So predictably the BBC aids and abets the rabid Project Fear to stop Brexit. It is not hard to see the constant bias and we can be comforted that the Great British public see it too.
Battle of Britain Day . Lest We Forget.
So predictably the BBC aids and abets the rabid Project Fear to stop Brexit. It is not hard to see the constant bias and we can be comforted that the Great British public see it too.
Battle of Britain Day . Lest We Forget.
Like the rest of ’em, – Bonnie Greer, Yasmin Alibaba Brown, et al, Nawaz and his ilk cant wait to get their arses into the UK by whatever means going, because ‘they want a better life’, and then once they’ve leeched everything they can, they cant wait to spout their bile for this country , OR they end up in positions of power, running the place.
We gave the corner shops away to the sub-continent community 40 odd years ago, which spawned a generation that would head up huge conglomerates, and now we have to suffer the indignities of listening to aliens (and I really don’t care if they were born here, they still have foreign heritage) tell us what my country should / should not be doing.
If Nawaz loves to be so vocal, let him piss off back to Pakistan, and see how vocal he’s allowed to be there – or better still he could help Khan run the country !
Its time this nation kicked Al Beeb and its Remainers into touch for good.
We voted out in the biggest democratic vote in our history. The government should now be formed as it was during the Second World War, a Conservative-led coalition government of Brexiteers. We all know who should sit in that ‘war’ cabinet.
If the EU gets its usual way by turning us over for a phoney ‘second vote’, it will be the end of democracy not only in the UK but in the EU. The Commissioners will become a dictatorship knowing that they brought the ‘Cradle of Democracy’ to its knees.
That’s what the ‘snowflakes’ do not realise.
Oh, I think they do…
“Unemployment is at a 43-year low, business investment is up year on year, wages are rising at their fastest rate for three years and the proportion of young people not in work or education is down by a third.”
What a shame I had to read that in the Rod Liddle column in the Sunday Times instead of hearing it on the world class, globally respected news channel known as the BBC.
I’m reading reports that 200 US and UK forces are trapped in Idlib.
Has the far-left bbc reported on this?
Why are our troops there?
Apparently, Turkey ( our ally, lol) has declined to rescue them.
Apparently, Russia has offered to evacuate them but our lot have refused Russia’s help.
Is any of this true? Why has it not been reported over here?
BBC have room for this.
“Germany migrants: Police investigate attacks on migrants”
Condemn Hungary’s Orban, Labour urges PM after MEPs fail to back censure
Hungary is causing trouble for the Project. This Must Not Be Allowed To Happen so the political establishment, which includes the BBC as well as politicians, has been mobilised to get him.
This article leans one way only, talking about Mr Orban’s “authoritarian style”, “attacks on minorities and the rule of law”, “anti-democratic practices” and “reports of pressure being put on the courts and the electoral system and widespread corruption”.
Shadow Cabinet Office minister Jon Trickett, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Muslim Council of Britain, John McDonnell and Conservative peer Lord Finklestein are all quoted saying, in various guises, what a beastly chap he is but no one is quoted supporting him. I repeat that. No one is quoted supporting him.
Is that really because no one is prepared to, in the entire political establishment? Or because the BBC could not be bothered to find any supportive quotes, or more likely did not wish to?
I’m really hoping the likes of Hungary and Poland perform duty as the awkward squad when it comes to shananegans about extending A50 or agreeing any sell out to the ReichEU.
Obviously the krauts will try to bribe every one to toe the line but I think Hungary and Poland might not be too amenable to more kraut bullying after recent history.
2018-09-16 BBC Politics
“Condemn Hungary’s Orban, Labour urges PM after MEPs fail to back censure”
In which the BBC refers to another of its articles from 6th April this year.
“Viktor Orban: The man who thinks Europe is being invaded”
Latest news, the BBC is wrong, again.
Orban is not the only person who believes Europe is being invaded.
Tens, possibly hundreds, of millions of European people believe this.
Their number increases every day, due to the EU conspiracy.
I believe Orban is a hero.
I believe the current Italian Government contains heroes.
New heroes will appear in other European states.
The EU will not change its policies, so it will collapse.
Millions of us will dance on its grave, in the biggest party since the collapse of the USSR.
The BBC model failed years ago, it too will die.
Another dancing session for patriots and freedom lovers.
I’m happy to say I’m way past caring about the whole Brexit thing. I don’t expect much outcome from whatever blathering conversations or meetings they have. The options seem to be :
We’re stuck with them
We’re stuck with them short term but we might inch our way out slowly, eventually
I can’t see a no-deal exit being allowed. That’s what I’d prefer, even better if it meant 20 years of snowflakes having to eat gruel in the poorhouse.
Germany and France are not our friends, never have been. And the USA is a behemoth that we should be wary of always backing too.
It’ll be a long row to hoe to get back some semblance of a strong independent, functioning country.
“Recovery and clouds on the Spanish horizon”
Not if the EU blocks British driving licences and air flights to Spain. Tourism will be hit throughout the EU.
The Spanish economy will also be hit by The EU’s intransigence causing a fall in exports from Spain to the UK. The UK will import from outside the EU.
Its Project Fear in reverse folks, start the offensive Boris!
The annoying thing is that Blighty always seems to be the victim in these negotiations . Anything the ReichEU does to us and be returned – hopefully with interest , we have to remember they sell a damn sight more to us than we sell to them . So screw them . We might have to source stuff from better parts of the world but our supermarket chains know how to do that .
“The annoying thing is that Blighty always seems to be the victim in these negotiations”
Because both sides in the “negotiations” are batting for the EU.
The cheques should have stopped two years ago.
The UK has the whip hand in Brexit, we should have been telling them how high to jump.
The nastier this turns out the better.
EU states are watching carefully, some preparing to follow us out of the tyranny.
These states need to do this soon, otherwise they will be forcibly prevented from so doing.
This is what the EU army is really for, the NATO stuff is just more EU lies.
LCS – I really do hope we “crash out” (lovely BBC approved term that)
But I suspect the Theresa the White Flag Bearer in Chief secretly offered our surrender to Merkel months ago when David Davis was sidelined.
Theresa should have been replaced long ago. She is the epitome of Chamberlain. On this Battle of Britain anniversary day the nation is calling out for another Churchill.
German car manufacturers should be put under heavy attack.
Any border obstructions hindering the UK’s trade should be reciprocated. They need to know that the UK will have car manufacturers from the far east all queuing to take their place.
Al Beeb should be pushing this case supporting Britain’s drive for freedom.
Where is that broadcaster loyalty and patriotism to its nation and fund payers.
“Where is that broadcaster loyalty and patriotism to its nation and fund payers.”
That was transferred to the Labour Party, and the EU, decades ago.
The Sunday Times has two articles this week devoted to the nation’s favourite baker Nadiya Hussain.
She is asked “What’s your most treasured possession?”
To which she replied “A friend gave me an old family Koran. The Koran is something that’s really important to me as a Muslim. To have something that meant something to someone 150 years ago is such a big deal. The pages are so fragile, you have to be really careful.”
So touching I could almost weep.
Listening to her doing inept interviews last week – I could feel a Cathy Newman coming on – “ so what you’re saying is …”
She’s asked about the secret of a successful marriage in one of the articles.
The fact that she had an arranged marriage in which she admits she didn’t start to love her husband until she had been married for two years and had two children didn’t seem to be relevant to the interviewer.
In one of the weekend supplements a request has been advertised for potential contestants who would like to participate in (yet another) new cooker programme to be aired on BBC2. The aim is to create a menu and cook for a dinner party. And the host of this new programme is to be…………….. Ta da – yet ANOTHER promoting vehicle for Nadya Hussein !!!!!!
Why isn’t Al Beeb , Mrs May and all party MPs pushing for a “Canada Pluss deal”?
Even the remainers should like that ?
Ezra has a video of Google’s Chief Financial Officer breaking down in tears as she recalls Trump’s win
I am not prepared to trawl throught pages of judgement details.
Did the EC give Vote Leave incorrect advice because they are incompetent, or because they are vindictive Communists?
At 4.30 R4 featured a half-hour rant by a black woman about blondes and hair colourant. Apparently being blond or having your coloured that way is …well…racist. Something to do with oppression, it seems. ..
The speaker actually thinks her exposure tells us about other people’s racism…
And the bbc expect the licence fee payer to dock up for this hateful rubbish!
Beautyism will be next.
White women must wear a bag over their heads, so nobody can see how pretty they are.
There are plenty of people in Londonistan walking around with bags on their heads already !
Pug – the problem we have when trying to deny that we’re all white supremacists is the fact that the white race is actually the supreme race when it comes to the achievements of the human species. Everything from the invention of the printing press to the industrial revolution, railways, motor cars, aeroplanes, the internet, landing on the moon and a multitude of other wonderful things was the result of the ingenuity of people of white European stock. Blacks hadn’t even invented the wheel when whites first colonised sub-Saharan Africa.
There is no “white race”.
And your post has nothing to do with BBC bias.
It’s racist idiocy which plays into the hands of Al Beeb’s supporters.
Think on.
Does Al Beeb have any “supporters”?
Al Beeb now has less viewers than it ever has done.
“Think on” even further .
I think racist idiocy might just keep me alive a bit longer than naive idiocy.
Scotty risen from the grave?
An unintentional message from Al Beeb to our Remanier ‘Snowflakes about France and other EU countries …..
“ Unemployment in France is higher than in the Netherlands, where it is just above 5%, or Germany, where it is below 4%. The figure for the UK is below 5%.
About three million people are looking for work. Youth unemployment is particularly bad, with about one in four under-25s out of work.”
Race does not exist, states every lefty Sociology professor in the universe.
“It is just a social construct”.
The more I read, the more I see and hear, the more I realise how hated white people are, by people of some other races and religious beliefs.
Genocide in South Africa, already complete in Zimbabwe.
We do not matter to them.
I understand that a lot of UK residents in ReichEU countries have to pay an annual tax . When we leave under WTO brexit we can charge those nationals an annual tax for being in Blighty …
I notice that there is an unusual dearth of Anti-Trump Propaganda coming from Al Beeb of late. Do they know something that they are not telling us?
Stay tuned in folks watch this space ………
Breaking ………..
Gang fights and stabbings in London again.
Al Beeb ? – zilch.
t – “Edged steel object attacks person.”
Thank you for your email to Anna, I hope you don’t mind me replying on her behalf.
I can assure you that this is usual police practice. Indeed, our office is advised by the police to report offensive communications even if we doubt they meet the prosecution threshold because it can help them build an intelligence report on a person, who may be sending lots of these messages and to more than one person. As South Yorkshire Police explained it is also quite common for those sending offensive communications to escalate; those who’s communications were below the prosecution threshold, may eventually cross over that threshold in subsequent communications. Offensive communications can be very distressing to those receiving them and they should feel able to report them. This does not impinge on people’s ability to express their views; the focus of this is threatening and grossly offensive communications, not those expressing disagreement.
I should add that hate-crime has quite a narrow definition, the reason for South Yorkshire police including non-hate-crime is that it covers offensive communications where something specific such as race or religion is not a motivating factor.
I hope this clarifies this issue.
Best wishes,
. . . . . .
In response to : Dear Anna Soubry,
This happened on our watch, what do you say?
1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**
2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**
“Those who’s”?
The Dalai Lama has sparked anger after declaring that “Europe belongs to the Europeans”. The Tibetan Buddhist spiritual leader also said that refugees should return to their native countries and assist with developing them. … The Dalai Lama also said that Europe was “morally …
C4 : The Model aeroplane show
Last week was pretty much about Transexul Shelley
..this week they introduce a new character Afro Hair man,
Not an actual modeller but a drone enthusiast
.. so they train him up to fly a Spitfire, which they name as “Afro Pride”
There’s another character whose actually half caste, but see himself as white cos he was brought in a white family.
Ah they had two Polish pilots one is called Magda
Coming up at 9:30pm David Olusoga will be on R4 doing the charity appeal.
Ah 9pm now the BBC trailer is for Black earth Rising
I’m a bit of an expert on WW2 and I can assure you whilst many nationalitys fought on our side in the RAF in the Battle of Britain I don’t think an afro carrabian was umong them. Plenty of Czech and Poles Free French and Canadians and American pilots though bit prob at all white so not relevant . I watched last week’s attempt it was awful with the trans pilot it just shows how low these twats will go to push their agenda. It was last week that some BBC BME women called the RAF the British Air Force……hate the left wing media trying to distorte history.
Halifax: “… hate the left wing media trying to distort history.”
Hi Halifax, the left wing media are not that clever – they bring in left wing SJW “experts” from the universities. These “experts” protected in their taxpayer / student fees supported positions in universities are busy creating revisionist history. It is towards the universities people need to look to see the genesis of all of this.
Well this website would beg to differ, claiming nearly 500 Caribbean aircrew in the RAF during WW2.
Thanks @JimS, we should honour all the people in the war effort whether black/white/mixed/Indian/Asian/man/woman services/civilian

Yes a fair amount of Caribbean divisions do appear to be light skinned mixed race, but there are pure blacks as well
and there also the hundreds of blacks from the segregated divisions the Americans sent over to construct the airfields.
I’m more into earlier periods of history myself, but recently have been reading in more detail about WW2, and it’s fascinating. Not gone into the Eastern front & the Russians yet but the push towards Germany after the Normandy breakout doesn’t put the allies in a good light.
Monty’s Market Garden was horribly planned and botched. Bradley was unimaginative, and Eisenhower seemed to eager please everyone and didn’t seem to have much control. Hodges losing god knows how many in the Hurtgen Forest, Patton bogged down trying to break through the West wall. We ought to have finished it with nukes if only they’d been available earlier.
9pm BBC2 a prog about King Arthur
.. Guess who’s presenting ?
Right BBC controllers who are you going to use ?
It’s not nature not Attenborough
It’s not classic so it’s not Mary Beard
And we don’t have any known costumes so we don’t use Lucy
… which leaves the other one …who is ?
The gorgeous Alice Roberts?
Yes correct guess
… but you really fancy Pasty faced Roberts ?, not cute.
That woman always looked like she’s on drugs. The last time I saw an iPlayer program with her presenting it was very superficial – more fitting for Cbeebies than a serious BBC2 doc.
I watched this, in the pub, free, stick your TV licence.
Ariel photography shown, with an archaeology professor in a microlight, which must have cost all of £1.50.
I thought surely the BBC could afford to hire a helicopter which can hover, lose or gain vertical height at will. The perfect vehicle for c21 science.
Then I remembered the BBC spent all the helicopter budget persecuting a white male. Then spent the next 200 years archaeology budget defending the racist persecution decision.
Correction, the licensee switched channels before the end of the Alice promotion video.
So I never saw it confirmed that King Arthur was actually Queen Arthur, whose skeleton demonstrated indications of African origin, was probably simultaneously multi-gendered, had an IQ of 340, invented the television in Togo 2134BC, the first of umpty zillion technology discoveries from that area, made while white people were unicellular.
Hello Channel4 , have you found the bottom of the barrel yet ?
So farewell Big Brother.
The BBC seemed quite gleeful at the pulling of the plug on an idea that has long grown stale, boring and nobody watching or caring.
But to be fair to Endemol and the like, at least they`ve listened to the snores, the doors slamming as we head to the pub. Or the click to Netfix.
Now then, now then
Have I Got News For You? Jools Hollands “Later”?
Dare I dream?…BB is a babe in arms compared to the serial lefty troughing vehicles for Hislop, Merton and Holland.
Ah well-no private school toffs on Cerys Matthews, does that apply to Corbyn and Milne etc?
See if you can recognise him. Pat Condell in 1992.
Wow that is PC : same accent mannerisms and way back in 1992
and within a minute he is pointing out the contradictions with Islam
and later mentions child abuse.
Salisbury : DIY SOS wheelchair woman @AmandaWorne was the witness
Mrs May needs to get a grip!
Nowt on Al Beeb yet , as per usual except, “A burst water pipe has flooded a street in Nottingham………..”
Do they work weekends ? I mean Al Beeb not the plumbers
Naughty burst water pipe!
Word has it that in desperation, Netflix has cast Roxanne Pallett in all its shows to fend off the bbc threat.
ITTB has hinted the bbc has produced yet another winner.
Bet Samira is bracing to task Tom’s Editor over this.
Or not.
Is there anyone out there that has some evidence of right wing bias by Al Beeb to report?
Taff. Yes. I have.
Last night on ‘Saturday Night at the Apollo ‘ a comedian called Geoff Norcott openly admitted to being a Conservative voter. He even suggested he always had been and would do again. Something to do with being brought up on a council estate and learning to take responsibility for himself and have aspirations.
To add insult to injury he was allowed on ‘Sunday Morning Live’ this morning. They even asked his opinion on some stuff and allowed him to answer.
Biased BBC.
Give that man a cigar !
I respect your post. In my opinion that comedian was a token for Al Beeb to use to tick a box.
Besides, Al Beeb don’t do comedy. 😉
Only on the bBbc could a white indigenous male with conservative views be seen, correctly, as a ‘token’.
I don’t know Taff, I think that there is comedy on the bBbc every day. The main shows are at 6 and 10 pm, but there are regular skits throughout the day. The matinee is a real beauty.
BBC Views. More clowns than the circus, puppets than a Punch ‘n’ Judy, dames than a pantomime.
Yep, Al Beeb is a circus.
I think it always has been, full of overpaid clowns and pantomime dames.
Is he the man that had a spot on Radio 4 in which he spent most of his act apologising for being ‘right-wing’? Rather than being an advocate he was a masochistic apologist.
Simon Evans is the only comedian that I have heard lately that is brave enough to bite the BBC teat, (but does he mean it?).
I have walking stick ENVY ! what a great idea. I want one.
“The UK’s departure from the EU could re-ignite conflict in Northern Ireland, according to new research.”
My prediction ?
The Republic of Ireland will follow Great Britain out of the EU shortly after .
I just can’t log in to the BBC News webshite without the bias slapping me in the face any more, I probably couldn’t watch the BBC on TV, or listen to it on the radio either, without it giving me a stroke, but I stopped paying my licence a couple of year ago now, so there’s not much worry there.
To be honest, I blame you lot, yes you, the B(iased)BBCers, for ruining my ‘enjoyment’ of everything produced by the BBC… I guess I must have enjoyed it once, not that I can actually recall when exactly that last was, but now… all I can see is the in your face, angry, hate filled, agenda which infiltrates EVERYTHING the BBC produces, and it’s clear to me, they hate me, REALLY hate me, because I’m an English, middle class, white, heterosexual male, Brexiteer, climate change denier, Trump supporting, Momentum disliking, non-PC believing, anti-uncontrolled immigration, ‘far right’ middle of the road, politically neutral, moderate and not ashamed of any of it… all of which are surely on the cards to be HATE CRIMES before too long?
Or am I merely being paranoid?
No, Big Bro, you’re not being paranoid. I identify with most of what you said but am Northern Irish, Protestant and Unionist.
It used to be that it was only BBC NI that grudgingly tolerated my existence with barely concealed contempt but since the DUP helped out the old Appeaser and Northern Ireland had to be acknowledged as actually being, it seems that the BBC as a whole hate me.
Oh well. We gave the bBbc Stephen Nolan and Chris Buckler. If those two fuckwits don’t lose the bBbc viewers I don’t know what will.