The failing Far Left BBC has enjoyed itself stabbing President Trump with its forked tongue . Now it will switch into the commemoration of the Armistice . Once upon a time it would have been wholesome and commemorated all those lives taken in the name of the freedom of Britain and the Empire from the Germans of various brands as well as other former enemies – and all wars that our country has engaged.
Let us hope those running the BBC can suspend the indoctrination propaganda and just remember and offer thanks and – perhaps prayers to those who lost so much . RIP.
Decent language please- particularly this Weekend.
why is brexit taking so long??
Still waiting for a positive BBC feature or even comment about Trump.
Still waiting for a positive BBC feature or even comment about Brexit.
How do I close my PayPal account?
You can’t close your account if there are limitations, unresolved issues, or a balance. Here’s how to close your PayPal account:
Click Settings next to “Log Out.”
Click Close your account under “Account options.”
Enter your bank account number if requested.
Click Close Account.
Here’s what happens when you close your account:
Any unpaid money requests are automatically canceled.
You lose any unused redemption codes or coupons.
Regarding the far-left Paypal thing, I’ve had an account since about 2000 & I’ve only used it outside Ebay twice.
Ebay was terrific but I’ve been going off it the last couple of years. In it’s earlier days it was mostly everyday people selling second hand items. That was what I liked about it. Now it’s largely taken over by businesses who sell a lot of new gear.
Similarly, I used to use Amazon a lot. When they sold books and CDs. They were specialists in books, music & film. Now that they sell EVERYTHING it’s a bit spoiled IMO.
I have kept a separate bank account with less than £100 in it which I use for ebay purchases only. If I ever want to spend more I simply transfer some funds into the ebay account before I buy. I did this because I heard years ago that as a seller, ebay can freeze your bank account without warning. I’ve only ever used it to sell a few odds & sods & I wasn’t going to let ebay freeze my regular current account if anything went wrong.
I think I can get on alright without Paypal.
Backlinks to previous thread
Fiday we were on page 6
Thursday/Friday we were on page 5
BBC Online News Headline at 08.00 today
“”Melbourne attack: Man arrested after fire and stabbings””
BBC Online News at 15.00 today. Now fallen down the news-list by six places:
“”Melbourne Terror Attack Suspect Shot Dead””
“”Melbourne attack: Man shot dead after fire and fatal stabbing””
(The BBC considered such news features as a woman who was injured after falling off a bed more significant).
Anyone else spot the irony of the French (EU) impounding a Ryanair (Irish = EU) plane due to alleged money being owed to the French authorities. Proves a point that business is business no matter how many times you hide behind the pretence that being in a nice cosy club makes everything hunky dory. Surely if the EU was so efficient this sort of situation should never come about.
A lone wolf Norwegian with mental health issues murdered by the heartless Australian security police —- why couldn’t he have been taken alive ?
why could nt he have been treated as a public health issue ?why did the security forces fail to stop him?
Why the hell let them into their lovely country – bloody Norwegians. ?
Why on earth was it necessary to invite tens of millions of RoPs to Europe, when it is well known that the RoP is doctrinally enjoined to wage war on Infidels and Kuffar civilisation.
At the moment we are experiencing small scale war acts. In France though the war has hotted up to a minor civil war.
Thanks politicians for destroying Western civilisation.
Another nail in the BBC coffin for me last night…the pathetic debacle that is Question Time.How many of you were screaming at the TV?……
How many of us predicted that Jordan Peterson wouldnt get a fair say?
How many of us knew it would be STAGED to let the ‘incumbent’Labour Shadow Home Secretary get her usual drivel in?
How many of us knew that the Irish unelected Bureaucrat would also hog the show with her patronising analysis of history?
How many of us knew the black Conservative MP would go along with the panel?
And how many of us knew the London hand picked audience would love what the left leaning panel were saying and applaud like seals at anti-Trump comments?
So much for balance and fairness
Not surprised Dimbleby is retiring
I’ve followed JP for a while now and not once have I heard anyone from the left or any SJW pause and say, “you know what, he may have a point”. Constantly trying to dismantle his view on the world yet in my opinion he’s got pretty much everything he says bang on. I just hope I live long enough to hear him say “I told you so”.
The programme is just unwatchable. I gave up on it years ago.
Yes, yours is the best strategy. QT is a complete waste of time.
I watched yesterday because of Peterson, but was extremely disappointed with his contribution. The only way the BBC can attract audiences to its political flagging-ships, is to announce the appearance of figures like Banks or Rees Mogg or Tommy Robinson. Programming of Zombies, by Zombies for Zombies.
Rheumy-eyed Dimblebore seems on his last legs. Will he make it to Xmas?
Peterson seems to think referenda are a bad thing and does not seem keen on the sovreignty of the people. Obvously never heard of Switzerland whose per capita GDP is still twice as high as ours inspite of the EU tryng to impose its will on this country.
He sees to have lost his way.
Maireid McBlarney seemed to have succumbed to a virulent form of logorrhoea making her ideally equpped to be an EU burocrat.
Agree, his comments made me uneasy too as I like him so much. Always so thoughtful, careful and erudite. I’m excusing him, assuming that he doesn’t know the history of our relationship with the EUSSR, or have experience of the evil, duplicitous undemocratic EU executives
More likely he was fighting against the pernicious stupidity field that emanates from the Hackney Hippo.
Peterson is an intellectual and follows the tradition of Plato and others who not only identify reason with the intellectuals; they restrict it to them. The masses do well if they listen to the reason of the intellectuals, because reason is not for them.
He comes across well because his opponents are neither intellectuals nor do they possess the wisdom shared by the masses. They are, in current parlance, NPCs
The intellectuals I met at university in the 70’s were all predicting the “collapse of capitalism under its internal contradictions” and proposing the Yugoslavian model as a “Third Way” long before Blair. The philosopher king concept does not seem to have taken us very far. Although Remainers seem to be putting their faith in “philosopher big business men” as guardians of the “masses”.
Apart from his insight into the knife crime debate the subject matter was designed to exclude him. If you look at the times he was invited to contribute it was obvious that dimwit didn’t want him to get airtime unlike the shadow HS and the Irish rent a mouth.
I posted yesterday when we were discussing the upcoming episode last night and warned that McGuinness was the one to watch. A former tv journalist trained to perform in front of an audience and allowed to by Dimbellend. Her being a naturally sanctimonious and indoctrinated gobshite makes her ideal for both the EU and the bBBC.
Yes, the pretence that she respects the decision of the British people on Brexit is so shallow as to be risible. All media training.
She was presiding over the EPP conference in Helsinki where
Manfred Weber said
“Everybody wants to have the strong cooperation,” But I must tell you one clear message: I cannot vote in the European Parliament for a leave treaty when next March nothing would happen. People in Europe must see a difference whether you are a member of the European Union or whether you will be out of the European Union.”
To ensure that Britain cannot prosper as well as Switzerland outside the EU is clearly a stategic aim for the EU in the” negotiations”.
I saw part of a BBC programme about the armistice negotiations between Erzberger and Gerneral Foch. You can easily imagime Erzberger as a Cameron/May amalgam. Foch had no intention of granting any concessions and he determined how the “negotiations” would be conducted. The EU is threatening the final dismemberment of what’s left of the British Empire and Foch threatened occupation of parts of Germany and the ultimate destruction of the German Empire. Erzberger was murdered in 1921. The film clips the BBC usdd were hideously white. Why were they hiding away all those ethnics who have been landing on our shores since time immemorial?
I see that Going Postal has quite a long discussion about Question Time with 3313 Comments so you have to put the setting on “show best”
This is worth watching. Educational.
Dinesh D’Souza Full Q&A @American University November 7th, 2018
Who are the Fascists, National Socialists – present and past
‘The silhouette, the drama. I’m obsessed’ squeaks the non binary lgbt, gender queer, BBC
Yes sirrreee! … “Ezra Miller stole the show at the Fantastic Beasts sequel’s world premiere with his non-conforming, gender-bending red carpet look.”
“That gender non-conformity on someone so young, so celebrated and so unabashed, gorgeous and beautiful – you just don’t get enough of that.” And … there are many others who share Otamere’s Ezra obsession.
Earlier this week, in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Ezra Miller said he identified as queer. “He is remarkable, he’s comfortable with all the pronouns,” says Otamere. “The fluidity and effortlessness is what really captivates me.”
… although some have called it “a sassy sleeping bag”
… shakes head
So Lewisham Labour you organised a “Stop Tommy” rally
… and you invited a registered hate preacher.
I m sure our friends here, have mentioned this previously
bbc link?, watch the vid?
Anyway enough of the “bad news bears” palava.
First PayPal… now SumOfUs are targeting Mastercard. I was originally contacted by SumOfUs on 4th November, asking me to ‘chip in’ and donate money so they could ” flood the company’s (PayPal) Silicon Valley HQ with mock ‘thank you for your support’ postcards — from the far right leader himself”. The link in the email took me to their donation page, which has now been edited to brag about their success with Paypal and to include the new plea ” If you donate, we’ll flood Mastercard’s office with cards to shame them into cutting ties with Robinson for good. Can you chip in today to stop Tommy Robinson?”. The link goes to the following page:¤cy=GBP&rd=1&source=fwd&t=1
Wouldn’t it be awful if some of these truly noble individuals had their accounts and lives disrupted …
Doxxing peoples, and bullying them back is not a good strategy
but you might find conflicts of interest etc.
Soros , Avaaz connections etc.
One board member is in the UK, London of course
of 20 staff , 9 are in the UK, of them only one is not in London , and he’s in Brighton
..well that is not diversity is it ?
“Their rabid intolerance casts a dreadful retrospective light on all the other causes they’ve promoted”. e.g.
Whoa £74,300 salary and they accuse Tommy of money making !
Wade through this long 2012 article
They’ve tried to stop Amazon dealing with the NRA as well
They were also one of the orgs in FakeNews story i spotted 10 days ago
“Campaigners hand in 300,000-strong petition to stop fast-tracked fracking”
..Nope is was not a 300K petition, but rather 3 different petitions which added up to 300K , and of course most activists had signed all 3
so possibly as low as 100K individuals.
Newer debunk of them
I hope TR is sure of who he has working for him because state security will have him completely covered . I suppose after his PayPal goes other credit organisations will do the same . I’m sure Soros has influence in doing this .
They say the next war won’t be like the next one and I think we are seeing evidence of that . Deep state will be looking for weaknesses to exploit and are going for it . Hope the SS kidult monitoring this gets a chuckle out of this …
Oxford deplatforms
Last week the Union : The AfD leader
This week the History Society : BBC’s Jenni Murray
…. transphobic apparently
Treezer’s convoy involved in a car crash. Two motor cyclists injured as they tried to swerve from a collision.
Not terror related say the police.
Obviously indicates a need to reduce access to the social media by the far far far right.
It raises an interesting point of logic – can a car crash be involved in a car crash?
Earlier this week (I waited for the new thread) the bbc showed again how it manipulates the news.
On radio Newcastle they were going on about the farmers all dreading Brexit (even though the majority of farmers voted leave)
They (bbc) said at the moment the eu is paying our farmers £3 billion a year but when we leave the eu the British taxpayer would have to pay it.
I don’t need to spell it out for anyone on here but some impressionable youngsters may actually believe the way the bbc have told it is the truth and that they are not misleading any of the more simple folk, who might vote remain, into believing it will cost us more.
Not to mention the CAP (which they obviously didn’t)
Also, to all these politicians who are at a loss as to what’s causing all these stabbings and killings here’s a suggestion.
Get a photo of every stabbing victim, pin it on a wall and when you have the 117 (and rising) pictures in front of you, see if you can spot anything about them. A pattern or any hint of similarities to help to identify if there’s anything they have in common.
Tweet the presenter
.. I’ve got them to admit their errors a few times.
As I mentioned on the previous Open Thread, the BBC is remarkably uncurious about this, having suddenly lost interest in the US elections. Except when women of colour can be paraded.
Pathetic Home Office
releases foreign crimes who then disappear
Meanwhile the left have got the story : African academics denied visas for EXPENSES PAID conference.. cos they lacked funds
… Obviously the wrong reason.. The right reason being risk of overstay
… They should have made the university buy £1million over stay insurance.
2009 … “Inspirational meeting with the All Women’s Pakistan Association – excellent work going on encouraging engagement amongst women.” – Sadiq Khan
2018 … “” – Sadiq Khan’s response to Asia Bibi ordeal in Pakistan.
Search for Pakistan on Sadiq Khan’stwitter ..
“The only female Afghan barrister in England & Wales says she has become numb to discrimination after a client sacked her to appoint a white man”
Em since she’s an IMMIGRATION lawyer isn’t the client likely to be non-white
… Does the story omit that ?
Her client was undoubtedly a male Muslim client, who recognised her innate worthlessness….
A white pop musician us angry cos he offered to fund white only scholarships at Oxford and they turned him down.
Then Cambridge accepted
2 Stormzy scholars started last year
Another 2 start this year
Now Oxford say they never received the offer
Lammy is in the case.
Apologies for being late with this .
Radio 4 Today this morning .
Item 1 is that women aren’t travelling as far to work as men are . It means they may take jobs that aren’t as high paying , jobs below their qualifications .
FFS this isn’t news . Women want to be nearer their children or just don’t like travelling . Not good enough for the BBC . They should endure the misery of long commutes for more money . Be materialistic and get even with the blokes even if they add to the chaos of rush hour . Travel even if they don’t want to .
Next the main news is that the Parole Board has a loss of confidence . No it hasn’t , its had a reduction of arrogance . It’s a public sector organisation which in these days means it wants total independence , be non accountable and not do what the public wants .
I had to laugh when the Beeboid said it might be ” risk averse” ! This is the organisation that determines whether criminals , even murderers , should be released and the BBC thinks they should not avoid risks ?!
Dozens of MPs demand Trump administration blocks Tommy Robinson’s US visit
That should certainly help the President make up his mind.
Roland Deschain
Right now Big Don is in charge and he will do what a MAN’S gotta do. Let’s hope so anyway.
Have the same MPs done a petition to Pakistan asking for the return of the Huddersfield rapist ?
Or the safe passage of Asia Bibi?
Unsurprisingly the name of my Member of Parliament does not appear on your esteemed list. I shall,as usual, sleep well again tonight.
All this shows is that they are very worried.
How many of these MPs expressed their objections to Trump’s visit and backed the Speaker in refusing him an opportunity to address Parliament?
How many of us are trying desperately to find our MP on the list LOL!!!
PS there are lots of ‘former’ role type MPs on there!!!
They wouldn’t have noticed anyway.
Vice Media needs to profit from its forthcoming hitjob against Tommy
.. It list $100m last year and on track to lose $50m this year despite the massive down scaling with visitors falling by 25%.
typo lost $100m
PM with the halting Jonny Dymond (BBC R4 5-6pm), talking about the Jo Johnston resignation.
Contributors so far:
Jo Johnson via resignation letter – Remainer
Sarah Woollaston – Remainer
Dominic Grieve – Remainer
BBC Bias – what bias?
Can someone here please explain why it is OK for the BBC to show repeats of Blackadder Goes Forth leading up to Remembrance Day (i.e. using comedy as a way to describe how millions died) but it’s not OK to burn a cardboard Grenfell Tower?
These politically correct rules are very difficult to understand!
“These politically correct rules are very difficult to understand” ? Absolutely not Sir! You simply need to read and digest all the rules – then believe and do precisely the opposite. Simple really.
BBC OBE (Outside Broadcast Engineering) is not what it used to be.
The sound recording from today’s Thiepval ceremony had the mic placed alongside a still photographer’s DSLR, which was clattering away during the playing of the Last Post.
You describe my dilemma – I want to watch but I can’t trust their BBC to deliver images and words which the end of the Great War deserves .
What to do?
I note that Q3 growth in the UK is 0.6%.
Even, if with ghastly reluctance, the BBC have to admit this- in the final news position on their webshite front page.
Now clearly the BBC think this is a top story. Why else would they position it next to ‘Faulty bed sex fall woman loses claim’.?
The actual story content however is the usual doom-and-gloom stuff, with caveats and downsides, all guaranteed to undermine all good news.
But interestingly what is strangely missing is the news that the Eurozone Q3 growth rate was only 0.2% for the same period.
Yep, we grew three times faster than the Euro area.
I simply cannot guess why the BBC did not mention this.
Oh come on mate. How many guesses do you need ?
Language Timothy! As they used to say when Al Beeb did comedy.
The EU reacted by placing PR BS in the Times
\\ Britain will grow more slowly next year than any other European Union economy bar Italy and will take the bottom slot alone in 2020, the European Commission predicts.
The forecasts for growth of 1.2 per cent for both 2019 and 2020 are based on the assumption that Britain strikes a Brexit deal that continues the “status quo in terms of trading relations with the EU”, suggesting that the outcome could be significantly worse.//
Ok – this is a warning to all on this site – you use the F word or the C word it will be deleted and I won’t be notifying you . Call it censorship is you like .
I thought about putting up a separate thread for the Armistice centenary but I this must be too precious to bring down to the level of the BBC .
And it looks like the 2 nd time the Germans started a world war isn’t getting much attention this weekend .
Fedup 2
Solves the mystery of Mairead McBlarneyCUNNUS suddenly losing her CUNNUS.
Better post an index of verboten words. You lofasz!
I mentioned 2 words which can cause upset . Personally not to me.
As for the over verbose Irish lady’s name the last part wasn’t as you spelt it .
On more important issues- sluff – I agree with you on that feature on the 6 Pm news – an absence of the tokenism infecting ‘aunty’
Yeah, and that not all of our current national ethnicities are ‘equally represented’ among the dead in the CWGC graveyards in Belgium and Northern France.
How ironic! Following the BBC line on “tone”. Or “tooooOhohnn”
as many BBC operatives would have it in their strangulated, taut-buttocked mode of pronounciation.
Who are these sensitive exoleti who swoon at the sight of a cunnus?
Upvote for “exoleti”.
How about the “N” word? Which was, in my early years a legitimate colour choice in fabrics . I have noticed that the term “Kraut” seems to go uncensored, which is certainly OK by me, but believe me, I could name many so called derogatory terms which, over my long life I have heard and used (without any sort of hatred) that are now considered taboo.
Katie Hopkins expressed it perfectly when she said on TV “Britain has lost it’s collective sense of humour.” Viva Katie! A humour which saw us through two world wars and the aftermath, which I certainly remember . I’m afraid we’ve thrown it all away and the cultural price we must pay will be out of our reach. However, looking on the bright side, I won’t be here to pay it but looking on the BLACK side my grandchildren will.
Lefty – God I don’t know – I just spotted a bad word and some one had responded to it . Personally for me ‘Kraut’ is fine . Personally ( again) I find ‘brit’ offputting and offensive but others will disagree .
I only wanted to support the aim this site to either restore the BBC to the BBC or if it remains in its ‘ current form -to extinguish it and its sort ( sky news ) – not because I disagree with its content but because it holds the monopoly on political expression and has developed a Goeballs- like style of infecting everything with snowflake box ticking .
Someone contributing to this site once described it as ‘an echo chamber’ another as a ‘bunch of Sun Readers ‘ another popped and and said ‘why bother ‘
It would be nice to hear the contrary view – of someone defending the BBC – particularly in key political issues of this time such as the Presidency as Mr Trump and our exit from the European Union .
I knew this afternoon when I wrote that I would cut out the F work and C word I might be in for some comment . No doubt there will be more . Let’s hope decency and common sense prevails but I know that is a subjective judgement ….
There is enough evidence of BBC bias out there without the need for our contributors to use offensive words.
Being offensive denigrates this site and provides ammunition for our critics.
Keep up the thankless work Fedup2 😉
Dover Sentry
Hear hear!
I agree it would be better if there were people on here who defended the BBC although whether such people would actually engage in constructive dialogue is another thing entirely. I always valued Maxi’s contributions before he disappeared as their refutation helped me understand my own views better, if that makes sense.
I agree to a point on maxi – the problem was the ‘ cut and paste ‘ method used to try and take people to task . I can’t remember maxi ever expressing a view but did provide a bit of discipline for the sake of accuracy .
I got Called a’ prig’ on this site today – I had to look up what it means on google – it seems to mean the same as ‘ supercilious ‘ – which l was also called . Which leaves Fedup2 pretty …. fedup .
I’m not posting again until Monday but I will be monitoring and editing as any prig should .
The comforting thing about the work of euphemism-peddlars and language martinets is that after some time their euphemisms take on the original pejorative meaning which they were intended to mask. “Spastic” was originally medical and free of bad connotations, but now is deprecated. A Green MP Renate Kunast even tried to get the expression “religion of peace” banned from social media if used ironically yet the German BBCs allow the use of “Kinderficker” in crime dramas with the theme of paedophilia.. I obviously can’t translate this word as our Sprachenobersturmbahnführer would delete it
If you are saying you want this site completely uncontrolled and the use of capitalisation of F or C or just play games with language just say so . I thought up until recently that was twitters job
You seem to have overdosed on pomposity pills.
The idea that one individual with no authority whatsoever except excessive arrogance should circumscribe the freedom of expression of another is ridiculous. Are you one of those supercilious Tory twits who used to hang about saloon bars complaining about the vulgarity of the lower orders?
Unclench your buttocks and try not to be such a prig.
ID, that is unfair.
Fed has even been taken to task recently for his own infringement of his guideline at the top of the page.
We have to be careful. The speech/written word atmosphere in the UK is getting pretty nasty. Let’s not make it worse.
A return to the bad old days on this site will drive some or many away, most probably me included. Civilised is good. Polite is good. Other asterisks are available in extremis. Calling someone a Remainer or Brexiteer is factual. As is sceptic or denier or advocate or proponent or mentalist-enviro or alarmist. Labels are needed in this life for groupings.
What you say would be the case if all the contributors to the site were 5 years old and didn’t mind being put on the naughty step for using bad words. Will we be sent to our rooms with no supper if we offend decency and decorum in other ways?
I can’t help thinking of the Captain of the Pinafore who never uses a big big D. D*****e Sirrah! What poppy*#-*!
In response to the question you ask – no I am not a Tory . My views are not represented by any one in Parliament .
I don’t know if I am vulgar but I am of “ the lower orders”
As for your your issue with my ‘authority ‘ – I asked mr Vance – the owner of the site if I was working in accordance with his wishes and he said “ yes” .
I also communicate with “ is the bbc biased “ as a contingency for a time when enemies of this site might take it down .
Sorry if I’m stopping you from using the F or C word .
Don’t you think you’re going a bit over the top? Fedup doesn’t strike me as arrogant at all. Is it really such a hardship to exercise good manners and refrain from using severe vulgarities? Surely you are intelligent enough to express yourself without the use of the “C” word?
I will express myself as I wish. I do not need permission from you, or other elevated personages, to choose one word or another. I will choose the word that best suits my purposes.
You have lost your way somewhat by adopting the BBC’s “tone” agenda. You should be wondering why the organisation that was once so proud of the first “fuck” on TV (Kenneth Peac### Tynan) is now so squeamish about the use of language.
I have been a linguist for 40 years and do not need your advice on the appropriateness of language registers.
Think your choice of simile above, ID, and your subsequent replies to Fed & Lucy, suggest that it is you who should go sit on The Naughty Step for a while.
I knew you would. I agree with much of what you say, but I do not consider you a moral authority or an arbiter of elegance.
Pretending to be a Rees Mogg, restoring the civility and forms of address of a fashonable salon open only to personages of refinement is simply pretentious.
Are you still enjoying congress with your inflatable Putin doll and imbibing the Truths of RT?
Do you still think Salisbury is a black op?
One is tempted to repeat the words spoken by the judge in the ‘lady chatterly ‘ obscenity trial…
” would you be happy to have your servants reading this”
I paraphrase of course.
It’s good we have somebody doing a thankless modding job, to keep our wonderful site alive….
Thank you FU2.
The pros and cons of the blue pencil are complex indeed, and I am also minded to repeat a Private Eye front page from back in the day, also concerned with censorship on stage:
” Lord Chamberlain looks up ‘arse’ ” lol
Perhaps context should be considered ? Are there any circumstances that make usage ok?
When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’ ‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’ ‘The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.’
Oh, dear, were you the original cunning linguist?
Time to get me coat..
I echo your words above
Thank you, FU2.
Is that Twitterspeak?
I occasionally tweet under the same name, but the whole thing is rather confusing to me.
I am glad that some coarse language is kept off this site. Any one who thinks he needs to use is must have an imperfect grasp of English.
Thanks Fedup2, I don’t swear and in real life and I prefer not to read swear words.
An astonisingly long debate arising from the apparent failure of Lefty to pick up the ironic sarcasm in my final sentence- despite this form of words being used by many writers in the past and will no doubt be so in the future.
On more pertinent matters, I now note that the reason for my original post, the story about the strong UK growth figures, has been completely excised from the BBC webshite front page. Yet the story about the woman, sex, and a faulty bed is still there.
Even at this hour, it’s good to prove the bias by reference to the priorities and choices of the BBC editors.
Night night.
I wish to apologise unreservedly for my inappropriate use of the frenchconnectionuk terminology. I promise I will never do it again on this glorious and vital site. Can I stay now please?
Deborah, Lucy, Fed Up. I’m with you on this.
One of the reasons I like the ‘Gates of Vienna’ blog is that the letters have to be written ‘with decorum’ or they get immediately censored.
This site is the best though and we should be keeping our standard of debate high not lowering as was the trend pushed by lefties throughout British media from the mid sixties onwards.
As the proprietor of another site I would like to remind the editor and proprietor of this one that you can’t please all of the people all of the time. There have recently been attempts to usurp me; to start a rival site, simply because I insist on reasonable standards of behaviour. The thing is, it all blows over after a while and it’s all forgotten. Keep buggering on.
The national disgrace does what it is noted for. Again.
GW, thanks for that link. Great humour from Craig at ITBBCB.
Now that is a good example for ID of the sort of weapon – humour – that we should be deploying against the BBC and its values or lack of them.
Swear words or immoderate language alienates. Humour can win over the other side.
Pretending that “Putin is the Saviour of the White Race” is not going to win over the “other side” either. Nor is regressive censoring of “naughty words”. Who do you think your “target audience” might be? Are “Sun readers” not good enough to marvel at your words of wisdom as our Lord Chamberlain seems to think? A small clique of Putin worshippers will impress no one of any significance,
You are most welcome U2S.
I find that people smile only with pity at rather than with infants who keep bawling and ejecting things from their prams when they don’t see things going their way.
Something very strange.
On the 6pm news there was a good article on Armistice Day and the making and displaying of poppies.
Weird thing was that everyone featured was white !!!!!!!
On the BBC !!!!
Perhaps even the BBC realise that they just cannot get away with multiculti political correctness in the context of honouring those killed in action in defence of their country.
I doubt we will see that again in a long while, as normal service is quickly resumed.
It was a RUSE!!!…to fool you into a false sense of security….and Im being serious…….
The bbc ‘analysis’ of the policy triumph legacy that continues from Treezer’s days as Home Sec will be fascinating.
Lessons have been learned.
Guest – the bbc ran a propaganda piece about a bunch or rumanians going home because they thought Blighty too violent . Whether true or false I don’t know – but it made wonder whether the UN might declare Britain too dangerous to accept refugees . Now there would be a thing ( Londonistan body count up another 2 today I read – one – head injury – which often means throat cut ) .
It is to hoped that President Trump gives her citizenship and protection.
America is our last real refuge now
I believe Salvini has offered her asylum in Italy. We don’t have to look to Trump the whole time. Europeans can do the right things. They just have to stand up to the EU first.
Treezer can’t even stand firm when she has a mandate from the people. And now we have become too pathetic to offer a place to one Christian family that is in horrendous danger.
Why? Because it might hurt the feelings of our Muslims. That’s the real reason. Everybody knows that.
Britain today = Hear the mighty lion squeak.
Illegals. Invaders?
Nope, they are ‘suspected migrants’ (that’s alright then).
Deport now.
I guess the Vikings, Normans, Romans and French should be reclassified as suspected migrants when they first arrived. Also the Germans should be classified, in WW2, as potential migrants since they wished to enter the UK and remain. Maybe the Spanish Armada was merely a flotilla of migrants wishing to practice their right to teach their religion and customs to us in a peaceful way. Or maybe not.
According to Al Beeb Big Jo is off …………………..
\\Arguing Britain was “on the brink of the greatest crisis” since World War Two, he said what was on offer wasn’t “anything like what was promised”.//
What was on offer was the result of our Mrs Chamberlain negotiations.
She has to go, along with her dodgy Cabinet. We need new a government that acts on the result democratic referendum and keeps to its word.
We need a new PM and a Cabinet of Brexiteers .
Nigel Farage was right two years ago – its a BRINO .
Parliament does not represent the people any more.
We have been betrayed.
Treezer’s cabinet makes the old MFI cabinets seem like prized Chippendale furniture.
The BBC offer a glimpse of Michael Obama’s marriage to Bathroom Barry, in her forthcoming book where she says that she had her children via IVF and Trump is a racist
Sorry to be pernickity GWF, but Bathhouse Barry, rather than Bathroom?
Ooops, my error.
An ivf implanted into a real female?
BBC Online News Video:
“”Remembrance Day: Why some people choose not to wear poppies””
“”But 100 years after the war that seeded the poppy, and with nobody now left who served on those fields, have modern values and beliefs now grown to far from the roots of the appeal?”” (voiced at the end of the video).
There we have it. The BBC voicing their far left views.
There was a fairly good satirical piece I read a while back about nature fanatics wearing green poppies to honour the foliage that was lost as a result of war. Which isn’t too far from the fringes of lunacy that already exist to highjack the occasion for their own aims/recruitment.
Personally, I favour the lunatic brigade, it alienates enough people that if a sensible debate like “should we have Trident” gets argued against by people that think that “war” itself is an outdated thing that should be eradicated by discussion and debate (?!) then it’ll swing normal people to the grounds of common sense.
I have been observing how lefties, especially Trots, are dropping words like socialism and speaking instead of progressives. It has caught on with the BBC, as you can see in Anthony Zurcher’s advice to the progressives in the Dem Party. He seems to like the word ‘progressive’.
Not bbc – but today the PM laid a wreath at the grave of the first British soldier killed in the Great War .i checked my grandfathers battalion record – he had joined up in 1913 . He arrived in France a week before this first death
My grandfather – somehow – spent the whole war on the Western Front and survived – even though he was at The Somme 1 on Day 2 and a lot of the other terrible slaughters . Came out of the army in 1919 . Drank a lot . Never spoke of his times even when I pestered him as kid at the end of his life.
I remember as a kid sticking my finger in a dent in my Granddad’s shoulder. He took a bullet on the first day of the Somme and spent the night lying in no man’s land. He was 19 at the time. Lucky for him the wound ended his time on the front as he was invalided out. Probably saved his life… and mine :0)
Also, with you on the F and C’s btw.
The thread that follows is… interesting…
FFS those media metro-liberals are thick
You can’t just compare 2 things and claim apples are the same as oranges.
Cato, Burley and Rory Cellan Jones went straight on to talking about Arron Banks
Not one of them in that twitter thread (except for Kate Bevan) mentioned what the Iceland ban is about
It is not a journalism opinion
I happened to check it this morning and commented here on the last thread at 10:19am
ClearCall made it clear it’s a law thing
The Iceland ad is a political policy advert …. and they are illegal
As I said on the previous thread I avoid bbc political programmes but watched Aaron Banks . If a better interviewer ( Brillo ) had prised out some confession the snowflakes wouldn’t still be moaning about ‘ exposure’ of a view different from there’s . As prof Petersen said on QT – para phrasing – Britain is in a very dangerous place as far as free speech is concerned .
And I don’t mean whether the F or C word is acceptable ..,,
That was…. brave. ????
Not Reported by the BBC. Previous US Mid-Term Election Results.
1994 Clinton. Lost 53 House Seats. Lost 9 in Senate.
2010 Obama. Lost 63 House Seats. Lost 6 in Senate.
2018 Trump. Lost only 27 House Seats. GAINED 3 in Senate.
The BBC. Not providing the news we need and pay them for.
Fortunately the BBC is meaningless to most Americans and only the kidults on the metro coasts pay any attention . Still living on its reputation from long ago . And once the likes of St Attenborough moves to a better place it might be recognised as the European CNN beauty .
The BBC is finally taking some interest in the Florida vote rigging.
Can you guess where it stands on this issue?
You have to admire the bbc at times.
Sorry, RD! Mine is the Facebook complement.
The bbc getting excited about allegations, without evidence, seems… very bbc.
Highly telling which allegations the BBC feels can be dismissed, and which should be believed.
If the Democrats do succeed in overturning seats, are the Republicans really going to stand for it? If I were an American voter, I’d wonder what the point is in voting. Much as I feel here, now I come to think of it.
The translation is: “I want my country back”
How he’s going to manage when this hits the fan, I really don’t know:
JHB retweets the official Electoral Commission spending stats for Brexit
JHB says £13m difference – No it’s £15m
..also the the Remain circles should be bigger than they are shown
cos if a circle is twice the area of another it’s radius is about 40% longer than the first.
Quick final surf on twitter before shuteye and…
Maybe I am just sleepy, but why is the bbc advertising like this?
Anyhoo… good investment, if most comments are a guide.
And yes, they could be going better.
I have read a load of the entertaining responses to Tara’s claptrap, and have yet to find anyone who believes in her Guardian/BBC diatribe.
Surely someone out there still believes in the tosh from the BBC?
Oh, and about the bbc’s favourite source and ‘views my own’ megaphone of ‘stuff’…
We and the Americans knocked a hole in the Atlantic Wall in Normandy, but I’m sure that Macron could find a German construction company to repair it.
And on tonight’s HIGNFY.
Anti Trump stuff masquerading as mid term election coverage (9 minutes).
Followed by anti-Brexit stuff masquerading as coverage of Aaron Banks on Marr show (6 minutes).
Followed by 15 minutes of non political stuff.
Jokes/attempted jokes about Labour Party – none
Jokes/attempted jokes about Remoaners – none
Jokes/attempted jokes about Democratic Party – none
In other words…… as usual at the biased BBC !