The BBC and mainstream media will spend a bit of time working out how President Trump’s nominee was appointed to the US Supreme Court despite the MSM onslaught against him . Then it’s back to fighting the November elections on behalf the Democrat Party .
Meanwhile at home we will witness the BBC undermining Brexit negotiations by blaming any piece of bad news on the People’s vote of 2 years ago .
Just a small plea again – language moderation is requested Please …
Ashers ‘gay cake’ row: Bakers win Supreme Court appeal
Speaking a gay man myself, I’m delighted to see that Asher’s have won their ‘gay cake’ appeal at the Supreme Court. This is a victory for freedom of conscience. It is clear to me that the reprehensible cretin who brought the original case of ‘discrimination’ against the bakers did this motivated only by a sense of malignant menace, supported all the way by the disgusting Equalities Commission (communists, all).
I’m sure I speak for many other gay people when I say I do not wish to see anyone dragged through the courts at great expense, simply to serve a pernicious identity-politics agenda. Other bakers – gay-friendly bakers – are always available. But that vicious git knew that all along, right? That was the point.
The BBC is, of course, aghast at the verdict.
Yes. The ruling that the bakery was objecting on religious grounds to the message, not the customer, seems a very sensible one, and relatively obvious.
Doesn’t say much for the earlier rulings, does it?
Comes from a PClower judiciary who think that if they tow the imaginary party line they’ll get the next career move . When it got to the top of the tree common sense kicked in but I thought they didn’t look happy delivering the judgement …. even at 5-0
Surprised there wasn’t 1 dissenter…
Great post, Obi. I am always surprised that very few legal minds appreciate the difference between negative and positive rights. A negative right is a right not to be subjected to the action of another, e.g. being physically attacked or compelled to bake a particular kind of cake. You have these rights simply by virtue of being human. A positive right is an action that someone else can demand of you ONLY IF both parties have agreed to it or entered into a contract. And as you say, this is clearly a case of freedom of conscience, which is one of the fundamental rights classed as negative rights. Good God, you can be a conscientious objector and refuse to fight if called up by your country in wartime. Do they not realise a baker can use the same principle if asked to bake a cake? You can’t coerce any vendor into selling anything that you demand. If there is a demand for wedding cakes with pro-gay messages on them, an enterprising baker will step in to supply that demand, and as you say, Obi, there are plenty of them. That’s the great thing about the free market.
I am also a gay man, and I couldn’t agree more with what you have said. I wonder if those pillocks who made the original complaint would have been so forthright if the bakers had been members of a certain peaceful religion and not Christians? I suspect not.
Nicely said Obi.
If the landlord of a pub can refuse to serve you for the slightest misdemeanour, or just doesn’t like your face, surely the same applies to any retail business.
Interesting to hear Peter Tatchell on the radio actually agreeing with the decision. Cant warm to the man, but I applauded his reasoning (or rather jazz hands!).
BBC News : Global Warming is due to…wait for it…TRUMP! 🙂
A graph shows a steady rise in global temperature without comment…but seemed to indicate that the entire Earth’s population would be extinct by 2050!
Our only possible saviour is China who lead the world at finding alternative clean sources of energy. No mention of umpteen coal-fired power stations being built there, curiously. Hmmmm…
Forgive me for being unsympathetic or uncaring but, I won’t be here in 2050, so it’s difficult to work up much enthusiasm when I hear that we’ve planted another wind turbine and closed a coal-fired power station… 🙁
Well, duh!
It is a matter of public record that President Trump is the leading cause of global warming, AIDS and cancer. He is also responsible for all those UHT milk sachets you get in cafes which spill over your clothing when you try to open them. Eeeeevvilll!
Ignore this report, like all the others, it’s unmitigated crap.
“Wolf” has been cried many times too often, by the IPCC. Now, no bugger takes any notice, unless they are eco-greenies, or soft governments, like those of western Europe, and especially France and the Former UK, who will do anything they’re told to do by the UN/EU cretins.
I heard one twat on the radio recently lecturing us stupid deniers that he could prove how bad C02 in the atmosphere was because of an experiment that he could do on his kitchen table.
Nothing more demonstrates their contemptible arrogance than the assumption that the science is so obvious and simple that an experiment carried out in a household kitchen could accurately reflect, replicate or represent the complexities of the Earth’s atmosphere.
What an utter tool.
IIRC Newsnight had just that experiment, in Justin Rowlatt (mentioned by Stew below) and wife’s kitchen. With a selected audience.
There was also an actual rocket scientist, whose career was as well served as Malala’s health following bbc production involvement.
Bbc ‘quotes’ in overdrive.
Thanks for posting that link. Very interesting and nice to see that
a. Creating this exercise is open to wild fluctuations
b. Conducting this exercise demonstrates absolutely nothing about climate change.
Does the BBC never stop stirring up racial grievance?
Maybe they have a point. I dream about buying a new sofa but adverts never show anyone who Looks Like Me buying one.
Love it Roly !
All this bullshit about being ‘inspired’ or realising your ‘dream’, I’ve never heard of such codswallop ! We just got out there and got a bloody job and were thankful to have a wage at the end of the month. Yes, I would loved to have been in the film industry, or been very rich in the 1920’s (before my time I add), but telling kids they can be anything they want – er, NO, they cant !
I did my degree in what would have been thought of at the time ‘a man’s subject’. I didn’t care, it was what I wanted to study and actually thought it might be more fun to be surrounded by male students. I didn’t need a role model to influence my decision. I expect Mrs Thatcher had to make do with Golda Meir to show her that a woman could lead a country.
If women, or black people or any other minority (sorry… hold the front page because I think there are more women than men in this country) but people should learn to do anything they want if they are capable of doing it. Jobs should go to the best qualified etc etc. This insistence of the Left and snow flakes that role models are necessary just weakens their right to be in that role.
This was covered 2 weeks ago on Inside Out West from Bristol
black teacher said they will only work in schools where the headteacher is also black !
Be interested in the fallout if that is in writing.
Well it was on video in the case study of one Bristol black teacher, who said she had to go and work in London so she could work under a black head teacher and she extended that feeling to her compatriots.
Batten getting stick cos he tweeted the phrase “black propaganda”
And now he hits back at Sly News
Sky seems to have imploded.
Vine is talking about the Harlow Brexit murder
where the Polish man died
Guest : “NYT reported it as Halow mob kicks Pole to death”
“Juncker exploited it”
“It wasn’t a Brexit murder”
Vine admits he didn’t know all this until he read the book
If I remember the local constabulary imported polish coppers to go on joint patrols to ‘ reassure ‘ the ‘ community
at trial the facts turned out differently to the al beeb narratives ….. as in Friday night yobs who’d have done anyone in the wrong place or time …
I always am amazed at hearing of EUReich guest workers saying they now no longer feel welcome in Blighty ?
British people have been used as a political and ethnic door mat and the only chance to object to it they took .
The PM looks burnt out these days don’t you think?
Fedup2, the PM looks burned out these days. But not in the Joan of Arc way.
Don’t you just love it when the BBC suddenly becomes an observer rather than a player?
So at the time of that death Vine would have been all over that ‘story’ – “Has Brexit Made Us All Racist?” – and with lots of guests free to tell us all that we are.
Now, post-trial, when the facts are known, Vine and the rest of the BBC observe that ‘the media’ (not us guv!), has lost interest, conveniently forgetting that they were in the vanguard of the ‘some say’ it was a Brexit Racist Attack fake news story.
Vine et al should be compelled to front-up their programmes with correction spots, not allowed to pretend that is was ‘other people’.
[The BBC incite the Poles in Harlow to get angry]
That just goes to show what a knob Vine is…he probably doesn’t know anything about the EU structure and aims – despite knocking Brexiteers at any opportunity – may be he should read the book
And here are the news headlines using a template BBC format [with my own editoral interjections]:
Today is International Groundhog Day [this has little relevance to us here in the UK and is of minority interest but it’s a trendy American thing so we have to have it served up to us too]
To mark this the Government has appointed a Minister for Groundhogs and allocated £10bn funding [We thought they were conservatives but they enjoy placating the liberal media. We thought they were a low tax and cut the deficit party – but apparently not. Don’t worry too much because this expenditure has probably already been announced a couple of times already – a trick Tony Blair perfected]
Groundhog Campaign Groups say this is just not enough [So all that effort by the Tories to get a good write up from the BBC was wasted]
The Labour Party say they would invest much more in Groundhogs [So having brought up the subject and attempted to virtue signal to voters the BBC and Labour have inevitably out flanked the Tories]
Next Monday’s BBC headline will be: Groundhogs under threat from Brexit
Why you have (probably) already bought your last car By Justin Rowlatt
\\ Rowlatt is married to BBC World Service producer Bee Rowlatt and they have four children. The family appears in the year-long filming of Ethical Man, and “Ethical Wife” contributed independently to the series by investigating his oil company holding//
September Snippet #2
The BBC appear to be trying to move the start of the great financial crisis to September 2008. Those of us with memories not addled by BBC champagne or other substances remember that it was August/September 2007 that it started with the Sub-Prime Crisis really hitting the US and the start of a run on the Northern Rock Bank here in the UK that would lead to its failure.
I find myself wondering why the BBC would want to produce yet more FalseFacts when they have been, since 2017, extremely critical of the new media, accusing them along with the Russians of peddling FakeNews & FalseFacts. Then, in addition, they get annoyed and claim threats to journalism and ‘open societies’ when President Trump does exactly exactly the same as the BBC pointing at FakeNews & FalseFacts directed at undermining his administration.
This is a story on the BBC NI weshite.
A YouTuber called Jacksepticeye has split up.from his Danish girlfriend, Wiishu, and no longer shares a home with her in Brighton.
Jacksepticeye is from Co Offaly, Eire apparently.
Now, bBbc, tell me how this is in anyway either news or of any relevance whatsoever to the population of Northern Ireland.
It’s certainly considered by the bBbc to be of more relevance than the charging of two teenagers with the murder of a homeless Polish national in one of our provincial towns last year, beaten to death while sleeping rough in a derelict house. Wait a minute though, there’s why. They too appear to be Polish.
Apologies if someone has posted on this already, but in case not, I have received an email from Tommy Robinson with a link to the Rebel Media site and a petition against the treatment meted out to our soldiers for meeting with Tommy Robinson, who says at least one of them has been been discharged from the army because the whining muslim wanted them punished.
I’d suggest everyone sign the petition; it’s a pity there isn’t a petition to have this whining muslim discharged from the army and never seen or heard of again.
“….whining muslim discharged…..”. I think most others here will think of more appropriate opprobrium. Like Tommy himself, they just have to punish someone as an example of the scared nature of their existence. Another C/O taking his instructions from Riyadh.
Come the revolution, I now need to see people dangling from lampposts (plural). The list is growing daily.
But there, the event just goes to prove how already influential islam is in our everyday life. What with their mate Soros yanking every and all strings behind the scenes, is there any hope of reversing the slow extermination of the British population?
As it stands, I’d need more confirmation, and a clear explanation, with who is accountable for the decision, on what basis.
If confirmed, they will need to do a lot more than lock themselves in a tank and hope it blows over.
Standing beside people being a firing offence might rattle those who have willingly done so with actual threats to the nation.
Me too. Hopefully details will come out. If true, it sets a truly dangerous precedent (add that to the mounting pile).
And does that mean sackings for these officers as well or do they just get the ‘quiet chat’?
Wikipedia says:
Much to my surprise, the BBC has actually posted in this article some statistics of who is doing what to whom. You have to scroll well down to find it, but it’s there. Somehow I can’t see this being brought up as a topic for discussion, though, because it might raise some awkward questions. And we know what happens to people who pose for photographs with anyone who asks those awkward questions.
I’m astonished that the Beeb would refer to this as an ’emerging issue’. I think most of us expect this in any town/city with a healthy migrant population.
Are they really trying to advertise themselves at being at the cutting edge of this breaking story. Give me a break!
Read this article, and the first thought that went through my mind was how confused (and confusing) it was, very poorly written and cobbled together…. the impression is of some kid cutting and pasting a homework essay for a subject they dislike intensely and can’t get their head around.
There again it might just be intentionally misleading, you know like attempting to whisk someone around the elephant in the room in the dark with a blindfold on.
“Elephant?! There’s no elephant in here, I don’t know what you’re talking about, you must be imagining it. Hey, look over here, here’s something which will really interest you…”
They could have asked TR he would know exactly
How about a religious breakdown of suspects. That might cover the other 10%
bbc Gravy train
The Times is owned by the same people as Sly News
as usual reporting of TR is handed to HnH
\\ An army source expressed frustration with the 24 soldiers involved and summed up the situation saying:
“Stupid behaviour by a handful of pillocks.”//
\\ It is thought the men will **get equality and diversity training**.
Imam Asim Hafiz, Islamic religious adviser to the armed forces, said that the episode was not representative of attitudes in the army.
… The armed forces remain committed to welcoming individuals from across all faiths and cultures into their ranks.” (except if they are white and not lib/lefties). //
Lucy the reporter tweeted
They really need a lawyer otherwise RMP will waste them . Bet the Millitary comments website has things to say ….
\\ The army is taking steps to discharge a soldier who appeared in a video with far-right activist Tommy Robinson.
Sky News was told the recruit had a long record of disciplinary problems.
“This was the straw that broke the camel’s back,”
a source said //
\\ the Armed Forces have no trouble allowing (and even encouraging) serving members, in uniform to attend gay pride marches.
Gay Pride is a political event. ‘Celebrating’ ones sexuality //
is that true ?
Yes eg happened in York
BTW the Times dredged up 2 Nazi stories to fill up the page
– Baby named after Hitler ( the middle name is Adolf)
– Nazi posters against gypsies in Horsham Sussex.
We aren’t no thin red ‘eroes, nor we aren’t no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An’ if sometimes our conduck isn’t all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don’t grow into plaster saints;
While it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an` Tommy, fall be’ind,”
But it’s ” Please to walk in front, sir,” when there’s trouble in the wind
There’s trouble in the wind, my boys, there’s trouble in the wind,
O it’s ” Please to walk in front, sir,” when there’s trouble in the wind.
Quite appropriate in the run up to the 100th anniversary …
… when British blood paid for Europe’s civil war the first time .. ( I know – long time ago – that was then – forgive and forget ) …remain all together – I can hear the al beeb mantra for the next month …
Jihadi’s wife who turned down SEVEN council houses sues the local authority for not rehousing her when she was freed from jail
The mother, who cannot be named, was freed from jail in September 2016
She lived in hotels and B&Bs with her sons, aged five and nine, for 16 months
Yet the woman, who is on benefits, rejected seven offers of a council home
I have an answer..send her to Syria….or Iran or Iraq, or Somalia or any where…
Sounds like seven communities dodged a… well, were spared.
Mayor slams Cambridge University students after they turn down call to promote Remembrance Day and to encourage people to buy poppies
Motion to commemorate ‘everyone who has been affected by war’ was rejected
CUSU council said attempt to broaden day of commemoration was ‘too vague’
Cambridgeshire mayor James Palmer: ‘Decision brings great shame to university
The controversial move came after various amendments were made, including crossing out the phrases ‘British war veterans’, ‘Remembrance Day’ and ‘Poppies’.
Closing nearly all our universities and putting the students and staff on road mending gangs would be for the good of the nation.
Useless tax eating wasters.
The “Students’ Union” is the usual bunch of lefty snowflakes. It has not changed since Red Andy Marr was there. It is not to be confused with the Cambridge Union Society, where the debates are held.
I don’t know why the city council approached the Students’ Union in the first place. If they had been fundraising for disabled Viet Cong they would have got a friendly response, but to expect that bunch of leftists to support British war veterans is plain stupid.
As with most universities, 99% of students have nothing whatsoever to do with the Millie Tants and Student Grants of the SU.
That ex bbc lady in the Iranian jail must be thrilled.
Not often the bbc and ethics are in the same sentence.
Al beeb showing its’ envy of rich foreigners today talking about a case of an asabajani big spender . I am not rich but have come across people who are so rich they don’t know how much money they have and buy without question .
Such people exist but I don’t think the Far Left BBC approves ….
According to the Londonistan Evening Standard the
BBC had a glitch which led to the London police giving a lift to the Fiona Bruce and Mark Easton … if so can they be accused of wasting police time ?
Even better – haven’t they got anything better to do ? Pity the “ glitch “ didn’t shut al beeb down . Blame the Russians …
Deep joy.
The government are to spend £50 million on 5 years of healthcare for those affected by the financial black hole that is Grenfell Tower.
Lets do some primary school maths.
Lets say 300 people lived in the tower.
Lets say 70 died.
Lets say 200 fire and other services were affected.
Thats 430 people.
Divide £50m by 5 and then by 430.
So we, the taxpayers, are to spend over £23,000 per head per year just on healthcare for Grenfell ‘victims’?????????
That’s about 4 people per GP!!!!!!!!!
Someone has totally lost the plot.
How much are the survivors and relatives of those slaughtered in the Manchester bombing and other Muslim atrocities getting?
No idea the BBC never mention it
Ex residents will probably demand a council flat, X box and 50 inch TV to feel a bit better
Bbc a smidge unsure; try to play it safe and hide behind a question.
Still suffer in the comments. Bless ‘em.
Jeez- some one really does have to much time on their hands eh?
It reminds me of the top of the economic cycle the last time when alsorts of “ this time it’s different “ nonsense was going on …. same with the green nonsense which also disappears in a recession .
No I’m not talking the economy Down – it just will happen ….
Yet another marker on the way to civilisation decay and collapse.
Have we really come down to this ?
Al beeb is positing that the DUP could bring down the government over the brexit deal .
I’ve got to go with the DUP . Northern Ireland can’t be treated in any way different from the rest of Britain . Would the welch ? The Scots ? Norfolk ?
So no deal ….
The EU negotiators have always known this. It is not possible in any way to treat N Ireland as different from the rest of the UK. It would lead to a real not a fake crisis and possible rebellion.
Thus we must accuse them of bad faith from the start.
A real PM would have walked away months ago.
A poll Sky unlikely to trumpet, or the bbc to mention.
Oh I did screen shot already at 4:30pm

I did another screenshot of that Times article on TR which was framed by sticking 2 stories about Nazis on the same page … My tweets
In what way, precisely, is TR “extremist” as quoted by the army ? is it now extremist to seek to protect white prepubescent girls from being repeatedly gang raped by gangs of pakistani muslims up and down the country in every community they infest ? if so. count me as an extremist also and, I suspect many others, maybe we should start an “extremist ? hash bloody tag metoo” or maybe hash bloody tag is gang rape of kids less imprortant than protecting pakis from being identified as gang rapists ? you be the judge…
Having listened fairly carefully to PMQs – she was asked about Scottish fishing rights – right at the end of her reply she said words to the effect of “ they’ll get a fairer proportion of fish allocation” this doesn’t seem to be picked up anywhere
But suggests British fisherman have already been sold down the river
I see what you did there..
I’m not a coastal type but it seems that part of our exit from the EUReich must be control of our coastal waters – whatever the consequences to foreign fishers taking our fish . We must get that industry back .
Family was originally from west coast of Scotland, have seen the degradation of the fishing fleet from the seventies onwards
@Annunki My childhood days were spent running around the docks as our family owned the first fully privately owned Seine class fishing vessel `GY1407 Carlo` I can remember our dock being full of boats as we were home to the Worlds Largest Fishing Fleet, then along came the E fcuking U ….. Now we have no fleet, not a single boat is left!!!
That is because fishermen and their families are not the wimpy lefty bottom of the barrel runts that are our political class and governors nowadays. They are jealous of them in a way.
They know better men when they meet them
Runts – typo?
When I saw that “The Moral Maze”was about “climate change”, then I was looking forward to hearing Melanie Phillips on the show.
After all, she`s written plenty on it-and would allow us to test the crap that the BBC peddles on its endless worrywart nonsense.
BUt no-she`s not on.
Quelle surprise-anyone would think that the BBC have decided that “deniers” won`t be allowed a platform any more on the Beeb.
Not worth the grief I expect.
Just a Gaia Death Cult isn`t it?
And how apt that the Muslim and Christian gobs are so despairing of the end of the planet-as if G-D has no plans to help them.
All JWs and apocalyptic Bybull bashaz with their mad placards these days / Weird.
The inconvenient truth is that climate changes, and always has,and is now, anyone that knows the countryside can tell you that, the evidence is all around, but, how many news articles address whether this is CAUSED BY HUMAN ACTIVITY there is the rub
By the way – Wednesday was something like ‘ mental health day ‘ … if you ever look for a charity which deserves funding and it not corrupted by politics or the charity industry –
Please support Dementia UK
Sorry I forgot what was that again ?
Annu – dry but personally very painful to me and many others who have experienced dementia and social care for the British elderly ….
Whilst £13 000 000 000 of taxpayers money a year is given away to anything or one the swamp feels good about …
Half way through Black Earth Rising, and I’ve given up watching, too much angst, and I care less for the victim in it. Her acting comprises of having wide and even wider eye stares. Now half way through Trust, and its like watching teeth being pulled. The film with Christopher Plummer taking over from Kevin Spacey was recently shown and was much better. Both showed great promise at the start, but I’ve lost the will to live when watching them now.
Bris – the first word in the title was enough to tick the box for me not to watch – I’m waiting the Windrush the Movie with a cast of white actors playing black parts because according to current theatrical thinking ( wrong word?) skin colour doesn’t matter ..
There is a new thread – by the way…
My ten year old picked up on the trailer, a flashback to childhood and the shouty, melodramatic,
“I can’t even remember my name!! “.
In a ffs, here we go again tone, “Dad, she’s about the same age as me. How can she not remember her name? “.
Peston , formally a beeboid , now sold to ITV interviews some one called Mr Clegg – a man who lost his seat in the last election but still seems to command authority within the swamp .
If you look up hid career he has sucked on the breast of the ReichEU for his whole career – so how could he ever want more than to continue that .
BBC 1 10 pm news.
First headline item, yep, the most important news of the day as selected by the BBC editors, was about the gay cake, and the Supreme Court supporting the bakers, to the obvious displeasure of the BBC.
The loser in the case was described as a ‘customer’.
Which is odd, because elsewhere he is revealed as a gay activist.
In the selection of headline and the fake news about the ‘customer’ the BBC is revealed as the left wing politically correct minority agitatoing shit stirrers we know they are.
How many MPs do we actually have? Because all the focus is on Corbyn again. Always Corbyn, Corbyn says this, Corbyn does that. It is really getting on my nerves now. Not everyone supports Labour and there are other MPs and other parties who should get a mention as well.
But of course the BBC just cannot help themselves can they?
We have a PMQs verdict. What is the actual point of them? We can watch it for ourselves. The BBC screen them don’t they?
So what is this then?
‘The prime minister’s promise at last week’s Conservative conference that austerity was almost over was every bit the gift for Jeremy Corbyn that some had expected.’
Every bit the gift? Can one of those left wing Guardian readers at the BBC explain that please? Are they not meant to be impartial. It is bad enough the Owen Jones rag has spammed the same support for Corbyn four times today but the BBC just have to follow it don’t they?
Mark D’Arcy’s view:
‘As widely predicted, after the PM hailed the end of austerity in her conference speech, Jeremy Corbyn highlighted areas of public services still squeezed, and highlighted the impact on pay for teachers and the police. Confronted by questions like this, the PM rattles off figures and lapses into official-ese, constantly repeating the phrase “in respect of”.
This does not strike me as a very effective riposte – and although she eventually did get round to saying her government would not abandon fiscal responsibility, that phrasing was again a lapse into official jargon, rather than a fighting retort. The difference? Mr Corbyn’s questions could be (and doubtless were) slapped straight on to social media for the delectation of austerity-weary swing voters; the PM’s needed subtitles for those who don’t speak high formal Whitehall-ese.’
Was there any point in him writing the above? Just trying to sway things is he?
Laura Kassenburg’s tweet:
“Pretty effective attack from Jeremy Corbyn… on safe ground for him though” @bbclaurak on #pmqs questions about austerity #politicslive
And what was the point of her opinion? Just trying to stir it up as usual?
Seriously I really am looking forward to the day the BBC closes down and I hope by that day we would have forgotten all about Jeremy Corbyn and the left!
Does Laura still need police protection when she dares to mention Corbyns name?
Not that the BBC say anything about it…goes with the territory of being a lefty these days.
Tommy Robinson further comment on armed forces.
This headline could equally be written as ‘Some to be richer under universal credit’ but the BBC headline picks one biased approach
This headline could equally be written as ‘Some to be richer under universal credit’ but the BBC headline picks one biased approach