Weekend Open Thread 27 October 2018

I might be a bit premature here but we must steel ourselves for some virtue signaling from the hated far left BBC in the run up to the Armistice Centenary .

I predict insults to servicemen , insults to the poppy and a desperate attempt to link the coming brexit to The Great War .

I will be so pleased if I am wrong .

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360 Responses to Weekend Open Thread 27 October 2018

  1. Guest Who says:

    Luckily, soon pointing this out will be banned as the media in question reckon they are the real victims and it should be banned to avoid triggering the nutters they don’t control.



  2. Payne by name says:

    I have to laugh at this BS with Megan Kelly. I see the Beeb are reporting with glee how her career could be over but my point is how they all comment that her racist tone deafery happened on an ‘all white panel’. I don’t understand – are they saying that one black can speak for everyone, almost like claiming that they are all the same.


    • StewGreen says:

      .. Who ? Ah an American breakfast host who said
      \\ “What is racist? Because, truly, you do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween,” she said Tuesday.

      ..”When I was a kid, that was OK as long as you were dressing up as, like, a character.”
      The comments sparked a quick backlash on social media, calls for Kelly’s resignation and displeasure from her own colleagues //
      storm in teacup ?
      \\ On Wednesday, she opened her live show with a mea culpa.
      “I’m Megan Kelly and I want to begin with two words: I’m sorry,” Kelly said.
      “I learned that given the history of blackface being used in awful ways by racists in this country, it is not OK for that to be part of any costume, Halloween or otherwise.”
      Kelly earned fame as a longtime anchor for Fox News, notably sparring with Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election campaign.//
      .. They were looking for an excuse to dump her…


  3. Guest Who says:

    Future DG pitch?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Toady watch

      Waste of time as usual . A lot of virtue signalling over Syria – there’s a meeting today which the US and UK are avoiding talking about rebuilding . Obviously the krauts and frogs will want our cash but they can sing for it .

      The only interesting thing was by Frank Lutz ? The American pollster who says that American politics is so polarised now that it’s physically dangerous
      And we – Blighty – are too . Now discounting the ‘ cox Madman killing ‘ what does this mean ?

      Mr Luzt said “there is no way back “ so where does that lead us ? There was no further discussion .

      Sometimes I try to work out the scenarios for the “ foreseeable” future but it is getting harder because of the number of variable s as well as the internet taking people in unpredictable directions .

      “ events dear boy events” was one of the shrewdest dictums invented …


      • RJ says:

        “The only interesting thing was by Frank Lutz ? The American pollster who says that American politics is so polarised now that it’s physically dangerous”

        What is so difficult to understand – the people are turning against the oligarchs. The oligarchss are resorting to violence to maintain their power, and violence begets violence.

        Dan Snow is married to a daughter of the Duke of Westminster. Next time he’s up at Eaton Hall he should visit the Public Records Office in Chester and look up the reports of the elections in the early 18th century. Chester was a garrison town and the local Whigs were using the troops to intimidate the Chester electors to vote Whig. The local Tory gentry took exception to this and brought in large numbers of farm workers to either protect the electors or intimidate them the other way (depending on the politics of whoever wrote the report). The result was pitched battles, although with fists and clubs not firearms, between the workers and the troops.

        It made for exciting elections, and might even make an interesting history programme on the BBC. Does the BBC still do real history?


  4. Rich says:

    On the Breakfast show this morning the importance of racial representation and identification was being talked about, yet again, this time bemoaning the lack of black and ‘asian’ women exercising or attending classes for yoga or aerobics or yoga. Not enough of their own being shown taking part to attract ethnic women or to encourage them look after themselves apparently, so more as to be done to appeal to them by showing participants that they can relate to, that reflect them and their race and their culture. They had two women on to talk about it, one of them a black lady who took part in zumba.

    In the following item they went on to talk about the problems with excessive drinking at university initiations, highlighting the death of a young student in Newcastle, and the issues of alcohol abuse amongst students and their lack of awareness or knowledge about the dangers associated with this culture. This is a problem mainly amongst young white males it would seem.

    So who do the bBBC consider are best placed to reach out to and empathise most with our teenage male drinkers?

    Two women, one of whom was a Muslim GP.

    Oh FFS.


  5. Non Snowflake says:

    Currently snowing here in Stoke on Trent.

    Funny but there’s no mention of this on the bBBc’s weather page.



  6. AsISeeIt says:

    “He’s got a very good memory!”

    That’s the trouble you see, so many BBC narratives depend on the viewers having a goldfish brain in sync with the broadcaster’s own selective memory hole.

    There’s Global Warming agenda-busting snow on the ground in the north this morning and some chap (from the Manchester area, I think) gets in touch with BBC Breakfast to say snow fell on the very same day six years ago.

    Our carefully coiffed Charlie Stayt remarks in a slightly defensive tone:
    “He’s got a very good memory!”

    Our Naga comments:
    “Or a very organised diary!”

    Further comment from me seems somehow superfluous


    • Old Goat says:

      I have both, so they’d better watch out – and they both go back a long way…


    • Guest Who says:

      They likely live in fear of Craig at ittb then.

      Remind me; about what entity was the ‘memory hole’ coined?

      Unprecedented since the last time.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Guest –
        I wonder if it’s all a mix of entitlement , self obsession , under education and poor ‘parenting ‘ coupled to the low intention span which came with a constant stream of stuff on the web/ general media .

        When the web first arrived I had a teaching job of showing the people in my outfit how to use it ( irony since I’m not techy and it was very rudimentary – click on the mouse – now click send ) but that was -what?- 25 years ago maybe – now go on public transport and count the people not holding a device – even as a comfort blanket…


        • Guest Who says:

          With a dash of multiple standards? Sorry, ‘Editorial integrity’.

          Usually the BBC is first in the queue to RT this guy.


          • StewGreen says:

            The Pseudo-Barrister


          • Alicia Sinclair says:

            I think Hain will be held in the same contempt as a traitor to this country as was Lord Haw Haw.
            Hain was a Liberal South African heavily involved in the apartheid campaigns of old, his role in the rise of his kind of thinking has yet to be explained.
            If I wanted a fitth column to bring down this country, the likes of Hain would be my targets. Evil, oily permatanned fake.
            Decidedly eggy.


        • Guest Who says:

          And here is why the £4,000,000,000, 20,000-strong force funded broadcasters should fear free sites like this and ITTB:


          Actual, proven… facts.


  7. Jeff says:

    Just an observation at the media reaction to the American terrorist situation.
    The lone loony has now been apprehended and exposed as a Trump supporter. Masses of like minded people are falling over themselves to condemn the “violent language and hateful rhetoric of the president,” and suggesting he is in some way culpable. Hmm…
    How is it the very same people who are only too keen to quickly condemn the president are the first out of the blocks to rush to the defence of Islam after the numerous attacks, murders and rapes we’ve all experienced over the past few years? Let’s not be hasty, we’re told. These are lone wolves…
    In the case of the US (would be) terrorist, this seems to be one deranged nut job who has acted unilaterally.
    Whereas we’ve had an endless array of bombings, car attacks, stabbings, little girls blown to smithereens, policemen killed, civilians, run down, etc and the immediate mantra is always the same. “Islam is a religion of peace”.
    And if you disagree you’re instantly branded as an an “Islamophobe.”
    What happened to tolerance? What happened to not rushing to condemn?
    I’m confused…


    • Roland Deschain says:

      …this seems to be one deranged nut job who has acted unilaterally.

      I’m not so sure. I can just about believe you’d get one nutty right-winger carrying out an entirely counter-productive attack lapped up by the left just before an election. But this happened in the UK just before the EU referendum when Thomas Mair stabbed Jo Cox. Again, too soon before an election for the damage to be repaired.

      Coincidence happens, of course. But there were many questions about Thomas Mair swept under the carpet and I can’t help but wonder if there has been a targeting of suggestible people here.

      The left has spent decades burrowing into institutions both here and across the pond. They’re certainly capable of playing a long game in identifying useful simpletons to do their dirty work. If today’s media was capable of looking beyond the story laid out to them on a plate I might have more confidence that my suspicions are misplaced. But they aren’t, not when it chimes with their preconceptions.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:


        I’d like to dismiss this as a conspiracy theory, but I can’t.

        It is clear that the Deep State has it in for President Trump, and will discredit him in any way possible.

        The Russiagate thing seems to have run out of steam. All Mueller could find was some tax evasion by Paul Manafort years before he was part of Trump’s election team. All the other “offences” seem to be technicalities about lying to the FBI.

        The attempt to stop Brett Kavanaugh being promoted to the Supreme Court failed too.

        So now, just before the mid terms, we have a comical “pro Trump” figure, with his van literally covered with pro Trump stickers, apparently sending non-viable “bombs” to every left wing figure the president has ever criticized. The fact that they launch vicious attacks on him as well is, it seems, never to be mentioned. Brennan, remember, actually called the president a “traitor”, and we all know what happens to traitors don’t we?

        This particular nutter could have come out of central casting as a deranged pro Trump loony. He’s just too good to be true.

        I don’t believe we will ever get the whole story, do you?


        • Roland Deschain says:

          No, I do not.


        • Alicia Sinclair says:

          Rather like the Las Vegas shootings of Trump fans at a C&W event last year, as well as Salman Abedi being at large in the UK to wipe out random parents, little girls and staff at the Manchester Arena last May.
          Compare and contrast with Orgreave, Cox, Hillsborough and Windrush,Grenfell and racial guff on a Ryanair flight.
          To the lefty media scum, some stories seem to float boats for them. whereas others are not what they want us to hear.


  8. theisland says:

    Last Thursday The Bruges Group held their 30th Anniversary Dinner of Margaret Thatcher’s Bruges Speech.


    I haven’t had time to digest this, but listen to the end of Bill Cash’s speech between approx. 30:00 and 38:00.

    Cash does seem to understand what is really going on with the sell-out. IMO he should be made the caretaker leader to extricate us.

    Or perhaps Henry VIII …


  9. Fedup2 says:

    I’m waiting for al beeb to do some specials on the fact that the average Londonistan homicide level has now been met with two months of 2018 to go.

    There can be a special feature of the Emir of Londonistan saying ‘my thoughts and prayers are with the victim and family …” he d have only said it @130 times so far this year

    When in fact his thoughts and prayers are when he becomes the first Muslim labour leader and Prime Minister ( bus drivers’ son yawn).


  10. Rich says:

    I think it’s important for us to hear in mind that aside from being increasingly biased across all of their media output the bBBC are also, especially their journalists, shite at their jobs.

    About a month ago I noticed an article in the Belfast Telegraph where one of our MLAs highlighted the tensions between locals and the recently arrived and growing numbers of Roma in my hometown. The local crime rate has soared, levels of anti-social behaviour have rocketed, services are under real pressure and paramilitaries are becoming involved. This article appeared on 28/09/18 and I wrote about the lack of interest shown in it by the bBBC on this forum a couple of days later.

    Since then a public meeting has been held which was attended by the leaders of two of Northern Irelands political parties, a demonstration has been held by Britain First, the bus that was providing transport between here and Romania has been forced to reroute to another town after being confronted by around 40 car loads of disgruntled locals, Paul Golding has been arrested in Belfast en route to another rally in our town and this demonstration, which the local community are far more aware of, is still due to go ahead today.

    Now Northern Ireland isn’t a big place and yet there is a BBC NI that, although able to find loads of time everyday to report on matters in the Republic of Ireland (our headline today is about the Irish presidential election which nobody here can influence at all and does not affect us in anyway), decided that an ongoing problem in one of our largest provincial towns was of no interest or relevance and so have given it no coverage whatsoever until yesterday, 26/10/18, a month after it became news.

    You’ll not be surprised to know that the piece that was bBBC news yesterday, cobbled together from newspaper articles and non-challenging, irrelevant and misleading interviews, is no longer bBBC news today.

    Just one example that goes to show how useless, arrogant and delusional the bBBC have become in thinking that if they don’t report something it isn’t happening, that they decide our news and that people are too stupid to know their own communities and to notice change. And the bBBC are also too lazy, stupid and ill-informed to realise that many of those they look down on are more intelligent, educated and articulate than them and that the public in general now find the bBBC increasingly irrelevant.

    An awful institution no longer fit for purpose.


    • Guest Who says:

      Did BBC NI fully cover the vibrator situation there?


      • Rich says:

        No Guest, but I believe that Stella Creasy, apparently open to their more wide-spread introduction, is organising a march in Dublin to demand that they’re legalised, on the NHS and accessible to all.
        However some Irish Feminists feel uncomfortable with their misogynistic phallic shape, frustrated teachers and nurses are unable to fit them in in their daily lives and Republicans are anti-dildo as their resemblance to rubber bullets can cause PTSD.


  11. G says:

    The pendulum has swung yet again. Whether a public body, in this case the police, owe a duty of care to a member of the publc sustaining injuries as a result of their actions – Yes, they do in this latest round:

    Click to access uksc-2016-0082-judgment.pdf

    Perhaps those legal representatives of the groomed girls should do their jobs (post this case) and seek compensation for police inaction? A successful case (and the financial implications) on their behalf should, ‘help’ to focus police’ minds.


    • Fedup2 says:


      I’ll read the full judgement ( thanks ) but I smell a lawyer on the make as usual . Fortunately because there are fewer police officers such incidents will happen less often .
      Law and order is pretty fragile as a result and when there is s serious challenge the result will be readily seen ( eg riot) but the party of law and order has decided to spend borrowed tax money on £13 billion overseas give away s instead of Blighty – guess who pays the price?


  12. Sluff says:

    Thank goodness for the BBC.
    What would we do without their investigative journalists? Tirelessly seeking out and reporting on the key issues of the day on their website front page.

    ‘Is my vibrator stopping me enjoying sex?’

    What great value they provide for only £4bn per year.


    • StewGreen says:

      Someone should tell her that unless she takes the vibrator out first
      .. it will stop actual sex.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Damn I knew I was doing something wrong . You’d think they’d put a warning on the instructions ……


  13. Fedup2 says:

    Week in Westminster

    Moaning about council cuts ( more please)
    Moaning about Saudi
    Couple of bubble dwellers on jollys to Saudi – bet they weren’t in economy

    Wonder how I can get an American passport ?
    Maybe try the political refugee scam . ?

    Off switch


  14. davylars says:

    BBC breakfast this morning.
    Our helpful weatherman clears up the mystery of daylight saving.
    He shows a picture of a clock set at two o’clock, and announces “For the confusion of turning the clocks back.” The picture of the clock winds back one hour.
    How would we ever cope if the BBC closed down…..


    • RobRoy says:

      And there was me trying to wind my digital clock forward. Well worth the licence fee just for that nugget, eh.


  15. BRISSLES says:

    Many column inches on the Green/Haines saga.

    Green denies all accusations of bullying, sexual harassment etc etc. SO, for what reasons did he ‘settle’ out of court and make those involved sign NDA’s ? (I doubt it if was industrial secrets he was protecting), because it all stinks of hush money – and why shouldn’t we know about it ? This is a question that no-one seems to be asking.

    You don’t settle out of court and get NDA’s signed unless there is something to hide. I reckon this is the tip of the Iceberg with Green and others of his ilk.


    • JamesArthur says:

      Green is no doubt a pretty unlikeable character with secrets..but when people sign an NDA for 7 figure (reportedly) sum both parties agree not to go to court, to keep quiet and one walks away with a shed load of cash..it’s a legal deal. Will the parties involved give their money back?
      I really don’t give S..t until he is charged…it’s between them.

      What this really stinks of is Hain getting back at Green. I am unsure as to what Hain got his knighthood for – but didn’t he had to resign over an expenses issue..no shouts for him to lose his knighthood.
      Trouble for BBC is they can’t find anyone to back up Hain….


      • Guest Who says:

        Lord Sunbeam may have pissed off the wrong mob.

        I don’t mean those who believe in ‘innocent until proven guilty’ or even those who profess unwavering commitment to the poor vision of the law.

        No, I refer to all those in the profession that makes a lot of billable pounds out of the hush money, slander and libel industries, whose nice little earner has rather been proven to be not worth the paper leaked to the tabs or inquiries.


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      “You don’t settle out of court and get NDA’s signed unless there is something to hide”
      That might have been true in the past.
      Today the courts hide inconvenient facts and promote lies.
      Just another not fit for purpose, anti Western, lefty swamp.


  16. Fedup2 says:

    Money box watch

    Wimminbitching about equality of pensions – got to have a sense of humour -I’ve had the doo doo end of the stick by having my pension age raised by a couple of years for no reason I can see .

    I’ve listened to that programme for many years but it’s turned into a socialist ‘ give me’ and not about money any more .

    The beeboid who presents it regularly twitters his partiality for comrade Corbyn and co without any control but that’s the far lefty bbc for you.


  17. StewGreen says:

    #Diversity is good, confotmity is good
    Oct 18th The Times
    – is worried that history BOOKS are not DIVERSE, cos all the faces are white
    – is NOT worried that history TEACHERS are not DIVERSE, cos all the VIEWPOINTS are LEFTY


    • Fedup2 says:

      A story you won’t see on al beeb is

      The head of the electoral commission – Clair Bassett ? ( remainer) is stepping down to join another quango . Three other members are not having their contracts renewed – all three have spoken in favour of remain .

      The story is on the Mail online .


    • StewGreen says:



  18. StewGreen says:

    Times headline is misleading
    Prof did research into musicians slang and pointed our they sometimes use racist terms
    eg gypos : shorthand for violinists

    Then they fired her for daring to repeat the term


    • StewGreen says:

      There’s a comment from a Mr Krov Menuhin
      \\ One of the most important influences for my father was that music played by the Gypsies, ‘Gypos’. Dr. Carpos, it would appear, in pointing out some very basic truths, has become the victim of the PC, snowflake mind-police that have permeated our society and their action is the ‘gross misconduct’, not that of Dr. Carpos.//

      you know son of Yahudi Menuhin


  19. Guest Who says:

    To be rampantly political about another unfolding potential tragedy, whose rhetoric will this get pinned on, he asks, rhetorically…


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I gather the gunman has surrendered, so it may not be one of the usual suspects. Then again, the BBC tells me baseless speculation is permissible this week so perhaps I won’t let the surrender stop me.


      • LastChanceSaloon says:

        This has Communist written all over it.
        Perfect timing.
        BBC will be waiting for instructions.
        “Full ahead left, your brown envelopes are in the post”
        “Aye Aye Captain Soros”

        My access to this website has been stopped on numerous occasions recently.
        I moved from Google to Bing about two years ago.
        What is/are the currently favoured browsers?


    • Guest Who says:

      Mine was tastelessly tongue in cheek. This, however…

      It’s like bad stuff only started happening recently.


  20. StewGreen says:

    A smaller green-hedgefund scam
    Times : Schools ‘pestered’ into buying pollution shields
    \\ Schools are being pressured into buying expensive “green screens” to shield children from air pollution despite concerns that they are not the best solution and may make little overall difference to health //

    Even Doctor Grigg reckons the test results for these playground hedge screens don’t stand scrutiny and firms are just trying to sell a quick fix to gullible head teachers
    and gullible councils are offering grants
    “30 schools applied to the Greater London Authority for grants of up to £35,000 to buy them after they were recommended by air quality audits.”

    Will the same schools discourage bonfires ?


  21. Loobyloo says:


    Well, he’ll be in good company in prison. I wonder how the bbc arrive at their ‘news priority’ hor the web page…


  22. Guest Who says:


  23. Guest Who says:

    Trust them. If you dare.



  24. Ed Hitter says:

    BBC ‘expert’ says there is absolutely no clue yet about the motive of a gunman who has murdered folk in a Pittsburgh synagogue. Not much of an insight there then. But he tells us of reports that the shooter is a white male.
    The BBC interviewer keeps talking about the “febrile” and “divisive” atmosphere in the USA fuelling violence, and twice in five minutes drags Trump “rhetoric” into the conversation.
    We can see where this is going.


  25. Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

    Perhaps Clive Myrie would like to tell us why it is that Blacks in the USA, at 13% of the population, commit 52% of the homicides. Or are these figures themselves ‘racist’?


  26. Guest Who says:

    A frequent bbc guest opines…

    How long until Katty RTs, silly cow?


    • Guest Who says:

      That is this bridger of divides, smoother of waters…


      And especially now, ‘over a decade ago’ is an odd defence…


      • TrueToo says:

        Guest Who,

        Interesting interaction there between Hasan, Dimbleby and Starkey. I note how Dimbleby kept trying to silence Starkey. Good on him for refusing to be silenced.

        Hasan regards non-Muslim Brits as “animals” and apparently lacks the common human decency to at least apologise for his vile attitude.


    • Ed Hitter says:

      The BBC is still saying the killer’s motive is unclear. Mmm, shucks, exactly why would anyone target a Jewish congregation at prayer in a country where attacks on Jews have doubled in a year?
      Reports coming out elsewhere suggest the shooter was a rampant anti-Semite and a Trump hater. Not a whisper about that on the Beeb yet.
      But our broadcaster is still keen to talk about broader political divisions and Trump’s responses fuelling hatred. Nothing about anti-Semitic and anti Israeli rhetoric being an issue.
      Perhaps they could ask Mr Corbyn for his view?


    • vlad says:

      Let’s be clear: whoever turns out to have done this shooting in a synagogue, and for whatever motive, the fact is that a certain other ‘religion’ is violently anti-Semitic to its core, has been pumping out hatred towards Jews all the way back to its founder, and continues to do so unabated to this day.


    • Demon says:

      Wow, that is one of the most bigoted, anti-Semitic remarks made. Hassan believes that criticism of the evil Soros equates to anti-Semitism, whereas it is him that is pointing out Soros’s ethnic background (and long disavowed by Soros himself) not those who rightly highlight his evil.

      Worse than that, far worse, is him associating Globalism with Jews. That is one of the oldest forms of antisemitism, right back to the Protocols of Zion, to claim that Jews run the world in some form of conspiracy.

      I knew he was disgusting but what an absolute bigot. He must be a good friend of Corbyn and McDonnell if he holds those views.


  27. Jeff says:

    I’ve virtually given up on newspapers, but ventured out this morning and picked up the Daily Mail.
    Now, this being the regular totem for those on the left and at the BBC to throw eggs at, I thought I might be safe. Alas, I was wrong…Christ, it’s AWFUL!
    There are endless pages about Charles and Diana and their dreadful marriage. How the 4X can this be considered news? She’s been dead for over two decades and surely to God we’ve trawled over their troubled marriage and harvested any tiny snippet that even the most puerile halfwits might have found interesting.
    A little later we are entertained to a couple of pages of photos and gossip about Harry and Meghan. Yawn…
    There’s a load of cobblers about American presidents and their numerous mistresses. WE KNOW! And what’s more we don’t care.
    Lots of adverts for skiing holidays and stairlifts ( presumably for when you come back from your skiing holiday) and lots of guff about gardening.
    And best of all there’s a two page piece about the black lady abused on a plane by a racist. Just in case you’ve been living in an underground tank for the past week and haven’t seen the endless coverage this idiotic spat has received, the lady herself tells us “the full traumatic story.” Well, thank heavens, because I’ve not heard enough about this already, have I? FFS! “What’s happened to the Britain I love?” she asks. Sweetheart, I ask that very question every day of the bleedin’ week.
    And believe it or not, there’s absolutely zilch about the two police officers stabbed with a screwdriver in north London. Didn’t happen. Perhaps we dreamt it.
    Next Saturday I’ll save myself a quid…


    • G.W.F. says:

      Here is a tip. Want good news and well argued comments, sign in to our Biased BBC. Better standard than BBC and Mail
      And if someone gets it wrong there are well mannered corrections, which is how it should be.


      • Rich says:


        Try the Mail Online website. It’s even worse.

        Pro-EU, Pro-May, anti-Trump, full of the Kardashians, US and Aussie c-listers and UK reality tv rejects with every article interrupted and obstructed by adverts and videos. The writing is often incoherent and the language basic and most of it’s sports and news coverage is sensationalist gossip and hyperbole. Obvious clickbait for the shallow and bored.

        Occasionally they’ll say things that other papers won’t but this is becoming less frequent especially now that Dacre has been replaced by a Common Purpose stooge, Geordie Greig. I don’t know how much longer Littlejohn and Letts will stick with it as they’ll probably be replaced by an ex-Independent or Guardian “progressive” soon as most of the journalists, if I can use that term as loosely as possible, seem to be graduates of those.

        Awful, really, really awful.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I like the mail online thing -.it always makes me laugh with the soft porn pictures of ‘ actresses’ with toned this and shapely that frolicking on holiday somewhere sunny . I can’t quite work out what audience it’s aimed at but it’s free I care less.

          Never buy a newspaper – it only encourages them .


    • StewGreen says:

      Saturday’s edition of the Daily Mail seemed like it was aimed at black people who support the royal family.
      As well as the spread on the black plane woman, there was an article about Iman, David Bowies’s wife, an article about the black son of a Labour MP being convicted as a drug dealer etc.


  28. Guest Who says:


    “Red of brick, can’t be thick.”

    Orwell. J. Apparently.


  29. TrueToo says:

    Here’s the BBC on the shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh:

    The gunman was reportedly a heavy-set white male with a beard

    The BBC must already be feeling happier about this horrific attack.

    Not sure about the beard though.


    • Rich says:

      I see the bBBC have that cartoon-angry, unpleasant and unreliable arsehole Dan Johnson reporting on this for them.

      It’s really hard to take anything this aggressively smug poser says seriously, it’s as if he has read a manual on how to be a “cutting-edge” investigative journalist and spent too long with his hairbrush-mike in front of his bedroom mirror trying to perfect the role.


      • TrueToo says:


        I see they have updated the story considerably since I first looked at it. And the Dan Johnson you mentioned is apparently sitting in Washington but still has irrelevant rubbish to spout:

        The BBC’s Dan Johnson in Washington says the shootings come at a tense time in the US, after a week in which mail bombs were sent to critics of Mr Trump, ahead of crucial mid-term elections next month


        • Rich says:


          Johnson doesn’t strike me as being particularly bright. Sneaky but not clever, he’s much too obvious to be.


    • vlad says:

      Funny how quickly they can find witnesses as to his colour, but never when the offender is brown or black.
      Then it’s just ‘a man’.


      • Guest Who says:

        Often framed neatly by the bbc in going from ‘what we know now’ to ‘what you need to know’.


        • Annunaki says:

          What “we think” you need to know, positing the consideration of what we WANT to know versus BBC version of “need”


  30. theisland says:

    Well said @DancerGuard


  31. Annunaki says:

    Ganesh’s beer, Mohammed’s child bride and gay Jesus – more on 21st century blasphemy

    It’s always best to start with a beer:

    Baffo’s Ganesh IPA carries an image of the multi-armed Hindu deity Ganesha holding a beer mug, a beer bottle, barley and what appears to be a hop cone.

    In a statement, president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, Rajan Zed, said that the “inappropriate usage of Hindu deities, concepts or symbols for commercial or other agendas” was unacceptable as it would “hurt the devotees”.

    Zed added that linking an alcoholic beverage with a Hindu deity was “very disrespectful”.

    Ganesha, traditionally depicted as having multiple arms and a human body with the head of an elephant, is the Hindu god of wisdom and is known as the ‘remover of obstacles’.

    Baffo describes its 5.8% IPA as a double malt amber-coloured craft beer brewed in the English IPA style.

    It seems that, despite the offence taken at this blasphemy from the Universal Society of Hinduism, the brewer in question isn’t budging and plans to carry on selling the beer. The organisation making the complaint is based in Nevada (and seems to have a thing about searching for beers using iconography from the Hindu pantheon as this micro brewery in Keighley discovered) and say:

    “Usage of Hindu deities, concepts or symbols for commercial or other agendas is not okay as it hurts the devotees.”

    The central argument here isn’t the fact of the blasphemy – “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain” as the second commandment puts it – but rather that followers of the religion might be upset at others’ blasphemy. It’s a second order modern blasphemy that, at least in Europe, seems to be supported by the human rights courts:

    “An Austrian woman’s conviction for calling the Prophet Muhammad a pedophile did not violate her freedom of speech, the European Court of Human Rights ruled Thursday.

    The Strasbourg-based ECHR ruled that Austrian courts carefully balanced the applicant’s “right to freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected, and served the legitimate aim of preserving religious peace in Austria.”

    I don’t consider that calling Mohammed a paedophile is done for any reason other than, as the court observed, “…having been aimed at demonstrating that Muhammad was not worthy of worship.” The problem is the bit about “preserving religious peace in Austria” where a collective concern (followers of Mohammed might be unpeaceful if people are gratuitously rude about their prophet’s matrimonial arrangements) is imposed on an individual right to speech. We should be concerned, moreover, that protecting religious ‘feelings’ is given as a reason to suppress speech.

    This second order blasphemy where the crime is the upset caused to worshippers rather than the blasphemy itself sit oddly at a time when the West in general and Europe particularly is becoming less and less religious. And, as the Irish will vote today, specific blasphemy laws are seen as anachronistic (it’s pointed out that, until Stephen Fry said something rude about God, the Irish had rather forgotten they had a blasphemy clause in their constitution).

    For us Brits it took 30 years from the 1976 prosecution of Denis Lemon and Gay News for publishing a James Kirkup poem about Jesus being gay before we finally rid ourselves of any laws specifically criminalising blasphemy but now it is allowed for us to use religious symbolism satirically, attack the tenets of religions and call their founders rude names. Except, it seems, if doing this offends “religious feelings” or undermines “religious peace”. I am reminded how I wrote, only a few days ago, how identity politics was creating a new form of blasphemy law:

    We will have a scripture written down in legalese by government, police, CPS and courts with hate speech being to offend against these commandments – in effect what we’ll have is a 21st century blasphemy law. And it will be a blasphemy law enforced by the unholy alliance of fanatical partisans, the Calvinists of Social Justice, and public authorities keen to be seen upholding the scriptures of political correctness. Free speech will have died.

    I hadn’t expected, when writing this about the widening reach of so-called ‘hate crimes’, that these would be used to reintroduce the crime of blasphemy – at least as regards Islam (Ganesh beer and gay Jesus have yet to find themselves in the European human rights courts although the UK Supreme Court has rules on gay cakes). The outcome of the ECHR’s decision won’t be a rash of court cases but rather the gradual adjustment of public diversity policies all wrapped round a wider definition of Islamophobia to encompass upsetting Muslims rather than just being prejudiced against Muslims.

    I think we are watching as the right to speak as we see things, even if that upsets people, is being ended. People will still tell us they think free speech is important but then ruin this truth by saying that some forms of speech aren’t free speech – “hate speech isn’t free speech” they’ll assert expecting us to nod and say “of course we can’t let people say that sort of stuff”. This isn’t free speech it’s exactly the same as that stiff old world of blasphemy laws where politicians, courts and public authorities decide what you are or are not allowed to say. Welcome to 21st century blasphemy where the possibility of offence – even faux offence from an obsessive little organisation in Nevada – is sufficient for your speech to be banned. As Ireland votes to remove its blasphemy law, the ECHR puts it back in!


    • Banania says:

      Portraying Ganesh on a label is of course (like innumerable other things) exactly equivalent to shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theatre.


  32. TrueToo says:

    I wonder about the BBC’s editorial process – to the extent that it exists at all.

    There’s a bearded while male killer of Jews in custody. Do they sit around openly discussing how to do the minimum amount of coverage if he turns out to be a convert to Islam and the maximum if he’s a right wing Trump supporter?

    Or do they simply know automatically how to report on it and can dispense with editorial intervention?


    • Annunaki says:

      I would say the following is racist but gets hidden in local news despite the rest of the country expressing its disugust so their editorial ploicy is clearly not reflecting the concerns of the majority, who pay for this service, unless it is an old white man saying something nasty on a Ryan Air flight to a black person ?


      A students’ union president has sparked outrage by saying a mural dedicated to war heroes should be painted over.

      The artwork, at the University of Southampton, shows a degree being given to an unknown soldier.

      Union president Emily Dawes faced a backlash online after saying the “mural of white men” would be taken down or daubed over.

      She has since apologised for “the offence and upset” caused by her original message.

      The university said it was “very proud” to display the mural, “which serves as a memorial to all members of British universities” who served in World War One.

      A petition calling for Ms Dawes to resign from her post has been signed more than 7,000 times.


      • TrueToo says:


        …gets hidden in local news …

        Yes, the BBC excels in shoving news it doesn’t like away from the main glare of publicity.


    • Demon says:

      Amazing that they refer to his colour within hours because he is white. If he hadn’t been they would not refer to his colour for at least two days.


      • Annunaki says:

        Absolutely, you can almost hear the sighs of relief in BBC la la land, time for a group wank into their lattes finding a white terrorist, of course they will hang on until they check he is not a muzzie… so walking a tightrope still….but if they find a swasitika in his house it will be open house on the headline page for days


        • Annunaki says:

          I predict the BBC slant if found to be right wing and not a muzzie, : Trump polarising the country but, apparently, not able to acknowledge the effect of the complete and consistent anti Trump dialogue from the MSM…..including the BBC, or the BBC pro black pro muslim pro trans pro wimmin etc etc agenda…that will not polarise the 85 % indigenous population ???

          A bit like the press and their inability to take responsibility of hounding Princess Diana to death through paying people to follow her every moment of her life and stalk her house and hotel and every car journey…24 hours a day for years, it was apparently, every one and anyone elses fault but theirs, very good at finding scapegoats


        • Fedup2 says:

          I was thinking the same. It this character turns out to be a convert the event will be gone by the morning but is a ‘ far right winger ‘ President Trump will get the blame right to the mid terms .

          Assuming it’s a convert I wonder where the motivation came from ? Fortunately the freedom people enjoy in the USA means we will hear soon enough .


  33. Guest Who says:

    A summary.

    Is that the show whose host contributed so much to a recent QT?


    • Guest Who says:

      Another summary…


      The bbc NA team seem in a league of their own when it comes to balanced coverage. Maybe it’s the pond they inhabit?


    • Rich says:


      I saw a bit of that last night and it was painful to watch. Horrible, arrogant, sneering pseudos, who contribute nothing but bile, laughing loudly at their own contrived and pre-programmed posturing.

      I’ve seen Nish Kumar on a couple of programmes where he had to manage without a script or an autocue, he was even worse than he is on this, a deeply unimpressive “commentator”.


  34. Annunaki says:


    Are fairy tales sexist? A child’s eye view

    where the F”ck do they come from these BBC people ? want to talk sexist have a look at your favourite minority and not our British / Euorpean culture not sure how many fairy tales require the cuttting off of clitorises ? maybe the BBC can “crunch some numbers” on this ?


    • Annunaki says:

      My God, if the BBC found a white doctor doing this the outrage, the villification would know no bounds, they would hound him to death, as they are attempting with a racist old man on a Ryan Air flight whos victim has had some sleepless nights, (WHY FFS ? ) a bit like hundreds of 13 year old white schoolgirls around the country , but they do not matter, the sensetivities of this black wimmin is a priority, but FGM is happening in every ghetto in the UK as is the organised rape and human traficking of young white children….where is the BBC concern for wimmin and sexual harrasment: oh yeah they talk about wimmin being whistled at in the streets by…white builders we can only assume


      • Annunaki says:

        maybe I should make a a complaint to China about being called a “Laowia” and “Gweilo” a number of times and how offended it made me feel so many sleepless nights and depression etc I am still getting over it , got my suitcase ripped open a few times during internal flights and stuff missing…. oh dear how sad I will make such a big fuss about it……hate crime makes one feel sooo bad, lol

        A good idea for muzzies coming here at immigraton ? we have laws protecting homosexuals, do you accept that ? we have state education do you accept that ? including sex education ? do you accept our governement foreign policy ? womens rights to wear what they like do you accept that ? we respect Jews and do you accept that ? a good start


  35. Halifax says:

    Such a shame about the Leicester City Chairman’s helicopter crashing after the game. I’m sure the BBC will have a BME commenting on what they witnessed in the car park which is unusual as when you watch the matches there are hardly any BME in the crowd. I believe that Leicester is one of the most diverse city’s in the country however the football crowd is 99.9% white …..however and Mark my words when the reports / witness commentary are on the BBC they will be from BME supporters.
    They never give up.
    Condolences to all involved in this tragedy.


    • Rich says:

      During the Labour years, 1997 to 2010, Northern Ireland had Mo Moslem and Paul Murphy as Secretaries of State.

      We also had the misfortune to have Shaun Woodward, John Reid, Peter Mandelson and Peter Hain.

      Is it any wonder that during those years, when such duplicitous and untrustworthy gobshites were the representatives of the British Government in NI, that there was so much double-dealing and underhanded dishonesty and so much disloyal and treacherous appeasement to terrorists by them in this part of the UK.

      Hain proved to be the most insincere and loathsome of the lot. With Mandelson you knew what you were getting and he was despised as he deserved from the outset, but the equally slimy Hain earned his mistrust through weasel words and empty rhetoric and was eventually loathed equally by all as he pretended to be the statesman he never was.


  36. Annunaki says:

    Wimmin now want to join the SAS after getting the fire brigade fitness requirements reduced for their fat arses, as usual forget the MSM and observe, had a very occasional Friday afternoon off with my wife and tried 6 coffee shops to visit to attempt to sit down, no chance at all, with all these ideal SAS and Fire Brigade recruits all sitting around chatting and posting on on twitter about their rights to do what they want with their cappucinos whilst hubby was at work paying for them


  37. G says:

    The UN Global Compact for Migration. What’s that then?
    Well, let the UN explain in their own emollient and persuasive way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL87BK5OSz8
    If you want more detail, visit here:
    You may not have heard of this Compact but, in your name, the UK is a signatory to the agreement. The politician’s will keep a low profile on this issue in view of the revolution that is likely to kick off in Europe over migration. I half expect the same to occur in the UK. The people are slowly awakening to the shocking places our unaccountable politicians have been leading us by the nose. All cheered on, needless to say, by the media and in particular our far left Marxist State Broadcaster, the BBC (aka, “..another beauty..”). Let our lying State Broadcaster explain their take on it (watered down for people’s consumption): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-44829851/un-reaches-deal-on-global-compact-for-migration
    As I recall, Treezer flew, low profile, to New York during the second half of 2016 to sign the UK up to the Compact. Just recently, the UN concluded the essential first stage of the Compact (see them all congratulating themselves in July 2018) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU8ZnRLUc3Y
    When you see so many of the passengers of the gravy train congratulating themselves, your guts tell you they’re up to no good and no good will come of their ‘agreements’……..
    The implementation stage will be finalised in Morocco in December 2018.
    Why has the UK political class been so secretive? Even those who are hostile to mass migration are singularly silent on the issue, people like Douglas Murray et al. interestingly, searching on, ‘UN Compact on Global Migration’ on the Migration Watch UK site, provides no information.
    Only one World leader has smelt the rat and withdrawn from the Compact. No prizes for guessing who – the only one that respects democracy and the people support for his actions. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/dec/03/donald-trump-pulls-us-out-of-un-global-compact-on-migration
    What happens after December 2018? 1st question: the 258,000,000 (and rising) migrants the UN tell us are swirling about the World (first link at top) need attention. I suspect that almost immediately, the NGO taxi services will be chartered to ferry the ‘migrants’ around. A handy ‘To Do’ list at page 5 can be found here: https://refugeesmigrants.un.org/sites/default/files/180713_agreed_outcome_global_compact_for_migration.pdf
    Whichever or whatever way you look at it, peoples of the so-called, ‘Developed World’ i.e. the Western Nations, will have to ‘dig deep’ and support any migrant arriving because under the Compact, they automatically will have, ‘Rights’ to use all the state apparatus e.g. health, benefits and so on. So, get ready to move aside and see queues developing everywhere. All said and done, it is only the taxpayer who will foot the bill while simultaneously watching the amenity of the country rapidly decline. That’s the way it is folks. That’s all for now, sleep well.


  38. Fedup2 says:

    It might well help the AG dump the TR case and refer contempt of court and gagging orders to the Law Commission – thus saving face and seeming quite sensible – news to be released on Christmas Eve or similar …


  39. Guest Who says:

    Envy of the world.


  40. Fedup2 says:

    The MSM will be desperate to find out if this mass murdering terrorist attended any President Trump rallies and try to get the blame to stick to him in their desperation . I understand that a lot of postal votes are already in..


  41. Roland Deschain says:

    The BBC is determined to make Trump to blame for every ill.

    Vile woman.


  42. Fred Stubber says:

    I sat down to watch the BBC’s ‘Made in Britain’ programme. I thought it would be about the UK’s manufacturing industry. In fact it was idiotic. Needless to say it followed the BBC’s unvarying policy of making every programme achingly politically correct, and in doing so seemed to lose its way. The protagonists were as usual chosen for their diversity rather than their talents. A very slender, very young female blacksmith (why not have someone with more experience?) a leather worker who just by some chance happened to be Afro-Caribbean, a bloke who appeared to be an effeminate homosexual, and oh I don’t know thereafter because I switched over to Quest to watch something sensible. All I want is a sensible programme made without an irrelevant agenda. I’ve got nothing against slender inexperienced female blacksmiths, coloured gents, and homosexuals (some of my best friends are young slender female Afro-Caribbean homosexual blacksmiths) but I object to being led by the nose into the BBC’s fantasy world where it’s normal for every second person you meet to be either black, brown, gay, bisexual, transvestite, transsexual, or whatever category they decide to push at us next.


  43. Navets says:

    According to a report in the Mail Online, Sir Philip Green contends that if Lord Hain had read the judgement, he would have seen the name of the law firm on the first page.
    Further on in the article it is reported that “Lord Hain told peers on Thursday he had been contacted by someone ‘intimately involved’ in a case of a wealthy businessman using non-disclosure agreements and payments ‘to conceal the truth about serious and repeated sexual harassment, racist abuse and bullying’.”
    It is thus blindingly obvous that the basis of Lord Hain’s privileged disclosure was hearsay.
    I don’t suppose the BBC will add this to the debate any time soon, preferring stories about Sir Philip Green like:
    Sir Philip Green: From ‘king of the High Street’ to ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’
    The BBC, national treasure or slag heap?


    • G says:

      A large dollop of ‘taquiyaa’ if I’m not mistaken for both. Welby is a turncoat. Hitherto, he’s gone all out to support islam.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Are you confusing Justin Welby with his predecessor? Think it was Rowan Williams who said Sharia Law was not incompatible with, and could be incorporated into, British law.

        Many British Christians are a bit conflicted over immigration because they are happy to see foreigners of other faiths come legally to the UK as long as they are open to hearing the Gospel.

        Saves on the CO2 and water vapour emissions, all that Global Warming dontcha know, from sending missionaries overseas. 😉


  44. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Hello friends,
    Someone may have covered this before. BBC So-called “News” reports with much excitement that has-been & general annoying person Sinead O’Connor has converted to Islam. They love this kind of story don’t they? It gives them a chance to fulfil their no 1 priority. To shamelessly promote Isalm.
    Complete with a list of other celebrity slaves of Allah.

    Sometimes it’s embarrassing to be of Irish heritage.



    • Guest Who says:

      “Rapper Ice Cube converted to Islam in the 1990s. In 2017 he said he was still a practicing Muslim, but told The Daily Beast “I might change religions three or four times before I die”.”

      A lot to that paragraph if the author pursues it.


  45. Sluff says:

    You really just cannot make it up
    At 0815 we get the newpaper review, with special guest, a black female lawyer with lots of transgender friends. Needless to say, one of the presenters is also female and black. The ‘token’ white male presenter looks to be a trainee who has just left school.
    First story. Yep, the story deemed to be of most importance and interest.
    Gender law reform!!!!
    Lots of talk about transgender, activists, and academics.
    There followed a rather careful conversation, including use of toilets and appropriate use of pronouns, with everyone trying very hard not to offend, particularly noteworthy was that the presenters seemed very well clued up. FFS.

    Priorities, BBC style.
    Out of touch doesn’t get close.


  46. Foscari says:

    Do you remember the satirical ” Not the Nine 0″ Clock News” on
    the BBC ? There was a very funny sketch with a hospitol bed
    going spare. And the bidding for the bed started with a
    patient with pneumonia. The bidding started to rise. It looked
    like the bid of double pneumonia was going to win. The auctioneer,was it Rowan Atkinson ? ” Going going . GONE to the
    gentleman with deep depression . Wait, he has just jumped out of the window, so we will start again.”
    Put the clock forward 25 years . Can you imagine Big Brother from
    the Diversity and Positive Discrimination Dept at the BBC running
    a job interview for a news reader for the Nine O’Clock News or
    any time you like?
    Perhaps if you have watched the latest Dr Who the biggest load
    of diverse, positive discrimiation , political correctness bollocks
    ever to grace our TV screens . You could imagine BIG BROTHERS
    instructions for the job going something like this.
    ” The extreme right wing male chauvinist pigs say that nearly 80%
    of our news readers and reporters are now women. That’s a lie.
    It’s not more than 75%. To prove them wrong I want the
    job advertised just for a man. However these must be the
    qualifications. He has to have any accent other than an Oxbridge
    one.Test the applicants out with who can best say Ras pussy blad
    clad. Also I would like them to have at least one limb missing and
    have a pronounced stammer.”
    Perhaps then we would have another NOT THE NINE O’CLOCK NEWS. Should be fun!


  47. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I so want to see this man elected for a second term.