Tough times for the Far Left BBC. Its favourite political party is busy getting a civil war going and the party it hates is busily trying to stop conservatives joining the Tory Party. So as Parliament returns we can expect the BBC to be in full bias mode – 12 days later the MPs go on their holidays again for the last Conference Season before we leave their EU.
On September 9 Sweden has a general election where the single anti immigration party is predicted to get 20% of the vote . Apparently the swedes have got fed up with vibrant handgenade attacks which are fashionable there at the moment and no doubt will feature in Britain sometime soon . The far left BBC will be on hand to tell us how thick and ‘Far Right’ 20% of the population is…..
Am I in a time warp ? 21.37 on the 2 September here, I can jump into the future….here we go….had a quick look at the BBC news in the future, plus ca change plus c’est la meme chose, but it appears we have a new transgender saint called Arethra McCain, who sings soul songs while bombing Vietnam, So I am going to travel back to Sunday night again…
We both are because where I am it’s after midnight ….
You could write a song about that…slowhand
J J Cale’s Song, Claptons cover
You won’t see comments going much worse than these for Sky. People are quite rightly sick to the back teeth of being classed as Far Right if you dare disagree with a liberal left softy.
S’ok. The bbc has Sky’s back with a nice dose of VD education and information.
They’ve repeated the tweet. I’d urge all who are on Twitter to challenge them.
It’s fair to say that due to my opinion of Twitter as being a drain hole which sucked my valuable time on earth away looking at nothing I’m not the most proactive of Twitter users. However I do follow a couple of people and regularly follow links posted here by my fellow forum members.
And in all my experience of the hashtag CommentsCouldBeGoingBetter, I’ve never seen a Tweet receive such an almighty kicking as this one. Correction, maybe the earlier Tweet rather than the later retweet/s beat it by a hairs breadth. Stirring stuff 🙂
So, a dark-skinned person was not afraid to walk amongst so-called “Far-right” protesters……… DEFINITELY not for MSM reporting.
Better to be ‘Far Right’ than ‘Far Wrong’.
Not done ALL of the comments to this report, BUT, all of the first 30 are at odds with the Sky narrative.
The language is key – everything the Left finds unacceptable is Far Right . Therefore , for me , the BBC , Guardian and the like become Far ( or hard ) Left .
I know it’s polarisation but as some say – they started it and at the moment the voice of the Far Left , through the MSM , is far louder than ours . – as President Trump continues to explain .
Too right. They did start it and can’t take any reaction without whining and smearing anyone who stands up to them as far right.
What is going on in Germany was completely predictable.
It will happen all over Europe and now cannot be avoided.
If those in charge had acted prudently over the last 30 years then perhaps it could have been different .
By marginalising moderate conservative voices the progressives have ensured their eventual removal from power.
I do hope the swinging pendulum does not go too far the other way
I just call them the psycho-left.
You are right about the language. I have often thought about how symbols have been hijacked and turned into something else as well. Hitler’s use of the swastika is a great example. Imagine the outcry if the symbol was brought back to it’s original peaceful Hindu and Buddhist meanings in the west. Harmony, prosperity, good luck and all being good and well, for example. It would freak everyone and neutralise the real Nazi use. Wishful thinking, I know.
The tide is turning and it is the people, the real people who work and pay taxes to keep these scum who hate them, ghettoise themselves, refuse to integrate, attack their women and children and criticise their culture and laws The same scum who ran away rather than fight for their country then attacks the country that gives them a new home….
I’ll probably keep using this because I like it and think it’s witty:
Deutschland über allah!!
Excellent. But, people like my father-in-law, who still believe the BBC, will not accept it……..
So the peaceful protest was brought to a halt by the Antifa people lying on the ground in their way. That’s sad but on the other hand it is proof the protesters were not far right.
Can you imagine any self-respecting Nazi accepting that? Nope there would have been a bootfest.
Anyway Antifa are such cowards they would never have lain there if they thought for one moment the crowd was really far right.
What really troubles me is that the lying British media will never tell the truth on such issues.
I despair. Then I cry. I cry out Viva la revolucion!
Surprisingly (or not) Antifa have moral support from senior German cabinet ministers, like the lefty, Jochen Maas. Also from President Steinmeyer. Both are socialist SPD.
What about the CDU? Goes without saying that Merkel will be a wee bit partial to Antifa, if they do anything to further her own cause, which is simply to stay in power. Also, as Germany divides into two camps, the government is constantly talking about a ‘battle against the Right’, and is actually trying hard to push everyone into the anti-AfD camp. (The AfD are the only party who may spoil it for the two big parties of the ‘grand coalition’, whose ministers have their claws solidly into the big salaries, big residences, the big cars and other perks. The AfD are equal to the SPD in the polls!)
This strategy, needless to say, has the enthusiastic support of the MSM, who have detected mileage/sales by conjuring up the past and ascribing its excesses to the AfD and anyone else who opposes Merkel. The latter, as usual, has only to stay out of things as much as possible, then reap the benefits when the time comes, as she sees it. A strategy that has worked well for many years.
Personally, I hope her time comes soon.
You meant Heiko Maas of course. Jochen Mass is a former german racing driver.
Apologies to the users of this site, and especially to Jochen for the (unintended) insult. I did indeed mean Heiko. Thanks, kingkp.
While we’re on the subject, Heiko is worth a little study, if you’re interested in Germany. I think his previous portfolio was Justice, and he was very keen on prosecuting ‘rightists’. For whatever excuse/pretext could be found…
He is certain to apply a similar bias in his present portfolio, and I have wondered whether we can expect some strong statement on Brexit from him soon…
I lived in Germany for ten years and I am currently working on a project there. When I do spend time listening to any german politicians it’s people like Alice Weidel that I have time for. She’s great. The sort of leader the Brits need but unfortunately we have no one of her calibre and intelligence anywhere near government.
Davylars. ….. apropos your earlier comment re the Fake or Fortune programme on the painting of Dido Elizabeth Belle. The film “Belle” (2013) of the subject matter is worth viewing.
Briss. I do take your point on board and do stand partially corrected. But….
The film is a work of historical fiction, inspired by a painting and the evidence that Dido was brought up at Kenwood House. The relative lack of details about Dido Elizabeth Belle allowed screenwriter Misan Sagay considerable artistic licence in framing the young woman’s story, within the broader historical context of the slave economy and the abolition movement.
Lord Mansfield ruled on a related matter of the status of slaves in England in his capacity as Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. When called on in 1772 to judge Somerset v Stewart, the case of an escaped slave whose owner wanted to send him back to the West Indies for sale, he decreed:
They hitch the fragments known about Belle onto the story of the massacre on the Zong slave ship.. there was no connection.
Point being, once again the BBC inflate a story to fool the masses to suit their agenda..
Al Beeb………………….
“Brexit: May vows no compromise with EU on Brexit plan”
“Theresa May has insisted she will not be forced into watering down her Brexit plan during negotiations with the EU.”
Mrs May, you have already watered them down. We voted out over two years ago, what’s taking you so long?
What utter tosh. Her Brexit plan IS compromise from what the British people voted for.
What a disgusting example of out and out fakery.
That’s like saying ‘”No matter what, I will remain strong and resolute to not let down the British people in my full and complete capitulation to the EU. I have the interests of the public at heart and I will not, under any circumstances, let down or disrespect the instruction given to me by the majority of those that voted”.
One gets the impression that she thinks that if you wrap the lie up in a boisterous rallying cry, people won’t notice the pearl of deceit and betrayal sitting right at the heart of your statement.
The lovely oh so caring leftie types that seem to run every single institution now, always show their true colours at the first sign of disagreement by screaming ‘Tory Scum’ or ‘Nazi’ and racist at people who really arn’t any of these things. And in general it has worked for the past 30 years.
As for Mrs May not watering down brexit that surely is beyond parody!
There is a certain irony to this.
Doubtless on a paid jolly to the bbc after?
Oh, and use of the word ‘betrayal’… likely to resonate with the BBC, if a bit ‘risky’ given who is not inside the first class carriage.
Perhaps we should use the antifa method of debate with people like Mr Adonis. Hound them out of the public space. Harass them wherever they are found, in railway stations, in restaurants in the supermarket, at the petrol station. Make their lives a misery as they are trying to do ours.
If the liberal left political elite continue to pursue policies which ordinary folks have specifically voted against eg Brexit , or which ordinary folks are never consulted on , mass migration, then obviously democracy is failing. What recourse then do people have other than the course that you advocate above.
John in Cheshire – totally agree with you. For decades the left has imposed it’s agenda on society in part by bullying, hectoring and militancy (together with infiltrating our great institutions, including of course the BBC and the Tory party). It’s high time the gloves came off in fighting against this cancer in the manner you suggest.
I hear on the news this morning, that Sajid Javid is to make it his ‘personal mission’ to tackle child abuse in ‘all its forms’.
I wonder if FGM and mass abuse by Muslim rape gangs will now become a thing of the past then?
Er-no. He’s referring to online abuse by nasty white paedophiles and policemen. Apparently there are only 80,000 estimated abusers online.
How many Muslim rapists are there?
reminds me of home simpson saying hey look over there and running off the opposite way, a very unsubtle piece of distraction
It isn’t just the number of Muslims who have committed rape , it is also the number of girls that each of these rapists has abused. I suspect that most white rapists committ far fewer individual assaults than the mMuslim members of rape gangs who repeatedly rape the same girls over a period of weeks, months even years. So whenever you hear that there are more white convicted rapists than Muslims remember that doesn’t mean that that Muslims have committed fewer rapes despite , at least for the present , Muslims being a fraction of the population as a whole.
They were “serious” about trying to prevent FGM in Bristol when headteachers of a primary school there, asked a mother into the office when she asked permission to take her daughter off school to visit Israel. They informed her that she was taking her to a country that practises FGM and did she know of the danger. Still over a year later trying to get the Home office document ammended as it is a totally false allegation.
I trust him 100% – to put Muslims first.
Lying to the British is compulsory.
Clearly talented but he does not get my vote or confidence.
Do as I say, not as I do
Composed serious faces on the sofa and discrete intake of breath, careful with the diction now, revealing no obvious emotion… and off we go with the headline: the UN telling Europe to basically take more third world migrants because they are literally dying to get here.
Meanwhile, our BBC sofa-dwellers this morning seem nonplussed that when questioned 80% of people reckon organ donation is a good idea but then they don’t have the conversation with their relatives or do the requisite paperwork. Now I’m not going to go into the question of whether it is ethical for the State to impose implied consent – the BBC, by the way, clearly have no moral concern that the State might own our bodies but since their bread and butter – the licence fee – is operated very much on a poll tax implied consent basis I guess they wouldn’t, would they? What I do find intriguing and would like to explore is the element of virtue signalling and quiet conservatism revealed in this mismatch of donation statistics. These ideas the left liberal BBC attitude just cannot fathom. But then there’s never a public spending project the BBC don’t like, never a progressive tax raising notion too far – naturally all approved in sharp contrast with Beeboids own personal tax affairs. Yeah, of course people SAY they believe in this or that progressive sacred cow. But when the moment for some real personal cost or commitment comes (or back to the subject of organ donation as our cuddly sofa bods so nicely put it ‘when the rubber hits the road’) mmmm, not so much.
How about all Civil Servants, all members of the Labour party and all employees at the far-left bbc are required to be organ donors with no option to withdraw consent.
For everyone else, it’s a personal choice to opt into the scheme, or, like me, not.
They wouldn’t be of much use in heart transplants, though, as they don’t have hearts…
Nor do they have balls or backbones.
Just a foreskin with a gut attached.
That`s why they`re lefty eunuchs, why the BBC chooses to rub up against their mates in Labour and the Greens. NO-sperm counts, hence no kids.
But as long as Muslims are offering free head transplants, they seem happy enough.
Maybe they should fly Paul Danahar over to ‘help’, impartially?
My wife and I watched this an could not believe the sheer arrogance of this bloke..He had a smirk the whole way through the interview…usual BBC crap..
We think we got it about right..anyone who disagrees is right wing or a Brexit supporter
Yes. I watched it also on Saturday morning. It was truly shocking to see absolutely zero remorse and the arrogance was embarrassing. When asked quite rightly why nobody had resigned or been sacked over this episode he just sat in bewilderment with a face like “why should they”. he defended the indefensible to the hilt, he should resign for that interview alone. He was so hard faced. In fact, if his feet were as hard as his face, he wouldnt need shoes !!
Simmo is fed up. Which pains me. Not.
Keep it up.
Maybe Simmo and Jez should do a group Skype with ex colleague Chris on how fed up they all are?
Poor John. He, along with the BBC, think that if they are being criticised by the Far Right and the moderate Left (only line that exists for the BBC), they must be right.
It hasn’t sunk in that they are wrong on all counts. Its just that a third rate degree in a third rate subject, does not make BBC journos expert on Global Warming – a contrived so called discipline with the primary political aim to extend global taxation, beyond the control of government that is accountable to an electorate.
Well that last and most important goal is blown with the election of Pres Trump. Soon to follow are Australia and NZ. Hypocrites like India and China were never in the scam in the first place. That leaves the EU. With Britain pulling out, the EU, that is Germany will be required to fill the quota. Some hope.
The times they are a changin. Put the Great back in Britain. MBGA.
Where were you when you found out that Chris Evans is leaving the Far Left BBC to spend more time with his bank balance .
13 long years of this smug multi millionaire clogging up the airwaves .
Which non while female lefty will get his job ?
Does this mean that the vast money the BBC pays its “talent” to retain them is still not enough?
I feel cheated….. if the BBC had cut his salary a few years ago Evans would have fcuked off sooner!
Will a hijab be a primary qualification. Gender to be assigned after the appointment.
Secretary of State for Brexit David Davis has branded Theresa May’s Chequers blueprint for an ultra-soft Brexit “almost worse than being in” the European Union.
But that was always the plan – not just of the PM but the civil service. The entire Establishment is opposed to Brexit. This includes the tax funded funded propaganda arm of the state – the BBC.
Self-servers one and all.
Article in The Sun last week (27 August).
“A Commons showdown looms and the clock, as EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier likes to say, is ticking. Mandelson’s outriders are scheming with Labour opportunist Keir Starmer, high-minded Tories like Dominic Grieve — and perhaps Chancellor-saboteur Phil Hammond.
Their object is not just to scupper Theresa May’s botched Chequers Deal, but to break Brexit all together and keep Britain securely locked behind EU bars.”
I wish that smug nasty little git Mandelson would disappear up his own a@se, as soon as it becomes unoccupied
I don’t regard the BBC as the propaganda arm of the state. To me they are the propaganda arm of the Labour Party and all things left from there. Currently the Labour Party is anti-Brexit so the BBC is in turn. As are their print arms such as The Grauniad and the jokingly named Independent.
Too true, Demon. But beeb will serve the state when that goes into nannying mode, and lays down a few more rules for us to live by, or when it launches out on another redistributive initiative which -it believes- signals its virtue.
The Independent is anything other than independent.
It’s certainly true that most BBC employees are Leftist, that many are Labour Party members and supporters, and no doubt some of them really believe that they are campaigning for the Labour Party and worse. But ultimately, the BBC is the State broadcaster The constant themes of globalism, migration, sexual perversion, miscegenation, the EU, Russophobia, Islamification, support for the Royal family, global warming and the promotion of trivia to occupy the minds of the masses, are all core Establishment values. The BBC, like the main political parties themselves, are no more than frontmen. It just so happens that for many of its staff, their hobbies and their employment happen to be one and the same thing.
Very true. We will know where BBC wallahs interests lie, if by some accident of nature, a truly conservative PM and party is elected. Will they stand by their much vaunted principles, or will they consider their wallets, or now their handbags ( as White men are not wanted in the BBC – Muslim men excepted, as they have a way of making their displeasure manifest in unpleasant ways).
The forces of Evil are showing themselves increasingly clearly now and, indeed, the Evil is lining up their mass in preparation for the big showdown.
If I’ve got it correctly, the ‘Alternative for Sweden’ party (tipped to be the major political party come election on the 9th) has been suddenly banned from YouTube. Soros will be pleased that Google has responded to his request made on behalf of he and other members of the NWO. But that’s democracy for you………..
What a momentous battle it will be eventually. Really a, “David and Goliath” situation. But the Good has numbers.
Lined up against the Good is now ALL the press whose continual descriptions of them such as, “neo-nazi”, ‘Far-right’, ‘Racists’ et al. has lost any currency value. You simply can’t hear these descriptions being made by the World’s press without feeling absolute contempt for them when, simultaneously, the photographs pan the crowds and we see ordinary people of all ages. Many, just like me.
Extraordinary times.
\\ AFS films back online after one week of YouTube censorship
On Friday, Youtube has chosen to re-publish The Alternatives for Sweden’s squad meetings censored earlier this week. But the party has not received any information as to why the films were removed and later came back.//
Sputnik talked about the removal last week
“…..But the party has not received any information as to why the films were removed….”
No letter of apology from Soros/UN then?
Such Youtube “accidents” happen,
but only to those who drive on the RIGHT, not to those who drive on the LEFT.
Is the Beeb’s McCain fest over yet? It showed me how little they question anything that agrees with their narrative. McCain says Tump bad therefore McCain = maverick saint hero. I saw a meme, which now seems to have been taken down, which asked an interesting question surely worth some investigation. The meme asked if McCain planned his own funeral and invitees, how come none of his Vietnam war compatriots were invited?
Links to previous thread : Page 3 ran from 10:30am on Sunday
Luckily my notes about Jordan Peterson being on R4 this morning are at the bottom of that page, rather than clogging up this page.
Presenter Rabbi Jonathan Sacks asked “Have we handed to much responsibility to the market and the state ?”
On last thread on video this cover up was mentioned
+ Some claim, your vote in Sweden is not secret.
(There is no state ballot paper. You arrive at the polling station with your own party’s ballot paper they sent you in the post
If you are lucky there will be one in the rack printed by all the parties, so everyone can see you picking it up, unless you pick up them all)
: She also mentioned the Youtube removal on Aug 27th ..later reinstated
Can’t help but notice our favourite left-leaning statist broadcaster going absolutely all in head over heels with our left-leaning statist Tory minister in his big psyop distraction technique anti-new media initiative today.
Moral panic alert going off at super level one virulent red !
Save the kiddies, save the kiddies !
Thank heavens there’ll be more precious tax cash for cops to sit warm and dry in the office staring at their computers.
And shushshsh… presumably less coppers will have to waste shoe leather trudging around the late night kebab outlets and minicab shops of our godforsaken towns where actual child exploitation is taking place. Phew, let’s keep all that mucky stuff out of the news and above all the public consciousness.
Bingo! Hug a hoodie times are here again ! Tory minister gets a good write up from the Beeb! David Cameron would be so happy.
Monty was this proportionally & superbly reported by MSM?
Were the TrumpKhan blimps proportionally & superbly reported by MSM?
Well if smug old beeboid Montegu Don doesn’t like MSM then we must be doing something right and getting to them …
And Montegu – it’s a pre -trump acronym .
“especially by those that barely consume it”
Well, duh! Why does he think they barely consume it?
My mistake. I doubt he got as far as thinking.
“especially by those that barely consume it”
… but pay full whack for it via the licence fee
… and hardly see their own worldview represented on it
Some claim there was no crowd at the Khan balloon
The AFP video pans and shows lot of people
..but they don’t scream against him .. it wasn’t a big rally like the anti-Trump one
A small MBGA group try to get a chant going
British journalism, newspaper and broadcast, is mostly superb and should be supported in every possible way.
Fair enough. However the support should be voluntary and not a tax to support the likes of the BBC, and the Guardian, whose views I find infantile and uneducated.
Pay as you go Monty Don. No one is forcing you to pay for BA or Ryan Air.
The upskirting bill is to be debated this week in the house of expenses claims . The fragrant aristocratic Stella Creasy is to introduce an amendment making mysogeny part of the criminal law by making it an aggravating factor in sentencing.
I think this is the first step before making mysogeny a criminal offence it itself. There doesn’t seem to be much coverage by the far left BBC – perhaps they are still preoccupied with watching a foreign singer and dead American politician being put in the ground .
I have to admit I have a ‘thing ‘ for Stella – particularly when she does her ‘angry’ act and gets all het up. I think she followed the style of her big sista- the wife of ed balls who does a really good ‘trust me I’m a politician ‘act with arched eyebrows
The debate is Wednesday I think and will be worth the popcorn . It’s a shame the like of Alan Clarke is not still about to stir the pot on this one . But dame Anna Soubry should be worth a blub .
I wonder what position the SNP will take on upskirtting – upkilting as I’m sure they would want it called …the horror…’s appropriate that the thing started as a private members’ bill .
Clearly making misogyny a crime is insane. But given we live in an Asylum run by lunatics anyway, surely if you make misogyny a crime you must by extension make misandry one too. I guess you could get around this by applying the current judicial principle of inequality before the law, which Blair’s government introduced implicitly with the Hate Crime laws in the mid 2000s. Yes why not. At least there’s a consistency there.
Cathy Newman says she was sexually harassed at elite school.
Newman was 16 and had just arrived at Charterhouse, an independent day and boarding school in Surrey, when, she said, a boy unzipped his flies and made her touch his penis with her hand.
“I didn’t talk to anyone about it [for years],” she said.
So young boys are going to be criminilised for something that happened years back.
I almost look forward to the caliphate in Britain. It will certainly happen if men don’t defend it from alpha Muslim men, as they don’t see why they should defend a civilisation they created, but has turned against them.
The simple answer is to have separate boys and girls schools and colleges.
Maybe Wuppy Goldberg will be a guest and she can embarrass herself again by losing all self-control and go into one of her lefty rants. Isn’t that what women do when they are let loose on TV.
All female panel gimmick again ?
Seems “all posh London people”
That guilt ridden metro-lib-elite group that are our new colonial masters ruling over us
+ constantly #VirtueSignalling
BBC : @Jo_Coburn @bbclaurak
MPs : @AmberRuddHR @EmilyThornberry
Journos : @CamillaTominey (Telegraph) @GuardianAnushka
‘Have I tuned into an episode of Loose Women?’
‘All female panel gimmick’
The natural ultimate endpoint in this game is for a segregated all female/female only channel. And, hopefully, the BBC might possibly let their male licence payers have their channel too?
Gosh, where do they get their ideas? I thought the aim of feminism was to breakdown gender segregation? I suppose we are now so close to desegration – of all male clubs, sports, etc – we can now start to put segration back again.
All female channel? the mind boggles, so what will they show on “Davina” ? I would strongly suspect once a month it will just be boxing, road rage videos and wrestling for a couple of days
Big names ? Nope never heard of the two journos
Asthana attended the private school Manchester High School for Girls and read economics at Cambridge University
Her parents, both doctors, moved to the United Kingdom from New Delhi, India in the 1970s.
Husband Toby Jones
Camilla Tominey
St Albans High School for Girls
What’s Camilla doing on there, she’s a leaver (I think)
A kinder gentler form of politics (or removing the word gent should that be ladier?)
I recall once with time on my hands I flicked on the BBC Parliament Channel and caught a debate from Holyrood.
Big mistake. At first distracted by the godawful architecture soon I noticed it was La Sturgeon taking First Minister’s questions.
For a moment I thought I’d stumbled on some new Peter Jackson production featuring a Tolkienesque Queen of the Gnomes holding court.
As female Tory and then Labour spokeswimmin began bitterly battling it out with Braveheart Jimmy Krankie (no doubt on the minutiae of how and where to spend all that English tax payer cash they so love) it took on the character of Macbeth’s ancient witches exchanging curses in some over-priced over-well-lit Ikea warehouse.
Overpriced Ikea Warehouse – I’m going to steal that one !
Well, this piece of BBC propaganda went well.
I reckon we could all list greater problems we have than how someone says our name. But it’s doubtful the BBC would write an article about them.
Fortunately, more and more people are not only seeing through such nonsense, but starting to push back.
As far as I’m concerned, a more serious issue is that a lot of younger people probably don’t know who Tchaikovsky was. And I’m sure they’d struggle with Pyotr Ilyich.
The concept if the nickname clearly escapes this fool. There are worse names than Billycan, which I assume is the point of changing it to Billy.
I can think of quite a few names for people who think that this pathetic whinge is important.
Do what the enrichers do.
You only need remember one name.
And the spelling of Tchaikovsky varies from country to country. The exact transliteration into Roman script has never been agreed.
Amongst dozens of variations the German version is Tschaikowski, in Italian it is Ciajkovskij etc. Apparently the original name is Polish and spelt Czajkowski. There was a footballer for Yugoslavia many years ago whose name was Čajkovski, another variant.
So the problems of how to pronouce a foreign name is not as difficult as to how to spell names from languages with different alphabets. Think how many spellings of Mohammed there are at the top of the list of children’s names in this country. All from different languages so all transliterated differently. And do you pronounce Ahmed the same as Achmed with a big throat clearing? Who knows and why does this clown make it a big issue?!
Great Twitter comments, keep it up BBC
Absolute none-story people call me Steve all the time
..even sometimes on this forum when writing just below my printed name.
Are you saying Steve isn’t your name? ????
I thought he was Steve Grey
Until recently, I had a Scandinavian surname, which I don’t believe was that difficult to pronounce and wasn’t that long. I often observed how people (usually non-indigenous) did not mind making daft observations about my name or deliberately mispronouncing it, or even asking me where I was from, quite ironic really. For information I am a white Englishwoman who has always lived in the West Country.
“I am a white Englishwoman who has always lived in the West Country”
Careful Daphne, that’s a crime against diversity.
He looks in the photo like he has a chip on his shoulder !! However, reading those twitter comments has me in stitches …. superb.
Doesn’t the BBC struggle with ‘Jeremy Hunt’?
Nice to be back friends.
Now what`s all this about Labour being “anti Semitic”?
Didn`t the Lady Shammi Chukkabutti give the Party a clean bill of health, in return for getting a leg up from Corbyn and into the House of Lords and Ladies too? So what the fuss?
I imagine Shammis been all over the telly networks telling us why this anti-Semitic stuff is nonsense-for she Herself said there was none.
Anybody seen her recently?
Probably throwing Red Bull tins at kids on their way to yeshiva in Finchley I expect.
AND-I used ti think that Muslims were killing us because they were getting too many energy drinks at the madrassas?
Is that why the State are going to ban them now?
All makes sense now.
Who will replace Chris Evans on a breakfast show? I hope they choose soon, I cannot stand the tension. I checked the list of candidates who I assume are left of centre, but cannot determine which are gay or lesbian of TG.
Simple answer, who cares.
Democracy according to the BBC:
We cant leave the EU until we have had a referendum, but if we vote to leave the EU, we cant leave the EU until we have had a referendum, but if we vote to leave the EU, we cant leave the EU until we have had a referendum, but if we vote to leave the EU, we cant leave the EU until we have had a referendum, but if we vote to leave the EU, we cant leave the EU until we have had a referendum, but if we vote to leave the EU, we cant leave the EU until we have had a referendum, but if we vote to leave the EU, we cant leave the EU until we have had a referendum, ad infinitum.
“The European Union is almost as bad as China, just smaller.” Donald Trump
“The European Union is almost as good as the “Chequers vassalage partnership plan“, just larger. The only real difference my very expensive and deceptive fake Brexit plan has from remaining in the EU, is that the deplorables wont be able to vote for UKIP MEP’s.” Theresa May
The most predictable BBC headline ever
The well-upholstered Simon McCoy on the BBC News Channel is attempting to drum it into our heads that it was the hottest summer ever!!!
Chucking dubious superlatives around like Jackson Pollock threw paint – with equally confusing results – the only stat that seemed to stick was a record temperature in June at… wait for it… Heathrow Airport of all places.
No doubt they stuck their thermometer up a Jumbo Jet’s jacksie.
It does tend to get warm thereabouts.
Some global warming alarmist pontificates that we must prepare ourselves.
Our Simon recalls the Beast from the East. Brrrrrrrr! Cold, right? You guessed it – that was caused by global warming too. Heads they win/tails you lose.
Well, says our Jonah scientist, it’s hard to know what exactly to prepare for. Ain’t that a fact.
To see the other side of the climate discussion, have a look at:
“It said highs for summer 2018 were tied with those of 1976, 2003 and 2006 for being the highest since records began in 1910.”
Key data “1910”
That’s hardly a ‘blink of an eye’ in the history of the age of the planet.
Also, are there more monitoring points in GB now than there were in 1910?
Does Al Beeb have any real scientists working for them ?
taffman, I’m sure, as you say, there are many more monitoring locations now than in 1910, and as AISI said above about Heathrow, there were hardly any flying machines in 1910 let alone a plethora of Jumbos to measure the engines heat.
My thinking is that the climate may be warming, for instance the glaciers in Europe have reduced significantly recently – although it could be partly caused by too many people walking on them. The planet’s climate has always been in flux, so man being here has probably changed nothing or at most very, very little.
The climate change theorists clearly don’t believe their own stories about the climate warming due to jets flying all over the world, because they regualarly meet in the most obscure places which can only be reached quickly enough by flying in jets from all over the world. And then repeating a few months later in some other obscure part of the world.
The conman, Al Gore, flies all over the planet regularly, even sometimes by chartering aircraft himself. If he believed in his own fairy stories then he would definitely only fly when he has no choice.
If Al Gore doesn’t believe in man-made climate change why should we?
I used to love the World Service programmes on through the night on radio 4. Now they are so SJW it is unbearable. Around 3am there was a programme about ‘women in computing.’ It’s fine for women to discuss computing or whatever as long as the main thing is the subject itself, not just blurting out slogans like ‘role models’ and ‘equality’ for the billionth time – it is akin to Tourette’s. It is so boring and often shades into outright moaning and I just do not want to listen to that.
They clearly have so many highly paid people with nothing to do at the BBC that someone thought it a good idea to ruin radio 4 and the World Service, along with so much else. It is such a tragedy that they have alienated loyal listeners like me, my mum and countless others. It is a crime far worse than any of this phantom ‘hate crime’, ‘cultural appropriation’ and countless other invented forms of oppression they bang on about.
I would like all women to be truly equal, so we can put the fitness test for the fire service back to where it was, before it was made easier for wimmin, which will also ensure lives are protected by the fittest and strongest being selected, and while we are on the subject, to protect lives, rules introduced for emergency service personnel not fasting all day for a month making them unfit for service.
Jeremy Vine’s first Channel5 TV show today
Was it the lefty/lib W*&kfest you’d expect ?
Yep spat it all in your face as usual
Roxanne Pallett, Anne Diamond, Jamelia and Alastair Campbell (plugging #SorosVote)
plenty of dramaqueens there ie Roxanne and Alastair
Ten qualities of the BBC and Left-wing ideology on the left:
Ten qualities of UKIP and Right-wing ideology on the right:
(1) Censorship: Free Speech
(2) Dogmatic: Scientific
(3) Plutocracy: Democracy
(4) Liberals: Libertarians
(5) Elitism: Populism
(6) European Union: Freedom
(7) Socialism: Liberty
(8) Stupid: Intelligent
(9) Deranged: Sane
(10) Ignorant: Informed
Allow me to add an 11th:
(11) Globalist NWO totalitarian government organised for the benefit of billionaires like Soros: National governments organised democratically by the people for the people
Soros is just small-fry. The real power brokers never break cover. His wealth is mere ‘down the back of the sofa’ money for them.
@RP actually we are all liberal, tolerant, green, and FOR social justice
but libmob are all PSEUDO about those things
And a 12th:
(12) Student: Taxpayer
Protests in Russia
Current retirement age for women is 55 Putin proposes 60
Current retirement age for women is 60 Putin proposes 65
He’s backtracked on raising women’s to 63
In practice do Russian working class women retire ?
Who is Jameela Jamil ?
#1 R4 8pm New Age of Consent presented by Jameela Jamil
#2 Times 2 long article : Jameela Jamil on what all young women need to know
#3 Channel4 : “My latest guest on the Ways to Change the World podcast is actor, campaigner and former presenter Jameela Jamil.”
“….New Age of Consent presented by Jameela Jamil”.
Its ok to get married at 6 and have your ‘husband’ consummate the marriage when you reach 9……………? Just thinking: with a name like that.
Stew – I have no idea, but here’s a guess: another bbc strike at ‘patriarchy’ and whitey? Courtesy of the license fee payer, of course.
Just heard that Carney is in talks to extend his job at the BofE until 2020.
Waste of space that he is, a remainer poodle for Hammond and May.
How does a non-EU national manage to get a job in an EU country (UK)?
Does that mean that when (if) we all become non-EU nationals we might still be able to work in the EU?
North Korea, officially called the “Democratic People’s” Republic of Korea.
European Unionists, officially call for a “Democratic People’s” vote for the European Union.
SJW TV tonight
7:30pm Inside Out will have lots of regional SJW stuff ..and some worthwhile history stuff etc
West : Lack of black teachers in Bristol ‘shocking’… the multi-racial school.
Yorks : investigates why so many teachers are leaving the profession
London : council homes special, spoken-word artist George the Poet takes a journey across the capital to discover why the city’s poor are losing out when councils regenerate their estates
The Leeds 80th Pilgrimage to Lourdes will feature on #BBC #InsideOut at 7.30pm on Monday 3rd September
8:30pm on @BBCOne. #BBCPanorama
\\ A heart breaking programme looking at just one of the 16 teenagers who have been killed in London since January. //
Strangely Panorama haven’t tweeted about tonight’s prog themselves
Their page is quite activist like : The item about the killer Muslim doctor is a pinned tweet at the top
Maybe the teenager shot dead in Tottenham this morning will be added to the figures . This is what happens when the police lose the plot and spend their time virtue signalling by painting their nails or forming ‘cohesion units’
9pm C4 Married a Paedophile
Is Paedophile another name for a BBC employee?
Talking of worthwhile history, any mention of the following by our trusted state broadcaster?
Today in 1939, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and France declared war on Germany. It seems we still haven’t learned the lessons about the appeasement that took us to that disastrous point.
Today is Merchant Navy Day.
Around 50,000 British merchant seamen were killed in the First & Second World Wars alone.
Interesting that Hugh Dowding had some prescient thoughts about the then EEC as early as 1961. He could recognise the Fourth Reich when he saw it.
A search of BBC website/ BBC twitter brings up nothing recent
But archived pages from 2004 & 2007 speak of “We now have September 3rd as Merchant Navy Day”
BBC tweeted 6 times about the black teachers item
The black kids can’t learn
… cos the teachers aren’t black
The black teachers won’t teach
… cos the bosses aren’t black
A black teacher goes to London cos the school head is a Trinidadian guy.
Again does the BBC over represent ?
Cos as well as Bristol & London being mostly about blacks 2 other items are largely about blacks
– East Mids had Investigating an energy company facing a barrage of customer complaints Iresa
(I becomes clear it was started & run by young Nigerian Adeniyi Oladeji Oluwaseun ..out of his depth ?)
West Mids : Black people living in Druids Heath tower blocks as council demolishes them
One lady came to Britain 6 years ago, but is not allowed to work cos she doesn’t have a work visa.
– Another guy is from Gambia and cos “of the breakdown in his relationship” the Home Office say he and his son can’t stay in the UK.
(How do these recent and not legal immigrants get council flats ?)
It’s because Birmingham City council are institutionally corrupt and are heavily into positive discrimination. Walk into an office of most council services and observe a sea of predominantly Black and Asian faces. Apart from the CP-trained, white woman in charge, of course!
Oh that energy biz was Iresa and it’s already gone bust
How did Ofgem let a Nigerian open a flakey UK energy biz in the first place ?
South Africa : A British musician bled to death after being robbed and stabbed while bird-watching in a South African nature reserve with a young conductor
\\ The lawless new South Africa, as brought to you by the ANC. Unfortunately just one of the 50 or so murders that happen every day in the rainbow nation.//
\\ Perhaps he had read the BBC fact-checking report that white people are not being killed in South Africa.//
Stew – If that was bbc advice, his family should sue; it sounds like deliberate misleading.
I hope when someone writes the history of South Africa, in the latter part of the 20th. Century/ 21st. Century, they name all the names that worked tirelessly to destroy that country. Eh, Mr Hain, I’m sure you’d like to see your name there.
The Daily Politics was fairly grim when Coburn was left in charge but now it seems to have been dumbed down even more. Today it seemed to be a politics equivalent of Loose Women. An all female panel chaired by Coburn, not a man in sight and no-one at all right of centre.
England ,
Gave up as soon as Brillo let it be known he’d had enough . The last decent journo the Far Left BBC had .
I don’t suppose they mentioned that the Labour Party NEC had elections yesterday leading to total domination by anti Semitic Momentum types – sadly Eddie izzard didn’t get a seat
BBC News had a piece on the budget woes of Somerset & other counties. The Somerset politician moans that they have cut all they can & that they cannot increase the council tax as they are capped.
Like all such bleeding heart reports by the BBC no mention is made of the large percentage increases in tax allowed by the government over the past 2 years. My council tax payments are over 10% more than 2 years ago. Why does the BBC allow politicians to depict budget saving]s as a one off finite process?
While local authorities have had central government grants cut significantly, as you say Council tax has gone up and, across the public sector as a whole, the oft repeated cry of ‘austerity’ is a myth, much promoted by the BBC.
Public expenditure has continued to rise and borrowing to balloon in consequence until very recently. GDP fell by 6 per cent due to the 2008 crash so the real hit was taken by the private not the public sector.
And how much are these quango kings and queens on as “Community Directors” or NHS-Urdu Recycling Executives? These “Cabinet Members” are never asked about how much THEY`RE getting to do nothing much, nothing that the Eu won`t be bribing them to do.
The BBC won`t ask-for the Cabinetteri are paupers compared that that higher grade of EU autocue manglers that give said “Councillors” a shoulder to cry on and some offshore tax advice.
I believe that Bill Cash, David Davis, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Gerald Batten and even Lord Owen have issued extensive Brexit Plans. But Theresa May only talks to Remain supporting Civil Servants. So we should expect to have a very expensive and bureaucratic fake Brexit Plan, with Theresa May waving an amended “White Paper” Flag.
Fake problems have been manufactured by Theresa May and her Civil servants. For instance, the EU has withdrawn the technology plans for the Irish border from its website. The head of the Irish border controls has been told not to mention the technology solutions. The head of the Swiss border controls was snubbed by the British government while he visited Britain. And Boris has mentioned the issue was taboo amongst his civil servants.
This head in the sand attitude has also been mentioned by the Democratic Unionist, Nigel Dodds, saying that the Irish border is being used to thwart Brexit.
Look North: Main story was that Our Dear Leader has visited the area, and has pledged to renationalise rail.
The prog opened with his PR words
“I want Hull to be the START of the line not the END of it”
bloody platitude : cos the line starts in London end where lots of people use it, and ends in Hull where few people use it.
(The expert next on was against renationalisation, mentioning the innovation of the private sector)
Then the enviro correspondent gave us some Global Warming porn
“Lincolnshire now has lower rainfall than Nairobi and Miami”
FFS there seems nothng new there, coos they are TROPICAL so of course have big rainfall.
Our Dear Leader has to get us out of the EU first before he can nationalise the railways, transport being an EU ‘competence’.
One wonders if Jezza had to sit on the floor?
Jeremy Corbyn says “I want Hull to be the START of the line not the END of it”
Richard Pinder, who stays on the train in Hull, as it continues to and from Beverley says “I want Beverley to be the START of the line in the morning, and the END of it in the evening, so yes for me Hull is already not the END of it” But if as Jeremy Corbyn says “I want Hull to be the START of the line” then that would make nationalising the line a terrible deterioration of the present situation, as regards the rail service as it is at present, with it not always STARTING from Hull.
It is endlessly fascinating to observe the machinations of the MSM. In Germany, ‘Die Welt’ has had something resembling a balance when it comes to reports and comments on the AfD.
All gone today: a flurry of anti-AfD articles. So far, 4000 + readers who have responded are 80% in disagreement with a survey statement that the security services should place the AfD under investigation. (An eventual ban wouldn’t surprise me.) The establishment is tightening things up, but the little people beg to differ. Sounds familiar.
Footnote: For balance on Germany, one has to go to compact-online; they won’t be joining the baying press mob anytime soon.
Further to the above: power politics is always the same: the security apparatus in the Federal states of Lower Saxony and Bremen are investigating the youth wings of the AfD.
1) The ‘Prime Ministers’ of these Federal States are SPD (socialist).
2) Nationally, the AfD have overtaken the SPD (18% over 17%) in the polls.
3) 1) & 2) tell us all we need to know about WHY the anti-AfD hysteria is afoot in Germany. Oh yes, and one other little thing:
4) nationally, the SPD in coalition with the CDU, keep Comrade Merkel afloat. Quite a BIG thing, actually. If the SPD sinks, guess what?
Now we know why the mainstream establishment in Germany will be looking to find lotsa ‘neonazies’ under the bed. In this Merkel will be extremely active, but largely behind the scenes.
Footnote: 5) An election is coming up in the crucial Federal State of Bavaria in October. The CSU -Bavarian sister party of Merkel’s CDU – would LOVE to see the AfD discredited/banned, they could be a real threat.
A complex business this politics. But as soon as you look real hard, everything becomes so SIMPLE to understand!
Further to the above: I told a lie. Merkel has come out, after all. ‘Die Welt’ reports her as saying of the security services investigations against the AfD in 2 states, that politics should keep out of these and only ‘the facts’ should be decisive.
Is she not a loveable rogue? Does she not keep us endlessly entertained/amused?
So, let’s see: apparently politics has nothing to do with ‘facts’?
German politics is SO like UK politics. Were it not for ‘first past the post’, we might have:
1) a grand Tory/Labour coalition
2) working class voters abandon Labour for the main opposition – UKIP
3) May gets MI5 to investigate UKIP in Lancashire and Yorkshire
4) May says politics should keep out of the investigation and let ‘the facts’ decide.
I flew in to Manchester to Düsseldorf this morning on Eurowings. Arriving at carousel 2 to pick up my luggage, I noticed across over on carousel 1 a sea of Burkas, Niqabs and flowing gowns…clearly a flight in from Pakistan. They were loading up trolleys with mounds of luggage, much of it wrapped in polystyrene – no idea what that was about. But what was stunning was the response of a bunch of around 10 young germans who arrived a few minutes after me – I estimate they were 18-21 years olds – and their reaction to what they saw. The expression on their faces was one of sheer contempt and disbelief…jokes about off-loading packages with chemicals for building bombs etc abounded among the group and other jokes, that no group of english kids would dare make. The look on their faces though was something to behold. Just as Alice Weidel talks about the Immigrants with contempt and blatant disrespect, these germans were clearly not impressed by what they saw.
it was encouraging, because after what has been going on over in Chemnitz it is clear the Germans are waking up and they are not happy about the way the MSM and their government are maligning decent, tax-paying, honest Germans and labelling them as ‘far-right’.
There are hopeful signs that at last Europe, or rather the ordinary Europeans, are realising that their futures are being sold down the river by the whole liberal left political establishment.The migration and the Islamification that it brings with it is the defining issue of our time.
But is it already too late? If you stop the migration right now the projection of the current demographics for three generations is that the Muslim % of the population will be as high as 20% in Western Europe and higher than that in the UK , Sweden and France. Can our society continue in its current form with such a high proportion of Muslims ? very doubtful I think.
So we are already at a point where immediately stopping the migration is unlikely to be sufficient to preserve the Western way of life. Given that the liberal left politicians are still advocating open borders or at least still welcoming the invaders the situation is rapidly worsening.
Repatriation and ending all family reunions for Muslims are the obvious next steps but I am unsure that the ordinary folk of Europe who oppose continued migration are ready to support these measures, which will certainly be unpleasant to implement. Particularly when the MSM will blow it all up into something like the holocaust, with heart wrenching stories galore.
The other factor is to increase the birth rate of Europeans by making it financially and socially beneficial to have children. I believe that this is already happening in Poland.
But the first requirement is to vote out of power the liberal left elite who have put Europe in such a dangerous position. Although great progress has been made in the Visegrad group, , Slovenia , Austria and Italy, there is a long way to in Sweden, Germany, France and of course the UK. The Swedish election will be interesting but even if the Swedish Democrats get 25% plus of the vote it will at least another four years before they can take power. It’s the same in Germany and France. In the UK we have no political party of any significance which opposes migration. After Brexit things may actually get worse as the prominent Brexiteers all want increased trade and ties with non European countries and the influence in the UK of the growing anti migration anti Islamification movement in Europe will be diminished. What a mess!
Good post, Doublethinker. Your conclusion: ‘After Brexit things may actually get worse…’ I think you’ve spotted a possible downside of Brexit, which could come to haunt us. I first began to think hard about that when there was a news item a year or so ago, that vanished quickly: a group of Tory MPs wanted to celebrate ‘new ties’ by giving Nigeria, India etc fast-track visas to the UK. As you say, no significant party in the UK opposes migration. Tony loved it. May talks one thing but does another.
Could we find ourselves suddenly with the worst of both worlds, as the opportunities for new trade links brings with it demands for the free movement of people ‘from and to the Commonwealth’ and politicians conceded that this is the ‘moral’ thing to do?
Overnight, hundreds of millions of people have full access to the UK?
I’ve been a solid Brexiteer, because I think Democracy won’t work in a European superstate. But sometimes, I do wonder…
Yes I too have moved from rock solid Leaver to a ‘not so sure ‘ for exactly the same reasons. Also during the past two years we have seen growing opposition to the migration from within the EU. It is likely that this opposition will grow and grow despite what the liberal elite are doing to suppress it. I think that because we have no significant political anti migration party , despite the brave efforts of a few, our salvation may well come from the growing anti migration movement within the EU. In that case Leaving may not be the best long term strategic move but for very different reasons to those of liberal elite Remainiacs.
Fake /double
1 don’t worry – the commonwealth is already here
2.The ReichEU will supress the ‘Far Right ‘( ie normal-people
3. If it all goes bandy we ll be welcomed back with our
cheque book without the pound sign , learn German and
French and put the military under ReichEU command.
4 and welcome to the United States of Europe .
I can relate to your Brexit concerns, but I think its miss-placed without Brexit NOTHING in the UK will change. With Brexit change is at least possible.
You may not want to hear this but I do believe the UK will be the first Islamic State in Western Europe. Germany will not fall to Islam. This is due to several different reasons but one critical reason is that their voting system is based on proportional representation and allows parties like the AfD a realistic path to power. In the UK there is no equivalent party that has the remotest path to power over the next 20 years. It is simply too late to change things now.
I don’t like to hear it but I fear that your analysis may be correct.
God help us but we could see the beginings of this when London with a strong Muslim entity brought a Muslim to the appointment of Mayor of London and again when a Muslim and avid supporter of the Islamic ideology became Home Secretary. However there is still a degree of the indigenous population with enough Bull Dog Spirit to make a fight of it-many years ago a person who was engaged in the Police Force told me and a number of people gathered at a private function that the chances of Civil Strife was more than possible. The last 20 yrs or so where law and order in the UK has been underminded at every turn by those who have wished to destroy us. None more so than those that have and still control the EU.
Absolutely. A combination of apathy and ignorance. I still hope I live long enough to see certain people swinging by the neck from a lamppost. You know who they are. I would also wish to see the picture of expressions on their faces when the muslims come for the homosexuals and lesbians and all the other Heinz 57 varieties we are now told we have to live alongside. Then, it will be no use bleating: “years ago we lined up when you arrived displaying our placards which said, ‘Refugees Welcome’”. Those were the heady days! when every good muslim went overboard (forgive the expression!) to maximise the approved effect of taquiyya (’religion of peace’ nonsense). Ah! those were the days. The days when something could have been done but alas, our elite were so sold on the concept of Globalism that they ignored the patent anger of the population and in typical British fashion to ‘gold plate’ everything, earnestly forged on with the instructions passed down from the UN/NWO/Soros.
Sajid Javid’s initative today (which so caught the BBC’s approving and avid attention) provokes one to ponder a great many non-sequiturs.
For instance: given that we are told so many dangerous perverts are being aprehended each year due to the monitoring of their on-line activities – then how come bashing the big name tech giants into surpressing their dodgy uploads is to be policy aim number one? And isn’t there this thing known as the dark web?
Must admit to not knowing what is meant by ‘the dark web’. Where the H is it?
Once said that those who directly control the credit of a nation (such as the Rothschild) direct the policy of Governments, and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people. These words were first spoken by a Rgeinald McKenna, Chancellor of the Exchequer during the period 1915-16. The control has always been in the hands of the Bankers througout Europe & USA-it was a shock to the Bankers when the UK voted to Leave the European Union, it threw them into turmoil that quickly brought their gansters into play to try and dismangle the Leave Vote. Hence we have a lot of traitors endeavouring to undo that Vote.
Sopel again showing that impartiality he and the BBC are renowned for by retweeting this …
Think the BBC need to think long and hard about perhaps reassigning him …mental health reasons.
Was it on the BBC or was it on C4?
Air pollution seems to be flavour of the week. (Why?)( oh by the way, how come traffic pollution is roughly half of what it was around 10 years ago yet it is suddenly a key topic)
This evening they decide to show that a front hedge can take some of the particulates away.
Guess what? They choose Pudsey in West Yorkshire. Why?Then they chose an Indian or Pakistani family whose parents struggle with very heavy accents to speak English.
Then there is some science and naturally an expert to take us through the results.
Said expert is a female with a very heavy East European accent.
In other words, the story is nothing to do with air pollution at all, just another attempt to normalise minorities, diversity, multiculturalism, and open door immigration.
Pass the sick bucket.
What a coincidence Jane Aitchison Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Pudsey is campaigning on air pollution issues (see her tweets)
Re air pollution what counts is the particulates that enter you lungs
If you spend a lot of time sitting in a front garden in front of a busy road then a hedge will make a slight difference.
If you actually sit inside the house then in makes no difference.
Theoretically taxi drivers should have super polluted lungs, cos they spend all day breathing particles
… but no one ever produces any evidence of this.
\\ On The One Show tonight there was an article concerning high pollution and particulates concentration on a residential street. Their answer? PLANT HEDGES! We’re doomed!//
\\Me : Ah! My road is on The One Show.
Presenter: The pollution levels here are similar to London and it’ll shave days off your life//
Should people in West Yorkshire be afraid of the fumes coming out of the taxi
.. or the abuse a lot of taxi drivers have got up to ?
What does it for me is the refrain to ban diesel and even petrol cars and move to electric.
Fact 1. The biggest road transport cause of particulates is….wait for it……..brake and tyre wear. Question- do electric cars have tyres and brakes?
Fact 2. Only a quarter of air pollution is caused by transport (and that includes trains and ships) . Another quarter is industry, another quarter is energy production. How will electric cars reduce this? Arguably they will increase it, otherwise where does the electric in electric cars come from.
Its like air pollution is the next public sector anti-car job creation scheme, and best not let the facts get in the way of the prejudice.
The dieselsRpaedos campaign seems to have 2 components
#1 Air pollution is a tool to bash the Tories
#2 It holds out promise of subsidies to their Green corp mates
News reporting seems always about us ..the west, and our guilt. magic solutions
.. rather than real hordes of victims
If you were the air pollution genie you would first deal with the poor women in Asia/Africa cooking indoors over pen fires
and Chinese factory/mine workers
..Cos they may be using YEARS off their lives
as opposed to some people in London who might be losing days off their lifespan
It’s all bollocks, and will quietly die a death, just like all the other earnest proclamations concerned with ‘saving the planet’. The planet’s not in danger from our very existence upon it, but more from the stupidity of those who should know better.
Apparently, Artificial Intelligence is to replace Climate Change as the new global threat:
Well, I suppose the globalists and their feeble-minded claque have to have something to occupy their useless lives.
A reminder of what the BBC News used to be like in 1980. Jan Leeming wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I think she was a pretty good presenter myself:
It was news, rather than fake news, cloaked in political overtones, opinion and blatant bias, in those days. Never watch (or listen) now. No point, if one really needs to know what’s going on in the world – you’d never, in a million years, find out via the BBC (unless, of course it denigrated the country).
South Africa : “Yeh they all think murder is rising whereas really it’s fallen by 29%
… and 85% of people think it’s increased”
That was today on Tim Harford’s short version of More or less they were laughing at us thickies
Apparently we masses get stats mixed up
Their test was
#1 What percent of UK wealth do the top 1% hold ? *
#2 What % of UK population are immigrants ?
#3 What % of UK population are Muslim ?
They laughed “they think there are double immigrants than there are ”
… Em actually no one knows hows immigrants there are .. One thing is certain that the official total is quite an underestimate.
So if people think it’s higher than the official figs , then they are right
“yes the population think that 20% of teenage girls get pregnant each year whereas it’s 1.4%”
Doh it must be the way you ask the question, cos if it was “20% of teenage girls get pregnant each year” then that would mean all women would be pregnant in 5 years
“One thing that seems to correlate is nations who are strong on emotion like Italy are bad at guessing ”
FFS that is an art student view of science
The guy seems very nervous as if he’s got a book to plug, but he’s knows he’s overhyping it.
* Qn about the 1%, It;s not like the 1% own 90% of the wealth cos that would mean the 99% own only 10%
What percentage of the population of the UK are immigrants?
Well ones’s perception might depend on where one lived, it might also depend on how much TV and which channel one watched, i.e. a BBC News watcher might conclude that the UK population is 99% Asian women while an ITV advert watcher would know that most families are black and those that aren’t are black dad/white mum!
It is rather disengenous of a broadcaster to mock the general population when that very same broadcaster has as its mission to “To enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain.” If the public’s perception is wrong then the broadcasters share some responsibility.
The main reason for Brexit? – Multiculturalism and uncontrolled immigration.
Have you not noticed that since the government and media propaganda failed to brainwash the British public in voting “Remain”, both have stepped up their propaganda by the disproportionate the amount of ethnics appearing in the films, media, and even advertisements.
Its all to normalising the idea that mass uncontrolled immigration is good for our country.
It will fail because we, the public of Great Britain are wiser than they think.
Their propaganda is achieving the opposite.
I heard someone say “it’s the blacks in adverts session”
Every loony socialist ideology has its dreams. The National Socialists would have a family of three blond people in military uniform. The Soviet Socialists would have a family of three workers in boiler suits. The Liberal Socialists have three individuals, a black dressed as a doctor, a white woman dressed like a man and a white man in a boiler suit.
I don’t watch much television, mainly because its mostly unmitigated rubbish, and during the summer months don’t really watch it at all.
Because the weather has changed temporarily here, we watched a couple of programmes last night, both on commercial channels, and even Mme. Goat is beginning to notice the preponderance of mixed families/relationships, apparently well beyond normal levels, in advertisements, and also the obvious placing of at least one token tinted person in every ad. Who are they kidding? This forced “diversity” crap, continually thrust in our faces, really angers me.
It will fail also because it is utterly contrary to natures basic rules. People of practical common sense know that you don’t plane against the grain.