Yesterday saw a clear admission by the BBC of its political agenda – it took down a cartoon from Youtube aimed at children extolling Multiculturalism. How much did it cost ? Who authorised it? Where did the idea come from ?
The BBC claims to be transparent and responsible- but that is clearly a lie .who is to hold it to account ?
we need to remember rare admissions by the BBC of what they are doing to Britain so that when there is a reckoning we can provide the evidence of their bias
An example of BBC journalism at its finest, asking quesions, probing and accepting nothing at face value:
In spite of no arrests being made and, presumbly, the perpertrators remaining unidentified, the BBC repeats the claim, without question, that the perpertrators are “mask wearing fascists”. The BBC’s defence would be the use of inverted commas.
How quickly the press release was issued and how quickly were quotes from the “celebrity” and local MP garnered.
You will pardon me for being a litle suspicious of this story. The only mask wearers I recall reading about in the news lately have been from the lefty rent-a-mob privileged libtarders and this so-called attack reeks of an attempt to conjure up the far-right Trump loving fascist bogeyman using tried and tested methods of making a point. How convenient that books on Islamaphobia were targeted by someone wearing a Trump mask. Pure theatre if you ask me.
Easy accusation to make – and if MSM is receptive then the publicity could be worth £££..
A gratuitous feel-good story about the EU and how the young can enjoy free travel across Europe, courtesy of the EU, for the many winners of a competition.
Conflating the EU and Europe on a recurring basis, full of trivia and, even including the story of one young winner who is a brexiteer. A must read for anyone who has nothing better to do and a sad indictment of the standard of journalism employed by the “Nation’s favourite, unbiased, reality-checking, fake-news watching, fearless, world respected, aunty” that is the BBC.
Duplicate post deleted.
This Jones fellow, is he the one the bbc cannot get enough of?
Still, it seems there are plenty more to fill the void he creates.
Reeta is both a tool, and lacking sharpness.
Sounds like DG material.
Once again, inexcusable bias by the BBC on the matter of antisemitism. The BBC portrays itself as a national treasure but its actions are those of a national disgrace.
A must read for anyone with any doubts about the deep-rootedness of Jeremy Corbyn’s antisemitism. It also shows, in stunning detail, exactly what kind of a weasely apologist for Corbyn Jones is and how his words and actions are solely borne of opportunism.
The Canary Islands are having one of the worst summers on record.
Labour’s “The Canary” webzine is having one of the worst summers on record.
BTW type AntiSemiticism … into Google and guess who’s face appears on the screen ?