I believe it is appropriate that Asia Bibi is nominated and wins the Nobel Peace prize.
Unlike so many others, she has been in solitary confinement in a Pakistani prison for 8 years, and always under the threat of execution or murder, all for the sin of blasphemy. She stands for freedom of conscience and thought, which these days is under threat everywhere, even in the West.
She has been oppressed at a level of persecution unknown in modern times, and ranks alongside prisoners of conscience, like Alexander Solzhynetsin in the Gulag. Unlike Alexander Solzhynetsin, Asia Bibi is from a poor, uneducated, and lowest of the low classes, deemed fit for cleaning latrines or sweeping roads. Despite this, she has showed resilience and bravery that would be hard to find anywhere.
We in Europe are near the point where we too may be imprisoned for blasphemy. I think we should campaign for Asia Bibi for the Nobel prize. The bells that toll for Asia Bibi toll for us .
Let’s face it HMG is afraid of granting asylum because they know she will need to be protected from Pakistani Muslims sworn to kill her –
Thus proving that Islam Is an evil pervertion which liberal countries are afraid to control .
The state site monitors can add that one to my file .
I believe that if she is honoured by a Nobel prize, it will give her a greater level of protection.
As I mentioned, we are dangerously close to a situation where the European courts will make it an offence to criticise Islam, ie we would all be in danger of committing blasphemy, even this blog.
If the commentariat is for it, how do we propose her to the Nobel Committee. Get in touch with Baroness Cox for instance?
David R
I agree. I can only think of Alexander Solzhynetsin who comes near.
I cannot imagine what it must be for a poor “low” class Christian woman in solitary confinement in a Pakistani Muslim prison. Hell on earth is the nearest.
Remainder to Al Beeb …………………
“Most of the country didn’t vote for Brexit”…please remember….no matter how many people voted for Brexit, even less voted to Remain.
Tory Voters for independence, vote and support UKIP next time. You have been sold and told a basket of lies.
It seems to me that most people I speak to, who complain about the tories, honestly believe that UKIP is a “wasted” vote and that you have to vote conservative to keep Corbyn and the marxists out.
The Tories are finished unless they dump Theresa May pdq (tomorrow hopefully). I haven’t voted for them in years for General Elections while there’s a UKIP or other fringe party on the ticket.
There’s no ideological room for remainers in that party if they’re being honest – they belong in the LibDems or Labour, so a split must be inevitable.
Anyway I’ll never forgive them for their spineless proposals to continue hanging on the EU’s apron strings. If that worthless deal goes through, we’ll get Labour – and to be honest I’m so sick of it all I couldn’t give a monkey’s any more.
Edit – just saw the Cabinet has agreed the draft so-called Brexit plan. They are choosing suicide!
ima- seems the Jags and the little, red boxes you can wave at the camera for another day or two, have a hypnotic effect…or was it a few promises made in the one-to-ones? Or both?
or am I merely being an old cynic?
I see that Brillo is in trouble for daring to speak the truth about the rampant leftist bias on the BBC, particularly on its so called comedy programmes. These are unknown to me as I stopped watching almost everything on the BBC years ago but even then the bias was undeniable. Brillo will soon be reduced to the status of a non person by the BBC.
Brillo is definitely sound on some major issues such as Economics and democracy but he seems in two minds over a Islamification. On the one hand he issues clear and unambiguous and forthright condemnation of Islamists but seems to think that they are a tiny minority with little support amongst the Muslims in the UK. We know that this isn’t true. So even Brillo can’t bring himself to admit , at least publicly that we are quickly heading down the road of Islamisation with all the horror that it entails.
If he does get the sack then he might be free to express his true thoughts . It won’t be long before he has the chance to do so.
They are forever banging on about ‘diversity’ and equal representation so why not ensure half their employees are soundly right wing like Neill? Indeed the BBC seems to be infested with a tiny minority of extreme leftists wielding just the sort of oppressive power they ostensibly seek to oppose.
“Neil singled out The Mash Report, BBC Two’s satirical late night show, as “self satisfied, self adulatory, unchallenged Left-wing propaganda. It’s hardly balance. Could never happen on a politics show. Except this has become a politics show.”
The Now Show on Radio 4 is “contrived ideological commentary” and Have I Got News For You “is on its last legs”, Neil said.”
Nish Kumar is irritating and the first hurdle a stand-up must get over is being likeable. I saw him at Edinburgh years ago and he ‘bantered’ unsuccessfully with the crowd for ten painful minutes. I wonder why he got the gig?
I wish they could have a go at Mayor Khan. You could get an hour a week easily just off his idiocy; his Twitter feed reads like a parody account. Alas rather than speaking truth to power the lib mob ARE the power now. Any joke at Khan’s expense could well have the thought Police at your door.
Nish Kumar is irritating and the first hurdle a stand-up must get over is being likeable. I saw him at Edinburgh years ago and he ‘bantered’ unsuccessfully with the crowd for ten painful minutes. I wonder why he got the gig?
I wish they could have a go at Mayor Khan. You could get an hour a week easily just off his idiocy; his Twitter feed reads like a parody account. Alas rather than speaking truth to power the lib mob ARE the power now. Any joke at Khan’s expense could well have the thought Police at your door.
I gave up on Brillo as a member of the media profession and as a human being after his hateful interview with Tommy Robinson, clearly trying to draw attention to his full identity – a technique as TR said to inform Jihadists of the location of his family. Now it is standard to refer to the Yaxley business at least twice in any article. But Brillo made it into such an issue.
Same for me too. Following that disgraceful interview @afneil was taken to task on twitter by many.
His defence was that he would treat an islamist in the very same way.
Wouldn’t you guess we are still awaiting that interview.
Talk is cheap.
Group w@nk time at the bbc another muzzie in a headscarf on the front page, from Indonesia, for what reason is this UK news ? 1.3 billion Chinese population but bbc choose never to mention them on their front page..obviously nothing happening over there, unless they are oppressing muzzies of course
“Prince Charles reveals ‘groussaka love’ on birthday.”
“Lion Air Fiancé alone in wedding photos.”
“Rachel Bland’s son told dad not to worry.”
Someone likes eating; someone got married; someone spoke to a family member about a bereavement.
How can they think this is acceptable? I teach French and I could not get away with teaching year eleven the days of the week. At least that would be French; I do not see how any of these stories are news.
Their vast news staff must spend their days making sure nothing of interest gets through to us. I imagine any article has to be checked by an army of snowflake cowards who would sooner die than offend someone or risk their ultra cushy, overpaid jobs. Thus as their beloved black community murder one another at unprecedented levels they report on what a prince likes for dinner.
The BBC is a classic example of diseconomies of scale. Their vast budget and wherewithal yet a single bright sixth former could easily produce a far superior news service to this.
The beeb will be absolutely itching to get rid of Andrew Neil for not following the lefty/ snowflake line. Just like Jeremy Clarkson they will end up with some kind of manufactured inquiry into his ‘behaviour’ and conclude he has offended too many people and after thanking him for his time at the beeb will will replace him with one of a multitude of lefty po-faced drones.
Neil is one of the last decent ones let at the BBC. They must dread it when he interviews some Labour or SNP drone and destroys them providing much needed balance that is seriously lacking at the BBC these days
I was always disappointed with Clarkson when he came out as a Remainer. It was a complete betrayal of the proud patriotic person that he’d been pretending to be for so many years.
More and more the men on BBC TV are becoming just lackeys
of their dominant women masters. We saw on Newsnight
last night Emily Maitlis sending out John Sweeney an unfit
middle aged whitey to run around Westminster like an
arshole, completely out of breath sticking a microphone
in ministers faces and screaming ” Deal or No Deal” like it
was a game show.
You see “BIG BROTHER , BIG SISTER or a bit of each from the
Diversity dept. You can only get away with this with a
white middle aged man , running around like a a complete wally.
The five minutes that I saw of Newsnight last night had the usual bBBC “just about right” balance.
Five poiticians, four Remainers. I hope they wiped the seats after Chuka and Grieve glistened in the spotlight either side of Rees-Mogg, two of the slimiest smarms in Parliament. We were then enlightened/ baffled by Barry “Ooh, I could crush a grape” Gardiner and professional-Jock, SNP communications expert Ian Blackford.
Talk about a loaded panel, and that’s before we mention the over-paid and over-praised Mantis, surely one of the most unattractive women on television.
I had just watched Bruce on “Combat Dealers” visiting the Battle of the Bulge area in Belgium. Lots of Bs in that sentence, but not as many as there were useless Bs on Newsnight last night.
She almost always wears a red dress when on BBC, however when she went to America to do an interview with a Republican woman and a Democrat woman she was resplendent in ‘Democrat’ blue. Truly setting an example of BBC impartiality.
They really cant help themselves can they ?
Muslim victim news special!!!
She decides to have her wedding photos taken even though her husband to be was killed in a plane crash. Perfect BBC material for “look… another Muslim victim”
Some suggestions for the future BBC victim stories:
“Rotherham abuse girl will never get married because of what men have done to her”
“London bridge terror attack survivor has wedding photos on their own”
But no it won’t happen, it has to be the right type of victim for the BBC.
Toady watch. This morning about 7.30ish Robinson was interviewing a shop girl from the counter at Woolworths (or at least that was what she sounded like), I am assuming she was a Labour minister but I was only half listening. But Robinson asked specifically ‘Could Brexit be stopped?’. So there, openly on the BBC on their leading political programme, their employee was asking if democracy could be destroyed. Now he was trying to rush the poor girl (!) but was sounding very excited about his question. When I voted Brexit it was to regain the UK’s democracy, not to have it destroyed by the BBC.
The earth in Northern France is moving as thousand upon thousand of those who gave their lives for this country turn in their graves at the capitulation.
And their descendants, and those that endured Auschwitz are every day slandered and labelled Nazis by those uneducated morons, who are of no use whatever to a civilised society, the free country that those who gave their lives created, but seem happy to reap its benefits whilst attempting to destroy it
Both RTE and the Irish Government firmly believe in the Irish Nationalist dictum espoused by James Connolly and Irish Republicans at the outbreak of World War 1, particularly relevant and resonant at this time.
Dear Lord, have only switched on the tele for 40 minutes and I’m already fed up with listening to the strangulated vowels of the N. Irish reporters, and can barely understand the burr of the Scottish journalists, whingeing on behalf of their fellow man. (no disrespect to the contributors on here from those lands), and of course not forgetting the pigeon English of those interviewed from across the puddle.
The media are wetting themselves with this ‘story’, (and if I hear the phrase “the island of Ireland” once more………..) so I’m off to walk the dog.
There should be no surprise at the EU putting RTE wise before the UK. Ever since the referendum the EU has belittled, demeaned and disregarded the UK in a deliberate policy of spite and degradation. Continental politics has been based on this since the 18th century, all the EU has done is refine and legislate the system into our PC reality. And as we know, in this they have been aided enthusiastically by the BBC together with a much smaller though vociferous cadre who write for the Guardian.
The sad but undeniable fact is that had Cameron not been continuously exposed to similar treatment, and the idiots in Brussels had seen the wisdom of some relatively harmless concessions, the vote would almost certainly have gone the other way. So they will reap what they have sown, with China, Russia and the USA gaining most from the harvest.
all they appear to be reaping at the moment is £39billion, the removal of britains veto (as if its any use), and pushing some troublesome voices out of their talking shop
Thats fine, just cancel HS2 (57 billion so far without a sleeper laid and probably double that eventually) a relatively small price to pay for freedom from their dictacts, who wants to travel to Birmingham or Leeds and Manchester quicker ? need at least an hour to prepare for the experience, as a soothern softy etc. etc.
On the last thread I said I never liked the music of PinkWe don’t need no edukayshunFloyd.
Here’s a way more important reason for my dislike:
Look, I write for a Jewish publication. About Jews. All day. Every day. Which means it takes a lot to move me, especially when it comes to the never-ending torrent of bigoted drivel produced by Israel’s shrillest detractors. But this week, Roger Waters proved he still has the stuff, producing a masterpiece of hate that deserves a moment of consideration.
Germany refused to let Waters perform there because of his anti-Semitism. And of course you can get a torrent of more info by just Googling the appropriate key words.
point taken, but he is only a small minded bass player who has lost his voice (musically speaking but unfortunately not totally) , endlessly dining out on the achievements of the band, A gleyzele Vayn has its charms but still prefer Dark Side of the Moon
On R4, a program on whether universities are conformist!!!!
Have the bbc suddenly been subjected to a burst of intellectual DIVERSITY? That would be very interesting indeed. Any guesses as to the conclusion? (eg all is well, if anything to worry about, it’s the ‘far right’) Someone called Mc Mahon has spotted fears of ‘the right’ from ‘outside’ the universities.
Will Empire be mentioned? Decolonization anyone? Oh, do let’s topple old Rhodes. What a blow on behalf of academic freedom that would be…
A debate on conformity and self-censorship at universities. On R4. Yes, it’s really happening!
Wow. Let’s have a listen….
Why does the BBC TV News nearly always seem to show images of near-to-death starving children while their mothers are shamelessly overweight? Something just doesn’t add up to me?
Now a novel experience. For well over a year now, I have not watched televised news from our far left Marxist State Broadcaster aka, “another beauty”. Yesterday evening I watched the news on BBC1 at 2200 Hrs at a friends house.
One feature was the increased number of school pupil exclusions. The intrepid Fake News Broadcaster visited a centre in Manchester (yes, Manchester) where the staff ‘deal’ with these disruptive children. During the the feature we see dozens of WHITE children but only a fleeting glimpse of one black child. Subliminal message? Overwhelmingly all WHITE children cause the problems.
Knowing that virtually all the BBC’s news output is either, distorted or massaged to fit a pro-multicultural agenda, I thought I’d check out the facts.
Check this spreadsheet out: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/726727/la_tables_exc1617.xlsx
Peruse column K Sheet 17 and column L Sheet 16. Total all Londons exclusions and that confirms what you already knew about the lying Fake New’s broadcaster called the BBC. By far London’s children are numerically being excluded. London? But why’s that I ask……..
The BBC, “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”
I wasn’t paying close attention yesterday evening but, on one channel (RT?) Merkel was shown giving a speech (to the European Parliament?) espousing the charms of an EU Army and she was roundly booed! On other channels she was shown as roundly applauded!
Was someone being selective with their reporting or did I misunderstand? 🙁
If the Globalist/NWO German Representative Merkel gets any control over a EU Army we will see the re-opening of concentration camps in Germany. ‘Concentration’ as distinct to, ‘Extermination’. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camps
Tucked away in the business section of the beebs website is the report that Italy’s deadline passed yesterday for them to re submit their budget proposals. Brussels not impressed and are threatening them with fines. Just like old fashioned loan sharks, your debt just keeps getting bigger. Hold your nerve Italy, you know it makes sense.
Over the past few evenings ‘Fake News’ and ‘Fact Checking’ have been discussed briefly. A few days ago an American man spoke very sensibly on the subject and explained to Katty and Christian that news reports should not contain opinions…just facts! K and C were left speechless briefly, obviously unable to compute…they moved on to a different item as their brains clicked back into action. At no time could they comprehend that they themselves were part of the problem.
Last night a woman was explaining that ‘facts’ are of variable degree and should be judged by their ‘facticity’!
I might have misheard…but I like that word anyway 🙂
@HostScot posted vid of Jordan Peterson talking to students at the Cambridge Union
Question from activist
….“Do you think Climate Change could be a question that unites us ?”
JP’s quick answer ” NO !” ..massive applause
“You can’t rely on the models
Wind and Solar look at Germany ..how that increased their CO2
You can’t separate out the politics
We should cut back …but hang on, it’s when GDP rises, that ..people start cleaning the environment
Bjorn Lomborg is a genius..”
look at the students body language all hands over mouths and crossed legs ..no one has told them such truths before
(Note JP has a bodyguard behind him)
Min 25min
“These things are complicated …Let’s fix Global Warming good luck with that .. that’s not uniting us
..NO ”
“It’s the kind of low resolution thinking that gets us nowhere
… Lomborg is way better
.. We’re not going to do anything
..are you the one to stop having heat ? , stop having light ?, stop charging you Iphone ?
No, You are not going to do any of that ..so, so”.
2:15pm R4drama : Black Lives matter
\\ Black and Blue
Black teen Tonio finds solace on the basketball court, but he soon becomes threatened by a gang.
A white beat cop tries to help him stay safe in a crime-riddled DC neighbourhood.
This is the second in a two part series, Black and Blue, about black men and the police in America, recorded and produced in New York City and broadcast on consecutive days. //
The graphic seems to come from CNN
8pm R4 The Morality of Compromise
Moral Maze : debate chaired by Michael Buerk. With Michael Portillo, Claire Fox, Shiv Malik (lefty) and Tim Stanley (BBC lefty) .
The Prime Minister’s Brexit plan is now on the table,
Watching beeb telly today (Politics show?) There was an interview with bbc jurno and an owner of a shop selling stuffed toys… are you worried about brexit? Asks the Jurno… not really, replies the store owner, most of our trade is with US and Japan…
You could almost hear the screams – cut away!! Cut away!!!
As an aside – same piece? Children playing with top 10 xmas toys including barbie…. a young girl when asks if that would be on her xmas list says “no, I want a laser gun”…… I thought funny anyway…
Two years ago I expressed the opinion that it made no sense for a Remainer to take charge of the biggest UK project in half a century: to leave the EU.
It felt like a project manager, tasked with building a bridge, deciding to construct an open quarry mine instead, while assuring us that a bridge was a bridge, and if you tried hard to cross the big hole, you would find it to be – a bridge!
Looking at the lunchtime news, I found my opinion confirmed: we have a big hole posing as a bridge, and what’s more, we have £39billion quid to chuck into it. Why?
It’s only money…
She has decided we are all fools enough to buy the hole, call it a bridge, and pay the money to show that we have every faith in the deceit. A trick worthy of that other lady, who decided simply to do away with her country’s national borders because there was really ‘no alternative’.
Isn’t language marvelous? Say anything you like when you’re top dog, and the magic happens. Will the British people be every bit as stupid as the Germans appear to be?
Sadly, I should not be surprised in the least: after all, we have already stood by and allowed parliament to hijack our decision and have the ‘final say’.
I got a bit interested in the fate of two MPs recently on trial – one for alleged election fraud and the other for the traditional Hune type alleged Speeding fiddling .
I don’t know the outcome but is did strike me that the politics profession does seem to attract people willing to land up in court –
The funny thing abou Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce case was that she hated his guts so much she was prepared to go down to make sure he went as well…
And you’ll notice the bbc never introduce her as ‘ convicted liar’.
in the Times
The BBC has rewritten its editorial guidelines to create a new “satire in the public interest” defence for some intrusive forms of journalism
#2 News staff should think twice before giving opinions on social media.
#3 Consider handing info to police if evidence of criminal activity
(“consider” jeesus it’s the law not to withold UNLESS against public interest)
#4 Protect child actors from adult material etc.
Guy V says EU Army was always the plan
It’s not the parody account
I am very pleased that both #Merkel and Macron are now fully behind a European army. We fought for this for many years. In the world of tomorrow, we have to take our destiny into our own hands! ???????? Watch my #EPlenary speech here: https://t.co/k8rvCqSUQi
It seems like a terrific idea to me…factories in Germany and France will churn out all the necessary armaments and all the other EU countries will be forced to buy them.
The benefits of an EU army.
Thousands of snowflaky yoony students all willing to demonstrate for the EU, joined with UAF, Antifa, Momentum, Left Unity, Owen Jones, all ready to fight fascism wherever it arises Willing recruits for Macron and Merkel’s Army. Off to Poland to sort out the far right, then Hungary, and to liberate the Pallies from the yoke of Israeli Apartheid Nazism thereby creating a Democratic Palestinian Workers State from the river to the sea, as the song goes. And of course, to put their money where their vagina hats rest, and fight the Great Satan, Trump’s Nazi USA.
Yeas Bring it on, lets have a Yoony Division for the EU Army.
At last we would get rid of a few. The IDF would be hard pushed at odds of 50 to one against them but could cope.
The Russians like a fight so maybe 30 to one for them. The POles the same.
At last we would get rid of a few. The IDF would be hard pushed at odds of 50 to one against them but could cope.
The Russians like a fight so maybe 30 to one for them. The POles the same.
At last we would get rid of a few. The IDF would be hard pushed at odds of 50 to one against them but could cope.
The Russians like a fight so maybe 30 to one for them. The POles the same.
Didn’t all the Remainiacs from Cameron down claim that the idea of a European Army was completely false. And they have the chutzpah to accuse the Brexiteers as liars!
Are May and the rest of her Remainer chums going to sign this Brexit agreement of in a railway carriage at Compiegne ? Because that would be appropriate ..
Well said. I only really watch Fox News and only on YouTube because we can’t seem to get it over here.
There is just nothing at all that is comparable on UK tv. Just all left wing biased, PC spouting bollocks. I know i’m missing out on all manner of UK related news but what can you do when you know that everything is being passed through a liberal filter?
Amol’s prog has a special podcast bonus of an actual discussion at #NX18 Edinburgh
His news panel on the radio was interesting
Amol-Beeboid , CBC-woman and South Africa woman all towing their flake news line
The CBC-woman said “we have toget away from this one sided narrative that the MSM is FakeNews”
Doh that has to be a 2 sided thing by definition
(He’s actually had 3 of his employees dies in Afghanistan this year)
The AFP guy was quite different , more insightful and hinted at the game CNN plays hyping up i’s soap opera .
(AFP is third funded by French Government) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00013vg
oops text jumped around
The AFP guy was quite different , more insightful and hinted at the game CNN plays hyping up i’s soap opera .
(He’s actually had 3 of his employees die in Afghanistan this year)
AFP is third funded by French Government)
Greetings comrades! Well here’s my first post after following these pages for some time as a refreshing bit of sanity in a mad,mad,mad, mad world.
I was inspired to join this august group after waking this very morning to the distinctly uninspiring sounds of Radio 2 in the form of the Chris Evans show.
Mr Evans was gushing in his excitement at reading some new book by Michelle Obama and seemed to me to be implying the prospect of her running against President Trump was even more exciting. He also mentioned Gary Lineker (like that was a good thing) getting more involved with politics. Now, I hope that I was just half asleep at the time so maybe was not hearing correctly and it was merely the remnant of a bad dream. But sadly not. And it irritated my waking moments that such persistent political bias is just part and parcel of our supposedly neutral state broadcaster.
Just another symptom of the BBC disease?
You heard right doctor. It was sickening. Utterly cringeworthy. I couldn’t turn over quick enough. Chris ” I have the perfect life” Evans has been unbearable this week with his children in need fawning and his political insinuations.
The face of Michelle O greeted customers in my local Tesco yesterday in a huge pile of her book just inside the entrance. Also – turn off alert – heard the joyous news on Radio 4 trails that this wondrous tome will be the book of the week (9.45 am every day). So, it’s not just the BBC but they do seem to be joining in the Michelle worship with enthusiasm.
Would be nice if your premise is correct, Lucky.
However, May is in Merkel mode:
1. Convince yourself that you are The One.
2. There is no alternative.
3. The media also seem to think you are The One.
4. On the other hand, they have some nasty stories that you must go. Ignore.
5. ‘The people’ have been divided. Now- for the time being- you can rule.
Having pointed all this out, the ice under May’s feet is a lot thinner than that under Merkel’s. But, what the heck – that merely makes a gal more determined. Come what…er…May.
If the reaction from the voters as to this so called new agreement with the negoiators in the EU can be seen quite clearly to keep the UK tied into the EU very much as is, it will not only show the political parties where we the people do not want to be, but will I am certain very quickly alter the political landscape. No doubt a new Prime Minister must be voted in that must throw out any agreement with the EU that keeps us shackled to the EU as of now.
We are an overcrowded nation whose infrastructure is wobbling precariously therefore our borders must remain closed to any immigration of peoples from outside Europe and only then from certain countries within Europe that can integrate successfully. Talk of allowing thousands of children into this nation via some Kinder proposal is simply ludicrous. The Media, BBC et al are the most damaging to the UK, to many are hoodwinked by such scallywags.
May’s speech saying she had got cabinet support for her betrayal was utterly unconvincing. I was convinced she was going to announce her resignation, her body language, voice and manner was of a broken leader not someone who has won a victory. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/uk-politics-46200010
Agree. I sounded like a resignation speech and I am sure I caught some references to her deal in the past tense
She was doing that funny thing with her mouth which happens when she is not sure of her lines.
As for her successor – I fear the establishment including BBC will go for Savid Javid – peace be upon him – Muslim politician of the year a short while back.
In January 2015, Javid was awarded the Politician of the Year award at the British Muslim Awards.[
Agree Englands D, we shall see what the next few days bring-however if T May proposes to show herself on the TV to try and convince us the voters that we should follow her lead, then She is much mistaken. I have not lived through the last 76 yrs to see my country still remain under the boot of those evil lot in Brussels supported by a more evil lot the Elitist Bankers. We must wait and see how strong the anti boys and girls are.
What kind of an idiot ties the whole of the UK into a customs union, the EU rulebook, and therefore unable to make our own trade deals, tied to the Remit of the European Court of Jurisdiction, tied to the the supremacy of EU law, and tries to pass it off as Brexit ?
If the traitors in the HoP sign us up to this travesty of an agreement, then the next General Election should be fought on which party will declare UDI ( a unilateral declaration of independence) from the EU. And immediately put it into effect.
How are we taking back control of our borders, our laws, our money? The woman is deluded. She might as well be standing in the pissing rain and insisting that the sun is shining!
watchdog Matthew “Most of us would be appalled to wear fur”
cues their item about how some fake fur is real fur
Steph very earnest goes shopping
Twitter massively notices Steph is wearing a LEATHER jacket whilst sneering at fur
This @BBCWatchdog item on faux fur turning out to be real fur is absolutely shocking. It really is.
Please can someone tell me should you know if this means 2 more years at least of free movement and a rush for EU citizens to come to the UK (and UK citizens to buy sunny homes in EU countries) to protect their citizenship, residency, employment and
Benefits rights for now and for ever for them and their families??? GENUINE question.
The EU chief negotiator says “citizens rights have always been our common priority – for both EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in EU. All of these people will be able to continue to live their lives as before – to live there, study there and to be joined by their families there throughout their lifetime.”
He confirms a transition period until December 2020 during which time all parties will “preserve the current situation with respect to the EU policies, customs union and all the rights that go along with that”.
I wouldn’t say there is any silliness about it personally. She is bringing into the equation the third option of staying in the EU. She has never mentioned this before and has also reiterated it in the commons speech today. It’s all part of the plan to keep us shackled.
Interesting conundrum.
This esteemed site is pretty much, shall we say, Eurosceptic.
And in 500 pages of the Brexit text, we can all find lots we don’t like.
So does this mean we support the BBC?
They’ve been Remoaning away ever since the referendum. Now they can shit stir until kingdom come by finding and focussing on each and every person that can find anything they dislike about the agreement (not difficult). You just know they are going to do this ad nauseam.
Mrs S is even faster to the off switch than I am!
Fed U 2 Moodswing has just arrived home drunk but grateful for all you do to keep things going and to everyone on here who helps, knowing that sanity and intelligent people still exist.
I have a brand new flat screen TV. My first ever. I don’t have a license but I don’t need one as my smart tv has my prime, Netflix and you tube apps built in. Of course they are not perfect but they are incredibly good and also not overly expensive.
Never did I dream of being so disgusted with the bbc and the entire main stream ugliness of broadcasting. Never did I dream of a flat screen television on my bedroom wall with access to some outstanding entertainment. None of it is live none of it is recorded. It’s streamed and it’s legal and it’s delicious. Thank you to all of you for your insight your intelligence and simply for caring about our country and the obsessive evil that is the bbc. A once proud and decent entity reduced to slime.
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Just as I clock out.
I am off to stock up on my store of Oxo cubes and Kipling cakes !
Congratulations but you didn’t include your usual ‘ vote UKIP’ line .!
I believe it is appropriate that Asia Bibi is nominated and wins the Nobel Peace prize.
Unlike so many others, she has been in solitary confinement in a Pakistani prison for 8 years, and always under the threat of execution or murder, all for the sin of blasphemy. She stands for freedom of conscience and thought, which these days is under threat everywhere, even in the West.
She has been oppressed at a level of persecution unknown in modern times, and ranks alongside prisoners of conscience, like Alexander Solzhynetsin in the Gulag. Unlike Alexander Solzhynetsin, Asia Bibi is from a poor, uneducated, and lowest of the low classes, deemed fit for cleaning latrines or sweeping roads. Despite this, she has showed resilience and bravery that would be hard to find anywhere.
We in Europe are near the point where we too may be imprisoned for blasphemy. I think we should campaign for Asia Bibi for the Nobel prize. The bells that toll for Asia Bibi toll for us .
I beg to differ. She is far better than most of the Peace Prize winners since WWII. It would be an insult to her.
Let’s face it HMG is afraid of granting asylum because they know she will need to be protected from Pakistani Muslims sworn to kill her –
Thus proving that Islam Is an evil pervertion which liberal countries are afraid to control .
The state site monitors can add that one to my file .
I believe that if she is honoured by a Nobel prize, it will give her a greater level of protection.
As I mentioned, we are dangerously close to a situation where the European courts will make it an offence to criticise Islam, ie we would all be in danger of committing blasphemy, even this blog.
If the commentariat is for it, how do we propose her to the Nobel Committee. Get in touch with Baroness Cox for instance?
David R
I agree. I can only think of Alexander Solzhynetsin who comes near.
I cannot imagine what it must be for a poor “low” class Christian woman in solitary confinement in a Pakistani Muslim prison. Hell on earth is the nearest.
Well said. Let’s see how quickly that story disappears from the MSM, and we’ll never hear when poor Asia is vaporized.
Remainder to Al Beeb …………………
“Most of the country didn’t vote for Brexit”…please remember….no matter how many people voted for Brexit, even less voted to Remain.
Tory Voters for independence, vote and support UKIP next time. You have been sold and told a basket of lies.
It seems to me that most people I speak to, who complain about the tories, honestly believe that UKIP is a “wasted” vote and that you have to vote conservative to keep Corbyn and the marxists out.
The Tories are finished unless they dump Theresa May pdq (tomorrow hopefully). I haven’t voted for them in years for General Elections while there’s a UKIP or other fringe party on the ticket.
There’s no ideological room for remainers in that party if they’re being honest – they belong in the LibDems or Labour, so a split must be inevitable.
Anyway I’ll never forgive them for their spineless proposals to continue hanging on the EU’s apron strings. If that worthless deal goes through, we’ll get Labour – and to be honest I’m so sick of it all I couldn’t give a monkey’s any more.
Edit – just saw the Cabinet has agreed the draft so-called Brexit plan. They are choosing suicide!
ima- seems the Jags and the little, red boxes you can wave at the camera for another day or two, have a hypnotic effect…or was it a few promises made in the one-to-ones? Or both?
or am I merely being an old cynic?
I see that Brillo is in trouble for daring to speak the truth about the rampant leftist bias on the BBC, particularly on its so called comedy programmes. These are unknown to me as I stopped watching almost everything on the BBC years ago but even then the bias was undeniable. Brillo will soon be reduced to the status of a non person by the BBC.
Brillo is definitely sound on some major issues such as Economics and democracy but he seems in two minds over a Islamification. On the one hand he issues clear and unambiguous and forthright condemnation of Islamists but seems to think that they are a tiny minority with little support amongst the Muslims in the UK. We know that this isn’t true. So even Brillo can’t bring himself to admit , at least publicly that we are quickly heading down the road of Islamisation with all the horror that it entails.
If he does get the sack then he might be free to express his true thoughts . It won’t be long before he has the chance to do so.
They are forever banging on about ‘diversity’ and equal representation so why not ensure half their employees are soundly right wing like Neill? Indeed the BBC seems to be infested with a tiny minority of extreme leftists wielding just the sort of oppressive power they ostensibly seek to oppose.
“Neil singled out The Mash Report, BBC Two’s satirical late night show, as “self satisfied, self adulatory, unchallenged Left-wing propaganda. It’s hardly balance. Could never happen on a politics show. Except this has become a politics show.”
The Now Show on Radio 4 is “contrived ideological commentary” and Have I Got News For You “is on its last legs”, Neil said.”
Nish Kumar is irritating and the first hurdle a stand-up must get over is being likeable. I saw him at Edinburgh years ago and he ‘bantered’ unsuccessfully with the crowd for ten painful minutes. I wonder why he got the gig?
I wish they could have a go at Mayor Khan. You could get an hour a week easily just off his idiocy; his Twitter feed reads like a parody account. Alas rather than speaking truth to power the lib mob ARE the power now. Any joke at Khan’s expense could well have the thought Police at your door.
Nish Kumar is irritating and the first hurdle a stand-up must get over is being likeable. I saw him at Edinburgh years ago and he ‘bantered’ unsuccessfully with the crowd for ten painful minutes. I wonder why he got the gig?
I wish they could have a go at Mayor Khan. You could get an hour a week easily just off his idiocy; his Twitter feed reads like a parody account. Alas rather than speaking truth to power the lib mob ARE the power now. Any joke at Khan’s expense could well have the thought Police at your door.
I gave up on Brillo as a member of the media profession and as a human being after his hateful interview with Tommy Robinson, clearly trying to draw attention to his full identity – a technique as TR said to inform Jihadists of the location of his family. Now it is standard to refer to the Yaxley business at least twice in any article. But Brillo made it into such an issue.
Same for me too. Following that disgraceful interview @afneil was taken to task on twitter by many.
His defence was that he would treat an islamist in the very same way.
Wouldn’t you guess we are still awaiting that interview.
Talk is cheap.
Group w@nk time at the bbc another muzzie in a headscarf on the front page, from Indonesia, for what reason is this UK news ? 1.3 billion Chinese population but bbc choose never to mention them on their front page..obviously nothing happening over there, unless they are oppressing muzzies of course
Main stories on BBC news app:
“Prince Charles reveals ‘groussaka love’ on birthday.”
“Lion Air Fiancé alone in wedding photos.”
“Rachel Bland’s son told dad not to worry.”
Someone likes eating; someone got married; someone spoke to a family member about a bereavement.
How can they think this is acceptable? I teach French and I could not get away with teaching year eleven the days of the week. At least that would be French; I do not see how any of these stories are news.
Their vast news staff must spend their days making sure nothing of interest gets through to us. I imagine any article has to be checked by an army of snowflake cowards who would sooner die than offend someone or risk their ultra cushy, overpaid jobs. Thus as their beloved black community murder one another at unprecedented levels they report on what a prince likes for dinner.
The BBC is a classic example of diseconomies of scale. Their vast budget and wherewithal yet a single bright sixth former could easily produce a far superior news service to this.
I thought that May was a ‘remainer’ so why are they not on her side? Oh yeah she is a Tory so they chose Corbyn.
Yet Corbyn is a Brexiter? Oh not to worry, he is Labour and the BBC love their left wing politics.
Shame about Corbyn’s raincoat though…
The beeb will be absolutely itching to get rid of Andrew Neil for not following the lefty/ snowflake line. Just like Jeremy Clarkson they will end up with some kind of manufactured inquiry into his ‘behaviour’ and conclude he has offended too many people and after thanking him for his time at the beeb will will replace him with one of a multitude of lefty po-faced drones.
Neil is one of the last decent ones let at the BBC. They must dread it when he interviews some Labour or SNP drone and destroys them providing much needed balance that is seriously lacking at the BBC these days
I was always disappointed with Clarkson when he came out as a Remainer. It was a complete betrayal of the proud patriotic person that he’d been pretending to be for so many years.
More and more the men on BBC TV are becoming just lackeys
of their dominant women masters. We saw on Newsnight
last night Emily Maitlis sending out John Sweeney an unfit
middle aged whitey to run around Westminster like an
arshole, completely out of breath sticking a microphone
in ministers faces and screaming ” Deal or No Deal” like it
was a game show.
You see “BIG BROTHER , BIG SISTER or a bit of each from the
Diversity dept. You can only get away with this with a
white middle aged man , running around like a a complete wally.
The five minutes that I saw of Newsnight last night had the usual bBBC “just about right” balance.
Five poiticians, four Remainers. I hope they wiped the seats after Chuka and Grieve glistened in the spotlight either side of Rees-Mogg, two of the slimiest smarms in Parliament. We were then enlightened/ baffled by Barry “Ooh, I could crush a grape” Gardiner and professional-Jock, SNP communications expert Ian Blackford.
Talk about a loaded panel, and that’s before we mention the over-paid and over-praised Mantis, surely one of the most unattractive women on television.
I had just watched Bruce on “Combat Dealers” visiting the Battle of the Bulge area in Belgium. Lots of Bs in that sentence, but not as many as there were useless Bs on Newsnight last night.
‘the over-paid and over-praised Mantis, surely one of the most unattractive women on television’.
She tries
That must be an old photo because she’s not wearing too well, HD is unforgiving. Although I wasn’t just talking about her appearance.
Its her face that has gone. I often think that the face reveals the soul and her face confirms this. I will spare you a photo.
She almost always wears a red dress when on BBC, however when she went to America to do an interview with a Republican woman and a Democrat woman she was resplendent in ‘Democrat’ blue. Truly setting an example of BBC impartiality.
They really cant help themselves can they ?
That always amazes me that the beeb could claim fake ignorance of their colour clothing choice.
When I worked as a polling clerk, we were all told to be mindful of wearing overtly political colours.
Lion Air crash: Victim’s fiancée takes wedding photos alone
Muslim victim news special!!!
She decides to have her wedding photos taken even though her husband to be was killed in a plane crash. Perfect BBC material for “look… another Muslim victim”
Some suggestions for the future BBC victim stories:
“Rotherham abuse girl will never get married because of what men have done to her”
“London bridge terror attack survivor has wedding photos on their own”
But no it won’t happen, it has to be the right type of victim for the BBC.
Toady watch. This morning about 7.30ish Robinson was interviewing a shop girl from the counter at Woolworths (or at least that was what she sounded like), I am assuming she was a Labour minister but I was only half listening. But Robinson asked specifically ‘Could Brexit be stopped?’. So there, openly on the BBC on their leading political programme, their employee was asking if democracy could be destroyed. Now he was trying to rush the poor girl (!) but was sounding very excited about his question. When I voted Brexit it was to regain the UK’s democracy, not to have it destroyed by the BBC.
The earth in Northern France is moving as thousand upon thousand of those who gave their lives for this country turn in their graves at the capitulation.
And their descendants, and those that endured Auschwitz are every day slandered and labelled Nazis by those uneducated morons, who are of no use whatever to a civilised society, the free country that those who gave their lives created, but seem happy to reap its benefits whilst attempting to destroy it
The Beeb dont seem to concerned that May’s “deal” was sent to RTE the Irish broadcaster before themselves
JRM kindly makes this point to the Beeb reporter
The RTE report is actually very enlightening, saying that Brussels sent London the agreed text at 9pm, how good of them!
RTE seem also to do a much better job of reporting the news, rather than their opinions
a less than subtle message maybe for the bBBC…
Both RTE and the Irish Government firmly believe in the Irish Nationalist dictum espoused by James Connolly and Irish Republicans at the outbreak of World War 1, particularly relevant and resonant at this time.
“England’s difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity”.
Another bunch happy to take our benefits and…
Sooner rather than later the first thing you will hear upon arriving at Luton : “your papers please ?”
Dear Lord, have only switched on the tele for 40 minutes and I’m already fed up with listening to the strangulated vowels of the N. Irish reporters, and can barely understand the burr of the Scottish journalists, whingeing on behalf of their fellow man. (no disrespect to the contributors on here from those lands), and of course not forgetting the pigeon English of those interviewed from across the puddle.
The media are wetting themselves with this ‘story’, (and if I hear the phrase “the island of Ireland” once more………..) so I’m off to walk the dog.
No offence taken, I find it painful myself. Affected accents disproportionately represented on all channels, but especially the bBBC.
Did those parents of baby Adolf arrested last week perhaps ‘misunderstand’ Mein Kampf?
There should be no surprise at the EU putting RTE wise before the UK. Ever since the referendum the EU has belittled, demeaned and disregarded the UK in a deliberate policy of spite and degradation. Continental politics has been based on this since the 18th century, all the EU has done is refine and legislate the system into our PC reality. And as we know, in this they have been aided enthusiastically by the BBC together with a much smaller though vociferous cadre who write for the Guardian.
The sad but undeniable fact is that had Cameron not been continuously exposed to similar treatment, and the idiots in Brussels had seen the wisdom of some relatively harmless concessions, the vote would almost certainly have gone the other way. So they will reap what they have sown, with China, Russia and the USA gaining most from the harvest.
all they appear to be reaping at the moment is £39billion, the removal of britains veto (as if its any use), and pushing some troublesome voices out of their talking shop
Thats fine, just cancel HS2 (57 billion so far without a sleeper laid and probably double that eventually) a relatively small price to pay for freedom from their dictacts, who wants to travel to Birmingham or Leeds and Manchester quicker ? need at least an hour to prepare for the experience, as a soothern softy etc. etc.
On the last thread I said I never liked the music of PinkWe don’t need no edukayshunFloyd.
Here’s a way more important reason for my dislike:
Look, I write for a Jewish publication. About Jews. All day. Every day. Which means it takes a lot to move me, especially when it comes to the never-ending torrent of bigoted drivel produced by Israel’s shrillest detractors. But this week, Roger Waters proved he still has the stuff, producing a masterpiece of hate that deserves a moment of consideration.
Here’s the rest of the article
Germany refused to let Waters perform there because of his anti-Semitism. And of course you can get a torrent of more info by just Googling the appropriate key words.
point taken, but he is only a small minded bass player who has lost his voice (musically speaking but unfortunately not totally) , endlessly dining out on the achievements of the band, A gleyzele Vayn has its charms but still prefer Dark Side of the Moon
On R4, a program on whether universities are conformist!!!!
Have the bbc suddenly been subjected to a burst of intellectual DIVERSITY? That would be very interesting indeed. Any guesses as to the conclusion? (eg all is well, if anything to worry about, it’s the ‘far right’) Someone called Mc Mahon has spotted fears of ‘the right’ from ‘outside’ the universities.
Will Empire be mentioned? Decolonization anyone? Oh, do let’s topple old Rhodes. What a blow on behalf of academic freedom that would be…
A debate on conformity and self-censorship at universities. On R4. Yes, it’s really happening!
Wow. Let’s have a listen….
BBC Dragons Den S16E07

First up: two *obese* Nigerians selling “Healthy” African food
: facepalm
Idi Amin had some low fat stuff in his fridge..
“*obese* Nigerians ”
Why does the BBC TV News nearly always seem to show images of near-to-death starving children while their mothers are shamelessly overweight? Something just doesn’t add up to me?
I have the same concerns when clinically obese NHS nurses hand out leaflets on healthy eating !!
A typical British family.
Now a novel experience. For well over a year now, I have not watched televised news from our far left Marxist State Broadcaster aka, “another beauty”. Yesterday evening I watched the news on BBC1 at 2200 Hrs at a friends house.
One feature was the increased number of school pupil exclusions. The intrepid Fake News Broadcaster visited a centre in Manchester (yes, Manchester) where the staff ‘deal’ with these disruptive children. During the the feature we see dozens of WHITE children but only a fleeting glimpse of one black child. Subliminal message? Overwhelmingly all WHITE children cause the problems.
Knowing that virtually all the BBC’s news output is either, distorted or massaged to fit a pro-multicultural agenda, I thought I’d check out the facts.
Check this spreadsheet out:
Peruse column K Sheet 17 and column L Sheet 16. Total all Londons exclusions and that confirms what you already knew about the lying Fake New’s broadcaster called the BBC. By far London’s children are numerically being excluded. London? But why’s that I ask……..
The BBC, “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”
Does anyone know any more about the circumstances around this? Another one of those out of control cars and a ‘man’ who has not been named.?
Happened 3 weeks ago
I’ll look in the Times a bit later
Times didn’t cover it
Bristol local Facebook pages tend to have more
Fake News?
I wasn’t paying close attention yesterday evening but, on one channel (RT?) Merkel was shown giving a speech (to the European Parliament?) espousing the charms of an EU Army and she was roundly booed! On other channels she was shown as roundly applauded!
Was someone being selective with their reporting or did I misunderstand? 🙁
If the Globalist/NWO German Representative Merkel gets any control over a EU Army we will see the re-opening of concentration camps in Germany. ‘Concentration’ as distinct to, ‘Extermination’.
Tucked away in the business section of the beebs website is the report that Italy’s deadline passed yesterday for them to re submit their budget proposals. Brussels not impressed and are threatening them with fines. Just like old fashioned loan sharks, your debt just keeps getting bigger. Hold your nerve Italy, you know it makes sense.
BBC : Beyond 100 Days…
Over the past few evenings ‘Fake News’ and ‘Fact Checking’ have been discussed briefly. A few days ago an American man spoke very sensibly on the subject and explained to Katty and Christian that news reports should not contain opinions…just facts! K and C were left speechless briefly, obviously unable to compute…they moved on to a different item as their brains clicked back into action. At no time could they comprehend that they themselves were part of the problem.
Last night a woman was explaining that ‘facts’ are of variable degree and should be judged by their ‘facticity’!
I might have misheard…but I like that word anyway 🙂
@HostScot posted vid of Jordan Peterson talking to students at the Cambridge Union
Question from activist
….“Do you think Climate Change could be a question that unites us ?”
JP’s quick answer ” NO !” ..massive applause
“You can’t rely on the models
Wind and Solar look at Germany ..how that increased their CO2
You can’t separate out the politics
We should cut back …but hang on, it’s when GDP rises, that ..people start cleaning the environment
Bjorn Lomborg is a genius..”
look at the students body language all hands over mouths and crossed legs ..no one has told them such truths before
(Note JP has a bodyguard behind him)
Min 25min
“These things are complicated …Let’s fix Global Warming good luck with that .. that’s not uniting us
..NO ”
“It’s the kind of low resolution thinking that gets us nowhere
… Lomborg is way better
.. We’re not going to do anything
..are you the one to stop having heat ? , stop having light ?, stop charging you Iphone ?
No, You are not going to do any of that ..so, so”.
2:15pm R4drama : Black Lives matter

\\ Black and Blue
Black teen Tonio finds solace on the basketball court, but he soon becomes threatened by a gang.
A white beat cop tries to help him stay safe in a crime-riddled DC neighbourhood.
This is the second in a two part series, Black and Blue, about black men and the police in America, recorded and produced in New York City and broadcast on consecutive days. //
The graphic seems to come from CNN
when they finally admit that black knives matter things may start to change
it’s an emotive issue but sadly, and in my opinion horrifically some lives, black or otherwise don’t matter.
“the abortion rate for black women in 2014 was 36 percent, even though African-Americans represent only around 13 percent of the U.S. population.”
In 2015, black women had 25,515 “induced terminations,” or abortions, and 23,116 delivered live births.
I think I’ve posted similar stats before, the figures are staggering, and unlikely to feature in a black lives matter r4 drama.
8pm R4 The Morality of Compromise
Moral Maze : debate chaired by Michael Buerk. With Michael Portillo, Claire Fox, Shiv Malik (lefty) and Tim Stanley (BBC lefty) .
The Prime Minister’s Brexit plan is now on the table,
Watching beeb telly today (Politics show?) There was an interview with bbc jurno and an owner of a shop selling stuffed toys… are you worried about brexit? Asks the Jurno… not really, replies the store owner, most of our trade is with US and Japan…
You could almost hear the screams – cut away!! Cut away!!!
As an aside – same piece? Children playing with top 10 xmas toys including barbie…. a young girl when asks if that would be on her xmas list says “no, I want a laser gun”…… I thought funny anyway…
Two years ago I expressed the opinion that it made no sense for a Remainer to take charge of the biggest UK project in half a century: to leave the EU.
It felt like a project manager, tasked with building a bridge, deciding to construct an open quarry mine instead, while assuring us that a bridge was a bridge, and if you tried hard to cross the big hole, you would find it to be – a bridge!
Looking at the lunchtime news, I found my opinion confirmed: we have a big hole posing as a bridge, and what’s more, we have £39billion quid to chuck into it. Why?
It’s only money…
She has decided we are all fools enough to buy the hole, call it a bridge, and pay the money to show that we have every faith in the deceit. A trick worthy of that other lady, who decided simply to do away with her country’s national borders because there was really ‘no alternative’.
Isn’t language marvelous? Say anything you like when you’re top dog, and the magic happens. Will the British people be every bit as stupid as the Germans appear to be?
Sadly, I should not be surprised in the least: after all, we have already stood by and allowed parliament to hijack our decision and have the ‘final say’.
I got a bit interested in the fate of two MPs recently on trial – one for alleged election fraud and the other for the traditional Hune type alleged Speeding fiddling .
I don’t know the outcome but is did strike me that the politics profession does seem to attract people willing to land up in court –
Ha I was just looking.
What “matters” stopped thecase this morning ?
The funny thing abou Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce case was that she hated his guts so much she was prepared to go down to make sure he went as well…
And you’ll notice the bbc never introduce her as ‘ convicted liar’.
Did someone say they missed actual comedy?
Lucy – sitting to our presidents fight was a little chap who fell asleep / ill / hangover / Mr Trump noticed ….
in the Times
The BBC has rewritten its editorial guidelines to create a new “satire in the public interest” defence for some intrusive forms of journalism
#2 News staff should think twice before giving opinions on social media.
#3 Consider handing info to police if evidence of criminal activity
(“consider” jeesus it’s the law not to withold UNLESS against public interest)
#4 Protect child actors from adult material etc.
The guidelines are out for consultation and expected to be approved by the BBC board early next year
Guy V says EU Army was always the plan
It’s not the parody account
This from Andrew Bolt; he does not pull his punches here.
Dangerously irresponsible comments by Macron seeing we are so dependent on the U.S. for our security and how easily offended President Trump is.
It seems like a terrific idea to me…factories in Germany and France will churn out all the necessary armaments and all the other EU countries will be forced to buy them.
What could possibly go wrong? 🙂
The benefits of an EU army.
Thousands of snowflaky yoony students all willing to demonstrate for the EU, joined with UAF, Antifa, Momentum, Left Unity, Owen Jones, all ready to fight fascism wherever it arises Willing recruits for Macron and Merkel’s Army. Off to Poland to sort out the far right, then Hungary, and to liberate the Pallies from the yoke of Israeli Apartheid Nazism thereby creating a Democratic Palestinian Workers State from the river to the sea, as the song goes. And of course, to put their money where their vagina hats rest, and fight the Great Satan, Trump’s Nazi USA.
Yeas Bring it on, lets have a Yoony Division for the EU Army.
At last we would get rid of a few. The IDF would be hard pushed at odds of 50 to one against them but could cope.
The Russians like a fight so maybe 30 to one for them. The POles the same.
At last we would get rid of a few. The IDF would be hard pushed at odds of 50 to one against them but could cope.
The Russians like a fight so maybe 30 to one for them. The POles the same.
At last we would get rid of a few. The IDF would be hard pushed at odds of 50 to one against them but could cope.
The Russians like a fight so maybe 30 to one for them. The POles the same.
“We fought for this for many years”
That limp wristed traitor would lose a fight with a piece of buttered toast at breakfast.
The EU has been the enemy of European people for decades.
Time GV and his ilk were de-selected.
Stew, I find this highly disturbing in relation to a EU Army: “we have to take our destiny into our own hands!”.
Today Brussels tomorrow the world .
Didn’t all the Remainiacs from Cameron down claim that the idea of a European Army was completely false. And they have the chutzpah to accuse the Brexiteers as liars!
But this can’t be true. Nick Clegg dismissively laughed at anyone that said there would be an EU army…
Are May and the rest of her Remainer chums going to sign this Brexit agreement of in a railway carriage at Compiegne ? Because that would be appropriate ..
Well that was Brexit, fun while it lasted. As for the Tory remainers, enjoy this song. The Party’s Over.
And for the electorate
‘Now you must wake up, all dreams must end’
A ‘real’ climate scientist, certainly not an environmentalist upstart –
I watch Levin regularly…..he is brilliant.He calls a spade a spade.
God how I wish we had a Fox or similar in Britain
Well said. I only really watch Fox News and only on YouTube because we can’t seem to get it over here.
There is just nothing at all that is comparable on UK tv. Just all left wing biased, PC spouting bollocks. I know i’m missing out on all manner of UK related news but what can you do when you know that everything is being passed through a liberal filter?
Count China in as a member of the NWO/Globalist elite? If you factor China into the equation, it makes a great deal of sense.
Amol’s prog has a special podcast bonus of an actual discussion at #NX18 Edinburgh
His news panel on the radio was interesting
Amol-Beeboid , CBC-woman and South Africa woman all towing their flake news line
The CBC-woman said “we have toget away from this one sided narrative that the MSM is FakeNews”
Doh that has to be a 2 sided thing by definition
(He’s actually had 3 of his employees dies in Afghanistan this year)
The AFP guy was quite different , more insightful and hinted at the game CNN plays hyping up i’s soap opera .
(AFP is third funded by French Government)
oops text jumped around
The AFP guy was quite different , more insightful and hinted at the game CNN plays hyping up i’s soap opera .
(He’s actually had 3 of his employees die in Afghanistan this year)
AFP is third funded by French Government)
Mark D’Arcy just praised Corbyn today over PMQs
‘Corbyn was on fire today’
No he was t, Corbyn just takes on any old stance to try and stir it up. Anything for a vote!
Where is the parlance in that? Do we really need a cursive everywerk?
The left wing bias from the BBC is out of control and I hope that when Brexit does happen they get hit the hardest
Biased, the lot of them!
Meantime in real life he was awful and the bane of remainers – always an upside
Greetings comrades! Well here’s my first post after following these pages for some time as a refreshing bit of sanity in a mad,mad,mad, mad world.
I was inspired to join this august group after waking this very morning to the distinctly uninspiring sounds of Radio 2 in the form of the Chris Evans show.
Mr Evans was gushing in his excitement at reading some new book by Michelle Obama and seemed to me to be implying the prospect of her running against President Trump was even more exciting. He also mentioned Gary Lineker (like that was a good thing) getting more involved with politics. Now, I hope that I was just half asleep at the time so maybe was not hearing correctly and it was merely the remnant of a bad dream. But sadly not. And it irritated my waking moments that such persistent political bias is just part and parcel of our supposedly neutral state broadcaster.
Just another symptom of the BBC disease?
You heard right doctor. It was sickening. Utterly cringeworthy. I couldn’t turn over quick enough. Chris ” I have the perfect life” Evans has been unbearable this week with his children in need fawning and his political insinuations.
Welcome Good Doctor.
The face of Michelle O greeted customers in my local Tesco yesterday in a huge pile of her book just inside the entrance. Also – turn off alert – heard the joyous news on Radio 4 trails that this wondrous tome will be the book of the week (9.45 am every day). So, it’s not just the BBC but they do seem to be joining in the Michelle worship with enthusiasm.
Few people know that a couple of weeks ago BBC Scotland came under direct control of the Scottish SNP government.
Have there been any changes in news output ?
Any bets on the new Prime Minister anyone?…..odds?
Jeremy Corbyn probably
Would be nice if your premise is correct, Lucky.
However, May is in Merkel mode:
1. Convince yourself that you are The One.
2. There is no alternative.
3. The media also seem to think you are The One.
4. On the other hand, they have some nasty stories that you must go. Ignore.
5. ‘The people’ have been divided. Now- for the time being- you can rule.
Having pointed all this out, the ice under May’s feet is a lot thinner than that under Merkel’s. But, what the heck – that merely makes a gal more determined. Come what…er…May.
she going……..it was in her voice/speech tonight………..
If the reaction from the voters as to this so called new agreement with the negoiators in the EU can be seen quite clearly to keep the UK tied into the EU very much as is, it will not only show the political parties where we the people do not want to be, but will I am certain very quickly alter the political landscape. No doubt a new Prime Minister must be voted in that must throw out any agreement with the EU that keeps us shackled to the EU as of now.
We are an overcrowded nation whose infrastructure is wobbling precariously therefore our borders must remain closed to any immigration of peoples from outside Europe and only then from certain countries within Europe that can integrate successfully. Talk of allowing thousands of children into this nation via some Kinder proposal is simply ludicrous. The Media, BBC et al are the most damaging to the UK, to many are hoodwinked by such scallywags.
May’s speech saying she had got cabinet support for her betrayal was utterly unconvincing. I was convinced she was going to announce her resignation, her body language, voice and manner was of a broken leader not someone who has won a victory.
One can tell when she is lying…she opens her mouth!
Englands Dreaming
Agree. I sounded like a resignation speech and I am sure I caught some references to her deal in the past tense
She was doing that funny thing with her mouth which happens when she is not sure of her lines.
As for her successor – I fear the establishment including BBC will go for Savid Javid – peace be upon him – Muslim politician of the year a short while back.
In January 2015, Javid was awarded the Politician of the Year award at the British Muslim Awards.[
If they go for another compromise (Remain) leader, then they will fail again, though perhaps not so disastrously as with TM.
Agree Englands D, we shall see what the next few days bring-however if T May proposes to show herself on the TV to try and convince us the voters that we should follow her lead, then She is much mistaken. I have not lived through the last 76 yrs to see my country still remain under the boot of those evil lot in Brussels supported by a more evil lot the Elitist Bankers. We must wait and see how strong the anti boys and girls are.
Tory Betrayal completed tonight in Downing Street. Party time in W1A. Goodbye Tories.
Is Theresa May the only Tory left now then?
Not Tory betrayal if others in the party disagree
What kind of an idiot ties the whole of the UK into a customs union, the EU rulebook, and therefore unable to make our own trade deals, tied to the Remit of the European Court of Jurisdiction, tied to the the supremacy of EU law, and tries to pass it off as Brexit ?
And what kind of idiots support it !
If the traitors in the HoP sign us up to this travesty of an agreement, then the next General Election should be fought on which party will declare UDI ( a unilateral declaration of independence) from the EU. And immediately put it into effect.
And pays £39bn for the privilege.
Tomorrow will be interesting.
How are we taking back control of our borders, our laws, our money? The woman is deluded. She might as well be standing in the pissing rain and insisting that the sun is shining!
watchdog Matthew “Most of us would be appalled to wear fur”
cues their item about how some fake fur is real fur
Steph very earnest goes shopping
Twitter massively notices Steph is wearing a LEATHER jacket whilst sneering at fur
I bet shes wearing leather footwear…..
As far as I’m aware, leather is a by product of the meat trade. Fur farming produces a primary product which does give her a get out clause.
Please can someone tell me should you know if this means 2 more years at least of free movement and a rush for EU citizens to come to the UK (and UK citizens to buy sunny homes in EU countries) to protect their citizenship, residency, employment and
Benefits rights for now and for ever for them and their families??? GENUINE question.
The EU chief negotiator says “citizens rights have always been our common priority – for both EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in EU. All of these people will be able to continue to live their lives as before – to live there, study there and to be joined by their families there throughout their lifetime.”
He confirms a transition period until December 2020 during which time all parties will “preserve the current situation with respect to the EU policies, customs union and all the rights that go along with that”.
Silly May also seems to have left a third option on the table in her speech outside number 10. What a schoolie!!!!
Caroline Lucas
Caroline Lucas
This is important!
The moment PM conceded that it was never a binary choice between deal or no deal:
“When you strip away the detail, the choice before us is clear, this deal ….or leave with no deal or no Brexit at all.”
Brexit is not inevitable.
Let’s have a #PeoplesVote
I wouldn’t say there is any silliness about it personally. She is bringing into the equation the third option of staying in the EU. She has never mentioned this before and has also reiterated it in the commons speech today. It’s all part of the plan to keep us shackled.
Interesting conundrum.
This esteemed site is pretty much, shall we say, Eurosceptic.
And in 500 pages of the Brexit text, we can all find lots we don’t like.
So does this mean we support the BBC?
They’ve been Remoaning away ever since the referendum. Now they can shit stir until kingdom come by finding and focussing on each and every person that can find anything they dislike about the agreement (not difficult). You just know they are going to do this ad nauseam.
Mrs S is even faster to the off switch than I am!
Fed U 2 Moodswing has just arrived home drunk but grateful for all you do to keep things going and to everyone on here who helps, knowing that sanity and intelligent people still exist.
I have a brand new flat screen TV. My first ever. I don’t have a license but I don’t need one as my smart tv has my prime, Netflix and you tube apps built in. Of course they are not perfect but they are incredibly good and also not overly expensive.
Never did I dream of being so disgusted with the bbc and the entire main stream ugliness of broadcasting. Never did I dream of a flat screen television on my bedroom wall with access to some outstanding entertainment. None of it is live none of it is recorded. It’s streamed and it’s legal and it’s delicious. Thank you to all of you for your insight your intelligence and simply for caring about our country and the obsessive evil that is the bbc. A once proud and decent entity reduced to slime.
“don’t have a license”
Lets hope the rest follow .
taffman, “don’t have, don’ need no Licence” … could be the words of a hit song, perhaps?