BARB figures continue to reflect the decline of the BBC . Soaps lead the way and on commercial TV soaps and Love island get top viewing figures with MSM news a long way down the lists .
The bubble endlessly moans about ‘ Anti This ‘ and ‘Anti That’ but it seems people are not listening any more .
A plea – again – please think about offence when posting . It is tempting to literally retaliate against the bias we suffer from the BBC
lastly – Wednesday is VJ Day -lest we Forget .
TOADY Watch #something or other
Justin Webb was in full fascism mode this morning. “Der Guvt must be in kontrol, jah, or elsze!”
He interrogated and talked over some poor Financial Conduct Authority bod – who had a brain and was using it – insisting that the Government must ban ‘cold calling’. Anyone would think that Justin Webb had been ‘cold called’ and personally ‘pension scammed’ the way he kept on insisting that there should Government legislation. He was so manic anyone would think it was personal.
The FCA spokesman did not crumble under the weight of Webb but bravely stuck to his guns and insisted some personal responsibility on the part of the pension saver would deal with the problem.
Give that man a medal!
When Justin was interviewing James Brokenshire earlier this week, he also sounded desperate – whether really to get the minister to make policy on the radio or whether he has been told that unless he gets a good headline he isn’t safe in his job (unlikely) but his technique of trying to prove a point will certainly be causing even more listeners to find the off switch.
Justin does seem to have this air of desperation about him, talks over everyone – I think Deb you are right – he has a button to push to get that next headline – “Minister X said on R4 that blah blah (insert BBC narrative)”..regardless of what he or she actually said.
Did anyone hear the lightweight interview between Carney on Toady this morning and Daniel Barenboim?
Barenboim elaborates how/why the orchestra represents a coming together of different cultures. Carney encourages this line of thinking but invariably fails to suggest to Barenboim that he and the orchestra is a good advertisement to Globlism. No doubt there is satisfaction in the coming toghether of various nationalities to work in unison but what escapes Barenboim and Carney is that without one strong leader/conductor it would be mayhem. That’s sure dictatorship if I am not mistaken.
It’s cases such as this that confirm I’m correct in not signing up as an organ donor and I shall opt out if the government are nasty enough to introduce legislation of presumed agreement for doctors to take bits out of me to put in other people.
TOADY Watch #after the previous one.
Radio presenters at the BBC, I feel sure, are given initial training when starting work at the BBC on some essentials for the job. One of the main rules for radio is not letting two (or more) contributors talk over each other and not to do it yourself with a colleague or a sole contributor/interviewee.
Both Martha and Justin broke that rule this morning.
I remember when Andrew Gilligan was deemed to have been a naughty boy that a Controller of R4, and I think also the DG at the time, came on air and made a firm pledge to BBC listeners that all presenters not meeting the BBC’s normal standards and for any breach thereof, would be sent for immediate re-training.
This firm ‘cross my heart and hope to die’ pledge or firm commitment was immediately forgotten by the BBC, one of many to go that way in the modern BBC era. It was highlighted by James Naughtie, for example, doing his usual lousy job on TODAY but not getting sent for re-training. Indeed, a rumour reached my ears that someone ‘higher-up’, as soon as he next offended, did indeed order him to undergo re-training but he refused. Just a rumour and I cannot reveal my source; careers – if not lives – might be at risk.
Certainly Justin & Martha should receive a telling-off for their behaviour this morning if not a trip to the Training Suite.
Wow almost nothing about Indian/Pakistan stuff on the BBC ..ha ha
Tonight Asian season continues on BBC2 and BBC4
11:30am Radio4 has second part of serial about an Indian rave DJ
BTW at 8pm R4 has a prog about The Deep State
basically calling it a Trump conspiracy theory
Contributors include British intelligence expert Peter Hennessy, former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufkis, FBI and CIA historian Tim Weiner, Turkish political scholar Esra Osyurek, former British diplomat and Iraq expert Carne Ross, Zimbabwean political commentator Miles Tendi, Soviet historian Daniel Beer, political writer Thomas Frank and Chris Mullin, author of ‘A Very British Coup’.
Ah there is an item about Deep State being behind the Trump DOSSIER project
Another ‘car crash’ outside the house of Parliament with the elites protected by their crash barriers so they never have to face the consequences of their insane actions as the rest os us do.
Sky reporting it as a deliberate act BBC calling it a ‘car crash’. Adiq Khan saying a lot of words which mean very little as usual.
The Londonistan evening standard is showing a photo of the man who had a car accident outside the house of expenses . He is vibrant
Closeup photo of “the man”
Aaah! But is he diverse?
And has Fran Unsworth resigned?
The lamestream media falling over themselves to suggest that the driver might have been innocently trying to swerve to avoid a cyclist. One ‘intelligence’ commentator even suggested it could be a ‘far-right’ attack.
I was waiting for it to be labelled ‘ far right’ the driver probably thought the Palace of Westminster looked like a mosque . Will be easy for the imams to convert once they’ve got rid of kaffirs .
Actually, Brexit.
Poor fellow had watched too many Lammy outbursts on the BBC and was headed there to congratulate him on what he presumed was the new side of the road required.
The expert did appear to put Islamic and Far-right terrorism on the same level , which is the narrative the media want to hear.
You can see he Will Geddes has been on the media a lot over the last week, I guess he’s got a book out.
“There is a threat level”..”It cannot be discounted that it is Islamic terrorism, or Far-Right for that matter”
direct bit on Vic Derbyshire Show
“Can’t be discounted”… He says
Well surely we’d say : the threat level from Islamist is 19 out of 20
and the threat from “Far Right” is 1 out of 20
Londoner’s stand united
Unmesh Desai, Deputy Chair of the Police and Crime Committee, said: “This is a serious incident but thankfully those injured have not suffered life threatening injuries. Our thoughts are with them at this time.
“While it is too early to speculate about the reasons for this incident, our thanks go to the police for their speedy and effective response.
“We would remind Londoners to stand united and be vigilant as always.”
Having seen the photographs of the arrested man it could be either Tommy Robinson or even Boris in black up.
Treezer will soon say that enough is enough of enough.
Unmesh is a past Vice Chair of the Local Government Information Unit, an Executive Member of Liberty and was a member of the London Labour Party Regional Board for a number of years.
Unmesh is a member of GMB, the Labour Party, the Co-operative Party and the Fabian Society.
Phew! Unmesh Desai’s annual subscription bill must cost him a fortune.
Disgraceful how the Leftist establishment-controlled media is all too keen to suggest right-wing terror attacks in their coverage but consistently fail to suggest Islamism in their reports; if it does turn out to be an Islamist motive then prepare yourselves for every apologist excuse in the leftie book i.e. mental health, bullied, victim of racism, Boris upset him ad infinitum. Unbelievable. They are petrified of Islam and will do anything not to offend their masters. The lamestream media are disgusting.
They are not petrified of Islam, their political masters are being bribed and they are doing as they are told or they will lose their highly paid positions.
Have you stopped to wonder why it is that massive ego maniacs like BLiar and Cameron have declined their entitlement to a peerage? It’s because if they do they will have to declare their income and its source, and they want to keep all that lovely oil money a secret from the people.
Meanwhile this morning in our vibrant capital of Trashcanistan: I hear our media reporting in somewhat similar vein as my children once used to say when they were very young and had broken some valuable item: “thing happened”
Looks like another case of uber driver uber alles ?
Amist all the londonistan ‘is it or not an Islamic terrorist attack again?’ -unemployment is
D o w n again by 42 000 . …. as Aaron Banks tweeted- despite Brexit .
More BBC bias against Labour. Hey Maxi, what do you think?
Let’s all get together and call for the dismantling of the BBC
Wow-this is naked Labour as things stand.
Yet projecting and displacing.
Like the Fascists calling themselves Antifa.
This is the ultimate Labour plan.
We have been warned-I`d get ready for trouble.
Lyons is a Labour party member and has been a councillor for them for several years, it is no surprise to find a card carrying Labour apparatchik as head of the BBC.
The fact that the Tories were fully aware of this and failed to do anything about it shows how inept and clueless they really are.
The question you should be asking though is how on earth Lyons can make a statement like this without some kind of inside knowledge from senior people currently in BBC management.
Having said that he gives no examples to back up his point and the suspicion therefore has to be that he doesn’t actually have any concrete evidence at all.
In my opinion the BBC is biased against Corbyn NOT Labour. With so many Jews working within the BBC it’s hardly a surprise. The BBC has been Blairite for decades, but not hard left. Given a choice between Corbyns brand of Fascism and toxic Tess’s Communism, it’s not a difficult feat to predict where their sympathies are likely to lie.
Labour activists , when in trouble reach for a PR card
that one dates back to Sept 2017.
It originates from when the BBC gave him a platform to make the comments on the lunchtime news Thu 12 May 2016
then reported in this Guardian article of
(that Guardian article itself was edited on Updated 13 Mar 2018.. with no explanation..that is suspicious)
“He spent much of his career in local government, in chief executive posts, but he was also briefly a Labour councillor in the early 1980s.”
he mention BBC attacks on Corbyn, I say that is not the same as being Pro Tory
“There have been some quite extraordinary attacks on the elected leader of the Labour party, quite extraordinary. ”
Does he say the BBC IS under political pressure or in FUTURE could be ??
“There are still real concerns that the government WILL seek to influence the BBC’s editorial decision making, and that the broadcaster will come under undue political interference as a result.”
About NOW in 2017 he says
“the BBC has sought to hedge its bets of late” ..
..Why ? “we can’t see the string is held by the secretary of state, but the suspicion is that actually it’s people very close to him. His own comments have suggested that he might be blessed by a future without the BBC.”
Surely someone in the MSM can find someone to make the link between Boris’s Burka comments and the latest “car crash”. Come on guys up your game, you know you want to.
Speaking of car crashes and connections, wonder if the BBC will notice the Guido story on an errant Lord of faith’s funeral attendance options, it being not so long since one had a bit of a problem making a call on his mobile whilst driving?
Poor Erdogan and Turkey-nasty , nasty Trump!
The Russians will pay his debts if we`re not nicer to Erdy Gurdy, you know.
And-the BBC will confirm this- almond and pistachio nut sellers and traders in Ankara were doing so well up until Trump announced some tarriffs on Turkish delight imports only last Friday.
Oh yes, Trump-and, of course Brexit-are wreaking havoc with old world democrats and loyal, stalwart allies like Erdogan and the Turks.
AND Boris insulted him a few years back, rhyming Ankara with something.
Boris and Trump it is then, yet to see them in the same room together aren`t we?
Next weeks Panorama sorted.
Free fair, impartial BBC…where else would I go for any news?
Quote of the day regarding the mystery Parliament incident:
“”Chris Phillips former head of the National Counter Terrorism Office: “…. maybe, it’s someone who has just fallen asleep at the wheel. We don’t know as yet and that’s what officers will be trying to ascertain””.
“”Chris Phillips former head of the National Counter Terrorism Office: “…. maybe, it’s someone who has just fallen asleep at the wheel. We don’t know as yet and that’s what officers will be trying to ascertain””.
Clearly the driver was a Norwegian who’d overdosed on gravy browning. I await the legislation to ban Bisto.
Talk Radio news have just reported that police ARE treating the HOL incident as terrorism.
I wonder if the bbbc will report it as such…..have they even noticed yet?
Daniel Sandford — Radio 5 reporter on the scene — just said that there was no reason to believe there is any other greater threat to Londoners at this time.
So nothing to worry about other than possibly: “The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is SEVERE.” (
P.S. Oh and that unrelated issue of the person who wanted to kill 100 kids at a Disney Store on Oxford St
R5 is pushing the line that the arrested man in his twenties “is not cooperating”.
Maybe he’s bored? Could we crowdfund and get him set up with a youth club or something?
Mayor Khan must be away otherwise he could do his ‘Londonistan is the safest city in the world ‘routine and winking at the camera .
R5’s Leslie Ashmore in Westminster now hammering home how normal everything is… tourists are coming up to journalists “asking where nice pubs are”.
London still open for business then. It all reminds me of the feeble mayor of Amity in Jaws — Khan’s the mayor of Shark City.
And the idiot BBC seem to think that our terrorist was silly to try to kill people, because-in case he didn`t know-Parliament isn`t sitting.
As if THAT means it`s not a problem.
Yes, Islamic State would much rather aim for Lord Hall or Patten, that kill a load of oiks here on holiday.
If THAT is not classic BBC solipcism then what is.
The BBC are truly despicable.
Man sounds like a fool
Ah but Pug.
Was he “celebrating it” or “commemorating it”?
There shall be no further investigation until we`ve had an enquiry.
And until then, it`s illegal to speak of it.
I like my new job, I look great in leather and jackboots.
How long will it be before the liars amongst the political elites start to blame the attack on Boris for his remarks about the veil?
We need to begin to recognise the anti white race hate of our elites who seem to think it is not only acceptable, but their bounden duty to find some incredibly obscure reason why everything is somehow the fault of white people.
Perhaps you can remember well known Fascist and anti white race hater Hiterly Clinton after her culpable negligence in the Benghazi attack sending special forces in to lift the ring leader and then to force him to say it was because of the film innocence of Muslims, therefore attempting to pass the blame onto white people yet again.
It happens all the time, don’t let the Fascists get away with it !
You have got me thinking. It’s funny how every other terrorist attack “isn’t linked to terrorism” but the narrative here is that it is terrorism, despite the fact that it’s been reported that the perpetrator is not cooperating with police.
So could this be a false flag operation designed entirely to point the finger at Boris and blame him for whipping up hatred.
Well most on here know who the real sh1t stirrers are-the bbbc and the MSM.
I think you`ll find Dys that terrorism ITSELF is no longer actually linked to so called, alleged “terrorism”.
Seems to be related to a Pride Parade bouncy castle with 99 pink balloons , and all the chemsex gateway drugs you can blag from Hillingdon Councils Well-Fuqued mobile workshop.
It is of course a common error to think “terrorism” IS “terrorism”. But like “Brexit means Brexit”-it`s all a moveable feast of cake and smog up the blowhole.
It has just occurred to me (as the Corbyn story will be lost due to the Westminster ‘car crash’) did JC declare his benefactor for his visit to the conference in Tunis. Perhaps Ian Paisley could raise the question – oh no he can’t he’s been suspended for failing to declare a benefactor.
Best Tweet I’ve seen all day…
Apparently has been reported for failing to declare but there’s something about being under a threshold or some other way politicians avoid public scrutiny .
Anyone wondering where Pounce is these days?
Looks like Pounce took the cable car to the Aiguille du Midi and spent a night at the Refuge Cosmiques.
Hope the acclimatisation programme was successful.
Great photos,
PS Milan flights from Heathrow someimes overfly Mont Blanc.
I’d like to shoehorn some bias in at this point but why spoil a marvellous thing?
What is Pounce’s web-site? Is it running OK?
I seem to recall that there were problems with it in the recent past.
If all is well I’d like to bookmark it.
Anyone know?
Ooops! Looks like Big Al is way ahead of me. Thanks, Big Al.
Fab photo Pounce, and well done you ! I need crampons and Nordic sticks to get to the top of my street these days !!!
Check out Pounce on – ‘Eye on the World’ blogspot.
Come back here Pounce !!
I see that 80 cars have been set on fire in a co-ordinated attack in Sweden . Obviously the perpetrators will not be named or ethnicity hinted at but again it’s another story from Sweden that could only have come post influx of immigrants. It is only a matter of time before the Swedes or the Austrians or Italian peoples do “something” about the detreating standards in the country (s). Luckily, we are in prosperous times but just wait till we hit a slump. Who will get the blame ? who will people turn against ?? So instead of having a rational discussion about the issue of immigration, which we are denied by the left, it will be sorted eventually and will lead to slaughter on a mass scale hitherto unknown. If there is one thing white Caucasians excel at its inventing ways to kill people. So, let’s have the debate before it’s too late for everyone, please.
BBC version

News channels have failed to mention it.
Lucy, Brissles
Urgent, get out there and protest against allowing Swedes into the UK. The messed up their own country with leftie values and we don’t want them here.
Yep! time to ban … cars! they re just so dangerous,
and such a fire hazard
Blimey, they’ll outdo Paris, at this rate…
Swedish election on 9th September . I think the good voters say ‘enough is enough’ and they could have a non far left wing government because they are fed up with Norwegians…
And they are thinking about Swexit !
Mama Mia 3 should be fun.
Ring Ring…The Visitors…when I kissed the teacher(well, the schoolkid).
Nest the Scots with Joxit
The Donald Speaks:
“”Donald Trump tweeted: “Another terrorist attack in London…These animals are crazy and must be dealt with through toughness and strength!” “”
Sorry President Trump, this is the uk, we are not allowed to be tough with these terrorist, we are not allowed to upset the levvies on the left, or the BBC, or Mr Corbyn and the rest of the politically correct great unwashed
But please dont worry your self, we will end up giving him a pardon, free housing, benefits for life, free membership for life to Momentum, a life time membership of The Labour Party, this way they can secure future votes. They like to recruit any form of pond life to achieve this.
But many thanks for the advice Mr Trump, much appreciated all the same, and have a nice day now..!!
Annnnd….. cue offended snowflakes who are more concerned with Trump calling them animals than they are with the driver’s actions.
Has the BBC ever allowed any other politician to ramble on, with deviation & hesitation, without interruption, as with this bollocks from Corbyn? He is given more than a minute before the follow up gentle lob is delivered by BBCman.
Yes NISA another politician allowed to ramble on, with deviation and hesitation, without interruption – but it was Chris Williamson the MP for Derby on WATO this lunch time. He was telling us that all Jeremy wants is peace, it is all a smear by the right, no evidence that the wreath was for the Munich terrorists etc etc. I might have been able to give more detail but Mr D insisted I switched the radio off.
I see the standard of driving by non-white people in Central London is as bad as ever.
The BBC are hoping the perpetrator is a Christian who was just fed up with the queues at Westminster Abbey, but the rest of us probably take a different view.
Frank Gardener on the 1 pm news made the cretinous remark that the man may have beeb ‘disturbed’. Phew! Thank goodness he wasn’t a Terrorist supporter of a certain religion.
‘Disturbed’ is new-speak for mentally ill which is cover-up speak for terrorist.
Think he`s being currently described as having “mental health issues”.
Not sure about the van though.
Don`t they do mental health checks for Muslim cars and vans with the MOT these days?
Will we ever get a terrorist without “MHI” as we`ll soon be calling it?
Tommy Mair needs to get a rediagnosis.
Please add me to the list of those who are beeb disturbed.
I’m hoping to see this condition get an entry into the DSM-6.
Sluff – did FG drag in a comment about the ‘far Right’, which is what he loves to do, even when someone of Arabic origin has shouted A..a etc and it was clear whodunnit?
Yes it is a terror attack, BBC confirm.
BBC News home affairs correspondent June Kelly described the terror arrest as a “significant development”.
“The police will be looking at this man’s background, his identity,” she said. “They will be looking at his beliefs, his associates, also his mental state.”
Our live BBC muppet on TWATO says that the suspect is not “currently co-ordinating”…think he meant co-operating, but hey, it`s the BBC and they`re not over gifted.
If only Muslim driving schools fussed more about the steering aspect of driving, and less about how to get the battery acid out of the battery eh?
Alicia, I enjoyed that little blooper. You start to wonder whether a misspeak like that is due to the fact that the ‘correspondent’ is thinking ahead of what he is going to say and mentally reviewing it so that he doesn’t say something that offends the Beeb ‘dark veil’ parameters.
Andrew Neal reporting that the bridge collapse in Genoa is far more serious that the Westminster car crash … and if you see the online footage it’s as though the QE2 bridge had collapsed .
Summer news coverage … irrespective of bias …
I’ve read about this poor young man’s murder a few times on the BBC, but it was only when I read The Times account that I learnt that Harry, the kid stabbed to death, arranged the fight with rival. The rival tried to stop the fight but Harry Uzoka swung a steel pipe at the rival’s head.
Message to BBC, please tell the truth even if it doesn’t fit into your narrative.
What will the modelling industry do without this loss?
And-more to the point-what WILL happen to the vital modelling industry after Brexit next March.
Do I see a relaunch to my modelling career, put on hold after being the victim of sexism and all the rest.
Blotchy legs and boobs down to my knees-I`m thinking a Kanye West video, or the Last Leg on Channel 4 with that funny, talented Keith Lemon.
Was tired to modelling babysick on my own knitted cardigans, was due a change of pace….
They did have the full story, scribbling, but it was only on the web-site. Bias by omission on the radio?
It reminds me of the Monty Python dirty knife sketch.
Investigations into Boris Johnson reveal that he said the burka makes women look like bank robbers and letter boxes. The Guardian expected a Whitewash, with investigators tippexing out the words Letter, Bank, Boxes an Robbers. But they were proved wrong, and Boris is given the punishment of a thousand lashes and then his tongue is to be surgically removed by experts from Saudi Arabia. Theresa May also calls for Boris to be sent to Coventry, for eternal punishments in the local Mosque.
Bill Clinton arrives in Britain with his wife dressed like a Post Box. Bill tells us that his wife whispers to him, saying she thinks 60 percent of the British people are “deplorable“. She says that they should all be sent for Politically correct diversity training and Community service, painting Racist Black post boxes, Socialist Red.
Then the Spanish Inquisition arrives to arrest Catalonian deplorable so as to expel them all into the wilderness.
A river of blood is seen outside of Broadcasting House as hundreds of BBC staff commit suicide using postal knives. But Lord Hall says “What Boris said is much worse than the river of blood”
The Punch line: Boris says “it’s a good job I didn’t ask for a ban on the Burka”
‘Car crash latest.’
A car crash is an accident, and generally involves more than one car. This involved one car and was in no way accidental. Here I think we move beyond evasive language to outright mendacity as no reasonable person would describe the event as a ‘car crash.’
Contrast with Trump’s tweet: “Another terrorist attack in London . . . These animals are crazy and must be dealt with through toughness and strength.”
He identifies the perpetrator and offers a solution. The BBC ignores that there even is a perpetrator let alone how we might deal with him.
This is why Trump will win again and our liberal elites are so despised. They always deny, deflect, distract, evade and generally do nothing substantive to solve problems; all talk no action, like Trump says, typified by May saying after London Bridge that ‘enough is enough’ only to let a terror group march unopposed through London a month later. Trump is brutally honest and proposes solutions to problems. How can you solve a problem if you refuse to even admit it exists in the first place as our treacherous politicians do?
Unless you have some inside knowledge no one else is party too then you cannot say for certain it was a terrorist act, let alone one motivated by Islam.
For all we know he just have been pissed at a group of cyclists, and it wouldn’t be the first time some hot headed black had gone over the top, just ask Jeremy Vine!
Imagine the reaction if the media call it as another Jihadi and he turns out to be some idiot without a licence in a stolen car who lost control?
I work right opposite the place and the lane into which the car was driven is, for want of a better phrase, a filter lane. It is specifically for cars going on to the Parliament estate and ends at a heavy gate at the control point. That was no accident, nor was his driving on the wrong side of the road at the preceding traffic lights then cutting back across to take the lane into Parliament.
Oh do me a favour, Thoughtful. He hasn’t “lost control”. He’s not just “crashed”. He was speeding on the wrong side of the road mowing down cyclists and a copper had to jump out of the way before he turned his attention on Parliament.
Ring any bells?
Nice try Thoughtful. Perhaps you might address your remark to Scotland Yard’s Head of Counter Terrorism, who probably has no insider knowledge.
‘Scotland Yard’s head of counter terrorism Neil Basu said: “Given that this appears to be a deliberate act, the method and this being an iconic site, we are treating it as a terrorist incident.”‘
That happened not far from where I used to live, Thoughtful. You make a good point.
Poor lad from Eastern Europe, can’t remember which country, had mounted the pavement in a car and killed a child. Got a lot of stick in the local print media.
Later on, the truth came out. Yes, he didn’t have a UK Licence or insurance. No, he was not speeding. No, he was not a bad driver. A child had run into the road and the driver had swerved to avoid that child, went up onto the pavement where the other child either ran in front of the car or was paralysed by fear and did not jump out of the way before the driver brought the car to a halt.
Al BBC, Radio 5dead has a special on a new play,(musical?) on
… wait for it
The Bham, Islamic, “Trojan Horse ” plot!
Yep!, a sad, heart wrenching tale of a how a poor, oppressed, school that only wanted to please Allah, was victimised and discriminated against by a lying, hysterical. unjust and bigoted media etc, etc.
Sounds just like the guy from AlBeebs very own radio Allah … the “Asian Network” too
no link yet
How does the BBC try to control us? By telling us what they want us to hear!
Corbyn said that he laid no wreath yesterday
Then an interview from last year has Corbyn saying that he did.
Then last night he said he didn`t.
But today TWATO just played his latest update for Channel 4-where he says again that he DID.
And Chris Williamson on TWATO has just blamed the Israeli and those bloody Jews again-it`s an apartheid state and Netenyahu needs to be in the Hague.
Labour Party 2018.
I heard that, and I also heard him attempt to defend the terrorism of Nelson Mandela as if it never happened.
Yes, thanks to Chris Williamson, we have our new Nelson Mandela ( whitening agents c/o Rachel Dolezal) -which makes Miss Dianne our very own Winnie Mandela.
Best note let her go to Kwikfit for her tyres though.
Nzamo Madika Corbyn!
Well,dick anyway for short!
“Paris baulks at ‘horrible’ eco-friendly public urinals”
Am I the only one wondering what sort of “men” would behave like that?
Maybe there`s scope here for a circumcision machine.
Just a thought.
No crossed legs please.
To be fair, Frenchmen. They do it all the time around here, mind you, it is very rural…
Al Beeb News, has a BBC employee that saw terror oops… “crash” this morning, he watched it all, but didn t mention anything at all about the perp.
No one has a clue about the motive bleats our resident Beebot
“Boris Johnson is in trouble for comparing burqas to “letterboxes”. Like letterboxes, the body bags on European streets are useful for delivering a message – and the message is getting through loud and clear:
In fact, the annexation of the public space, early and often, is a conscious strategy on the part of Islamic supremacists that serves to accelerate demographic trends. While the Muslim population is not yet a majority, taking over parks and streets usefully gives the impression that your numbers are greater than they are, and thereby helps speed the process by which “multicultural” neighborhoods become uniculturally Islamic neighborhoods. Same with burqas. Notwithstanding the effusions of Guardian columnists and BBC commentators, most other people react to the Islamization of the streets by moving out (if they can). Thus the flight of Jews from Molenbeek and gays from London’s East End. You can say a lot of things about Islam, but it acts with great strategic clarity.”
M Steyn
look on the bright side
Listen to the repeated chants of “Allahu Akbar”
Isn’t that what the terrorists shout when they kill innocent people?
But terrorism has nothing to do with Islam!
‘One in five infant deaths in the London borough of Redbridge has been linked to their parents being related, according to a report into 200 deaths between 2008 and last year.
The report says that these so-called consanguineous relationships were between couples who were at least second cousins and that 9 per cent of the children who died were from Pakistani families. It also found that these consanguineous relationships led to deaths from “genetic and congenital abnormalities”.
Now let us hear from the BBC Health Editor
The special buses taking the special kids to special schools in the area are something to behold . Traffic jams of them .
Consanguineous…isn`t our language so rich?
Wonder what it is in Arabic?
Probably the same as the word for Islamophobic…which translates as Allah Akbar.
In fact, nearly ALL English words translate as that, apart from “duty solicitor” and “where`s the childrens home”
Looks like the Times journo, the Subbie and Ed have all been to the Diane Abbott School of Mathematics, G.W.F.
Wonder if Hugh Pym will be sharp enough to spot it?
Peter Strzok Fired
\\ Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok says he was fired because of politics. That’s true.
Politics got him fired all right.
…. HIS politics that he used to try and stop @realDonaldTrump from being @POTUS was his undoing.//
Background from Fox
Seems that the democrats infected the Feds with their people so that when the political wind changed they’d make a nuisance of themselves for the non democrat President .
Is my read correct ?
Anyway come the second term they’ll get a real kicking methinks and the democrat spies in the Fed camp will do all they can to avoid it . So should President Trump not make it to his second term I’d be putting Feds on the suspect list . Crazy.
How is he on kiddies surgery?
More on the BBC’s anti Israel bias
‘Time and time again BBC audiences are told of ‘occupied Palestinian territories’ without any mention of the inclusion of those areas in the territory assigned by the League of Nations to the creation of a Jewish homeland. Also lacking is explanation of the belligerent British-backed invasion and subsequent ethnic cleansing of Jews from the areas attacked by Jordan in 1948. Instead, the BBC’s portrayal of history almost inevitably begins in 1967 when, audiences are told, “Israel occupied the area” which is euphemistically described as having previously been “under the control of Jordan”.’
Luckily when it comes to Israel, the BBC has got Jez’ back, otherwise he’d be in deep doo-doo by now.
I wonder, have they gone as far as ‘Mr. Corbyn denies denying.. ‘ yet?
Here is ITTB on this. Lord Hall best take the rest of the year off at this rate. Though that will match the first half.
Apparently the black man that tried to kill people by deliberately driving his car at them was known to police.
Unfortunately for the innocent victims, David Lammy and Diane Abbott prevented the police from stop-and-search because that would be racist. Instead he was allowed to go about his daily routine of trying to kill people as is his human right.
As a matter of interest, doubtless to be asked by our state propaganda machine, how is it that such a person is known to police, but not security services? Are the police not secure?
The BBC have already within a few hours demoted the Westminster terror attack to second place.
Head line is a bridge collapse in Italy.
Which is more relevant to the UK?
Which one do the BBC want to bury?
Meanwhile on order order Guido, or one of his hacks, attacks UKIP leader Batten’s response to the recent car “incident”.
Guido commentators not impressed. Nor am I.
Is Guido another mole who has recently been activated?
BBC already got it relegated to 2nd news item, reckon it will be lost altogether by tea time tonight and back to the focus on Boris Johnson.
Already describing it as a ‘car crash’.
‘In pictures: Westminster car crash’
Now, how can I put this?: ‘comments could…’
“We need to see those healthy and meaningful relationships between black people”
Only 2% of white British people date interracially, compared to 26% for Black British people.
Aji and Chanté explain exactly why #BlackLove is so important to them.
Sats, darn stats and BBC agendas. It is also possible that certain ‘healthy and meaningful’ relationships for some may only last about five minutes before the bloke skips.
Guest, couldn’t find article but
Yes those damn statistics…so 2% of 80% of 65m versus 26% of 3% of 65m hmm so approx 1m versus 500k
Headline “More white people date interacially than Black!”
and you are right – how long do the relationships last.
What is is about BBC newsbeat website – I have never looked at it before, it’s full of racism , sexism, the whole lot of there nothing straight on it?
Here you go James.
Newsbeat is by bbc adults for kids, so clearly most of their output is about alternative sex and the odd ism. Educating and informing our youth.
Guest Thanks, I think 🙂
Actually this couple seem normal…and she seems to be saying what a lot of this board say – stop promoting i.e sticking interracial couples in our face..down our throats….albeit from the Black point of view.
So the story is – Black people generally date Black people and White people generally date White people and stop throwing inter racial partners in our face as they are a small minority.. are you listening BBC and MSM?
And 100% for sofa buyers.
The will do exactly the same as they did with the muslim terrorist who killed those 2 girls in Canada the other week. Blame mental illness and get the family to read out a statement to that effect. It’s that simple.
I had just got home and turned Sky News on. They were describing the “driving incident” at Westminster that occurred this morning.
At the very moment one of their announcers said “The suspect comes from the midlands…” a picture of the brute popped up on screen.
Hmmm, I thought…
Must be from the Black Country.
99 yr old James Lovelock : Times interview
The metro-lib media so much want him to repeat his Climate doom
Instead he says he’s a friend of Nigel Lawson and calls Green activists hypocrites and dreamers, and that nuclear is the way to go.
I posted best bits of the interview into a new thread
France : Hijab backlash
You wouldn’t use a young girl in a hijab in advert in France, cos that would show you support imposing the jijab on 9-year olds
But US chain GAP have imposed such an advert
Times :
“Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries.”
other US newspapers are also unavailable
\\ The implementation of #GDPR means over 1000 US news sites are still unavailable in the EU as some US news outlets choose to block European visitors instead of complying with the legislation. //
What will the BBC do if it is found that the terrorist that drove the car in the latest attack on British citizens came over to the UK in the back of a lorry via the Med and France?
Hopefully the tabloids will uncover the full story e.g the housing, benefits received etc and also the mosques he attended. Even as I type this BBC news have an expert describing the terrorist as ‘a lone wolf’. Time to start sending these people back to Libya en masse.