The Far Left BBC quickly buried the conviction of “the Huddersfield 20 Muslim racist paedophiles” and as it does – moved quickly on . How will the BBC perform regarding the political show trial of Tommy Robinson on Tuesday ? You can bet the Muslim paedo racist gang which is the cause of TRs brush with the law won’t feature much in this crooked country but his past will be used as the usual weapon?
With a 158 days until Brexit the remainers will be marching every weekend or looking for jobs with tax avoiders like Facebook .
Shuckman en route to a South American eco lodge as we speak.
Once they REMOVE HATE, there will ONLY BE LOVE.
You will LOVE the police .. not Hate them.
You will LOVE the Government .. not Hate them.
You will LOVE all religions .. not Hate them.
You will LOVE all Islamists .. not Hate them.
You will LOVE all Halal .. not Haram it.
You will LOVE all BBC .. not Hate them.
You will LOVE all Theresa May .. not Hate her.
You will LOVE all cultures .. not Hate them.
You not HATE ** .. or be arrested and removed from your job.
“In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY” – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
** swap HATE for CRITICISE and you can see where this is going.
Farcical. And much on Treezer’s watch.
She showed her colours early when, as HomSec, she ‘resolved’ threats of physical violence by activist groups by bowing to their demands and denying entry to speak to those they were opposed.
A legacy of ‘leadership’ to be proud of. Not.
I’ve just discovered the BBC 2018 Guidelines on 50 / 50 gender quotas that it is now imposing on its viewers and listeners.
Lost me about….
Annual report on the BBC
Ofcom has today published its annual report on the BBC.
The report assesses how the BBC is performing against a backdrop of significant change in the media landscape. It finds that, while the BBC is generally delivering its remit for audiences, with whom satisfaction is relatively high…
Even ofcom hiding behind ‘generally’ and ‘relatively’. No thought to ‘audiences’ no longer satisfied and watching, legally, other platforms?
I think you’ll find -in the archives here- that somebody did an analysis of ofcom and found that half are ex al beeb employees on their beeb pension so it’s a nice little earner and no real criticism of change can ever come as a result of ofcom activity .
Just another swamp Merry – go round ,
The latest ‘media masters’ podcast:
Mark Williams-Thomas
Investigative Reporter
Mark Williams-Thomas is a multi award-winning investigative reporter. After a 12-year career with Surrey Police, he became an advisor for television crime dramas, and got his first on-screen presenting job while organising a sting on a German paedophile in 2008 for ITV’s Tonight programme. He has since reported on a number of major investigations, including the murder of Tia Sharp and the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. In this in-depth interview, he discusses his involvement with the Savile investigation – and how the existence of celebrity “untouchables” means there may be more to come.
Possibly one the bbc will be less keen to promote.
Type of complaint: General BBC
Complaint category: Factual error or inaccuracy
Complaint title: BBC never ask for itemised EU £39bn Divorce Bill
Complaint description:
Dear Winston Smith who works hard in the BBC memory hole department,
I have never heard once on the BBC news or online website, one of your £3.5bn worth journalists ask for an itemised EU £39 billion divorce bill.
Not once. I might be wrong and the BBC can find me an example but never have I heard a top BBC trained journalist whose wages are paid under threat of prison ask an MEP or Government Official the following …
“When the European Union asks for £39 billion, see Juncker’s remarks saying thanks for the sacrifice of WWI and WWII but you have to pay the bill, why has no one asked for an itemised divorce (27 wives?) bill for the £39 billion – each item that the UK is paying for rounded to the nearest £1000. Where is the itemised EU Divorce of 27 wives £39 billion bill?”
. . . .
Your complaint has been submitted
Thanks for completing this form – we’re sorry you needed to complain. We’ll normally acknowledge your complaint shortly and reply as soon as we can.
The text of your complaint will be circulated tomorrow morning in our overnight report to producers and managers (with any personal details removed). This is one of the most widely read reports in the BBC and ensures your complaint reaches the right people quickly, including senior management. All comments, appreciations and complaints we receive help to inform our editorial discussions.
To read our full complaints procedure please visit ‘What happens to your complaint’. Your personal information will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection legislation – for more information visit the BBC’s Privacy and Cookies Policy.
BBC Audience Services
The government has no money of its own. It’s all your money.
Margaret Thatcher
Not BBC, but our local Scunthorpe paper
pg 9 Ramraid at COOP ..
The stories are written by monkeys or bot programs operating a template 80 miles away in Leicester, so the story has a street name , but you get way into it before you find its not in town but in a village.
and happened 2am Friday 19th
Then turn over page to
page 11 – Masked men raid store, 2am Thursday 18th
… This time they do give the name of the village
It’s the same village.
In fact if you are local, you know the two shops are virtually across the road from each other
The ‘reporter’ (bot program ?) far away doesn’t seem to know this.
Why put them on separate pages instead of making a connection ?
Kamal and Becks pair up for a bbc ‘Strictly Balls’ special:
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, BUT a Londoner of Islamic faith.”
“Everything before the word but is horse shit”
“London chose me as their mayor”
56.8% of a 45.3% turnout.
Brexit: 51.89% of a 72.21% turnout.
Perhaps their choice of mayor was just advisory.
The dwarfish muslim mayor of London can live in London until the cows come home but he’ll never be a Londoner.
Beeboid views from the presenter of R4 Making History ?
#metroLib hatey bubbleworld
The problem is that the Far Left BBC wants a different ‘British society ‘ to the one indigenous white judeo Christians have beeb living in for many generations
Is this the Guy Verhofstadt parody account, difficult to tell isn’t it ?
Time to send the real Guy Verhoftwat a box of Stinking Bishop to cover the smell of the stuff that comes out of his mouth!
Radio listening figures fell
Under Chris Evans they were falling
His show down to 8.8m from 9.5
R2 total reach down to 14.6m from 15.4m
“Reach” is a BS fig cos it includes people who listened for just 10 mins
R5 breaky rose by 254K, ie a fraction of those fleeing R4 and R2 (to a total of about 3m)
I won’t post any links
cos all the stories were PR BS
No one is truly interested in stating actual listening minutes.
What intregues me is how BBC’s radio4 news program Today has lost a million listeners in a year. In a year!
Where the hell of they gone? There isnt any comeptition whatsoever for the news on radio. people have just had a guts full and slung their hook.
The odd good program still to be found on R4, but most likely some appeal to ‘hear the voices’ of blacks or women. Endlessly. Quality out. Political correctness in.
If the content is quality, I don’t mind if the presenter/s are ethnic or female. But when it’s a quota thing with nothing going for it or a drone on about equality or diversity, no thanks.
Endlessly…gets boring. Off switch.
I think these are all examples of the feminisation of society.
The schoolboy bully may well have a gang of supporters but they usually just watch as the bully pushes over the weakling. One day the weakling pushes back and thumps the bully and everyone is friends.
The boys know the line and the dangers of crossing it.
The schoolgirl bully also has a gang. The weakling might not be physically assaulted but will certainly be verbally attacked and the gang will join in. The weakling is forever socially excluded and never re-joins the group.
Isn’t this exactly the behaviour that the media practices and the way the ‘Twitter Storm’ works?
The female Obama shouts at North Korea and gets her girlfriends May, Merkel etc. to join in. The male Trump says to the male North Korea, “You think you will punch me in the stomach? Well I will smash your head in!” The boys see that there is a line beyond which there will be extreme consequences, they consider, they back off. The challenge has been made and met, honour is saved, friendships are formed. The female approach leads to eternal cat-calling, where enemies will always be enemies and differences will never be resolved as each female ‘is always right’, (the BBC motto!).
I believe these fake bombs were sent by the demonrats to themselves. But we’ll probably never know the truth.
Were the fake bombs sent out by far right opponents of liberal politicians and the left wing media or were they sent out by the left?
Either way, no one thought that the beauties in the BBC are worth drawing into this matter.
Viewed from the left or the right, the BBC has no more significance than a sixth form girls magazine
What is noticeable to me is the speed in which the enemies of the public are revealing themselves. They no longer, thanks to ‘Hate Speech’, show any fear of condemnation. Armies without and within. I recall years ago, on this site, referring to the Western World splitting off, now rapidly, into a 50/50 confrontation. Yes, friends, it can only end one way as the leftist Marxists ramp up their efforts. At least within the civil wars that are destined between Far Left and the responsible Right, we can all look back on the EU and one common description that, it has deterred wars in Europe. You will be able to reflect on that lie when, finally, islam is confronted in Europe. All the signs are there. The islam that our, “leaders” have condoned and encouraged. Still hope the lamppost punishment is meted out to those deserving souls within my time: the list grows long…………
Suspect package ‘found at De Niro restaurant’
If linked to previous packages, this would be the eighth explosive device sent to a perceived critic of President Trump.
How come the BBC are quick to find a tenuous link that all the package recipients are critics of Trump but they always fail to find a bleeding obvious link to Muslim terrorism and Muslim grooming gangs?
The fact that a non-exploding bomb has now been sent to Robert de Niro leads me to feel even more that this is a false flag operation.
From the photos I have seen of these parcels, the stamps do not seem to have been franked. Also, they have six 50 cent stamps on, when the postage for a parcel is $3.50, so it looks as if these non-exploding bombs were hand delivered.
I think a group of leftists is behind this. I cannot imagine why even the most deranged right winger would think it was a good idea to send non-exploding bombs to leftists just before the mid-term elections.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
I found this about the Global Progress director (if me search is correct)….
Matt Browne
Senior Fellow
View bio on CAP Action
Expertise: Europe, Western Hemisphere, Australasia, international economics, trans-Atlantic relations
Matt Browne is a senior fellow at American Progress, working on building trans-Atlantic and international progressive networks and studying trans-Atlantic policy issues.
Previously, Browne was director of public affairs in APCO Worldwide’s London office, where he ran the company’s Europe, Middle East, and Africa government relations practice. Browne is also the former director of Policy Network—the international network founded by Tony Blair, Gerhard Schröder, Goran Persson, and Giuliano Amato—and remains a member of the organization’s governing board and advisory council. During his time at Policy Network, Browne worked closely with a host of progressive leaders and prime ministers’ and presidents’ offices across the globe, as well as international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. Browne also ran the international press operation for the British New Labour’s general election campaigns in 2001 and 2005.
As soon as you see the word progress or the word progressive as used by organisations such as this, you know you are dealing with marxist agitators and troublemakers.
In the same way anything with the word social; as in social democratic and social worker; is inherently a collectivist body of ne’er-do-wells.
Islamic rules are incompatible with British laws, claims Archbishop of Canterbury
ISLAMIC rules are incompatible with British laws which have developed over 500 years and sharia law should never become part of the British legal system, the Archbishop of Canterbury has declared.
“ISLAMIC rules are incompatible with British laws which have developed over 500 years and sharia law should never become part of the British legal system, the Archbishop of Canterbury has declared.”
Phew! what a turncoat. I had grown to acknowledge Archie Bish had realigned his faith toward islam of recent years. So what’s happened? Perhaps in his pseudo role as a religious man and perhaps the ubiquitous religious inclination toward young boys led him to approach a young boy of the islamic persuasion and he ‘got what he deserves’ from the boys dad…………..Just thinking, because anythings possible in this, Brave New World.
The beeb manages to wring a bit more propaganda out of the Ryanair racism story, picking up a Facebook post by The Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau (makes a change I suppose from them trawling Twitter all day.) She wants to express not only her “solidarity with the victim” but also her disapproval of Ryanair for their behaviour.
Cynical minds might think this is just a hackneyed plug for a female socialist European Mayor whose la nueva politica leads Buzzfeed to suggest she’s the “world’s most badass mayor” and the Guardian to muse if she might be “the world’s most radical?”
There is an Essex police investigation underway, so Ryanair cannot comment further — but this doesn’t stop the BBC going full steam ahead with the predictable message that Ryanair have been negligent, England is racist, and the leftwing, progressive, European woman alone is the source of all that is righteous and true.
I fail to see what RyanAir did wrong. And I can’t abide Mr O’Leary or his godawful airline.
Gelatine in Vaccines apparently problematic for vegetarians and certain religions…
“A parent who contacted the BBC said he was “offended” by the use of porcine gelatine in the nasal flu vaccine.
He explained his wife was told about the ingredient by a doctor when she took their children to be vaccinated.
She refused the vaccine because of their religion.”
If they don’t like it, they can fund development of a substitute themselves or do without.
Why are we continually expected to pander to these people?
Rob Burley to the rescue!
and at least 3 hardcore socialists
Did any of these people know what they were voting for on such a slim majority? #AnotherPeoplesVote
If the system is “a winner takes all” model then theoutcome must be respected .if labour win the next one by a small majority I won’t like it but will accept it- unless the election fraud / intimidation is so serious as to make theoutcome illegitimate –
Judging by the corrupt behaviouroff the election commission there will be no remedy there .
Obviously labour would disqualify any one over70 from voting and reduce the voting age to 10 ….as well as give it to illegals and ReichEU guest workers
The total shite bag you see on Westminster lawn demanding ‘single customs union’ and other Eu garbage is the dishonourable Stephen Gethins, number one on your list who retained his seat by 2 votes.
More Nadiya on the way …
I’m A Celebrity 2018 contestant rumours – Dani Dyer, Nadiya Hussain and Zoella tipped for the jungle
I wonder who advised her to ditch the hijab and be more ‘acceptable’ in wearing a fashionable turban.
“That’s no turban”.
FFS of the day silly student bitch latest:
‘You are the epitome of stupid’: Privately-educated student rep sparks fury after vowing to tear down ‘mural of white men’ honouring those who left university to fight in WWI but never returned
Emily Dawes (left), the head of the University of Southampton Students’ Union, provoked outrage when she referred to the university’s Rotherstein Mural as a ‘mural of white men’ and called for it to be taken down. She tweeted: ‘Mark my words – we’re taking down the mural of white men in the uni Senate room, even if I have to paint over it myself.’ Another tweet she posted about the mural, in which she mentions Armistice Day, suggests she was aware of its meaning. Her expletive-ridden message (right) states: ‘ONE OF THE WOMEN JUST SAID “it’s nearly armistice day so are we covering up this tapestry??” AND HOLY S***. F*** YES. GRL PWR #sotonsenatelive’. The students’ union have apologised for her comments, but she has not removed the original post from Twitter. The university’s website states that the Rothenstein Mural (pictured centre), which is in the Senate Room of the Highfield Campus, was painted in 1916 ‘as a memorial to members of the British universities serving in the Great War’.
I think we can agree that the student showed utter disrespect and ignorance.
However I do recall, from many years ago, that the mural was disliked for other reasons. The line of professors and worthies all posing so their faces can be recognized was often derided as something akin to what we would call virtue signalling today.
I remember a dean, with a sense of humour, suggesting that the faces could replaced with holes akin to those pictures where you could insert your face and appear as one of the characters, all dressed up in academic finery.
However, the unpopularity of the mural was way beyond the comprehension of this silly wench.
@ Annunaki You do realise that Emily is actually a man don`t you? Emily probably thinks covering that mural is as easy as tucking in his penis and taping it into his arsecrack… Look closely at the fourth picture down the page… also the second one shows quite hairy legs ffor a female as well as hands like shovels… You can`t miss that adams apple…
Refugee who used her own family’s passports to smuggle two asylum seekers into UK illegally is spared jail because judge thought her motive was ‘humanitarian’
Somalia-born Hana Abdi Qahtan tried to pass off a 16-year-old Yemeni as her son
She had another UK passport for an older woman hidden in her hijab at Heathrow
Part-time carer’s two relatives have now received full asylum to remain in the UK
Judge gives suspended sentence and talks of her ‘humanitarian desire to assist
Anything but anything even vaguely connected with islam gets the soft touch. It makes adherence to the so-called, ‘Law’ an absolute nonsense. ‘The law, not only has to the done, it has to be seen to be done’. At present, the law repeatedly sends out the signal that there’s a law for muslims and those connected with and a law for the indigenous population i.e., infidels.
Tide is turning … listening to the words and seeing their actions ….
“Takes one to know one, David. I’m no supporter of Trump but the incoherent rage levelled at him by the Democrats and the democratic supporting media has been vile. Hilary lost, it’s called democracy.”
David Lammy and frequently Diane Abbot with many others in Labour will soon hold Government positions after the inevitable Tory defeat. These people are going to have to deal with our most essential ally, the USA, and their present conduct towards the US President is not going to help them get the best deals for Britain.
Prepare for a distancing between the UK and USA.
Breaking news: Another dangerous object has been delivered to the Clintons:
Did anybody else catch the blatant bias from Gary Davies on Radio 2 25 mins ago?
The last news item was a quite extraordinary bit of ranting from Alan Sugar about how Brexiteers Johnson and Gove should go to jail for false promises.
The next voice we heard, indeed the first words he said were:
“Good for you Mr Sugar”
woo .. Gary Davies ..woo
.. on my radio
You’re showing your age!
Excellent ofcom news
Al beeb has lost the under 25s they’re all off to Netflix . Let’s hope they keep the habit and their kids do the same .
Ironic for the Americans to demolish the far left BBC
But someone -the market – will do it .
“British businessman granted injunction over sexual harassment and racial abuse claims in case branded Britain’s #MeToo” – Evening Standard/Daily Telegraph……..
Been ‘outed’ in the House of Lords as Sir Philip Green !
Delightful man – I’m glad some one had the bottle to use parly prob – but this whole secrecy thing – restrictions on trials needs clarity – particularly when the state uses it to lock up and try to kill people it doesn’t like – such as TR
TR update
The island
The failing guardian rag total printed a ‘long read’ on TR by a professional “Far Right wing’ watcher called Daniel Trilling – whom the guardian seems to roll out to do a hatchet job on those with whom it disagrees – so I am not ‘right wing ‘ I am ‘far right ‘. ( cuts and paste maxi ).
The articles goes on for over 20 paragraphs .’ Asian sex abuse ‘
Trial is mentioned once toward the end of the article which rambles along and edges toward rant .
He doesn’t declare the evil which the likes of TR and many on this site are trying to fight – he just breezes on in his comfort zone .
Mr. Trilling Goes straight for the ‘far right’ badging for anything he doesn’t agree with . There seems no ‘right wing ‘ any more – it just has to be ‘far right’ which mr Trilling fails to define despite all his words.
So it seems that despite the relatively brutal repression of any one speaking out against the insane liberal – Far Left – the TR cause has a traction which frightens guardian readers – and the fact that this is no longer a domestic affair and has touchéd better democracies frightens them even more.
It is interesting that mr Trilling s Details on the internet are very limited – same with other Far left wing mouthpieces such as the beeboid Casciarni . I think their home addresses should be published .
The update by TR is 23 minutes long and is worth a listen . He is a brave man and one can see that the British State is taking a toll on him .
I hope he is safe because of interest from America and Australia and other decent countries which have refused to be rolled over by the current regime. Fortunately nothing stays the same
The end of the TR video is worrying because he talks about suicide ( which he won’t do – in a David Kelly way ) so one wonders if the brakes could fail on his car in a Paris underpass or the smoke alarm fails to go off.
Confession – when I first heard of TR I didn’t like him . I thought he was playing the system for his ego . But I soon realised that he is sincere and a “prophet in the desert” going against the defective bbc group think of our sad time .
I applaud TR’s intentions to take out private prosecutions using the money donated by supporters.
Even if unsuccessful, for the common good there are many institutions and people that need holding to account for lying, concealment and worse.
The ‘state’ will not bring them to account because it is complicit and normally we little people lack the resources to act.
The media, especially including the BBC, has decided without evidence to proclaim that it’s all Trump’s fault yet it’s the President who is not to throw mud?
Sopel first wrote Jeff “head of CNN” then he deleted that and tweeted it but cut out the CNN bit
Obviously not very much Jon, as you have just twittered the messages out again.
More from the #honestmistake #viewstheirown corporation.
as if they ever bother about this rule as long as employees are biased in the LEFT direction.
“Impartiality is a particular concern for those working in News and Current Affairs. Nothing should appear on their personal blogs or microblogs which undermines the integrity or impartiality of the BBC. For example, News and Current Affairs staff should not: […]
advocate any particular position on an issue of current public controversy or debate.”
R4 3pm news : Javid has apologised for the way some Windrush and foreign military UK settlers were asked for DNA evidence for the immigration status.
– Yet we got only lengthy audio from Diane Abbott
#1 Why do we so often get Labour voices and no government voice ?
#2 It’s not a big deal, to ask for DNA, if you wanted you could just get it off my coffeecup etc.
#3 Such foreigners have cheated the system in the past, so it is reasonable to ask similar people to prove their legitimacy.
The R4 Drama actually had 2 main characters , and neither seemed BAME
#1 The Bulgarian immigrant from communist time, who says she loves the UKsupports UKIP and Brexit cos she thinks too many Bulgarian thieves are coming in now
and #2 her Bulgarian born daughter who believes in open bordrs and multiculturalism
… So who is the winner character ?
..and who is the loser, who we find is liar ?
..3.30 Open book started with an Australian author.
Oh the R4 3pm was Open Country
It was about the Liverpool Giants a streetshow in central Liverpool.
– So that is nothing to do with the countryside, which is supposed to be the main remit of the show !
And also
…. the show took time to celebrate the Migration Museum
100% agenda , all the time
Twitter rigging searches/agenda
I search on BBCradio4
..and as ever it first defaults to “Top tweets”
..and it is headed by a week old tweet from Liverpool’s Labour mayor gloating about how has just been on an R4 prog profiling Tory MP Ester Mcveigh, and how he sneered at her, and her dream of becoming PM
Esther Mcvey might be the best choice to be the next PM given that her partner is fellow Tory MP Phillip Davies who point for point might be the most libertarian MP in parliament.
Obviously in order to build up her minesterial career Esther probably has to keep a lot of her opinions private but with any attractive professional lady the biggest signal of the real person within is who she goes out with
Or stays in with.
The Phillip green case ( I won’t use the knighthood tittle as he is clearly unworthy of it ) but it highlights the use of injunctions to conceal what it going on in our courts .
If judges think jurors don’t refer to google during trials they must be deluded – yet they pretend that if they gag the press -including the likes of TR –
Is in the interests of justice then they are of another time and defence lawyers should be banned from applying for them .
The left each there own
I told you previously that the mob had been triggered by the idea of a coming debate at Conway hall
.. and first forced the debate name to becsanitised
Now on the DA in his Times column says he’s being vilified for daring to debate speakers whobsay open borders are not a great idea.
Their tweet with a mocked title
That Times article :
Illiberal left plays into hands of the far right
david aaronovitch
.. is subtitled
** Tommy Robinson poses as a champion of free speech while anti-racism activists vilify me for wanting to debate diversityon that Times article which is subtitled **
Then there are quite a few deleted comments
a comment there
\\ I just posted a comment in support of Steve Bannon and it got taken straight down.
Surely that’s just a little ironic? //
Oh I made couple of comments about lib-supremacism there…I can’t see them now.7
DA wrote “The same goes for that *racist* loudmouth Tommy Robinson”
A commenter replied
“Is it compulsory in the journalist rules that mention of Tommy Robinson has to be juxtaposed with the accusation of racist without a single example of this supposed racism he’s committed?
Of all the things Tommy Robinson been arrested/charged/imprisoned/run out of town for racism has never been one of them.”
The bbc and twitter headline structures.
Toenails ‘Defensive Much?’ Robinson again strolls past that statue of Orwell failing to appreciate multiple ironies.
Poor Nick – so far inside the bubble he doesn’t even realise it exists . Bless.
Maybe he’s looking at a time when people ready do get fed up with beeboids attitudes … and bias …
Fed, he must realise – unless he’s thicker than he seems, that nobody actually cares a monkey’s about his opinions. He wobbles with insincerity, talks drivel, and frankly, is just a fair-ground machine which takes a penny, he giggles, the kids laugh, and they go on to the next little show!
What a prat that bloke is, he’s a laughing stock around here!
Now Joe Biden gets a suspicious package. Looks like an indecent scrabble to receive one
I can’t believe msm hasn’t accused a president Trump of sitting in the Oval Office putting pipe bombs together ..,.
Not quite so explicitly, but many are hinting at the connection… including our very own, dearly be-hated beeb.
You obviously weren’t listening to the 5pm news on R4 yesterday afternoon.
Caroline Quinn all but found a direct link to Trump, hopefully asking someone she was interviewing: ‘Is it too early to draw connections?’, clearly wanting the interviewee to say ‘no’. In the previous sentence, the bomb recipients had been listed and the President had been mentioned.
He said that it was too early.
Ah well, at least she had the idea out there, in the ether. Pretty outrageous you might think. But Quinn is very manipulative and wasn’t going to miss a golden opportunity to be the first…
I don’t know about you but if I wanted a British passport, had kids and the state asked for a dna test to prove they were mine as I asserted I would give it –
Otherwise no passport
Al beeb and the current red tories think it’s not right so the Home Sec does one of those sad apologies for the Home office trying to do its job and control immigration .
Head of Diversity there, Woo P. Doo, was disappointed Nadiya could not fly out to bake it, sources close to the bbc may or may not have learned.
Reminds me of this news item – hilarious.
Yellow Card Rob? I ll ask the Lino….
I was extremely reassured that our finest found time to go knocking on the door of the nutter who had a rant on the Ryanair flight, and I’m confident they will show the same alacrity next time I’m mugged or my daughters are raped by diverse gangs.
It only took them a few decades to track down the Rotherham / Rochdale abusers after all.
Makes ya proud to be British, best police force in the world.
Vlad- Elderly, white, male. Automatically a prime suspect for…well, almost anything you can find to pin on such a profile, really. Open season on that type. Conceivably he could also be wearing one of those chains, with a little cross on it? How bad can it get?
For a media story, just think of all the virtue-signalling opportunities for weeks…
This particular one clearly required lotsa police action, especially since they have so little else to keep them busy. I would have expected a dog squad at the very least, while SWAT teams surround the aircraft.
Lotsa blue flashing lights all over, to make sure the media are happy.
And to keep especially the beeb happy, a bomb squad as well, since the foulmouth may well have been carrying an explosive device–can’t be too careful after all those mailings in the US.
And then?
Straight into the jug, I should say, precedent has been set. For extreme criminality, like this bloke, we don’t need the Rule of Law.
(By the way, whatever happened to that? Don’t hear much about it any more, like we used to, whenever democracy was mentioned.)
What have the hyenas done to him, told him to accept a caution? Which would mean he’ll have a criminal record.
I’ll reproduce this from a commenter in Times called Neutral Country
Thank you for your excellent post. As an erstwhile (almost) lifelong gullible leftist,it articulates precisely why I am now a “right wing bigot.”
(as if left wing bigots are a complete impossibility.)
Viva Mother Nature!
Al Beeb tells us ……………“Brexit: ‘Fairer share’ of UK fish promised”
Surely we should get the share that we had before we joined the Common Market after we leave?
Fishing for Leave have released a statement urging caution.
May still proposes to re-obey the CFP after Brexit with an ever-extending transition and a ‘Common Rule book.’
The Transition would allow the EU to enforce detrimental rules to cull the UK fleet. This would allow the EU to use Article 62.2 of UNCLOS to claim Britain’s ‘surplus’ resources a shrunken British fleet wouldn’t be able to catch.
Also the government admits this bill is subject to the ‘wider negotiations’.
it appears that we are being sold down the river? I urge all Tory voters who voted to leave to enrol as member of UKIP. The present Tory ‘wets’ are worse than usless.
Not saying the MSM is now beyond hope, but…
Anybody else hear the trailers on R4 for a programme they are running next Monday?
The Democrats Dilemma: Now What
The tone is so obviously the Democrats are OUR people what do WE need to do?
They’re past caring about impartiality now.
Yes I heard that and thought exactly the same thing.