Less people are using the BBC -both television and radio . Less people are using its print version – The Guardian . Instead people are choosing Netflix and Amazon .
Although we record left bias week after week perhaps it will be the consumer who ultimately forces the BBC to serve the British and not its favoured minorities .A few politicians moan but won’t do anything else so for the time being the BBC feels immune .
Well done Annunaki, sounds like you’ve been busy wasting the beeb’s time and resources, which otherwise would be put to nefarious use pumping out lies and propaganda. Keep up the good work.
Netflix is less than half the price of the £150 Ministry Of Truth licence fee and a roll of Andrex is
#1 Cheaper than Al-Guardian
#2 A better read than Al-Guardian
So there are alternatives to the Ministry Of Truth and Al-Guardian the are both cheaper and better.
Confession – I can’t stand Edward Balls . One of my favourite moments was when he lost his seat …. but the documentary he has been doing on the Trump America has been far more reasoned than I thought it would be . Whoever commissioned it must have a real nosebleed about trying to explain why President Trump has such a consistent and increasing non metro support.
Do you remember the story of a little old lady from Manchester who asked Gordon Brown about mass immigration? That was the turning point for me. They don’t get it.
Boris, JRM and Farage are more in touch with the with the common man than any of those Metropolitan fuckwits.
Didn’t he call her a bigot when she mentioned immigration from Europe?
He called her bigot ………………
” GD: You can’t say anything about the immigrants. All these eastern Europeans what [sic] are coming in – where are they flocking from?
GB: A million people come from Europe but a million have gone into Europe. You do know that there’s a lot of British people staying in Europe as well. Look, come back to you’re initial principles. Helping people; that’s what we’re in the business of doing. A decent health service; that’s really important. And education. Now, these are the things that we have tried to do. We are going to maintain the schools so that we can make sure that people have that chance to go on. We are going to maintain the health service so that… ”
Read to end of link .
Cheers taffman.
Utter contempt for the working class he was supposed to represent.
Worst PM in my lifetime.
OK, Fed, you win! I had resolved not to do a TOADY Watch today. So this is it, the one and only, unless the Spanish Inquisition get to me.
I noted, reluctantly turning on in time for the 7am News, that Rashida Tlaib – almost certain to be elected to Congress unopposed – speaking on TOADY unfortunately let slip, in response to a question from Martha or Mishal (yes it was the M&M Show today), that “things were bad in American from 2008” but inevitably Donald Trump alone was blamed for it.
Now remind me, if you can, who had been elected to the White House in 2008?
I am glad you suffered the Toady M and M show and not me. Bit of jet lag and a post holiday resolution to reduce being wound up by beeboids – resolution which will fail .
I’ve managed to programme my wireless to switch off whenever the word Head jab is mentioned so it’s off a lot .
On the upside I saw the rather aristocratic local Labour MP comrade Stella Creasey today being heckled -nicely by – conservative type passers by. She pretended she could hear it.
The beeb website asks:
Matteo Salvini: Can Italy trust this man?
I ask:
The bbc: Can Britain trust this corporation?
Margaret Thatcher’s response: No, No, No!
Reverend Ian Paisley: Never, Never, Never!
Donald Trump’s response: Another beauty!
Wasn’t it Maurizio who discovered the names of the attendees at the 2006 meeting where the BBC decided to campaign for Man Made Global Warming?
From memory I think the list included Fergal Keane and Fran Unsworth.
Hang on, aren’t they culturally appropriating Whiteness?
And if ‘blacking up’ is now a hate crime, shouldn’t whitening up be too?
I see the BBC is still harping on about the Boris Johnson/Burka ‘controversy’ (three days now and counting?). Their coverage has also been extensive about the electoral spending by the Brexit ‘Vote Leave’ organisation. Funny how the earth shattering news that ‘A parenting advice site has been fined £140,000 after it was accused of illegally collecting data and selling it on for use by the Labour Party, which used it to profile new mums’ never made it to the front page or even the BBC news on the TV? Instead it is hidden away on the Technology page: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-45128677
I was about to say the same thing about Bojo. The radio was on at work and the Guardian Broadcasting Corporation mentioned it.
Funny as it has done very little to damage the Tories reputation considering a new opinion poll puts the Tories four points ahead of Labour. No5t bad considering May has had the worst few weeks ever and they suffered a short term slump yet that has recovered now. I wonder what the Guardian’s mouth piece have to say to that?
smoogie, I would say that ‘Theresa May has (appeared to have) had the worst few weeks ever.’
Call me ‘a tin-foil hat wearing Conspiracy Theorist’ if you must but I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised if, in ten, twenty, twenty-five years time, that a very, very cunning plan has been put into operation.
Think about the principle behind Jiu-jitsu, for example. 😉
The only surprise for me will be a) if I am still alive, and, b) I can actually remember posting this an’ simlah!
On the other hand, love a good conspiracy theory like I do, I also acknowledge that most of the time it is usually down to a good old-fashioned cock-up.
All you Anti-Beeboides need realise that the Anti-Boris Hype distracts the focus on Brexit.
Brexit, the most important event since the Second World War has been buried under the Boris fracas.
Time is running out .
GB needs to get out.
Ten possible future acts by the Tory Government:
(1) Theresa May wears the Burka in cabinet, in sympathy with Islam.
(2) Philip May stands over her in cabinet and becomes de facto Prime Minister.
(3) Philip May breaks off diplomatic relations with France, Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria and Denmark over the Burka ban.
(4) Philip May orders Cressida Dick and her partner Helen,
to wear the Burku in sympathy with Islam.
(5) Investigations into Boris Johnson reveal that he illegally criticised people who wear the Burka.
(6) Philip May announces new laws to ban criticism of people who wear the Burka.
(7) Philip May with the help of defacto Police Commissioner Craig Mackey, to set up investigations into the 60 percent of the population who want to ban the Burka.
(8) Most people in Britain are to be arrested by the Tory government for criticising people who wear the Burka.
(9) Most people in Britain are to be imprisoned by the Tory government for criticising people who wear the Burka, unless they apologise.
(10) Racist Black post boxes to be painted Socialist Red by Tory government.
Your critique of Philip May is quite apposite given his job and the companies that fill up his bank account.
This report from a proper investigative journalist, Vanessa Beeley, provided enough evidence of the wide and deep swamp that exists in our country. And I believe the pictures show real, dead children, not those fake photos that are produced by our state’s favourite video production company and friends of mass murderers the fake white helmet gang:
(8) & (9) – Wouldn’t that be just wonderful? Incoming tax to the Excheuequer virtually halted. That would cause a very real, ‘Wake Up’ moment for those ignorant of the need of ‘people’.
Only a halt of tax payments into the State coffers will make them cough an splutter immediately.
The unpleasant reason men navigate better than women http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-45134809
Apologies if anyone has pointed out this shocking example of ‘journalism ‘ already.
Apart from the bias in the title, get this:
“Men are better at navigating than women, according to a massive study, but there’s not much for men to be proud about.
Scientists at University College London say the difference has more to do with discrimination and unequal opportunities than any innate ability.”
From a scientific point of view this article is so poor it needs to go straight in the bin, and from what it states, the research is pretty poor too.
I’d like to know whether the bBBC have inserted the term ‘discrimination ‘ too.
This is a repeat article from 17th November 2016, which has been updated to incorporate vile anti-male propaganda (original is here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-37988197). Both variants carry a map showing which countries have stronger navigation skills, as measured indirectly, by er, a video game. Interesting to note that the majority of high scoring countries contain predominantly White populations: Britain, Northern European countries, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Note this sentence: Denmark, Finland and Norway have the world’s best navigational skills – possibly down to their “Viking blood”. Gulp! Surely they don’t mean that there is – shock, horror, some sort of genetic component to it? The original version also suggested that maybe ‘coastal nations create better navigators’. Gosh, so there are environmental factors that cause some sort of natural selection e.g. sea-faring people with good navigational skills are more likely to find their way home, breed and pass on their DNA. What could we call that: evolution, perhaps?
It is a telling illustration of the rapid decline in the former news organisation that in less than two years it has gone from reporting an interesting investigation into dementia into recycling it as an anti-male hate article.
Yes the BBC have inserted the word discrimination as it is not in the full 22mb study download nor is the word unequal and opportunities is there once in the context of a definition of gender gap index. So the BBC have probably done their usual leading question ‘ do you think this reflects blah blah’ and what do you think a left wing academic will say?
I have downloaded the original article and read it. The BBC need to be pulled up on this – the research is a very poor piece of work and full of assumptions.
Gender difference is a very small section of the work and where it is the ‘evidence’ is really supposition. It uses correlations and not causations, and the gender difference isn’t simply male versus female it is the gender gap index which is itself a composite figure made up by the World economic forum. Whilst they state they used 2.5m participants from every country in the world if you read the analysis they actually only used 572K from 57 countries.
This study is what I call a research sieve – useful for something but full of holes and definitely not a piece of gender related work and not worth of a headline
Unless you are a BBC numpty who picked it up because the researchers wanted visibility and made it about gender..
The persecution of Tommy Robinson continues unabated. He is going to be subjected to a re-trial on the 4th. September at the Old Bailey.
Who could have guessed that this man could generate so much hatred in the swamp dwellers? They are collectively suffering from Tommy Derangement Syndrome.
If it was any other group of people they would be investigated for hate crimes against Tommy Robinson.
If we lived in normal sane times, they would be forcefully incarcerated in a lunatic asylum for their own safety and for ours.
Ezra Levant has started crowdfunding again.
In true civil service form nominal responsibility for the re-hearing decision has been diverted to the new boy, Geoffrey Cox MP for Torridge and West Devon. He replaced Remainer Jeremy Wright as Attorney General for England and Wales last month.
(Political manoeuvres were made possible by Boris Johnson’s resignation. JW replaced Matt Hancock as DCMS Secretary when MH moved to Health replacing new Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt).
Yes, once again there is a need to come to the assistance of Tommy Robinson and by extension of all those who are being persecuted by the state.
I have signed the petition and made a small donation. I hope many, many more people do the same. Our government and the Civil Service, including the judiciary and the police, are out of control.
Context is important, and too often people/media to FRAME narratives by leaving out context.
eg in trying to frame TR as a monster they don’t repeat the 11 June 2013 headline from the Independent
EDL leader Tommy Robinson ‘utterly condemns’ attacks on Muslims
BBC moves quickly to create a memory hole… The BBC website is reporting that the CBI, an organisation whose predecessor in the 1930s urged appeasement with Nazi Germany, is calling for immigration targets to be scrapped after Brexit. The CBI wants an immigration policy to ‘make sure the system allows skilled people to come into the country from around the world’. It gives three examples, including people to ‘pick food crops or deliver products to stores around the country’. Ah, so the usual ‘highly skilled people’ then.
The original article, visible at 0630 this morning, carried an important other example of the need for ‘skilled people’, citing the need for builders, electricians and such, otherwise there would be a shortage of new homes. However, someone at the state broadcaster quickly realised that they had shot themselves in the foot, as the primary pressure for new homes is coming from… immigration. You know, all those people coming here to pick food crops and drive delivery vans, and whose low wages are desired by CBI members to maximise their own profits. By 0715, the article had been amended, with all textual references to new homes and builders removed. However, as of 0735 they have retained the illustration of building workers. They have also emphasised the need for continued EU migration. Such are the methods of the state broadcaster.
So don’t the immigrant builders and electricians need a home?
Maybe they should build a house in their own countries.
What’s the matter with them? Don’t they know that, even if migration from the EU was stopped completely, there would be over a million coming in evey three years from Asia: Pakistan etc. Can they tell us that the Doctors, engineers and scientists from that source are no good to them?…………..
Yes, I know they stop business every few hours to pray so productivity would suffer all the more but this is ‘diveersity’ and the CBI should welcome it as we, the rest, are reminded often.
So Lord Sheikh is complaining about Boris’s words. He has been inundated with horrible emails( we haven’t seen them) – but he says ‘ I don’t mind being attacked I’m a politician but these people said terrible horrible things about the Prophet Mohammed’ WTF so now we can’t even laugh/insult (this is a relative difference) at a religious image. Rudeness and obscenity is never called for but you cannot ask for an MPs whip to be withdrawn because somebody insults your god…in the UK…
Then the BBC bring on some American Democrat woman to add her worthless but Muslim supportive comment….
BBC is disgrace to balanced reporting – listening to their output you would think everyone disagrees with Boris when in fact the opposite is closer to the truth
It is now getting to the stage that by just saying the word ”Muslim ” will be deemed offensive……
This country is becoming so politically correct its stifling free speech…
This is the BBC webpage on that story.

I don’t know if the Radio 4 article produced any evidence, but the web article certainly seems to indicate it’s just his word. Yet the headline treats it as fact.
There are also two postboxes of colour making claims that are gaining traction with a media estate whose journalistic rigour extends these days to ‘is it from Tell Mama? Hold the front page!’.
Can’t wait for the hignfy take.
According to a Talk Radio news item this morning, were a Brexit referendum to be held now, the result would be 77% in favour of remain.
A poll of 10,000 people was conducted by the organisation calling for “the people’s vote”
Not biased at all then!
Don’t they know we already had a “people’s vote”?
Don’t they know that a poll of 50 plus million people was carried out.
Don’t they know that 17.4 million people voted to LEAVE!
Don’t they know that Article 50 has already been triggered?
That, it now seems clear to me, has been Theresa May’s strategy all along. Make such a hash of negotiations that Brexit looks like a bad idea and scares the electorate into changing their mind. The BBC is a very important player in this.
She may be successful in that, but will leave a substantial hard core who won’t accept it. And why should they? The precedent will have been set.
A poll of 10,000 people eh ? I’m surprised they could find even 100 people to vote in a tin pot poll where the result would be pointless whatever the outcome.
The head is Carolyn Fairbairn.
“”As BBC Director of Strategy, she led the BBC’s digital strategy and ran its transmission arm.””
The CBI is anti Brexit and funded by the EU.
Dover, Fairbairn along with Purnell is responsible for the BBC’s digital disasters. Unfortunately, only Purnell can now be disciplined* for same.
Fairbairn deliberately chooses to ‘not understand’ or ‘overlook’ certain economic principles in public, especially the functioning of trade tariffs & things like outputs (in relation to immigration) DESPITE having a Double First in Economics from Cambridge.
Having read a bit about war, especially WW2, as a child (think ‘The Man Who Never Was’), when I listen to Carolyn Fairbairn I always feel I am being subjected to a Disinformation Campaign.
(*Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet? If not, DG, when will you sack her, along with James Purnell?)
Even when notionally leaving their politics at the door whilst employed directly, bbc staff have always been covered by ‘views my own’. Think John Simpson.
However, once released into the wild, they really do seem to let rip, and usually in one direction.
Exceptions do exist, like Rowan Atkinson.
Guest, isn’t it strange that the natural Party of the BBC and the Alt-Left espouses ‘Free Thinking’ but actually totally discourages it, along with Free Speech, in practice?
Rowan Atkinson appears to be doing a bit of both and will no doubt be attacked for his free thinking and free letter writing.
Coherence is seldom the strong point of the bbc and anyone these days in Westminster. Rowan is already being fast tracked to unpersonhood.
Meanwhile, over half a dozen of the next gen of media informers, educators and entertainers are plying their wares at the Edinburgh Fringe where, to the surprise of none, at least half a dozen are uniformly based on how awful Brexit is.
Bbc commissioners spoiled for choice.
Did Gavin Estler miss the bit where this parliament was elected following both Conservative and Labour parties saying that they would carry out ‘Brexit’?
Gav has missed an awful lot in his career.
Like how bent the guest balance was in Dateline London.
Still recall how all of them, and him, universally agreed the U.K. was ‘sabre rattling’ by increasing defences in the Falklands when Kookoo Christina started getting desperate on the home front.
Guest, thanks for that Twitter link.
I just read a few replies. It is fascinating that almost immediately after Esler starts with ‘vote was riddled with lies, cheating’ etc., a Remainer replies with …
…. a lie.
Oh, and total self-interest, too.
“Pete M @fastcarspete 14h14 hours ago
My mind was already made up well before the opinion poll. I voted to #remain, for two reasons.
1. The EU has only ever been a positive thing for me, my business and my life.
2. Brexit is massively damaging for me, my business, my life and the lives of everyone in the UK.”
And if FastCarPete should ever claim that the Referendum was as Esler describes ‘And the vote was riddled with lies, cheating and now incompetence.’ it obviously doesn’t matter because Pete’s “mind was already made up well before the opinion poll.”
As were those, I suspect of many Leave voters, but I can only speak with authority and certainty and honesty of me, myself and I. Pete, please note.
“My mind was already made up well before the opinion poll.”
This is an interesting line of attack. Remainers pretending that they can ignore the result because it was only an “opinion poll”.
The government’s paperwork said that it was a referendum and they promised to implement the result. That made it significantly more than an “opinion poll”. Remainers/BBC just can’t stop telling lies.
I note how Pete M talked about the impact of the EU and Brexit on himself.
Okay, fair comment but he just couldn’t help himself at the end could he where he had to suddenly going from himself to ‘everyone in the UK’.
Make up your own mind Pete M but you don’t need to speak for me you arrogant fool.
Gavin showing EXACTLY how everyone at the BBC really and truly feels about Brexit. Riddled with lies !! I quite literally have just wet myself here … i will say it again … riddled with lies …. still laughing. Do you think good old liberal, BBC leftard Gavin means the lies about World war 3, House Prices crashing 25%, the worry over the punishment budget, Cameron asking Obama to tell the great british public that we will be put to the back of the que for trade deals, food prices up 25%, stock market crash …. is it those lies and untruths he is referring too ???? I despise Remainers who think the lies or perceived untruths were only from leave. They really are a narrow minded, self centred but of liberal, sandal wearing, guardian reading, eco warrior, unwashed tards.
Doobster, funny thing is that it is, apparently, only Remain voters that were confused and misled into voting Remain by that £350m pw banner on the bus.
I had to point out to a couple of them yesterday that the BBC checked the figure and found it correct but they still believe it to be a lie. Amazing. They have trouble reading the words ‘gross’ and ‘net’ and ‘ONS 2014’ & ‘HM Treasury (2014)’.
I remember phone callers on the Nigel Farage Show talking about “riddled with lies”. Nigel would then ask them to produce an example. The only one they could come up with was the difference between the Gross and Net payment to the EU on a bus. Nigel would then say “that was Boris, not me“.
But then Boris convinced me that it wasn’t a lie because the Gross figure on the bus was the figure that the taxpayer and democracy loses control to the social parasites who rule the EU.
Richard, the key point that hard-of-thinking Remainers overlook is that for 2014 we taxpayers, to finance the UK’s contribution to the EU Budget, were taxed to that gross figure of £361m per week.
That money was taken from us in tax and the rebates and the grants and the subsidies never, ever, come back into our bank accounts.
You are a MENSA member, IIRC, so you are completely the wrong person to ask but how difficult is that to understand? The GROSS figure is what ‘we’ ‘pay’ to the EU to be members of ‘Le Club’, not the NET figure.
Gavin showing EXACTLY how everyone at the BBC really and truly feels about Brexit. Riddled with lies !! I quite literally have just wet myself here … i will say it again … riddled with lies …. still laughing. Do you think good old liberal, BBC leftard Gavin means the lies about World war 3, House Prices crashing 25%, the worry over the punishment budget, Cameron asking Obama to tell the great british public that we will be put to the back of the que for trade deals, food prices up 25%, stock market crash …. is it those lies and untruths he is referring too ???? I despise Remainers who think the lies or perceived untruths were only from leave. They really are a narrow minded, self centred but of liberal, sandal wearing, guardian reading, eco warrior, unwashed tards.
Just out of interest, I wonder whether the BBC could enlighten us about any links between burka/niqab wearers and vitamin D deficiency?
Oh and I note the BBC is giving prominence to ‘Tories split on Johnson niqab comments’.
Yeah, by about 95 to 5. But of course that is not mentioned.
The bbc editorial guidelines on the correct use of the word ‘split’ are quite clear. If unique.
Like the time they described comments 100 to 1 appalled on a Graun article lauding the 10:10 video.
Just a poll, not even 1,000 yet. So probably means nothing.
I wonder if it may pass 1,200 and Sky and BBC really have to ignore it?
funny reply
\\ it’s called the tell-LIE-vision for a reason //
Survey result after 897 votes
3% trust
11% sometimes trust
and 86% don’t trust
You could spin that as 97% don’t have full trust in the media
(and any poll with 97% in it has to be 100% fact)
I’m a bloke of very defined habits. 7.15 every weekday, rain or shine, I awake to Classic FM. It’s a nice, stress free way to greet the new morning.
Then, while I’m performing my calisthenics (nothing too strenuous!) and waiting for the kettle to boil, it’s become my habit to have a listen to The Today Prog’. This used to be a must listen.
Ye gods! In the ten minutes that I endured this morning we had the usual batch of anti Brexit moaners telling us that the country will grind to a halt without a million eastern Europeans coming here every three years. We’re going off a cliff in a handcart.
Then we had a Muslim lord telling us about unpleasant emails he had received since he’d made a complaint about Boris. Groan…FFS, Nigel Farage gets more vile threats every day of the week and we don’t hear him on Radio 4 blubbing about it.
They then had an interview / interrogation with Boris supporter, Ian Duncan Smith. Should Boris resign? Should he be put in the stocks? Perhaps flagellated as he’s paraded through the streets…
Then, to lighten the mood, we had, what I had hoped would be a delightful story about British history, but was in fact an item about steel bands and how they had enriched British culture. Of course they had faced opposition and racism and…..and then I thought I’ve had enough of this and turned the bloody thing off.
You know, the great and the good at the BBC are scratching their heads wondering why the listening figures for Radio 4’s flagship prog’ are dwindling. Did I hear that they had plummeted by 300,000?
Losing 300,0000 listeners!
And one…
Way to go Jeff.
One click at a time, the beeb will be destroyed, Death by a thousand cuts.
I smiled at the ‘steel band’ comment. Um, when was the last time you heard one ? Mine was a 30 second clip from the Notting Hill Carnival news report. They’re certainly not a regular occurrence here in deepest Bedfordshire, where we’re more likely to hear the Sally Army band at Christmas than being ‘enriched’ by a few steel drums.
Reminds me of the story of UKIP opening an office somewhere and how they hired a steel band to create a fanfare.
Despite being booked and agreed, when they arrived and saw it was UKIP, they decided they didn’t want to perform and reneged on the deal.
At the time I couldn’t understand why this was any different to the Christian bakers and the gay wedding cake.
“Perhaps flagellated as he’s paraded through the streets…”
My apologies. I misread that the first time.
BBC 2018-08-03 But I had not seen it before today.
“Norway’s hidden scandal”
You need to read this article yourself because it’s very long, and I have only skimmed it and may have missed something. Many poignant photographs.
Subject is a child abuse case, lasting many years. Plenty of unpleasant events covererd but the final case covered in detail, is naturally that of an immigrant from Palestine.
Not covered by BBC, in any depth, at any time in the past, is child rapes in the UK in the last twenty years. How do these BBC bastards sleep at night?
So my very rough estimate is 1000 places in the UK affected by mass rapes, 2500 children involved in each place, each raped by by 600 men, raped 70 times. So 105,000,000,000 instances of rape, 105 billion.
One of the effects of these crimes is sobbing children. If 2,500,000 children cried for two hours every day for two years at a rate of one tear every ten seconds the total is 1,314,000,000,000.
I suggest when the definitive story of these events is written, as I hope it will be, the authors give their work the title
“One trillion tears, how the left betrayed a generation”.
What about Britain’s Hidden Scandal?
Hidden by the BBC.
I know intelligent, well-informed people who still think the muslim paedo rapes happened only in one or two towns like Rochdale, rather than practically every town in Britain.
Now, what could be said about this latest bit of bbc historical dredging…?
As did the far left you deceitful bastards…
The bbc has identified an Achilles heel, and is working to cover it.
Good luck with that.
Oh good grief. When are people with only a couple of brain cells to rub together going to get it into their heads? Muslims are not a race. They are a religion. True, a lot of Muslims are non-white, but there are white Muslims too. When Cat Stevens converted to Islam, did he change his race? Idiots.
Ah so now racism no longer exists – there are no races? We just have discrimination? Funny how the world of the Left spins around on it’s axis to suit the narrative of the day – once the argument that Islam/ Muslims are not a race they change the argument – victim culture.
Where are the voices of the modern integrative Muslims – they exist because I know some..why oh why can’t the BBC find any?
“Where are the voices of the modern integrative Muslims – they exist because I know some..why oh why can’t the BBC find any?”
The ones who’ve spoken out are either in safe-houses or are dead. It’s not called the Religion of Peace for nothing – the peace of the grave.
“Modern integrative” muslims have a huge problem, as do ‘reformers’.
The quran is said to be the perfect, final, untouchable, unchangeable, unmodifiable word of god. You cannot tinker around with it, edit it, say “yes, this bit’s ok in the 21st century, but that bit’s plain bonkers”.
It’s all or nothing. Question it at your peril. You will be called a heretic or an apostate, the penalty for which is death.
Which is why I don’t believe it will ever morph into a half-civilized religion. Sooner or later it will eventually die out under the weight of its own contradictions and absurdities, but that could take a long time, and in the process it could do immense damage.
Ezra Levant is calling for a petition to the Attorney General to prevent a further trial of Tommy Robinson.
They are out to kill him.
But it is not merely the Attorney General, we have to consider the Home Secretary, peace be upon him, whose star is very high in government circles and we should be aware that the judiciary will be eager to please the man very likely to replace the appeaser.
Maybe he should claim asylum in the nearest US Embassy.
Meanwhile, over in the USA, where things are also worryingly off narrative too, the Sauron’s Eye of the U.K. state broadcaster has turned its baleful gaze on the softer target of the First Family.
Great to see ‘switch off BBC’ top trending on Twitter. Pledging to abolish the tv tax could be a real vote winner: £150 extra a year plus we get to see those smug, sneering parasites out of a job. Think how much that £150 will help the poor and vulnerable whom Beeboids care so deeply about. How could any business you spent £150 on each year treat you with the contempt the BBC does?
As for the stuff the BBC does well – the market will take care of that. If Netflix wants to commission a wildlife documentary that is fine; the ‘news’ and ‘comedy’ can go in the dust bin. If the BBC is as brilliant as they assure us then it will thrive without needing to bring legal action against those who do not pay for it. We have seen how well the print version The Guardian has fared on the open market.
UKIP have included the abolition of the TV tax in their manifesto. Another reason to vote UKIP.
I made a point of checking this on Twitter.
While I wholeheartedly agree with the idea behind the hashtag, a read of every single Tweet I could manage in 10 minutes revealed a sentiment i don’t agree with. Every single one condemned the BBC as the propaganda arm of the Conservative government. Lots of support for the maligned Corbyn. A few comments about the BBC enabling the “far right” and showing too much of Farage. Lots of criticism of their support of Brexit.
So either I’m watching a different BBC to them, I’m living in a parallel universe, or I’ve got an undiagnosed brain injury.
Or perhaps theyre the idiots, there was nowhere near the level of eloquently put forward arguments on Twitter as there are here, plus lots of them jumped on one single compare and contrast headline screenshot showing how the labour and conservative manifestos were reported online. Banging on using the same point repeatedly to look like it’s lots of different examples. A bit like the BBC in effect. Lightweights, there are contributers here screenshotting multiple BBC bias almost hourly.
It’s a symptom of the way the left works. They like to flash mob sites and their unthinking hive mind means they are far better organised than we are. Possibly because most of them have no work to be getting on with.
Funny you should say that, I did start recognising the same names coming up time and again as I scrolled down.
Found this on Twitter. BBC asking if they can follow up this “islamophobic” incident. A clear example of how the BBC trawl through millions of tweets looking for one that fits their agenda. In this case pro-Islam and anti-Boris Johnson.
The tweet by Fatiha has many questions:
1) when exactly was this “one day”?
2) Where did it happen? Her supporters assume it was UK with white men but it could have been Pakistan.
3) Why have you put #borisjohnson into the tweet?
4) Did this non event really happen?
5) Did you report this made up event to the police?
BBC on the piss again I see.
Maybe they mistook her for a letterbox? Especially wearing a red tent….
She’s lucky it wasn’t a dog; that’s another thing muslims hate. Being pissed on by a kafir is one thing but being pissed on by a dog would probably mean she’d be eternally unclean and she’d have to be stoned to death.
I’m sure I’ve seen Fatiha El-Ghorri on the BBC, just can’t place her. I’ll try to find out when I finish work.
twt Muslim comedienne, allegedly.
Laugh? I nearly was beheaded.
Laugh? I thought I’d never start.
Looks like the BBC have got another Sarah Millican on their hands with this one.
Tabs – Al beeb really are taking the piss.
Notice how very keen they are, positively salivating, to follow up on this story. Probably fake news anyway, Ropers are well known for inventing faux islamophobic stories (taqiya), always eagerly lapped up by the beebistan, unquestioningly.
I had a quick look at this muslima’s twiiter page.
She seems to be some sort of gobby stand-up comic, activist, islamist, Trump hating, Boris hating, Marxist loving SJW.
Therefore highly untrustworthy imo.
And right up al beeb’s street, ticks half a dozen boxes.
Probably self-identifies as multi-gender (18) each with multiple personalities (23) so it can make 414 benefit claims and have 414 votes.
The British Council of Postboxes are offended, I tell you, offended, by Boris Johnson’s comments.
This is just such a ridiculous story. How exactly do three guys manage to piss on someone as they are walking and if they did, why would you then hug each other afterwards?
Sounds very much like that bogus fabricated incident in Canada last year when the girl claimed that her hijab or burka had been cut off her on the way to school.
Turns out it was all bollocks. Just like many of the victim scams in the US where waitresses claim to have received receipts back saying ‘I don’t tip blacks’ until they are revealed to be in their own handwriting!
Hi, Guys!
Just discovered this enjoyable clip from a TVNZ interview with Lauren Southern and Friend:
The ‘follow up’ is scary. Here are so-called journalists revelling in their stupidity and ignorance.
Is NZ totally populated by ‘sheep’?
That is scary. It is the same as the sort of stuff from Dr Paul Evans on TWatO the other day.
It all seems very reasonable and harmless at first but the real ‘system’ creeps out and shows itself eventually. Even Mark Mardell (on TWatO) was reduced to a few, occasional, plaintive bleats when Evans started to imply he wanted an end to free speech for all those not on his ‘approved list’.
I am amazed – when did New Zealand become fully of BBC clones? I really didn’t realise it had sunk so low.
This whole panel are a bunch of self congratulatory shallow virtue signaling morons – and the whining face and voice of Paddy was pathetic.
I don’t like being rude about people but I will make an exception in this case
That just made him look even more stupid. Lets get all my mates round and give him a cuddle scenario. And do they really think laughing it off is kidding anyone.
Hi. These days NZ is very scary! I used to live there for many years (married the female variety)
But in my first post did anyone notice the behaviour of the newsroom workers in the background! I don’t know if they were smirking/laughing at the two guests or their own guy? I like to think it was an own-goal!
Yes, afraid Australia and NZ have the bug. Australia – activists wanting to stop commercial airlines from flying deportation passengers and a NZ woman prattling on that words in English for female privates, “defiled women”.
Antifa in a suit. I see a career ending very soon.
There may be many people entitled to suggest that “Boris must be kicked out of the Tory party”.
I cannot see how Ken Livingstone is one of them.
Red Ken should be kicked out of Britain.
This reminds me of the time when Jenny Tonge was removed from the Liberal Democrats for her outrageous statement supporting suicide bombers- She had said ” If I was a Palestinian I would do the same thing”. Despite this the BBC paid for her to go to Israel to broadcast for Radio 4’s Today programme.
And the BBC said “We did not pay for her trip, we did however cover the costs of her flights, accommodation and the expenses she incurred while travelling with us , all of which came from the the programmes production budget”
This was the kind of gobbledygook we would get from the BBC then in response to their support of terrorism and shockingly nothing much has changed.
Correspondence with Malcom Balen 16th March 2004 (the BBC man commissioned into writing a report into the coverage of the Middle East by the BBC )( his report has not been published ) “Surely you agree that in a democracy, views should be tested?- “To this end” he said “The Head of BBC news explained that the purpose of the reports was to test the views of Jenny Tonge and not to provide her with a platform”
Jenny Tonge’s views were far from anything that anyone would call democratic and for Malcolm Balen or any person who believed in democracy to argue this was quite mad. And it certainly was a “new and original way ” at looking at this problem . It was the view from a person who openly supported the indiscriminate cold blooded murder of civilians! . It is quite beyond me that any rational being could say that such a person had any thing valid to add to any debate.
Fran Unsworth Resigned Yet?
F.U.R.Y?…that`s MY T-shirt for the next few days!
Got the dog and caravan, a dopey driver who snores on standby.
Do most of us live in the South West here?
Just asking.
Reason I ask is that I heard a minute of Desert Island Discs.
The interviewer reversed the order of the books being offered to her guest.
Normally they say “you`re getting the Bible and Shakespeare”. Today, it`s the opposite, as if the Bible is an optional second being the luvvies Bible which is Shakespeares Complete Works.
That Kiwi tosser on the clip accuses us of “nitpicking”…well, I love knitting, and I`ll not be surprised if Purnell or the Muslims at the BBC have reversed Kirstys script for her. She`d do it anyway.
That remark revealed how NZ MSM is awash with the same breed of cloned ruling elites.
Alicia, Brilliant one, that: F.U.R.Y?
Al beeb stirring it up over Charlotesville, in its usual biased unbalanced way.
Starting with the headlines: ‘They are literally coming to kill us’ and ‘A battle for the soul of America’.
Poor, peace loving Antifas and BLMs.
My arse: Google ‘Antifa violence in Charlottesville’ and you’ll find plenty of videos to the contrary.
Can somebody with a better grasp of the English language than I explain this BBC Headline?
Now without answering my own question does it mean…look what will happen when we leave Europe France is a fantastic place and it rescues people. The nasty UK never rescues people….comments?
On my travels today I saw this antidote to the BBC Brexit narrative.
The creators of street art (pronounced with a silent t in both words) had created a homage to the EU all over a bridge. Another creator using the British broadsword and blunderbuss approach gave his/her opinion indicating things are not as the BBC hoped.
Has Andrew Bridgen been ‘interviewed’ by the bBBC yet?
Mass shooting in Cananda
Operation “spin this news” is now in progress.
Just a routine day in the the muslim dominated lands. Oh! hang on…………Canada you say?
Tragic news. Not BBC related (but we’ll see how much coverage this gets in the MSM):
Dutch politician commits suicide after she was gang-raped by Muslims
“The Hague city councilor Willie Dille committed suicide on Wednesday, newspaper AD reports based on sources […] Earlier on Wednesday Dille posted a video on Facebook in which she said that she was kidnapped, raped and assaulted by a group of Muslims on March 15th last year – the day of the municipal elections. The perpetrators wanted her to keep quiet in the city council, Dille said.”
She says the attack was instigated by the Dutch MP Arnoud van Doorn — who himself had something of an unexpected conversion to Islam some years ago: “While on the Hajj, he told the Saudi Gazette: “I found myself among these faithful hearts. I hope that my tears of regret will wash out all my sins after my repentance.”
Completely heart-breaking. Dille’s video message should be made compulsory viewing for all at the BBC.
Dutch gang rape by Muslims … ?
this is an extraordinary story, so needs extraordinary evidence
\\ The police have had contact with PVV council member Willie Dille recently and also recently, and the police spoke with the deceased councilor about her allegations that she would be raped and threatened. “We have offered her help and asked if they wanted to file a complaint, which she did not. “//
says the main Dutch newspaper
( the tense in the rest of article is the past tense)
Your search – “Willie Dille” site:bbc.co.uk – did not match any documents.
Of course, you’re absolutely right to take a step back but Mayor Pauline Krikke of The Hague confirms that Dille had spoken to her directly:
“In conversations with me Willie Dille talked about a kidnapping, threats, rape. I always urged her: report it. I’m in the dark about why Mrs. Dille did not.”
Dille had also spoken to the police:
The police told RTL Nieuws that they find what happened terrible. “Mrs. Dille did not file a report of a sexual offense or threat, so the police could not conduct a criminal investigation. But we did have several conversations with her and also offered her assistance”, a police spokesperson said to the broadcaster. “In the past, and also recently, there was contact with Mrs. Dille. Rape and threats were discussed. In that talk we pointed out the possibilities of reporting. But she did not do that. For that reason we could not launch a criminal investigation.”
I wonder if anyone at the BBC has any ideas why a woman would choose not to file a report about rape by a Muslim gang?
The mindset of most ‘rulers’ and MSM in the West is a strange thing to behold.
Where and when and why did this obsession with being ‘multicultural’ first begin? And where and when and why did that also acquire this passion for all things Islamic? (The ‘when’: was it Sept 2001?) And what made Western governments first act openly against the interests of their indigenous populations? And when did they realise they could get away with it?
I’m wondering whether the core answer is that socialism, far from dying in 1989/90, simply ditched the mantle of the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ and took on the mantle of ‘liberalism’?
Thus democratic parties in the West adopted the socialist model, where there is no real choice at all, and going to vote is an almost pointless ritual…
The MSM work hard to maintain the illusion?
Sorry about all the philosophy, but every time I read the comments on this site, I ask myself all these questions anew.
The old Soviet mindset never really went away?
What happened to the real Liberalism?
If it is socialism that has us in its grip, why does it come minus its secular convictions?
Do most people really crave dictatorship?
Sorry about all the philosophy, but these questions come to mind every time I read contributions on this site.
I suspect you are not alone in your musings….and not just on this site. Today I wondered when did it become a crime to ask why my culture is considered less relevant and why I need to adapt to people who want to live here – and I mean culture. This is not about race – there are plenty of immigrants who have adapted nicely to the country/culture I presume they wanted to come to.
If I go to Italy I speak the language I respect their views I don’t ask the Government to change things for me – I am there because I choose to be. Likewise any other culture, I may not like or understand their ways but I will abide by them – as I did when working in Libya.
When did it get so F- up here?
Evans is being another fool that believes that the Elites are helping us by offering us their enlightenment and guidance.
The only thing they need to be doing is taking our clear instructions.
When I ask a decorater to paint a room red, he might shake his head but I don’t expect him to say ‘I painted it blue for you because I knew it was what you ‘needed’.
Do as your told.
The BBC would expose anti-fracking activists if they were “Putin’s little helpers”
..wouldn’t they ?
..oh look an Air Porcine jet
No frack, no warmth. No gas, no electricity generation. Wind and solar? Same result, as neither are reliable 24/7/365. Nuclear? Greens don’t like it, and no-one is building – we no longer appear to be allowed to do it ourselves, and it’s far too expensive, anyway. Oil? Not if they can help it, and as for coal – vigorous shaking of heads.
So these dimwits would freeze us, keep us in the dark, take all our money, and control us into submission. Clearly, even though they are members, they don’t seem to like the human species.
We are never allowed to contradict them, though, with evidence and science – oh, no, that would never do.
RE smart meters.
Made of plastic-how does that fit with saving the planet?
Full of chips with rare earth metals-how does that square with Chinese labour camps digging the stuff from mines in China and in Africa?
And what about the conning, the need for a mobile signal, the nastiness if you change supplier-as well as the scope to monitor all you do , and charge you the earth-especially if you`re old and just pay up whatever they charge you?
If the BBC like them, the Tories tell you they`ll save money-well, you`ll not need me to tell you that the EU Greenies are going to harness this to Islam via their Barcelona Agreement of 1995.
Steer WELL clear.
I don’t suppose tonighth’s R4 Any Questions panel will be interested in spinning up this weeks “man spoke about fashion item” news
Ritula Shah is the presenter
Let me guess!
She`ll be Konnie Huqs sister- she of Blue Peter, married to Charlie Brooker-BBC resident Lefty, Guardian smartarse.
Small world this Lefty Ealing Comedy isn`t it?
Stew, they ought to change their Twitter ‘handle’.
It is far too easy to read it as BBC caq.
11:05pm BBC2 Taxi Tales 3 drivers regale us with their stories
One : ” a young British-Pakistani entrepreneur who believes that immigrants have always been enterprising by nature”
\\ Originally a piece of theatre set in cabs where the passengers were the audience, the show is written and presented by Middlesbrough taxi driver turned playwright/screenwriter Ishy Din, directed by Bafta winner Ben Anthony and produced by Tamasha Theatre Company.//
Bet Channel 4 doesn’t have anything to beat that ?
…oh 11:05pm Peng Life is a special about a black kid who just reviews cooked chicken shops
Oh dear, the BBC is in trouble again. Trying to compare apples and pears. They average a set of Opinion Polls for May, June & July 2018 for an imaginary EU Referendum vote but compare it to the actual result in 2016.
What they should have done is compare this 52% Remain v Leave 48% (2018) with, say, an average of the last three complete months Polling, March, April & May 2016, before the EU Referendum. That is the difference they should be seeking but have not.
I wonder why?
Actually, I don’t. I can guess why. The answer may show a trend going in a direction the BBC do not like. An eight point gap halved in two years.
May not be replicated, of course, if there was a new, bare, EU Referendum. But then that is not what the Remoaners and arch-Remainers are calling for. They currently want the dice heavily loaded in their favour.
Funny they don’t make it clear upfront that the BBC commissioned this work and the headline makes it seem as though this is a real survey.
It is just a made up piece of bias reporting. I can’t find out anything on methodology or stats but will try. The BBC must be made to stop doing this shite and promoting it as news.
The BBC only think of that Referendum as an opinion poll in reality.
And they -like the EU-seem to think that we`re Ireland or Denmark; happy to rerun a vote until the EU get the desired outcome.
And I bet Feagal, Orla and the like will be passing on top tips to Tower Hamlets etc on how best to to rig any and all future votes.
Last years election has not been looked at over rigging it by lefty students and the family votes of Leicester etc.
We`ll be lucky to get a fair ballot ever again-so no second referendum. We are Britain. We said what we meant.
Today programme earlier this week.
Argentina’s parliament has declined to liberalise that country’s abortion laws.
BBC reporter concludes that calls for liberalisation “will only get louder.”
How does she know?
Funny how the BBC will trawl the whole earth to find any squit of a story to encourage themselves and their bubbleheads at the Guardian.
Like you Tom, this story struck me-how the heck did they find THAT among the usual anti-Trump, Brexit and Boris slurry?
Isn`t Venezuela nearby seeing as they`ve gone that far?
How are things there then?
Well, as long as there are foetuses hanging up in clear plastic bags , hanging off the City Hall railings, the BBC won`t tell us too much about the basket case that is Venezuela will they?
Nothing from the BBC on this? https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/exclusive-dentist-mother-is-locked-up-for-three-days-with-daughter-four-in-dubai-jail-for-having-glass-of-wine-on-emirates-flight-from-gatwick-and-now-could-be-detained-in-uae-for-a-year/ar-BBLILhX?OCID=ansmsnnews11
‘EXCLUSIVE: Dentist mother is locked up for three days with daughter, four, in Dubai jail for having glass of wine on Emirates flight from Gatwick – and now could be detained in UAE for a year’
Em she had not renewed her visa
..the “glass of wine ” headline is clickbait , based on a bolshy official charging her
Sorry if this has appeared already but Guido has the following detailing Burqa jokes on HIGNFY and an anti Burqa article in the Graun.
Oh dear…….
I have been working at home hence all posts and decided to listen to R4. Listening to BBC overseas correspondents feeling sorry for themselves. Basically Trump is evil….the correspondents are honest open and give the facts…All questions (from listeners??) given are favourable to the correspondents.
I now literally feel sick listening to them bleat…when will the BBC stop pretending they are the gospel on News. Never spreading fake new, misinformation, lies…and everyone else does
I’m off.. can’t take it
‘You can’t throw me off this BA flight , I’m an Indian diplomat
.. this is RACISM !!!’
….”Em sir their is a rule, your baby must be strapped in, you didn’t comply you been given chances, so this plane will return to the gate and your family will be deboarded”
I don’t believe him.
First of all mobile phone shot footage of an official swearing at a “foreigner”, threatening to throw them out of the window etc would as good as cash. So where is the phone footage.
Secondly, even if I set the bar at a very low level it’s safe to say that any hints of racist behaviour would be ironed out of cabin crew working long haul on any internationally renowned airline. I hugely doubt that a racist would even apply for the job.
This story is complete bobbins.
I like the story about a women who is jail for drinking wine on an emerates flight to Dubai . Why any non Muslim would fly on that airline or go to Dubai is beyond me .
To think of all that sponsorship and publicity the Arabs do to pretend to be decent when in fact they are just third worlders with oil .
The black rebel architect is crying foul, after being defeated in the election for the trade body.
Apparently architecture is institutionally R-word
British police are harassing French activists who are here in England helping refugees
… I might have got that the wrong way around.
Are they amateur activists or professional activists?
I only ask because I saw a Pamela (Baywatch) Anderson interview where she, in a ‘semi romantic relationship’, discussed with Julian Asaange how to set up career activists.
Times letters The Islamic Sharia Council says the prophets family did wear the full veil
Rowan Atkinson ..supports Boris
Well, I guess Atkinson has retired so he may be safe to stray from the given word.
Well done Rowan Atkinson I say !
Johnny English would be proud of you . 😀
The BBC has done what it always does. It doesn’t report the important ‘news’ of the day; it chooses to set the ‘news agenda’.
The news editors could easily have left Boris’s comments alone, in the Telegraph as part of an opinion piece that had context and weighed up various valid arguments.
As journalists, they would know that the article was simply grist to the mill and a crucial part of our free press.
But no, they chose to top all their news bulletins for fully three days with this so-called controversy, which they themselves largely manufactured.
Having whipped up the illiberal lynch mob, they then used that as the peg to further stoke the fires. Cue endless debate.
The irony of all this, of course, is that the BBC will claim they have been even-handed, fair, balanced etc. when in reality they skewed the debate and skewered the original topic.
As a former newspaper ed, I always said that what you chose to flag up as your front page lead said so much about your publication as a brand – it set a tone for your readers and was meant to reflect their genuine concerns.
The BBC, in the way it chooses to lead on thin stories like Letterboxgate and downplay others such as rape gangs and the vicious hounding of another MP, is reflecting a biased, blinkered unthinking illiberal society.
Meanwhile, back in Rochdale and in Rotherham………
Ex bbc interview darling and certified slime all decides to go in an interesting direction with an actual ex-bbc national treasure.
Guest – He really is an unpleasant little blue bottle tainting everything he touches.