ” The Goodwood Festival of Speed ” a few weeks back. The cities are lost.
When you see the faces of those killed in the line of duty they are nearly all hideously white. This is one crucial area of ‘under representation’ the liberal elite is silent about, and it tells you all you need to know.
BBC News R4 7/7.30/8/8.30am and the TOADY Programme – no mention of Lubeck bus attack, plenty of mention of Missouri boat deaths.
Injured European people don’t count? [Drop the Dead Donkey]
BBC’s obsession with everything American?
In and between the times they are painting their nails and wearing high heels to celebrate gay pride the police have managed to find other ways to waste tax payers money and avoid doing any actual police work.
“Stranded bride gets police car lift to wedding in Bibury”
PC Mark Weedon said: “When we first walked in to all the bridesmaids downstairs, we had the usual, ‘are you strippers?’ which we said we weren’t.”
No PC Weldon, you may not be strippers but you’re just as useless.
When we first walked in to all the bridesmaids downstairs
Bridesmaids? sexist!
He ! he ! I’m waiting to see the first published photos of Trans bridesmaids (like the Brides of Dracula I’m thinking !)
Here’s a fun challenge
Today BBC presenters feisty femme Rachel Burden and beta bloke Charlie Stayt invite us to think up a name for the european space agency’s new Mars rover.
Our BBC duo remind us that last time this sort of exercise in public involvement went somewhat awry – 100,000 voted for the name Boaty MacBoatface.
But fear not, the plebs won’t get it all their own way, our Rachel explains – “A panel of experts will have the last say” – let’s call that the Rachel Burden Proviso.
Which is pretty much what happened last time. Our Boaty ended up being named the Sir David Attenborough (yawn).
Can’t help but think about last time we got a vote on a european theme – when David Cameron called the EU Referendum he really ought to have told us about the Rachel Burden Proviso : He should have cautioned us to the effect that however you vote….
“A panel of experts will have the last say”
I leave friends hereabouts to ponder their own ideas for naming the Euro Mars Rover. Let your imagination reach for the stars and your sense of humour rove free… (Of course, do remember this is all just for fun…”A panel of experts will have the last say”)
Deep Fried Rover.
GW, brilliant.
Mind you, I had a wicked thought when looking at this https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/headlines/44895875/the-600-greyhounds-left-behind-in-macau.
‘What is the proximity of Macau to South Korea?’
Got to go. The Thought Police are after me.
“AAaaaaaeeeeughh! Where did I leave me trousers? Ohhhhoh!”
They could name it after whichever film studio is used to fabricate its adventures; eg. The Pinewood runabout.
Two BBC preferred names for the Mars rover : The Nelson Mandela or The Obama !
I can’t tell if that’s a joke or real these days
It is so funny – and effective – how Trump not only ignores their phoney ‘outrage’ over Russia and other issues but does the complete opposite of what they say. There are only so many times you can say the world is going to end without losing all credibility, which is what the MSM have done. He has taken them so far out of their comfort zone and they have not been able to adapt; he bypasses, ridicules and deceives them. The old tactics of smears and ‘outrage’ just do not work and they do not seem to have any other weapons.
Why should this tiny clique of liars dictate how our leaders should behave? You know May or any other identikit politician would have backtracked the second any ‘journalist’ confected some ‘outrage’ at what she had done. Trump stands up to the cry bullies and it is glorious. He drives them just as mad as they have driven us over the years.
My ‘pit-stop’ to Toady this morning commenced a little earlier than normal, fortunately. For me it has become, the headlines at 0800 then ‘off’ button. But today, I turned to Toady about 0750 in time to hear the resident islamicist describe their next guest as, “the Architect of the UN’s Migration Compact”. One, Louise Arbour.
The listener’s ability to think clearly was then abused for several minutes by Arbour in respect of the inability for any one or two National countries to stem the ‘inevitable’ flow of migrants. Emphasis on Hungary and the other members of the Visegrad Four as well as Austria et al. All the former are rapidly shutting down their intake of migrants for the sake of their National sanity much less, safety. But for Louise in full flow, (low cooing noises in the background from the resident muslima), the ‘inevitability’ of millions upon millions of moron savages flooding to the Globalist Empire known as the EU cannot be stopped.
Our Louise is another ‘lofty’ person that has never had a real job. But as a result of the Toady interview she firmly nailed her Globalist credentials to the mast. I have often commented that it is the UN that is the enemy of the peoples of the World and I, today, appreciate the BBC having described her as the “Architect” of the Grand Plan which no doubt carries the support of Soros and the NWO.
Watch out Australia: they’re targeting you now.
The UN Special Rapporteur warns … Political parties and leaders have shown increasing and disturbing tolerance …
LOL !!
Does the UN expert know how many refugees countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and a host of other Muslim countries have taken in between them? (Clue; the answer is lower than one). Why should anyone care what he says or thinks?
Thank you for doing the research on this creature because listening to her so early in the day challenged my anger management skills
I knew the Asian work experience beeboid would have an orgasm listening to this UN type – ReichEU on steroids – but the sureness with with ms UN told us what would happen could only leave on to think that President Trump is right again to cut funding . Perhaps in his second term he can get the Damn monster shut down . I’m sure President putin would agree
Second issue – I’m assuming the multiple stabbings in Germany yesterday was all a misunderstanding
As it seems to have disappeared from msm
So , too, has the latest life changing stabbing x2 in east londonistan yesterday outside an African community centre . Guessing two black people stabbing each other because al beeb would have been all over it if it could be turned into a whitee race crime
The Telegraph yesterday: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/07/20/knife-attack-german-bus-least-14-wounded-stabbing-city-ofluebeck/
What’s up with these people? Hasn’t the Telegraph got the message? All the rest have – news of any terrorist atrocities in Europe is banned lest they upset the dim public. They’re not on message. Best send the Met round to inform them………….
Pity Louise Arbour wasn’t on the bus.
It’s a shame that for every Islamic terrorist attack like this – even if it is a foreign fruit hoop – more and more will wake up to question the insanity of facilitating third world illegal immigration – despite the false moral superiority msm snowflakes vomit
I wonder if the BBC will ever wake up and make the connection?
Maybe they are too busy promoting a pill on the NHS that makes the problem go away to other people’s budgets?
GW, yeah – our (household) budgets where it impacts disproportionately in comparison to a Beeboid’s income, for example.
Quick link back to last thread, page 5 has yesterday’s posts.
I’ll repost this
Not a Big surprise
BBC Smart meters to cut energy bills by just £11, say MPs
Also BBC article on poor wind power this season.
They closed comments already
A huge charger for Cardiff’s electric bus is powered by diesel
Story broke May 24th
A Welsh Government spokeswoman said: “The diesel generator is not a permanent fixture and is used solely for the trial as a temporary connection to the electricity network is not possible.
“When electric buses are fully introduced, the charging points will be permanent and charged directly from the mains, with no generator required.”
(It’s a great way of avoiding road tax though .. move the engine outside of the bus.)
Thanks for doing the link as I realise it can be easy to move on without seeing valuable contributions .
Smart meters are a con.
Why would they spend millions rolling these out for no good reason.
Remember “Economy 7” where you had a white meter (very waycist) and got reduced price electricity between 7pm and 7pm?
Well, I reckon once they’ve finished rolling these out to everyone, they will increase their tariffs at peak times in order to encourage people to do their washing etc on evenings.
Of course they won’t tell you this.
\\ BBC Newswatch this morning discussed the recent privacy case which the BBC lost and had to pay Sir Cliff and apologized to him.
But when the programme interviewed various people from the news room they suggested that they might appeal the judgment and ‘it was in the public interest’ and press freedom is at stake.
They apologized, they were punished and they want an appeal? What worth then has a BBC apology? Where is the remorse? //
The BBC, when wrong, remind me of Neymar. They do the verbal equivalent of falsely rolling on the floor in mock agony whenever someone remotely calls them out. It doesn’t work for Neymar and it doesn’t work for the BBC. They have pulled the stunt too many times for anyone to believe them.
And just like Neymar they escape any real punishment, allowing them to continue to hoover up huge amounts of cash whilst lying and cheating their way through life.
The “apology” was for the public and the court. in the meantime the BBC want to make it clear to Sir Cliff Richard, that they will pursue and harass him to the grave and beyond – unless he begs forgiveness. That is, the threat of an appeal – which they can report on as they see fit.
Leftists never give up. Their totalitarian makeup can brook nothing that shows them in the wrong in anything. One can see that in the manner they treat Pres Trump.
Too, they have the resources of tax payer funded legal counsel. They cant lose.
Just sitting here on my sofa doing a Codebreaker when my eyes came to rest on my wife’s copy of “What’s on TV” magazine which was opened at what’s on today.
Suddenly a program on BBC1 jumped out of the page at me.
At 7.55pm we get “Pointless Celebrities”. I couldn’t have put it better myself. Well done the Big Brother Corp. At last, a smidgen of truth.
And in the top 5 must be that Richard “I’ll do any job on tv” Madeley and his ghastly daughter.
From Breitbart
New British Information Unit Fighting ‘Alternative News’, Promoting Govt-Approved ‘Facts
The BBC already is a approved fake news and government funded broadcaster. Do we need another?
Free Tommy!
I think we need a law that prohibits the government and any organisation linked to the government such as quangos, from broadcasting propaganda aimed at us the people of this country. And significant penalties for doing so.
I don’t generally approve of governments passing new laws and would like to see all laws passed since 1997 repealed. But a ban on government propaganda is a law that is now necessary.
JICI think we need a law that prohibits the government and any organisation linked to the government such as quangos,
It should apply to the BBC too.
It is quite absurd, that in the 21st century, we have a state funded broadcaster of the Radio Moscow type.
More from this link from the Breitbart original
Based across the Cabinet Office and No.10, the RRU is neither a “rebuttal” unit, nor is it a “fake news” unit. During this pilot period, we’ve tested the concept, evaluated the impact of specific initiatives and examined how strongly stories are shared online.
After a lot of fluff, this
1. As press officers we know that rebuttal will often not be an appropriate course of action.
2. As digital content experts we know that pithy, polarised untruths cannot and should not always be met with snappy responses.
3. As communicators we all know that good communication starts with listening, and that we must be alert to what is being said about government policy, including mis- or disinformation.
4. Finally, as civil servants we know that impartiality, accuracy and transparency is absolutely fundamental to everything we do.
First two – nonsense , followed by a lie and the final Big Lie of the Orwellian type.
I find this very scary
“In response, the unit drove the “alt-news” stories down search engine results and pushed the government “factual information” to the very top.”
so open actual manipulation of the internet,search engines and algorithms,
very very scary
And ready made for the next Labour government
Rob Burley in full defensive mode.
Might be interesting to measure how frequent, and spirited Rob is across the board.
Al Beeb has being going on about ‘crashing out’ Brexit and customs clearance , lorries and goods .
Well we could go back to T forms or SAD documents or even TIR carnets for truck consignments and it should be even easier to clear customs now than it was pre 92 . The Germans were especially good at this , loading a truck at a factory and making those premises a customs clearing place . Your paperwork included a cleared T Form with your CMR and away you went .
Let’s not forget that very few containers or trucks are and were back then actually physically inspected .
Paperwork designed by SITPRO will be used and a seamless movement should be the norm .
BBC Online News:
“”Battle of Britain RAF Spitfire pilot Geoffrey Wellum dies””
Not once do the BBC mention that he actually shot down German/Nazi/Enemy aircraft during the Battle of Britain. That was the whole point of being a Spitfire pilot in 1940.
We’re all friends now of course and that would upset our new German masters.
He should have been Knighted.
“”He claimed a Heinkel He 111 shot down on 11 September, and a quarter share in a Junkers Ju 88 downed on 27 September 1940. Two (and one shared) Messerschmitt Bf 109s were claimed ‘damaged’ during November 1940. A Bf 109 was claimed shot down on 9 July 1941 over France.””
They dont make em much like that much anymore a courageous man and true patriot.
And when they do they lock em up!
Free Tommy!
To get a knighthood or peerage these days you have to be one of a different type of “few” – such as Somalian refugees who can run called ‘mo’ or failed politicians call ‘nick’ who break their manifesto promises.
Kids who put their lives on the line to defend their country need not apply – in fact – they’d probably get investigated for so called ‘war crimes’ for killing some kraut pilot.
As was mentioned in my paper today -….
“today’s students can’t even cope with Kipling’s poem IF. What a contrast with the selfless patriotism of the youngest B of B pilot who’s died at 96”.
All-male Shakespeare cast causes sexism row
well, there it is
Went to see Richard II at the globe years ago with an all male cast. It was spectaclar.
Went to se The Importance of Being Earnest only last night at the “Gaiety” theatre (stop sniggering at the back) on the Isle Of Man with an all male cast. It was very good.
I wonder if the sjws actually understand what acting is all about. They are not real people on the stage, they are actors pretending to be someone they are actually not.
Makes I laff with the contortions they get themselves into.
Anyone seen the BBC book/magazine in WH Smith – its about migration.
And guess what – it’s all positive! Migration has been a godsend to the world . Not a single bit of balance….but my question is this – why is the BBC producing things like this?
In history, mass migration was either:
1) An invasion if you’re on the receiving end
2) Colonisation if you’re the one doing it
Neither was completely desirable for everyone. Somebody had to pay something. It comes at a cost
Very good.
Though some invasions and colonisations led to some good. I can think of the Roman invasion of Britain, and also the colonisation by Britain of some countries in the world, that needed that one step for them to get started.
In both instances, after setting the natives on the right road, the invaders left without much fuss.
There is another battle coming between globalisation [for the benefit of many, not just the few – if I may borrow a phrase 😉 ] and those who have controlled it so far and globalism which is enjoyed by the few at the expense of the many.
President Trump is, I think, part of it. Brexit may be part of it.
Globalism doesn’t like any of that and wants to push back. Amazingly, the bulk of the foot soldiers on the side of Globalism will derive no benefit from it unless they manage to scramble to the top of a very greasy, twisted, pole. In their suffering en route they demand all sorts of compensations from the poor souls backing globalisation.
Or theyll get thrown off tall buildings
you mean BBC History Magazine
The BBC magazine glorifying Nazis

white deviant targeted underage girls
ohhh pictures and everything,
denouncements from colleagues
the lot
Here’s some good news for a change. A man program, for men, by men! By the BBC too astonishingly, good program:
Check the male dominated non-diverse credits:
Presenter: Sam Willis
Producer: Matt Thomas
Director: Matt Thomas
Executive Producer: John Das
Participant: Hector Cole
Participant: Jonathan Ferguson
Participant: Benedict Green
Participant: Rupert Hamerton-Fraser
Participant: Robin Knight
Participant: Mark Stretton
Participant: Matthew Strickland
Participant: Robert Tilney
Participant: Lisa Traynor <- LOL
I see that James Gunn has been fired by Disney but I’ve no real sympathy for him. GOTG was great but GOTG2 wasn’t. After a good opening 20 minutes it became bloated, self indulgent and well boring. Makes me think that as much as Gunn pushed her aside, Nicole Perlman’s work on the first script was important.
Unfortunately Gunn let his success go to his head and his endless political jibes and virtue signalling became so tiresome that I stopped following him on social media.
If he wasn’t so set on lecturing everyone and ‘showing us the way’ people wouldn’t have looked at him through the prism of politics. When you start preaching, you’ve got to expect that some will start digging and maybe now he can experience the kind of persona non grata witchhunt that his brethren would carry out to anyone expressing a right of centre viewpoint in his Hollywood bubble.
Nice Payne. Self-confession is a big feature of theses situations, think Maoist cultural revolution, Stalin etc.
Self criticism
Animal Farm
Struggle session
Watched the last 15 minutes of Dateline London on the BBC News channel (11:30am to 12noon today). 3 carefully chosen guests invited to talk around a table and basically agree with the the heavily weighted questions from the BBC bloke running the show. Same bias as BBC Question Time where it is one centre right person vs 3 far left people.
BBC bloke asked guest Polly, “how much damage has Trump done to America?”
Polly, “loads… he has damaged it for generations and he is anti American”. She carries on having an non interrupted bile spewing anti Trump rant.
Then asks some French lady pretty much the same and she replies “he is a traitor blah blah blah” and she has no interruptions to talk her shite too.
With about 30 seconds left the male guest gets a sentence in saying “calling him a traitor is just the same as whites calling Obama a traitor and it…..”
BBC bloke then interrupts “that’s all we have time for I’m afraid”.
Typical beeb tactics.
Scrap the extortion tax NOW!
when marxists who hate america call you a traitor , you must be doing something right
BBC bloke asked guest Polly, “how much damage has Trump done to America?”
bias, leading and dripping in agenda, just like the BBC. The Pledge on Sky is no better
Chris Packham takes cash from Oxo-Bbiodegradable plastics corp
..and then promotes them on the One Show
.. and the plastic doesn’t really degrade in a practical time.
\\BBC News later learned that Packham is a paid adviser to Symphony Environmental, the UK’s biggest producer of Oxo additives.
But he did not declare that fact on air or to the One Show itself.//
From SECOND PART of BBC story
Times : https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/plastic-promotion-puts-chris-packham-in-hot-water-gk6jzcdvz
His Youtube promo for Oxo PAA
TR news
Times \\ A respected American think tank funding Tommy Robinson’s legal fees has admitted that it has spent a five-figure sum to get him out of jail.
On top of funding his court defence, the Middle East Forum said that it had invited overseas speakers and paid their travel bills for the “Free Tommy” rallies in Britain. The forum has previously paid legal bills to help Geert Wilders, the anti-Islam politician, successfully fight off charges of inciting hatred in the Netherlands.
Among the think tank’s fellows is Raheem Kassam, one of the self-styled “bad boys of Brexit” //
Second article
Contempt judge in Tommy Robinson case did not see full video, says lawyer
\\ In prison Robinson is segregated for his own protection but a fellow prisoner delivered a message at his cell door purportedly from the jailed Luton terror supporter Sayful Islam saying that he would be killed and that his wife, whose full name was used, would have acid thrown in her face. //
Someone claims they have Leeds court transcripts
I’m not 100% believing
Those numbered points are from Ezra’s tweets
OK we have the TR Facebook page where they state he was not allowed to plead.
TR’s team let the Secret (amateur) Barrister shout for weeks
..’He pleaded guilty, and he’s only appealing the sentence’
… then on July 18th team tommy said ‘nope here’s the papers we are appealing the whole lot back to Canterbury, it’s all been unjust’
FB post
Stew ,
Perhaps the reason the Lord Chief Justice said that the reserved judgement would take a bit of time could be that the judge, the prosecution and the defence all screwed up . So the LCJ has to find a way of keeping TR guilty as digging his brother lawyers out of a hole .
Obviously the above is wild armchair speculation but the whole thing falls into Something is Not right column . Disagreement welcome .
FP page quotes
Lord Chief Justice, quotes the Leeds judge:
“I made an order prohibiting publication of anything relating to these trials…”
(seems) The Chief suggests that is too broad, and doesn’t comply with the law!
Sounds like the prosecution broke the law in the Leeds conviction
(It would not surprise me if they make the whole problem go away with a fatal solution
.. I guess They have the option to spirit him out of jail to a safe house
.. and then do the second part of the Leeds trial )
It’s kinda weird that 2 extraordinary claims are about
– That TR didn’t even get to plead
– That The trail judge thought he could ban info already in the public domain
..No extraordinary evidence so far..Like why did no one mention them before ?
.. but time will tell
… The thing is, if TR’s conviction is thrown out , then the lawyers of the convicted gang are going to say the judge is unsound and their convictions should be quashed.
Stew should be easy for the LCJ to separate trial conduct / directions
As opposed to the ‘ novel’ situation of TR
This isn’t politically biased, BBC quoted only 4 times?
Media quotes:
New York Times – 74
Washington Post – 59
CNN – 55
NBC News – 26
Guardian – 21
ABC News – 20
Los Angeles times – 9
CBS News – 7
Fox News – 5
BBC – 4
The Telegraph – 1
Cliff Richard :
Times letter : Richard Ayre former controller of BBC editorial policy until 2017
Lays into Lord Patten
And defends BBC to hilt.
Trump, brexit bad, Trump, brexit bad, Trump , brexit bad. Local ‘man’ on bus in Lubek multi stabbing not terrorist related, good god no perish the thought.
After The BBC Proms last night I had to rinse out my ears.
Saw Stevie way back in 84.
Gave up playing music for a few months afterwards. How do you compete with THAT?
There is talent-and then there`s Stevie Wonder.
Sod the politics, this man is our Mozart.
Only Prince comes close-but Stevie has the heart and soul, Leonard Cohen comes close though.
Don’t even bother to listen to Radio 4s new series Where’s The F in News for any reason .
Don’t bother to see if it’s funny . It’s not and every normal person wil agree to that .
Don’t bother monitoring it for bias . It’s so biased that you’d think it was a parody of itself .
Seventy percent of it was against ….. Well you know who .
I’m hearing that Hammond is being criticised by Sajid David for wanting to give eu people preferential immigration treatment.
Does anyone think we are being prepared for Sajid becoming pm.
There’s only one, ‘preferential immigration’ approach. Stop them all. Immediately. From the EU and elsewhere. But, hey, that’s no doubt what the voter wants but, fact is, no politician in the House of Commons has any regard for what the public want. It just works one way: the voter keeps handing over the tax to support a Government intent upon doing precisely what they want. Sorry, I really mean what the Globalist/NWO want. Voting next election? What is the choice having decided never to vote tory ever again? None of the small/growing parties will be big/strong enough by the probable time of any next election. What then? It seems to me any local Monster Raving Loony Party candidate will be worth a vote more so that any others.
If Brexit fails then the Tories are sunk. The vote will split among the small/growing parties and Corbyn is in No 10
so be it, if pain is whats needed to make people see sense bring on the pain
EG, the fact that SJ is in one of the top jobs makes him a candidate. Don’t be too down on him yet. He hasn’t really had a chance to shine in this job.
To be fair, he was hopeless as Treas. Sec. but he was only reciting a Party Mantra and working within ‘tramlines’ that the Tories may be forced to junk.
Friday : Melbourne, Laura Southern /Molyneux PEACEFUL hall event
Police insist she has to pay $68K AUD to police the violent left Antifa-event outside on the street
\\That makes the police protection money a tax on conservatives – an intimidating tax that the Leftist fascists actually plan on.//
Good video from day before on Bolt’s Sky prog
Andrew Bolt’s additional comment :
\\ why is Southern billed for the policing costs caused by the Left?
This is simply a definitional error.
I’d love to see this one go to a court – with a sensible judge. //
It’s incredible that the Australian police even thought about it let alone actually sending her and I think Stefan Molyneux a bill. Are the chief police officers over there also Common Purpose graduates because it’s not a coincidence that every white, Christian Western country is having its law and order undermined.
In addition, Lauren Southern’s film Farmlands, which is on YouTube, brings into stark focus the racism and hatred of white people that the blacks in South Africa exhibit; it’s visceral, it’s brutal and it’s pure evil. And the fact that the collectivists such as antifa applaud this black racism, demonstrates they have chosen evil against good, satan against Jesus Christ.
I meant Lauren, not Laura of course
Newscastle council leader plays that game where you are describe the situation, but you are not allowed to mention the MAGIC words written on the cards.
ha ha he deflected bangladeshi and pakistani with iranian and iraqi dig the hole deeper
Slippery, slimy Councillor Nick Forbes (Lab).
He and his ilk need removing from public office. Our country is riddled with these people who collaborate out of personal interest and cowardice.
For once the Sky interviewer does a reasonable job.
Are we leaving a trading bloc or a political bloc ?
Or a political bloc purporting to be a trading bloc ?
Well twitter and msm seem to be saying that the white paper is unacceptable to the ReichEU which is great news to start the Summer holidays with .
Two days of parliament left so I guess there s some negative stuff coming out from HMG and the Soros Broadcasting Corporation .
I just sent my vote for Tiger Woods for sports personality of
the year after he managed a birdie at the Open. The BBC’S
coverage is second to none telling us about everthing that
Tigers does!
With Tiger Woods, “managing a birdie at the Open ” can have an entirely different meaning.
Reality 1 vs Lib-land and Jeremy Oliver : zero
Isn’t that what people of all countries have always done?
These BBC food types would like to farm four, named hens, sell them to the plebs, and still make £0.5M p.a. (The plebs would get benefit cheques to pay for the hens. The plebs get ‘good’ food, the celebs get £0.5M, win-win, the rest of us pay the taxes).
It was said of Chicago pork buchers that they used everything but the squeal.
my older relatives used to eat mashed brains warmed up like soup
and trotters and tripe
you wernt as fussy when you had been thru rationing
Youtube has live Free TR protests now.
– One from Cambridge
(antifa are lined up behind police ..while Based Amy says “Come on take your masks off, are you so ashamed ?”
– TV Discussion from Poland : will Tommy Robinson be murdered? With Jakub Grygowski on free speech (in Polish)
BBC Golf
” Woods leads in clubhouse after thrilling round of 66″
They mention that Justin Rose had a round of 64, eventually.
BBC Formula One German GP
Hamilton breaks car and lies about it for one page.
Vettel on pole in car insurance policy size font.
Three BBC employees on ££££££ doing the internet golf.
“Pars apiece as the co-leaders reach halfway.”
Joint leaders, Kisner and Johnson.
Co-leaders is three or more.
No bias, just ignorance.
‘Toblerone to revert to original size.’
Is that really the third most important thing to have happened today? Such feckless, lazy cowards at the BBC.
I’m pleased. Really, it’s been a nightmare!
Surely your preference is a Flake !
that would be cannibalism surely
The BBC is fond of scolding its audience for the beastly treatment of black footballers in the past. A Man U v Celtic youth match currently being shown (Red Button). Almost all the Man U future millionaires are black, whilst the Celtic team from Kranky’s multi-culti paradise are hideously white.
thats why the scots are so keen on immigrants
they havent got any
The Scots are keen on immigrants K.
Most of the non EU population in England was deliberately foisted on the English by Scots. Blair being the prime example.
When the Scots get their independence they get three million Asians and three million Africans as part of the deal. They invited them.
The female reporter on The Open clearly has no passion or knowledge whatsoever of golf. I hate it when they report on sport as if they were just emptying out the contents of their handbag. Hallowed ‘diversity’ is not strength here as I hope for a sports reporter to at least have some understanding or passion for what they are reporting on.
Not only that, BB. The coverage is generally poor. First of all though, why did the fee-payer supported Beeb dump the Open? (Personally, I have zero interest in athletics; admittedly, that is an issue of taste, but I do wonder… ) Furthermore, the six TV news did not even show us the leaderboard; there was a garbled report from Ms Downs, end of.
It was, as exactly as you say, all about ticking boxes, never mind content.
I am not a golf enthusiast.
I am an admirer of the spirit in which the game is played.
Players up to their knees in grass reporting accidental fouls which were invisible to anyone else.
Which made the failure to immediately disqualify Phil Mickelson for stopping his ball rolling off the green in a recent tournament disappointing.
I hope this is not the beginning of the thin end of a slippery wedge [sic].
Snooker and darts are the only other activities which seem to me to be played in accordance with both the laws and spirit of the game. But there are betting issues.
Cheating in football from kick off to final whistle is decades old.
Cricket now has the same problem, thank you Australia.
Tennis should have a “loss of hearing may occur” safety warning. Seles should been disqualified
immediately to nip the grunting/shouting/screaming problem in the bud.
Perhaps titles should be retroactively withdrawn, a la Armstrong.
Armstrong’s disqualification has not improved cycling. Therapeutic Use Exemptions are cheating and unfortunately cyclists from the UK are the most prominent, successful, cuplrits.
This is merely a reflection of current society. Of which “Remain” cheating and lying is the worst recent
example. Paid for by the taxpayer and BBC licence payer.
As a sports fan it infuriated me. All she did was list the leaderboard and the nationality of the golfers. She probably thinks a sand wedge is funds for a holiday in the Bahamas.
… or lunch
I expect there’s a kind of generational struggle at BBC Sport. There’s an older, slightly less mad group vs the young turks. The Kerenskyites know that they can’t go too far and abandon ‘white’ middle class sports like golf and tennis, even if they’re not keen on the undiverse viewer demographics (ie old, pale and stale).
So, to keep the Leninists happy they focus on a couple of individuals – Tiger Woods & Serena Williams, and front their programs with placewomen presenters who’ve never done any sport in their lives.
If it was up to the Leninists, BBC Sport would probably just consist of athletics and football, whatever gets the most BAME faces on telly.