The BBC and mainstream media will spend a bit of time working out how President Trump’s nominee was appointed to the US Supreme Court despite the MSM onslaught against him . Then it’s back to fighting the November elections on behalf the Democrat Party .
Meanwhile at home we will witness the BBC undermining Brexit negotiations by blaming any piece of bad news on the People’s vote of 2 years ago .
Just a small plea again – language moderation is requested Please …
I’m surprised no one else seems to have posted this yet. If only for its rarity value.
Don’t know how it got past the censors.
Some one got sacked for that – or fired even – perhaps that’s the one which proves al beeb isn’t even slightly biased …. even if embarrassingly poor .
Just listening to Jeremy Vine with a Woman Leading a ‘Global Institute for Womens Leadership’ study at Kings College…..its sickening nonsense with no reference to MENS position in the world?…..
Read somewhere that the lefty lady who tried to scupper Kavanaughs bid to be a SC Judge is a psychology and social action sinecure at Palo Alto Uni in California(where else?).
Houses there cost millions, her university has 2:1 female:male lecturers as well as 4:1 females:males as students.
It is made clear on their website that not only are men not wanted, if courses for their gender are to go by-but that men per se are not part of any plans, any inclusions unless as SJW filler.
Never knew this…but this will be coming soon.
Lot of “cliame change ” stuff mentioned above.
It`s simply a commercial crock, a cartel aimed at making people buy only approved stuff, as deemed by the one world government with China manufacturing, Islam providing manpower and oil, Africa providing manpower and raw resources, America to finance ans polce it. But all under Islamic blessing, with Europe the test bed for this one world shite.
When you won`t believe in God, then here`s Gaia and Pan .
Oh and Muhammad, if you`re naughty.
F*ing chicken lickers and warmongs….fight them whilst you still can.
Someone once challenged me to turn off my car engine as I was charging the battery after it had been left for two weeks . I don’t think he ll do it again any time soon .
Sky did not apologise for their highly edited and biased report that caused 3,000 to complain to Ofcom.
Pretty spiteful and acidic apology – Thank I don’t pay for Sky – or al beeb of course
It’s not an apology it’s a backtracking
Tuesday morning Tommy posted this
“Exposing the LIES and PROPAGANDA of Sky News & @JasonFarrellSky! I will be seeing them both in court.”
where’s the petition ?
Just saw Stew got there first. I’ll leave it as, in context, it’s a peach.
The LBC Facebook page still carries the text from the Sky FakeNews video, that defames TR
comments are open : link
Oh and the Sky webpage is still up as well
Sky News = Sly News
Strange there is a fake account @SkyNewsBreakin9 with that 9
That tweets completely fake stories
Meanwhile the real SkyNews is on drugs
RE problems recruiting GPs:
Where has old Dr Finlay from the Highlands gone? he got straight to the crux of the problem every time:
“Ohh, Dr Finlay, I think I’ve got heartburn”
“Och, Janet lass, you’ve got yer tit hanging in yer porridge again”
Aaaaaw Dawktah Cameron, it’s gruesome….
Aye Janet, an’ it’s grew some more…
Was listening to the R4 news at ten last night. Brazilian election. Lost count of the number of times the reporter assured us that Mr Bolsonaro was ‘far-right’. There was no explanation of what made Mr Bolsonaro ‘far right’, or the significance thereof. His name couldn’t be mentioned without that adjective, however.
My impression of the reporter was that he wouldn’t have been able to explain it, anyway. With round 2 of the election due soon, the bbc babbling brook may be expected to continue: far right, far right, far right….
(Looked on Wiki to see if Mr Bolsonaro’s Christian name was FARRIGHT, but apparently it’s Jair.)
Shocking “Christian name” – expect the fuzz any day/week soon for not using “first name”, even though that is PC.
Sorry- just my SJW effort for the day.
Yet again on the radio this morning I heard someone from the Left being interviewed about Judge Kavanagh. I think it was on Woman’s Hour but it could have been on Today (sorry, listening in the car and went out twice). But the chap was from the Guardian’s Desk in New York. There was the repeated comments how the Judge’s appointment would tip the balance of the Supreme Court to the Right and cause a set back that could last a generation.
There seems to be the assumption amongst the BBC and its friends that there is a G-d given right for the balance on the Supreme Court to be tipped to the Left and implied, ‘how dare Trump make it otherwise’.
Looking for something to watch – al beeb was carrying the rant by the crankie head of the SNP on both its News channel and BBC2 .
Now I know al beeb loves all thinks cranky and ( maybe ) Alex – don’t touch me – salmond – but putting foreign propaganda on UK TV is a bit much .
Love the way the hateful Scots nats turn “Westminster “ into a term of abuse.
West Yorkshire Police drops half of reported crimes
… revealed an “optimum” screen out rate of 56% of all crimes, equivalent to approximately 145,000 offences per year.
ie they aim to screen out 56% , they actually screened 46%
.. See page of Channel 4 Dispatches on Monday, which covers other areas as well.
1978 WY Police corruption
\\A police officer raped a woman because she was unable to pay a fine, a court has heard.
David Lomax is accused of forcing himself on the woman in 1978 after visiting her home in Seacroft, Leeds. //
Wow did you read his excuse? What a wanker!
WYP latest work
but it’s their mates in South Yorkshire Police who put out the please report Hate Crime requests.
Abandon contempt laws against photography says Leeds academic.
He toyches on many TR issues
Dr Who viewing figs just peaked at 9 million
out of 64million UK people.
ie 85% of people did NOT watch
bet its a third of that by the end of the series
\\ Jonathan Dimbleby says that social media is having a corrosive impact on civil discourse.
I thought thats precisely what the one sided view of Any Questions does.//
Just overheard on bbc news 24 (I wasn’t watching, honest). After the sky is falling in hysterical climate change crapola some angry female newshound announces that she is travelling to all corners of the globe to determine the harm plastic is doing, but hold on, we all have to change the way we live don’t we? Or is that just the plebs.
Since the beeb are on a higher astral plane than the rest of us mere mortals I assume they will be using Yogic Flying to travel to all corners of the globe.
Since the beeb are on a higher astral plane than the rest of us mere mortals I assume they will be using Yogic Flying to travel to all corners of the globe.
Please tell her thet a globe does not have corners, or has the bBBC abandoned proper English?
So, how is she getting to all corners of the globe without the carbon footprint of a plane ? if its pushbike then with luck she wont back for at least 10 years !
Meanwhile, the Xmas party list shrinks a bit more…
Or else.
I don’t get this – are the Beeb promoting an article having a go at themselves ? What’s their agenda. Counter to bias and the one they will point to.
Or just a pop at ITV and an excuse to promote their TV shows? So, today lead BBC items are promoting BbC shows.
1- should biff and shaz stay on the dancing idol? – bot news!
2 – Arn’t we brilliant with our woman in charge shows – ITV says no but promote anyway.
This is abuse of BBC licence funds cross media (news to entertainment) to promote their own TV
You just can’t win with a BBC that on one hand tirelessly gives a forum to rent a quote types complaining about casting not reflecting their desired race/gender/religion and then on the other hand, quoting a writer who criticises a drama featuring strong women thus:
“these narratives pretended “sexism and racism in our institutions” had gone away.”
When will these people realise that the ordinary person just doesn’t give a fig about the phoney injustices perceived by the privileged few?
I would much prefer a news organisation, especially if tax-funded, to concentrate on accurate and balanced reporting of important issues instead of the incessant trivial dross it insists on feeding us.
Standby for name of man just convicted of Grenfell fraud
..Go on guess the first name
apparently its bad to name your child after warmongering murderer
no mention of the most popular baby name in britain
The Democrat to Deplorable tour
With a bit of luck Hillary will run in 2020 main internet page. ” Welcome to the BBC”
TOP STORY- Updates as Englands women take on Austrialia. This
is about a football international.
It sums up EVERYTHING which the BBC has become. A continual
“women’s hour” with a few male guests invited. The second
headline is about a women Niki Haley resigning , but this is
warranted. But it’s back to basics with the BBC with the third
top story. Bodyguard airbrushes reality with female roles.
This is another load of BBC bollocks.
80% female news presenters. Maybe it’s down to 75% reporters.
What is going on at the BBC?
Peston interviewed Farage way back before the TR appeal
“Nigel 600,000 people have signed the release Tommy Robinson petition, what does that tell you about this country”
..God Peston looks dumb
.. The video I saw cuts off after Peston said that
That Peston video
The full length is on YouTube, but comments are disabled
Physics teacher, 22, who had arranged marriage in Bangladesh with 13-year-old girl before having sex with her is banned from the classroom for life
Joshim Nur was a teacher at the London Nautical School and struck off this year
His child bride said she had told him she was 13 three days before they married
Aged 22 he went to Bangladesh and married the girl, 13, and had sex with her
Nur said that the girl’s family had deceived him and told him she was 18
Disciplinary panel ruled that Nur ‘should have known she was aged under 16
Bloody tumbleweed moment on the BBC ???????????????????
Yep – country needs diverse physics teachers .
He d been better off with the infants …
BBC tumbleweed ????
Why do you live in a country that you loathe?’: Piers Morgan slams professor calling Winston Churchill a racist after US astronaut was forced to apologise for quoting Britain’s wartime PM
Kehinde Andrews clashed with Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan
Professor of black studies at Birmingham City University called Churchill racist
He compared Churchill to Hitler for his views on Indians and Native Americans
Piers asked him why he had not moved away from a country he ‘clearly hates’
Standard tactic for the diversity industry – get a headline – couple of controversial interviews -QT – News Quiz – documentary – Toady – series slagging off whitee on beeb4 – 3am phone in on R5 – stardom …
This professor is not even the first UK professor this month to have been reported as denigrating this nation on the basis of the advantages that we all, still, derive from the historical racist exploitation of the Commonwealth people and slavery.
My point is, if this premise is true, then the very same people complaining about it are, themselves, beneficiaries of this nation’s past and that professors would certainly be high up in any ranking of such beneficiaries.
Piers Morgan is quite right to ask why he would want to live here, I would also have asked if he felt hypocritical about benefiting from the very advantages he complains about. It’s a shame our unfit for purpose BBC would never boldly go there too, although I can think of other places to where I would prefer it to go.
It’s about time the
“…the very same people…” Like the Rhodes scholar who was calling “Rhodes must fall”.
BBC tumbleweed ????
Shocking moment Iraqi social media star was shot dead at the wheel of her Porsche because she dared to live a Western lifestyle, as part of chilling murder campaign against women
Instagram model Tara Fares, 22, was killed on September 27 in Baghdad
A gunman shot her three times in her car before escaping on a motorbike
Her murder came days after that of a female activist in the southern city of Basra
In August, two other well-known Iraqi women died in mysterious circumstances
Shimaa Qasim, a 23-year-old TV host who was crowned Miss Iraq in 2015, said she received death threats just days after the murder of Miss Fares
BBC tumbleweed ???
Judge brands Bangladeshi illegal immigrant ‘despicable, beyond contempt’ as he jails him for faking gay affair with dead Grenfell victim who died in fire so he could claim £5000 and be allowed to stay in UK
And again: (but we have Towie on the front page, Bodygaurd and f@@@ing Strictly)
Dragged to justice: Syrian refugee accused of sexually assaulting ten women in Germany has to be CARRIED into court
23-year-old ‘Rami A’ is accused of ten counts of sexual assault and harassment
He is alleged to have carried out the crimes in Dresden between March and June
He tried to resist his court appearance today and had to be tied up by officials
Could not believe the BBC’s Bias this afternoon on the 1pm news, early news on other channels including Sky had Arlene Foster clearly stating that there does not need to be a Hard Border, and that Anti Brexit supporters are just using this and the idea of a Back Stop as a stalling tactic/referendum reversal technique, and that there is not an issue, and no need for an Irish Border, then later at 1pm the beeb edit this and make out she was worried about a Border, I wish I could refuse to pay my TV licence, totally had it with Jo Coburn, Andrew Neil, Andrew Marr, Chuka, Polly, Gina and now John Nicholson getting wheeled on with scare stories and doom and gloom, falling off the cliff, crashing out etc, if this Prime Minister fails to deliver the end of uncontrolled immigration, leaving the single market, leaving the customs union, and the ECJ I will honestly never Vote again, unless UKIP change leader to Farage and come back, and why have the Beeb got such an issue with Trump ? Democracy, we need to listen to the 17.4 Million that voted Leave, and the Millions that Voted for Trump, thanks for giving me the chance to let off steam !
you dont have to pay for a TV Licence?…
Hey Barry .. take a look at this link. It gives you info on how to go about ditching the TV Licence legally
Cripes, the BBC’s finest really have got all those they agree with in one room. Again. Not trying to keep it a secret this time, mind.
Two cheeks of the same @rse.
Which Scientist gave a Global Warning lecture tonight in London ?
And why didn’t the media report it ?
Melanie Phillips asked on Facebook
.. Richard Lindzen
And this is also an example of why the UK is lost. Unless there is a quick backlash. Seems that Muslims are now ‘spokespeople’ for the armed forces.
and “A spokeswoman said: “Anyone who is in breach of the army’s values and standards will face administrative action”
So young footsoldiers can’t have a laugh with a famous guy that they meet in a service station….cos politics. Dear me, I really do wonder what country it is now. Iraq? Germany?
And this is also an example of why the UK is lost. Unless there is a quick backlash. Seems that Muslims are now ‘spokespeople’ for the armed forces.
and “A spokeswoman said: “Anyone who is in breach of the army’s values and standards will face administrative action”
So young footsoldiers can’t have a laugh with a famous guy that they meet in a service station….cos politics. Dear me, I really do wonder what country it is now. Iraq? Germany?
“A spokeswoman ” ?
“a gender fluid spokes”
ha ! Sly News are saying someone ELSE is being investigated for wrong doing #Projection
And in 2014 the Army’s LGBT forum tweeted this list

“Moral Courage”
They are trying to turn the best army in the world into the Boy Scouts, all part of the big E U plan for a one European Army. Al Beeb hates the British Army.
Telly tax – run by Crapita
Army recruitment run by Crapita
Presumably if in the vicinity of anything going bang, all senior commanders are expected to lock themselves in their bunkers until safe.
Quick flash back to 1944… “Mr Churchill, sir?”. Winston takes the cigar out of his mouth and looks piercingly at the general: “Yes?”. “Prime Minister… we need to call off the D-Day Landings. HR have done a health and safety assessment… it’s far too dangerous, wet and slippy, some of our boys might get hurt. I say ‘boys’, but our forces are not nearly diverse enough for this operation – no girls, no trans women, plus Ramadan is coming up soon. And if we did go ahead, well, we might be accused of Naziphobia or Waycism… These just aren’t the values of the
future EuropeanBritish army.”Fast forward to 2018… Russian military planners are quivvering in their boots at the thought of a conflict with Britain’s armed forces. Not.
Squaddies are still overwhelmingly made up of white working class lads, the establishment despise them but realises it still needs them. TR whether you like him or not, is a modern day working class hero, this is why the establishment want him gone.
It will be interesting to see on what grounds the army decides to investigate, I suspect they may have underestimated the potential backlash and will quietly drop it.
This would be the smart play. However those in senior state positions now seem as smart as they are courageous.
This from ittb sums up the bbc contribution:
“Monkey Brains9 October 2018 at 23:32
Where does the BBC go for a quote on this? A veterans association? A notable retired general? Er – no: the not at all far right Muslim Council of Britain representing Mosques funded by the not at all far right Saudi Arabia.”
Here is the Beeb website story
Army investigates Tommy Robinson photo with soldiers
Interesting who they qote,
Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious adviser to the armed forces, said “any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly”.
What racism/discrimination took place here? And since when does an adviser decide what the Army WILL do.
And in order to get even more balance, the Beeb for its second and last quote, go to the muslim council of Britain.
If it was left to the ranks, I suspect this gobby muslim would get a well deserved kick up the arse.
What nonsense. Ask these brave men and women to train to risk their lives in our defence but deny them the right to freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom of thought. Weren’t the legions of men fighting 75 years ago doing so to prevent this very fascist, dictatorial group think?
Just another gormless institution that thinks that the way to recruit more people is to make the entrance criteria even weaker, even more inclusive to those who aren’t suited to army life and do everything they can to stifle free thought. What they don’t grasp though is that it’s the very short-sighted ‘right on’, don’t shout at someone in training agenda that is putting off the very kind of people that would be more likely to go over the top of the trench.
How long before every detachment is assigned a political officer?
ps I’m sure Tommy has spoken more about one of our own soldiers being butchered on our ‘safe’ streets than the Army or authorities ever have. No surprise why the squaddies would therefore have time for him. He’s got their back more than their superiors do.
The bBbc Webshite World News has two stories about France. A couple of French rappers, who had a scuffle in an airport have been sentenced and Frances Most Famous Nazi Hunting Couple have been given an award.
The national day of protest against Macron and his policies today, organised by French unions, that saw thousands march and throw tear gas and missiles at the riot police who were deployed and fought with demonstrators in an attempt to maintain the peace, unsuccessfully, across France in cities such as Paris, Nantes, Nimes, Marseilles, Rennes, Tours and Bayonne? Nothing.
The bBbc have, to my knowledge, not reported this, it didn’t happen, it doesn’t matter. Macron has no problems, we must envy France, the future of the EU is rosy.
And Our Tony has the gall to lecture the print media and call for more honest journalism, to claim that the bBbc “have a duty to instill public confidence in professional journalism” and wants the bBbc “experts to inform audiences …… with integrity, accuracy and focus”.
What a shower of shit, shameful and shameless.
I have to take issue with your characterisation of the BBC as a shower of shit. I have encountered many people and organisations in my time that are worthy of that description, but they all have redeeming features.
I have to take issue with your characterisation of the BBC as a shower of shit. I have, in my three-score years, encountered many people and organisations that are worthy of that description, but they all have redeeming features.
Soldiers had their photo taken with Tommy Robinson – hold the front page’. Could the BBC not just leave this one alone? God imagine those snowflakes going out to war, they would not last a second. But they just have to wag their finger and use their power to stamp on our faces, acting as if this is some ‘outrage’.
It’s now clear that at least one senior officer in the London met is a coward. I wonder how many senior officers in the army are also cowards when faced with a threat? I wonder how many of them would suffer the fate of officers in the US army in Vietnam when they ordered their men to do something they objected to?
Bumper crop of #CCBGB on BBC FB this morning, Here after they interview some noted impartial legal experts.
@GW there are only 5 comments
Did R4Today delete some ?
Lady Brooke tools ‘hot’ in the morning doesn’t she ? ( yeah casual sexism -) I’m only doing it because Stella Creasy and the girls haven’t banned it yet …
Sorry, just saw this. And no clue how to get back to the page.
The BBC delete comments? The very idea.
Bbc morning email ‘news’:
Young people ‘turning backs on alcohol’
Almost a third of 16 to 24-year-olds don’t drink alcohol these days, according to the Health Survey for England. It says abstinence is becoming “more mainstream”. For people who still partake, we look at whether giving up the booze for a month does any good.
Certainly better for bbc corridors. If our two are any indication, the young people who tell the bbc what the bbc wants to hear are the young people who still watch tv.
Minister appointed to reduce suicides
London is hosting a world mental health summit and, as the event gets under way, Theresa May has announced the appointment in England of a minister for preventing suicide. Jackie Doyle-Price will work to reduce stigma around the subject and, the prime minister said, “prevent the tragedy of suicide taking too many lives”. Although suicide rates are falling, 4,500 people take their own lives every year.
As bonkers titles go that is a doozy. Do the bbc have a ‘Head of Offing Oneself’ yet?
And what, possibly could this be subtly trying to do?
‘I didn’t realise what happened to me was rape’
We started dancing together. He offered me a drink. Later, I woke up lying in the grass. The bass from the party thudded faintly through the ground. I was reassured that I hadn’t gone too far. It was cold, the ground was damp with dew. There was someone on top of me, he was trying to force himself inside me, but my body had frozen.
I realised that it was not a dream. I saw who it was. The shock hit me: how could it be him? I knew him. Everyone knew him.
Not, presumably, a Jimmy Saville victim.
looking at the truly horrible specimens of MPs they have to chose from to put on QT, , Its hardly any suprise they dont put labour MEPs on, they probably all like citizen smith
Be interesting how Katty handles this fellow blonde moment.
Or, maybe, she just won’t go near.
BbC in overdrive… OK, ignore the diverse group of friends that never happened. The facts reported are 25% of young people give up drinking.
Headline could also read “muslims” represent 25% of young people.
From the article “And the number of lifetime abstainers also increased significantly, from 9% in 2005 to 17% in 2015″……. er…… er…..
Come on BbC!!! It’s obvious to anyone why drinking alcohol is reducing among young people – it is not a health trend!! Stop reporting one thing as another
I was thinking about this in relation to the need for a minister for suicides .
Now that everyone of the far left have all the rights they want why isn’t every one happy ? They can express their lefty views without fear of censorship
They can do and see stuff I couldn’t dream of back in the 70s 80s – I fear it’s not enough ‘likes’ of the mushbook page – whatever that is …or watching bloody al beeb
Minister for suicide ?
What’s their role? Giving out vests?
Note the stock photo they use with the article.
4 young people, 3 female (1 mixed race) and a black guy.
Where is whitey, he must be down the pub getting smashed!
Haddaway, man, pet !
The Tyne Bridge is 90 years old and a BBC tv news report on the anniversay was going well enough until the female reporter is scripted to ask the cringeworthy question: “were any women involved in the building of the bridge?” It turns out there was one, but we know she knew that already, or she wouldn’t have asked.
We know how this works at the BBC – because tech show presenter Spencer Kelly once let slip that when the BBC go along to any organisation to make a report they always ask for a female they can interview. Hence we know the relentless over-representation of a divisive feminist point of view is direct BBC policy.
Rather than build bridges the BBC acts to divide society and to sow grievance.
Prepared to bet that there was more than one working girl there.
If they can’t answer, they can always block him. Seems bbc SOP.
I watched Tommy’s short video on this subject. I’m not surprised at the Army’s reaction to their unwitting involvement. Personally, I am comfortable with it.
I have variously referred to any peoples uprising in this so-called, “Democracy” and the fact that it is, depending upon the intensity of the uprising, highly likely that when the first line fails to contain – the police – the army would be called in. My view, for what its worth, is that large numbers of the police will refuse to confront the people. The Army? No different.
What we see here in the Army reaction, if I’m not mistaken, is fear. Plain and simple. Albeit unofficial, the Army lads have not disguised their support for Tommy and all he stands for. The top brass of the Army and Government should take heed: they may have a shock if the police or Army is called in to contain the public en masse. That will be real democracy.
I’ve been asking the same question and I’m wondering whether their inability to define ‘far right’ is because they’re malicious or simply because they’re too thick. (You need a little knowledge of History and also Politics to explain this).
Probably a bit of both.
It’s why I label al beeb as “Far Left” its exclusionary bias does take it to that end of the spectrum whereas in truth those who differ from its views of the world are falsely labelled as “far right”
Disposing of non compliant views like mine was a cause for brexit as the ReichEU has the same mindset in Brussels.
I always add, “Marxist” in reference to our Far Left Marxist State Broadcaster, the BBC.
“….the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding society’s allegedly inevitable development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society.” –
Seems to fit the BBC ‘like a glove’.
Not sure about it because al beeb seems to desire undermining white men whenever possible – I’m not linking increased suicides in younger white men to it as a causational factor…. of course ….
I think capitalism is seen as the epitomy of ‘whiteness’.
I bet the BBC MSM have pages/vids with images of military in UNIFORM cheering CONTROVERSIAL political figures.
: Obama or Hillary etc.
Apparently LBC had an hour long show about TR last night … and blocked TR even though he called in multiple times.
.. and then cos callers supported TR they switched to talking about Trump rally
\\ Tom Swarbrick airily dismisses his producer’s refusal to put
@TRobinson through to his @LBC phone in.
(This “isn’t my decision”;”lots of people can’t get through…”)
I, for one, would have liked to hear what Tommy R. had to say about this photo of Tommy R.
video proof is on TR fb page
10 vids since yesterday
..and he’s live now
It’s clear to me that LBC fall into the same category as the far-left bbc; they are a part of the swamp and need to be drained.
Nick Ferrari had a Russian on his crap show early this morning to ask him about the Russian spies. Mr Ferrari did his usual trick, never making allowances for the Russian who was trying to explain himself in English, never allowing him to complete a sentence, showing no patience while the Russian tried to get his point across and then ending the piece with rudeness and personal insults.
Stew – worrying but not surprising – I’m not a phone in type but I suppose LBC weighs commercial value higher than free speech .
former Mirror editor’s tweet looks hatey
Tue 9 Oct 2018 18.39 BST Guardian Opinion
“The Guardian view on the killing of journalists: the truth in peril Editorial”
The truth is in peril, mostly from lefty, so-called, journalists.
Best example known to me – The Guardian on the Rotherham rapes, disgusting
You can always get another journo – you can always get another politician – never a shortage of either .
So @Guardian what’s your stand ?
That article from August 2018 has no open comments as per Standard Guardian SOP on their narratives that don’t stand scrutiny.
d’Ancona calls TR a “ubiquitous online irritant […] making harder the work of those whose task it really is to treat the injured, investigate criminal activity, and see justice done”. Whilst simultaneously acknowledging that “traditional media and the financial order is in the gutter”.
A lesser journalist might spot some relationship going on there, but not the great intellects at the Guardian.
P.S. Oh yes, please give us some money to keep writing crap
“Our view is that for lower-skilled migration, there is no clear benefit for UK residents” and low-skilled migration “hasn’t really had positive effects and has negative effects”. Apparently.
According to Alan Manning, Professor of Labour Economics at the LSE and Chair of the Migration Advisory Committee. I think he said this to the Home Affairs Committee yesterday evening. I believe it was shown on BBC Parliament.
Doesn’t make it to a wider audience though as it’s not on the bBbc Webshite that I can see. I think we all know why.
The BBC has no story
BBC reps were at the meeting and did live blog
Their comments are just about to fall off the end of the last page of the last page
(I’ve saved the text, but it seems even thou it begins at the beginning of the meeting , they chose not to cover the material the Sun an Mail use)
14:17 9 Oct \\ The Committee also found that the government meeting its self-imposed net migration target of tens of thousands, for EEA nationals, is not working and should be replaced.
The report said there is a range of options available for significant immigration reform after the UK leaves the EU, but said that so far, the UK has not opted to take measures which are possible during the transition period. //
Ah I have direct video
“For that lower skilled migration, there is no clear benefit, on the positive side of the ledger for UK residents ..”
MP ??
AM “That LOW-skilled migration has probably been negative on the public finances.. most of these workers are earning below a break even salary .. of things benefits/public-services they consume”
MP then begins to talk about the benefits from ALL including HIGH skilled
Note how the polis quickly try to cut him off , cos they have an agenda ‘Ah but you said there is uncertainty’ etc
Congratulations Ashers Baking Company.
“‘Gay cake row: Supreme Court rules in favour of Ashers”.
Unanimously. I wonder where the bBbc will go with this one?
Unanimous decision: 5-0 in favour of Ashers Baking Company.
‘In a nutshell, the objection was to the message and not to any particular person or persons’
Now what do BBC say ?
Sly News
Court PDFs
Excellent – the loud snowflakes will be bouncing up and now at PM Q like some porn Film ( which I’ve never seen of course ) – change the law -ban cakes —apart from queer ones – fairy cakes ok of course .
Is that an attempt at humour or hate crime -I’d ask Bernard manning – take my wife …..
1min vid Judgement
\\ NI Poli : Steve Aiken OBE @SteveAikenUUP tweeted
.Serious questions need to be asked on use of public money by Equality Commission in perusing what many, including me, saw was a witch hunt against Ashers
– leadership of NI public bodies need to be held accountable for their action//
Commission says
“There is a concern that this judgment may raise uncertainty about the application of equality law in the commercial sphere, both about what businesses can do and what customers may expect;
and that the beliefs of business owners may take precedence over a customer’s equality rights,
which in our view is contrary to what the legislature intended.”
The BBC have a lot more, however, #CCBGB so far…
Maybe Gareth and the BBC should take a moment to reflect on who is out of step with whom?
How dramatic of Gareth Lee – why are you a second class citizen?
What because the state wouldn’t sanction you to control somebody else to do something that they aren’t comfortable with?
Just another self absorbed immature fool who cannot abide that the world doesn’t revolve around themselves and that sometimes you don’t get things your own way.
Welcome to the real world, shame you weren’t taught this as a child.
He is cross because the behaviour he engages in is illegal in NI, and all he wanted to do was to promote it on a cake.
As we know – no serious cost question will be asked – the Mail is turning into the mirror .
I just wonder if they’ll use more public money to go to a European Court where of course they’ll win because the thick judges there won’t understand the nuance of the House of Lords / Supreme Court judgement .
Highways England announces new plans for a much needed new Thames tunnel and how does the BBC report it – apparently only from the Friends of the Earth perspective!
A new road linking Kent and Essex would almost double capacity across the River Thames, Highways England has said.
The route of the new road tunnel under the river would also almost halve the northbound crossing times at the Dartford Crossing, the agency said.
It is claimed the scheme, for which motorists will be charged, will be the largest road upgrade project since the building of the M25.
Friends of the Earth said the crossing would lead to more air pollution.
Jenny Bates from the environmental group said: “It’s astonishing that in the week the UN is warning of the need for urgent action to avoid catastrophic climate change, the UK government is boasting about building more roads.
“This road development will only encourage more cars, vans, lorries and traffic, pumping more air pollution and climate-damaging emissions into our environment.
“Politicians need to take their foot off the accelerator in order to protect the planet.”
I wonder whatever happened to the bridge planned across the Thames to link the north and south circular roads in Londonistan ?
Yes I know it’s not al beeb but at one time it was Hess el times baby and I often see the small bit that was built and am reminded of that idiot …
Wasn’t it also Mr Heseltine the fake aristo, who wasted a billion pounds of our money on what was originally called the Millennium Dome and was only intended to be a temporary structure?
He was quite profligate with our money.
And the commies who took over continued to waste our money
on it and other useless projects on an industrial scale.
That HS2 hasn’t been cancelled shows that those who presume to lord it over us have learned nothing and they are all up to their worthless necks in the swamp and need to be drained.
Yes he was – just down river from the bridge that never was . I always wanted it so that good people could then go round Londonistan than going into it with the central locking switched on .
That is outrageous. They didn’t ask the Muslim Council of Britain to comment?
Bridges in London are dangerous places for pedestrians.
Put your money in bollards. You know it makes sense.
Doesn’t the “Friends of the Earth” communist know that by the time this tunnel is built (if it ever is, which I doubt), we will all be pootling along in nice electric cars, which apparently cause no pollution?
I must have missed the press release from “Friends of the Earth” where they opposed unrestricted immigration to the UK, because that is what is causing all this traffic congestion in the first place.
Typical left wing self-important hypocrites. I really can’t think what the BBC sees in them.
I know it’s now a Dart tag but maybe if they removed the toll charges from the crossing – you know the ones they said would be removed after 10 years or so when the construction costs had been paid back – there wouldn’t be as much congestion.
But of course it was just another lie that they powers that be assumed we would all forget.
As others have said here the fact that the British State is over reacting to any support for TR is evidence of their deepest fear that maybe those who agree with him and his message may actually do something about it one day .
No doubt those monitoring sites like this will be making notes and doing their threat assessments …any way – welcome – and if your name begins with ‘mo’ even more so …
The bBbc is like a dog with a bone on this one, the demands to legalise abortion in Northern Ireland by the likes of Diana Johnson and Stella Creasy, the Labour MPs for Hull North and Walthamstow respectively. I’m in no way convinced that their motives, and those of Amnesty, are down to genuine concerns for the rights and health of women in Northern Ireland, but just a couple of points.
Firstly, mind your own effin’ business. This a devolved issue not to be decided by an English, Scottish or Welsh MP or electorate. And definitely not to be decided by anyone in Eire.
Secondly, abortion is not a criminal offence in Northern Ireland if
“there is a risk that the mother may die or is likely to suffer long-term damage, which is serious, to her physical or mental health”.
Is that not nuanced enough to cover and address most issues and situations that might cause someone to seek an abortion?
I confess to being a man and so to many of those pushing this I am probably not allowed to have an opinion on this but I do have a vote and as a husband and father of three Northern Irish girls have probably more right than the bBbc and the chattering classes in Westminster.
I dont really have a dog in the abortion fight
but I do know from my local health centres that VD is running out of control amongst the young as it appears that no one bothers with contraception safety any more
It’s a decision that should be made carefully and should be ultimately, after medical consultation, the choice of the pregnant woman or girl and I think it’s sad that it has become so normalised, probably through the contraceptive negligence that you describe. I just hope that it doesn’t affect me and mine in the future.
I don’t think that this is just about abortion though.
Im damn sure its nothing to do with abortion
why horrible dyke lesbians campaign for abortion I have absolutely no idea
it seems to me more to be with dissuading natives from having children, whilst we insisting we need mass immigration
personally Ive never been able to reconcile easy abortion with nhs fertility treatment and homes full of unadopted kids
I found this Spiked article about QT moderately interesting, and irritating at the same time:
Down with racial thinking
“A white audience member claimed that Britain is ‘one of the least racist societies in Europe’. He was responding to an earlier claim made by panellist George Mpanga (aka George the Poet) that ‘xenophobia is something the British people harbour in their hearts’. Mpanga was annoyed by the audience member, whose argument didn’t accord with his own experience of being unfairly searched by police officers.”
So we have xenophobia “in our hearts”? Well thank you, Mr Poet (Mr Zephisomething was obviously unavailable). My husband has been searched three times and didn’t have a problem with it. If we are in fact one of the least racist societies in Europe, it would be nice to get a little credit occasionally – provided it actually is a virtue and not a weakness. It goes on to say:
“Only the Swedes were consistently more progressive in their answers to these questions. “
Referring to Sweden as “more progressive” is not the most convincing argument I’ve heard this year. And more lunacy here:
Scotland Slammed as ‘Racist’ for Treating Gaelic Language as ‘More Scottish’ Than Urdu
Isn’t it amazing when one doesn’t give a damn about the view of some one from bongo bongo land … oops .
Their whines have influence, unfortunately.
True Anne – but I suppose it’s demographic of people who watch QT – which I gave upon long ago . It’s just a weekly ritual of virtue signalling and a Dimbly putting more cash in his production company
This week apparently it is celebrating 30 years by having only under 30s on . Snowflake central .
Watching the PMQ programme now with a rare appearance by Brillo talking at length about brexit deals …..
….. now I’m interested in it but my god is it confusing – that common question at the back of my head
“ why arnt we out yet?””
I assume when George is labelling British people as harbouring xenophobia that he is talking about himself as well or does he rise above the blanket stereotype that he is applying to everyone else?