The BBC party conference has now passed and the MSM prepares its annual full scale assault on any political view with which it disagrees.
We will have plenty of evidence of bias to record – perhaps just too much . Let’s hope the outgoing PM remembers her cough mixture this time .
First…. now I need to find something to say…… will sleep on it
Well, you could’ve said flakey Flake folded. Screaming Democat women scared the….out of him. CNN gave us long enough views of the elevator scene, so we knew what was coming…
Or Kumrasami trying to browbeat the new head of Italian State Radio on the beeb news at 10pm, for daring to speak to Bannon. Lotsa other sinister accusations from the beeb. All but mentioned Mussolini making a comeback to take over Italian broadcasting…
Either of those…. ????
That went well, then.
The bbc has a different view on what people want to see vs. what the bbc decides they must.
Newsnight is on a roll.
JC is not popular? He is with a large chunk of nutters. Including the bbc.
His policies are? They are all universally despised and mocked.
The explanation for Corbyn is that for the last three decades our education system has been hijacked by the left and children taught leftist tripe. The older I get the more I realise that the great Lady T rescued us from the economic disaster inflicted on us by the left but that she was unable to defeat the left on the cultural and social battlefield. She needed to smash the teachers unions and of course the BBC. I am not critical of her , she did so much for us but the likes of Major needed to follow through and he was just another pinkish Tory like McMillan et al.That is why scum like Corbyn and his gang of thugs have any resonance today.
Worry not! Many of the Secondary school pupils know the key ‘beliefs’ that they need to trot out in order to receive top marks from Lefty teachers. However, away from the classroom, they are decidedly un-PC. They are gaming the system well. The current crop of teens are more conservative in their outlook and I put this down to many having childcare provided by their grandparents.
Flaky woman.
Far too may of these women around. All they are capable of is acting childishly. And because they are female, they assume they must not just be heard, but the man should immediately bow down to her and do as told.
In the US senate, the body that is responsible for the confirmation of laws and supreme court judges, , the equivalent of the Lord Chancellor’s office, there are female senators who believe that in any dispute between a man and a woman, the woman must be believed. In effect, the man is not to be granted “presumption of innocence”.
One sees that there is a reason men why have had to assume leadership in most circumstances. There is too a reason why Western civilisation is due to the creativity of men. White men in particular.
Too a reason why men, Englishmen in particular, created the presumption of innocence, Habeas Corpus and all the rest of civilsed values that follow from it. This was adopted in whole by the USA and the Commonwealth, and eventually, UN law.
It is clear from the behaviour of not just some ordinary women but female senators, that “presumption of innocence” would never be a law if they had been a ruling fraternity.
The battle for the soul and the survival of the West as a Western entity is coming to a head today in Washington DC. The issue is whether Justice Kavanaugh can be appointed to SCOTUS against the smear campaign from the Democrats.
How does this affect America, and the rest of the world? Consider Hillary had won the presidency. Then all the 50 million+ illegal immigrants in the USA would be legalised. This would ensure the Democrats as the party of government, and the Republicans as a minor opposition party. Over a decade or so, America would no longer be a Western country. T Blair tried something similar. The EU has been doing this for ages.
The Clinton Democrats have the same goal as the EU- destroy historic America, Europe, Canada etc using immigration and Climate Change laws, till socialist rule over all the world creates one huge global slum. Immigration from Africa will then cease automatically.
Brexit is essential for the survival of the UK.
This is the issue. The Democrats are fighting to become the party forever and to change America in the vision of Obama – a socialist nation. The Democrats have made it clear that they will ban ICE, the immigration enforcement arm of government. Obama is fighting for Climate Change regulations right now in Norway
Pres Trump is fighting for the survival of America as we know it, and too the West. Of that there is no doubt. If Pres Trump wins this and the November election, we might just win this war for civilisation.
100% agree NCBBC and very well put. The West as I have been saying for sometime is in grave danger supported by the most evil traiterous scum bags ever to be involved in the running of our Nation-never should it have been possible for a strict follower of the teachings of Islam to be Home Secretary-the present Judiciary are protecting the gangs of Islamic ( Jahadi)followers allowing them to say and do what they like yet castigating and subjugating those against, to the extent of throwing them into prison. Tommy Robinson and Britain First come immediately to mind. I read once not long ago that Britain was Police State, is it? Roll on Bexit.
Thank you.
You are right. Islam poses a threat to the West like no other. If we had lost WWII, though calamitous, our civilisation would not be destroyed totally. The Nazis would pass. But Islam will destroy right down to the roots. Afghanistan was once Buddhist nation. What is it now. Not a sign that it was once Buddhist. All done with the acquiescence of moderate Islam.
But our present danger is the left. Goading its followers like the anti-fa, to horrendous violence. The left also love Islam, and deem anyone who is against, as “Islamophobic”. They don’t realise that if Sharia becomes law, Christine Blasey Ford, Justice Bret Kavanaugh’s accuser, would require four Muslim witnesses – all men, who will back her. Failing that she would be stoned as an adultress.
As for Tommy Robinson. He was broken by the state in much the same manner as fictional Wilbur Smith of 1984. He needs to see his parish vicar, and pray. God will give him strength. Psalm 23- David wrote it when he was in grave mortal danger. Pray for Tommy.
islam is only allowed to propagate as the leftists need their votes to take total power after which time votes will become meaningless,
whether the leftists will then be able to put islam back in its box is a question, I dont think they have asked themselves yet
quite how they think they will do that with an army of LGBT, Feminazis and safe space snowflakes god only knows, I cant see the usual cannon foder the white working class wanting to join that fight.
quite how they think they will do that with an army of LGBT, Feminazis and safe space snowflakes god only knows, I cant see the usual cannon foder the white working class wanting to join that fight.
Perhaps Islamic warriors will be so disgusted at the sight of LGBT Very Special Air Services,( the operative word is Services) the y will throw up and thrown down their weapons.
Under Sharia law, Christine Ford would have to have four Muslim men to back up her rape allegations against any man. If not she would be stoned for adultery.
What prevents Islamic men from simply subjugating us all is White working men. Like Tommy Robinson.
The day is coming soon when the white hot anger of the ordinary decent man of the West will ignite. There is no force that can withstand it. Snowflakes will melt. All decent women will simply stand by their man. Its nature. When the chips are down and the man has taken up his sword, his woman will stand by him.
It will never now be able to put Islam back in the box, as you state Kaiser-the Establisment, if you know what that means exactly because I don’t, have traiteroulsy torn down Democracy-preferring to back Multicultrualism which quite clearly is not working however much the BBC wants it to.
Oh yes NCBBC our present danger from Islam is the West. Briefly since 2011, I have endeavoured through the auspices of a great number of studies by eminent people who have a great knowledge of Islam and from its past to its future there is it appaers little alteration to the inital aim. Because the West refuses to acknowledge Islam’s true doctrines and history, it fights jihadis blindfolded and blindsided.
There is a baffling situation arising in the West. The governments that the people have elected to protect their national security have now reversed their purpose and mission and are now protecting the perpetrators. …There are over 50 million Muslims in Europe and 80% of them are living off the state. They are not there because they decided they wanted to be European and assimilate. It’s part of what is known as civilization jihad or hijra -but to bring the Sharia to the host country, in order to make it Islamic. And the results so far have been devastating, for the host countries:
Hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants (70-85% male of military age),incomprehensibly invited by Western leaders to invade Europe. Stats say that Germany took in about one million Muslim migrants and has since lost sight of about 600,000 of them: Unbelievable incompetence.
This is a War on non-Muslims. Islam’s founder declared it so 1,400 years ago Therefore as you put it ‘Islam will if not stopped destroy right down to the roots.
At the heart of all these activities, in Washington DC and as seen every day on the BBC, is an intense self-loathing.
I don’t hate myself, so I can see Western civilisation clearly as something that is not perfect, yet way better than it was, and way better than most of the hellholes round the world masquerading as societies.
The progressives hate themselves, and as a defence mechanism, project that hate outwards. It must be ‘the system’ that is making them so miserable, and only by smashing it, can they find some (temporary) psychic peace.
They’re trying to make themselves feel better, but they’re looking in the wrong place.
So its ok for a woman without evidence to back up her story (and yes I have listened to this ‘show trial’) to HARASS a senator and not let him move out of a lift? Screaming in his face.Imagine the reverse with a man harassing a female senator?…he would be arrested on the spot…….this is how MAD things have become… a woman you can go round accusing and threatening at will without recourse?……..
Emasculation and subjugation of men, as so evidently promoted by such over the top feminists as Germain Greer etal and of course the BBC.
Here is Jordon Peterson.
The first 17 min.
The sovereignty of the Individual . From which follows “Habeas Corpus” and “presumption of innocence “. This is the thread that run through English Common law, and which is the core of civilisation in human affairs.
The entire segment is well worth watching. In fact one could argue that the sovereignty of the individual predates English Common law to the foundational book of the West – the Bible – New Testament in particular.
ITTB refers.
Just noticed the freeze frame. Apt.
ITTB refers.
Just noticed the freeze frame. Apt.
Link back to previous thread
Friday’s comments were on page4, and the end of page3
Don’t forget the side threads
– Tommy Robinson
– Project Fear Watch
Thank you. That is very helpful.
What is really telling is the stories the BBC is running during the Judge Kavanaugh saga, the language it uses and the inherent assumptions that are portrayed:
Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony through the eyes of a survivor
The headline itself is loaded with the assumption that Judge Kavanaugh is guilty. Let us remind ourselves that his guilt is a matter of dispute and that the USA still, in law, judges someone innocent until proven guilty. Incidentally, this is a concept applicable in this country as well, one that the BBC, although paying lip service to, repeatedly and consistently rides roughshod over as it sees fit.
I have no doubt that the subject of the article, Liz Spikol, is, indeed, a survivor of rape which led her to be in and out of psychiatric hospitals in her 20’s, on dozens of medications and being unable to work because of mental illness brought about by her awful experiences. Her account is moving and real and it is hardly surprising that she identifies with Christine Blasey Ford when being questioned. The pain Liz Spikol feels when watching Christine Blasey Ford does not, however, validate Ford’s testimony and it is surely an utterly cynical act for the BBC to use her pain and suffering in this way in order to make a point satisfying its own agenda.
Liz Spikol then explains why women don’t always report such matters immediately. Her explanation is real and leaves me in no doubt about its truthfulness. This does not in any way validate anyone else’s actions and it is wrong for the BBC to try to do so. Another totally cynical BBC ploy.
In another article, it is reported that:
“Republican Senator Flake cornered by sexual assault survivor”
Again, the fact that they are survivors does not validate their opinions on whether or not Judge Kavanaugh is guilty but, again, is loading the perception that he is guilty. Ironic though, that Senator Jeff Flake is subjected to the uncanvassed attentions of two survivors in a confined space. I’m pretty sure that if two men ambushed a woman in this way it would be universally condemned, and rightly so.
What a shameful organisation the BBC is.
Did I miss “Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony through the eyes of Harvey Proctor”?
People lie for money. Her Gofundme has already raised more than half a million and God only knows how much she has been slipped on the sly. Plus a lifetime of hero worship is guaranteed if she pulls this off, plus a lot more money. The idea that women never lie is just preposterous; women evolved to be much more devious than men as they had to find ways to compensate for the physical strength advantage that men have.
She may well have convinced herself it happened. The best liars believe their own lies.
We can never know the truth so the only option is to go with the evidence and there is none. If anyone can be brought down by an unproven allegation then civilisation is over.
The question I ask of all these idiots who believe this Ford woman merely because she claims she is a ‘survivor’, is do they oppose Islam and Sharia law in which a man can rape his woman with impunity? When will they oppose Islam with the same vigour as they pursue alleged white sexual predators without any corroboration let alone proof on the mere extremely vague allegation of a woman from 35 years ago. The whole thing is just a political hit job and if you don’t see that you are either an idiot or part of the so called resistance against the President.
I watched all of her delivery. One thing, apart from her incredible memory for 36 years, that slipped when she claimed she was able to simply leave the room when the opportunity presented itself. Prior to that, she told the listeners that the two men locked the door when inside the room. How did she unlock the door?
How did she unlock the door?
Very good point, and one that I missed, though I watched her entire original testimony. If she is telling the truth (and I watched the incredibly powerful testimony of Kavanaugh, so I know who I believe) then that locked door would have been a major factor in the trauma of the whole incident and one that certainly would have impacted on her enough for her to have explained how she got out of the room.
(Interesting that she was not challenged on that precise point.)
There are a few possibilities here:
*She is lying and the assault never happened
*It did happen but another boy was the guilty party and she mistakenly believed it was Kavanaugh
*She deliberately blamed Kavanaugh, knowing he wasn’t guilty
*Kavanaugh is lying (I don’t believe that for a second)
It now transpires that she committed perjury in her testimony. She is not entitled to call herself a psychologist undr US law. If she is charged with that offence how much time will the bBBC devote to that news?
“The headline itself is loaded with the assumption that Judge Kavanaugh is guilty.” – Guilty by association. That being Trump of course.
Thank goodness unlike most European countries Britain still has ‘Habeas Corpus’ one reason we should all be thankful.
The previous thread I asked about the Headmasters protests and raised some points which I think need answering , but in essence I think the main question is ; what have these people got to lose against what people like us (!) got to lose if we take days out on marches in London ?
Direct link to Nibor’s full post
Stew – thanks for putting the links in .
Just thought you’d like to know, what with Boris muddying the waters again, some Conservatives are now suggesting that Sajid Javid would make a ‘compassionate’ and ‘competent’ Prime Minister.
Enjoy your weekend.
Noooooooooooooo !
I was until you spoilt it.
“….some Conservatives are now suggesting that Sajid Javid would make a ‘compassionate’ and ‘competent’ Prime Minister.”
Al Hamdulil-laah! (Praise be to God)…………..
“… some Conservatives are now suggesting that Sajid Javid would make a ‘compassionate’ and ‘competent’ Prime Minister …”
We don’t want ‘compassionate’ and ‘competent’, we want Bl**dy Tough and Brilliant.
And we definitely don’t want a muzlim, not even a pretend one.
He’d go feral within weeks, if not sooner. Hopefully, Sadiq Khan’s performance will have shown how it can go so badly wrong.
Somebody on this site posted last week that Channel Five now has documentaries that were very much better than anything that the BBC has produced for years. So I thought I would watch some of them. The ones on HMS Victory , How the Victorians Built Britain and walking old railways were all excellent and completely free from the political bias and PC manipulation which ruins just about every aspect of BBC output these days . So whoever it was thank you for the tip off. Then I find today that Delingpole in this week’s Spectator is also saying that Ch5 is now much superior to the BBC.
What made the Victorians so great? Well no Labour and no BBC so the old rivals the old Tories and Librals could battle it out in Westminster away from the cameras and analysts.
Victorian Corbyn was little more than a scruffy old drunk found only in London’s East End gin houses who would be ignored by the locals when he starts ranting while business and capitalism done wonders for the great railways and school’s did not even have gender neutral toilets as boys and girls whet taught separately.
Those times would not really have been great for everyone but sometimes I would like to visit those days just for a bit of peice and quiet. At least when people did protest about stuff they had every reason to, not just because they felt ‘offended’
The BBC are really starting to offend me however and next week I hope that May had her cough sweets at the ready. I want her to put on a good show to destroy the left but even if she does the BBC will find a way to twist it!
Opinion polls are varied. One showed a nice 6 points lead to the Tories. Another shows a 1 point lead to Labour. Not worth them bragging is it? I bet that if the BBC where not so biased then the Tories would score higher…
Back to the Victorian age, please!
Kuennsberg is at it again with her attempted Boris Hatchet Job:
“Brexit: Boris Johnson refuses to rule out Theresa May challenge”
“Boris Johnson has repeatedly refused to rule out challenging Theresa May for the Tory leadership”
The only reason he repeatedly refused to rule it out is because LK repeatedly refused to accept his answer – four times in fact.
“A government source said Mr Johnson was “regurgitating ideas”, not coming up with any new answers”.
Government source. As easy to say as to dismiss as totally meaningless.
And having turned down interviews for several months after his departure from government, speaking out today on the eve of the Conservative conference outwardly appears designed to stir as much trouble as possible.
Damned if he turns down interviews, damned when he speaks out,
“It is no secret that he still wants and believes he has a shot at Number 10”.
Has this come from another Governemt source?
And Tory MP Sir Alan Duncan – a junior minister in Mr Johnson’s old department – said his former boss was addicted to media attention.
“Publicity is his cocaine. He needs a regular fix,”
So, having turned down interviews for several months, Sir Alan Duncan concludes he is addicted to media attention. Exactly the kind of logic I wold expect from a remainer.
Journalism at its finest.
My blood boils whenever I hear her name mentioned!
Jeff Flake looked in the mirror and asked himself if he hated President Trump enough to betray his party, colleagues, constituents and the country and he decided Yep.
Jeff Flake looked in the mirror and asked himself if he hated President Trump enough to betray his party, colleagues, constituents and the country and he decided, Yep.
Imagine if the Labour party decided to get away for a week and finally thrash out the details of a definitive Brexit strategy they all agreed upon. Oh wait, they did (tried) that already…
Against my better judgement I watched the latest Question Time, gritting my teeth at the motley crew Dimbleby somehow always manages to find to create a ‘panel’ – with the exception of course of Rod Liddle and Jacob Rees-Mogg. Half-way through I decided to employ that useful red button on the bar at the bottom and shift it forward every time one of the motley crew opened his or her mouth.
Then a peculiar thing happened: Rod Liddle began to praise Corbyn, in response to a question from the audience on “greed.” I watched with interest as the praise turned to derision and then to real anger against Corbyn and his crew just after Dimbleby had tried to move on to another panel member.
Here it is, just after 31 minutes in
Rees-Mogg impressed, as always, with his calm and humorous rebuttals of insults hurled at him by panel members and the audience and his superior grasp of whatever the hell it is that’s going on.
Well worth watching, as long as you keep that useful little red button in mind.
I did a mini survey: right after his demolishing of Corbyn, the camera zoomed in on around 22 people, about 15 of whom were applauding. Amazing, that he got such a positive response from a QT audience! Let’s hope that’s an indication that the anti-Semitic, terrorist-loving, far-left rubbish is not that well-liked among the general population. Let’s also hope that with his powerful outburst, Rod Liddle turned some people at least away from Corbyn and Labour.
I think that people actually like Mogg. The left would merely tolerate him the same way that anyone right of centre could tolerate a more moderate ‘centrist’ Labour MP, not that there are many of them left of course.
I would like to see Mogg become PM, I think that he would be great but does he want the job? I would like to think that he is too decent to just barge in there and push the PM out of the way. He does respect May as leader despite their differences over Brexit and that itself is a good point. Mogg accepts that not everyone shares his views but he does not shut people down out of spite. He simply explains his views and what he believes in and leaves it as that. The BBC must find him frustrating as how can you bring down someone like The Mogg when really he could very well be one of the best PMs that we could ever have?
Agreed. I’m really impressed with the Mogg. Must drive Labour and the BBC crazy because whatever happens, he just remains unruffled.
The BBC seem to actually give him a free pass. Too much effort on their part to try and bring him down. They seem to find ways to throw digs at May or Johnson but they step back when the Mogg speaks. Probably because Mogg actually makes more sense than anyone else and if he becomes PM then it would be a Tory landslide easily. Best to keep Mogg quiet or else it would backfire. Such cowards are the BBC!
Maybe he’ll be the man to transmoggrify the BBC.
(I’ll get my coat.)
Maybe he will just close it down. That would win him a landslide on that policy alone
Can’t wait for BBC Brainiac Editors to pick this one up.
First question shared by the new QT hostess?
The axes of the earths rotation itself rotates. Its known as precession of the axes, and has a time period of 26,000 years. The cause is due to torque on the earth by gravitational forces of the sun and moon.
Is this what Climate Change worshipers are alluding to ?
The 1958 edition of Chambers Encyclopaedia, in the section on geography and climate, predicted that the earth’s angle of rotation was due to change around the year 2000. This would result in the north pole being a few degrees closer to the sun and the south a similar distance away, meaning commensurate reductions and increases in their respective ice caps.
Chambers Encyclopaedia was produced predominantly for the children’s market – but perhaps they were brighter, or less brainwashed, in those days.
Earth’s axis tilted a few more degrees relative to the sun? Dunno, surely that would just mean more extreme summers and winters affecting both hemispheres equally?
Or am I all mixed up.
“….was due to change around the year 2000.” I guess that would be what was called the, “Millenium Bug” then? Nice to know that that dire warning at least had some effect………..
Back in the 1950s projected events were more general, allowing commonsense leeway and perhaps because even the ‘experts’ of those days weren’t conceited or dogmatic enough to be specific. Such claims as ‘the Polar ice-cap will disappear within the next decade’ would have been laughed to scorn.
The changes in axis of rotation, according to the encyclopaedia all those years ago, was a cyclical phenomenon. With that in mind, someone – like the bloke that wrote that section of the encyclopaedia – must have been aware of the length of such cycles and earlier changes together with their effects on temperature and climate, though oddly no-one seems keen to mention them lately. Can’t think why.
Sorry NCBBC, your comment wasn’t up when penning the above. Now we know it’s 26k, that’s why today’s Harrabins etc feel confident about ignoring it.
Oh why did Common Sense have to die so soon-we could do with his like just now especially during the complete mess/shambles the awuful traiterous lot lot have brought about with the Media helmsman BBC marching ahead oblivious of the hot coals beneath its feet.
Climate change causes the earth’s rotation axis to shift. Not so.
The rotational axis of the earth itself rotates about its nominal centre. Its known as precession, caused by the torque applied due to gravitational forces of the sun and moon. This precession causes the climate to change – not the other way round.
One would then expect that the climate would also change in cycles of period of precession. Not so again. The moon is itself distancing itself from the earth. Therefore its effect will be progressively less. Plate tectonics also causes the precession period to change – again its not periodic. Plate tectonics though is a major driver of climate change. Unpredictable.
In any case, the time period is in tens of thousands of years . Not a few years, so taxing every one to death will not change anything, excerpt handing over large amounts of hard earned cash to people who have never worked in a wealth producing sector, to bring about socialist utopia. This Climate Change tax is to fund global socialism. A Big Fail. It been tried several times before in the 20th century, and led to the deaths of hundreds of millions. The deaths are on a scale that would make the Nazis look good by comparison.
This is what the SCOPUS nomination about in the USA. Essentially the socialist Democrats want is mass immigration, and Climate change tax to fund it. If they succeed, they will bond with the EU, which is doing the same. Mass immigration + Climate Change tax.
Are they wrong? In a simple world, it is right that everyone should have a job with a livable wage. No poverty. Excellent. But it doesn’t work. All it does is to concentrate power in the hands of the few, leading inevitably to the Gulag and worse.
Cue outrage from Robbo, Simpo, Tone, Fran and Gav.
Bet Emily, Emma and Kirsty can whip up a yummy Crock, Monsieur in honour of the EU, if they know where their kitchens are.
I am confused . The odds are overwhelming that all but Brillo voted to Remain , something like 100 to 1 on, Brillo probably evens. The difference is that Brillo is a democrat the rest are Globalists and so he supports the will of the people the others don’t. The inverse of these odds that i have given is the likelihood is the suitability of the candidates for the role of chairperson of QT which lost any credibility years ago. Of course you have to overlay that in the 21 st century BBC women are more suitable than men and POC women more suitable than white women. It’s just a circus that any serious person will ignore.
Bbc political correspondent admits he has no idea.
Chris needs to click on right now to see what is ‘newsy’.
Defence is too difficult and boring and not sexy enough for ‘correspondents’, and seemingly also for MPs – including Boris.
Bbc editorial integrity explained.
Aircraft carriers may not be very ‘newsy’ in the effeminate, feminised, gblt, lefty pacifist metrosexual world of the beeb, but real people, and real men, love them. But then the beeb doesn’t care about real, patriotic, white men, do they.
Now back to Trump bashing and that nasty white man who once looked at a woman wrong when he was a teenager, boohoo, shock horror, rape, rape.
The limp wristed soy boy clearly does not think that brand new F35 jets landing on our brand new carrier, the biggest ever built in Britain, is at all “newsy”. I doubt he is even aware of these facts.
So he is in fact a typical metrosexual beeboid drone, and thus perfectly qualified for his job.
No Vlad they don’t care a fig-only ensuring that any semblance of patriotic males raising their heads is smashed down.
I think Julia Hartley-Brewer herself would be a great Question Time host but the BBC would never in a million years consider her as she is not neutral enough unlike Maitlis, Davis and the rest of the BBC blob. Laughable.
She isn’t very sound on Islam though! Another one who pulls her punches on that topic.
JHB – a fellow traveller for the Islamists, put her in a box with Owen Jones.
“Is the clock ticking for you?”
asks Babita Sharma, BBC sofa dolly on rotation. There’s 6 months to Brexit, and whilst her words implant images of time bombs, her quavery excitable tone tends to put our teeth on edge.
The anti-Brexit daily this time delivers a scare ’em tale from a Toyota plant: “Its just-in-time production relies on components imported from the EU.” Well. Toyota, how about stocking up fortnight’s worth or so of parts?
My understanding is the Eurocrats at worse may be threatening us with a customs work to rule – not a full scale blockade !
Is Merkel refurbishing the U boats?
Babita is a nice name. Exotic. Like so many others the bbc shares on our screens.
Mark Hodgson has some comments on the BBC factory manufacturing anti-Brexit stories like this Toyota one
\\ A naked piece of anti-Brexit propaganda from the BBC, that does not stand up to scrutiny:
“Toyota says no-deal Brexit would stall production at Burnaston
By Sanchia Berg
BBC Radio 4 Today programme”
1. “Toyota UK has told the BBC a no-deal Brexit would temporarily halt output at its plant in Burnaston, near Derby.”
“…has told the BBC…” is a cryptic way of saying the BBC went looking for a story. It’s not news; it’s a puff piece the BBC decided to push.
2. “The Japanese carmaker is one of the biggest in the UK and Burnaston produced nearly 150,000 cars last year, 90% for export to the European Union.
Its just-in-time production relies on components imported from the EU.”
But…”Toyota says it cannot predict how long a stoppage would last, but unions fear that if long-term damage is inflicted it could result in job losses.”
So the stoppage length of time cannot be predicted (in other words, again, this isn’t a story) but the BBC back it up by quoting unverified and unverifiable union fears.
3. “Toyota is investing £250m there to enable the production of the new Corolla from the end of this year.
It is taking on 400 new staff, in addition to the 2,500 currently employed there.”
Would Toyota do that if they had no confidence in the UK economy, despite uncertainty over Brexit? I think not. The headline could, of course, have been “Toyota is investing £250M and taking on 400 new staff”, but such good news isn’t allowed to be reported on the BBC, especially when there’s a job to be done to stop Brexit.
4. “”My view is that if Britain crashes out of the EU at the end of March we will see production stops in our factory,” said Marvin Cooke, managing director at Burnaston.
He couldn’t say how long the disruption would last: “We can’t predict – it could be hours, days, weeks – even months.””
Not the language – “crashes out of the EU.” Either the anti-Brexit BBC (which regularly talks of crashing out), put the words in his mouth, or he’s an anti-Brexit remainer, happy to be quoted in a way damaging to Brexit. Despite his confidence that production would stop, he can’t say for how long – perhaps hours!
5. “Toyota told the BBC it was looking at different scenarios, but that it would be impossible for the company to hold more than a day’s worth of inventory, and stopping production was inevitable.” Note that “…told the BBC…” give away again.
But “Other manufacturers have said they are making contingency plans.
Last week, Honda told the Reuters agency it was identifying components it might stockpile.” So, there are ways round this, then? Just not for Toyota and its anti-Brexit manager?
6. “Over time, Marvin Cooke said he was concerned it might affect the plant’s future, despite the recent investment. Burnaston is one of nine Toyota manufacturing sites in the EU.” “Might” and “over time” but the BBC headline says “would stall production” The headline is fake news, not borne out by the facts contained in the article.
7. “Mr Cooke said: “In the longer term the burden of import and export costs would add permanent costs to our business, it would reduce our competitiveness. Sadly that would reduce the number of cars made in the UK and that would cost jobs.””
But what he, and the article, talk about, is a no-deal Brexit. In such a scenario, there might be higher costs on the parts imported to make the cars, but if so, also on foreign cars themselves, including (especially) from the EU, and that would give the Burnaston plant a competitive advantage in selling cars within the UK. Funny, the article doesn’t mention that advantage anyway, there can only be bad news.
Perhaps the BBC fact checking team should run a piece on this. Then again, given the mess they made of their piece on Corbyn’s 410,000 green jobs, perhaps it would be better if they don’t bother. Why you can trust the BBC? Don’t make me laugh. //
This chap is on it. Views his own, natch. But does seem to be something to do with the bbc.
Disgraceful that the BBC is not showing the Ryder Cup on BBC 1-far more important just now than any soccer game or hours of rather monotonous cycling-The Ryder Cup has been an event for many many years and by looking at the crowds of people watching this exciting match in France, it has been estimated they are bigger than at any other time. Come lets have some of patriotic support a World Soccer event achieves.
Toyota’s perilous position, entirely dependent on daily parts supplies from the EU with no UK warehousing as backstop, puts a different slant on the whole Brexit shambles. How close we are to total collapse, and how wise and responsible are the BBC to keep us informed of this grievous situation!
Thank goodness, and how lucky we have been, there have never been disruptions to ferry services from striking French workers and blockading fishermen; fires, breakdowns and delays due to terrorist threats in the Eurotunnel, blocked UK motorways for hours on end while H&S measure blades of grass – all the little annoyances that disrupt the children’s holidays but have no effect on trade, especially parts deliveries. Apparently.
If there is a traffic jam on the road to the Toyota factory does all production stop because of this ‘just in time’ method of car manufacture.
That’s how it sounds listening to the ‘just about right’ bbc.
You can trust the bBBC – to pick all the worst elements from any announcement.
On the Today programme this morning, they repeated the lie that Toyota only keeps parts for one hour of production.
That would, if true, be sheer madness. The slightest delay in transit would bring production to a halt. The truth is they keep enough parts for one hour’s production actually on the production line at any one time. They actually keep 36 hours’ worth of parts in stock.
The difference between 36 hours and one hour ought to be obvious even to an innumerate BBC numptie. If anyone thinks customs procedures will take more than 36 hours they are mad. A modern customs system will be done digitally before the parts even leave the factory. The delay to transit should be approximately zero hours, zero minutes and zero seconds.
I can’t think why the BBC has a problem publicizing this, can you?
Fed – Weekend Thread Preamble:
“The BBC party conference has now passed and the MSM prepares its annual full scale assault on any political view with which it disagrees”.
Difficult to understand why the MSM can/will find fault with Treezers Brexit Plan as it is virtually ‘no-change’ from our current relationship with the EU.
I think the far left BBC will push the civil war in the red Tory Party in order to get the BBC patron saint – comrade Corbyn – elected in the coming landslide
The BBC now support Corbyn. Initially they had reservations but I think they are now with him, recognizing that their girl, Treezer, has not a hope in hell of winning an election.
I can’t help but think the BBC has the wrong idea about at least half of its audience. This morning BBC tv seems to assume we’re all desperately counting down to Brexit doom, clutching our precious Epipens, keen to dip into Indonesian weather porn, or frantically cheering on ‘Europe’ in a golf tournament waving a blue star spangled banner (no Tiger love lost this weekend) whilst mind you, avidly glued to the soap drama at the American capitol – lest by some turn of events a few less babies get aborted in the womb (that’s the big sub-plot, you know). I feel like starting a movement – the wimmin apparently have #me too/ times up, I’ll go with #count me out/ of all the above.
I bet the Hugh layers of al beeb management spend their lives trying to work out why the numbers are falling -,
And the desperation reflected in the trumpeting of ridiculous police dramas like ‘ between the lines’ and the mad ‘ body guard ‘ spoiler alert – it was nonsense .
As I slowly trip through the 7 series of ‘Breaking Bad’
I sometimes think that such great drama could never be made in Blighty now for too many obvious reasons to recite on a Saturday morning …
At last! At Last!
The BBC have found a woman who served as a soldier in WW1 to celebrate in diversity!
But , she served on the Balkan Front for another country…
The title is misleading, of course. On the home page it says,
“”The British Woman Who Fought on WW1’s Front Line””
When you click on the ‘bait’, all is not as you expected, such as the Western Front.
I made a serious mistake last night. I was sitting there with my cocoa (It’s a wild rock ‘n’ roll life in Jeff’s house) and a chocolate digestive (go Jeff!) and in an unthinking moment I turned on Newsnight. Ye gods, what the f….flipping heck was I thinking of?
Emily was interviewing three American women via satellite. One seemed reasonably sane, one was veering towards the edge of madness and the third, a ghastly man hater with a shock of red hair, was clearly certifiable.
This appalling harridan kept screeching about “the patriarchy” and the dreadful crimes committed by men. Of course it was all to do with this case involving Trump’s judge and an assault he’s supposed to have committed 36 years ago.
I just couldn’t take my eyes off this hideous apparition. I think, although her skin was bleached white, that this ghastly creature was black. She ranted about black women being oppressed and white male privilege and “the sisterhood.” It was all very garbled and full of venom and made very little sense. And no-one tried to argue with her.
Of course that bunch of well heeled, pretentious posers, the “me too” mob got a mention and Emily sat there sucking it all up.
Look, I don’t know, indeed nobody knows, what happened between these two individuals 36 years ago. But FFS aren’t we still supposed to believe in someone’s innocence until proven guilty? Or is it now down to who can shout and scream and stamp their feet the loudest?
What I saw on Newsnight didn’t look like journalism to me. it seemed more like being present at a witch hunt.
No facts, just lots of emotion, bullying and bile.
And the BBC are its cheerleader…
Sounds like the ideal panel member for Question Time chaired by Princess “no mates” maitless
Wonder how her stalker is getting on?
‘Emily was interviewing three American women via satellite…’
Are you sure this was Newsnight and not the RSC’s latest Macbeth?
Witch hunt?
More like witches doing the hunting.
Of course, anything to disturb, distort, or cause as much pain to the thousands of very decent men who have and are still making a massive contribution to society which this mad harridan you speak of will purposely forget in her tirade/dennounciation even of men of her own Race. A dose of Sharia law will quickly sort those females out as America moves swiftly to such an end-President Trump is the only politiian (which of course he is not and that is what the establisment don’t like ) that can correct the inbalance of an Islamic invasion, but the question is, are America strong enough in themselves to protect their nation’s future?
AND what about Bill Clinton? His sexual escapades would bring the house down today but of course nothing is said about that because it is a Democratic ploy to help destroy the Presidency of Donal Trump.
That’s all it is to the BBC. “Belief.” That’s all you need to determine guilt. Hang due process, hang evidence. Let’s just throw it open to emotion and public opinion.
Interesting that the Feds are effectively putting a judge on trial eh?
Interesting indeed.
Roland- It may not look like it, but this is all part of the attempt to ultimately have Trump impeached.
In a completely dumbed- down world, facts and corroborating evidence are no longer required in a ‘trial’ (which this wasn’t but turned out to be). It’s who do you feel is guilty/not guilty, not who do you think is guilty/not guilty. (The rationalism, that was born of the Enlightenment, is all but dead. It’s a Kafkaesque situation.)
In a much broader sense, if you can channel that tide of emotion your way, as the Democrats have done, you could be onto a winner.
They have by far the majority of the Afro-American and Latino vote.
Think of the coup you could bring off if most women will also automatically vote your way.
So, by inference, if you can paint most men into looking bad by nature, whereas women are only ever victims, being composed of sweetness and light, and this will win victory at the polls, why not do it. Even better, if the whole thing can be camouflaged as historic abuse. Who is even going to attempt to have a rational discussion with the screeching Ana Maria Archila? Flake, identified by her as a soft target, certainly wasn’t.
Take the scene in the lift. Ana Maria Archila screamed at Flake non-stop at the top of her voice. She was not really interested in what he thought of her situation, for there was no attempt at a two-way conversation. She may in fact, never have suffered abuse. We don’t know: the incident was hardly a fact-finding excercise.
No, Democratic woman have worked out their strategy: find a Republican weak link, and terrorise them. Screaming is good. It declares you to be a victim and brooks no response. I guess the two Republican women on the full Senate will be the next targets of threats and pressure.
I fear the Rule of Law and the principle of justice in the form of a fair trial in the US may have been irrevocably damaged, and terror and intimidation, cleverly disguised as virtue,will rule.
The screaming started at the very beginning of the hearing.
The object will be to mold a Supreme Court that will impeach Trump, by its end.
It’s Freshers week – noise of parties and high jinx. Students getting to know each other through alcohol and music. Forming groups and friendships. Planning pranks and mayhem – Except for our new breed of future leaders and those that will inherit the earth after I am long dead everything they do or say from the age of 16 (or why not 12?) will be up for scrutiny and judgement as part of any future job or lifestyle choice.
There will be a record somewhere on social media (read recording of my lifetime often held by others and over which I have no control) to be pulled out at some future time.
Clearly I do not condone illegal acts but remember that we are already seeing “remberisms” being reported by the media as fact because the social times allow for it and our warped culture thrives on it and has allowed news and journalism to be replaced with stories and opinion – think of our god awful future in a few years when there is actual photo or tweet evidence of this or that person in a position of responsibility who got drunk with friends one night in Freshers week – the media will be posting that stuff every day!!
The only solution for this is for kids of today to never go out and never have fun, never play sports, never be in a team, never have friends – that way we have have boring dullards with no sense of anything about them running our country and businesses in years to come because they will be the last ones left with no history and baggage.
Or is it just me?
It’s you – people only want to remember the baggage when it suits them . Key example comrade Corbyn’s support for the IRA which in a sane world would render him unfit for public office. All forgotten now .
Remember a few weeks ago when an investigation started against Corbyn over his shady overseas ‘visits’ to shady places? No, the BBC do not remember that either!
In fact I don’t think that the BBC even knew about it in the first place. Well they heard about it, but they won’t remember hearing about it if you asked them!
I think what you have described is absolutely fine, Gammon.
Long as the Democrats get to impeach Trump.
That way you don’t have to worry about election results and all that democratic stuff.
“…that way we have have MORE boring dullards with no sense of anything about them running our….”
Not all kids are Leftist/PC sheep I’m pleased to say.
Just heard that Durham University Student “leaders” are like-soooo happy that they’ve secured “preferred pronoun” badges for all new students for freshers week.
My daughter says she’s going to ask for “the Right Honourable”
The link:
Please also share the petition link with others elsewhere on social media and among family, friends, etc.
Thank you!
I have just signed up.I cant see Parliament would do anything about it though……do you?..but thanks for putting it up.
Thanks for signing!
Dont watch Dateline London on the BBC this weekend……its hair curling stuff….( I used to respect Jane Hill…but that respect is sliding fast)
Women Good
Men Bad……..
Women tell the truth ALWAYS
Men LIE always……
Innocent until proven guilty?….whats happened to our legal systems?
Just a post about two insignificant but telling signs of how far the liberal left has seized control of the ‘arts’ in our poor country. Recently I went to see Opera North’s Tosca a story of political oppression . In the programme for the event the politics of the opera, which is set about 1800, were compared with the present day and illustrated by a picture of President Trump. Of course the truth is that the President is fighting against political oppression not practising it. But the warped mind of the Globalists and particularly of their well heeled dupes in the media and arts, he is the oppressor because he supports ordinary people not them.
The second example is that the Ilkley literature festival is completely dominated by ex BBC folks preaching their multicultural , Marxist crap and the poster girl for the event is no other than Nadia , the baker of crap ( not cup) cakes.
Times : Man struck by uninsured car wins £1m
BBC will probably follow with similar #SnowflakeNews headline
Not the headline that reflects reality.
Man = man of Gypsy/Traveller heritage convicted 100 times of scrap metal thievery, fleeing farmer whose said he was on private land eying up scrap metal, who was left quadraplegic by collision of which farmer was cleared and ruled an accident.
uninsured car = farm-use 4×4 pursuing said metal thief on private land
wins £1m = court says taxpayer must pay him £1m due to EU law precedent that says vehicles even on private land must have liability insurance
photo used : Landover …actual vehicle was a Nissan
Grenfell : Council officer in charge of finance allocation team given five years for theft that ‘beggared belief’ .. stole £62K & further £32K from NHS
she’d been hired 4 months after the fire.
Previously she’d been fiddling in her NHS job.
The BBC story is long and ends with spin “seventh Grenfell jailed”
..every else says “14 have been convicted”
I am very sorry for the young lady who died after eating a Pret sandwich. I have various allergies myself including sesame, but fortunately not as severe as the girl. But the BBC and Tom Watson are firmly in the belief that Pret are to blame, and so too the coroner. On the one hand where lies personal responsibility but on the other to put what I heard somewhere was ground up sesame in bread without declaring it on the packaging seems incredibly stupid. If it was just seeded bread, I do feel some responsibility lay with the late young lady. I never eat seeded bread without access to seeing the list of ingredients. However the BBC are very keen to blame Pret, in spite of in their bulletins stating that Pret were not doing anything against EU rules (a bit surprising to hear that from the BBC). But I would have thought that Pret would have been the sort of sandwich shop that the BBC would love (lots of organic, artisan, green, lots of immigrant employees (I don’t mean their workers are of green skin colour)). Why is this story so high on the BBC agenda? The only reason I can think of is a shortage of epipens (cuts to the NHS) and shortages of epipens due to Brexit.
Anybody noticed Football Focus who the main focus/pivot is in the programme?…where the conversation always comes back to….Yes thats right an EX (Black)WOMAN professional footballer?….you can see how uncomfortable Paul Ince (EX Man Utd and England CAPTAIN and world class MENS footballer!!!!) is being on the programme.Watching a Wolves fan talk about great Wolves sides from the past Dougan, Richards, Bull etc……how on earth has SHE got any concept of those players?……so she grins and says something meaningless and purile. What a load of PC nonsense……a deliberate BBC plan to break down everything society stands for………
I agree with you even though I’m female. Many of the female commentators/pundits The BBC use are frankly hopeless. I probably have a better knowledge and understanding of the game than they do, thanks to my late dad who.encouraged me to watch football as a young girl and taught me the rules of the game and gave me a lifelong love of the beautiful game.
I certainly could commentate better than many tv and radio commentators, I listened to Radio WM yesterday afternoon as there hadn’t been much said about the mighty West Brom on Soccer Saturday, which I watch every weekend, I’m rather hard of hearing so rely on the commentator speaking clearly and not shouting, no such luck I’m afraid. I had to wait for the squealing to calm down and for our third goal see it come up on the vidiprinter on Soccer Saturday. Commentators such as Barry Davies, Motty and the late, great High John’s didn’t need to shout and squeal, it’s not needed, adds nothing to the atmosphere and actually makes me quite cross.
Then you have that patronising git Gary Lineaker on MOTD, to think as a teenager I fancied him! And to add insult to injury, they have “modernised” the best ever football theme tune (MOTD)! Why oh why can’t they leave things alone? As a Sky subscriber, I have to say there football coverage is usually excellent and they try to add new things every season,
BBC online main page. Toyota plant in Derby to be disrupted in no deal Brexit and another Tory MP calls for second referendum. Truly sickening bias stuff. I actually detest the BBC with a passion hither too unknown to man !!!! How can a national broadcaster be so happy to talk down its own country!!! My god, I wish we had trump running our show
Article about University bosses call for ban on essay-writing companies
The letter says these essay-writing services should be targeted rather than those who pay for their services
In this strange left wing world it is interesting to notice that the company’s (although dodgy) that are doing something quite legal are the ones at fault. Not the cheating students that are doing a totally illegal activity.
Not on the biased BBC, but that’s my point. I allowed them a day to give them a chance to pick it up but I knew they wouldn’t. You’ll see why.
My hometown has lost around 2000 jobs in the past 18 months with the closure of long established manufacturing plants, all well paid and now relocated to the European mainland. That’s a big financial hit for any area to take but even more of one in a borough of only about 60,000, still one of NIs largest provincial towns.
Over the same period of time I have noticed that ever increasing numbers of small, swarthy, badly dressed men have appeared, quickly followed by their wives and partners and tribes of children, numbers that seem to have seen increased even more in recent months. My hometown appears to me to be overrun by foreign nationals, obviously Roma, who are apparently being added to on a weekly basis by bus services directly to and from Romania.
It seems that I, and everyone else that I know or speak to, are not imagining things, numbers are increasing rapidly, and none of us can see what they are contributing to our society. Beyond the slum landlords and car wash operators no-one is benefiting, our society is being adversely affected and unless something is done, ruined, and the natives are getting restless.
The rising tension and growing unrest, a “powder keg situation”, has been highlighted by a local MLA in a headlining article in the Belfast Telegraph, surprising in what has become a pro-EU rag, but, as the MLA in question is a representative of the ‘extreme far-right’ DUP and it makes uncomfortable reading for them, the bBbc have ignored it.
The bBbc have ignored his warnings of increasing tensions within the community he represents and the possible and probable threat of violence erupting, violence involving paramilitary organisations. Tensions shown by the emergence of widely supported social media groups that voice concerns and by anti-immigrant posters, blatantly put up by large groups of local men, appearing throughout the town.
The bBbc choose to ignore the expressed concerns of local residents with regards to human trafficking, untaxed and uninsured vehicles on the road, child neglect, prostitution, urinating and defecating in public spaces such as local parks and increased levels of anti-social behaviour.
The bBbc aren’t interested in, according to the PSNI, a 20% increase in reported crime in the area in the past six months.
The bBbc have no interest in the increased pressures being placed on local infrastructures and services. For example, a local headteacher has had to refuse places, a month into the school year, to 26 foreign national children since the start of this week alone. If it’s the school I think it is, where my youngest daughter is in her final year, this would increase the roll by nearly 10 %. My own doctors waiting room sometimes resembles, what I would imagine, a Bucharest bus station.
I don’t expect every headlining newspaper article to make it onto the bBbc but if this is not an important, relevant and therefore currently newsworthy piece of print journalism why have the bBbc not picked up on it? What is the point of BBC NI Local news if it won’t address issues that matter to local people rather than a sinkhole in a Co Jonathan (Eire) gaelic pitch or an ex-IRA bankrobber promoting his book about a fictional bank heist? There are so many angles from which this article can be viewed that makes it important to local people; it touches on Europe, our economy, education, child welfare and crime to pick a few, but the bBbc still ignore it.
We know why. It’s shameful, and my hometown is only one small part of the UK where this is being highlighted but ignored, where unchecked immigration is being proven to be causing more harm than good and where it will end in violent confrontation, not a desired outcome anywhere, especially Northern Ireland. Yet still the biased BBC aren’t interested.
We all know this, I’m preaching to the converted, but the bBbc and their ilk only think they know what is happening in Britain at the minute, that by ignoring something it will go away, that by blindly following and promoting their delusionally arrogant pro-multiculturalism and pro-EU agenda that they will lead us by the nose, that we don’t know our own communities and the damage that they are enabling and complicit in.
Just on a footnote, there were four men arrested close to where I live last year on charges relating to extreme right-wing crimes. This was reported by the bBbc and initially they were ‘men’.Turns out they were Polish.
I meant Co Monaghan. Not Jonathan. F-n keyboard. It’s not in Northern Ireland.
You described 100s or 1000s of places in Blighty where the surge in guest workers – as I like to call them – arrive and take over .
One of my biggest concerns is what will happen when the next recession comes . Will they all clear off back from whence they came or hang on to suck benefits dry ?
The second issue is crime . As we know the state police only go after right wing ‘ crimes ‘ and let drug dealing , Muslim crime, fraud and the like carry on .
When Eastern European gangs really get going what police social service will stop them
Yes it’s bleak. – only a full Blighty Brexit will start to combat it .
“but the bBbc still ignore it.
Be careful what you wish for. When they stop ignoring it, it will only be to call locals racist and condemn them for resisting the wonderful diversity that has no adverse effect on anything, especially housing, schools and healthcare.
I know Roland, I agree totally, but they can’t say they haven’t been warned and I can’t see these labels bothering too many of those who might be involved.
You don’t live in North London, therefore your views are worthless.
Who are you going to believe, the left wing establishment or your lying eyes?
Over here Belfast rules, Derry-stroke-Londonderry, as it is actually now known by the media, follows a close second, the Liverpool of NI.
I’ve lived in Cheshire, I know what you mean about London, but I think even if I hadn’t have, the blatant bias of our shared media might leave me with that impression anyway.
Sept 10th Paris “An Afghan disarmed of knife”
Sept 11th Hull “A Syrian disarmed of knife”
any more similar events .. underreported ?
Yes. Nothing reported on the BBC **WARNING: Pretty graphic footage**
Afghans, Muslims do what their religion tells them to do.
If we didn’t know this, or believe what is in the koran, its hardly the fault of Muslims. They were up front about it. They even told us that they are allowed to lie for Islam. One can hardly blame Muslims for it now.
ROP. Buyer beware.
The police said on Saturday that the Afghan asylum seeker suffers from “a deep psychiatric illness”.
Surprise. Surprise.
Eye for an eye ? Bible has many exmples that need to be interpreted carefully,
Sept 11th story : MasterPositiveDiscrimination
BBC seeks more audience members…
Sept 12the there was a story out on “immigration advisers say foreign masters and PhD graduates should automatically have their visas extended for 12 months to look for ” no a student visa and work visa are different things.
It’s perfectly easy to apply for a job before you graduate or from your home country…
UK is only a few hours plane ride away these days.
Ofcom complains that efnik minorities are over represented on the BBC so we need more of them
If it wasn’t true it would be high comedy -maybe they’ll start putting in token whitees with all their “victim” baggage
Not BBC but the Skybots seem to be going to the same “Soros Fake News” colleges as the Beeboids.
Far right, far right, far right racist, racist. They come out of the yoonie soc soc with that printed on their brains. Stupid token interviewer who ought to learn something about history and religion, not rely on her gender and colour for a job.
That woman is like a robot, and a poorly-programmed one at that. She also has that annoying habit, also prevalent among BBC hacks, of sprinkling her diction with meaningless ums and ahs.
Batten did well, but she’s probably ineducable.
Such a pity about Sky News. Maybe ten, fifteen years ago it used to be OK-ish.
The lady was at al beeb on the local London news until the ROP took it over .now I suspect there is a lot about the difficulty of parking near mosques ….
I know it’s wrong of me, but I’m now at the stage of wishing someone would accuse her husband of sexual assault, so she can tell us all whether she still thinks beliefiness should be good enough to convict.
The outcome of the fbi investigation will be inconclusive or written in a way to be interpreted according to belief .
They’ll be sent away to have another go …
ha ha they will probably outsource it and come back with rumours of golden showers in russian hotels.
Hard to argue.
Go Katy Go! Please go and never come back. There’s a nice sheep farm in the Falklands which will keep you in the Americas.
In the past I didnt really pay much attention to american politics and goings on.
That was till I realised what was happening over there tended to find its way over here eventually.
The only thing thats surprised me now, is just quite how quickly “issues” jump the atlantic. Transgender toilets, BLM GB, metoo etc
The question I have now, is this setting a precedent for a new politics, can mad leftists find 600 women willing to make unprovable, vague 30+ year old sexual harassment claims against all opposing candidates on the eve of the next general election
Red faces for the red tories as the personal details of top tories found through a defective conference App.
Next time they lecture about data protection they can be advised accordingly .
Morons. Has the bbc weighed in? Or has their little faux pas not calmed down yet?
I was unaware the bbc employed professional mental health experts.
Emily still pitching for QT.
I don’t doubt that Paddy Kielty might know what Irish Nationalists think with regards to Brexit and the border issue, he’s from a Nationalist background in a Nationalist area of Northern Ireland, but I don’t know how qualified he is to comment on what members of the Unionist community may or may not think or do.
I may be wrong, but I don’t think he’ll meet many Ulster Unionists in Los Angeles where he lives with his family or Dublin, his base when this side of the pond.
Haven’t seen Owen on the bbc for, like, hours. Maybe he can write Lord Hall another letter?
Switched on R5 Live at 5:00 pm expecting the football results and reports from the matches as happens every Saturday. Except this weekend it’s the Ryder Cup and of course it’s Europe (including the UK) laying the Americans to sword, so there’s half an hour of BBC wetting their pants and eulogizing about how great this European team is with of course all of the subterfuge and innuendo of how much better we are in Europe. There was hardly any time left for the nations “favourite” sport (football) at the end of all that pant wetting and politics
Is nothing sacred from Politics on the bBBC these days?. Thank God they are mostly overlooked nowadays when it comes to televising major sporting events.
The irony is Mr.Heyho I love golf….. and you are correct in what you say.The BBC have no time for golf all year round…BUT the Ryder Cup fits their ‘pro European/Pro Tiger Woods brilliant ethnic minority sports star’ agenda perfectly…Its incredibly cynical.The BBC and its cronies dont care for golf at all…in fact im not sure they care for football or any sport in general…these are just political tools for the BBC to promote diversity equality and inclusion……..its SOOOOO predictable now that it is boring.The BBC know it is dying and are losing sports coverage to SKY and others… why not drag us all down with it?……………
The best thing by far about BBC golf is that Peter Allis – for all his overt snobbery, still the sport’s best and most informed and dryly amusing commentator – was undoubtedly instrumental in nipping Linaker’s aspirations in the bud a year or so back.
I’m only guessing but it’s a fair bet he’d have said, ‘If that oik is allowed to muscle in on my domain, you can do without me. End of discussion.’ And all credit to him if he did.
Well, well, well.
The subsequent thread is quite a read, too.
God help us if that thread is representative of how everyone thinks in the USA. No one is listening to the other side and are convinced the other side is lying. Civil war cannot be far off.
Twitter, of course, isn’t truly representative and is well known for polarising opinion. Nevertheless these are worrying times as, both here and there, the left seems unprepared to accept when they’ve lost a vote and seem either oblivious to or unconcerned about the consequences of their refusal.
Scott Adams, whom I have mentioned here before and was one of the first to believe Trump might win the Presidency, has frequently used the analogy of two movies. Each side is watching a very different movie and this has become abundantly clear in the last week.
ITTB in complement, with added blonde moments.
I’ve just watched a most excellent documentary on Channel 5 about Prince Albert, the Consort of Queen Victoria. For me, Channel 5 is now the go-to channel for intelligent and informative programmes which seem devoid of any left-wing agenda. Well done!
Not just the docos. For high production value drama/soaps (which is what they all are) we are well served too. Finding ‘Bull’ all too gripping at this time.
Netflix also serving up a raft of entertainment that suggests their panic at the BBC’s one, now over, snog and bum show was short-lived. ‘Mars’, mixing doco with drama, is shaping up well, though Elon Musk might prefer its content to the news.
In re Just In Time deliveries and customs arrangements .
There are basically two elements to customs controls . One is about smuggling , drugs guns etc .
The other is about clearing goods for mainly taxation purposes and collecting info for government , helping with GDP figures and balance of payment etc .
Now where there’s a will there’s a way .
Did you know that the police and DVSA don’t bother sugar beet lorries by putting them on a weighbridge to see if they are overloaded ? And that the farmers and hauliers don’t dare overload a lorry except by accident ?
That’s because every sugar factory has weighbridges and every consignment of beet is weighed before tipping . If the truck is found to be overloaded the haulier and farmer is not paid for that load . Frequent abuse and the haulier , driver and farmer can have their ” permits” terminated , meaning they can’t trade with British Sugar , although this is really a non issue now as there’s no point in overloading .
The first element to customs controls – the looking and seizure of guns , drugs and other illegalities , would and should happen anyway , whether we are in or out of the EU , Single Market , Customs Union , EEA , EFTA all the way down to the Women’s Institute and Berinsfield Village Cricket Club .
The second , about collating information for taxation etc can be easily done with the large players , like BMW or Toyota by agreements within the chain , if people are willing .
For those to young to know – its Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn in the film Charade.
Teachers ‘bullying’ right-wing pupils as leftist union ideology infiltrates schools
CHILDREN of Right-wing politicians are being bullied by teachers and ostracised by classmates because trade unions have an iron grip on schools, it is claimed. It has strengthened calls for more free schools to stop youngsters being drip-fed socialist views in the classroom.
The situation was underlined last week when Welsh teaching assistant Sion Rickard told the Labour conference in Liverpool that if children got a “proper education”, the country “won’t have any Tories”.
Maybe this is the solution, both sides of the pond, to the bunch of S**** we have running our legal political and corporations (yes beeb that includes you) institutions. In case the anti “Dankulaites” are monitoring this and the site below are both satirical.