The Far Left BBC has , like the rest of us, become a spectator to the Brexit negotiating- unable to give any true account because of its continuing bias.
With less than 190 days to go the BBC Project Fear ratchets up even further making the ‘off’ switch even more attractive .
On a different tack – The rival bids for Sky have gone to auction on Saturday to be resolved. Both bids guaranteed the editorial independence of The poisonous Sky news for 10 and 15 years respectively . Hopefully that won’t mean anything and the awful liberal BBC lite commercial version will change for the better .
I wonder why the bBBC isn’t reporting this Thames Valley Police initiative against knife crime.
They should get a ro… oh, they already have.
So, the bbc now has a service to wheel on ‘experts’ to counter those they are not keen on? Unique.
I don’t know what’s going on with Danny Lockwood
There’s him apparently the owner of local papers, interviewing Tommy Robinson sympathetically
– Then an article in the Guardian about him Sept 2nd (No open comments allowed)
– Then he appears on BBC Politics Live
– and then he publishes a story yesterday, saying he was arrested in a weird way last week where 3 armed police cars forced him off the motorway.
– Corroborated by the Huddersfield Examiner : MP raises serious concerns with police after newspaper boss Danny Lockwood arrested by armed cops in ‘hate crime’ probe
\\ While driving to work his car was forced off the road by one marked and three unmarked police cars, each with armed officers.
For a journalist.
He appeared on the BBC’s Politics Live just last week.
This is not the first time he has been intimidated by the authorities.
His crime? He is very knowledgeable about the Dewsbury area and says what’s going on. //
Big item on Raheem’s Facebook page
Isn’t this the ugly face of the police state?
Or are these public servants ‘ Leading Beyond Authority’?
Al Beeb reports………………..
“Brexit: Labour ‘must listen’ to members on new vote, says Tom Watson”
We have not carried out the mandate of the last vote yet. I think Labour and Al Beeb are out of touch with the working people of this country.
We want our freedom and independence back!
I don’t recollect two years of constant debate or calls for another referendum in the media following the 1975 referendum? What’s changed now? The spoilt brats can not accept “No” for an answer.
We need a coalition government of ‘Leave’ MPs to get us through this quagmire and back as a sovereign nation again.
The poll that is mentioned saying a big majority of labour voters (or party members?) want a second referendum or ‘people’s vote’ as they call it.
It was carried out by those very same people who are calling for ‘the people’s vote’.
It’s like taking a poll in a block of flats in tower hamlets and then saying 100% of voters want a Muslim mayor or something like that.
Pinch of salt.
The bbc and polls it likes, vs. those it doesn’t.
Always a hoot.
Remember that live one a while ago that totally backfired so they couldn’t rig it?
Socks to be them.
We could always examine the manifesto of each party in the last 20 years of general elections and see whether they should be voted on again because they all f’cking lied (Cameron you can run but the internet will never forget, you were the best at that, saying anything to get elected you lying bastard)
Just the last General Election when both malor parties promised to implement Brexit is evidence enough!
The Times article about Germany are written by their in-house antifa Hatey-no-Hopers
Saturday they have a shock horror article : An admin office in the German equivalent of GCHQ went on a march in Chemnitz
…Doh, he is an AfD councillor , so what do they expect ?
It’s not illegal to belong to one of Germany’s largest elected parties !
Interesting thing is the top comment, was deleted by the Times
Why we’re proud of our fat bodies
Photographer Alice Zoo speaks to six women about body positivity and fat activism (postivity ? life choices, what about drink driving positivity, drug taking positivity)
ffs well done just cos you have a vagina everything is acceptable getting your tits out in public in front of everyone to feed a screaming child, now all fat wiimmin are proud of being fat, what about we are proud to be a burden on the health service by being fat and lazy bastards 2000 calories a day for active people, what ? you sit at home all day ? and pleeez do not blame it on your genes there were no genetic fat people in japanese pow camps were there ? why ? think about that , by all means be fat but do not throw yourselfs upon the media and expect us to like it you look awful so go away and have a large pizza
While you are getting your tits out in front of everyone to feed your screaming brat that you want to take to a coffee shop for some strange reason, (didnt think about that before you left home ? hmm some brains missing there maybe, or just enjoy being an exhibitionist..) and making a big issue about it, next time I need a piss or shit in public and there is no public toilet, I will join you, well its natural innit ? maybe I will have a wank when I feel like it, that’s natural too oh sorry I am not a wimmin so will get little sympathy on the BBC or probably from the local constabulary ….it makes a very good flat white though…
Think we`ve got our latest campaign here Annunaki.
Why can women breastfeed in public, but we can`t crack one off?
Our human right surely.
PMT-Pre Masturbatory Tension?
Wessex Flog the Log is proud, primed and ready to come in a town near you very soon!
Hope a few of you in Cathedral cities will join our brother organisation called Bash the Bishop…and, there must surely be “regional colourful variations” of this basic human right you`ve “flogged up”.
Uptown Top Wankin`…..I shall go and get a pint now, but know there`s a nights work here. One human right that Womans Hour might care to know of….”Don`t Stop `til You Get a Muff”…” Knickerpikkaz, not littapikkas….need I keep on?…..
If that is not something coming to a town near us, after San Fran have made it legal(even compulsory, as things are going)-well, I`ll go out and shit in a pub doorway, or whilst doing a fun run….because it`s perfectly legal now in Oz and the west coast of America I`m told.
Not being able to sleep I was switching the radio to various stations..don’t know why I bother, the talk stations are all crap.
Anyway the World Service was offering a science discussion about genetic engineering. Now I used to be quite interested in science as a kid and even up to about 20 years ago. Back in the day when Horizon used to be worth watching, even Tomorrow’s World, and don’t forget James Burke.
Back to genetic engineering and our three (all foreigners) guests’ specialities are :
trying to help ocean coral from the global warming menace
trying to help save sorghum (African staple food) from some parasitic plant
something about embryos and IVF
I’m sure there are people out there who worry earnestly about this stuff, but all I could think while they droned on was ‘I don’t care’. Sod the coral, and there’s more than enough people on the planet already thank you very much.
“trying to help save sorghum (African staple food) from some parasitic plant”
Plant is close.
Genetic engineering.
In spades.
From natural selection, to unnatural selection.
Survival of the thickest.
@IMayNot : I need to move the radio so I can’t reach it from the bed.
The normal pattern, is to wake up in the night, switch on 5Live , and then cos they are bashing Trump/Brexit etc. I switch over to world service, only to get an earful of bad science, which sends my brain racing.
That prog was called : The Engineers, The World Debate
They managed to have ZERO white men on the stage
Three of the world’s greatest bio engineers discuss climate change, crop failure and infertility at a special event staged in partnership with the Royal Commission for the Great Exhibition of 1851.
– Prof Madeleine Van Oppen (Australian Institute of Marine Sci) is developing heat resistant corals
– Ethiopian agronomist Gebisa Ejeta from Purdue University, USA is engineering drought and pest resistant crops
– Kathy Niakin leads a team at the Crick Institute, UK and is the first scientist worldwide to get national level approval to use CRISPR to edit the DNA of human embryos.
Presenter : Razia Iqbal
a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures.
synonyms: designer, planner, builder, architect, producer, fabricator, developer, creator; More
a person who controls an engine, especially on an aircraft or ship.
synonyms: engineering officer, controller, handler, driver; More
Okay, I know that’s a vast over simplification (I am after all a Chartered Engineer myself), BUT these people are conducting Genetic Engineering… they’re NOT themselves Engineers, they’re Biochemists.
Coral reefs = complex communities of small animals (polyps) living symbiotically with marine algae, quite capable of adapting and changing to suit changing conditions, and quite capable of forming new colonies thousands of miles away from current location, due to free floating planktonic larvae. Which is why they’ve survived for so many millions of years, and through all kinds of major global catastrophes that have wiped out ‘higher’ lifeforms (far more serious than anythng ‘man made global warming’ could possibly achieve, even if the doomsayers are right).
Genetically Engineered Crops = triffidae?
Editing DNA of human embryos = eugenics? And, no, we don’t need more people, especially not in those parts of the world with already insupportable population growth (e.g. most of the ‘developing world’, the ‘Islamic world’, Africa, South Asia, South East Asia, South America, Central America, the Caribbean… anywhere with more emigrants than immigrants…)
2018-09-23 BBC Politics
“Brexit: Labour ‘would back members’ on new vote, says leadership”
All Labour MPs will ignore the votes of the millions of Labour voters who voted leave, despite their manifesto pledge.
I sense they are trying to dump Jezza.
Which will displease Scottish Lenin, Scottish Stalin and Scottish Trotsky.
Civil war in Toryland, civil war in loonyleftland.
Just leave, send the EU a large bill, when they do not pay, bomb strategic EU targets.
Not, European, EU targets.
Smile when you press the buttons.
Brilliant comment LastChance!
“Just leave, send the EU a large bill, when they do not pay, bomb strategic EU targets.”
Fie up the Lancs, boys!
In the spirit of Strangelovian dark levity, this may be possible.
We have iirc one operational Lanc, and the entire Luftwaffe appears grounded or staffed by Adolf Galland’s rather disappointing trans granddaughter’s chums currently welcomes the dusky children of 5 o’clock shadow at the train station.
GW : Sorry for the belated response.
“dark levity”
No, no humour was intended.
Dream on lads, all the RAF are left with now is borrowed Jaegerbombers these days.
Romania first please for all the beggars and shoplifting pickpockets over here that the EU has decided are appropriate in our country wish they would shit on their back lawns and footpathswherever thay are rather than the streets of London
How many years will it take to negotiate an agreement to be allowed to fly in EU airspace? 😉
“How many years will it take to negotiate an agreement to be allowed to fly in EU airspace?”
About 5 minutes if Airbus wants any wings for its buses. I don’t think that France wants to be home to the largest bus manufacturer in the world.
Is there any airspace between the EU and the North Americas that may present a challenge to, say, Lufthansa, Air France…?
““Just leave, send the EU a large bill, when they do not pay, bomb strategic EU targets.”
In 1943 a Typhoon was used to shoot up the Gestapo headquarters in Brussels. We now have Typhoons again and Brussels has lots of suitable targets.
So we got here at last. Jeremy Corbyn, the man who has always through thick and thin stuck with his core principles, the man whose politics are so consistent he would still, even in 2018, happily reintroduce the British Rail sandwich – and no doubt give them free on NHS prescription to society’s most vulnerable transgender asylum seekers. Finally after confounding his detractors with that so-so general election second place performance on the back of a respecting the Referendum manifesto, at last he bends to the will of the Starmers and the Umunnas and just like Winston Smith at the end of 1984 at the coaxing (and a bit of torture) of O’Brien he comes to love Big Brother… I mean Brussels. And so it will come to pass that the BBC can now keep shtum about all the awkward Jewish stuff and they can properly love Labour again.
Bringing home the bacon.
Wow GW, this is HUGE. But I fear it would be impossible in Blighty, we’re beyond the point of no-return.
Apologies for taking up space but some extracts below…
“We all get fed up with the BBC relentlessly promoting the progressive establishment line and downplaying references to the traditional cultures of the UK. It need not continue – the Danes have shown that it is possible to reverse the trend.
The Danish Ministry of Culture has just issued Danish Radio its official government contract for 2018-2023, which announces some pretty significant budget cuts entailing the loss of approximately 400 jobs. But that is not the most significant aspect of the contract.
The public broadcasters have been given a new set of guidelines. Their programming is now required to bolster Denmark’s native cultural heritage, as well as emphasise the foundational role of Christianity in Danish society. Danish Radio are now contracted to make clear that Danish society is based on the principles of democracy, which have their roots in Christianity.
The contract issued by the Danish Ministry of Culture on 18th September includes proposals such as:
Danish Radio ‘must strengthen its offer regarding cultural, democratic and historical values in Danish society, including a clear dissemination of Danish culture and the Danish cultural heritage. It must be clear in DR’s programmes and platforms that our society is based on people’s rule and rooted in Christianity.
‘DR must give all citizens free access to a diverse and versatile content that impartially supports the citizens’ ability to act in the Danish people’s government and strengthens Danish culture and language.’
This contract has also conspicuously dropped the previous contract’s emphasis on multicultural ‘integration’, a decision which has angered Left-wing Danes such as the Socialist People’s Party.
This turnaround is remarkable, especially when we consider that many Nordic countries have previously been known for wholeheartedly embracing radical secularism, globalism and feminism as their new established state ‘religion’. It reflects a gradually decaying of the progressive Left throughout the Nordic countries as can be seen in Sweden, as well as across Europe.
Even the traditionally Left-wing parties in Denmark are turning Right when it comes to immigration. The Centre-Left Social Democrats, Denmark’s largest party, have already announced that they will not form a coalition with any of the parties to their left with whom they have traditionally allied themselves. The Social Democrats have changed their stance on immigration and now advocate tight border security and immigration controls.
Responsible for this change of emphasis from ‘integration’ to ‘Christian heritage’ was the conservative populist Danish People’s Party, (Dansk Folkeparti, DF), the second-most popular party in the country. The DF have been remarkably successful in shaping public policy.” …
I have to disagree with this.
Denmark is assuming that, provided public broadcasters have the right approach, the damage inflicted on Denmark can be reversed. Reversed? I don’t think it will even stop its advance.
This is a sticking plaster approach and doesn’t take into account the ruthless, entrenched mindset of the people behind the problem. It might have been possible several years ago but the problem is too well established.
If we really want to reverse the damage, we have to go some way towards matching the ruthlessness of those responsible, but I don’t think we’ve reached the stage where people will accept this. They will, though, sooner or later. Europe and parts of the US are soft, haunted by memories of Hitler (encouraged by the BBC and the teaching establishment). Things will have to get worse before they get better.
Yes, it’s too little too late, but a step in the right direction and better than nothing; better than our own useless and treacherous national broadcaster.
True. At least criticism of the BBC is much wider than it used to be, articles and YouTube videos critical of the BBC turning up on a regular basis.
We’re still up against the “bread and circuses” problem though.
Anne, Vlad, GW.
The UK’s equivalent? Don’t have one, why? Well, as I see it, we don’t have a Geert Wilders rapidly coming up from behind breathing fire. Call it the ‘pre-Referendum Farage Effect’.
BBC Sport Tennis
“Umpire Mohamed Lahyani has been suspended from his next two scheduled tournaments for encouraging Nick Kyrgios on court during the US Open.”
“The Swede will be free to return to work at the Stockholm Open on 15 October.”
Marr going to struggle against that line up.
GW, Only one real lefty guest on the show.
Morgan, an unsuitable case for treatment.
Dick, thick, who, who and Woooooo.
On twitter at least, things seem to be unravelling by the minute with this case.
Will the bbc be redoubling its efforts to publicise irrelevant women in their thousands who ‘know things’ by way of counter?
Chris Mason likes Rob telling fellow colleague Amol his thread how great the BBC is…
Everyone knows. Apparently.
I watched it.
It was crap.
Perhaps it was made for 10 year olds and in that case it was suitable for them.
Seems… volatile. Hope the facts emerge.
Anything on the bbc? Or are they focussing more on Lily’s book revelations?
The police have already logged it as a cultural misunderstanding. It is celebratory gunfire as witnessed in many countries to the south and right a bit on a world atlas. Now, if you mean tweeted against the perpetrator the met would be there before you put the phone down.
Love the stink of a bbc senior editor transcript in the morning…
Nick ‘sources say’ Robbo claims ‘some people may say stuff’, thinks a lot and ultimately can’t see anything he doesn’t want to.
Gets thanked.
Next up… Jeremy Bowen wanders with moppets in their entirely innocent new camp….
I have always declared that, as I have aged, it certainly appears that I am surrounded by more a** holes during the average day than 20 or 30 or more years ago. I previously dismissed this observation as being personal to me.
Now it has been revealed! IQ is in decline.
“Are we becoming more STUPID?”
My answer to the question? A resounding ‘yes’
I can only agree, we may become more intolerant with age, that does not make us far right but it does give us a much wider peprspective as we have the experience in this coutry when it was not infested with muslim agitators, romanian beggers et al, when pakis kept their heads down rather than preyed on our children and the indigenous white 85% population received the news from the BBC it required, ie crime and who is commiting it and name and shame them … now only white crime and labelled far right whenever possible and the 20 % crime comitted by the 2% traveller brigade hidden, the somali gangsters in Luton, hidden, the paki rapists hidden, the primary job of a govermnment is to keep us safe…I have shown this before but will show it again we are not safe from these people a town in Britain with black somali immigrants running the streets of luton, the very immigrants who have no place in this country happens every year
Londonistan crime update .
I gave up doing these – I was doing them because the bbc avoids reporting a lot of stuff
Continuing – the shooting in East London last night wasn’t far from me – I passed it this morning on the way to mass. 1 dead two serious – par for the course these days . Looks diverse ….
On my count Londonistan has achieved an average years’ worth of killing so anything more is – well – you decide …
Al beeb has reported it in brief detail …
Such vibrance I am astounded we do not get Corbyn and Abbot applauding the enrichment, although numbers are not her thing, neither is representing her constituents she prefers to walk away but stick a tv camera in front of her and her mouth is well open : pity everyone else in her party were promoting the burka and attacking anyone criticisng that, funny that
Jews attacked in the streets by pakis ? victims are WAAAY too white for her the racist little bitch they are asking for it according to her by looking too jewish.
Her and her black paki friends are racist, not “antisemiic” they are racist and are panderring for rapist peadophile paki votes they have no shame over this
why dont yuu start a news site ? non BBC
Not al beeb annunaki but just an update
Just a Londonistan crime update – the 19 year old shot dead last night in my bit of town was named locally as“DJ Nana Banger” which sound vibrant . No more DJ ing for Mr Banger .
why dont you start a news site ? non BBC
Doing the admin on this site is enough for me . I ll tighten up non bbc comments on the site if you like …..
so you import low IQ third worlders (fact)
they have low IQ children (fact)
the average IQ goes down (fact)
the same result were obtained in sweden just to a larger extent
On the subject if the Irish border post Brexit.
Has anyone actually heard any concrete proposals from the Irish Republic themselves?
Nope. Me neither.
You’d think they would have a lot of skin in the game. But silence.
Has the Eurocracy told them to keep their mouths shut in return for a few squillion extra subsidies?
Why do the inhabitants of the ROI, having “fought for their freedom” as they claim, want to join an organisation whose sole aim is to destroy their Irishness?
Ditto Scotland and Catalonia, especially now when bribery funds will be reduced due to our freedom.
A telling moment on the BBC Breakfast sofa.
Murdoch has lost out to Comcast in the sky takeover battle. Cue an interview with a media commentator.
He said in terms that Sky, formed in 1994, had taken risks and been very innovative and successful.
I nearly choked on my Corn Flakes.
That’s the point, BBC morons. Murdoch took risks with his own money, raised through his own efforts.
But we biased bbc supporters need to be careful. There are quite enough US mega companies for me already. Much as I loathe the BBC, I don’t particularly want it to become yet another foreign owned asset.
Sluff – I disagree because to me the BBC isn’t British – it could be owned by any lefty outfit
I turned on the bbc news just now and not even one minute had passed before I heard the words ‘not enough ethnic diversity and female officers in the police…’. Needless to say I switched channels immediately.
well we have some muzzies in the police force but they are unable to chase people during ramadam cos they get tired, well done
Dear Bedfordshire Police,
During a police documentary called “Traffic Cops” shown at 3pm on 23 May 2016 on the W TV channel there featured a car chase where a youth decamped from a stolen vehicle and escaped.
A Muslim officer who seemed quite proactive was sick during the incident and he put this down to fasting during Ramadan which affected his performance.
Please provide an documents relating to any feedback following this incident and also any risk assessments concerning fasting Muslim officers on patrol during the month of Ramadan.
Yours faithfully,
E. Sewell
Following your request, searches were conducted at Bedfordshire Police for information relating to the series Traffic Cops that you have watched and requested further detail on.
Various enquiries have been made across the force to see what information is held, but we have been unable to find any recorded information. We would need to be able to identify the incidents involved in the series and then try to determine which ones relate to your request. However, we have been unable to find any record of this and as such we cannot provide the information you have requested.
The Act does not cover information that is in someone’s head and we are only obliged to provide information we already have in recorded form. We are unable to find any recorded information in relation to the information requested as the only way we would have of identifying the relevant information would be if someone within the force can remember which incidents the programme relates to.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.
No fucking sherlocks there are there, I could have found that info sitting at home and they, apparently cannot, they are lying the police are lying just becasue they have a useless muzzie working for them drawing a salary who cannot chase a 16 year old, gereat for public safety we are actively recruiting muzzies who starve themselves, in emergency services,
what worries me is the thought of being operated on by a Muslim surgeon practicing Ramadan in the summer when he’s dehydrated, hungry, and may have had only 4 hours sleep.
Strangely neither the BBC nor the NHS seem to feel this is an issue.
This is not a theoretical situation, a relative faced this exact dilemma, but luckily a surgeon from ,ahem, another religion became available.
No risk assesment has bee conducted upon these dangerous people
What about Muslim airline pilots? oh is that what happened on 9/11 ?they were just a bit light – headed poor little darlings. They obviously need more holidays where they can slaughter animals in their back gardens
This “People’s Vote” cobblers is clearly about as undemocratic as it’s possible to be.
Firstly, we’ve had the bloody vote and both sides and ALL politicians told us before we voted that our vote was final. No-one said “best of three,” or we’ll just make you keep voting until “you do as you’re told.” It’s an absolute bloody outrage.
Of course, the real problem has been in our utterly pathetic, dithering and frighteningly inadequate Prime Minister. She is stunningly useless. She’s given the opposition, both in the shape of aged Marxists like Compo and her own traitorous Remainer MP’s the chance to gain courage and regroup.
Her latest tough talking speech, post Saltzburg, is far too little far too late. She should have been talking tough, doing a Trump, from the get go. She didn’t and she’s allowed them to bully and humiliate her and to breathe life into the political corpses of Tony Blair and Nick Clegg.
And the other day I heard one of the Remainer MP’s run us through what the “People’s Vote” would look like. They’re suggesting a three way vote, A, B and C. The first (A) would be what the PM has managed to negotiate (Dear God!) and would be the official, government choice. Choice B would be, perhaps, just to leave, without any agreement. And C would be for those who wanted to remain. So, in reality, they will have split the Brexit vote, giving us two choices and giving Remainers a free run. Remain couldn’t possibly lose. Brexit voters could outnumber Remainers 60 -40 and we’d still lose. They’re using double speak to offer us something that is clearly undemocratic in the name of democracy.
Has the BBC explained this?
Thought not…
Muslims thrive on hate wherever they reside, just check the begging adverts on TV look after this poor child becase his father has spent all his money on guns and bombs and if he comes home he will mutilate her genitals a force her to marry at 13 years old then get a passport to england and a taxi and rape as many white girls as he can
His imam will represent him if he ever gets arrested and will support him because she was only a kuffir slut
It’s started.
Five days of the BBC love in with the Labour Party conference.
Expect to hear no critique of anything, but a glossy populist spin on all policies. It will be ‘people’s’ this that and the other.The newsroom must be creaming themselves at the thought of a ‘people’s referendum vote’ and cuddly Jezza and John will be given a clear ride to nationalise everything, put up taxes, penalise prosperity, risk takers, entrepreneurs, and success, reward failure and non-contributors.
Except of course that the state apparatus will be well looked after, so the BBC can rest easy..
People meaning lily alen snowflakes, I cried once cos someone upset me, stoodents demanding safe spaces in universities to expound pseudo fascist views and NO DEBATE, fat wiimin, breast feeded in public, wimmins rights to do what thy want when they want like join a labour cabinet precisley because they are black (and fat) and in posession of a vagina…well done you are in…and the old deluded muzzie luving labour who never reside in muslim ghettoes but expect the populace to do so and get on with it iss our kommunihi innt, no queers or jews allowed here (iss our kultcha innit) , tumbleweed moment in their conference there
Well the Labour Party conference will take place next week so expect the BBC to be out in full support. This year Labour are actually talking about Brexit, something that Corbyn forgot to mention last year. Something that the BBC forgot to pick up during their bas reporting as well where Corbyn’s speech was regarded a ‘success’ while when it was the Tories turn the focus was on a few letters falling off the wall, May’s unfortunate cough and some idiot handing her a P45. Less focus had been mad on how after the fool had been carted off by security every single member of the Conservative Party got up and gave an applause at the PM. Those broken old Tories looked very united back then.
This past week the focus has been on May’s speech. Lauren ‘The shit stirrer’ Kassenburg or whatever her name is tried to stir it up making note of a ‘power failure’ just before the speech. The left on her Twitter got all excited until the speech finally went ahead.
The result was positive words from a stern PM who told the EU that Britain will not be bullied no more. Here we have a no nonsense PM who despite making some rather questionable decisions has been determined to get the best deal for this country. No avenues will be left unexplored. The BBC have since forgotten about the speech. The response from some of the press was warming, even from some who usually criticised the PM.
This week Corbyn has been switching over two sides of Brexit. The ‘strong Brexiter’ is now saying that we could have a second referendum. He criticised the PM the other day (the BBC gave that a lot of focus) claiming that he could do Brexit better. Could he really? What do the ‘white working class’ of Labour’s northern heartlands who voted leave think? Is that minor surge towards UK in the polls actually from former Labour voters than Tory voters?
Talking of polls Yougov have a new poll up. Slightly larger than average and the Tories are ahead. So much for the BBC bias having too much of an effect on public thinking. The anti Semitism row (something which causes the BBC a headache no doubt) has done little to boost Labour but with Corbyn leading the party it is clear that there is a reason for all of these resignations.
Meanwhile for the Tories it seems like May has been given one last chance. She will probably resign after Brexit next year and when that happens I am sure we will get a lot of bias from the BBC as usual but that is next year’s news. For now lets focus on the conference season.
Those talks about another election are interesting though. Who would have thought that the opposition party had the power to call one?
Anyway, have a good weekend, all. I will be back when the BBC have done something else to ‘trigger’ me and no doubt there will be a lot of that next week!
Strangely no Islam promos today, so they go for a double slap in the Church’s face instead.
Lots of the inverted commas to remind us how morally weak and shifty they are i.e: The Church of England has a £8.3bn investment fund, which it says it invests in an “ethical and responsible way”.
Yep the beeb never miss an opportunity to have a go at the Christian churches, and never miss an opportunity to turn a blind eye to the transgressions of their favourite religion of war and paedophilia.
The Established Churches deserve it.
Nobody wanted Francis or Justin-yet these right on democrats in their parties(sorry denominations) have no problem with a Guardian reading oil dipping ponce in his Dorothy satin slippers doing all their thinking and work for them.
If they were worth REAL persecution, they would have been years ago. But both Islam and Socialism rather like their windbreaks, and tea boys, vicarettes for cover.
Jesus has long left their buildings , and is a raging deplorable who will get His Way , via His life and the truth that only He brings.
That we`re a bunch of thick pigmies with no language, theology or tactics is largely due to the Satanic curse of Socialism in our culture since Babeuf etc in the French Revolutionary penumbra. Marx took it wholesale, and the rest is relativism with tanks to back it. Any chance of stemming what we now have ended in the early 60s, late 50s.
We wept crocodiles over scum like Kennedy, when CS Lewis quietly croaked the selfsame date…one REALLY was the end of an era, the other was an upskirting monster who spawned much that has happened since.
Peter Hitchens is right in the Mail today, but says nothing about Msulims doing the exact same thing for THEIR Revolution to come in Germany, five years or so time.
Goodbye Lenin?…Piss Off
Goodbye Western Code and Values?…afraid so, but it`ll take a bit longer.
Keepin Sunday Speshull huh? Worth a punt.
The Observer – Guardian in Sunday suit – holds a poll, on our behalf, to confirm that 84% of Labour voters want a second referendum. Many thanks.
Except, of course, that means Labour voters in Liverpool for the conference, not nationally. Asking the same question of a broader selection would provide a rather different result, but the BBC/Guardian would have dismissed that one as irrelevant anyway. Best to stick with the answer you want, that’s what polls are for.
I live in an area which is solidly Labour, but I know hardly anybody who voted Remain. Most people round here loathe the EU with a passion.
Sham that actual opinion polls put the Tories in the lead though!
Funny how the Guardian and BBC keep that quiet!
So what are BBC staff saying ?
See what a fantasy universe this BBC staffer lives in.
12pm Radio Lincolnshire : The newsreader mentioning Mrs May set the presenter off who’d left his microphone on. Seems they had to hit the 4 second delay to delete what he said, cos all you could hear on Iplayer is the presenter grunting.
and said after “oops, I’m blushing”
I’m guessing there is no mention of this on the bBC
A hospital in Pakistan.
“Speaking of this incident, a human rights lawmaker said, “It’s shocking that even doctors, who are supposedly educated and have taken an oath to save lives regardless of caste, color or faith, have resorted to such acts of religious intolerance and violence.” “I am still trying to digest the fact that doctors took the life of an innocent man,” said another rights activist. “What hope can one have for justice to the family if police have been unable to arrest even one of the accused?”
Which, “religion”? I guess it goes without saying………..
Just wait and see what happens in the NHS when the overall population reaches 16% muslim. I’ll be long gone by then.
If I remember correctly it was a doctor working in the NHS who was involved in the Glasgow Airport bombing in 2007.
In the MOS Peter Hitchens exposes Marxist infiltration in British society, including of course our favourite broadcaster, all the way back to the 1960s. Like some diseases that linger in the body forever, those Marxists are still there, now in positions of influence, poisoning the system.
for many of us this is simply confirmation of the bleeding obvious
Funnily enough Vlad, picked up a second hand copy of a book by Nesta Webster from the fifties or so called ” World Revelution”.
A Jew baiting harpie , privileged snob alright in large dose.
But she has Communism slotted from its inception and the likes of Wieshaupt and the Illuminati ideas that preceded it.
If you add Ian Greigs book on Soviet Worldwide tactics of infiltrating-“The Assault On The West” (only one of the piles of books in the 60s that called this out, before this all dried up) -add a touch of Besmenov and his peerless testimony from 1983, as ex KGB-and you get the wholesale nature of what the Left were up to, chiselling away for Barosso,Juncker and other “useful idiots” like Merkel today.
Funnily enough Greig tells us that the KGB didn`t want rentagob paupers selling the Morning Star and getting into scraps with the SPG. Not at all.
They wanted academics, media and quangos, education and the unions. Academics and schools, churches first-media and their unions to follow.
Why so?-because, unlike us the Left measures time with a calendar, not a stop watch. As do China, Russia, India and Islam incidentally.
Let todays culture be proof positive that they did a very good job, and we let them.
No Jesus, no comment.
It’s a pity he didn’t mention that communist Olly Robbins who’s Mrs May’s favourite Civil Servant.
How many communists are there in the Civil Service and how did they get there? I thought the vetting process was intended to identify communists and exclude them from public service. When did that policy change?
Look at the Project Veritas reports from the USA, their Civil Service is completely infested by anti-American subversists. I believe our Civil Service and other public bodies, particularly in education, politics, the police and the judiciary are similarly infested with these traitors.
The questions are when will someone with authority recognise the situation and start to drain our swamp?
Edit: ps. The far-left bbc has always been a hotbed of communist activity and I think they’re proud of it.
They are Gramscians , named after the Italian communist imprisoned by Mussolini .
His idea was to infest the public bodies of a nation to change it without any democracy getting in the way .
Another Grenfell fraudster charged : Homeless man charged with fraud:
Homeless Moses Ettienne allegedly obtained food and housing intended for blaze survivors.
Entire BBC news story
(No media furnish us with his photo)
\\ A homeless man has been charged with fraudulently obtaining food and housing intended for Grenfell Tower survivors and bereaved families.
Moses Ettienne, 48, allegedly claimed he was a resident in the tower block on the night the blaze left 72 people dead in June 2017.
Mr Ettienne was arrested and charged with one count of fraud by false representation, the Met Police said.
He will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Monday.… after the news BBC radio played “We are Family”
Tweeter calls this #13 of those arrested/convicted
DM say #14
isn`t it about time we all began to ” think outside the box” here?
These Grenfell scum are indeed the lowest form of pondlife-but compared to a Campbell or a Soubry, they are saints.
Why doesn`t Anne Marie wait outside Kensingtons Mobile Roadshow of a Court, and recruit every one of them for the Nasty Party that she needs to be? I speak as quite the authority here, being “Nasty” is EXACTLY what we need when the likes of War Tommy are getting threatened with prison by the likes of Gaulk and
Crick…lefti wankas, either side of the fluffy dildo.
All they`d have to do is to agree to stand for Parliament ANYWHERE in this country, taking the piss but promising to leave the EU if elected.
I for one would vote for ANY of these Nigerian offal merchants over any f***in Remoaniac.
Oh-and if we could give them an amnesty by them handing in their laptops and hookah pipes, dutchies etc…will you keep back a Samsung 8 in an asbestos lined Little Kitty pouch for me…promised one to some twerp at the top of the BBCs Wogan Towers, and hope it might catch fire.
Vote Dick Dastardly, your Nasty Party Candidate. Give the elite a shaft with a taser, disguised as a ticking stick…they WOULD like it up `em, but we`re not doing THAT.
On behalf of my country I would like to apologise to Lily Allen that we failed to honour her towering musical genius with the recognition she so richly deserved at the Mercury Prize.
Refugees in their camps across Europe will be sobbing uncontrollably at the news.
I baggsy being at the front of the queue to give her a good hard slap ! (cos she clearly didn’t get any as a child )
Does she still have her bbc entourage in tow?
A message from our Dear Leader…….
“Dear Xxxxxx,
We are in the final straight of the Brexit negotiations. So now is the time for cool heads. If you want to know more about the Brexit negotiations – then read about them here.
These negotiations were always going to be tough.
And they were always going to be toughest in the final straight.
That’s why we’ve got to keep cool heads – and hold our nerve.
Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the SNP are trying to frustrate Brexit. Instead of putting the country first, they’re playing politics.
In fact, some of them are now demanding a second referendum.
Let me be clear. The British people voted to leave, and this Government will deliver on that vote. A second referendum would send us right back to square one. Something we will never allow.
I am confident that we’ll get a good Brexit deal.
But now the EU needs to start working with us.
We’ve treated Europe with respect. We expect them to treat us with the same respect. If you would like to read more about our plans, you can do so here.
Yours sincerely,
Theresa May,
Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party
PS: Negotiations are always toughest in the final straight. But we are keeping cool heads – and holding our nerve. You can read more about our plans here.
TT = Treasonous Treezer = Lamppost & dangling!
I think the EU is like the Emperor who has no clothes.
And to mix metaphors, the EU gang are like the Wizard of Oz, lift the curtain and what is revealed are a group of gargoyles who hide under the bridge of freedom and frighten the unwary who want to cross from serfdom to freedom.
john in cheshire
What amazes me is that the British Members of the European Parliament are conspicuous by their silence. Where I live the only EU MPs I hear are Nigel Farage, and Nathan Gill. Where are the other party representatives? ‘Noses in the trough’ comes to my mind?
Here is a challenge to you all, ask anyone you know if they can name their MEP.
I know her only too well. Tory. Seemed a nice lady. No longer speaks to me since I started attending EU Ref hustings asking awkward questions about matters that she did not want to answer in public forum. Just like the BBC.
Guest Who
British MEPs have watched UK Sovereignty being syphoned away by EU stealth. IMHO opinion the EU and Al Beeb wants British democracy and Parliament made redundant, to be replaced by the Dictatorship in Brussels. While Al Beeb sees its future as the EBC.
She lied through her teeth on several key issues. If not soon out of a job I’d actively have worked to ensure she was booted if we still had these grasping money whores to plague us.
The BBC send @PeteSaull to cover UKIP conferences
He seems to take the role of low key A Hatey No Hoper activist
Just looking for mentions of Tommy Robinson etc.
Of his 10 tweets 3 were video of a HnH protest outside
– He has 2000 Twitter followers yet his tweets rarely get any likes
Very subtle stealth editing by the Guardian
.. I bet you can’t spot it.
The BBC website is flooded with pro Labour/ pro Corbyn support!
This is the worst that I have ever seen the BBC! They are really trying to sway people now!
This is only to be expected but it’s depressing because I see on Fox that a poll in the US shows that more people believe this allegation against Kavanaugh than disbelieve it. I find this a very sad reflection on the gullibility of people over there and I suspect that Brits are just as thick and naive. The whole Kavanaugh allegation is so obviously a politically inspired set up and fabrication that only an idiot could possibly believe it. And only an even bigger idiot could believe it before there has even been a hearing. Where is the due process of justice? I despair.
This makes me fear that dumb credulous voters over here may yet vote in a Corbyn and his band of Marxist thugs . If they do we will be quickly swamped by RoPers and even as little as a misplaced scowl will result in a prison sentence. Our country and the US are on the knife edge.
Listening to Al Beeb and all its ‘Remainer’ chums today calling for a second referendum, I would remind Al Beeb, Mrs May and all the ‘snowflakes’ who just don’t understand the word Democracy, that this is what we were told by the Prime Minister in Parliament before the Referendum in 2016…………..
Brexiteers go on the offensive !
Mrs May must tell the EU – Its Canada Plus or we are out on WTO .
The BBC website misses the most newsworthy angle of the day when it comes to coverage of Corbyn’s refusal to apologise directly to the Jewish community over his anti-Semitic urges.
Its header “Corbyn: anti Semitism is a scourge on any society” gives no clue to the way he disgracefully avoided showing remorse when directly asked by Andrew Marr.
You will see part of the exchange in the linked website video, but not in the online piece itself.
All you get are three paras starting with: “Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn says he will CONTINUE (my emphasis) to oppose anti-Semitism……”
Meanwhile, the Mail online takes the strong, newsworthy angle with its heading “Labour MPs demand Corbyn drain the swamp of racists after he refuses to say sorry…..”
Of course, you know what you are going to get with the Mail. It is certainly not a Labour paper. It will not let Corbyn off the hook.
Equally, the non-questioning version preferred by BBC online shows what you get with our supposedly independent and balanced state broadcaster – a supine, pathetic excuse for journalism which bends to the Labour leader’s disingenuous approach.
Credit to Marr for trying to initially test Corbyn on the issue, but once the anti-Semite had come out with his glib response he was just allowed to burble the rest of the time away.
Whatever many of you may think of mainstream media, it shows again why papers like the Mail are crucial in putting people like Corbyn under constant scrutiny and not allowing the biased BBC to dominate the agenda.
Luckily, the bbc is here to hold power to account.
Well, some powers.
Others, not so much.
Or at all.
Al Beeb News website , front page = ‘Beano’ , again.
The Beano is cheaper.
Brexit offensive .
I haven’t seen this being advertised on Al Beeb yet……………
Soon the Tory Conference will be upon us. BBC will comment and speculate on leadership challenges . May will deliver a speech approved by her minder, Laura K, and whilst media focus will be on Boris as a challenger watch out for Sajid Dajid (peace be upon him) whose face seems to fit the Islamic fellow travellers in the Establishment. He’ll be testing the waters with a speech on how to combat the far far right threat
Looking around the lefty extremist sites and it appears that anti Tory demonstrations are being planned. This year I wish them well and hope they splatter every Tory MP with rotten eggs.
Come, come now. Not all Tories are bad.
I am not a Tory voter although I dare say, there are one or two Tories who deserve calling out for putting their jobs and other ulterior motives before the interest of Great Britain, ‘Remainers’ all. Shame on them!
I also question why they allow the blatant bias on Al Beeb to continue without criticising the corporation?
GW- reasoned informed argument is a bit better than the egg treatment . Images of Corbyn comrades attacking conservative politicians will play well with potential supporters but not carry discussion forward
I cite the JRM harassment incident last week as well as the ReichEU gang up on the UK MP and the Tusk instagram .
As for voting Tory – my local one if far enough to the Rightto suit my beliefs but too many of them are PC Liberals .
Have just returned from a few days in Thanet (East Kent for those who don’t know), where I’ve been regaled with horror stories by residents, of grooming gangs from London loitering outside schools with the usual drugs on offer. If it could be worse there were reports of young girls being grabbed and shipped off to London for sex. Nowhere is safe now, and it makes me weep that these sleepy seaside towns are no longer sleepy.
(to digress, I recorded a few progs,- and is it me ? but I find the spectacle of watching Andi Oliver eating on The Great British Menu positively revolting)
It would give good training for the SAS etc. if they were tasked to ‘reconnaissance’ and ‘snatch’ these grooming gangs and confine them in detainment centres. Then interrogate them as to their reason for travelling from London to be loitering outside schools?
The police cant handle them.
Aide to Civil Power, MICP in short.
Using the SAS makes good sense. These fanatics have declared war on us and are kidnapping and raping our children. If a gang took over the Tory Conference (perhaps I was too extreme in my previous comment) and sexually assaulted the MPs I would consider it appropriate to send in the SAS
This is now a greater threat than terrorism.
It will have to come to what will effectively be a declaration of war upon the drug gangs and the associated criminality.
That will mean changes in the law to make drug dealing a crime against the nation akin to treason and a very hard line taken with users as well. Criminal records for the middleclass users as a minimum. It will meet the usual complaints from the usual but with courage and resources we will win.
The police will need new leadership and an end to wasting time over trifles.
There is no other way of dealing with the collapse in law and order .
Is there anyone out there in the free world that can point out any examples of right wing bias being promulgated by Al Beeb?