Less people are using the BBC -both television and radio . Less people are using its print version – The Guardian . Instead people are choosing Netflix and Amazon .
Although we record left bias week after week perhaps it will be the consumer who ultimately forces the BBC to serve the British and not its favoured minorities .A few politicians moan but won’t do anything else so for the time being the BBC feels immune .
Al Beeb headlines with “Brexit: Theresa May seeks grassroots backing for Chequers plan”
The ‘grassroots’ have already voted to get out Mrs May, or did you not understand the result.
We Want Out!
I don’t think that this bodes well for the Brexit we all voted for, or am I being pessimistic?
One would expect that alien immigrants arriving on our shores seeking genuine refuge, a career, a new life of freedom would be expected to assimilate into our lifestyle, humour, freedom of speech?
But not so according to our PM and Al Beeb…………….
It is us, the native people who have to assimilate with the minority, with the new laws and ways about hal al meat, hate crime, our sense of humour, freedom of speech, dress, etc etc.
Something has gone very wrong with this government. Very very wrong .
If you don’t like our way of life – don’t come here .
Vote or support UKIP.
Here’s a thing. Remember the stabbing attack by a man on a bus in Lubeck, Germany, three weeks ago today? If you search the BBC w-s for follow-up there is nothing, not even the original report.
Yes, I do realise the BBC w-s search engine is useless, but usually, after trying several phrase & word variations you can get close or the w-s offers up the correct search phrase or a choice of phrases. This time, nothing. Yesterday, nothing. I also tried a Google search and all there was was ten pages from the day or day after the attack, with one exception. That was two days after the attack.
Most peculiar. No major news follow-up on it at all. Why the journalistic black hole?
In the express today, IDS has said those wanting to work in the U.K. should only be allowed to if they have a job lined up.
He also says the last figures available show EU people in the U.K. cost £4.1 billion a year in things like credits and benefits (so imagine what the real amount is if they admit to that figure)
I would go further.
Anyone employing a non U.K. person should also pay the tax credits and any other costs such as nhs and housing.
Currently firms pay the minimum and the taxpayer pays the rest.
Just think, employ 1 Brit and he pays tax and spends the money here.
Employ a non Brit and you pay the extra monies, educate the children and all the other costs. A big win for employers, no wonder so many are remainers.
You also need to pay JSA and other benefits to the unemployed Brit.
And what next for Boris?
If not re education (brainwashing) then maybe detention or a hundred lines…’I must not say burkas are like letterboxes’.
And these (honourable) people are in charge!
After Investigations into Boris Johnson by Theresa May’s supporters. Ten possible punishments for Boris Johnson are devised:
(1) One hundred thousand lines “I must not say burkas are like letterboxes”
(2) One hundred lashes.
(3) Expulsion into the wilderness.
(4) Politically correct diversity training.
(5) His tongue is surgically removed.
(6) He is sent on community service, painting Racist Black post boxes, Socialist Red.
(7) Forced to report to the leader of Londonistan, to convert to Islam.
(8) Sit in the corner wearing a Burka, until he apologises.
(9) Sent to Coventry, for ever lasting punishment in the local Mosque.
(10) Forced to report to Cressida Dick for detention.
(11) Becomes Prime Minister.
(5) & (11) in combo could be interesting.
No more hesitation, repetition & deviation. Very slow, considered Press Conferences. PMQs reduced to gestures, er, – beg pardon, I mean hand signals.
Seems Ian and gang are on a winner there.
Interesting that Sky, The Times, Sun etc are all rather missing the public mood on brexit, Tommy, etc.
As well.
Turned on bbc 2 to watch the European Athletics Championship. Woman presenter, 3 black pundits. Turned off.
The good old Race Card out again. The time is coming , very soon when the police will not be able to even speak to a black person , never mind arrest them !!!!. The state of this country now makes my blood boil. And they always think they are so feckin smart filming everything ….
More good Brexit news on the economy, but according to Al Beeb its the weather ……….
“UK growth boosted by warmer weather”
HYS running but could be going better. 🙂
Those comments !!!! LOL . Great to see !!
My comment for our Government this weekend is…………..
“some people don’t have a sense of humour”
Get over it ! 😀
Seems Boris may also be investigated for taking a free-speaking column in the Telegraph without the decent pause required of retired ministers. Did the same apply to George Osborne’s politically motivated and scurrilous editorship of the Evening Standard?
He is a Brexiteer and they want him out.
Our PM is surrounded by a kangaroo cabinet of remainers.
We need a new PM and a new government to see the thing through before they surrender.
Don’t panic, taffman, don’t panic!
That bit in the middle of your local ITV news, where they slot in a national newsvertorial.
Today it was about the Edinburgh
“The most important thing about this year’s Edinburgh Festival is DIVERSITY
…. they’ll be performances from 100 countries”
… Nope that is not special to 2018 there are always performers from 100 countries.
30 years ago we saw the weird Kenyan guy who put his entire body through an unstringed tennis racket.
Oh that’s a surprise a special series about immigrating from India
“A passage to Britain” 9pm BBC 2 on Tuesdays 14th, 21st, 28th August
Left wing boycott of the BBC for rightist bias today.
But I can only find it on Russia Today UK.
(Sorry no Twitter, Facebook, Reddit in our household).
What is the truth?
Last – there is a hashtag thing on the twitter but the number of ‘ up ticks’ is a couple of hundred as with re tweets .
This is by lefties who are claiming al beeb is biased to the right – that old lie . Perhaps a few lefties will find this site in passing and be delighted by the strength of our feeling and the evidence of al beeb bias every day .
How many posts have appeared on this site pointing out evidence of right wing bias on Al Beeb ?
I really don’t think I have seen any evidence or comment alleging Right Wing Bias. I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading the site but I am sure there are others here who have been reporting bias for much longer who might come up with something – can you ?
Oh dear.
Shares in Burley SURELY must be on the fall.
Imagine the BBC will employ here=probably auditioning for Newnight or Eddie Mair. Totally appalling
One truly wonders if such a mad sad desperate comparison was dreamt up by this dumb bint herself or whether someone in the production office doing a Summer job came up with it .
If I was in Mr Weston’s shoes I don’t think I could allow her to use my name and condition without demanding a right of reply to put her in her place .- face to face — as it were
But there again she might get head hunted by albeeb to replace the Dimbly Production Company on Any Anti Brexit Pro Muslim Questions …
Only a privileged empty headed liberal bimbo would rope in a Falklands war hero, by way of attacking a Tory about another Torys mention of the burqa as a problem.
Never heard anything like this before-poor guy had NOTHING to do with this, would not have given permission-and surely can`t be mocked by Sky TV to smear a Tory for her ratings.
How dare she-what kind of nasty little mind would do this unforced?
Got to go-where are the Disabled lobby then? War Vets Associations?
Maybe we should do a Boris on her-SHE is evil, not Mr Johnson.
Switched off R4 ‘Any Questions’ after the first three minutes, after it turned out to be an even more shallow and predictable indignation and outrage fest than I thought. Unsurprisingly the first target was Boris, when actually, there was a possibility that this ‘multicultural’ panel might agree with him on a freedom of choice issue. But NOOO..
Then again, we know the beeb by now, and we know AQ…
When the bbc takes against folk, they really do take against them.
Only small abuses of power, not needing to be held to account, clearly.
Whilst it’s been nice seeing Guido dredging up all the burqa jokes told by the hypocritical left, his support for Boris on this one sits awkwardly with the venom he directed towards the “knuckle draggers” who felt (correctly, as it turned out) that there was something distinctly iffy about Tommy Robinson’s imprisonment.
Yes, do not forget where Guido sits when push comes to shove on TR.
Fawkes is a lunatic. He thinks Putin is behind everything. A complete dope. Anyone who thinks the Sergei Skripal incident was orchestrated by Putin needs his head examined….If you look at what is happening in the States now we are seeing that Christopher Steele was working for Oleg Deripaska and being paid by the FBI through Bernie Ohr as late as November 2017 , a full year after Trump’s election. Skripal was one of Steele’s agents when he was arrested and almost certainly worked for him when he came over to the UK. Deripaska and Skripal almost certainly had some part in contributing to the ‘Dodgy Dossier’. I suspect he was blackmailing someone when they decided to shut him up…no one ever said the British public are particularly bright.
Meanwhile, the BBC is again on tour….
And next up, a bit further…
Well, they’re not laughing now.
Three comments. Since Thursday.
Licence fee pays for this !!!!! Staggering how quickly the BBC has fallen in these last few years .
Run now by trendy young London lefty’s with trendy beards who wear jeans and t shirts to work , you know the sort ????????
I wouldn’t mind so much so much – let the silly people do and the say silly things but the TV tax has a detrimental effect on our family.
We take zero from the bbc – anything good from the bbc is long passed (and available on dvd / YouTube).
The money we are forced to pay could usefully go to our kids school uniform, meals and so on – which would actually be useful. Christ, the bbc isn’t healthcare, the military or anything vaguely useful and unlike local Councils, we don’t get the slightest inkling of a chance to have an effect in it’s running.