The BBC party conference has now passed and the MSM prepares its annual full scale assault on any political view with which it disagrees.
We will have plenty of evidence of bias to record – perhaps just too much . Let’s hope the outgoing PM remembers her cough mixture this time .
Kaiser September 30, 2018 at 7:28 pm
“things you cant leave without punishment
The USSR, the mafia , the hells angels, the EU and of course the BBC”
And worst of all, have you ever tried to cancel a Readers’ Digest subscription?
sorry forgot islam my bad
It has been observed that the defenition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, so why do so many on here watch BBC programmes like question time and repeatedly ecpress their frustration ? do they just enjoy being disappointed ? once is enough for me
The BBC2 Grenfell prog build up a narrative, then there was a 5 minute teary seg with a black woman to finish

the BBC covered themselves for balnce by putting up a Kensigton Council screen
Of course I don’t trust that council, but ststement was a mere blip on the screen, so fast you couldn’t read it
100 something flats
£235m new properties
please someone burn my foookin shit house down
£235M for 307 homes4 Grenfell survivors
+£30m Lancaster West Est refurb
Doesn’t the rest of the country have a “wealth gap” with the Grenfell survivors ?
Near the building a BIG CLAIM was made
In 1864 “They built a wall to separate rich and poor”
I find no pre 2018 reference claiming that.
But here says that Richardson family was building Norland into a posh estate with sewers etc.
but needing money he sold north to their tenant brickmaker Morrison
that land being poor he crammed in houses4 his workers etc
“Morrison and his associates lined the long straight streets which were now to be formed with as many small terrace houses as they could cram in, and the range of houses on the north side of Darnley Terrace and St. James’s Gardens provides to this day a social as well as a physical barrier between the two portions of the original estate.”
The prog claimed a road was to go across that line, but never got built
And the text just above that which I quoted says the same ,
BUT it doesn’t make a claim that this was a ruse against the poor.
another typo : “near the beginning “
Maybe they could do a series about grenfell fraudsters – 13 parts an hour each could do it – all the way to Christmas .
Exactly, narrative vs news there are only black victims hmm have a closer look at our poor immigrants…
such enrichment and vibrancy
Looks like Katty needs to crank it up another notch.
Are there any Remainers reading this site with evidence of Al Beeb Pro-Brexit Bias ?
Now that Labour are a busted flush, who will Al Beeb support?
Mrs Chamberlain or Bojo?
Al Beeb headlines ………..
“Brexit: UK ‘would forever regret’ losing carmakers – minister”
How about this ?- Europe would forever regret losing customers for all the cars they sell us?
What Katty cheerfully admits to not being able to do gains anotherr Entry.
And her inability to not do so is the actual reason for this ‘analysis’.
The fall of the great temple of Socialism, the USSR, was traumatic event for leftists. They never forgave Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan for their part in bringing about that fall. The BBC still hate Thatcher.
But the embittered leftists were still present in the West. They started what is now known as the “Long March” through our institutions, primarily the universities, and the BBC, churning out droves of leftist bots.
The strategy to bring the Western world under socialism was to use unrestricted immigration as a means to change the demographic nature of the West, and Climate Change, to bring about a global taxation policy, coupled to energy generation and use. Brilliant.
In the US, Obama , and in Europe, the EU, both were signed up to it. They even forced China and India to sign up or else.. All was looking good.
Then the unpredictable happened – Hillary was defeated, and Trump became the president. Pres Trump has already broken with the Climate Change accords. His argument is that the US is a sovereign nation, and cannot allow its tax policy to be set for it by the UN. This was clearly set out in his recent speech to the UN.
So now here we are at the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh to the SCOPUS. If its successful, Pres Trump will be able to overrule Obama judges to stop Trump’s restrictive immigration policy.
The battle for the soul and the survival of the West as a Western entity is coming to a head. This battle will be fought with increasing bitterness and hatred. I pray that it doesn’t become physical even as leftists try to make it so.