Predictably the far Left BBC has embraced the anonymous article about President Trump which claims he has to be undermined from within his own administration . So there is resistance from Swamp dwellers across the pond in parallel to those frustrating Brexit here . As Mr Rees Mogg MP wrote in an open letter recently – we are hopefully heading for a WTO Brexit from the EU – not a ‘hard one ‘ and not a ‘no deal ‘ one which is Remainer Speak.There is no requirement for a deal.
Whilst the big stuff is going on the ‘awful personal things ‘ keep going – such as the Huddersfield 31 being prosecuted for alleged organised Pakistani paedophilia today in an English Court . The BBC doesn’t consider this to be worthy of being national news – perhaps it is just normality . You decide.
( I know it’s not the weekend quite yet but there’s a lot of posts).
Halifax : Two people charged Wednesday with membership of banned far right terror group National Action.
Man 23, & Woman 22
Remanded in custody, obviously a danger to the public, unlike 31 gang rapists charged with repeated, racially aggravated, paedophile rape
The main victim of the last Halifax grooming gang scandal has branded Labour MP Chi Onwurah “wilfully ignorant” for claiming the issue of grooming gangs isn’t related to race or religion.
In the second of a three-part interview with Shy Society, Georgia expresses her fury at comments made by Newcastle’s first black MP in a Guardian newspaper article just days after the city became the latest to convict a gang over the widespread grooming of vulnerable young girls.
As Georgia revealed in her first interview yesterday, racial and religious slurs were made against her on more than one occasion during her two year ordeal in a pattern which has been seen in similar cases up and down the country.
In the recent Newcastle case one of the men was heard to have said “All white women are good for is one thing, for men like me to fuck and use like trash.” During the Telford case of 2012 one of the defendants made gun gestures in the dock before claiming “It was Eid, we treated them as our guests.” And in one of the Rotherham court cases in 2010 a victim was referred to as a “white bitch” while in the same town that year Laura Wilson became known as ‘Britain’s first white honour killing’ after her Muslim boyfriend Ashtiaq Ashgar stabbed her repeatedly before dumping her body in a canal. A day before the attack he had sent a text message saying “I’m gunna send that kuffar (non-Muslim) bitch straight to hell.”
A judge summing up the Preston case in 2016 told one of the men “You lied and took no remorse. Your imam is entirely wrong when he says you have shown remorse” while Judge Gerald Clifton told the Rochdale gang during sentencing “One of the factors leading to that (the abuse) was the fact that they were not part of your community or religion. Some of you, when arrested, said it was triggered by race.”
Yet despite this pattern of behaviour from predominantly Pakistani Muslim men, MP Onwurah wrote in a national newspaper that “turning this into a matter of race and religion is an insult to the survivors” and started and ended her column by asking the question “What’s worse? Rape or racism?” Instead the MP put the rise of grooming gang convictions down to male misogyny.
She runs the risk of being branded a stupid racist black bitch
Your f@cking Imam ? some mulsim religous leader that sought to protect them ? THAT says it all
How the fck do we let this scum get away with it?
Pity maybe that we have enjoyed relative peace and stability here until this scum invaded us and they are very used to whingeing whining and complaining at every opportunity unlike us, we need to get used to defending our peace and culture more rigorously
Predominantly Muslim men. There are Somali jihadist gangs in the UK too. This phenomena can be found in Holland and Germany too. Just because you haven’t read about it doesn’t mean it isn’t going on. It is being covered up in every European country where there is a significant muslim population and is far more widespread than most people believe.
“US wage growth hits nine-year high”
Well done Mr Trump!
Go on Al Beeb say something positive – you know it makes sense, .
Another Grenfell fraudster convicted
Portuguese cleaner Antonio Gouveia, who stole more than £53,000 in relief funds intended for victims of the Grenfell fire, has been jailed for three years and two months
Interesting that a victim of a fire needs a laptop.
How on earth do you get your mitts on that much money?
I can’t grasp the implications of that statement. I wish I had an opportunity to be given as much as that by telling a few bare faced lies. Do these white fools, who I’m assuming were in charge of the cash, turn into gibbering idiots at the sight of an immigrant?
It would appear so.
Sadly when my Mum and Dad were alive and in their late 70’s, they had to jump through numerous hoops and several ‘assessments’ before they could get any added supplements to their old age pension, because Dad was carer for Mum; and this was my Dad who served on Arctic Convoys in the war. So to hear that these sh.ts can gain access easily to tens of thousands, and are here illegally, just makes me want to commit murder.
Yet another African of negative value to Europe.
Total about ten million, total value next to SFA.
One minute and two seconds.
That is how much time Corbyn was given uninterrupted to big up the Labour Party after Blair ‘slagged him off’
The BBC must have hoped that Blair would give Corbyn some prais but as that backfired they got Corbyn on air to talk about his great ideas without anyone butting in.
Imagine if they interviewed the PM?
‘Yeah but you lost seats and everyone is angry over Brexit!’ Would be their cries.
Classic left wing bias from the BBC and it gets worse every day 🙁
“Classic left wing bias from the BBC and it gets worse every day”
You can see it, we can see it and our MPs can see it. But our government does nothing about it.
Are they afraid of Al Beeb?
Trump would have sorted it by now.
I do hope that our government are seeing it. Bojo and The Mogg are not impressed with it and I can imagine a few others are talking about it so word is going around but what can the government really do? It is becoming a serious issue but of course Brexit has to be dealt with first I guess.
Lets hope that this time next year we can finally see some action taking against that embarrassment of a national broadcaster that the Beeb has become!
Then again this time next year I wan to hear of the Tories winning a record breaking landslide in an election and for Labour to be dissolved but of course first, we will need to get the BBC out of the way.
Interesting few years ahead to say the least
Yes – we “live in interesting times”.
Leeds serial rapist Carl Hartley bailed six times by police
kept on raping
(does tree surgeon = traveller ?)
Perhaps many readers will have already found the memo written by Rich Higgins for which he was sacked from the US military a year ago. I you haven’t read it I urge you to do so. Look up Higgins memo on Google.
In the memo Higgins lays out the reasoning and the strategy that the Globalists and the liberal left are using to attack President Trump. He also proposes the ways in which the President and his team can combat these attacks.
It seems that he was sacked because his memo was too near the truth and some of the Deep State got together and got rid of him. It’s a pity that the President didn’t step in and insist that he stayed in post.
Of course the Globalists and liberals the world over use the same play book and we can see dactyl the same tactics being employed by the Remainiacs in our country aided and abetted by the BBC If ciurse.
It’s not a new thing even tho Rush Limburgh covered it today, it seems to have been on the alternative circuit for a while
A primer video from Feb begins with Jordan Peterson explaining the destruction done by Marxism
I set it to start 40s before the memo is introduced
The Atlantic ran a story more than 21 year ago, that explains the memo.
A pointless self destructive fight against reality.
In America its Trump and his friends who wear nappies. In Britain its Brexiteers and their lack of FEAR of freedom and independence.
The Higgins Memo
As Christian dogma, the BBC, and the Higgins Memo have proven. Liberals are devils with the spirit of evil from Hell. Love of that Protestant Christian Donald Trump and that Catholic Christian Jacob Rees-Mogg (10am, LBC) by atheists like me, will conquer all this Liberal Fascism.
Also buy the book “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Goldberg.
Woolwich moped firebomb thugs kill Sierra Leone woman
“mistaken identity “
The only good news is that they are mostly doing it to each other as the indigenous population decamps from London and other city ghettoes.
Maybe we can bring back the city walls and all disappear at dusk, lock the gates and let them get on with enriching each other in their wonderfully diverse ways.
Also my solution to the middle east problem: wall them all in, pump the oil out and sell tickets
As Rob Burley tries to make out his ‘Loose Women Does Serious Girly Stuff’ is
notas balanced as a QT Brexit special, The Demon Barmy of W1A goes on manoeuvres in dubious ally territory.Criminy… someone get around to Katty’s with a box of Kleenex, stat!
Bet BO attacked the elected President with class and dignity though. Just as the BBC reports impartially.
Some balance… bbc style…
A rather cute BBC version of ‘tell it often enough’ is ‘reassure yourself often enough’.
The initial exchanges with uneasy allies again seems to be spoiling things.
Latest Ikea advert doesn’t contain any BME.
What? Absolutely no BME? This is intolerable.Those responsible for this outrage must be hunted down and hanged by the neck until they are dead. Do you hear me? UNTIL THEY ARE DEAD!—- Be a dear and pass the spliff Alice.
What do you mean this one ?
We still get the one with the man in a lion suit
Not that there is an Ikea within 60 miles of here
(There are other newish ads)
Ah, but the last ad had no ‘whites’ at all, so perhaps they’re alternating.
Lots of MDF
BBC London tv news has no interest in following up on the Woolwich fire story. The dreaded Daily Mail does the journalism.
Meanwhile BBC London does their usual community unit work on self-generated stories such as Arsenal FC/Save the Children football training for Syrian refugee children. Nice story but don’t call it news. By the way with all these millions of invariably peaceful and happy go lucky Syrians one has to wonder who on earth is doing all the fighting out there?
And our old favourite Rizla Teeth culturally appropriates a blonde european woman’s hair do
French invaded by Germany, 17 year old girl resistance fighters, what do we get ? arab women and their brood arriving on our shores taking selelfies on their iphones and the men pretending to be children to get here, but still bringing their hate and intolerance with them
People are still alive who lived through the blitz being bombed by Nazis and having to send their children outside of London for safety and those same people are being called racist and far right while our children are now being raped by immigrants we invite into our country and our black somali immigrants are running riot stabbing and shooting each other, where is the bloody sense within this ? in a way I am happy that my parents and grandparents are no longer alive to see the bloody disgusting state of the country they fought for has descended into
BBC2 now 9:50pm all about underground Cairo
His female archaeology guide is called Jihad.
Celebrity Big Brother has Hardeep Singh Kholi
he’s got his arm around a little too low around the presenters waist
She looks uncomfortable.
(his creepy reputation precedes him)
Well, it seems to be a requisite to be a ‘creep’ to become a ‘celebrity’…
the Sun headline… “HARDEEP Singh Kohli was the BBC’s rising star whose career came crashing down less than a decade ago amid allegations of sexual harassment.
The Sikh comedian has found it difficult to find TV work since then, but he just had a shot of redemption on Celebrity Big Brother.”
Has anyone spotted this Al Beeb headline yet ?……………..
“The former Trump adviser whose remarks in a London pub sparked the US inquiry into possible collusion with Russia has been sentenced to 14 days in jail.”
Former Government advisers whose remarks in London pubs spark inquiries into possible collusion with the Nazis/European Union in 1940/2018 should be sentenced to death for treason.
I would suggest that there are many remarks in London pubs and around this country that would make the BBC media studies graduates cholk on their lattes, thus the brexit vote, their clumsy attempts at social engineerng will never alter that, their self assurance that they are the conscience of this country is vastly overestimated, by themselves of course, and the second rate lecturers that got them a third class degree in a third class “discipline”
Quck cartoon and roundup on the Trump story
The following stories clearly demonstrate the extent of ‘establishment’ collusion, corruption and cowardice.
It seems that there are no or few true Londoners left who are willing or able to fight the enemies on our streets.
Yet again,nothing on any news outlet.
If any other political party had behaved the way these idiot had in the enclosed link, then it would be all over the news..
And remember folks, these people are a gnats gonad from getting into power..staggering
Just before 0800 this morning, our Far-Left Marxist national broadcaster gave us an item on Artificial Intelligence (’AI’). Needless to say, they wheel in a female expert (tick that box) to explain. Apparently the courts use AI to assess the likelihood of a defendant re-offending. I didn’t know that. However, the female tick box went on, there has been a problem as it was found that the AI was incorrectly assessing blacks as highly likely to re-offend (tick that box as well). More so than white defendants. If you were close to it, it would smell.
Black people are around 13-14% of London and the US’s population yet responsible for between 50 and 60% of all murders, knifing, gang rapes, and the nastiest of serious crimes.
So in this case, the A.i. is right.
Conclusion…. AI is more intelligent, perceptive and honest than any Marxist could ever be. The bar is set low, I know, but really …
And the Today programme continues with its completely fair and unbiased reporting on the United States. In the interests of balance, Justin Webb, the entirely fair and unbiased reporter, interviewed the sister of Nancy Pelosi. Well, I say ‘interviewed”, but what I mean is the Today programme provided her with a opportunity to make all sorts of false statements that went completely unchallenged by Webb. It was a hit job on Pres. Donald J. Trump. I had to laugh when she said she wanted to return to lawful government as existed in the Obama administration(!). Later we heard that the completely fair and unbiased James ‘Jim’ Naughtie who will be reporting from the US on Justice Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court appointment. Now won’t that be interesting?!
Now I know where BBC interviewers are trained.
That’s almost unfunny because it is so accurate. It’s actually very clever and hats off to the people that finally created something like this.
P.S. it is funny though in a sad way.
I love the way she throws in the expression ‘Its common knowledge’ as if this was evidence
I caught the end of BBC Newswatch – well, you blink and you miss it.
So pleased to hear our Samira Ahmed proclaim ‘it’s not all complaints’
Oh no, is this the one where Mr Chuckup You-moaner of Steatham writes in to tell the BBC their Licence Fee should be £300 a year?
Teeth on edge time regardless, for a short in-house hagiography for the insufferable Lyse Doucet. I’ll wager the BBC are putting her up for an award. Apparently their Sir Cliff journalism bombed. So, it’s blue tin hats and press logo embossed stab vests on for a report on the Yardies in Streatham, sorry godforbid, I mean the Yazidis in Iraq. Another heavy dose of what Kelvin Mackenzie so concisely identified as ‘foreign bang-bang’ journalism. Our Lyse interviews a former female prisoner of that So-Called Bizmillic Geheime Staat – or whatever odd terminology the BBC has thunk up. Thankfully the piece is short and we are spared too much of the harrowing distressing traumatic experience – of Lyse’s peculiar strained transatlantic drawling surely jazz-inspired intonation.
Andy Marr’s ‘best ever’ (according to one viewer) politics show is being shoved aside in the schedules to make way for the footie. The REPEAT of the Big Match no less. In this era of catch up tv and Sky that is so sad for our Andy.
You have to laugh. If only we lived in more progressive times and he had been up against a wimmin’s football show – Marr might have had a fighting chance.
Censorship watch : Beeboid “deplatforming WORKS, Milo has gone quiet since he was kicked off Twitter”
That was in the August 3rd edition of Rory Cellan Jones Tech Tent
– The next item was about Gab removing two LEGAL but ANTI-SEMITIC tweets under orders from Microsoft who’s servers it uses.
– The main item was about how Alex Jones was kicked off social media
#1 First Twitter said Jones had not broken Twitter rules
#2 CNN then trawled through tweets years old and brought up quite old examples.
#3 Jones team removed those tweets
.. Now in September aftr CNN complained again Jones was kicked off Twitter.
Jones may be a showman/fantasist, but I don’t see the difference between his evidenceless claims and those of some Christian or Muslim evangelists saying “Mrs X that bad thing happened to you cos you offended God”
Saying wacky things is one thing, actual illegal harassment is another.
Yes, I saw ‘head of oceans’ opining on the proposed mid ocean plastic collection.
He quite rightly used the analogy of an overflowing bath to rubbish ( no pun intended) the idea.
He said in that situation you dont start by mopping the floor, the first thing to do is turn off the tap.
So far so good, top marks. But nobody in the discussion ( yeah, beaky nugent gives me the creeps too) seemed to be aware that the ‘tap’ of waste plastic lies in the third world, not here.
This appears to be out of place, and should be a comment on lock below..
I have just watched a review of the papers by a Deloitte Financial Analyst talking about how you decline an invitation to go on a hen party – it went on for 10 minutes . The sofa monkeys were having a whale of a time .
We also had some dick on from GreenPeace with the title ‘ Head of the Oceans’ – Hi I’m Head of the Oceans what do you do ?
P.S. Sally Nugent makes my flesh creep
Head of Oceans – LOL. Brilliant
Hello, my name is Neptune ‘Head of the Oceans’. I live in a palace on the Ocean floor, made of coral and gems. I work for Greenpeace and ride to work on a chariot pulled by hippocampus. I worship Poseidon, God of the Seas.
Student is first hijab-wearing Miss England finalist
Read on to find that Ms Hijab came second, scroll on in vain through the pics to see a picture of the winner (she gets a single name check) or anyone other than Ms Hijab in various revealing (just kidding) poses
She is a beauty though. Shame her patriarchy makes her wear a sack.
I just hope she does not arouse men’s sexual passions, she could end up being stoned if someone sexually assaults her.
“You spent £3 to make me leader of the Labour Party.
Let’s fund our NHS Instead.
Vote for someone else!
Day 1: Stop questioning of Islam using Islamophobia (which has no legal definition).
Day 2: Promote the Hijab as a choice for girls aged 9, being told by their parents to wear it.
Day 3: Promote the Burka, to show you are more Godly than those in Hijabs.
Day 4: Promote the NIqab, to show you are more Godly than the other people wearing Burkas.
Day 5: Demand those not wearing Niqab wear a Hijab at least (see Day 1).
Student is first hijab-wearing Miss England finalist { 08sep2018}
Also, if you don’t believe 1-5 is possible, read up on the history of Iran post 1979 revolution and see what happened to women’s dress code and the punishments for not obeying. Please note it shows how useful idiots (women who supported Khomeni ) get dealt with when they are no longer useful.
Dear Winston Smith at the BBC,
I am unhappy with the BBC’s output and would like to stop funding Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker’s wages who has raced ahead to the top of the BBC made up gender pay gap.
a) Please let me know how I can stop paying the BBC via the TV Tax (under threat of prosecution) but still use SKY TV.
b) Can you create a BBC programme to tell the public how they can stop funding you.
c) Can I get a reduction for my BBC TV Tax due to having to help improve your News Service with the complaints below?
CAS-4987700-SY1FTF : BBC NewsWatch says boredom with pro-Brexit march.
CAS-4963895-3HKGDN: Tommy Robinson: Are you reporting on him?.
CAS-4844672-N8FDYY: Update on the MP Expenses 2009 scandal in 2018.
CAS-4939547-J71Z1V: Here’s hoping Ireland do the right thing G.Lineker.
CAS-4937378-YKMWBJ: BBC not reporting ‘Day of Freedom’ March 06may2018.
CAS-4906141-BFJQL0: I take offence that presenters promote their books.
CAS-4892811-C820SC: I am offended that I have to pay the BBC TV Tax.
CAS-4824332-633N1P: What happened in Italy was not covered …
CAS-4933135-ZV3V7F: The omission is the most powerful form of lie …
Many Thanks.
All the tabloids (led by the Theresa May loving Mail of course) seem to be cockahoop today as Boris appears to have been caught with his pants down again and is now getting divorced.
I must say it is very interesting timing. I suppose they may have realised that it is no use trying to polish Theresa s big turd anymore so instead they hope we will all ignore her pro EU pantomime and instead focus on Boris getting a good soaking of progressive generated sewage instead.
They can’t polish Theresa’s turds, they just cover them in glitter when it suits them.
Boris is merely cleaning the table of dirty plates in advance of a leadership bid.
I personally think he is a complete ass but he may be just what the country needs to get us out of the current Brexit farce.
And he is no lover of the BBC.
All the tabloids (led by the Theresa May loving Mail of course) seem to be cockahoop today as Boris appears to have been caught with his pants down again and is now getting divorced.
I must say it is very interesting timing. I suppose they may have realised that it is no use trying to polish Theresa s big turd anymore so instead they hope we will all ignore her pro EU pantomime and instead focus on Boris getting a good soaking of progressive generated sewage instead.
Sorry! x2
I really wish the UK had the French attitude towards Politician’s infidelities. A shrug of the shoulders, puff on a Gauloises , a sip of aperitif, pft with the lips and “so what!” The tabloids including the Daily Mail would be easier to read as they would have far fewer pages of mindless tittle tattle.
It gives the tabloids something to put between the adverts and allows the BBC to run another version of its all Tories are horrible story. In the real world no one is interested.
Edited title … enjoy….
11am JRM on LBC will be having a phone-in discussion about Obama
So the Democrat midterm election team brought on OBAMA to push back against Trump.
Just like the Remainiac team brought on BLAIR to push back against Brexit.
Are either winning any people over ?
(Callers claim ‘ Ah Obama wanted to do things, but congress is racist so wouldn’t cooperate with him, cos he’s black’ )
Obama “We are Americans we don’t bully people”
H’mm who’s the bully ? “you limeys are gonna be at the back of the queue if you dare to vote for Brexit”
We hate Saudi .. but we will take their money …
BBC is HAS CAUGHT Islamopobia …..
“SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: BBC humiliates former Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain by axing her Mecca pilgrimage series”
Flashback to Times in May 2017
Um, ‘popular’ with whom ? because her recipes are dog’s dinners, and I doubt if there will be another cooker series of hers commissioned.
Good point re Islamophobia being contagious Marky Mark.
Imagine they`re already planning quarantine for some of us, and vaccinations-anaethetics-for the rest of us.
Ebolaphobia rules.
Diversity fun in Barnsley. Compare and contrast the information between BBC ‘News’ and RT:
Barnsley : starnge now a PERSON has been arrested
All early tweets speak of a woman
Note it doesn’t say she was speaking in Arabic later trollish tweets say
SG – Cannot find this on the BBC.
Guardian 2018-09-08
“Police arrest person after knife attack in Barnsley”
Future Guardian reports?
Guardian 2018-09-09
“Police arrest 5000 primates after mass rapes in Barnsley”
Guardian 2018-09-10
“Police arrest mammal after lorry kills 83 primates in Barnsley”
Guardian 2018-09-11
“Police arrest vertebrate after 31 die in Barnsley arson attack”
Guardian 2018-09-12
“Police arrest 80,000 white eukaryotes after pig found in Barnsley ”
Guardian 2018-09-13
“Police arrest unknown life form after atomic bomb detonated in Barnsley”
8pm R4 David Milliband looks at the history of world government over the last century,
“Koran Funded Chicken
1.KFC pay Halal Food Authority.
2.Hala Food Authority Promote Islam.
3.Islam promotes Mohammed.
4.Mohammed owned slaves and is perfect.
5.KFC promotes Slavery.”
Janice Turner : ‘Of the 125 trans in UK jail, 60 are sex offenders, according to BBC Reality Check
… so it’s ridiculous to automatically put trans in Lady Jail’
Pg43 Times 2 stories on BBC
#1 BBC Freezes out Climate sceptics
“The email — leaked to the website Carbon Brief”
..leaked ? Haha Hand in glove again
#2 BBC Editor charged for reporting Rotherham victim’s name
Arif Ansari, head of news at Asian Network in a live broadcast about a grooming gang trial in February.
The corp complained bringing such a criminal action against an editor is “a worrying decision”
Ansari intends to plead not guilty.
Commenter “He did not personally name the Rotherham sex abuse victim.”
Will he be jailed and put in solitary confinement adjacent to Muslim prisoners like that other journalist / broadcaster was?
‘Dangerous’ day at the BBC:
Swedish election: PM says voting for anti-immigration SD is ‘dangerous’
US election: Trump presidency ‘dangerous’, says UN rights chief
Barack Obama Slams the Trump Presidency
During a speech at the University of Illinois, the former President said Americans were living in “dangerous times” and urged people to vote in November’s Congressional midterm elections.
Dangerous for all the right people.
The elites.
Now that voting might be seen to change thins, it seems to be optional extra.
Let`s hope it`s all VERY dangerous for them soon. It`s been like that for us since Thatcher went.
It seems that in bBbc world athletics and the Great North City Games isn’t really about being the fastest or the strongest but rather the race for equality for women and Northern women in particular. Even what little sporting coverage they do manage is no longer about the sport itself. Complete and unadulterated shite from the bBbc once again.
I haven’t posted anything on here for a while because to be honest the bBbc has no real relevance to the lives of myself and my family anymore. It seems that every time I do come across their output the reasons for this are just reinforced.
Rich – I totally agree. I happened to turn on the tv and endured about 15 minutes of it. It was like everything you imagine about the BBC, but on steroids.
What a total crock of shite.
Fortunately, I recorded the 2 1/2 hours of “athletics coverage”” and fast forwarded through the crap. I had a very enjoyable 1/2 hour.
Fortunately, I recorded the 2 1/2 hours of “athletics coverage”” and fast forwarded through the crap. I had a very enjoyable 1/2 hour.
If you killed a Pakistani shopkeeper after getting into an argument about Rizka and punching him, would you get more than 4 years.
So how come that’s all the 16 year old got ?
Minority Excuse Card ?
typo : a Rizla
Has Scotty risen from his grave?