The BBC and mainstream media will spend a bit of time working out how President Trump’s nominee was appointed to the US Supreme Court despite the MSM onslaught against him . Then it’s back to fighting the November elections on behalf the Democrat Party .
Meanwhile at home we will witness the BBC undermining Brexit negotiations by blaming any piece of bad news on the People’s vote of 2 years ago .
Just a small plea again – language moderation is requested Please …
First for the third time,
Dda iawn !
Well done 🙂 .
you’re just plain greedy !!
Deborah, you count?
Ooops, sorry!
You count.
Sorry to erm, “rain on the parade” but please be seriouuuuuuuus 😀
the fate of the planet is at stake …
BBC News – Final call to save the world from ‘climate catastrophe’
“Scientists might want to write in capital letters, ‘ACT NOW, IDIOTS,’ but they need to say that with facts and numbers,” said Kaisa Kosonen, of Greenpeace, who was an observer at the negotiations. “And they have.”
noggin, that same Kaisa Kosonen came out with this: “Both poles are melting at an accelerated rate; ancient trees that have been there for hundreds of years are suddenly dying….”
I am afraid that that is indicative of the level of knowledge and science that these ‘environ – mental’ NGOs work at.
I hope the IPCC has members that are a leeetle more knowledgeable about the poles, especially the one in the northern hemisphere but sometimes I have my doubts.
bloody women……..
We have had two years of Al Beeb and the libtard media pumping out daily calls for a ‘peoples vote’ – why is it allowed?
Because ‘Mrs Chamberlain’ and her so called ‘conservatives’, all with their noses in the EU trough, are remainers and are trying to brainwash us.
We the British people have been let down.
Yeah it stinks. I wish we had a leader with balls like Trump fighting relentlessly for us and putting all the swamp dwellers to the sword.
Have they adopted a line to take on SurBob’s latest rant yet? They are fairly savvy on marching powder puff albatross celebs on occasion, and after his champagne cruise may feel he is best tucked away these days.
Anyway, in the spirit of impartial balance…. enjoy…
And to think, I used to dread Mondays.
ITV have wisely avoided the lead signatory.
Sadly, still, #CCBGB
This definitely a WTF Monday morning news item…so all the singers will stop singing no one in Europe will go to their concerts…exactly how will Brexit impact the vast pockets of the above faces?
I think we have now entered the anti Brexit phase where they just list any subject and say Brexit will destroy it – without any real substance – helped by the MSM
It’s a wonder the BBC hasn’t tried to scare us, the ghastly common plebians, by saying If we leave the EC, we may get kicked out of the Eurovison Song Contest, or even worse, not get kicked out but never win it again.
Excellent news indeed!
No more squealy falsetto nobodies, no more crappers, no more groaning old women – marvellous!
Does this mean no more Beatles ?
What music scene?
‘”leading British musicians” ??? well, its good to start the day with a laugh.
The Beatles broke up before we joined Europe, so although Paul McCartney is neutral on Brexit. Ringo Starr has described his impatience for Britain to “get on with” Brexit, declaring that “to be in control of your country is a good move”. Also before we joined, Britain came first or second in the Eurovision Song Contest in ten of the fifteen contests in which Britain was not a member of Europe.
So at one vote for Brexit and no votes for Remain. The fab four are in favour of Brexit.
Just imagine, if we hadn’t been in the E.U. the Beatles would never have been able to get their start in Hambu … oh, hang on.
Mind, the attendees costs has to fall within the UN/Soros’ budget.
GW, great post, esp. that last line.
Re the slebs who crave the smack of Brussels as we are expected to live under Junckers empties, Verhofstads brylcreem bounce?
Any chance of them doing a day long festival, flying between Brussels and London as they play their latest hit from 1983?
What a bill…Rod, U2, Sting, Ed, Lily and all the others.
No doubt Roger Waters and his Jew baiting cartel, as well as Radiohead-who only copy Pink Floyd anyway.
“Do You Think I`m sexist?”
“Won`t get food again”…let alone “fuel”.
Portaloo? Portaloo Sunset?
Count me in! Give em yer fookin` munney yer rayziztz!
” Young people with deposits still cannot buy homes ”
No mention of too many people coming in to the country?
Why doesn’t the government do something about it?
Seems to flummox bbc cousins CNN too.
What these Left liberal multiculturalists never bring up is why it’s okay for Muslim countries (which is where most ‘refugees/migrants are from) do not seem to embrace multiculturalism and want to keep their culture intact whilst complaining when others (Christian) want to do the same.
Baffles me
For me, the answer is quite simple. Every other religion hates Christ, Christianity and Christians. That includes the religion of atheism. They all want to extinguish Christianity from the earth and will stop at nothing to achieve that goal. Europe being a white continent these haters can mask their hatred by cloaking it in a veil of racism.
As an atheist I take exception to this post. I do not hate Christianity, and we celebrate Christmas as a customary time for gift giving with no otjer significance. I think the world would be a better place if there were no organised religions which have one purpose and one side-effect.
The purpose of any religion is to collect ‘tribute’ to keep its owners (the hierarchy who claim to be the sole access to their god{s}) in luxury.
The side effect is that most of the wars in history have been based on one religion’s animosity to its rivals.
The side effect is that most of the wars in history have been based on one religion’s animosity to its rivals.
Christianity is the most benign and peaceful religion or ideology there is. The only time it was used in offence was the Crusades. The Crusades was instigated and organised along Christian lines. It was a 300 years late belated response to the continuous persecution and massacre of Christians in the Middle East after Islam conquered that region. Christians in the ME were beseeching Western Christians to help them. It led to lots of soul searching among monks of the rightness of waging war. Many Christians even refused to join the Crusader army. The only ones were private soldiers of dukes and nobility who wished either penance points or booty.
As for the wars within Europe, they were wars for power, each king or the pope claiming to be divine rulers over Europe, appointed by God and Jesus. Yet in Christianity, the king is to be lower in status then the lowest servant, with no claim to power – a servant king.
At the time, people knew no better as the Bible was not generally available, and most people were illiterate.
Meanwhile the persecution and Jihad against Christians continues. See Barnabas Fund or Open Doors.
“The only time it was used in offence was the Crusades.”
The French Wars of Religion, just for starters? Your attempt to draw a distinction between wars of religion and “wars for power” to explain violence within Europe doesn’t really hold water. Power and religion are not mutually exclusive.
Anne, it also needs to be remembered that ‘the Christian church’ (small c deliberate) has not always been true to her Lord, Apostles teaching and, above all, Biblical revelation. Hence the desire of an apostate Church to snuff out a bunch of revivalists.
How many deliberate, offensive (as opposed to defensive) wars have been (fully) Christian led in the last 501 years?
The French wars of religion were primarily about succession to the throne of France. Power that is. Most wars, in even in nominally Christian nations is about power. Christianity is not about this world , but salvation in the next, therefore war is not a consideration. The only war that Christians wage is against the spiritual powers bent on chaos.
A Christian though is required to obey the law. Even go to war if the king commands . However if the law requires to disobey the commands of Jesus, the Christian is required to pay the penalty- whatever that is. Even in the modern era many Christians will not wage war, but do take part on the ftront rescuing the wounded. Damn sight more dangerous. No surprise, for the Christian , this world is transitory.
Earthly power and Christian faith are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but faith and the example of Jesus, do not rest easy with earthly power. As Jesus said ” No man can serve two masters”.
The great genocidal wars of Europe were the children of atheism, when Europe’s rulers lost faith, and didn’t have the remnants of faith to restrain them. Human life was no longer sacred but just flesh. Wars were not for winning but annihilating people as a class. Alexander Solzynetsin, Dostoyevki make that point.
I’m still trying to think when Christianity was used as a main ideological and spiritual reason to wage war, apart from the Crusades. Of course rulers have used Christianity as a rallying cry to fight wars, offensive or defensive. The expulsion of Muslim Turkish forces from Europe is one example.
Thank you for your response
Power, or money, and hence control.
As a nipper, as ‘the troubles’ saw kids being blown up by our future PM’s mates, well, the longer established ones, for the life of me I could not work out how two red headed Micks in identical C&A parkas, cheap jeans and trainers could be best mates or deadly enemies only once the division of Sky pixie they supported had been clarified.
David R, I think you may be exceptional! You probably are anyway. But John-i-c has a point. Europe (& UK within it) and North America are de-Christianising at a frantic pace as far as I can see.
As evidence to support j-i-c, I would point out that in the present EU as well as Europe, there two countries that currently are resisting this de-Christianising: Hungary and Poland.
Have you noticed how the BBC treats the political leaders and other spokespersons from those two countries?
John in Cheshire
You are right. Everyone hates Christianity – the very foundation of Western civilisation. It brought peace to Europe. It brought compassion and mercy to the conquered where once the defeated were slaughtered or enslaved.
Christianity is thus not of this earth. That is why everyone hates it. Atheist mass murders – marxists and their offspring – Lenin, Stalin, Mao Pol Pot etc hate it. Hitler despised Christianity as the religion of the low and humble. He preferred the warrior German and Viking religions . Islam hates it as Christianity does not seek earthly conquest, while Islam does.
j-i-c, you forgot Judaism which is the ‘other sheepfold’ or ‘other flock’ – see John chapter 10 – but include them, too, and you are just as correct.
Up2snuff, I didn’t omit Judaism, I said all other religions and Christianity is not Judaism. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have killed more Christians than anyone else, although the muslims might just have won that accolade. But I don’t want to be accused of a hate crime for voicing my opinion.
j-i-c, then sadly you have them on the wrong side. Yes you are right about the past, even more sadly there has been antipathy & hostilities in that past between both groupings, mostly built around the calumny that ‘the Jews killed Jesus’.
Judaism & Christianity are two equally revelatory faiths, rather than religions in the strict sense of that word. The first is the foundation of the second. The second is the fulfilment and explanation of the first. The Messiah was quite clear about this – in advance of the fact!
For the first few years the true church was entirely Jewish. Then in fulfilment of Jesus command to his entirely Jewish disciples in Matthew 28, v19 & 20, Gentiles were added to the church. Acts 10 contains the account of a God-fearing Roman Gentile becoming a disciple of Jesus and part of the early church.
Jews & Christians worship, in effect, the same God but many Jews deny that Jesus is the Messiah and are, shall we say, a bit lapsed in some other ways. St Paul (as a Jew and fully trained Pharisee/Rabbi) explains this relationship and state of Jews & Judaism in the middle of his epistle to the Romans.
Thankfully and increasingly so since the mid-19th century, many, many Jews have come to understand and believe that Jesus of Nazareth is their Messiah, Lord and Saviour.
JA – It’s called conquest.
What baffles me is the stupidity and willful blindness of those being conquered.
Can’t agree more…I am not religious but I do try to live by Christian values and that’s part of the weakness for Christianity – it is open to other views..try not being a Muslim in a muslim country…
Europe was saved once from the hoardes of Islamic evil that rode across our lands only saved before the Gates of Vienna in the late 17th Century, but now those walls have tumbled to the invasion of what was once so bravely fought off. how stuperfyingly imbecilic we have allowed oursleves to become, seemingly ignorant of what is before us or more profoundly what is before our children and those yet to be born.
In Muslim countries, churches are burnt, sometimes along with the congregation. Pastors and their families are murdered. Christians can get only menial jobs like street and latrine cleaners. There is also the ever present danger that if the Christian sweeper touches a fragment of a paper on the street that can be traced to the koran, he and his family are dead meat.
But the left has no problems with that. They are OK with the genocide of Christians.
NCBBC, same also in countries with other majority religions.
Dalits are already forced to do that sort of work and nothing changes if they become Christians in Hindu India.
In Eastern Europe in the Communist era, a place of atheism, the outwardly keen, Bible believing Christian was likely to suffer educational and employment disadvantages if not complete removal from society to insane asylums. Similar treatment was meted out in China (or far, far worse during the Cultural Revolution) and other parts of East Asia/s-e Asia.
Then the same has been true or is still true in parts of Africa.
Then there is Eire. It was very hard at one time to be a Protestant, evangelical Christian in parts of the Republic. Same in Central and Latin America, although again a big change has come with major ongoing revivals in Argentina and Brazil and the growth of indigenous Christian churches in other S, American nations.
I bet Mr Szijjarto won’t be seen on MSM in Blighty very often . This looked a bit like a Cathy Newman interview where the beliefs are thoughts were so disconnected that the dragon doing the interview would freeze up like Microsoft IT…
Shame he stayed calm in a way …
She says that Hungary doesn’t have a regugee population problem, so why introduce those laws. She is clearly too stupid to see that it is those laws that stop Hungary having that problem.
If they hadn’t closed their borders the population of only 10 million would be swamped now. Well done Hungary.
Please dont be too harsh on her. She is a journalist.
She hasn’t got where she is today by using her brains.
Goodness why don’t we apply the same rejections? Soft bellied that is what has become of us. The following sums it up perfectly: …what is happening now is a betrayal of the dead who gave us such a firm foundation to destroy at our affluent leisure and a condemnation of those yet to be born who will spend their short, brutal lives in the chains we are permitting primitive alien cultures to forge for them. We are the damned if we continue in this vein, and history will record us as such.
That is perspective.
Should have 17 million + likes.
Brexit will be the first step.
“In rural areas the temperatures will be lower than you see on the chart”
So admits our Carol Kirkwood. Wrapped up in her anorak she seems somewhat anxious to impress on us how it’s going to be warmer than usual over the coming week. I wonder why? Anything to do with the BBC’s big push on Global Warming today?
‘Third of girls harassed in school uniform.’
Another Groundhog story. It is remarkable that for all their funding and wherewithal there are only a handful of topics they ever report on.
In Rotherham and other places it is a great deal more than mere harassment – perhaps the BBC could do one of their ‘special reports’ into that?
The girl they interview is Malikah from Birmingham! Perhaps she had been molested by Jon Worboys, that white taxi driver rapist who was given blanket news coverage for months and was single handedly responsible for all U.K. rapes according to the BBC. No such coverage for the many ‘Asian’ taxi drivers. Plus if Worboys wanted his mates or family to join in they would beat him up and call the Police, whereas with our vibrant friends it seems to be a legitimate leisure activity where everyone joins in.
That nobody from the ‘community’ could inform the authorities shows that we are dealing with irreconcilably different ways of seeing the world; just as I could never conceive of murdering my daughter because she ‘dishonoured’ me.
At our age, that is rather the point of dressing as a schoolgirl.
Doubtless, it will all be down to seedy blokes on the top deck of buses in Wolverhampton or Rusholme.
After school, detentions a speciality. Before school is harder for the pervs locally. We all know.
Not down to our antics at BarOne after work when someones getting hitched.
Did I go there? I think I did.
“I’m not biased, it’s your caveman brain”
Lightweight makeweight bloke on the all female BBC Breakfast Dan Walker is at pains to point out for us a press report on some research on football fans. This explains the differing interpretation of the same events due to their allegience to their team – the result of an inherent (indeed ancient) tendency to tribal loyalty. Our Dan seems a little sensitive to the accusations of bias when he’s in his football presentation role.
But I wonder how far he would want to go with this line of argument? Would he admit, for instance, that there is a natural tendency for people of a certain nationality or cultural background to be united in their world view – that’s a bit radical for the institutionally relativist, multi-culty, diversity-is-strenght BBC.
The only logical conclusion…
What a load of complete rubbish is Dr Who-Once many moons ago my younger brother watched the first Dr Who and now yrs later cannot beleive that it has become adult watching-why are such progs still being made? Dullards they would make of us.
I think I might be one of the few that has never watched a single episode of Dr Who. My brother would hide behind the sofa when it first began – I was too old and too busy being a teenager. Then I considered it to be too juvenile as I got older, and in later years I was still too old for BBC style sci-fi.
All these bloody feminists who think they’re embarking on something new with chucking a female in a lead role at every opportunity, weren’t even born decades ago, when we had the best all female programme of all – Cagney & Lacey !!
Same here Briss.
It`s a boy thing. Not once have I watched it, nor will I ever.
Like Sci Fi and car racing, a complete waste of all our time.
My boys say there are big truths to be had though, but life is too short.
But never for moaning about the BBC when I don`t even watch it.
Oh yes, and The Gentle Touch and dare I mention Juliet Bravo. All intelligent drama series with strong women.
Brissles, Cagney & Lacey have recently had a re run on Channel 5 and are just as good 35 years on. Juliet Bravo was on the excellent Drama channel, one of my favourites and The Gentle Touch is currently on the excellent Talking Pictures channel.
AS & Brissles, wot!
No Farscape?!!!
The glorious Claudia Black and gormless Ben Browder & odious Wayne Pygram.
Female Peacekeepers rock!
Let me guess? The new bad guys that the new doctor has to fight s the ‘far right’ whoever they are…
Bravo Cassandra but surely it’s, Doctor What The . . . . ?
Is that a Sonic Screwdriver or are you just pleased to see me? (Gulp . . . !)
Rainbow flag OK. But I see no Identity marker for BTQ.
Never liked Dr Who. But the best was Peter Davison . He brought humour to the series, which just about made it watchable, as otherwise it took itself seriously.
There’s this thing the bbc does where it uses others as a childish means to place one degree of separation to their propaganda offorts.
GW – “Taylor Swift breaks political silence in favour of Democrats”
Adult English version.
“Dimbo with the IQ of an Ash tree is told what her opinion is. Convincing nobody.”
“Breaks political silence” Hilarious. We are supposed to believe this is significant.
More PC puke aimed at the juvenile, which, at Broadcasting House, is anyone with a pulse.
Let’s see the BBC put Swift or Geldof on a show with JRM.
It would be funnier and more entertaining if the far-left bbc investigated whether Miss Swift is actually a Satanist. Perhaps an interview with her could crowd out and be used as a reason why the far-left bbc omits so much real news.
I think naming the BBC as far left is giving it a compliment. Its not left or far left but an organisation riven with an identity crisis.
It cannot make any good programs – humour or serious, as making anything good will offend someone. Its the nature in the making anything original and truthful. So the BBC cannot offend anyone that actually exists. The far right though is OK to offend , as it doesn’t exist.
Sounds like a case of:-
Taylor Swift told that in no uncertain terms, she will be involved in a series of ‘unfortunate’ scandals, should she not toe the progressive line.
There is a piece on the FLBBC this morning on the ‘Trump of the tropics’, the Brazilian right wing election contender Bolsonaro (he’s Brazilian, so only one name). Al Beeb describes him as ‘far-right’, but as far as I can see, his only viciousness is that he doesn’t like the high crime rates in his country and would like to do something about it. Doesn’t sound terribly far-right to me. Nothing racist, nothing fascist, just wants to get his country’s house in order. Another victim of the BBC’s far left perspective on things.
American journalist Glenn Greenwald called Bolsonaro “the most misogynistic, hateful elected official in the democratic world”. Now who does this Journalist align himself with and write series for…The Guardian amongst others…Tells you all you need to know..
He is labelled far right because he opposes the far left…..he has views…and at least 46% of the population support him in the first round…as the American Senator said (in jest) about Trump…The People have Spoken..The bastards…
Toady say Bolsonaro is disliked ( and divisive etc) and then say he’s been voted for because Brazilians want anybody but the left wing candidate . The BBC are that stupid .
His party ? Partido Social Liberal
Doesn’t that conflict with the media’s description of him as “Far right”
Someone on YouTube called ‘Florida Maquis’ posts videos about South America. He’s possibly partisan, but then who isn’t. However, since we never get to learn anything about what is happening in South America apart from bits about Venezuela, his video reports form an interesting window on life in that part of the world.
I dont think the BBC is far left, as that would require a reasoned stance.
The BBC is just confused. All it wants now is that girls and boys in the BBC continue to get loads of money to which they have become accustomed to, and then be left alone. Don’t criticise them as it is hurtful.
I also note there is a concerted media blitz in all the MSM today on the latest UN/IPCC nonsense. If we twiddle the CO2 knob immediately, we can turn the oven down 1.5 degrees. The scary thing is that people believe it.
Yes, fake news by omission, again…
Not forgetting Delingpole, again…
BBC doing their devious best.
Over at ITTB the BBC’s after the event kapo work to intercept complaints is discussed:
I don’t think the IPCC has any causational climate scientists left. If there are any, they are probably newly qualified scientists. All known scientists active in the climate attributional field have resigned or ignore the invitation request, due to the experience of being ignored and sidelined by the tens of thousands of scientifically ignorant politicised delegates.
Also the very core of the issue has been proven to be a hoax. The Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect, used in all those computer models, has been proved false by this scientific paper.
Click to access 0707.1161v4.pdf
Even the only scientist in Parliament, Labour MP Graham Stringer, has been banned by the BBC for pointing out that all those computer models with a ten year prediction, produced more than ten years ago, have been proved wrong due to the Pause/Hiatus/Peak.
So since 1996 we haven’t had any Global warming, due to the 22 year “Peak Warming Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle“. Now Astronomers are talking about the beginning of the 22 year “Global Cooling Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle“. I have even seen reports of this in the media.
Piers Corbyn was on LBC, Nick Ferrari,a short while ago trying to correct the misinformation peddled by the usual claque of doomsayers. Of course, Mr Ferrari made it as difficult as possible for Piers Corbyn to put his argument across.
Shame they make things a bit easier for Pier’s reckless brother Jeremy isn’t it?
It’s just this week’s pretext for rubbishing Trump. Last weeks it was Kavanaugh, this week it is his anti-Paris Accord stance. So transparent …… and desparate.
Todays news on the BBC was all about climate change with just one viewpoint , the temperature will go past 1.5 degr C unless we all die, well not quite but we must change our life styles says some Prof from the UNCC outfit. Why do we pay all these useless people to lie about the Climate? Her air miles must be enormous, at a meeting somewhere in the world yesterday and Norwich today. Hypocracy coming out of her ears like the steaming chimneys they showed, all fake. Why no challenge?
Emirates has five flights per day to Pakistan from Birmingham. Somehow I don’t think it is Mr & Mrs Smith and the kids burning up the air miles.
‘Climate Change’, another little issue that isn’t helped by immigration but, as usual, that is a factor that can never be put into consideration.
Once used that flight en route further. Never again. The lovely Czech stewardess eventually plonked down in the seat opposite for landing and let out the sigh of ages. She I asked if she had enjoyed the flight. ‘Never this leg’ she replied. Must say, a few loos seemed ‘out of order’ but worked fine after the stopover.
I’m guessing it’s tricky to opt for the kosher option on that one …
This cry that the planet needs to be saved NOW or it will be to late, has been the cry for decades.
Ignore it.
I have noted before the plethora of “The pound will be worthless” advertisments.
They must be getting desparate at Soros.HQ.
“Britons are Mad and Furious – Pounds Will Be Abandonded Soon” New to me.
Europhiles are beyond desparate, the Pound Sterling will still be a strong currency when the evil Euro is just a bad memory. Not even exchangeable for Venezuelan Bolivars.
Die EU, just die. Maybe we can be economical and place the BBC in the same, deserved, grave.
I have been working the message MSM will take on the outcome of the midterm US elections – any Democratic win will signal the ‘end of Trump’, as will the proportion of voters voting Republican , or indeed the numbers .
In summary – even if the republics were to increase there majority this will be a ‘ major failure for populists such as President Trump ‘ . We ll see.
One of our favourite impartial BBC lefties , Katty, retweeting this ….
I dont know about you but i got a little feeling that our Katty wasnt a fan of Judge Kavanagh being confirmed …. poor diddums
“Justice Elena Kagan worries about the “legitimacy” of a politically divided Supreme Court”
Her concern is that the Supreme Court is not totally far left.
As it should be, she being an appointee of the treasonous Obama organism.
Of course, no one at the time questioned Kagan’s “legitimacy” to even be a member of the U.S. Supreme Court, seeing as she has absolutely no courtroom experience as a judge and is easily the least experienced member of the Supreme Court in modern times.
Their problem is that if they try to impeach a US supreme judge they need 2 thirds of the senate ….
I knew they’d try the legitimacy issue but in order to resolve that what to they do – go to law ? And where do the appeals end ? The Supreme Court … can a justice recuse themselves ? I think not . But if is absorbs the snowflake energy before their hope is extinguished in November that’s a very good thing .
our wonderful NHS
It’s Monday it’s BBc Breakfast Here we go again. The great climate change lie continues. Anyone there to oppose the lie. Of course not. I’m so fed up with this I’m going to complain for the first time in a long time. I know it’s pointless but it’s really annoying me. Next Graham Norton gets some free advertising time for his new book. Back to the climate change lie apparently “All” the scientific community is behind this.. Campaigner tells us she has changed her diet to a less carbon based one by becoming vegan she has also “tried” to cut down on her flights. oh be still my beating heart the new Doctor. They have been babbling about this on and off since I turned it on. Yep I didn’t watch it.
I’m not a climate change buff and I refuse to take sides but my thinking on the subject has always been biased (like the BBC style of bias), as my own logic tells me that such a Worldwide movement is controlled by the left. Certainly in academia. As a result, I see the mostly invisible hand of the NWO/UN/Soros pulling the strings and fanning the flames.
On a ‘no news’ day, the BBC fall back on climate change, and Sky has its ocean rescue.
This is a complete tangent but I watched HIGNFY for the first time in ages….is it me or has it got more Lefty liberal than it used to be? It wasn’t even that funny (which it used to be) and Paul Merton even seemed fed up with the constant political left diatribe…funniest thing in whole show was Naga (Breakfast TV presenter) being described as a political Journalist..the bar has become lower for journalists
Indeed. Years ago i would look forward to watching HIGNFY but alas, no more. Same with Mock the Week but the worst snowflake central, left wing, sanctamonious , liberal show on the TV is The Last Leg. Mrs Doobster78 likes it, its on sometimes in the background and i can feel my chest tightening when the biggest snowman on the planet Adam Hills starts one his liberal left chats !!!
Haven’t watched it for years. Depressing left wing sneer fest as far as I can see. If Merton is starting to look uncomfortable then the discourse must be truly dire, as I always thought he was left wing through and through himself.
I’ve always liked Paul Merton even though he is certainly a lefty luvvie…..I think HIGNFY has really run its course……it was good 20 years ago when it was just a ‘piss take’ programme aimed at anyone.In relation to the hideous LAST LEG I agree with all the comments on here…..I find it cringeworthy after 5 minutes.Its neither funny or educational, entertaining or enlightening………The funniest programme my family STILL watch is Dad’s Army reruns which we have all seen loads of times!!………
When Capita comes a calling you can say that you only watch the programmes that your grandparents paid for!
I dread to think how nauseatingly woke Dr Who was last night. I can just imagine the dialogue:
“Some think a woman can’t rescue gay black super heroes from evil, but together we can do anything.”
This SJW obsession has infected everything. Nearly half the stories in the Sunday Times yesterday were SJW: we need more black kids in children’s books (might be an idea to focus on the stabbing first); a transgender person said something; so did someone gay. It is just so boring.
I hate how politics has crept into art. I would love a film about a weak and emotional woman being rescued by a strong man with a physical job. You just know in every drama the bad guy will be white; the women will be ‘empowered’; and the heroes will be ‘diverse.’ And when writing artists must have one eye on this nonsense and whether their work is ‘offensive’ which is so Stalinist and oppressive.
I for one am looking forward to this new progressive approach to art, film and the rewriting of history. We need to be sure that equality and empowerment and the truths that lay behind everyday misunderstandings of our past, present and future are flushed out. I enjoy spotting the examples.
1 – according to Danny Boyle those men that fought and died in the wars did it for Europe and for the UK to be governed by Germany and its partners – read his article about not supporting pride in Britain he makes a great point and this is often lost on us and forgotten.
2 – James Bond – should be a woman. The author of the books never intended the star to be a man it just was socially more acceptable at the time. Thankfully now we can rejoice in the removal of stereotype and recognise Jane Bond as a woman or at the very least a pre-op trans lesbian
3 – Martin Luther – why no white female actors? I have a dream one day hopefully.
4 – Space. Totally unacceptable that all woman have not walked on the moon. Besides Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin – who were the first two astronauts to leave their bootprints on the Moon — there were also Pete Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison Schmitt (wiki paste) I think there should be a international effort and a trillion dollars spent to reverse this wrong
5 – Childbirth – thankfully far sighted Hollywood already addressed this issue in 1994 with “Junior” in which the governor of California becomes pregnant and gives birth as a man. 1994 people! – so far sighted we should allow Hollywood to set our social agendas more often…. a-hem…
6 – Women win the vote – lets not forget mens part this story and the positive male role models at the time who supported this – I am sure there were some, somewhere, find them!!
7 – Jesus – was not a white bearded man with an American accent – we can agree on that right?
8 – Romans – the Egyptian woman totally had it over on the Roman bloke – we should hear more about this
9 – noah – only did what he was told by God who as we know is a woman as explained by the helpful BBC R4 presenter just last week I think
10 – Corbyn is not a Woman or a Jew – he needs to work on that
With regards to point 6 Gammon, I’ve had to highlight to my daughters that my Great Grandfather, having returned from serving in India, would have had the right to vote for the first time in his life after the vote was won ‘for women’.
He was one of over 5 million previously disenfranchised men conveniently forgotten about by most if not all of those, championed and led by the rotten, misandrist bBbc, who are intent on rewriting our history.
Every single effin day.
One woman died to get rich women the vote, 700,000 men died to get poor men the vote.
I must confess to being unaware of this and will research (also the point below). It felt to me that there was probably more to the story in the same way as Beeb looked hard to find a women serving on the front lines in the great war.
Anybody hear the item on our favourite Far Left Marxist State Broadcaster earlier on Toady in respect of the Edward Elgar Violin Concerto in B minor, Op. 61?
We learn that a particular violinist is in love with the piece. We are told she is a Albanian British citizen and had been “British” for a long while. In an interview littered with references to her, “home” in Albania, she describes her first concert in which she played the subject piece: not in the UK but, “home” in Albania. “British” – make your own mind up. Unlike her, me and no doubt the bulk of others that contribute here, have no alternative, “home” so when islam has finished terraforming the UK to make it more, ‘acceptable’ for their so-called, “religion” and its cultists, we have nowhere to run. Sobering and indicative of the truth that not all those claiming to be, “British” actually are, never have been and never will. Simply betterment mercenaries in my book.
The Times describes her as Albanian in their title and then
“Alda Dizdari, a stunningly gifted violinist from Albania, now based in London”
and quotes her
Toady interviewing some insurance chap . According to Al Beeb , everyone is more interested in chairmens pay and diversity than dividends going into their pensions !
No everyone isn’t Beeboids , we aren’t bothered by diversity , only you and the Guardian are . You are that stupid .
BBC homepage currently has the following headlines
Four brothers, all models and muslim
Taylor Swift breaks political silence
Far Right candidate wins in Brazil
Climate Change headline
Harrassment in school uniforms
Can violent men ever change
Jeepers creepers, and they wonder why they are losing audience hand over fist.
Would the publicity seeking Miss Swift get such an extensive article on the Beebs website if she were a supporter of President Trump. Not a cat in hells chance. They only report on Kanye Wests support for the President just to find negative responses from others in the media circus.
Reminds me of the 5 minutes of Andrew Marr I could only watch yesterday. He was interviewing wooden actor Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy and asked them a heavily weighted question that would result in an anti-Trump response which he got. Marr was smirking as he asked the question knowing all actors are anti-Trump.
The question was so out of context with the other questions that it would have ended up on the cutting room floor if the response was anything other than a BBC sponsored Trump bash.
Ok lots of actor luvvies are less clever than their writers but when they see their pay going up as American taxes come down I can bet how they really vote .
Fed, that’s so true. I was a big fan of Paul Newman back in the day, but in an interview situation it was painful to watch him , monosyllable answers and had no personality at all. Even Graham Norton refuses to have Robert de Niro back on his programme due to his lack of engagement.
Doobster on another forum Mark Hodgson observed
\\ Main page of the BBC website excels itself this morning
: Climate report: Scientists urge deep rapid change to limit warming
Taylor Swift breaks political silence in favour of Democrats
Four brothers, all models… and Muslim
The need for diversity in engineering
‘It’s my body and I’ll do what I want’ //
“Can violent men ever change?”
That will depend on which ‘lifestyle book’ they subscribe to. One, in particular, expressly condones such behaviour.
‘Third of girls’ harassed in school uniform
You have to read to paragraph 11 before they mention ‘Malikah, from Birmingham’. Of course a negative story like this cannot ever use the word “Muslim”. That word is reserved only for positive stories like Bake Off and Male modelling.
Somebody called Ann Perkins writes a column in the Guardian comparing brexiteers to Dads Army .,hasn’t this been done before ? I looked this lefty’s career – uni – beeb -c4 – Guardian – glass ceiling .
Using ex pop stars to beat up brexit suggests Soros is running out of steam – which is another substance we won’t have after we leave their EU Reich
I guess Soros could engineer another 3 day riot as I have my eye on a nice mac down at curry’s ….
Of course in a twisted, very twisted, way this is progress. A few years ago the MSM, the police, the judiciary, local councils, in short the entire liberal left establishment, didn’t care about mass gang rape on an industrial scale, now they worry about wolf whistling! Of course the rape gangs were Muslim so they were untouchable and could rape with impunity, whereas the wolf whistlers will be mainly white so they can be prosecuted for having lewd thoughts let alone touching a girl. This exemption given to Muslim men is a large part of what is steadily stoking the anger of ordinary folks right across Europe. The other main factor is letting even more of this scum into our continent.
@Tabs as you say the report takes 2 forms
#1 Grand totals “two thirds of girls have been harassed”, “one third have been harassed whilst in school uniform”
#2 specific case studies
And the first example if that of a 19 year old Asian , who was walking home .
Well 19 year old is not a school child is it ?
Is the @PlanUK report ROBUST ?
ie uses precise definitions
Or does it include the very serious and trivial in the same tallies ?
Yep The massive PDF only has one flaky catchall definition
” We define street harassment as a form of gender-based violence and on the continuum of violence against women, as well as considering how other identity characteristics – like race or sexual orientation – intersect with gender to mean girls experience harassment differently. ”
FFS It is extremely insulting to victims of serious abuse like groomNrape to include them in the same category as someone whose been groped, same as someone whose been catcalled etc.
And surely you have to split out when the perp is an adult or another school child.
Is the BBC a Facebook fan or just innumerate as usual?
Facebook paid £15.7m in tax in the UK last year, which is triple the amount it paid in the previous year.
The article seems happy with this & fails to point out that this sum is a drop in the ocean for Facebook & a minute tax bill compared to other large companies
Comrade mcdonall promised a 4 day working week . It’s sad there is no history because I can remember the last time labour caused an even shorter 3 day working week…
This is fake news!!! The BBC were clear as part of their support for Labour conference and the calls for a general strike that nothing of the sort had happened since 1926…. I mentioned at the time that there was nothing to see in the 1970s and we can look forward with optimism
I can remember it as well,too well to vote for the scum that brought it on.
R4 prog now : Samosas at the Seaside

: It’s 25 years since the film Bhaji on the Beach. What’s changed for British Asian women?
..prog begins with the older aunties playfully arranging a marriage to the younger girl they’ve only just met.
\\ the film Bhaji on the Beach looked at the challenges facing British Asian women, such as arranged marriage, divorce, sexism, and the pressure to conform.
Now Yasmeen Khan takes three sets of South Asian mothers and daughters to the coast to find out if if the problems and concerns have changed.//
Asia Bibi, Christian, still on death row in pakland for supposed blasphemy against islam. Her crime? Drinking water out of a cup reserved by muslim women for their exclusive use. I think she’s been incarcerated since, 2010.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the far-left bbc took up her case because there’s a good chance that her legal challenges to the death sentence have run their course and she could now be executed.
Surely the far-left bbc have some influence with the new pakland Prime Minister; wasn’t he a cricketer at one time? Maybe Mr Lineker could take a break from eating crisps and do something worthwhile for a change and try to secure Asia’s release.
I have just turned R4 off..all I have heard this morning is basically men are crap, woman are great and hard done to whilst men have it easy..or something about ethnic minorities….I have no issue with the latter except it is every bloody day on R4… I wonder what proportion of their sinking listener – ship is actually from an ethnic minority?
I’m on an al beeb free day …. very pleasant …
Because I keep my puter cookies clean al beeb regularly sent me survey requests on how they are doing . Often I d tell the truth but now I don’t bother because it makes them think they have a dialogue with their consumers when , in fact , we know any non Far Left opinion is a fascist in their world…
It’s really pushing people further right methinks ….
Sir Tone, Franny deciding to stay away a bit longer? Maybe joined by Rob Burley?
Many years too late. Apart from the sheer arrogance of the ReichEU to achieve a United States of Europe the seeds of Brexit lay in nice bubble dwellers
Like Peston and his Westminster set from having want idea about the effect of commonwealth and EU immigration was and is having on ordinary people.
After a successful brexit and the passing of the current monach we should have a look at the Commonwealth and see if has any real benefit to Blighty .
Obviously the likes of Aus , NZ Canada with strong Anglo connections will always be – but the West Indies? nigeria?
Well, perhaps Peston can do a program on ITV, setting the record straight? Sounds like he owes it to us…
Rob Burley just got reminded why he should stick to not engaging those making fair points well.
A tweet from that thread
Posted on a stop Corbyn Facebook page:
‘UK’s Billion-Pound Post-Crisis Pay Squeeze Saved 800,000 Jobs’
One interesting comment is ‘Not seeing much about this in our media.
Would much rather suffer a pay freeze than be unemployed’
Yes, not much from the media. Nothing from our doom and gloom BBC who would rather stick their noses into another countries business rather than promote something positive about this country.
I mean is having record numbers of people in employment not a good thing? Does this show that austerity has maybe paid off?
Oh yes! They do comment on things in our country after all! All of that anti austerity stuff! Trying to get the opposition elected?
So why the BBC like to spread fake news and pointless news it seems that good news is off the agenda. That is bad news for our country.
Have a good week all!
Coming up on R4 “Why are manufacturers refusing to sell us their hybrid cars ?”
… and ‘with so many people identifying as non-binary ..we look at non-binary shopping”
called the Fluid Project clothes that are no classed as male or female
Now ‘ Young cannot afford to buy houses”
in last 15 years wages up 19% , house prices up 173%
em You can’t use general averages for SPECIFIC comparisons
eg You have included a Russian’s mansion rising from £2 to £5m
You actually need to compare Young wages and the houses they buy.
One point is minimum wage has risen by much more than 19%.
Planning laws were mentioned, but not IMMIGRATION.
Did it mention that 15 years ago Labour where in power?
You know the same Labour that was going to make life better for everyone?
The same Labour that the BBC are trying to help out as much as possible?
I can see where the BBC are going with this and it is going nowhere as usual
Non-binary clothes, eh?
How many people are coming out as ‘non binary’ these days then?
I don’t know anyone who is and if you as around I think you would find that most people are just binary just like most people are straight and just like most people take no notice of the BBC’s rubbish
JVines 4 topics today
1️⃣ A new report says stopping global warming is more urgent than ever. Tell us what you’ve done personally to cut back on carbon.
2️⃣ A third of school girls say they get harassed in their school uniform in public.
3️⃣ In our Medical today we look at liquid painkiller. Are you giving your children too much of it?
4️⃣ We look at the brawl at the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Can UFC ever be a respectable sport?
???? Listen at
???? 08000 288291 ???? 88291 ✉️
Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn Could Face U.S. Sanctions
Corbyn, who has long come under fire for his anti-Semitic and anti-Israel remarks, could be slapped with American sanctions for providing material support to Hamas
Let’s hope this comes to fruition. bBBC might have to report something about their beloved hero being a terrorist supporter when he can’t cash his cheques!
Lets hope that the Tories dish him some sanctions as well. Perhaps he should be expelled from Westminster?
Saying that the left would never let us hear the end of I. How ‘undemocratic’ it would be to keep nice old Corbyn out when all he did was trying and make a ‘dialogue’ with our enemies who want to kill us!
Needless to say that the BBC would say nothing on the matter unless it fits their agenda
One very obvious factor in ‘climate change’ and ‘plastic pollution’, etc, which is virtually never mentioned, is the massive population increase in Africa and Asia over the last fifty years and ongoing.
Wonder why?
I used to be quite an environmentalist and early Greenies were for stable populations. These days it’s the opposite they have in effect joined their previous foes and come out in favour of large scale population growth through immigration.
It is still a taboo subject in the media and among the political classes.
The sad truth is that urban sprawl and habitat destruction are responsible for a massive amount of wildlife destruction and providing a consumer society for an increasingly growing planetary population cannot be continued indefinitely.
About five years ago I watched a political broadcast on TV where a man said “I joined Ukip because I don’t want to see my green and pleasant land covered with houses and houses and houses” I was sixty-three at the time and that was the first time I heard any British politician or political candidate say that. I’m glad I lived long enough to hear it.
I know David Attenborough is not popular on this site but he is good on this topic. If he keeps speaking out about it I can see the BBC dropping him like a hot potato.
Population growth is the elephant in the room in most environmental conferences and organisations today. The climate change issue is a red herring.
Unless the population is checked there won’t be any herrings left and no elelphants to be in rooms either
Yet again the bBbc give a platform to the pro-Corbyn Novara Media. This time we’re treated to the supposed insight of the aggressive Ash Sarkar rather than that of the arrogant Aaron Bastani on today’s Politics Live.
Who are these people? Why are they seen as political ‘players’? Why does their opinion on anything matter?
A quick search found nothing really other than a website full of the usual bullshit and the fact that Novara Media Limited were dissolved by Companies House in January this year because they wouldn’t file their confirmation statement despite being required to do so. It would seem that the bBbc are unconcerned as to whether Novara pay their taxes or not, a bit silly given the tax issues at the bBbc at present, and something that might surely compromise their credibility when lecturing the nation on austerity and other economic matters should their finances be less than transparent. As it would seem they are.
Who funds these people? How many subscribers do they have as I can’t imagine they can be funded through subscription alone? I’m sure the regular bBbc appearance money helps but it won’t be enough to keep these ‘far-left’ socialists in coffee and croissants let alone prosecco and prawn-rings.
These people appear to me to be politically insignificant but are unfortunately all too reflective not only of bBbc opinion and mindset but also of their growing journalistic irrelevance and political peripherality. Unless the stop giving credence to these and so many of the other pr -heavy opportunists and ‘influencers’ that make up their political panels at present their credibility will fall even further that it already has.
Although I think it’s too late
Bit of head scratching by the beeb as it asks how a religion typically associated with peaceful practice could turn violent.
Not to be confused with any other religion of peace turning violent… presumably these questions don’t get raised because the causes are not so mysterious?
NB: I’ve not heard the term ‘Buddhist extremist’ anywhere — unlike BBC presenter Arthanayake who spends a lot of time at the BBC reading BBC articles. I’m sure they are ‘getting it about right’ though.
This is so desperate!
Prima facie this is Buddhists seeking to protect their life, culture and spiritualism in the places they live – free from oppression and take over or rule from others who do not share their beliefs or want to allow them the freedoms of to practice their beliefs openly and with safety.
This is not extreme Buddhism (oxymoron? or just a moron) seeking to populate, procreate, take over and assimilate whole regions through enforcing their beliefs and archaic, barbaric, murderous, vile war, laws and beliefs on humankind – we leave that to the Borg.
(For clarity not Bjorn)
(For clarity, I don’t know if I am allowed to say moron these days or not – sorry)
Buddhist extremist? Is that even a thing?
Blimey! Now Katty is digging up complaints from the 19th century to complain about Republicans. Seems a bit desperate, to say the least.
Trump wins, so It’s Not Fair.
Probably a clipping from the bedside drawer in her guest room at Castle Dracul.
The link:
Please also share the petition link with others elsewhere on social media and among family, friends, etc.
Thank you!
Radio 5-Live all agenda all the time
Can you tell from Their Social Media output that Radio 5 is The BBC News and Sport network ?
8:51am Your Call: ‘Act Now Idiots’ How do you need to wise up on #climatechange?
(Nicky Campbell seemed a raving Climate Evangelist )
8:11am There’s a lot of love for #Yorkshire in last night’s #DoctorWho ????
8:45am Did you watch the brand new episode of @bbcdoctorwho on @BBCOne?
7:18am Huge report out warning on the impact of #globalwarming. ????
#IPCC says that without action all the coral reefs will be gone and areas of land will be swallowed by rising sea levels.
(“all the coral reefs will be gone” the IPCC report doesn’t actually say that)
7:45pm Did you watch the brand new episode of @bbcdoctorwho on @BBCOne? ????
(yes similar tweet)
5:20pm Football HALF-TIME Both sides are cancelling each other out so far at Anfield
7:30am ‘You can be a feminist and watch love Island’
Campaigner Scarlett Curtis presents 3 lies she says are told about feminism.
7:45pm Did you watch the brand new episode of Doctor Who on BBC One?
5:30pm ‘The Bisexual’ Will you be watching on Wednesday? ????
1:30pm “You’re beautiful before and you’re beautiful after” ????????
Charlotte Tilbury has a message for make-up lovers everywhere
11am video : Georgia ‘Toff’ Toffolo has said upskirting is “completely wrong” after describing it happening to her.
(she’s in a reality show Made in Chelsea )
8am Sun Dwarf Wrestler defends the sport: ‘It’s our choice, it’s a career’ ????♂️
7pm Sat video Woman saying she was addicted to laxatives
October 6 at 4:00 PM · ????️ 5 Live’s Young Commentator of the Year is back! ????️
So social media output of the BBC News and Sport network, hardly has anything about News and Sport
Have you added anything today BBC 5-Live Social Medial team ?
The Source of the PR leaflet @BBC5Live push is UBC PhD student Seth Wyne & his Prof. Kimberly Nicholas of Sweden’s Lund Uni
Note how CO2 benefits of fracking/nuclear are not pushed at you
Instead low impact gimmicks like solar/wind EVs etc. ARE pushed
Oh which segment of world population has too many children ?
Radio 4 schedule
2:15 Drama : The war on terror makes a sudden, terrifying appearance in smalltown Norway.
..actually it’s a repeat of the 2016 play set in 1973 Lillehammer when a bungled Israeli Mossad team assassinated the wrong man, instead of the leader the murdering Black September terrorist group.
Hols over, back on the chain gang.
Great timing, huh? As I return to B-BBC the BBC are ‘going ape’ over the latest utterances of the IPCC in the Climate Summit in South Korea. No CO2 emitted on the way there by McGrath & Shukman. I assume they went by bicycle. Can they ride a tandem?
TWatO Watch. Sarah interviews Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The Executive Secretary claims there are benefits to going green enough to limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5degrees by 2050.
Sarah Montague does not ask what those benefits might be.
A characteristic of the BBC in 2017 and 2018 is that it has lost the ability to ask questions in certain critical situations. In its place it appears to have gained the ability to abandon any pretence at neutrality and attack certain people or groupings or organisations. Sarah therefore makes a gratuitous attack on President Trump of the USA as well as the winner of the General Election in Brazil.
Last chance saloon for UN/IPCC – they so desperately want everyone on board, but are failing miserably, because nobody believes them, any more. Only gullible governments and broadcasters will make any effort to appease them, and we ALL know which ones they will be…
So true, OG, so true. And we know who is going to pay for all this climate change farce. It will not be the Christiana Figueres of this world. Especially so, as it appears that her hubby and brother may have a finger or two in the AGW/CC industrial pie.
OG, Thank you very much. Yours LCS
Up – I think it’s the circular virtue thing where they just take the party line for self advancement and to keep the approval of the bubble – Sarah , Lady Brooke is an obvious example .
I’m a climate change denier and await the plea to burn more CO2 which may come in this or my next lifetime . I ll probably land up as a TV licence inspector ….
Oooh Fed! After all that attendance at Mass, too.
Do you realise that your tormentors as a Licence Inspector in that fiery place may well be people who have been wronged by the TVLIs in the past and their pitchforks may be very sharp!
Remember the bBSee does not need to offer any counter argument, questioning, opinon or guests to global warming, human causation and the need to “fix it”. Remember that edict from Beeb on high that said they MUST present one sided global warming reporting from this time forward.
For clarity – one side being the side that believes Womankind (the accepted generic term for the human race) caused global warming and has the audacity to believe that Women can change global warming and cooling patterns for the future! Hooray no more ice age, jungle period, etc
God is great – woolly mammoths never existed – earth created in 7 days – Women created in Gods image.. etc…
Not BBC, naturally, but Marine le Pen and Salvini in Rome:
“A-Z of to be used when @jeremycorbyn supporters & @UKLabour members try to tell you there is no antisemitism in their party”
Al beeb records the evidence of the deputy head of Londonistan police witnessed the slaughtering of one of his unarmed officers outside Parliament but making sure the central locking was on because he had no radio or protective equipment .
I’m sure that the relatives of the dead PC slaughtered by an Islamic terrorist – will be heartened by the fact that the deputy met head has a knighthood and retires in 3 months ….
I’m guess Sir McKinley won’t be like on the New Years ‘ honours ‘ list for a Gallantry Award ….but he ll have his pension and a job on the board of a security firm by then to help him sleep nights .
Black Tory MP Kwasi Kwarteng has a prog on R4 tonight at 8pm
Did you see what R4 chose to schedule directly after it ? 8:30pm
T May has a headscarf , cos in a Sikh temple we all have to cover our hair.
His prog
It seems to be a big shock to the left that some black people actually vote Tory and want nothing to do with Labour.
Is there a rule that ‘if you are non white then you must be a Labour voter?’
More garbage from the BBC no doubt
It seems to be a big shock to the left that some black people actually vote Tory and want nothing to do with Labour.
Is there a rule that ‘if you are non white then you must be a Labour voter?’
More garbage from the BBC no doubt
Will tonight’s Panorama meet the diversity targets ?
Every face on the page is white
Watch @BBCPanorama ‘Can Violent Men Change’ tonight 8.30pm
Not BBC related but
I ordered a new mobile phone today. I now need a phone case.
My current phone, which I will be retaining, has a sleeve which originally contained spectacles.
Yes I am moderately frugal.
So, to find a cheap case, I click on the website of a well known optician.
Which has a large photograph of a mixed race couple.
You can cross Specsavers off your list of preferred suppliers.
I suppose the virtue signalling virus has finally infected the Advertising industry with no one having the courage to say 85 percent white faces in reflection of the alleged population .
You can see that sometimes they go for light brown skin as an attempt to please the ethnics but makes it all the more self conscious .
There’s an ad on tv at the minute, I can’t remember what it’s for, where two hipsters bake a cake as a surprise for their flatmate Robin/ Robyn.
My daughters and I have not got a clue whether this particular Robin/ Robyn is a cock or a hen?
And that’s the way it’s meant to be. Why and what it proves, I have no idea.
The BBC continue to bring you the most ‘pressing’ stories…
Of course its a pressing story, is the “M word” anywhere in the report
… go straight to the first page, do not pass go, etc
Times2 has a long item about a AfD turncoat Franziska Schreiber a bisexual woman who joined in 2013 and left in June 2017 cos she was jubilant with the German parliament legalising gay marriage and thought other AfDv weren’t. She says the party became extreme.
\\ Franziska Schreiber cannot leave home without a police escort.
Why? Because she wrote a book about how Nazis took over the AfD //
But even the Times points out things like that the AfD has a
small Jewish wing etc.
Trouble with these worldwide oafs is that they will trawl the world for suitable excuses to sound off to further their agenda.
They refuse to see what is going on at the end of their bus route or suburban train service. They neither use them, nor do they care how the rest of us have to watch it getting worse, and very fast.
SMS has a lot to answer for-to fuss over transexuals in Uganda, or cakes having elephant horn in them in Dahomey really fails to bother me when police are getting stabbed in Islington.
And the BBC say nothing, not life threatening enough, doubtless Muslim gang land wars with African or Roma tinges.
Stew- The German media and establishment hate the AfD in the same way that Democrat extremists hate Trump and the ‘People’s Vote’ advocates hate Brexit. The AfD simply represent views the CDU had before it drifted way over to the left under Comrade Merkel.
There are elections in two states coming up, so expect a lot of anti-AfD articles. That seems to be working in Bavaria, where polls show The Greens to be popular. Green philosophy is very close to that of Bomber Harris; on 3 October the Green Youth tweeted that it was looking forward to the dissolution/destruction of Germany.
The CSU, sister party of the CDU for Bavaria only, has been losing ground. Is it attacking the Greens? No, it’s attacking the AfD, with whom it could have formed a conservative alliance. But, oh dear, they are ‘the Right’, you know, much despised by all good virtue-signallers.
The US may have Trump and Kavanaugh, but in Germany insanity prevails. So, what Bomber Harris couldn’t finish, lotsa Germans (not only ‘Mutti’) are working hard to achieve.
Now ain’t that interesting?
Not pulling any punches. This is why the UK is lost. We have no one in the UK with the balls to put out something like this.
Opposition to uncontrolled immigration = neo-nazi. That’s all they have.
Trans youth : An org that says it represents parents who are concerned about it just being a fashion
[innocent face]
Has the far-left bbc reported on any of the sex trafficking cases against the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation?
I heard about it at the beginning of this year on the web but then it disappeared as a news item.
Now it seems to have been brought to the surface again. The video link below is just over an hour long but the content is incredible. The very short snuff video clip of Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton torturing and murdering a young female child, if it’s real, is more than disgusting, it’s satanic.
A extraordinary claim needs extraordinary evidence.
Snopes say the vid is made up of edited footage stolen from websites
Big Andrew Norfolk article about how how Amazon’s , Smile scheme has been hijacked by pseudo charities, many Islamic
\\ Haitham al-Haddad: Adulterous western women are begging to be stoned to death
The Saudi-born 52-year-old, from east London, is a prolific writer and highly articulate speaker at mosques, universities and conferences throughout western Europe. He is intelligent, persuasive and carries the authority of his extensive religious scholarship, gained over many years at institutions in Saudi Arabia, Sudan and SOAS University of London, where he was awarded a doctorate in Islamic law. //
A man awarded a doctrate in Islamic law….so he is well versed in the Islamic concept of abrogation then and indeed is a true follower of the Quran and its teachings. This is something Islamapologists fail to comprehend. The Surah’s composed during the great ones soujourn in Medina negate all of those less vile ones written during the Mecca phase. So if ever a lefty does quote something out of the quran that suggests Islam is a religion of peace, you should be remind him there is always something that comes after that completely negates it and invariably involves killing/maiming or generally being nasty to the kafirs.