Comrade Corbyn has declared his support for the rapidly failing BBC but suggested that there be a ‘British digital corporation’ to rival Netflix or Amazon. Meanwhile , back on Planet Earth , the BBC has not commented about the thoughts of a potentially future Prime Minister .
He also seems to want beeboids to declare their Social Class. Now there’s a giggle . Maybe users of this site should assign a five star system to those appearing on BBC output and have a special category for no class at all…
The BBC, where context is all. Or nothing.
A free press can chase the rape of 1400 kids over 16 years?
A free press can chase an MP that spends £650 on a bike using expenses.
A free press can chase a pedophile who sits on a kids show whilst being paid by the BBC TV Tax Payer under threat of prosecution.
The media’s role is to speak truth to power. For it to do this job well, it should give voices to all groups in our country. Journalists cannot all come from the same posh schools, wealthy families and social class. The BBC should take the lead. – David Lammy
Ah our dear leader Corbyn was speaking in a speech to the Royal TV society in Edinburgh.
It’s all well and good to talk about new media laws and structures.
But the main thing today is that CURRENTS LAWS are not applied.
Times : Corbyn wants the elite media power people out
they then say
#1 Corbyn wasn’t poor and started at a private school
#2 The Labour director of communications is Seamus Milne
.. you know, the guy whose father was Alastair Milne the BBC Director General
# 3 Their head of Strategic communications is James Sneider ..connected to public schools and Oxford etc.
It then names 6 senior Labour figures who are modern toffs, sending the kids to private schools.
Times commenters are not too kind to Corbyn’s speech.
Who introduced Corbyn and policed the questions at Corbyn’s speech ?
… Maxine Peake ..who benefits from all her smart meter adverts we pay for.
“The media’s role is to speak truth to power.”
What is this? Is it a new form of language, or what?
Via Mark Hodgson
\\ Interesting how headlines can spin a story. Regarding the SNP Scottish Government’s deficit, three online headlines are:
“Scotland cuts its deficit but is still outspending the UK” (GUardian).
“Scottish fiscal gap narrows but still at 8% of GDP” (FT)
“Scottish public finances show improvement” (BBC).
This shows why the BBC cannot be trusted. Read even the BBC article and the truth is much less rosy than that optimistic-sounding BBC headline:
“Scotland’s public finances have continued to show some improvement over the past year, according to Scottish government statistics.”
Such a positive headline regarding the UK government’s (much better) deficit control is almost unthinkable.
@MarkH the key point is that the EU Scottish gov spending is DOUBLE the EU limit in terms of GDP
(‘Oh we are very rural so things cost more’ says Sturgeon)
The Times has 2 stories
Gers report: Scotland running a deficit four times higher than rest of UK
\\ Nicola Sturgeon has been urged to drop all plans for a second independence referendum after figures showed that Scotland was running a deficit four times the level of the UK as a whole.
Scotland’s fiscal deficit was 7.9 per cent of GDP in the last financial year. Despite an upturn in North Sea oil revenues, this is four times the 1.9 per cent recorded for Britain and is more than double the 3 per cent limit allowed by the European Union for independent member states.//
second story almost the same
Nicola Sturgeon denies Scotland is ‘subsidised by UK’ as gulf in spending widens
Despite the Barnett Formula which in 2015 – 2016 amounted to these sums being stated as the Governments expenditure on each individual in the regions of the UK –
England: £8816;
Scotland: £10536′
Wales: £9996;
N.Ireland: £10963
The ‘English’, the poor relations.
Coincidences ?
Did anyone notice @MarkyMark posting when TR was in jail ?
I confess I am not important. But tanks for making me feel I.portant stew????
SG and MM ; Your posting styles are very similar. I’ve often thought you were one person using two monikas.
Still not sure.
Anyway I like the information you(se) give to the rest of us. Keep up the good work fella(s)
The snowflake millennial boys and girls at BBC London News issue a ‘Trigger Warning’ during their lunchtime bulletin today
[that’s a statement at the start of a piece of writing, video, etc. alerting the reader or viewer to the fact that it contains potentially distressing material]
No, it’s not ‘flashing lights’ or ‘flash photography’ – that’s old hat.
You’ll never guess…
“This report contains images of butchery, from the start”
Oh goodness me. Are we about to be subjected to out takes from previous Notting Hill Carnivals or scenes from the on-going Yemen Civil War (no, this is BBC London local news) so how about a BBC documentary on Halal animal slaughter?
Of course not. It’s Smithfield Market’s 150th Anniversary this weekend. Luva duck, me ol’ china plates!
I forsee some careful editing of Jones the butcher scenes from old Dad’s Army episodes (and his boy Raymond).
Gordon Ramsey, Nigella, gallopping gourmets and other assorted tv cook shows – you’d better clean up your act – edit out the actual chopping of chops – or they’ll be coming for you next!
Not looking good for Tommy Robinson. The state and the entire media are out to destroy him. Shame on the journos who are trying to break him by harassing his mother, leaving addresses for enemies to find.
Farage is on the side of the political elite and media with this one.
That video is a re-upload of the original video TR put up a month ago whist he was driving to the Tucker Carlson interview
Stew Green
Thanks for the info. It said 20th aug which is why I posted. It came up on my you tube account as new.
Well f***ing well sod it.
I thought better of TR and his supporters. Now Sod it
Well sometimes old videos are good
eg today TR’s facebook page put up a link to Oginos video
Published on 27 Jun 2018
It’s very slick and begins with Andrew Norfolk, Douglas Murray and Maajid Nawaaz etc.
Fist time I’ve seen it. My heart goes out to this innocent man.
Last night I commented that my local BBC News (Points West) had reported on an ethnic student getting a top GCSE English result, despite arriving in the country just a couple of years ago with no English and I pointed out that today’s exams must be piss easy.
It has since come to my attention from a Tweet that BBC Wales News also reported a similar story in their region.
Now this has be orchestrated and planned, the reporters and camera crews didn’t just pitch up at schools and randomly select foreign students and manage to also get pictures with parents at home, these things take a while to plan – no doubt in collusion with Common Purpose education authorities.
Again, an attempt from the BBC to make the indigenous look 2nd rate and immigrants to look oh so wonderful, now what would we do without them?
Thing is if all these foreigners are so clever, why is it that the places they hail from (to coin a phrase) are such ‘shitholes’ ?
Geoff, I too have always wondered why these clever buggers living here, and whose heritage is elsewhere, don’t go and help out their own 3rd world countries. We’ve taught the doctors their skills, so imagine how well off medically India and Pakistan would be with all that knowledge. Shame we don’t seem to teach them the equivalent building and civil engineering skills – it would do away with all the slums, they could build new drainage systems, and infrastructures – they’re ok though at creating a space programme, and buying the latest iPhones !
Could it be that the intention has nothing to do with education but to turn Britain into the said “shithole”?
Or how about ‘EU nurses leave NHS because because UK streets are not safe’.
…. and the Govt has taxed car use so much and makes them pay extra on top for parking at the hospital that they cannot afford to get to work anyway.
It will be interesting to see the bBC narrative as the Salmond situation develops.
His “brownshirts” were deployed to the bBC HQ on Clydeside to demonstrate noisily about bBC bias during the Referendum campaign……….
bBC watchers at the time up here saw the duplicitous hand of the bBC in its selection of an extremely pro independence audience in one of the final referendum TV debates……….
2 handed bias , a specialty of this lot…..
Nice to see salmond being brought down from that hypochritical high horse he has called down from for so long – innocent until guilty of course and it must suit cranky to have him tarnished ..
I hear rumours someone asked him if anything was worn under the kilt, and he demonstrated that it was not at all worn, and fully functional. I’ll get my coat, sorry its Friday and beer O’clock
There is gossip that he was also asked by a young, female researcher how can you tell a Scotsman’s clan ? and he told her to “shove your hand up his kilt, and if you can feel two quarter pounders, he’s a McDonald”
The BBC seem most upset about Alex and his wee Alex as well.
Kirsty, Nicola, Laura, Sarah-oh dear, this is Alex Salmond, Braveheart Himself!
Imagine a few BBC jocks and jokes will be creating a haggis roulade this weekend as they do a highland fling and try to toss Salmond off…then news bulletins.
Should be fun. Personally I`m backing him.
NHS : Sir David Dalton says the most efficient wah of dealing with failing hospitals is the same as for failing supermarkets
Ie that they get taken over by the efficient ones
..instead of spending £millions on management consultants to pop them up
..He runs a chain of NHS hospitals serving 1 million people in Manchester.
4:30pm R4 is maths fact check show More or Less continuing to support the Liberal agenda
Yep the first item is a time wasting talk about Tolkien
#2 Tim Harford interviews Mevan Babakar of the fact-checking organisation Fullfact about the software tools
#3 Child Poverty Action Group claims low-earning parents working full-time are unable to earn enough to provide their family with a basic, no-frills lifestyle. Tim Harford examines the numbers with the author of the group’s report he’s soft on her.
Also at RTS festival
Stop white men explaining stuff, says BBC Four boss Cassian Harrison
said “There’s a mode of programming that involves a presenter, usually white, middle-aged and male, standing on a hill and ‘telling you like it is’. We all recognise the era of that has passed.”
top comments
\\ Why not just set out to produce great programmes and hold off on the rainbow/diversity/multicultural virtue signalling until you’ve actually delivered something worth talking up? //
Sounds like the cassias Harrison is a bit of a racist and might have forgotten they live in a predominantly white European country .
. There are plenty of African countries and the ‘islands ‘ where non white are the majority where Harrison could broadcast from – and if Harrison has a hang up about hills just choose the flattest African country .
Says a white, middle-aged male! Is that his resignation from the BBC?
I remember when BBC’s “Horizon” science documentaries only had a narrator, with the emphasis on the science content, mostly British science.
Now the BBC avoids British scientists who have anything of interest to provide to a science documentary. Presumably because most are white males who have criticised the BBC over its Climate science censorship policy.
So now the BBC prefers foreign scientists, mostly American, who then turn out to be mostly public relations ladies, appointed by the males in US government science agencies. Horizon then starts with a look at this young ladies social life, before we get to any science content.
The audiences are disappearing anyway so what does it really matter?
Just been listening to Radio 4extra as they sometimes have some rather good vintage stuff, but alas, now a “current” quiz show on with smug so called stand ups trying to be funny on a game show format, trying to invent new game shows, their best effort ?
“Have I got Jews for you”
Ho ho ho, well done, wot no muzzie jokes BBC ? we can think of a few but only Corbyn-approved anti-jewish racism is allowed to thrive on the BBC it seems.
‘Trust Me, I’m a Doctor’ Dr Phil Hammond says he has been fired from his BBC radio show – just hours after announcing his plans to run as MP against Jacob Rees-Mogg for the national Health Actiion Party.
… Can you be allowed a BBC platform at the same time you are doing a radical political campaign ?
I like Phil, but surely he should have taken a sabbatical ?
It’s not the same an ex-politician doing an entertainment show : Phil’s prog is basically medical news. But he says he did get the OK first
BBC said “Impartiality is at the heart of our journalism. Active political involvement is an area covered by our editorial guidelines.
Standing as a candidate in an election is a conflict of interest and someone seeking election is unable to continue in this type of editorial role.”
Lefty news sites are wild shouting “BBC pro government conspiracy !”
Stew – can always get another beeboid . Maybe his demographic didn’t fit any more and they wanted somebody a bit more vibrant and genda fluid .
BBC said “Impartiality is at the heart of our journalism.”
Ha ha ha
I see the “Justice for Men and Boys” website is banned on the Council wifi
..under the “hatespeak” category
apparently they see things against feminists.
…I know nothing about the org.
Ah their website lists a lot crimes against men that we’ve not heard of , but would have if the other way around
eg that Sandra Horley the head of a domestic violence charity has a total annual remuneration of £220K
Albeeb is claiming that only 6 people have been convicted in relation of the Grendel fire . On my count there are nearly as many convicted as died in the fire . Maybe I’m wrong.
Last year they held a memorial at our annual efnick crimefest carnival for Grenfell for a few minutes, before they resumed stabbing, coshing and mugging each other, reminds me of the Peckham riot that stopped for Del Boy, then resumed.
I dread to think what we have in store this year as they seem even more weaponised than usual.
Monday’s Panorama didn’t quite convay the message it was meant to. The subject was supposed to be how white gunsmiths were making ammunition so that legal antique revolvers could be used (making them illegal). However, most of the programme was a black reporter looking serious (with the appropriate mood music) as he described how black criminals were murdering other black criminals. It seems that the problem isn’t the revolvers, it’s the black criminals.
Maybe the Danny chap who just got dumped from 007 can do Grenfell the musical – complete with a fire brigade choir telling the inmates to ‘ stay put’- yep bad taste gallows humour.
I am still waiting to hear where and precisely how this fire started, it is not that hard to work out with today’s forensic techniques, maybe a West Side Story we are not meant to hear
Not going well so far…
RE above link and news story about Muslim marine, no objection in principle, (apart from the fact it is considered news) but, what happens during ramadam ? we have already had a cover up from Bedfordshire police RE muslim officer could not chase a 17 year old because he was fasting and “tired” shown in a Ch 5 police documentary and then deleted from youtube after a comment on here, and said police authority when required through an FOI request to produce a risk assessment about the situation lost all information …
Oh they`ll be busy alright GW.
I imagine vast ovenfuls of tripe, reheats and rehashes on 1. Trump-getting him killed or impeached. 2 ,Brexit-getting us to stay as bayonet practice for the EU and Islam. 3. Migration, the racists of Columbia and Peru refusing the Venezuelan socialists in. 4. The NHS, Grenfell, Hillsborough, Orgreave-more money, more pity and charity.
Everything else will be devoted to all the above-basically Soros and his Chinese Democracy Reenactment Campaign.
Soapy is in a lather.
Blink and you missed it.
At 6.20 pm on the BBC1 news they mentioned that yet another person has been found guilty of taking thousands in benefits in kind (free hotel stays etc) falsely claiming to be a victim of Grenfell.
The item lasted approximately 15 seconds and was jammed into the short sharp ‘other news’.
Compare and contrast with, ahem, the usual BBC Grenfell SJW coverage.
Just an ever-so-slightly different approach.
Yes it was noted on other news sites, maybe of the wrong ethnic persuasion to warrant holding to account, and interesting to note another of the celebrated rappers under investigation for sexual assaults the bbc decides to promote a sordid photo of a decidedly tired and emotional white british Pete Doherty eating a big breakfast.
This is why their journalists get no time off at bank holidays, they need to find stupid stories like this to hide the tide of real news stories of crime committed by those who’s ethnicity they wish to hide, and if they have no alternative than to mention a “black on black” kiliing in London the victim is inevitably a student FFS when a little further investigation will find no evidence of that, other than the fact, maybe that their knowledge and ability of weights, measures and dispensing techniques could put a Boots pharmacist to shame.
There seems some confusion, which the bbc is either ignoring or sowing too.
The BBC has three entertainment channels on the Freeview/Freesat platforms.
At 10 o’clock tonight, a Friday we have:
BBC4: Pump Up the Bhangra: The Sound of Asian Britain
BBC2: The Big Asian Stand Up
BBC1: The News and if presented by Chakrabarti or Myrie that makes the BBC 100% ethnic in that slot. A newly landed alien could be forgiven for thinking the UK isn’t a predominantly a white country..
Newly landed alien ? plenty of them landing in the Toddington services car park emerging from the back of their intergalactic 40 ft artics after two week stasis under a pallet of special brew
Come on Al Beeb, first Franco, then what next ? Napoleon, Wellington, Nelson, Churchill, Marx ?……..
Owain Glyndŵr ? hush my mouth..
They cannot find him , he disappeared in the Welsh mists. Perhaps he will return to rescue us from the EU?
So the Clock is Ticking? For who? Europe, the UK, or is the extension to give ‘May the Remainer‘ more time to spin a ‘deal’ with the EU?
Mrs May is like a poker player that started the game with a Royal Flush but she has flushed it down the pan for a packet of crisps and a can of lemonade.
Anything on Al Beeb yet?
At least he realised the value of fighting fire with fire RE mandatory equality and diversity courses within the court of Tywysog Cymru.
The rather more subtle than we realise difference between immigration and invasion, those who seek to impose their values and culture upon us, not necessarily through violence, although they do that, but through continual whingeing, whining, complaining, setting up their own “council of britain” etc. etc. , whilst comprising less than 8% of the population, ghettoising themselves then objecting to gay saunas in “their” area, demanding their own schools because our culture is “decadent”, riding roughshod upon our own equality laws with regards to their own behaviour yet hiding behind racism laws whenever challenged is nothing more than an invasion
Our parents and grandparents would not have put up with it.
The snowflakes have been taken advantage of because of their gullibility and naivety. Assisted by Al Beeb propaganda and our Appeaser Leader.
maybe a fault of the education system or maybe I am getting old, but we were encouraged to learn and also pass exams, luckily I was more towards science so used to questioning and looking for original references if anyone made a statement, as usual they are poorly educated cosseted kids let loose with their media studies and sociology qualifications only achieved though course work, rant over…
No doubt. Sadly, objective impartial journalism has not.
I’m surprised Jeremy didn’t mention that it helps if your dad was alabour politician or beeboid . There is quite a list ….
Funny you should mention Jeremy Bowen’s father Gareth
What about Jeremy’s wife ?
” Bowen lives in Camberwell, South London with his partner Julia Williams, also a BBC journalist. ”
(now ex-BBC)
Bowen’s mum Jennifer was a Merthyr Express nphotographer
Nepotism anyone ?
His wife was a BBC journalist and producer ..last worked on Hard Talk
..wouldn’t be surprised if she’s an Oxbridge one.
I wasn’t totally sure what I heard on the TODAY Programme this morning. The BBC correspondent spoke very quickly. I think I heard “The amount of the UK that is densely built upon is just 0.1 of the total land mass.”
I think he got it right at that. To be fair, I understand some geographers and CPRE argue over fine definitions of ‘densely’ and also of ‘built’. I wasn’t sure if the dreaded BBC decimal point had slipped again but IIRC it is generally agreed that 1/10th of the UK is built upon/’brownfield’ sites.
However, I find on the web-site, math disaster has struck! Where is Bobby Seagull when you need him?
No wonder the BBC is in favour of increasingly widespread immigration into the UK. The place is empty. Give me some of this spare land and I’ll put up a house.
concrete / road covered is about 3% therefore misreported once agian by BBC ignoramuses I refer the members to my previous post above, maybe they could upgrade their application system from “being black and can just manage english” to include: basic science,encompassing physics, chemistry and biology, , geography, history and most importantly epidemiology as their health posts are most silly and ignorant, any talented teenager could manage that but…can they do a rap song at the interview that would get them all wanking into their lattes
Annu, don’t forget that in ‘built’ ,by one strict definition, come tracks, bridleways, farms, army ranges, industrial sites, retail parks, parks of all sorts, airports, airfields and gardens. In other words, if land has an overall use it is considered ‘built on’. IIRC, that is how the 0.1 (actually 0.09something) is reached.
Densely built on is BBC Fake News. The defintion of Continuous Urban Fabric actually refers to ‘impervious surfaces’, i.e. land that has been covered so that rainwater can’t soak the underlying earth and must therefore be artificially drained. So all those gardens, verges and parks that make up our ‘densely built’ cities can be discounted by the BBC.
Mark Easton tried this game earlier this year, ‘The Illusion of a concrete Britain‘, trying to make out that 99.9% of the UK was available for his brown-eyed boys. But even that article said that 56.7% of land was used for farming and only 34.9% was still ‘natural’. Is the BBC really saying that we should rid ourselves of all farmland and our ‘green lungs’ and all those habitats that decades of BBC programming has told us are necessary to preserve diverse wildlife.
Jim, was there not a ‘group’ or NGO arguing a different definition for densely? Seem to recall that they suggested that an estate of semis with gardens (Letchworth GC or Welwyn GC) is not densely built upon. In comparison, Park Hill, Sheffield would be considered densely built upon.
Think it may have been RIBA.
It has to be remembered there is a big difference between the home nations individually and the UK as a whole. They are often mixed up. It also needs to be borne in mind that available land can be at degrees to the vertical and so remote as to be useless for building upon, but in turn, really valuable for being in or looking at!
It’s that time of the year we’ve all been waiting for, the annual liberal love in at the multicultural Notting Hill Carnival.
All the Beeb luvvies will be cooing about it. We’ll see the floats, the speakers, a number a scantily clad wenches will be wiggling their assets and a couple of podgy plod will be tying to dance.
What The BBC might be a little shy of mentioning is that all police leave has been cancelled. Over 7,000 officers will be in attendance and to enter now you need to go through a metal detecting barrier…just on the off chance you’re carrying a knife, a gun or a grenade…
I’m also considering attending a music event this weekend. Now will it be the vibrant, enriched, diverse Notting Hill or… There’s a traditional British brass band playing in Regent’s Park. Trumpets and trombones playing traditional foot tapping stuff. A deckchair, an ice cream. Perhaps a gentle snooze in the shade.
No police. No drugs. No gangs. No stabbings.
Decisions, decisions…
I too will be experiencing a music event, with trumpets, saxophones and trombones playing traditional foot tapping stuff. A deckchair, an ice cream/gin and tonic. Perhaps a gentle snooze in the shade. Its called Home !
It was reported in the ” The Times” today that a senior
executive at the BBC wants to phase out white , middle aged
male presenters . I thought they very nearly had.
I am utterly surprised that Gary Lineker is still allowed to
present Match of the Day. But his days look like they are
Somebody else wrote that from around 10 PM this evening
you could be watching BBC Asian Network. We got a several
minutes preview of this, on the One Show this evening.
We live in a multicultural UK with racial tolerance with everybody
equal, as it should be.
The problem with the BBC is that they now consider some of
society are more equal than others. Middle aged white men
not being quite so equal.
Ironic that middle aged middle class white men passed the laws which allowed non whites into Blighty in the first place. And when E Powell spelled out the consequences he got the full Ted Heath treatment .
Being white and middle class is OK though if you`re a BBC Director, or somehwere behind the cameras and writing those scripts.
Like the far left-Oxbridge well heeled kids of traitors and former BBC club members where the REAL money, power and influence lies.
The BBC and Labour-same toffs, same prep schools, always fussing over the exotic, the deviant and shroud wavers.
I mean-Polly Toynbee? Seamus Milne?
chinese wife is different if she maks mistake and takes that incorrect examining board english exam then back fom 2 years into the5 years journey after £3000 pounds and put on a 10 year course with £1000 pound each 2 YEAR APPLICATION , HMM i LOVE LOOKING AT THESE BEEG EESHOO INDIVIUALS aND THEIR wonderful command of the english lanuage
I refer the member to my previous answer:
Oasis at Knebworth , 250,000 over two days, “There were only 10 arrests over the two days,”
Notting Hill carnival 2016 : more than 450 people were detained across the two days of festivities. 14 arrests for sexual offences were also carried out, 37 public order arrests and 17 common assault arrests.
Officers seized a number of knives, batons, CS spray and a hammer. Twenty-eight officers were injured across both days, while 17 arrests were made for assault on police, the Met said.
Carnival 2017 : Three people were injured when an acidic liquid was thrown over a crowd near Ladbroke Grove on Sunday evening.
This year: 13.000 police to look after this annual crime fest
Yet the BBC have the affront to run headline story: how much did we pay for the police during the trump visit?
I cannot believe that paddy power has a book running on the number of stabbings / mugging at the Notting Hill effnic fest . ( false news) .
However the idea of publicising that the cops are going to use metal detectors to stop bad things getting in might suggest anyone serious about tooling up to get their weapons in early …. or they’ll use improvised weapons like broken red stripe bottles as part of the cultural heritage.
Declaration – in 1976 I went to the Notting Hill carnival and got mugged in the sight of about 50 coppers who did nothing – afterwards I went to them and asked them why they didn’t help me – they said ‘ go home’ .
13,000! Blimey it’s worse than I thought.
It tells us something when so many police are required.
Didn’t see any at the Hampton Court Flower Show…
Just dawned on me – the irony of comrade Corbyn talking about Zionist irony – or in his view – the lack of it – very limited MSM coverage against a trivial comment about Muslim letterboxes by a Tory backbencher which put the MSM into a froth for about a week.
Someone Watching the Corbyn comment might come to a view that this man is merely a professional protester who got over promoted by accident . If he makes PM buy popcorn very quickly before the panic buying sets in ….
Maybe they decided to drop the cannabis garden? It would reduce the visitor numbers looking for a cutting or three….
Oh Annu, those were the days ….. I lived in Knebworth during those concert years at the Park, and never a bother, apart from traffic congestion in the High Street !! (oh and ideally placed to sneak in for free)
Pimk Floyd, Stones, Lynrd Skynrd, Zep, 200.000 people, lower middle or working class, (or students) not a knfe in sight and on Monday what will happen ? I am not a time traveller yet am able to predict there wll be stabbings and muggings, at the annual crimefest carnival, and why, or rather who ? what culture / race ? and who will have the bollocks to draw the obvious conclusion ?
“……..and who will have the bollocks to draw the obvious conclusion?”
No-one. The MSM will deceive us by omission as they always do when BAME crime is involved and nobody will do a thing about it.
Is there a carnival float this year with muslims in their battle dress, slaughtering sheep while shouting their battle cry?
Perhaps it could be accompanied by another float showing everything that islam has given to the world over the past 1400 years; a pile of dead bodies, perhaps?
Have the BBC finally dropped their Boris-Burka outrage?
Perhaps the BBC could now direct their fresh outrage at Sir Bob ‘very, very rich’ Geldof and his failure for the past two years to house at any of his homes a single Syrian refugee. He did promise that he would.
He also demanded that we all do the same.
I almost complied….
I was wonder how al beeb will treat the 100 th murder in Londonistan when it happens in a week or two . Tonight the local rag is reporting the latest stabbing . The 23 year old survived as far as hospital but there’s no update as to condition . Nice preamble to the vibrant carnival …
Refr to my previous post : in a more sensible UK if the BBC went a little tabloid: Our Boris slams bonker burka plonkers
let the bbc and labour cobryn cat out of the bag :
jewish people are not black enough to warrant racim
chinese people are not black enough
black people do not rape or murder, or if they do we will not show their photo, if they are white its OK and we will search their
Buried on the BBC news web site:
“Sweden rape: Most convicted attackers foreign-born, says TV”
“About 58% of men convicted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the past five years were born abroad, according to data from Swedish national TV.”
So the BBC being honest at last about the shit situation in Sweden?
Well compare with:
“Eight out of 10 ‘stranger’ rapes in Sweden are carried out by migrants, with more than half of all rape convictions to foreigners, study reveals”
So interesting twist from the BBC. In terms of all rapes, yes migrants only responsible for almost 60%, but in terms of stranger rapes, it rises to 8 out of ten.
What I cannot glean is how many of the rest of the rapes are down to second generation, children of migrants. That would also be interesting.
But don’t be alarmed, The BBC assure us:
“”We are very clear in the programme that it is a small percentage of the people coming from abroad who are convicted of rape,” chief editor Ulf Johansson told the BBC.
He pointed out that the number of reported rapes in Sweden was far higher, so no conclusions could be drawn on the role of immigrants in sexual attacks.”
Perhaps the BBC should listen to Trump about Sweden.
There is an interesting forum if you have time
Good find Stew,
A forum dedicated to BBC staff – how very up their own arses they are.
I clicked on one of the forum topics and the first comment I read was “watching brexit is like seeing people who don’t read, burning down a library. Every day BBC news ignores or plays down stories concerning leavers and government ministers cheating and lying which are of real importance to our children and grand children’s futures. It’s an embarrassment to admit to having been a BBC journalist.”
That is actually how they all think. Very disturbing.
At least they leave their political biases at other studio doors.
A polite reminder.
Project Fear No1……………………..
How many more Project Fears do we get before we actually leave ?
Two results of failed “Project Fears” for the future, by “Remain” supporters:
1776: The United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada: An Association founded for American “Remain” supporters and their descendents, so that they can demonstrate their loyalty to the Crown in perpetuity.
2019: The United European Loyalists Association of Ireland: An Association founded for British “Remain” supporters and their descendents, so that they can demonstrate their loyalty to the European Union in perpetuity.
A polite reminder, who created the fear in the first place ? with their endless EU madness headlines for 20 years running, banana / sausage rules ec. ? so who is responsible for influencing the public over 20 years of the same stories ? maybe the same oganisations that hounded a Princess to death then blamed everyone but themselves, sounds familiar ?
Who are they blaming now ? certainly not their editorial staff of course, they are up the pub on expenses and laughing into their beers
Only Elton and Cliff Richard had the resources to hold them to acount, and by God did they not endlessly whine about that
And they have a lot to say about those found guilty in court, unless it is themselves, and quite happy to demand heads should roll, unless it is themselves, media spying on celebrities, no “heads rolled” but no hesitation in demanding the same of any other organisation, funny that..
This lady’s counter is hilarious.
All the more so for her BBC template twitter disclaimer.
First things first, stop right there, and define”far right” if you are in any doubt have a look at this, now carry on and please define far right, my wife is chinese and would like to know why you use this term so casually when she sees muslim fanatics around the world behaving in a precisely similar fashion to the Japanese and Nazis
“.. muslims… Japanese and Nazis”
This the second time, to my knowledge, that you have raised 1930s Nanking murders recently”.
Why are you omitting the c60 million Chinese people murdered by other Chinese people during the previous century? Again. Mostly by The Chinese Communist Party, a party which still exists, and controls the PRC.
The PRC, which uses North Korea as a proxy to threaten its neighbours, is expanding illegally into international waters and is persecuting its Muslim minority (amongst other minorities, ever heard of Tibet?).
Perhaps you should break this news, gently, to your Chinese wife.
Shes well aware thank you they killed her grandfather, a schoolteacher, and the rest of the world are generally aware unlike Nanking
Quick summary on this week’s Manafort/Cohen cases
As I pointed out previously, BBC as a national broadcaster should represent the voice of the people, does it : Police Federation, for example ? are they not people or nt efnick enough to be heard ?
Police at this year’s Notting Hill carnival will deploy metal-detecting knife arches and behavioural experts to try to thwart violence, but have dropped “Big Brother-style” facial recognition amid claims it was racially discriminatory and confused men with women.
Up to 1 million people are expected to attend this weekend’s west London event that is the biggest celebration of British African-Caribbean culture ( stabbing and mugging ) and seen by the Metropolitan police as the biggest public order challenge of the year.
public order challenge? FFS can they not control themselves ?
Police made more than 300 arrests and 28 officers were injured at Notting Hill Carnival over the Bank Holiday weekend.
Scotland Yard said officers made 313 arrests for a range of offences including 112 for drugs and 58 for offensive weapons.
Twenty-eight officers were injured across both days, while 17 arrests were made for assault on police, the Met said.
The two-day Bank Holiday festivities saw hundreds of thousands of revellers dance their way around the west London carnival route, while there were a number of opportunities for attendees to pay their respects to those who died in the Grenfell Tower fire. h good for them they stopped stabbing and mugging for a lttle while then
Notting Hill Carnival: Met Fed Chairman speaks out of safety
The Chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation has called for a full scale review of the Notting Hill Carnival after 43 police officers were injured at this year’s event.
Ken Marsh spoke out over fears over safety as 8 police officers were hospitalised following clashes with Carnival goers.
His views featured on BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio London, local and national TV and across the National Newspapers.
He said police officers “dread” working at the annual event and that the many millions of pounds spent policing the Carnival should come under severe scrutiny as the violence continues.
“Enough is enough,” said Mr Marsh. “This is not a peaceful and fun loving event that our members look forward to policing. They dread it.
“A seemingly growing number of people appear intent on hijacking this Carnival and turning it into a Bank Holiday battleground. And an excuse for using our members as professional punchbags.
When reality hits …. literally! Turning the Police ‘force’ into a non-threatening arm of social services hasn’t helped their cause either.
Best the BBC can manage with this public debate ? tumbleweed moment again
Oh, wait , man finds a hole and white pop singer eats a big breakfast whle looking a bit drunk, (black rappers still raping btw)there you have it in a nutshell…..
Libertines frontman Pete Doherty wins cafe breakfast fame
Libertines frontman Pete Doherty will have his name inscribed on a wall of fame in a Margate cafe after scoffing a “mega breakfast” to claim it for free.
He put away the feast inside 20 minutes to beat the challenge set by cafe owner Mark Ezekiel.
The fry-up included four bacon rashers, four eggs, four sausages, a burger and chips, plus plenty of trimmings.
Well done BBC
The bbc have found another telegenic daughter of the soil they like.
Sadly, #CCBGB
Aw bless, cant find slaves anymre
They are loving these Catholic priests abusing kids – finally some hideous whites molesting kids! The depth and scale of the abuse is minuscule compared to the ROP gangs but if they turn their coverage up to eleven whilst memory holing the vibrant stuff nobody will notice. They almost gave Worbohs his own entire channel.
similar with black rapper rapists, pete doherty eating a breakfast while drunk is the best they can do on music news, meanwhile
Why don`t the stupid Catholics do a BBC or an Islam and refuse to apologise for anything ?
The BBC and Islam don`t-and thereby seem qualified to stick their oars into the relatively miniscule paedo stuff within their sordid presbyteries. Islam is the biggest child abuser on the planet by far-followed by the media, arts and fashions-all of which are covered by the BBC and condoned.
Wait til Katty RTs this..
Great post GW
Comments going pretty well, so far.