Yesterday saw a clear admission by the BBC of its political agenda – it took down a cartoon from Youtube aimed at children extolling Multiculturalism. How much did it cost ? Who authorised it? Where did the idea come from ?
The BBC claims to be transparent and responsible- but that is clearly a lie .who is to hold it to account ?
we need to remember rare admissions by the BBC of what they are doing to Britain so that when there is a reckoning we can provide the evidence of their bias
Probably a weird fudged survey
Merely “trusting” sources is a fallacy
and the other networks are not far behind
Around 70% trust the main networks including CNN for gawds sake !
Most of the people I meet don’t trust the media at all, they know there is a real world and that the media present a spun version of it just like estate agents misrepresent houses they try to sell.
Isn’t there supposed to be very low trust in journalists ?
My worry with this is that if so many in the US still trust CNN , let alone the BBC, then the virulent anti Trump propaganda may result in them voting against him. The liars will have won and the people will have lost their only champion.
Then there is the press.
For instance, The Times.
Rupert must be sooooo proud.
Another prominent transgender story on the news. Why are they so obsessed with this topic when it must affect something like 0.001% of people? I am yet to meet a single such individual.
I guess they get to feel virtuous and nobody will be offended as virtually nobody is affected.
This is why they are fake news: they focus on tiny issues which affect hardly anyone and they ignore the real ones. Say you went for a night out at the pub and there was a big fight, flat beer and a rape. Ask the MSM what happened and they would just talk about how lovely the beer mats were. Mention the fight and they would deny it happened and maybe even get you arrested if you mentioned how flat the beer was. It is extremely lazy and dishonest. I suspect they will never change as it is such an easy life for them.
I believe the logic is, ‘we have to fill x mins or so with, ‘news’ whilst avoiding the continuing riots in Paris, rapes in Stockholm and y number of invaders arriving in Spain’.
As Douglas Murray says, we will be discussing transgender pronouns when the mullahs nuke us.
The attack on Maduro, the left-wing, incompetent despot of Venezuela, has just experienced either a bomb attack, if you read the Guardian/Sky and the BBC, else a gas explosion in a nearby flat, if you read what the Venezuelan fire brigade are saying anonymously to journalists.
Sky and the Guardian say the countries economy is in trouble because of the oil price drop. Don’t any of the journalists know what is truly happening in the world? The Venezuelan economy has been tanking since Chavez turned the country into a ‘socialist utopia’ with a Marxist command economy.
How can we make the right decisions in life if the news is going to be so absurdly biased in the favour of the not just the left, but the insane Marxist left?
Jeremy bases his whole raison d’etre on the Venezuelan economy…
“Don’t any of the journalists know what is truly happening in the world?” They’re all born with the same left leaning blind spot. Identify the blind spot and you can recognise the affliction immediately. I blame flouride in the water personally or, maybe a vitamin deficiency………..
Just wait until 5G transmitters are ubiquitous, the madness will affect probably 90% of the population, if it doesn’t kill them first.
Two attractive presenters on BBC Breakfast this morning, Victoria Fritz and Tina Dahely. So much better than Naga, but both wearing Victorian period dresses. Come on BBC you know that you want them in Burkas next so as to be even less offensive.
The snowflake paper reviewer telling us how wonderful and inclusive the new Facebook dating app will be as it will be for non binary and non gender specific folk as well. Give me strength !!!!! I can’t keep up !
It’s enough to make a the vicar yell “Gerrumoff”!
It’s what the bbc
would haveinsisted needs to be included.Is there any petition(s) out there about an enquiry into the disgraceful treatment that Tommy Robinson was made to suffer?
Torture, both mental and physical plus all of the decisions to put him into Onley instead of leaving him in Hull.
There are a whole string of questions that need answering and heads need to roll.
Any enquiry MUST have an impartial person leading it, not a whitewash as usual (Chakrabarti for example)
I don’t know of anyone impartial but there must be someone trustworthy who is not expecting a House of Lords reward for finding nothing wrong.
Also, where were amnesty international?
Just because Tommy is white it doesn’t mean it’s ok to torture him. If he was black or Muslim they would be there like flies round a bucket of shit.
“Amnesty International”.
“Just because Tommy is white it doesn’t mean it’s ok to torture him”
AI has been selectively blind, deaf and dumb since its creation.
AI has been unselectively mega left since its creation.
The British, especially the English British, do not appear on its deliberately tuned radar.
I wrote to Rory Stewart MP:
“…South Central France, 3rd August 2018
Dear Mr. Stewart
I now live in France, but still exercise my voting rights in the UK.
I have been following the goings-on in the UK with some trepidation since I and many others voted to leave the EU, and like them, still await fulfillment of our wishes with as little further prevarication as possible.
I have also been shocked by the behaviour of the police and judiciary in their efforts to stifle free speech, in particular the unnecessarily poor treatment of Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, who seems to have been the target of a great deal of intimidation by the authorities recently, and for the last few years. You, no doubt, are well aware of the case, the circumstances, the distress that man has suffered, and also the growing feeling of unease and disgust amongst the British people.
I am saddened by the rapidity at which the general state of the country of my birth is plummeting, and as a direct result I consider even more that leaving was the correct thing to do.
I was once a staunch conservative voter, but as the merging of the parties into one vast quasi-communist bloc is so painfully evident, I shan’t be doing so again. In fact, I’ll probably not vote again, at all, in the five remaining years open to me. Since Labour appears to have become as one with what used to be the Conservative party, I dread to think what might happen at your next General Election.
I can’t honestly say that the situation in parts of France are ideal, either, but on balance I feel far safer, and enjoy a superior lifestyle where I am.
Yours sincerely
Old Goat…
No reply, as yet…
Dear old goat
1 I don’t care about you
2 I’m ok because I’m off to the lords when I lose my seat
3 I’ve got a holiday home in the EU so I’m a remainer
4 my party could care les about Yaxley Lennon – we ll finish him
next time
5 he’s not myconstituent so I care even less
6 it’s subjudice so that’s my get out
7 as for the parties – one leader hates Jews and the other hates brexit
8 we have to import 3rd worlders to do the plumbing and plumming don’t you know
9 Off you pee
I’m sure, once Mr Steward returns from his (2 months holiday) after a stressful time being lobby fodder, the reply should include
1-9 above .
Old goat
PS – I might be the Minister for Prisons but I honestly had nothing to do with trying to drive TR to suicide – guv
Yours Rory Stewart FRSL MP – formerly member of the Labour Party and private tutor to Prince William and the Spare …
I trust the BBC – I trust them to be biased to the Left.
Ever the contrarian, I go against the prevailing audience trends and tune into Radio 4. The news begins with a short episode from Woody Allen’s comedy movie Bananas (1971). There’s been some attempt on the life of El Presidente down Caracas way. Drone attack he (the President) reckons. This during a military review. Love the line “Troops fled in panic”. Reminds one of granddad’s opinion on the Italians: ‘very scary in the street armed with a knife… but put them in a uniform and they run away’. Is this really the top news event for us here in Britain? And to our Paddy O’Connell with his BH show. He clearly approves of presumed consent. Don’t panic – I mean for organ donation. Now isn’t this exactly the sort of Statist legislation which the damp Tories bring in simply to give themselves a good write up from the BBC. And so our British ancient freedoms are ratchetted further and further toward the cliff edge of oblivion.
I’m almost enjoying Radio 4 since it became such a minority sport.
I suppose the ‘failed assassination attempt ‘ will be tied to President Trump at some stage by al beeb CNN NY Times and other enemies of the people …
….but what better way to get a jump in approval ratings that fixing something small to go ‘bang’ ?
‘I suppose the ‘failed assassination attempt ‘ will be tied to President Trump at some stage by al beeb’
Already happened. The BBC newscasters was at pains to quote El Presidente : “assassination attempt made by group financed in the US”
Well, I suppose given the state of the local economy where else will they find cash?
‘what better way to get a jump in approval ratings that fixing something small to go ‘bang’ ?’
Probably correct again. It’s like the Turkey ‘coup attempt’ in replay.
Hysterical laughter is now emanating from the Cassie household, Why? Read on dear reader (even the BBC production staff know she’s a right tronk).
A little late perhaps, but enjoy Paul Weston’s send up of the biased BBC and Channel Four regarding Trump’s visit. Among the highlights was Gorki’s handling of that little shit from Ch 4.
As Mr Punch says, That’s the way to do it.
They’re irritating – I got no further than the oh so transparent Jon Snow- but Matt Frei is probably the most irritating of all. I watched his interview with Bannon yesterday on YT. Matt always tries to start off by signalling a sophisticated, deep-reaching interview, but it never works: he can’t resist plunging in almost immediately to contradict his interviewee, and – within the first five minutes, becomes aggressive and won’t listen to a word the interviewee has to say.
End of interview with any value. Little Frei should avoid people who can take care of themselves, like Steve Bannon, cos he ends up being stomped into the ground, after he stops listening to what they have to say (point of interview) and starts wanting to hear only his own ‘wisdom’.
What an utter twat Frei is. He bounces around in his seat and gets so carried away, when really he knows nothing, and gleans nothing from the answers to his questions.
Thanks gwf …. absolutely superb
I have not watched tv for many years so I am not familiar with Matt Frei. In this clip with Seb Gorka he seemed determined to lazily read out a prepared list of the baying mob’s mindless Trump put downs without regard to any of the facts and opinions that Gorka put to him. For the sort of money Frei must be on he should be required to think for himself and respond sensibly to his interviewee?
BBC are going overboard reporting the ‘veteran entertainer’ Barry Chuckle, of the Chuckle Brothers, has died.
Strangely the BBC are not mentioning how Barry shared a Facebook post from Britain First supporting stripping migrants of their citizenship if they left the country to join a terror group. Tommy Robinson jumped in to support Barry Chuckle asking people to stop condemning him.
I guess the BBC cannot report that due to time and website space restrictions.
Bbc editorial integrity means that there is not always time or space to sully the narrative with facts that do not suit.
Um, apparently they’ve been in the ‘business’ for years, – clearly they’ve passed me by. A tv reporter has just said on the Beeb that “this duo were an ‘icon’ and will never be forgotten”, well sorry love but I fail to get that analogy !
TR tweeted
the TV star Barry has since distanced himself from the Britain First party.
Britain First subsequently described the incident as a ‘non-story’.
“unacceptably biased” – so withdrawn.
Sounds like a gigantic own goal to me.
Bias is acceptable, it’s only unacceptable bias, that is, mm, unacceptable, that is, it is so biased the BBC cannot defend it.
Revised with only the acceptable bias retained?
How are they ever going to pretend in the future that they are impartial, even-handed, neutral? Everyone on this site knows that this claim has been untrue for decades. This admission should go round the world.
Perhaps the president of the USA could use it.
not really an own goal; just their arrogant way of of showing who is boss and what they can get away with
Yesterday I listened to an interesting and accessible discussion from 6 July between Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) and Gerard Batten. 50 mins long – sound drops at 20 mins.
I didn’t know that at the time of the Lisbon Treaty the name of The European Union was changed to The Union (14:30 mins onwards). Laying the groundwork for global ‘regularisation’.
I did not know either.
Neither does the European Parliament.
“European Parliament – Fact Sheets on the European Union”
“No results for: “EU renamed The Union”
I cannot find this in the first twenty pages of five million search results.
Where can I find it, apart from the video?
I don’t know – it’s new to me. Gerard seems convinced though.
Just did a quick search.
It looks like GB may be misinterpreting Section A of the Lisbon Treaty where they replace the term ‘Community’ with ‘Union’.
Click to access FTU_1.1.5.pdf
Still a good interview though.
ti Thanks for your efforts.
Thank You the island.
An educational joy to listen to.
You can see why the EU elites have to hound, harass and shout over the likes of Batten. In this reasoned, calm atmosphere with an engaged and educated interviewer-just note how much more information you get, and how dangerous any knowledge that emerges is to them and their rotten project.
A must -listen, and no wonder we never get told any of this.
UKIP have a great leader, i`ll be joining again very soon.
Apparently the fascists that call themselves antifa are kicking off in Portland, Oregon. I don’t suppose the far-left bbc are reporting on it?
Have they reported on Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern in New Zealand? They can’t find anyone brave enough to provide a venue for their talks and even some New Zealand politician has spoken out against them. I suppose at least they weren’t barred from entering the country, which is what our swamp dwellers did to Lauren, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the last time they are allowed into New Zealand.
It’s been said a million times but it needs constant repetition: the real bias of the beeb is less in what it reports than in what it doesn’t.
This being a case in point.
Thanks John.
That New Zealand link is a must-watch.
The global mindset is truly terrifying, have a listen to the New Zealand talking head.
Like a slow Donc from Crocodile Dundee had he had a lovechild with Patricia Hewitt.
Molyneaux says this.
“Free Speech was not a problem until multiculturalism came along”.
Brilliant, won`t forget that!
Seems you can have EITHER free speech or multiculturalism-not both. We know what THEY chose-time now for us to choose equally forcefully.
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live having a half decent balanced debate about Social Media addiction…… apart from one compulsory black guest who sat their in silence most of the time with the debate going over her head.
When it was her time to speak it was 100% rant mode “…people from BAME don’t seek mental health services so struggle more than whites….” and then really lost the plot “…. there are no black fashion models with afro hair. All models are white…..”.
Nobody bothered to address her comments. To be honest I was embarrassed to be in my own front room watching her rant.
I guess Naomi Campbell, probably the highest paid fashion model ever, isn’t black enough for her.
And don’t forget O’barmy. Didn’t actually do much, pretended Islamic terrorism didn’t even exist, just sashayed around looking cool, skinny and black – the perfect model.
And smug.
The Nobel Peace Prize was both premature and undeserved.
The Nobel Smugness Prize, Barry wins every year, no other nominations.
To me he looks even more smug now than he did when he lived at No. 1600.
BBC’s Anita Rani : “You have to work twice as hard and be twice as good as a white person to be successful.”
I’ve no idea what she does 🙁
Nothing much, but she does it twice better than hideous whities.
Truth is, most BAMEs on tv are there BECAUSE of their colour, as a sort of box-ticking affirmative action.
And still they moan.
Angry Mariam thinks stories in newspapers should come from PR pitches by Muslim activists.
She says the papers have NOW done exactly that, but they should have done it last year Re TR
So much anger. Shame really.
They should cancel their tvls.
There’s a saying that two wrongs don’t make a right.
‘Our’ government are trying desperately to betray the democratic decision to leave the eu and present us with a brino which nobody wants.
The eu are being so bloody minded about our attempt at leaving that they are making it as difficult as possible.
Because of these two squabbling useless parties there’s a chance we might actually get the Brexit we want, a no deal, wto Brexit.
Liam Fox has said it’s now 60:40 for a no deal.
Bring it on.
Londonistan crime update – strictly not al beeb
I said I would not report any more that al beeb chooses to miss until the number of killings reaches 100- the ave for Londonistan year on year is about 110- any way it’s about 95? At the moment .
As you know there is a bit of a scare about moped crime.
A couple of days ago a pair of moped criminals were being chased by the police – one being on a motorbike . He was knocked off it and hurt . A plucky lorry driver (Waitrose ) decides to use if lorry to block the mopeds and knocks them both off. Unfortunately they survived but more positively they were injured .
A lady called NanielleDASH took phone footage of the end of the chase and gave a nice snowflake commentary about not hurting criminals and the lorry driver being ‘out of order’.( I’d give him a medal)
The lady’s details has been shared across the Press and the Twitter thing so now she wants it cancelled . In honesty tough – but goes to show intelligence and the ability to use a phone are not linked .
So far the police have not taken any action against the lorry driver who appears prudent enough not to be all over the tabloids as a hero – which is what he is.and two less robbers for a while
The usual one to one interview on SML – black interviewer and Islamic person of note (?) – same old same old, about religious understanding, and fear of Islam by white indigenous population.
Sorry, but before we had this lot offloaded on to us after the 1960’s, religion was a subject barely discussed by the ‘white indigenous population’, because we never needed to ! One was either C of E or Catholic (Jews were a rarity), and you went to church or not. The shops were shut on Sundays for the day of rest, we had Songs of Praise at teatime, and Prayer for Today on R4. That was it. We were happy with the status quo, and women with veils were the exotic beauties advertising Turkish Delight in the desert.
Now 40 years later, unwanted by us, the alien religion of Islam has permeated every fibre of our society – high posts of office, created ghettos in our cities, specialist schools, prayer rooms in our workplaces (NHS), taken over corner shops/garages/taxi firms and we’re being force fed the ideology of acceptance via adverts and the creation of tv celebrities. Our capital belong to others that are not from this country, and in parts has become fearful to visit. How has it come to this ?
I am not a ranting ‘far right’ extremist, but like millions of others, am sick to death at the way this alien religion has taken a strangle hold in my country, where religion wasn’t exactly the top of our agenda, but is now the reason for all the atrocities committed.
I’m also fed up at being classed as being part of a ‘tolerant society’ – who thought that one up ??? the media ! We’re tolerant in as much we just roll over and let everyone walk all over us. And it aint gonna stop anytime soon. Not in my lifetime anyway. Rant over.
Brilliant summary.
Agreed. This is a politician created problem that need never have existed.
Individual Muslims may have had some benefit to us, (but I bet they got rewarded in return), but no more than anyone else and I am sure that if immigration had been required we could have allowed in people not signed up to Islam.
I honestly cannot see what benefit Islam has been to any peoples in the world, (the plebs, not the rulers). It has no place in the UK, Europe or the world and should be consigned to the archives of some obscure university reference library.
Good rant.I concur.
Spot on.
re para 2: Jews were not a rarity where we lived but it made no difference. It’s not a proselytising religion, so there was no problem. Even the extreme right, as it was back then, lost interest in them
I’m sure its been said before on here, but worth posting again.
Karl Popper’s Paradox of Intolerance states: “if a society is tolerant without limit, their ability to be tolerant will eventually be seized or destroyed by the intolerant.”
So he came to the conclusion that: “in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.”
How relevant today.
Who would have ever guessed that the HS2 cost has gone up by £50 billion or so.
We don’t want it.
Instead of having these decisions like building HS2 made by a handful of very very rich people who will all make even more money out of this, why not have this decision made by ordinary folk.
I doubt we will be given a referendum on scrapping it but UKIP will scrap it.
Save £100 billion there.
Scrap foreign aid, another £14 billion every year.
Clean no deal Brexit, £40billion saved plus about £12-16 billion every year in contributions.
That’s just a start.
There’s fabulous amounts can be saved.
Stop 600,000 doctors and engineers arriving every year to go onto the dole, get a home and as much nhs as they want.
Scrap the House of Lords.
Sack 450 mp’s, 200 is easily enough.
Those at the top are taking the Mickey.
Is their lime coming to an end.
I hope so.
I would love to have Tommy as prime minister. I trust him.
I might be wrong but MSM seem to be very light on criticising Mr J Corbyn on the the labour party’s collective treatment of people who follow the Jewish faith .
Yesterday ? My Corbyn wrote a column in his favourite pro Palestinian newspaper – the Guardian – saying let’s be nice to Jewish people but not accepting the definition of anti semitism which apparently is the standard definition .
Now it was noticed that the column was a maxi – style – cut and paste job from some waffle he put out in April in the Londonistan Evening Standard – quite a few noticed it and there was a ‘flurry’ on Twitter. But for me Mr Corbyn got a free pass from al beeb and certainly Sky .
I’ve got a bit of self interest in this – I’m not Jewish – but I want rid of kind old Corbyn( as far to many deluded fools see him ) – so that people will realise that the real danger is McDonnell – i know they are all ‘hard /extreme left’ but he would be a great leader for labour because he really would tear it apart in a civil war.
I’d love to be argued against on this one and won’t be upset to be shown to be wrong – except by kids like our maxi of course .
“BBC Two’s ‘Victoria Derbyshire’ breaches impartiality guidelines with ‘specialist’ academic” Aug 3
Just one of theCorbyn’s Labour recent stories on BBCwatch
It seems that Sharmi Chrarabity got it wrong when her report cleared Labour of antisemitism
Perhaps she will do the decent thing and hand back her baroness title
Ha ha – I guess that’s one of the many reasons why Comrade hard left Corbyn can’t backtrack on his position . Shabby does look haunted these days though but I suppose the £300 a day tax free helps if she has anything similar to a soul. Shadow AG -imagine ….
Well GWF the BBC do keep calling out Sharmi Chrarabity …NOT
I too see McDonnell as far worse than Corbyn, but if antiSemitism brings down Corbyn, then the Jews will get the blame. The far Left will, in their minds, have every justification for hating Jews, as they will have brought down their sainted leader.
I’ve just switched off the Radio 4 The Food Programme .
I’ve not been able to listen to most of it as I’m busy , but the bit that made the switch off was because they started to discuss Trump .
Probably in a bad way , I’m not listening any more .
Perhaps it’s time to ditch the programme because they’ve run out of foods to talk about . Nowadays it seems to be about food and changing society , or about music and arts , but not much about food .
Or the BBC madness about Trump so he’s mentioned on every programme , whether the news and current affairs or Gardening or food . It’s no joke , but they have lambasted him on programmes purporting to be about those subjects .
Nibor – in fairness that programme has always been a long winge about” things aren’t as good now as. They were “
It leaves us as positively positive ….
How long as Shiela Dillon been allowed to have this sorry berth of a show for herself?
Are we talking Libby or Laurie eons here?
Or are we taking a Hislop, a Yentob or a Naughtie in terms of being one rancid dangleberry on the arse hairs of the BBC?
Unbudgeable arse nuts you daren`t cut away with a pair of scissors then?
Bloody Dillon is less use that her brother on the Magic Roundabout, no doubt she`s on the mushrooms as she thinks shes Elizabeth Fry in the prison canteen, Elizabeth David in her truffle bed somewhere Languedoccy.
The few times I`ve crossed wavelengths with this Tarte des Lemmingues are inevitably awards for fat Gloucester Lesbians and their jus de cochon, as served at BBC Bristol on Red Noisette Jour!
Utter wankette this Dillon-will the BBC EVER run out of giving themselves awards?
And should the Cliff Scoop Award now be shared with Through the Arsehole with Loyd Grossman now?
Sorry re the bottom stuff-too much Wordworth and Plath I fear!
What is it about pigs in blankets that so attracts Shiela Dillon and her squealers?
I`ll be telling the imam about her pig worship, just to be a windup.
Oh, if only we could bring back Derek Cooper, one of the best voices on BBC4.
BBC News channel ‘The Travel Show’ is supposed to be about “travel” but the BBC are using the programme to mark, what would have been, the 100th birthday of the convicted terrorist Nelson Mandella.
They mentioned a concert full of the usual white liberal pop stars where tickets are free but….. you have to prove you are doing some good in the world to get one – unlike Nelson Mandella did then!
Biased hit piece on Matteo Salvini on the Beeb’s website by James Reynolds titled “Can Italy trust this man?” – but then, is there any other kind? Early on, Reynolds talks about the Italian 2018 election campaign:
“Why are you against migrants? I asked him once he had finished his cigarette.
“I’m against illegal migrants,” he corrected me. “Too many of them are dangerous for Italy and Europe.”
Sounds a reasonable argument to me – though not to Reynolds and Salvini’s biographer, Matteo Pucciarelli:
“He’s a chameleon, a politician who changes colour and shape according to his convenience and the political moment. Today he plays the right-wing sheriff. But knowing him privately, I know that’s not his true nature. That’s a character.”
Worst of all though is their statement that Salvini is a ‘conspriracy theorist’ for stating that the migrant crisis is a planned event rather than a random phenomenon. In May 2017 Salvini said “I’m increasingly convinced that there is an ongoing attempt of ethnic replacement of one people with another people. This is not emergency migration, but organized migration that aims at replacing the Italian people with other people, Italian workers with other workers.”
That statement is described by Reynolds thus:
“Salvini’s assertion refers to a corner of conspiracy theory occupied by those who have long believed that European elites have a detailed plan to replace their own workers with migrants. Salvini uses words and ideas that were first developed in extreme right wing circles.”
And there we have it – Salvini is extreme right wing and, therefore, not to be trusted.
I can’t see why decent politicians like Mr Salvini entertain even the presence of an Al beeb enemy of the people .
There definitely needs to be coordination across Europe to just freeze these beeboids out . They will still have their ‘ free speach ‘ but not be able to distort views the way they want .
Some people won’t like this view but it is a war of how our countries are being changed against the wishes of many people who largely have not had a say . – apart from the rapidly disabled brexit
All that you describe is the daily diet for the BBC. As long as they, at the very least, sow doubt in peoples minds, they have fulfilled their function. It is actually pretty sick.
Methinks that could be a lesson learnt …
Operation back pedal by the Times
‘Rod can you write something about TR, to divert from the Janice Turner libel ?’
It’s no friendly to TR, but it is not the normal super-hatey rant we get from metro-libs
Liddell acting under instructions to say TR is touring TV studios ( false news) and obviously lacking the humanity to see that TR has been given the full State Repression Treatment many ( of us perhaos ) could be on the receiving end in the ‘ hate filled’ future .
Liddell has got to earn a living so throwing excuses to his fellow sharks in the msm for looking the other way with regard to organised Pakistani Muslim paedophile ( white girls only ) gangs is only to be expected .
Hope TR is getting better on his holidays – no tinned tuna .
I’m really glad I don’t buy newspapers or pay that tv tax
Sadly, even the so-called right-leaning press are so terrified of being called racist, fascist or islamophobic that they feel obliged to qualify and prefix anything they say about TR with disclaimers along the lines of: ”loathsome though he is… perhaps he has something to say”.
(Hope he sues the crap out of the Times and Janice Turner.)
A disingenuous account by Liddle, and that’s being generous.
I’m sure he knows perfectly well that Labour MP Ann Cryer raised the issue in 2002 but no action was taken. I believe Nick Griffin raised it in 2004 or thereabouts.
Hardly anyone in the MSM can be trusted these days, they always blame the messenger. Enoch Powell has been blamed for ruining race relations in the UK in spite of the fact that other EU countries, where he was not known, have experienced the same problems with multiculturalism.
Traditional journalists, if I can call them “journalists” with a straight face, are being sidelined by the likes of Paul Joseph Watson and they don’t like it one bit. They’ve been negligent, cowardly and dishonest, and they know it.
Brexit did bring out a few of our allies.
The likes of Rod, Melanie, Hannan and Gove voted the right way, and have helped us soften the culture somewhat.
The Remainiacs therefore have not had 100% of the media to channel their snobbery and nastiness-and I`m grateful to Rod, Boris and Douglas.
But not one of these are revolutionary. Clean nailed popinjays on good salaries, London based chatterati. Don`t blame them at all, and on Brexit and other big issues they`re honourable in large part. These though are well paid established op-ed writers, Liddle was the Today producer wasn`t he?
Tommy is a different level. And only the famous few like Morrissey, Anne Marie, Gerard and Paul Weston-like Geert and Trump Jnr -got the BIG one right.
As Katie Hopkins said-the law is now opinion, and we need to take it on those terms. It`s not our law , and Robinsons case shows this.
Muslims have long been doing this, about time we actually learned something useful from them whilst they`re still talking to us.
Clowntime is Over if Corbyn gets in.
“the law is now opinion”
So is science.
“London based chatterati”
Or virtually any university town. Try York – I avoid it like the plague.
I disagree regarding “it not because being our law” ….yet . Marson? The judge who kangarood TR was put right by the LCJ . It was un British and un just and the judge presumably didn’t personally like TR or thought he’d get approval for screwing TR -and trying to kill him .
But the law ‘worked’ . The real concern is the way the law is developing . We arnt far off the Prof Peterson issue of using law to control language . This also goes for the false ‘ hate speech ‘ laws and those being designed to ‘ protect’ politicians and unacceptable internet use – which might include this site .
That written Constitution idea might have saved us – if it was drawn up now it would kill us.
Yes, see the dilemma Fedup2.
But if we were really doing our job, Tommy would not have languished in assorted jails, dependent only on the mercy of some Labour grandee with a conscience.
The Supreme Court is an EU instrument, it is not the British Law we were brought us on.
Tommy should not have been seen to go to prison, we`re either a nation or pathetically reliant on some liberal cardboard mock up of “justice” to keep us sweet.
The elite need to be made to fear us, they`re taking the piss.
If I recall – contempt of court used to be a common law offence but once the fools introduced the echr into the human rights act it had to be put into a statute – the one used against TR. the judge in the first case applied it correctly – and gave a 3 month suspended job – but Mawson – at Leeds – excuse my French – Fucked up and had to be corrected by his boss – the LCJ.
I agree that the Supreme Court ain’t supreme because it has to comply with the ECJ until we brexit and stop being it’s bitch .
Just a matter of ‘ have regard to ‘ with I suppose amounts to persuasive precident …
I don’t think the ‘elite ‘ as you say – will ever fear us because they will rely on artificial false traditions to retain their position – as well as nepotism [ see Snow , Dimbleby et al ].
“They’ve been negligent, cowardly and dishonest, and they know it.” And, in true lefty style, they’re gonna carry on doing exactly the same.
Maybe it would have been better if Nick Griffin and Tommy said nothing about this and left it to the professionals. After all the “worlds favourite broadcaster” knew all about it and I am sure the they have dealt with it speedily just like how they dealt with the Saville scandal.
I know they are good because on their website there is always a little window saying “why you can trust the BBC”
So much trouble in paradise. Rory’s missus will need to watch out.
Do you think the MSM are testing the temperature before slightly changing their tone on TR. They don’t want to find themselves on the losing side, but they need to keep their moral superiority.
Venezuela President survives ‘drone assassination attempt’.
But look at how the socialist broadcasting corporation explain the catastrophe that is Venezuela: their favourite dictator, Chavez, did only good. They use the words ‘social’ and ‘socialist’ a number of times to describe all the ‘good’ stuff he did. But the word is dropped when ‘explaining’ the disaster that Maduro has been.
The problem isn’t catastrophic socialist policies you see, no no, it’s those pesky falling oil prices, and, some would say, “imperialist forces such as the US.”
Subliminal message: socialism = good. Capitalism = bad.
Job done, it’s a wrap.
Is JonDon still creating sub-journalism out there?
Here’s a little gem from BBC news.
It’s about a certain part of Cape Town being gentrifyed.
Innocent enough, then I see the name of the work experience chap who wrote it, ‘Mohammed Allie’. Oh dear.
The area in question is a Muslim area and they don’t like change, not one bit. Those pesky infadels with their civilized ways just won’t do.
To get the gist here’s a quote from a local called Shakirah Dramat.
“There’s no problem with outsiders moving into our area as long as they respect the culture, this is obviously a largely muslim area”
“There is a problem when people start calling for the volume of the call to prayer from the mosques to be turned down, when they open restaurants that serve alcohol and pork, thats blatantly disrespectful”
I am getting paranoid? If the story was reversed and was about Blackburn, Oldham, Tower Hamlets etc, the BBC wouldn’t dare write it.
Tapwater, you’re not paranoid — I found that piece extraordinary too.
“…while she understands that people have the right to move, she believes they also have a duty to preserve their heritage. We need to educate people about the heritage of the area […] the reality is that over the last few decades our area has shrunk.”
It takes a special kind of stupidity or subterfuge to not see the outrageous double standards. In the beeb’s case, I’m going with both.
Calling out the BBC
What will our resident Al Beeb correspondent make about that?
Over to you maxincony ………….
Good point Pug.
I was a far lefty back in the late seventies and right up to the end of the Berlin Wall when I turned deep green. We were the new brownshirts in effect re that red/green blending of policy.
So I can tell you that the Greens, Labour, Lib Dems and the BBC, Guardian are all Judophobes in their DNA-they`ve been spouting this shit since our Anti Nazi league days of 77/8 etc, when we marched under all and any PLO banners as the Buzzcocks tuned up!
For the BBC therefore to denounce anti Semitism is like their tax avoidance crap. They light a fuse and sit on the keg, seemingly unaware that the flame is heading back and right under their fat arses very soon.
Corbyn has always been a Jew baiter, but -like Trotsky-will have clean hands.It`s his goons that have long been doing this, the likes of Johan Hari and Medhi Hasan have been all too clear in recent history. They hate Israel, Marx or Muhammad demands it.
And these are not sentient thinking people-these run with their packs because they`re thick brownshirts-but disguised now as pastel hipster wear.
Berlin Wall! Don’t you mean the anti fascist barrier, to keep the fascists out of East Germany.
I too was a lefty until the Hungarians were smashed by the workers tanks in 1956. Sometime later I recall a discussion with the historian E.P. Thompson, who told me how he remembered the Marxist historian, Eric Hobsbawm , sitting on a wall crying because he could not accept that the soviets would do it. Diddums
But did Hobsbawm recant? Did he apologise? Nope, none of those Soviet-sympathising Marxists did, even when the ghastly truth was known, they just went to work at the bbc.
I suspect the same will happen again. Sooner or later even the blockheads at the beeb will sniff the wind and realise the times they are a-changing, that they’ve been out of step with public opinion for a while. Then they’ll just move a fraction to the right on a few issues, and carry on as before.
I would hate that, I want heads to roll. Literally.
PS. Here’s a picture of Hobsbawm. See what Marxism does to you?
I hope they never add it to the water supply. Hang on a minute- perhaps they already have. That would explain a lot.
They made Hobsbawm an MBE or such didn`t they?
How British, how sinister and how self-defeating our culture has long been.
Laski, Wesker, Hobsbawm and Miliband(R)-what the hell were we tolerating in return for saving their sorry arses?
Alibaih Brown is only the latest-we end up with Salman Abedi getting no analysis for what our state chooses to let us mop up.
11 kids and 12 adults as I recall.
And that’s before age took its toll.
Quite so Anne. Here he is in his later years.
We were all lefties once GWF. Some of us grew up. Beeboids never did.
Never !
This is not directly BBC related, other than it probably applies to half the odd-balls it employs.
The Sunday Times (pay-walled) reports a ruling by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) that the NHS must give patients awaiting gender reassignment surgery access to fertility services as a priority.
“The EHRC says transgender patients should be offered the option of having eggs or sperm extracted and stored for future use before they undergo gender dysphoria treatment, which can result in a loss of fertility. Gender dysphoria describes the distress felt by patients because of a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity.”
So the NHS is being forced to use large sums of it’s budget to allow men to store sperm before “becoming woman” and woman to store eggs before “becoming men” all because it is now fully accepted that once they change their gender they won’t be able to carry out any of the reproductive functions of their “chosen” gender.
Next time you’re told you have a two year wait for surgery due to lack of funding you’ll know it’s because the NHS is paying for people to change sex and at the same time paying for them to retain the ability to have children as if they had never changed sex in the first place.
17.00 hrs Radio 4 a programme about abortion in USA and how it could become illegal due to …. Trump .
Well you can guess the drift of the programme because you know the BBC , but here’s what interests me ..
The Beeboids didn’t like the anti abortionists using other means rather than persuasion in politics to get their way .
Well now I agree with them on that . I think the art of politics and change or no change on issues should be by public discussion and trying to get the other side to join your side , or yourself being persuaded by the other side .
It would certainly be more civilised than the BBC’s way of sneers , denouncing by association , denunciations of racism homophobia islamophobic misogyny , intimidation on Question Time and Any Questions , omissions , twisting the facts , misquoting , ignoring and partiality .
Rational discussion . Try it BBC .
” I think the art of politics and change or no change on issues should be by public discussion and trying to get the other side to join your side , or yourself being persuaded by the other side .” ‘Fraid that principle is doomed, see Stefan Molyneaux on YouTube:
After burning all the books and tearing down all the monuments, they’ll come for the old folk first.
Well this morning the world’s best broadcaster managed to announce the death of Barry Chuckle in a manner totally in keeping with the Chuckle Brothers usual modus operandi.
First of all a photograph of the brothers was shown and the hapless newsreader said, “Barry pictured here on the {awkward pause} errllrrleft”. Textbook.
Later a caption appeared with words to the effect of – Barry Chuckle Dead- Appeared in a double act for over 50 years with his brother Barry.
I put my head in my hands.
Then the caption refreshed, Appeared in a double act for over 50 years with his brother pAUL. And no that’s not my typo, it’s how it appeared.
Next they brought on an entertainment correspondent. Now I wouldn’t have expected her to be able to freestyle a section on his life and career, but at the same time I found it insulting watching a correspondent simply reading off a piece of paper lying in front of her on the desk. Not referring to it mind, reading it as if it was the first time she’d seen it. A complete waste of a wage, they’d have done better to let the newsreader do his thing on autocue, her attempts to look like she knew what she was talking about failed abjectly.
So there we had the world’s most trusted news source paying tribute to a 20 year plus servant of the BBC. RIP Barry, you and Paul would have struggled to do a “better” job yourselves
This could be the opportunity our “talented” PM needs.
She obviously finds it difficult following clear instructions from the electorate so maybe she should see if Paul could give her some work moving planks etc “To me, to you, to me , to you”
Having said that she certainly missed a bit of a trick because either Paul or Barry could easily have completed Brexit on their own, without the “help” of Oily Robin. This would have left an ideal opportunity for Theresa to still have a job in the limelight as one half of “Chuckle Vision”
Nah maybe not – she would probably balls up that one too
To be fair to Barry Chuckle, he seemed to be wanting to set up a free school in his home town of Rotherham.
Even a clown school there would be a safer place for the white girls of the town than any of the Council ones.
Not sure if the UKIP sticker in the windscreen would get my kids taken off me and sent to the Jim Al Savile Academy instead…but sorry to lose Barry, nearly as good as Trevor and Simon!
As the nation approaches a critical time we hear from Al Beeb “No deal most likely Brexit outcome for UK” (Liam Fox). For two years now we have had nothing but ‘weeping, moaning and the gnashing of teeth’, from the so called “trusted broadcaster”. So much for impartiality? Borris noticed that, but nothing was done about Al Beeb’s bias.
Our PM has deliberately procrastinated since we voted ‘out’ in the hope that “project fear 1,2,3,and 4B” and Al Beeb’s propaganda will change our hearts and minds, calling that people of Great Britain to surrender.
Those old enough to have voted in the 1975 referendum will remember it was (to use the dreaded word) a ‘binary’ vote. It was “Remain a member of the ‘European Union’ or ‘Leave the European Union’.” There was no call for a second referendum then?
Despite all the lives lost by our servicemen, the civilians and the mass bombing of our land during the Second World War the nation did not surrender to the Dark dictatorship in Europe. Why should we surrender now? Has our nation bred a generation of Snowflakes? Our nation is crying out for a leader not an appeaser.
Parliament needs an Earthquake to shake it from its foundations. Vote UKIP
Just to cheer you up, let me introduce you to the delightful and astute Sarah Jeong, who is so wonderful she is now on the New York Times editorial board.
Here are some charming snippets she has the generosity of spirit to share with we white people on her Twitter feed.
“Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”
“Dumbass fucking white people marking upo the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants”
“White men are bullshit.”
And so it continues. Fatuous racism? Na, she isn’t white. How on earth did the BBC miss out on this enlightening white hater?
Delightful young Lady.
Maybe we could all club together and pay for her to have a fortnight in Bradford or Luton. I would personally pay for her to have her very own burkah – you know, the ones where they only have a panel to look through. See if she still hates us quite so much after that.
Strange really – any sane outfit would have cut their losses and sent her on her way – guess she must be banging someone …
Who would have thought it
Twitter had to back down.
Apparently her abusive, racist and man-hating comments are to be taken as her merely mimicking those whose views she is mirroring to show how horrid they really are.
Who knew that this was a defence if a Lefty does it…maybe we should use it.
A new defence in common law US/UK – mimicking …. I wonder who’ll win the 13 month solitary prize for that one…
I respect people who speak their minds. It’s just a pity that darkies don’t.
Lefty – so what you’re saying is …you are mimicking her mimicking them … if it was purely racial I’d have to issue a yellow card but I know it merely idiomatic
She has certainly out afraa ‘d afraa…. she has to raise the hate bar now….
Where’s Bernard manning when you need him ? [ maxi – you might need to do a wiki for the reference]
Can Al Beeb’s tell us what its favourite political leader, Mr Corbyn is doing about democracy and getting us out of the EU because The Conservatives are useless?
Labour voters who voted for freedom and Brexit should now ‘Go UKIP!’
Come on Jezza. Pull your finger out. There are more than a few Labour Brexiteers waiting to hear your policy. Who knows, it could be of mutual benefit.
If Jezza said he would get us out I am sure that Nigel and all UKIP would vote for him. Thats 17.5 Million!
Like Tony Benn, I am sure that he used to be anti-EU?
Here are some news
Young people are eschewing acquiring a car and taking their driving tests , prioritising other things .
The annual mileage of the average motorist is down from previous years .
There are two and a half more cars on the road than five years ago .
What to make of that lot when put together . Either ;
A huge amount of immigration , or some people are buying cars and leaving them parked around and buying more cars and driving them a little before parking and buying yet another car .
Young people cannot afford car insurance. A mortgage would be cheaper.
“A 22-year-old man has been stabbed to death in south-west London after what police believe was a brawl between up to 10 people.” on Al Beeb.
Not headline news any more? Has this crime become normalised because it is so frequent or is it hidden away because of the bad publicity it gives to ‘diversity’ ?
Yes on both counts.
“brawl” taff?
You want to amend that?
You probably meant to say “rumble”, “barney” “contretemps” “spat”-“fracas” or “doggy bags at dawn”( can`t use handbags any more , remember?).
Happy to send an Uber re-education van round to help you along, should you desire this opportunity.
How about ’emotional ethnic confrontation’?
“Interfaith high jinks in a skirmishing environment”?
Had the Tories not removed all youth funding then this could have been better contained in a more congenial situation.
In the interests of multi-cultural enrichment they were leaning Scottish dancing when a practice for the Scottish Sword Dance went tragically wrong.
How it should be done is from 1 minute 10 seconds.
I blame the middle classes for taking cocaine, County lines , post code dissing, lack of yoof clubs, rap, grunge ,grill, government cuts , police forces busily painting rainbows and …er the …person (s) who dun it…. but as the chief of Londonistan police said – it under control now ….
Noted that the Catholics were back in the BBCs good books this morning(Sunday 7.45am).
Yes, they might be paedos for most of the year, and condom denying grumps over euthanasia , for example.
But they`re now sound on the death penalty , as far as the USA are concerned.
Finally Frankie gets it-and who better to front up the new papal infallibilty bullet point that that famous nun who once met Sean Penn. Helen Prejean no less-woop, woop!
Went past the catholic church this morning-packed as usual, standing room only.
Surprised the BBC didn`t ask the Muslims to sign up to it too on the show.
Alicia ,
I didn’t realise I am a paedo for much of the year . As you say , the church may have been full up , and the one in my parish is also regularly full up. Maybe you’d like to pop in to your local one – a might get a ‘get out of hell’ free card if you do .
It’s hard being a good left footer because human nature gets in the way . But so it goes . I always think that there are so many differences between Christianity and Islam – all gas and gaiters ,
Vicar of giblets , Father Ted , (london)derry girls —- and the Muslim comedies are …..
I can’t see the RCs ever being in favour with the heathen pro Islam al beeb ….
No worries – too many Catholics Priests gave up to the devil and abused their position and more importantly Children . In my opinion the organisation deserves some stick – especially for cover ups . Al beeb loves them . I wonder , sometimes , about what Muslims get up too — i Fear it’s far worse and will never come to light.
Sorry Fedup2, I didn`t make it clear enough that Radio 4 regards Catholics as paedos for most of their recorded output.
I`m Catholic by birth, First Communion and Confirmation with my very own secret saints name too.
Needed speech marks didn`t I?
Sorry not to have been clearer, but Francis is making your church into a basket case. If I were writing one novel, it would have to be about just how and why Benedict was removed. He was prophetic re Islam and the EU, cultural marxist threats-and I bet the pixie SJW warrior from Buenoe Aires was a Davos plant…
That Savile was a catholic is irrelevant. Sorry sir.
No worries at all – it’s the hazard of the blog – no need for sorry either – religion is complex – I was lapsed for a long time and then got grabbed back . I get upset by the anti judeo Christian stance of al beeb but Islam gets a free pass – and in fact – promotion in accordance with State policy .
And you are right on Saville – I think he was also given awards by the church as well as meeting a Pope or two. But if there is an afterlife you can guess which direction Mr Saville went …
Just seen on sky news a couple of minutes ago at 20:10
1 in 5 businesses to relocate out of the U.K. because of Brexit.
Yes, 20% of all businesses will be upping sticks (even though only 12% of businesses trade with the eu)
The girl who said this on sky news kept a straight face as if she actually thought it was true.
She is the Head of Europe and trade policy, institute of directors and her name is Allie
Actually, she said 10% would leave and another 10% want to, something like that, ending by saying 20% leaving.
As I said in a previous post – the adults of the MSM have gone on their holidays leaving the interns in charge ….who think no one apart from mum and dad is watching …
We need a prize for the best Project Fear Two….
Allie Renison.
(Somehow her surname was cut off, by my edit I think)
Here’s a five-star story from the BBC website as the Corporation warms to its favourite theme or should I say obsession:
As one of my friends says, it will soon be compulsory.
Yep, any male resisting being sodomised will be deemed homophobic, and sentenced accordingly.
The Sage
If I didn’t know better I’d say that is the best spoof al beeb website of the week. Thank god I am colour blind ….. and dislexic LGTBYOYQWERTY keyboard . Priceless – apart from the TV tax ..
Bin Laden’s son has married the daughter of lead 9/11 hijacker, apparently. A marriage made in heaven, to be sure. Wonder what little monsters that liaison will produce. Oh well, they can always get jobs at the beebistan, which will be 100% sharia-compliant by then.
Amazing their wedding didn’t get a visit from a predator drone …but maybe after the honeymoon – if the mo has that –
Not much on the box tonight so browsing around as one does. Though I’d have a cursory mooch at the Twitter accounts of the completely impartial Jon sopel and one of the biggest , purest snowflakes that has ever graced the earth, Anthony Zurcher . Utterly hilarious how Trump Derangement Syndrome has befallen them. They must be burning up inside every minute of every day Trump is president. It’s a beautiful thing to see. It really is. Any sense of impartiality completely out the window with those two leftards !!!!! Keep up the amazing work Donald.