I’ve been trying to think of something the BBC does well – despite rapidly falling viewing and listening figures. Is there anything apart from the Shipping Forecast ?
Huge amounts of management time must be being used trying to work out why the BBC is failing but can they ever see or admit the reason ?
“Crowd protests in Glasgow against ‘BBC bias'”
If 200 protest in Scotland then the matter must be taken VERY seriously… 😉
It’s been a good week for the impartial beeb. The week before was dominated by Labour’s anti-Semitic problem. The, along came Boris. The beeb went into overdrive. Boris-bashing all week on all media, radio and TV. So now it’s all about fights within the Conservative Party.
As the rain falls for the third consecutive day and the heating fires up for the first time in months, I wonder how many experts will be interviewed a few weeks hence to tell us why the exceptional and life-threatening heatwave did not, after all, last until October?
Ah, but it’ll come back again – you wait and see…
…the Daily Mail said so.
I’ve been speculating for a long time on this site, whether May has been learning from Merkel, a Green socialist who successfully hijacked the Christian Democrats, governs Germany without that party having a majority, and is a specialist at eliminating anyone who might challenge her to the leadership of her party and/or the ‘Grand Coalition’.
I look at the Telegraph headline today about ‘May setting up Boris for a show trial’ and I get the feeling I wasn’t far from the mark.
The bad news: it has been impossible to dislodge Merkel, who has publicly force-funded media support in the form of ARD and ZDF, (BBC 1 and 2/3) both very, very PC. (Sound familiar?) She is attached to her seat with superglue, no matter what happens in politics.
Seems just stepping into a BBC job thanks to ‘connections’ may not be quite enough these days…
Still explains Today, and others, following the Newsnight audience number route.
A bit like Labour, the BBC so passionately and faithfully courting the Muslim vote to the exclusion of all else seems a bit odd given the current % of the population actually represented. Possibly VD makes sense, as her ladies who sit on sofas appear less likely to actually be at work during at the day, other than in BBC premises.
The creation of the Galactic British Empire after Brexit and Skylon:
The Queen dresses like the Emperor, with her Prime Minister, Boris Johnson dressed like David Prowse.
OT, but this would be fun to do here, though few in the U.K. MSM ever ask questions to inspire such expressions.
Lewys Ball: Why I put my teenage life on YouTube http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-45127043
The other BBC obsession..
As some twitterati would say, give it a rest…
There are many gay folk who find the Beebs agenda pushing utterly nauseas.
They will never give it a rest. At least not until the licence fee is scrapped.
Hi 8D, and that’s not the only such article today, there is the Indian belly dancer too. I’ve got no problems with differences in sexuality, as long as it’s legal, between consenting adults etc. it’s the constant pushing of agendas (other favorite topics are available), and it is dangerous because that could actually cause a backlash.
Youre totally right, its very dangerous. Constant pushing of these stories can make people feel utterly sick of it all, then you get the backlash.
Like that Eddymair on here, always makes some jokes about gay people. Thats fine, i coudn’t give a toss ha. But he has some serious issues, thinking its ok to hurl abuse at dead folk. Then you get the Beebs constant pushing. Which only really risks pushing people like Eddy, totally over the edge!
How many people seriously care about Transgender issues, day in , day out? Its just virtue signalling, at the expense of real news stories.
Beltane – it’s always going to change when the headlines about endless summer comes up, or the stock market will keep going up , or a term which Gordon Brown used before the crash “this time it’s different” – no it’s not . Heat in the Summer – Cold in the Winter….
This global cooling cannot continue. At 3pm yesyerday at a random spot on this planet (my house) the outside shade temperature was 18 degees centigrade whereas 24 hours later it was 17 degrees. If this continues the temperatuire will reach zero (Kelvin) on 29th May 2019 and so we are all doomed.
So channel4 you’ve gone for a special ident today
And they keep saying hello to all the pride festivals across the UK.
And in the news before that the presenter was doing a “wear your burqa with pride” day.
She was dressed in some kind of turban like Nadiya and full arms covered. So that all you could see were her hands and the middle of her face.
Then in the documentaries at 7pm and 8pm they are ruined by having loud plinky plonk background music behind the dialogue.
..I have never seen any survey which show people like all this incidental music.
Then the Channel4 Twitter output is a mass of Virtue Signalling and sneering at non-lefties
C4 Tweeted that video in their sneery way
\\ Why was a woman in a cleaning lady outfit presenting tonights news ??? //
Oh it’s the BBC2 documentary about the Hull being bombed in the war, that has plinky plonky incidental music
Everyone gets a go at the BBC.
Next week we’ve got a Iraqi mute doing the weather forecast.
The week after that it’s a blind lesbian reading the letters of complaint about the Iraqi mute doing the weather forecast.
If you don’t like it we’ll give you more until you do.
“To everyone celebrating in Chester, Wigan, Margate, Plymouth & Happy Valley”.
Is “Happy Valley” some sort of LGBT euphemism?
RJ Yes, a euphemism, for “Yodelling down the canyon”.
Theresa May visits Happy Valley.
As with everything that satan does, it’s completely the opposite of normality. Change the word from pride ( pride in what?) to shame and it’s nearer the truth.
I see my post last night, where I balanced out the BBC’s ultra biased article about homosexuals in Liverpool, has been unceremoniously removed…
Best guess the site has been compromised by a PC hater of free speech.
Oh well- I won’t post where I’m not wanted
Time to take off…
It was a provocative post and a bit naughty, but it shouldn’t have been removed. Every opinion is valid. If we start silencing opinions we’re no better than the BBC.
I took it down but other comments -including my own -also went so I guess there is a higher power. I am not queer – a term homosexuals use for themselves – but when I saw that comment and the reaction to it – it just seemed plain right not to be here. I put myself in the shoes of the persons friends or relatives if they saw it and as a result believed it unacceptable .
I am sorry that my reasoning went in the trash with the rest of that bit of the thread . Unfortunately there is a limit to free speech – which I believe in deeply and know is being eroded by msm and those who sit on their backsides reading comments and passing judgements – like Anne and Maxi – the latter of course I suggested here to be removed from the site but stated because people here said he performed a function.
Any way – if you don’t like what happened to that comment – what can I say .?
I help out with this site . I do not own it but I just do my best because it’s the only thing I can do to protest about how Blighty is being forcibly changed into the multicultural third world through the bias of al Beeb and the rest of the corrupt msm . And if you wonder about my politics -I am not a snowflake and being called that would be far more offensive to me than being accused of being a Sun Reader by a self appointed judge who turns up once in a while to comment on the views of others but not share their own .
Fed up, I’m glad you removed it and I would add that hatred for homosexuals showed up in several of his posts. Complaining about bias and pushing of agendas is a whole different issue to airing hateful views. Not the purpose of this site.
My personal preference is to allow these comments to stand where possible and let others’ reactions to it speak for the site. But you had every right to remove it as it wasn’t the first comment in that vein from that particular poster.
I did not see the ‘offending’ item.
Therefore am I qualified to comment?
I think yes.
I, like many others, am very pleased that folk give their time voluntarily to moderate our site, which is virtually life blood to me.
So, FU2 you do a marvellous job. But…..who guessed there was a ‘but’ coming. But……the decision on what is unacceptable is a tricky one.
A post that incites violence is definitely offside. And must be removed. Posts seen as offending? Hmmm….interesting. If facts stated openly cause anyone offence, tough shit in my world. Feelings do not trump facts.
The posters opinions? Moot point, but his/her opinion on the lifestyle choices ( choices? Not a good word, perhaps orientation is better) may or not have been relevant to the issues in the post, I dont know, and cant know now.
There is a problem here with censorship, and that famous line from the judge in the Lady Chatterly novel indecency trial of:
” would you be happy that your servants read it”
So, You get into the realms of, I can see it, but it will corrupt you, kind of nonsense.
So was the removal right or wrong? Cant say, but I am against removals generally.
@Fedup a technical note.
Yes when you remove a parent-post, the child-posts, (its replies) get removed too
…. just the same as on Facebook
One thing that is good to do is take screen shots before you hit the delete button.
The referee has to decide what is a foul
… its just that SJW referees say every little thing is a foul if it’s against Snowflake United, yet let’s Snowflakes United own fouls go by without comment.
What constitutes dark humour depends on the context eg Princess Diana jokes.
In conversation you might cut it short by saying “we are not going to go down that route”.
I didn’t see the relevant post so I can’t comment on that specifically. However (IMO) Eddy has stepped over the line on a few occasions with anti gay comments. No-one chooses their sexual preferences. It’s just what you are. We have gay contributors to this site. They’re not the enemy. Certainly we should be able to criticise the politicising of gay rights (and we will do) without crudely abusing homosexuals.
I hope Eddy doesn’t flounce off. Usually he’s an intelligent and amusing contributor and I enjoy his comments.
So, come back Eddy.
Stop acting like a big Nancy…
I didn’t read the speech/ thought/taste crime committed by Eddy. But now we are in exactly the same postion as the BBC left us in after the Charlie Hebdo massacre. The cartoon itself was at the heart of the story, yet the Font of Truth decided not to broadcast it on some pretext I cannot remember, the real reason being the were terrified by the prospect of violent Muslim retaliation. Great defense of that “freedom of speech” which is supposed to be our birthright
I know as a leave voter I am educationally subnormal, crude, vulgar and incapable of thought beyond primal emotions like hate and fear, but I promise I won’t go on an orgy of queer bashing if Eddy’s linguistic threat to life as we know it should miraculously reappear so we can find out what the problem actually was.
Fedup2 – I have no idea what Eddy posted but I am extremely grateful you do what you do for this site (and others too of course). Sometime you will have to make a decision and sometimes it can be a close call. But if you think it was the right thing to do. do it – you will get my support.
A teenager was beaten to death. You posted vile, obscene comments celebrating the fact that he was murdered. You called him a pig, gormless, and laughed at his death. I have many issues with the media, the BBC, islam, etc etc…Your comments are just as sick and obscene as any muslim celebrating terrorism attacks. You behave like ISIS, celbrating the fact that a gay teeneger was savagely murdered.
If you think celebrating murder and posting vile disgusting comments about said murder are totally ok , then go ahead, post them again.
You are utterly deluded if you think this is a ‘PC gone mad’ issue. But go on, stand up for your ‘free speech’, repost them.
For my part, i will do my best to ensure abominable comments such as yours are reported to the police.
Thanks Fedup. I had no issue with Eddy calling out the BBC’s agenda pushing. Im gay. And im sick of the medias constant, constant push to find Gay/Transgender/Lesbian issues.
But to laugh at someone brutal murder, that just beyond sick!!!
I think Fedup was right to remove that post personally, like him I believe strongly in ‘free speech’, but some things are best not posted on public forums like this, especially if we want to reach a broader audience and be taken seriously. A young man died in tragic circumstances, seemingly in an unprovoked attack, and regardless of what anyone thinks about his way of life, he didn’t deserve that, and nor did his family.
While we’re being honest, some of the comments here about Muslims. blacks etc… make me a little uncomfortable too, I’m no snowflake either and I get the humour in many of the posts, but I feel some of the comments go a bit too far, and then maybe the idiots shouting ‘Waycist!’ have a point? I’d rather they didn’t have a point actually, so I can go on thinking of them as idiots.
Just my humble opinion.
I think there are some lurkers of both extreme right and extreme left who maybe won’t post anything , but will uptick anything homophobic or racist or even odd .
The Fascist types will try to move the site to their position , while the lefties will try to discredit it by the up ticking .
Both types are are stuck in the old ways , where they stereotype what ” communities ” do and ignore that individuals buck that thinking .
It’s proved out there in the world by Thomas Sowell and Milos Yanoupolas , and here by the good posters Lobster and Pounce .( where are they? ) . I hate to bracket them into some Venn diagram but they do declare themselves but not in an aggressive You Will Like Me way .
Yes, I miss Pounce’s contribution and expertise but I think he’s gone. I hope Lobster hasn’t gone.
I like the way you say you “believe strongly in” free spech” and then, just a few words on, claim “some things are best not posted on public forums like this”.
You’re right ID, it is contradictory, but the problem with forums (like this) is that one person’s ranting can be seen as speaking on behalf of all of us who post here.
I would support Eddy Booth’s right to say whatever he wants, but he certainly isn’t speaking on my behalf when he says things like he did in that particular post.
By deleting that post, Fedup was protecting the site, and the rest of us, from being associated with Eddy’s more extreme views (which I accept, he’s entitled to have).
Guess what I’m talking myself around to is maybe Roland Deschain’s point about leaving posts up there, but indicating the individual isn’t speaking for all of us, would be fairer?
Honestly, I don’t know how best to allow freedom of speech on a forum where a stranger looking in might take a specific post like that and think we’re all in agreement with it? Virtue signalling makes me sick too, so it’s not often I post something like this, but something did need to be said in this case (glad it’s not just me that felt that way).
it is about time that we are having a discussion on the issue of so called “freedom of speech”.
Years ago people’s views were read out by Jimmy Young on Radio 2 and repeatedly the BBC allowed Jimmy Young to broadcast hateful generalisations about people . When i protested they said it was freedom of speech and i could phone in to counter it. The issue was that I was one person and these views were coming thick and fast. Once people heard it was justifiable to have these views and that it was acceptable to voice their hatred more and more people decided to phone in with them. The silent majority just listened and were influenced and didn’t protest and these views that inspired hatred were allowed to spread .
Freedom of speech must be used with wisdom as it no longer is freedom of speech but tyranny .
Agreed on all counts.
Son starting High School soon so we’ve warned him to keep his views to himself. especially in class debates.
What a sad state of affairs. Very much like Soviet times or China today – don’t you just love Britain in the 21st Century ?
I was advised, at a certain place “think what you like but be careful what you say” good advice for High School, but, the real issue I believe is that there are many in this country that did not grow up with “multiculralism” (thanks f@cking Blair) the younger set are more used to it, but many remember a time when white women were not regularly represented on TV adverts and the BBC as requiring to have black boyfriends and husbands, yet the converse never shown for some strange reason, and a particular gobby minority in this country refrained from attacking our culture through their komminihis (sic) ganging up on homosexuals, Jews, and anyone that has the nerve comment on their absolutely comical dress and in the same breath seek to blame our countries foreign policy for their members who terrorise our country. They have clearly demonstrated no allegiance to this country and we can only conclude they seek to impose their own sexist, racist, homophobic, tribalist norms upon our country, which funnily enough is why most of the cowardly bastards ran away to here in the first place
In September 2016, the BBC’s Director-General Lord Hall agreed to REVIEW the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23. Hall was unable to do so.
The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone. Lord Pearson hailed Lord Hall’s decision as a significant blow against ‘those at the top of the BBC who wish to see the referendum result reversed’.
Nothing has changed since.
On a side note….
“We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us.” [Edmund Burke]
Trailer for BBC drama The Bodyguard
“The Home secretary hopes to create a state of fear
… and then she will seize power”
Is that their view of world and Theresa May ?
… That Muslim iterrorism is something that is only so visual cos it was hyped by her just to gain power.
“The Home secretary hopes to create a state of fear
… and then she will seize power”
(1) BBC: Creating fear by paying 400 Islamic terrorists to return to Britain and cause lots of deaths. Probably true but censored by the BBC and mainstream media, using D notices: Ironic failure due to the use of D notices.
(2) “Fear of Russia” Creating fear that Russia tried to manipulate the Brexit vote, by attacking people with links to Trumps enemies (who created the fiction in the Trump dossier, to manipulate people to vote for Hilary) near Porton Down with Novichok, but they failed because Porton Downs Novichok was not up to what Hamish de Bretton-Gordon said, even though the scientists at Porton Down told him that fact. Scientists now think that Hamish de Bretton-Gordon is blackmailing the Russians, because his friends paid the Russians for a fake dossier. Ongoing cockup by the people who brought you the WMD story.
(3) “Project Fear” Creating fear that independence from the European Union will cause the economy to collapse. Failed, but she seized power anyway, by using two useful idiots, Gove and Leadsom.
Wow, I didn’t realize she was that clever
The people pulling the strings of the mindless puppet May are very clever.
The guardian has a poll of 15000 which says over 100 of the 632 uk constituencies have changed from leave to remain . Quite a statistical achievement and I am sure al Beeb will run this all day Sunday as the latest remain propaganda – a new story every 3 days …
‘The Guardian has a poll of 15,000’? Surely that’s being a bit hopeful, the whole readership responding on the same subject?
That equates to 23 people for each consituency. And then the Guardian drill down to show the % swings in these consituancies. Based on 23 people.
They are reporting a commissioned market research report . It doesn’t say who commissioned it , what the question was , or literally – how diverse the sampling was – eg . Metro votes verses town and country . But the headline is there any way .
‘The study was jointly commissioned by Best for Britain, which is campaigning against Brexit, and the anti-racist Hope Not Hate group’
Say no more..
Excuse me, Beltane, but I should point out that the bbc staff is placed at around 20,000, all with a comp sub.
May is not of Thatcher’s calibre.
We need a change.
“In the end right will prevail over wrong”
Democracy – V – so called ‘People’s vote’
Is there some mysterious subliminal message in showing this back-to-front?
Free, fair and impartial !! Lol
Seems Gavin is inspiring so many, impartially of course…. ‘for the greater good’….
Nailing ‘it’ indeed.
So many…
Corden, Grant ?
Are there any other LA based useless luvvies who`d like to add to this?
Patrick Stewart?…come on down.
ITTB has noticed too.
Gets better.
Will [heart] Hugh who [heart] Gavin who [heart] Remain in the New European, which usually has six readers but now has lots.
All we need now is Steve Coogan and AC Grayling(again) and I`ve got the whole set of liberal top trumps.
When you get such a slew of leftards onto something-you just KNOW that you`re right over the liberal pinch point where the garrotte needs to be applied.
Will Hutton gargling in the dressing room next door?
The fat lady is soon to have a coronary, before she gets to sing.
Channel 4s booking roster will be fun this week.
Hutton is always ‘peak wrong ‘ whatever he says do the opposite -he was full project fear 1 on doom and the end of times and makes a living from it . Best laughed at.
The ReichEU and it’s supporters know the clock is ticking so get more desperate by the day
There is a reason why more peope follow Leave.EU than Corbynista on Facebook
Look how they call out the BBC on burka comments
ie they were OK in the Harry Enfield show
“‘Death by dangerous cycling’ law considered” Reports the BBC.
I suggest a higher priority is a “Death by dangerous importing” law.
Also reported by the BBC.
“South Africa risks ‘Zimbabwe-style land chaos'”
Translation farm output collapses after white farmers exterminated.
This BBC report does not report the South African Government policy of encouraging the mass murder, rape and torture of white farmers. Because the BBC approves of white people being murdered, raped, tortured. Because we deserve it.
A motorbike instructor has slammed a garage for ‘racism’ after he was allegedly told to remove his open face helmet – while a woman in a burka filled up next to him.
Liam Bradley, 48, claims he was filling up his bike at the Shell garage at the Three Arches Spar shop in Blackburn, Lancashire, on Wednesday when a message appeared on the LCD screen demanding he remove his helmet.
Despite being annoyed that his face was showing as he wore an open face helmet and having used the station ‘hundreds’ of times, Liam obliged.
However the instructor was left furious when he realised a lady in a burka was allegedly being allowed to fill up unchallenged at the same time.
Give “UK lawyers making a mint representing economic invaders” a call. They will meet you on the beach and give you their “how to cheat the system” leaflet.
Keep us informed of any progress.
“They will meet you on the beach and give you their “how to cheat the system” leaflet.” Compliments of ‘Open Society’ and the UN aka, George Soros –
I see this story is doing the rounds on Facebook and is worth sharing, because many of us a pissed off with double standards. I wonder if the person running the station was a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or another religion connected to the Middle East.
In fairness, it’s more likely that whoever was running the station was terrified of the reaction if he challenged the burka, knowing he’d get no support from the authorities. Whereas he was on safe ground with the biker.
That doesn’t make it right, but how many of us would behave differently?
How come they can drive cars in that ridiculous garb? it must affect their sight also
No, the Chosen Ones have 360 degree vision.
Roaming charges: What will happen after Brexit?
By Reality Check team BBC News
Only white people in the “bad news” photographs, yet again.
Which contains the following “If the UK leaves the EU on 29 March 2019 as planned”.
IF. So the BBC has already been informed that Brexit has been cancelled, probably by May herself.
That will be up to the elected UK government.
Since the ReichEU is so clever at ignoring the wishes of its citizens no doubt if it tried to screw the British mobile phone on the European mainland then it will ignore the 2 million Reich EU citizens as guest workers/ benefits claimants in UK …
Is it 2 million ?
It always seems to be the effect of Brexit on the UK – not on the EU – which of course exports a lot to us ….
I watched Blitz:The Bombs That Changed Britain Episode 2 last night for the first time, (it’s a repeat from 2017). Episode 1 was all about how the wicked government didn’t plan properly for war and didn’t provide infinite resources to take people to safety, despite the efforts of a left-wing journalist during and after the event.
Episode 2 also started off with lots of social history and a post-war woman struggling to work out why her parents didn’t talk about the war. We had some interesting bits about children’s blitz essays, (Are they trustworthy? Children in my day used to write about ‘A Day At The Seaside’, even though they had never been), and the experience of surviving ‘children’ seemed to be helpful to our post-war child in providing context and a link to the past.
But very soon, as in Episode 1, the wicked government had failed to anticipate PSD and provide infinite resources to help people out. Not only that they had used their own peoples’ experiences to work out how to harm our German friends!
I would have thought that from the time that mankind first started fighting ‘damage assessment’ on your own side has been used improve the means to fight back, “Oh look! That wood stick has just bounced off Ugg but that rock has just killed Ugg’s son, perhaps we should be throwing rocks not sticks back?”
It looks like the whole series will be one that misses out on the concept of ‘total war’ and instead feeds on the usual BBC ‘magic money tree’, infinite resources and 20/20 hindsight.
Not directly related but later on I found that the household was watching Eye In The Sky, a film that I avoided in the cinema. How times have changed. A feminised world of politics, directing a feminised military and the whole bunch of them in tears over one ‘innocent’ casualty. Contrast that with the Blitz series where the common theme is how little the authorities care about their own ‘innocents’. The war is lost, we have no moral fibre, no beliefs, yet the barbarian without and increasingly within the gates is certain in his cause.
At time of writing, 3 out of 3 people featured in the webshite section In Case You Missed It are ‘diverse’.
Two ‘feelgood’ stories and one ‘victim’ story. Almost as if the beeb had an agenda. Almost as if whitie never did anything interesting or laudable. This is not coincidence. Day after day the racist beeb trawl through insignificant stories sifting the ethnic ones to fit their biased political agenda.
Perhaps it should be renamed: In Case You Missed It, We’re Going To Rub Your Noses In It.
In Case You Missed It, We’re Going To Shove Our Agenda Down Your Throats.
Have a nice Sunday.
PS. Here’s the ‘poor muslim’ victim story: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45082801
BA rightly want their staff to look smart, professional and reassuring. Big deal.
Lol, youre bang on about how it should be renamed ‘Were going to rub your noses in it’. Thanks for making me laugh 🙂
Theres so little actual news on their main webpage now. Taken up by these stupid ‘in case you missed it’ stuff.
Ten injured in Manchester shooting. However, it’s Moss Side so will be gang related and guess what, it’s after a carnival !!!. Wonder how many of the 10 will be young , white men ??? Let me think, that will be ………..none of them !!!! But we must remember, the BBC keep telling us it’s unfair to blame all the gang violence on the black community. Bet they will all be “lovely” lads as well. If only they had a youth club to go to hey !!!!!
A vibrant community but not a diverse one… Already, BBC hacks are working through the archives and thinking how to whitewash this particularly incident. Here is my word-for-word prediction on the end result (put the cheque in the post, BBC, thanks):
“37 years after the riots in Moss Side in July 1981, racism, unemployment and discrimination plight the everyday lives of its inhabitants. Jalissa is a street-smart young black woman, a single mother who dreams of going to university and becoming an architect. Her brother Jermaine, a promising young footballer who loved rap music, was recently killed in suspected gangland violence… zzzz… drone…. zzzz…. repeat….”
Another theme may well be that their Rackman style landlord is a middle aged white male whose ancestors made the family fortune from slavery.
Population of Jamaica – 2.9 million – criminal killings 2017 – 1600- importing another culture to Blighty ….
Don;t forget the Somalis, they bring an extra degree of vibrancy and enrichment to our shores and view a carnival as a time to introduce us to their delightful cultural life, aw bless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qGN3Zwr2Ag
Another vibrant carnival of lawlessness, drugs and violence.
Law of the jungle I guess.
Noel Edmunds reveals in today’s Sunday Times that the beeb staged an ill-prepared and badly thought-out fake sports car rally to look like the real thing.
What? The beeb lied? Surely not.
Here’s hoping he sues the lying incompetent over-paid bastards.
Bbc Weekend editorial meeting.
“So, what can we do to create more division over in the USA?”
Travellers cause a mess and crime increases ? but you cannot say it council boss apologises :
Phien O’Reachtagian, chairman of the Gypsy and Traveller Coalition, said previously: “His suggestion that communities are lawless is cause for concern from someone in his position.
“We’d be looking to make a formal complaint and liaise with police to see if a crime has been committed.”
Crime FFS google traveller rubbish the truth is there for all to see but is not allowed to be spoken
Great name, thought they were all called Smith.
Girls were all called Lily too.
Or are we talking John Stevenson/Sean Mc Steifiohn as the Oirish IRA lads used to rebadge themselves?
Finn Reachagain?…over to you son?
Seamus O’Flytipper and Declan McTarmac-Ripoff, I believe
Apologise to these people please…
The above is not BBC but hilarious, the below link is also very true.
At first glance I thought it was Owen Jones and his Mum ?
“Moss Side shooting”
Al Beeb’s page on the multi-carnival fracas.
Not one multi-culti image used on their page? Only white policmen
Bias and propaganda .
“Bristol rally calls for referendum on final Brexit deal”
just look at the images used. Not outside but inside. The usual photographer’s tactic used to give the false impression of a mass of attendances. Amateur propaganda.
“Around a thousand people” active slippery word – “around”
Standards are slipping at Al Beeb – they just can’t get the staff any more.
Its time that Al Beeb was called out for its Anti Brexit Bias.
Let’s just imagine that the Remainers manage to get their referendum and they win by 3 votes. Do you reckon they will regard that as an overwhelming victory? You betcha. Or more likely Gotcha! They certainly won’t scream for another referendum.
How about best of three?
Best of three? Another referendum vote would leave the libtards needing the best of five!
The BBC are either masochists or see he has value still rallying 750,000 obedient if not very bright troops.
Well, little Owen, time for your friends to hit back. More bombs, more rapes of our children, car rammings, what do you suggest? Keep up this moslems are victims stuff and the loonies among them will be inspired to act.
Grabbeth ye popcorn…
Owen of course, like the bbc, ‘speaks for the nation’. Well, a bit.
Just ask Emily, Brian, Gavin, James….
Al Beeb story………………
“Cornwall hit by ‘tourist overcrowding’ amid UK heatwave”
How about this headline?………… England hit by mass uncontrolled immigration ?
Shortage of housing, Schools, doctors, hospital beds, rationing of NHS, more rough sleepers, etc etc etc……..
The Prime Minister, her Home Secretary, and her government cannot see the herd of elephants wandering about in the House of Parliament. Neither can the Members of the House of Parliament.
They are completely out of touch with the people of this nation that voted them in .
“They are completely out of touch with the people of this nation .” But following the NWO/UN plan, ‘to a T’. These are the higher authoriites that contol the elites of Europe and dictate what happens.
“Brexit: Theresa May seeks grassroots backing for Chequers plan”
During the Second World War a coalition government was formed to defend Great Britain from the invasion coming in from Europe.
Great Britain needs another coalition government of Brexiteers and a new Prime Minister to bring us Freedom. That is the what the nation voted for. She has got to go.
Regarding the mass shooting on Moss Side. According to our beloved Beeb; “Several people were in the area following the Caribbean Carnival, which had finished some hours before…” It seems to me as though they’re trying to distance the “community” from the shooting.
As sensible, sane folk we all know what’s happened here. All the people involved in this outrage will be black, both the assailants and the victims. Oh, and remember this “carnival” was to celebrate Windrush. Yep!
As this mass shooting was taking place I was attending a village flower show. Nearly everyone was white, all ages. There were pots of tea, cake, crumpets, lovely blooms and lovelier ladies in pretty hats.
No “diversity”. No massive speakers. No enrichment. No coverage by the BBC.
On the plus side…
No-one got shot!
I believe the MSM’s latest ginger Norwegian to be spared too much adverse coverage was intending to rectify that.
Luckily prevented.
Oh Jeff, a flower show ! evidence of the England that still is, that once was, and is wishful thinking for the future. I have had a stall at various village and school fetes this year, and experienced the same as you, a mainly all white attendances as were all the volunteers. I did find a difference though – the amount of tattoos on display !!
Oh, Brissles, don’t get me started on these ghastly tattoos! Why, in the name of God, would a pretty young lass want to smother her arms in dark blue graffiti? And it’s not just their arms, it’s their legs, midriff and the top of their backsides.
Not that I’m ogling, of course…
We in Wales know them as ‘Tramp Stamps’.
I never go to flower shows having seen the body count in Midsommer Murders.
One young man that I know refers to them as “body art.” I think your definition is nearer the mark.
What’s going to happen at some future time when tattoos are seen as being totally naff? I don’t think they wash off very easily.
I was worried our sons might be tempted to go inking, given peer pressure and media support.
However a trip to Bali sorted it nicely.
The sight of herds of Australian lardbergs everywhere sporting weeping sores nipped that one in the bud.
I also wonder what happens when an image on even a nicely toned limb starts to sag in later life.
A sight of a 60 / 70 year old ex army / navy would do it with horrible blue black smears up their saggy arms as I saw in the 70s 80s
When I were a lad living out in the sticks, every summer we used to attend our local annual flower shows and horsey displays called “gymkhanas”. Is there still such a thing as a gymkhana? Perhaps they are just a bit too English these days. Could cause offence you know.
We still have em in Wales .
The meaning then altered to denote a place where skill-based contests were held. “Gymkhana” is an Anglo-Indian expression, which is derived from the Persian word “Jamat-khana” oh dear they get everywhere
Stick to Morris dancing and maypoles a bit safer, I did walk by a lovely Bedfordshire little village last week having a cricket match on the green and some stupid bastard decided to take his shoes off and start praying in the middle of them, this is what they are doing subtly and not so subty and has to be challenged, he was just ignored
Personally speaking, I would never countenance the idea of a tattoo,
it would be like putting stickers onto a vintage Rolls-Royce.
Chairman of the gypsy and traveller group is looking to liase with police and see if a crime has been committed!!!! You could not make it up, you really couldn’t . The police are already busy enough dealing with YOUR groups crimes EVERY DAY . Like when one of your lovely grouped burgled the helpless old man and didn’t like it when he fought back and killed your little cherub !! And then the police were busy as your group wouldn’t leave the family alone and insisted on harrassing them daily by laying flowers at the property. Honestly, the brass neck of some folk
BTW a slightly differnt topic
BBC Radio Leeds this item was with a charity person , about whether their was sexual abuse in the imported Roma Community
..em the title of the NGO has “Sexual abuse” in it.
The project is called LACO
They brought on a Roma migrant as an example of success,
Yet despite being here 9 years she spoke very poor English
#2 Despite their leading question “So England feels like home to you now ?”
..She replied, ‘no’
Nine years ?
So she’s illegal here then .
Not illegal, undocumented. Do keep up, please.
“to keep the #Roma community safe from grooming and exploitation”
Re the supposed 15,000 Brexit poll
Farage has just pointed out NO new poll was taken
Rather it was a regression analysis based on old polls
ie a prediction of what people would say if you polled them.
…. Therefore the “all models are wrong” rule applies
I heard that, i couldnt believe it, as the Observer article seemed to just make out they had polled 15,000 people. Couldnt see any mention of that fact that it was simply an old poll, and ‘re-analyzed’ the data.
But it was ‘research’ carried out by ‘Hope not hate’, so what do you expect really?
Fake News !
Desperate Propaganda from the Remainers
Gabby Logan, Garry lineker, James cordon, Gavin Esler, Emily Maitlis all showing the true BBC colours putting their collective weight behind the people’s vote. But we must remember, all views are their own and NOT that of the BBC. Throw in Jon sopel and Anthony Zurcher for some Trump reporting and you can see the size of the cesspit we are dealing with.
Would like to see these rather evident facts put live to Lord Tony ‘we are impartial’ Hall.
But for a general whose direction at best seems exclusively left, he seems almost invisible, account-holding wise.
Drain the Swamp.
Stop paying the Telly Tax
Anti-Semitism is on the rise, but there is no reporting as to who is responsible for this: is it Islamists, fundamental Christians, or thugs just out to create havoc ? Clearly this is happening where Jewish communities are based in the large cities and where Jewish schools have bodyguards. There has been a ‘white flight’ out of London for years – the reason we all know why. Here in villages in deepest Bedfordshire stories like these are alien to us, and cannot imagine a world where our village schools are protected by armed guards. I know religious communities are akin to living together, but is there a reason why Jews cannot ‘escape to the country’ and live a more peaceful lifestyle, – us country folk are generally more accepting and welcoming, or is it simply because there are no schools/synagogues ? Muslim children are sent to non-faith schools, so is there a reason that Jewish children cannot be sent either ?
I realise there is no simplistic answer, so if any of our Jewish posters could enlighten me, my education would be enriched.
Brissles, as a start why orthodox Jewish people tend to live in the same area as other Jews is all tied up with laws pertaining to the Sabbath. Traditional Jews will not drive on the Sabbath – it is work – so to attend a synagogue requires them to be in walking distance. Then comes the problem of keeping kosher. It is not just the problems of purchasing kosher meat but many other goods that you would not expect are or are not kosher. A best example I can think of are crisps (this was true a few years ago and I have no idea whether it applies today). Walkers cheese and onion crisps used to be non kosher (some flavouring ingredient in it must have been the cause) but the smokey bacon flavour were ok. Not quite what you expect. So a Jewish family move out of London so somewhere green and lovely and the child goes to the village school and makes a friend and is invited back to the friend’s home. Mum trying to do her best for the Jewish child gives him or her the cheese and onion crisps and not the smokey bacon.
Can you now see the problem?
Thanks Deborah, yes, I thought what I was saying was far too simplistic, but I hadn’t realised by how much ! Way more complicated , so thanks for that. I used to be secretary to a psychiatrist – he was Jewish and lived in N. London, so commuted to the sticks where I worked. However, despite his wife sticking rigidly to the laws, he would sneak off to the canteen for a sly pork sandwich ! that always made me chuckle.
Think we know who`s to blame Brissles.
An EU report in 2002 tried to pin it on white neo-Nazis. But when all the evidence showed that it was Muslims, the report was buried.
But came out anyway.
The EU group who were set up to watch for “Islamophobia”-same group, it had morphed by 2002-was specifically brought in by the EU to soften us all up for Islam and Muslim supremacy. As long as the EU were still able to get their oil from the same countries that demanded free access to Europe for its people and its faith(culture, was their word-but everybody knew).
This was agreed after the oil hike of 1973/4…the Muslims of Europe called in their deal in 1995 in Barcelona. And Israel has been targeted for removal throughout, or else they won`t get the oil.
That`s why fracking terrifies them all.
Bat Yeor is my source, but the Euro-Arab Dialogue from 1973 onwards online confirms her work.
No wonder the Jews won`t be staying-we need to be thinking of heading for New Europe ourselves.
I am having to now import popcorn from the US, tariff-free.
When the bbc ‘bends over backwards’ to try and appease shouty folk… it probably is not worth a forced £4,000,000,000 to speak for a nation compelled to provide it.
Unless the BBC pulled the anti-Trump trick of taking the photo before anyone turned up, it does look a small small crowd

..It could be “pack”
Re BBC petitions
There is a list of official government BBC petitions.
Most are rejected due to similar petitions already existing.
There are also many other petition websites that feed into the system
eg the Abolish the Licence fee has 256K signatures is on 38 degrees
I don’t know why the founders chose that platform Aren’t 38degrees.org.uk and Change.org both lefty controlled ?
(The actual comments on the petition almost all complain bout BBC lefty bias)
Re change.org – I wonder how many people REALLY signed the change.org Free Tommy Robinson petition. It ‘stalled’ at 600K+ some time ago.
Another Muslim feel good story fed to us from the BBC. Lovely.
Worth reposting the Peter Sissons’ article
I have recently read Peter Sisson’s book “When one door closes”
which is very well worth a read.
“Fancy Greek island life? Cat care into the bargain”
Or so Al Beeb tells us?
I would have thought that Greece would have had more than enough ‘arrivals’ from the ‘South’ to go for the Job ?
Telly tax? More like daylight robbery .
The UK media are like a playground gang
‘Oh look there’s that Boris Burka the racist kid’, he smell, he smells’
How much of this mob behaviour accidental
..and how much is orchestrated ?
by Alistair Campbell’s team ?
.. by Russia ?
.. by Momentum HQ ?
BBC reports that two children were injured in the Moss Side shooting.
I was not aware that the Israelis had attacked Moss Side.
An interview with Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux was posted here recently where the interviewer appeared (to me) to be practically brain dead and the frustration of the interviewees was obvious as they tried hopelessly to exert some logic to the exchange.
Later I watched a Zombie movie and it struck me as an allegory for life as I’m now observing it. I’m not sure which side, left or right, are the Zombies but, I am sure they are incompatible 🙁
The Independent seem to think that Bojo is about to be PM. I expect a lot of smears aimed at him from the BBC over the next few weeks or months
I doubt if there is ONE person in this country who both voted to leave the EU, as well as wanting Boris to say sorry for writing something that the lefty goon squad didn`t like.
Mutually exclusive categories.
The Left and losing have chosen the wrong elephant trap to die in.
Boris had better double up on this whilst he can. Leave the Tory Party and go the full Morrissey-as a step towards being the Brexit Party leader, armed only with a Twitter account.
He`ll sweep up, then we can put the elite on trial for their lives.
hang them, then go do penance with Pope Francis before he`s removed as being A Soros sock puppet, like the rest of `em
Wasn`t Damien Green the one who Labour sent police into, in order to snoop on his letters in Parliament 2007/8?
And was then sacked by his best mate May, when the police leaked some smears about this nearly ten years later,. last November?
And THIS is the man who asks Boris not to feed the alt right, say sorry and be a good party gonk , just like him?
Luvaduck, talk about enjoying your punishment beatings from the left…what a dim masochist.
Reminds me of Piers in “The New Statesman” with Rick Mayall.
Boris had better take St Steve Bannons advice and stuff the left whilst we can do so.
Or else he`s toast, the Tim Henman, the Greg Norman of politics.
FFS-we`ve never been luckier in our choice of thick, clotted idiots that oppose Brexit and Islam, Socialism and the f***ing BBC.
If we can`t mock ,and refuse to pay them, then Islam might as well take us all over now.
Skewer to the squirming lefty brain please Boris!
WATO saying most people don’t care about the subject of bin bag wearers , then doing another ten minutes on the subject .
Of course everyone is against anyone saying anything about it , er but er not Tories . So that must mean a very insignificant amount of people who voted in the government of the day against the large mass of the population .
This is a typical BBC lib/ left trick . The subject is not important , get on with doing something else , yet they defend their view of the subject with vigour . As we see with the EU . We were told it doesn’t really impact our lives like other matters do , but when we vote to leave it there’s going to be Armaggedon and it’s a vital subject .