BARB figures continue to reflect the decline of the BBC . Soaps lead the way and on commercial TV soaps and Love island get top viewing figures with MSM news a long way down the lists .
The bubble endlessly moans about ‘ Anti This ‘ and ‘Anti That’ but it seems people are not listening any more .
A plea – again – please think about offence when posting . It is tempting to literally retaliate against the bias we suffer from the BBC
lastly – Wednesday is VJ Day -lest we Forget .
He is a Guardian writer – do I need to say more?
Best wishes Lobster, hope you make a swift and full recovery. Just need Pounce to return now!
AND Grant ! (Grant who ??)
Only the BBC would refer to those animals who killed the Israeli athletes at Munich 1972 as “alleged Palestinian activists”.
This was in connection with some low key stuff about Corbyn being vague about his role in commemorating them-of course with people ALLEGEDLY depersonned by Israeli activist airborne devices, as yet to be confirmed.
Piss off Beeb-Corbyn hates Jews as much as you do. BUT Black September were NOT alleged Palestinian activists-they were Arafats terrorists who`d only recently been booted out of Jordan for trying to overthrown King Hussein , on his letting them stay in his country.
Only the BBC eh? Where`s that Balen Report , you lying hounds?
This was on PM just over an hour ago.
Just listened to Sky News lead item about Jeremy Corbyn attending a wreath laying to terrorists complete with questioning as to his motives and comments from the Israeli PM about the incident, and compared this to the BBC approach – nothing on Live TV, and on their website a 2:03 minute video with Corbyn speaking uninterrupted for 1 minute 53 seconds. No challenges, no analysis, no mention of Israeli responses and absolutely no criticism. Great piece of bias by omission. Oh, is this another example of the “right-wing” bias of the BBC that the lefties go on about?
Happened to hear the BBC squawking on about nasty Trump doing down the Turkish economy.
Of course the BBC give us no reason-they mentioned a pastor not being allowed to leave the country, and due to go to prison for being Christian-but, hey that`s a crime under Erdogans feisty regime.
So no BBC botheration here.
But the Turkish economy-how very dare Trump do this to our cheeky Muslim allies?
Oh-and if anybody can make head or tail of some Whatsapp story in India-and why the heck its on PM as a “story”-do let me know? Didn`t have a clue.
I`m normally good on their endless agendas and the reasons for their stories and puffups. But this Indian and SMS stuff?
Isn’t it about time our hopeless prime minister waded in and condemned Trump for his beastly treatment of that wonderful Mr Erdogan?
There could be dodgy repercussions all around the third world now that the turkish lira is in free-fall. Oh dear how sad etc..
So: THE most important thing to happen ANYWHERE in the world today is that a black muslim doctorette (3 ticks, see?) is to be reinstated after being struck off for causing a boy to die due to negligence.
How do I know? Because it’s been at the very top of the Home page all day.
Only in beebland is that headline news.
And btw the reasons for her re-instatement are less than reassuring: “the ruling might discourage practitioners from being open when reviewing mistakes”.
Won’t be sending my kids to that hospital.
Get well soon Lobster! Miss your levity!
Jeremy Corbyn caught laying a wreath at terrorists’ graves and yet the bbc is still banging on about Boris Johnson’s funny remark. Priorities I suppose.
8:30pm Panorma special edition
Banned Muslim doctor tells her story
The medical board struck her off cos a court found her guilty of manslaughter after a boy died in her care.
Today’s court ruled that punishment was too much , cos mistakes were made due to the pressure she was working under.
There maybe a legitimate point, but the case seems to be getting more positive promotion cos she is not white.
The poor mother of the boy was just on the bbc saying that this buffoon made twenty mistakes, only one of which was systemic. I wonder if Dr Hadiza were a white, English Christian, would the verdict have been different?
Yeah but she’s the perfect poster girl for the BBC, so shut up all you racists.
Poster girl. Quite. I tried to post the photo of her that’s on most news items but couldn’t. Anyway I wanted to say that if I was in casualty and that loomed in my face saying ‘hello. I’m your doctor …’ I’d run for it.
I remember this image went viral a few years back. Relatives helping students with their exams
Medical students?
Can she bake…??
Having been misdiagnosed by two foreign doctors in the past (one prescribed cortisone cream for a cancerous mole), I treat them all with a distinct wariness if I’m unlucky enough to see one.
The department of health / NHS has long been afraid to examine the language skills and real qualifications of third worlders coming to take UK tax cash . Locums are obviously the lowest of the low . God knows how many they kill and their friends cover up .,
All because the mafia running the so called Royal Colleges restrict access to medical training to certain types ( eg sons and daughters ) instead of taking a more 20th or even 21st century approach .
As well – of course -.allowing decent doctors heading for Australia , Canada and the like .
Not read the judgement but looks like the judges have given their friends the meds a free pass on killing people and getting reinstated .
Well, I’ll stick my neck out here, and say without any evidence, that is probably cos a good portion of them aren’t actually qualified doctors. And some aren’t qualified to anywhere near the standard of British medicine. I’d like to see clearly, in public, how the NHS check the authenticity of foreign doc’s credentials. We’ve already seen in the MSM reports of how some medical staff were buying fake qualifications from Pakistan (ooh, sorry, I didn’t know!).
I have a friend who is tasked to assist foreign doctors with English. They do role playing exercises. One exercise involved the doctor interviewing a couple who where having problems with fertility. The doctor looked at the couple and said ‘How high is your cunt?’
They were shocked I tell you, shocked.
But the doctor was trying to say ‘How high is your sperm count? ‘
I suppose the “wife” replied “Oh he’s only a short arsed cunt. About 5 feet two I think.”
There are many things I agree with on this site, but the treatment of Hadiza was appallIng. The first thing to say is that any child dying is a tragedy.
The BBC have been forced to feature it because huge numbers of British medics are leaving practice because of fear of being caught up in a similar situation. The day Jack died Hadiza was covering 2 jobs on her first day back from maternity leave with a non functioning IT system (so all results had to be obtained by phone), a consultant 40 mins away and a mother who gave catastrophic medication (usually taken by Jack for his heart condition) in the mistaken belief that he would be better with it.
Oh, and she trained (university, general and specialist) in Leicester, so need to assess any foreign credentials for this British graduate.
This sounds persuasive.
So what evidence, that the jury heard before her manslaughter conviction, have you concealed?
Brissles, most, actually all of my GPs have been foreigners of one sort of another. All have been excellent.
The first one, a Czech WW2 refugee, rescued me from Isolation Hospital on his return from holiday, after his Practice Partner nearly killed me while he was away. The last, was also European. In between there was a black South African Jew and a Sri Lankan Christian. All much missed.
Having done the BCC thing myself, they are difficult little critters to work out. IIRC, a cortisone + acid based antiseptic, is one step, for a week or fortnight, in making them show themselves (dodgy moles, not Doctors!) for what they are.
We don’t need a cream like that for the BBC. Just a good Doc who ‘does lumps and bumps’ with a scalpel.
As the bbc again covers itself in its editorial integrity choices in or, more topically, out, one of their favoured contributors drops them right in it, if perhaps inadvertently.
Strange that a private citizen with no democratic mandate continues to get his views published even on top of his admitted mental disorder . Soros pays I suppose .
Project fear 2 and People’s ( remainers ) vote 2
Powell closed way too many psychiatric wards.
And Campbell, Soubry deserve a wing of their own.
Left Wing, Right wing.
And yet the Left still slag off Powell, they`d lose all their weirdisickups had he not sold off the facilities and butterfly nets. They should be grateful to him.
Campbell still needs to face “the Peoples Justice” for David Kelly and no end of soldiers he manoevred into the sandy death traps of Iraq so his creepy glove puppet could win elections.
Our last two hangings were executed today in 1964.
Campbell and Blair….dare to dream.
@Fedup Well he is on Twitter publishing his own views
.. Yet I know what you mean when he gets another free pass to be on the BBC, or other media .
.. What is the equivalent of the non-elected Campbell in other parties ?
We were are told Boris said a hatey thing

But Campbell’s hateyness on Twitter is not mentioned much
Fed, equally strange that people should have forgotten how AC used to ‘manage the media’.
Highly ironic that he should have faith that the BBC were not managing the callers to Talkback just like he would have been on at them to do between 1997 and 2010.
Al Beeb has now published Corbyn’s wreath laying ‘episode’ .
I suppose chuka and the other blairite remainer conspiracy is feeding the msm with choice picture from the Corbyn recent past – shame they don’t go back to his ira supporting days whilst British security forces were regularly being slaughtered by his ‘friends ‘ .
It’s just the BBC proving their impartiality. Half of the Beeboids are unashamed Corbynistas and the other half are Watsonians. They therefore push all views from the disgusting left to the Bonkers, anti-semitic left.
Anybody to the right of Tom Watson is just too beyond the pale to bementioned other than to be treated as a figure of hate.
Stand by for more ‘project fear’ shortly, coming from Al Beeb as there are now calls for another referendum and the so called ‘Peoples Vote’.
How many years did it take us to get a ‘second referendum’ since the first one in 1975?
Nobody will ever trust the State and its media to deliver any fair referendum, probably spent the last few years fiddling it in hope they`ll get the chance.
Love that “peoples Vote” meme-Campbell? Grieve? Major? Blair and Clegg?
Oh yes, so representative of “the people”.
No-all the European Union is doing is using its useful idiots and funded monkeys , just as the Soviet Union used to do with ITS sleepers and useful idiots at that time.
In the case of Corbyn, probably the same personnel too to some extent.
What a bunch of Anthony Blunts….cockney rhyming slang there!
I am coming round to the view that a second referendum would be useful.
If it goes the way of leave then all well and good.
If it goes the way of remain then it will further polarise views in the UK and make a large number of the working and naturally conservative voters ( not typical Tories) wash their hands of the Commons and understand that it is about much more than Brexit .
It is about who really rules us and how do we regain control of our lives.
Nah Dave S.
The EU always get their vassal states to vote again.
Letr us be the only nation thus far who didn`t.
We`re not Ireland or Denmark, and we don`t slink off like France or Holland either,
We are England-and the Minnies would fiddle it so they`d win-just like Zimbabwe or Kenya.
No. Would rather get a few traitors lynched to scare the others.
Why DO we let them walk out streets, even between BBC car and the Green Room.
Personally, I`d ask Putin what he`s doing with the Avon lady in Salisbury and buy it all up for make up for Campbell etc.
I am coming round to the view that a second referendum would be useful.
If it goes the way of leave then all well and good.
If it goes the way of remain then it will further polarise views in the UK and make a large number of the working and naturally conservative voters ( not typical Tories) wash their hands of the Commons and understand that it is about much more than Brexit .
It is about who really rules us and how do we regain control of our lives.
Fiona Onasanya , a Labour MP, is accused of perverting the course of justice by allegedly lying about who was driving a speeding vehicle.
Now Chris Huhne and his jailbird wife went to prison for the same offence. So Interesting, worth watching.
Earlier this morning I thought I listed all of tonight’s progs specially aimed at “Asian”
I didn’t realise that the BBC2 10pm Wedding Planner prog, was also part of Asian season.
I agree completely. I read Al Beeb’s article, which is very long, but couldn’t make it through completely cos it was pissing me off so much. You are right – the level of self interest, selfishness and ego is astounding. If you care about helping people that much, but made such basic errors as to lead to a child’s death, would you want to go back into that field of work? What a sense of entitlement. And the article has a ‘who else can we blame’ theme running through it – the consultant who resigned and went back to Ireland, being an obvious candidate. Honest mistakes – what a typical load of biased shit from the BBC.
I am staggered that the Beeb allowed this woman an opportunity to put her side of the issues on Panorama.
I don’t think they should be involving themselves in a live legal dispute like this. Anyone agree?
“You cannot pursue peace by a cycle of violence. The only way you pursue peace is a cycle of dialogue.” (Jeremy Corbyn)
This is a favourite trope of Corbyn’s. It’s sounds so reasonable and civilised, doesn’t it? The one rational, compassionate voice in a parliament of warmongers. His kind of talk impresses the young, the naive and the idealistic.
But actually, Corbyn-type dialogue is useless as a strategy. ETA and the IRA threw in the towel not because of a cycle of dialogue but because the Spanish and the British governments stood firm in their determination to resist the terrorists.
And on the wider international stage, as Victor Davis Hanson has said, history clearly shows that it is only armed deterrence, alliances and the balance of power that keep the peace.
I did wonder why the BBC skipped over the Erdogan spat with the USA over tarriffs.
The pastor imprisoned there seems akin to our Zaghari-Ratcliffe in Iran.
But Trump is doing something about it, not like our useless camel corp appeasers in Britain.
Brunson was arrested on trumped up stuff after the attempted coup against Erdogan a few years back. He was intended to be a direct swap with the USA in return for Gulen, who Erdogan wants sent back for a trial, usual torture and falling out of the van en route to court as well, no doubt.
So a corrupt Muslim supremacist, Jew baiting suckup for Gaza -a dictator using martial law to sack his teachers and settle scores, his brother in law running the media? One who interfered in German and Dutch elections but was allowed to do so?
Versus a jailed Christian with a supporting President trying to get him home?
Well, wonder who the BBC wants to win-they`d rather the pastor was killed that give Trump any credit. Obama would have done f***all, which is what the Left wants too.
The BBC give us NO background as far as I`ve seen, how typical.
There is a guy called PoliticsUK
His Youtube site has been demonitised,
and the 2 links in his Twitter profile are blocked by TalkTalk internet
… I’m guessing that some Antifa person has decided to dehumanise him and call him “far right”
.. and thus licenced themselves to attack him
Firms ‘struggling to recruit as EU workers stay away’
I don’t think their HYS is going their way?
taffman….plenty of non-working moslems out there…77% they say…oh..hang on…they don’t want to/ don;t like working for the kuffar…5-10 kids..plenty of benefits..why work?…DHSS and DWP won’t dare investigate…sitting pretty…will the BBC cover this scandal?….
I live just by ONS who, at the press of a couple of buttons, could produce a map comparing PAYE/Self-Assessment taxes paid against benefits received (excluding pensions) by post codes if they were requested, but I bet my last penny they would never be allowed to publish them. And the Beeb certainly wouldn’t show them – the benefits of immigration indeed!
Interesting sidebar ‘story’.
No comments enabled. Wise.
How many transgender inmates are there?
Back to one of Al Beeb’s favorite topics….transgender trumps women’s rights.
Not sure this article portrays the image they want…
In 2017 only 0.15% of prisoners were trans. 48% had committed one or more sexual offence but the MoJ didn’t reveal their gender (maybe it was confused?). Reality check says there are likely to be more transgenders…more likely it hopes there are.
Reality check searches for facts on the figures of numbers of transgenders then states:
‘These are the best available figures, but they’re far from perfect.’
….because perfect would be if there were more??
Yes, not sure this article is promoting their cause.
“Between March and April 2017, it counted 125 transgender inmates in England and Wales, in a prison population of 85, 513. It counted 70 over the same period in 2016.”
“In April 2017, 17 of Scotland’s 7,436 prisoners were transgender, according to the Scottish Prison Service.”
Pathetically small numbers, and even those have almost doubled in a year, which begs the question – why is so much air time given over to ramming the issue down the nation’s throat?
The Beeb’s agenda is summed up nicely in some background notes in the article: “Trans people identify with a gender that is different to the one they were assigned at birth (so someone assigned male at birth may identify as a transgender woman).” I wasn’t randomly “assigned” a gender at birth by a nurse tossing a coin or a couple of midwives playing rock/paper/scissors – I was born a male, and will always be one, even if I start wearing a dress and answering to the name of Cooper_Woman.
What a load of crap.
They will of course punch above their weight in the crim department, being largely deviant freaks in search of a Prisoner Cell Block H relaunch.
Not all, but way more than the normal population.
Big boned, tattoos and bit of attitude.
From Chelsea-Bradley over to Ian-Huntley Palmer Tomkinson.
What a spectrum, what a speculum too for the BBC and its deviant days of rage…perpetual ones.
6.00 news – even Sky make it their main story. The bBC not a peep. Oh, the story, Corbyn lying his head off about what he did in Tunis. Nothing of any consequence.
When the far left claim that al beeb is biased to the right this incident can be used as evidence of the lie – and that al beeb is pro the extreme Left and anti Israel .
The photos show Comrade Corbyn praying with terrorist leaders and holding a wreath to be laid on the graves of terrorist murderers – his “friends” as it were .
Incidents like this explain why the sane members of the Labour Party honestly believed this creature could never become leader of the opposition – unfortunately the msm failed to evidence his disgraceful past – and let the ridiculous kidult support get traction . But McDonnell – the evil one – waits in the wings..
Well, though Sky and the bbc are in lockstep over Brexit, Jez is rather in the way of the grand plan but inconveniently is the only party leader to specifically guarantee bbc unique funding until the rapture.
Hence, ‘reporting’ such as this in the daily email of what is really What You Need To Know:
Israeli PM and Corbyn in wreath-laying row
It’s a “highly unusual” spat, says BBC political correspondent Tom Barton.
Jeremy Corbyn has hit back at Benjamin Netanyahu, after the Israeli PM accused him of laying a wreath in memory of the Palestinians suspected of being behind the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre.
Mr Netanyahu tweeted that the Labour leader deserved “unequivocal condemnation”. Mr Corbyn then responded directly to the tweet saying the claims were “false” and condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza.
Barton says it’s a “unique political moment” as foreign leaders don’t usually get caught up in British political rows – and they don’t generally unfold on Twitter.
‘Spat’, Tom?
‘Unique’, Tom… usually?
I’ll say. But at least the real news is your hero has ‘hit back’, saying things that really don’t add up anywhere outside of the national broadcaster of the U.K.
Meanwhile, the bbc offers its own unique take elsewhere, though seldom itself taking the blame for any mistakes, honest or not.
I pity anyone walking into that surgery.
I like the swan in the photograph, nice touch.
“Took the blame”?
Please correct me but I understood this “doctor” made a series of elementary medical errors and does not know enough to sell toothbrushes in Boots.
The thread on this is…. interesting…
A thirteen year old trainee doctor is impressive.
Was this timing co-ordinated then between the BMA and BBC?
” … Who took the blame..”? That makes it sound as though she’s the victim, she selflessly offered herself as the sacrificial lamb on behalf of others.
She was found guilty of manslaughter. Her actions or lack of actions caused the death of a six year old boy. Not only should she be struck off, she should be in prison.
muslims don’t have to play the victim card themselves, when the far-left bbc will do it for them. And the medical profession; one of their mouthpieces was on LBC earlier, giving every excuse he could think of for her criminal incompetence.
It seems the medical profession is deeply immersed in our swamp.
Dear Mrs May,
It must have come as quite a shock to you, finding that after setting up a department specifically tasked with leaving the EU, that your own cabinet secretary was secretly working against that purpose.
To then find that this cabinet secretary had binned David Davis’s white paper and substituted it with a re-work of an EU accession treaty must have been especially devastating.
Can I ask what progress has been made in removing the cabinet secretary’s fifth-column team and when can we expect to see the prosecution of Oliver Robbins for sedition?
Yours etc.
Good morning all. I haven’t had a chance to catch up yet but listening to JHB on Talk Radio this morning who is reporting that it has been noted in several newspapers that the BBC has failed to run with the Jeremy Corbyn terrorist story as their lead story. Many are questioning why this is so.
Hopefully Boris will be making a mental note and will be closing down the bias, treacherous, not fit for purpose BBC as soon as he takes the Prime Ministers job.
Breaking news armed police incident outside Parliament one of those cars again
I’m still bemused about this “incident” in Canada last week. Four people shot dead, two of them police officers. It was breaking news…and then confusion. Was the man taken into custody? Was he shot dead? Did he kill himself? Who was he? And the big one; What were his motives?
If I’ve missed it I apologise, but I think the Beeb have just shuffled this story into the middle of the pack while they waffle on about Boris.
Oh, and now “someone” has driven into the security barriers at Parliament.
On BBC it sounds like a crash…
On ITV they’re telling us that the vehicle “collided with a number of pedestrians.”
What is it with cars these days?
The BBC’s favourite sport – the mixing of sport with identity politics and preferential racial treatment continues apace. And indeed speeds toward new record-breaking heights.
“Media racism behind Sterling criticism – says Ian Wright”
[Tiger Woods] “Even though the 42-year-old finished outside the automatic top eight qualifiers, he looks certain to receive a wildcard pick”
“I have been watching British athletics with the BBC since 2002 and in all that time I have not seen anyone like Dina Asher-Smith. Mo Farah took a lifetime to realise his potential, and if you look at Greg Rutherford, nobody ever expected that either. He just happened to hit a time in the long jump when it was a bit easier to win championships. No disrespect to Greg because I have always said you win against the people who you are up against.” – Michael Johnson BBC Sport athletics expert
Ian Wright, I remember him.
A nasty, ill tempered, ill educated, black dimwit with a giant chip on his shoulder.
Limited to one explanation for every situation, racism by white people.
I am sick of these lam(my)e brained Africans with no record of intellectual achievement whatsoever blaming their inadequacies on others.
Next time there is an Ebola epidemic in Togo we can sent Wright & friends to Africa.
There they will develop a vaccine in the time it takes to say “hate speech”, and we will be impressed, or not.
Exciting scenes from outside Parliament on ITV. Apparently a difficult scenario to describe – apart from the short, dark (Somali?) gentleman, arms handcuffed behind back being led away from crashed car. Nothing to see here, then. Oh, other than heartwarming sight of fully armed, fully bearded member of Pakistani Defence Force helping similarly garbed police response squad.
All on ITV from around 7.35. BBC? Oh well, there’s better things for the world’s premier news service to spend that 3.5 billion on. Evidently.
Wow. Car crashes at speed into a barrier designed to protect the entrance to the House of Lords. Brown man led away in handcuffs but it’s not terror related!
BBC must be phoning around their list of favourite ‘experts’ to get into the London studio to be asked questions such as:
1. Do you think this man would have crashed his car if we didn’t vote to leave the EU?
2. Do you think Trump’s UK visit had anything to do with this? ….. like Charottestown perhaps?
3. and so on until the licence fee is stopped.
And, so far as my listening goes, absolutely nothing on BBC main news programmes on the Peterborough MP arrested for perverting the course of justice (just like the Hulne’s). If it had been a Conservative MP, doubtless there would have been screaming headlines for a week. But being black trumps everything – you get a free pass.
By the way, the Today programme had a novel dig against Boris through a specially constructed ‘Puzzle for the Day’. A risibly transparent and pathetic attempt to prolong their jihad against him. Expect this to continue for another fortnight. Might as well add my disgust at Martha Kearney’s interview with Kit Malthouse this morning, which was essentially a continuous series of interruptions. And at the end, when she started asking whether Boris should apologise, why did he feel obliged to respond? I yearn for a someone to say to a BBC interviewer “when you have broadcast as much adverse comment about what Polly Toynbee, Ken Clark and Emily Thornberry have said about the burka/niqub, then I will reply”.
Guardian article 2018 08 13
“Video games are political. Here’s how they can be progressive”
Comments allowed.
Here is one comment from “MattBucks”
“Social Justice Warrior: The Petition” – You walk around in a first person view demanding people sign your petition, if people don’t sign you have to go through a seven minute quick time event sequence of berating them.
“Social Justice Warrior 2: Social Media – I’m right!” – You have to post the same message dozens of times over an in-game day to multiple in-game social media platforms with bonus points for keywords which aren’t in the dictionary and special score multipliers if you attract the particularly sanctimonious in game followers.
“Social Justice Warrior 3: You’re wrong, just die!” – You have to randomly select targets and then fabricate outrage at something utterly inoffensive and normal they have done. With activities targeted being things like sneezing as cultural appropriation, wearing trousers as racism, parking a car as {insert group}phobia or having two arms as sexist.
You lose points for targeting people who aren’t white working class males and you lose additional points if the person understands what it is you think they have done wrong, with bonus points for screaming and shouting at people and denying them the right to free thought or debate.
LCS – I don’t know this game, (to be honest, I don’t know any of these games and don’t want to) but if your last paragraph is serious/accurate rather than ‘irony’ or ‘fun’, we seem to have a number of criminal offences here which need to be reported to the police.
Incitement to violence. Racist hate-crime.
Under normal circumstances I would have thought this another primitive attempt at humor, but nothing related to the unfunny Guardian – which is certainly not normal- would surprise me in the least.
This “game” does not exist, it was invented for the purposes of the commentator, which I assume are to demonstrate the extremes to which the Communists will go to publicise their murderous philosophy.
Read the other comments.
Current score ATL – 0; BTL – 329.
TOADY Watch #1
The BBC do not understand tariffs at all. Either that or they are deliberately misrepresenting the truth for their own political purposes.
President Trump is being blamed for depressing the value of the Turkish Lira due to his imposition of tariffs on some Turkish metal imports to the USA.
For any on here not yet informed on the matter, the immediate economic effect of a tariff is an increase of cost in the imposing country. It is not on the exporter country and its population. An effect there could and may well come in future but much later. Not straight away. That effect is felt by a US customer this morning or whenever the new tariff takes effect.
TOADY Watch #2
Just heard Mark Easton misrepresent David Cameron and his administration’s policy on social housing. Shameful, BBC!
He claimed that Cameron was against social housing. The truth is that Cameron’s administration from 2015> (if not in 2010 – cannot remember which) scrapped the ban on Local Authorities reinvesting the proceeds of property sales in new social housing.
I also have a notion at the back of my head that some additional grants were also made available to LAs to increase their stock of social housing but cannot be certain of that without spending hours digging in the interwebby.
Wny do the BBC keep saying that Trump has caused the Turkish Lira problem? It may have added to it but certainly has not caused it…Just another way to try and knock Trump…And to say it is unusual for members of NATO to argue with each other is laughable – just another way to blame Trump for the problems the lovely honest open democratic Erdogan regime is having…
JA, it didn’t cause it yesterday. Please see my 8.13am post.
The BBC now have a political agenda on Radio Four. Cannot speak for TV for which I am extremely thankful.
For those dear, brave souls who still have TV Licences and watch BBC, ITV & C4, get your steel helmets, flak jackets, ear plugs and dark glasses ready. The newspapers have informed me that more Big Brother and Strictly Ballroom are on the way. Groan. Even though I don’t watch, the papers & the Beeb w-s will be full of that rubbish now, even on the paper front pages, until next year.
A great excuse, if anyone else needs it, to give up TV watching and save the Licence Fee money for other things.
Sorry I missed your post – I think we agree – The BBC are misrepresenting facts….I wonder why?
As an aside not really BBC but linked
Walker Crisps
Wife complained to Walkers about Mr Lineker’s Brexit knocking, especially as Leicestershire where they are based voted to leave:
Response: We are sorry etc..these are Gary Lineker’s personal views and do not. etc… could have been lifted from the BBC.
So my wife said – if Gary Lineker said the Burka looked like a post box or he was found taking drugs..would these be his personal views and habits? I doubt it…
Any news on the incident at Westminster? The police are no doubt currently liaising with the MSM, BBC and other broadcasters to decide how best to report the event. Perhaps it was islamic; perhaps it was Antifa who seem to be changing their approach to violence
The clock ticks on inexorably toward total insurrection. Get prepared.
Global News has it as ‘people injured as car drives into them’.
Because ‘is driven’ would be inaccurate until they can think of a better way to put it.
Here the bbc goes full West Wing, with epic soundtrack.
I wonder if there are any secret recordings of noted bbc HR spats?
Doctors’ Orders?
Newssniffer provides interesting evidence of the BBC ‘evolving’ a news report changing the tone and content to one highly sympathetic to the doctor in this case and to the opinions of the Doctors’ Association UK & British International Doctors’ Association.
‘Master of the Rolls Sir Terence Etherton, who announced the ruling, said: “The members of the Court express their deep sympathy with Jack’s parents, who attended the hearing in person, as well as respect for the dignified and resolute way in which they have coped with a terrible loss in traumatic circumstances.’
Next iteration:
‘Master of the Rolls Sir Terence Etherton, who announced the ruling, said “no concerns” had “ever been raised about the clinical competence of Dr Bawa-Garba, other than in relation to Jack’s death”.’
Phew, almost 9am and it was looking like they might miss rainbow quota.
The word ‘normal’ gets over mentioned in that video. Mother says “we are a normal family with two mothers” then some miserable kids say “we don’t have a normal father, grandmother, grandfather”.
For the record I totally accept people being gay and it is part of being ‘normal’ but having kids by an unknown surrogate/donor, who has no part in the kids life, is not normal.
This is BBC propaganda, Tabs. Homosexuality is always being pushed as a natural and normal variant of sexual orientation, a positive thing that is as valid as heterosexuality and legally and morally of equal status.
But let’s try a thought experiment. Say a generation was born who all turned out to be gay and human beings consequently stopped reproducing. A sensible person might conclude that because extinction was looming, something had gone radically wrong with the human race. But in absurd liberal left thinking, nothing could have gone “radically wrong” because homosexuality is as normal and as valid a form of sexual expression as the form that leads to the reproduction of the species. There couldn’t be any “problem” since everyone in this new generation would be “normal”.
Just starting, but so far… #CCBGB
The bbc raising the topic of fake news on interactive threads is brave.
He backed the Iranian Revolution of 1979, preferring the Iranians to be ruled by the Ayatollah, and not bother with imperialist and zionists like Carter etc.
And all from a luxurious apartment in Paris too.
The personification of “the cultural rebel”.
How BBC.
As for what he`d have said about Nice, Bataclan, Danish Cartoons, Hebdo, Manchester, Cologne?
Well need you ask-funnily enough just what the BBC say-or choose not to say for upsetting the Sorbonne, a Soros or a Soubry.
Wanker-big wordy wanker.
If you`re wrong about Iran in 1979-who the hell would refer to you but the BBC and OU…more like EU.
Faisal announces why bbc audiences will only be educated and informed by Faisal in future.
And maybe Owen. And Polly.
GW – you missed a bit off that headline.
After “The BBC has signalled an end to “polarising” debates on current affairs programmes…..” it went on to say “from now on all the people invited on will have the same viewpoint as we do”
Apologies. They do speak for the nation. Apparently.
As Faisal is now saying
“the politics-like science in climate change-is now settled”
No further questions .
Although the far-left bbc reported on Benjamin Netanyahu being investigated for charges of bribery:
I doubt they’ll ever report on anything that David Duke had to say:
Re “the incident” at Parliament.
On Sky there are photos of the suspect being led away from the scene in handcuffs.
Let’s put it this way, from what I’ve seen of him…
I think it’s highly unlikely he turns out to be a white nationalist.
I’ll say no more…
Sky has broken ranks and described him as ‘male’.
The potential outrage on such presumption should drown out any awkward stuff on the actual facts.
Vienna ranked as most liveable city in the world
One of those common top ten and bottom ten list articles the BBC churn out from whatever data they can find online.
What is interesting is the lists:
The ten most liveable cities in 2018
1. Vienna, Austria
2. Melbourne, Australia
3. Osaka, Japan
4. Calgary, Canada
5. Sydney, Australia
6. Vancouver, Canada
7. Tokyo, Japan
8. Toronto, Canada
9. Copenhagen, Denmark
10. Adelaide, Australia
The ten least liveable cities 2018
1. Damascus, Syria
2. Dhaka, Bangladesh
3. Lagos, Nigeria
4. Karachi, Pakistan
5. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
6. Harare, Zimbabwe
7. Tripoli, Libya
8. Douala, Cameroon
9. Algiers, Algeria
10. Dakar, Senegal
Now why is it that 8 out of those bottom 10 places are Islamic AND unliveable?!? You might have also noted that 8 out of those bottom 10 are the usual immigrants trying to get into Europe.
Thanks BBC for this info – there was me about to book a hotel in Damascus for my hols. Lucky I checked the list, perhaps I’ll go to Dhaka instead… oh no, wait a mo.
We visit and stay in Vienna roughly every second year. Its main problem is too many tourists which is hypocritical of me to say it as I am one myself there. Since the ban on face masks, i.e. burkhas, it has improved even more. It’s a lovely city but don’t go there too often or you’ll spoil it for me!!!
Hee hee.
The TOADY Programme have at last caught up on the Westminster car incident. Martha asking idiot questions. BBC correspondent now blethering.
While listening I have been reminded to search some German newspaper web-sites for news of the Lubeck bus attacker’s arraignment & his plea. Nothing apart from a contemporary report on 20 July.
I cannot access Der Spiegel because they do not like my ad-blocker! Subsequent news of the Lubeck bus stabbings, the assailant and the victims, appear to have completely disappeared from even the German press.
Something funny going on there?
As I spent much of yesterday raging about the BBC’s censorship by omission – ignoring the Corbyn wreath laying scandal – I note that they eventually did get around to coverage of it.
But you can already see where the coverage is heading. Unlike Letterboxgate, this one won’t be allowed to run and run by the Beeb.
The TV news round-up by some correspondent this morning focused mostly on Labour support for Corbyn, with scant analysis of the incident itself and no context about Corbyn’s other terrorist links. Indeed, the correspondent described the “intervention” by Israel’s PM as “extraordinary”….so he’s the one we should be concerned about, was the underlying message.
A Today radio piece managed to find a Jewish Labour spokeswoman who spent five minutes defending Corbyn, although the interviewer did put her under some robust questioning.
Meanwhile, on the BBC website the item is now towards the bottom of the home page, under a story about rainbow trout being called salmon in China!
And that, dear cynics, is where the BBC would like this particular item to wallow.
TOADY WATCH: I was still waking up, but was that the arrogant Justin Webb lecturing Tim Peake on Intelligent Design? Webb seemed to think that any belief in Creationism ran counter to ‘science’ and implied that as such, it was not credible.
Much of the theory around the ‘Big Bang’ rather than the steady state version of the universe makes a creationist view far more likely, many scientist now concede.
And in my opinion, ‘science’ has not even begun answering any of the really critical questions about the universe.
We need someone a little less biased than Webb to broach this sort of subject.
Achy Flaky News
ITV reporter in Westminster this morning:
“It’s very difficult to say whether this is a terrorist incident…”
That’ll be due to NUJ rules, broadcasters’ community cohesion guidelines etc.
It’s probably only difficult to say if you’re afraid of losing your job.
Um, this incident happened at 7.30 am, man taken away in cuffs, and yet here we are at 9.20 am, and being told its still ‘a very confused situation’ . Car crashed, hit some cyclists, man arrested – where’s the confusion ?????
Now apparently more police cars arriving, fire engines – understandably ambulances but TWO HOURS after the event ??!!! Now we are being subjected to the usual eye witnesses by phone and sounding like 10 year olds.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, despite the footie starting up, the cricket season goes on) do forgive me for a bit of mansplaining. Problem for the Rozzers is that they do not know if this was a diversionary tactic, and/or part of a team effort, and/or rather more complex with some Novichok or explosive or gas canister smouldering away in the vehicle or its boot.
When they know, the police at the scene can inform central Control for a risk assessment to be carried out. Then a decision can be made by the Commissioner on whether there is any likelihood of damage to nail varnish or high heels, or unfortunate colour clashes with bio hazard suits, if more officers, and specialist ones at that, have to be sent to the scene.
Up2, sweetie, (well I’m often told I have the style of daaarling Lummers), loved your ‘mansplaining’ , and as the reporting is now of non-news, I’m off for my toast and Bolly !
These witnesses… any feel it was like a movie, of a war zone?
Such Vox Pop nonsense serves the victims poorly.
The one on Global News just now was beyond dire.
“…it was like a movie…”
Ah, the passing of a generation, eh? Has one nostalgic for a vox pop constituencey that would once upon a time routinely exclaim “it was like the Blitz!”
Why do phone witnesses (like I mentioned above) sound so young they’ve just learned to speak, or are so old they’ve forgotten how to speak !!!! Its painful, news channels please stop I cant bear it.
‘Man held as car crashes outside parliament.’
We must ban men and cars – look at all the harm they cause!
All these terrorists plotting terrible things daily yet the BBC bang on for over a week about Johnson’s burka comments. I wish they could get so worked up about actual terrorism which they dare not even call as it is, yet alone propose a solution to; thus it will surely only get worse. They have successfully rendered any criticism of ROP off-limits so are free to run amok.
Soon Mayor Taqiyyan will say that actually doing something is what the terrorists want, so the best solution is to all hold hands and have a cuddle – and anyone who even mentions the actual problem will be crushed by the thought police. He has all the reassuring presence of a metal dust bin lid in a storm.
They “do not know if it is related to terrorism.”
How stupid do they think we are? Who just mounts a pavement accidentally?
Let’s play some PC bingo. What treats can we expect?
-History of mental health problems. (Boy do I hate how they smear fellow depressives just to try and get the ROP out of jail.)
-Motivation unknown, though definitely not religious.
-People keeping calm and carrying on.
-Fears of a non-existent backlash.
-Name withheld for a long time.
I wonder if someone will blame Boris? I would not put it past them.
Retaliation on behalf of letter boxes. Boris is going to cop for this one.
Suits me BB.
Make the roads much nicer, none of those horrid lorries and big scary buses. A return to market gardens, and pekinese in the wicca basket on the front of my bike as we perambulate, master the velocipedes.
Sheilas Wheels back in business and lots of fragrant electric cars.
Do these driverless ones do their own reversing and directions?
‘Man held as car crashes outside parliament’
“We must ban men and cars ”
Wrong diagnosis, parliament needs to go. Then we can start again making British laws, for British people. Which need to be very different to the existing laws, which will soon be ignored.