The failing Far Left BBC has enjoyed itself stabbing President Trump with its forked tongue . Now it will switch into the commemoration of the Armistice . Once upon a time it would have been wholesome and commemorated all those lives taken in the name of the freedom of Britain and the Empire from the Germans of various brands as well as other former enemies – and all wars that our country has engaged.
Let us hope those running the BBC can suspend the indoctrination propaganda and just remember and offer thanks and – perhaps prayers to those who lost so much . RIP.
Decent language please- particularly this Weekend.
A love letter arrived today from the Tellgoons telling me that I am in the ‘final stages of their investigation’. If I do not reply, an officer may interview me under caution in accordance with criminal law. A court warrant will be would be obtained to search my property, and anything I say may be used as evidence in court etc etc .
So its best to say nothing then? Uh?
Am I being harassed by a private company?
Does a private company like Crapita come under the Data Protection Act 2018?
Any advice anyone?
I have no experience of this but I have heard no communication is the best way to deal with them.
You might find some useful advice here:
As we say in Wales , diolch!
Translated – Thanks !
Taffy – This letter is part of a cycle and is a meaningless threat.
I get them regularly. Just remember the Capita goons are not the police.
You have no obligation to either give them your name or let them into the property.
You can also tell them that ou are removing their right of implied access.
They can only get a search warrant if they have evidence that you are breaking the law.
Jeremy Clarkson’s comments reminded me of this. I might be wrong but I think it was 2005.
Mass gang rapes of our children by immigrants ACROSS the country, hours in BBC headlines if at all, one anti brexit person:
days parading his comments as “headlines” calling it a Travesty ?
how sickening is the BBC
This sickening
What do tampons and WWI have in common?
When you think they can’t stoop any lower..they reveal their true colours.
In their Remembrance coverage (Five Live) they have to talk to a female soldier and about a black soldier – obviously as well as creating everything of value in this country women and minorities also won the wars for us.
Now they are discussing a ticket website and they have a female software engineer on. They really never miss a chance to shove their agenda down our throats. She does not seem to know what she is talking about but who cares about character or competence when you have ‘protected characteristics’?
And the muslim council of Britain cannot keep it shut can they :
In 2009, the Muslim Council of Britain published a report highlighting the historic and contemporary contribution of Muslims in the Armed Forces. It affirmed that ‘we are all proud to be part of a nation that actively encourages dissent and scrutiny of our government while maintaining a strong support for the welfare of the men and women who are sent to fight on our behalf.’ Like their fellow citizens, the report affirmed that ’British Muslims tend to take the sophisticated enough stand to support our troops while dissenting from the government’s decision to send those troops to controversial conflicts.’
Should be a section on their immigration form about that intent to dissent, and how much “support” they showed in Luton a while ago upon the return of the Anglian Regiment hurling abuse at them and burning poppies
Five Muslim men who protested at a home-coming parade in Luton where soldiers were called murderers have been convicted of being abusive.
“I have no doubt it is abusive and insulting to tell soldiers to ‘Go to hell’ – to call soldiers murderers, rapists and baby killers.
Defence lawyers had argued the right to freedom of speech was at stake
The charges related to a march by The Royal Anglian Regiment through the town in March 2009.
The five men, all from Luton, were convicted of using threatening, abusive or insulting words and behaviour likely to cause harassment and distress.
And just to show that Beeb Brother above is absolutely on the money….
I’ve just learned that no white British people were in WW1!!
Listening to ‘Sunday’ on R4, Armistice day coverage consisted only of soldiers from the Caribbean, East Africa, and the Punjab! Naturally, they were all mistreated by the ‘colonialists’.
While we hang our heads in remembrance, those despicable BBC editors should hang their heads in shame.
Meanwhile Merkel and Macron re-enact the moment in the railway carriage of the armistice signing – overlooking the rather pertinent fact that there were three involved on the day.
Fake carriage anyway. Might as well have been the Millennium Falcon.
I have very mixed feelings about this tendency to include German presidents and chancellors in everything although I understand the sentiments behind it and, credit where credit is due, they have shown remorse. If we were consistent in our forgiveness, it might make sense, but to pretend that the Germans were just like us, particularly in WW2, is dishonest IMO.
It appears we find it easier to forgive Germany, which let’s face it, murdered millions, but our own people who are deemed guilty of thought crimes are beyond redemption.
I know this sounds churlish. I like German engineering but their ideology worries me.
I am contemplating on writing a book with the idea of
having it serialized on the BBC. I have come up with some
ideas , but am looking for advice.
The main character is the chief of constabulary who is a
transgender women who was a man ,and hates men. Nearly all
of the main character’s of importance are women . Of course
quite a few are ethnic , as they should be.
There are a few men in the story , of course also a mixed
bunch of ethnicity, as it should be. However the white
middle aged men are a bunch of numpties, as it should be.
The Chief Constable is friends with the head of diversity and
positive discriminatation at the BBC.
The plot centres around how the “two friends” can get rid of
Gary Lineker presenting Match Of The Day and replace him with
a woman, as it should be. BUT there is a twist ,it’s not
just Gary Lineker they want to get rid of. They want the
Premiership matches replaced by the Women’s football league.
They call in a Russian hit women, as it should be. What do you think?
I’m afraid the plot is too predictable.
wheres the muzzies? should be on every page (but all the Chinese here never mentioned) and obligatory white wimmin marriage to black men, which of course we never see in reaity but in at least every other advert
I am appalled Foscari, appalled I say, at your lack of focus on the key issues of the day.
The chief of constabulary you mention should clearly be a wheelchair-using vegan.
And instead of football, whose players of all sexes require a lot of calorie intake which is bad for the planet, surely the game in question should be tiddlywinks, which also has the benefit of being disability-friendly, and therefore more ‘inclusive’.
“surely the game in question should be tiddlywinks,”
I hope they will all be wearing goggles. A free flying wink could put someone’s eye out.
The BBC should set an example.
But tiddlywinks discriminates agains those who have fewer than two hands, unlike the BBC.
I think that was a Two Ronnies sketch…..
And all of W1A.
A propos of nothing but rather fun
On a thread earlier in the week, someone posted a link to a 1992 HIGNFY – in the days when it was quite amusing- which featured the late Peter Cook.
Just scanning it with Mrs S, a big Pete ‘n’ Dud fan, we found In the ‘missing words’ round one of the headlines was this:
‘BBC in £60m cash bungle’
At about 25m35s.
Plus ca change, plus la meme chose.
Bill Cash on the bBC yesterday.
I’m surprised at the lack of interruptions.
worth posting PJW
I find it very worrying, but illuminating that they persist in the lie. We can all go back and check the original video to confirm that, yes, he did hit her.
Whether there is much to the hit, or indeed whether it was deliberate is open to debate but not the existence of the hit. All Acosta had to do was apologise for inadvertently knocking her arm in reaction to her trying to take the microphone and that, in my book, would be an end to it. But no, in their desperation to get Trump they double down on a lie they must know we can see for ourselves. And everyone’s position becomes more entrenched.
For my part, the so-called doctored video emphasises the movement of her arm on contact and has made me consider there was more to it than I first thought.
Who are you going to believe, the left wing media establishment or your lying eyes?
Always a fruitful source, today’s BBC text pages include an item on nesting birds in the Arctic and the threat to their numbers from increasing numbers of predators.
Believe it or not, there is a link to climate change in these losses, thanks to changes in behaviour of major egg thieves such as foxes.
I’d have thought the far more likely cause for the dramatic rise in predators, and their affect on bird colonies, would be blanket bans on their control including – though heaven forbid its unpalatable truth – the virtual end of the fur trade which, like it or not, was the major control factor.
See how the same old thing plays out yet?
1) Bbc sees an opp and goes mental
2) Pol sees it; joins in
3) Bbc quotes said pol, who seems a smidge unsure so hedges claim
4) ‘People’ are angry
5) Apparently.
It bears repeating from the last page. Is there no journalist at the BBC who thinks to ask if Trump would really not attend this “just because it’s raining”. Perhaps there’s a story worth chasing here, but their Trump hatred has removed whatever journalistic instincts they once had. They’d rather sit back and carp with the crowd.
Over the last two weeks the BBC has been relentlessly telling us about the part played by BAME members of the armed forces in The First World War. This video offers an interesting explanation why that would be.
What I am about to tell you will I am sure confound you. The United Kingdoms Ambulance Service arranged to take several of its recruitment managers to Dubai in Saudi Arabia with the object of recruiting Paramedics to work for the Ambulance service in the UK. Like you no doubt I was dumfounded-why on earth would this service want to recruit Muslems-why not British or European? Who was to pay for their flights to the UK, where would they stay when here, do they speak English well enough? A bucket full of questions obviously, but what is very concerning is who gave the go ahead for such a mad scheme?
With high unemployment in Italy and Spain, why not indeed?
Doesn’t fit the long-term agenda of race-replacement, perhaps.
My guess is they are looking at the guest workers who predominantly come from India, Philippines, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. All with a moderate command of English.
Dubai is in the United Arab Emirates not Saudi Arabia. I would guess the majority of paramedics in Dubai are Hindu rather than Muslim.
This tells you more about the NHS’s inability to implement plans despite us being told constantly it is the best in the world..there are many people paid a lot of money to look a skill shortages – and every year we are told about these shortages and every year nothing seems to’s far easier to let NHS staff travel the world ripping skilled people from countries that need them than do their bloody job here and put training and recruitment plans into action…
The husband is currently watching the Remembrance Day coverage from the Beeb. Apparently Dimbleby is interviewing historical experts on the First World War – an ethnic historian and an American. They beggar belief.
He’ll probably be hearing the sort of stuff this excellent Spectator article is about:
The cultural appropriation of the first world war
Well worth a read.
Yes a succinct article….pity Spectator writers arent working for the BBC
Is Oleaginous an historian? Depends how you define the term, I suppose.
Press red button
Select Settings
Select Cenotaph Commentary Free.
Blood pressure goes down.
Jeremy Corbyn wearing his blue walking jacket with a hoodie at the Cenotaph Ceremony, carrying a wreath of poppies, pretending to care for those that died for their country.
What a disgrace he is. Disrespectful and embarrassing.
He was also wearing a red tie. The man is totally beneath contempt.
His choice.
Else where, if only by replies to the endless ‘my granddad’ tweets from military supporting luminaries as obscure lefty comedians, I am starting to learn of what might be behind Donald Trump’s non attendance at a not-selling a book ceremony.
Whatever it was, ‘couldn’t be bothered to attend’ or ‘worried about getting his hair wet’ was not amongst them, though these seem the attempts solely being pushed with those who would hijack anything to feed their TDS.
If it was a helicopter issue the contingency planning by POTUS’ staff and the Secret Service looks like it was poor, but any numpty who reckons the President has much to do with putting together a secure motorcade is a few rounds short of a .380 FN M1910.
Nice Sarajevo reference.
You are right, the security of the president is in the hands of the Secret Service. He does not go against their advice if he wants to stay alive.
Theresa May also laid a wreath.
Let’s just be grateful that she didn’t change her mind and take it away.
Sorry, I just can’t see any good in that woman.
dont apologise…..
Yes buy how many £billion did she pay to be allowed to lay it and to whom ?
I believe Momentum are a huge threat to the future of this country…we cannot allow them any power……
Shades of Michael Foot…
New this week from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– BBC Explores Options to Reduce Cost of Over-75 TV Licences
– TV Licensing’s Annual Black & White Licence Propaganda
Kamal at least has sort of seen a slight problem.
Funny-looking bloke.
There is an argument that BBC journalists should use Twitter as it enables them to report ‘breaking news’. Of course when they do that they should be careful in what they say as first impressions might not be true.
However when the likes of John Sweeney re-tweets a 2017 image of Trudeau in the rain it could easily taken to be from 2018 and directly comparable to trump’s ‘no-show’, i.e. it is ‘fake news’. Actually it isn’t news at all, it is just baying mob ‘opinion’ and evidence that he isn’t an impartial reporter.
On another topic, I watched a bit of Warhorse at the Proms last night. There was a time I’m sure when authors and writers just set out to tell an interesting tale but now ‘agenda’ is all. I’m sure it isn’t paranoia!
‘Warhorse’ is carried by a contingent of Communist ‘Workers’, the soldiers are Brown, Black and White and a woman who disguised herself as a man gets star billing.
The United Kingdom story of The Great War ought to be about the great body of young men of these isles that put their lives on the line. The chapters about ‘blacks’ and ‘Asians’ rightfully belong in their own lands.
John Sweeney retweets just about anything that suits his agenda. Which means he retweets almost every colleague or BBC tweet, current and/or historical that damage BBC boogy folk or issues. Trump, Brexit, Tommy, etc.
Stuff that hurts the narrative… rarely.
There is one story about Indian troops that I’d like to see given more publicity. If only because I read about it several years ago and have forgotten many of the details.
A Maharaja visited and Indian unit in the front line on the Western Front. He found that they were losing men to German snipers without being able to reply. Their .303 bullets would not penetrate the steel plates that the Germans used to strengthen their sniping posts. He went away, thought about the problem, and returned to the front line with his elephant rifle. Using steel jacketed bullets designed to penetrate an elephant’s skull he stove in every sniping post that his men had identified.
I don’t expect the see anything about this on the BBC as it shows a “toff” in a good light.
Parliament has passed laws that limit the application of parliamentary sovereignty … The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973.The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973.
Parliamentary sovereignty and the UK constitution
People often refer to the UK having an ‘unwritten constitution’ but that’s not strictly true. It may not exist in a single text, like in the USA or Germany, but large parts of it are written down, much of it in the laws passed in Parliament – known as statute law.
Therefore, the UK constitution is often described as ‘partly written and wholly uncodified’. (Uncodified means that the UK does not have a single, written constitution.)
Developments affecting Parliamentary sovereignty
Over the years, Parliament has passed laws that limit the application of parliamentary sovereignty. These laws reflect political developments both within and outside the UK.
They include:
The devolution of power to bodies like the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly.
The Human Rights Act 1998.
The UK’s entry to the European Union in 1973.
The decision to establish a UK Supreme Court in 2009, which ends the House of Lords function as the UK’s final court of appeal.
These developments do not fundamentally undermine the principle of parliamentary sovereignty, since, in theory at least, Parliament could repeal any of the laws implementing these changes.
Hah! He deleted it.
However, through the miracle of the internet, I found a photograph of it:
The next QT or Politics Show will be funny unless, well, professional courtesy…
Someone did that last year, probably Diane Abbott.
As you will see from this twitter link, to some people no matter what the hell president trump does, they cannot give any semblance of credit what so ever. Sad really . In fact, pathetic.
changing .mobile to.www gives
Tuned into the BBC to immerse myself the pride and remembrance of our British troops and other soldiers, women and men who died to save our freedoms and way of life in this Great Britain. We can rely on our great British broadcaster to reflect our pride and honouring those who gave so much without seeking opportunities for left wing bias and this of all days.
When I got through a cringing section where I felt our considering apologising for the war was being debated, I was then being treated to BBC giving a platform to the British apologist Danny Boyle’s self promoting diatribe. Finally the BBC ham fistedly promoting the peoples march (actually the march for the people)
Anyway – I looked back at the early October article when DB sought to distance himself from any post brexit pride in Britain.
The man behind the magnificent 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony has laughed off the idea he might help with Theresa May’s Festival of Brexit Britain.
Danny Boyle was speaking to Channel 4 News when he was described as the “national curator of what it means to be British” when he was asked whether or not he would agree to Theresa May’s call to “curate, to host, to direct her festival of Britishness after Brexit”.
Laughing at the suggestion, Boyle told Matt Frei: “I’ll probably be busy, who knows”.
Speaking out against Brexit the Oscar-winning film-maker explained that he was “European first”.
“We should aim to leave in as friendly a manner as we can even if this means paying twenty one months of further contributions.” – Jacob Rees-Mogg on twitter
. . .
“He is really the first tax martyr. (878 AD) He (Theresa) was called upon to pay the EuroGeld
Danegeld, and he took £48,000 (BILLION) to the Danes (EU) , then at Greenwich, and handed it over.They said, “(Theresa)Mr Alphege, we would like some more, and if you don’t give us more, we are going to hold on to you as a hostage.”
And Alphege (Theresa) replied: “I will
notgive you more; I willnotput higher taxes on my people; I willnothave them suffer this imposition.”So they threw ox bones at Alphege until he died. I hope that people will not find it necessary to throw ox bones at me, but as another representative from North East Somerset, I will stand constantly for low taxation.” – Jacob Rees-Mogg /North East Somerset / Con {youtube}
If we’re going to reference the early 11th Century…….
Tuesday is the 1,016th anniversary of the Saint Brice’s Day Massacre, when the English in several towns massacred Danes living there.
“England had been ravaged by Danish raids for many years when they finally found peace. In 1002 the king was told that the Danish men in England “would faithlessly take his life, and then all his councillors, and possess his kingdom afterwards”. In response, he “ordered slain all the Danish men who were in England”. This was known as St Brice’s Day massacre where man, woman, and children were slaughtered. [From the Anglo Saxon Chronicle as quoted by Wikipedia].
As ever Kipling could put it into words, although he was writing of the 20th Century.
“It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the English began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the English began to hate.
Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the English began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the English began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the English began to hate. ”
I don’t expect a BBC docu-drama on the St Brice’s Day Massacre – unless all the Danes are played by muslims.
I’m ashamed to say I havent watched any of the coverage today.One look at the website nearly brought me to tears and thats saying a lot.
And the black historian guy (Olusoga?) I just saw who wants to ‘put a new spin’ on historical facts…..
my relatives who died deserve better…..
the mention of muslim soldiers, white poppies, and all the other left wing Bulls@@t……
I didnt realise how much influence women,ethnic minorities and gay people(no mention of Canadians and Australians probably) had in the trenches in 3 feet of mud!!……well that’s me educated thank you BBC..
I used to have arguments with hard left Commies(or ‘socialists’ as they called themselves) when I was at SCHOOL/University 40 years ago about all this ‘alternative’ way of looking at things!!
The BBC are a disgusting disgrace.Who on earth is working at this excuse for a broadcaster?…..
Rant Over Forgive me………
Bless you all and those who fell for our freedoms in this great country
I don’t see much mention of the Ottoman Empire’s role in WW1. I hardly think they were fighting a war none of their making. I believe they were part of the Central Powers. Maybe Gallipoli was a figment of the Australian minds along with the losses. Are we to say thank for the hundreds of thousands of casualties as well?
It’s similar to the narrative being driven by the left and the media here in Northern Ireland where the part being played by the Irish Nationalist community is being highlighted and disproportionately presented, equated dishonestly with the Nationalist pro-United Ireland pro-Remain cause.
Of course in the period 1914-18 Northern Ireland did not exist and so the numbers of volunteers who travelled from Ireland and that modern Irish Nationalists, Sinn Fein, SDLP and BBC NI, are claiming to be Irish would have included those from the Protestant majority in modern NI along with those from what is now Eire, the vast majority of whom would also have been Protestants loyal to the Crown.
The bBBC allow the assertion that all those who served in WW1 from the island of Ireland identified as Irish, as Irish who fought for the British, an occupying dictator and exploited of the bible Celt. This is pure propaganda as the truth is the majority of those who came from Ireland, still then part of the British Empire, were Protestant and Unionists not Catholic, Nationalist or Republican as is being disingenuously suggested now. There were exceptions such as Redmonds men and groups of friends and individuals of course whose bravery should be remembered and respected but not in the numbers that this new narrative is guiding us to assume.
I don’t think that it is a coincidence that in the period 1911-1926 the Protestant population in what is now Eire fell by over 100,000, victims of both the war itself and the persecution and discrimination that they faced on their return to a new Ireland. This should also be talked about now, a truer reflection of the Irish Nationalist and Irish Governments relationship with and true feeling for Irishmen of all creeds who fought for the British Army in WW1, not this newfound enthusiasm to be seen to support their principled bravery. A British Army that Irish Nationalists and the Irish Government have in truth done all they can to undermine in the hundred years since.
“exploiter of the noble Celt” makes more sense doesn’t it?
My understanding is that when the First World War broke out the Ulster Volunteer Force, formed to oppose Irish Home Rule, volunteered for the British Army and formed the 36th (Ulster) Division. They suffered heavy casualties on the Somme.
They reckon that just over 200,000 volunteers from the island of Ireland joined the British Army to fight in WW1. Of these, around 25,000 can be comfortably regarded as have being Irish Nationalists as they came from Redmonds National Volunteers. Their main reason for volunteering, never knowingly acknowledged by the bBBC, seems to have been to gain military training and experience so that an Irish Army could be formed after achieving Home Rule . This Army would be then used to ensure that Nationalists would be able to forcefully stop Ireland being divided by Partition should the Unionists attempt to remain within the British Empire. Not really the sense of duty or selflessness we’re led to believe.
Of course there will have been those who joined to fight for other reasons but the vast majority of Irish volunteers came from an English or Ulster Scots background and they fought for Britain not Ireland, incredibly in direct conflict with those who they would fight alongside and could so easily have later fought against.
I like so many others here in Ulster have relatives who died at the Somme, Thiepval or Messines and we have always remembered their bravery with pride, fully aware and appreciative of what they were fighting for.
“We should aim to leave in as friendly a manner as we can even if this means paying twenty one months of further contributions. ” Jacob Rees-Mogg (11nov2018}
“Legally we don’t owe them a brass farthing” Jacob Rees-Mogg {19oct2017}
I would say to the EU, we will give you 20 million severance payment and that is all and is a gesture of good faith on our side. This depends entirely on good faith being shown by your side which is currently not evident. If you refuse to agree to our perfectly reasonable demands, we will pay you nothing.
We shoulld also add to them that if we do pay it, it must be made clear that it is not any money we owe, as if anything we are owed for decades of paying into their bottomless money pit relentlessly. If they don’t accept that then they get not a penny.
So Theresa May has got the password for Mogg’s Twitter account.
Not entirely BBC but certainly BBC mindset related.
In Londonistan, there is a very large non-white population.
This morning however at the Remembrance commemoration I attended, it is fair to say that our dear multicultural friends were significantly under-represented. To put it another way, the white traditional British were significantly over-represented. The size of the crowd was pretty huge.
Now I suspect only a portion of those attending did so on religious grounds. Many I suggest did so on deep British cultural grounds, and not necessarily to remember familiy members or friends who served but never came back.
This led me to a proposition. Which is that under the cosh of the BBC, Guardianistas, luvvies, right- on lefties, liberal intelligensia and their ilk, many white British feel cowed to celebrate or acknowledge their ancestry and culture, yet quietly resent this. But Remembrace commemoration is, by and large, an area that the lefties have not hammered into submission yet. And so there are some who in attending such events do so to show a patriotic cultural committment without fear of being branded racist or some other -ist, one of the diminishing occasions when they can do so.
“it is fair to say that our dear multicultural friends were significantly under-represented”
Quite normal at anything traditional or cultural. Not so easy in places like Bradford which have fewer commuters and European tourists to change the balance.
Makes me laugh when MSM parasites talk of “divisions”. Yes, sure, we have more than divisions, we have totally divided populations. (I refuse to use the warm and fuzzy word “communities”.)
You should set yourself a quiz…see how many times the word COMMUNITY appears on the BBC in a day?
The irony is none of the BBC employees give a ‘monkeys’ about any community…especially the community that is Great Britain
I’ve just noticed that on the bBBC coverage of the early stages of the FA Cup one of the two studio pundits is Trevor Sinclair.
Trevor Sinclair was convicted of drink driving in January of this year and was subsequently disqualified from driving for 20 months. It was reported and acknowledged that during his arrest he racially abused a PC. He called him a “white c#%t”.
Why is he on the bBBC? If Trevor Sinclair was a white racist he would never work in British media again. This is blatant bias and not at all acceptable.
I haven’t seen Vicky Pryce on the BBC recently.
Her status as an ex jailbird found guilty of perjury had not previously stopped her from appearing on Newshite and the like as a ‘financial expert’.
You’ll notice that they never introduce her as a convicted liar, nor for Chris Huhne.
Likewise Peter Hain is excused the intro of convicted conspirator.
As regards Pryce, can anyone imagine the level of hatred necessary to send yourself down in order that your ex goes down as well?
Apart from being an ugly …( damn, language timothy) bitch, how can anyone possess such extreme hatred? A hate crime in the true sense of the word.
Like Nelson Mandela she is one of those convicted criminals and using an assumed name
.. So how come they are not reported like Tommy is ?
born : Vasiliki Kourmouzi, later she married Pryce
The BBC also give airtime to Vicky Pryce (8 months for perverting the course of justice) and others who have ‘done time’.
Jeffrey Archer was writing in the Radio Times this week…a man who went down for purgery I think…but Im happy to be corrected
Harry, I’m all for giving someone a second chance but expect a little bit of humility or recognition by them of their wrongdoing even then. This seems to be lacking entirely from the many the bBBC seem intent on rehabilitating, there’s no sort of contrition at all.
I found Sinclair to be a decent enough pundit prior to this but the hypocrisy of all involved here stinks.
Just on another point, and this is not a witch hunt by me just an observation, but an old episode of TOTP was on last night on BBC3 or 4 with John Peel presenting it.
He was involved in some sort of sexual abuse scandal as well wasn’t he? I suppose he played the right kind of music though.
I think Sinclair is a good pundit and was going to be the great ‘black hope’ of English football for a few weeks of his career.
I do have a problem with Archer in particular…hes a nasty piece of work……but that’s my own personal observation.
Should they be on the BBC?…I’m thinking about that one in Jordan Peterson fashion(bereft of his intellect)…I’m not happy ‘for sure’……..
Yes…. Peel was implicated in something ‘sinister’…pedophilia I think but it has been long ‘brushed under the carpet.’…..
Absolutely bang on the money Rich. Always say that RACISM only ever works one way and this is a prime example. Look at Ron Atkinson as a case in point. Like you say, the other way round and people , well, gob shites like David lammy would be shouting from the rooftops on every TV slot they could get on telling us how this racist should never work on TV again. The double standards here is appalling.
@Doobster78 There are 2 things
: Actual crimes .. these are forgiven
: Blasphemy against our state religion “metro-lib PC values” : never forgiven
…that is why Tommy and people who once said something that was construed as racist like Atkinson, like Carol Thatcher are never forgiven
But certain things give you a free pass : so if you are a paid member of LibMob, like Diane Abbott, Jack Munro, Naz Shah : you can be racist , sexist, anti-semitic and get away with it.
Folks … tonight at 9pm Al BBC2, “they shall not grow old”
It is an excellent watch, what Peter Jackson has done with the footage is stunning
Actually 9:30pm so you made us early !
If people need to use the F or C word to make a point, then they clearly need to expand their vocabulary. Education is a wonderful thing.
Maturecheese, Unfortunately good education is becoming rare as social justice worriers of the left, in collaboration with propagandists like the BBC, tighten their insidious grip on schools and universities across the Western world. The short-attention-span generation is putty in their hands. I take your point that sweating is a poor substitute for reasoned debate.
In slight defence of teachers in schools, they are increasingly used by government and councils as a sort of extension of social services, with the Prevent agenda, endless Safeguarding responsibilities, special attention to various special ‘groups’, not to mention the need to portray a Libmob view of the world.
Not all teachers approve of all this agenda
Sluff, Agreed. No doubt there must be many teachers who are appalled at the stifling of education by the ‘authorities.’
I would humbly suggest that any prospective teacher who doesnt toe the liberal line would never get a job.
What about using “sopel”, see below, instead of the c word?
As it has been brought up again here is my pennyworth about language. When you swear verbally, you know where your words are going and who will hear them. When you swear on the written page you do not know who is going to read them or who may be offended. The English language we are blessed with is diverse, expressive, and extensive, and despite the frustrations and anger we should be be able to express ourselves adequately without resorting to unbecoming words. I believe this site Is here for us to express views, post the appalling outrages of others, to amuse, and more importantly inform and to create a balance to the misinformation of the BBC and other outlets. We should not lower ourselves by our inability to express ourselves correctly however angry we are.
I trot this out every now and then – seems incredible it was formulated nearly 100 years ago of how to destroy a civilised society from within.
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
12. Elect a Marxist as Leader.
The irony of BBC staff blocking for folk simply asking questions seems mostly lost on BBC staff seeking high dudgeon about… aggressive grandstanding in guise of asking questions.
ITTB, btw, has kindly provided a nifty montage summary of the press pack at the BBC throwing poo out of their cages as one. (I may have used a less dainty faunist metaphor).
Commenter Monkey Brains has added a fine complementary comment. Love the Katty one.
Looking at many comments to their tweets, they know their audiences, and certainly that they think beyond confirmation bias no more than their impartial guides. Which only serves to show how out of control their unheld, unaccountable power can be.
I still await a bit more detail, but maybe there is no more.
If a pilot says ‘no’, that… is that.
And whilst I alluded earlier to contingency, thinking about it there is no easy alternative to a helicopter journey time. So a motorcade would not have worked. And it is possible he didn’t have a few spare hours extra to spare.
And as there was relative silence initially, I was running through all sorts of possible explanations, from reports of a diverse SAM team up from Marseilles to actually having to attend to something urgent, and secret… all that, if considered by the BBC’s finest, got dismissed before pounding the keys.
However, if ever there is need for an elder statesman to hold an umbrella in the rain at the drop of a symbolic hat, the BBC has a full squad photo set to hand.
Meanwhile, whilst still under the umbrella of ‘allegation’, closer to home, and surely the hearts of all journalists everywhere, it will be interesting if BBC editorial integrity finds time or space for this…
Or will they simply head back to Stormy for further meteorological insights?
Did Burley mention that the picture of Trudeau was from last year before they were caught out, knowing they wouldn’t get away with it? I’m sure that ‘s what they were trying.
I thought Monkeys comment was very clever as well.
Rich – sadly in the realms of [innocent face] on our Rob’s motivations. Maybe David Lammy was on time code duty?
Speaking of which, and going over the top, I was thinking about the BBC’s recent Netflix-crushing smash series.
Didn’t see it, mainly because of tvl legalities, but whilst not averse to a bit of Totty t&a action, seducing the help in office gets too Prescottian to mind bleach the PTSD away.
Anyhoo…. as I understand it things didn’t go so well on the body guarding front, but there may be a shower scene opportunity for a new series?
I guess after today, and bearing in mind BBC drama plot arcs, the first episode is now underway in France, involving noble pols who ignore security advice and scummy ones who don’t.
Sopel is a Trump “beauty” and therefore bitter and twisted. I don’t think we can expect much else…
Countryfile opens with long item about family’s large FREE RANGE and ORGANIC chicken egg farm
…will they mention that free range has LOWER welfare than battery, due largely to the way hens peck each other and the way wild birds bring disease to the fields.
…Nope of course not.
We used to buy ‘Happy Eggs’ because… marketing. However, having done a bit of research after noting their shells were worryingly thin, we no longer do.
I saw that and concluded he must be criticising Trump for not turning up in the rain when JFK took the trouble to turn up even in the knowledge he was going to be assassinated a few days later.
Or something like that.
Oh dear.
Westminster Abbey centenary service.
Nine children put flowers on the tomb of the unknown warrior.
I can only count three as being white!
A truly damning indictment of the society we have become.
Was it me or did Corbyn commit a Michael Foot-like sartorial faux-pas this morning?
Here we go…
Lloyd George knew Kirsty’s grandad?
As the commemoration of the centenary of the armistice comes to an end it’s time to sit down , relax and embrace an old friend “Dr Who” .
Obviously this episode reflects the nations thoughts –
“ Demons of the Punjab – India 1947 – The Doctor and her friends arrive in the Punjab. As demons haunt the land , can Yaz discover the hidden story of her grandmother’s life “
PS – did you hear that idea that we would all reunited around the Armistice and forget our differences?” David Lammy didn’t and nor did that Macron character .
How typical that the BBC still have the so-called story of Trump not attending an Armistice Day service because it was raining. As usual they infer that Trump didn’t want to get wet and couldn’t be bothered to go when the facts are that the Presidents helicopter was grounded due to rain. He attended a service today in the pouring rain FFS!
Utter drivel, again, from the BBC. Trump has more respect for war veterans than most of our establishment put together!
Since the commemoration is a list of symbolisms the sight of one David Lilington ? Representing the PM in France in the second row behind the French and American President just about sums up the current distinction of Mrs Mays’ regime .
Surely they could have got a more substantial representative of Britain ? Elton , Macca? David Beckham Or more seriously a really great Briton !
And stand in the front row – this country did pay the price x2? Didn’t it…. rather argue this that whether an American President got wet or not ?
The Mail on Sunday looking like the Guardian Lite today
– anti Trump photo claiming Acosta only brushed the reporter
– adverts for reusable cleaning product bottles
– Free Laura Ashley tote bag – turn the tide on plastic
– Michael Mosely column : *Warning* Air Pollution makes you fat
(I never noticed that in Delhi, and Beijing)
– Cruise giants sail into a SULPHUROUS storm.. cruise ships buying scrubbers “the vast majority divert waste into the sea”t
– Ex Waitrose boss to launch the John Lewis of Social media
– Letters page : one letter supports the BBC, 4 call it lefty biased, one says it should limit top salaries to PM’s
New Thread
That’s bound to needle someone Fedup.
FedUp2, Fair point – I assume Mrs May is thought of as a complete joke, just as she is in her home country!
I think David Vance posted the awful picture of the French commemoration on Twitter . I m sure the press will go with it on Monday .
If I were to try a positive spin on it perhaps Mrs May didn’t want to face embarrassing discussions over brexit but for me the commemoration of the end of the Great War the other wars Britain has had to become involved in because our enemies such as the krauts – took absolute precedence over every thing else – but politicians are only human after being politicians .
Now I will eat at an extra burger .. to get back at the pseudo-greens.
Don’t do it, Stew, don’t do it. Think of the harm.
Step away from the burger now!
Do you realise that consuming the extra beefburger will take you further along the path to vegetarianism? Yes, most burgers have a significant arable content.
Much better to throw a nice, thick, juicy steak on the barbie – if you can afford it – and make sure it’s well done. That will properly get back at the pseudo-greens.
Pug you have Rosemary and another account telling Sopel that you are a bot
I live there and it’s thought locally that some of our RoP friends decided to do it. It’s a terrible shame as it’s a lovely statue and the words on it are meaningful for all residents, not just the Sikh community.
A Sikh friend of mine said that if and when the people who painted the graffiti are found (and they will be as the temple which is almost opposite to the statue are on the warpath), members of the temple will deal with them before the police are involved.
Frankly, having known some of the gentlemen concerned since childhood, and believe me they are gentlemen, the offenders should be hoping the police find them first!
Toady watch
Humph chats to the mum of a Romanian kid slaughtered in Westfield shopping centre on cctv by a black gang as well as a snowflake headteacher of an east Londonistan school not far from where I live . Knife crime . Call for increased stop and search powers . Waste of air but no one would admit it . The teacher didn’t want it because it might criminalise those carrying knives . My ears popped . Humph didn’t really challenge or even do his cough.
No politician present – no snowflake copper – a tick box interview . Meanwhile – don’t go near a bus station or Mac Donald’s after 3pm unless you really want to take on a feral 14 year old monster in school uniform …..
I know this site focuses on the the B.B.C but I couldn’t;t help but notice not one mention of remembrance day on the Channel 4 News website over the weekend. So i sent feedback and got a reply saying “Our programming remit ? defined by government ? requires us to provide an alternative service to other broadcasters” they never have except 1985 for some reason observers remembrance day. Quite frankly I find this an astonishing and feeble response. This is still as far as I am aware a state linked company. My reaction is that again it’s what they don’t say that marks them out and exposes their bias, I know their lauded chief news reader has said he won’t wear a poppy but it appears he also runs the show there.
Not really BBC but I had to laugh at this:
Europe Should Become an “Empire” Says French Finance Minister
Now I know that sometimes things become distorted in translation. However, I looked up the definition of “Empire” to see if my initial thoughts were correct:
An extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state.
1.1mass noun Supreme political power over several countries when exercised by a single authority.
1.2archaic mass noun Absolute control over a person or group.
2A large commercial organization owned or controlled by one person or group.
2.1 An extensive sphere of activity controlled by one person or group.
“ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state.” Yep, that sounds like the EU to me. Greece must be impressed.
I must say I am truly shocked to read the tweets of senior ReichEU politicians talking about setting up an army which might have to ‘ take on America ‘.
Have they lost their minds ? Their history? What they owe to America ( and us) . ? Less than a life time ago they were saved from their biggest member. They have forgotten that .
Mr Putin must be working overtime to work out to to exploit the position the ReichEU is taking . It has also done President Trump a big favour .