Predictably the far Left BBC has embraced the anonymous article about President Trump which claims he has to be undermined from within his own administration . So there is resistance from Swamp dwellers across the pond in parallel to those frustrating Brexit here . As Mr Rees Mogg MP wrote in an open letter recently – we are hopefully heading for a WTO Brexit from the EU – not a ‘hard one ‘ and not a ‘no deal ‘ one which is Remainer Speak.There is no requirement for a deal.
Whilst the big stuff is going on the ‘awful personal things ‘ keep going – such as the Huddersfield 31 being prosecuted for alleged organised Pakistani paedophilia today in an English Court . The BBC doesn’t consider this to be worthy of being national news – perhaps it is just normality . You decide.
( I know it’s not the weekend quite yet but there’s a lot of posts).
And I`m second, girl power!
No pushing in lads!
I thought I’d let the ladies go first!
I didn’t want to be accused of being shellfish ……..
Lobster – ha ha – I thought you’d still be strutting your claws after your last victory ….
It’s the way you shell ’em!
Hope you’re not in hot water after this
I’m pushing in Lobby, to take bronze position ! (mmmmwaaaa)
Hmmmmmm…… that clearly didn’t work.
Well done ladies , I’m gonna get some stick but it is Friday where I am…
We know .
You know .
At first I thought it was because of what I buried under the patio last summer , but it’s worse in modern day Britain . They’ve rumbled me , I haven’t got a TV licence . I confess . I haven’t bought one for about fourteen years . Fool that I am for thinking I’d get away with it for one minute .
The slippery slope started when I thought most of the stuff on TV was rubbish . Then I noticed the sneering at a right of centre attitude I hold about law enforcement , the complete absence of libertarian ideas , and their comptempt about my mild pride when foreigners were impressed that I came from England .
Then when I found my EUrosceptic views were deemed extreme , and that swear words weren’t funny because the BBC always use them I knew I must do something .
So I did nothing . Like not posting a cheque to the BBC .
You can guess the rest . The letters . Always the letters , every month , accusing , condemnatory , knowing , threatening dire things unless I paid up . Always anonymous ; To the Legal Occupier . I couldn’t even change my name to stop them because they didn’t know it in the first place .
Now I don’t know how long the situation will last . Maybe another fourteen years , maybe more but time will run out . Maybe we could get a statute of limitations in this country for this sort of thing , you know , like the illegal immigrants seem to have who arrived here before their countries were in the EU .
So if you see me and I seem unconcerned , remember , I get the letters from them . And I’ve even written in the bit that says Do Not Write Below This Line .
I am “under investigation” for the third time now. They will be calling to check on me yet again.
Taffy an ,
I’m jealous . I never get a visit . They tell me they’re be in the area on such and such a date . I get everyone ready , balloons , banners , brass bands , speeches . They don’t turn up .
So much depends on how your house is situated. If you are in a garden with a high wall and separated from your neighbours you are unlikely to be troubled. If your door opens on to the street and people can look through your windows it might be more difficult. The important thing is to be bloody impervious and obstinate: not to answer questions, not to let anybody in. The danger for some is that a member of the family will be less determined.
I am so disappointed by the BBC, well downright mad with them most of the time, that I no longer have a TV. I had one or two generic letters when first at this address. Decided to ring them up at Capita and explained that I no longer watched much TV, wanted to save the money and no longer had a TV. They reminded me that should that situation change, then I would need to pay the TV tax. Remaining polite as ever, I assured the woman on the phone that I would indeed get the licence should I change my mind about having a TV. Well, I haven’t changed my mind, and the BBC is still pumping out its dire Project Fear propaganda. Since that polite phone call to the woman at Capita over 18 months ago, they have left me alone. For now, at least. I genuinely do not miss the TV. I listen to more music, read more, walk more, reflect on life more, etc. Being TV free is a good thing in many ways, but of course I can now only comment on BBC bias as I find it on the radio.
Tune in to R4 and such wonderful programs as Toady and Wimmin’s Hour, To name but 2. Also, any ‘news’ or related program…
Lads, if I were you I`d get all your Capita “red frightener letters” and do a frieze of them.
Then I`d add a couple of takeaway cartons and some cat litter say (other options are available, probably)-then tell The Gompertz lads at the BBC, Tom Sutcliffe, Robin Denselow and all the arts gang about your transgressive art installation.
Up for the Turner, MOBO, urban grime and Tracy Emin Lifetime Achievement Prize in no time. And all with a Public Image soundtrack of “we mean it maaan”, newly recorded by Lord Jonathan Rotten?
I am happy to pose atop it looking like a right bitch, in a rainbow burka and with two traffic cones painted in Humbrol old gold, for that iconic Madonna snap.
No, what can I say?…I just LOVE modern art, and this is my statement.
Just throw the letters away. Nothing will happen.
No letters sent to me yet but no room for a TV either. Working class Tories like me have better things to do than be told what to think by our national broadcaster. Brexit talk bores me, I accept different views on the subject and respect the result of the referendum so don’t need a BBC ‘expert’ to drone on about it!
Oh and if you haven’t guessed I am deeply against the Labour Party so you can imagine my disgust at their on going endorsement which I will continue to expose them for!
Have they ever turned up at your door with plod?
How very dare you not subscribe to their world class news and information service!
No police yet but they are too busy fighting actual crime although the left are convinced that there are no police anymore. I just see them out in town centres and on the beat where they should be.
Anyway I wouldn’t mind them turning up at my door as I have a few things to say to them. I also want Labour to come to my door as I have a few things to say to them as well. The thing is the only time I have ever seen Labour activists canvassing in my area was couple of youngster during the local elections which was funny as the local elections where not taking place in my area…
“And I’ve even written in the bit that says Do Not Write Below This Line .”
Back in the mists of time when the BBC still did comedy there was a classic line from David Frost.
“Whenever I get a form that says “Do not write in this space” I rub it with candle wax. If I can’t write in that space, nobody is going to write in that space.”
I see that vain mortician Hammond has issued another doom and gloom prophesy on a no deal Brexit. Not for the first time he’s behind the times now that David Davies is due to share a platform with Nigel Farage and JRM is heading a group – of 60, more than sufficient to oust Tereason May – setting out a reasoned and considered program for our exit from the EU. Could even be enough to bring on Ken Clarke’s long awaited and well-earned cigar smokers coronary, though Heseltine’s second is probably too much to hope for.
High time for a new political party, a proper coalition of the best with the UK’s best interests at heart.
Article: Nation Stunned That There Is Someone in White House Capable of Writing an Editorial
Oh, my aching sides. Who said comedy at the BBC was dead?
Roland Deschain
“Who said comedy at the BBC was dead?”
Me 😀
What you posted was unintentional comedy by Al Beeb, i.e. making a fool of themselves. Al Beeb don’t do comedy. They never have done since Pontius was ‘Pilot’.
Oh, Katty’s on a roll with this hilarious retweet.
“ I thank God I wore my corset, because I think my sides have split.” – Edmund Blackadder
I split my sides switching between the BBC and CNN in the early hours of 9th November 2016. “Smacked arse face” does not begin to describe our Katty’s expression throughout.
There is a great video on YouTube of someone watching CNN whilst laughing hysterically for about five minutes. They play such a silly game in going all out in telling us what to do because a sizeable number will do the opposite just to mess with them.
According to an email from Salisbury, Ruslan Boshirov was living in Salisbury and working as a Tactical Officer for Russian Military Intelligence. But had to return to Moscow due to the Trump Dossier. So he could have been the one who provided the fake information to Orbis. This could be his facebook content from 2003. But all this information needs double checking and someone who can read Russian.
sounds entirely credible to me. Ignore the fact this is a lefty site. Even a mad dog is right once every blue moon.
BBC news leads with comment rather than news.
Yesterday it was MY Times article on Trump. Today it’s Blair on Corbyn.
This isn’t news. It’s agenda-driven comment.
Exactly. I can’t think why Today has lost a million listeners in just a year!
After all, it isnt as if there is a single rival radio news channel. Its just that people are fed up with the incessant noise of the soft left.
That and the wretched “today’s puzzle”.
I listened loyally for about a decade but have abandoned it – it makes my blood boil.
It just gets worse. I thought the news should be about actual events that happened but as reality is a hate crime that does not happen anymore. It should be called ‘Stories That Fit Our Narrow Agenda’ instead of news. Does news stand for north, east, south, west – perhaps suggesting it should have a broad sweep? Instead it is left, left, left, left.
( I know it’s not the weekend quite yet but there’s a lot of posts).
So why are they rationed?
Serious question, is there an additional cost per thread?
I understand there may be additional administrative work by yourself. Thank you for your efforts.
Threads are not rationed . I’ve just followed the form of predecessors . There is no cost known to me
A few months ago a thread got to over 1000 posts and there was a lot of comment about that .
I didn’t run a midweek thread this time because comments were at about 300.
I put a little note on the heading to try and explain.
I’ll let this thread run until next weekend and see what happens
Fu2 Thank you.
Can I just add my thanks for your sterling efforts in helping to keep this site running! It’s much appreciated!
I could have just added a ‘like’ to Lobby’s comment thanking Fedup2, but I just couldn’t resist using the #metoo. (I am still not sure what # does to a tweet but I know it is important because the BBC tells me it is).
Seconded-thank you to ALL who make this site possible.
It`s like CBT-only it works, and is not a lefty scam to save on meds by the NHS.
A joy to read and follow-only wish I knew how to get the most recent comments on my phone, takes an age to scroll through 550 posts to see the latest ones.
Can`t tell the kids I`m stuck-they`d ban me from here, being a load of school-washed ninnies. It`s my secret vice-which, to be fair, is one of the better ones, compared to previous.
But the Left would put me in court for coming HERE than in selling drugs and shanking white kids.
As I said yesturday the BBC has also omitted the rather concerning news that a certain Mr Corbyn is being investigated for his questionable overseas visits to other countries. This being the guy that is ‘always being smeared’ according to the left.
Meanwhile the BBC’s news letter, The Gurdian has a rather worrying peice written by a certain Mr Jones about how Corbyn is heading towards a victory. Soon we will have a left wing Labour Party running our country and the BBC will feel safer with the new measures protected by the Labour Party.
As for those horrible racist Tories they will soon be out and never seen again. Who would have thought that our current yet out going PM actually thrashed Mr Corbyn only the other day? Did she not demand that Corbyn apologise to the Jewish community for the anti semitism with in the Labour Party? Of course not, the BBC would never share such news, why make things even harder for Labour? It is not their fault that the ‘right wing media’ are making up stories is it?
The inpartial BBC are sinking lower as the weeks pass and the sad thing is next week will be even lower than this one.
Have a good weekend, all
My edit produced a second copy (I hope) anybody else have this problem?
Maybe the website itself moderated me for asking for more threads.
Last chance saloon
I’m a volunteer
I look at the number of posts
People comment about having to go through pages as more posts are added
I do not edit posts
I have no idea about the software
I only take something off it is offensive and people ask
I always say I have done it
I have only done it once and thought a lot before doing so
There is no cost known to me
I know I can’t win but don’t mind
The cause is Just .
Nuff sed. Thank you boss. You’re a better man than I.
BBC 2018-09-07
“Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s presidential front-runner, stabbed at rally”
“The far-right politician was attacked in the midst of a crowd in the south-eastern state of Minas Gerais.”
So the BBC FUCERS (fanatical ultra communist extreme radical subversives) are loving every minute.
Except when they have to report that the candidate was recovering in hospital. There will need to be an enquiry about Brazilian health policies. The NHS would have ensured that the NAZI died in the operating theatre.
“The president’s predecessor, Dilma Rousseff, warned that the attack cannot go unpunished”. Reports the BBC. Really?
Rousseff, female, a former Marxist terrorist (indoctrinated at college), who has been removed from office, is clearly another lefty dimwit. Which is why her inanities are reported.
From their email ‘news summary ‘analysis’…
“….Mr Bolsonaro, who has courted controversy with his homophobic and racist comments…”.
Not, one might hazard, the line that the bbc would take if a politician more to their liking was attacked.
Almost as if he… no, not what Brendan would have wanted.
Did the far-left bbc report that the crowd beat the crap out of the attacker?
“The rise of post-truth liberalism”
John Gray UnHerd
Worth your time.
In which a bbc member of staff interviews a former bbc member of staff.
What ensues is many things, but impartial reporting is hardly one.
The trouble with having an agenda for your news with a set of narratives you wish to push is that you will tend to write your headlines before the news actually happens.
This happened to the mainstream media who prematurely elevated Hillary as US President.
So it is this morning in BBC sports news offers a hostage to fortune as we are told Serena Williams is closing in on her first grand slam win since she had a baby a year ago. The tennis…? who cares about that stuff, this is a black momma story…
Oh, and there’s her outfits. Our Serena is dressed in a tutu in BBC photos, frankly looking more like Grayson Perry than Fred Perry.
PROOF THAT THE UK IS NOT A RACIST COUNTRY …. 1400 raped over 16 years with no complaint from the UK citizens!
True. We need to be more racist and more islamophobic if we want to retain our country.
We need to start deporting them. en masse.
If one is a white indigenous Brit (not allowed to call yourself English, only Scot, Welsh or Northern Irish) you have very few ‘rights’ you can call on and certainly no right to express a personally held opinion.
Standards have fallen considerably since I was a child (I am 77) and there has to be a reason for it, but one is not ‘allowed’ to opine what that reason may be. Anyone who believes that UK is a democracy which actually believes in and practices that democracy is deluding themselves. If our immigration policy and Labour take over the reins of power the country is doomed, I think. Much like the US, ever more of our institutions and mores are becoming corrupted and we have no way of preventing it. Our totally inept professional political class have ensured that outcome with their self serving policies.
BBC London news – and half the news
Yesterday the old antenna began to twitch as BBC local news burped up a quick cursory report on a fire in Woolwich. People were hurt but the BBC left it there. You know how this works – it’s always what they don’t say which is so telling.
Today BBC London let on that some poor woman has died. A perfunctory report and then they move on. Looks like arson but apparently no moral lessons to learn here. No hint of a hatey crime thingy committed, so the audience don’t need to know. BBC on-line also provide no colour to the story.
So we have to go elsewhere.
‘Neighbours said the dead woman, believed to be in her late 40s, was visiting from Sierra Leone.’
‘Theo Adler, who saw the events unfold, described seeing two men in black masks who sped away on a moped.’
BBC, could you have spared one single local community reporter to leave their desk and go attend the scene – chat with neighbours? Could you have tapped Police contacts? You know, like you did with Sir Cliff. Or is the problem that you already sense a little about this story and it simply doesn’t fit your narratives too well?
You are spot on. Watching BBC is akin to painting by numbers/ connecting the dots: you get a few numbers fro the story but have to go elsewhere and add your own analysis to get towards what might have actually happened. They complain about people relying on internet sources for news but no decent person could rely on their output alone. They are desperately trying to put the cat back in the bag by by trying to purge the internet of wrongthink but a Rubicon has been crossed. The days when these lying lunatics got to define the narrative are gone.
I see it as impressionist Seurat style watercolour hazings as seen through gaslight.
If I come here-the curators describe it all for me, so I need not watch the liars on the telly, any more than listen to them. Great Art Critics here-keep on with commentating for the blind, like me (i.e refuse to pay for it, have a life and know we`ll win)
More Jackson Pollock in my view, his “brown” period
Not a white spot left on the canvas or much yellow.
BBC tv news tell me that authorities are seriously considering pedestrianising Parliament Square after the recent incident with a chap crashing into the security barriers.
But wait a minute. As far as I recall we haven’t yet decided whether that was a terror act, have we? So, it must have been a freak accident. So every time someone loses control of a vehicle and has an accidental shunt we are going to close the road they were driving on?
The bias by omission is probably the most powerful weapon al beeb has – in my view – because – like the Huddersfield 31 case – if the BBC takes the view that the public do not need to know then they don’t find out – such it the dominance of the state broadcaster both nationally and locally . The far left BBC keeps dirty secrets which don’t fit their poisonous narrative to themselves …
Note how a few kiddy-fiddling bishops in the US got frontline coverage across the BBC but the industrial rape and torture of children in the U.K. – the latest in an epidemic of evil – is barely reported on.
The impartial BBC loves to have their presenters/ reporters interviewing each other and getting the answer they want to hear. Hence a non stop stream of stories about how laughable/ extreme/ ridiculous Trump/ Brexit/ Boris/JRM/ Farage etc are but we must take seriously lovely decent people such as Jeremy, McDonnell, Abbott, Thornberry and their current favourite Serena.You would think after all these years of BBC propaganda that we’d surely be all far left worshippers. They must really be scratching their heads on why this is’nt so.
Heard Cable on TWATO. Think they called him “Doktor” too.
Not the grubby old lech of Twickenham in his clicking cuban heels.
Might have been Mr Barraclough from Porridge though.
Who cares, who ever did either.
….or, simply, a BBC editorial meeting.
Oddly, Rob ‘Loose’ Burley would approve.
R4 driving last night about 10pm..bias seems to spill regardless of time..
Presenter an Asian named lady..can’t recall name…discussing White House anonymous editorial ..she had Americans on who had real experience – one didn’t like Trump but disagreed with this editorial, the other who had a life time of experience in the area kept – started with saying ‘we don’t know who wrote this document’.
R4 presenter throughout kept talking as though she knew it was written by insider and therefore shows that the Trump administration was in turmoil…..both interviewees kept repeating we don’t know who wrote this or why…
Did this matter? NO not to BBC presenter who just ignored those who know more and have more was shouting at radio time…
“Labour is not about dividing people. When Labour uses the slogan “For the Many, not the Few” Labour are using it to divide the people we like from the people we don’t like. If you ask us to name who is in the group Many or in the group Few we cannot do it because that would ruin the illusion that Labour is an inclusive Political party. I have more money than the Many but include myself in the Many … I hope that is clear.”
Ah, now I see. Owen is Jeremy’s love child, though obviously not from the dynamic Diane liaison. Who could it have been? Someone with an understandably strong stomach and a penchant for fresh vegetables – but what if it were someone from ‘the other side’? Surely Anna Soubry could never have been that pissed?
We call him the Furry Fuhrer round here.
Not Owen though-only I know of him, who else in real life gives a stuff about squits like him?
“Diane Liason” ?
How dare you.
I’ll have you know he only invited Miss Addup round to sit naked in the corner with her legs open, so he could see what his new black sofa looked like with pink cushions.
Complaint sent into the BBC Memory Hole ….
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC,
I see that Tony Blair is all over the BBC news again. Can you tell me :
1) How much Tony Blair is paid when appearing on a BBC TV show and BBC Radio Show?
2) How much Tony Blair has been paid overall by the BBC this year and in total?
I asked you previously how much it has cost the BBC TV Tax Payer to send Alan Carr and Mel from Radio 2 to Orlando but you said it was commercially sensitive information, so I assume you will use the same excuse this time or maybe the excuse Tony Blair gave in 2009 expenses scandal where he shredded his expenses to save the tax payer from storing them on a shelve.
LBC 9:20ish been talking about the possibility of Tommy Robinson joining UKIP
their report
NickFerrariLBC had a killer argument “TR was in the EDL”
not to mention the “former” self admitted radical islamist jailed for 5 years in Egypt that is employed by LBC
Eat KFC .. promote criminal activities.
Eat KFC.
KFC are Halal Food Authority Approved.
Halal Food Authority want to be Shia compliant and promotes Islam.
Shia is Islamic law.
Islamic law is based on the Koran.
The Koran was written by a Mohammed (a perfect man according to the book he wrote about himself?!).
Mohammed had sex with a 9 year old child whilst owning slaves and adult wives rather than adopt the child as a parent.
Sex with minors is a crime in the West.
Slavery is a crime in the West.
Multiple wives is a crime in the West.
Eat KFC .. promote criminal activities.
Every time we eat halal food, it has had muslim imprecations chanted over it.
These food items have been offered as a sacrifice to the moon god allah.
Jesus abolished the need for his followers to make sacrifices and actually warns against knowingly eating food that has been offered as a sacrifice to another god.
It is possible to unknowingly eat food that has been offered as a sacrifice, and Jesus doesn’t condemn anyone for that but I think for the good of one’s soul it’s best to avoid eating anything that is recognised as halal.
LBC now “The Speak to Sadiq Show”
(Yep media is so biased against Labour)
So, the migrant crisis has shifted from Calais, to further down the coast to Oustreham, nr Caen. Sudanese teenagers are chasing lorries to get on board. The images show a group actually managing to opening the rear doors of a lorry while its moving. Others are shown actually getting into the backs of lorries before police drag them off. My first thought was where are the bloody padlocks ??? its crackers they can even do this. Then they’re interviewed and of course one of them has a ‘brother’ who lives in England, so they’re ‘desperate’ to get here because its a ‘good place’.
They should round them all up and dump them back in north Africa.
I pass through the port at Quisterhm every two weeks and see the problem is getting worse. Enrichers line up the grass verges for about half a mile prior to the port, awaiting supplies from arriving UK open border whackoes and fiddling with their phones. All are young men of military age, all are well equipped with clothing. None appear to be sleeping rough which means they are not staying there for long. The lorries are padlocked and each on is searched at the port with a member of security entering the lorry. I suspect – without proof -that somehow deals are done to let them through. As for the lorries forced open, a gang of strong young men – maybe with military experience- should have few problems opening them.
I took this photograph at the port. Behind the railings is a cafe. The soldier is guarding the takeaway shop and ice cream counter.
People are complaining,the situationis becoming very serious.
What this photograph says is that there’s a war on. Even while there isn’t a war on, and invaders are welcome? Now that’s schizophrenia. The Merkels and Macrons of this world need locking up in psychiatric hospitals.
Sorry GWF – pressed the ‘report comment’ button instead of ‘reply’ (sadly there is no ‘unreport’ button).
Thanks for that info. Admittedly the image I watched was half a dozen black teenagers easily opening the back of a Bulgarian lorry and jumping in while the vehicle was moving. None of them had any equipment to do this, they just raised the door levers and in they got.
Well, yes BRISSLES, it does seem that they are finding ways, I watch the security people unlocking the lorries at the port. Some are apparently unlocked. Also what used to be a pleasant sea front at Quisterham is now soething tovoid. Toilets are surrounded . don;t enter. Keep away from cashpoints, they scan your cards for about 30 euros a time. My family are in the port today and I am worried.
The politicians are ignoring the situation. Here are some comments from tourists.
Anyone recognize this location? It is one of the Normandy beeches on which many allies gave their lives to liberate Europe.
Come on Macron and May, F off and allow us to liberate our countries.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their”character.” – Aug1963
Could you even imagine a headline reading ‘universities must give more top degrees to white men, or Jews, or even to those attending church every Sunday?’. Surely far too many top degrees are being given out because of grade inflation? In my department many years ago the first ‘first’ for sixteen years was given and everyone celebrated on behalf of the student who richly deserved it. He was white and male but it was irrelevant. He was bright and hardworking and got what he deserved.
I heard that examiners receive papers with code numbers. So they are unable to discriminate in favour of Blacks because code numbers were introduced so that examiners could not be blamed for discriminating against Blacks. The fact that Blacks still underperform due to having a 20 percent lower IQ than Whites, Jews and East Asians, would mean having to go back much further than identifying people by their name. I remember a racial identity survey they introduced which asked you to identify your race.
My department did not have any blacks, but some joker ticked the black box causing the senior management to get exited. This also happened in a neighbouring department. This could end up with some whites gaining a 20 percent boost in scores by simply ticking the black box.
Also the combination of a 50 percent target for young people going to University, dumbing down degrees and grades, and the finding that there is a dramatic lowering of IQ in young people due to the dramatic increase in the ratio of the ethnic population amongst the younger end of the population, makes the future of University education look like the progression towards a “Planet of the Apes” society with the more “ape like” people having more power than the less “ape like” people.
It has already happened. The Atmospheric Physicists, Causational Climate scientists and Mensa members amongst the “2016 London Climate Change Conference“ were thrown off University property by the “ape like” environmentalists and administrators of a London University which I found later to have had the greatest deteriation in academic quality in the developed world, for any University.
Also 25 of the BBC’s 28 ‘best scientific experts’ didn’t have any scientific qualifications. In fact there weren’t any Causational Climate scientists present at that BBC seminar. So all were “Ape like” with possibly only one exception, Richard North, who commented about being stunned at how ignorant the Guardian educated BBC experts were.
I lived and worked in Florida for almost 20 years and was constantly amazed at how ignorant of facts the Americans I worked and met with were, a result of the deliberate dumbing down of their educational system. Yet here we are in UK doing exactly the same without any qualms about the consequences of such action. It seems to me that any ‘new’ American idea concerning ‘progress’ is deemed essential in other countries no matter how corrupting its adoption may be, such is the stupidity of self serving politicians, influenced by biased reporting by left leaning media. Back in the 80’s I read a report, in of all places, Playboy, that in 30 years the world would be ruled by 30 odd corporations! And this despite that back in the 30’s the US recognised the disastrous consequence of allowing monopolies to exist and expand, something we are ignoring today to our detriment and actually seem to be encouraging. US denial of climate warming is one example of how this dumbing down influences political thinking.
@Marky It’s #IdentityPolitics
Equality of opportunity is a GOOD thing
Identity Politics is a bad thing
cos it’s people lazily deciding “full colour complex” things by just picking a side
Hence anti-racism/sexism campaigners judge by race/gender
ie They act racist/sexist
Imagine an Islamist running a Western Capital City?
Imagine an Islamist running the UK Security Services?
Imagine the Leader of the Opposition backing Islamists?
Imagine the Prime Minister being unable to label an Islamic Terrorist and uses the word “LOST” rather than “MURDERED”?
Oh, wait ….
“But we have learnt somethings in the last 10 years. We have learnt that most of the press in free western countries are cowards. We’ve learnt that most of our artistic establishment are cowards. Most of our politicians are cowards. We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.” – Douglas Murray @5:00
We’ve learnt that industries that spend much of their year in award ceremonies patting themselves on the back for their bravery, stop when bravery is required.
Do you think sex with a 9 year old is morally right in 2018?
YES – you are sick and don’t follow UK law, but believe in the Koran.
NO – you don’t believe in the Koran as written by the perfect man, you are now an apostate but believe in UK law.
BBC Radio 4 broadcast a long piece featuring the mild voiced Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (Corbyn fans reckon he’s a racist) this morning. His theme – respect for religion in our secular modern world. All religions – a call which might prove a tad ambitious. He had chats with ‘groups of British 6th form students’.
But the BBC as usual fail miserably my 30 second tune in test.
One young student reckons she admires a teacher of her’s who advocated a student ought to “make my own truth”
Sounds like an iffy bit of teaching to me but the ever-polite Sacks lets that pass.
My doubts about this young lady (and the BBC’s choice of her as a contributer) are confirmed when she (I believe it was the same voice) goes on to praise her prophet (Mohammed) as her great moral example.
And the reason for this modern British girl (of presumably Pakistani heritage) pinning her cultural and ethical devotion to a seventh century arab?
Because in a world that didn’t give rights to women he set out a system of rights for women – or some such wishful thinking. An uncomfortable mix of feminism and multi-culti thinking that wiffs strongly of the BBC.
Once again our Rabbi Sacks (who the Corbynistas believe is a racist bigot) mildly accepted this young student’s nonsensical relativist unhistoric ramblings.
I switch off.
Maybe she can’t be expected to know better. Maybe Sacks is too polite and inclusive to know better. Maybe her teachers have a self-serving agenda. The BBC should know better.
I got a large dose of reality a short while ago when chatting with my granddaughter.
I was trying to get her interested in Electric Universe Theories, as opposed to using gravity as the sole means of organising and effecting the universe, and she replied to me the following, and I paraphrase. I go to school with the expectation of going on to university. I am taught by an establishment teacher the establishments syllabus, take an exam which determines my future and is set by the establishment, marked by them and thus determines my eligibility for continuing education. I do not want to hear about alternatives that would alienate that establishment. Sums up the modern approach to education and the disastrous consequences of not teaching analytical thinking.
Well, this is interesting: ‘Die Welt’ reports on the findings of a poll the ARD (German Bbc) commissioned: the AfD is now in the lead in the old East Germany with 27% support, while Merkel’s CDU only gets 24%. Third are ‘Die Linke’ with 18% and fourth Merkel’s nation-wide grand coalition partner, the SPD with 15%.
Chemnitz has not been without macro consequences. Or Cottbus.
But you won’t be hearing about this on the beeb. Too busy denigrating Trump, undermining Brexit and pushing ‘diversity’.
I’m subscribed to a few youtubers from there, including a guy called Oliver Flesch. They ain’t too happy about the current state of affairs of course. It won’t be surprising if the AfD start reaching figures in the East that the CDU enjoy in Bayern during the post-war period. Is it time for OsiExit?
A wall might help? Oh no, wait…
PS It’s probably there, you just can’t see it. Pity Merkel slipped through.
Katie Hopkins stumps anti-Brexit Femi Oluwole with THIS question
His manager tried to stop interview halfway through
Femi Is a malleable little black boy who is being used by globalists to subvert democracy in the UK. They believe that his skin colour should give him immunity from criticism. No-one should be immune. That’s a bedrock of democracy. ‘Pinocchio’ struggles to function when his strings are cut. He only operates from a memorised script.
I see someone has helped him tone down his american accent and he has a manager come handler???? and do I detect a non-english accent there as well
I see someone has helped him tone down his american accent and he has a manager come handler???? and do I detect a non-english accent there as well
Banning Bannon : Laurie Penny* “Bannon is not interested in listening to me, these people do not want to engage” she says at the SAME TIME as saying he should be deplatformed
* Ah she’s a Lefty writer from Oxford uni
Blogs as @PennyRed
“She has contributed articles to publications such as The Guardian and the New Statesman, and has written two books on feminism.”
Is this the moment when the penny has finally dropped?
This woman has the archetype whining voice of a far left idiot. That such an ignorant, silly person is given a hearing on the BBC reflects the depths to which the state funded broadcaster has sunk.
Note how the living skeleton for the BBC joins in with Penny to drown out the other speaker
Video : Bicycle Police does his job
: chases and catches bike thief
Ah he’s a PCSO ..when he joins the real police, they’ll beat that kind of attitude out of him.
When PCSO’s first started I got an application form, my wife stopped me, she knew I would be too keen at arresting everyone.
As a PCSO, you wouldn’t have had a power of arrest, any more than any civilian…
PCSOs, biggest waste of space and your money, ever – a ploy to cover inconsistencies in the numbers required in the regular force, and generally pretty useless, especially when they (and the public at large) adopt the belief that they ARE police officers, when, in fact, they are not.
What needs saying is that teachers, social workers and police were all once reputable discrete professions along with nursing and pharmacy.
Then came Labour. And Blairs Common Purpose, E.U efforts to make everybody a peripatetic role , quasi attached to union courses in “public service and care”.
In other words, these are interchangeable mush and mash ups-all these plastic shadowings of proper roles of old. First term always is Health and Safety, then Diversity Training, then cross-public sector language of care, sustainability and equality.
Whether PCSOs, SSA, T.As or N.As….they`r4e all cheap, mocked up and hollowed out stickybeaks, ineffective but forever Labour creatures who pays them.
The unions were in on this, hence Unite, Progress, Unison etc-not one of them has a role that would represent a profession of anything but the love of the EU, CND and the NHS. And Islamic State if they`ll pay for the snoops in a few years time.
End of school now-just seen my T.As, tattoos and cakes, thick as quorn mince.
Where does the Health and Safety of the public stand when diversity promoted muslim police officers are fasting all day for a month ? or fire fighters ? or doctors ?
Where are the risk assessments ?
The news story about the secret mole and ‘member of the resistance’ in the White House is shocking.
But the thing that is shocking is how the MSM think it’s cool that someone (if they actually exist) is in the White House deliberately trying to hamstring and hamper Trump’s agenda.
He was voted in by the American people as part of the same democratic process that put Obama in the White House, yet by promoting this ‘insider’ as some kind of hero, the MSM are trying to imply that there is something heroic in an individual deliberately trying to thwart democracy.
This is democracy we are talking about here.
Let’s take a step back from this. The MSM think it is great that the will of the people (whether you like Trump or not) is being interfered with and undermined by this person.
They don’t appear to have stopped to think what would happen if they actually did depose Trump. Do they think all those voters will just accept it?
If they’re lucky, these people will decide democracy is a waste of time and give up voting. But these people have guns. And may decide that if their democratic voice is going to be overridden, they’ll have to consider other methods.
Yes, thwarting democracy, like the BBC is also attempting through continually smearing Trump, is that not a good defnition of “far right” ?
In an earlier post I inferred that Democracy does not exist, certainly in this country, in the form people think and accept about what democracy really means.
You only get to vote for preselected candidates, who have been vetted by the established political hierarchies as committed supporters of that system, and not for people who would be independent candidates working to improve the lot of the common man and the country. Professional and well established politics has put an end to democracy as such, I think, and Labour and Momentum are determined to keep it that way, amply backed by the Beeb and the many leftish media organisations.
I used to be apolitical, but now I am a convinced anarchist who believes all government is aggressive, controlling and self aggrandising.
Magid Mayor of Sheffield who took the TEN COMMANDMENTS (CHRISTIAN) and rewrote them … why not the FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM?
“DON’T KISS A TORY” (political statement of HATE)
It’s #IdentityPolitics
cos Magid is judging things merely on whether people wear a Tory-T-shirt or not
Good spot MM.
Five Pillars of Islam would be
1. Charity is compulsory
2. Tax is brilliant
3. Parrot what we tell you
4. There is no truth but the BBCs.
5. Reflect on your racism five times a day…sexism if you`re a bloke as well.
Think we can see why the left and Islam get along so well.
Just as well i`ve kissed a few Tories(and more!).
If they knew of my Jewish roots, they`d send me to Mile End Mosque to do more than be kissed by the Mullah bhoyz.
Look at THAT bloke…who but a Christian Tory could take any care for HIM? More chance with a bloke than a woman as well, can smell his toenails from here.
What a Mayor, or should it be ‘mare, if you were to novelise some of what is going on today ten years ago, no publisher would accept it for being too outlandish, even for science fantasy
Sadly I think such things may already have been predicted. “Chill, Scro, you do a kick ass job and you get a full pardon.”
President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho (from Idiocracy / 2006).
Similar tenuous grasp of the mother language, probably intentional, through a racist attitude, and we wonder why they fail to find gainful employment ? but manage to aspire to a hoodie, then maybe promotion to a moped and a couple of masks. I refuse to believe that young black men are not given the opportunity to thrive, but there is a preference to gang up, and commit violence and if it is whites there is an investigation into their background to find the reason and in cases in London there seems a real lack of will to see the obvious reason for black on black crime..we can start with lack of a male role model, everyone knows no one will say
He seems like a nice chap who likes publicity..but a bit of a hypocrite..or not as bright as he thinks he is…apart from the Tory bit he called POTUS a waste man, an insult I think, and bans him from Sheffield see the good, don’t be a prick, be kind..hmmm..
I suspect on the normal distribution curve of IQ, he’s on the far left ( ha ha) of that curve.
Seems the best defenition of far right and left, since those of the far left seem intent upon giving up a civilisation and culture that has stood up and fought and died against nazism, and supporting, sympathising with a minority who demonstrate the same intolerances regarding our culture and laws
Kavanaugh hearings, “Soros paid protesters” claim
Tim Pool is a lefty who goes to “rightwing” rallies to report rather than just dismiss
He makes some mistakes but does have some good points
\\ Photos have emerged of protesters being handed cash outside the Kavanaugh hearing and many people think this is proof that protesters are paid to protest.
However the truth is actually a bit more nuanced that the idea of “paid protesters”//
His video argues that
#1 They don’t need to pay protesters
#2 Indeed the people are prepared to be arrested
#3 BUT US hard-core activists are routinely handed cash on the day so that they have bail money if arrested
#4 Yes Soros does fund NGOs, but no evidence of direct control
He says “we know it was orchestrated” (the actual protest)
I agree giving people the safety net of knowing they won’t be stuck in jail, is not the same as paying them.
commenter claims “This hearing is NOT open to the public. In order to attend they have to have been invited by one of the Senators”
Also check his Twitter : eg he explains he thinks there was a conspiracy by CNN/Twiiter to ban Alex Jones
Ahhh quaint old Bargain hunt not much chance for the BBc to indulge in their agenda here. Wrong today we are treated to a fluffy review of the Greenham Common Womans “Peace” mob, Complete with some bint who was there who tells us how terrible it was with security and vigilantes damaging and taking their tents. In the end she was sleeping under a piece of plastic she tells us. Oh boo hoo..
After Greenham
..she moved on to the Rotherham anti-rapegang protest camp ?
It’s strange how to libmob the hypothetical victims matter
(of doom scenarios like nuclear-weapons/Climate-doom/fracking etc.)
… but real world victims don’t.
Anti-fracking is supposed to be about stopping potential catastrophic pollution of your local environment.
Doesn’t non-vetted open borders actually facilitate something similar ?
“we are treated to a fluffy review of the Greenham Common Womans “Peace” mob,”
Several years ago I upset one of my bosses who was telling us all about her time as one of the Greenham Common wimmin. I said that being a mere man I couldn’t understand the attraction of making Europe safe for a conventional war.
Nice one. To paraphrase Mr Partridge, “back of the tent”
And so the diversity continues. The new series of Press on the Beeb last night, just HAD to include a mixed race middle aged couple (soon we’ll be seeing the over 60’s in mixed relationships – which will stretch credulity ), and then later on it was the white female main character attempting to seduce a young black chap who worked for the opposition.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m heartily sick of this being constantly rammed down our throats. Jesus, I have a large circle of friends, – admittedly I don’t live in an inner city, but I don’t know any, and extremely rarely come across mixed race couples. Taking a small straw poll on my friends, they’re equally unaware of ‘diversity’ where they live too.
Advertisers and dramatists are scared sh…..less in case they are accused of not upholding the invisible PC laws that now pervade this country, but its the MANY who are suffering for the benefit of the FEW.
I feel as though I’m living in a land that has lost all reason, and we’ll one day wake up and realise that its all been a ghastly mistake, and revert back to our less messy way of life as was 50 years ago. Well, I can dream can’t I ?
I read I can’t remember where or vouch for the accuracy that mixed relationship are 1% and 60% more likely to split up. In the literally thousands of people I have worked with I can only think of two examples. On commercial TV the adverts are now getting appearing to get to the position where white participants are in the minority. I do my best to boycott any of the companies indulging in this portrayal of the population but it’s getting more difficult.
Soon be obligatory, but only for black men / white women otherwise probably wacist, even seen one of those ridiculous maltester adverts with the one in a wheelchair with absolutely no white males in the workplace, I boycott them now as they are not meant for us….
It’s not just race, or indeed TV where the adverts push their “progressive” credentials. LBC is running an advert where parents dream of what their children will achieve.
“ I want Poppy to play cricket for England.”
Yeah, right. Of course you do. What father wouldn’t have that at the top of their list for their little girl? Unless he’s called his son Poppy. Which begs a whole lot more PC questions.
Maybe runs a kebab shop
Take heart, there are millions who feel the same way you do.
Ooops, this should have been a reply to Brissles. Don’t know how it got down here.
I was wrong on BBC ‘poachers’ charter’
IMO Amol is a smug irritating git. As a taxpayer funded organization Al Beeb should not be paying salaries above that of the PM. They should be finding new talent, not lazily poaching or selecting current virtue signaling ‘celebrities’. In their article this week suggesting possible replacements for multi millionaire Evans, I only saw one who I thought could make a good job (Mayo), and their funniest suggestion was Claudia Winkelman! I hope she gets it, cos they will then have zero listeners.
Me and Wife hope it’s extract himself from the car crash that is the Drive Time – used to be our favourite now can’t listen..
But my money is on a male female combo to replace Mr Evans – Amol and Winkleman
You just know it has to tick at least 1 box…talent is not on the list
Have to go a long way to find someone with Wogan’s unique style, he had a long running argument about the last words from “Gone with the Wind” and was insistent it was “I’ll get you Butler”
I`m sure that you could map the decline of Britain from the time that the likes of Lyttleton and Wogan left the media stage in 2008/9.
Funnily enough the same time when we got Ross and Brand instead-and their legendary comic takedown of some old scrote called Andrew Sachs.
Wogan and Humph were truly our last chances of sharing a comedy culture. Since then, it has all turned to Mrs Browns Boys and Craig Charles, Citizen Khan and Grimshaw.
Hope that Barry Cryer is healthy.
My pet hate is the arsehole Linneker, definitely not worth the millions he is paid. During the European Cup he condoned and supported all the fouling, cheating and diving, saying it was all part of the game, which it most definitely is not – there are rules against all those items – and is in fact harming the game. Any other person paid only 20 grand for the job would be just as good, to my way of thinking.
Now surely it would be a reasonable expectation of this licence tax funded public broadcaster to come out with all guns blazing in support of Dominic Raab ATTEMPTING to turn the tables on M.Barnier.
Barnier is reported to be furious that we have had the temerity to insist that the EU orders the Republic of Ireland to erect a Custom Border, within Eire territory, if they are unwilling to accept the UK position?
These duplicitous Irish deserve to be well remembered for their shenanigans and also that New Zealand, Australia, Canada et al are well placed to replace their agricultural exports to the UK in the post brexit situation.
Ireland gave up being a sovereign nation back in 1973, and backed down everytime it was made to vote again. We are not Ireland.
A plastic paddy set of ankle biters who think rebellion is a Dubliners LP or a Bono White flag, a Geldof curse on an answering machine.
It is now to be the Shannon Gateway for Ryanair thugs from Tirana or Lagos, and deserves what`s soon to befall it.
Barniers Cabbage Patch dolls, not a rebel among them. Simply hate the British, deeply resentful and derivative.
Louis Walsh and Westlife?…Dara O Braian?…feck it!
Died after Dermot Morgan. Not even able to muster up a Wogan or Doonican any more.
Fri 21 Sep RADIO 4 : Disinformation: A User’s Guide
Phil Tinline mines the archives to trace the story of ‘disinformation
(Well you are the Ffing experts)
They breathlessly report on a man fired from a South African company for stating hate facts about women on average perhaps being more caring and less aggressive. Of course the BBC provided us with analysis of relative testosterone levels in the sexes and what effect this might have, backed up with hard data on career choices. Not really: they just shriek about being ‘offended.’
They often have to go half way round the world for these stories, and even then the ‘sexism’ is so minor. It is the same with racism and homophobia – such a supply and demand problem. Do they ever think that maybe they have it all wrong and they are fighting battles that were won decades ago?
Remember 28gate?
Some have.
Thanks for that, GW.
The BBC will not tolerate dissent on Climate Change. They mention that nobody disputes a football result, so why dispute Climate Change?
What sort of logic is that???
Dover – Yet their logic disputes the Brexit result and President Trump’s election.
You do not need a “denier” to balance the debate.
Sounds like the Orwellian use of the English language, to produce an excuse to censor scientific debate on the BBC.
The problem is that Scientists are convinced that BBC employees are grossly ignorant of what is being denied, due to BBC Censorship.
The Arrhenius formula used in all those computer models the BBC uses from Professor Peter Cox of Exeter University, to produce the Greenhouse effect, is denied because of this scientific paper, which explains the “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics“.
However the Greenhouse effect is NOT being denied because the “Unified Theory of Climate” replaces the fictional/denied/false version of the Greenhouse effect that the BBC supports, with a factual version that works for all planetary atmospheres in the Solar System.
So the BBC is censoring those scientists who could explain what the BBC thinks is being denied. A misunderstanding that could end if the BBC would only stop censoring the debate.
Lord Lawson needs to get parliament to form a parliamentary committee of enquiry into BBC Censorship, and end the rule of the madhouse, by these low IQ nutters in charge of the BBC.

Just a teeny bit tentative there, bbc. Bit worried even you know the answer, and what has preceded all this, and your miserable part in it?
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
Can’t imagine May saying anythig like:
“We mean to hold our own. I have not become the King’s First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire. For that task, if ever it were prescribed, someone else would have to be found, and, under democracy, I suppose the nation would have to be consulted. I am proud to be a member of that vast commonwealth and society of nations and communities gathered in and around the ancient British monarchy, without which the good cause might well have perished from the face of the earth. Here we are, and here we stand, a veritable rock of salvation in this drifting world…”
Um, does anyone else receive email notifications of a new message here on Bias BBC ? I’ve just received 39 notifications of such, and I don’t know how to stop this. This is the first time its happened.
Scroll down to ‘Leave a Reply’ and make sure that the little box on the left-hand side isn’t ticked.
Either that or go to the top menu and check the settings for ‘My Profile’.
I had it happened to me once but I don’t recall turning that mode on and I’m not sure now how I turned it off!
Thank you Jim, – I have done all you suggested, and have ‘unticked’ everything.
I did contact those involved on the Tech team, and had a very helpful reply from ‘Rob’, so hopefully the problem is now fixed.