I might be a bit premature here but we must steel ourselves for some virtue signaling from the hated far left BBC in the run up to the Armistice Centenary .
I predict insults to servicemen , insults to the poppy and a desperate attempt to link the coming brexit to The Great War .
I will be so pleased if I am wrong .
Should be Mayor of London maybe will deal with knife crime and say it like it is : black knives matter
Just more repeats.
Just read all the liberals tweets who reply to this. They are the ones so full of hatred and bitterness. Funny to see all the FPBE or whatever it is they add on to their name. Click on the profile as it is always teachers, social workers and London based liberals who comment who preach peace and tolerance but who are so full of nastiness
About the bbc:
About the EU:
9am Radio Leeds news headlines gives us ‘The Chancellor has made an announcement about the budget’ , they then played 1 minute of Naz Shah opining saying “Austerity must end”
In countries where there is a dictator, when there is UK news to report, they air only their own dictator.
I guess the BBC apply this to the Islamic Republic of West Yorkshire.
I see Naz is coming up on BBC1 Yorkshire Politics, so her voice is only one they have close to hand.
Naz Shah must be one of the most loathsome even among MPs. She said the raped girls should keep their mouths shut for the sake of diversity.
BBC doctoring your world view
Fans’ backlash over Doctor Who’s latest transformation- into TV’s most PC show
Girl, 15, who was held as a sex slave by an Asian grooming gang tells how social services took her child
I had a difficult time reading through that DM article Stew. Sickening isn’t it? What a stain there is on this nation. We need some drastic change. This kind of racket shouldn’t be possible here.
This girl was allegedly snatched from a Tesco’s car park at the age of 15. Before it went any further why was she not reported missing? The mother is described as a “housewife”. Did she not have time on her hands to pester the police to find her missing girl?
Perhaps it was a Muslim area and the parents were afraid? Nothing is said about this but that she saw her mother in a shop once and began to talk to her but was dragged away by the gang.
So David Vance what do reckon to Afua Hirsch’s new LBC show ?
LBC ? isn’t that the same radio station that Nick Ferrari operates from ? Huh ! no doubt the pair of them will be plotting their faux banter/heated debate on their next appearances on the Pledge !
Yes, Madgit Nawaz also seems part of the LBC/Pledge nexus.
Really enjoyed listening to LBC last night. Some LBC Nonentity was trying to get listerners to call in and bad-mouth the extra-ultra-extreme, megarightwing Tommy Robinson. Nonentity began to get a bit desparate when caller after caller supported TR – even a Caribbean who had followed TR’s career more closely than LBC prat. You could hear the relief when an Abdul phoned in with some support.
LBC seem to have switched back to the “It’s nothing to do with Islam” routine of yesteryear.
She isn’t black. Perhaps she wishes she were.
In the wake of the appalling Pittsburg attack Ben Brown for BBC News Channel plays a most careful game with Labour Peer, Lord Levy, touching on the apparent rise of anti-Semitism in the States and then in what Brown refers to as ‘Europe and the Rest of the World’. Brown was clearly anxious to precisely target his questions so as not to open any BBC agenda-busting cans of worms and Levy was careful and honest about things about which he couldn’t be certain. He had personally received unpleasant – and we’re told illegal – emails but the offender had avoided prosecution and was now outside the UK. There had been actual violent incidents, he reminded us, in France and Belgium. Of course Corbynistas and Muslims were not named here by Levy (for which I don’t blame him) and certaintly not the BBC’s Ben Brown (for which I do give blame).
Who stirs up hate against Jews ?
I doubt it is Trump who has a Jewish so in Law
and is so close to Israel he moved the embassy to Jerusalem
Louis Farrakhan On the Jews anybody blaming this bloke for the shooting? Blood on his hands?
Huge attempts against Twitt’s competitor Gab on the pretext that the Pittsburgh shooter had a page there
So far Paypal and Gab’s hosting provider have withdrawn support.
If Gab didn’t have a back server ready to then they are idiots
When I moved my own domain away from Godaddy it was all done in a day
The new Nazis, just as intolerent, and dismissive of human life and dignity if at odds with their world view, and again, the biggest threat to Europe, we have have two now the third…..but we are still waiting for someone to point it out. oh wait, TR he has neither the heritage nor the private education or the breeding of a Churchill but I see the foresight that Churchill had, the continual warnings he gave to this country that were dismissed time and time again until it was too late have a cigar TR
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
1899 go figure, as they say with the full help of our national broadcaster, via my direct debit, what an elegant way to commit cultural suicide
Jon Sopel now retweeting footage of President Trump struggling to get a umbrella down !!!! I kid you not. That is the level of hatred and lack of respect Sopel and the BBC have for this man. The BBC have a duty of care to Jon Sopel and they need to get him out of the USA asap as his trump Derangement Syndrome is hitting new levels. The guy is clearly ill with his Trump hatred. Embarrassing, just plain embarrassing his reporting. Trump called him out on day one …another thing trump has nailed !!!!! I beg of you Donald, please please get another term !!!!!! These liberals will explode with faux rage !!!!!
Agreed Doub. But the rage is not ‘faux’; it’s very real.
Indeed it is very real… apologies for my faux pas !!!! ????
Re Pittsburgh : PrisonPlanet on Gab
\\The shooter who massacred eight people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh earlier today was an anti-Semite who expressed his disdain for Donald Trump,
while also commenting, “I did not vote for him.”
This disgusting lunatic should be treated as a terrorist. //
wonder if that will be mentioned on the BBC .. tumbleweed again..and it does beg the question.. why ask that particular question to elicit a comment unless you are determined to find a particular answer
I am not quite sure of the post massacre comments one would be likely to make but how I voted at the last election is probably not one of the first
But thinking about the pot hole situation around here I may be tempted to get my catapault out if it will wake up some councillors
Surprised to hear a brief mention on R4 of the UN ‘compact for migrants’ conference in Morocco in December.
To date, the MSM have managed to give this no publicity at all, let alone suggest there could be any link to the ‘migrant caravan’ (invasion) travelling through Mexico, bound for the US, despite the interesting timing. In a way you could say it’s been the best-kept secret of the year/decade…
R4 did give us the UN HC in charge of publicity for this little show: she tried hard to make it sound as if it was all about imposing order on a disorderly process.
Only when you read between the lines, did you realize this is all about facilitating mass migration into the US and Europe.
Hungary, the US and Australia are apparently not signing.
There is still time to write to your MP….
All the grouping of foreign migrants in the UK are represented by iDiaspora. They have a parliamentary presence – https://idiaspora.org/events. They share their views on the UN Global Compact on Migration.
Whatever happened to the similar organisation representing the indigenous 86% of the white British population: Ha, ha, ha, we don’t get a look in. If you can find the similar organisation reflecting the white British views on more migration at Government level, I would be pleased to know.
Fact is, all the foreigners are well organised and combined to ethnically destroy us.
It seems the Government have covered their tracks very well. I cannot find any mention whatever of the Cost Benefits or even more migration or indeed any information on how the UK will address the additional responsibilities imposed for supporting the Compact. Democracy? Don’t make me laugh again.
G- Thanks for this. Chairperson is Conservative MP for Stafford, Jeremy Lefroy. Hadn’t heard of him before either. Operating below the radar..?
Now seen your earlier posting, G. Sorry about coming in on this ‘cold’, without having read it. By some fluke, I had been reading about the UN compact on a magazine website called ‘compact’. (No connection whatever!)
Seems like a website and a wee bit of UK lobbying, to fill the gap you identified above, is called for -given how very democratic and representative our parliament is!
Well FNW,
On the Government website I found only this dedicated information. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-united-nations-global-compact
All the rest seem tangential to the issue. It needs a local MP to ask the questions and my staunchly Labour MP (as they are) will see no problem in concealing the facts from the public: migration? tick that box…………..
We need to know how, in operation, this Compact will affect the UK in terms of more migration and cost since it will be the taxpayer that foots any bill. “Don’t comment, don’t get involved, don’t question the logic, just pay over the cost of implementing our hairbrain schemes and those of the UN”.
I forgot to add to my lenghty contribution late last night that any information on YouTube has so few visitors it is obvious that the existence of this Compact is little known much less understood. When the Government don’t make it clear what is involved you have to doubt their veracity.
I shall certainly ask my MP who is a ‘pro-Brexit Conservative’ whether any of this stuff popped up anywhere; finding coverage of Ms May signing is like hunting for a needle in a haystack.
Then again, my magazine ‘compact’ (German) was making the point of how little the G.public knows or understands about the UN migration compact. Admittedly there seems to be little interest in the media, given successful Merkel’s tricks, but she is on the way out, so we shall see.
Elections in the state of Hessen, today…
I just checked out that website…it put me off my Sunday Roast knowing that Lefroy is my local MP and he is chairing this meeting in Westminster!……
I assumed he was a staunch Conservative Brexit MP but after reading that website I am a bit worried must admit.I was going to write to him regarding Theresa May but I see him in a new light now(thats assuming he supports this ‘diaspora’ website?….)
I think a few beers are in order…but thanks G for highlighting it….
Lock up your daughters,
of course they are natural cowards who cannot stand and fight for their country so no probs to anyone else, only 12 year old girls. until they form a mob and dance like monkeys around a burning flag, a credit to any country…
BBC: wimmin who get whistled at in the street and “offended, : bloody grow up:
On this day in 1944 the above picture was taken. It has since become a symbol of women’s involvement in the French Resistance. Here we can see a man with makeshift army fatigues to the left and a young man on the right, but the person who grabbed everyone’s attention is the girl in shorts in the centre.
Her name was Simone Segouin, an 18 year-old girl aka as Nicol Minet. In 1944, at the height of the Nazi occupation of France, she joined the Francs-Tireurs et Partisans (Free-shooters and Partisans, or FTP) – a combat alliance made up of militant communists and French nationalists, to help liberate the capital.The group named themselves after the French irregular light infantry and saboteurs who fought the Germans during the Franco-Prussian War.
Stealing a bicycle from a German military administrator was the first mission she was assigned. After the successful outcome of her first mission, the bike was painted so it could become Simone’s ‘reconnaissance vehicle’, allowing her to deliver messages and stake out targets.
Shortly, after displaying her skills in secret weapons training, she was allowed to take part in dangerous combat missions. In 1944, at the height of the Nazi occupation of France, Simone Segouin was involved in armed actions against enemy convoys and trains, attacks against enemy detachments and acts of sabotages. She also assisted in capturing 25 German POWs during the fall of Chartres. The French newspaper Independent Eure-et-Loir on its August 26, 1944 issue described her as “one of the purest fighters of heroic French Resistance who prepared the way for the Liberation”. .
Simone became known to the world after American reporter Jack Belden interviewed her for a Life magazine feature headlined ‘The Girl Partisan of Chartres’ Her bravery would make her s symbol of female resistance across the world.
After the war Simone was promoted to lieutenant and awarded the prestigious Croix de Guerre, along with other fighters who had by then been organised into a formal military organisation called the French Forces of the Interior (FFI).Simone went on to become a paediatric nurse in Chartres, where her wartime daring acts made her hugely popular . A street in Courville-sur-Eure was named for her.Simone experienced the heaviness of war years. .People have asked Simone if she has killed anyone before. “On July 14, 1944, I took part in an ambush with two comrades. Two German soldiers went by on a bike, and the three of us fired at the same time, so I don’t know who exactly killed them. You shouldn’t have to kill someone like that. It’s true, the Germans were our enemies, it was the war, but I don’t draw any pride from it.” She and other women in the French resistance played a vital role in the fight for liberation from the Nazis, showing exemplary courage under atrocious circumstances.The price of participation was enormous. Resisters suffered arrest, imprisonment, interrogation and sometimes torture, and deportation to concentration camps as political prisoners. La Roquette women’s prison in Paris figured on many a woman’s itinerary; another larger women’s facility in Rennes grouped women resisters from the entire northern zone. From prisons in France, many were shipped to camps farther east, where they perished from disease, starvation, exhaustion, beatings, or more systematic forms of extermination. Many Frenchwomen were sent to Ravensbrück, the concentration camp for women east of Berlin. Jewish resisters and those deemed particularly dangerous were also sent to Auschwitz in eastern Poland; this is the case of the famous convoy known as the “31,000” (the series tatooed on their arm upon arrival). Unlike their male counterparts, full recognition and important central role in the French Resistance has only came several decades after the events.
nuff said
I’ve just seen a bit of Points of View on bBBC 1 which I don’t normally watch at all.
They had a sofa set up in Glasgow supposedly to find out what the people of Glasgow think of the bBBC. They asked about 10 people. Of those only 2 actually had Scottish accents, one of those was a black female and the other had an English partner.
My understanding is that the bBBC isn’t too popular in a lot of Scotland but seriously? No Scots to ask in the middle of Glasgow? You really just have to laugh sometimes.
I caught a bit of “For Facts Sake” with Brendan O’Carroll. I began to realise that there were four guests panellists, picked from the audience, and half of them were Black. But half the audience were not Black. In fact it looked as if all the Blacks in the studio were on the panel, with about 500 white people in the studio audience. Now I discover that “For Facts Sake” is filmed at BBC Scotland’s Dumbarton Studios.
So we are to believe that two blacks and two whites were randomly picked from an audience in Dumbarton, Scotland?
I had the unfortunate experience of having brunch at the pub where the flat screen tv had bbc news screening (no sound thank goodness)
I know I wasn’t forced to look at the screen but it wasn’t easy to avoid it. Not that I had any doubts that giving up my license was the best thing to do this rare assault on my senses was even more proof that the organisation is rancid. While they are moaning about the sad financial situation , preventing them from producing and maintaining great content what in the F..k are they doing with a useless 24/7 news channel that repeats itself on a loop. When it does stop for some live content guess what we were treated to. The insipid insight from newspaper loons (those only approved by the bbc) giving their esteemed opinions which we all know mean zero. Naturally president Trump got the usual bashing and blame for everything. My despair is mind numbing. On a brighter note I’m using my Amazon Prime subscription via my I pad and a bedside Bluetooth speaker and I’m very happy.
Orwell, keep screening it over and over until the football comes on, then bread and circuses, Ceasar, Nero etc but Xfactor instead of gladiators, althought the same baying, whistlng morons
“Peter’s own views on the subject have evolved since its publication [Easy Meat]. While previously he believed officials’ blind eye to grooming gangs was simply motivated by stringent political correctness, now he concludes politicians, supported by the media, law enforcement and other state organs, have forged a conspiracy of silence obscuring all negative aspects of Islam, in support of the long-term goal of “total Islamisation” of the West.”
Wow there was a groom/rape gang documentary ready in 2004, but Channel4 dropped it due to political pressure !
and the filmaker Anna Hall waited until 11 Nov 2011
(Radio5’s Peter Allen interviewed the father of a victim 21 Sep 2010 , I first heard of the cases on the 5 Live Sunday Investigates programme a few years ago
On 18 December 2005, BBC Radio 5 Live also broadcast a programme about the grooming gangs)
I can’t believe Peter McLoughlin’s big conspiracy theory, that the the authorities are trying to Islamise Britain
I just think they incompetent
The latest Left instruction is to pretend that “globalist” means “Jewish”. Therefore if you attack globalists you are being anti-semitic.
Someone had added a link where Mehdi Hassan is making that claim. On Sky some minutes ago a Guardian (who else!) “journalist” made the same claim. Clearly the latest instruction from globalist-central, aka Common Purpose.
However, if they think that globalists are all Jews trying t control the world they are the modern protocols of Zion protagonists. BTW he wasn’t corrected by the Skybot.
He claimed that Trump says pro-White Nationalist things every day. (I don’t think I’ve heard him ever say anything like that once). And that it is known on the far-right that we all use Globalist as a euphamism for Jewish. However, only those on the left think like that. The Guardian clearly has a blatant, genuine anti-semite who represents himself as their journalist. We know that Hassan is an anti-semite.
For me globalist means globalist. Their religion can be anything or nothing.
I’m anti-globalist and half-Jewish. Does that mean I am anti-me, or half anti-me or am I also anti-my dad? Who knows how their little minds work.
Never seen a Jew push his way into an english village cricket match to put his prayer mat down in front of everyone, seen a muzzie do it.. on the village green.. in the middle of everyone…nasty little bastard demanding his rights in front of everyone when he could have done his business quietly and discreetly.
Shall we try that expressing our religion in the hell hole country he is running away from ? and see their response
Where are the Jews on the BBC whenever they give a photo of modern Britain ? where are the Chinese ? Japanese who ALL bring billions to our country, but always a muzzie in every photo and anyone they can find with a black face, I ask WHY ?
this is not true diversity, what is their agenda ? have a walk around, have a look around, how many white women with black husbands do you see ? have a look on the TV whos wrong whos right ? and they have the bloody nerve to talk about a disassociation in society, well who is actively creating this through false reporting and fake news, and ignoring black knifings and muslim rape gangs ?
Compare and contrast : walk down Bury Park road, Luton after dark in a group and then try China town London, we all know how that will go, two places in OUR country but only one place we are welcome in
And now the BBC criticises China for demanding that the muzzies in their country speak their language and learn their culture oh dear how oppressive,
Has Corbyn expressed support for the victims of the synagogue massacre yet?
Does the Pope shit in the wood, or something
Damn, I said a bad word again
Pope, there I go again, so sorry to all who may be offended
Given the high esteem in which we hold General Napier, perhaps you should just say “Peccavi”.
Is a bear catholic?
I think he twittered something but he ll save it for the budget response tomorrow to make time for the labour tax bods to come up with some analysis .
Once upon a time the response was a bit forensic but recently it’s just been a general slagging off about the government .
I just wish Hammond would say – we are going to stop borrowing 13 billion and then giving it away to snowflake causes to give politicians a warm feeling .
Fed, “I just wish Hammond would say – we are going to stop borrowing 13 billion and then giving it away to snowflake causes to give politicians a warm feeling.”
I wish it was given entirely to ‘snowflake causes’ like sanitation, clean water sources, solar panel & lighting provision and education for all. I have a very uncomfortable suspicion that far too much of our Overseas Aid budget goes into some things that both snowflakes and the general public would definitely not approve.
I disagree – it is not the uk states ‘ role to improve other states when we have serious underfunding of elderly care , the need to rebuild the military and get border control / deportations done properly .
Charity is the place for digging wells or buying range rovers for third world despots.
It seems not quite a coincidence that the BBC finds a Jewish person who is not guilty, but suspected of etc etc Harvy Wenisten, Phillip Green etc worthy of public villification, even if its not in our country, but they bang on about it, pakis raping out children IN OUR COUNTRY ? nothing, a jewish person touching an aspiring actress ? endless BBC news and lets forget the 12 year old kids tied to a bed and gang raped around OUR country repeatedly and human traficked well done BBC and now Philip Greens turn, another Jew who may or may not have said something bad to a wimmin or touched her bum, did he tie a 12 year old to a bed and gang rape her ? nope but he is the BBC target and the one who we all should hate
carry on in your mosques iss your kulcher innt bruv
An estimated millions of rapes! Watch the discussion between Tommy Robinson and Lord Pearson on You Tube.
Quick summary of the US terrorist (which would likely have been reported a tad less if his cause had been demonstrating how peaceful his religion was.)
BBC later this evening : DR WHOESS…
For the first time since the 60s I’ve been watching the Dr Who series and it’s AMAZING…amazingly bad that is!!! It’s so bad that it’s good…it is supposed to be satirical I assume?
Tonight my retraining continues and I’m looking forward to one day being able to signal some virtues 🙁
BBC1 5.15pm news. Very informative/educational, of course:
A single sentence on Mr Bolsonaro, leading in the Brazilian elections: he has made racist, mysogenistic and homophobic remarks.
Yup, that’s it. No policies, apparently. Must be a ‘populist’?
Speaking of which, we did have Sopel on Trump.
His call for unity is ‘divisive’, says Sopel, cos he’s electioneering. Sopel tells us nothing about the Democrats; presumably they are not electioneering, or saying anything nasty about Trump. With the phrase ‘hate-crime’ being mentioned frequently, this election seems to have only one competitor. Mishal has briefly mentioned the word ‘Democrat’, but only in the context of victim of pipe bomb. The Dems have vanished, almost entirely.
Mishal has also skillfully managed to link a ‘Republican pipe bomber’ to ‘anti-semitic gunman targeting Jews at prayer’ in a single breath, when introducing Sopel.
Huge concession, though: Sopel tells us Trump cannot be blamed for ‘what has happened, but…’ (But if you want to be a wee bit suspicious that Trump did it, I don’t think Sopel will mind. Nor will Mishal.)
Oh yes, Democrats. Aren’t they with Jimmy Carter or someone?
We did have a little poetry for some light relief on R4, however (not). After all, poetry is transcendental, beautiful, peaceful stuff.
In ‘The echo chamber’, Paul Farley managed to find two black American poets, who were neither transcendental, nor very peaceful.
Beautiful? Could be a matter of taste, I certainly have my opinion.
(Oh, you will be surprised to find, they don’t much like Trump).
BBC biased? Perish the thought!
The Guardian has a report that the investigation of far right extremism is now being led by the security service .
I still don’t understand what ‘ far right ‘ means now -obviously there are anti Semitic types in the traditional Nazi form . But is it now those who disapprove if Islam taking over Britain with the BBC being a tool for doing so? If that ‘ far right?’ I don’t know .
But I bet every one using the site is ‘tagged ‘
And even more so if using strong language .
There has to be a limit to free speech – however people feel about that . But reasoned debate / expression of disenchantment with the current politics must be allowed . And for the case officer at SS monitoring this site – ‘ hi’ .
excelllent, send the spotty teenagers to my doorstep for a little chat and a lesson on why they are free, a little tour of Duxford and the under 3000 that managed their freedom for a start, all white men, and women, no Somalis with knives hiding under their hoods, no rappers, no mosques hiding under their burkas
Let’s hope our SS monitor reads this site properly and follows up on the sources. He/she might learn something.
up2- my guess is that any one or more of the following, which used to be fine, now possibly identify you as ‘far right’:
-belief in the nation state
-belief in national borders
-belief that those borders deserve protection
-belief that there is nothing wrong with such a state containing a mainly white, Christian population
-belief there is nothing wrong with trying to maintain the latter situation
The last of these quite possibly makes you ‘racist’.
-belief in freedom and -in particular- freedom of expression (which, in the past, might even have marked you out as ‘liberal’; but liberal now means something quite different.
Being Christian could also put you under suspicion of being implicitly ‘homophobic’.
Presumably, being Christian could eventually cause you implicitly to be suspect of supporting ‘patriarchy’.
Once upon a time the above would simply have meant you were a small ‘c’ conservative — possibly even a liberal conservative. Now you are at the very least a ‘deplorable’. (I know of a situation where even democratic legitimacy is deplorable; that is because even the term ‘democratic’ no longer means what you think it does!)
I would imagine there is one more suspicious aspect, marking you out as a ‘baddy’, for anyone monitoring this site:
being critical of much of bbc content.
Incidentally, the monitoring officer won’t find much wrong with ‘strong’ language, you’ll get plenty of that on the bbc. I suspect it shows you are ‘tolerant’. But it has to be the right kind of strong language.
Fake what the article doesn’t say is “ who is monitoring the Far Left ?”
Obviously we are monitoring the Far Left BBC but which state agency is looking at Momentum and those preventing free speech in the streets , online and in places such as universities ? .
up2 -the state presumably has no problem with the ‘left’, and -since ‘far’ can only be attached to ‘right’- there is no ‘far left’. There is only the state and the state is everywhere. (See also quantum mechanics: double slit experiment).
At the same time the state has ‘withered away’, as we can all see, so we have achieved Nirvana. (See quantum theory: All particles are actually waves)
When you are in a state of Nirvana, ‘free speech’ is a ‘hate crime.
We are adrift in bliss. Can you not feel it, man? We are open, tolerant, diverse, transforming. Debate is unecessary.
There may be a sort of ‘clockwork orange’ thuggery going on, but that can only be the far right (logic-since no far left exists). Also, it occurs outside of our Nirvana state. There they speak Nadsat and the Law is enforced by that tanned bloke in the Lords. So, ignore.
You leave the case officer alone, he is not responsible for his actions, he is yust carrying out orders.
“No-deal Brexit would require new Budget”
“The government will set a new Budget if it is unable to reach a Brexit deal with the EU, the chancellor has said.” According to Al Beeb.
Is this ‘the carrot and the stick’? Or is it a threat? Or is it the fact that our useless Remainer Government have not made any plans for a No Deal Brexit?
They have been busy for the past two years trying to change the minds of the vast amount of British people in getting us to remain in the EU and to dump Democracy.
Vote and support UKIP
Oh god Countryfile !
75 minutes of thousands of people wearing each new yellow customised Children In Need yellow acrylic customised ramble hats
FFS almost all these people will have hats in their wardrobe
So this is the normal pseudo-green thing of UNNECESSARY CONSUMPTION
… every other week they are bleating about plastic waste and pollution
..and here they are adding to it
CIN is notorious for holding masses of funds in investment (£90m) whilst being slow to allocate funds to projects
and having massive office expenses.
Buy your own hat £6, £7 the other design
Spot on, Stew.
Every year al beeb self indulges in Red Nose Day and Children in Need but where do those millions go?
Who benefits ? How much goes in Admin?
I wouldn’t contribute to any albeeb cause as I contribute to dementia charities and believe that charity begins at home . No overseas giveaways from Fedup .
I too hate CiN.
It is as you say a vehicle of BBC self indulgent righteous propaganda.
But I must be fair and criticise the lazy public too.
The money is given out by committees against among other things, applications for funding. The public in effect feels good about themselves, by making charitable donations without having to get off their arses and/or make a decision about the exact causes they want to support. In effect they have delegated their consciences to the BBC.
I do wish the public would make positive decisions about what causes to support and then give directly to them.
Some information about BBC Children in Need for your delectation:
Feb 2018
Last years accounts show the number of charity employees at its HQ in Salford has gone up from 96 in 2015 to 104 last year.
In all, £4.4 million was spent on staff costs last year
Definitely sound like they need a bigger HR department, consultancy and health and safety department . No surprise – i think the clues was in the admission got paid £50k to do it …..
£4.4m on 104 staff equates to an average of £42,307.69
Nice work if you can get it.
Thanks stew -I suppose there is some sign of actual achievement somewhere. Pity they couldn’t go back to digging wells in bongo bongo land using milk bottle tops in a blue peter stylee.
( John noakes gave me a blue peter badge for that when v young )
When Countryfile started many years ago…it was a COUNTRY programme relating to FARMING and COUNTRY INDUSTRIES…..unfortunately today every BBC programme has been hijacked as a politically correct VEHICLE to justify their existence.
we all know that.
EVERY single BBC programme has the agenda running through it…even on the radio…there is nothing worth watching or listening to that isn’t contaminated with dogma and propaganda………in fact I even have a quiz with myself now guessing what the underlying theme of a programme is…..spot the ethnic/LGBT/feminist etc issue is…….
Lucky ,
It has echoes of the nazi propaganda which ran through Germany as they gradually took over the state in preparation for expansion – I don’t know what the parallel is but every aspect of life was twisted to the cause – just like the BBC .
Fortunately it is so easy to spot that more and more people see it and are disturbed by it. It’s as though the bbc has decided that it will brainwash people in order to keep the lid on as the country is changed against the will of the people …. not the ones who have turned up when the post war rot set in…
Reference earlier posts about the gender reassignment of Dr Who into a politically correct lefty lovefest.
Tonight’s story features a right wing American hotelier(boo, hiss) who wants to get into the White House. Boo. Hiss.
Yes, the biased BBC’s anti Trump agenda now extends to what used to be fantasy science fiction.
@Sluff So BBC are Dr Who-rring agenda ?
Im watching the BBC’s children’s Doctor Who right now…..I havent watched it for 40 years.But I would be interested to know how people interpret the storyline.Sluff has already made suggestions…but I would suggest there are lots of deeper politically correct themes running right through the episode…be interested what people think if they have watched it?……..
I – for one – tried the first episode but the box ticking got too much for me . I can’t see it reaching much of an international market because it’s just dumb and annoying . But as someone said – at least the Tardis will be tidier cleaner and smell of room freshener .
Yeah, the minority of white lead characters didn’t help much.
Especially as Sheffield is actually rather white.
But as we know, at the bBBC, race discrimination only goes in one direction.
Oh, and I did note the throwaway line when a female character advised the evil Trump figure that she was ‘married to your niece’. A quick lesbian tick in the diversity box.
God, I hated tonight’s Dr Who. Smart-alecky women putting down stupid men, the normalisation of lesbianism and inter-racial relationships, the baddie being a Trump-like figure. I tried to watch it tonight with an open mind as I hadn’t seen it for a while but I couldn’t take the blatant propaganda. I shouldn’t really be bothering to comment about this garbage but as someone who remembers the very first episode of Dr Who when William Hartnell played the Doctor, I feel that this is a part of my British heritage that has been seized by perverts and twisted into something degenerate.
“ Beyond Today” – a podcast – is being launched on Monday aimed at the 20 something s – who are presumably too stupid to be able to understand what the beeboids are saying on the early morning version .
As expected the staff is described as “ divers” with as many wimmin and non whites at white make types
I think I can guess the level of success such a stupid idea will achieve – I always thought the kidults did Radio one to be hip but seems not .
The first episode has Graham Norton interviewing President Putin and asking about his skin care regime.
After that Gary Linaker interviews President Trump about his most successful chat lines
Corbyn and McDonnell to their best morecambe and wise impressions in a Christmas special.
Been thinking about it and think there is a gap in the market-
Regular bits on – best first aid technique for stab wounds
Best and worst A and E departments
Best pharmaceuticals
Anna Soubry – a day in the life
Knocking down statues
New Trump Insults
Housing your own third worlder
And more ….
I’m tempted to have a listen but it would only encourage them and push my b.p. Over the edge ..
@TrueToo Re your post about the SMH article
That pins anti-semitism on the “far right” not the rise is Islam
I’ve taken so long to respond to it that the comments have switched off
#1 The article is no so recent but rather was on Sep7
#2 It basically just quotes historian James Renton of London
It seems to derive from his June paper
Antisemitism and Islamophobia in Europe: A Shared Story?
Anyone notice how Al Beeb does everything it can to undermine Great Britain’s proud history? Slavery etc.
Well, I did not see this advert broadcast by them very often, did you?……………..
Ask yourself this question, is Al Beeb proud to be British ?