The BBC party conference has now passed and the MSM prepares its annual full scale assault on any political view with which it disagrees.
We will have plenty of evidence of bias to record – perhaps just too much . Let’s hope the outgoing PM remembers her cough mixture this time .
Sports girl Holly in a very short skirt on Breakfast this morning. Surely the BBC have banned or at least frown on this disgusting behaviour in the #me too era. Mind you not much chance of any of the’men’ at the beeb having a furtive admiring glance.
Here’s some more crumpet from yesteryear. The gorgeous Penny Smith giving us a glimpse of what she’s made of. Phwooooooah!
What a cupid stunt.Mrs Wright asked me to do a little job for her and I forget to add the video clip.
@Panda don’t tease, a quick check shows Twitter noticed Holly Hamilton wearing short black leather skirt, with black tights
(also on @HotTottySpooter)
Blondes are not my tights, but I guess if they are yours then such signals will fire up half your brain.
ie Such #LookAtMeToo dressing by women is a form of bullying.
typo : “not my type”
If James O’Brien is not up for it, maybe the BBC can lure Gavin Esler back, given his ability to leave his politics in the gutter.
And lest there be any doubt on which direction the bbc comes from, in the sidebar is a link to this story.
‘Evidence’ that ‘mounts’, in bbc world, seems to consist of them only publishing headlines from people whose testimony matches their beliefs.
I haven’t followed this in detail as I know some of you have. What I take from that piece is the trauma of Ford (or any woman) testifying and therefore reliving an ordeal. I am sympathetic to this — I’m sure doing so brings up some painful experiences.
She refers to “the circus going on around her” and “the male prerogative of it all”. But could Ford not have avoided this? I understand that she has not contacted the police about the original event and has (for reasons best known to herself) gone about this in a very political manner.
I get that the steering narrative is that any woman subject to inappropriate sexual conduct shouldn’t have to undergo any repeat trauma so might as well believe them all.
But can anyone enlighten me as to the normal US legal procedure and why she hasn’t filed charges in that way, thus bypassing the highly politicised ‘circus’?
P.S. When did we refer to ‘heroines’ as ‘heroes’ — or did I miss that directive?
Interesting to see the pro Corbin comments trying to compare Spain claiming the Isle of Wight because of the geographical proximity. Last time I looked the Falklands were 945 miles at the closest and around 1100 miles from Port Stanley to Buenos Aires. Never knew the Isle of Wight was further from the UK than Berlin.
“I couldn’t hear what Brandon Lewis [Tory Party Chairman] was saying, but the questions sounded very good”
That was Andrew Marr replying, from another studio, to sofa dolly and latterly BBC Breakfast sports reporter Beaky Nugent’s inquiry “What did you think of my interview?”
I think we can conclude therefore that an anti-conservative aggressive accusative form is the approved BBC inhouse style. And it doesn’t much matter what the Conservatives may have to say for themselves.
By the way, just to fill you in Andrew, I can tell you – Lewis’s answers were limp apologetic simpering and wet. He deferred completely to the BBC. So you guys win again.
A woman, a suspect, and bbc ‘quotes’…. just in case?
Not doing themselves any favours there. Either.
This is currently the home page story.
This needs to stop now . The world is officially mad. Now investigating someone for something they did at university 35 years ago during a DRINKING game !!!!!!! Utterly pathetic. This snowflake mentality has to be eradicated asap. So this woman was happily taking part in said Drinking game but is pure as the driven snow and never done a thing slightly immoral in her life. These women make me sick and actually are doing the complete opposite of what they think they are achieving by actually giving women a bad name. It’s gone too far now imo and needs to stop before someones life isn’t just ruined by these spurious allegations , but actually ended !!!. He said, she said is playground stuff, no place in top level political games
Let’s see what Katty has moved on t… oh, no… still on it..
Still, ratings were up. So there is that.
As ex-BBC drug addict and political sage Richard Bacon tours ex-colleagues’ studios selling something or other, the media in Newcastle got excited about a bit of graffiti from a fan.
Elsewhere, not so much…
I subscribe to a DVD service and, yesterday evening, I watched the film, ‘Darkest Hour’ which was devoted to a Winston Churchill devoid of support in his early days as PM.
One scene in the film has Gary Oldman (Churchill) abandoning his car at a set of traffic lights on his way to Westminster. This following a suggestion that he consult the public on whether he should start concessionary negotiations with Hitler to save Britain. He hops on a train on the Underground and confronts a carriage full of the population – except one – one black that sits opposite (and obviously friendly with) a white girl who he is in conversation with. The scene continues with the black actor playing a prominent role in that sequence.
I’m thinking about complaining to the film maker as, in the street scenes, I didn’t see any full burka shrouded women.
BBC bias – taken as read.
BBC News Channel paper review strikes again with guest journos Sian Griffith of the Sunday Times and Ben Chu of the Indy – who, needless to say, in their press review comments, each reveal themselves to be anti-Tory and Remainers.
I say again, BBC bias – taken as read.
The Guardian forgot to mention that the producers of the report, The Centre for European Reform, are an EU funded group whose sole purpose is to promote the EU.
From its website: “The Centre for European Reform is a think-tank devoted to making the European Union work better and strengthening its role in the world.”
That’s a typical nit-picking response to another well researched, intuitive and entirely worthwhile Guardian article, packed with information designed to allow a balanced and adult view of the fraught situation.
Without the Guardian to keep them informed, several hundred daily readers would be bereft, as would the BBC, denied its prime source of political acumen.
Marr sets the scene for the Tory conference in classic biased bbc fashion
The sneering Polly Toynbee followed by the slippery Tom Watson who cannot answer the question of what labour’s policy on the Northern Ireland border is , yet is not challenged by obsequious Marr. Next it’s a Harold Pinter clip followed by the alive lefty luvvie Rylance.
Off button at this point .
Marr was at his most cringeworthy this morning.
Tom Watson is given an easy ride, followed by a sycophantic interview with actor Mark Rylance (why?) taking pops at US and U.K. foreign policy and letting us know that his friend “Jeremy” is not an anti-Semite.
Then Marr tackles the PM, wakes up from his Watson slumber, interrupting her replies and becoming more and more aggressive.
Then he rakes over Windrush once more, asking again and again for more apologies, and at the end is so curt and rude as he cuts her off mid reply to sign off.
Whatever you think of Therea May, whether or not you agree with her, it was a typical Marr good cop-bad cop performance between Labour and Tory – another BBC ambush that leaves a nasty taste.
They are clearly setting the tone for their coverage of the Tory conference, which is going to be in stark contrast to last week’s love-in.
how many windrush people were genuinely made to suffer ?
what was the real figure, somewhere close to the amount of convicted grenfell fraudsters? , less than the illegals living there ?
Its just a faux issue to beat us “racists” over the head with and demand unlimited immigration
Yep, IMHO it was ‘a set up’.
What a magnificent actor Mark Rylance is. Not only can he accurately portray dead people in film, theatre and television, he can now even speak on their behalf. He is fortunate that he didn’t live in the time of Thomas Cromwell, whom he portrayed in Wolf Hall, as this ‘gift’ may have led to accusations of necromancy and witchcraft and resulted in a painful and untimely death for him.
Also the bbc’s habit for car crash honest mistakes.
OMG. As blondes say.
BBC TV Breakfast.
At about 07.15.
Woman golfer describes Italian contestant in the America v European contest as follows :
“He doesn’t seem like a typical Italian and fly off the handle”.
Sofa-sloths don’t challenge this stereotype. If Boris had done so, we’d still be reeling.
Woman golfer goes on to say that she doesn’t like Tiger Woods!! Oh dear, tumble weed… She then says that his attitude towards children and fans on the course plus the hostility of his bouncers made her think this way.
Sofa-sloth hastily comments that ‘it’s difficult for stars’.
Sunday Morning Live – yawn ! usual suspects prattling on.
Another glottal stop Asian (to join Fazir Shaheen) – Maya Goodfellow, Researcher and Journalist who, surprise surprise, works for the Guardian and Media Diversity (?) – no me neither.
Where do they find these people ??? We see a talking head, and suddenly they’re pulled in for every debate/opinion/press review going etc etc. Nice work if you can get it.
The bloody woman is on Sky now ! previewing the papers !! there’s no escape.
Listening to Radio 4’s Food programme now. It used to be an informative show presented by people like the much missed Derek Cooper. Now I am listening to a woman with that peculiar hybrid Jamaican / south London accent that seems to be everywhere. She’s interviewing mainly BAME interviewees about vegan food, especially jerk vegan food..
Even on commercial radio there are adverts advertising products with this Jamaican / south London accent, most notably for KFC and McDonald’s but also for a host of other things.
Unfortunately my bus stop in Birmingham city centre is right beside a KFC and McDonald’s restaurants so I get to see on a regular basis gangs, aggressive begging, anti-social behaviour, fights and stabbings committed on shoppers, commuters and each other by the ‘owners’ of this accent. But these incidents, as well as the stabbings, murders and acid attacks seem to be ignored by the BBC for the greater good of diversity.
By the way, I haven’t seen the report by OFCOM this week on any of the BBC news channels saying that ethnics are OVER REPRESENTED on the BBC.
More matters German: ‘Die Welt’ reports the credible and highly respected Emnid survey/poll finding the AfD to be the SECOND largest party in Germany, having overtaken the socialist SPD (Which -incidentally- provides Steinmeier, the Federal President and Maas, the toxic ‘anti-right’ foreign minister, i.a.) Steinmeier looks untenable to me. The ‘Grand coalition’ of CDU/SDP also does. Let’s see them collapse. The paper also reports Lindner, leader of the FDP (think LibDumbs), observing that the only response of the establishment and the media is to ‘denounce’ the voters who support the AfD.
This is a little like UKIP overtaking Labour in the UK to become second largest after the Conservatives.
We live in hope.
Sorry, Ronaldo. Belief is now what counts. We await Katty’s verdict with bated breath.
That major Momentum mole at Tory HQ has been at it again. Last time it was clever suggestions like taxing pensioners and repealing the hunting laws that turned a majority into a hung parliament at a stroke. Now naïve and irretrievably stupid Treesa has been duped into thinking that spending the odd billion on a ‘Festival of Britain’ will be money well spent, greeted with rapture by a population only too keen on bread, circuses and Strictly Come Prancing .
Naturally, its main theme will be the richness of diversity with the new Dome of Discovery flanked by minarets and the Festival Guides chosen from the Roma community, the whole extravaganza another production gem from the wonderfully fertile mind of Danny Boyle.
What’s happening in Denmark ?
A ‘False alarm’ yesterday ?
I hear there’s something rotten in that state. I also believe there’s something rotten in many other parts of Europe.
Hmm. Europe (NOT EU, despite the flags) just won the Ryder Cup. And on the BBC headlines? McIlroy, Rose, Fleetwood lose. Nice to see our national broadcaster supporting the Brits
Could the 20+ women sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton not be brought to Washington in the Kavanaugh hearings to counter balance the argument on presumption of innocence?
Would love to see any of them alongside that shrieking harridan that attacked Flake in the lift.
What about the racist behviour of Ms Clinton in their campaign against Obama ? conveniently swept under the carpet also, some pretty lumpy carpets chez Clinton
If you relied on the beebistan to know what’s really going on in the world (big mistake) you might think that all is sweetness and light with the religion of peace, paedophilia and terrorism. No big terrorist attacks in recent weeks, nothing to see here.
Not so. The low level attacks in the West, and mayhem in other parts of the world, continue unabated, and of course unreported by our most trustworthy.
For truthful reporting, see some of the sites below. Quick, before they’re banned.
According to the latter, in August alone there have been
164 Attacks, 868 Killed, 806 Injured, 16 Suicide Blasts, in 27 Countries.
Chapter and verse here:
Salam alaikum everybody.
The primary responsility of government is to protect ITS people, each and every government in Europe is failing in that primary duty by pandering to these barely civilised animals, rapist, violent, racist thugs posing as relgious adherents and refugees. THEREFORE PROVING THEMSELVES NOT FIT TO GOVERN.
Lets hope Brexit allows THE PEOPLE to change the “racism” laws that have ruined Europe, failed so many teenage girls, ruined for life .and the many other victims of these animals, facilitated crime and allowed free reign to so many who hide behind these laws : time to listen to the victims and not the “racism” whines of the perpetrators.
Sadly I’m not convinced Brexit will make much difference, at least short-term.
The rot is too deep and too widespread; the Ropers and their treacherous, cowardly lib/left allies too numerous, too entrenched and too influential.
In plain Anglo-Saxon: we’re fucked.
The only alternative then is civil war and mass protest which is becoming ever more likely as the indigenous population’s basic civil rights are eroded at the expense of criminals hiding behind racism laws any conflict with one of these and it their first response.
And also the right to be represented proportionally in the media with OUR interests represented and not to have, for example, mixed marriages thrown at us way out of any proportion and 8 % muslims and their endless whinges dominating the headlines over and over
Annuaki – I do now think that major civil war/unrest is now more likely than not. The hounding and demonisation of Tommy Robinson by the cowardly establishment and media for telling the truth shows just how much these bastards have vested, in the destruction of our culture and in our replacement.
Whilst it will be amusing seeing Tommy skewering Sky news in the courts over the interview with Jason Greasestain (or whatever his name is) this is only a small sideshow. – I was always cynical but It really does make me wonder how much “news” the MSM actually manufacture to fit their shitty, lying narrative.
As Vlad said we are fucked and we have little time to act before the realities of the situation kicks in.
Lets hope the sheepie wake up in time
Our government will not protect us and we now have no go areas for the indigenous population, we will end up looking after ourselves whatever our duplicitous “laws” , Police and useless goverment tell us, for the sake of our families, children and yes, OUR culture, so sick to the back teeh about hearing about their communhies and kultcha
Was at a village cricket match a while ago and a muzzie pushed his way through the small crowd on the village green, took his shoes off in their midst and got his prayer mat out… sickening to see he could have done this anywhere but iss his kulcha innit and his right…and absolutely no respect for our culture that does not want to smell his feet and watch his pathetic demonstration
The sheeple, I’m afraid are comatose. They will continue to swallow the bull peddled by the media, all of it.
All broadcast media, and most of the print.
While the electorate continue consuming their diet of bread and circuses we truly are ‘fucked’ as has been said.
The only credible party that can field candidates to make a token show is UKIP, a party seemingly to have been on a self destruct mission.
They can recover somewhat under Batten, but even UKIP has too many who think Battens anti islam views are wrong, backed of course by Farridge.
It will take a miracle to get UKIP even back to their previous 14% support, let alone enough to win seats.
I would have previously thought ( and said) a big enough terrorist outrage would wake the sheeple from their stupor, but post Manchester, London Bridge, countless paki rape gangs, ad nauseam, the sheeple still think ‘Stenders is reality.
I’m very concerned that even with a nominal Brexit we will not see a robust immigration regime introduced. This Government has constantly delay any announcements and of course we all know what Corbyn will do.
There’s no guarantee that any future immigration system will actually reduce net migration at all. All we have at the moment from the Tories is that there may be reduced EU numbers but increased numbers from elsewhere including no doubt Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan etc who all profess a certain religion and have already introduced a whole new world of murderous violence into our lives.
6:30pm BBC 2 is a prog about Kensington histort
…. but cos BBC has pet issues they title it
: Before Grenfell
\\. Those local to the area share their memories of the dramatic events that shaped their community – from exploitation by notorious landlord Peter Rachman in the 1950s,
to the first Notting Hill race riots,
and the construction of Grenfell Tower in the 1970s. //
“Britain’s most unequal borough””
..No it’s a rich borough, whereas Scunthorpe is not so “unequal”
purely cos there no super-rich for the poor to be compared with.
Al Beeb’s news website headlines tell us that Mrs May ‘believes in Brexit’.
Further down they post an image of “Tories against Brexit”.
What are they trying to tell us? Mrs May believes in fairies?
We all know what Al Beeb believes in. Propaganda.
This country voted Out, not ………..Hard Brexit, Soft Brexit, Cold Brexit, Hot Brexit, Toffee Brexit or Brexit with chips.
All these alternatives were introduced by the ‘remainer Tories’ who have an interest in remaining in the EU as a fudge to delay our break for freedom to allow the propaganda to change the outcome of the referendum.
Our forefathers fought two World Wars for our freedom and democracy. Now our leaders are prepared give it away on a plate for self interest.
The aim? To channel the internet news seeker to, ‘reliable’ and ‘unbiased’ news sources such as the EU State Broadcasters. No doubt the current UK Marxist Government and their lackeys in the Far Left Marxist BBC are frantically devising means whereby the public cannot access any objective real news. Their friends in the NWO have already put pressure on the Social Media operators. Expect more choking off soon.
It should be well noted that Ms Clinton spent her time attacking the victims of her husbands sex assaults
Oh dear, Beaky Nugent has spent a whole week reminding us how great Tiger Woods is now he made a ‘comeback’
I was fed up to the back teeth of her droning on every bloody morning following golden-boys major win.
Well, he won sod all this weekend, I wonder if she will tell us?
DC- He lost all 4 of his matches, despite a special ‘Profile’ on R4 and much hype from the beeb and other MSM. They’ll be disappointed.
Quite, I think they had to deepclean the brekkie sofa of Beaky’s wet patches after she finished beatifying her new hero of all time.
Wonder what she’ll say now?
Al Beeb reports that “Foreign buyers could face new housing tax”. All this to fund the growing number of rough sleepers.
How about not paying the EU the big billion pound ‘divorce settlement’ and scrapping Foreign Aid?
This would generate enough money to build a house for each ‘Sleeper’.
“Growing number of rough sleepers.”
Shortage of housing – Elephant in the Room – Too many people coming in to the country.
Simples !
Pug – Is this Nick Bryant? All the BBC US correspondents more or less hate Trump and try to outdo one another in negative reporting on him. The whole Kavanaugh thing is such an obvious anti-Trump project, the facts, truth or justice are almost irrelevant. For the Sopels, Bryants, O’Donaghues etc. this whole issue is a chance to go with the CNN line, trying to promote Democratic party interests, and score a point against a Trump nominee.
We call this site BIASED BBC, and you’ll never get better proof of extreme bias and one-sided reporting than when Trump is involved.
Countryfile : Oneblack presenter ?
.. nope they have 2 black presenters this week Sean Fletcher and Margherita Taylor
..both from London probably
… and then Tom Heap is doing his country-crisis story this week
, and it’s about County Lines drug dealing
..and bumph there’s a photo of the convicted dealer on out screen ..who is also black
they come back to the story and interview a drug mule with hidden profile
..but you can see her hands and neck are black
Margarita is also on the radio at 9pm
I go on loads of country walks and switched on countryfile to see.. yes you have guessed, a wimmin presenter whos kulcha I only ever see on the mean streets of Luton and London, try driving around Norfolk and Suffolk compare and contrast to London and Luton
FFS Countryfile themselves tweeted yesterday
Are they both London ?
“Margherita Taylor : Date of birth: 26 July 1972 (age 46 years) Place of birth: Islington, London
Danish and Trinidadian descent , seems London based except when she worked in Birmingham in 1993
“Sean Fletcher (age 44 years) Place of birth: New York City, New York, United States”
Residence London, United Kingdom
Born in New York City to a Zimbabwean-born mother and English father,
Went to a private school in Essex then London Uni, but has worked a fair amount in Wales
Today Sean presented Songs of Praise from Lambeth

..the star was a local female boxer
What about the countryfile segments with white people ?
– Now we have Matt plugging the “please help in the poorly children CHARIDY ramble can ssend your money to…”
– We’ve had Craven banging on about the winner of their CHARIDY ffing calendar
– And Adam was at the hop farm
– Margarita was drinking juice at the cider farm
You missed out the ‘diverse’ drug dealer enriching the West Country.
Countryfile is a just a pc diatribe now. Gardeners world going the same way. Multiculti estuarial accent presenters. Little evidence of real gardening expertise.
Sean Fletcher will no doubt be on next year’s Strictly, following in the footsteps of his former sports colleague Ore Oduba – who was also pushed front and centre at the time of his win, likewise Anita Rani after her appearance, and Nadya after her win on Bake Off. The BBC loves a black winner.
How about charities collecting for overseas victims of muslim wars who are homeless,because daddy spends al his money on guns and bombs, who seem to have endless resources to advertise on primetime TV concentrating on homeless here ?
The rosy glow of warmth which greeted the Labour party conference last week has been replaced by a critical ‘welcome’ to the Tory conference, dragging up last year’s little boobs, emphasizing splits, gloating over problems etc
I notice this, and I’m not even a Tory supporter.
Al Beeb in July …………..”Broadcast TV viewing figures in Wales fell for the fifth consecutive year”
How many of you knew this ? Time to get rid of the Telly Tax.
What is the rest of the UK’s viewing figures ?
We all know that a majority of the indigenous British population is very concerned about the growing percentage of Muslims. It’s not racism, it’s justified concern about the threat to our culture and freedoms of this unpleasant religion. Apart from the violence it’s the sheer growth in numbers of non integrating Muslims, however peaceable, that threatens our future.The MSM simply don’t allow this debate to occur without trying to rubbish those who express concerns. If we ever begin to turn back the Muslim tide it will be thanks to other communications media not the MSM . It’s going to be tough but we cannot afford to fail. TR needs many more speaking alongside him.
more glorious womens football skills
Not one female among this lot. I wonder why?
RE Wales and the BBC they have little relevance to the indigenous population or coverage of their culture or concerns anymore
Maybe if they studied a little geography at school and found some of your your mountains were called black they may get a little more coverage, regarding the lack of representation of the Black Mountains in mountain media ..or too many stop and searches of Black mountaineers or something
NOooo !
We already have some black sheep living up there.
Big gold collars on, pimped up customised sheepdogs, selling “special sheepdip” to the other sheep
Where I come from we have black squirrels, there are already some no go branches and acorns go missing regularly
Message to Al Beeb and our ‘honest’ MPs ……………….“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
Parliament is not listening to its people.
have a peek at the HYS on this
an idiot conflating the EU with Europe again
and who said brexiteers were thick
Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t the Ryder Cup contested for long before the formation of the EU ?
things you cant leave without punishment
The USSR, the mafia , the hells angels, the EU
and of course the BBC
Absolutely correct ! many a true word…..
I left the BBC and feel much better for it .
Isn’t it still the case that if you ask the “average” person about brexit -they just say “why haven’t we left yet?” The Far Left Labour Party conference changed nothing – nor will the Conservative one .
A distraction from hearing the latest poison from Brussels .
I’m trying to work out if the ReichEU decide there is no deal – whether there needs to be any further vote in Parliament as the A50 time limit expires .
Talking pictures TV is broadcasting “ fame is the spur “ which must be a training film for any labour politician selling their soul – but using weasel words to cover it up.
Wouldn’t see that film on al beeb.,
Not on Al Beeb yet but ‘some say’ that Tory MPs call for Nigel Farage to be put in charge of negotiations.
Perhaps Al Beeb with its so called ‘first for breaking news’ will let us know more?
Harder to leave than 3 mobile it seems, and thats going some, still get letters from them
At least the ReichEU will be offended by comparison to the USSR -and even more importantly it should cause grave offence to the Krauts and the East German Haus Frau .
They can never be our ‘friends ‘ – they caused to much harm to Blighty without being made to pay . S
How much did we have to pay the US to help us with their1940s version of the EU ? (no vote allowed that time) maybe we should be demanding a refund of that with compound interest
There is no problem with each portion of the UK population having their fair proportion of TV time
Yet black BBC1 Countryfile was followed by black BBC2 Grenfell story
followed by trailers for: “Black Hollywood” “They’ve Gotta Have Us”
Did like that story in the BBC daily paper about councils changing the name of ‘ black history month’ to “ ethnic minority month” or similar – upset Dawn “ appropriation “ Butler so cant be bad .
Wonder when they’ll have a “ whitee month?”
I feel a complaint coming on again, although it is a waste of time as they just fob you off and fail to acknowledge ones concerns, black this black that muslim this muslim that FFS are we in Africa or the Middle East ?
interesting that the more civilised and tolerant a society becomes the more it gets dragged down by immigrant scum who will gravitate to its open culture with benefits for those who do not work, , who can spot what they preceive, in their evolutionary backwardness as a a weakness and exploit it, and bring their own intolerances and hatred with them, which is maybe why the human race is doomed
We’re doomed, doomed I say
I think civility and tolerance tempered with common sense are fine.It’s the naivety of the public and the treachery of some of our so called leaders and opinion makers which threatens our national and cultural survival. Our swamp runs deep and malodorous and it’s going to take a very strong patriot to drain it. Perhaps a prayer might help.
The professor in question is Sir Geoff Palmer and his places of education, as listed in Wikipedia, include both Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt Universities. I would have no idea how to put a value on the benefit he has received from participating in these places of learning but I sincerely hope that neither of these two institutions are ever found to have had any links to slavery lest he were to find himself accused in the Court of Public Opinion of hypocrisy. I can’t imagine, either, that Glasgow University stands as the sole beneficiary of slavery from the whole of Scotland. What is clear is then is that The Good Professor has himself benefited from the so-called beneficiaries of slavery.
“Judge not that ye not be judged”.
Bryant should cover his bias better – but he his comfortable in the swamp with career politicians than unconventional types like D. Trump who actually get stuff done.
Those beeboids will be so depressed when republicans do ok in the mid terms – they’ll need therapy when The Donald wins a second term.
Maybe Trump appeals to those who feel that government should prioritise the security of their country and its people which actually is their primary function
Will I be in on October 10 ?
Blather blather we could come on October 10 or any other time yap yap you can tell us if you don’t need a licence blah blah we see a lot of people mutter mutter etc .
Tell you what BBC bling bling I might be in on October 10 natter natter but might not rhubarb rhubarb might buy the licence ho ho but might not woof woof .
Nibor – I’ve got two letters with that date … quite difficult to flush…
I’m jealous of you FU2 because you said you had a visit from them . I now feel lonely , shall I tell them I’m an ethnic minority ?
A traveller ?
Woof woof best, the dog ate my license but happy for Capitas to receive it in due course, signed on delivery
Lenina Wood comes third in Plaid Cymru leadership contest. Never mind, Wales is unlikely to become another Cuba or Venezuela now.
Brill, does that mean we won’t have to see her on QT again?? Please say it’s so!
erm … Adam Price is a full on lefty. Brighter than most Assembly members for sure, but a deep believer in tax and spend. Oh and borrowing.
There was a choice of far left or far left. Besides the ‘plank’ ( Wood), Adam Price, or new kid on the block Rhun ap Iorwerth, the died in the wool bbc automaton.
All of them like to espouse that ‘wales has always been a welcoming country’ or code words for all of the third world can come here.
They occupy a very narrow band of support because of that leftism.
Even in the days when Labour had turned toxic, Plaid totally failed to hoover up disaffected labour voters, even allowing UKIP a massive presence at the last election.
UKIP were of course helped by the Proportional aspect of the voting system, but still Plaid fail to undetstand just why they dont resonate with Mr average.
In twenty years time, plaid will still be wondering why they have failed.
She ll get a job with al beeb Wales – or maybe the new QT lady host. I know she lives in a village but is she Gay?
Dunno mate