Budget Day . The Far Left BBC will be talking Austerity and moaning about the pre brexit economy because of low unemployment , low interest rates and higher basic tax allowances .
It will be a waste of time really because if we are lucky enough to get out of the EU without agreement the sums will all change .
The anti Trump propaganda will ratchet upon in front of the midterms next week .
All Souls is on Thursday
just a friendly reminder – reasonable language please …
BBC trying to blame Trump for synagogue shooting.
They all are. Reading from the same script. As usual.
This about the President who enraged the same people when he moved the embassy to Jerusalem .
Then he was being far too pro Israel. Too friendly with Netanayhu.
According to the BBC: “The hearing lasted only a few minutes to set a date for Thursday, when the prosecution will bring evidence.”…
So in the US even someone who (allegedly) commits murder, with a bunch of witnesses… has their trial postponed several days so evidence can be gathered… and a fair trial and process can be followed.
Good job he ain’t in the UK, with a name like Tommy Robinson… the UK government would certainly not waste time with some small items such as evidence and due process.
The UK government makes me want to vomit blood.
You see peterbogtrot? I held back, giving you the chance, and some bloke with red tabs barges in.
Thank you Beltane, your a star. I needed that boost. I will return. Many thanks.
You mean……………..” I SHALL return “
After violence, what does the bbc like best?
I always wonder where they find these quotees.
Theresa May blamed Immigration for housing crisis, low wages and social cohesion problems …. what has changed since being PM?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
Not posted for a while, been trying to give up the ciggies and the BBC.
Both are very bad for your health.
And then this,
Far Right! I have no idea about Brazilian politics and I don’t really care but this person wants to stop corruption and make the people of Brazil feel safe in the streets, sounds good to me.
The fuckwits at the BBC mention he has said ‘racist and homophobic comments’ without giving any evidence.
It’s democracy, enough is enough.
On a different note I was in my local last night and got into a conversation with a group of teens about the media. They get their news from a wide spectrum of Internet sources and think the MSM is full of shite. They said that TR, Brietbart, Milo and Rebel spoke more about their lives than anyone else and wait for it…………thought the BBC was a shit stiring pile of shite.
Unfortunately none of these people will ever have
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
The end of Al Beeb is nigh .
And then this:
in which Jon Sopel embarks on a meandering load of drivel intended, I think, to portray himself as a fair-minded commentator on Doanld Trump. The article lacks any real cohesion or direction and includes elements that will surprise no-one who has paid attention to what he has written before: self-sanctification; facts followed by dubious conclusions; virtue signalling; history followed by dubious conclusions; faint praise followed by warnings about the future; guilt of DT by false association and downright sophistry regarding the equating of criticism of George Soros with anti-semitism.
Jon Sopel, what a muppet.
But one of the better looking ones, in comparison to oor Steff?
Regarding the newly elected president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, the article gives great illumination to what the BBC, and presumably the rest of the swamp, considers far-right policies:
The eradication of corruption
The driving down of Brazil’s high crime levels
Defending the constitution, democracy and freedom
The relaxation of laws restricting the ownership and carrying of guns
The reduction of government waste
The reduction of state intervention in the economy
A suggestion about pulling out of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, arguing that its requirements compromise Brazil’s sovereignty over the Amazon region
The cleansing of corrupt politicians, a campaign promise which has been very popular with Brazilians who say they are tired of the corruption which has seen dozens of high-ranking politicians from the established parties jailed
He has opposed abortion on religious grounds
Mr Bolsonaro has also mooted the idea of moving the Brazilian embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
All of the above has been gleaned from the BBC’s very own article and appears, to me, to make Mr Bolsonaro far removed from any credible description of being far-right, he would get my vote.
Does the BBC think we need their labels to interpret what we are reading?
And the BBC comes up with yet another beauty…
Why do they always have to throw in childish ad hominems like ‘Far Right? Always, always telling you how to think.
That NPC meme is so brilliantly spot-on. Political correctness is akin to being pre-programmed because you already know exactly what they are going to think about everything: women always victims; immigration fantastic; and so on. There is no point watching the MSM as it is Groundhog Day – the same crap over and over and over. They have made their minds up about everything when in reality there is so much to think about and fight for.
It’s great how much the NPC meme triggered them and their entire reaction to it proves its point: rather than meme back like a playing character they just shut it down and shout NPC lines like ‘hate speech.’
BBC et alia are so, so uncool these days which is a huge problem for them.
It would be so great if Trump could refer to someone as an ‘NPC’ in a tweet.
Agree- Far Right of what? Who or what is far Left? Exactly just a lot of mumbo jumbo to direct the peoples thought against anything that smacks of a decent forward thinking effort to regain a democratic society that has been hitherto deliberately forced downwards-we don’t even have a lowest common denominator anymore to measure against-once prices on most foods were levelled to accom the lowest earners in our society to ensure they could eat decently and afford it-look the cost now of bread and cheese which was cheap when I was a lad, yes that was along time ago, nevertheless that was how it was-greed took that away.
Is there such a thing as ‘Right Wing’ in the BBC’s view ?
Left Wing – Center Left – Center – Far Right.
Don’t forget misogynistic. Sarah Smith (Labour) included that with ‘racist’ and ‘homophobic’ on the Today programme. That is, as well as saying the new Brazilian president lauded the former military dictatorship. All, as you, say, without providing any evidence – but, hey, smears are great so far as the BBC is concerned! btw, their description of him as ‘homophobic’ is probably because he believes marriage means the union of one man and one woman which, as far as I am concerned is correct and should be mainstream opinion.
Yes they were saying how the new President was ‘undemocratic’ just hours after he had been democratically elected.
Sounds like a great pub!!!
Anyone notice how Al Beeb does everything it can to undermine Great Britain’s proud history? Slavery etc.
Well, I did not see this advert broadcast by them very often, did you?……………..
Ask yourself this question, is Al Beeb proud to be British ?
Ban the beeb.
I don’t use it myself, but this is very worrying. Those of us concerned about free expression need to coordinate in attacking the corporations behind this, to show there is a cost.
Gab.com is under attack. We have been systematically no-platformed by App Stores, multiple hosting providers, and several payment processors. We have been smeared by the mainstream media for defending free expression and individual liberty for all people and for working with law enforcement to ensure that justice is served for the horrible atrocity committed in Pittsburgh. Gab will continue to fight for the fundamental human right to speak freely.
As we transition to a new hosting provider Gab will be inaccessible for a period of time. We are working around the clock to get Gab.com back online. Thank you and remember to speak freely.
The GAB homepage has placeholder screen now while they set up new servers
Not only have the old server host given notice, the registrar Godaddy has kicked them out as well.
(GD are a ripoff corp anyway …TMD are a good one)
What a complete pile of [expletive deleted] from Jon Sopel in this article. I haven’t time to list all its shortcomings now. Suffice to say the letter bomber is a Trump supporter, the synagogue shooter has no opinion on him. There’s no evidence Soros is funding the caravan, but no curiosity as to just where all the money comes from to feed and water all these people and fund the logistics of getting them all from A to B.
Ban the beeb.
@Roland as ever the accusers are projecting themselves
The MSM, BBC & Jon, by continuously telling only half the story are the ones that have divided society.
They are the ones that have the police running around after teenagers who send provactive tweets, instead of dealing with real terrorists and real nutters.
Questions for the president eh?
From who Soapy? From YOU?
When the hell did he ever give you a question since May came to town?
Such presumption-Sopel and Snow really need to get back to the Bridlington Bugle and stop pretending that a great nation like America, an era defining President like Trump would be “leading to question” from a self regarding liberal privileged minor public school nonce machine like Soapie?
The latest news is that Ofcom is to review the depth of analysis and impartiality of BBC’s News and Current Affairs output. This probably comes after a growing number of complaints from scientists. For instance in the latest Mensa Magazine, there has been a repeat of the complaints about Media Censorship of causational climate science, especially in Britain. It also explains how many scientists have proven that Carbon Dioxide induced Climate Change is as President Trump has said “A Hoax”. How Gerhard Gerlich proved directly the “Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics“, and how Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller produced the formula that works for the Greenhouse Effect on Earth and the carbon-dioxide Atmospheres of Mars and Venus, using the “Unified Theory of Climate”. It also mentioned that the mainstream media and the BBC censored any reports about the London Climate Change Conference held on Thursday, 8th September 2016.
It also mentions the fact that, for two hundred years, Astronomers from William Herschel onwards had known about correlations between Climate Change and Sun Spot numbers, this was followed by more accurate correlations with Solar Cycle Length and then finally, the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. By 2018 it had been established that these correlations are caused by the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System, which determines the length of the solar cycles, or more importantly the 22 year, Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle. This in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets, short Hale Magnetic Solar Cycles have higher Solar Magnetic activity due to the increase in the speed of plasma within the Sun. Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds. This caused alarmism about Global Warming which lead the United Nations to set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but this organisation was corrupted by environmentalism, politics, conflicts of interest and the corruption of the scientific method, as well as the fact that amongst the 40,000 delegates at the 2015 Paris Summit of the UN Convention on Climate Change, Climate Scientists did not dominate the debates that produced the agreement. This lead many Climate scientists to call for the IPCC to be disbanded as well as to set up the 2016 London Climate Change Conference, which was dominated by Causational Climate scientists such as Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers and Meteorologists. This also resulted in US President, Donald Trump, to end US funding for the IPCC in 2017, and to say that man-made Climate Change is a “Hoax”.
I also received an invitation to a presentation by Professor Valentina Zharkova on Wednesday, 31st October at 55 Tufton Street, Westminster.
She will talk about the solar magnetic field observed from the Earth. How Solar Magnetic dynamo waves are used to predict long-term solar activity on a millennial timescale. This prediction revealed the presence of a grand cycle of 350-400 years, with a remarkable resemblance to the sunspot number correlations with Climate Change. Maunder (grand) Minimum (1645-1715), Wolf (grand) minimum (1200), Oort (grand) minimum (1010-1050), Homer (grand) minimum (800-900 BC); the medieval (900-1200) warm period, Roman (400-10BC) and other warm periods.
This approach predicts a mini-Ice Age from 2020 to 2055.
But all this is CENSORED by the BBC, and whatever happens, it could be good news. Either Ofcom’s reputation will go the same way as the BBC Trust, with a Groupthink Whitewash of the BBC, or, the BBC’s reputation could be damaged, with Fran Unsworth committing suicide.
Thanks Richard,
I always welcome your explanations on so-called, CC. It is important that the basic facts are presented to the public somewhere/anywhere without our far left Marxist State Broadcaster’s censorship.
It’ll be interesting to see if the predictions for 2020 to 2055 come about. Assuming I’m still here.
If the BBC correspondents had sufficient intellectual curiosity and moral integrity, they would question on behalf of the general public how CO2, being only 4/10,000 of the Earth’s atmosphere, could have had the warming effect claimed. If “the science is settled”, this should be easy. No great specialist knowledge is required to grasp this point, simply a willingness to play Devil’s Advocate.
Ask yourself: how many people in the street could state roughly how much CO2 there is in the atmosphere? Even if there is significant Global Warming due to CO2, which I doubt, the supposed mechanism for this should be explained by the BBC and subjected to rigorous efforts at disproving it, since the consequences of decarbonizing the economy will be costly.
As always – thank you – could you describe what a “ mini ice age” would look like ?
As I’ve written here before – I don’t believe man kind has sufficient past data to predict the effect of man caused gases on the atmosphere .
I am currently travelling westwards, and turned on the tele in my hotel room last night to hear the news. CNN had a ‘well able’ blonde presenter discussing the massacre. A so-called expert was brought on to discuss the growth in ‘hatred’ in the States. She brought his piece to a conclusion with the question “Where is all this coming from”. His reply “From the top”. She turned back to the camera, delighted with the result and smirked ”I’ll leave you with that thought”. It’s no wonder Sopel is so appalling, it’s being fed to him and he has no sense, or wish, to see beyond his nose.
English Lass
I think Sopel is more than capable of being appalling without outside influence. The others in the BBC North America team, whether named or unnamed, are equally bad and together they form a veritable journalistic slag heap.
Jeremy Corbyn could be have sanctions made against him in the US due to ties with terroists, but not according to the BBC though.
You know, potential Prime Minister and the BBC go silent on the matter. Omitting news becomes censorship
I think it very likely that Corbyn becomes the subjrct of sanctions. Once the US establishes grounds for them they will be applied without fear or favour.
Fear or favour, now an archaic concept in this once great nation of ours.
Toady watch
Doom and gloom . 55% of the Brazilian electorate voted for a right winger . They didn’t know what they were voting for or were lied to and they should have a People’s vote to get the correct outcome.
Who needs democracy ?
I’m looking forward to getting my brexit 50p piece at the end of March . A precious thing .
Also, clearly a disproportionate number of selfish, racist and uneducated old haters of young people in Brazil, doubtless harking back to the golden age of Brazil of the 1950’s.
Extend the franchise to twelve year olds and divert the human caravan to Brazil, I say. That’ll stop it happening again.
The people scored a victory over the Globalists not just in Brazil but also in German state of Hesse, where the AfD got 13% of the vote , an increase of over 9% from the previous election.. so even in Hesse ,one of the wealthest areas of Germany , the people are waking up to the fact that mass migration is a real threat to their way of life. The AfD is now represented in all sixteen German state governments. The BBC , in common with most other media outlets, are focusing on the increase in support for the hard left Greens and downplaying the increase in AfD support. But I bet that political analysts in Germany are realising that another General election in Germany will result in another substantial increase in AfD support . The 16% that that are now polling nationwide would give them a further forty plus seats in Parliament. If Germany can’t find a stable coalition now without the inclusion of the AfD , it certainly won’t when they are 50% stronger. The message to the Globalist elite is clear right across the world , either include ‘populist’ parties in Government and bend to the will of the people or be swept from power.
The inclusion of the AfD in a conservative alliance with the CDU would be logical -or it would have been with the CDU of twenty years ago.
The CDU has demonized the AfD to such an extent ,however, it is difficult to see this happening. The German MSM, who see the AfD as ‘far-right/neo-Nazi’ will see to this as well. Under Merkel the CDU has also moved way over to the left, where it would be much happier to ally itself with the explicitly anti-German Greens.
There are many ladies – Merkel clones- waiting in the wings to take over and continue her policies. There is one male contender, Jens Spahn. More about him later.
I’m still trying to work out what ‘ populist ‘ means .
It is always coupled to ‘ far right’ which is also undefined .
“ far left” is easy- it’s corbyn looking in the mirror or the BBC news output .
FU2 ,
I’m still trying to work out why Populist should be a derogatory term in a democracy .
Nibor -me too – I suppose the smug Bubbledwellers believe they know better and the contrary views of others who exhibit common sense as a result of what they see around them is not to be respected and disguarded in that BBC way
My view of what the Globalist MSM term ‘Populist’ is any political party or politician that puts the wishes of the electorate first and those of the Globalists a long way second.
@fedup2 I guess that the 45% voted for a left wing party, the Brazilian Corbyn who would rather like the large country to be more like their neighbours, Venezuela and the Brazilian Corbyn has found their way of declaring themselves the real winner or something on those lines?
Latest Brazil numbers of the 89% counted so far
Bolsonaro 55,7%
Fernando Haddad 44,30%
So will BBC be calling for a Second Vote ?
Brazil is a huge country, with a bigger population than all the rest of South America.
Er, he’s a “far right” winger, isn’t her?!
@navets So why have the BBC chosen to remain silent over the matter? With an opposition party convinced that they are about to claim power (despite opinion polling showing Tory leads) is it not important to know how our ‘PM in waiting’ might be seen on the world stage?
Their silence is deafening
Ban the beeb.
Ban the beeb.
Vlad , You can’t say it often enough!
Early days, but shaping up well.
Next… more funding needed for the NHS for gender appropriation surgery…
How about encouraging woman to have babies when they are most fertile, and stop encouraging the naturally pregnant to abort?
Isn’t it strange that a society of free-thinking individuals would opt for man/woman marriage, two-parent families, boys being boys and girls being girls, yet the collectivists running the show discourage all this in favour of the desires of the weird and insane, e.g triples of geriatric trans-gender lesbians ‘parenting’ a child as a pet/potential activist.
I sense a fine day for us to witness all the BBC’s ingrained attitudes toward public spending.
Every pound spent by the way is inherently “good” – only perhaps excluding defence.
All public spending is classed as “investment” – no matter whether it produces any return or not.
And if only the Chancellor wasn’t so mean and would simply ‘loosen the purse strings’ then we could happily borrow and tax the tech giants a bit more and off we’d skip toward utopia.
Hmmm… I wonder which potential Chancellor of which opposition party holds all the same muddled ideas – made so plausible day in day out by the BBC – and will waste no time at all popping up on a BBC microphone to echo all the above?
I recommend sending BBC journos to Venezuela for a year earning Venezuelan salaries. They would see how loosening the purse strings really works. Free stuff for the plebs until the money runs out and all “the rich” leave the country followed by money for the plebs finding it’s way into nepotism instead of socialism.
‘Prompted responses’? On the bbc? Say it ain’t so!
Ban the beeb.
Panorama on BBC1 next week – “On the eve of the most important US midterm elections for a generation, the programme examines allegations that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the presidency, and looks at the similarities with the Watergate scandal that brought down Richard Nixon.”
Really desperate stuff from the BBC.
Ban the beeb.
Heard you the first time.
OK, but I disagree. Break it up and sell it off.
Needs repeating.
Can anybody explain how Russia could possibly influence the American electorate to vote Trump ?
Their test card should be a picture of Conchita Wurst in a burqa, and the white noise at the end of broadcasts is actually the sound of a barrel being scraped, now and forever.
The BBC should be made to STFU as they used to be after 11.30p.m or so. They`ve been deprived of sleep and sense since they refused to think and reflect on the bilge they endlessly put out.
Haven’t watched this but when comparing Trump to Nixon and Watergate maybe they should be drawing a comparision between Nixon & Watergate and Obama actually spying on Trump or the Clintons directly funding a dossier on Trump by working with the RUSSIANS!
The Beeb man are so full of crap.
“Donald Trump: Pugilist or peacemaker?”
Jon Sopel: Twit or Twat?
Well said, amazing that they don’t care about Jews being killed by rockets constantly lobbed over their borders but are aghast when it happens in the US.
Apologies if someone has already posted this but I found it funny, especially when the minders intervene to protect the smug, far-left bbc producer from any more nasty questions.
John : corrected link
don’t copy links off a Google page, get them from the page itself
That was a gotcha
SmugMan “I am a BBC producer”
‘.. I think there were about 1,500 people (here supporting Tommy)’
Avi Yemini : “So why does the BBC website say 400 ?”
SmugMan ‘Does it, it says hundreds, so 1,500 is hundreds’
SmugMan “All we have done today is reported factually and accurately”
Avi ‘Why does the BBC use the smer label far-right ?’
SmugMan ‘I don’t I was at his first trial for hooliganism, I have no opinion on what other BBC say, judge us on what we report’
He then steps behind a line of big black BBC plainclothes security guys
(That licence payers paid for)
They ask Avi to step back
Avi finishes and the crowd cheer him.
I previously explained the stealth edits the BBC did
So the page did say 400 , then hundreds ..and then finished at 1,000
It is strange that BBC reporters are white and their security seems 100% black ..so not very diverse
A comment says
\\ If he is security where is the S.I.A. badge / licence displayed,,,,1.58 criminal offence not to and impersonating security staff //
\\ Listen closely…….The tall coloured security guy near the end saying to the BBC stooge “there’s too much crowd,I can’t protect you here” // #irony
Thanks – 3 minutes of priceless – it’s not just the on screen beeboids who need to be held accountable – it’s slimy producers like that one – we can guess what his fixation is ….
Interesting on the counting front . Last Friday I was on a bus stuck in a traffic jam in eastern Londonistan . There was a crowd of men on the pavement – then I realised they were all dressed in that Afgee get up which so fits in with the British Way Of Life .
The mosque they were attending is a converted bookies –
I write this because on the strength of the deceit shown by the BBC producer in the video ( such a character of the Islington class ) if he saw this group – which I’d say was 300 he’d call it a few dozen .
By the way this area doesn’t quite have a mosque on every Main Street but it’s getting there….
Isn’t it shocking that it takes an Auzzie to show what no UK MSM prostitute would want too because of “ editorial guidance” and to stay clean with the Stalinist NUJ .
That BBC edit that said 400, and later “hundreds”
Avi didn’t understand BBC stealth edits pages throughout the day
StewGreen,Thanks for your help.
It has been noted that BBC Radio 4 are having no trouble over three days with Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha’s name on air.
What a contrast with their three weeks of mangling Jamal Khashoggi’s name.
There’s nothing like asking a question too late!
If the Brazilian Presidential Election was ‘divisive’, should not the BBC have been asking this question from the outset?
The talking head on talkRadio a short while ago was using the epithet far-right at every opportunity while trying to sound knowledgeable about the Brazilian election.
I wish interviewees would ask these knownothing parrots; who seem to breed like, well, rats and cockroaches in the MSM; to define this term, before answering their leading questions.
Wouldn’t it be a refreshing change if the lying, laughingly called mainstream news providers said something positive about an election that was won by normal; ie. not leftwing; candidates. I suppose hell will freeze over before that happens.
R4 Now “You see we need a law to take the wealth off the old people who are renting out second homes , and give it to the young people who are living in them”
… The Beeboids are wrong to assume that house prices can only go up.
Investing in property can be a hell of a risk.
Stew, I think that suggestion came from the economist on the programme, Paul Collier.
As something of an economist, I have to observe that he doesn’t know what he is talking about!
The Buy-To-Let owner does not pay the Council Tax on that property.
The tenant does.
Whatever Jez ‘worked out’, it was clearly in the ‘special stuff’ section.
That has reminded me of the old joke:
” Q: What did the constipated mathematician do?”
” A: He worked it out with a pencil.”
I’m not sure, that Mr Bowen is constipated, mind, more likely he’s suffering from verbal diarrhea.
Great sadness at Al Beeb .
Merkel stepping down ?- I am off to bed, sweet dreams .
Z Z Z Z Z…
What excellent news- and the next leader will spend his time clearing up her mess and trying to deport a million third world Muslims .
And a decent Brazilian leader elected too .
Next mad lefty for the exit please . Bad day for the Far Left BBC .
Not really. According to ‘Die Welt’ Merkel will only be giving up her CDU leadership role. She will be staying on as Chancellor. You didn’t think it would be THAT easy, did you?
Nope, getting her out of that office will require more than her party sinking to 27% support, and her buddies, the socialists, falling apart.
She will already have been scheming, make no mistake about that.
What backroom deals could be made in various scenarios to keep her as Chancellor?
And that’s only the ‘fair means’. Wait till she gets to ‘foul’. Put NOTHING past her.
Sorry to rain on your parade. I’ve had champagne on ice for many, many, many, many years. It remains unopened.
This article is worth reading as it offers a much broader view of the Pittsburgh massacre than that offered by the BBC which is intent on pinning the blame on Trump – despite the killer not being a Trump fan.
It points the finger at the liberal multiculturalists and those on the extreme left and right, including those in Muslim communities, who have either been turning a blind eye to anti-semitism for years or actively pursuing it.
The BBC’s constant linking of Trump rhetoric to the shooting is typical of the the cheap political point scoring that Brendan O’Neill’s thoughtful piece highlights.
“…Muslim communities, who have either been turning a blind eye to anti-semitism for years or actively pursuing it.” Fraid’ it has been the way since the year when the Quaran was made generally available. That would be post 22nd November of the year 609. Oh! how time flies………..
Thanks Ed, this is an importantly article by one of the few good guys still with some courage.
Basically he is saying that Trump fires up his base to comment such evil, so had the bloke been a Trump supporter, Trump would be in the dock.
It also says that a Trump hater would similarly be able to balme Trump, because-well-he has good reason to be angry at Trump. So Trump YET AGAIN is put in the dock. So he`s guilty no matter WHO does the killing. Both nutjob extremes can continue to do their worst, knowing that the liberal media will absolve the murderers.
Trump to blame at all times,Islam never called to account-and the media that fan this tripe and eveil somehow are never asked to explain THEIR role in this heinous anti-Semitism that long predated November 2016.
Well done Brendan for making it so clear, thanks Ed for the teaching.
I hear on Toady this morning that the police are handing over responsibility for monitoring “Far Right Groups” to MI5. That’s reassuring. I hope they deal with the returning jihadists ‘Veterans Association’ with equally as much zeal.
Problem is for me, what constitutes a, “Far Right Group”? On the basis of our far left Marxist state broadcasters prolific references, it will be anyone they describe as, “Far Right”. This could mean that, if visiting the UK, any member of the German FfD party would be subject to investigation and monitoring. If not, why not? Hang on, only this morning our own, “another beauty” referred to the new Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, as being “Far Right”. I guess that means that MI5 will be monitoring any Brazilian visiting the UK who voted for Bolsonaro. Perhaps the Home Office, on the recommendation of MI5 will call for the banning of Bolsonaro if he even suggests he will visit the UK. You can ponder on other similar scenarios. But on a more serious note, the decision to give MI5 the responsibility shows leadership and foresight. It’s time the State came to grips with such issues as Far Right concert bombings, car rammings at Parliament, bombings (and potential), beheadings, terror attacks such as random stabbings of the public. I’ll sleep better at night knowing MI5 will be keeping an eye on the Far Right.
Sorry, what’s that you say? The terror attacks are carried out by islamicists? How ever could I get that so horribly wrong…………..
Smiley’s people to monitor the far right. Should mean a boost in UKIP membership as they infiltrate under deep cover.
Looks like Sajid Javid (peace be upon him) is using his authority to protect his own kind from embarrassment
Maybe Allah is already head of M15.
Maybe they can get their old mate Christopher Steele to write a report on these far right groups and their links to Presidents Putin and Trump.
MI5 officers have seen many terrorist incidents involving “Far Right Groups” on the BBC. This is the reason for all this concern about “Far Right” terrorism and mass killings.
After watching a typical BBC Drama based on political correct reality, many Police officers and Politicians are very concerned about issues such as “Far Right Groups” using atomic bombs to terrorise the elite in London, car rammings at Parliament using Land Rovers, elderly white people with bayonets shouting at the elite “they don’t like it up them”, etc.
You must understand that the upper class white elitists live in “Gated Communities“, protected by security guards and internal borders, to keep all those immigrants, refuges and terrorists out. They only worry about the white working class people on the other side of the walled off community they live in. But we, the proletariat cant afford to protect ourselves from all these immigrants. So we worry about borders much more than they do.
For the BBC, the border is fenced off BBC property, and the border guards are the BBC security guards. In fact the hypocrisy concerning BBC opinion about “free movement” is even more ridiculous, as BBC staff need to carry or pin on a BBC security pass, they need passwords like “Orwellian” to get around BBC property, and they need to press in a pin number like “1984” to get into Lord Hall’s room.
So these morons live in a twenty four hour world of borders and heavy security, yet worry about having to use a passport to get into France, twice a year.
Lauren Southern, Brittany Pettibone – they are really far right, and constitute an obvious threat. The Home Office understably have banned them, to keep us safe.
I note that the BBC on Radio 4 are not covering the Budget Speech today.
A break with tradition?
Or no need this time because of uncertainty ‘due to Brexit’ ?
Just a thought.
If Corbyn gets in at the next election (which is quite possible given the brino mess May is making out of the ‘negotiations’) then these two things are very possible.
Argentine will take the Falklands and Spain will take Gibraltar.
Corbyn, being a full blown pacifist, will do absolutely nothing about either situation.
Spain and Argentina must be rubbing their hands in anticipation of May ruining the Conservative’s chances of being re-elected and Corbyn getting into power.
Emmanuel Goldstein
Have to agree on this. My hope is that Corbyn does not have a clear majority and if there is a handful of UKIP MPs, there will be significant opposition such that a few Tories may find the backbone to support them.
My instinct is that Corbyn is merely a means to an end for the establishment corporate crony globalists. I have a sudden mental flashback to ancient black and white newsreels of London Zoo featuring the likes of Guy the Gorilla where the patronising RP commentary always ended with some comment like : “…and don’t the kiddies just love him”. Once a proper Brexit can be brushed aside the little chap from Islington and his streetfighting pal ol’ McDonnell, who are each screw loose cannons, will be pushed aside to reveal as PM…. take your pick.. Sir Keir or little man Khan or Cooper-Balls… etc…
I agree (although I don’t think Starmer wants to be PM – he prefers to lurk and pull strings).
Agreed. Corbyn is just the sugar on the nasty tasting pill.
Starmer is thick. McDonnell and some of his mates are a more sinister threat.
Emmanuel – Just a thought. If Corbyn gets in, Gibraltar and the Falklands are gonna be the least of our problems. If only…
Do you think Home Secretary Diane Abbott will be sitting on her hands?
Do you think Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry will be out and about, maintaining the status quo?
John McDonnel, working hard to maintain a balanced budget?
And what will that nice man, Mr Starmer, be doing?
I could go on, but I think you get my drift.
Sitting on her hands, and be crippled for life?
The prospect of Corbyn & McDonnell in charge of a UK Government (or any of the Labour MPs) leads me to think it will be a self-imposed punishment beating.
However, I feel I should point out that there is no certainty [BBC, please note 😉 ] that the victim of this beating – the whole UK – will recover at all and may, as Emmanuel suggests, result in a severely impaired UK lacking previous limbs and functions.
Useful graphic

Just about sums it up………….
Just something personal that I noticed as to how the media try to manipulate our population!
I “occasionally” (flutter eyelashes ) frequent the online Daily Express. A few weeks back they were running a headline on the NGO’s helping economic migrants from Libya et al to dock in Spain. They had a few photos of the boats.
One of them showed, as per normal, young virile male passengers, dressed mostly in state of the art puffa jackets in gaudy colours, leaning on the gunwales of their boat, happy smiling faces … “we’ve made it guys”.
I’m not saying that my post in the comments section (“they just look as if they are passengers on a Med cruise”) was the reason, but the next time I checked .. and I did it purposely ‘cos I was gobsmacked that they had included that photo … the specific photo in question had been replaced with one showing a muslim woman (hijab) helping a very young child into the arms of a welcoming white woman “rescuer”.
I was gobsmacked at the blatant manipulation when they had been “found out”. I had to scroll down the headline several times as I felt my eyes must be deceiving me.
OK folks ….. Donald Trump is right … do not believe *anything* the MSM tell you … excluding Fox News !
Why don’t the EUSSR just build a bridge to North Africa or some Middle Eastern hellhole?
Much quicker way of moving them all over here.
Vlad- Don’t give them ideas!
The same possibly fake RaymondSnoddy account (no blue tick)
that told me this
“Nigel Farage .. has been on Question Time 32 times ver the past five years”
A bonkers statement , cos it’s only 9 times in FIVE years
it’s 32 over the full 19 years
Do you think that the Raymond Snoddy account and the Media Society are a front for ant-Brexit (Soros ?)
Be good to confirm.
“You can take the man out of the bbc, but…”
Interesting he was the front for BBC GiAR (Getting it About Right) for all those years.
This should be interesting.
Wait for Katty and Jon to snipe in 3,2,1…
BBC Trending seems ahead of this, ironically…
‘And…. heeeeeeere’s Tony….’:
I’m not sure he thought that tweet through properly. Trump only asked for accurate and fair reporting. Anthony seems to be admitting that accurate and fair reporting would be positive.
Thinking is not Anthony’s forte.
Maybe he doesn’t have to; merely react in one way only.
However, even for him that paragraph errs on the ‘special’.
The islamic terraforming of the UK and Europe continues apace. This European Court of Human Rights judgement is sickening and represents a further curtailing of what’s left of so-called ‘free speech’ and confirmation that we should get the hell out of the ECHR post haste. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/13204/european-court-human-rights-sharia
Strange, ‘how time flies’: the previous judgement of the ECHR held that sharia law is incompatible with Western laws.
When considering where islam will next take the infidels of Europe and the UK, perhaps we ought to study the law in Pakistan and/or Saudi Arabia to see what’s in store for us.
More corrective education for the kids as the beeb is excited about “The A List: The BBC teen drama taking on Netflix”.
Oddly their own promotional blurb sounds quite desperate — it speaks of trying to keep hold of teen audiences and all but admits that they’re ripping off a very successful Netflix formula in order to not lose ground.
But true to form the trailer confirms that the diversity nob is turned to 11: non-binary multi-ethnic teenage fumblings are what the beeb have decided British kids need more of. It all makes your average sofa advert look blandly monocultural and heterosexual.
No surprise that the villain of the show appears to be Amber, the blonde girl of Nordic-looking stock. There’s plenty of material there for the Guardian reviewers to pontificate over of the white, far-right Donald Yaxley-Brexit variety as we’re told “she’s dangerous… she gets inside peoples heads, and then they’re not themselves any more…”
BBC frequent guest again demonstrates her unique appeal.
YAB : is a bot programme that twists any news story into PR for the anti-white agenda
There were 5 dead not just 1 or 2 brown men
.. so she should respect that
Is the outpouring of grief about one rich, possible gangster guy..inverted racism ?
I cant stand that woman.Surely what she has tweeted has racist connotations?…Hate Speech?.shall I call the South Yorkshire ‘hurty police’?…….if that was a conservative tweeting about black people there would be uproar?…but she gets away with it.
How dare she turn a tragedy on its head and slander ‘white nativists’?….its beyond incomprehensible…(and reprehensible)
Slammed in the comments – deservedly so.
As a lifelong Leicester City Fan – attended first match in 1965 – and and someone who YAB would probably describe as a white nativist, this is what I have to say:
Leicester City FC went through many hard times before he bought the club and ensured it would never, under his ownership, be faced with the threat of extinction again. We loved him for that.
He gave jobs to hundreds of people who work behind the scenes. We loved him for that.
He was a man of immense generosity. He donated millions of pounds to the Leicester Royal Infirmary, paid for fans to go to Belgium to support the sister club, treated the fans to food and drink. We loved him for that and I am sure he did a lot more than what we know about because he was a man of modesty and we loved him for that.
He was clearly a man of principle as shown by the exemplary way with which he dealt with the embarrassment and shame certain players brought upon the club by their behaviour on a trip to Thailand. Yet, he still had it in his heart to employ Nigel Pearson as the manager of the Belgian sister club and Nigel Pearson was clearly happy to work for the man again. We loved him for that.
Under his ownership and guidance, he brought us the unthinkable football prize and put us onto the world stage. We loved him for that.
If you had your way, people like Vichai would never be allowed to accumulate to kind of wealth he did because of your politics of envy and hatred.
YAB, what do you have to say about that?
What a runt.
Oops, typo.
Back Links to previous open thread
page 3 Sunday : The Pittsburgh attack, Countryfile, Dr Who-ess, Dr Agenda Who-re … etc.
Another 7 convicted today in Rotherham for raping young girls.
Its up on the BBC home News page. But already stuffed in a little box on the right hand side.
Any betting on how long it will remain there? I give it till 8pm tonight before its vanished.
Widescale abuse of tens of thousands of girls. Ignored and covered up by Social Services, Police…And still no debate on what the fuck is happening!! I havent actually clicked further to read the name of the convicted shitstains. Is there really any point now, we all know what religion they belong to
Apologies for my language
date time check for my records. Above seems to be earliest mention of BBC Rotherham article.
For the record the article disappeared from the BBC news homepage sometime between 7.10 pm and 8.10 pm.
question to 8th dimension: can you tell me what news slot it occupied using the following as reference point (how the BBC news homepage appeared on my laptop at 5.00 pm):
Rotherham story is not on the actual BBC homepage
There is a bit :
“3 things we love today” ..which links to a story about a hydrogen powered train
The BBC 2pm News
– Another fracking tremor 1.1 magnitude
– Merkel says she will not seek re-election as head of CDU , so this will be her last term
– Leicester story , which only names the one victim : the Thai boss
..no mention of Rotherham
Ah now a quick mention as #3 item on RADIO 4 3pm news
BBC News page : top right (no photos)
– BREAKING NEWS’Woman blows herself up’ in Tunis
– ‘Controlling’ wife murderer gets 23 years
– KKK display treated as ‘hate incident’
Northern Ireland
– Seven guilty of Rotherham abuse charges
Sheffield & South Yorkshire
– Special 50p coin expected to mark Brexit
– Social network goes offline after shooting
“One victim told police she had had sex with “at least 100 Asian men” by the time she was 16.”
” a seventh man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were convicted after a trial.”
“All the offences took place in and around Rotherham between 1998 and 2005”
The story has only been tweeted about 47 times
All are TR fans, except Sarah Champion is the only blue tick who tweeted the story
Oh BBCLookNorth sheefield also tweeted it
Jon Sopel and Katty, will do it after lunch I guess
For a really good laugh, watch the video that accompanies the Merkel story on the bbc website. It concludes that for Merkel, being Chancellor was ‘not fun, but a deeply-felt duty’.
What we are not told is that this deeply felt duty really looks much more like a bequest from one Erich Honecker, former boss of the German Democratic Republic, Merkel’s spiritual home. Assignment, given the fall of the Wall: to destroy Germany.
Good progress has been made with this. The nation’s social fabric has been badly damaged. Severe economic damage will soon become apparent too. The political system is fragmenting, as many smaller parties emerge. Border control depends on the goodwill of one Erdogan, who was paid 6 billion Euros for the privilige. The ‘refugee/migrant’ flood will nevertheless continue.
Give her time. She will be Chancellor until 2021. She has to ensure that her likely successor, Annegret Kramp Karrenbauer, is ready to take over the helm. And KK will have been nurtured by then, to be the complete Merkel clone in every respect. Merkel recently received a solid 10 minute+ session of applause, strongly reminiscent of the good, old Honecker days. I understand that today was KK’s turn, while -trumpets ‘Die Welt’- her competitor, Jens Spahn received none. Any guesses as to which way the German MSM will go?
Budget watch
Brillo running the budget show so when he engages with politicians of any colour they’ll be doing the embarrassing ‘not answering the question ‘ routine .
Bearing in mind whatever he does today he is using borrowed money because the taxpayer is paying the debt interest .
Eighth – understandable apology but in the circumstance s. Stain seems reasonable writing as a person and not some one who can delete posts.
I suppose they’ll all be off to a Muslim prison where they can boast about raping white girl kaffirs ( one for the MI5 monitor kids) .
Oaknash’s comment

any BBC SJW progs today ?
Not much on TV : They’ll be some on at 7:30pm on Inside Out local editions
and Tuesday there’s another BBC2 prog spinning Grenfell
8pm Radio4 Goldfarb does a prog on US Democrats
cos a man who has “I hate Trump” tattooed on his forehead is going to make an IMPARTIAL prog ”
ah 4:30pm Dr Sander Van Der Linden an associate of the wacky Prof Lewandowsky will be one of the guests
Another 6 Pakistani peasant mugshots to add to the collection of racist paedophiles . The prison serving Rotherham must have a mosque crammed with these creatures cum Friday .
Pity there’s no death penalty eh? Think of the tax saved . And they could be used as landfill
Ahem, Fed!
Not sure – esp. in view of some weekend’s postings here – that we should allow that sort of language.
Can I put that sort of talk down to your celebrating an excellent Budget from Hammond a leeeetle early?
I Take it you are against the death penalty for crimes with circumstances like these . Civilised human beings would not do these things – therefore I think my comment it quite moderate compared to what I would really write about these cases . And yes – they’d make good landfill
I don’t know why some comments were deleted and didn’t look at the ‘deleted’ boxes on the site .
You’ll noticed I called them ‘Pakistanis ‘ and not ‘pakis’ even though in my bit of Londonistan I grew up where ‘paki’ wasn’t a term of abuse . I suppose it’s the same as the term ‘brit’ which I find offensive and I believe originates fromRepublic Terrorists
But to save objection I didn’t use it and won’t .
As for law and order – I tend to go for the classical criminological approach as opposed to due process which is used to get the guilty off.
Looking at The Guardian Website – it allocates the same level of importance to this horror as it does to the news that The Apple IPad Pro won’t have a ‘home ‘ button – which speaks for itself without further harsh words from me.
As for celebrating the budget – not me until the public debt is reduced to a reasonable level and we get a fairer welfare state – and it goes without saying that I’d sell off the BBC on the condition that the title was extinguished or changed to a title which more accurately reflects the reality of its multicultural socialist propaganda .
Fed, “I Take it you are against the death penalty for crimes with circumstances like these.”
Yes – another reason why some Conservatives probably would not want me to join the Party and others would describe me as ‘a wet’. I believe in a chance for redemption for everyone. (Not that I’m sure the present prison structures, programmes and Human Rights legislation will fully afford it.)
Talk of landfill brings uncomfortably to mind pictures of ‘other prisons’ from long ago. There are ‘some (perhaps many) people’ out there who would probably like to put thee and me into landfill merely for being on this site and criticising the BBC and its ‘values’.
If we go further and use that sort of language from the death camps, then not only does it bring this web-site into disrepute it tars all who post here with the same brush. I do not like that and do not approve.
In addition, the BBC have lately (very lately) started to realise their complicity and that of others of the social liberal, Liberal and Left in the inaction of policing and the cover-up of those awful events from towns and cities around the UK.
That could all be lost in a welter of cross-accusation from (for want of a better collective term) the Alt-Left against us. The opportunity for real reform and an end to the massive institutional and institutionalised abuse of young people might be lost.
Finally, many on this site are supporters of Tommy Robinson. Others may not be such fervent supporters but feel that he has been harshly or wrongly treated under the law.
If you think for a minute, you might realise that intemperate language here – on any subject – might harm his cause.
We differ – I don’t care if these characters can reform – it’s justice for the victims I am concerned about – as well as them knowing that they will never see them again after the death penalty .
Juxtaposing killing these animals with death camps doesn’t make it . It’s judicial killing – not the mass execution of at least 6 million Jews , Roma’s , catholic’s , Freemasons , gays , Russian pows , German objectors to nazism. Poles and many others the national socialists just wanted to ‘go East’ .
I would also refuse your view that the BBC had started to realise their inaction on policing . I used to do the occasional crime update here but got a bit of criticism for going off message on the biased bbc subject so I stopped .
The shootings and stabbing s in my borough go unreported by the BBC – unless – of course – one dies – which I estimate in my borough is every 3 weeks . Only the local paper reports them .
Certain deaths / crimes are chosen to be symbols of something the bubble cares about – but the rest? They don’t give a damn . The police have been denatured for fear of racial allegations and kids ( mainly black) pay the price in primitive ‘dissing’ nonsense .
As for causing harm to the TR cause – the state and MSM have enough weapons to undermine him and that cause without worrying about whether I believe in using capital punishment for the sort of animals I am talking about here – particularly since MSM continues to play each trial outcome down because a helicopter had crashed or an ex footballer has had a heart attack .
Fed, we differ but only in language used perhaps. Equality under the law with justice under the law for everyone, I’m sure we would agree on. It is a scandal that both have been denied to those girls (and any boys) abused by those men (and on occasion women) in various places around the UK.
But to suggest ‘piling up bodies for landfill’ is not good language to be used here in my view and certainly does not meet your own criteria “just a friendly reminder – reasonable language please … ” at the top of the page!
By the way, I am sensitive to the situation in the capital, too.
Interesting exchange – the sort noticeably missing from the MSM these days.
Interesting comment on the use of “Pakis”. As “Paki” is obviously an abbreviation of “Pakistani”, I don’t see a lot to object to, as distinct from labels which are clearly intended to be offensive. We all know what they are, although I think the argument that black people can call themselves such-and-such but white people can’t is just plain absurd. Nobody else would get away with a lame argument like that.
I think that comments which could be linked to the Holocaust are getting into dangerous territory. It has a special status, rightly or wrongly. But I have a big “HOWEVER” – we should not agree to discuss current affairs on terms dictated by the BBC and the rest of the Left. That happens too much already.
I’m firmly in the “sticks and stones” camp. Say the wrong thing and you argue it out or suffer the consequences socially/financially. The law should not be involved. (Can I say “camp”?)
Just to let you know the founder of this site – on twitter – goes for castration and deportation – so on that he and I differ…
I don’t think you crossed the line, Fed. To talk about the severity of punishments is something different from naming somebody you would like killed. I have had run ins on this site with people who call for the execution of certain individuals or certain groups of people eg asylum seekers. Now much as I may share the loathing of these people it I do not want them shot lynched or otherwise harmed.
If, however, they are put on trial, in a court of law and found guilty of a serious crime then it becomes a different matter.
As for the death penalty, my opinion is that I would like it introduced for murder, rape, treason and for parking on bus stops.
It’s a tricky subject.
Thank you – I view locking someone up on a life sentence as more inhuman than executing them- and what a waste of taxpayers cash .
But then – of course – life means less than 10 years doesn’t it?
Grooming gangs! What a misuse of English. Grooming implies improvement. You groom a horse or dog to polish it up. A person appears ‘well groomed’ when dressed well. These gangs are not grooming, they are procuring young girls for rape and sexual abuse.
I’d ban the term ‘ grooming ‘ if given the choice – but I’m against banning things by the nanny state …
R4 news at 4pm reported these evil shitbags as 6 “men”
These bloody men- always doing this sort of stuff, must have something to do with watching Top Gear, having bollocks and drinking lager.
Unless of course they all had something else in common?
BBC bastards.
On the Pittsburgh massacre and the media’s desire to blame Trump.
This is from the Mail which is drawing closer to the BBC on its anti Trump stance
‘Jews in Pittsburgh say Trump is NOT WELCOME to visit the synagogue where 11 people were shot and killed by anti-Semite until President denounces white nationalism’
‘Trump is accused by the group of ‘deliberately undermining] the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities.’
Now this flies against reality. Trump has a son in law who is a Jew, his daughter has converted. Trump has backed Israel against Islamic enemies more than any US President.
I have seen the same with the British Board of Jewish Deputies who condemned Tommy Robinson for his anti Moslem stance.
isn`t it dispiriting to see the Mail decline so rapidly. soon as Dacre left it?
The new bloke (Greig) doesn`t have our instincts in mind and is rather hoping that his limprag may yet be sold at Virgin outlets and university campuses.
As for the “Jewish Leaders” bit?
Well we know that the Jewish people were in the crowd, getting healed by Jesus, whereas their self selecting chosen families of leaders conspired to get Him crucified using the Roman law.
A BIG difference between “Leaders” in 2018 and “People”…Choudhary and Welby are “leaders”-Cliff and Hisi Ali are “people”…and we follow and listen to our people, not house trained cucks who are scared of the BBC or CNN, as opposed to fearing the demos.
These Pittsburg Jews probablly won`t forgive Trump for mentioning “Jerusalem” in polite company. These people will not back Israel, but will suck up to Jew baiters for their quiet life. For now anyway, history shows that they`ll go the way of all those who stand for nothing.
Trump has made cowards of most of the elite we might once have respected like Janet Daley and Hartley Brewer.
It is interesting to note that the DM readership has not (yet) changed, to judge by the distribution of red and green ticks after the articles.
…..isn`t it dispiriting to see the Mail decline so rapidly. soon as Dacre left it?
The new bloke (Greig) doesn`t have our instincts in mind and is rather hoping that his limprag may yet be sold at Virgin outlets and university campuses….
Thank you Alicia, I hadn’t realised that Dacre had left. I did wonder if there was a change of management, because it appears to have been dumbed down in recent months. Not the paper I’ve read for decades.
GWF, was it an Orthodox, Liberal or Reform Synagogue? And were the Jews stating that about Trump from the Squirrel Hill Synagogue or from others in the area that are Orthodox, Liberal or Reform Synagogue?
I think you will find differing political stances across the religious divides in Judaism if American Judaism is anything like that in the UK. That might result in the hostility that the D.Mail describes. OTOH, the new Editor might be taking the paper on a liberal crusading trip.
I reported earlier about a case that was appealed to the European Court of Human Rights. Justifiably, many people are aghast at the decision in favour of the appellant to the ECHR (from the Austrian court) who sought (and succeeded) to confirm the Austrian court’s decision. The upshot is, to make reference to Muhammad’s marriage to a girl of 6 which was consummated at her age 9 and to condemn same is a hate crime.
Perhaps this is the case which, ‘breaks the camel’s back’. I hope so. It’s time the ECHR was cut down to size or abolished altogether. It is shocking in its attempt to appease muslims and is a blatant attack upon what remains of free speech.
We are offered numerous links to petitions here and I urge everyone to sign the petition to reverse the judgement. The link is contained in the body of the text.
Easier to just disregard it and ignore their crackpot madnesses.
We`re going, they are NOT our laws, might as well start ignoring them now by way of practice. Back to Imperial please.
The ECHR is nothing whatever to do with the EU. It is a common misunderstanding that the two are connected.
Ta G, don`t give a hoot really. Got the word Europe in it, so it will stink. Just as worlds like Global, and United have been similarly tainted.
Human Rights are not religious, they are state sponsored-so they don`t apply to any Judeo-Christian anyway. We have the Ten Commandments,
I wonder how many judges move from the ReichEU court to the ECHR and back .
I know that some UK academics questioned the ability of some judges national governments send to the international benches … I don’t know whether the Sharia one last week was one of these .
Tim Stanley wrote a good piece on it in the Sunday Telegraph. I’m guessing it passed most folks by, as I didn’t see it covered by the Beeb or Sky (ITV?).
Peter Hain use a NDA non disclosure agreement in 1976 when settling withba detective who was suing him for deformation.
Hain claimed it was part of a stitchup and sound African agents were trying to frame him for snatching money at a bank.
Stew: there may be a lot of hypocrisy hiding under that fake tan, assuming there is any space left, once his lordship’s vast reservoirs of self-righteousness and arrogance are taken into account.
A propos the ‘Far Right’ victor in the Brazil election.
Have others noticed that when there is a right-of- centre winner in a country election, the BBC then peddles out the line that the country in question is ‘deeply divided’.
Trump, Brexit, Brazil – all causing ‘deep divisions’.
I’ll tell you a deep division. Venezuela. Where families sell their own children to put food on the table. And what do we hear from the BBC? Silence.
The BBC. World class shit-stirring. Guaranteed.
I think I’d add ‘ deeply divided’ to the list of undefined terms commonly used the the BBC – same goes with ‘ controversial ‘ which is a word the BBC like to also deploy as a weapon –
‘ controversial ‘ to whom ?
These terms are so common now that they almost pass through the head without being noticed – unless you regularly write or read hear …
France is united around Macron ? ..Pas !
France crops up here.
Jack knows merde.
Correct Sluff. I have contacts in Venezuela who confirm the situation there is desperate and horrendous. And remember, it has the largest oil reserves IN THE WORLD.
(Also, now, the highest murder rate.)
You have to hand it to the bBBC Politics Live team all the same, only they could go the extra mile needed to find a black women, Roni Savage of Jomas Associates, to discuss the effects of the budget on medium sized building firms and represent the views of the British construction industry.
Although they did find her in London of course which is only to be expected really.
Twitter publishing bias
a blank search page is pushing this at me :
” A protest took place after the Budget was announced”
… so what ? it wasn’t that big
A few statistics.
Between 2 and 3% of people are gay, by reference to civil partnerships and marriages.
About 1% might be regular wheelchair users. This is quite hard to work out, as many stats are produced by disability pressure groups who big up their constituencies.
86% of the population is white, according to the 2011 census.
Now take a look at BBC presenters, contestants on Strictly Come Dancing, and Pointless. I think you’ll find a certain amout of ‘over-representation’.
On today’s Pointless, the male winner commented on his husband. How sweet!
Not the bBBC I know Sluff, but I wonder how many “Asian” FEMALE taxi drivers there are like the one in the tv ad for Uber. I’d say that one is vastly over-representative in this instance.
Though she is probably allowed to talk to her rather similar looking fare.
Potentially a great relief though to potential customers in Rochdale, Rotherham, Huddersfield etc etc.
ITV Calendar Yorkshire news opened with Rotherham
They played it straight : ‘ 7 perps here, 1 we can’t name,
1 girl had had sex with 100 Asian men by time she was 16,
the cases are so slow the 16 victims are all over 30 now,
There are 22 ongoing Rotherham investigations , the budget is £15m/ year.’
….. Then by 6:04pm The item was over and the moved onto the budget and Vox Pops, then Sheffield stabbings ..7 this week.
They didn’t tweet the story at all
They did 1 week ago tweet a video of a Rotherham survivor
“Jayne Senior has been speaking out after a gang of 20 men from Huddersfield were jailed yesterday”
Jesus, only 35 seconds
BBC LookNorth Sheffield must have been similar
Some nutter tweeted
“Pakistani heritage”: some heritage!
If the rapists were “White British” the BBC would mention it in every sentence of a 15 minute report and there’d be a Panorama Special on the case. It would be on the front page of the BBC News’ website for at least a week.
Yes, gone from the front news screen on bBBC news website. Now only a single line barely visible on the England main page. Can’t help agreeing with someones comment on The Times article:
“I noted the word Racist used more often in the recent incident on a passenger jet than in this case.
If this is not a race related crime then I do not know what is….Come on you media people use the bloody word Racism!!”
If you think above is deranged, you should have heard OBrien on LBC this morning. It was a tour de force of apologia for muslim peversity.
His great coup was calls from two young women who said that as very young teenagers they and all their friends had for years been groomed and had sex with older white men who had the same modus operandi as muslim grooming gangs. One of these women was also outraged that some of the white men who had groomed her were now outraged by the activities of muslim grooming gangs and expressing these views on Facebook.. Such hypocrisy when grooming and sex with wayward children had already been “normalized” before the muslims ever got going.
O’Brien must have been silently having a multiple orgasm at this “stroke of luck”. Muslims rather than bringing their vile cultural practices from Pakistan, have instead been corrupted by western decadence and the lack of the family values that so distinguish the Pakistani family from our own.
It’nothing to be with Islam