The BBC has history when it comes to the vibrant Notting Hill Carnival; the more trouble – the less to be heard about it – apart from the copper ‘dancing’ with somebody being vibrant. Then it’s back to normal as the political/MSM bubble returns to usual failure to tell people the truth. At least people visiting this site will get a clearer view of what is really going on.
Start the Week Open Thread 27 August 2018
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The Yorkshire Post never misses an opportunity to stick in a photo of Jo Cox and say “was killed by neo-nazi fanatic Thomas Mair”
A Belgian politician is organising naming a Bruxelles back street after her
I note he calls her “Helen Joanne Cox ”
Sorry SG, but he does not sound Belgian to me.
I assume that is the same Yorkshire Post that missed every single opportunity to report on, you know, the events we do not discuss or report. About the Belgians.
Maybe… one of the Walloon Ouriaghlis?
Cet évènement est en son honneur et dans le souhait de féminiser les places et noms de rue à la Ville Bruxelles>
Just got to love the French language! The re-naming is to be done in his (son) honour and to feminise the already feminine la rue, plural of Brussels.
Mohamed OhYouAreUgly? Surely that’s due a fatwah for maligning the prophet (PBUH)?
Won`t they have to draw her on the side of the wall with a burqa?
So, it could be ANYBODY under there, might even be room for Brendan under it?
And on that thought….
Latest ‘letter’ from TV Licensing uses a fake second class stamp. I’m sure these guys used to work for Readers’ Digest competitions department, what with all these subterfuges ** to get you to open their junk mail and all the phony ‘authorised’ stamps and printed ‘signatures’.
Aren’t the BBC worried that Capita show more creativity than their own staff?
[** How about a ‘golden ticket’ that entitles you to a free TV licence (p&p £160)?]
I love those ‘we’ve started an investigation ‘ and ‘ what are you doing on the first of September ‘ letters . I’m still waiting for my first visit from the TV bod- apart from 1. Not answering the door 2. Silence I’d be be quite entertained by the apparent trickery they use – especially if they turn up with plod – who there is also no requirement to communicate with .
I am following this with interest.
Do they actually turn up with plod?
Just how much does it cost to get the plod to turn up, surely more than the telly tax fee?
I would have thought plod would have more important work to do?
I think they use body cameras now and ask plod to come along . I doubt if plod charges though…
Anyone listen to Classic FM?
I am just switching off to lose the ads and of course Globshite news.
I did however catch it an hour ago and was subjected to the usual barrage of nonsense, culminating in a ‘story’ about, who else, the Donald, who has apparently Googled himself and found it was all bad.
The idiot reporter at the end even cracked a funny: “maybe he should google McCain… tee hee”.
At first I thought he’d handed them one again, but now I am not so sure, and it’s another TTT (Top Trump Troll).
Because in an era when dead tree and bent broadcasting is in terminal decline, many do rely on social media and browsers to trawl and get informed.
And some will already be pondering the blatant collusion by the former over there, and also the antics of the S&M babies like FB, twitter, Apple, etc, erasing views they don’t want heard.
So bragging about Google doing just that (allegedly), both as propaganda in and censorship out, seems a mile thick reef of bat guano stupid.
I listened to Classic FM for years, but the ‘news’ has become increasingly puerile. Plenty of streaming options available on the internet, including Spotify (for free, if you don’t mind some adverts). Alternatively, download your 100 favourite pieces to a phone, tablet or memory stick and have your own Classic FM clone but without any news, adverts or John Williams 🙂
Someone here kindly provided links to Swiss Classics, which is good, but not accessible in the car, garden or garage.
Plus I do like John Williams.
However Glob News is beyond dire. And the ads are getting worse. They even have a jingle currently singing the joys of loose stools, plus another where a biddy of at least 80 talks about ‘us over-50s’, which caused the missus to fall about laughing.
To the topic, it is nice to see we are not alone…
If I remember correctly classic FM news is run by Global which is owned by a Serious Remainer – so the complexion is steered that way .. press the radio 3 button and if they play music and are not up theirown bottoms then fine.
I saw the first episode of Unforgotten which I’d recorded.
A body was found buried in a motorway central reservation.
A whole room of detectives with back up from forensics and other police forces was mobilised.
This, for what was a 20 year old skeleton.
With over 100 murders in London is this typical of the manpower used for each murder.
I think not.
The police are always saying they are short of manpower and rarely do anything about crime, preferring to spend time looking for perceived ‘hate’ crimes on computers.
Our pc pc’s on their pc’s.
It’s no longer believable that our police spend a lot of time and effort doing detective work. For example, how often have the police been given video evidence of burglaries yet fail to do anything, just give out a crime number….that’s it.
It would be nice to think the police did spend a lot of time detecting criminals but unless it’s something like McCann, Tommy, speeding or bacon related they don’t bother.
Oh yes, the person who spotted the skeleton was an Asian Doctor working as a road labourer.
ITV are not lagging far behind the bbc with their BLT and all the other usual characters.
One other thing.
I hope May feels good and enjoys the praise she gets from miscellaneous African dictators as she hands out fabulous amounts of taxpayers cash (borrowed as we don’t have enough) for them to buy their Mercedes and palaces.
Pat on the back for her giving other people’s money away.
UK MP’s aunt has imprisoned a guy who has UK residency
..his crime publishing facebook video of Bangladesh student demonstrations
\\ Photographer Shahidul Alam was detained on August 5, just hours after going on Al Jazeera and expressing criticism of the government’s handling of student protests in the country. //
Tulip Siddiq MP is the niece of the Bangladeshi PM
180+ British Somali girls sent to Somalia on holiday
they are detained in re-education centres until they agreed to marry local men.
BBC liberalism is a disease. If only there were a cure.
v, Lead poisoning, cured.
How does a “coroner being rude to a defending immigration lawyer” not only crawl onto the 1pm news on the London Calling?
But stay on until 5pm when said defending immigration lawyer can speak unto the nation?
How the hell is THIS news? Windrush or not?
When DID the BBC decide that there would be no more news, just shitstirring?
Carrickmore and the INLA tableau for Panoramas screen saver would be my guess, from November 1979.
Notting Hill Carnival, nothing more than a piece of multiculturalism propaganda promoted by the ravid media (BBC) et al. A clear concise message to the indigenous Brit that he no longer is of a consequence in his/her own country, and one he/her has been, better or for worse, proud to live for over 2000yrs. it shows quite clearly in every day news just how serious the position is becomming to us all as the Prime Minister failing to appreciate just how bad matters are here in UK, gives away £millions of the tax payers money to the Southern Africa, that but for the corruption could be one of the most influential countries in the world-indeed Africa could if organised properly feed the world’s starving, but again corruption stands in its way.
tarien, I have absolutely no idea why people bother. It was actually cool on Monday and the clowns are in full summer gear. I’m old and grumpy but I think they are so easily fooled into thinking that it’s something special. The cost is anyone’s guess but the other things that have me in a rage are it’s way out grown it’s right to be held in a residential area. Not exclusively for the rich as there are many housing estates surrounding the event. Most of all it’s the pure filth they leave behind. I don’t think the BBC would cover the mounds of garbage that line the roadways and pavements. Not a space is left uncovered and I find it intolerable but the council comes in and it takes days for a full clean up. Daring to voice your opinion makes you a racist. They come in and drink, do drugs, sniff the laughing gas leave a shit load of mess and just leave.
The outcome of the 350 plus arrests will be interesting -I suspect a lot of no action and cautions and little court time .
No word on cost yet. …
I read the major news story on the BBC website that University
Challenge is to have just ” Gender Neutrality Questions.” You
know that one sometimes thinks how they would like to meet
someone from history ,and tell them what you think of them.
Well I would like to meet BIG BROTHER from the Diversity
and Positive Discrimination Dept and tell him or her or
anything in between that they are off their fu**ing head.
I watched a small clip of the film ” Kramer V Kramer which
was on TV this afternoon. The film won four Academy Awards in 1981
including Best film, Best Actor for Dustin Hoffman and best
supporting actress for Meryl Streep.
But don’t expect to see it on BBC. I just happened to see
the scene when the Dustin Hoffman character needs
to get an advertising job to support his son. He is absolutely
desperate and will take anything. His ex wife Meryl Streep
is trying to get custody of their son whom he has looked after
since Streep walked out of the marriage when the child was a baby.
At a Christmas Eve party at an advertising company, Hoffman
is offered a job. He is overcome with emotion and so thrilled to
be offered the job that he kisses one of the women at the party.
A complete stranger.
I reiterate BIG BROTHER would never let us see this scene. If he
had his way he would get the Hoffman character arrested!!
They’d have no problem showing him in Mrs Doubtfire, though. Couple of times a day if they could get away with it.
I read about this stupid idea of gender neutral questions on University Challenge in the Telegraph. But the Telegraph gave examples such as a set of questions about a female conductor, presumably because she is a female. That isn’t gender neutral but positive discrimination. The Telegraph also reported that these positive discrimination questions were as a result of a complaint. A complaint? One complaint? If all the posters here highlighted one of the bias examples raised here, the BBC would just respond with that they had considered our complaint and we were all wrong.
Before I gave up on mastermind I would guess how far into the general knowledge stuff the girl contestant would get a girl question …. it was habitual , obvious and insulting .
Shouldn’t that be big sister?
Well, there we are, just when you think Mrs May can sink no lower, she manages to descend even further. Now, it’s evident that not only is she a traitor to her faith ( if in fact she’s ever been a Christian), a traitor to her country ( selling us out to the EU), she’s also a traitor to her race ( supporting the black savages in South Africa in preference to the white Afrikaner farmers):
Mrs May can sink no lower
Oh, I think she can go a lot, lot, lower. And fully intends to.
Her minions have told her people can access news beyond the bbc by now?
Even on a ‘politics of the least bad’ basis, our MP is now down four votes. That ‘long haul’ may be shorter for him too.
John, I was out and saw this clip of her on screen (no sound)
She looked so stupid and I thought what is she doing in Africa, then I realised it was South Africa. This has to be one of the lowest things that she could do right now. From what I’ve heard the murders of white farmers and their children can be horrific. The regime ruling the country have proved to be nothing more than a mob of corrupt gangsters and there is this stupid woman dancing with them and giving away billions. She is only trying to deflect and make it look like she is a leader doing deals for our exit when instead she should be here dealing with the mess. It gets worse by the second.
‘University challenge to pose gender neutral questions.’
The most extreme sexist would struggle to come up with something as patronising as this.
If they could just accept the fact that on average women are more interested in people and men in things/ideas then so much sexism/discrimination vanishes. A similar argument applies to minority cultures: different values make different outcomes inevitable and eminently desirable – anything else would be tyranny. The online abuse female contestants may have received is unpleasant but that is a separate issue.
Beeb Brother
Viewing figures will take a dive while it follows this stupid PC agenda .
It reminds me of my three younger sisters at Hull Fair. They wanted to visit all the freak shows, while I wanted to go on all the rides. So this implies that identity politics, ethnic/gender freak shows and pictures in books have their origin in the female mindset.
Also I have noticed that in the books on Astronomy by Sir Patrick Moore, there is only one picture of Sir Patrick on the front cover. While a BBC book on Astronomy received as an Xmas present, has around a hundred pictures of Brian Cox in it. That’s one old BBC book with one picture of a white man in it, and one new BBC book with one hundred pictures of a white man in it, but no pictures of Margaret Ebunoluwa Aderin-Pocock, not even one with her holding hands with Brian Cox.
I suppose Brian Cox can still present his programs without an army of assistants, just as Sir Patrick Moore did before he became disabled. Sir Patrick’s intention was that Chris Lintott would be able to inherit Sky at Night without the need for an army of assistants of varying gender and race.
At Hull Fair my fear of the ghost train stopped when I saw daylight in the cracks. But even the carousel at the top of Walton Street seemed a bit scary.
Link back to previous thread for the long weekend Page 5 from Monday lunchtime
Discussing about the BBC video with Muslims swapping clothes
clearly a Muslim PR thing which was paid for by the licence payer.
A bit of light relief. When the MSM cease to be reporters and become activists and their questions become meaningless. If only we had a Sarah Huckabee Sanders here in the UK!
Once again, I never cease to be amazed by the stupidity of the BBC reporters.
This evenings 6 o’clock news we have a report about the moorland fires last month. “How will the devastation ever be repaired?” This was the burning question from our roving reporter, as he walked across a piece of scorched earth.
Interviews some gamekeeper, who informs him what everybody already knows.
“It will grow back in two years, perhaps four years, but some parts may take up to twenty.” Another game keeper states, “actually, the fire jumped over some parts and regrowth is already occurring.”
Undeterred by this, our reporter finishes his report with “It will now take decades for this devastated landscape to recover.”
davy, happened exactly the same with ‘Katrina’ after it devastated parts of Florida. Beeboids, incl. St Attenborough, were wringing hands and claiming planetary devastation for evermore.
Nine months later much of the wildlife was back although the mangroves were obviously still flattened in places.
In Chernobyl, the wildlife and nature thrives despite all that radiation.
Apols for presuming the acronym was known by now: ‘Comments Could Be Going Better’.
But the whole thread is funny, ironically.
According to Al Beeb, the Libdems are looking to bring in a new leader into their party. Have they thought about Mrs May, before she considers entering Al Beeb’s ‘Come Dancing’?
I hear that Vince and the other members of his party are also looking for a cleaner for their transunisex lavatories.
May might be better qualified for the lavatory post. Roll her up and she would make a good toilet brush.
Any differing view from the liberal looney left is now FAR RIGHT according to Sky and BBC now. MSM is on the rocks big time. WE have had enough !!!! Comments going well again for sky. Will they ever get the message !!!!
Strange numbers usually come from cherry picking
eg someone just claimed to me “the issue is that 32% of kids in U.K. schools are BAME”
I follow the goose chase and get to
#1 A report talking about only England NOT whole of UK
#2 “In PRIMARY schools, 32.1% of pupils of compulsory school age are of minority ethnic origins”
that’s primary school not ALL kids
#3 “minority ethnic origins” is NOT same as BAME cos it includes a lot of WHITE people
Their definition is “of any origin other than White British are defined as being of minority ethnic origin” So that 32% includes all kids which are part Polish/Irish GRT etc
The debate was about books are showing too many white kids
but by misdefining some white kids as BAME the NGO are going wrong
They say “Children from black and other ethnic minority backgrounds are still being under-represented in most mainstream books”
In the Koran how many white people are there ?
And of course Islamic books contain no images of white kids, cos all images are forbidden.
Furthermore : imagine a Nigerian or Pakistani household, will they just be watching BBC TV , and reading mainstream British book ?
I bet you they are watching Pak/Nigerian channels and reading some Pak/Nigerian.
ie mainstream books more often represent mainstream ethnicities and non-mainstream books represent non-mainstream people.
Funny how representation is an absolute snowflake requirement in all things .renders people not as individuals but a colour race or gender … in the future … once sanity returns they’ll look at our time and say ‘ how could they have been so stupid’?
Not forgetting the muslim prophet referred to blacks as raisin heads.
When the BBC tell me something or ‘ask a loaded question’ I have a tendency to check, especially when they are being racist.
Using the deliberate obfuscation of ‘South Asian’, the BBC ask an interesting question here:
A quick check shows that it has already happened, a long time ago, and the player was a true South Asian not a North-west or West Asian.
Up2 — looks like someone on the BBC racism desk has had a fiddle: some weeks ago the BBC ran the same article but with less geography: “When will an Asian footballer play for England?”
Just hedging their bets. In case a footballer of Japanese or Korean origin does make it, the BBC can rest assured that they’ve reminded us again we’re all still racist.
TM, I think the BBC should have been even more precise with their language.
I’d suggest “When will a British born Muslim of Indian or Pakistani heritage play football for England and when will a British born Hindu of Indian heritage play football for England and when will a British born Sikh of Indian heritage play football for England and when will a British born Catholic or Protestant Christian of Indian or Pakistani heritage play football for England?”
Then they could do the same questions for female football.
All the main equality & diversity bases would then be covered.
Be careful what you wish for!
I sometimes notice that the lack of minority ethnics in the pool hasn’t resulted in a load of “Is swimming racist?” articles. (Not that I want to give them any ideas).
I have just voted in the mass circulation ‘Die Welt’ survey on whether the AfD in Germany is playing a positive role in the German parliament. Notice that, with over 10,000 votes cast, 83% of respondents felt this to be the case, only 12% did not.
Encouraging sign that the socialist-inclined ‘grand coalition’ is currently not exactly popular with readers (and voters..?)
“French and British boats clash in Channel” Something fishy going on here ?
Thanks Al Beeb , are we looking for another Trafalgar ?
There’s gonna be plenty of that when we get our fisheries back . Need to ask the Icelanders for advice…
Caught c4 news on the renewed ‘stop and search’ debate . IDS research suggests it has value but obviously they get some black kid who got stopped to say how nasty plod is ….
…bit of an academic exercise because it’s much more convenient to have black kids stabbing other black kids rather that the civil actions raised by ex PPI lawyers looking for a living …
“How Venezuela crisis is tearing families apart”
What’s Mr Corbyn saying or doing about all this ?
Message to Al Beeb ………………..
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
We are witnessing this maxim coming to fruition.
Interesting how the bBBC chooses white models for certain issues, when it is usually so keen to be diverse is this endeavour
Quarter of 14-year-old girls in UK ‘self-harm’
I’m guessing that it is scared to offend some of its favorite minorities.
Here’s another
Teenagers who smoke and drink suffer ill effects by age of 17
No black girls or hijabed girls included. So what are you trying to tell us al Beeb?
They just cannot fathom the amount of resentment out there by the European public towards immigration. We cannot have a debate or any discussion without those wishing to impose restraint being banded as racists. Today Europe is relatively prosperous but inwviatabley the natural cycle of economic depression will fall on Europe and things will get a lot lot tougher. I therefore believe the following situation will probably manifest once we reach the bottom of the current economic cycle. For the purposes of this story I will use Austria as the catalyst.
2025 Crime is rising in Vienna to such an extent that curfew areas have been introduced at night and that during the day access to the city centre is his retinal scan through barriers. The once thriving tourist and cafe areas are now abandoned with people fearful of being out on the streets. With elections due in 2026 the “right” wing is looking at winning outright to form a majority government the banner promise being a referendum to ban the Muslim religion from Austria not Muslims but the practising of Islam. The EU warns that such a move would not be tolerated in Europe massive marches are held in Vienna with people from all over Europe attending. These protests hijacked by ANTIFA quickly turn into riots the Austrian police reply with deaths occurring on both sides. It’s plain to see that Austrai is being ostracized by Europe however the democratic election returns a right wing government with a 72% majority who’s leader standing on the steps of the party’s headquarters declares that on this day in twelve months the Austrian people will be allowed to vote on banning the practising of the Muslim religion in Austria. Europe condemns the action calling it racist and immediately calls an emergancy meeting of the EU council. As polling day approaches it is clear that the referendum, despite riots by the left and mounting pressure from the MSM is going to return a yes vote. Europe refuses to recognise that a member state can ban a religion (culture) and warns that it will not sit ideley by whilst measures are introduced to close mosques halal slaughter houses. Austria refuses to back down the EU warns that the strongest action possible may be required to return “normality” to Austria. Reports of a EU army Corp being assembled near German border are confirmed over 50 tanks are noted Austrian air space and railway links are closed a 24 hour ultimatum is given. The EU army Corp is told to advance on Vienna Austrian citizens are advised to stay undoors however through social media thousands block the motorways into Austria . A tense stand off occurs with ordinary EU soldiers seen abandoning there tanks an vehicles to the cheers of the crowds many throwing down there weapons and simply walking back to Germany.
That’s the future.
I couldn’t edit so please excuse grammar and spelling…..but you get the idea.
Five Live news reports on how smoking is bad for you and goats like smiling faces. This is not news.
I am reading about Richard the Lionheart. The chivalric code meant leading by example; he would never ask his soldiers to do something he would not do himself. How different to our elites who demand we do things they would never do. I bet Emily Maitliss does not own any property in Hounslow or Luton.
Château Gaillard, designed and supervised by Richard, was the most advanced fortress of its time. It contained some new features, which were superior solutions to problems its predecessors did not address.
Château Europe, an impregnable c21 version, is needed.
Lower the portcullis, raise the drawbridge, fill the moat.
Defend our land against our historic enemies, both internal and external.
We have a clear result today in the BBC News webpage pro or anti Brexit stakes.
That, I think it’s safe to say, is anti.
They are figh… clash… ‘dueling’ on many fronts, too. This one is for kids who think pirates look like Johnny Depp.
The Mirror report takes a different view…
Nigeria didn’t want the UK’s help when trying to save innocent girls from Islam. Why would Nigeria want to trade and have free money from Theresa May (on her Africa Tour aug 2018) via the UK citizens?
. . . .
Nigeria rejected British offer to rescue seized Chibok schoolgirls { – mar2017}
In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF (UK Airforce) conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014 (by Islamist militant group Boko Haram). “The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission,” a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer. “We (UK RAF) offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined.”
– Guardian UK Online Website / 4 March 2017
. . .
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
I wonder if Michael obama would consider holding up a placard reading ‘ Bring Back Joan Rivers’?
Compare and contrast – 3 years after the crime, a man is convicted – BBC report :
Independent report :
Note how the BBC report misses all the salient facts, including the words ‘rape’ and ‘paedophile’ and the fact that the Greens knew about the charges but allowed the candidate to stand for Deputy Leader, and that the candidate shared a house with the convicted.
Boko Haram.
Boris Burka Haram.
Kevin Bacon Haram.
Bacon is 100% Haram.
Haram today, gone tomorrow.
Like this MM.
Is that four degrees of separation I wonder?
What`s all this froth from the BBC about loads of teenage girls “self-haraming” then?
Boom boom…Ali Rakbar!
‘Quarter of fourteen year old girls self-harm.’
I wonder how much self-harm is related to ‘grooming’ gangs? I would kill myself if I had gangs of ROPers raping me.
Just what has crept out through this wall of silence has been horrific enough. It can’t just have happened in Rotherham. The reality must be beyond our darkest imaginings. The BBC knew all about it but did nothing, and continues to do nothing.
Beeb Bro, think it has a lot to do with Gender Dysphoria that a certain segment of society (Libby Left?/Alt-Left?) wish to force on everyone else.
It has tragic consequences.
I thought gender is a ‘social construct’ so why are the BBC mentioning ‘gender stereotypes’ in this report?
Tabs, because although the Alt-Left may not like it, societal influences from the social construct are causing lots of young girls and rather less young boys (no equality there, Alt-Left please note) to self-harm as a way of response to the unmentionable ‘gender stereotypes’ and other fashions of those same societal influences.
Please may I now have a BA in Sociology?
And, do I have to give it back if I don’t agree to be a taxpayer-funded Social Worker?
“Eeee, ‘eck! When I were lad, we used to call it summat simple: ‘Peer Pressure’. Me parents taught me what to do w’it! Stick it in’t bin.”
Headlines tonight. Nato annulled after delegate swallows treaty. I’m so sorry yells exploding cleaner. And bearded cleric in oily chin insertion. Those are the headlines. God I wish they weren’t.” {youtube – The Day Today Episode 04 – Stretchcast}
Toady watch
Poor humph getting involved with Nigerian fraud . The whole country is based on scams . Oil is stolen by the boat load and the number of e mails I get from Nigerians telling me I’ve won a lottery is quite something .
As for May going to Africa – what a joke .
In case you missed this beauty from last year –
“Two Fox News broadcasts in the UK have been found in breach of Ofcom rules over impartiality. A January edition of the Hannity programme discussed US President Donald Trump’s ban restricting travel from seven majority-Muslim countries. Ofcom said the US-made show was largely pro-Trump and did not sufficiently reflect alternative viewpoints”.
Ofcom never reflects alternative viewpoints. It does not believe that more than one viewpoint exists. Ofcom is run by Champagne Communists.
Toady 2
Interview with representative of Hungarian PM who hit the nail on the head saying where in ReichEU policy was there authority to import the third world. The editor saw this going badly so when there was meant to be a follow up interview with the anti immigration Italian government representative the line failed,…. that technique to kill free speech again.
My thoughts exactly! As the Hungarian torpedoed the idea of forced multiculturalism I thought the beeboid had fainted clear away. He was so shocked he couldn’t get out more than two interruptions. What relish! Luckily the tech department was on hand to re-instate normal operating procedure and cut the line to the Italian representative before he did ditto. Toady department probably having a huge meeting now in a “safe space” to find out where it all went wrong this morning.
The BBC understands that Theresa May took a trade delegation to Nigeria after a prince emailed her about a huge Brexit fund his late father had left her…
TOADY Watch #1 and possibly only
Noxious Naughtie toadies up to Sir Andras Schiff (who he calls Anthony) and offers him questions that he can agree with, including creating a suspicion of darkness in Hungary and Austria. The slur that cannot be spoken.
Rumpole is on his feet with one eyebrow lifted so high that the Judge sitting becomes concerned that Rumpole, despite all that lies behind his growing waistline, might actually levitate.
“Leading, M’Lud”
“Exactly so. Mr Naughtie, please confine yourself to questioning the witness in accordance with proper procedure. The Jury will disregard those previous questions and answers from the witness.”
Further to my comments on University Challenge and
“Kramer V Kramer. In the manner of the Carlsberg adverts
can you imagine how BBC films would re-make past film
For a start in Kramer V Kramer one of the parents would be black or
maybe two men or two women. I know, nothing wrong with that.
Then we get to a film such as The Great Escape based on a true
Second World War prisoner of war escape. How would the
BBC “update” this to show their Diversity and Positive
Discrimination absurdities?
Which women film star would you suggest to play the Steve
McQueen role? The German camp commandant could be
played by a black actor. But would this be considered racist?
Could one of the soldiers escaping be a transgender? He or
she could insist on wearing a skirt and high heels whilst escaping?
The possibilities are endless.
Hollywood has already beaten them to it in re-writing history! There were no American escapees during ‘The Great Escape’. Stalag Luft III was initially used for housing British and Commonwealth aircrews. Whilst USAAF personnel started being housed from late 1942, a few months before the historical event, they were housed separately in the South Compound. The breakout by British and Commonwealth airmen was from the North Compound and no Americans were involved. Still, no doubt in a remake we could look forward to a disabled transexual in a wheelchair strapped to a motorbike, leaping over the fence a la Steve McQueen.
Ian-Very funny!!!
Stalag Luft III was simply underfunded. They get a huge cash injection from the Reich Chancellery after a social care inquiry reveals the scale of mental health problems and repeat offenders.
Donald Pleasence sets up an action group lobbying for blind POWs abroad. More funding.
Ping pong tables are installed upon Steve McQueen’s request, no one wants to escape any more and the film ends with the Germans self-flagellating over their institutional xenophobia.
Hey BBC are you not aware that the public no longer fall for the planted Nazi saluters in demonstrations against migants and their violence. Its overplayed.
Not that there are any Nazi salutes in the photographs in the BBC article. There are some clenched fist salutes: that’s communists and black power, isn’t it? Of course, to the BBC, a voter holding a pencil and preparing to place a cross against UKIP on a ballot paper constitutes a ‘Nazi salute’.
The BBC article uses the phrases ‘far-right’ 10 times in the article. Just in case any one doesn’t get the message i.e. only the ‘far-right’ protest against the murder of citizens by colonist-invaders, who simply doing a bit of ‘enrichment’.
IR, LOLx5! Excellent post.
Saxony Interior Minister Roland Wöller said far-right activists had quickly travelled to Chemnitz not only from other parts of eastern Germany but also from the western regions of Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia.
But wasn’t that why (the far-right) Hitler had the autobahns built?
Bravo for them.
I am grateful to the Beeb for one thing this morning, a reminder about the content of tonight’s Prom concert. I do like the music of Bach.
The Snuffy household will be covered with reminder notes to listen the Prom tonight on R3 to hear Sir Andras Schiff work his way through some Bach Preludes.
It will be both a shelter from, and some therapy for, the rest of the rubbish the Beeb will throw at us on R4 today.
Stole this from Guido.
Farmer • 13 hours ago
Michael Foot in his duffle coat waving his stick, Kinnock falling over in the sea, major Milliband waving a banana, minor Milliband eating a bacon sandwich, Theresa May dancing.
You know they all mark the turning point of those political careers where the laughter drowned out the message.
I know this is not a news or other bias related issue, but has anyone noticed the extent the BBC allows product placement in its programmes? I was watching an episode of ‘The Repair Shop’ a couple of evenings ago while a man was repairing an old Underwood typewriter, and there was a clear shot of a can of WD40. I like the programme but given we have to put up with blurred out logos and the like often elsewhere how is that WD40 was promoted so openly here?
CtB, Product placement.
Yes, but I am more concerned by the fact that 99% of the time, the “product” is The Labour Party, the EU, or White Genocide, than some cheap anal fluid for the use of Owen, Mandy and the rest of BBCQueerdom.
Rabbi Johnathan Sachs…
“We can only judge Jeremy Corbyn by his words and his actions. He has given support to racists, terrorists and dealers of hate who want to kill Jews and remove from Israel from the map. When he implies that, however long they have lived here, Jews are not fully British, he is using the language of classic pre-war European anti-Semitism. When challenged with such facts, the evidence for which is before our eyes, first he denies, then he equivocates, then he obfuscates. This is low, dishonest and dangerous. He has legitimised the public expression of hate, and where he leads, others will follow.
Now, within living memory of the Holocaust, and while Jews are being murdered elsewhere in Europe for being Jews, we have an anti-Semite as the leader of the Labour Party and her majesty’s opposition. That is why Jews feel so threatened by Mr Corbyn and those who support him.”
Nothing on any news channel …
How can Corbyn be so close to power…Unbelievable..!!!!
I note the muslim woman Mona Saddiqi on ‘Thought for the Day’ again. That’s weekly now? Is this to be a weekly event? [note: ‘saddiq’ Arabic for, “friend” which the BBC’s Mona is not]
G, Bet she is a moaner.
Dafydd, it was mentioned on the 10pm news on BBC1 last night (briefly) but the BBC followed it up with ‘Labour says…. Jeremy hasn’t an anti Semitic bone in his body and how angry Jeremy is that the ex Chief Rabbi has said these things’. Rabbi Sach’s message effectively dismissed, end of story. Just don’t expect Jonathan on the 7:50 Today slot any time soon,
I do not remember Sachs being concerned about non-Jews being murdered.
Why would you even have heard about his concern or lack of it, and why is it interesting? Is “non-Jews” a useful category?
“Is “non-Jews” a useful category?”
It had sufficient utility for the term Gentile to be created.
Do you have a problem with Gentiles?
Maybe it’s because gentiles don’t use the term ‘gentile ‘ very often – or the spell check has a hissy fit .
As a little light relief, when I read this:
And given Mrs May’s love of dance at the moment, this came to mind:
Though I’m not sure who is who.
May needs a bit of fish-slapping herself. Dancing with the ANC while it is leading up to implementing EWC (Expropriation Without Compensation) in SA is the height of poor judgement and bad timing.
This is a policy the ANC took over from the racist, anti white EFF, whose leader -one Julius Malema- doesn’t mind openly encouraging the murder of whites. (Not that the ANC itself was ever particularly reticent in that department; it did tone it down a little in the late 80s & early 90s, when it became clear that that old fool, De Klerk, was keen on handing over power, so all became sweetness and light).
I had been hoping there might be some FCO statement of disapproval about farm murders in SA, as well as the related EWC campaign. Thatcher would have given the racist ANC a hot blast. But no, not only is there no such statement, but at this crucial point May actually decides to visit SA where, regardless of any little reservation she may have expressed about the land grab (it should be ‘legal’), the SA government will have interpreted the visit as a huge stamp of approval.
In their eyes what Comrade Bob did in Zimbabwe will also have been legal, so what the ANC got from May was a huge thumbs-up. Carry on chaps, things are going spiffingly…
If you have a ‘Conservative’ MP, write to them now. And -in future- vote UKIP. Cos in Treezer you certainly don’t have a friend…
The fish slapping should also represent what the British response to the attacks by French fishermen should be. They attack with 40 small fishing boats. we respond with HMS QE at full speed!
Is it just me?
Treezer pledges £4 billion to “Africa” to develop industries and training etc. No doubt even more pledges today on its visit to Nigeria.
Despite an assurance of compensation by Gordon Brown to those living ‘survivors’ of child migration to Australia just after WW2. Those same survivors have now to start legal action to get that compensation.
My view? Stop bribing Africa, where it will only ultimately end up in officials Swiss bank account (just ask ‘Band Aid’) and pay the survivors. Africa is and always wil be a, ‘basket case’ (blame whitey for that?)