Weekend Open Thread 4 August 2018

Yesterday saw a clear admission by the BBC of its political agenda – it took down a cartoon from Youtube aimed at children extolling Multiculturalism. How much did it cost ? Who authorised it? Where did the idea come from ?

The BBC claims to be transparent and responsible- but that is clearly a lie .who is to hold it to account ?

we need to remember rare admissions by the BBC of what they are doing to Britain so that when there is a reckoning we can provide the evidence of their bias

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338 Responses to Weekend Open Thread 4 August 2018

  1. Fedup2 says:

    Easy accusation to make – and if MSM is receptive then the publicity could be worth £££..


  2. Navets says:

    A gratuitous feel-good story about the EU and how the young can enjoy free travel across Europe, courtesy of the EU, for the many winners of a competition.


    Conflating the EU and Europe on a recurring basis, full of trivia and, even including the story of one young winner who is a brexiteer. A must read for anyone who has nothing better to do and a sad indictment of the standard of journalism employed by the “Nation’s favourite, unbiased, reality-checking, fake-news watching, fearless, world respected, aunty” that is the BBC.


  3. RJ says:

    Duplicate post deleted.


  4. Guest Who says:

    This Jones fellow, is he the one the bbc cannot get enough of?



    • Guest Who says:

      Still, it seems there are plenty more to fill the void he creates.


      Reeta is both a tool, and lacking sharpness.

      Sounds like DG material.


      • Navets says:

        Once again, inexcusable bias by the BBC on the matter of antisemitism. The BBC portrays itself as a national treasure but its actions are those of a national disgrace.


    • Navets says:

      A must read for anyone with any doubts about the deep-rootedness of Jeremy Corbyn’s antisemitism. It also shows, in stunning detail, exactly what kind of a weasely apologist for Corbyn Jones is and how his words and actions are solely borne of opportunism.


  5. Spiderman says:

    The Canary Islands are having one of the worst summers on record.


    • StewGreen says:

      Labour’s “The Canary” webzine is having one of the worst summers on record.

      BTW type AntiSemiticism … into Google and guess who’s face appears on the screen ?