The Far Left BBC quickly buried the conviction of “the Huddersfield 20 Muslim racist paedophiles” and as it does – moved quickly on . How will the BBC perform regarding the political show trial of Tommy Robinson on Tuesday ? You can bet the Muslim paedo racist gang which is the cause of TRs brush with the law won’t feature much in this crooked country but his past will be used as the usual weapon?
With a 158 days until Brexit the remainers will be marching every weekend or looking for jobs with tax avoiders like Facebook .
Over the years, Parliament has passed laws that limit the application of parliamentary sovereignty. These laws reflect political developments both within and outside the UK.
They include:
The devolution of power to bodies like the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly.
The Human Rights Act 1998.
The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973.
The decision to establish a UK Supreme Court in 2009, which ends the House of Lords function as the UK’s final court of appeal.
These developments do not fundamentally undermine the principle of parliamentary sovereignty, since, in theory at least, Parliament could repeal any of the laws implementing these changes.
since, in theory at least
since, in theory at least
Yesterday’s Times front page seemed like “too wow to be true” to me
The other frontpage headline
“World’s oldest shipwreck discovered”
…BS cos it’s only 2,400 years old
..the Dover one is way older than that
the oldest is something like 7,000 to 10,00 years old
Whatever the age, how can anyone say the shipwreck was the ‘world’s oldest’? The oldest ‘yet discovered’ is a different matter. Nothing new in the BBC getting their facts wrong – they usually make a better job with their ‘facts’ though
A river of people, says the BBC. Marching all the way to the US where Trump and the Nazi/Fascist/ alt right/ nationalist don’t want them.
Some people are saying that the vehicles take them from point A to point B where they can assemble for photographs. But that would be fake news, like these fake trucks.
The miracle of the migrants not told by the BBC
\\ A crowdsourced news website from the founder of Wikipedia has laid off its reporters, a year after it launched with a promise to reinvent journalism.
Jimmy Wales announced Wikitribune last year, promising to publish “news by the people and for the people” by pairing professional journalists with volunteer fact-checkers. The model was inspired by the collaborative approach that has made Wikipedia, which he co-founded in 2001, one of the most popular sites on the internet.
Last week Mr Wales announced that he was now supporting Tortoise, a new “slow news” venture by James Harding, the former BBC director of news and editor of The Times from 2007 to 2012.//
doh ! \\ I’d never heard of it, but given the cabal of far-left wingnuts who have a stranglehold on editing of Wikipedia articles, I expect it’d be the same old progressive agenda-pushing rubbish masquerading as news. //
Lots of stuff about wimmin being sexually harassed . Perhaps the Muslims do have the answer -the hijab . Al beeb loves it as does the MSM and the bubble – even marks and Spencer’s sells them .
So let’s encourage all wimmin to wear hijabs – it can do away with the fashion industry and online dating as they will all look the same .
More seriously – have you noticed that of the 20 Muslim racist paedophiles sent to prison last week after raping Little white girls in Huddersfield – there has been no interviews of relatives or anyone from the Islamic Army in this country ?
It also looks as though msm doesn’t know where Huddersfield is……
Next Muslim trial please…..
MSM will go to a Calais for an interview at the drop of a hat/hijab
Only 19 muslim nonces have gone to the big house. One of the bastards has slipped the net because the brain dead judge, who had the cheek to give Tommy Robinson 13 months, let ALL the paedos have bail.
Yep -my mistake -as well the corrupt judge in that case
I was concluding that the imprisoned paki peasant have ‘ wives’ who are just used as breeding machines so don’t speak the English or leave the house without escort .
And cue…. It’s All Trump’s Fault
Anybody else thinking “false flag” here?
Everybody, no doubt.
The Clintons haven’t had much luck recently with their house. A few months back part of it burned down.
I smell a ‘rat’ ….a ‘Democ…rat’.
There is no way these devises could have made their way through security to the ‘pretended’ recipients.
If they had does anybody really thing that Obama, Clinton or any of the others would have thought ” O look a pipe filled with some substance and a mobile phone attached to it. I think I will just switch it on to see what happens”.
I wonder if the Democrats have a vulnerable “Jo Cox” (who dat?) lined up?
The Dems have only got themselves to blame.
When your top people start saying ‘When they go low, you kick them’ or ‘Confront them wherever you meet them’ what can you expect?
It’s probably some desperate Dems doing it because literally everything else they are trying is collapsing around them.
Strange as well that the Beeb would be drawing some kind of connection between Soros, the Clintons and the Obama’s.
I thought they could never see or comment on Soros meddling in the US or UK. I mean really, a foreign national interfering in elections – surely not. But now they are drawing a connection to serve their agenda
You wouldn’t put it passed these desperate losers to send these packages to themselves – anything for a headline, sympathy or to smear Trump/ the Right.
Clintons, Obama, Soros (‘real name György Schwartz’) and CNN (‘real name FNN or False News Network’). The Axis of Evil. False Flag? As Blackadder would have said: “More false than a false thing on a very false day”. Totally unrelated to the flagging fortunes of the Democrats as the mid-term elections loom. Or to distract attention away from Saudi Arabia.
Coming soon on your BBC: “Could Putin be responsible?”.
The usual suspects (and I don’t mean the actual perps) seem amazingly certain all of a sudden.
Surprised there was not a return address fragment with the White House, c/o POTUS ‘discovered’.
Maybe Clintons many sex assault victims who seem to be completely disregarded by the BBC who seen sooooo concerned about wimmin being whistled at in the street…..and who have also been attacked by his wife who called them “Bimbos”
I wonder if this one ever saw the light of day on the BBC?:
Thought not.
An exploding cigar ?
It’s what Jo would have wanted?
Unregistered scools fined
…. any common theme ?
I heard this on R4..not a single mention that it was Muslim venture..typical BBC…if it were a catholic school can you imagine how that would be plastered all over BBC
A Jewish one would probably be considered a good candidate for the main news story on the BBC
Myth that ‘the Green Revolution will make things cheaper’
= the REALITY that ‘the Green Revolution will make things MORE EXPENSIVE’
Uber will start charging 15p extra per mile in a ‘clean air fee’ to help drivers pay for electric cars.
It hopes to create a £200m fund to make its London fleet fully electric by 2025.
What was missing from the piece by Roger on the TOADY Programme this morning was an essential fact:
This housing is built according to the ‘Prescott rules’, introduced under the Labour Government of 1997-2010, that mandated no garages if possible, no parking places and laybys were to be allowed alongside houses and apartment blocks. Everyone has to walk, cycle or travel by bus with children being encouraged to play in the street.
I have been to one of those new estates, on the Greenwich peninsula (possibly the first to be finished under Prescott?) and it was a nightmare to get around. Narrow curved roads, dead ends and closes, with cars pavement parked here and there.
It must have driven the bus drivers mad – there was a service – as they weaved between parked vehicles and delivery drivers.
When narrow ‘Green’ dogma is applied by law, common sense is extinguished.
NF calling out the enemies within and giving the EU a history lesson.
The island
Sorry to criticise you but you should have put a blood pressure warning on your post ( joke face thingy)
That 4 minutes nearly pushed me over – the assertion that the iron steel treat and Treaty of Rome and its derivative had any part in the mIntenance of peace in Europe is beyond a joke .
Obviously I use the term ‘ peace’ in terms of national wars not the one being waged against us by the mussies .
NATO – led by the American and Blighty kept the peace and other countries -the krauts , French , Greeks , Dutch and the rest owe a great debt .
I dread the spin the ReichEU will put on the armistice centenary .
Just your average BBC representation of UK young adults hopes and dreams.
Gammon I refer you to the post and graphic on our previous page
Cassandra October 24, 2018 at 11:00 am
The new Halal BBC is Gammon-free
ie no gammon-faces, only brown
8pm R4 When, if ever, does the end justify the means?
Moral Maze
I would like to know the opinion of fellow subscribers to the
feature on the BBC Website front page, ” More Top Stories”
“Unaffordable homes are a violation of being human”
I don’t think I have ever seen a BBC feature which shows
the BBC to be so brazen in it’s political bias.
I don’t repeatedly use the term ‘far left BBC’ for nothing – for example – they have apparently put together a documentary series on fires to keep the tower block fire in the public mind .
Personally Grenfell is the ideal reason why the state shouldn’t House people and let private sector do it .
I wonder how much blame will be apportioned to the fire brigade who failed to plan for a tower fire or equip itself to deal with it . 9/11 was a hint as was Steve McQueen in “Towering Inferno” .
Fires happen in tower blocks – they won’t be ready for the next one either.
I am not a fire person
I think we should have our own “council of Britain” as the muzzie one is only interested in promoting themselves, and encouraging eachother to report “hate crime” but not against homosexuals or Jews or muzzie wives, ICP ? indigenous Christian population ..
85% of the population who are never represented by our national broadcaster as such, who rather represent the interests of only black and muslim minorities and wimmin, who are told repeatedly that we are all in mixed marriages but only white women with black men, who are largely ingored whenever the BBC shows a typical British sample of the population, and the BBC / MSM and our government fail to protect or nurture our national religion and our history and culture at the expense of islam,
Anyone notice the point of order question at the end of PMQ’s about TR being in the HOP. Both the glasgow MP and bercow said they both agree about disliking TR and the damage the EDL has done. Well who would have thought that, If it wasn’t for tommy rotherham etc would be well and truly under the carpet . Just proves even those in the HoL and the HoC knew what was and still is going on
As soon as I heard that devices have been sent to Clinton and Obama and cnn I thought – a Democrat desperate to get something before the coming elections .
It’s the effect of the hated far left BBC and it’s bias I suppose .
Well, it has worked.
Though a TIME sub may have given the game away.
Pete al beeb cuts PMQs off before they end these days – I always thought there is something sinister in doing it .. and it’s not right .
who has tommy killed, run down, blown up , beheaded, raped, pimped ???
who is t that is really causing division in society the evil doers or the course accented messenger?
BBC – suspicious packages sent to Clinton and Obama.. it’s the Far Right..
It really is amazing how the BBC just jump to the conclusion without any evidence…it might be true but at the moment the news is just suspicious packages sent…nothing’s BBC make up the headline time
James Arthur
And as Trump has been criticising the media as well as the Clinton’s he has to be the man behind it all.
So how can we include UKIP, Brexiteers and Climate Change Deniers in this?
Many comments there pointing out that the stamps don’t appear to have a postmark, indicating it was hand delivered; and that the stamps wouldn’t have been sufficient anyway.
Surprised it was not delivered by Wile E. Coyote.
Beep, beep.
Apparently it has ‘Acme’ written on one side
Here’s a clearer picture of the package. Are these actually US stamps? There certainly don’t appear to be any postmarks.
That cost Debbie Wasserman Schultz (£2.34p) three dollars.
It isn’t the far-right, it’s someone who is mentally ill.
You mean a leftist? Makes sense.
Speaker of the pipsqueak parliament, chief squawker in the house of comorons, the always odious and arrogant in equal measure,
out of touch,”little man” syndrome personified.
Yep! the BBC just couldn t wait, they lap it up
BBC News – John Bercow attacks ‘loathsome’ Tommy Robinson
“Commons Speaker John Bercow has described ex-English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson as “a loathsome, obnoxious, repellent individual”.
Mr Bercow was responding to the SNP’s Stewart McDonald who raised concern about reports Mr Robinson had been invited for a meal in the House of Lords by UKIP politicians”
A prime example of why we need a complete clear out of these unrepresentative self serving shills in parliament, we have squatters in No10 propped up by the unrepresentative DUP.
The quacks who have done nothing for two years as they only now mould a Brexit for benefit this sh-thouse Tory party … f-ck everyone else eh, the good of the country, the good of the population … as long as it can be wormed around to benefit the liars and crooks of the Tory party.
We need a complete clear out …. desperately
Yes Bercow really has diminished the office by overt bias and his bullying . His small man syndrome is there for all to see.
To describe a citizen in that way is beyond the pale and if he knew what shame was he would be ashamed . What a vile character .
I’d have been worried if Bercow had described TR as a British Patriot deserving of respect from every MP (true but I don’t expect truth from Bercow).
I don’t think that TR can go any higher in my estimation, but this attack by Bercow might just do it.
Anyone under attack from the poison dwarf and the Scots Nazis must be doing something right.
“a loathsome, obnoxious, repellent individual” is exactly how some people would describe a person who engages in the bullying of staff.
The good news is, his days may be numbered if the following is anything to go by:
Will the USA come and liberate us after our muslim invasion is in full flow enabled and facilitated by our leaders and twat students and far left socialist saddos ? (and guess who will be first up against the wall when they have successsfully outbred us)
Not on the bBBC yet but they did cover it earlier this year and Sky have it as their ‘and finally’, so it soon will be.
Apparently Digby, Britain’s first guide horse, yes, a guide horse, has grown too tall to be used instead of a guide dog by his partially blind intended owner.
Just a couple of questions.
Why a guide horse, what’s wrong with a labrador? Do guide dog owners carry a poop-scoop? How is any one who is blind going to clean up after a horse, miniature or not?
It seems that the intended owner has a fear of dogs and so a horse was suggested and trained up for the cynophobic journalist from Blackburn, Mohammed Salim Patel.
A fear of dogs? Aye right.
Doggophobia…. is that not a hate crime yet ? should be as plenty of a certain kommunihi would be in court, and anyway phobia is an irrational fear so Islamophobia is meaningless as all the evidence suggests that the fear of paki muslims is very rational if you are a 12 year old white female anywherenear a taxi rank or corner shop
And hope no one objects to the word paki as they use “brit” as a term of abuse and get away with it, and the MSM use this lazy nasty casual word also
Vote and support UKIP. Its the only way to freedom, Independence and to get rid of Al Beeb’s tax.
The Tory Party have wasted two years. The Tory party is full of ‘wets’.
Two World Wars , all those lives wasted and lost.
Yes, the Tories could have sacked Treezer, but did not, and they are committed to some form of remain and Progressivism. Who knows, a few UKIP Mps might just set the sparks off
A good reason for backing UKIP
May has won over the 1922 Committee. A lion’s den, no a petting zoo.
Advice to Tory MPs with brown skin. Apply to join the Labour Party because you won’t hold your Tory seats, and who knows you might be selected as suitable diverse Labour candidates in the election May has handed to Labour.
“Two World Wars and all those lives wasted and lost”– yes, and the vast majority were white lives blown away by white people. Whatever were we thinking? Totally bonkers.
Lefty Wright
Most were volunteers thinking of Freedom, Independence and Democracy.
White poppies now for those lives, do red ones offend some kommunihies ? so easily offended, yet so intolerant of other minorites and religions just look at the utopias they hail from and the liberal regimes
Not on Al Beeb yet but the French budget for 2019 is looking dodgy ?
Will the EU be happy about that ?
Channeling my inner Godwin, it is interesting that as the Blitzkrieg was invading just about everywhere, no dodgy parcels were sent to W1A. Just sayin’.
started with the bloody Normans
They don’t even try to hide it now.
On the One Show (with two non-white presenters) , we get Paloma Faith, promoting her new album.
She manages to get into the ‘interview’ that she describes herself as a ‘terrible leftie’, how she met people three days after the Brexit referendum who had voted leave and were wondering if they had made a mistake; and how she was brought up in a culture of picket lines and trade unions.
Total 100% left wing bias and propaganda.
Earlier in the show was a BBC so called journalist interviewing a range of ordianary people canvassing their opinions about Brexit. It was hilarious. He asked a lorry driver who did a lot of cross-border work, if he thought Brexit would cause any problems for him and his reply was that he thought the movement of goods could easily be facilitated electronically, just as it already is. The so-called reporter didn’t see that one coming.
The reporter then interviewed a farmer whose land straddled the border whether Brexit would cause him a problem. The farmer told the reporter that even when the British Army previously enforced the border, they were unable to exert any control over the part of it on his patch and that it would be no different after Brexit. The reporter didn’t see that one coming.
The reporter then went to a company, based in the ROI, making forklists and exporting 25% of them to the UK. It was said to employ many staff from NI and interviewed two of them. They told the reporter their current commute took thirty minutes. When asked to speculate on the effect of Brexit and the possibility of a hard border, they said it could be a real problem, possibly adding ten minutes to their travelling time if asked to produce documents at the border. What a scoop!
Finally, an interview with the owner who emphasised the 25% of trade with the UK and how things would be a lot more difficult in the event of Brexit.
The reporter summarised this as a demonstration of the problems that will be caused by Brexit.
The BBC, beyond reason, beyond reform.
Great analysis.
Talk about the Beeb scraping the barrel. So the will of the majority of the voting UK public should be ignored because two workers from NI might be delayed by 10 minutes on their daily commute.
And since neither Britain nor the RoI will ever build a “hard border”, there won’t even be a one minute delay.
It is a non story about a non issue, which the EU have used to play Theresa the Appeaser like a fish on the end of a line.
Trump told her how to negotiate with the EU. So did Yiannis Varoufakis. You cannot play nice with them. They are psychopaths. The EU is their dream, and they will do anything to defend it. I just wish this spineless excuse for a PM had even a tenth of the passion for Britain that the likes of Barnier Juncker and Tusk have for the EU.
Which tells us we have a 77% non white population news to me, and of course Dr Bint and Radio two no male presenters or male white actors left even for support roles and a distinct lack of white male husbands now availalbe in any adverts
and what happens to the Universe when Dr Bint is on maternity leave ?
the Daleks and Cybermen will soon cotton on to that….
I think that might be 77% non-BAME
by including WHITE minorities like Polish, gypsies etc as being in the BAME
Would be an experience to see the one of those particular minorities as presenter, BBC car park re tarmacked and head of programming held by the throat till he pays up and of course he has some tiles coming off the roof and some guttering needs doing y also, so another 5 grand, marched to the cashpoint, starving diseased horses left in reception for a few months with a few tonnes of fly tipped building rubble , rusty kids bikes, shit stained mattresses and nappies
Like we had last couple of months when we were enriched, local authority had to clean up paid for by the 85% non minority
…..and a distinct lack of white male husbands now available in any adverts….
Yep, have to agree on that one. But now I’ve even taken to gazing around the supermarket when doing the shop, and all I can see ARE white male husbands, so where ARE these supposed non-white versions ? do they shop elsewhere in mixed race supermarkets ?
How can ads make us believe their product if they cant even adhere to a true demographic of their audience ?
Dear Annunaki
I am writing to in response to your question about mixed race supermarkets.
As you know, Britain is a diverse, multiracial and multicultural society and as such is the envy of the world. However, institutional racism, which has its origins in the slave trade and manifests itself in the modern age in the Windrush Persecutions and Grenfell Massacre, is ever present. Proof of this is the vast increase in the number of vile hate crimes and complete lack of representation of BAME people in advertising, Hollywood, the music industry and the BBC. Every day, black people live in complete terror that they will be attacked as they go about their normal business, for example the racist knife attacks in London in which young black men, many of whom were hoping to become
thuggish rap starsarchitects, are killed.As we enter Brexit, despite the wishes of
big business, globalists and fat-cat unelected Eurocratsordinary people to stop it, we believe that it is important that retail safe spaces are created that allow people to bank, buy processed food and (especially) furniture, regardless of their ethnicity, origin, religious belief, sexual orientation and other characteristics as we see fit. Accordingly, we will be encouraging our members to open banks, supermarkets and furniture shops (order now for delivery in time for December 25th) in which white people (other than white women with black men), Christians, Jews, heterosexuals, transphobes, Climate change deniers and UKIP supporters will not be allowed. We believe this to be a major step forward in creating a fairer, more just and inclusive society. And may even help us make money. Somehow.Yours sincerely
Sue Donimm, NPC
Head of Propaganda and BBC Co-ordination
British Retail Consortia
Owen Jones : I didn’t know about his anti-Semitic edits to Wikipedia
He excuses himself by saying that was 13 years ago when I was 19
I note the comment and date
\\ March 25, 2016 at 12:21 pm
I’m no fan of Owen Jones but these debates interest me.
I wish somebody would document this phenomenon of left wing anti-semitism. //
There’s a 2018 article as well
Germany’s ‘compact-online’ carries an interview (4.35) with the ‘Hero of the Resistance’, who i.a. has praise for Hungary and Poland, and Orban, in particular. Also, a little about the increasing cross-border co-operation, which this visit illustrates. ‘Compact’ describes his release as ‘a step in the right direction’.
Guest speaker at its conference on borders. Worth a visit, if you have a little German; equally so, if you don’t!
Unfortunately, our MSM are only interested in “steps in the left direction” which seems to involve promoting and making excuses for the most vicious, violent, intolerant group of people this country has ever invited to its shores… who put the Nazis to shame with their treatment of other minorities, but the first to whinge and whine when they are put in their place, guess who ?? just proves how stupid those of the left are, anyone who has ever walked the streets of Luton or other areas they infest, including the schools (9 year old kids from this religion shouting about Al queada in school from so called moderate families ? ) are well aware of this infestation
The BBC.
Have they at last realised that attacks on Trump without evidence are a waste of time?
It appears to me (there are those who agree 🙂 ), that the BBC are now having to accept that Trump is here to stay.
Trump expressed his support for Brexit but has been quiet since.
Interesting times ahead.
As an aside, a comment was made about May saying that Brexit was 95% complete. The comment was that the Titanic’s maiden voyage was 95% complete before the iceberg struck.
The media may have further lost the specks of plot it once had.
“As an aside, a comment was made about May saying that Brexit was 95% complete.”
She’s waiting for them to tell her what colour ink to use when she signs the surrender document.
Regarding the BBC Evidence has never seemed to bother them before, Clinton can sexually assault as many as he likes but only Trump and Weinstein get pulled up for touching wimmin (s Weinstein a Jew BTW? I see a pattern)
Weinstein was born March 19, 1952, in the Flushing section of Queens, New York,[7] the son of diamond cutter Max Weinstein[8] and his wife, Miriam (née Postel).[8][9] His family is Jewish
Ahhh now it all makes sense, the BBC obsession keeping him on the front page for weeks for “touching wimmin” and COUNTRYWIDE mass racially aggravated peadophile gang rapes of english children gone within 12 hours
Oh here we go, look at all those poor Muslim victims in China and this poor crying child….
they are causing a famine of 14 million of their population in Yemen over a religious war and no one is saying it s their fault ???????? no f@cking wonder they need re educaton if they want to infest another country with their hate and intolerance: well done China !
Guess whos gonna have to feed the vicious bastards’ kids while they shoot and bomb each other ? we will, please ignore the tranny on the telly telling us to help them we pay enough in overseas aid to let them fight rape and torture each other in Africa and the Middle East and are always told white people are the bad people in the world go figure why are they all scurrying over here ? we have some wonderful Somali kids over here with knives and guns enriching us already
Oh here we go. Was it a rogue Trump supporter who sent explosives to Democrats…
Here’s one for all Beeboids clustered around their sets wearing their Anita Anand tinfoil ‘Obama’ beanies…
It really WAS a rogue Republican, just prior to the midterms.
Only they knew that no matter how daft the attempt, in fact the more ludicrous it was, the liberal media would react exactly as they have, are and will continue doing, and hence look flat out barking to anyone outside their confirmation bias bubble.
And hot diggedy… it seems to have worked a treat.
Muslim whingeing about hate crime they are experts, (except about FGM or wife beating or honour murders or Jews or homosexuals) , muslims fighting causing famine to 14 million of their population, thats ok, but dont say anything nasty about them or they might be offended
World tonight might as well have been saying that the devices had ‘ if undelivered please reply to the white house’
The hard left deliver 24/7 anti propaganda – and then some one responds to it and the far left are surprised .
Al beeb of course run to democrat yanks for the traditional one sided interview . For the course it’s par.
WTF the police completely infiltrated by anti of what ?
I told you about Jonaya yesterday the police came back smashed there way in second time.
Hours go and CPS throw it all out.
so shes suing
WTF police do not “smash their way” in to anywhere without a warrant and even with a warrant will not do that,or “break into your house” or “drag” anyone out as anyone with any experience of this will know..complete and utter bollocks, and you have a right to a lawyer at no charge to you who will immediately have you released, .fake news cuts both ways, if you want to play the oppositions; game you will have to play it a bit better than that FFS this kind of rubbish does no one any good, unless you have this on video ? everyone has the right to film or take photos ? hmmm nothing just your word..
its all on video , read the Twitter thread
Yes they had warrants both times.
After the first time when they went to her mother’s house, she went direct to the police station, but they didn’t want to see her, only for them to raid her house .
Then CPS told her “NFA” there will be No Further Action against you.
I wonder if they just cloned her phone data ..and that was the real reason tobget at Tommy
Read the twitter thread got that, so what do I see ? words not video, where is the video? she went to the Polce station ? not dragged ? house “smashed in ?” and “broke into my house again” ? REALLY hmmm
the video is right there above your post and posted earlier than yours.
Are you not familiar with Jonaya ?
In the uk for a few days. I’m finding the incessant propaganda unbearable, don’t know how fellow biased beebers can stand it, other than retreating into your own bubble.
Examples: Jeremy vine show- boo politicians saying nasty things, boo Chinese putting millions into camps (they’re Muslims! What a coincidence), starving in Yemen (next week maybe back to rohingya or Syria?), disproportionate representation of bame and women, daily telegraph taking up pages on an alleged metoo scandal concerning a businessman that they can’t name, weeks spent on the murdered Muslim journalist, days spent on the ranting racist on Ryanair, and did Evan Davis’ final guest just say that Trump had tweeted that some people deserve to die? I don’t remember that one.
loobyloo there are some days where its so so easy to find hundreds of tweets/comments wishing death on Trump annd his team.
There are very few in the other direction.
This shows the true colours of the BBC in such matters when wasting licence payers’ money to protect one of its own who made false rape accusations :
The bBBC probably think they have unearthed yet another “strong independent bitch”, as she herself described the members of her fawning, but also strangely confused and self-conscious, standup audience, in the unappealing form of comedian/ enne? Luisa Omeilan. They haven’t.
In reality what you get is just another crude and crass pain-in-the-arse given her own mini-series as a platform to pontificate in a supposedly humorous manner. The girl you avoided in the pub in Sixth Form, needy and a bit weird on Pernod and black, has a programme called “Politics for Bitches”, her “hit” BBC3 show given an airing on the main channel tonight.
She, Luisa Omeilan, suitably non-British in background, tackled the housing shortage in this episode by concentrating specifically on the inability of our youth to get onto the housing market, mainly in London of course, due to a nationwide lack of affordable housing.
A mix of standup, gurning to camera in the back of a taxi, asides while interviewing and bullshit- “by 2020 for 85% of the country basic level rent will be unaffordable” – all delivered with a manically rambling manner in an annoyingly contrived accent. Littered with swearing, “mate” and “innit”, little girl voices and occasional flashes of upper thigh as she garnished her chosen topic with the usual hackneyed faux acceptance/ celebration of her lack of sex and weight problem, she offered no answers. Her audience loved her. I think. She was shite. The programme was awful.
A 36 year old from Hampshire with a degree in Performing Arts providing the bBBC with yet another example of their version of a youth voice and cutting edge left-wing authenticity. Ffs, she’s only 10 years younger than me. There are another three episodes of this attempt at comedy but I bet we see a lot more of her. I don’t want to, I’ve seen enough. Don’t watch it, comedy at the bBBC is dead.
I watched Fletcher and Godber skiving in a church on a channel called Yesterday, Sky 155, before I saw this.
Comedy, but not on the bBBC.
BBC comedy, it’s not dead, it’s resting
No, Navets, it is bereft of life, it rests in peace.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
Ah I was expecting her to be black lesbian, to fit the BBC agends
..but her main use to them seems to be her politics
She is a foreigner , cos you can hear the Australian accent.
No Rich, it’s stunned.
BBC comedy stuns easily Rich.
All the facts indicate that the British Civil Service is using the Irish border to block an agreement, so as to get an extension of the transitional period, so as to keep its people on the gravy train and getting involved with the next EU budget. The Civil Service seems to be under orders not to talk to UKIP or anyone known to have supported Brexit, as well as Irish and Swiss experts on border technology. In fact the problem does not seem to even exist, as the EU has told the Irish Government that it does not need to impose a hard boarder, even if there is a “No Deal”. So it looks as if Oily Robins produced “Chequers” as an attempt to stop David Davis from solving all the problems by putting the EU into a simple choice between a “Free Trade Deal” or a “No Deal“. But like a repressed traitor, Theresa May is unable to chuck Chequers because the house of cards would come tumbling down for her and Oily Robins, and all would be revealed.
Also it looks as if the Daily Mail and Express have a sharp drop in sales, every time they put a picture of traitor May on the front page. The editors even still support her and the BBC. I am still waiting for the Daily Express to start a “Non-payment of the licence fee” campaign against BBC bias, propaganda and censorship.
I try to buy the Telegraph when this happens, but the last time it happened, they had all been taken, so had to avoid the massive pile of overturned Daily Mail and Express papers.
Richard Pinder
A mass non-payment campaign would be a good start. There are also other serious problems with the BBC. The management is not fit for purpose, the staff are totally agenda driven and the organisation itself is monolithic.
As much as I would like to see the BBC just abolished and closed down, I don’t think this is a realistic option so I would welcome the scrapping of the licence fee and for the BBC to be split into totally autonomous entities, free of public funding, as a start. These entities could be sold off for the benefit of the public purse but no management buy-outs, please.
Who is the Head of the Civil Service ? Who does he get his orders from?
The head of the Civil Service is the soon to retire Jeremy Heywood
His exact role and accountability should be here:
Watching the news the other morning and seeing the female newsreader pass to the female reporter talking to the female politician and then to the female weather reporter I wondered how we ever got to this state of so many over-promoted incompetent females running politics, police and fire services, journalism and other positions of authority?
Now I have no dislike of women per se but quite frankly if this is the best the female sex can offer it would be best if they didn’t!
Could it be the natural respect that men have for the mother that has caused men to be silent? As Jordan Peterson has said, a man knows that if he goes too far another man will hit him, so he knows there are limits. A gentleman knows not to hit a woman so she knows there are no limits and conseqently she can go out of control.
As a result we now have all these useless women in command, surrounded by man-children being bossed by their ‘mothers’. Secretly these women, as demonstrated by the success of 5o Shades of Grey long to be dominated, which is why they bend the knee to Islam.
Western civilisation came from the brains and blood of men but now they have given control back to their ‘mothers’ who in turn will give control to the barbarians. The aberration that was enlightened Western man will be gone and we will be in a permanent dark age of degeneration.
As a child I aspired to grow up to follow the example of my father, I didn’t expect to ruled forever by ‘my mother’. Maybe it is the Toynbee-approved father-less ‘family that has led us to the dire state that our civilisation is in?
Al Beeb is the is the main exponent of the feminatzi. What happens to women if their men are not able to protect them ?
“…..Western civilisation came from the brains and blood of men but now they have given control back to their ‘mothers’ who in turn will give control to the barbarians.” Eg Sweden?
They will be preparing a seat for him ready to take his place in the House of Lords as his reward for ‘Brino’.
I see from Al Beeb that they are under fire again for un equal pay. I also see that President Trump is having a go at the Swamp again. I can not see any report about the London police stabbing?
I would suggest that Al Beeb’s viewer figures are dropping like a lead balloon?
The independent broadcasters are first with the reporting of breaking news, is this because Al Beeb’s censor has to scrutinise it first?
Here is the headless chicken monster’s take on, er, the headless chicken monster….
BBC criticised
Women at the BBC are still being paid “far less” than men for comparable jobs, a report by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee says. Its inquiry was sparked by presenter Carrie Gracie, who accused the corporation of pay discrimination. The committee said the BBC must introduce “a more transparent” pay structure to restore its reputation and win back the trust of staff. BBC Women, a group representing female journalists and producers, threw its weight behind the conclusions.
The BBC said much of the report was out of date and its gender pay gap was among the smallest in the media sphere. But it acknowledged there was more to do. BBC media editor Amol Rajan said that while the report has no legislative implications, the strength and depth of the criticism is striking.
When the bbc talks about itself like this, it is like those movies when a departing soul looks down at its corpse.
Still, their CPR is working its magic.
Allegedly. Clear!
The key word here GW is “comparable”.
If they were doing the same job as men, to the same standard, then no-one would question their right to equal pay.
Unfortunately, “comparable” means anything but equal. In the case of the Birmingham dinner ladies in 2012, they won their case against the council because their job was considered to be equivalent to the job of janitor which was a role filled by men.
Not a single woman applied to be janitor, the job was physically much more demanding and called for longer, and sometimes unsociable hours and, unbelievably, men were not allowed to apply to be dinner ladies.
None of this mattered of course and similarly, the BBC will throw shed loads of money at woman who simply do not deserve it.
The bbc loves its variable ratings. Look at Mishal’s death chart.
‘Comparable’, ‘relative’, ‘proportionate’…
All infinitely adjustable, along with censorship in the edit suite, to push whatever they fancy.
I wondered if the BBC would report on the opening remarks from Trump at his Rally in Mosinee last night.
Surprisingly they have done so but unsurprisingly they took the opportunity to, as Trump would say: ‘do a number on him’. They write, “The president’s critics called his latest remarks hypocritical, as he often uses vicious language against his opponents and the press.”
The adjective ‘vicious’ to describe Trump’s language at these rallies is a gross misrepresentation because, as anyone who watches can observe, Trump’s ‘performance’ is similar that of a comedian who makes fun of political figures, but the BBC has lost its sense of humor long ago.
Then they insert a link to perhaps give the wrong impression-
//Trump Jr letter: ‘You get what you deserve’//
The link is worth following because it refers to an attack on the Trump family in Feb 2018 but I believe the BBC are hoping people won’t actually click on it.
Words and presentation do matter and the BiasedBBC are masters of subtly (in a clever and indirect way, in order to achieve something) inserting their own propaganda.
The BBC have buried their own version of a ‘White house Statement’ in their Twitter feed together with a link to their propaganda-
Morning emoan:
‘More civility’
Six suspected explosive devices are now known to have been sent to high-profile US figures. They include Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, former CIA Director John Brennan and financier George Soros. The FBI has launched a hunt for their sender. None of the pipe bombs exploded, but the developments have pushed up the temperature further in the already overheated world of American politics.
Why is this so political? Because all the apparent targets are regularly criticised by conservatives – especially by the president. Donald Trump called on Wednesday for more civility in politics, but his critics say that’s hypocritical, given the aggressive language he often uses against his opponents and the press.
It’s all there, including ‘critics are saying’. Katty may even be moved to pen a full paragraph, maybe from a ‘source’, who ‘says’….
This notion you can’t comment on deranged behaviour in case it inspires more deranged behaviour is just the latest lunacy of the left.
just how easy is it to get hold of those addresses?
do I just address parcels to
The former CIA director Mr Brennan
The Evil one Mr G Soros
Lying Hillary
and hope they get delivered
or is it an inside job
Just in case the postman struggles with “Lying Hillary” you could also add “Sexual predator and impeached former POTUS Bill”.
Hopefully that would remove any doubt.
Just to pick up on your last point Guest.
“just the latest lunacy of the left”
Isn’t that what the bBBC, the rest of the msm, the security services, the majority of our public representatives and the government as a whole have been doing with regards to any debate around the crimes committed in the name of Islam and by Muslims for years now?
Yes. But with ‘integrity’.
Which is code for ‘selectively’.
No bombs went off and all were safely found before getting to the person.
A leftie plotter would think this was a good way to get sympathy for those ‘targetted’ and to smear the right.
Did the left do this?
Conspiracy theory or not?
Aside from the ‘who benefits?’ argument, this case shares another characteristic with false flag operations: a spelling mistake. In this case, the packages list Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, as sender, but her name is misspelt. Beginning in the 1970s, there were a number of incidents in US universities in which leftist professors and teachers were supposedly attacked for their liberal views. Invariably, the ‘attacker’ would leave a message, sometimes carved on the ‘victim’, along the lines of ‘Niger lover’ or similar. This reflects a leftist prejudice that what it calls The Right are always ignorant and stupid. All of these cases were subsequently found to be false, sometimes self-inflicted. However, the tradition of using spelling mistakes or illiteracy by the left or the deep state in false flag operations remains to this day, as a trawl of such incidents over the years will show. It’s almost as though the technique is codified in the handbooks…
Of course, this proves nothing as the jury is still out, but it is an interesting observation.
Like you, I strongly suspect a “false flag” here.
It is rather suspicious that eight remarkably unviable, non-exploding bombs have been sent to prominent leftists.
I think anyone with a brain would know that parcels sent to the likes of Bill & Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama and George Soros are not going to be opened by the addressee at their breakfast table. These people all have heavy security. The Clintons and Obama will be protected by the Secret Service for the rest of their lives, and Soros can afford the very best.
So who gains by sending non-exploding “bombs” to prominent leftists, who anyone could guess would never actually receive them personally?
It’s hard to guess, but while the MSM thinks about it, let’s remind viewers about President Trump’s attacks on the MSM and his opponents shall we?
Sky does civility.
However, #CCBGB
Almost always a line-up that wouldn’t turn my head (it is ok to say this?). Usually the case so perhaps there’s a message there?
Inner ugliness of leftwing thought eventually expresses itself on the exterior.
Hmmn. Hmmmn. Sky’s Greg Milam says that the 63 million that voted for Trump certainly dislike the same people. And that’s just in the US. If the Rest of the World had an enemies list, the people who were sent mail bombs in recent days would feature highly. That’s before Greg says that a few fireworks in the post is a gesture worth flinging in to the Midterms, just in case the images of the human shield of women and children being chivvied up to the Mexico/US border doesn’t swing it.
Greg, the bbc, the MSM are really dicking things up to try and impress their little bubble.
I now disbelieve any claim they put out by default. That is sort of ok, as I then try and find out what is going on. However many will not.
So what we get is an environment where some believe anything and some don’t.
And that serves the cause of actually holding power to account* not one jot.
Trump could sing Springtime for Hitler on the WH lawn and if the bbc carried it I would be rewatching ‘Rising Sun’ before Katty retweets it.
*From which the bbc exempts itself, with the connivance of ofcom, DCMS and parliamentary committees rammed with ex Beeboids.
And, as if by magic, Amol is citing Ch4 using all the right trigger words:
You’ve got a missing graphic and this time I can’t tell from the coding, what it is supposed to be.
Two stories from overnight pertinent to current credibility BBC death spiral:
And the willing ‘attention’ of the national propaganda pr as news system.
Don’t be silly. The BBC ‘talks’ to people like the BIJ, who ‘talk’ to sources. Allegedly.
Comrade McDonald is going to announce a new money tree this morning . Humph had a chat – to hideously white old men talking.
Apparently McDonald looks beaten up after “ falling on his face” and his new laugh which comrades have trained him to do. It was strange because he s didn’t blame president trump .
Humph gave him a free ride and a yawn set in . If only Toady could become Today again .
If a reprisal pipe bomb arrives at the White House guess the democrat allegations ….
Going to have to look this one up first…
Don’t bother. Just the usual bullshit.
Her father is white, her mother is a writer, she’s been acting since she was four, she is gay, she went to a private school and she attended her high school prom with Will Smith’s son. Who wore a dress.
But she is in no way privileged. No, not at all. The thing is that teenagers don’t even listen to these f#%@wits anymore.
Easy on the eye. Bbc backendofbusism at play on radio again.
Beat me to it – A face for the radio !
@Thatcherevolutionary or a ` model for shoes` heh..