The Far Left BBC quickly buried the conviction of “the Huddersfield 20 Muslim racist paedophiles” and as it does – moved quickly on . How will the BBC perform regarding the political show trial of Tommy Robinson on Tuesday ? You can bet the Muslim paedo racist gang which is the cause of TRs brush with the law won’t feature much in this crooked country but his past will be used as the usual weapon?
With a 158 days until Brexit the remainers will be marching every weekend or looking for jobs with tax avoiders like Facebook .
I’m increasingly keeping an eye on what’s going on over the pond. A very tense situation. Perhaps others here are also. The POTUS is effectively under siege in the White House metaphorically speaking. The Democrat Marxists are even plotting assassinations which it appears and the tech giants are condoning by their inaction. All in all it seems desperate and is likely to come to a head with the so-called, ‘Caravan’ arriving from Honduras as paid for by the NWO/UN/Soros. There will be a blowback here when the time comes and I urge all fellow thinkers to ponder on what the blowback will mean, particularly in view of the fact that much of the fabric of the UK political elite and media will side with the Democrat Marxists all having already converted to their form of socialist Marxism. Treezer and Co are most certainly on the NWO/UN/Soros bandwagon.
Judge for yourself:
For the Few, Not the Many.
MM, there’s something wrong with that graph. Look at the median income level, c. £32K-£34K. Then look at the x axis. It almost falls within the 1%.
I grabbed it off internet gov site … is it blocks of 1%?
Dr mannish Gupta – a gynaecologist at one of the worst hosptals in London – and this the country – has pleaded guilty to possessing a series of pornographic violent images involving children as well as animals .. bestiality images were also found in his possession.
For some reason there doesn’t seem to be any coverage beyond the local paper ….
You spelt it wrong : Manish Gupta
I was in the Independent when you posted
and most other media like the Mail/ Grauniad etc.
\\ Cannock Chase Radio FM @CannockRadio
Doctor responsible for FGM treatment guide admits to possessing extreme porn: ‘Disturbing’ images found on Manish Gupta’s laptop
\\ Your search – “Manish Gupta” bbc – did not match any documents. //
Here is another instance of the BBC failing to join the dots.
They can’t stop spouting their agenda on how good for the country immigration is then they come out with this
“More takeaways on high street despite anti-obesity push”
The UK has seen a 34% increase in fast food outlets from 2010 to 2018
In 2010, the average number of fast food outlets per 100,000 people was 47. It had risen to 61 by 2018.
In nearly every area (204 out of 215) the rate of takeaways per 100,000 people was higher in 2018 than 2010
I am pretty damm sure that most of the takeaways that have sprung up in the last 8 years have been opened by Immigrants…
Yes paedo rings and mouse / rat droppings …
Mouse droppings? Surely not ……
The article is “according to BBC research”
So I stopped listening
You can’t go by raw number of takeway shops cos they vary in size and weekly supply
fallacy of comparing apples wit oranges
I agree. And unfortunately they are never shining examples of that one particular cultures cuisine. They always seem to be multi food establishments offering chicken, pizza, kebab and Chinese with all ‘disciplines’ being bland and exactly the same as the 30 other establishments offering the same crap in a 3 mile radius.
Hardly sampling the ‘rich and vibrant diversity of the worlds cultures’.
After angry day watching the British state trying to crush a patriot again – have a look at the leaked footage from sky of a tired and emotional Adam boulton losing it …. another beauty …
It’s on the guardian site ….
Great spot Fedup!
But it is sad to find out ‘It’s on the guardian’ shite; a sentence to make your head shrivel back within your tortoise shell, aka Fabricant.
Boulton has obviously been liberally applying Grecain 10,000 on his thinning thatch and displaying Billy Bunterisms with a side order of Satanic eye rolling.
Here it is on the you lube site:-
Al Beeb tells us that there is trouble in Italy ……….
“Italy budget: European Commission demands changes”
I hope the Remainers are getting the message from their very own favourite broadcaster?
The cracks are beginning to show.
Italy, Belgium, Portugal and Spain next?
Italy has rejected !
Nowt on Al Beeb as yet ?
Isn’t investing in the cash-in-hand restaurant/ takeaway trade supposed to be one of the easiest means of laundering money gained through crime and to profit without paying taxes? So is taxi-driving isn’t it?
Aren’t kebabs and cabs are often linked to another criminal pastime enjoyed by a disproportionate number of male members of a certain immigrant community too?
where I used to live there was 3 kebab/pizza shops with interchangeable staff within 40 yards of each other
You are right.
I was recently reading that the manager of a local Turkish “restaurant” has been convicted of being behind a major drug smuggling network. Crystal meth was made in Iran, smuggled to Turkey, then to Britain, and then on to Japan!
Needless to say, although the man was found guilty and given 16 years, he won’t serve it because he is on the run. The PC judge gave him bail you see, obviously thinking that a Turkish drug dealer would sit around and wait for his sentence. Right.
It’s Only Connect, biased BBC style.
What links Crick Institute scientists with Yorkshire Dales sheep farmers?
Answer – the BBC has focussed on both these groups today to go Reomoaning on and on about worries about Brexit. Cue mournful tone and headshaking from Fiona Bruce, as impartial as ever.
Any guesses for tomorrow’s chosen BBC whingeing?
‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.
– 1984, Orwell
BREAKING: Honduras migrant caravan are deemed xenophobic after not wanting to stay in Mexico. Mexico demand they stay and don’t head for Hitler land.
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
1948 …. ‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. – 1984, Orwell
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
2019 … In addition to reporting on non-crime hate incidents, please report offensive or insulting comments about the police, journalists, judiciary, civil servants or politicians, online, in person or in writing. Hatred of those in authority will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsTheElite – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2019
Groping suspect says Trump said it was OK to grab women
Al Beeb scraping the barrel again with a pathetic story, used as a good excuse to revisit pussygate. Vile organization.
Back on page 2 I was asked about the source of a description of the funeral of Cecil Rhodes. The paragraph was taken from here:
Here is Jared O’Mara buying a map, a TV license (i.e. you pay taxes so he pays the BBC like the other 650 MPS) and a coffee machine.
There is a word for him but as kind of administrator I can’t use it because I’ve banned it from the site ….
Are you trying to tell us that the man is a Count?
Lefty – I can’t go there as I might have to tell friends off for using naughty words
I must say that after a trying day of the British state demonstrating how morally empty it is the language and comments here have been a model of decency – unlike the screeches of the frightened reactionary far left – including the failing BBC
The picture depicts the hallmarks of a cunning stunt.
Or we could go for Cockney rhyming slang like berk or gasp.
I’ve been banned from Parking Like a Twat in Doncaster, and Morrisons.
One of them appears to be pregnant.
Oh dear, 2 reports in The Times will have the BBC filtering the news from the states as postal voting has started for midterms.
“a Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey put his (Trump’s) approval rating at 47 per cent, his highest as president and two points higher than Barack Obama at the same stage.”
“Record early midterm voting in key states has diminished hopes that the Democrats will be swept into Congress by a “blue wave” of winning candidates.
Heady predictions have been downgraded to cautious optimism after analysis from NBC News/TargetSmart showed Republicans outvoting Democrats in states with pivotal Senate races.”
Roll on midterms, the BBC will be just as depressed as they are after every election, the US president’s, Brexit, the last 3 UK elections and elections throughout Europe.
You sure about that? Katty keeps retweeting reports that Democrats have a 13% lead.
Ah she works for the BBC who even on the election night promised themselves and their Guardian follows that Hillary would smash the glass ceiling and white wash Trump.
Oh, it’ll be fun and games if the democrats do not retake the two houses.
I couldn’t agree more. Seeing some of the butt-hurt faces unable to comprehend how this could have happened, screaming at the moon, at the Russians, at the oldies etc would be just wonderful.
In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate of Donald Trump, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments on BBC television, radio or online, in person by a BBC journalist or in writing in the Guardian. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHelpsDonaldWin – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
BBC Katty Kay uses single symbol .. she is really not trying to report on anything …
Her grammatical regressions are quite special.
All that is left is a full stop.
After that….
Pug – Could it be that the reputation of a certain would-be Sultan is being hosed down in readiness for EU membership in this wild consular epic?
After all, Brexit leaves a gap that -Albania, say- is much too small to fill.
Constantinople, anyone?
(And Merkel would love it, for her swansong.)
“The paedophiles are celebrated
While Tommy was incarcerated
but you never seem to care for children, do ya?
The grooming gangs moved in on you
And the kids looked up to you for truth
Please don’t just say
“Baby, this is how they now, rule ya”
How they rule ya
How they rule ya”
… inspired
As the BBC news highlights this song today … will they print the lyrics as quickly?
or a case of, too close for comfort BBC?
Watching the BBC news tonight I learn, yet again, that farmers can’t decide how many lambs to produce for next year, because of Brexit. This story has been repeated several times in the last few months. Basically the farmers think that they won’t be able to export their lamb.
Then we are told that Aston Martin won’t be able to import the 60% of car parts that they need from the EU, because of Brexit.
Surely in France there must be buyers of British lamb wondering where they will get their lamb from? Surely there must be car component makers in Germany wondering what they will do when they can no longer export to Aston Martin in the UK?
It is always the same line with the BBC, interest rates up, borrowers are screwed, interest rates down, savers are screwed, pound up, exports slaughtered, pound down, foreign holidays unaffordable.
Every story has a bad side, nothing good ever happens. ‘Big pharma’ should be paying the BBC for developing the depression pill market.
I wish the BBC would decide which food story that are going to scare us with. Are the farmers going to go bankrupt because they can’t export their produce, or are we going to starve because we can’t import food? Running both stories on alternate days suggests we’ll all be OK because we’ll eat what the farmers can’t export.
If that isn’t enough food we can eat American chickens, which the BBC are worried about because, it appears, they have been dipped in the local swimming pool before being exported. Which is fine with me so long as no-one had wee’d in the water first.
I’m happy to be frightened, but what am I supposed to be frightened about? “Whhhoooooo Brexit” lacks enough detail.
Are they still pushing the ‘we’ll run out of sandwiches’ horror story?
Only at Pret. And jerk chicken on Ryanair.
Welsh lamb will be cheaper for the home market. There is always NZ lamb. British beef is the best!
There are plenty of component manufacturers outside the EU who would be happy to supply Aston Martin and any other car manufacturer in Great Britain.
There are lots of motor manufacturers outside the EU who would be happy to supply the UK with cars. What would the EU think about this competition?
We must get our fishing industry back.
If our present Government had foresight they should have had these avenues organised and ‘ready to go’, over the last two years, instead of trying to get Al Beeb to brainwash us all to change our minds over Breixt.
Two wasted years!
Vote and support UKIP.
On News at ten last night, we had the reporter saying 90% of British lamb goes to Europe, then a lamb farmer saying we produce lambs to feed the British.
Slight contradiction there…
We may only require 10% of output to satisfy the home market. It is a great productivity and exporting success if that is the case.
Our hearts bleed:
“Newsnight ‘is being starved of resources’”
No more bouncy castle or Nick Roving Reporter Clegg budget? For shame.
Looks like the T Robinson case was never at The Royal Courts today
… gone from the Al BBC Newshite already
A quote I cannot find on Al Beeb…………………..
\\The Establishment Parties Are Betraying The People. “Labour, Liberal or Tory it is clear that if the people want Brexit then they will have to vote UKIP at the next general election” Gerard Batten MEP, UKIP Leader //
Doesn’t this party support TR ?
I get the impression that the script was for TR to plead guilty and so today would for the sentencing. In the eveny, TR changed his legal team and put in a defence that the prosecution couldn’t answer. The judge then decided it was going to be a mess that was beyond his pay grade and so has thrown the problem at the politicians.
The BBC doesn’t know what the approved line is and so has killed the story – at least until fuller instructions are received.
I’ve just been watching Sky News including the interesting item on the 2,400-year-old ship found intact on the bed of the Black Sea. The Sky newsreader introduced it as dating from “400 years before the birth of Christ” and it struck me that the bBBC would never use such a phrase nowadays.
The current approved terminology is “Before the Common Era” (BCE) and “Common Era” (CE). I can’t resist winding up the snowflakes by referring to “Before the Christian Era” and “the Christian Era”. When corrected to “Common” I point out that the change from one term to the other comes at the birth of Christ – unless they know of some other reason for the switch. They’re convinced I’m wrong, but can’t explain why, so it often ends up with an accusation that because I’m using Christian terms I’m “racist”. At that point I consider that I’ve won the argument
Al Beeb tells us that NASA photographs a rectangular iceberg.
No mention of global warming why? Many “rectangular icebergs” have broken away over millions of years, long before the advent of satellite photography, but the insinuation to global warming is there.
Two of my daughters go to one of the better grammar schools here in NI and are still taught in old money, BC and AD, which surprised me a bit as I thought this other crap was common practice.
I could find out more tomorrow because apparently I’ll have to walk them to school from now on as the bBBC have told me that all the females in Britain are “relentlessly harassed”, obviously by white, British males, every time they are brave enough to venture out alone.
If only I, or we as a nation, could look to another country or culture where women are safe in the knowledge that they will be escorted by a male guardian for their own protection everywhere they go, just in case they come across any white, British males. Perhaps the bBBC could ask the same people for advice about other things that they seem interested in at the minute like polygamy, censorship and press freedom and making marriages easier to get out of. Maybe they already have.
I would seek advice myself in the morning but I’ll be too busy dodging all the Roma on the way home. Just as I have advised my daughters to do.
This verbage from BBC yesterday provoked a lot of discussion between me my wife, friends male and female and we all agreed we must live in another world to the BBC and their guests….we all agreed that the concept of women being “relentlessly harassed” when they go not one we recognise…Do you think it is anything to do with London centric thinking.. oh why are they harassed and by whom in which boroughs?
Don’t get me on to Wimmins Hour…apparently every man is sitting on public transport watching porn on their phone – it’s amazing how many women claim this has happened to them ( the men were not showing them the porn, they were looking at the man’s phone)..including surprise surprise – BBC employees..Don’t look Ethel…
Apparently the head of the National Crime Agency was on Radio4 warning of the dangers to security and crime prevention that will arise should there be a no-Deal Brexit. It seems that she is also advocating a more centralised, for that read less accessible or locally accountable, police ‘service’.
FFS, give it a rest.
I must admit that I did not realise that the head of the NCA was female. Good luck to her, however it Does make me wonder how anyone with any sense still buys this ‘class ceiling’ shit? So many of the most responsible positions in Britain today are held by women and yet every day the misandry that is spewed from the bBBC becomes more and more blatantly aggressive and insulting. Obvious in their programme guest lists, drama subjects and ‘actor’ choices, sports and current affairs coverage and discussion and in the news that they choose to report or omit.
One simple example the bBBC are running with today is the news that women working for Glasgow City Council are striking because of discrimination at work and a gender pay gap. This was one of their main headlines on tonight’s news.
My understanding is that although it is mostly women who have been affected by differences in wages between jobs considered to be at a similar grade it is the job not the gender that is the cause of any disparity. There are some men who are similarly affected and will benefit from any award made. But then again this isn’t the understanding that the bBBC want me to have.
Good post Rich
Lies by omission by BBC..and re glass ceiling I have toyed with the idea of listing all top jobs held by women off top of my head..Police Chiefs, Fire Chiefs, NCA Chief, Prime Minister, Scottish Leader, NI leader, Many BBC positions, virtually all NHS positions, and it goes on….there is now glass ceiling for white working class boys in many public sector organisations – sorry a solid door..
There’s certainly a solid door currently for white male actors trying to get sympathetic lead roles in BBC drama these days.
Looking at that list, gender is irrelevant as they are all doing such bang up jo…. oh.
BBC staff narrative building guidelines
2018-10-23 Guardian Opinion Brexit
“My constituents backed Brexit. But I didn’t enter politics to make them poorer” Phil Wilson
(But I did enter politics to make myself richer, back to the Champagne Socialist trough.)
More Remain nonsense which we have heard, and disbelieved, a million times before.
I mention this only to present an extract from a comment. Which encapsulates better, and more briefly, what passes for thought in the mind of a remainer, than anything else I have ever read or heard..
“If a majority in a given constituency would like to bring back hanging, should the MP vote for that?
Bear in mind that there are no qualified hangpersons left in this country, so we would have to import an immigrant to do it.”
The arrogance of these MPs gets right on my tits.
The comments of Phil Wilson also highlight the reasons why the MPs should not be involved in anything to do with Brexit.
We had a referendum to take the decision out of the elected representative’s hands. Everyone had a single vote to cast, to give a clear and binary answer that would require no further interpretation, consideration or meddling by those that were against the result.
Phil, you arrogant cretin, it doesn’t matter how your constituents voted because the whole country voted and they gave their answer in one clear (by a margin of 1,269,501 votes) to LEAVE.
That’s it. You or other MP’s input is an irrelevance.
I would happily learn the ropes.
I’ll get my coat, I left it hanging somewhere.
interesting..he is rather unpopular at the moment in some quarters..
Almost on a par with Trumpy.
Tie up and gag Teresa Ollie and hall.
Make them watch this over and over again until they drop dead from thirst and starvation.
Charlie on BBC breakfast about to talk to Jane Fonda about the metoo movement and Donald Trump . BBC just keep on banging the same drum and viewers just keep on leaving . They will never change. End the tax !!!
Odd that on Brexit the bbc seems to err on the side of the youth wing, but on #Me200 they are curtsying to crinklies. Albeit odd ones if seeking to inspire patriotic American audiences.
Someone called lord teverson has a chat about biosecurity being worse after brexit . No evidence – just the normal Soros grid with which al beeb ready complies .
There was no context so I checked on this time waster . A lib democrat remainer – a former MEP who lost his seat and got a peerage for some unknown reason – a level oneswamp dweller.
There was no challenge to his nonsense .
This was followed up by anti brexit bias saying the border won’t be ready for full brexit .
Toadywatch two
China has built 40 holding centres for Muslims. Al beeb there might be a million locked up . So today it cries about so called human rights breaches by the nasty Chinese but yesterday it was lauding the brace and clever Chinese for building a long bridge .
Oh yeah – and somewhere called Yemen is starving again so get yer money out . …, the far left bnc is already pushing itscharity night agenda – guess who gets the money ?
One interviewee on Toady this morning referred to it as the Rohingya “culture” the Chinese were correcting. Not islam? So that’s all right then!
This heralds the beginnings of the faux outrage: Chinese: if you want to be like the West (?!?!) you, along with us, have to suffer politically imposed islamic terrorism so, turn them loose and accept your ‘lot’……………..
I hear you. I had to endure someone in the office telling me all about how bad the Chinese were because obviously she’d been fed the company line from the Beeb that today China were bad.
Fox and Tucker have been talking about this for months but it really is a clear example of the blinkers that so many have when their only form of news input is by the Beeb.
Report them for racism please….
From order-order … (the places that used to allow opinion) …
The Times has made a spectacular error in rewording a letter written by Veterans for Britain, signed by military luminaries such from Major-General Julian Thompson CB, to Rear-Admiral Roger Lane-Nott and Professor Gwythian Prins.
Veterans for Britain‘s original letter was clear that this is a group that supports the full implementation of the 2016 referendum, and a change in Prime Minister if that is what it takes to deliver it.
“…if [the PM] lacks the grip to deliver the will of the People’s Vote 2016, then surely now is the time to hand over..”
However The Times, which used to aspire to be the journal of record, reinterpreted the words which became…
“…if [the PM] lacks the grip to deliver a People’s Vote, then surely now is the time to hand over..”
Cock up or conspiracy?
– This took active thought to replace the words, so it is conspiracy!
If you are looking for a bit of bright news -there is an article by a Dutchy called Natalie nuget – or similar – in the Far Left Guardian -describing how the nations of the ReichEU are turning in on themselves against the EU .
Also that the snowflake algorithms being used the the social media and search engines are backfiring by polarising views as well as making nation state governments more difficult to gauge or monitor or. Control opinion – which obviously is a function of al beeb in what used to be Great Britain .
The law of unintended consequences seems the only one that stays consistent; and consistently ironic.
Toady 3
Al beeb just can’t stop talking about the journo killed by the Saudis . It seems to come as a surprise that Wahhabis do this sort of thing as well as getting caught .
Al beebs reaction seems similar to the labour mp who was killed . Just can’t stop talking about it as though it’s important
In the mean time Muslim paedo racist rape gangs carry on and kids are killing each other without much comment on a daily or weekly basis .
MSM is so out of touch it’s embarrassing
Marky / theisland,
Why isn’t every outlet of the MSM leading with this disgraceful example of deliberate deceit and dishonesty?
Difficult to think of a more blatant example of fake news and heads should roll but instead it’ll be ignored as they snigger behind their hands.
#honestmistake Again. Apparently. Snigger. Sorted.
Yes, not a whiff from the consorting quislings.
The Queen probably reads the letters in The Times and would have seen that of Richard Dearlove last week, which highlighted the defence sell out engineered by unelected pro-EU civil servants and confirmed by ‘Chequers’.
By now HMQ should have looked into it and made sure that steps are being taken to reclaim her control via her government of our troops from foreign bureaucrats. This is nothing to do with military co-operation, which of course continues as appropriate.
The doctoring of the recent letter is a deliberate attempt to thwart this reclamation process (if indeed any exists) and to divert from the real issue by suggesting that the authors are in favour of another referendum.
If the 1922 committee had any integrity they would make sure Treezer is ditched this afternoon.
“When one or more people agree to carry out a course of action that is illegal………”. I trust the VfB told the media that the letter will be simultaneously published on their website so the public can compare the original against the published ‘doctored’ letter?
Can’t seem to comment on this anywhere. Suddenly the comments have been closed on Guido Fawkes meaning that I couldn’t answer the chump who was saying the Veterans shouldn’t have referred to the referendum as the People’s Vote.
Clearly , he’s completely missing the point that the Veterans were trying to make that we’ve already had a People’s Vote – and that was the one in 2016.
Front page BBC webshite headline
‘White nationalist faces wife abuse claims’.
The said person is American, thus this is a story of no relevance at all, let alone a front page story.
Which later contains the bullet point ‘the white supremacist grateful for Trump’.
No prizes for spotting the narrative, and talk about dredging the bottom of the barrel.
In other words, deliberate anti Trump shit-stirring, deliberately associating white people (and of course by inference not non-white e.g Asian Muslim Huddersfield paedos) with criminality and objectionable behaviour.
The BBC. The world’s finest shit -stirring publicly funded Far Left broadcaster
On Facebook they are excited about misquoting a chap arrested for misbehaving on an airplane.
Even Trumpophobes are embarrassed.
Anjem Choudary .. a threat to Western society, a person who does not believe in UK law …. Savid Javid does not mention him on his twitter feed … omission?!
Search: anjem choudary on @sajidjavid
So the PRESS are all over this Turkey/Saudi story … but remember when Fatwa on the Freedom of expression was attacked … silence …..a death threat and bounty put on a man for writing a book … silence ….
Iran reveal they are entirely Evil, not bothered about innocence and should not be listened to – would be a different version of this tale of tragedy. But let’s back Iran and give them legitimacy for their actions.
This is Salman Rushdie all over again – embolden the enemy and their beliefs – see where it goes …
Salman Rushdie: Iranian state media renew fatwa on Satanic Verses author with $600,000 bounty {independent 21feb2016}
“The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the fatwa issued in 1989”
The bbc does have an odd knack for finding utterly bizarre causes to champion. Especially when deserving ones exist that they ignore.
BBC in full Project Fear 2.0 mode with their own NPC Kamal Ahmed
UK ‘will pay the price’ of no-deal Brexit
They are ‘having problems’ (bbc quotes) at the moment. Trying to ‘fix them’ (also bbc quotes).
Frank has an epiphany.
Hope the 60yo’s didn’t put their backs out. Unless he was trying to cull Leave voters?
Was our Frank sitting in it at the time ?
On the H and S he seems to be reaping what he and his left liberal kind have sown.
Or maybe the bloke knew that Gardner worked for the hated BBC .?
I’m sure if he didn’t Fed, our Frank would soon have put him straight. The old ‘Do you know who I am?’ line surely works regular overtime in his life.
Personally I would have thought that expecting one’s highness to be hoiked around the forests of Papua New Guinea on a sedan chair was ‘bonkers’ … but then again I’m not Frank. Perhaps the 20-sth doorman didn’t want to risk giving our Frank pressure ulcers or perhaps he was just following BBC guidelines in which case what a wonderful triumph for health and safety procedures:
‘Health and safety procedures are put in place to prevent staff from being harmed or becoming ill due to work.’
I refuse to use Facebook or Twitter but had I, I would have responded to Frank thus,
‘Well Frank, welcome to the World your employer, the Far Left Marxist BBC has been cultivating for decades. Get used to it! There’s much more to come’
I’m wholly with Frank Gardner on this. It’s no easy thing being confined to a wheelchair. and unable to walk On the face of it, the refusal of the doorman to help is deplorable.
PMQs …
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. (Boris Johnson)
But it cannot survive treason from within.(Theresa May)
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. (Anjem Choudary)
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.(Jeremy Corbyn)
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
The full force of the media has combined to ensure that David Mesher has his life ruined for racially abusing someone on a plane.
The victim (and daughter) are now on all-expenses paid tours of all the news studios.
The victim is distraught, cries whenever she thinks about the incident and, of course, expects some compensation. She is described as an old, disabled lady, in her 70’s. Yet David Mesher, who is also old, disable and in his 70’s is described as a foul-mouthed racist pig.
The victim is linked to the Windrush generation don’t you know, but for some reason we are not told why this has any bearing on the case whatsoever.
The Spanish police are involved and even the Mayoress of Barcelona has decided to get in on the act, no doubt thinking if it’s all right to torture and kill bulls for fun it’s alright to finish off an old white man.
Everyone who lives near David Mesher has been interviewed and they have tracked down where he worked and even where he went to school. His life will never be the same again and police are preparing to act because he made some racist comments.
Meanwhile, groups of Jihadi supporting, Islamic extremists go on marches through our towns and cities wielding banners proclaiming “death to the infidel” and “the white man can go to hell” and they are given police protection because, apparently, that is simply free speech.
Patriarchy..some woman and interviewer…discussing it – all negative..getting in President Trump (negative) sexism
Skirting around the issue and not a mention of one system that absolutely puts men at the begins with I and end with M….the elephant…I am so fed up with this incessant focus on these issues on’s never a discussion but a one sided conversation.. off button now pushed
A very interesting view of the Parliamentary approval of the ‘Brexit deal’.
There’s hope yet. What about Crowd Funding? If the Gina Miller woman can do it backed (no doubt by Soros & Co), what stops the public doing their bit and chipping in?
Comments so far mixed, as the sistahood has been triggered, but on the whole #CCBGB
Apparently it’s just white blokes that harass white women then? Where are all the diverse friends and families the media like to promote – oh not when it comes to negative stereotypes?
Is there sexual harassment advice we should need in 2018? Did a school child write the headline without thinking what it actually implies..
What utter Crap … What’s Tip number 2 going to be…
Don’t offend anyone?
I want to know what her tattoo is. Perhaps the boys are laughing at a spelling mistake on another tattoo on her back. The BBC should tell us these things – especially as she seems to have taken two bullets to the chest.
This is how the BBC perceives the population of the UK to be aged under 35.
Oh well, all the ads on ITV show black men with their white wives and mixed race children and the ads of the last few years have shown Muslims celebrating Christmas so it must be true. The thing is, what percentage of the UK population do blacks and asians actually make?
Lenny Henry must be really proud.
BTW, when the BBC do news stories on knife crime and murder etc, why does it always show a WHITE hand holding a knife?
“In 2011, 87% of the population (48.6 million people) was born in the UK and 13% of the population (7.5 million people) was born outside of the UK.” Source:
As you will see on this pie chart,
Asians and other foreigners constitute 86% of the population whilst, White British are total 14%. See? Advertising agencies/BBC/Media wet dream………..
In London it probably is….
re: gun
Same reason they only show white blokes harassing women…the BBC is so twisted maybe we ought to report them to the statistics office for misrepresentation..
My eldest daughter is 14. Her school year has 180 pupils. The school has about 1400 pupils in total.
Amongst the 180 there is one mixed race child, as in black/white, one Romanian and only one child with an Asian surname whose family are so well integrated that he has blonde hair.
All of the rest are hideously white. This is much more reflective of the UK I know.
where is the ‘what do people over the age of 55 want the government to spend more on?’
Just for balance like…in the interests of quality journalism…. oops, just answered my own question…I’ll get my coat.
Mandela … terrorist turned hero.
Martin Luther King … unfaithful and like orgies.
Mother Theresa .. promoted poverty and death over living and helping.
Hillary Clinton … lied and lied and still lying and selling books based on lies.
Mao … killed millions, but praised for doing it.
David Lammy .. called vatican smoke racist but seen as GQ politician of the year 2018
Roy Larner … stood his ground to fight Islamic terrorists and ignored by the media because he’s racist.
Good News! The Saudis have found 100K tents in the desert that are free and close to Allah. All refugees around the world will be flown in tomorrow ….. *sigh*
Where is a B52 when you want one
Wonder if they discuss immigration and refugees at the ALL POWERFUL AND RICH SAUDI CONFERENCE?
Crown prince gets standing ovation at Saudi Arabia’s economic forum
By Yaron Steinbuch October 23, 2018
Embattled Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman received a standing ovation when he made a brief appearance Tuesday at a glitzy economic forum in Riyadh that has been boycotted by a host of global business leaders.
2009 expenses scandal continues … but the BBC ignore it …
Chuka Umunna
MP, Streatham
From 1 August 2018 until further notice, chair of the Advisory Board of The Progressive Centre UK think tank (also known as Global Progress (London) Ltd), of 9 Chamberlain House, 126 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7UR. I expect to spend approximately 12 hours each month on my duties as Chair and on preparing publications and other content, in return for a monthly payment of £5,420 (£65,040 a year). (Registered 10 October 2018)
1922 committee take note:
Wow. Has David Vance had to wait until only now to appreciate that Theresa is the Appeaser selling this country down the river.
The BBC seems to be getting a bit aerated about the Chinese creating “reeducarion camps” for Uighurs. As the BBC pronunciation for “Uighur” has not yet stabilised – you can choose from Wiggers, Ooeeegahs,, Weejars?? (possible racist slur?), the matter would be of little concern had they not been muslim. At least the Chinese recognise the source of the threat and do something to reeducate possible perpetrators. The BBC, by contrast chooses to attempt to brainwash potential victims at their own expense. “Islam is the religion of peace”, ‘It’s nothing to do with Islam” have been the constant refrain of the BBC for years.
May be we should be booking in all our Big Beards, disatisfied with Britain, for a reeducational trip to China.
Or we could simply sack all the educators on our Diversity Courses and import Chinese experts.
Uighurs/Uyghurs (believe the pronunciation is wee-gur) used to be Buddhist and Christian until forcibly converted to Islam at the point of the sword. Arguably, all the Chinese are doing is ‘liberating’ them from a religion their ancestors had brutally forced upon them. Maybe the BBC should be pleased at this attempt to culturally enrich the Tarim Basin by the Chinese authorities?
As a significant part of the Mongol Empire united by Ghengiz Khan, the Uighurs would originally worshipped their Sky Father.
Ghengiz Khan’s initial efforts to eradicate Islam were numerically successful, only his early death prevented completion, in fact that saved European ‘civilisation’ too since nothing stood between his principal general, Tsubodai, and the French coast. His novel approach to dealing with recalcitrant muslims by drowning in pig’s blood would not have met with BBC approval today.
“nothing stood between his principal general, Tsubodai, and the French coast.”
My history books state that in 1241 800 miles of forest were in the way.
My history books state Mongols were not too successful in forests, not suitable for grazing their horses.
EG, my history books state the Viet ran rings round the Mongols in forests.
I’d check your history book wasn’t written by someone in Iran LCS. Mongol tumaans could cover 100 miles a day, and their exceptionally hardy horses lived on grass and twigs, both of which are readily available in forests and any of the river valleys common to the area.
When Ghenghiz died the armies turned back and returned to the homeland in order to confirm and swear fealty to the new Khan, Ogedai. Only this fact, the death of one man, prevented the whole of Europe being overwhelmed and history, as we know it, entirely re-written.
Hey Last Chance, Beltane MY history book (which is definitely better than either of yours : P ) says the Uyghurs (whom Genghis rather liked) were instrumental in introducing the Mongols to the wonders of both Buddhism and Nestorian (Eastern) Christianity… but once the Ilkhanate converted to Islam, and most of the other Mongol successor states followed suit, their bacon was cooked (well, not literally, obviously).
Drowning in pigs blood hey? Makes tying a bacon sandwich to the mosque door sound rather weak, doesn’t it? That Genghis chap, he would have known how to deal with Snowflakes, SJW and the BBC.
B – Problems with your geneaology and geography..
Genghis died c1227, the armies turned back, from China not Europe
Ogedai appointed 1229, died 1241.
Batu Khan did return to Karakorum from Europe, but it was in the hope of succeeding Ogedai, not swearing fealty to a corpse.
Your alternative history is just speculation.
But let us fight the battles of tomorrow together.
Chinese specialists sounds a good idea. The government seems, for some reason” to put all its trust in ex Big Beards who have seen the folly of their ways to do the reprogramming. The cunning plan being to set a thief to catch a thief.
But all that is probably wishful thinking. More likely that the usual suspects are already planning a campaign to bring the one million Uighurs to Britain as refugees.
BBC report on gifts for the Royal Baby. Yes, Meghan is carrying a baby. Not a bunch of cells or a fetus – its a baby. The world already acknowledges that it is a baby and no one would dare describe it as a fetus or bunch of cells.
Hopefully the BBC will remember this when they single out Rhees Mogg and others for criticism regarding their ethical views.
I also think there is something a bit odd at the expression “expecting their first baby” – we all know that, because they haven’t had any other children (well, not that we know of).
And why hasn’t Harry still not met his father-in-law ? if he had made efforts to do this while engaged, then all the debacle that followed would have been avoided. Sorry, Harry has got it so wrong on this, and I don’t think much of Meghan either who has seemingly cut herself off from her family, and lapping up the limelight and attention just a tad too much. Her Dad is her Dad, end of.
You mean the family that seems to be unable to keep its mouth shut, especially when reporters are present?
In my family, I had the last say in dealings with my side, and my husband likewise. We knew them better.
Perhaps if they’d been dealt with initially in a better way, – like Meghan taking Harry to meet her father for a start, they would have kept their mouths shut ! I wonder if she ever introduced husband no.1 to Daddy.
I’m fortunate in that I never had to resort in having the ‘last say’ with my family – we all knew how to behave.