I’ve been trying to think of something the BBC does well – despite rapidly falling viewing and listening figures. Is there anything apart from the Shipping Forecast ?
Huge amounts of management time must be being used trying to work out why the BBC is failing but can they ever see or admit the reason ?
Really ? The burka thing is just like the, ‘What colour does the dress look to you’ nonsense from a while back. Some folks so need to get a life. Chris Hamilton did make a good, if none pc, point.
I would rather say it is more like “does my bomb look big in this” ?
Yep, another charity has too much money………………….
“Muscular Dystrophy UK said it opposed “prejudice and discrimination” and had severed all links with Mrs Hamilton.”
I sometimes wonder how much money actually gets to those in need ?
Cast your minds back to the President’s Club Charity Dinner January 2018. Charities severing links.
How many prosecutions were there ?
I wonder what percentage of the said charity’s funding comes directly from the Government. The ball-park for charities, and I stand to be corrected, is around 85%. The CEO’s are, typically, politically appointed cronies on fat salaries. Who gives a flying one about their views on anything?
Can I be the first to blame the Ryanair air strikes on Brexit? As yet the BBC have yet to do it, but -with a little creativity, and in less than six moves, surely our vote to ignore the advice of Enda Kenney, Leo and O Leary himself can be blamed on BurqaBrexitrump.
Glad someone is holding those thieving B””stards Ryanair to account, lost £2000 to them, refused to reply to complaints, just saying…
Regarding the shooting after the Moss Side ‘Windrush’ Festival- the BBC website shows a hideously white Festival – not even any BAME police officers ! In fact, it looks as if the event was hijacked by nasty white folk…typical. Makes you question the authenticity of the BBC reporting – either staged photos or a bit of Photoshop ??
And the article itself is riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions.
A quote from a ‘witness’ of the shooting: “It was quite a long time before the police arrived considering somebody had been shot ,” contradicts Ch. Supt. Wasim Choudhry who stated that “two armed officers were quickly in attendance, within a minute in fact.”
So what was it, BBC, within a minute or quite a long time?
There’s also a re-writing of history going on to make it seem like this incident is nothing out of the ordinary. A former police officer, who now works with local schools, said “It’s another sign that some of the work in Moss Side – and neighbouring Hulme – is working because, going back, it used to be an almost daily occurrence that there would be incidents of a similar nature taking place in the area.”
Ten people were getting shot on an almost daily basis? Surely he’s talking about Chicago!
Hi jinks with peashooters and water pistols.
Bloody sus laws of 1981, lack of Red Stripe and good drugs probably to blame.
Brexit Trump and having nothing but deadbeat dads.
Spot the odd excuse that is in the above. One is not true.
20 shootings in Chicago in about as many hours, according to the Chicago Tribune.
Big news on my msn newsfeed, but the beeb don’t seem at all interested.
Which tells you all you need to know about who the shooters were.
What’s strange is I thought Saint Obama had brought eternal sunshine and peace to Chicago during all his years as a ‘community organiser’, activist, civil rights lawyer, Senator, bla bla yawn yawn.
Yeah, if you listen to the bbc ‘World’ you get a very weird view – where utter trivia replaces significant news stories – maybe it fools the ignorant darkies ? But you get very little coverage of the USA post Trump. The USA, our closest ally and English speaking.
Where are the women on BBC Match of the Day ? How about we bin Lineker and Shearer and get Claire Balding and her husband on
Sky TV now has Black female pundit on the Premier League games (she is qualified because she once walked past a Sports Shop) and Sky TV has a trans gender doing the daily news – Kay Burley
I’m not paying my TV Tax if the BBC is not keeping up with the times
Can we kick off blokey football that is so boring anyway-and too early to bother with. Will the BBC offer us trans-football, lesbian soccer as well as the marvellous and exciting womens football please?
And can they play in team coloured burqas as well-I`d pay to watch that.
If I could just support that as I look forward to the monthly brawl when moods are a little fragile, feel sorry for the referee though
I suppose not much will happen if all white, straight males decided to refuse to pay the TV license ? we are, it seems a minority group not worthy of representation, our views or religion or culture, according to the BBC website, so lets go ahead and leave them to their wimmin, trans, gay and black and muslim agenda, self funded of course.
What could go wrong ?
yeh fuck ’em all
Mortgages, poll taxes and the likes would hurt them more.
A lot of us are paying the Councils and utility companies.
If we `re not getting the Brexit we democratically demanded, then we ought not to pay for anything due after March 29th.
And we should trash, boycott and deface all pro-Euro mouthpiece papers, refuse to use anything with Bransons name on it, howl at football matches about what we think of Lineker etc.
Occupy have taught us well. Boycott, Deface and Sabotage -and let`s make them very scared of us finally.
Islam has much to teach us. Are we willing to learn how to get our country back without sadsack letters to some Westminster spit jar. And withour leaving our beds, jjus boycott, deface and sabotage.
17.4 million people get the threat of a CCJ-so fucking what?
We either have the country we voted for and were promised-or else a Clegg, a Campbell are correct in seeing us a shower of white old shite.
Mr Hanky is white!
We pay for the f@cking lot, the tranny complainers and muslim whingers and the wimmin on the BBC forcing themselves into male sport, and all we do is get complained about and now in the media we are not allowed to have white wives or girlfriends they are all with blacks, charming, and maltesers even go further and refuse to acknowledge any white male in the workplace it has not gone unnoticed, , if it was a post carnival riot in the maltesers advert it would be most appropriate, but it wasn’t, Chris you have a point,
Succintly put, the art of precis, sums up in four words what we all think !
Nowt on Al Beeb about policeman stabbing in Lewisham?
Anyone ?
Perhaps Al Beeb’s reporters will get the ‘heads up’ from here? Because you can bet your bottom dollar that they monitor this site.
That would be breaking news a while ago, yet now ? all depends doesn’t it, depends on who did it, they were so busy at Al beeb last week desperately trawling newsfeeds to find a silly bitch in a burka that was challenged, I bet all latte breaks were cancelled until they finally found what they wanted, and lo and behold they eventually found one and straight to headlines my god how sick are these people.
Their political / social agenda is so bloody obvious it sickens me
Yep, all over the papers websites, moped gang (you all know what that means) maybe bbc waiting until the crash helmets come off, then depending on their kulcha it will end up on England news thats the normal way they operate now, until then we have : Christine Hamilton has been removed as a charity ambassador after comparing burkas to the hoods of the Ku Klux Klan. National f&cking news apparently
Let’s just hope the brave copper recovers quickly and fully.
I noticed that Peter Hennessy — a sane cross bench peer was on Question Time this week . I’m not a consumer of that but I wonder if any one knows how he got on .
I know he sees a second referendum as a threat to Democracy in Blighty but I wonder if he got the time to explain – in that Cameron “ no ifs -no buts” sort of way which isn’t used enough ?
Al Beeb have finally reported it !
Yes, apparently he fought against three or four, but…A British Airways check-in worker has said the company’s dress code discriminated against him after he was sacked for his man bun hairstyle.
Londoner Sid Ouared (hmmm yes, of course, good old cockney name bet he loves a singalong, knees up muvver Brown), claims he was fired from his job at Heathrow because he refused to change his look.
Given meddling with Facebook is a game-changer beyond the pale, the bbc will one is sure be all over this?
Alan Yentob will be jelly. At least his two jobs keep him in the building lift.
Clearly a Beeboid less concerned with Brexit beans shortages, or is it AGW, than her editorial colleagues?
Has the far-left bbc covered this report by Britain First?
I’m so proud of Jayda Fransen for her bravery.
Peter Hitchens puts it well in his column today
” The Liberal elites hate Christianity, but they fear Islam”.
Need to be put in a fortune cookie really, says an awful lot.
Not that the useless Church is worth hating, when it does islams work so effortlessly.
Todays act of “worship”-more like “whorship”-came from some “Christian Glastonbury”-Keswick.
Well our prayer poppet asked her mate Jesus to make our likes take in more migrants and not judge them really.
She was going to pray for all the worlds “troublespots” where bad things are happening-but there were too many to name.
Maybe anything with “-stan” on the end of it, maybe something east of Bulgaria with red, white green and black in its flags. maybe a crescent on same?
She didn`t list them because it would be 55 out of the 57 Muslim countries…and she`d not be so tasteless as to mention Venezuela would she?
Meet the Marxist Jesus-he now identifies at Keswick as a Palestinian, i`m sure….the Church is done isn`t it?
You have to go elsewhere for sensible opinions. This Muslim writer in the Sunday Times gives a balanced insight into how the full face veil is seen by many Muslims as subjugation of women. Let’s hear what little Owen Jones and the Beeboid agenda-setters make of that…..oh, silence
You want a sensible opinion ? forget about the “subjugation of women” they are as happy, as their racist tribalist, husbands are, to hold two fingers up to our country, and do you really want to know why this idiot story has persisited ? its because mosques and paki enclaves around the country have been emailing who to complain to and how, and they are organised agitators, unlike us, who are more used to sounding off on here then giving up, if you want a sensible opinion then give it yourself, you have every right to, those rights fought to the death for by our ancestors, (and not theirs otherwise they would not have run away from their countries) and give it both strongly, widely and strategically as I will
Yep google all the wars in the world at the moment : how many muslims slaughtering human beings, we just have to look at all the appeals on TV all day poor litttle arab / african children all starving, why ? daddies off killing people they need all their cash for guns and bombs, and of course the amazing one : your money will stop this child getting f’cked by an adult and which particular culture religion is doing this? I’d willingly give money to send an armed team in to kill the perpetrators but we dont get that choice, its their kulcha innit
I’m an old white fart and I realised that I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t shown pictures and film clips of starving African children which struck me———
Yep, totally agree Lefty, long before Geldorf and his pals, I remember the mid 60’s Biafran war, so the pleading will never end. The only thing that’s changed is the form of marketing.
Yep they are always starving and hungry despite the oil reserves and always someone elses fault, …despite spending a fortune on guns and bombs, and fighting each other, please feed my kids while I go out slaughtering other human beings, its a mindset, like housing benefit in the uk or internet fraud if its there to be exploited …N+geria nad the other kulcha that spend a lot of time complaining in our country take a little look at their tolerance of other minorities and that will inform you of how I assess their complaints
Any chance of the BBC looking at this massive global fraud ?
Take a close look at the Xmas red jumper appeal, where did the money go : South Sudan, BILLIONS STOLEN OUT OF THEIR OIL RESERVES BY THE GOVT CRONIES and asking us to feed their bloody kids that is the truth
One could fill books with similar tales of corruption and looting in Africa, but no one is interested, sadly.
Another tale of looting about to begin: EWC (Expropriation Without Compensation) in South Africa.
This is going to be a BIG one. Even Zimbabwe will pale by comparison.
Keep an eye on it, ‘cos you ain’t seen nuthin yet’.
The beeb, which is historically so keen on the perpetrators -the ANC ,will presumably avoid coverage?
Oh no, wait…they could simply dream up something around ‘inequality’, as fashionable a term as any other beeb favourites
Looking at Al Beeb’s headlines, Boris is taking a tip from President Trump. He is not talking to the reporters of the ‘Swamp’, he just offers them tea. “Nothing to say”.
Typically British . Well done Boris !
Coming to a town near you soon, it’s just a matter of time… and numbers.
Tick tock…
And they all think pakis are oppressed ? WAKE UP , ISBN 978 1 78606 513 1 …..llisten to them ..they call us pussies another example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwxSNeD7tb these are immigrants who are let into this country and this is how they behave demanding that this is their territory
yeh numbers is right they are all cowards that only mob up every single example they have to outnumber before they shoot their racist mouths off as can be clearly seen, even takes a group of them to rape a 12 year old child
So a muslim leans in to Tommy’s car and slaps him. Isn’t that assault? Of course TR would never win such a case.
But just imagine the roles were reversed. He’d be behind bars quicker than you can say Jihad.
He should win the lottery and spend it all on top barristers, its the only way justice will be served for him I am amazed at his strength and courage to stand up for what many agree with but do not have the same courage,
everyone has the right and the ability to change their life if they choose to enjoy a quieter existence later, , he, I suspect will never have that choice for as long as he lives, and our police and whoever commands them should be made accountable to anything that happens to him
This has gone around the world now but, apparently, the BBC have “missed it” wonder why, New Zealand managed to pick it up:
A motorbike instructor has slammed a garage for ‘racism’ after he was allegedly told to remove his open face helmet – while a woman in a burka filled up next to him.
Liam Bradley, 48, claims he was filling up his bike at the Shell garage at the Three Arches Spar shop in Blackburn, Lancashire, on Wednesday when a message appeared on the LCD screen demanding he remove his helmet.
Despite being annoyed that his face was showing as he wore an open face helmet and having used the station ‘hundreds’ of times, Liam obliged.
However the instructor was left furious when he realised a lady in a burka was allegedly being allowed to fill up unchallenged at the same time
Spot on this. The double standards of the left really do my head in !!!! But they just don’t see the irony !!!
Want tolerance but are so intolerant
At least 2 people will die during “Carnival” in London. It’s inevitable and no one will do anything about it. The PC BBC Observer culture has sentenced two young black males to death. The clock is ticking for at least 2 young men, they will die on the 26th or 27th of August due to the pursuance of a one world culture much beloved by the left……goodbye and RIP young men.
Absolutely agree, and they will be in a gang culture due to no father and why ? well he has other bitches to attend to hush ma mouth
So it seems the comment about pillar boxes and Islamic medieval dress has now turned into a power fight between the political class and the Muslim third world subculture as to who called the shots in Britain.
The wahaabi oil money fuelled Omams, mosques and madrassas , aided by atheistic lefties are looking to show their supremacy clearly for the first time . The only positive thing might be that more decent British people will wake and notice what is happening .
Another complaint to the BBC , I urge others to do the same, it only takes 5 minutes and its how the muslims keep things on the front page:
One whole week of vilification any way you can of comments about the antisocial nature of some dress, , yet, ignoring letters to the Times from a prominant Imam explaining no religious need or want for this dress, and NOW completely ignoring a story that has gone around the world about the following: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=12105597 Its got to New Zealand now and still no recognition of this which is rather insidious Al Beebistan holds firm in promoting muslims
They are f=cking good at tumbleweed… can you hear the wind cry and no one wanking into their latte about gay attacks ?
Let’s go with a precis again, she’s a c’nt
“Dahling, your dicky’s as crooked as you are.”
2 out of 2, gay and wimmin but he needs a blonde bubble perm wig and you need a black husband to make it perfect BBC fodder, hes white so not allowed to fuck you, you are black mens meat (thats what they call white bitches btw) but. of course black sexism does not exist, hush ma mouth again
Now THAT`S a chin!
Got to thinking of Roy Of The Rovers, of Harry Kane-and, of course Bruce Forsyth who could open oysters with his chin.
Best one I know is Richard Jobson of the Skids though.
But Emily takes the “womens section”.
Since I am not Boris, may I posit the following, how many would get on a flight, a train or a coach, or a bus or a taxi with the pilot / driver with a bedsheet covering their head and body with just a forward facing and veiled slit open to see out of ? and where is the risk assesment to the public and consequent guidance and or legislation about this ?
I would like to know about their peripheral vision and their ability to move freely to operate the required mechanisms and their ability to keep their body temperature at a reasonable level to be able to operate properly, and communicate clearly both verbally and through body language to indicate emergencies and concerns to co pilots for example without alerting passengers
Currently on BBC2: Lost Boys? What’s Going Wrong For Asian Men
“As a state school teacher, Mehreen saw British Asian boys from some communities falling behind. Now she wants to know why there are such huge disparities in how well different communities have integrated into the UK, why some are faring better than others in jobs and education…” Mentions of those “Asian communities” in the long write up are:
Sri Lankan = 0
Chinese = 0
Japanese =0
Indonesian = 0
Thai = 0
Taiwanese = 0
Indian = 1
Pakistani = 14
I wonder what the policemen think about their stance and what they think about Mrs May?
The Thin Blue Line.
Thanks, Mr Blair & Mrs May.
If you guys think it’s easy grooming and raping underaged white girls every night of the week, of course we’re too exhausted to study or hold down jobs, gissa break.
By a remarkable coincidence, those are exactly the same ratios as the ‘Asian’ grooming gangs.
They doing fine, it seems
Annunaki those videos are powerful and worrying for sure. (I’m not sure if you’re in the mood for a laugh right now, but…)
She’s saying: But I CHOOSE to dress like this, no-one makes me.
Nah, he’s saying…. “say cheese”
It’s in their nature. Apparently.
So Al Beeb tells us that the CBI want “Net migration targets should be scrapped after Brexit”
Its all about cheap labour.
Well do you all remember this pledge?……………….
Over to you Mrs May ………………
Al Beeb informs us that “British Asians are more socially conservative – and more optimistic – than the wider UK population, a ComRes survey for the Asian Network suggests.”
Well lets hope that they all voted Brexit.
The BBC article was more noteworthy for what it didn’t say. In line with traditional limited left-wing thinking, it lumps all ‘British Asians’ (I think it really means ‘British South Asians’) as one category. But of course, they are not, there are considerable differences among them and those differences stem largely from religious background. In very broad terms, Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and Buddhists are more likely to be integrated and adopt mainstream values than Muslims. There are some hints about this towards the end of the article.
There is also a moan from some people about having to make changes to their names etc to ‘fit in’. Again, the BBC is intentionally misleading (at worst) or simply ignorant (at best). For instance, one lady states she ‘tried to stay out of the sun because she “wanted to be as light and fair as possible to adhere to these western beauty standards”‘. Being light and fair is also a beauty standard in the Indian sub-continent, in fact an obsession and far more so than in the West, and the slightest graduations in skin tone are pored over endlessly in all aspects of life. This predates any European presence in the sub-continent and is widely believed to derive from the Aryan-Dravidian divide and enforced by the caste system.
This bbc attempt to conflate all who are Asian with the minority if dominant ethnic staff bloc at W1A is getting tiresome.
I’m off to bed now, I cant wait around waiting for the new thread to start……………….zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Worth sharing
That’s offensive !
There’s a 2 week old anti-Tommy petition
It’s go nearly 3 thousand signatures
38 letters were in on Friday, 48 letters are needed, so it looks like the politically correct moron could receive the ten needed in the post today. It looks as if Theresa May won’t get the chance to give Boris 100 lashes.
I think we can all agree, now, having had 20 years to reflect , that mass immigration has enriched us so much and would like to thank Tony Blair, the BBC and countless other caring left wingers for their creation of a better Britain.
BBC News
Scenes of injury and panic after a wooden promenade came down on the crowd at an urban sports and music festival in Spain.
Given the nature of this, it seems extraordinary the bbc would choose to describe things in such a way, and engage in clickbait in complement with the image on FB.
Now, will Emily be thrilled at the endorsement, or….?
Good luck with that ‘most trusted’ guys.
Going well still.
If I were Fran and Tony I’d stay incommunicado a while longer.
Another celeb supporter provoking little surprise:
Interesting BBC email ‘news’ summary today.
Muslims warn of Johnson ‘whitewash’
Muslims warn PM over Johnson inquiry
The row over comments made by Boris Johnson about the burka is continuing to rumble on, with the UK’s largest Muslim organisation now calling on the PM to make sure the inquiry into his remarks isn’t a “whitewash”.
The Guardian says the Muslim Council of Britain is writing a letter to Theresa May saying “no-one should be allowed to victimise minorities with impunity”.
He’s facing a Conservative party investigation after writing in his Daily Telegraph column last week that women in burkas look like “letterboxes” or “bank robbers”.
His latest column in the paper is out today, but he makes no mention of the row. He also avoided the topic when spoke to journalists outside his home yesterday. Here’s a video of him offering them cups of tea instead of a comment.
As the EU top bananas have yet to grasp, ‘warning’ folk on an implied ‘or else’ basis is a really smart way to win them over.
And is this all ‘Muslims’, or just those with a special access via the Graun to the bbc megaphone?
Maybe Treezer could call upon the expertise of Baroness Shami? The BBC could surely only approve.
The bbc have a bone they need to gnaw.
“Did someone say… whitewash?”
It’s a BBC survey…. another one…. and it’s BIG, apparently.
As to the toning down and ‘fitting in’, clearly working out gangbusters.
Another warning incoming from the MCGB, if not any from Thais, Hindus, Chinese, Vietnamese….?
Now, where are they going with this?
By sheer coincidence, he has also claimed BoJo is more divisive that Enoch Powell.
“What is it about nut job conspiracy mongers from the Graun that so attracts the BBC…?”