Weekend Open Thread 22 September 2018

The Far Left BBC has , like the rest of us, become a spectator to the Brexit negotiating- unable to give any true account because of its continuing bias.

With less than 190 days to go the BBC Project Fear ratchets up even further making the ‘off’ switch even more attractive .

On a different tack – The rival bids for Sky have gone to auction on Saturday to be  resolved. Both bids guaranteed the editorial independence of The poisonous Sky news for 10 and 15 years respectively . Hopefully that won’t mean anything and the awful liberal BBC lite commercial version will change for the better .

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248 Responses to Weekend Open Thread 22 September 2018

  1. G.W.F. says:

    Soon the Tory Conference will be upon us. BBC will comment and speculate on leadership challenges . May will deliver a speech approved by her minder, Laura K, and whilst media focus will be on Boris as a challenger watch out for Sajid Dajid (peace be upon him) whose face seems to fit the Islamic fellow travellers in the Establishment. He’ll be testing the waters with a speech on how to combat the far far right threat
    Looking around the lefty extremist sites and it appears that anti Tory demonstrations are being planned. This year I wish them well and hope they splatter every Tory MP with rotten eggs.


    • taffman says:

      Come, come now. Not all Tories are bad.
      I am not a Tory voter although I dare say, there are one or two Tories who deserve calling out for putting their jobs and other ulterior motives before the interest of Great Britain, ‘Remainers’ all. Shame on them!
      I also question why they allow the blatant bias on Al Beeb to continue without criticising the corporation?


      • Fedup2 says:

        GW- reasoned informed argument is a bit better than the egg treatment . Images of Corbyn comrades attacking conservative politicians will play well with potential supporters but not carry discussion forward
        I cite the JRM harassment incident last week as well as the ReichEU gang up on the UK MP and the Tusk instagram .

        As for voting Tory – my local one if far enough to the Rightto suit my beliefs but too many of them are PC Liberals .


  2. BRISSLES says:

    Have just returned from a few days in Thanet (East Kent for those who don’t know), where I’ve been regaled with horror stories by residents, of grooming gangs from London loitering outside schools with the usual drugs on offer. If it could be worse there were reports of young girls being grabbed and shipped off to London for sex. Nowhere is safe now, and it makes me weep that these sleepy seaside towns are no longer sleepy.

    (to digress, I recorded a few progs,- and is it me ? but I find the spectacle of watching Andi Oliver eating on The Great British Menu positively revolting)


    • taffman says:

      It would give good training for the SAS etc. if they were tasked to ‘reconnaissance’ and ‘snatch’ these grooming gangs and confine them in detainment centres. Then interrogate them as to their reason for travelling from London to be loitering outside schools?
      The police cant handle them.
      Aide to Civil Power, MICP in short.


      • G.W.F. says:

        Tafman, BRISSLES

        Using the SAS makes good sense. These fanatics have declared war on us and are kidnapping and raping our children. If a gang took over the Tory Conference (perhaps I was too extreme in my previous comment) and sexually assaulted the MPs I would consider it appropriate to send in the SAS


    • Dave S says:

      This is now a greater threat than terrorism.
      It will have to come to what will effectively be a declaration of war upon the drug gangs and the associated criminality.
      That will mean changes in the law to make drug dealing a crime against the nation akin to treason and a very hard line taken with users as well. Criminal records for the middleclass users as a minimum. It will meet the usual complaints from the usual but with courage and resources we will win.
      The police will need new leadership and an end to wasting time over trifles.
      There is no other way of dealing with the collapse in law and order .


  3. taffman says:

    Is there anyone out there in the free world that can point out any examples of right wing bias being promulgated by Al Beeb?


  4. pugnazious says:

    Jon ‘The Beauty’ Sopel doesn’t get any more honest or competent does he?…

    Sopel completely misreads the Tweet [anything to do with Trump induces sudden blind stupidity syndrome], it doesn’t mean ‘so what if he did’ it means the guy doesn’t think it worth ruining Kavanaugh’s life over unsubstantiated claims from someone who is an anti-Trump pro-Democrat activist who can’t remember anything about the party such as where and when it was, how she got there, how she got home..but she can apparently remember the names of the people there….problem is all the witnesses, including her life long [democrat supporting female] friend, say it never happened or they don’t have any recollection of such a party.

    Sopel, as is his wont, can’t seem to find the time to tweet such denials but can find time to tweet about the size and shape of Trump’s penis, he can also find the time to tweet blatant lies, such as China isn’t targeting Trump voting regions with its tariffs…trouble is there is ample evidence China is doing that including a video made by the Chinese stating that explicitly….Sopel MUST know this..he is the BBC’s North America editor….this was big news….and yet…apparently not [if this was Russia targeting Clinton voters with videos saying they were trying to derail her election run do you think Sopel would ignore or even deny it?]….

    Sopel is biased in the extreme against Trump and anything related to Trump such as his appointment of a Supreme Court judge….you cannot trust a word that Sopel says.

    Good old BBC. Worth every penny we’re forced to pay for their rubbish I’m sure.


  5. Guest Who says:

    The BBC appears utterly obsessed with ‘The Bodyguard’ being the only tv show anyone is watching, so they may have missed this noted by those who are not…


  6. pugnazious says:

    Just started bashing away at Sopel again with another twitter account, how long before he blocks this one? Astonishing, or not, that a BBC journalist, unbiased, transparent and accountable should be so unwilling to engage with those who pay his wages and expect truth and ‘reality’ from the BBC’s finest and who politely challenge his version of events….using hard evidence to counter his claims.

    Seems he doesn’t like being caught out and held to account. Pretty standard for the BBC it seems….the untouchable, unaccountable and of course unbiased BBC.


    • Guest Who says:

      Assuming you were not abusive, I wonder what the ‘guidance’ is from on high on such censorship.

      Bbc twitter accounts are relentlessly used as part of their broadcast repertoire.

      How can they justify excluding anyone simply because they cannot cope with being confronted to views that are different or, worse, to exorcise actual facts that show them to be inaccurate or blowing the Charter requirements to bits?


  7. smoogie7 says:

    Edit: Sorry posted in wrong thread!


  8. Guest Who says:

    OTish, but as she may soon be hosting University Challenge…


  9. StewGreen says:

    Since last week’s Countryfile story on the coming climate change Carrotastrophe
    I pulled up the official defra data on wholesale carrot prices
    Of the 27 weeks counted so far in 2018 vs 2015 graph
    The first week started 20% higher than 2015 ..and it continued through to last week also 20% higher
    ..There was just a couple of quick blips up at the end of the dry spell.

    Then I find the BBC story Food prices ‘to rise 5%’ because of extreme weather
    It quoted a thinktank the Centre for Economics and Business Research CEBR

    This, along with a “wet, cold and challenging” winter, particularly the cold spell caused by the Beast from the East, has put stress on farming costs and yields, CEBR said.

    “Wholesale prices of other vegetables have already soared by up to80% since the start of the year.”
    As a result, it said:
    Wholesale vegetable prices had jumped between March and July, with … carrots by 80%,
    *(only after 6 edit versions did it quote carrots as the 80% thing)

    Strange cos in 2015 carrots also went up 80% in the same period
    Come to think of it , it’s like the way after Spring new potatoes come in at a premium price whereas previously at the end of winter they’ve been flogging you cheap old potatoes they’ve been storing all winter
    Doh of course July carrots are 80% pricier than March carrots, cos they are not cheap old carrots they’ve been storing.