Less people are using the BBC -both television and radio . Less people are using its print version – The Guardian . Instead people are choosing Netflix and Amazon .
Although we record left bias week after week perhaps it will be the consumer who ultimately forces the BBC to serve the British and not its favoured minorities .A few politicians moan but won’t do anything else so for the time being the BBC feels immune .
I’m first
Me , Second?
Oi! Enough with the Caveman Language, already. Otherwise this place will be getting a reputation.
Like Buzz.
It’s a sad honour.
The BBC is not affected by the number of viewers – it could end up with just Islington watching/listening – still keep on going. It remains in its bubble until its funding changes.
I think that’s true for the time being – but as numbers drop because of its embarrassing output sooner or later someone is going to say to al beeb – justify you tv tax .
That , of course , makes certain assumptions -.
Mainly something similar to a right wing governments.
Al Beeb ?
If it was a horse it would have been put down by now .
Funding comes from the BBC charter. It will take the will of Parliment and that of the ruling party to change it. Cameron had the chance and bottled it. He did a deal for BBC to support him in the Brexit referendum. May won’t touch the BBC as it supports her let’s pretend to leave the EU by being incompetent at getting a deal and pushing project fear 2.0
I hope some political leader/force emerges soon that will take on taxing people to own a TV, which funds a Neo-Marxist institution which is attempting to social engineer our nation out of existence.
Many of us here have been craving and chiselling away at being top of the shop on this hallowed website.
AND-you look young too!
Back of the queue now, my lad.
I am happy to take first prize seeing as the decision has been overturned after a cyber drugs test I`ve yet to come up with.
Sorry Fedup but you started your entry with ‘Less peopleare using BBC,’ think you meant to say ‘fewer people….. Anyway are the BBC aware of the fcat hat fewer people are tuning into the BBC? I would hazard a guess they are not, have the head so far up their A…….s they can’t see what is ahead of them.
An excellent start would be to have it renamed the BBC & GUARDIAN Tax, because that is exactly what it is. Even with the BBC free-issuing it, its circulation is below many provincial papers.The Guardian jounalists are further supported by their TV and radio appearnce fees. Perhaps someone could establish the percentage of journalists appearing, that are from that one paper in comparison to all the others. It would be very interesting …..
BBC, Guardian and Channel 4.
Unresponsive to the public mood.
Why would they ever need to bother, they no longer meet us anywhere.
So we need to make ourselves known to them.
Currently touring Wessex with a Cliff Richard T-shirt, end up in Wetherspoons from Weston to Poole, enjoyed Tolpuddle.
Suspoect we`ll need to meet and link up before this forum goes the way of Infowars.
We need to force the BBC to report the truth as we tell it. Brevik and Cox , Cologne and Tommy need NOT be inevitable if they`re scared of consequences for serial lies on behalf of the state stooge an stodge.
Just need to get out the old Wham shirts and subvert like the Russian and Chinese Christians used to do.
Stay Free-whilst you can.
They are “unresponsive to the public mood” because they believe responding to the public mood would be “populism”. They believe that the general public are essentially only motivated by base prejudice and two primitive emotions – anger and fear. The vox populi is just the lowing and mooing of a “bovine mass” simple beasts of the field manipulated by dangerous “rightwing” demagogues like Farage and Mogg. Merkel has stated that those who opposed her immigration free-for-all belong to a “Germany of darkness” (Dunkeldeutscland) and SIgmar Gabriel at that time said that those who shouted “Wir sind das Volk” should really be shouting “Wir sind das Pack” (we are the rabble).
Modern politicians have no interest in the people and believe that anything they may want is primitive and dangerous. Ultra conservatives like the Duke of Wellingtion would say 200 years ago “for the mob, use grapeshot”. Modern elites are too mealy mouthed to say what they really think, but Clegg showed what “darkness was in his heart” when wishing the premature deaths of elderly Leave voters so that the “People’s vote” would restore his EU nirvana.
I’ve completely stopped watching the BBC. I had until recently continued to watch their other content only excluding their news broadcasts because of its obvious bias but now all they seem to transmit is social propaganda and I’m just sick of it. I wish I could say Sky is better but they seem to have gone down the same road and as for Channel 4, well what a joke they have become. Just turn the crap off, that’s the best thing to do.
The Tories have now become the same “they seem to transmit is social propaganda”. Hence the Apeasers comments today .
Vote https://www.ukip.org/
Al beeb is triumphant when it comes to set piece jobs like Royal Weddings , Wimbledon , Ceremonials , anniversaries and the like .
The rest of it is just dross.
the footy is starting up again on paid for platforms to distract and provide anaesthesia for many with the potato crisp salesman doing his weekly hour for al beeb then going off to twitter bias .
To a degree, far too many women spouting on all subjects of which they often know little-I would rather have a man reporting on male Rugby than a female, same really goes for soccer. The woman have been banging on about equallity, well my goodness the BBC have certainly ensured they now have their say, women everywhere and on every channel reporting on nearly every subject matter. Emasculated Males or what.
Agree Tarien.
While the lads were daft enough to chase a ball around, most of us had REAL things to do. And only worse that chasing around with a ball once you`re out of short trousers?
Is getting paid loads to taxpayers dosh to COMMENTATE on younger men in their short trousers, as THEY chase a ball around.
And no women worth a jot would surely want to be paid to gossip over so pointless a pastime. Just psychic bull dykes wanting to coin it in, seeing the BBC and FIFA(China Branch) crave a Hillary, Madame Mao array of oddments to pretend that any women give a damn.
When will washing drying become a sport-plenty of us can talk for England over the whites on a good drying day-that gossip is no less stupid than 90 minutes of gas about a ball getting kicked, hit -or saddos cycling round a track on borrowed drugs.
No argument there Alicia- my wife gets wound up when she see so many women crawling all over the screen followed by the push for multiculturalism on every prog.Sport is overkill gets boring. Indeed how I recall as a lad in short trousers listening to my Grandmother nattering with her next door neighbour over the fence. Life was in many ways uncomplicated, of course 40+yrs within the controlling, enslaving EU has done more damage to stimulate the weakness of society in all EU countries than before 1960’s for example. We were conned into joining the EU by the Heath Government, and now the UK is paying the price as it struggles to break away from the socialistic EU regeme supported all the way by the BBC.
Yes, from choice no BBC here, at all. No Sky, and no Channel 4, either. Almost bliss.
When the government and MSM report that we are a tolerant people that means we put up with things we don’t like.. what has happened to our country where we HAVE to put up with things we don’t like? The government should be doing things for us we all like. The left and liberal press BBC claim THEY are the most tolerant of all bc they think they have superiority over us but they are the worst. Us who are right of centre have tolerated the most annoying things in this once great country but BBC left wing folk don’t put up with anything they don’t agree with and use the msm to brainwash the masses and now free speech and opinion and being washed away. The BBC used to be respected all over the world but their obvious bias is ruining this Country
Agree just look at the issue with what Boris Johnson is reportedly to have said about the Muslin female style of dress, a supressive ideology against the female-yes I take offence to see Muslim women dressed in garments that all but hide their faces, my wife is outrgaged that our society appears to condone such attire whereas when we visit their country we have to obey their code of dress. Likewise therefore they should now obey ours. Mutliculturalism pushed against us all the time.
Read Alison Pearson in the Telegraph today. An excellent column which makes a no hold assault on the wearing of the Gurkha and those craven politicians who condone the wearing of it.
Just viwed your response, annoyed to have missed that article in the Telegraphby Alison Pearson-just seen a photo of some Muslims holding a plackard saying ‘Respect our Quran,’ why the hell should they be allowed to demonstrate as such -we would not be allowed to do so!
If the Al-Beeb presenters and reporters have any children (boys or girls) let them try some multicultural exchange like an arranged marriage and if they don’t happen to agree with it well an honour killing will keep the family unshamed. Or if their daughters would perhaps like to try female circumcision, after all it’s cultural. Could have it done in the back room while the rest of the family enjoy a nice curry or kebab, just turn the muzak up to drown out the screams. If their son is gay he could take a trip to Iran and organise a ‘Pride’ march then practice flying off a nearby cliff. All in the name of multiculturalism of course!
My views – this Boris storm in a tea cup reminds me of the middle-aged attitudes to the punk movement…it was tolerated but frowned upon because we are a tolerant and liberal society. That doesn’t mean that everyone has to like it or agree with it. Unfortunately that will be irrelevant when the numbers become great enough, at which point our views will be enforced.
The punks did not want to rule the country.
There may have been some who wore a black shirt as a “fashion statement” during the 30s, but it was essentially the uniform of British faschists. The same applies to the Big Beard and the Burka. Look at the garb of anyone who went to Syria to fight for the Caliphate. The purpose of the burka in Britain is to intimidate and provoke. The provocation is to show that the West is hypocritical and does not allow muslims the freedoms it supposedly embodies. Muslims win either way. Ban and we are hypocrites – no ban and the muslims sit back and chortle to themselves about our inability to stop their advance.
Freedom of expression cuts both ways. If you deliberately flout cultural norms and are allowed, or even encouraged to do so, then others have the right to express their disapproval as harshly as they want. The real problem is the violent muslim response to any criticism. This is what really scares the authorities and why criticism of muslim paraphernalia has to be suppressed.
Radio 4 news briefing this morning: Boris Johnson supposedly hurt feelings with factual comments about clothing; there was a junk food advert near a school; someone is playing a character in a play.
How can they think it is ok to broadcast such dross? Do they have no pride or shame? They are trying to shut down the new media but people will abandon the MSM increasingly as this is just an insult.
The Beeb’s coverage is almost reckless I would say, it is fanning flames which left alone would quietly die out. Look who they have on to be “outraged” by Boris’s comment:
Tell Mama, Warsi, Shazia Awan-Scully nobody with any axes to grind there then
Al beeb still whipping itself into a frenzy over Boris’s Burqa remarks, currently top of page on their webshite.
Personally I see no resemblance at all with bank robbers, and BJ should be flogged and thrown off a tall building for suggesting otherwise.
I hope he is doing a Trumpian troll, like when the God Emperor tweeted recordings of ROPers being enriching and the MSM got worked up into a frenzy, which is exactly what he wanted. That you could show an actual recording of something happening and the MSM still insist it did not happen, or that someone nasty also pointed out that 2 plus 2 equals 4 showed how far lost the media is. Perhaps they rue crossing him as he has been relentless in his devestating attacks on them.
Trump got loads of free publicity and right-thinking people delighted in seeing the media squirm. It will certainly have gained Johnson a lot more supporters. Anything the liberal elite is united against is probably a good thing – what a sorry state of affairs.
ROPers know how much we dislike the full face veil and wearing it is a big middle finger at us. “We are here to dominate and there is nothing you can do about it.” One can understand their hubris when they have the entire establishment behind them, actually egging them on in the case of the BBC.
Absolutely brilliant discussion on Talk Radio this morning between Julia Hartley Brewer and some representative of the ROPers. She totally tore apart his argument that women should be allowed to choose what they wear when he added that he thought a woman in a skirt down to her knees was “scantily clad” and that there ought to be rules to prevent it!
What a complete idiot. Could he not see his own hypocrisy!
You won’t hear that on the bbc
Not true! Most Muslims hate the veil and the ideology behind it, don’t forget that the man who started the petition to ban it was a Muslim himself.
And islam is a religion of peace and we’ll kill you if you disagree.
Mrs May telling Mr Johnson to apologise. I had to laugh when I heard her dhimmi words; I pictured her wearing a burka in solidarity with those liberated muslim women and their child raping menfolk whom she seems to prefer rather than we the indigenous people of our country. I would have thought she had more serious matters to deal with than yet another chance to virtue signal. What she needs is a holiday. A very long holiday, very far away from our shores.
Treezer the appeaser is a very fitting label.
It is so pathetic how whenever there is the slightest faux ‘outrage’ over something or other you know she will cave in. She is too agreeable; I would much rather have a ruthless Alpha Male like Trump in charge. The EU wolves must have licked their lips when they knew they had her to deal with. Trump would have terrified them and really played our strong hand rather than let us be bullied.
In trying to please everyone politicians please no-one. I guess general apathy suits them as they get to have a fantastic time on us. If people really cared they might have to actually do some work and would not have time for all their lucrative outside interests such as sitting on boards etc. Denying us Brexit will really be the nail in the coffin as many of us will never vote again.
I fear I do not find her agreeable, especially in a supposed leadership role.
As any who have or are raising toddlers through to teenagers know, caving in to tantrums results in more and greater tantrums.
“A very long holiday, very far away from our shores.” Pakistan hopefully.
When May apologises for making such a balls of Brexit, plunging her party into chaos after her appalling, deliberate car crash of an election campaign last year-apologises for the endless trail of crims and deadbeats that she let in whilst promising to reduce immigration as Home Secretary?
THEN she can ask for one from Boris. Until then she really needs to find a personality or some leadership tips from Neville Chamberlain or someone far better as a leader than she will ever be.
Hell, we`d settle for Hollande compared to this grey jellyblob that is May.
And Alicia who is now the Home Secretary? Yes a strong supporter of Islamic law, Savid Javid, indeed with the Mayor of London a Muslim the door is now open for the rule of Islam to spread across our apathetic nation and across Europe. Now over 12 million Muslims in Europe, probably more if one counts the illegals.
And that’s in the local library…………
Nice one G.
I do not even have a TV. I got bored of it years ago. Why would I want to hear some smug Labour supporters view?
In fact something always made me feel uneasy about them. I did not like their presenting style or their know it all attitude. The whole organisation has become a joke
The inhumanity and shame of liberals… an unexpected and harrowing article on the BBC website today, which describes how a woman was abducted in broad daylight on a London street and forced into prostitution. It is difficult to imagine a more damning indictment of lax immigration policy, open borders and EU policy. The criminals in the case are not just the Romanian gangsters: they are the slimy politicians in their smart clothes, the smug commentators in the media and the turn-a-blind-eye middle class liberals sipping their lattes whilst listening to Radio 4. This is their inhumane legacy.
Toady Watch
A fascinating interview between Comrade Robinson and one Lord Ashdown . Fascinating because Lord Pantsdown had free reign . No interruption – no challenges , no insults .
Compare and contrast the interview with Sir Bernard Jenkins he conducted the other day ,
There a number of potential reasons for the difference in style –
1 . Robinson has been told to improve
2. Robinson realises he is not any good
3. He has seen the falling listening numbers
4. He likes pants down
5. He is biased and gives a free pass to his
I know which one I believe .
This was followed by Humph easily demonstrating how out of touch the Tory party and al beeb are in supporting all aspects of Third world Islamic conduct in Blighty.
Come to my area and see the post boxes walk three steps behind their master – when not on their backs producing more little ‘mo s’ and see how British that is . Amazing how in tune Humph and Lord Branston Pickles was in the chat
Good morning all.
Was away in Italy last week. And what a pleasure it was to spend time in a culturally homogenous area where everyone approximated to the same values, and no pandering was required. I even posted some cards in a letterbox.
Back to blighty and absence makes the bias antennae grow stronger. My god, the BBC is just rancid. Every story, every programme, has to include a nod to some minority group, just one unceasing cascade of politically correct drivel and indoctrination. You know it. I know it. But on returning, it is the starkness that is so revealing.
Sluff – welcome back – did you get any feeling about the new regime ( I know you were on hold but sometimes something gets noticed eh) ?
Are you sure it was a letter box?
Did you notice the litter strewn streets and graffiti on every wall. Makes the ‘Third World’ immigrants feel right at home!
Good morning sluff and welcome back – have you had the chance to keep up with the “news” or have you had the pleasure of a complete black out?
Have you heard about the banning of Info Wars from social media for holding views and beliefs with which the elite do not agree?
How long before this site goes down I wonder.
Serious question to all. How do we circumvent this to get to the “info” and what happens if this site gets taken down?
The dark web? How does one get access?
What other ways to keep us in the loop so to speak?
I’m not too tech savvy but have pondered contingencies for the inevitable time the British State decides that ‘ community safety ‘trumps’ freedom and takes away any website it doesn’t like .
Some kind of agreed prearranged fall back with an obscure title seems an idea –
1. Cliff Richard
2. Yakkity Yaxley
4.CCBGB…comments could be going better.
So cheap these days, too fat for the Wham T-shirt now, but it did help in the mid 80s.
Moss Side riots 1981-a Buzzcox T-shirt, hand stencilled.
A Barries blazer , purple pinned stripe with a whiff of petrol were the leaders…happy days. Coming soon
I have just watched the Alex Jones Show for the first time ever.
Liberals in silicon valley are testing their censorship technology on Infowars and then other free media organisations not under the control of the elite, such as biasedbbc. Google is showing the Chinese Communist Party that its technology works. https://www.infowars.com So no wonder Google closed down Infowars.
I heard about a plan inspired by the English Civil War, to send pamphlets to every address in Britain. But then the Liberal elite would probably extend the TV licence to printers, and then close down paper importers and manufacturers.
Like Boris Johnson I will not apologise to anybody but
particularly the BBC for making this statement. ” I am not ashamed
of being a white heterosexual male in the UK.”
Did Lord Eric Pickles ever apologise for Ray Honeyford?
Did Lord Michael Heseltine ever apologise for strangling that dog?
Did George Osborne ever apologise for saying that May should be chopped up and put in his freezer?
Has the BBC paid Cliff Richard yet, or apologised for Savile, for McAlpine, Brittan , Gambacchini, Blackburn, DLT, Tarby for what they did to them all?
Ram your apology hunting suppository up your liberal fundament BBC cast scum from May to LaMay of Totteringham….
They don`t know the difference between a Flanger and a Phalangist-but we do.
“On the road again”
Not only am I not ashamed at being a white, heterosexual male in the UK, I am PROUD to wear the mantle that’s been handed down to me through the generations.
Meanwhile, read what one of the world’s leading campaigners for Muslim women’s rights says about the burqa. Ayaan-Hirsi-Ali is one of the great thinkers and certainly one of the bravest Muslim voices. She says Islamic law “dehumanises and degrades women” more than any other system. However, she is unlikely to be on the BBC soon…….
My humble take on Boris? He did not use the common, (yes, common) expression, “bin-liner”. However the permanently aggrieved led by the minority group of muslims are easily able to knock another nail into the coffin of British freedoms ably assisted by their sponsors the BBC. If I’m not mistaken, its all to do with their desire to replicate muslim countries and live under blasphemy laws which they ceaselessly promote. The only response to the roughly 3 million muslims in the UK (under 6% of the population compared to white British)? If you don’t like it here, clear off back to where you came from. At present, numerically, it is a case of a tail successfully wagging the dog. In fact, the Government should resurect the £10 Assisted Passage scheme. I for one would dip my hand in my pocket to help out with their departure. That scheme would be offset against the saving of benefits paid to these people.
Is Ninja OK?
The problem G is that the 6% is not dispersed over the UK, it is concentrated mainly in metropolitan areas and these in effect then become enclaves, and another part of the country is chipped away. Tower Hamlets, Rochdale, etc, etc the political establishment does not want to even acknowledge there is a problem let alone address it. And the longer this continues, the more the risk of an eventual break down in social order.
You can count me in. Any scheme which rids us Islam or at least significantly reduces the number of Muslims in our country is a worthy investment. Just think if we cancelled HS2 we could have 50 billion to invest in your scheme without any crowd funding. If there are 5 million of them here we could give each one ten thousand pounds to clear off and leave us alone. Seems a hell of a lot to pay but it would still be worth it the long run provided of course it was coupled with a strict zero Muslim immigration policy. Future generations would consider it of far more value than a hundred and fifty miles of railway.
TOADY Watch #1
Lord Ashdown is on to talk about the SDP and new political parties. He claims the LimpDim Revival is ongoing. No challenge from journalist Nick Robinson who does not appear to have checked the DimLibs membership figures.
I am left wondering ….
But Robbo helpfully gave us websites, names, working titles and a gossip list of his runners and riders. The usual liberal Morning Glory of fat impotent scum like Robinson-the SDP Mk 2.
Ashdown DID correct him on why the SDP never succeeded-very revealing, hope Boris was listening. Undergrowth and field craft cropped up-this IS war, Ashdown at least knows the language we`ll be using very soon.
“Sound of the Underground”…Wookey Hole last Monday.
ChrisH, great post. Yep, ol’ Robbo gave Lord A a free pass but that was a free gift from our ‘enob(b)led’ fighting man.
He’s from the Jean-Claude Juncker wing of politics. If things get difficult, you lie.
Sir Cliff & the BBC. Apparently, the BBC will not be appealing the courts decision which went against them.
Twitter is alive this morning with “sack John Humphries because he described Boris Johnson pillar box comments as ‘colourful language’ “. Apparently Humphries said that on Radio 4 Today (which I no longer listen to).
John Humphries is being called a ‘racist’ along with Boris all over Twitter. Hardly anyone (still allowed to tweet) on Twitter is correcting them saying a religion is not a race. Sad times for the UK when anyone can falsely accuse another of being a racist, bigot, nazi, fascist (delete as applicable).
People need to appreciate that Twitter is not reality. It seems to bring out everyone’s inner wan**r and the lust for likes etc trumps the objective validity of any idea. For the perpetually offended BBC – who seem to spend some their entire working lives on the platform – it is taking a match to gun powder.
What is it about the selectively censorious twitter that first attracted it to the bbc?
The 140 character limit.
BBC employees feel confident that they can compose one coherent sentence.
Their inability to do more challenging compositions like paragraphs, let alone whole pages or essays, is demonstrated daily on this website.
“Twitter is alive this morning with “sack John Humphries because he described Boris Johnson pillar box comments as ‘colourful language’”
No mention then of his generalised reference to seeing ‘people’ (could it be male or female?) in burkas in such places as, “……local pubs….”. Even the interviewee, Wilfred Pickles, corrected him. My hand almost strayed to the phone to call the police as I was offended by that reference, an insult to islam. Hate Speech!! Hate Speech, John!
These words that mean anything and nothing:
words……. made up words of newspeak. Let me have a go.
BBC is institutionally TRUTHOPHOBIC
After having seen the’ Hard-talk’ with hard lefty Beeboid Sackur interviewing prof Peterson – I would really like to see an interview – discussion between a top of the hill feminist such as Hattie Harperson ( mrs jack dromie) and the learned Prof . I understand Hattie cries easily ….
Then it would have to be called “Soft-Talk”.
Worth watching that interview with Sackur and peterson for two wonderful reasons.
First Peterson has to correct Sackur’s ‘errors’ after every question.
Second, at one point a flustered, on the ropes Sackur says “… well, I am no expert …”
And Peterson says, “No. But I am.”
Pressure is mounting= “we had one of Warsis boys on Newsnight last night”
Robinsons script changed from “seeming to mock”…now its “ridiculing”.
Pressure is mounting again, in a virtuous cycle.
And he failed to appear as a joey in the kangaroo court we`ve tacked up with a mock gallows hiddeen behind it.
Right Boris-you`ll either find a backbone and go live on the BBC to tell us ALL what the BBC and Labour, Warsi and Osborne,Heseltine and May are up to re Trump, Brexit, Bigley and Iran…or you`ll dissolve in a saline drip na dbe a mere slug trail when we need REAL Churchillian balls-FFS, you wrote about him, you`ll know better than anybody.
Gordon Brown wrote a book about courage but had none.
Don`t end up the same please.
Yet more evidence if required that Humphries and his colleagues on Toady are living in a bubble…
“why shouldn’t people get uncomfortable with the burkha if they see see someone wearing one in a shop or their local pub?” Humphries asks, playing the devil’s advocate.
Lord Pickles replies, “To be fair, I don’t think you would see someone wearing a burkha in a pub.”
Must have had a brainstorm but i lazily tuned to Newsnight last night ( i know i know). 1st item nasty horrible Boris. 2nd item nasty horrible Trump.
What is wrong with these people?
“What is wrong with these people?”
They have spent all their lives being told what to think by the biased bbc!
I was channel hopping last night and I caught the 30 seconds of ending the Boris rant straight into the Trump rant. Unbelievable.
All their obsession with ‘diversity’ and they do not think it might be a good idea to have someone around with a slightly different opinion.
The kid channel weighs in…
‘Lord’ Sheik has just been talking on LBC to Nick Ferrari, saying that Boris should be kicked out the party. Ferrari asked shouldn’t Boris be shown the same tolerance that Muslims have being asking for years about their religion? Rattle and Roll replied, emphatically, “No!”.
The British peoples ‘Tolerance’ has been used as a weapon against them for over fifty years. Social cohesion and integration is a joke.
The Burkha is the uniform of occupation in the UK and Europe and the sooner it is banned, the better.
Yes and let’s ban halal slaughter whilst we’re at it.
D Kosher will have to go as well.
Fine … both do not adhere to British animal welfare law. I don’t discriminate .. they’re both wrong.
Class, BBC. Pure class: get those kids thinking right.
If Johnson does other than mock his critics, with chosen pals like Bridgen to laugh out live at the medias sheer hypocrisy and games? If he doesn`t mock that toerag of a surrender flag that May is said to head, and call for a hard and vicious Brexit with Rees Mogg as his Deputy and Redwood as Chancellor?
Then he`s a political milksop, and none of us will find him funny or of interest anymore.
Sod the Tory Party, it`s holed below the waterline and is listing .
badly. UKIP or the deep blue sea.
Actress Kathleen Turner on Hollywood, sexism and rage
A full on rant from has-been actress Kathleen Turner. Right up the BBCs street as she bitches about heterosexual white men wanting to have sex with her and the article finishes with a rant about Donald Trump, “Yuck. He has this gross handshake.”.
Looks like she has turned into a bitter and twisted old woman – a bit like the BBC itself!
I preferred her when she was an ‘actress’ who influenced casting selection decisions through her prone position…..
“I preferred her when she was an ‘actress’ who influenced casting selection decisions through her prone position…..”
Are you sure you don’t mean supine? Prone the feet are pointing down; supine they’re pointing up.
Woof! Woof! 😉
There was some rant by the lead singer from a Manchester band called James last week.
Trump is horrid, he really is. Have you heard anybody else say this in the media or in pop culture?
Well, blow me down-he and his band had a free half-hours promotion with Jo Whiley the night before last on Radio 2. Didn`t the BBC get panned for giving Bono a full days promotion back in 2009 for their new LP at the time?
Slag off Trump-welcome to the Beeb? PS-our Manc band seem now to live in America, but they don`t like Brexit.
How rock and roll eh?their singer obviously a private school boy too. What a rebel.
On last night’s ITV news, a camera crew remarkably happened to be at a Police Station (or possibly sub station) when a burka/niqab wearing woman turned up to report the “hate crime” perpetrated by Boris Johnson.
She was then interviewed and said that this type of talk leads to hate crime and “normal people like me” being assaulted. She’s abused in the street once a week.
That’s awful and shouldn’t be allowed, however the interview in my mind did the opposite of what she (& by extension the ITV news crew) wanted. And that because listening to her whining on when all you see were her eyes punched home how absolutely ridiculous this mode of dress is. No intelligent woman would surely ever WANT to wear it.
As an aside, I was on holiday in June at an all inclusive hotel. Even in the scorching brightness , every time I went to the bar I removed my sunglassses because showing my whole face is the polite thing to do, possibly over the top and I don’t stand and judge people for leaving their sunglasses on but I hope you take my point. I can’t prove it but if sunglass technology has been available at the time the niqab came into being I wouldn’t be surprised if it was demanded that even the eyes of these women be covered.
And Boris Johnson needs to stand firm. I believe he’s intelligent even though he comes across as a buffoon and seems to lack common sense, but this is his one opportunity to make a difference. It’ll all die down in a few days anyway but if he apologises that’s the impetus lost, much like many people thought things would change after the MEN Arena bombing as a line had been crossed. Unfortunately the barbarism of that event was buried under a shroud of balloons, friendship wristbands and unicorns.
During my years in the Met Police, sunglasses were issued to drivers with the proviso that they were removed when in conversation with members of the public.
Personally, I can understand the point of the burka in hot countries. By shielding the woman’s face from the effects of the sun it delays her turning into a wizened old crone thereby making her more desirable for a bit of hanky panky when her husband comes home from a hard days jihadding. If our heat wave continues perhaps they should be made compulsory for all women in the UK.
Well, the point is NOT the comfort of women. The point is to dominate, rule and control them. The point is to make them interchangeable and remove all individuality.
Take my word for it, having lived/worked in the Middle East, they’re all fat and ugly that’s the other side of the burka coin. However, the burka does not disguise the ‘sloppy ungainly waddle’ they all possess. Reminiscent of queuing outside a shop in Riga Latvia in the very early 90’s to hopefully buy one mouldy cauliflower and being surrounded by women stinking of BO and showing incredibly hairy legs.
Outrageous sexist comment! Why should the Burka just be for woman?
Come on BBC, let’s have an article on the first Trans Muslim man who is now a woman and wears the burka!
“…the first Trans Muslim…..” would be dead by now.
Oh come on touchjudge .. there are other ways of stopping oneself from becoming a wizened old crone … like factor 200 sunblock! I should know!
Yep, that is why the ‘News’ is nothing but FAKENEWS. Nothing staged or planned about it, because whenever I go to my local police station to report a crime, there is often a TV crew there – only to see the police tell me to go home and report the crime on the internet…
….It’ll all die down in a few days anyway…..
Ha ! a few years ago maybe, but now we have the likes of Afua Hirsch to fan the flames and ensure the ‘oppressed’ of this country are not victimised (!).
………’when a burka/niqab wearing woman…….’
But….how do you actually know?
Seems to me there are safeguarding issues to consider here……….something the bBBC seems magically to have missed altogether……..
Do not laugh at burka women eating spaghetti. It would be racist.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
How does that bloke keep a straight face?
He’s trying not to puke.
“This kind of speech should be banned cos it leads to violent hate-crime”
yes there have been occurrences when “special needs” people have lashed out at a minority group
But likewise there are hundreds of instances where aggressive language/framing has led to “special needs” people joining in with ANTIFA to act violently to someone they can label as “far right”
So what is the proportionality ?
Boris wrote ONE article in a paper no one reads
vs within the hour EVERY hour someone via the BBC will be spitting our the smear-label “far right”, “far right” to misrepresent someone.
“She was then interviewed and said that this type of talk leads to hate crime and “normal people like me” being assaulted. She’s abused in the street once a week.”
I get sick of hearing of all these unknown people abusing burka clad females or trying to rip the garments off them. Does anybody have any serious links they can put up in relation to these alleged assaults? Unfortunately, unlike the naive and gullible lefty media, I am not prepared to accept this happens just because somebody says it does.
I couldn’t bear to hang around to see if they went for the hat trick with a rant at Farage or T Robinson.
No one is listening anymore beeb. Get it?
Oh FGS, Beeb and Sky have had the same woman clearly sitting on the stairs, ranting on how she’s had her eggs freezed until Mr Right comes along – she’s over 40. ‘Mr Right’ ? clearly she isn’t Mrs Right for anyone. Who the hell is bothered ? we’ll be on to ocean rescue next.
TOADY Watch #2
Supplying our own News Headlines – again – are we BBC? Naughty!
10am News: Item 1: Lord Pickles on Boris Berk-ah-Johnson.
I used to have an iota or three of regard for Eric Pickles, as Councillor, Mayor and MP but I lost most of them this morning as he weaseled and wormed and toadied his way through an interview with The Humph that would have done a Springwatch team proud.
On the other hand, I cannot help wondering whether (some of) the Conservatives have (as a team) agreed a very cunning plan.
And on the other other hand [ aren’t economists wonderful? 🙂 ] I could be completely wrong and the Tories will self destruct after another disastrous Party Conference in September.
Or, life will continue on, pretty much as normal.
The BBC will certainly NOT like this from an Imam :-
Dr Taj Hargey, Imam, Oxford Islamic Congregation, tells The Times
“Sir, Boris Johnson should not apologise for telling the truth. His evocative analogy is unfortunate but he is justified in reminding everyone that the Wahhabi/Salafi-inspired fad of female facial masking has no Koranic legitimacy. It is, however, a nefarious component of a trendy gateway theology for religious extremism and militant Islam.
The burka and niqab are hideous tribal ninja-like garments that are pre-Islamic, non-Koranic and therefore un-Muslim. Although this deliberate identity-concealing contraption is banned at the Kaaba in Mecca it is permitted in Britain, thus precipitating security risks, accelerating vitamin D deficiency, endorsing gender-inequality and inhibiting community cohesion.
The retrogressive Islamic clergy has succeeded in persuading ill-informed Muslims through suspect secondary sources that God wants women to cover their faces, when in reality it is a toxic patriarchy controlling women. Is it any wonder that many younger women have internalised this poisonous chauvinism by asserting that it is their human right to hide their faces? Johnson did not go far enough. If Britain is to become a fully integrated society then it is incumbent that cultural practices, personal preferences and communal customs that aggravate social division should be firmly resisted. For this reason Britain must emulate France, Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria and Denmark in banning the burka.”
Lets see how much media prominence this gets as opposed to the mass hysterical response to Boris’s statement !!!!
Saw it mentioned on an earlier thread, I used to love watching Fox News until Sky removed it. Whenever I watch ‘live’ on YouTube, the screen is always reduced with adverts spinning around. Is there anyway to get this normally?
For all the supporters of Tommy Robinson, one needs to understand
what multiculturaralism is. We have embraced it in the UK. We
have to except the good, the bad and the ugly.
Of all the media the BBC is numero uno in regards to accepting,
and supporting every aspect of it. Lock ,stock and barrel.
Without doubt will all the other attributes the ALBANIANS have ,
they have bought to the UK without doubt the best prostitution
rackets ever seen in the UK, far better than the Maltese who used to run them.
Nigel Farage once asked would you like a group of Romanian men
living next door you? The Romanian’s are amongst the most
skilled builders in the country . We have to accept that this is the price we have to pay for 90% of the cash dispenser crime we see
in London committed by Romanians.
Our National Health service would not exist without all the ethnic
staff employed.So with all the wonderful West Indian nurses
we must accept that their “sons” chose other professions, especially those with any Jamaican connections.
Yes this is multiculturalism is working in full force. Pakistan have
produced some wonderful heart surgeons and fast bowlers, so we
must accept in following their religion that quite a few of them
feel that raping white girls , following their religion is part and parcel.
I could go on and on. Jews have invented and been responsible
for some of the most important advances in the sciences of modern times, with the odd Ponzi scheme thrown in.
Then we come down to our indigenous Brits. Look at all the
wonderful things we have done and a few not so nice things.
We like to drink and then fight . There is no class distinction in
this. Toffs at Ascot.Even the crowd and PLAYERS at Lords!!!!!!
Multiculturalism enjoy!!
And for the best of it , watch BBC TV. Watch the adverts on ITV
ENJOY !!!!!!!
“We have embraced it in the UK.”
Please don’t speak for me; I wasn’t asked.
“The Romanian’s are amongst the most skilled builders in the country.”
Really? I thought it was Poles, or whoever fits the argument at the time.
If all these East Europeans are so Hard working why are they countries so shit poor?
Either a population working it’s bollocks off for peanuts isn’t the road to a wealthy nation, or
Communism? well who allowed that then- yes the same dickheads that are over here, like the horse Boxer happy to work themselves to death, with the ‘right’ attitude, ie puppy dog eager to please the boss:
They have managed to lower wages, allowed the zero hours contracts to take hold- workers right put back 100 years- overtime becoming a thing of the past for many.
Sooner they end up being sent to the glue factory the better.
Just a note of explanation about the (non) Islamic veil and the banning of it in several European countries.
People need to begin to accept that the UK and the US political elites are firmly in the pockets of the Saudis and their allies, yes even Donald Trump is amongst them.
This has been the case in the UK ever since the evil BLiar triumvirate came to power, and it has recently been reported he is being offered another £9 million by Saudi.
The veil is not an Islamic requirement, it is a requirement of the Salafist cult which Saudi and other Sunni countries in the Middle East subscribe to.
Salafism is a backwards intolerant and violent cult which has actually been banned by 20 countries – all of them Muslim. Wear a veil in Turkey and you are looking at a potential 25 year sentence, not for wearing it, but for practicing the dangerous Salafi cult.
ISIS were driven by Salafism. Every suicide bomber and Jihadist in Europe has been a Salafi, and yet we in the West have not banned it, we have nurtured and protected it from any criticism at all.
There is only one explanation for this, and that is the promise of oodles of petro dollars for the elites at the expense of our security. So next time you hear of someone wanting to ban the ‘Burka’ tell them how wrong they are, and that they should be thinking of banning the murderous ideology which drives women to wear the hateful thing.
What’s the end game ?
There are all the metrolibs ruling over us from London
.. but are they increasing ?
The red-pilled not only, include most people over 40 outside metroland, ex-Muslims, migrant-stock who don’t want the bad guys to follow them to Britain, but also you meet more and more young people who are red-pilled. It is not like everyone is a Corbynista.
..In the free votes of the referendum and the last election..the libmob did not win overall, only in starnge places like Diane Abbott’s constituency.
As people as said now the libmob is a double bind.
They’ve tried to act with more censorship, but have found it’s counterproductive.
And if they don’t censor , then more people will get red-pilled anyway
I’d prefer to link Saudi with Wahhabism – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism
There’s always one who thinks they know better, but Wahabism is a sub division of Salafism much as Methodism is a subset of Protestantism.
excellent post. Have you sent it to the BBC 🙂
Link back to last page of the previous thread which has actually been carrying on simultaneously for the last 12 hours.
Stew- thank you for threading : had-noticed : but thought that if posters want to use the previous discussions then so be it.
Sorry but this is important – Coming to TV screens – a lesbian Bat-woman. The sexuality of Bat woman is relevant how?
At least not black or in a burka – yet.
I’ve looked that up. Why? How will they make it blatantly obvious to viewers that she’s lesbian? Unlike every other superhero film and show where there might have been a romantic interest, will this manifest itself as breast grabbing, tongue down the throat shenanigans at every opportunity? And if you think I’m saying that to shock, please compare and contrast the relationships and behaviour of homosexual and lesbian couples on TV with those of heterosexual ones. Very often it’s breathless French kissing, face cupping, hand holding and semi naked scenes v maybe a peck on the cheek or a “tara” while fully dressed. And this is when couples are parting while one sits in the Rovers and the other nips to the toilet. Okay that last bit’s a joke but the rest is readily observable.
Also LGBT+ ? Me and my best mate have differing political views but that doesn’t matter to us. But the concept of a “community”made of Lesbian women, homosexual men, bisexual men and women, transsexual men and women, plus any group not currently discovered (I believe that’s what the + is for) all singing from the same hymn sheet about everything is ridiculous. I’ll bet there are Homosexuals and lesbians who view transsexualism as being as weird as I view it. And yet the none heterosexual “community” is labelled as one to stand against heterosexuality.
Well maybe, strap-on gadgets, mention of the bat cave with a wink, weapons like the twatarang and foes such as, the Diddler, Pussy and Muncher.
OK I’ll stop now.
Sorry guys the lesbian superhero has been slotted into just about every tv series of this genre along with a gay one.. etc
Supergirl TV is the worst they get refugee in at every occasion, have at least 2 lesbians , gays the whole lot and Jimmy Olsen is Black not ginger…I call that gingerist
It’s all part of the lefty liberal tv and film writers guild
Personally I don’t care until they ram it down your throat with diatribes about white supremacy slavery etc…quite unnecessary
Slightly off topic but has anyone any concerns over the introduction of an opt out scheme for organ donation?
Maybe I watch too many movies, but in light of recent events at a particular NHS hospital, I would say this is open to abuse and would put old people at even more risk of being devalued and possibly snuffed out!
Nope , I agree with the law change.
It’s a slippery slope fallacy if you go on to say they will be killing old people or harvesting organs.
Plenty of existing laws will protect against this.
The group that consistently fails to donate blood and organs is BME.
Thus costing us all extra money.
I agree with opt out scheme. I don’t care what they do with my body after I’m dead. If I can help somebody to live that’s fine by me.
Oldcrone-my point is what if you are in hospital and not dead and someone decides you are worth more dead!
I attend a platelet donation centre and it is true all the advertising posters, leaflets, etc. beg for BME donors. Never seen one yet.
Thank you Pat..O, you’re contributing to a valuable service: too few people are even aware of Platelet Donation. Until I was diagnosed with Lupus (SLE) back in ’93 I wasn’t even aware what platelets were – then I was told my blood was almost devoid of them, that was a bit of an awakening ! (platelets are needed for blood clotting).
Thank you for comment Brissles. There is one major draw back, they tend to have the TV tuned to BBC News 24 with subtitles. If a major sporting event is happening though the men usually demand that is shown instead.
BBC World @ 1 news headlines – usual nonsense – off 1307. Peace.
Living in Wales now, I was confronted by this consideration a couple of years ago. The default position is, if you don’t say, ‘no’, your donation is presumed. I said, ‘no’ and the Organ Donation outfit in Bristol confirmed in writing my stated position. Easy to do but it will catch out the brainless who don’t pay attention. That’s probably what they would hope for.
“the brainless who don’t pay attention”
That seems to adequately sum up the vast part of the BBC audience, these days.
Most investigations I have been on concerning organ donation are wary of opt out schemes, preferring instead to emphasise better education regarding the success rates of transplants and distilling fears (planted by the BBC above all) that diagnosis of death will be fudged in order to increase the organ harvest. Most countries employing opt out schemes have to be careful not to override relative’s objections, which can create problems which would not occur in the current system.. There are many ways to increase the supply of organs, including the removal of prohibitions regarding categories of so called tainted organs, ie. from patients who have died of diseases not considered suitable for donor status. If tainted organs is the only game in town, many would accept them. Bottom line, it is best to avoid increasing the state’s authority over our bodies,
G.W.F., it may not be long before chips implanted under the skin* and ‘Soylent Green’ become compulsory.
The Conservatives made motor-cycle helmet wearing compulsory, and possibly car seat belt use also, in the mid-1980s. I protested both to my MP, and possibly also the PM, that despite being in favour of use of both safety items that those pieces of legislative compulsion broke a previously inviolate principle that, Capital Punishment & military service apart, our Parliament should not do harm by its enactments.
I pointed out that in both cases the legislations could result in death or serious injury. I also suggested that it might lead in about twenty-five years to unwelcome discussions about the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia and in another twenty-five years to euthanasia becoming compulsory.
It was slightly eerie to find Charlie Falconer getting up on his hind legs in the Upper House and also finding a platform on the BBC, for the first stage of that legislation, absolutely bang on schedule. Despite it being defeated, I think twice, he is determined to bring it back to Parliament.
If I am right on Part2, then watch out for politicians and others to start talking about compulsory euthanasia in about fifteen years time.
* BBC Radio 4 broadcast an item on this very subject this week from Sweden of all places.
4:30pm R4Media Show has a placeholder photo, which is a picture of Alex Jones looking worried.
Amol hasn’t tweeted the guestlist yet
8pm Is ‘Victim Culture’ an Obstacle to Justice?
Joanna Williams, Associate Editor of Spiked
vs Sophie Walker, leader of the Women’s Equality Party
8:30pm Manwar Ali tells Dominic Lawson why he changed from violent Islamist fighter pursuing global jihad, to become a leading campaigner in Britain against violence and extremism.
“he overcame suspicion and intimidation from within his own community to campaign for anti-radicalisation measures against the extremists he sees as destroying Muslim communities around the globe.”
Today’s SJW TV
The BBC shuvs repeats at you
7:30pm BBC1 : Life & Debt : “a Syrian refugee who takes her own line of Halloumi cheese into the big time”
11:45pm BBC1 : United States of Hate: Muslims Under Attack
\\ visits Texas to chart the rise of extreme anti-Islamic groups – heavily armed, wearing wraparound shades and right behind Donald Trump’s move to bar Muslims from America.
One activist shouts at a Muslim passer-by: “Go back to a Muslim country and take Obama with you!”
“Women’s Equality Party”
Guardian opinion today, a plethora of high points in the history of nonsense. Nonsense of such excellence, never before achieved, hitherto believed unachievable.
The Everest of which is an article by a clearly insane official of the WEP named Hannah Peaker.
Perhaps if we keep up the pressure they will all become crazy and impotent.
I was feeling quite calm this morning on the way to work. With the cooler more comfortable temperatures and no exposure to BBC or any other MSM my blood pressure was normal.
Then I saw the METRO “newspaper” on the way to work.
“ Boris Johnson refuses to apologise for saying women in burkas look like letterboxes”
Read more:
Good on you Boris. Stick to yer guns. We as a nation must not allow ourselves to be bullied out of our sense of humour. It’s part of our humanity.
That’s a good one it made me laugh out loud.
The tweet
The Times article
\\ The BBC is spending £2.5 million of licence payers’ money hiring six PR agencies to promote the licence fee and spell out the consequences of non-payment.
The national broadcaster is seeking a new network of external spin doctors — at a cost equivalent to more than 16,000 television licences — even though it already has a devoted press team at TV Licensing, its collection and enforcement arm, in addition to the main BBC press office. //
Using Twitter’s own embed didn’t work 🙁 – how’dya do that?
Tweets auto embed here
you just post the URL and the system takes 20 seconds to sort it out.
If you edit the comment then you have to refresh the page.
This is an excellent piece by a Muslim Doctor
(but it’s paywalled, can’t see even with my free account)
\\ When Boris Johnson mocks the niqab, he is emphatically not mocking Muslim women because – and this is a point that we Muslims seem to be unable to get across to non-Muslims – there is no basis in Islam for the niqab, says Qanta Ahmed. //
she says has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with “cultural misogyny
\\ it is the silly season and papers and politicians are determined to show how good and tolerant they are by shouting “witch” at anyone they feel might offend someone. //
The Boris J article reproduced
There is a wide and growing chasm between what is deemed ‘acceptable’ public discourse, as allowed by the likes of the inquisitorial beebistan, and what the man in the street of middle England knows and feels in his heart and guts.
We all know those burkas are silly, deliberately provocative, oppressive to the women forced to wear them, and serve to increase social division by fostering an ‘us and them’ mentality on the part of a supremacist, intolerant, triumphalist and alien ideology. And don’t tell me anyone in their right mind chooses freely to wear them, especially, say, in the tropical heat we’ve been experiencing in recent weeks. (See spaghetti vid above if you need further convincing.)
But dare to say so and the whole class of chatterati, arty-farty liberalati will come down on you like a ton of bricks, as Boris is experiencing.
I suspect amidst all the confected ‘outrage’, a huge proportion of the public a) couldn’t care less and/or b) agree wholeheartedly and /or c) are thinking ‘right on Boris’.
But we’ll never know because they’ve been cowed into silence by the thought police such as the beeb. The only vocal ones are the extremist far-liberals such as Auntie.
What I just cannot understand is the chatterati etc. seem to believe in this wonderful peaceful utopia thinking when the domination of this cult comes they are all going to be safe and sound tucked up in bed all nice and cosy. The delusional belief of these people borders on insanity along the lines of Douglas Murrays opening line that Europe is committing suicide. It reminds me of Hitler not believing that the Normandy landings were happening thinking it was a distraction for the main event. I am just about to finish reading A.N.Wilsons biography of Betjeman and was thinking last night what would the great man make of all this. He may well have struggled to find words to describe his old London town as it is now.
Oh how our politicians have failed us.
Journalist writes an observation down that we`ve all noted and laughed at.
So how does that take up two days of BBC witch hunts and contrived outrage?
They apologised yet for nobbling Nick Griffin as he was warning us all of grooming gangs in Pennine towns as well as S.Yorkshire?
Any of those victims fancy piling onto the BBC to demand apologies?
Or-like Osborne or Clegg, they don`t really need to say sorry. They just don`t.
What’s wrong with the bbc today reporting on the commemoration of the WW1 battle at Amiens 100 years ago today. Reporting with such enthusiasm one would almost think that the bbc were patriotic.
Maybe there is a pro EU “let’s all stick together with our neighbours”’agenda.
They are enthusing about the tanks used to beat the Germans.
Well I sure hope those poor Germans weren’t offended by the presence of the tanks.
It’s true the bbc does glitch at times by accident or design.
Must be down to news Editors forgetting their medication.
Yesterday doing a bit of history with son (who did the story of the Dutch girl who hid from the Germans in WW2 – The Diary of Anne Summers – he recalled. His precocious mate has a lot to answer for.)
Anyhow, watching a video of Henry V before the battle. I was filling up and had illustrated to him just what we lack these days.
The constant Boris loop all over the BBC for two days running says so much about its news values. Politician expresses an opinion – disgraceful, apologise, blah blah blah! What an easy target, not balanced journalism, just the usual pathetic agenda driven by the illiberal lynch mob.
Meanwhile, the real debate about what the burqa represents in our society is drowned out – the mysogony, subjugation, systemic abuse, no dissident liberal and sensible Muslim voices allowed.
Heck, and they haven’t yet turned little Frankie Boyle or those idiots on the News Quiz loose on poor Boris yet. Just wait for their sneering and sniggering response – that’s when you will hear the sound of real, disgusting abuse (and, unlike them, at least Boris raised the odd chuckle!)
What the hell has it got to do with the BBC?
Johnson writes as an ex Foreign Secretary, a backbencher-and is a journalist of old.
What gives the BBC the right to be the national ducking stool or set up pillories for those who say what they`d never dare repeat.
Oh wait-all they`ve done these last two days is repeat what he said.
Utter hypocrites-defang the buggers while you can.
Knock their teeth out if you have to. They`re putting more than Boris at personal risk nowadays, and we need to fight back.
This is not news-never was.
I think that Boris is learning from Trump how to play the media, and especially the BBC.
If the Conservatives are going to defenistrate May in the autumn Boris needs to build up enough support among party members that the MPs will have to make him one of the last two on the ballot. He wrote an “establishment” article about how we should not ban wearing the burka, but then threw in a couple of provocative comments to wind up libmob so that the repetative attacks on him would recruit supporters for him among party members. When he talks to the party hierarchy he can quote the parts of the article against a ban, and when talking to party members he can talk about letterboxes.
As a politician he has written an article that he can play either way. It doesn’t make him trustworthy, but if he becomes PM his success or failure will be measured by Brexit, so he’ll have to deliver. The more the BBC attack him the more support he’ll have from us “looneys”, “fruitcakes” and “deplorables”.
Its not only the Beeb, Sky are at it too.
Eric Pickles, when interviewed today about Burkagate , made the mistake that many others are making, he intimated that we should all live together in harmony ….. ” the ‘whites’, jews, afro Jamaican and muslims” I kid you not, he mentioned two religions along with the race of others. Someone should tell these turnips there is a difference.
That would be one honking great turnip.
But could feed a small city.
He must enlist the self-interest of MPs who have to see him as their best hope of election victory. It would be suicidal of them not to elect him as one of the two candidates.
I guess the Beeb are concerned that Boris might challenge Theresa the Appeaser and thus if they can discredit him and consign him to the naughty step, they can get back to pushing for Corbyn.
OK that is real world sexism
The Tokyo Medical University was concerned about having too many female students so it systematically reduced the exam scores of females.
That amounts to positive discrimination in favour of males
If you accept that males and females are equivalent in maturity at that age.
Saw this on a travel forum about Brussels, it is only one person’s opinion, not sure how much weight to attached to it but even if only a grain of truth it is too much:
“On a side note.. if you are going on easter, I might suggest you not wander about the Marolles as a precaution. Easter being catholic and the marolles having a high density or Muslim population, there could be some tension , preferable to avoid. Sometimes religious holidays cause scandals within the country, especially Brussels, due to Belgians putting out decorations and extremist Muslims disagreeing with the public displays of the holidays they dont believe in. As long as you stick to the beaten path you should have no problems at all though!”
Wonder how Owen Jones “Stop Funding people I don’t agree with” campaign is going
Now that they no longer advertise in the Daily Mail are Lego and Paperchase profits vastly up ?
Belgiums ISLAM party: https://www.rt.com/news/425281-belgium-islam-party-segregation/
Gender segregation on public transport protects “vulnerable” people, the president of the controversial ISLAM party told RT. The group has previously said it hopes to create a “100-percent Islamic state” in Belgium.
Abdelhay Bakkali Tahiri, president of the conservative Muslim party in Belgium, joined the RT France team via videolink. The party’s French acronym stands for “Integrity, Solidarity, Liberty, Authenticity, Morality.”
Read more
© Reuters ‘Even gospel is violent’: French open letter calling for Koran revisions met with Muslim pushback
Tahiri sought to justify one of the party’s proposals, which aims to create a segregated zone for women on public transport. According to the politician, the measure would help to protect women, children and other “vulnerable groups” that may face aggressive behavior. “It is simply for the wellbeing of those people who use public transport,” he said.
Another pillar of the party’s agenda is the integration of Sharia law into the Belgian legislative system. Tahiri claimed that Sharia law is flexible, citing an example of the driving ban on women in Saudi Arabia. Women were forbidden to drive under Islamic law and then the ban was lifted, also under Islamic law, he noted, asserting that “everyone puts what he wants in Sharia.”
Established in 2012, the ISLAM party took Belgium by surprise in its first year, winning seats in the Anderlecht and Molenbeek municipalities of the Brussels Capital region. Molenbeek is notorious for being a “hotbed of extremism,” as a number of Islamists behind the Paris and Brussels attacks grew up and lived there.
Belgium as first ‘100-percent Islamic state’ in Europe?
Items high on the party’s agenda include allowing all women to wear an Islamic headscarf, and requiring all schools to offer halal meat on their menus. Its ultimate aim is to transform European Belgium into an Islamic state. “Our goal is a 100-percent Islamic state, but we don’t mean we want to impose the headscarf,” Redouane Ahrouch, the party’s founder – who also works as a bus driver in Anderlecht – told local media earlier in April. The party condemns terrorism in all forms, according to the statement on the website. Ahrouch insists that in 12 years, by 2030, the Belgian capital will be mainly comprised of Muslims.
On the recent R4 special about super Muslim : Baroness Warsi, did they point out that she’s never won an election ?
..but rather tried in Dewsbury and was then parachuted into the House of Lords
Sense it doesn`t look good on your CV if you ever won an election anymore. Or at least now regret ever asking the chavs for your vote-urgh, dirty and how common.
The EU sets the pace here-what a load of unelectable weirdos, drunks and pervs who would NEVER get a seat in their own countires.
Adonis, Warsi-saddle sniffers like Heseltine, Dorrell and little Gummers 1 and 2….Patten?
Thankfully, now mature beyond having to ask the proles what they think. they KNOW what we should be thinking , so simply set about enforcing it.
Not for long. I don`t intend to die in a country that has Adonis, Vaz and Warsi in any position over me and mine.
I listened to her on R4 yesterday and at first she sounds moderate but then she says things that make you think could I trust this woman…and she talked as though she had won an election which really confused me. R4 interviewer never once made the point she was an unelected peer.
Why exactly was given positions in the cabinet by that weakling Cameron? She is to me somebody who lives off the back of being a British Muslim – never hear her say that there are any problems with Islam in the UK..or what to do about it
‘Criticism grows over Johnson burka jibe.’
It has been upgraded to a jibe now? I wonder how long the Groundhog Broadcasting Corporation can drag this one out. They managed months for Worboys and Charlottesville had a good few weeks. Perhaps we should have a minute’s silence tomorrow and have all premier league footballers wear black arm bands to honour those imaginary hurt feelings.
Nobody really cares apart from the professional sh*t stirrers. When I moan about being ‘offended’ I can get arrested for a hate crime.
Thank goodness the dog who said, ‘sausages’ is no longer around !
He’d either be up for speech contrary to the public good or appointed the bbc economics corespondent. Actually he’d have made a very good Brexit negotiator.
Yes BB-but we`ll need months of repeat loop twaddle over the Murdoch family before we get meltdown to irrelevance as we saw with Coogan,Mosley and Evan Harris .
NOTHING will surely even beat the Leveson enquiry of 2010/11 etc.
THAT was the most serially boring self indulgent perpetual wankfest of the BBCs that I can recall.
Month after month. They died as anything serious at that time. Maybe Jean Seaton, approved BBC lickspittle “historian” would concur.
They do not seem to care how bored or annoyed their audience is.
Douglas Murray described Newman as ‘grandstanding’ versus Peterson i.e. playing to her audience of fellow trougher liberals. That was a real red pill: I see it everywhere now. They are more worried about impressing potential employers among the liberal elite than telling the truth, entertaining viewers etc. We deserve better.
BB above.
Think it`s been downgraded though from Robinsons 6a.m bulletin where he said Boris “ridiculed” both the burqa and hijab.
Maybe we need a Standard Poors Credit Rating Index here, red alert Beeb word code rating or something akin. Changes through the day anyway, we could draw graphs and look clever like Harrabin does.
Interesting to compare how quickly they got TR off the front page unfairly imprisoned without proper trial for expressing opinions, Orwellian or Kafkaesque, this country is becoming very unwelcome and uncomfortable for the indigenous population and it’s culture
So Mr Musk, if you are desperate to keep your company alive and tweet a vague promise that you intend to buy shares back at an 18% premium over today’s price
..and actually you don’t have the finance set up
Well that would be stock fraud.
if you’re unaware of Musk’s corporate background and some of his lost battles look at the PayPal Mafia (web) or some of the YouTubage
Maybe he’s got some deep pocket investors lined up ? – Qatar / KSA bidding war?
TWatO Watch #1
BBC naughtily continues to make its own news headlines.
2pm R4 News: Dominic Grieve QC, MP will leave the Conservative Party if Boris Johnson MP, former Foreign Secretary, becomes Party Leader. This from an interview during TWatO about the ongoing Boris Berk-aah!-Johnson row. I wonder how fast the double-handled Boris could do the Womens 100 metres in?
No matter. ‘Some people’ will now be thinking ‘How quickly can we get Bojo into No.10 and be rid of the shady (check his photo) QC?’.
And speaking of ongoing …. and outgoing ………
….. has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?