I’ve been trying to think of something the BBC does well – despite rapidly falling viewing and listening figures. Is there anything apart from the Shipping Forecast ?
Huge amounts of management time must be being used trying to work out why the BBC is failing but can they ever see or admit the reason ?
First again, I think. Do I get anything special if I manage first three times?
A hat (trick)
I certainly can’t remember the last occasion I managed three times.
Deborah gets a Trump cap for her hat trick and free return air fare to attend the next Trump rally.
The future stays female Deborah!
Maybe we need a women-only thread here, where we can moan on endlessly at twice the salary, and with no right of reply from this lot here.
Its Associating Footballing today, and I`m Soccamomma on some made up chanel called Bitchkrapp TV.
Do Yeovil City wear pink curtains and roll the cheese downhill this first quarter?
I`ll ask Gabby…and I`ve passed go on £100K…whip round lads!
And no smut here.
The BBC’s Jugend Division is with you! Almost.
Lebanon has one of the most active LGBTQ scenes in the Arab world – despite it still being illegal to be gay there.
But Anis isn’t about to change for anyone.
No smut? That leaves me speechless then.
Last night I managed three times. Must be my enlarged prostate.
I demand a recount! She did not know the facts before she posted. We must have a second thread.
‘Banksy’ road sign appears on Clevedon lamppost

”The sign depicts an elderly couple being carried by two children, prompting speculation on social media it was inspired by Brexit. ”
Double standards from the BBC:
Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon
Banksy, whose real name is ……………..
Right on – Arsehole!
The BBC also ignore the fact that those old people managed well enough outside of the EU.
Did ‘Banksy’ tell them he painted it, or are they assuming it was his work? How do they know it’s not mine, I mean I don’t live that far away and I’m quite sure ‘Banksy’ (pronounced with a ‘W’?) has moved to London to be with all the other right on, Metro-Libtards, who pay through the nose for his pretentious vandalism, claiming to be ‘art’.
He may once have lived in Bristol (from what I hear in a privileged middle class suburb and enjoying a public school education thanks to the bankrolling of a wealthy daddy), but he certainly doesn’t have a clue what it’s like living among the proles these days (if he ever did).
That’s my biggest problem with these arseholes, like: Geddorf my Land, Branston Pickle, and that preachy salty potato snack salesman (you know the annoying one with the £1.2million pa salary and no talent), long out of touch with the real, working class, in their walled enclaves, and yet still think they can preach to the rest of us about how WE should think and live and suffer!
Blimey, that speculation on social media been picked up by BBC Trending yet?
The sign to our local lido says Swim in. Poo. The speculation on that is a concern.
This is a straight forward question; what do we know about this latest shooting in Canada? There’s very little on the Beeb about it. In fact it rates below “squirrel chases German man…” in their international news stories.
Four people have been killed, two of them police officers.
Police have not mentioned a motive.
This all sounds strangely familiar.
Am I being paranoid?
They’re waiting to be sure it wasn’t Islamic related before giving it proper coverage.
Or else they know it was, in which case they’ll keep it quiet.
Canada shooting. Cops and media awaiting books from the central library on Nazi history and Trump memorabilia to plant in the house of the suspect if he is horribly white. Otherwise, full details of his psychiatric condition and how the cops had been previously alerted if he is a Roper.
Usual- lets not mention identity today.
tomorrow it will be sub judice and we wont be able to.
Probably all the details on someones blog, but google etc
will bury it 400 million pages deep.
Twitter is reporting that , allegedly one “Faisal Hussain “ was the killer and offed himself . Apparently ISIS doesn’t do this which makes it nin terrorist ?!
The Toronto star doesn’t name him –
There is a further story about a character having stolen an aircraft and crashed it – having a middle eastern name . One twitter claim is that this was i Canada and was in addition to the American cases. Again this may be the “fog of war” or disinformation but it’s better than nothing . A man and woman cop was amongst the shooting killings …this event will be gone by lunchtime because of the baby squirrel chase in the Reich .,
Well done for finding this out, Fedup2. I’ve been back on the BBC news channel and the story has completely disappeared. On their international site they bring us such important morsels as; “Police rescue man from baby squirrel”. And “Head teacher busted sitting student’s exam.” And the fascinating story “Kayne West stumped by Trump question.”
But mass murder in Canada…
It’s the agenda stoopid!
Any thoughts on #BBCSwitchoff; seems to be driven by Corbynisters?
Judging by the limited take up ( on my read ) the answer is a poor response…
Stop and account: ‘Stopped under a police power I’d never heard of’

”Samuel Eni was leaving a supermarket at Paddington train station in London when he was stopped by a police officer and asked to explain what he was doing.
He says he was stopped under the UK’s stop and account police power – which is when an officer stops someone and asks what they’re doing.
Sam believes it happened because he’s black…
“I had no problem with complying, but the grounds he was stopping me on just didn’t make sense,” he tells Newsbeat.”
No problem with complying?
Police state is fine, so long as there’s no profiling …
”Anyone approached under stop and account is legally entitled to walk away at any point.
Why was Sam stopped?
The Metropolitan Police say Sam was stopped as part of Project Servator, which aims to tackle terrorism and other offences, and includes “highly visible and covert police officers” who are “specially trained to spot the tell-tale signs and behaviour of individuals who may have criminal intent”.
The BBC could have added something like this but didn’t
”The Minority Report” is a 1956 science fiction short story by American writer Philip K. Dick, In a future society, three mutants foresee all crime before it occurs. ..
I too want to know what he was doing in a train station supermarket?
Only a right plank would pay those prices.
A couple of decades ago, when I was in my mid-20s I was regularly stopped by the local plod whilst driving home from my second job working evenings in a bar, or going out for the evening.
They’d go through the same routine of flashing a light in my car window, opening the boot, checking under the seats.. talking to mates it wasn’t just me, you just got ‘caught’ if you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, that’s all.
Am sure they used to say it was ‘stop and account’ as well, they always wanted to know who I was, and what I was doing out at that time of night (a young, white male in a vehicle on a lonely country road). I remember it getting a bit annoying in a ‘fucking hell, here we go again’ kind of way when I was stopped two, or three times in the space of a few weeks, but honestly, I guess at the time they probably thought I looked like a local crim, or something.
Anyway, upshoot, harassment – no, racially motivated – no, police just doing their jobs and looking for criminals – yes. Do we pay the police to do their jobs – yes, should we be pleased when they do – err… yes.
Maybe each time some one gets stopped they get a loyalty point and once they get to – say – 10 – they get an Amazon gift card . ( yes I know they’ll be standing in front of coppers trying to look suspicious )
“Do we pay the police to do their jobs – yes, should we be pleased when they do – err… yes.” But they don’t do their jobs. ‘Stop and Account’ is one thing, Rochdale, Telford, Oxford and all the rest is quite another. The police fixation on ‘Hate Speech’……………
Who on earth cares about being stopped and searched unless they are up to no good? I would have every person in London stopped and searched three times a day if possible. The murders would stop if everyone knew being found with a knife etc on them landed them in jail for ten years.
I and thousands of others get stopped and searched every time we travel by air or boat in or out of this country.
I always thought Paddington was a railway station…
Yes a railway station. Have you noticed the BBC and the UK police now refer to the ground outside as the floor whereas the police in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand correctly use the right description. I’ve often wondered what would happen if a UK policeman was charged with shooting an educated citizen who ignored the order to get on the floor when being pursued in the street.
It’s the agenda Stoopid.
Be sure that henceforth every act of so-called islamophobia, great or small, real or fake, the beebistan will lay at the feet of BJ.
Expect plenty of clichés like genie out of the bottle, dog whistles to the far right, inflamatory speech, hate crime, oxygen to racists, bla bla bla.
It’s already started with lord Sheikh, rattle and roll.
I’m really confused by this as the bbc keep telling me that terrorism is nothing to do with Islam and Islam is the religion of peace.
But this guy is a Muslim convert so did he decide to kill kids before or after he became a Muslim?
I’m pretty sure the BBC are confused about that too.
On the one hand they want us all to believe Islam has nothing to do with terrorism, but on the other the terrorists are shouting they’re doing it for Islam at the top of their voices, and the ‘so called’ Islamic State are saying they did it for Islam too, and yet Islam has nothing to do with terrorism, it’s a religion of peace… and so on, round and round, ad infinitum.
It’s all very 1984 really, the BBC seem to want us all to keep two conflicting ideas in our heads at the same time, and to convince ourselves that both are true, but not in any way connected – why? Because Big Brother says so, that’s why.
Obviously, not all Muslims are terrorists (the vast majority aren’t), but some are, and those that are claim they’re doing it for the religion. Ergo, it is religion (Islam) which is causing these terrorist attacks, and we need to think carefully, and talk openly and frankly, about what that means and how it should be handled… or we could just brush it all under the carpet, imprison anyone who points out there is actually a problem, call for anyone who says burkha wearers look like postboxes to be given 200 lashes, and keep repeating ‘our hopes and prayers are with the victims’ families…’ ad infinitum. That’ll fix it for sure.
Although it is true that very few muslims are actively planning terrorist attacks, they are only the tip of the iceberg.
When the Baader-Meinhof gang was at the height of its campaign, 1 in 4 young people said they sympathised with the gang This was the time when the mood was “traue keinem über 30” (don’t trust anyove over 30). This meant that a sizeable section of society in which the RAF moved would supply valuable support to the RAF simply by doing nothing. It is the same with muslims. When push comes to shove, muslims will support each other rather than the kuffar state and society. Loyalty to the Ummah s part of early conditioning.
Not all Irish nationalists were terrorists but most were very happy when a British soldier was murdered by the IRA. It’s nothing to do with Sinn Feinn.
At least the Chinese are taking the threat seriously and , according to the Font of Truth, have detained a million Uighurs in “political camps”. The “cunning plan” of the UK government is to organise street parties where plod can twerk with Big Beards pointing heavenward in ISIS fashion.
I do hope you mean the Red Army Faction and not our noble boys in blue – although many Germans might well have legitimate feelings of animosity…..
If they are not doing it for Islam then WHY ARE they doing it?
I should imagine the answer to that question goes back to a time before you and I were born. Whether justified or not, some people hate us and we must, as a nation recognise and accept that fact. We must protect ourselves ,whatever it takes. As Trump supporters would say “Build that wall”
Not all Germans were members of the Nazi Party but enjoyed the Olympics, the sudden ability to get cheap houses, stuff and businesses at giveaway prices-socialism you see.
Plenty of public sector jobs too, for some reason those who used to do them chose to take a train ride or emigrate like the disloyal wanderers Adolf had called them before he took power.
Islam is only 21st Century Communism, stripped of its pagan, New Age age veggie ramblings of the Nazis that got intertwined in 1989 when the Commies shacked up with the Greens.
The reason that the BBC keep telling us that terrorism is nothing to do with Islam and Islam is the religion of peace. Is the same reason national socialists keep telling us that the holocaust did not happen.
The people who say that the holocaust did not happen are the people who are the most likely to kill Jews. So the people who say that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam are the people who are most likely to side with the Islam and kill us all.
So the BBC is full of anti-Semitic Labour party supporters who identify with Islam. Both are highly intolerant of free speech and democracy. In fact the Liberal left are so friendly towards Islam that they would look the other way if Muslims killed off the homosexual population. The BBC would say that it has nothing to do with Islam.
The Left are Nazis as we`re now seeing all over our news.
Not yet brownshirts, but fond of pastel hipster shirts with a black balaclava.
My problem is this-why did they keep the “socialist” bit of the Nazi label , but bin the “nationalist” part of their original label?
Was that to ensure funding from the Soviets until the EU took up the tab for all of that?
Socialism the journey, Communism and the gulag/laoghi the final destination.
ITTB in complement:
the BBC news page about Lewis Ludlow 26
\\ He pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey and is due to be sentenced on 2 November.
Ludlow, who also used the name Ali Hussain, had hoped to kill up to 100 people.//
\\ Police also observed Ludlow at Al-Muhajiroun group demonstrations, where he was seen with, or near, Anjem Choudary and Lee Rigby’s killer Michael Adebowale //
Cartoon and news roundup for the week:
JRM comes riding to the rescue of BoJo.
“Boris Johnson burka probe is show trial”
Bang goes the muslim vote for Tories, but they vote overwhelmingly Labour anyway, so no great loss.
Tell it often enough. Boom boom.
Sarah Mann? Looks like a man to me.
Link to those Facebook comments
There are 6 now
Six? Wow. Almost a Newsnight audience.
Oh, hold on…. just looked at them.
Now that’s funny.
Toady watch
The Asian work experience girl and the daughter of a leader of the Labour Party.
Running order –
a space ship is going to the sun
A woman professor of law thinks violent excessive in prisons is a good thing -used taxpayers money to come up with this for the government . Maybe they should get knife or gun training instead . Could you make that one up ?
Wimmin photographers
And that was the first half hour.lucky no Muslims were convicted of plotting to blow up a lot of Kaffers in central London shops such as killing kids in the Disney Shop yesterday -eh?
Or a man who stole a plane in America to commit suicide with it . Not sure if it was shot down yet .
Toady certainly has put the kids in charge this summer .
As an aside it seems al beeb is spending public money experimenting with ways of speeding up reading on the dumb website . Great . You’ll be able to read their lefty remain pro Islam propaganda even faster .
You read it here first -Slowly .
5th line down – “ excessive” should say “ exercise “ – early morning post – apols
I hopped in just before 8am, Fedup2.
heard the word “improper person to”…and in an Asian Peter Sellars voice too.
Guessed the rest, `I`ll not be wrong.
But “improper”…amazing when the chasie longue and Camp Coffee comes out with smelling salts. Usually Trump, today it was Boris.
So exalted to Trump Class now Bojo.
Stay on holiday and enjoy the whiff of stweing lefties at Gatwick crashing into glass walls at all the departure gates to yell at you sometime too.
Meanwhile, your coronation is coming, these fools on the left seem determined to do all your work for you as you sunbathe.
Huge relief for all Canadians as Justin Trudeau has tweeted that he’s following the shooting tradgedy very closely.
Cue flowers, tears, teddy bears and they’ll never divide us songs and candles. Job done.
Can I recommend al “alt al beeb “? PBS America – available on the free sat / view – currently doing a documentary about Putin and is a fair refresher for the background to where we are now in the struggles around the world .
Canada shooting
About the best information available at present
The police currently have a 48-year-old, Fredericton-based man in custody who they say is recovering from serious injuries. The suspect’s parents told The Canadian Press that their son suffered from severe mental illness.’
Beginning to look like the usual story.
Still on Canada, can I recommend following the delightful populist, nationalist, law and order supporting patriot, Faith Golding who is running for Mayor of Toronto. The media are giving her a hard time. Her views are similar to Rees Mogg which means she is a Catholic, racist, Nazi
Careful, Eddy. Your prejudices are showing.
…and, cue…
I should have opened a book.
Took a while, but at least they have all found each other at last.
A new petition.
When it reaches 10K they can have a cosy chat about it in Westminster Hall. But I’m signing anyway.
Revoke the BBC’s Royal Charter
It should appeal to all political persuasions.
Amidst their fury over Johnson’s burka comments, they pass blithely over the man who was convicted for plotting a mass murder spree on Oxford Street. These cases are becoming terrifyingly standard now.
Why is their no ‘outrage’ over this? No investigation into how someone raised here could possibly hate us so much? What mosques did he visit etc? He could have killed hundreds – why no all hands on deck outrage for actual murder plots rather than mere ‘offensive’ words?
They will just fob us off with the ‘radicalised on the internet’ garbage – that patently false alibi. Anything so they do not have to get off their ar**es and leave their cosy, cuddly liberal bubble where the biggest worry is an affluent middle class woman not getting as much money as she would like. On the Manchester anniversary their official narrative was that it was not such a big deal, he did not represent his ‘community’ etc – some were supposedly even glad it happened! Well if my little girl got blown up it would be perpetual agony – how could you ever get over that? The utter capitulation of the liberal elite is the most terrible betrayal.
Thus we will sleepwalk into another tragedy as our elites are asleep at the wheel, dreaming of a multicultural paradise as another truck hurtles towards us.
Is he the white convert?
This will then be filed under Tommies Mair, Robinson, Charlotteville and David Coupland, Anders Brevik crime of being white and male, clearly a supremacist and KKK meeting next stop.
Won`t be Islam though-just a late Occupy protestor who was radicalised by a viewing of a Jim Davidson video. Not Islam though-never is, never could be…ever.
Got that?
When Donald Trump was elected POTUS the MSM spent the next three months whining, whinging and predicting that “he wouldn’t last a year, impeachment was on the cards”
Now Sky, who seem to be doing all they can to join the BBC and C4 on the far left, have decided he might actually get a second term.
In the nasty little piece they write “It is a presidency marked by conflict.”
Actually, it’s a presidency marked by a man who has kept his word to his voters and got things done, that’s why he’s so popular and that’s why he’ll win a second term.
Whilst eating my boiled egg for breakfast I had on in the background one of the
many women’s hours the BBC have on on a daily basis. I suppose
BIG BROTHER at the Diversity Dept has instructed that with
Match of the Day starting, and Gary Lineker not having been
replaced YET by a women presenter, we males are going to
pay for it.
To be fair Charlie Stayt was there was also there to introduce us to
all the features being presented by women. They had an “interesting” women on telling us that it was wrong that women
cannot learn the martial arts and boxing in prison. On the subject
of prison. May I suggest it’s easier to visit somebody in prison
than to get entry to the Victoria Palace theatre in London to see
” Hamilton” You have to get there over an hour earlier than the
show begins to get your tickets and show the plethora of security
guards a resume of your life history , before you can get permission
to enter. Once inside the theatre you CANNOT leave. You are locked in for over four hours. The show? Good if you like
rap and enjoy the person sitting next to you singing all the words.
My grandchildren loved it. On the way home I said I could make up the same kind of verse in a couple of minutes. When I sung
” I is a geezer named Riza ,I has this bitch Lisa She has a diseaser.
So I locked her in the freezer. The kids all wet themselves.
I just cant wait for the BBC to present the news with a bitch in a
burka rapping out the 6PM news. ” Erdogan the wanka from Ankara” etc etc.
Oh my good Gawd. Two sniveling SJW “comedians” on Toady lecturing us about Bo-Jo’s Muzzie joke. In a nutshell they don’t like it, feel it should never have been told, is unacceptable and they’re both “very disappointed” with Rowan Atkinson, who has defended it.
On the one hand these pathetic, wittering wimps say that they’re wedded to free speech and yet on the other, Johnson’s mild quips were wrong and he should be punished and anyone who thinks differently is wrong.
How’s that for the “diversity” this lot are always waffling about? Sorry sweethearts, you can’t have it both ways.
There’s an old British saying “Sticks and stones…” and there’s another you might like to take on board, “If you don’t like it, lump it!”
Already, at my expense, the BBC bring me endless hours of utterly puerile, bigoted left wing “comedy” that’s about as much fun as measles, so please piss off and get a proper job.
The really worrying thing is I wouldn’t be at all surprised if these intolerant lefty whingers are soon given their own series on Radio 4.
And that’s no joke…
Ah humour, I remember when the BBC had it by the bucket full. Here’s my slant on the social observation crap that passes for humour at the BBC these days…
And there`s another one Jeff.
“It`s a free country innit”?
When was the last time you heard anybody say THAT on our streets?
Little things like that mean plenty.
And don`t get me going on “taking liberties”-used to say it in fun, but that joke isn`t funny any more…at least Morrissey knows that too.
Rowan seems to be able to afford to crash supercars thanks to public support of his humour.
These two? Unique funding?
BJ’s joke seemed to work fine when Paul Merton, Ian Hislop and Steven Fry used it in a 1999 HIGNFY.
Toynbee’s duplicity is staggering, isn’t it? Interviewed only hours ago on BBC saying the exact opposite.
Such a shame that a so few will have known of her earlier pearls thanks to the Guardian’s awesome breadth of readership.
She should be encouraged.
A senile old bint who failed her 11+ and has gone downhill intellectually since.
Cannot think, cannot write, can dance a little.
Toynbee & Owen Jones on Strictly Come Dancing?
Comments could be going better… again… for the bbc.
Unless any one has spotted it – the coverage of a mussie convert plotting to kill kids in the londonistan Disney shop ( not store) got barely any coverage .
My thinks if he had succeeded the florists and candle sellers would have been in the money again and we’d all be strong together in the Mayors’ Mecca .
Comments above include this
#BBCswitchoff As @LastChanceSaloon mentioned on Page 5 of the last thread
Thursday there was a Left wing boycott of the BBC for rightist bias
led by a load of Corbythug organisations
– It was for 6 hours and hardly anyone noticed
..well the tweet got 376 likes
The Canary carried the story
and so did their sister media
For a laugh someone could count all the Labour figures and issues that appeared on the BBC during the boycott
and do things like point out people who were supposed to be boycotting were also tweeting about Question Time
Classic back door bias on Toady this morning.
Disguised as an impartial expert, the director of the V and A was interviewed.
Except that he is ex Labour MP and shadow cabinet member Tristram Hunt.
One to add to their other impartial ‘experts’, Alastair Campbell and Lord Mandelson.
In all cases, carefully downplaying or ignoring altogether their previous roles.
The BBC. Another word for insidious.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– BBC Seeks to Appoint New TV Licensing PR Harlots: For the princely sum of £2.5m
In the Times today, an article about the media and content creation in the new global age. Here are some quoted numbers. Bear with me.
Sky. Revenue £13bn. Programme content spend £7bn. Content as a % of turnover (my added calculation) is thus 54%.
Netflix. Revenue $15bn, content spend $8bn, content % 53%.
Amazon Prime. Media related revenue $9.7 bn, content spend $5bn, thus 51%.
Disney. Revenue $55bn, content $30bn thus 55%.
There seems to be a rule of thumb that these organisations spend 50-55% of their revenue (which btw they have to earn through their own efforts) on programme content.
So we now move to the saintly BBC.
Revenue £5.1 bn (through the TV poll tax of course), content spend £1.58 bn . This equates to only 31% content spend !!!!! Totally out of kilter with the other organisations.
Three questions.
1. Why is the BBC so utterly inefficent?
2. What do they spend the other 69% on?
3. Why is no-one in government or parliament asking any questions?
1) The staff.
2) See 1)
3) See 2)
Here’s a few, not to mention all their absurd Equality and Diversity and Inclusion departments, bla bla.

Ever impartial, like Gabby
Given and Gary and Gabby are getting given so much moolah to peddle their politics?
Is there an income threshold required to join their merry band of moaning minnies? Bit like the Carlton, Travellers or Pall Mall?
These Gentlefolks Clubs are not cheap.
The country has had a chance to speak Logan, and it made it’s feelings clear.
Let’s apply the same logic you advocate to the BBC licence, which gives you, Lineker, the Dimblebys et al the affluent lifestyle you enjoy. I and millions of people are forced to pay for the BBC licence fee even though we strongly object to and despise the BBC’s biased left wing, multicultural and politically correct output. We have no choice, we have to pay this unfair tax, otherwise we are threatened with prison.
The viewer and listener have to have a chance to speak.
Sorry, I inadvertently clicked on report comment button. I didn’t mean to do please ignore.
Who is Gabby Logan? Not yet another airhead celebrity surely, paid heaps of money for talking shit.
In the interests of objectivity and fairness here is an objection to the BBC’s right wing bias.
Maxi, and recently Anne, please note that we bigots on this site are aware of the BBC’s slide to the far far right, and aware that El Corbynista’s are fighting BBC bias and the licence tax
The BBC and the far left are something akin to a bunch of ISIS terrorist who are so fundamental they aren’t fundamental enough so start killing each other for their perceived lack of belief, either that or a dog chasing its own tail.
Someone clearly felt this would help their case.
He quietly accepted the result of the referendum, yea I’m sure and then goes on to repeat the same old chestnuts used by whinging remainers who can’t accept no ones picking up the rattle they threw out the pram. These hypocrites are beyond contempt, we know what their game is and I hope the majority of British people do too.
I kid you not. This is BBC news
No it’s not – it is what it is – Shi….like a lot of what the great journalists at the BBC call a headline.
the Emperors New Clothes story has obviously never made it to the BBC story time list
“Call that a belly? Now this…”.
This is one of the most unsettling news this month.
Older, white, male professors are to be targeted for politically correct training at a leading British university and given “reverse mentors” to lecture them on so-called “unconscious bias”.
All departments in the UK had been taken over by marxist doctrinaires a long time ago. That includes medicine, mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Bio-sciences. Only Engineering was still not completely taken over by these marxist bigots and thugs.
And this idiocy is being presided over by a supposedly conservative government o T May.
R4 this morning talking about Boris…when the Tory on Boris’s side brought up the BBC Hignfy video and Polly Toynbee – R4 woman says – well they are not elected politicians as if that ends discussion. Tory man says so one rule for Boris and one rule for eveyone else?
What R4 woman forgot in her rush to sideline truth was that the BBC are a public organisation and as such held to same standards..ha ha as if.
This country is becoming a joke, it saddens me to say, and the only good thing is that the BBC is becoming less relevant
I think that anyone normal who foolishly agrees to be interviewed by the far-left bbc, at the first sign that the interviewer is slanting the questions in favour of lefty and/or muslim views, should immediately start swearing profusely, loudly and with as many obscenities as possible before being switched off. And if on TV, continue to mouth swear words to the camera.
NCBBC and everyone here
This is a Government backed scheme – a Conservative Government. Don’t forget this.
Here is the website of the offending government body:
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
What a load of HR/common purpose type drivel.
As for the mystery as to why Blacks don’t do very well academically. The article doesn’t mention that Jews, East Asians and Europeans are about 20 percent more intelligent than Black people on average.
Scientific papers have been produced on this issue for the last forty years, many are mentioned in the Mensa magazine.
So they don’t seem to be aware of the scientific data on racial differences in IQ, and therefore proportionality would turn our education system into a “Planet of the Apes” type situation. The low IQ ape type characters would enjoy the status of being a Professor in a University. While the Intelligent Jews, Europeans and East Asians would have to go underground for their education. The Tories seem to want to give the Blacks the status and symbolism of being a teacher, but all it will do is create a situation were intelligent people will automatically think Black educators are all idiots appointed to the job for politically correct reasons.
I hear that something like this happened in California. Because of proportionality for Blacks in Universities, there wasn’t enough places for Whites who qualify, so they opened a College whose qualifications where so high that only students of University standard could get in. But if a Black qualified for the College, they where not accepted because they had to go to a University, because it was racist for them not to do so. So the College effectively ended up with almost no Black students if any.
Does this mean that white professors have to prove their multi-culturalism by banging ethnic students?
The BBC must explain what is expected of white members of staff.
Dateline London, a panel of four international journalists including our own dear Polly Toynbee, and the big topic of the week is…you guessed it, Boris and the burqa!
And the consensus? Four to nil against Boris, and a sideswipe at Rown Atkinson.
The worrying part was that dear Polly sounded almost the most rational in that she accepted that ‘liberals’ might have an issue with defending those religious groups that cut themselves off from mainstream society.
Nobody spoke up for free speech, nobody dared to question the mysogonist culture that forces women into subjugation.
But hey, it was a normal BBC ‘debate’, fixed at the outset to the BBC agenda. Pathetic, biased.
DL… that was Gavin’s old gig wasn’t it?
Gavin of furious tweeting fame.
And stacked ‘debates’ on BBC pet topics.
I wonder where all this will end. Will we become Islamic, and women forced to wear whatever is deemed by the imams. Will men have to sport beards?
Far better to realise now that given the current rate of Muslim growth, we will inevitably end up in a Bosnia situation – Civil war, and winner takes all.
“Never was any such event so inevitable yet so completely unforeseen.” – Alexis de Tocqueville on the French Revolution.
Some of us, like you and me, NCBBC, do foresee the coming civil war, but any future historian scouring today’s mainstream media will come to the same conclusion as de Tocqueville.
I know where its going and I’m getting out, I’ve encouraged my children to do so also. Not only are we living on a tinder box about to go off, we have incompetent and weak politicians who seem to be doing their level best to totally destroy this country, a country which is fast becoming a laughing stock all around the world. It was these same idiot politicians who got us to where we are now, a country that in 10 to 20 years will resemble something akin to the countries of the middle east with whole cities no go areas. God help any true British people still living here.
What a sad state our country is in.
Our own PM , civil service, and elite are betraying the largest democratic vote in our history.
We have Boris being pilloried and investigated by the Tory party for in essence writing that he thought that the burka was inappropriate in the UK but that it ought not to be banned.
We have the absurdity of a chap in Scotland heavily fined for allegedly teaching his little dog to make a facist salute and refused the right of appeal.
We have the Labour Party exhibiting really vile anti Semitism but no referring of the many perpetrators to the police for hate speech .
We have the real possibility of that arch anti Semite a Corbyn becoming prime minister elected in large part by idiots who claim that they are against racism.
How come we have ended up in this swamp of sewage? The elite seem determined to insist that regarding immigration all is well and that only outright racists oppose open borders. Well they might be able to kid themselves but they certainly can’t fool all of the people all of the time. I fear that the country will hit the rocks of civil unrest if not civil war in the next couple of decades and it will be entirely the responsibility of the elite of both parties who have run the country for the last decades.
The country is in a serious sad state of affairs. Political correctness has become the norm and over stated.
Free speech is is rapidly being outlawed.
But for me its the appalling hypocrisy of the far left. The bullyboy behaviour of Momentum, the habitual and ever increasing racism displayed by the combined Labour front bench.
Despite the above there is a serious possibility of Corbyn getting into Downing Street. I genuinely fear for this country if they get there hands on power…God help us..!!!!
Comments could, now… how could I put this?
The BBC Ban Editorial team are en route to somewhere nice as we speak.
Hilarious there isn’t one positive comment in the favour of the BBC mentioning it – who are the critics? I am a rock stacker and my wife kicks them down :-)… as do other people…
Come on GW-an open goal here!
We`ll not be leaving until you encore with the song you gave the world.
Comments could be -more appropriately allocated, given the current austerity constraints…..
Am I close?
I was going to go with ‘teetering on the unfavourable’.
Meanwhile, the BBC Jugend channel has joined the fray…
Have you ever piled up stones on a beach?
Some people say it’s ruining the environment and could threaten wildlife.
Off now to recheck the definition of insanity.
They seem to feel this needs the full treatment, and have unleashed ‘critics who say’.
BBC News
Critics of the practice say the trend for piling up stones on beaches is ruining the environment.
How the GOP Became like the UK Remainers
No one does these videos with the panache of Dr Turley.
Well worth viewing the video.
Watching a bit of the European Championships BMX this morning.
Shock. Horror. The BBC focus on the fact that the authorities have decided only to fund the men’s team. Cue indignation. Unfair! Sexist! Plays straight into the BBC feminazi agenda.
It means our great hope, Bethany somebody, has to fund herself and has had to take a part time job. What a tragedy. She has so much latent talent.
Anyway, she is in the semi final of her competition. The BBC are bigging her up. This must be worth watching.
And they’re off !!!!!!!!
And……….oh dear, she has fallen within 5 seconds, at the very first bump, and is out of the race.
The BBC are left with huge egg on face.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Yes but Sluff, if we the taxpayers had funded Bethany, she may have stayed on her bike for 10 seconds. You see we white middle classes are to blame for everything.
Women and sport don`t mix.
Zola Budd and Mary Decker 1984.
They needed men to separate themblokes are better at rules and are more autistic, inclined to stay between the chalk lines, follow silly rules etc.
Hope to be presenting SPOTY wearing my highest spikes in December…maybe the Womens Prison Boxing Champ by then?
Can you use your French nails in the bare knuckle version of this moist, fragrant pastime, I`m asking…any men know?
The biased BBC’s reporting is increasingly noticed overseas. Hopefully, no corner of the World will miss our, “Most Trusted…” broadcaster’s deceit.
BBC: “Poland Catholics hold controversial prayer day on borders”. But when 140,000 islamicists group together in Birmingham, it is not, “controversial”.
Unabated trump bashing contuiues over at sky Twitter hq. Comments could be going etc etc
Sky ‘News’ are beyond the pale, of course, but at least we ain’t paying the bastards’ fat salaries, like another Corporation I could mention.
The Proclaimers were Leavers well before the rest of us then?
We need the Spinners or Wurzels to do us a version to shout down Mays letter box at No 10.
Does CAP mean Common Agric Policy?
Maybe not a pillar box until things calm down at the BBC a little.
The left see BBC bias. What do you say Maxi? Are you going to tag this site as a far left neo communist bunch of bigots and Morning Starlets?
The good news is that if the left come on board it will accelerate the demise of al beeb.
Is this for real? If so, I assume it’s just a ploy to nudge the beeb even further left, or to prevent them moving more to the centre.
Possibly orchestrated by beeboids themselves, to allow them to say, “See? We’re criticised from both sides so we must be about right.”
You are on the money with it being a BBC conceived false flag operation.
There is a vast amount of stuff attacking the BBC for its right wing bias. Check out demands to sack Laura K for her bias against Corbyn
Perhaps there is a mirror image universe where there is a Biased BBC website which depicts the BBCs overwhelming right wing bias . Everyone moaning about “remaining” and why didn’t we vote out . ? Why can’t we hear more wise words from Maxi and Owen Jones ..? And why isn’t there anything about those delightfully integrated Muzzies?
Aw sheeeeeet. If I’d known I would have fire bombed the shithole and lefties would have got the blame
Made the mistake of tuning in to Test Match Special – the commentators were endevouring to name cricketers with religiously related names e.g Pope, Prior, Christ. One poor soul brought up Imam (Ul Haq ?) then the cricketers who happen to be called Mohammed – or it’s various spellings-suddenly disappeared down the BBC’s memory hole. Hanif Mohammed, Mushtaq Mohammed anyone ? Another symptom of the BBC’s Stockholm syndrome.
Next we had Sue McGregor being interviewed by Agnew about the evils of Apartheit with an occasional reference to cricket ,
I must have switched off before the topic of the slaughter of white farmers was discussed.
Global news – which supplies Classic FM and other radio stations – owned by Ashley Tabor OBE – who – for someone in the media has nt got much to show on the internet
Anyway the reason I mention it is because I listened to classic FM news today which led with a survey of 10000 people alleging that Remain is now 53% leave is 47% .
I suppose with such a silly dallying negotiation plus project fear 2 in full flow courtesy of Soros and al beeb it is surprising that the vote was so close .
I think we`ll find that the 2016 vote was only an advisory opinion poll, and not-as we were led to believe-a Referendum.
Imagine the moaners are scuttling around the nicer parts of Europe now offering postal vote options and false identities for Tower Hamlets, Newham and the funkier parts of university cities.
And funded by Soros and the BBC.
Pity really-if Barnier was a Leaver I could quite fancy him.
Another instalment of the increasing level of censorship by the Times of its readers comments. Yesterday the Times suddenly introduced a new system for readers comments . Many folks are complaining that the Times now stack comments in the pending box awaiting ‘moderation’ for hours on end which means that even if they do eventually get past the moderator they are buried deep down the comments list and read by only a few. Even more are complaining that their comments on issues deemed sensitive by the Times , and we all know what those issues are, are no longer being allowed. One reader claimed that the new system allowed the Times to block any comment from particular readers regardless of its content. Another suggested that the Times could easily supply the authorities with the names and e mail addresses of those who post. All in all the new system is having a chilling effect on what readers dare say on the forum.Has yet another institution falls to the prevalent PC culture in our poor oppressed country ? It certainly seems so.
Something good the BBC does? Well, the World Service broadcasts Witness, a generally unbiased and well-researched look at historical events as their anniversary comes up.
The WS also produced a fine programme on various musicians – called Masterpiece. That’s where I first heard the exquisite and incomparable Eva Cassidy.
Soon after that the WS canned Masterpiece. Can’t have genuine entertainment on the BBC, I guess.
TrueToo ,
Thanks : world service was the last refuge until the FCO gave up funding it and gave It to al Beeb which turned into a place for junior presenters to practice English : their second language ..
Might get a ‘bite’ on that one .
Yes, the World Service. It had already hit rock bottom years ago due mostly, I suppose, to the BBC practice of employing only the most biased lefties possible.
I recall listening to it at work with growing amazement when George Bush visited Israel and the propagandists refused to even mention the visit, let alone report on it.
One of my favourite columnists, who always hits the spot, is Amanda Platell. Here are a couple of her offerings today………..
“Excitement that Walkers Crisps have announced they are ditching their expensive old-fashioned wrinkled bags. But then I realised they didn’t mean Gary Lineker’s interminable years as brand ambassador had finally come to an end”
“Ant McPartlin says he needs yet more time off to recover from drug and drink problems. His ITV bosses are showing much more loyalty to the troubled presenter than he showed to the wife he has abandoned”
The Indian Sikh “chess prodigy” boy” family are being allowed to stay despite the father’s work permit expiring
by order of Sajid Javid
Oh yes, this was the case where “the UK would be losing an exceptional talent” – despite none of the family being born here or had citizenship. I don’t know why we bother having any rules at all, we might just as well do away with Border Controls at our ports and airports, and let every f……..er in !
It would be interesting to keep tabs on every order and diktat that Javid makes whilst in office, in particular how many non-Christians they involve.
I’ve got a good Paraguyan pal who is their 3rd ranked Tiddlywinks champion. Am writing to Sajid to ensure he lets him stay, plus family, of course. England can’t miss out on talent like that!
Shock news for al Beeb breky teli _ the bloke is being replaced by the screachy blond frightening girl. I gave up on breky tv when it moved out of London – I wonder what the viewing figures are like now – particularly with the Nagger every day . Tough competition on c4 – Frazier ..
Hopefully the police can look into the 14 likes too. You all complain about injustices on here and rightly so. Well, how about some of you call out this vile, sickening comment?
We all know the BBC like to push certain agendas. That is a fair criticism to make.
Making obscene comments about someone who was beaten to death, that’s beyond disgusting..
If I don’t recieve a response from a site admin in the next 24 hours confirming action will be taken against the poster and those that liked the comment, I will report the matter to the police and let them investigate
Eighthdimension – it’s typical of some of the comments here. For many, it’s a nasty, cliquey, cliché ridden echo chamber.
I joined expecting more but didn’t last long. The colleague who recommended it has told me that people have been drifting away for ages.
It’s easy to find coverage of the BBC’s many shortcomings these days. I doubt if this site serves any useful purpose any more.
Yep. The media and the BBC love to stereotype anyone with ‘right leaning’ views as racist, sexist, isomorphic etc. Its so tiresome…
But then you read some of the vile comments on here….
I’m gay. I get so, so tired of the BBC constantly pushing gay/transgender/queer stories..And if someone wants to hurl abuse at me, I don’t care, that’s their right to do so. I don’t want to change anyone’s views…
But that post was just utterly sick and depraved.
And gone
I take it you see yourself as a kind of judge of others views and you want them to go away or fit into the world as you want it to be . You and I had mini discussion about the value of tourism to Londonistan the other day . Londonistan is factual not humour as you suggested . Classified me as a .”Sun reader” as dismissive and condescending as you like . I don’t read it but many do . I won’t rubbish them or their choice of newspaper .
You never came up with an alternative view to mine just went for the straight insult : Common to your judgemental type. The primary purpose of this site must be the bias of al Beeb – I term I use not as a joke , but because it is no longer British and is ashamed of the country which provides its existence .
If you reply – I’m sure it will be a “ cut and paste” job rather than any original opinion – just a critique of “Sun “ readers – see why use Fedup as my name.?
I’ll admit to always watching the BBC news channel – in the days when Simon McCoy & Carrie Gracie were the regular duo. Despite the recent shenanigans with CG, she was one of the better newsreaders, and the banter with McCoy was always amusing. She then contracted breast cancer, and the rest is history.
Then the Victoria Derbyshire show came along ………zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Seconded Brissles.
As China correspondent , she had a mind of her own and was relatively brave in a country that could cause you real problems.
Brigid Kendall used to be pretty good once as well.
And I agreed with Carrie about useless articles like Sopel getting to swank around DC on more money that her, especially when Trump- bashing can be done by any five year old, as we`re seeing all the time these days.
And the country is stuffed full of hacks who are far better and more knowledgeable than him.
And she`d need to speak Mandarin, Sopel just speaks CNN polyglot.
So she was right-but will now be the trophy victim, pays much more I`m sure.
Maybe Cliff could get a job on Radio 2, Tony Blackburn and Paul Gambacchini did OK out of the BBC in the end, albeit at awful costs to their souls. But then the bBC buys them when you work for them anyway.
I have noted how the arguments about the burka have been framed in the media, especially BBC. On the one hand we have the right for a woman to choose what she wears and arguments, usually from men, that wearing the burka is a symbol of male oppression from which we ought to free women.
However, the burka is a uniform, akin to a military uniform displaying support for a specific ideology.
These samples of Nazi women were not forced by their oppressive husbands to dress and behave as Nazis. Many exercised their free choice as members of what they believed to be a superior group.
Living up to your name Old Goat.
Burkas or bazurkas, let me think now, tough choice.
At time of writing, all 5 items in the webshite’s ‘Must See’ section are suitably ethnic. Yep, it’s a flush, one even managing to tick 2 boxes by being autistic as well, while another hits the jackpot by being about racism.
Whites never do anything interesting.
Their ‘news’ webpage currently must have hit an all time high for promoting its favourite agendas. Actual ‘news’ must have also hit an all time low.
Every day it is whites are supremacists, and ethnics so perfect.
Well the Nazi army appeared to be a bit multiculty. Let’s hear it from the BBC
Never mind the smattering of rare ethnic groups, what about the Waffen SS Divisions in France (2), Belgium, Holland, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Croatia, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania? You remember, the Europe united against fascism. And that was divisions, not battalions.
It’s the reason why I want to avoid being in a EU superstate, I’d rather stay as a Monkey Islander.
Remainers claim they are all so wonderfully tolerant, rational, sophisticated and that things just work so well on the continent.
What I see are peoples still messed up by religious wars, revolutions, then trampled on by Napoleon, with ever changing borders. And then there’s the Germans. With grift and corruption rife in European politics (not that we’re much better), and all the ethnic strife in the Balkans. No thanks.
I fear it won’t take much for people who helped the SS kill the Jews to switch and happily target other minorities. Much of western europe has a communist mindset, and the east is living off the subsidies. Add huge numbers of ROP and other economic migrants in, it can’t end well.
It could all come crashing down suddenly so we’re better off out to concentrate on our own problems, if it’s not too late. If it is too late then we’ll probably end up like our continental cousins..yet more bloodbaths.
The other bit of Second World History which has been tipexed out is the role of Pakistanis ( now ) and Indians by the Japanese empire to fight the Aliies with a promise of independence once we were beaten by the Japs .
I don’t think a British documentary maker would even try to seek a commission for such a project and as for al Beeb the narrative of children of the Empire fighting for the Blighty is not quite as straight forward as they would claim .
But if you say something enough that is what becomes the “current version “ of the truth .