The Far Left BBC quickly buried the conviction of “the Huddersfield 20 Muslim racist paedophiles” and as it does – moved quickly on . How will the BBC perform regarding the political show trial of Tommy Robinson on Tuesday ? You can bet the Muslim paedo racist gang which is the cause of TRs brush with the law won’t feature much in this crooked country but his past will be used as the usual weapon?
With a 158 days until Brexit the remainers will be marching every weekend or looking for jobs with tax avoiders like Facebook .
Seems a bit quiet round here.
The BBC are a disgrace, when will they spell out the true scope of this?, If you combine the number actually raping children, and the number who must of known and did nothing… then there is no way this was a “Minority of Muslims”.
According The Jay report alone, Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 Adult Muslim males. Yet the report described 1,400 child gang rape victims. Some were raped hundreds of times in total, so probably in excess of 14,000 rapes in total. That means 5 rapes per adult Muslim male on average…
What is more we have similar numbers in Telfor, Sandwell… and many other towns, hidden by a government that refuses to do a proper study. Where is the BBC spelling this out in its horrific detail?
And where are the BBC in examining the contents of Islam?,
This religion has Muhammad as the perfect role-model for all time, yet he married six year old Aisha who he hit in the chest for leaving the house against his orders. He owned and raped non-Muslim sex slaves like Maria the Copt. He force married Safiya the same day he had her husband tortured with molten metal to steal his gold, and genocided her tribe. He married his cousin Zaynab, and stole his sons wife Zayd, and had the woman Asma-bint-Marwan murdered for witing insulting poems, and apostates killed when they fled after being made to drink camel urine… Muhammads example promotes child rape, wife beating, forced marriage, incest, murder, genocide, and sex slavery for the unbeliever, and death to critics and apostates.
The UK is going the way of in Lebanon, which is 1920 was 15% Muslim (85% Christian)… By 1975 through immigration and breeding the population increased to over 50% Muslim and war broke out for Islam to gain control. The war lasted 15 years… Lebanon is now a Muslim country, just try and criticize Islamic practices there. Same thing happened in Bosnia. Already several European countries have approaching 10% Muslim and demographic trends suggest alignment with the Lebanon process.
The Jay report:
Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf
Blatant propaganda from David Dimbleby on the Lebonon… they must have known what Islam was 40 years ago:
as the “far -right edl” point out
in one town 1 in 10 muslim males were under investigation 1 in 100 were in the dock
They even basically admit thet they all know this is going on, listen to this Muslim woman claiming “that everybody does it”… she obviously knew this was going on, but seems to think it is so common, that it’s normal… then phones a radio show and blames the children, and tells us most child rapists are white while failing to mention that the Police and government have spent decades refusing to prosecute the Muslim serial child rape gangs.
Typical Taqiya tactics (or lying) to confuse the issue and muddy the waters.
Good for Maajid (if it’s him) for stressing the basic fact that while male Pakistani muslims are a tiny proportion (1 or 2%) of the pop they commit a massive 78% of paedo gang rapes and grooming.
Sweden has been the rape capital of Europe for atleast ten years. Fjordman has been pointing this out for virtually the same time.
In Britain, the systematic brutal gang rapes of young non-Muslim girls by Pakistani Muslims had been going on for decades. In all cases the police and political authorities knowingly ignored the cries of the victims.The news only broke when the EDL started to protest about the gang rapes. The authorities and media response was to besmirch the EDL as right wing racist Nazis, arrest Tommy Robinson, and “kettle” EDL demonstrations. That is Tommy Robinson’s real crime.
As the news is now out, the authorities admit that they kept quiet about the gang rapes because they didn’t want to be perceived as “racists”. This doesn’t wash on any ground.
1. What sort of people are these media and authority that willingly and knowingly ignored the cries and tears of young girls over decades.
2. And the claim that they didn’t want to be perceived as “racist” is a cowardly reason to give, that is, trying to hide their cowardice, and disgusting politically expedient behaviour behind what they believe will be perceived as a good cause
We know that Muslims will try to lie, confuse, distract us about their industrial scale rape gangs and about much else of course. But the question that spins round and round in my head is why are the British establishment,, MPs, HoL , BBC, MSM as a whole, charities, police, judiciary etc etc, also lie through their teeth about this? I know that the excellent Douglas Murray believes that having made the huge mistake of inviting open Muslim migration into our country, the establishment can’t bring themselves to admit their mistake and will crack down hard on any establishment member who rocks the boat. Of course they also repress and persecute anyone who even raises the issue eg TR. but can it really be true that they are willing to see the end of our country, continent and civilisation just because they won’t admit to making a mistake?
The more important stat is that virtually half the Muslim male Pakistani community was active in it. Therefore every one in the Pakistani Muslim community was complicit in it.
I estimate somewhere between 30,000 to 50,000 White girls raped by mainly Muslims in the UK. Some say a higher figure.
Let us assume 30,000. If one assumes just 10 men for each girl, one arrives at a figure of 300,000 Pakistani Muslim gang rapists.
If there are 2 million Pakistani Muslims in the UK, then there are approximately 1 million Pakistani Muslim men. Assume men under 10 and over 60 are generally not involved, this amounts to 30%, then there 700,000 Pakistani Muslim men who are potential “groomers”. And 300,000 of these are actually gang rapists, or 43% of the sexually active male population.
The estimates are estimates, but it does indicate that virtually all Pakistani Muslim men knew that “they could get it whenever they wanted it”. Also all the Pakistani women would have known. And most certainly all imams knew what was happening. That is, the entire Pakistani Muslim community knew what was going on.
It is clear that Muslims were waging Jihad ie war as they see it. Fair enough. If we didnt know of the openly stated strategic goal of Islam, its our fault. One cant blame Muslims for it.
However, even by the tenets of war, these mass gang rapes of the women of this country amounts to a war crime by the Pakistani invader community.
The punishment for such a war crime by the community should be expulsion of the Pakistani Muslim community. There may be a few exceptions, but that is in the nature of war.
Then there has to be serious consequences for those in the media and power, who enabled it by deliberately ignoring it.
Thanks Cassandra. This very well illustrates what the BBC claims to be the ‘diverse’ nature of child molesters.
Listen–Pat Buchanan: Migrant Caravan Is Trump’s Chance to Stop ‘Third World Invasion of the West’
Buchanan said:
It’s the signature issue of the president or just about the signature issue of controlling the border, securing the border, building the wall, halting illegal immigration. It’s the major issue in Western Civilization right now.
The folks from the south who are dealing with repression and war and poverty and hardships all want to come north to Europe and the United States. And it enables Donald Trump to demonstrate he’s a leader on this issue, this is his issue. And he can take action to secure the borders and prevent what is really a third world invasion of the West.
I believe that if Pres Trump wins the mid-terms, he will enact such policies that will stop the invasion North America, and collapse the EU and the invasion of Western Europe
Not much diversity there.
It would be easier to list the towns and cities where this disgusting behaviour is not happening.
“I estimate somewhere between 30,000 to 50,000 White girls raped by mainly Muslims in the UK. Some say a higher figure.”
Seems low, its probably in excess of 500,000 victims, some estimate a million… which may mean in excess of 10,000,000 rapes (over 15 years).
Consider if a Tomas Robinsinova was being persecuted by Putin’s courts/judges for publicising something similar in Russia. Britain and the EU would be putting sanctions on uncivilised Russia.
Very salient the Lebanon example, does not fill one with optimism though!
Now the Beeb have got the Huddersfield men off the main sections of the website, gives space to highlight another religion’s abuse
Australia sexual abuse: National apology delivered to victims
I remember an older Aunt talking about how wonderful Lebanon used to be. This oasis of luxury living, like a middle eastern Monte Carlo – yet now it’s a ravaged shit hole.
I’m sure the eradication of the Christians and the dominance of Islam has nothing to do with it.
I am sure your older Aunt would be saying the same about most UK Cities.
Lebanon had a vibrant democracy and a free press as long as Christians were a majority. But such a state was anathema to Islam, and the West. Illegal immigration, terrorism funded by Islamic states , and the reluctance of the West to support a Christian state, to avoid the stigma of “racism”, has led to present Lebanon. Only France tried to intervene but without the support of the USA there was no hope.
Just as our Home Secretary cannot mention Islamic terrorism, so it is that the MSM cannot mention that these men who prey on non-Muslim young girls, are Muslim men – they are “Asian”, and always “Asian” for the MSM. If the powerful MSM is unable to face reality for fear, why do we expect any better from the police, courts or politicians.
These Muslim men prey on non-Muslim girls, never Muslim girls, as preying on non-Muslim girls is not just allowed in Islam, but is part of the Jihad of destroying the Kuffar society.
There is no point in blaming Muslims for what is happening in the UK, be it honour killings, the extension of shari’a by stealth, hatred being preached in mosques, and the continuous threat of terrorism from within, leading to harsher security measures by the state on all of us. Muslims are doing what they are required to do as required by their religion. No, the fault lies with us. And if we didn’t know this would happen, then that is our misfortune.
This is a Muslim problem and not merely a Pakistani one. The same kind of behaviour- soliciting young non-Muslim girls, and rape of non-Muslim women, is evident in Europe, and particularly the Nordic countries. As usual the police is not keen to investigate or prosecute, for fear of the charge of “racism”. The fact that these men in the UK are of Pakistani origin is merely a consequence of the fact that Pakistani Muslims predominate in the UK. In European countries, it is the Turks, Somalis, Iraqis, Kurds or whatever, and the same pattern is prevalent.
Just transferring the charge from “Asian” to “Pakistani” is just another device to avoid naming the real problem – Islam.
As I contend we are in a state of war.
A Woman in Berlin: Eight Weeks in the Conquered City: A Diary
The mass rape of women always occurs in a conquered nation. The men have been neutered by the victorious army, leaving women at the mercy of gang rape.
For eight weeks in 1945, as Berlin fell to the Russian army, a young woman kept a daily record of life in her apartment building and among its residents. “With bald honesty and brutal lyricism” (Elle), the anonymous author depicts her fellow Berliners in all their humanity, as well as their cravenness, corrupted first by hunger and then by the Russians. “Spare and unpredictable, minutely observed and utterly free of self-pity” (The Plain Dealer, Cleveland), A Woman in Berlin tells of the complex relationship between civilians and an occupying army and the shameful indignities to which women in a conquered city are always subject–the mass rape suffered by all, regardless of age or infirmity
This has now happened in the UK. The only difference is that the UK government caved in to Islam. It was not physically defeated, but defeated in the soul. Having abandoned the Christian faith that sustained Britain through the centuries, and the darkest days world wars, it has no spiritual strength.
So English girls are gang raped by the tens of thousands by Muslims who think of themselves as warriors of Islam (Jihadis), while the government, police and the social services turned a blind eye. Their souls were vanquished.
Women can only prosper if there are strong men to protect them. Once men have been driven away from the public square by a feminist agenda, women will be left to contend with Muslim men. Good luck with that.
Most enlightening jip-a part of what you said about Muhammed I knew from my own research but not so extensive-where did you get your information?However your last paragraph is very concerning indeed and again we have seen something along the same lines creeping stealthly towards us. I’m not an Historian although am an avid reader of History, but not since the invasion from the Normans in 1066 has this nation been in such danger of another invasion-Europe was saved once in 1683 by the Polish defeating the Muslims at the Gates of Vienna, but now those gates have been left wide open, so all the trash has been able to enter with impunity.
People should research the demographics of Lebanon prior to the seventies…. It was a majority Christian country, not an islamic one…
Burma just avoided the fate that befell Lebanon, Bosnia and Afghanistan – a once Buddhist country.
If the the Don stops illegal immigration, and stops Muslim immigration totally, he will have such an effect in Europe the EU will collapse, and thus the Islamic take over of Europe. No wonder Mayor Khan hates him.
I feel like Princess Leia massaging to DJT ” Help us Don One, you are our only hope”.
Al beeb manages to report President trumps leaving of an out of date arms control treaty without mentioning putin at all .it seems to be against the sort of arms race which ended the Soviet Union .
Let’s face it – if someone fires off nuclear weapon (s) the response will be so quick and uncontrolled that we are unlikely to know anything about it any way . Thankfully the `EMP will end al beeb broadcasting . There’s always an ‘Up’ side !
Fedup2: Thankfully the `EMP will end al beeb broadcasting .
Silver lining of a flash cloud.
How long before he and Emily Maitlis’ son start a new political movement… and then get dobbed in by their doting parents FOR NOT BEING THE REQUIRED GENDA!
Oh, noes… I made… a presumption!
However, given the daft punt, I think a concession is worthy.
His 3 Year old probably writes the BBC scripts
Backlinks : Sunday’s posts ended on Page 3
I’m just putting some more TR and Huddersfield stuff at the end to keep it on the same page and cos they are long transcripts.
..Saturday Night and Sunday morning we were on Page 2
oops Top of page 3
The grooming gang story didnt even stay on the BBC News homepage for 12 hours By 8.29pm on Fri, theres no mention of it.
They did find the space to cover ‘Harry and Meghan go barefoot on a beach’.
On what planet is this considered news? Someone took their shoes off while on a beach? Someone at the BBC writes this stuff and the Editors are ‘yep, thats a helluva story. Front Page news deffo!’
I trid to link to the screenshot, but ive no idea what im doing with image links
His missing image

The last thing I spot on air was BBCNews 7:19am
where Nazir was on the breakfast couch.
at 8:45 an on Radio5Live an Asian Lady was discussing community problems
Just checked , Ah not grooming, but rather Pak/Bangla as victims
.. about pressure to drop accusations of abusive husbands in honour crime
“A white English policeman told me , he is your husband he can’t rape you” (They take that as “if its your husband then it’s not rape)
My family bribed, solicitor.. and the charges were dropped”
.. Moves to Safety Advisor : Saima Afzal @saimaafzalmbe
Scoot to 2h39m : they gave a full 11 minutes to the topic
(interesting tech problem : the audioplayer stops just before the end of the interview)
She made the point that there are coercive control laws
but it is the entire community who are coercively controlling saying ‘don’t wear jeans, don’t go out with white men , don’t work in a bar ‘ and that cannot be prosecuted.
Oh BTW that was 7:19am SATURDAY, not today
BBB ‘top’ ‘news’ email summary…
‘Take Beatles back’
A senior US military commander is urging the UK to take back Islamic State fighters “caught on the battlefield” in Syria, including two Londoners who were part of a cell dubbed “the Beatles”. The UK government says the pair – more on them and their alleged crimes here – have been stripped of their British citizenship, so should be tried elsewhere. Indeed, British officials have been in discussions with Washington about sending them to the US instead. We’ve looked at all the options for where a trial could take place.
The bbc and urges… potent combination.
And this time it is to bring back a cover band.
I wonder if Dominic Casciani will be at Heathrow screaming his head off if the bbc swings it?
The £1.3bn finance firm conceived in a pub
Samir Desai first discussed his big vision with two old university mates when they met up for a few pints in a bar in central London in 2009. At the time, the UK and the rest of the world were still mired in the maelstrom of the global financial crisis. As a result, banks had stopped lending to small businesses. The situation looked hopeless, but Samir – then a 26-year-old management consultant – had come up with what he thought was a good idea. He wanted to remove the banks from the equation, and instead allow the companies to more easily borrow funds from elsewhere.
Read full analysis >
Suzanne Bear
And this particular promo is newsworthy why, Suze?
I wonder what she does in the woods?
The gang of 20 muslim racist rapists from Huddersfield disappeared from the BBC within 24 hours. How likely is it that the lone white racist nutter on a plane lasts considerably longer?
Depends on who the lone male nutter works for.
If the BBC, Nicky Campbell will probably deny even passing him in the corridor.
At least it means O’Leery might be chary of an invite to project fear on Brexit via the bbc for a while.
Trivial Toady Watch
Few wimmin play the trumpet in orchestras . Yes that’s what our Justin talked about . Then he interviewed the only girl trumpet player who is British and from Belfast .
Men are to blame
She rubbished him
Then he moved on to blame class
She rubbished him
Then he moved onto so called cuts
She rubbished him
I waited for the race card but his editor obviously knew a few Muslim racist paedophiles who plat the trumpet .,
The only ‘girl trumpet player’? What about Alison Balsom?
She’s a soloist.
It’s a matter of choice, and physical ability. There are even fewer female trombone players. It takes a lot to get through a Mahler symphony or Wagner’s Ring.
Not many percussionists either.
“She’s a soloist.”
And your point is? As a soloist she will play for longer and would be expected to have greater ability than a player in the brass section of the orchestra. I would expect her to have more high-profile ‘role model’ points too!
My point is, Fedup’s post is about the BBC’s apparent concern that few women play the trumpet in orchestras. That is factually correct, but it is a matter of opinion whether it matters or not.
You seem to be suggesting that Alison Balsom disproves it. It doesn’t. She hasn’t been an orchestral player since her London Chamber Orchestra days.
The fact that Alison Balsom is a first class female soloist doesn’t alter the fact that they are very thin on the ground. And the hard slog of playing romantic period symphonies in an orchestra with a heavy schedule, and possibly film and session work on top, means that players must save their lip whenever possible. Orchestras have Assistant Principals for that reason. Soloists can pick and choose a bit more.
Has the media ever mentioned …. Guy Verhofstadt’s book ….. For Europe …..
Europe is in crisis. How did we get here? What didn’t work? Faced with such an emergency, are the euro zone states not creating an undemocratic monster? Is euroscepticism not reactionary? Could a federation of 27 actually work? This book is a call. A wake up call directed to every citizen. It is an exercise in lucidity that encourages reflection. And it is also an alarm bell. The tone is frank, passionate. The arguments hard hitting: “Europe must once and for all get rid of the navel gazing of its nation-states. A radical revolution is needed. A large European revolution. And a European federal Union must emerge. A Union that enables Europe to participate in the postnational world of tomorrow. By laziness, cowardice and lack of vision, too many of our Heads of State and Government prefer not to see what is at stake. Let’s wake them up. Let’s confront them with their impotence. And give them no respite until they have taken the European way, the way to a Europe of the future, towards a Europe for Europeans. The era of empty summits and statements is over. Now is the time for action.”
He lost me at “postnational”.
(That was from 2012. Since then a chunk of Europe has come into agreement with Verhofstadt that a radical revolution was needed. As we made the wrong decision, perhaps Brussels should have issued better directives for the right kind of navel-gazing?)
Truly a new low in BBC victim searching aka shit-stirring.
On Toady this morning at about 0740 they’ve noticed…..wait for it……. that there are very few female………..wait for it…….trumpet players in major orchestras !!!!!!!!
Cue an interview with the female trumpet player of the London Philharmonic. Except that she hadn’t read the acript.
First, she didn’t really see it as a problem. Justin Webb was not happy.
So then he tried the ‘perhaps its a class thing and the middle class get all the breaks’ routine.
Errrr, no, she said. She came from a working class area of Belfast!
So then s*ithead Webb tried the ‘funding cuts in schools for music’ routine.
Err, no, she said, again!
The standard of music students entering the colleges is higher than ever, which is a tribute to the quality of music teaching in schools !!!!!
Somehow I suspect whoever booked this wonderful lady will be in for a right b********* from their BBC management and that said lady will not be heard on Toady again anyntime soon.
Webb, though, will be. More’s the pity.
PS sorry fedup, I was straight onto the site but only just realised you had beaten me to it. Great minds etc.
Sluff – no worry – that chat cheered me up on a gloomy Monday morning – but you’re right – that decent lady didn’t read the al Beeb script .
Why isn’t the trumpet renamed because it sounds like trump ?
Next story – why aren’t there more male midwifes .
Why is the term midwife still used when there are so many ex wives?
Why hasn’t the sexist speech by Neil Armstrong about “one small step for mankind “been banned as hate speech as it excludes 50% of the population ?
Also, as there are no longer man size tissues are they going to rename “menstruating”, how will one ask for the “menu” in a restaurant and why isn’t the shop front dummy called a “womanikin”?
BBC Bash Trump …. “When will we stop stereotyping people?”
@Marky #Projection is a characteristic of libmob behaviour.
When the throw out accusations they are actually projecting their own flaws.
.. see their simplistic stereotype of Trump
and applying the label “far right” to people who don’t agree with you is alsostereotyping.
I just love the other part of the screengrab – ‘More Top Stories- who is the latest to leave the Strictly Ballroom’.
And the unceasing work of the BBC’s investigative journalists, more journalists than the whole of Fleet Street, continues……..
Toady watch 2
Kidult Comrade Robinson carries out an agressive interrogation of minister c grayling trying to get him to discuss negotiations then criticised him for not disclosing negotiations .
The bbc anti British pro ReichEU was there to see in the tortured interrogation and Robinson should be ashamed of himself . 13 wasted minutes . Off switch
2006 … toilets designed with blushing Allah in mind.
Jail toilets face away from Mecca { 20apr2006}
Facilities in a prison are being built so Muslim inmates do not have to face Mecca while sitting on the toilet.
The Home Office said two new toilet blocks are being installed as part of a refurbishment at Brixton jail in south London.
It’s surprising those third world peasants know how to use a toilet at all….
There must be so many mussies in some prisons they called rename them HMP Mohammed .
Are there no toilets in Mecca then?
As I non Muslim I am unlikely to get a visit to it , have do desire to go and assume they crap in Holes in the floor to feel at home .
None likely sensible to go near.
I believe this teenager represents what we are dealing with in terms of understanding the World … turning up to a protest, but not understanding or being able to back her beliefs …
“So you don’t think there are passages in the Koran that encourage the murder of gay people?” – Interviewer
“No there isn’t. Have you read the Koran?” – Teenager at protest
… then they later respond with ….
“I can’t be arsed…(mumbles, giggles, walks off, learns nothing)” – Teenager at protest
Antifa students protesting Tommy Robinson don’t know who he is. UKAgainstHate march {youtube @5:39}
Come on – be fair – students have always been hair brained – god they even voted for Corbyn -we should celebrate that these two nice English girls haven’t been sexually assaulted by Muslims yet and that they have nice state approved free speech .
Let’s just hope they learn the truth – but as this site shows not enough people can find it because of the MSM pro Mussie out put .
( disclosure – I was never a 19 year old student )
“They have nice state approved free speech,” – depending on what it is they have to say of course.
That was the point – basic free speach
Has now evolved into
“State approved “ free speech which must not voice unapproved opinion .
The next step is to censor the internet which once upon a time was though impossible but now is just a snow flake accepted and driven process .
Yes Fed. I got your point soon after I posted but too late to retract.
I think old age is beginning to tell. AS Lobby would say “I’ll get my coat.”
The BBC clearly vote for Corbyn. Says a lot really
BBC loving the incident on Ryanair…we all agree the bloke deserved to be kicked off plane at a minimum but to have the guy who filmed it come on radio and make sweeping statements about these things going on all of the time and to throw in he is from Windrush generation (funny that)
He never considered it happens around the other way then….never had a black guy call me a white bastard…hmmm well I didn’t film it.
The problem now days is that one incident is taken to reflect the whole in the left wing media and that helps nobody – it’s the fallacy of incorrect inductive argument. I wonder if he would have filmed it if another person of colour had down the same thing…
I agree Ryan should have handled it better but it is not news….
1) Arguments happen all the time, big deal.
2) No Ryanair should not have thrown him off. That’s a time-consuming operation, the plane misses its slot, long wait till next one etc. For a raised voice, a minor dispute that never got anywhere near physical?
3) It is most definitely not Ryanair’s job to adjudicate on so-called hate crimes, especially as the list gets longer by the day.
4) The whole concept of hate-crime is daft. It requires probing into people’s hearts and souls, like the inquisition.
If it’s a crime, punish it. If it’s not, don’t.
@Vlad stop being sensible
..otherwise you won’t fit in with the metrolibs our colonial masters.
Agree on most points and good thing about this site is that we can disagree.. I don’t think its necessarily about race although in this case that’s what the libs are making it – it’s about the bloke’s attitude.
I would have thrown him off regardless of who he was verbally abusing.. but then I would do that with anyone who acts like that in a small enclosed space with high safety risks 🙂
With complete unpredictability BBc breakfast gush with enthusiasm about Dr. Who + Rosa Parks. If anyone spotted my earlier comment well much to my surprise Ferrari won, which is what I was watching.
Your comment and BBC blurb inspired me to watch the final minutes of this modern version of “village theatre”. Makes Goebbels seem subtle.
Whiteish alien transported back to stop civil rights movement on earth. Desecration of the memory of Dr. King by including him in this BBC shite.
Have they done the episode where the Dr goes back in time to discover why the whiteman is such an aggressive, genocidal, colonialist, imperialist, slave-owning oppressor? I imagine an early dalek, before they took to their mobility scooters, forcibly impregnated some early hominid. Simples when you think about it.
Some consolation will be when the young people who watched that bilge take their GCSE in Black Studies and they describe the prime role the Doctor played in saving the civil rights movement.
The BBC – replacing fact by modern myth in young peoples minds.
I am truly appalled that you should think Dr Who has morphed suddenly into a virtue-signalling lefty polemic.
Surely you should realise that the programme has been supporting transgender issues for decades.
I mean, have you never considered how the Cybermen are created?
Sluff not really an issue that weighs heavily on my mind. But in my recollection the Cyberman are an advanced race who’s planet, Mondas, was originally in our solar system. They modified themselves with cybernetic parts. My impression was they modify other races to their specification much like the Borg of Stark Trek to increase their numbers. There was probably a more PC explanation in the re-imagined series but I stopped watching the program pretty soon after I realised it was much more agenda driven . I’m more confused why the BBc think we need educating about American civil rights issues and segregation when this isn’t America
Apologies if my tongue was not more prominently in my cheek.
However, in a recent series, the lesbian character Bill Potts was converted into a Cyberman.
Or do I mean woman? Or person?
A bit like Lord Donut and OJ, the more they attack the bbc the more they appease them by having them on.
A metaphor?
Speaking of BBC regulars…
Of course, David Shuckman will be a fan.
Two things about the BBC’s coverage of this Khashoggi thing fascinate me:
– The obvious problems they are having over pronunciation of a relatively simple name.
– The short-term memory loss about Arkady Babchenko, less than six months after that journalist faked his own death.
Most peculiar.
And on to Country file where we informed historical Castles and the like are under threat from…… Yes you’ve guessed it our old enemy climate change. Hot summers “We have had one of the hottest summers on record this year” Oh yes just like, now let me think oh yes it was 1976.And warm winters have increased the decay. No dissenters on of course. Mauritius, still not under water.
LOL Dave
Yesterday I was listening to the football gossip on 5live as they gabbed/argued about whether to sell Wembley
and beeboid suggested the FA sell it and spend 600m on teaching groundsman because they would need new skills as the pitches were going to die …. yes you guessed it due to climate change
Country File really can’t do joined-up thinking. The castles were built during the Medieval Warm Period.
Good. Every big fail is a small victory, hopefully one more nail in the beeb’s coffin.
9:45 Radio4 , So BBC lefty Michael Rosen who are you going to bring on to discuss the word SOVEREIGNTY ?
…. ah Afua Hirsh she is onto the “gender recognition act” …contrived ! “fox hunting”
Prog ‘keywords for our time’
Back to Rosen “A certain Steve Bannon has said”
700K Moderate Muslims take to the streets to DEMAND that Hate Preacher and Terrorist Sympathiser Anjem Choudary returns to jail, for life … oh, wait ….
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him (Cameron & UK Law). So he (David Cameron & UK Law) can go to hell.” – Anjem Choudary
We have had, on BBC Radio 4, three weeks of ‘Book of the Week’ that have varied from reasonably good to very good after something of a drought during the school holidays.
Now, the BBC (at Gwyneth’s insistence?) have abandoned BotW for some ‘propaganda’ instead.
Bang on Pugnaziou- I spent soem time working in West Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, showed me the state of what was once such countries as the Belgiums had developed in the Congo, but now run by absolute corruption-the Black man mostly have no understanding of how to organise or develop a country other than being shown and directed by whites. The women in Ghana are the ones with the push they have the money, they show up their Black men as slowful, lazy, overly self centered and certainly in most cases not to be trusted. BUT their independence was given to them and what a dam mess in most cases they have made of it. How foolish our governments were and still are.
Fedup2: Thankfully the `EMP will end al beeb broadcasting .
Silver lining of a flash cloud.
“Anna Soubry: If White British Community Learned More From Muslims Then UK Would Be A Better Country”
{ sep2017}
Well of course Soubry is barking mad-One hopes for her sake she is not defiled by a Muslim, what would her reply be to such a situation? Goodness knows how she became an MP, glad she is not mine !
Just heard that Simon Mayo is leaving Drivetime. Seems the gender and BAME quotas of the BBC are really beginning to have an effect on the quality of it’s output now.
Yes me too – what a bunch of F..wits.. rather than admit they got it wrong and change the format back to just Simon and keep one of the most popular shows they succumb to PC and let him go…And they move her anyway! It’s all a bit Top Gear…cocked that up too..
I am guessing the new drive time presenter will be another rank amateur…any guesses on gender and ethnicity?
Pay Taxes and you pay for Anjem Choudary to live in comfort.
Pay Taxes and you get David Lammy calling you racist all day long.
Pay Taxes ….
2018 … how did we get to this point in the UK? How?
Qutoting from pugnaczious of September 2018: Freedom isn’t free. It costs, Blood or gold. Brexit is about Freedom not the price of Freedom, so why does the BBC concentrate on hyping and exaggerating the supposed costs and not mention the real prize?Freedom from the EU straitjacket will cost, up front, but who knows what the long term economic benefits or costs will be. The IMF certainly doesn’t know, it’s forecasts have been reliably wrong for decades….failing completely to forecast the recession and totally misjudging the effect of the Brexit referendum. The BBC seems to have put all its resources at the disposal of the Remain campaign for another referendum with the option of voting to stay in the EU…but that is of course illegitimate as that question has already been answered. Think those few words tells us what and why those that voted Leave voted that way.
One thing you never see argued by remainers or the UK media is what would happen if we wanted to re-join the EU or had a vote to re-join. (Article 50 has been triggered and there are legal arguments on the leave and remain sides due to the poorly thought out legislation).
It would be ironic if they had a “People’s vote” and due to just one country objecting it would be thanks but no thanks.
Here is a short article from a German FT correspondent, hardly pro leave, which sums it up in the last statement.
“By all means, change your mind. But don’t expect the rest of us to welcome you back with open arms.”
So UK MPs get an 18% pay rise (since 2010) but still don’t have to buy tickets ….???
Changes to the Register of Members’ Interests
Chuka Umunna
Name of donor: Pinewood Studios Group
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets to the BAFTA Film Awards to the value of £1,920 in total
Donor status: company, registration 3889552
Remind me again how their scandalous expenses claims hit the headlines!
They’ll be wanting to join the bbc soon – oh, some already have!
#Planetorwell “You Can’t say That !”
On Dec 6th London, there is a public debate you do, the organisers chose a provocative title
‘Is Rising Ethnic Diversity a Threat to the West?’
..of course the libmob shouted “RACIST, RACIST, RACIST”
… even though the panel of 5, includes a white lesbian and a black guy.
and they’ve got some organisers to delete their tweets
and change the title to
: Immigration and Diversity Politics: A Challenge to Liberal Democracy?
The harassers are shouting “How dare you go on a panel that will debate that”
..The reply , of course I am going to be on the panel, that is how i will oppose the line.
\\ The change in the title is a good example of how liberals have learned to perpetuate white supremacist tropes
without sounding overtly racist. //
..Er nope it’s an example of how the liberalmob close down debate by shouting racist
Is the bbc a threat to the West?
Was Rosa in Dr. Who played by a white trans-lady for the sake of Diversity?
R5 just rushed to run ” students from Netherlands are being blocked from getting visas to go to a conference in Glasgow”
..This seems like an exaggeration exercise
It’s only 2 students who are NOT EU citizens
maybe one has actually been given a visa
– It seems to be a super long conference cos the Bosnian students visa for the Netherlands will run out, whilst she in Scotland so the Home Office says that it is not clear that she won’t try to stay in the UK.
Note this tweet dates from 18th of Oct
and the BBC have simply lifted the story from today’s Independent
After the next item, Radio5 Live say
“There’s an update the Home Office have granted the visa”
..So BBC admit it was not A GROUP as they said at the beginning
They spent much of the last hour asking people to call in if someone had said something racist to them on a plane.
Does the beeboid @annaholligan Foreign correspondent @bbcnews have an impartial way of reporting the news or is she cheerleading ?
Story of ONE student who gets a 6 day visa is important news apparently
Surely those who were in uproar didn’t know why they were in uproar. We need a counter uproar to have this foreigner’s visa rescinded.
“….the NHS….another winter crisis approaches..this time worse than any before…”
It wouldn’t have anything to do with the net immigration in 2017 being, 327,000 (100,000 EU + 227,000 world) could it? Just thinking: silly me!
What we know for sure is, the, “…reduction to less than 100,000..” was a cynical lie.
More Brexit ‘smoke and mirrors’ anybody?
Rather subtle you will think but classically representative of the bunch of sh*ts managing/administrating this very, very sad country.
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take
off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
The blindfold goes over our eyes … “Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi
Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for
her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her
fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while
Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took
her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she
had an accident.”
“Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take
off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door.”
Breaking up with Mr. Islam by Daniel Greenfield {sultanknish jun2016}
The nutter on the plane is making the BBC TV news headlines for the second day running – just behind Brexit and the Saudi job.
This non-story has already taken up far more air time than the rape gang verdicts which disappeared within 24 hours.
It sums up the BBC mindset where the systematic abuse of hundreds of young girls is deemed less important than a row over seats on an airplane.
Where you can’t delve into a murky world of misogyny and hatred towards white children but you can endlessly dissect a rant by one pathetic individual.
What a shocking state of affairs.
Barcelona is in Spain, Ryan Air is an Irish airline; in what way does this involve the UK government or our national broadcaster?
More attention spent on that trivia than on Huddersfield mass rapes . Says it all
#GenderLifeGap – more important than the gender pay gap!
As soon as I was born, I was already destined to die earlier than half the babies in my maternity ward – a curse that I can do little to avoid. The reason? My sex. Simply due to the fact that I am male, I can be expected to die around three years earlier than a woman born on the same day.
MM, I’m going to cheat on this one. When I reach 70 I’m going to declare myself a woman, so that I can increase my life expectancy.
Listening to #youandyours discussing how #Xylitol is fatal if ingested by dogs.
Apparently the sugar substitute is in many products including peanut butter and chewing gum.
Causes liver failure and insulin release. Be aware!
Official US gov advice
An odd thing just now on R5 as Anna Foster interviewed Dr Mohammed Qasim about County Lines: The children forced to sell drugs. He says 46,000 under 16s in England involved. His focus is on Bradford… kids are often in local authority care and “groomed” by the drug gangs. He says Bradford used to be a booming textile city… but now families have 4/5 kids in small terraced houses with little opportunity to income from other sources.
Foster wants to explain that these gangs are nationwide — but unfortunately for her, Qasim’s research specialty is Pakistanis. So he starts off about ‘community’ approaches — Imams and mosques needing to help the kids get out of this life.
Will the BBC manage to join any dots this time? Of course not. It all gets a bit too spicy for poor Anna so instead the whole thing comes to a fairly abrupt end as Dr Qasim is faded out.
And now… perky voice back as we’re quickly on to a stopgap piece on trans issues and the gender recognition act…
The Times article
(That story has only been tweeted 3 times)
As ever the Top Times comments echo us here rather than the metroLiberal media bubbleworld
\\ Let’s join the dots here. The 13 year old drugs mule “was arrested in the arrivals hall after she stepped off a Pakistan International Airlines flight from Islamabad” (Guardian, 10th April 2002).
The “settled ethnic population” is heavily involved in various criminal activities.
Despite “500 children in Bradford” being exposed to criminal activity, there hasn’t been a single arrest.
Bradford has “the largest proportion of people of Pakistani ethnic origin (20.3%) in England.” (Bradford Metropolitan Council website).
The ethnic background of the offenders couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the police’s hands off approach, could it? //
20.3%my arse. Have you ever driven through Bradford? More like 80% I’d say.
Danger : #Xylitol is fatal if ingested by #dogs (not cats)
source Radio4 #youandyours
Apparently the sugar substitute is in many products including peanut butter and chewing gum.
Causes liver failure and insulin release.
Official US gov advice
oops doublepost
Driving home yesterday afternoon I had a listen to Radio 4’s Profile prog’. It featured Esther McVey, not one of my favourites, she’s got a voice like a backfiring chainsaw and she comes across as being quite harsh. Even so this was a mean spirited hatchet job and she deserved better.
She used to be a TV presenter and worked for a while for the Beeb. They interviewed some of her former (Beeb) colleagues who thought she lacked natural empathy and understanding. Well, there’s a surprise.
However, it was when they got to bit about the horrific abuse she’s received that dear old aunty showed her true colours. You’ll remember John McDonnel (shadow chancellor!!) repeating some left wing “comedian’s” appalling “joke” to have her lynched. When the poor woman stood for election in Liverpool she had death threats, indeed all sorts of vile threats against her person. Can you believe the question the Beeb half wit asked one of her pals.
“What is it about Esther McVey that makes people react in this way?” Eh? The snide question suggests it’s her fault she has been threatened in this horrible fashion. Just imagine the outcry if Diane bleedin’ Abbott received death threats? I wonder how the BBC would respond if Boris joked about lynching Harriet Harmon. The last thing they would be asking is what SHE had done to deserve such treatment. And what about Jo Cox. We’re forever hearing how unpleasant language can be used to incite violence.
But when the Momentum mob threaten to lynch someone…
They weird thing was in a prog about someones life
so much time was given to the Labour Liverpool mayor to say how much he hates her.
Radio4 don’t seem to seem to act like that when a Labour politician is the topic.
I knew what I was voting for …… The independance of our secular democracy and the right to be represented in Westminster by a parliamentary representative who was chosen by the constituency via a democratic electoral vote…. All MPs should be reminded that as a chosen representative of the electorate their job is not to represent any other interests apart from those of thier electorate… It is not their place to represent any other views or political interests and to do so is in fact fraudulent and a direct and dishonest act of treason against our constitution… Yes, the Crown is a figurehead, however an act of treason is not against her but an illegal and direct action against the people and its` parliament and should be prosecuted in all cases where said MP has acted against the wishes of those they`re intended to represent… All pre election manifesto promises should also be made under the understanding that should it be proven that there was no intention by any party to carry out their manifesto promises then they should be legally held to account for electoral fraud….
The referendum was a vote on whether we have a soveriegn pariamentary democracy with its` own laws statutes and rights to act as a fully independant sovereign state able to enact any and all wishes of those people who live within its` borders, and also to act unitarily whenever and wherever its` own interests are whether it be politically, militarily, humanitarian and of course economically….
The W1A forecourt always has something just before the entrance.
I just caught the tail-end of Politics Live on bBBC 2 where they were discussing the misleading nature of Referendum campaign posters/ adverts, all of which seemed to be from the Leave side.
Tim Montgomerie asked Joko if they were going to look at any Remain material. ‘We’ll get to that. ” he was told.
Only, I don’t think they did. Am I wrong, did I miss an even handed and fair debate or was this as blatant a piece of bias as possible? Yet again.
Montgomery also asked at the end who was providing the money for the suspiciously well-funded ‘Peoples Vote’ campaign and suggested that this should face scrutiny. Remainer MP Heidi Allen said that individual donations are funding it. I’m sure they are, but not in the way you’re suggesting and definitely not by the ‘People’.
The racist retard should of been thrown off the plane in Barcelona.
Ryanair must educate their stewards to understand that what is
the common practice of racism in their own countries is not
accepted on Ryanair flights.
The BBC is in utter shock that something like this could happen.
At a hundred league football matches every week you will
still hear” you black c-nt” or “gas the yids,”etc, etc, etc and next to
nothing done about it.
Of course it is disgusting, BIG BROTHER at the BBC. There was room
on that plane for mother and daughter to sit together. BUT if
you don’t pay for a designated seat on Ryanair, they will with a
certain among of masochism , make sure that families don’t sit
As it happens Ryanair has improved over the last three or four
years ,with the stewards trying to accomodate passengers with
children seperated from their parents because of not paying
extra for reserved seats.
It’s just a shame that the BBC has diametrically got worse with
its obsession with diversity. Let’s see whom they pick to replace
Simon Mayo.
Honduras Self Created Migrant Crisis which could be avoided by getting their Government to reduce crime ….
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Apparently some of the outgoing PMs friends Sge has some ?) are bleating to al beeb about the virile she has apparently received .
As if it’s undeserving . The second largest economy in Europe wants to leave the ReichEU and as result this country has been dictated too by a drunk Belgian , a drugged up dutch hippy and of all things a pole .
I’m surprised she is still in office at all yet alone being the subject of ‘ acid’ language.
Treezer who has betrayed us over Brexit, failed to control immigration, is facing vile abuse from some MPs.
The BBC has even brought in Jo Cox to protect her.
BBC reports
‘In an article in the Sunday Times, a Tory backbencher was quoted as saying: “The moment is coming when the knife gets heated, stuck in her front and twisted. She’ll be dead soon.”
The PM was also told to “bring her own noose” to a meeting later this week.
One MP asked: “Have they learned nothing following the assassination of Jo Cox?”
Labour MP Mrs Cox was murdered in her West Yorkshire constituency by right-wing extremist Thomas Mair, a week before the Brexit referendum in June 2016.’
So there you are, a right wing extremist, Brexit and bad MPs who want to remove May.
Are people today so incapable of dealing with metaphor?
Maybe so Roland, but in the town In the town where I live they are quite good in dealing with methamphetamine.
May’s treacherous collusion with Olly Robbins alone should be enough to have her removed.
A crucial intervention in The Times by ex-MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove, plus military and academic figures, pointed out how the Cabinet Office Europe Unit, headed by Oliver Robbins, had shared information about the defence negotiating position with EU diplomats before these details and their consequences had been explained to MPs.
“Olly Robbins and his defence adviser Alastair Brockbank have serious questions of improper conduct to answer”.
In exchange for the trade arrangements proposed and already flatly rejected by the EU at Salzburg, the Chequers Proposals put the autonomy of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces in jeopardy and risk compromising fatally our Five Eyes Intelligence alliance and especially our bi-lateral US-UK intelligence relationship. This is a wildly disproportionate trade: to offer Crown Jewels in order not to obtain thin gruel. The EU has no business being in defence or security at all. These are either NATO or Nation-to-Nation matters. The UK should cease to discuss either matter with the EU, forthwith, and withdraw all proposals to the EU in these areas. In effect, The Withdrawal Agreement and proposed Defence Treaty would keep the UK under EU power permanently after the end of the ‘transition period’. This is not what the people voted for.
And if that wasn’t enough
“May’s treacherous collusion with Olly Robbins alone should be enough to have her removed.”
“May’s treacherous collusion with Olly Robbins alone should be enough to have her HUNG.
Dearlove’s intervention not mentioned by the BBC?