BARB figures continue to reflect the decline of the BBC . Soaps lead the way and on commercial TV soaps and Love island get top viewing figures with MSM news a long way down the lists .
The bubble endlessly moans about ‘ Anti This ‘ and ‘Anti That’ but it seems people are not listening any more .
A plea – again – please think about offence when posting . It is tempting to literally retaliate against the bias we suffer from the BBC
lastly – Wednesday is VJ Day -lest we Forget .
Al BBC, Radio 5dead has a special on a new play, on
… wait for it
The Bham, Islamic, “Trojan Horse ” plot!
Yep!, a sad, heart wrenching tale of a how a poor, oppressed, school that only wanted to please Allah, was victimised and discriminated against by a lying, hysterical. unjust and bigoted media etc, etc.
Sounds just like the guy from AlBeebs very own radio Allah … the “Asian Network” too
(14 mins)
I read your contribution and hesitated at, “…..a lying hysterical, unjust and bigoted media etc, etc”. At that point I realised that for islam, the play was fictional.
It’s about time the Beeb & Police started referring to these folk as members of the ‘lone-wolf pack’.
Maybe… a swar…. oh.
I wonder, is The Muslim Council of Britain going to offer a full apology for the actions of numerous members of their faith. This Westminster charmer being the latest.
Perhaps they’ll investigate just what is going wrong with Islam. No white wash!!
Then they can come back to us and apologise for all the murdered innocents, killed in the name of Islam.
I won’t hold my breath…
Ha! Yeah, there are never any ‘investigations’ into real problems like how the f**k is it all going to pan out as ROPers become a majority? There is is only so long you can shoot the messengers for.
Migrant Taxi ship Aquarius
Spanish Government “We will not accept your migrants”
Italian Government “this ship will not be allowed to dock in Italy..It sails under a Gibraltar flag so Britain should take the migrants”
Gibraltar Government states “We’re terminating the registration license for #Aquarius, because the crew breached it’s terms, by operating as a rescue ship when it’s registered as a survey ship.
License will cease on 20th Aug.”
“Gangs set fires to cars across Sweden in night of anarchy”
Oh! multkulti bliss!
very funny
The Metro pseudo-liberals just don’t understand free speech
Hugo Rifkind in the Times thinks it’s easy you just let Twitter be the judge and ban Alex Jones
He doesn’t realise in a few years they could be banning everything lefty like the Canary
The marketplace of ideas that is a telephone network, or social media network has to be a fair platform open to all.
The limit is actual laws like spreading paedophilia cos then there is a fair judicial process for deciding that.
If Alex Jones has broken a law then he should be subject to the court process, not playground bullies who say “we’ll take our ball away, and you can’t play”
The Times comment system has gone-reporter active
I guesss it’s a new thing they are trying.
So Hugo is reacting to loads of comments.
So far he hasn’t mentioned that the vast majority of commenters disagree with him.
How very bbc.
If not uniquely funded though, seldom ends well.
So the social media companies instead of serving everyone, must appoint a team who say which customers are worthy.
Alex Jones must be banned cos he is a fantacist
… where does that leave the followers of the world’s major religions
….. shouldn’t they all be banned ?
Times : Labour’s Lord Peter Lilley
“Even a no-deal Brexit is better than status quo
For two years I have advised businesses to prepare for Brexit assuming that there will be no UK/EU trade agreement.
A trade deal would be the best outcome but the Chequers plan is moribund ..
… They seriously underestimate the British people if they think we will cave in before such threats, let alone surrender in the unlikely event it materialises.
Finally, freed from the constraints of EU membership and Article 50 we could negotiate our new relationship with the EU as equals.”
The anti-Brexiteers are spitting at him
Top comment
\\ It is astonishing that so many Brits are incapable of contemplating the merest short term inconvenience, in order to obtain a wonderful goal.
If this was 1939 the Remainers without exception would be the ones demanding we sue for peace, and saying a Europe run by Germany was something we should just learn to accept.
In five years time nobody will admit they were a Remainer, just as nobody now admits they yearned to join the Eurozone. //
\\ In 1945 our cities had been bombed flat, we had half a million dead, and enormous debts, all incurred to stop Germany ruling Europe. Twelve years later we were booming, and Harold Macmillan was about to boast “You have never had it so good.”
… But you think Brexit is far worse.. … You are a victim of ProjectFear //
Stew – they are all like Rabbits caught in a headlight including Hitchens. He was interviewed today in the Con woman. Whilst I respect his political instincts and truthfulness. What is it with most of the middle classes?
It seems to me that if they are offered a choice between
1 Temporary inconvenience of re-adjusting our economy but with the likelihood of a much brighter future if we tighten our belts and gird our loins and fight for our future
2 Carry on as before as long as possible with the certainty in the longer term of losing our freedoms, culture and eventual economic decline with probable serious civil unrest.
They will go for option 2 all the time. Oh I cant do it because it is difficult! As you inferred what would have happened if the allied troops on D Day had refused to go because it was difficult.
It makes me bloody sick!
R4 informed discussion on WTO – what a waste of time…all you had to do was look at WTO website..informed it me?
Conservative constituency associations are refusing to deliver
an “utterly moronic” party leaflet promoting Theresa May’s Brexit plan.
Tory backbencher Andrew Bridgen said: “Conservative Campaign Headquarters has completely lost the plot if they think we are going to pay for and deliver these leaflets. It’s like being asked to sign your own political death warrant.”
No Trial.
No Jury.
British and American mercenaries thwart attack by Somalian pirates.
Comments couldn’t be going better. (Sorry ‘Guest Who’ for stealing your quote 😉 )
No worries. Open source, free to use!
I wonder who Tom Hanks will play? Short movie mind.
Maybe… that sent a better message than ‘governments’ usually cobble together?
I may need to take that back.
At first I thought ‘getting them wet’ will really work, but then, as the video unfurls…
A most pleasing video after these bastards had appeared to operate with impunity for too long
What’s this? Ex-staff rocking the narrative?
The alumni get together will be awks.
AND Chris Mason on PM tonight seemed to make a mocking comment about Brexit finding its way into a question about Dutch sailors being found on Goodwin Sands by an archaeology team from Holland?
Seemed wry at best, taking the piss at worst.
Here` s hoping the jig is up there at the BBC, and they know it.
The sound of rats jumping into the next lifeboat, now they know they`re hated and not listened to is sweet. And well done Mason for that briefest glimpse of a mind of his own.
Revoke ‘citizenship’ immediately and deport.
Time to say “enough is enough”, Mrs May.
Got to love her use of words Taffy – ! Enough is never enough when it comes to enrichment.
Though my all time personal favourite is Brexit means Brexit.
I do love these terms.
British citizen of English extraction, based in Scotland an EU national and has asylum status from having been a resident of South Asia etc.
Lord alone knows how many kinds of status, label they get to confuse us with.
Will Muslim terrorist suffice-or am I being simplistic?
It is possible the allure of a fading promise of funding forever has faded chez W1A…
Rats, sacks and sinking ships…
Can I be the first to nominate Jeremy Corbyn for the Nobel Prize for Peace?
After Obama and the EU have been given it-just wondered how much lower they can go?
Jihadi Johns human material stain?
Now how does that Earth Wind & Fire song go…?
” Do you remember?…..Laying a wreath for Black September?”
Thank God for the Good Friday Agreement – imagine the carnage if the IRA had recruited all these ‘mentally ill’ folk before !$lam did.
Guessing this may be a TIME story Katty Kay will not be passing on unless suitably edited.
“Capitalism has simply failed in its central promise”
That’s quite the nod.
So he is more a unique funding, namely by force from peons to nobs, kind of guy?
Who would have thought?
Oh, and as a bonus, #CCBGB
Westminster Terror Attack Is Now Number Five On The BBC News Website.
It has dropped from the number number one slot this morning.
Of greater importance to the BBC is the ‘news’ that Google users turn off their location and that Stokes has been acquitted of the minor offence of affray.
The Beebs current website article on
Westminster car crash: Man arrested on suspicion of terror offences
The analysis by Dominic Casciani is rather interesting
“The threat of terrorism is a constant concern for Parliamentarians – it’s not new. The IRA murdered Airey Neave MP in 1979 in a car bomb that exploded within the palace grounds.”
You see this has been happening forever, its just part and parcel of living in a great City we just have to suck it up.
Dom either a bit behind the curve through ineptitude, or a bit more of a Dick.
Maybe Baroness Lawrence could say a few words?
Maybe Corbyns memory is going the same way as Dianne Abbotts.
Can you catch Alzheimers off the seat of a motorbike if you share one?
Did the East Germans stick something in them both?
Sweet dreams later on eh?
Can`t imagine Mossad would have tried to turn him , he`s an asset to us.
Al Beeb tells us that “UK unemployment fell by 65,000 to 1.36 million in three months to June”
But, yes there is always a ‘but’ if its good news, we are told of “a slowdown in wage growth”.
No HYS running on that one, I wonder why?
“Roaming Gangs” are setting fire to cars in Sweden according to Al Beeb . “Roaming gangs”, I suppose its a new name for those “men”.
Apparently they were clad in black. Therefore, could they be those “Men in Black” ?
Looking at Al Beeb’ news tonight, Mr Corbyn must go and Mrs May must go .
The nation is led by donkeys. We need some new leaders .
I see the Commieserveyourselves (formerly known as the Con servatives) have come up with a new and Politically Correct epithet for avoiding the word ‘migrant’ or ‘immigrant’
“A British Citizen who came to this country from another one originally”
As with all things the government handles it is ludicrously cumbersome, long winded and no one will ever use it in common parlance, but it doesn’t stop the idiots from trying !
This wording is used in the BBC report covering the Westminster attack. They really think that the public are terminally stupid don’t they.
All those ‘children’ in Libya and France are ‘British Citizens Not Yet Resident In The UK’.
BBC desperately trying to avoid the term “immigrant” tonight regarding the Westminster attacker. Hilarious really the lengths they are going too. A British citizen who came from another country is the latest !!!! Must not upset Muslim community, must not upset Muslim community …..that line must be on all the walls at the beeb and read out in every briefing and on every screen saver. Pathetic and downright wrong !!! Add that to Ben stokes knocking 10 shades of sh1t out of someone on CAMERA and being found not guilty , that’s me done with the news today !!! Lol. Do 35 in a 30mph zone, bang to rights, knock someone out on camera, off you go son , nothing to see here !!! And breath ……
The law in Britain is a saleable commodity, and it’s been that way for centuries.
If you put enough money in the pockets of the greedy weasels you get what you want, which is how the wealthy are able to make the laws they want by buying them.
……and the threat of wholesale insurrection and violence gets muslims their way.
According to my ISP he is a Sudanese British citizen. We come in all flavours.
What does ISP stand for?
Internet Slightly Possible?
Well, mine has been like that this summer. With an ‘m’ – ISPm – for ‘maybe’ suffix.
Sorry, JG: Internet Service Provider. Not to be confused with USP. (Unique Selling Proposition – or Point)
Evan Davis is incapable of asking a question and not interrupting within 5 seconds.
An average nine people arrested every day for, ‘Hate Speech’. That’s a growing band of 3285 annually that will recover from their crime and hate, with a hatred previously unknown, the police. This is an interesting website (and YouTube videos) showing how evil the police have become:
Crimebodge ought to tackle the ‘Hate Speech’. That would be very rewarding.
The Home Secretary is a Muslim.
The Mayor of London is a Muslim.
The head of UK Counter Terrorism is of Bengali heritage but I cannot find any details as to his religion. (Why?).
Do Christians have similar positions in any Muslim country?
Will the BBC explore this for us and provide answers? Or is it racist to ask?
Not forgetting that the executive in charge of religious tv programming is Fatima Salaria previously a BBC Editor – and also Muslim (the second Muslim to be put in charge of religious affairs)
More Islamophobic surely. But to be honest I wish they would at least be honest and come up with a word that makes sense. A phobia is an irrational fear of something common place. So effectively when they come to lock you up (sorry I have to be harsh, this is definitely borderline Islamophobia) they will be doing so because you are apparently afraid of a 7th century superstition that millions of people use as justification for indiscriminate killing and torture and thousands for raping underage white girls. Yes this irrational fear is a crime….makes a lot of sense to someone but not necessarily to me.
Newsnight wins comedy award.
Chris thinks that Corbyn is Nelson Mandela.
Newsnight seem to be asking HIM to clear up the mess, can`t imagine they give a damn about us.
And its mutual,
BBC and Labour are both anti Semitic.
So who cares whether it`s the budgie or the mirror?
Newsnight wins comedy award.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
The Beeb were hopeless this morning on the Turkish Lira situation, trying to attribute it to President Trump.
Ex-Beeboid Dr Linda Yueh put them right on TWatO.
The DG should give Kamal Ahmed the shove or at least re-assign him, and should then get Linda back and appoint her as Economics Editor in his place. She’d give Steffie a run for her money.
Oh please Lord, please make it stop. Sky Views just asking what the motive could possibly be for this terrorist attack. I just give up. I f******* give up.
How stupid does a BBC reporter want to appear? James Reynolds on the BBC1 10pm news shouts at an Italian government minister ‘why has the bridge(in Genoa) fallen down? I am not sure that the investigating team will have completed their research today.
That really is idiotic. Why do reporters always have to shout out like that?
“…why has the bridge(in Genoa) fallen down?”
10pm Channel 4 Two mini dramas about ex-prisoners
Play #1 white prisoner girl, black probation office, sleeping with white oss
Play #2 Features 2 black families , one family have Muslim first names
Fair enough if TV dramas have 10-13% BME,
but constant disproportionate BME, well that is inverted racism
Well done to Evan Davis for managing to sneak in a mention of Grenfell Tower into his introduction to the Newsnight report on the Italian bridge collapse.
What did it have to do with Grenfell tower? Were there too many illegal immigrants on the bridge too?
Obese illegal immigrants? UK Civil Engineer & journalist on TOADY to explain. He suggested it could just be about weight. And rust and/or corrosion.
The M&Ms obviously have no concept of concrete reinforcing or building from pre-cast sections and joining under tension or compression.
You cannot help but wonder whether the same-sex marriage thing actually leads some people to believe that you can just bring two things that do not join & hold together naturally into a construct and it will work. No science & engineering required.
I should have put this in a TOADY Watch on the new Thread. Oh well.
Good point Dys. Seeing gay marriage in engineering terms? Clever.
Did any BBC type mention EU funny money , the mafia and the concrete industry in Italy?
Same happened in 2009 with their buildings.
When will the EU get a look at, Beeb?
I avoid BBC now, it has gone beyond belief but everyone here knows that. I’m getting news from Fox, which is ridiculous because it’s in America, and Twitter LOL! how did it get this way?
I see our enriching friend yesterday is from Spark Hill in Birmingham, known to be very vibrant indeed. Will they have the chutzpah to claim he was ‘radicalised on the internet’?
He was so interested in our parliament that he was rushing for an early morning visit. It is our fault that the visiting times are not until later in the day – it is definitely all our fault. Equally I believe all Rotherham schools now start lessons later during Ramadan so our vibrant chums can get a good meal in before they go out ‘grooming.’
The terror attack is not leading their website and is next to a vital story about a lack of public toilets, the type of safe space fluff the BBC loves to report on. It still has ‘terror’ in inverted commas; we all know really it was just a bit of early morning fun and any mention of ‘terror’ makes you literally Hitler.
They had a team at Alan Sugar’s house when he said an ostensibly ‘racist’ comment on Twitter. Can we expect his associates to be hounded equally? Where on Earth did he learn such hatred? The ‘online radicalisation’ argument does not hold here as he came from such a vibrant area, plus given his feckless execution of this attack I doubt he has the wherewithal to get broadband yet alone read religious texts extensively independently. What on Earth is happening in these ghettos?
Where is the outrage? Johnson’s burka comments led their news for days. Yet another attack on such a symbolic target yet their silence as to what might be causing these attacks is deafening. How many more over the next decade? Ten? Fifty? A hundred?
No outrage just a story about public toilets and a meek hope we might forget. What cowardly traitors they are – may they rot in hell for betraying this great nation.
I just read that he lived above an Internet cafe! Why mention that detail? Because it is crucial, of course. The internet did it again! Nothing to see here. I used to work near Spark Hill and I never saw a single Internet cafe – what snide little toads they are for sneaking that fabricated detail in.
One customer said the suspect was seen in the cafe on Monday. He said: “He never talked. He doesn’t speak to people.”
Of course: it all happened online. I wonder who this mysterious ‘customer’ at the Internet cafe could be providing this perfect narrative? Mr M.A.Deup.
Just like with Khalid Masood who lived a ten minute drive away. We may never know why he did what he did either. It is an enigma wrapped in a mystery.
Just the one seems a problem. Submit!
My money is on the Chinese.
The BBC would prefer otherwise, but even Islam fears the Chinese and the Asian Russians.
Both knew what Genghis and Tamerlane got up to, Islam will have to take the west before trying for China etc.
The west is gone up to New Europes borders.
“During my time researching in the city, residents proudly pointed out that most people in the town wore hijabs or traditional white prayer hats. Almost everyone went to the mosque to pray daily. No shops in the village sold alcohol, and residents maintained a strict halal diet.“
….Coming soon to a town near you.
I realise Donald Trump gets abuse thrown at him for calling many places in Africa ‘Shitholes’.
But im not Donald Trump.
This terrorist came from Sudan. Sudan is by anyones reckoning, one of the worst ‘shitholes’ in the world. Ranks 2nd bottom in the world for press freedom, womens rights. Legal to marry little girls aged 10, FGM in their millions.
Its a complete ‘shithole’. And we let them immigrate to Birmingham. It’s the people that make a country a total shithole, not the landscape or its beaches. Shove them into Birmingham from Sudan and other ‘shitholes’, and what is Birmingham then?
There are utterly horrific problems in Sudan. 2 weeks ago, the BBC did a special report on one of these problems. FGM? Rape? Child abuse? Nope, Sudan has a problem because it has a stigma among adults on using bicycles.
And then sent over a team to make a special film to enlighten us all about it. Enjoy.
Great to know the BBC are challenging the difficult issues facing humanity.
Toady earlier: extolling the police and their reaction to the “terror” incident (no mention of islam however we now know he was from Sudan). All praising comments for after the event. No mention of the injuries to the victims – just no one is dead. Phew! That’s all right then. BBC’s muslim contingent, had they had their way, would have applied the islamic principle that, ‘if you weren’t there kafir, you would not have been injured’ surely? The question now is, when will it be revealed that this Sudanese aka, this “British citizen” acted as a muslim following the quran? Never, if the BBC has anything to do with it.
I wonder. How did the bbc find her?
The bbc is attracted to the activist opportunity that is death like flies.
And like flies, other things that they now deem ‘news’.
Frankly by continue to enable a £4Bpa bunch of thugs with ‘respect’ vendetta codes, the Conservatives deserve all they get.