The Far Left BBC quickly buried the conviction of “the Huddersfield 20 Muslim racist paedophiles” and as it does – moved quickly on . How will the BBC perform regarding the political show trial of Tommy Robinson on Tuesday ? You can bet the Muslim paedo racist gang which is the cause of TRs brush with the law won’t feature much in this crooked country but his past will be used as the usual weapon?
With a 158 days until Brexit the remainers will be marching every weekend or looking for jobs with tax avoiders like Facebook .
Dominic Casciani is into the third day of no-tweeting
Hasn’t tweeted an apology either of course
Thousands of people have tweeted at him
this BBC tweet looks like projection
Dellers has a take
Stew – you’ve got to remember it’s half term .our Dom has 2 kids – he’s probably taken the week off and gone to the land of his family – italia .
On a graver issue – a disc jockey has left radio two . The last time there were such going’s on it was DLT being sacked from Radio One ..
Job for smashie and nicey perhaps
Last week he tweeted he would be at the TR trial on Tuesday
BTW Saturday’s Yorkshire Post had a frontpage about Huddersfield as well as a double page inside.
Each side of that had stories attacking TR
– One was grossly untrue
– said Tommy had pleaded guilty and that he eats a bag of kittens each breakfast
The second was from Editor James Murchison
\\ Reckless ‘Robinson’ owes girls an apology //
The part of the court transcript that says Lizzie Dearden of the Independent #1 broke reporting restrictions
and #2 refused to take her piece down
Thanks stew – political application of a law – great example of a now corrupted judiciary / CPS. If dearden is in court Tuesday – will prove the Show Trial .
All Yorkshire Post articles usually allow comments
but those 2 against TR don’t
TR’s video seems to indicate that every newspaper ran the same syndicated hitpiece against him (or something similar) , saying that Tommy should apologise to the victims
.. totally bizarre of course cos he is not repsponsible for the rapes, nor the one perp escaping.
TR notes all over those stories do NOT allow comments.
Why does Biased BBC keep dragging ‘Windrush’ into the Ryanair story?
Buying time for a desperate rewrite and post production for the next Dr. Who.
1) Any excuse to keep Windrush grievance alive and well.
2) Any excuse to generate victimhood by association, and race bait.
3) Any excuse to virtue signal, albeit in a lazy meaningless way.
Before the government cock-up this summer, you’d be hard pushed to find anyone under 60 who had actually heard of Windrush ! and now its mentioned at every opportunity. The poor lady on Ryanair being spoken to in that manner was despicable, but had it happened before the scandal, Windrush wouldn’t have been mentioned (probably because the journalist was so young and had never heard about it)
If they can’t report the name of the ship, Empire Windrush, correctly they shouldn’t be surprised if we think it is all ‘fake news’.
The Ryanair shit-storm in a teacup gathers momentum with David Lammy (who else?) calling for a boycott of the airline. Yawn.
Oddly, this leaves me curiously indifferent.
David does know that Mike is on the BBC a fair bit advocating Remain?
Bbc Humberside 5:30pm news : Hull MP Karl Turner calls for the prosecution of the pensioner
Ah lawyer Karl has now remembered he should have put “alleged” in his tweets.
Well comrades – not a lot matters to politicians but when strong critical language is used against the out going PM it really hits a nerve with the bubble .
May will go down as linked to that fool – chamberlain for selling out our country to a German dictator . If she’d have been strong at the start things would have been different.
Watching the parliamentary coverage of her statement and May rightfully getting a kicking from all round . Someone challenge her to stand down and give the job to someone with a backbone …
Parliamentarians are perpetuating the report / lie that 700 000 people turned up to the march on Saturday -the police report about 150 000
The numbers are academic because the march was meaningless . Million s could have much but would have not matched the 17 million who voted leave .
What this does show is that if you tell a lie enough which isn’t challenged it becomes the truth .
And no doubt al beeb will perpetuate that lie.
Indeed. It was a group of Remainers demanding another Brexit vote because they lost. Meaningless.
The Brexit debate in Parliament today was fertile ground for the Biased BBC to later present a distorted view of proceedings in the National News with the objective of sowing discord.
Current pictures of Treesa, dressed in pink and seemingly on steroids, show that her latest attempts to be as one with the EU include looking like a lanky Merkel. One success then.
I get so angry at the message that people in the referendum didn’t know what they were voting for.
In the first instance I think they did and the leaflet sent to every household in the land certainly gave people a taste of what it was about. But ultimately that is irrelevant because the fundamental tenet of democracy is that you give your people the vote.
You give them the right AND the responsibility to vote. You put faith in them to make THEIR decision for THEIR reasons and hence it doesn’t really matter whether they were incredibly informed on the referendum, flipped a coin or asked their mother.
It’s THEIR vote, it’s THEIR privilege as a citizen of this country and therefore they are entitled to reach a decision in whatever way they see fit. That’s democracy baby, that’s how it works. You treat your citizens like responsible adults (and hence why only adults have the vote) to make a decision in whatever way they choose. Of course you’d like everyone to be as well read and educated on a subject as they can but you can’t legislate or enforce that. You can’t decide who is and isn’t good enough to vote.
You, as an elected official and representative (not master) of your people have to suck it up and accept it as the democratic will. Those that cannot grasp or understand this are displaying a fundamental failing in the notion of democracy and should be barred from taking office or serving the people. If you aren’t a champion of democracy then you are not fit to benefit from it.
You can’t claim to be some kind of virtuous liberal who proudly believes in democracy and then arrogantly denigrate those that didn’t vote your way for being too stupid or too ill-informed to make a decision. Are these people like waiters at a restaurant asking you what you want to eat but then pointing at just one dish on the menu and saying that you have to eat this?
If this BS is allowed to pass then every single general, local and mayoral vote can be questioned and challenged infinitum into the future because an opposition can rightly (if we move down this crazy road) level the claim that the voting public didn’t know that a winning party was going to do that particular thing and render any result null and void.
Excellent description, Payne!
The true charlatans who are wishing to change all this are so obvious, Blair, Major, Clarke, etc are all has-beens, wallowing in their past failures and prejudices! Of course the fat civil servants and hidoeus freaks like Campbell (who he?) are all complicit with the bbbc agenda to derail everything, and divide the country.
Noticeably, silly old Joe Corbyn has been very quiet recently. Surely he’s got some sort of opinion…
I knew exactly why I voted to leave, and so did all the others!
Thanks Scroblene.
It’s the typical old players who just don’t get democracy or are so brazen in their contempt for it.
Thank god we have such a rigorous state broadcaster holding these buffoons to task…oh no, we haven’t!
The nastiness directed at the PM over the W/E has given the BiasedBBC another opportunity to bang on about the unrelated Jo Cox murder.
What the BiasedBBC has sought to suppress –
The truth about global warming
Oct. 21, 2018 – 14:28 – Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, provides insight into the debate over climate change and the political games played to create policy.
“They shall not grow old “is a documentary about The Great War by the Hollywood director – Peter Jackson – a kiwi -it’s partially funded by the BBC .. the BBC before the rot set in
I went and saw it at the cinema today . It is being broadcast by the BBC in November . It is funny and moving and without tickboxes – no tokens – wimmin , effnic Minos , Muslims – just not their . Just the voices of the men on the western front and computer enhanced images .
The voices and colourisation of the original film is breathtakingly real . At 11 in the morning the cinema was full
I just hope that when the anniversary of The armistice comes the BBC will be just that – instead of ‘al beeb” or “ far left BBC “ to which I regularly refer here .
That anniversary is too precious to turn into false virtue signalling tick boxing – or even box ticking .
I’m no great fan of Peter Jackson but whilst in Wellington just a few years ago a friend urged me to go and see his World War one exhibition. Reluctantly I went and was very shocked to see that it was actually very good and without the usual leftist slants we hear nowadays. In the comments book I was moved to write. “Thanks for leaving out the PC crap”
I suppose the BBC is going to project a giant picture of Walter Tull onto its HQ, the most visibly important man of the war, and therefore, the only person to be depicted on a first class stamp for the 1918 WWI Centenary issue, due to all the other officers being invisibly unimportant dead white people.
Get a load of this before the BBC hacks. The right, Trumpers and all, have come up with the NPC meme (Non Character Players from vid games) and are using it skilfully against the mindless left and fake news pushers. See the vid, ‘Another NPC in the wall.’
Twitter are banning NPC accounts because they mock the progressive automatons. See link.
Sky News at 08.45 today.
This example shows the BBC how to interview objectively.
Newspaper discussion around the table. Disability Activist who hates the Tories stated that a news article in a newspaper highlighted an insult to wimmin as follows:
A woman pilot flew solo from South Africa to England recently. This record was rescinded by ‘sexist men’ because she had an engineer alongside her and this precluded a ‘solo’ award. The award was taken off her. Our activist thought this was grossly unfair and typical of men.
The woman interviewer then posed an opposing view. Posed an opposing view!!
She said that the decision was fair as she had NOT flown solo which was a requirement for the award. (Solo means flying on your own with no other person present).
Blimey! That took guts. Won’t expect to see her again.
(Please Note. Our Amy Johnson in the 1930’s flew solo (on her own) to Australia from England. That also took guts, but on a slightly grander scale 😉 )
Listening to Al Beeb and the MSM this evening .
We have been betrayed by Mrs Chamberlain.
Democracy has been betrayed by Mrs Chamberlain and Al Beeb.
It has been a dark day for Great Britain and a dark day for the Conservative Party.
Brexiteers your only option is UKIP.
17.5 Million votes for UKIP.
Boo-hoo, stop the world, national day of mourning: a slightly deranged man was a bit rude to a woman on a plane. Had the colours been reversed of course, it wouldn’t have made a para in the Gatwick Gazette or the Heathrow Herald (I made them up).
I could be wrong, but it sounds as if R4 is launching another guilt torpedo. This one is called ‘Living with Empire’; that bad man Rhodes is the subject, in particular, his statue.
We are told that this colonial mindset is still very much alive here in Britain, so those of you who thought you had nothing to do with it, listen up.
Presented by a very British-sounding politician of a certain class, apparently from the ‘right wing’ of the Conservative Party, it is surprising that the initial content has a distinctly Labourish flavor, although all has yet to be revealed, as it were.
Having followed, with interest, the successful ‘Rhodes must fall’ campaign in South Africa, it does sound to me as if this could be part of a continuation of the campaign in Britain.
It cannot be ruled out that this will turn out to be a balanced exploration by a learned historian and MP, even that there was something good about CJ Rhodes, and that he made some sort of positive contribution, but I have a vague feeling that we are in for yet another lecture on the evils of colonialism.
Nothing new so far. More interesting is the that, contrary to appearances, the British mindset is still infested by this disease.
I suspect that, in order to prove otherwise, step one may be that we all have to move in on old Rhodes and help topple him for once and all.
We shall then have to sit tight and await further instructions from beeb. In the meantime, I believe a little self-flagellation is in order.
Whenever anyone talks about the “Rhodes must fall” movement I think about a key point in his funeral, which proves that he was held in the highest respect at the time.
“Two of the most impressive incidents in the proceedings apart from the religious Service and the oration by the Bishop of Mashonaland, were the Royal Salute, or “Bayethe”, given in a mighty roar by thousands of Africans from Lobengula’s Ndebele tribe as the gun carriage approached, and the way in which the indunas came forward and individually declaimed over the grave expressing their sorrow at the passing of a great Chief. ”
Yet again the BBC is rewriting history.
Thanks, RJ. Anymore detail welcome. I shall be writing to the MP concerned, as well as the beeb. This ‘decolonization’ crap, which I predicted would expand greatly from its base at our universities, needs to be challenged very firmly.
Please participate, if you can. I think that the ‘decolonization’ card will become second only to the ‘racism’ card in the UK. It is crap, in the first instance, because efforts will be made to show that it is still going on WITHIN Britain RIGHT NOW. If you catch the program I referred to on i-player, you will see what I mean.
Time to challenge the self-appointed sanctimoneus rewriters of history, who have now decided that, if they can make whitey feel guilty about the past, they can make him feel guilty about the present. And if they can make him feel guilty about the present, certain leftish political objectives can be attained.
Attacking old Rhodes is just a means towards an end, so putting the record straight about him, will achieve limited success. But that will be the basis of our counter-offensive. Forewarned is forearmed.
Well done, fnw, for taking action on this issue.
“Stoikiy muzhik”
Something you won’t hear on al beeb
The prime minister of Ireland has boasted about paying off his countries debt and has said that if the UK is ever in financial difficulty Ireland will be willing to help it out .
With these negotiations being so close to finalisation if this doesn’t drive brexit MPs to actually do something instead of blearing like sheep nothing will.
Breathtaking .
Maybe they can pay us back the loan that the UK government provided to them when they were going to the wall. You know the one, the one that we did in addition to the ECB bailout.
Today the BBC report the death of Joachim Rønneberg, Norwegian resistance fighter who led the operation to destroy the Nazi controlled heavy water plant in Norway.
“Ronneberg later worked as a radio journalist and helped raise awareness of the dangers of war among the young.”
The Australian:
It was only in the 1970s that he broke his silence and began speaking publicly against the dangers of war and totalitarianism. “Those growing up today need to understand that we must always be ready to fight for peace and freedom,” he said.
Later in life he gave speeches and lectures well into his nineties, warning against the destructive force of totalitarianism.
How unsurprising that it was the BBC that failed to mention totalitarianism. I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with their journalists’ natural inclinations to cover up the evils of socialism.
A new term or derision heard today from the BBC/Left:
Soon it will be, ‘Far-Extreme-Brexiteers’.
I’ve just seen the results of the two Italian regional elections in Trentino and South Tyrol. Salvini’s League moved up to third place in the latter and first place in the former. Now, I won’t make too much of this but it is a heartening sign that the populist movement is still growing, and we do need to hear this. I feel a bit cheered up by this so I thought I’d share it with others here.
I don’t know if the BBC have already covered it. Perhaps it’s under a title saying “Italians come to their senses and vote for the party that will save their country”
Actually, on second thoughts it might be more like to be under “Far-right anti-Islamisation party sneaks into prominence in northern Italy. Second vote needed!”
Anyway a bit of good news for these trying Brexit times with T May acting as a weasel (er sorry to be mustelidist) and it looks like the full force of the Tory right are set for another ‘Night of the Rubber Knives’ .
Also next week the German state of Hesse has its provincial elections and the AfD should reach fourth place and with that it will mean that all of the sixteen German state parliament will then have an AfD presence.
Watch for the msm trying to spin it as a failure to win.
I see Ruptly are promising a live feed of the TR crowd tomorrow from 8:30am There’s a blank page there now until the beginning.
They’ll be other lifestreams of course Like Real bases Amy, or redpill phil etc.
Beware against fake vids on Youtube, I see some extraordinary claims and of course they are probably not true.
A highly revealing retweet from Katty
Less white.
That’s what it’s about for people like her. Importing the vote of foreign cultures, because you despise your own so much. And with it, yourself.
Something for your dairy – US Mid Terms coverage.
“As Americans prepare to vote in what all sides acknowledge is a crucial and historic election, the Democratic party faces a major problem. Beyond being the “Not Trump” party, what does it stand for? How do Democratic leaders reconcile being a party that is backed by money from Wall Street and Silicon Valley even though many of its activists and its core voters are people who are far away from that kind of wealth? Is it a party that is willing to use any tactic in its fight back against the Republican Party or is it still a party that follows Michelle Obama’s rule: “When they go low, we go high.”
Michael Goldfarb travels to Texas and Georgia to meet a new generation of activists and candidates. He follows this year’s sensation, Beto O’Rourke, and Gina Ortiz Jones, combat veteran, first generation immigrant, and out lesbian, as they campaign against Republican incumbents. He puts today’s Democratic Party in its historical perspective (many of the Party’s internal difference go back to the 60s) and looks realistically at the party’s chances to put a check on the Presidency of Donald Trump.”
Going as high as Holder or Waters, they mean?
Have just been listening to BBC journalist traveling with the march up Central America to gatecrash the US border and enter illegally. He stopped short of calling them heroes but his words painted them as such.
No mention of any Soros funding though. No mention that the timing is set to coincide with the November 6th election.
Just emoting on about the appalling conditions they have left and how they simply had no choice in life but to go as their own countries are such dreadful places.
Well I think if Central American countries encourage or allow their citizens to invade The USA then Trump should consider annexation of these failed states and help put the populations on their feet again.
Somehow I don’t think the BBC would back that course of action. We’d just have more screeching from them about US imperialism.
Make no mistake the reason that the BBC, Soros, and the far left in general support open borders is not out of any concern for the people involved. It is they want to set an orgy of destruction on Western Civilization. They can’t just destroy themselves they want to take the rest of us with them.
Open Borders is not just a call for free movement. It is a now a rallying cry of those people, who have no values and no sense and no wish to acquire either,
Radio 4’s flagship news and current affairs programme headline is “Thirty Nobel Laureates leaving because of Brexit”. Is this a joke?
Is that another jiggle with maths on the Nobel pool that gave anyone in the global warming room a sticker to triple their fees?
Few buying the bbc being anything other than a power never held to account.
The BBC has marches it likes, and marches it doesn’t.
Something I have noticed on Twitter, which applies to that tweet. The first few comments are roughly even between agreeing and criticising. When you get to the “More Replies” section, however, the comments are more or less universally hostile. Almost as if Twitter want to make them less obvious behind a further click.
Or perhaps I’m just becoming paranoid.
Did Kirsty Walk ask the BBC “So it’s ok to say anything about anyone without evidence?” about the BBC’s accusations against Brett Kavanaugh?
I am sure she must have. The BBC cannot be mindlessly hypocritical, one law for the right and one law for the left – cant it?
Anthony clearly gunning for a slot on hignfy.
It’s so crass, he might just make it.
Toady watch
The soros remain grid has put up scientists to say how nasty brexit is . I love the way funding from the ReichEU will be cut off because of Brexit . The money is not coming from the EU – it’s coming from us – after the ReichEU has stolen part of it for the Brussels drinks bill and corrupt payments to ‘friends’ .
Sir Paul Nurse was bitching about it to the beeboid bee keeper .
Obviously science doesn’t do democracy.
. Apparently a lot of scientists are thinking about leaving Blighty bye now .
Ladies, Gentlemen… non-binary sea cucumbers, and Al; I give you the national broadcaster of Great Britain:
is it hillary?
The BBC never fail to give excessive publicity to all interest groups in receipt of EU grants who now forecast doom as we enter a new grants regime post Brexit. Today it’s science and various interviews with a disingenuous Nobel lauriate Paul Nurse. In fact, science should do well due to a government commitment to increase Research spending from 1.3 to 2.5 percent of GDP. You would never know this by listening to Nurse who implies that a loss of £1 billion in net EU grants to science will be permanent.
EE, I was not clear from that interview but I thought I heard from prof Nurse that the EU give us 1/10th of that figure. If I get time I will listen again.
Perhaps the BBC will ask Nurse whether he or his fiefdom has had any problem cooperating with any scientist or country outside the EU – e.g. US, Australia, Japan, S.Korea, Brazil. Or perhaps not.
The bbc England website leads with
‘Degrading strip search left me if ptsd’
And picture or woman .
Half way down the page is ‘18 stabbed to death in greenwich’
So the killing of young men is now an aside – yet there is a ludicrous discussion about putting a statue of a kid who was stabbed to death 30 something years ago on a plinth in Trafalar Square . A place which must be due for a name change as it celebrates nasty war – which involves lots of ‘hate crimes’.
The death of some is far more important than others in the comic world of al beeb.
Not bbc, so OT, but an interesting tweet.
Our dear old impartial (cough) Beeb are in full Remain mode this morning.
First I heard a police chief fretting about a hard Brexit and how it could impact on us catching criminals.
“Crime knows no borders” she wittered. I suppose one response might have been to suggest that we might try just a little more robustly to keep some of the blighters out in the first place ( sounds a bit Trumpian) but of course this idea wasn’t forthcoming.
Then we had the news? (propaganda) that scientists are packing away their test tubes ready to depart our shores if we get the sort of Brexit they don’t like. The boffins apparently get an EU grant.
Now of course we all know, or we should do, that being mass net contributors to the EU, we’re really only getting a tiddly bit of our own money back. Did anyone raise this? Nah!
So, in a BBC nutshell, in a few short months we’ll have no food, no fancy cars, no medicine, no scientists, no lovely French cheese and only my Aunt Maud’s homemade asparagus wine to guzzle…I can get you a bottle if you want.
There’ll be no BMW’s, Audis or Daimlers and foreign holidays will be verboten.
We’ll all be driving Morris Minors and clapped out Austin 7’s and holidaying at Cleethorpes. The sun will never shine and it will rain endlessly from Whitsun til New Year’s Day.
Blimey, this is depressing enough to be a Radio 4 comedy.
Wake me up when it’s over…
mr scientist was getting a bit loud and excited for first thing in the morning wasnt he Jeff
using words like EXTREMIST
we are all BREXIT EXTEMISTS to him
Kaiser, did you notice how many times Mr (Great) Scientist contradicted himself? I’m off to check his age to see if he might be getting a bit doddery.
Great post, Jeff.
I won a bet with myself this morning. I saw this BBC header about Trump and the migrant caravan and bet myself that the BBC would have a picture of a sad looking child. Yes, there it was.
Expect if the hurricane or the US authorities strike the invaders we will see photos of babies in distress. Something tells me that the BBC are looking around Manchester for South American looking people to interview in Salford studios designed to look like camps in Mexico.
This seems oddly familiar…
Mrs. May ordered HMS Bulwark to assist reinforcements getting across the Panama Canal?
Not going to end well. Clearly a win-win for the cynical pawn movers organising this. Either they cause a breach and establish another beachhead or they serve up cannon fodder sacrifices to the network cameras ready and waiting for the confrontation.
Bet Katty is getting her designer flak jacket fitted as we speak.
“….the cynical pawn movers organising this.” Just a little research and this is what is found:
Quite amazing but not unexpected: the name Soros is appearing East to West now on a daily basis.
I’m still chuckling at the word ‘caravan’ ! er, really ? It was hardly a ‘caravan’ crossing continents to get to Germany 3 years ago, more like a mass onslaught.
The old Top Gear guys had a trebuchet for them, didn’t they?
Well, Donald. Mr Soros resides in a mansion in New York. When you appoint a new Attorney General a day after the mid-terms, perhaps you will instruct him to bring a lawsuit against Soros. Or you could just declare him a danger to the country and Constitution, remove his citizenship and require him to leave.
Heard this on Radio 2 earlier ….. was in the car with Mrs Doobster78 and she didnt appreciate the rant i then went on about it ,..but hey, you have to vent your frustration when things like this are going on
“We’re able to bring the idea of a refugee into the mind of a young person without calling them a refugee: someone who looks different to you might end up being your neighbour and very good friend.”
The series will air in 33 languages across more than 110 countries. Lewis-Tamoka said in future the show could be an “awesome platform” for issues including violence against girls, equal pay and girl’s education.
“The possibilities are endless,” she said.
‘The possibilities are endless’…. how about dirty Kenyan engine grooms a set of nice new carriages, and takes them away to a nice quiet siding, to meet a few dirty old shunting engines?
More Soros money no doubt.
I was not aware Kenya had heavy industry capable of producing such a loco. In which case, ‘her’ country of creation would surely entitle legal entry to be reunited with family responsible? Still, sure Lily or Yvette have a shed spare.
I wonder when Andy Pandy will become ‘andy Paki ?
Ouch that phrasing is a bit close. I know Brissles is attacking the white middle class virtue signallers, who imposed Political Correctness on us, (instead of equality)
but the HateyNoHoper people will be running around saying “oh she used the P-word, hate crime, hate crime”
Today is the trial of Tommy Robinson. I see the left, antifa and UAF are gathering their armies to assemble outside the court determined to defeat TR’s supporters and see that the man is put in jail.
I am sure that the verdict – which ever way – will have been sent to the judge from our Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, peace be upon him, thus emphasising the fact that the executive and judiciary are inseparable.
I put up a separate thread to make things easier …
“…. the verdict – which ever way – will have been sent to the judge from…” The MUSLIM COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN (if the Army is anything to go by).
A cynical view is that the verdict has already been agreed between the judge and the Home Secretary. But is it cynicism or reality?!
“The Creepy Line’ Documentary Explores How Google and Facebook Can Undermine Democracy” –
1984? Just around the corner.
Do keep up Doug.
Al beeb big on sexual harassment today – Maria Miller – another hair brained red Tory wants something done about it . Well I have the answer- exterminate all men who are not beeboids . It’s only 30 million people .
Women are really good at organising things and wish a bit of MSM help it encourage men to kill themselves and make the tax structure less beneficial to men . Sex change may be an option too .
I mean – men are the problem right ? What use are they ? And they fart and belch and watch football ? Enough is enough .
Declaration – i am a chap . We are living through insane times …
Much amusement here about the BBC every time the killing of a certain Saudi journalist is mentioned on R4, no disrespect to him intended. The acrobatic & gymnastic linguistics continue. Last week a high spot was when the BBC decided he was not Saudi but Russian and refered to him in one memorable News broadcast as Khashoggski.
Today, they have decided that ‘our’ Jamal was a drug addict and are firmly refering to him as Hash ohg-gee. Presumably after the statement from Turkey later today, we will find out exactly how he was hilled and what has kappened to the body.
This is SO strange a behaviour by the BBC that perhaps, just like Global Warming and Climate Change, an edict has been delivered from on high that this story will be treated in such and such a way and that the name will be dealt with in a certain manner and “These instructions are to be followed by everyone.”.
You could actually sense and even hear at times the trepidation, the fear, as some very experienced Newsreaders and Presenters reached the place in the script where JK’s name would have to be said out loud.
Three other possible explanations:
1. Assuming that Newsreaders and Presenters work from PC screens, laptops and tablets these days, the BBC font choice and pitch size choice is such that it is not easily read when Ks, Hs, and double Gs appear close together.
I can think of a well-known retailer’s web-site where the letter t appears on screen exactly as the letter l with a base curlicue. Using the site recently for the first time in a while, I again found it very distracting and difficult to deal with – and that was just in reading & typing, not speaking
2. The BBC have been so exposed to the Gruaniad that they feel kindred spirits, politically as well as error-wise, and do not wish to show up their ‘fellow’ publication. Hence, make a few errors and slips here and there. “We can always apologise later and issue corrections.”
3. There is a general climate of fear at the BBC, especially when policies dictate coverage and presentation by diktat. Add together all that has happened or been mandated on them.
Everyone is perhaps terrified where the next scandal is coming from after Savile, Ross, Gambaccini (cleared), Cliff Richard (innocent & wrongly accused), Rotherham & Rochdale (ignored until too late) and tax avoidance & evasion by some high earners. Add to that the pressure of excessive pay for some (revealed at Government behest) plus equality (same again) plus diversity (BBC’s choice largely but with outside pressures) plus guilt. Then there is the competition, falling audiences and the (claimed) need to cut their (self-inflicted?) costs and one can imagine that working at the BBC today is not such a good place to be. Simon Mayo may be a bang up to date example of this.
The most peculiar thing is that twice, in my hearing, Robert Lacey – a friend of many years of Jamal Khashoggi – has been interviewed on R4. The BBC would have know about that friendship in advance (Lacey has been a past contributor) and could have consulted Lacey as to how to pronounce JK’s name. If anyone would know, he would.
Apparently not considered by the BBC. And Frank Gardner as an Arabist, who also ought to know, appears to have been ignored.
For those who may still be reading this with some interest, it is with the K firmly in front but not hard, the o as in ‘Oh!’ and hard ggs together.
BBC, please note.
The BBC has been turning self-mockery into an art form with its crappy pronunciations for decades now, never more noticably so to me than in football commentaries. The ones I most notice are the names of players from the countries of the former Yugoslavia. It is almost creative in the multitude of different ways it gets it so wrong with its uncanny knack of stressing the wrong syllables, failing to aspirate or just plainly attributing sounds to letters incorrectly. In the recent World Cup, for example, Croatia had a player called Ray Bitch. As with the incorrect pronunciation of Khashoggi, the diverse BBC must surely have staff around whom they could consult.
Navets, yes – you may be old enough to remember what may have been the start of the downhill BBC slide – the pronunciation of Kabul, especially on TV by a female newsreader* that provide comedians with a source of material. Then came KosoVOE, followed by Sir Gay Lavrov.
I have a notion at the back of mind that the BBC actually scrapped the Pronunciation Depart at one point to save money but that it was re-instated, possibly on the back of Labour’s big hikes in the Licence Fee during their time in government.
* Was it Moira Stewart or Jan Leeming doing the mangling back then?
Breaking : hearing near end : moved to Attorney General at a later date
I quote Ezra on the Tommy thread
I see the Beeb is running with a leading article on their website titled – Street harassment ‘relentless’ for women and girls
It talks about how women and girls are facing endless harassment and not enough is being done. This follows an important 9 month inquiry run by the Women and Equalities Committee.
Well maybe a good start would be to do some kind of heat map of where the worst areas are for harassment or maybe mention who the worst perpetrators are, to you know give some tangible advice on what or who to avoid.
Maybe they could comment on what cultures have a less than favourable attitude to women and that maybe this could have something to do with the rise in the ‘endless harassment’.
In all their pointless recommendations on the way to eliminating sexual harassment, no mention of maybe targeting specifics cults, sorry cultures, who seem unwilling to embrace the societal norms towards women.
But seemingly nothing, empty pointless guff blaming all men with no useful findings apart from that we are all bad. Another complete waste of time and money from another department set up purely to signal virtue and spend taxpayers money.
Very slow round of applause.
yes, the BBC at last pointing out the problems of girls in Rotherham, Huddesfield, Telford and so forth. Only Joking, the piece talks about a girl being pushed off her seat on a school bus.
R4 now phone-in about shopping to be green.
Lots of middle class people saying 3 of their 6 kids avoid using plastics.
(4 kids second caller says)
Lots of NGOs like WWF getting plugs
“Oh we now buy toilet roll by mail order”…. doh
Within the prog they plugged the 3:30pm show ‘is demonising plastic is wrong.
(Plasticphobia R4 Costing the Earth
Could the war on plastic have unintended consequences for the environment? Tom Heap reports.) wow actually seems logical
One good caller has pointed out that it was a council decision to allow out of town shopping malls, which then causes people to drive
Blurb “Call You & Yours: Have you changed your shopping habits to protect the environment
Call You & Yours asks if you have changed your shopping habits to protect the environment?
Are you worried about the effect on the planet of plastics, cars, meat production or fossil fuels?
Have you changed what you buy to protect the environment? If not – what’s stopping you?”
The BBC, clueless, as usual, about environmental issues.
What really irks me is the arrogance in its assertion that the science is settled so it will never report on the issues in an intelligent, informed and rational way.
No debate about greenhouse gases and what they are, how the greenhouse effect works, any attempt to follow the science in trying to understand radiation of temperature into space.
No attempt to differentiate between climate and weather allowing it to misrepresent weather events as evidence of climate change especially when misrepresenting events as unprecedented.
Selective presentation of facts, whether it be the numbers of polar bears, total ice mass in the Antarctic, number of electric cars being sold without differentiation between hybrids and non-hybrids to show but a few examples.
No debate about the disastrous effects of EU environmental policy on the amounts of plastic waste being dumped into oceans. Instead, the BBC reports on a vested interest bod who proclaims that the obsession with plastic waste is a dangerous thing and happily repeats the nonsense on other programmes.
No debate about fracking, how long it has been around, the twisting of facts by the green lobby which is gleefully and uncritically reported by the BBC. Misrepresenting tremors of 0.5 as earthquakes, repeating lies about methane in the water supply because of fracking, misrepresenting, diagrammatically, the proximity of the fracking process to the water table, no recognition that the green lobby is, itself, a vested interest and how this has driven its once wholehearted support for fracking into outright opposition.
The MSM has been spectacularly fooled before but in the case of the millennium bug, started by the innocent musing of one NASA scientist, the simple passing of time proved it false. Lessons clearly have not been learned but, unfortunately with climate and environmental issues, there is no end point to call time on the nonsense about these matters being relentlessly being shoved down our throats unopposed.
Why white poppies are bad
We are going to force the power companies to put more fair dinkum RELIABLE power onto the grid.
Renewables are great, but …
JVine Show has his American listener couple on
guess their politics ?
‘Oh where we live Madison, is a bit of a liberal bubble
… but yes within our family there are both sides’
Vine is on holiday so Vanessa Feltz is on
( so the show is a sychophantic bubbleworld itelf ..”We all love Jeremy” )
Surprise the pro eu team all women. With JC that makes 4 against 1 and they keep claiming to be impartial.
BBC Online News:
“”Tommy Robinson: Contempt case referred to attorney general””
As if to diminish TR, the BBC refer to him now as Stephen Yaxley-Lennon throughout.
Is it a crime to change your name?
Research the former names of all BBC staff who have changed their names and use them
Lady Brooke is my favourite –
Sarah Montague
And for the Labour Party Lady Nugee – Emily thornberry – priceless
I’m sure there are plenty of others hiding in the weeds ….
The BBC should change its name, I’m not sure to what, but I would get rid of references to British and Broadcasting.
Something stinks about the Saudi journalist matter. He, as a follower of the cult would have known that the cult does not take kindly to criticism in any form, very much like the maligned Scientology outfit. The difference between the two though, is the former is given freedom to come and go in this country and the rest of Europe to assist it to murder, bomb and/or destroy the infidel in his homeland whereas the latter is banned from the UK. But the journalist freely entered the Saudi consulate why? Surely with the natural inclination of the cult to kill or at least maim, he must have recognised the danger in entering the lion’s den?
G, Robert Lacey, if I recall correctly in his first contribution to R4 that I heard, suggested that Jamal Khashoggi had been encouraged to attend the Saudi Embassy in Turkey by a friend or someone he knew and trusted who initially accompanied him there.
But there are other ‘strangenesses’ – just like the Skripal Affair as well as the later Amesbury poisonings, it raises questions THAT THE BBC IS FAILING TO ASK – for example, if Khashoggi was working for the Washington Post and had work and/or residency access to the US, why did he visit the SA Embassy in Turkey? Is it that his Bride-to-be is Turkish and for some reason he needed to get the marriage documents done there? Or his Bride-to-be is a Saudi but the wedding is to take place in Turkey?
Is it, in this particular case, such a strong desire on the part of the BBC to try to harm President Trump (as well as the UK Government) in some way that they are obsessing with Khashoggi but to ask too many questions might risk limiting the damage that could be done?
Dover this exactly what I predicted in my post on the Tommy trial thread. bbc so predictable