The Far Left BBC has , like the rest of us, become a spectator to the Brexit negotiating- unable to give any true account because of its continuing bias.
With less than 190 days to go the BBC Project Fear ratchets up even further making the ‘off’ switch even more attractive .
On a different tack – The rival bids for Sky have gone to auction on Saturday to be resolved. Both bids guaranteed the editorial independence of The poisonous Sky news for 10 and 15 years respectively . Hopefully that won’t mean anything and the awful liberal BBC lite commercial version will change for the better .
The BBC appears utterly obsessed with ‘The Bodyguard’ being the only tv show anyone is watching, so they may have missed this noted by those who are not…
I don’t even watch TV. I don’t want to be brainwashed by the left
The bbc speaks for the nation though.
Edit: Sorry posted in wrong thread!
Assuming you were not abusive, I wonder what the ‘guidance’ is from on high on such censorship.
Bbc twitter accounts are relentlessly used as part of their broadcast repertoire.
How can they justify excluding anyone simply because they cannot cope with being confronted to views that are different or, worse, to exorcise actual facts that show them to be inaccurate or blowing the Charter requirements to bits?
OTish, but as she may soon be hosting University Challenge…
Since last week’s Countryfile story on the coming climate change Carrotastrophe
I pulled up the official defra data on wholesale carrot prices
Of the 27 weeks counted so far in 2018 vs 2015 graph
The first week started 20% higher than 2015 ..and it continued through to last week also 20% higher
..There was just a couple of quick blips up at the end of the dry spell.
Then I find the BBC story Food prices ‘to rise 5%’ because of extreme weather
It quoted a thinktank the Centre for Economics and Business Research CEBR
Strange cos in 2015 carrots also went up 80% in the same period
Come to think of it , it’s like the way after Spring new potatoes come in at a premium price whereas previously at the end of winter they’ve been flogging you cheap old potatoes they’ve been storing all winter
Doh of course July carrots are 80% pricier than March carrots, cos they are not cheap old carrots they’ve been storing.