BARB figures continue to reflect the decline of the BBC . Soaps lead the way and on commercial TV soaps and Love island get top viewing figures with MSM news a long way down the lists .
The bubble endlessly moans about ‘ Anti This ‘ and ‘Anti That’ but it seems people are not listening any more .
A plea – again – please think about offence when posting . It is tempting to literally retaliate against the bias we suffer from the BBC
lastly – Wednesday is VJ Day -lest we Forget .
First! Yippee!
Good for you ! its almost orgasmic when you realise there’s no-one ahead of you and then scramble to get something written, Lol !
No one, it seems has commented on the worrying fact that the Chinese president has declared himself president for life, and Chinese in the UK who criticise him have had anonymous letters sent to their neighbours telling them to watch him, another Mao in the making, also a Russian president verging on Stalinist in his treatment of critics, and what does our national broadcaster concern itself with ? attacking and criticising our indigenous population and promoting the interests of immigrant minorities who seem to care little about our country and its culture, and also attacking a democratically elected USA president and those who elected him.
Bizarre in the extreme, and I would also add, a dereliction of their duty to concern themselves with real news rather than their self appointed, clumsy, amateur and clownish attempts at social engineering.
Annu, the Beeb did get lathered about it when it happened. Cannot remember if Carrie Gracie was chief boo-leader. Think not. Think it was the lass, Scots lass?, who is now China correspondent.
Only lasted for two days or so.
Compare with Boris Berk-ah!-Johnson who did not win a gold medal recently for the 100m. Or pretty Priti Patel. Diaman Green and Amber Rudd can, with the others, also feel some superiority in that they were bigger than President Xi as far as BBC Radio 4 and TODAY are concerned.
Frans Unsworth is a nobody compared to President Xi.
Has she resigned yet?
Annunaki – good post.
Whenever I do visit the BBC News website it’s mostly full of fluffy articles about how wonderful minorities are, with lashings of boo Trump! and boo Brexit!
I very rarely see any serious analysis of UK or international affairs. It’s all filtered through socialist tinted spectacles and not how things really are. I don’t know how any educated person can take them seriously. They seem to love US Politics (meaning articles on how can the Democrats get back in), but ignore large parts of the rest of the world.
I’m only sorry that my posts on here are more aimed at the left in general, and not BBC specific – because I don’t have a licence to watch live BBC or iPlayer, so it’s only occasional visits to BBC News website (which is frankly shite!)..if I did still have a TV licence I’d be on here whingeing all bloody day!
PS the radio is just as bad, R4 and World Service – I turn it off after 5 minutes before my ranting gives me a heart attack.
Your ‘first’ position Beeb Brother, has to be ratified at the next EU summit and only with the agreement of its chair person, Mr D. Sentry.
It will be a fair process, I can assure you.
DS, if he is ratified or even rat-arsed or rat-faced, will he face as – a penalty – being D.Sentrised by said authority?
If so, I think a Trigger Warning should be issued beforehand in case he is D.Sentrised to the Right or Far Right. Essential in the event of any offence to tender eyes of snowflakes, Beeboids or anyone else for that matter.
Jus’ askin’ … . . .
Just so that Safe Spaces can be sought out in advance by such tender souls, that cannot bear the sight, prior to sentence on Beeb Brother being carried out.
I am not sure, there will be an investigation to check whether there has been a ‘whitewash’.
i am off to post to my findings!
Lammy is complaining none of the gangsters from his area posted first, even though none of them are up at 5.30 to go to work and few are remotely interested in the problem of liberal bias or even know or care what it is.
BBC 7am radio news bangs on yet again about Boris. The reporter, showing his blatant bias, points out that Boris’s latest newspaper column doesn’t refer to the burqa business but instead he writes about the country’s housing crisis.
This, our reporter states, is an attempt by Boris to “diffuse” the burqa row. He presents that as fact. Of course it isn’t, it is just a columnist doing his job!
No impartiality, no understanding, no balance.
Meanwhile, Corbyn is under fire elsewhere (D. Mail splash today) from widows of Munich terror victims for his support of Palestinian terrorists.
Enough for a mention in the BBC news? Nah, nothing to worry about there folks, move along………..
A ‘news’ story is typical SJW garbage: one of those convenient ‘surveys’ which show – o the horror – that some Asians tone down their ‘Asian identity’ to fit in. That sounds like integration to me; I would not go around drinking beer or singing ‘Three Lions’ in Saudi Arabia. Of course the BBC are outraged even though we have seen how tragic the results can be when groups do not integrate. What vile, cowardly traitors they are.
Plus Boris Johnson’s comments are stlll in the news! Is that a week now? Some perpetual victim groups are warning how hurtful his comments are. Not as hurtful as all the rape gangs and terrorism but the BBC do not seem at all bothered about that.
This news item was reported on Radio Devon this morning. It came apparently from the BBC Asian Network. One Muslim girl said that she feels out of place in class with her ‘frizzy’ hair so straightens it. She also keeps out of the sun as she does not want to go darker. Would imagine the Beeb think it is the wrong side who are doing the integrating.
Remember “the man who hated Britain” a Daily Mail article from 2013.
Well it’s time for a new Daily Mail article.
Entitled “The paper which hated Britain, and the British, and all of their ancestors and descendants. And wished them all dead.”
The most disgusting, extreme left, racist, views ever expressed in print in the UK.
Two articles from the “Observer” 12th August 2018.
If you do not believe that we are in a war for our very existence, you will after you read the following.
The Observer view on Tory party Islamophobia
The Observer view on Britain’s response to repression in Zimbabwe
Toady watch
Surprisingly the beeboids reported the Moss side mass shootings – only 6 miles from al beeb Salford . Just a vibrant culture being shared . Probably a consumer complaint about the cost of herbal plants or red stripe .
Even more surprisingly Andy Burnham – the local mayor wasn’t on hand to blame the conservatives for cutting something – I suppose he is on his butlins holiday or at a secret location plotting his return to Parliament .
Al beeb did manage to get a “united community” theme is by finding a couple of punters cleaning up the streets after the vibrant diversity – bet the National Union of street cleaners won’t be pleased .
” “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”
“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
“You are a slow learner, Winston.”
“How can I help it? How can I help but see what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.”
“Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Thank you for reminding us of the great essay with its chilling warnings. How far indeed we have, in Britain, moved towards Orwell’s nightmare vision, ably assisted at every turn by the BBC.
How can they take the MCB seriously? On 7/7 their official response was something to the effect of: you had it coming and deserved it.
According to Wikipedia the MCB receives funding from us taxpayers. So, we’re paying for an organisation that exists to undermine our indigenous civilised Western society.
I don’t recall being asked if I want my money going to partisan muslim organisations. Probably because if I had been asked, the answer would be an emphatic No!
j-i-c, at the risk of my being seen as anti-Labour and probably so far Far Right that I’m tucked up in bed with Pol Pot & Chairman Mao, I would timorously ask the question “Who was in Government then?”
Come the revolution, come the revolution!
I would take them seriously. They will be in power in 10 years.
They are hand-wringing about homelessness. Surely open borders makes the problem much worse? There are only so many places people can live hence the housing/immigration crisis. As so often with the feckless, cowardly BBC the key causes of problems cannot be mentioned. Why are so many more men than women homeless? If it were the other way round the BBC would have a crusade to sort it out. As it does not fit their agenda it is never discussed, like so, so many crucial issues.
Yes our Justin in full flow .using the old ‘ rich country ‘ argument . I cannot see why a Conservative Government would announce the spending of taxpayers cash on supporting roughy sleeping .
I can only think it’s a politician on the ladder trying to get a better end of year report .
In my area of londonistan the so called rough sleepers are Eastern European guest workers – no English – but plenty of cans of lager . They accumulate around the bus station park where there is a council ‘free’ toilet .
At least we will be able to stop foreigners without proven accommodation coming into Britain after brexit – right ?
Freedom of movement = Beeg Eeshoo on every street corner
Some people make bad decisions and will always end up homeless or thereabouts. Such individuals have existed since the dawn of time as life is hard and humans are so flawed.
End homelessness by 2027? What an utterly moronic, impossible aspiration. It would just mean a vast army of middle class troughers coining it to do useless ‘initiatives’, spending a fortune on PR to tell us how well they are doing when our eyes will tell us it is a chronic problem.
The problem with liberals is that they think we are still in Eden when we are not. Some cultures are so rotten that their children will never go to Oxbridge; having a perfect balance of every group, gender and sexuality in every organisation is impossible and would not achieve anything – in fact it may well actually make things worse. (How downhill has the BBC gone since its diversity crusade? Perhaps strong leadership is harder with so many competing groups.) And so on. Billions wasted trying to nail jelly to the wall because life is tragic and we must try to get through as best we can. Worse still so many of their SJW initiatives actually make things worse or exacerbate the very problems they seek to solve. Counselling for violent criminals, for example, seems to make offenders rationalise their actions and therefore makes them more likely to offend.
For a while I did some work for a homeless charity. It seems those people who annoy everyone else by being perpetually drunk or on various drugs go through a carousel of ‘care’.
Night hostel or halfway-house to supervised accommodation to semi-independent living, then a nice flat, if they can hack it. But only a small proportion can stick to any of the stages, most usually fall off the wagon and will be back sleeping rough, stealing and causing mayhem. Then the process will re-start again, and again.
I suppose it gives plenty of care workers, social workers, police & ambulance staff and middle-class charity ‘professionals’ something to do.
I don’t think these charities are really seriously interested in ‘fixing’ homelessness, and the Government is just lazy and hidebound by orthodox thinking. As if chucking some money at the problem would help. They won’t bother to explore alternative solutions.
Personally I’m not completely heartless – but under the current model I’d give them 3 attempts to get their life in order, or it’s lock them away, for good if need be.
Probably, ‘wrong’…………..
Hopefully after March next year our state bodies will have no excuse not to deport all the unwanted Invader so-called travelers. After all we’ll have control of our own borders, won’t we? And we’ll decide for ourselves who can come into our country, won’t we? And we’ll be able to deport all the undesirables, won’t we?
That’s a key factor in voting to Leave the EU, isn’t it? That’s what you’re going to deliver, isn’t it Mrs May?
Next, I would hope, a referendum on vacating the European Convention on Human Rights. Then, a proper written Constitution never mind about the “flexible” one currently applying. Latter allows too much wriggle room for politician wasters.
With more than twice as many people (net) coming in than homes being built the housing problem is not going to be solved.
If net immigration was 0 the housing problem would slowly start to go as 100,000 plus families and citizens would start to ease the housing shortage each year.
Far too complicated for our politicians to understand though.
…..or even comment about.
Housing shortages decades ago were solved with erecting pre-fabs. Councils have no problems in allocating land for travellers sites, so it shouldn’t be too hard to sequest land for a site of pre-fabs for those who cannot get on the housing ladder.
Don’t worry, when all the immigrants, who, according to BBC etc, provide an enormous boost to our economy, have in actual fact, finally bled us dry through our excessive and unsustainable welfare system, decide to head back eastward ( Near and Far ) to their home countries, there will be plenty of spare accommodation to rent or buy at 50% of today’s prices.
Last week the CBI was pleading for inward migration to continue after Brexit. The lad, Josh Hardie, (Fairbairn’s possible successor) from the CBI on BBC R4’s TODAY was obviously completely unaware of the current unemployment figures.
Not only that, he was obviously completely unaware of various current crises and shortages. The usual ‘immigration brings value to our economy’ was trotted out as a mantra.
Unfortunately, unless an immigrant arriving at Heathrow or Dover, or where-ever, already has a guaranteed job offer AND brings with them ALL of the following:
a piece of road
a piece of an airport runway
a piece of a sea-port and a dock
a piece of a Doctor’s surgery
a piece of a GP
a piece of a hospital
a piece of a nurse
a piece of a surgeon
a piece of a house
a piece of a school
a piece of a green space for children to play
a piece of a university or college
a piece of an English language teacher
a piece of a Community Centre
a piece of a Town Hall
a piece of a Library or Librarian (not both, choose one)
a piece of a shop
a piece of a sports stadium
a piece of a sewer
a piece of a water treatment plant
a piece of gas trunking and mains cabling
a piece of a gas generating facility or terminal
a piece of an electricity generating station
a piece of a wind turbine (preferably not) and a solar panel (much more preferable)
a piece of an emergency service vehicle and driver, police, ambulance or fire engine (choose only one)
then they are unlikely to be making an economic contribution to the United Kingdom in the short to short medium-term even if they are well-paid.
Sorry, far too much baggage !!!!!
Just one extra bag, General, Sir! So that the new arrival makes an immediate contribution instead of being an immediate drain on scarce resources.
All for one, and one for all and all that, know what I mean, Guv?
Sorry, Sir! General, Sir!
” As so often with the feckless, cowardly BBC the key causes of problems cannot be mentioned.” That’s the gift the BBC bestow upon the plebs in thinking they are unintelligent enough not to be able to ‘join the dots’.
Their brand of patronising, extreme head-in-the sand far leftism can only work where they have a monopoly on information/are gatekeepers of some sort. Now we have smart phones nobody sentient with an IQ inferior to that of a chocolate frog can believe the crap they peddle.
In Mao’s China the only legal book was one red book of his sayings. Hence their unpersoning of thought criminals like Milo and their quest to cleanse the internet of thought crime. With a free flow of information everyone can see how disastrous their ideas are.
They have not adapted to the internet age and often seem like a mere ape to the human that is social media, multiple platforms etc. They will not evolve until we change their ‘unique mode of funding’ (extortion) as it is take it or leave it. As long as they get paid handsomely why care about how poor their product is?
There are so many things that the BBC can’t mention that the morning news has become Blue Peter.
While being absolutely desperate to ‘get Boris’ i wonder if they’ve factored in what happens if they don’t ‘get’ him and he becomes PM. Will he be a great supporter of the licence tax i wonder?
Yeah spot on. They love a fluffy story about William Blake or something ‘fun.’ This is why Trump calls them fake: their refusal to acknowledge what is really happening and hiding amidst fluff instead. My all time favourite was a lengthy report on the new sport of ‘wall ball’ which involved hitting a ball with your hand.
One wonders how bad it has to get before they suggest we may have a problem. I suspect that even as Britain is declared a caliphate they would still be discussing transgender pronouns.
Their hatred of Trump is so visceral as he is spoiling their party. They want to swan around cocktail parties agreeing o what line they should all take; the politicians agree they all lie together and they have a grand old time. Trump calls them out on it and they hate it.
Yep, just waiting for Naga Munchetty to slip on some elephant piss
If and when we get a proper patriotic Prime Minister, I hope they have a plan in the same way that President Trump had and has a plan. And a team of patriots to execute the plan.
If he (and I hope for once we get a real Englishman in the post) doesn’t have a plan that not only involves the complete evisceration of the far-left bbc (which protected Jimmy Savile for over half a century), but also the draining of the part of our swamp known as the Civil Service, then I don’t think much will change. Normal patriots like Tommy Robinson, Tim Burton, Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding will continue to be persecuted by a corrupt police, prison and judiciary and muslims will continue to make inroads into all areas of our society, undermining us to their benefit.
John, don’t forget that lurking in the swamp you’ll also find –
University Lecturers
Fake Charities
Useless Quangos
Local Authority workers
The House of Lords
The Labour, Lib-Dem & Conservative parties
and sadly the Police and soppy elements within the armed forces!
A week in, and still the bBBC are featuring on the front page of the webshite that famous 60’s beat combo, Bojo and the Letterboxes. Cue quotes from the BBC’s friends in the Muslim Council of Britain.
Meanwhile, not on the BBC but in the Mail, our loveable old Jezza is revealed to have attended, in 2014, the graves of those responsible for the 1972 Olympics hostage-taking and murder of Israelis.
It’s a close call which is more anti-semitic- the BBC or Corbyn’s hard left Labour Party.
Just an editorial note from me . I am putting up new open threads in order to prevent long lists of comments to build up . So there might not be a midweek one if comments reduce in number .
Unless there is something of serious concern I am concentrating on the reducing figures for al beeb because that is the main line to attack the monster – apart from not paying the TV tax of course .
It would be great if we could have one for every day. Then when we want to look back at how they responded to specific events it will be easy.
Has he been asked to resign or perhaps have an investigation conducted?
You know, I sometimes think that if I’d met with some dreadful calamity, back in the late 1970’s, and fallen into a coma, I wouldn’t recognise my country today. It seems like a lunatic asylum.
The nonsensical hysteria regarding Boris’ innocuous remarks about the ghastly burka have reached proportions beyond parody.
Some pillock has now accused him of courting fascism! Eh?
The highly respectable (chortle) Muslim Council of Britain have written to the government demanding a thorough investigation with no “white wash.” FFS I’d tell ’em to go take a long walk off a short pier. How dare they!
Their community is responsible for mass carnage, industrial scale child rape and the horror of FGM. These people are a problem wherever they are in the world. In Sweden, France, Germany and Denmark they’re responsible for rape, arson and terrorism. Anyone that dares make the most polite critique of this third world superstition is charged with Islamophobia. Really? Get your own bloody house in order before you start criticising anyone else…or preferably just piss off!
Their women are still shuffling about, wearing sinister black death shrouds, looking like diminutive and creepy Daft Vaders. Get the bloody things off! I honestly think Johnson’s remarks were far too reasonable.
On Toady at the moment, some pathetic wimpy “Tory” telling us about the massive contribution that Muslims have made to Blighty.
Yes, I can think of lots they’ve done.
It’s just that none of it’s good!
The toady interview of some slimy representative of the MCB ( not great ) was that calling Wimmin post boxes dehumanised them . A laugh out loud moment . The Islamic Arab medieval dress is meant to dehumanise Wimmin to stop dirty men getting arroused by the Beauty .
The dizzy beeboid – Sarah smith – didn’t have the courage to challenge this and gave the mouthpiece a predictably easy time . Nothing new .
That had just started when I managed to do an athletic dive for the off switch. I knew what sort of interview it would be before it had started. Thankfully I missed it!
The Today prog’ always used to be an absolute must listen that goes back to my childhood. But now, dear God! After 5 minutes my blood pressure is rising, 10 minutes in and I’m shouting obscenities and by 15 my head wants to explode.
The BBC are endlessly patronising Muslims, stoking the flames of Islamic discontent and prodding these perennially whinging malcontents into believing they’re victims. It’s too much!
So, to avoid a fatal coronary, it’s Toady off, Vaughan Williams on.
Pot of tea, two boiled eggs. Equanimity restored.
I’m happy for them to continue banging in about Boris and the burqa. It can only emphasise further the utter disconnect between politicians and media on the one side, and the electorate on the other. Thus, hopefully, accelerating the demise of the former.
I think or rather hope that Mr Johnson is doing the equivalent of poking the inmates of Bedlam with a sharp stick to watch them lose all self control.
If that’s what he’s doing, he’ll wait until the letterbox matter has subsided and then utter something else that provokes the whining muslims and the completely deranged collectivists. While they are jumping up and down and screeching about what Mr Johnson is saying, they will exhaust their emotional energy and be unable to focus what little intellect they have on what is being planned for them.
This will leave Mr Johnson free to develop his plans for ousting Mrs May and hopefully getting us out of the EU as quickly and cheaply as possible.
Although a majority are on Boris’s side, it was depressing to read in the Sunday Express yesterday:
“The over 65s are most opposed to disciplining Mr Johnson, with 77% against the idea.
While those aged 18-24 are most likely to say he should be disciplined, with 62% backing action.”
That’s ComRes polling 1045 adults on Friday 10th.
I find this dismaying. I would have thought that anyone with more than one brain cell would see how absurd this whole situation is.
The scourge of the World protected by Governments and national police forces throughout Europe. Why?
Jeff, agree with all that.
‘ demanding a thorough investigation with no “white wash.” ‘
What is this investigation supposed to consist of, reading the Telegraph article over and over?
Well said Jeff. I feel exactly the same. Yet government after government gives this scum special treatment. Police and public servants look the other way when these POS committ serious crimes but pounce on anyone eating a ham sandwich within a mile of a mosque. You are right the country has gone mad. I hate to do it but things are so bad that I console myself with thought that I’m 67 and won’t see the full horror that I am certain is coming.
As the impartial BBC knows, lovely cuddly caring Jeremy is left leaning and would give free everything to everyone. However Boris, Rees Mogg, Farage ,Ukip are all far right. Wonder who is just a plain right leaning politician then? Please tell us Beeb.
Far Panda just pre fix everything with “far “.
“America has the dollar – we have the Koran”
Erderwan on the Turkey currency crash by 20 per cent .
Anyone choosing Turkey to holiday will be happy I guess ( I’d never go there again- awful people ) .
Anything which pushes Turkey further away from Europe / Reich EU can only be a good thing – my opinion – multiculturalists will cut and paste me again.
It’s the far liberals that worry me
The far ‘liberals’ are not liberals at all, in the traditional sense. ‘Freedom’ is NOT what they are about. No, they are socialists, who ARE about ‘inequalities’/equality. The anti-borders bit shows that they are primarily internationalist socialists. This allows for supreme virtue-signalling, cos the little black chap in Upper Volta, with the tearful eyes, is your brother, innit? He should be here, in Europe, with us, where he will engineer new mega-cities or perform intricate brain surgery. (See also Merkel). Like you see in Africa, wherever you look: dazzling technology, wealth-creation and momentous achievements in science, medicine and astronomy. (But then, Africa is a treasure house of natural resources, so that’s only what you would expect).
fnw, “No, they are socialists, who ARE about ‘inequalities’/equality”
Yes but, no but … only up until the unequal can get them into power and then they forget them and turn toward a form of fascism which says (1997-2010):
“Stuff the unemployed, we will bring in lots of cheap labour that will scare the unemployed into a) leaving the UK, or b) getting a job, or c) living on benefits at the poverty line (maybe using drink or drugs to make their daily lives bearable) so they are available, should we ever look like losing power, when we can suddenly up the Benefits payments, make ourselves look good for the Election and leave our successors with a real mess on their hands.”
Call me cynical because I am.
I am also angry that 1.3m+ people have been stuffed in a bin having been used by one Party for the best part of a decade as a weapon before the Party came into government.
I am angry because there is currently a concentrated war going on, led by some in the mainstream media – especially the BBC – against attempts to find the unemployed work.
I am also angry that yet again the Conservative Party have cocked-up Benefits reform, having learned nothing from their previous failures. I am angry that I have a growing suspicion that Civil Servants are actively subverting Government policy and the will of the people as expressed in a General Election, confused as the people may have been at voting time.
Panda – I think the phrases ‘left’, ‘right’ or ‘far right’ have no meaning at all, in the traditional sense. ‘Far right’ has become a term of abuse, meant to be almost synonymous with ‘neo-nazi’. It is supposed to conjure up visions of jackboots and men forcing their way into your home – (a bit like the beeb tax collectors really).
There is little use of the term ‘right’, which might once have denoted ‘conservative’ or ‘left’ which might once have meant representing ‘the workers’ (not the wealthy, virtue-signalling champagnistas of Labour and the beeb), as these terms are inadequate to convey abuse, which is the intent, these days.
Also, the PC crowd want to infer that they are as far away from ‘right’ as possible, to show what good guys they are (they think). So they add ‘far’.
£350 000 000 a week builds a lot of houses for the homeless .
Nibor, I did notice that no Beeboid had bothered (or was capable of?) dividing £100m by 4,750.
I came here to post something …. oh, yes, I remember now.
TOADY Watch #1 and only, probably:
Beeboids are in a state of weekend (perhaps, also weak end, but we won’t go there right now) excitement over the Conservatives announcement of a Grand Plan (we get more like the old Soviet Union every year!) to deal with homelessness and Rough Sleeping*².
Justin Webb has learnt something from his colleagues even though he was, IIRC, in the US during most of Labour’s last time in Government. Just to refresh memories, Labour had this natty trick of announcing a new policy or an initiative or a redirection of funds, and then doing it again a few weeks later with the words Morecambe-ised (“all the right ones but not necessarily in the correct order”) and then, perhaps months later, it would be ‘re-branded’ or re-emphasised. There was never any new money because that would have required Labour to have put up the top rates of Income Tax because they were already bleeding the poor dry*¹ and wanted to stay close pals, eh Peter?, with the feeeelthy reech or somesuch.
A.t one Campbell’s request this sort of thing ran from 1997 until the wheels came off in 2007/08 and restarted in late -2009 in time for the GE.
Back to TOADY. Justin wanted to make sure he wasn’t conned or compliant or complicit like the rest of the Beeb from 1997-2010, so he demanded of James Brokenshire, again and again, whether there was ‘new money’ involved.
If I didn’t know Beeboids better, I would have wondered whether Justin was worried that his National Insurance bill was about to double or treble.
*¹ If you do not believe me, please check out the history of Council Tax, Fuel Duties and Tax Credits for the period 1997-2010
*² I hope they don’t decide in future to go after Rough Camping. When everything falls apart in GB, I’m planning to pitch my tent alongside a burn in a suitably remote part of Scotland and live on water until expiration some 40 days later. Or before. Whichever comes first. Terms and conditions apply. The value of a life may go up or down, depending on who is watching. Other providers are available. Please dispose of this post in an environmentally aware fashion and manner.
Sky is now wholly embedded in the BBC/Guardian mindset.
They have a series of ‘views’ and ‘opinions’ which are found on its web site. The above is the latest, claiming that only toffs could say what Boris said about Muslims should not be banned from wearing the Burqa.
Lewis Goodall, the writer of the nonsense about class warfare, had not troubled himself with any research. Else he would have known that the same gags about the enforced Islamic apparel for women were used by the BBC, the Guardian, and a Muslim labour party speech writer.
Indeed, Lewis Goodall is so lazy that he compared Boris to Enoch Powell’s speech. He didn’t quite get onto to compare Boris with Hitler, but that was only because he ran out of space.
Oddly, every single view I’ve read could have been printed in the Guardian, none would have appeared in any non-left newspaper.
Hence why Sky’s news output resembles a fifth form, left wing get together.
“… it has taken on an outsized importance in our national debate because it is a cipher for many other issues, bubbling beneath the surface, in Britain’s now piping hot political magma…”
Sorry scribbling, I tried to read it but gave up at the second paragraph. Fifth form level may be flattering him… double homework needed Goodall — and polish those shoes!
Sky have stopped allowing comments on articles regarding any Muslim issues, why ? because the torrent of what THEY deem to be abusive anti Muslim posts. We of course view them for what they really are :- a rational response from an indigenous population totally sick of the Media’s irrational pandering to an anti British Cult.
Spot on , in the UK Sky is clone of the BBC . But curiously Sky in Australia is much more balanced and allows sensible discussion of Islamification, Freedom of Speech etc. I have no idea why the same company has such different output. Perhaps if you tell the truth in the UK your Broadcasting License is revoked. After all with May as PM anything is possible.
I wonder what the average time most people have Radio 4 on before they use the ‘off button’? I was brought up on Radio 4. Thirty years ago, Radio 4 was on the whole time in my house, even several radios so I could walk from room to room and still hear a programme. I knew so much about everything due to the marvellous educational programmes; think the ‘potters wheel’ but more so. Now, probably within 5 minutes I switch off. It may be Gardeners QT mentioning climate change or use of plastics, the book of the week being about the transgender (today at 9.45 it is a book about opiates but the woman reading it sounded as though English wasn’t her birth language – I don’t care where the book is going – I just cannot be bothered with it), Mariella Frostrupp this morning was interviewing people about children’s mental health and in the few minutes I heard I learned that children are feeling increasingly lonely and when the guest were asked why, the most obvious reason wasn’t even considered – we are in long summer holidays – and mums who are at work just are not there during the day for their kids and many don’t sort out suitable support for the secondary school age pupils. And I haven’t even mentioned Justin’s appalling interview with some minister this morning when he was demanding that housing benefit should not be cut for people in social housing, and the only mention of Jeremy Corbyn’s recent visit to the graves of terrorists was only in the newspapers review – unless I missed it.
So as you can see, I still try to listen to Radio 4 but now what I hear is in very short chunks before the off switch is used. So I suppose I would still count in the RAJAR figures.
D – If you walk within 200 Eurometres of a radio you are most definitely an avid fan of all BBC output, and recorded as such.
I gave up with Radio 4 totally a few weeks ago. I could tolerate the one sided interviews and the BBC driven agenda but in the last few months the discussion subjects, as you mention above, are so boring it is an instant turn off.
BBC2 Newshite has gone the same way. I saw a 10 second trailer for it when the presenter only had time to ask the viewer “How long before Trump gets impeached?”.
Totally agree Deborah, it appears that every child born in the last 20 years has a mental health issue, due to loneliness/exam stress/social media/ or is autistic/dyslexic etc etc. God almighty how did we ever get through our childhood unscathed in the 50’s and 60’s ?? AND we had to survive Scarlet Fever/Measles/Mumps/Chickenpox/Tonsillitis and visited by a GP who turned up on his pushbike. Jeezus Kryst.
Sorry Deborah, these things did not exist before the evil Margaret Thatcher and her Nasty Party came to power.
Jeremy has an excellent team to sort things out. John McDonall’s Marxist economic policies will be employed to balance our Economy and Diane Abbott’s considerable mathematical skills and innate common sense will be employed to reinvigorate our failing Police Force and Armed Services………………………….
God help us !!!!!!
Just like you up until the 80’s I was a Radio 4 regular. But I became increasingly pissed off by the BBC’s infatuation with the IRA which permeated everything from the news to the Saturday play. Then I began to notice that the BBC was anti Mrs T and extremely pro Labour. Once you realise that they are biased you begin to see it everywhere in every thing that they do. I went through a phase which lasted a decade or more of yelling back at the TV and radio. It drove the missus nuts. Then I got through that phase and slowly started to minimise my exposure to the foul corporation. Now I never listen to Radio 4 , seldom watch any BBC television . The only exception is that I still do listen to Test Match Special but I find Agnew is getting to PC for my taste so even that exposure is declining.
Jakarta is sinking as much as 2 black men!
Fairly interesting bit about the city of Jakarta sinking but the cartoon style video near the bottom of the article at 11 seconds it says it has sunk by 4 metres since 1970 “the same as Michael Jordan and Lebron James standing on top of each other” and a graphic shows 2 black men standing on top of each other.
The BBC can’t resist squeezing in some black people into every article. Perhaps all their science reports will be re calibrated into a new S.I. unit “the black” so we could have “gale force winds reaching 3 times faster than Usain Bolt”.
There’s more of this – what some people are now calling negrophilia – on the BBC home page, in a ‘news’ (sic) item entitled “Working mums: ‘We’re too tough on ourselves'”. It read: ‘Following various celebrities talking about returning to work after birth, we asked three women about the challenges of being a working mum.’ Most normal people don’t give a toss about celebrities returning to work (if that’s what they call it). They have used three ‘typical’ mums, of which 2 happen to be black i.e. 67% or around 20 times their representation in the general population. Maybe they’ve done this because they couldn’t get an interview with Serena Williams? Or are they just promoting the ethnic cleansing/population replacement agenda?
“2 black men standing on top of each other”
The BBC will realise they missed an opportunity, next time it will be one European and one African. No prizes for guessing who will be on top.
What happens when you have more wealth than sense but you’ve never had to work for it?
We were discussing Africa last night, and the way in which what wealth there is tends to be looted by the ruling elites (see eg Zimbabwe).
I gather that the ‘New York Times’ has been telling some truths about South Africa’s (ANC) Deputy President, Enos Mabuza, who has been syphoning millions from Mpumalanga schools in order to buy power and influence for himself. He is currently laying defamation charges against a fellow ANC member who claimed he was going to install his girlfriend as his successor, as Mpumalanga Premier.
There is much about Mabuza that is really bad news, worth studying, and he is only ‘a heartbeat’ from No1.
The BBC and their deliberate? non use of punctuation…
“Plans to end homelessness and Muslims.”
Almost got my hopes up then read on…
They do get it. Or, maybe….
Pictures on the front page of some of today’s newspapers show’s Corbyn laying a wreath in memory of terrorist, including the pond life that master minded the Munich Olympics carnage.
This act takes Corbyn’s disgusting support for terror groups to a new low.
Why is the BBC not mentioning this act…i’m speechless.Why are we letting Corbyn get away with this..
This man could be our next Prime Minister for God sake..
Some prick on Sky News (i think it was) suggested it was a made up photo..!!!!!
Labour and all its leftie mates can do and say what they want with the help of all of the news outlets but when Boris or someone from the right of politics says or does something slightly non PC, the shit hits the fan and everyone goes into bloody melt down.
I’m one seriously angry and pissed off Welshman..!!!!
Join the club.
We can form a trio.
“The Taffia”
So, this afternoon most of the main news sites carry a breaking story about Corbyn’s response to the revelation that he attended a wreath laying ceremony for terrorists. On the BBC, zilch!
This story has been building elsewhere for several days, and now the man who wants to be PM breaks his silence.
Certainly many newspapers think that this further terrorist link, condemned by widows of murdered Israeli athletes, is of news value.
But somehow the newsroom at the BBC seems to have missed it.
Perhaps they are not very good journalists. Perhaps they do not understand what is at stake.
Perhaps they think a future PM ought not to be held to account, unless they are a Tory.
What is clear is that their bias is getting clearer to more and more people every day. If I had been on a news desk and failed to follow up such an obviously important story, I would have been shamed and reprimanded, but in the Orwellian world of the BBC it is the thing to do.
Early Travelling R4 really showed it’s crass bias and twisting of words to suit their views
First Justin – I will talk all over Brokenshaw – Webb. Driving what must be his pet hobby horse, Tory cuts, but not listening. Awful interview
Then MCB interview – he couldn’t keep his argument on line but was allowed to get away with it – not sure how many times R4 could mention the letter that ‘has been sent’ but actually hasn’t yet been sent to Conservative party.
Labour spokesperson moans that the Tory’s will only get homelessness down by a decade? Diane Abbott school of maths…
R4 constantly saying charities give a cautious welcome to homelessness whereas in fact they all gave a positive response.
Expert in finances comes on and says Turkeys problems are self made added to by sanctions- BBC news focus on Trump and
Steve Bannon – held up as most evil man – far right trying to influence Boris
and when talking about relationships with large age differences – who was the only person Carrie ‘Money bags’ slagged off – yes Trump..
Just about every story today was twisted from reality…well done R4
Just sit back and enjoy the show.
From your link.
“I’m told that there’s an insistence on trying to find interviewees from organisations, and businesses who have a positive attitude to Brexit”
Well they have not been insisting very hard because the BBC is almost totally free of any positive Brexit content.
Patrick Howse ia poet and . . .
It seems to me the BBC are anticipating some severe action from a Johnson led Government and seeking maximum left wing complaints and publicity about imaginary BBC “right-wing bias”.
Too late Auntie, the truth, on this site and others, has already orbited the earth numerous times before you lefty liars have found the other sandal.
I think the chap who wrote this Newstatesman and the BBC people he cites – especially about Humphreys being bias against Remainers!!! doth protest too much.
He is an ex BBC man who clearly has vested interests – what, I know not, but this article is completely off centre and frankly ridiculous..unless I live in an alternate universe
“British Asians are more socially conservative – and more optimistic – than the wider UK population, a ComRes survey for the Asian Network suggests.
The survey found that less than half of respondents – 43% – thought same-sex relationships were acceptable.”
One way of looking at it I suppose.
I was waiting for the the lunchtime news announcement that 57% of British Asians were homophobic.
Asian as in from the Indian subcontinent, as far as I can tell from the article. No Chinese, Japanese or Koreans need apply.
I find it pretty weird that the BBC can label huge numbers of disparate peoples as ‘Asian’, stretching from Turkey eastwards to Polynesia, presumably. It must annoy the lot of them, I wonder that the Beeb don’t get complaints about it via their dull World Service programs.
Mind you I think there are still parts of the middle east where they term all Europeans as ‘Franks’. Talk about still living in the middle-ages! I’d better get my complaint in to Al-Jazeera.
imay, at least Taiwan had a mention yesterday on the Beebbeebceeb but only on the w-s, I think. Normally they are ignored. Aren’t they, Carrie?
While you get all the attention.
Sky Views & and Fake News is every bit as bad as the Leftist/Islamic Propaganda Institution, the BBC. Almost gave my tv the Keith Moon treatment after the most biased, left-wing, anti-Trump, pro-Black Lives/Antifa reporting ever on Sky. This vile left-wing organisation is a vehicle for political activism, not an agency focusing on reporting facts. They reported on a so-called ‘far-right, white nationalist’ march in Washington and stated that Trump instigates these marches with his ‘offensive’ language. They failed to mention -surprise surprise – that many of these marchers are in fact just patriots who are proud of their flag and that their were some black and ethnic minority marchers there, too; so how the f**** can it be white nationalist march? . They didn’t once condemn the violence and thuggery antics of Antifa/Black Lives Matter but laughably stated that they are the peaceful ‘antifascists’ who wear black masks and carry baseball bats to ‘defend’ themselves against ‘far-right violence’. What vile propaganda
What lies! What a despicable leftie channel it is. They are part of the filth that is destroying a once-great nation. And don’t get me started on Kay Burley!
Also, evey f******* advert on Sky Views is from a bogus leftie charity trying to scrounge your money. They are the enemy of the patriot. Get over there on there twitter feed and let them know how you feel. They are utter scum. Sky, BBC, C4, the Guardian, Labour and the Universty system are all enemies of the British patriot. We must resist them!
..resist them before its to bloody late…
…and the first one on the guillotine, Kay ”im so fucking righteous” Burley
Sorry for the spelling and typos… bloody predictive text! Difficult typing a lot of text with one finger.
Has everyone seen this, Mr Harrabin, of the far-left bbc ( and home to Jimmy Savile for half a century) caught out in another lie:
Somehow BBC are not shouting everywhere
“there was a serious lapse in editorial standards
.. the article was materially misleading”
by our chief environmental correspondent Mr Harra
Hi fellow patriots, forgive my ignorance of judicial proceedings but can anyone here explain why Tommy Robinson was jailed for filming and reporting outside a trial, whereas every f******* minute of every day we are getting Sky Views and BBC Fake News reporting on every bloody detail of Ben Stokes’ court proceeding outside the court? Sorry for being ignorant of law procedure.
Its easy Alex…
The sun shines out of Sky and the BBC’s arses, the can do no wrong, the establishment (WHO EVER THEY ARE) will not let them come to any harm,as long as it suits there political needs
They can say and do what they want…and its getting worse.
Jakarta is an overcrowded city built on a swamp and has been traditionally governed by corrupt officials who haven’t done much to fix the problem.
..therefore it sinks and often floods.
The BBC have another explanation
Jakarta, the fastest-sinking city in the world
Given the circumstances, why does the article include this paragraph?
Stew, I have a friend (clever chap, BA & MA) who is sold on AGW & CC ‘theology’, despite his being a proper Theologian.
His response to scientific/civil engineering news that London, Venice, Floridan coast near Miami and Jakarta are actually sinking is to state “All the more reason to do something about cutting CO2 emissions and controlling climate change and sea level rise.
Irrespective of the truth or falseness of the ‘AGW/CC is caused by CO2′ theory, he cannot work out that if sea levels were steady or even falling at a lesser rate than these cities were sinking, the cities would still be in trouble.
It is amazing to me how some distinctly dodgy (almost certainly fake/false) science has actually damaged some peoples’ minds and thinking processes. Especially at the BBC.
Christopher Booker is the exception in a Daily Telegraph that slides into be another Metrobubble SJW media outlet
\\ Why do distorted views on global warming and the Middle East go unchallenged by the BBC? 11 AUGUST 2018 • 6:56PM
Anyone who thinks that the BBC any longer pays the slightest attention to its statutory obligation to report only with “accuracy and impartiality” should have heard two items on last Tuesday’s Today programme on Radio 4, each so one-sidedly propagandist that they made a complete mockery of the BBC Charter.
It was inevitable in light of the recent heatwaves that the BBC would rush to publicise the “Hothouse Earth” report, in which a group of global warming zealots claimed that world temperatures are now on …/
I like Chris Booker, and used to regularly read his articles in the Sunday Telegraph.
But I’m buggered if I’m going to pay to do so.
Always keen to try a minority pastime I tune into BBC Radio 4
Laura Trevelyan is reporting from the States on the upcoming mid-term elections. I counted three – or was that four? – Democrat Party politicians to zero Republican voices.
It has always been a contention of mine that the BBC cynically leans more heavily into their institutional lefty bias when covering US politics. For the BBC there’s less jeopardy in the form of complaints about balance but still they get to give a good bashing to conservative politics here by proxy.
Out of curiosity I googled our Laura. Oh dear. A cookie-cutter Beeboid CV. Liberal media elite to the core.
“Trevelyan was born in Islington, London, England, the oldest of three children. Educated at Parliament Hill School in North London, Trevelyan graduated with a first class degree in Politics from Bristol University. Trevelyan gained a postgraduate diploma in Journalism from the University of Wales College, Cardiff, in 1991… Outside journalism, she has written the book A Very British Family: The Trevelyans and Their World, published in 2006, on the history of the Trevelyan family including Sir Charles Trevelyan, 1st Baronet, of whom she is a descendant… Trevelyan is married and lives in New York City with her husband James Goldston, president of ABC News”
WATCH: British author @DouglasKMurray on how Australia and Europe are both handling the mass wave of immigration. #theboltreport @SkyNewsAust
Whilst the liberal mob continue dribbling, a UK boss is retweeting a top black guy
typo UKIP boss
More from Thomas Sowell.
When exactly did we become this nation of the permanently outraged?
The Guardian has an article “Indian food writers outraged by ignorant M&S curry meal kits”’s-curry-–-and-there’s-mands-curry-indian-food-writers’-outrage-at-meal-kits/ar-BBLOtnU?ocid=spartandhp
The article is written by somebody called Nosheen Iqbal and describes how certain Indian food writers are distraught at the fact that M&S have brought out a curry that isn’t exactly as they think it should be. The woman in question says that it is “offensive, upsetting and callous”……..all because she doesn’t recognize the description of the curry or it’s ingredients.
I’ve been to India dozens of times with work and I love the Indian people and Indian food. I have several very good Indian friends. To think they would be “outraged” just because M&S are selling a curry is laughable. They would be offended that anyone would even think they could be offended by such nonsense.
However, over at the Guardian where fake news and permanent snowflake outrage rules, things are obviously different.
Worth pointing out that ‘Indian restaurants’ are largely fake. More than 90% of them in the UK are owned by Bangladeshis (mainly) or Pakistanis. Much of the food derives originally from Persia, some from Northern India as was (modern day Pakistan). There is no restaurant culture in India – if you want authentic Indian food it’s on the streets or at truck stops. Cultural appropriation and hypocrisy writ large, methinks.
The comment from the ‘spokesman for M&S’ is offensive: “The curry kit was developed to be a traditional Bengali malai turmeric curry, a celebratory dish, popular with the British population in Kolkata.” No, the British did not live in somewhere called ‘Kolkata’, they lived in Calcutta, which was the capital of British India until 1911 and which was not named/renamed Kolkata until 2001, 54 years after the British departed. If the snowflakes, professional offendees and ‘spokesman for M&S’ were not totally ignorant, they would refer to food from Bharat rather than from India, because that is what the country calls itself.
If you scan up your Sky channels you find there are dozens of channels specialising in the interests of UK migrant groups : as well as religious channels, there are Urdu Channels, Nigerian channels etc
.. but BBC thinks that enough so also makes it’s only programmes to serve migrant groups
BBC2 on Sunday had a prog about “Asian” young men
by “Asian” they mean Pakistani of course
\\ program on BBC2 on the lives of young asian men in Britain (mainly places like Bradford, and northern towns and cities like it )and sadly how narrow their view is on modern life compared to young men in Pakistan who seem more open and western in many respects.//
and tonight
7:30pm BBC Ne series about Asian Artists
8pm BBC2 has Nadiya’s show
9pm Anita Rani’s new series about Bollywood
10pm C5 Gangland Britain
BBC1 9pm will be about Robert Rinder’s Holocaust family, fair enough, cos it’s not over done
It’s fascinating scanning through the satellitev TV channels from muslim countries. There are some churning out koran wailings 24/7. Muslim TV seems to have closed down. However, some of the Turkish stations and others have fewer hijabs, nijads and burkas than channel4 news. So it is not surprising muslims aboard are more open to the west when some their broadcasters at least have a “western feel”.
The BBC has recently been blurbing about the “Big British Asian Summer” whose aim is “stretching the idea of Britishness so it’s big enough to embrace all of us” which is BBCspeak for destroying the culture of native Britons and replacing it with something more vibrant.
One of the talents involved Riz MC will delight us with Englistan
God save the Queen
Nah she ain’t mates with me
But she keeps my paper green
Plus we are neighbours see
On this little island
Where we’re all surviving
Politeness mixed with violence
This is England
SG, I accidentally watched the BBC programme on ‘Young Asian men’ (I don’t watch the BBC) last night.
The young female ‘investigative’ reporter of Pakistani origin compared the dysfunctional and feckless lives of one community’s young men with the fulfilled lives of another. The ‘other’ were of Gujarat origin and therefore Indians by extraction living in Leicester. Whereas the featured community were of Pakistani origin and in Bradford.
The difference between the two communities was treated like a mystery which however deeply our intrepid reporter delved could not be solved. Whereas the Indians were keen to integrate, academically excelled and proved outstanding entrepreneurs, the young Pakistani men by comparison, were much more likely to be unemployed, often involved in drug and auto-related crime, and had all sorts of other ‘problems’. The only enterprise they dealt in was a mysterious pyramid-selling scheme with no obvious product, but ‘memberships’ for sale that operated solely within the ‘community’. Even hardly-Miss Marples seemed a little suspicious that this wasn’t perhaps really an actual wealth producing scheme.
If our dear reporter had been a little bit better educated in British history she might have drawn on Winston Churchill and his words – oft quoted on this site – to wrap up and explain the differences between these ‘Asian men’: . “. . .but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”
But of course she did not. In the entire programme the ‘I’ word wasn’t used once. For BBC viewers – presumably the mystery remains.
The BBC are wonderfully unaware at times. And SOOooo hypocritical!
TWatO Watch #1 and definitely only.
Mardell back from his hols in Cornwall, or wherever, presents. Item on President Trump, bashing Trump as an unscientific, conspiracy theorist moron, the latter being firmly implied. They roll on a candidate for Congress who is a scientist, and one already there who just happens to have a Nobel prize for discovering Quarks or something. There was me thinking it was Gell-Mann and Zweig.
The Beeb bring on Andrew Adonis to be given one minute to speak without hesitation or interruption or deviation and see how many times he could slag-off Chris Grayling (Minister for Transport) and the Conservative Government. He achieved an impressive score.
They also invite Penny Mordaunt, IIRC, at the end of a consumer related item, to slag off Boris Berk-ah!-Johnson for not winning the 100m recently or something like that.
After TWatO we have a potential treat, a mini-series (Mon-Fri 1.45-1.59pm) from Timandra Harkness. In part of Episode 1, How to Disagree: A Beginner’s Guide to Having Better Arguments, she spent some time pointing out what the BBC had been DOING WRONG in the preceding programme’s forty-five minutes.
On the strength of today’s programme I reckon ‘How to Disagree: A Beginner’s Guide to Having Better Arguments’ should be recommended listening for all here on Biased BBC.
And you can have a good chuckle and point an imaginary finger at the BBC while doing so.
Pop corn time
Fiona and her brother festus gripping the Rail at the Bailey for perverting the course of so called Justice ( see TR) . Alleged fiddling of speeding offences in a kind of Hune far liberal way .
According to guido Fiona kept the charge secret which she was a Labour Whip . Peterborough’s favourite Labour MP allegedly
Now I wonder if al beeb will be all over this .? Or whether , if convicted , the MP gets the full treatment?
Some describe it as BBC unawareness, some describe it as BBC W1A ignorance, Some describe it as “BBC Censorship”.
The only known scientist in parliament is Labour MP Graham Stringer. The last time he appeared on the BBC, the program was censored. Only the brother of the Labour leader, causational climate scientist and weather forecaster, Piers Corbyn, seems to be able to appear on the BBC uncensored.
The latest email pamphlet from the Mensa members who produced the “BBC Censorship” article explain why Graham Stringer and Piers Corbyn don’t agree that Trump is unscientific.
The Trump extracts: Since 2009, many scientists have proven that Carbon Dioxide induced Climate Change is as President Trump has said “A Hoax”. In 2009 the scientist Gerhard Gerlich proved directly the “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics“. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds. This caused alarmism about Global Warming which lead the United Nations to set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but this organisation was corrupted by environmentalism, politics, conflicts of interest and the corruption of the scientific method, as well as the fact that amongst the 40,000 delegates at the 2015 Paris Summit of the UN Convention on Climate Change, Climate Scientists did not dominate the debates that produced the agreement. This lead many Climate scientists to call for the IPCC to be disbanded as well as to set up the 2016 London Climate Change Conference, which was dominated by Causational Climate scientists such as Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists. This also resulted in US President, Donald Trump, to end US funding for the IPCC in 2017, and to say that man-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”.
Richard, I’ve long thought that “climate scientist” is an oxymoron. If they were real scientists they would be “atmospheric physicists”. But then, if they changed their job title they’d never appear on the BBC again.
Was just going to mention the Bojo smear myself!]
Muslim Council urges PM to avoid Boris Johnson ‘whitewash’
‘The UK’s largest Muslim organisation is calling on Theresa May to ensure the inquiry into Boris Johnson’s burka comments is not a “whitewash”.
According to the Guardian, the Muslim Council of Britain will tell the prime minister “no-one should be allowed to victimise minorities with impunity”.
Mr Johnson is facing an investigation after saying women in burkas looked like “letter boxes” or “bank robbers”.
He did not respond to the row in his latest newspaper column.’
Note that the Garbage is the rag that they get their sources from?
The Garbage also have this to say about Corbyn:
‘Corbyn: I was present at wreath-laying but don’t think I was involved’
From The Mail:
‘Corbyn’s wreath at Munich terrorists’ graves: Photos show Labour leader at tribute event for Palestine ‘martyrs’… including plotters behind 1972 slaughter of Israeli Olympic athletes’
Jeremy Corbyn seen holding wreath at tribute for Palestine ‘martyrs’ in 2014
•Labour leader is just feet from Black September members who killed 11 Israelis
•Corbyn insisted service was for Palestinians killed on a Tunisian PLO base in 1985
•But Daily Mail discovers monument to the air strike victims is 15 yards away
Funny how the Garbage leave the last bit out! Just shocking that they will continue to defend Corbyn so for the BBC to quote them elsewhere shows what a nasty piece of trash the BBC is, just fitting really as they are teamed up with the Garbage!
Now where were we? Oh yeah, do not vote Tory because Bojo is a nasty man! (lol)
“‘Corbyn: I was present at wreath-laying but don’t think I was involved’”
Too busy looking for a seat on the floor of an empty train?
Problem is JC, you have been recorded praising the enemies of the UK for 30 years.
He should have his citizenship revoked, as should many of his associates.
How about revoke the Labour Party? Bankrupting our country should not be forgotten!
Amazing what short memories the left and bBBC have also….
It might be like Windrush. The average person is not effected so there would not be much damage done if anything. As already said there are a number of Muslims standing with him as well so it is not even getting to the Islamic Community too much either so once again the BBC will be wasting their time.
Bojo’s upfront honesty could make him electable which would be an even bigger shock to the BBC. The bias would be getting aggressive but pointless
Clearly the beeb are milking the BJ story. No doubt we’re all meant to be horrified by his ‘islamophobia’.
But judging by recent opinion polls, could it be backfiring? Could the good citizens across the land be thinking, ‘mm, he’s got a point’?
Ali Kemal Bey, Muslim great grandfather of Boris Johnson, did not force his wife to wear a burka. Like Boris he was a newspaper journalist and Government Minister. Like Boris he was a classical liberal who supported the idea of democracy. So like Boris he would not have liked the Burka.
The difference between a classical liberal who supports democracy is different from the modern term “liberal democrat” which means the very opposite.
The modern term “liberal” means a person who would defend a mans right to force his wife to wear a Burka. And the modern term “democrat” means a person who would defend a corrupt undemocratic authoritarian superstate.
Excellent post, RP.
Johnson is ‘mixed race’ to an extant so should be regarded as one of the good guys. But then again he has proven that even those who are ‘mixed race’ do not share their views.
“Struck-off Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba wins appeal to work again”
The BBC leads with this story on all of it’s outlets.
Doctors are disciplined and struck off/reinstated regularly by the General Medical Council (GMC) but rarely do they receive the attention this case has.
What exactly is it about the female, black, muslim, hijab-wearing doctor that has got the BBC so excited?
Grrr! makes me shake with rage! How dare they overrule the GMC, a professional medical body?! I feel so sorry for that poor boy’s mother. I hope she takes them to the cleaners. This basically means that any old shit doc, with a long line of excuses, is immune. Just what they want! third world hospitals.
\\ A deputy head teacher has lost his latest attempt to get his job back.
Razwan Faraz’s claim for unfair dismissal has been thrown out by an…//
About homosexuality he said
The Secularist mag says …don’t say that has nothing to do with Islam
Refer to my comment earlier re Coverage on BBC of Corbyn wreath laying for terrorists, and lack of coverage of BBC..
Plus an article about comments made by new Labour candidate for London and her comments on Sky News last night re Ant- Antisemitism..unbelievable
Please look at both links, both jaw dropping
The BBC’s blatant censorship continues. Even Sky TV are this evening all over the Corbyn wreath laying story, making it their lead.
Israel’s PM has now openly condemned Corbyn, with Sky calling it an international diplomatic crisis for the terrorists’ British friend.
Labour Jewish MPs are also calling him out on it yet again.
This is far, far bigger news than any wisecracks about burqas.
Certainly, if this was a Tory politician they would be right under the BBC spotlight by now.
In the real world Corbyn should be under pressure to resign.
But the Beeb just ignores it. This is an utter disgrace, a stain on British journalism and an abolition of duty by our state broadcaster.
We are, indeed, living out Orwell’s dystopian nightmare.
Was shocked to hear a aTory call on Corbyn to resign?
Javid was it?
First time in the last ten years, I have heard a Tory call for a Labour type to resign. Ye Gods, are we in danger of a return to politics and the Tories remembering that ridding the land of the socialist evil was what Maggie up and dressed in the morning?
She won a few elections too. Don`t tell Dismal though-she`d probably crash it off Bognor Pier.
Corbyn is a Jew baiting piece of shit and should have no place in political life in this country.
Ten pounds to the first person who publishes a picture of a hijab wearing person also wearing a poppy this November .
How much for publishing a picture of a hijab wearing person BURNING a poppy? (Sorry, I can’t do bold or italics)
A couple of months in the nick for inciting racial hatred perhaps.
Stolen from “Better Out Than In” on Guido.
“There’s no room in the Labour Party for 4nti5emiti5m – they are already full”
Copied because
1) It’s funny.
2) It’s true.
3) Users are creatively hiding certain terms to prevent some bot from “moderating” them.
Very worrying, I have always classified Guido as being on “our” side.
Our metrolib rulers, obviously have some dirt on Guido
He’s quite particular. He blocked me because I questioned his hypothesis that Putin is behind every ill that befalls this country.
If Labour think that getting Brexit right is important then why aren’t they doing a joint committee with the Tories
… Instead they are playing political point scoring games
Hello everyone!
Someone on the previous thread wondered what had happened to me. I’m still about and reading the posts, but at the moment I’m recovering from having suffered a stroke so I’m not really feeling myself! (Oooh, Missus!).
Hopefully I’ll be back to annoy you all when I’m feeling a bit better!
yes, get better soon, miss your humour!
Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery
Oh goodness Lobby, that’s tough ! keep up the meds, adhere to the therapy and stay away from the Beeb – you don’t need the stress. xx
All the best Lobster, plenty Vaughan Williams and old Humphry Lyttleton comedy with Barry Cryer.
The Dorset Doc has spoken.
I’m sorry to hear that. Can you sue the BBC for causing it?
All the best for a good recovery.
Sorry to hear it Lobster, hope you are soon back on form waving those formidable angry pincers around!
Lobbie, just catching up on your bad news. Am glad that you were able to follow it, in the same post, with some better news. Hope you claw your way back to good health a.s.a.p.
Hopefully, you will soon be back at the top of the Leaderboard here.
Couldn’t manage a witty one-liner, but did my best to keep Fourth Place warm for you this a.m.. Get well soon.
Lobby, i’ve tapped the like button for the post where you have explained you have been poorly. I am not sure that is quite appropriate. I don’t ‘like’ that you have been ill but do ‘like’ the fact you are obviously improving and haven’t lost your sense of humour. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Good to see you back. Stop listening to the BBC and you’ll soon start feeling better.
Wishing you a speedy recovery Lobster.
yes Lobby get well soon fellah – but if you’ve had a stroke you might want to avoid the BBC for a bit, not too good for the old blood pressure! I have been avoiding it a bit more myself recently (and hence I have been making fewer posts here) and I have to say my profanity level has definitely fallen.
Dont listen to Toady nearly so much and I used to arrive at work ranting and feeling as if someone had been spitting in my face for twenty minutes.
Yes lobster – get better . Perhaps keep the blood pressure down by avoiding al beeb…
Sorry FE 2 – I didnt mean to copy you ! But because my post is on top of yours everyone will think I said it first – Ha!
Thanks everyone for your kind words!
It’s much appreciated!
Get well soon and come back fighting
Matthew D Ancona is one of those privilidged bubble dwellers who pronounces like he entitled to be listened too and followed .
To day in the Al beeb news paper he says that the boris comment is on a par – as divisive – with the Enoch Powell rivers of blood speech . I checked . D Ancona was born in January 1968 . The excellent River of Blood speech was made when little Matthew was 4 months old .
So he can compare and contrast Britain in 1968 and 50 years later . What drivel. But I suppose it is the ‘remainer’ mentality again. Completely out of touch and an embarrassment .
Near the top Acona calls Boris “DEPLORABLE”
..which is exactly what Boris wants
..He wants to be seen as being on the opposite side to barking nutters like Ancona.
Course it is Matthew.
Suez and 9/11..forget them?
But an Wankona column….well, cancel my holidays.
Boy, these people really rate themselves don`t they?
Since when has “decent politics” been in evidence?
The Left are EVIL-which is why they`ve been screwing us over since Maggie lost in in 1990.
Come back Tommy, a nice picture with Boris with a gold backdrop would sell a million Christmas cards.
Doing a bit of crowd-sourcing on this one chaps. So I’m putting together a little politics themed game and I wanted to throw in a short environment themed multiple choice question section, the questions of which would undermine and annoy the usual Greenpeace types. Anyway, I was wondering if folks could lend me some ideas for multiple choice questions? Stuff along the lines of “The polar bear population in 1990 was 12000, what is it today? a) 5k, b) 15k, c) 20k or d) 25k”
Which emits more radiation into atmosphere ?
A) nuclear power
B) Coal power
C) All woodburning, including natural forest fires
Which form of electric power Per MWh emits more radiation into atmosphere ?
A) nuclear power
B) Coal power
C) Solid biofuel like straw
Which form of power station has caused the most accident deaths in one go ?
A) nuclear
B) coal
C) renewables
(trick question cos a Chinese dam once collapsed and killed thousands)
I haven’t checked my first 2 questions. The answer would probably be C) on account that everything naturally has a tiny bit of radiation in it (like bananas have) , thus burning a tonne of anything release a micro micro gramme radiation,
And the less energy intense your fuel the more dust you emit .
I am not sure if any one else caught this rather funny interview on Radio 4’s Toady program last week.
Humph had the 99 year old James Lovelock on to push the Beeb’s alarmist climate agenda.
Have a listen as the 74 year old Johnny Boy is taken aback by some of the answers and one of his questions is described at one point as
‘you are asking questions a 1st class bookmaker would ask!’
Also he summarizes that ‘we have had our time’ too right by the sound of it for the wee welshman on Al Beeb.
Yaki da?
at 1hr 32m 45s
Dyke, yes I did but didn’t have the time to post on it with all the multiple options for criticism that the TOADY Programme presents, on its own let alone the rest of the Beeb output. The old boy refused to play The Humph’s games, didn’t he. I loved that!
Don’t agree with Lovelock in his ‘Gaia’ beliefs although I think the thinking behind it has some merit and have long thought along similar lines myself. Where he is wonderful is that he’s a thinking scientist, not a cash collector. He’s brave, too, prepared to speak out against the consensus on wind turbines, for example.
Great painting in the National Portrait Gallery by Michael Gaskell of James Lovelock, btw.
Hope the old boy makes it to his centenary and goes on for a few more years, just in case we need him to sort out Labour if they start doing daft things to us and the environment if they win in 2022.
I’ve been a fan of Jim Lovelock from long ago and when he flipped to pro nuclear even more of a fan . I do didn’t hear the interview but the original lovelock book had a powerful effect long ago . And I liked the idea that if we screwed the planet it would screw us.
Yes, but it all washed over Humprhys, had absolutely NO effect on him did it?
Lovelock says early in the interview that he`s an optimist.
And just before the end Humphrys says…
“well, to sum up then-are you an optimist or a pessimist”.
It`s written down, I`ve started so i`ll finish. And THIS is the level of interview we`re getting as Premier Class BBC interrogation.
Lovelock still has his marbles-Humphrys lost his back in 2004 somewhere.
What creates extra warming beyond CO2 emissions but was not found in existence in any large quantity before the 20th century?
a) glass
b) concrete
c) tarmacadam
Hi Scottish Calvin, do love your voice by the way! Tobermory meets a trendy Fyfe Robertson!
Questions from the Lincolnshire posse.
1. Did Jeremy Corbyn
a) celebrate
b) commemorate
c) commiserate
with the PLO/Black September bastards now roasting their walnuts in hell for what they did on Sept 5th 1972
2. Was our inexperienced driver seeking the bus lane in Westminster yesterday born
a) abroad
b) overseas
c) within the sound of Bow bells and so a good old cockney geezer seeking a pearly queen for the Notting Hill pie and mash stall?