High Summer . The bubble is away or writing columns about failed air travel. But the BBC carries on showing its bias . Perhaps it gets a bit easier for us because the interns are in charge ….
Start the Week Open Thread 6 August 2018
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Jesus – Kay Burley – how much does she get paid to put forward stupid and crass analogies? Not BBC but worthy of them as they keep pushing the Boris must apologise..
Ms burley is merely the product of the incest which results from these people living in a metro bubble and just getting to share the same outlook on the world with any dissenter labelled as ‘ extreme right’ . Can’t see it changing in the near future – although sky news does lose – I understand £600 million a year but it was Ruperts pet project
Increases in life expectancy slows. Not yet falling. But watch this space.
‘New Government target set, to match the average life expectancy of nationals living in Pakistan, Somalia, Eretria, Bangladesh and other Third World countries’.
Could the trend have anything to do with the Government? Like the NHS murdering patients in Gosport and elsewhere. Like the number of foreign staff in the NHS who, in the main, will never, never show the same dedication to patients as British born health staff.
So ITV Calendar do you have any agendas ?
Other local news actually on BBC and ITV
There was murder on July17th, but police have only just launched PR campaign against culprit
meanwhile in Hull
Ishaq Al-Noor attacked one of his victims – a 17-year-old student – in the grave yard off Spring Bank West in June last year, and tried to rape a mother in her 20s six months later, in “almost identical” offences.
Looks like Nicola Adams having lost a fight, Stew.
Good old C4 news – President Trump having the normal crappy pointed stick stabbed at him even though the cancellation of the Iran Deal was a campaign promise which he has now delivered .
Admission – I don’t know whether the Iran deal was good or bad but it would be good if the Iranian mullahs no longer existed .
But C4 s concept of democracy can be pretty limited when it chooses .
Every. Single. Box. Ticked.
How many legs has she got? If it’s more than one, then it’s not quite full house and could still be bettered….
Theresa May has joined the Muslim Council of Britain in demanding Boris apologies for describing the world as he sees it.
Now I am not a pollster but I would imagine her joining Muslims in an attack on free speech might just, you know a little bit, lead to her immediate downfall.
What amazes me is the total silence from the feminists and men in this country ( I say this sat in a hotel in Duesseldorf). We have a barbaric superstition that forces women into clothing that you wouldn’t force a dog to wear and stones them when they fall out of line. Not a peep. Not a fcking word. What a fcking country.
Has May apologised for letting Salman Abedi into the country, only to blow over twenty people( mostly kids) at Ariane Grandes concert last
May, let aloneBlair for letting the Royal Navy take him here via an MOD ship?
Has Jess Phillips apologised for saying Birmingham blokes on Broad St are no better than the Cologne rape gangs she failed to condemn in January 2016 /
So fuck off May and Phillips-until you do, he shouldn`t.
Boris has got his Trump moment-now will he take it, or bottle it.
Be worthy of Trump will ya?
AND-in the case of these two harpies-they have specific apologies to make-parents of the dead, Birmingham men.
Who does Boris need to say sorry to-the BBC? MCB? Labour Party? Fuck off!
Maybe post boxes, Royal Mail/Consignia shareholders from 2001; and Hatton Gardens fashionistas at best.
Rescued by HMS Terrorist Taxi
What do you think Kay Burley ?
As someone who lived and worked in Edinburgh for many years I can sympathise with locals who despise the annoying, middle-class, leftie students and performing arts jugglers and fire breathers who loudly flood the streets with their, wait for it… yep, anti-Brexit, anti-Tory talentless and puerile garbage. The performing arts are yet another vehicle for Left-wing activism. Though, it’s good to see some pro-Brexit performers. They must be the minority! On the Royal Mile my wife and I were accosted by some posh home-counties-sounding girl who was loudly and arrogantly handing out leaflets for her troupe’s Brexit mockery show. I said ‘No, not interested’. She looked and sounded like a complete spoilt posh brat. Luckily we ended up in a good pub and had a few ales.
Alex you probably met the future presenter for no newsnight…
Rees Mogg’s house and car gets vandalised, nowt on Al Beeb ?
Al Beeb’s ‘gardener’ gets stuck on a plane – headlines !
Impartial ? My A…
The ‘Telly Goons’ are after me !
A letter has just arrived, telling me that they will start a “full investigation of my property” tomorrow.
Please can anyone tell me if I will get a call from the GCHQ, MI5 , MI6 or MFI ?
Boris – Vs -Tweezer the appeaser.
Seconds away, Round one .
Who will Al Beeb support ?
This is why the Tories are still the “stupid party”.
It`s obvious that they`re toast under Comrade May-Oui. Boris will walk it if he just does a Trump, sticks to his guns and simply uses Twitter as Trump did.
Inflaming the media from above.
It`s not rocket science. He just needs to not be May or tainted like the other awful grey and useless Tories-who`ll we`ll be defenestrating as soon as they come up for election. With Boris and a few nights of the long knives to shaft the likes of Soubry , Morgan and Hammond-the Tories will still win any election.
If Boris doesn`t do this though-well he`ll end up yesterdays man , and will deserve to be. No point being witty if you have no courage-like Hague
Only the Tories fail to see that this contrived spat is simpy to make the Tories seem as anti-Semitic in their way as Labour and the BBC are towards Jews. If anybody fails to see that , then they`re thick-the media and Labour are trying to take the heat off their endless Jew baiting, and the Tories fail to fight it.
Maybe they need another twenty years out of office so we can fight the Left without them.
The sad truth is that the Tories only have a tiny handful of MPs who could be considered ‘on side’ nowadays. Most of them consider us old, old-fashioned and fit only for prison camps and death by the international NHS.
They have no dog in the fight to conserve anything but their parliamentary seats, and continue trying to cadge votes off the young and minorities who have already been brainwashed to hate them. Perversely, they seem to be quite pleased about it too, while the country is crying out for a proper ‘nasty’ party again. No use looking to them to save us.
Tuesday’s ‘PM’ with the (soon to depart) Eddie Mair on Radio 4.
It began at 17:00 with brief headlines, among which Boris and the burqas. Then Mair did the feature item, reading out BoJo’s article carefully and discussing Tory Islamophobia with a Muslim lady who had tried to become a Tory candidate but later rejected the party because of alleged anti-Islam bias. There was something from (who else?) Baroness Warsi and support for Johnson from MP Andrew Bridgen.
All this took until 17:23, when they had the headlines again, so more on BoJo. Then a short item on something else (Iran maybe? I got called away to the phone briefly!) then headlines again at ~17:30.
Remember that this prog’ runs from 17:00 to 18:00 – but you will lose the last 10 min’s to shipping & weather if listening on LW and even on FM I think you lose 5 min’s for the weather. So, in a show of 50-55 min’s, a staggering 20 min’s is spent on the BoJo ‘Letterbox’ non-story, in addition to the briefer but repeated mentions of it in the four headline slots at (roughly) 17:01, 17:23, 17:30 and 17:45.
This degree of coverage is out of all proportion to the story and, by itself, constitutes bias, although Mair was reasonably fair in his interviewing and they did give Bridgen his say too. Of course there was no discussion of whether Islamophobia might in part by justified … but then the BBC wouldn’t go there, would it?
Has got to be the best recruiter for UKIP ever
Well she’s certainly recruited me to UKIP.
What is the BBC’s strategy?
They are losing viewers and listeners at a dramatic rate.
They obviously favour the political ground of the Marxist left.
The BBC’s knows that it will be paid the same amount even if it’s audience dwindles to levels that would be unsustainable in a commercial environment.
I suspect that the BBC would be content with a small hardcore of alt-left viewers/listeners to preach to in their luxurious penthouse echo-chambers at our expense.
The antidote?
‘Trump, Brexit and Robinson’. Sounds rather like a viable company that could be launched on the stock exchange, perhaps 🙂
I hope that’s Tommy rather than Nick?
Or Ollie.
Christ all bleedin’ mighty, just how pathetically feeble is our prime minister? I’ve always thought she was as much use as chocolate fireguard, but in her latest mutterings she has surpassed herself in sheer wimpiness. She’s told us we all need to be very careful with the language we use. Why FFS?
Boris isn’t even asking for the old Batman mask to be banned, he just made a few half arsed quips about it and said (and here I agree with him) that it’s mainly been bank robbers that have worn them and they look like letterboxes. Big deal!
Is there another group in this country so pandered to as bloody Muslims?
We have successful west end shows that take the piss out of Mormons and there’s not a peep of protest. There have been TV programmes that depict Christ as gay. Most of us have seen Monty Python’s Life of Brian and managed to get on with our lives without expecting a public apology because we were “offended.”
These people really should be ignored or told to go and live somewhere else. Somewhere they will feel at home.
I’m thinking Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia.
You get my drift…
Quite so Jeff, why are muslims considered beyond even the mildest criticism?
Talking of Mormons, how did they respond to a musical mocking them? Did they go apeshit, start issuing fatwas, rioting, beheading, shooting and bombing all over the place? No. They took out witty ads in the programmes saying, “You’ve seen the play, now read the book.”
Now that’s class.
“why are muslims considered beyond even the mildest criticism?”
Think back to your school days. You could mock the intelligent kids and they would respond in kind, or do even better.
The dim ones just wanted to beat you up.
Maybe this time Boris will not apologise and have the Whip removed . First day of the new Parliamentary Term could be a real popcorn job .
But it’s unlikely Boris will stand up for himself – he certainly didn’t at the end of the Brexit campaign did he .,
MOST IMPORTANT that he stands absolutely (sorry, I’m shouting). Losing the whip would make it even better.
Freedom of speech-vs-political correctness.
According to the great biblical scholar Andrew Marr in History of the World, the story of Saul / Paul’s Damascene conversion “sounds a bit like a desert hallucination”.
Strangely Marr doesn’t seem to opine that Mohammad’s much more bizarre ‘revelations’ sound like desert hallucinations. Or perhaps he just values his life.
Vlad maybe Marrs stroke finished off any judgement or respect for Christianity . Gave up even trying to watch his Sunday nonsense as vibrant West Indian
Oil drum bands at the end got a bit much but virtue signalled in a big stylee innit ?
What’s with the the hashtag #ToryBBC ?
The Tories are treated like Sh*t by the BBC unless they are Remainers or Muslims
There is an org call the Pileus “a media group that was set up in 2016 in order to counter the narrative from the corporate-owned mainstream media. ”
Which immediately makes me think that it is probably a corporate PR agency” itself
We’ve seen the same in Global Warming, there’s an activist PR agency that uses all the slick PR agency tricks
On the 17 January 2018 Pileus put up this ant-Sarah Sands PR
33,000 people follow Pileus Facebook page
but they have had a problem with anti-semiticism
Left-wing blog co-founder says he’ll quit after followers send David Baddiel antisemitic abuse
That anti-Sarah Sands tweet is rubbish cos Bottomline : it says, how dare.the BBC recruit a journo who was not from a left/lib paper like the Guardian/Mirror/Indy
FFS The BBC has ex-Guardian staff, so it is not a state crime to have ONE who is ex: Standard/Mail
They have a conspiracy theory thread here

Isn’t that one of those disinformation techniques to try and muddy the truth ?
The left retain control of al beeb by using Guardian types to scream about right wing bias without evidence to cause the unthinking to be unsure of the truth .
And it get personal when immature guardian types like the hard left boy Owen Jones gets shredded by fair treatment by Mr A Neill who is now receiving the full hard left hate menu
For doing his job.
Suits me Stew.
Let them eat their own.
Am happy to go to far left websites to say this too if that breaks up the BBC.
The thing is I like TRUE liberalism
..but the liberalism we get now is a kind of fascism in the way it is hatey and obsessed with sneering at people, banning people from airwaves etc
..and even physically attacking people like Antifa do.
Any opinion offered on James Purnell? Or, indeed, Sarah Smith? I expect not. They are their type of people….
Evening All, my first post.
Have been following this site for some time, but the furore over Boris and the Burka has driven me to shout at the TV, what a load of Bollocks, maybe the BBC should get out on the streets of Riyadh and ask a few expats how they feel about the Burka (they don’t have a choice). Why is it that someone makes a comment about an alien culture in our own country and is castigated by his own people, you couldn’t make it up!
Welcome doughboy
The outgoing PM has to discipline a backbencher like Boris if he fails to apologise to pillar boxes for comparing them to the medieval Muslim get up.
Croeso !
A warm welcome from the West
Welcome, again, Doughboy.
Those of us with memories – unlike the BBC – will remember the ‘Ditch the Scarf’ campaign in Iran from about four years ago. Apparently, it has re-ignited and when I did a quick search just now to check the date it started, all I could find were references to 2018. Strangely, I do not appear to have been informed about the renewed ‘Ditch the Scarf’ campaign in Iran by that well resourced, well-respected news gathering organisation a.k.a. the BBC.
Even more strangely, President Assad, President Putin and President Trump have given the BBC plenty of opportunity this year to talk about Iran and what is going on in that country, including the ‘Ditch the Scarf’ campaign.
Mark Eastern gets all ‘outraged’ on TV news at 10, as beeb leads with Boris and his ‘letterbox’ remark.
It’s the sort of stupid stirring one would expect from them, simply one more pop at the FS in the ‘Get Boris’ campaign.
Hypocrites: they feign concern about ‘community relations’ and then give the story wings by blowing this issue out of all proportions.
A very transparent political move.
Now back to our Quranic scholar Marr: “Like Christians, Mohammad preached equality in the eyes of God to all people”.
Yes Andrew, of course he did, apart from women, gays, Jews, Christians, non-believers, infidels, polytheists, slaves, heretics, idolaters, and apostates, to name but a few.
But apart from them, yep, all equal in the eyes of God.
Glad to see that our £3.7 billion is being well spent on top-notch researchers.
Channel4 now a prog about training foreign doctors for a GMC exam to work in the UK
Based on the standard and performance of some of the previous intake, “Lethal Weapon” would be a better title.
“On Tuesday morning, the BBC News channel’s Victoria Derbyshire show hosted a discussion featuring representatives from Democrats Abroad and English Pen, with all present seemingly in agreement that the bans were a good thing.
No-one on the “impartial” publicly-funded broadcaster’s show defended InfoWars’ right to speak on social media.”
Vote UKIP and get rid of the biased state controlled BBC
4 hours ago on TR Facebook page
\\ Strange, Tommy’s instagram is back up & running, according to this guardian journalist it was removed in error, how does that even happen , follow Tommy on Instagram at realtommyrobinson //
8 hours ago
\\Instagram bans Tommy Robinson as social media companies purge those who criticise Islam & globalism//
Here’s another PR meme that comes out of WeAreTheMedia.tv

What’s wrong with that ?
It a false analogy
A strawman argument to misrepresent the world as simple when it isn’t
The realworld is fuull colour complex, it’s not as simple as the presenter looking out of the window
eg they might be talking about Britains energy for 20 years time
What we really need for that is a panel of experts pointing out flaws in their opponents arguments
But the metrolib BBC presenter will probably bring on his metrolib neighbour from an envirnmentalist org and his other metrolib neighbour who works in a PR for a firm dependent on energy subsidies
and no critic from outside/
That poster is merely PR bollocks
When the police were claiming Cliff sounds guilty , the BBC weren’t there pointing out the truth, they were there with a helicopter and team to amplify the police’s mis-framing.
There’s something else that’s just occurred to me, regarding this Boris versus the burka kerfuffle. These are confusing times and I think I’ve detected a slight double standard.
We’ve just seen the full weight of the PC brigade and the Feminazis join forces to bellow at us that it’s a woman’s right to choose what she wears. And if she wants to dress in a dispiriting black death shroud, then that’s her choice. Well, okay…
Does the same rationale not also therefore apply to those young grid girls (predominantly young pretty and white) that these right on feminists got sacked from Formula 1? Are they not allowed to wear what they choose?
I’d hate to think all these pious lefties were being hypocritical.
We are in a tangle, aren’t we?
Exactly, with the bikinis the women make the choice to wear the revealing clothing in return for money, attention and adulation.
With the Burkha’s they make the ‘choice’ to prevent scorn, harrassment and beatings.
Flicking through the channels I landed on Newshite for just 30 seconds.
Three woman, one a Muslim, deciding the fate of Boris Johnson for his burka letter box comments and then onto the next segment…..”Will Donald Trump be impeached…”.
Oh BBC, give it a rest please!
Following Newsnight on twitter and they are outdoing themselves.
Wheeling (and a large jack clearly required) out a raft of former disaffected this and thats to say what makes the nodding head nod.
And people pay £150 a year for this?
Going to bed now.
And with absolutely no connection to be made, Kay Burley is going to have to stay up and busy at the office all night again.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind!
Newsshite featured a novelty tonight – a muslim asking for the whip not to be applied to an infidel who had mocked muslims!!!
Lord Sheikh in shouty, outraged mode demanded the whip be removed from Boris Johnson rather than he be given a good flogging, or beheaded in the usual manner, for slighting muslims.
Birmingham firm fights France’s burqa ban
\\ “Judges at the European court of human rights (ECHR) have upheld France’s burqa ban, accepting Paris’s argument that it encouraged citizens to “live together”.
The law, introduced in 2010, makes it illegal for anyone to cover their face in a public place. While it also covers balaclavas and hoods, the ban has been criticised as targeting Muslim women.
The case was brought by an unnamed 24-year-old French citizen of Pakistani origin, who wears both the burqa, covering her entire head and body, and the niqab, leaving only her eyes uncovered.
She was represented by solicitors from Birmingham in the UK, who claimed the outlawing of the full-face veil was contrary to six articles of the European convention. They argued it was “inhumane and degrading, against the right of respect for family and private life, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of speech and discriminatory”. //
I get the feeling this whole article is a vehicle for the last segment on ‘Donald Trump’s handshake’
Actress Kathleen Turner on Hollywood, sexism and rage http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-45107054
I’m sure I heard Jennifer Saunders use ‘letterbox’ as a burqa joke/criticism in Absolutely Fabulous. The episode where they went to Morocco.
Spider, it is an OLD joke, a very old joke. Even John Humphrys was a young man when it was first used.
I wonder if they have any police dressed as policemen spare?
Meanwhile, on the state Apology for a broadcaster…
And… the BBC ‘most important news in the world’ email has arrived…
“Boris Johnson burka row: Tories ‘should ditch MP’
Boris Johnson is refusing to back down after comparing women who wear burkas to “letter boxes” and “bank robbers”. Conservative Muslim Forum founder Lord Sheikh has told the BBC that the former foreign secretary should have the Conservative whip taken away, removing him from the parliamentary party. Mr Johnson was not a “super human being”, he said.
Prime Minister Theresa May has supported calls for Mr Johnson to apologise, but a source close to the MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip said it was “ridiculous” to criticise his views. BBC political correspondent Susana Mendonca says Mr Johnson, often spoken of as a possible future Conservative leader, risks being seen as “weak” if he retracts his remarks.
Meanwhile, the BBC explains the differences between a hijab, a niqab and a burka.“
The state of them.
20’ ago.
Spiralling nicely.
Robinson extract:
It will be a hanging offence in Saudi Arabia……………….
EXACTLY GW, this is what is wrong with the BBC in a nutshell, you can murder, rape assault etc, but say a muslim looks stupid in a stupid TRIBAL costume which is highly antisocial and banned in many countries, and also was never considered essential by the same group for 10s of years…….and yet also criticise women for dressing in a certain way at formula one events
Remarkable indeed, until you realise it is the BBC.
I hope Boris doesn’t apologise. It is amazing how the BBC and undermining easily offended Muslims in office can ignore his argument against banning but focus on a statement of truth, in the eyes of many -they do look like walking postboxes or bank robbers.
Somebody on this site summed it up – how long would a woman last in a muslim country walking down the street in a tight air of denim shorts and vest – as is he current trend here? I would respect their culture – so how about it a bit of reciprocation…nahhh only works one way.
BBC should be ashamed – but that word isn’t in their dictionary – as we know from Fran Unsworth
It is possible BBC Hereford and Worcester staff will need counselling.
Just reported myself. Ironic.
I think they mean the insect. But who knows?
Yet more evidence if required that Humphries and his colleagues on Toady are living in a bubble…
“why shouldn’t people get uncomfortable with the burkha if they see see someone wearing one in a shop or their local pub?” Humphries asks, playing the devil’s advocate.
Lord Pickles replies, “To be fair, I don’t think you would see someone wearing a burkha in a pub.”
The BBC seem to think they represent Britishness – well they don’t.
You can be offended apparently by people wearing Nazi uniforms at a fancy dress and demonise them. You can stop people wearing crucifix at work in case it offends muslims, you can ban bloody sugary drinks when people are just too lazy to refrain, you can ban people saying they dislike Islam and make it a crime and a muslim Mayor of London can ban adverts of woman in bikinis (British culture)- but apparently you can’t ban something that goes against the British Culture – which is seeing the face of somebody with whom you communicate.
BBC – not my British Cultural representative
In the topsy-turvy world of PC, Pickles is obviously guilty of “racial? stereotyping”. The modern, independent muslima who wears the burka “because she wants to” would have no problem promoting integration by having a non-alcoholic pint or two with the lads.
It would rather witty to arrange a burka party in a pub and see what happens.
Ah, but they are mostly trusted. Allegedly.
Then again, that is the bbc saying it.
That was close; they could have used ‘reptile’.
New Zealand : “You are a politician that supports Lauren Southern, right you are banned from this university as well”
The Chancellor pulls out her “threat of violence” flimsy excuse card
An activist Karl Pearce had emailed her with
“Remember in light of their type of ‘Free Speech’ does not come Free of Consequences,”
Labour PR dept “We want to push this Boris Burqa thing, so they are NOT talking about us being anti-Semitic
..It’s obviously a tiny story about 2 sentences in a newspaper no one reads, but I want you ring up your media contacts and get them to keep airing the story.
BBC5Live comply
… and if you look at their twitter output, the last 4 tweets are big picture/video tweets pushing this non-story
Guido has video of Thornberry saying worse
That’s a stonin’.
Next QT is going to be EPIC!
Of course underneath people post photos of robbers looking burk-esque

Stew, for a political Party there is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is NOT being talked about.
LimpingDims, anyone?
SNarkyPeas, anyone?
The bbc knows who the bbc likes. And who the bbc does not.
Daneilla Relph was quick to tell us all that todays “commemoration” of the Battle fo Amiens later today was NOT going to be religious-she made that VERY clear and rushed quickly on. The BBC know and insist on such things these days.
Later on, the Thought for the Day bishop of Manchester was ALSO quick to say that his celebration(or was it commemoration, WGAF?) of the Hiroshima bomb the other day was also “non -religious”.
So a bishop and a cathedral can no longer be allowed to be called “religious”-the BBC poppet and the Bishop of Manchester are as one on this.
Those who built the cathedral, those who died so we could still be free to speak of1914-18 and after, certainly WERE religious-so how dare the Bishop and the BBC girl try to excise this out of the obviously “religious nature” of both events?
Will someone tell our idiot bishop that if ONE Muslim is in attendance, then it certainly will be “religious”?
They are serious about their faith at least, whereas limp fops like him are exactly the hirelings that Jesus warned us off, who piss off and leave the sheep to the coming wolves( I paraphrase of course). And I guess our idiot Bishop hasn`t seen than when two or more Christians gather in His name-it IS religious, in that Jesus will be there.
But I imagine he knows no such people anymore-if he`s their shepherd, then Islam and Iran/Pakistans Islamic CND rainbow trannies are hopefully on call.
Disgraceful. But no more than anybody expects of the BBC anymore.
Oh there’s a new Midweek thread since last night