Predictably the far Left BBC has embraced the anonymous article about President Trump which claims he has to be undermined from within his own administration . So there is resistance from Swamp dwellers across the pond in parallel to those frustrating Brexit here . As Mr Rees Mogg MP wrote in an open letter recently – we are hopefully heading for a WTO Brexit from the EU – not a ‘hard one ‘ and not a ‘no deal ‘ one which is Remainer Speak.There is no requirement for a deal.
Whilst the big stuff is going on the ‘awful personal things ‘ keep going – such as the Huddersfield 31 being prosecuted for alleged organised Pakistani paedophilia today in an English Court . The BBC doesn’t consider this to be worthy of being national news – perhaps it is just normality . You decide.
( I know it’s not the weekend quite yet but there’s a lot of posts).
“BBC Freezes out Climate sceptics“, or more accurately “BBC Freezes out Climate scientists” on the advice of the BBC’s best scientific experts, who turned out not to be scientists, but environmental activists. Because the BBC Froze out Climate scientists from its Climate science seminar.
But don’t worry. Any questions about Atmospheric Physics or Solar Astronomy. Ask me on biasedbbc.
Any questions about Meteorology. Ask Piers Corbyn on the Weatheraction website.
Any questions about Gender. Write a letter to Andy at the following address:
Professor Androgyne Hermaphrodite
Department of Genderbenderology
Faculty of Multisexuality
Middlesex University
The Burroughs
London NW4 4BT
“Women of colour”. Can they really not see how ridiculous that looks when they write it? Or do they see but consider that PC must trump English.
As one reply puts it:
I remember coming home from school in 1969 and finding our first colour television had arrived. The first colour program I remember was a trade test film on BBC 2, about a Morris minor van travelling around France. But the Blacks in the Black and White Minstrel Show where still Black.
RP – 1969
The summer of ’69.
I remember 1969, the whole family moved from our shoe box to a septic tank in a lake. We left our gas TV in the shoe box.
You were lucky……. There were twenty illegal immigrants living in a one room bedsit and fourteen of them died when the bunk bed collapsed….
Our house were so damp every time we set mouse trap we caught an otter!
Surely , if you`re lifes dream is to pass comment on other peoples films or work-or to mouth words to a camera that more clever and important people pay you to say?
Well Martin Luther King or Harriet Tubman probably thought that these were no indicators of having “made it”.
You`d just be an airhead cipher , a binbo underachieving piece of shit-like Mark Kermode or Gavin Esler.
Only arrogant luvvies would think their waffling hairdryers of “jobs” actually MEAN anything but a fat state salary.
I want to be Bonnie Greer when I grow up-not a sentence you`re ever likely to hear.
Barnsley stabbing
‘Assistant Chief Constable Tim Forber said the force was receiving support from counter-terrorism officers.’
Betcha one of Sajid Javid’s (peace be upon him) minions has been instructed to have the BBC remove this hint of terrorism.
The Infidels in Britain need to be told that this is not terror, the woman who was known to the police had a record of mental instability, and the attack was sparked off after her inability to buy sufficient food due to Torikutz
I read the initial report from the Express that stated she was shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’. They have now changed this to ‘Kill,Kill,Kill’. Of course this is the problem with the MSM. There is no history of what was written, what was modified later on and why.
News Sniffer currently has six versions of the BBC report, and four versions of the Guardian report.
I tried Google cache but it appears you can only pull one cached version, which showed the ‘kill,kill’ version.
Of course Marky – she is so thick she still thinks they are bloody coming home!
They wernt lost they were bloody blown apart – STUPID BLOODY COW!
Once the Hijab is introduced … then what …

Didn’t George Gershwin write a song about this?
You like Hijab and I like Niqab,
Hijab Niqab, Hijab, Niqab,
Let’s call the whole thing off.
I’m sure I can hear Ella Fitzgerald singing it.
Reminds me of the bar of chocolate from years ago .. (5 boys ?)
Ah yes, Fry’s five boys…
suggested change:
Let’s throw the whole lot off Wankers
BBC Censorship produces: Man-made climate change is indisputable.
Removing BBC Censorship produces: Causational climate scientists Piers Corbyn, Gerhard Gerlich , Ned Nikolov, Karl Zeller and Henrik Svensmark produce indisputable evidence that Man-made climate change is a hoax.
The BBc gives you the “Full Picture”. Apart from when they don’t which is pretty often.
It’s not the BBC, but I see that Channel 4 is devoting its prime-time Saturday slot to a programme about dead Fenians in 1971.
The BBC and Channel 4 are the two cheeks of the same arse.
Saw this link on CW … watch and enjoy.
And I’d like to thank the following:
ha ha very funny…..
There’s one out there where an AfD politician standsup in the Sachsen-Anhalt parliament and rips apart the lefties and feminists for ‘die Verhunzung der Deutschen Sprache’. The looks on the people’s faces was just as good. One guy couldn’t stop laughing the whole way through. And Alice Weidel’s Kopftuchmädchen speech is so good, it is worth learning German just so you can enjoy it to its fullest. At the end she quotes a Czech politician with this one-liner
“Falls Sie in einem Land leben, in den Sie für das Fischen ohne Angelschein bestraft werden, jedoch nicht für illegalen Grenzübertritt ohne gültigen Reisepaß, dann haben Sie das volle Recht zu sagen, dieses Land wird von Idioten regiert”
The AfD has some really strong politicians with sharp minds and a wicked sense of humour
can you translate please?
“If you live in a country where you are fined for fishing without a licence, but not for crossing borders illegally without a valid passport, you fully have the right to say that this country is ruled by idiots.”
Cheers for that Anne. My old german O level from aeons ago was doing reasonably well until Angelschein bestraft werden. We could say the same for being fined for illegally watching live broadcasts of the MSM, while our masters in Parliament are quite happily ensuring our nation will be sleeping with the fishes.
BBC Radio 4 Saturday Live. Gay vicar Richard Coles chats with a black farmer and a lesbian stand up comedian. We know she’s a lesbian because she mentions her wife every other sentence. Black farmer rather inspiring.
There seems to be an awful lot of lesbian ‘comedians’ around. Sandy Toxic, Susan Calman, Zoe Lyons (?) et al. Totally unfunny the lot of ’em.
I had to laugh at the BBC reporting the comments of the leader of Sweden’s lefties. He warns of ‘dark forces’ at play causing the rise of the right. Ha Ha – was that a Freudian slip? Describes the situation in parts of Sweden perfectly I thought.
BBC Online News:
“”Resurgent anti-Trump ‘resistance’ defines a divided America””
“”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the Trump presidency when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.””
The BBC are ‘out-of-the-closet’ anti-Trump now.
Trump was fairly and democratically elected almost two years ago. His majority was better than Obama’s.
Yet, the BBC/Left won’t let go. They are on a mission to unseat him. What is so pathetic is that they believe they can do this.
They call themselves the ‘Resistance’. As in WW2 France? As in Star Wars? Is Trump a combination of Hitler and Darth Vader? The BBC/Left would probably answer, ‘Yes, but worse’.
Still waiting along with the rest of the Free world for a positive BBC feature or even a positive sentence from the BBC about Trump. There must be something positive?? 😉
DS – “Still waiting along with the rest of the Free world for a positive BBC feature or even a positive sentence from the BBC about Trump. There must be something positive??”
Numerous Trump positives from where I am typing.
You will not be hearing/reading any of them from the WWB.
Ten stories, censored by the BBC, emerging this month:
(1) Britain (Tory Grass Roots) ”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the European Union when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.”
(2) Italy (Lega Nord) ”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the European Union when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.”
(3) Ireland (Irexit Freedom Party launched) ”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the European Union when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.”
(4) Sweden (Sweden Democrats) ”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the European Union when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.”
(5) Germany (AfD) ”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the European Union when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.”
(6) Hungary (Jobbik) ”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the European Union when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.”
(7) Denmark (Danish People’s Party Plot) ”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the European Union when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.”
(8) Poland (Liberty) ”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the European Union when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.”
(9) Netherlands (Party for Freedom) ”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the European Union when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.”
(10) Czech Republic (Czexit referendum announcement expected) ”September is emerging as a month of defiance, a milestone moment in the European Union when the forces of ‘the resistance’ are asserting themselves more strongly.”
Always a hoot when the bbc inspects its own navel.
GW – That’s austerity for you.
Or perhaps there is a penis supplement in BBC Queer Idiocy.
The fact that Fry was a far better host is of no relevance in bubble-world…
Oh, joy. Watch the snake eat itself.
Well neither of them have any family to keep-so they`ll be overpaid in any event.
Wasn’t it Fry that made some oh so risqué quip about ‘sand in the Vaseline’ at one of the all too frequent awards ceremonies?
Like they say, you can’t buy class.
Well, she is only a fraction of his size.
BBC 2018-09-08
“Monkeypox diagnosed in UK for first time”
“The patient had been staying at a naval base in Cornwall but was now being treated at the infectious diseases unit at the Royal Free Hospital in London.”
Free, as in free to the enricher.
Thank you Nigeria.
What next ?
Ebola ?
Should the NHS put out a leaflet warning about sex with monkeys. It is not a British activity
“a memorial to refugees in Liverpool has been vandalised again”.
Reported by all the usual cry babies.
A list of 34K ish names.
I have seen two similar lists in churches lately, Christians inviting their enemies in. Thank you Jesus.
Not to worry lefties, imagine what your hero Uncle Joe would have said.
The death of one “refugee” is a tragedy. The death of 34,000 “refugees is a statistic.
Mrs Thirstypak drifted onto the Proms – more EU flags waved than Union Jacks???
Land of no fucking hopers and glorified wankers.
How close to switching off The Last Night? Proms in the Park has little to do with what happens in the Albert Hall. But inside we had a young woman in hob nail boots and a bomber jacket playing saxophone. Apparently she won Young Musician of the Year but traditionally I don’t think the Proms was about jazz. It was followed by Gerald Finley with a lovely voice singing music from Carousel. Long way to Tipperary has the line that everyone is ‘gay’. Lots of EU hats. I wonder if they were provided by the BBC. The BBC always had a few tickets available for regular prommers who hadn’t had season tickets. Easy enough to supply the tickets on condition the blue hats with yellow stars are worn. You see, BBC, if you read here, once the trust has gone, it is incredibly difficult to get back.
And how stupid are the people in the arena at the Albert Hall waving their EU flags enthusiastically to Rule Britannia? Britain will never be slaves especially to Junker, Merkel, Tusk, and Barnier.
I’ve always thought that Rule Britannia should replace the dreary dirge of God Save The King/Queen as our national anthem. It’s much more upbeat and has a go to hell and take-no-prisoners quality which suits our independent spirit.
Consider the ‘post mortem’ today on the Last Night
“Who authorised Rle Britannia AND Land of Hope and Glory AND that speech saying “music is good” AND the National Anthem?”
“Well, SIr, the National Anthem was sung pianissimo.”
“But why not Ode to Joy to replace ir?”
“Er … next year?”
“But music is islamophobic so perhaps the proms will be different next year. Perhas a complete reading of the q’ran cover to cover to fill those hours?”
Compare the Albert Hall audience (aka “the luvvies”), with a significant display of EU colours, to that of the outside broadcasts – loads of national flags and nary a EU one to be seen. Which scenario represents the national mood most accurately, I wonder?
As I mentioned earlier, the BBC/Left have absolutely nothing positive to say about Trump.
Shall we start a list to help them?
My contribution:
1. Peace with North Korea.
2. Falling Unemployment.
3. Improved economy. Stock Market highs.
4. Engagement with Russia. World safer.
5. Destruction of Islamic State.
US Economy doing better than under Barry.
Jerusalem recognised-and if that pisses off Corbyns mates=than that has GOT to be god.
Not funding climate change grifters at the UN, nor dishing out cash to Hamas or Hezbollah any longer/
And called time on the NATO show ponies who prance around the ring, but have no stomach for a fight-unless it`s to have Muslims in charge, or get the US to pay for their deviance sexuality seminars.
Trump has played a blinder-no wonder they`ll do ANYTHING to stop him draining that duvet of theirs, he`s just stuck a knife in their bouncy castle. Do they not like that?
7) He annoys them .
8. He makes feminists walk around the streets dressed as vaginas
Okay but apart from peace with North Korea, Rising stock market, more jobs created, destroyed Islamic State, kyboshed the loony Paris agreement, boosted the economy, moved embassy to Jerusalem, put NATO in it’s place, made the nation great again, what else has Trump done for America? NOTHING.
How about celebrating the diversity and enjoying the enrichment on this one………the first recorded case of Monkeypox in the UK. A new import from….errr…. Nigeria.
Luckily the UK taxpayer ….errr I mean the International Health Service can come to the rescue.
As with all state/media warnings on health issues, it is to be hoped the framing is very sensitive and no t-shirts are printed that sell in the millions.
A shameless plug for – many articles worth reading which is more than can be said for the BBC guidelines. A nice line in comments too.
“The referee has spoken.” I guess science is now like a sporting event where the referee decides the “truth” and facts and data are irrelevant.
Yes, that would be the BBC: refereeing with a plastic whistle.
Why does the BBC expect me to know about someone called Mac Miller? I’m sorry that he’s died at such a young age, but it really isn’t important news in the scheme of things.
I see the BBC’s favourite women’s tennis player (who some of you may not know has recently returned after becoming a mum) has caused a bit of a stushie at the US Open.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC report this.
Not another “missing father” for another black child?
The good news is that Cheatena came second.
Second in the tennis, that is.
Gruntena @ 2500 deciblacks, cheating from the Seles school.
Steriodina @ Lance Armstrong school of lying, hiding.
Threatenena @ plenty of tournaments.
Killena @ The abusiveena school of Shoulder Chips.
Babyena, the WWB mentioned it giving birth, five zillion times.
Whilst the WWB omitted mentioning that Margaret Court was absent for three seasons because of motherhood.
I relished the season when Justine Henin, 40kg soaking wet, beat it three times in three grand slams, in the
same season, because she had more talent.
Credit where it is due, I am unaware of any occasion where Venus Williams behaved other than faultlessly.
Yes but she had a baby dontcha know!
There wasnt a mention on bbc brekkie sofa last week without that qualifying comment. Tossers.
The Last Night of the Proms looked like the BBC had torn hundreds of Cook Island flags in half.
Dan seems en route. And on message.
Like Prof. Dreamy Cox, the bbc like having him on for some reason. What with his grasp of history and all.
Second People’s Vote. We already had the first. Of course, they won’t like it being called that, because it’s too close to second referendum they said wouldn’t happen. Which is an excellent reason to call it Second People’s Vote at every opportunity.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…
I was planning to mention how many anti-British, aka EU-fascist, flags were polluting the screen last night. Some tw*ts were even wearing them on their heads. I don’t understand that if they hate Britain so much, why do they go to the Last Night of the Proms which is a British celebration, for people who unashamedly love their country despite its faults.
Of course, they were probably all BBC employees, their families and their psycho-left friends. Yet again stopping people, like me and thousands of others, who would love to go to the Last Night (I go up to London for a few of the other Proms concerts) but can’t get tickets.
Why do the BBC and their psycho-lefty allies always have to politicise everything? Not the first time at the Last Night either, the dreadful Marin Allslop did the same when she conducted the last night a few years back. Why ruin it for the decent people BBC?
These seem to be the morons responsible
“Thanks so much for your donations on this Crowdfunder. We now have 20,000 EU Flags to hand out at the Last Night of the BBC Proms 2018. Our plan is to cover both the park and the Albert hall. This is the biggest flag giveaway yet, we have twice as many as last year”.
The BBC is of course ‘impartial’ as ever
Being of no licence status, this is the first year in, oh! got to be decades, that I did not watch the lNProms. I feel no loss whatever, apart from the music and, in any event, I foresaw what the Hard Left, Marxist BBC had up its sleeve…………
“The Last Night of the Proms looked like the BBC had torn hundreds of Cook Island flags in half.”
Then thrown away the half it wants to disappear.
RE proms:
BBC version of Land of Hope and Glory = Land of Hopeless Stories. To show their true blue and yellowness.
Have you heard the one about the daring BBC stand-up comic who had the balls to lampoon the religion of paedophilia and terror?
Me neither.
As we awake this Sunday morning it’s full on get Boris at all costs for wanting a self ruling Britain. Have they learned nothing from Trump and brexit?
Also it turns out Serena Williams is not a saint after all and is just a plain bad loser. But the beeb ask the ‘is she a victim of sexism’ question which is the get out card for her obviously bullying behaviour.
I don’t have time to link them right now, but Katty Kay’s retweets are a wonder of blinkered support for the bad loser.
Ali complains. BBC complies.
“What’s the Brexiteers’ alternative plan?”
Something tells me that Kunessberg is not a Brexiteer.
Al Beeb ‘informs’ us………….. “Home ownership ‘out of reach’ warning in Wales”
But no mention of the Elephant in the Room. Too many people coming in to the country causing housing shortages.
The silent majority have complained for years about too much immigration, but Al Beeb and the ‘politico elite’ have not been listening, just shouting ‘Racist’! ‘Racist’ ‘Racist’.
They are still not listening .
It will be interesting to see how they spin the Swedish elections. It is odd how ‘far right’ parties have been rejected for decades yet in the wake of mass ROP immigration they are suddenly very popular. I wonder if our impartial BBC could perhaps see a link? Personally I blame the internet and social media.
I think historians may view Rotherham as a defining moment which shocked the world. It showed just how hellish the reality of multiculturalism can be, and also the wicked witchcraft of political correctness. If you are a ‘fascist’ for not wanting children raped and tortured then decent people will have to become fascists.
State broadcaster with £4.3 billion budget unable to afford dictionary… The BBC is concerned about the popularity of the Swedish Democrats, who are expected to make major gains in the Swedish general election. The link from the BBC ‘news’ website uses the phrase ‘…waning support for mainstream parties’, implying that the SD are somehow not ‘mainstream’. However, the Cambridge English Dictionary defines the word as meaning ‘considered normal, and having or using ideas, beliefs, etc. that are accepted by most people’. The reality is that the things the SD stand for – opposition to the crime, misery, terrorism, social fragmentation and burgeoning welfare budget caused by hyper-immigration – are the very epitome of mainstream thinking in most European countries, and it’s the liberal left globalist lackies that are decidedly not mainstream.
The main BBC article includes this phrase: ‘It (the SD) has been working to rebrand itself, changing its logo from a flaming torch (similar to the one used by the UK far-right National Front) to a blue-and-yellow daisy, the colours of the Swedish flag’. A quick trawl of the internet suggests that the National Front logo seems to comprise the co-joined letters N and F in the colours of the Union flag, and that it has been this way for many decades. However, the logo of the Conservative Party used to be a flaming torch, prior to it being replaced with a picture of a tree drawn by a four year old. Sloppy journalism from ignorant Sunday morning interns? Or a deliberate attempt to associate the SD with the flaming torches so beloved of the real Nazis in 1930s Germany? Most sentient beings will make the correct conclusion.
The Swedish PM said on BBC there were ‘dark forces’ in his country. He wasn’t kidding.
Bu they’re not the SD.
“dark forces”. That’s a racist expression surely? Let me call my local Stasi and check…………
Imagine if there were folk wearing yellow stars on their clothing as they shuffle along… voluntarily.
Fran Unsworth clearly a special talent. Lucky the market she operates in is a state one.
Post-natal aggression
Calm down dear, calm down
In recent days I have indicated hereabouts how our BBC have been anxious to construct a narrative of:
‘woman of colour returns to work quickly after the birth of her baby’.
The BBC nurtures dear to its heart a couple of items of agenda which necessitate this narrative. We know what these are. The BBC wants wherever possible to promote black heroes. The BBC prioritises work over child nurturing. So it is that a black female tennis player (Serena Williams) who appears to fit the BBC’s narrative purpose becomes the locus of the BBC’s story telling news broadcasts.
I further pointed out how agenda and narrative pushing was a dubious method of newscasting. We won’t even mention Tiger Woods. This is true in real news even more so than in sport. Just look at the public displays of crying and whingeing apparent after the media prematurely handed the US Presidency to one Hillary Clinton prior to the actual vote count. The glass ceiling fell in on the true believers and they were left shattered and howling in pain. The danger of your agenda and narrative is that you pre-empt the news and putting the chicken before the egg end up with egg on your face (or some such eggy metaphor). Anyway, the BBC’s embryonic shell story of Serena Williams winning her first grand slam has cracked and dear old Serena has shown herself to be a bad egg. Worse still is that the person the BBC was promoting as a role model shows herself to be the very opposite example of the point the BBC were so anxiously wanting to make. Think about this as you read on and consider as though you were an employer – would you want this kind of person in your workplace?
To coin a phrase: You cannot be serious, you’re the pits, BBC !
Here’s the gist of the BBC on line report:
‘Osaka, 20, kept her focus to become the first Japanese to win a Grand Slam.’
Well that’s the BBC narrative of Serena closing in on her first post-natal grand slam slammed.
‘an angry Serena Williams accused the umpire of being a “thief”… Williams refused to shake hands with umpire Carlos Ramos after the match.’
Ooops. Is the BBC heroine a bad person? Is nothing salvageable?
‘The American, 36, graciously congratulated Osaka at the net after the 20th seed completed an extraordinary victory and, although Williams’ behaviour will grab the attention, nothing should detract from a classy and composed display from Osaka at Flushing Meadows.’
That’s about the best possible gloss you could put on it, BBC.
‘Williams was given a first code violation after Ramos judged a gesture from coach Patrick Mouratoglou to be coaching. Williams then received another for a racquet smash’
‘The American was furious, walking up to Ramos, shouting and pointing at him’
Anyone for tennis? as they used to say in this formerly rather gentille pastime.
‘The drama continued as the atmosphere in Arthur Ashe Stadium became more toxic.’
‘Williams refused to let the issue slide and launched an extraordinary rant at Ramos “You are a liar. You will never be on a court of mine as long as you live. When are you going to give me my apology? He’s never taken a game from a man because they said ‘thief’ “Say you are sorry,” she told the Portuguese.’ Williams later accused the umpire of sexism.’
Of course she did.
AsISeeIt-I didn’t see your Serena Williams comments before
writing my own “florid” account. So I have taken mine down
and will just support you.
As one ages, physical skills slow and the next generation take over.
You can accept this, and bow out with grace, or act like MSM want you to.
I wonder if the bbc will refer to the winner as ‘Asian’?
If Barry had a mixed doubles tennis partner, she would play all the cards big momma has.
Williams’ coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, later admitted to an ESPN reported that “I was coaching.”
“I’m honest, I was coaching. I mean I don’t think she looked at me so that’s why she didn’t even think I was but I was like 100 percent of the coaches on [sic] 100 percent of the matches.”
Two wrongs don’t make a right,
she must know that even if an umpire gives an inconsistent decision (like allowing other coaching to go unpunished) you can’t go off on a tantrum and call it him a thief And pull out the sexism card, cos she can’t pull out the racism card.
She’s supposed to be a role model.
It wasn’t right when McEnroe did it, it isn’t right when Serena does it. End of
See how metrolibs portray Trump as “tantrum man”
isn’t Serena Williams “tantrum woman” ?
And see how the metro-lib MO of resorting to Identity politics “my gender/ethnicity/orientation”
Umpire MAY have been unfair to her ..not all women
How can an umpire display “sexism” in a match between two women?
Perhaps she meant to say racism. After all, these people only have two words to describe everything
Williams has proved herself to be completely arrogant “You will never be on a court of mine as long as you live.” – What? Does she own the courts she plays on? Does she think herself bigger than the game itself? Possibly she does considering how the MSM grovel to her every whim.
Maybe no man has had a game taken off them (a third offence); is it because they have stopped behaving like a petty child when they have been fined a point (second offence) and know the umpire means business. Which would make her out to be stupid not to realise this one did.
She proves herself to be totally sexist claiming that male players are treated differently. Does she have any proof that a male player, in the last 20-30 years or so when umpires were given specific instructions how to handle abuse, hasbeen let off punishment for a third offence? No, Serena? Thought not.
2018-09-09 Guardian Opinion.
“Brexit is lost in toxic masculinity. No wonder women are turning against it”
Catherine Bennett
Catherine Bennett is an Observer columnist
The finest example of vituperative, extreme ultra far lefty sexhateism, that I have read in decades.
Quite an achievment, even from the spiritual home of mass murder.
The Guardian does not state this, but I assume tomorrow it will publish the conclusion of this article.
The part which contains the argument.
BBC R4 World at One trailer
– “We’ll be at an Organic Farming festival asking what a hard Brexit could mean for organic farmers
– And we’ll be looking at the rise of the ‘Hard Right’ in Sweden ”
(…yeh use a super loaded term , don’t just call them nationalists
..typical BBC agenda pushing)
What materials or chemicals are organic farmers importing from the EU ?
Yes if the borders completely closed (which they won’t), organic farmers would benefit.
But if UK-to-world borders open, then organic from Africa will outcompete UK organic .
I expect that British organic meats etc could be currently being exported into the EU ..and some stuff like organic apples/cider/jam brands
“What materials or chemicals are organic farmers importing from the EU ?”
Shit. Brussels is full of it.
Apologies to any snowflakes reading this.
Forgive me:
“…..typical [Hard Left, Marxsist} BBC agenda pushing”.
From hero to zero; Trevor Phillips, former head of the equalities commission and a former BBC Black Hero, says that Labour is lead by anti-semites and racists, but is the BBC listening now?
When I read what Trevor Phillips said in his devastating critique of the anti-semitic Corbyn and his ultra-left marxist shock-troops, I immediately knew the BBC would ignore his comments. Coming from a black Labour supporter, his views would resonate far more considerably than most, and the BBC don’t want to make too many waves. Phillips was once a favourite of the BBC – but no longer.
Kenan Malik : Condemning all debate with Bannon amounts to giving up on politics
That Observer article doesn’t allow comments, as is the tradition when someone is right and speaks against the Guardian agenda
Yasmin opens mouth
Ta Stew-this is an important read.
Malik-believe it or not-is probably about the best that liberal journalism can provide.
Yet his article has more ad hominem attacks, slurs on a simple patriot like Bannon that is decent.
He begins with calling Bannon a “white supremacist”. Bannon ought to sue over that libel alone.
Yet it shows us how bankrupt even the decent side of liberal journalism has now become. An article like this would never have made a broadsheet until Brown losing the election in 2010.
The smugness of how our betters like Malik need to amend the narrative so we act and behave as they`d like us too spouts through this article. Yet they can`t or daren`t argue with Bannon either.
So Malik wonders how his caste can speak to Brexit and Trump people, but banning their spokesmen at one and the same time.
They can only ban us, they have absolutely no arguments. Just media orifices and lawyers.
2018-09-09 Guardian Opinion.
Tom Holland.
“If we love hedgehogs so much, why are we letting them vanish?”
Because for the last fifty years the Guardian newspaper has encouraged as many non Europeans as possible to enter Europe and vote lefty.
Non Europeans who live in houses, drive on roads etc, which would not be required if lefty votes were not the #1 priority.
The left has caused all this, deliberately. The end justifies the means. As ever, the lefty hypocrisy is disgusting.
But I am with you Tom, two of the most endangered mammals need supporting.
Hedgehogs, and white people.
I think gypsies love hedgehog pie, at least that’s what I read in comics as a child. So perhaps they’re disappearing because they’ve all been eaten.
‘Fraid not. They are reincarnated as “EU Citizens” from the Former Soviet Union. From my personal experience of both groups, the gypsy behaviour toward other members of the indigenous population is manifested in those from the FSU. ‘Tresspass’? (et al.) Wot’s that? ‘Nuisance’? I’ll do it as second nature. ‘You don’t like me chain smoking because the smoke affects you’ ‘Well, f*c* you’……..
hedgehogs are quite common around here (house backs on to field)
Quite a few run over ones (I guess they only live 2 or 3 years anyway)
Pigeons and raptors are way up, seagulls are way way down.
Wild deer definitely need culling.
Badgers eat hedgehogs. What eats badgers?
People used to. In living memory badger ham could be bought in pubs.
4×4 s
“Last Night of the Proms: Saxophonist Jess Gillam steals the show”
Then more lies from the world’s most trusted broadcaster in a section labelled: “Brexit protest”.
It goes on to lie “The end of freedom of movement could make life more difficult, and costly, for touring musicians, the protestors say.” Oddly the BBC forgot to actually name the twat who said this nonsense.
As you know musicians never play in non EU countries. How can you listen to musicians in places such as Switzerland, Australia, Canada,, oh yes 90% of other countries?
The only way to stop the BBC lying is to stop the BBC.
As an aside and a bit of trivia, and the fact that I seem to be watching Sky news more, – currently on is Dawn Foster (she of the Guardian and who has undergone a head transplant), is being interviewed by yet another female blonde / blue eyed interviewer. This appears to be a requirement at Sky, – I notice these things. But from Chukki doll Kay Burley, to the sports presenters, nearly all of them have scary blue eyes – well, apart from a couple of Asian and the regular black anchor.
This is Foreign Office by the way, not Ministry of Defence.
FCO has been responsible for most of the defence giveaway so far.
The Delingpole appeal
Dellers always faced shouts of “you are funded by big oil”
..yet here we see him appealing for £40K for medical bills.
It’s dead obvious that the lib side has all the gov money, hijacked charities’ money, subsidy-seekers money, hedgefund money and slick PR operations.
On NHS site ‘Lyme Disease’ seems to be easily treatable by antibiotics.
Link here
Nope that’s only in stage 1 , when you notice a bulls eye bite
stage 2 is years of chronic fatigue etc.
\\ If this tick bite has transmitted Lyme disease, the redness may expand over the next weeks and form a round or oval red rash, usually bigger than 5 centimeters in size.//
I’ve also got some weird kind of fatigue, similar to when I had typhoid, but I got over that
I try to get to bed before 10 but that always ends up being someone near 1am
+Had tinnitus for 18 months now
There are different types of ticks. I found one clinging my neck last year. I got it removed by a GP. This was in Queensland. The doc didn’t have any concerns about Lyme but he did warn me to watch out for tick typhoid which can be a problem there. Luckily no symptoms developed.
I contracted Lyme in 2012. I noticed a blister developing behind my right knee – there was redness but no ‘bulls-eye’ rash, per se. I didn’t see what, if anything, had bitten me – I thought it was a wasp sting, though I felt nothing at the time. The same day I retired to bed with flu-like symptoms, which disappeared after a couple of days. Shortly afterwards I developed an excruciating pain in my left shoulder, and this eventually forced me to the doctor’s surgery. I just happened to mention the knee incident to the doctor, and he sent me for a blood test, suspecting Lyme (they’re pretty switched-on, in France with this disease), which proved positive.
Then a course of daily antibiotic injections for a fortnight, during which the pain eased from my shoulder.
Six years on, I still suffer from unexplained aches and pains, and suffered heart failure three years ago, which has left me tired and lethargic. I’m inclined to believe that it is ALL directly related to the Lyme.
It is not a nice disease, and tends to mimic a variety of other ailments, all of which should ideally be treated in their own right.
Considering the continuing plight of others I’ve heard of, I think I have got off pretty lightly, so far…
The podcast when Delingpole talks about the disease and how complicated everything is to do with it is her e. Most interesting.
I wasn’t going to add to AsIseeIt splendid comments on
Serena William’s disgusting behaviour on court in
the final of the US Open . But I see the BBC are even updating
their prominence of the “isuue” being more of a case of SEXISM.
Other media outlets are furious about the Prima Donna’s behaviour.
One wrote ” Serena Williams camp should be ashamed after
ruining Osakak’s US Open fairytale. There are many others.
BUT NOT THE BBC!! You see Serena Williams is one of their
BIG BROTHER from the Diversity department lays down the rules
when it comes to one of their “untouchables.” It isn’t if
Williams hasn’t got previous. Threatening a woman linesman being just
one example.
So before the end of today expect the BBC to make this the
major front page Internet story. Nothing to do with the
young Japanese playing winning the title by being the better player, but the sexism taunts of their heroine ,against the umpire. But would anybody
expect any difference from the pervertive diversity cranks at
the BBC!
I can’t believe anyone is actually defending her.
Has she played the race card yet, on the grounds that she was more “of colour” than her opponent?
The saying ” wouldn’t wish to meet them in a dark alley” is normally directed at blokes, but on this occasion………..
Yes definitely a thug / spoilt brat – what an embarrassing rant
Observer “Green number plates ‘could boost sales of electric cars’ in UK ”
..Yeh great as I am on my bike being ACTUALLY green
I can see which people cutting me up have received a huge GREEN subsidy from my taxes
#FakeGreens, #FakeLiberals with green plates
Nothing will boost sales of electric cars, either in the Former UK, or anywhere else, for that matter. They are a chimera, an imaginative nothing, a fad. They will die a death, and eventually be worth far less second hand, than a diesel vehicle will in the short term.
Those virtual signallers that buy and/or drive them will fall by the wayside, literally, as their expensive batteries give out.
Nothing is going to happen to the production and refining of oil, there will be vehicles running on internal combustion engines far into the future.
The madness will stop, one day.
Sopel in the Mail
Medias conspiracies prove Trump’s conspiracy theories true .. thus strengthen his base.
(That’s the same as BBC on Climate Alarmism and other issues
the backlash now seems bigger thatn those brainwashed)
It would be nice to think Sopel has used his brain cells and realises that removing Trump could trigger serious trouble.
It’ll take more than one article to convince me. He’s likely trying to get an interview with the President.
Was all of Radio 1 there to soak up the vibe?
Irony alert.
On the Marr show this morning Dajid Savid – peace be upon him – considers sending in the army if civil unrest follows a no deal Brexit.
He might have a point – many voted for Brexit to have control over immigration – to avoid being flooded with his kind.
Apart from thr army he has the street thugs of Antifa, anarchists Class War and London lefties who are openly planning to split the People March 20th Oct and lead a bunch of unwashed yang people to Mogg’s home.
Class War
September 6 at 7:52 AM ·
When the kids are united…..
For tens of thousands of the young who will attend the PEOPLES VOTE demo on October 20th it will be their first ever demo – they will not know demo etitquette or how to behave on demonstrations. Great. That means after several hours of shuffling boredom they will break out and spontaneity will run the day. The appearance of revolutionaries – including myself – peddling ‘the old ways’ would be merely an attempt by the old to contain the new.
Ponting the way to REES-MOGG’s town house maybe all that’s required……’
“…..sending in the army if civil unrest follows a no deal Brexit.” Not just Brexit? Another opportunity when the British, eventually, act like those in Chemitz and rise similarly against the NWO/Globalist rulers we have (not forgetting Treasonous). But, (big but) what if, on Javid’s (one of them) orders, the army refuse to turn out and, in turn, join the protesters? What then?
Is Marr back? What joy!!
He made an appearance as “himself” in the BBC’s blockbuster “Bodyguard” drama. The scenario was totally unbelievable. An armed man found himself within yards of Marr and didn’t empty the full magazine into him. Who would believe that?
Science : “Jim Al-Khalili, is incoming President of the British Science Association”
..bad news cos he is very much with the metro lib agendas like Climate Change alarmism and green dreaming etc.
He was President of the British Humanist Association between January 2013 and January 2016.
Yes – a godless man -.although I suspect his God is his BBC pension
Be a shame if other media looked more deeply into this story. I imagine FOI replies will be thin on the ground.
Why is this a problem, I ask myself?
It is all set out very clearly in the cult handbook.
Alan Duncan thought he’d give it the holier than thou routine on twitter. When will people like him wake up and realise they are just nobody’s !!! Possibly after he reads his twitter feed. Great comments …a lovely read
Duncan signed us up to more EU military integration in June. I believe BoJo was his boss at the time!