I can’t help thinking….if the likes of the bBBC, actually stood up for the hand that feeds them, so to speak, and got behind the country instead of dragging it down-that we would not be in this mess. Had they been positive about us taking back our sovereignty etc then our hand might have been stronger in negotiations. I think May has been the victim of her own (state sponsored) propaganda.
Let me just put these words written a while ago but in fact quite up to the moment- Perhaps the EU leaders in Brussels could be pursuaded to walk past every white grave-stone in Normandy and pay a personal ‘thank you’ to all British, American and Commonwealth soldiers who gave their lives so that Europe could be free. They should be reminded that Britain had to borrow $120 billion dollars in 1945 to fund this freedom. And it took the British taxpayer 61 years to repay that debt. It should therefore be suggested that the EU repay us this figure first, along with all the interest we accrued from that borrowing. Then perhaps, we can talk about paying our share of their bar bill but not before.
I’ve put separate threads up before but there has tended to be ‘ cross comment ‘ so I thought I’d leave things until Friday evening .
I’m trying to do basic stuff here now as I have very thin skin so am hurt by the smart remarks about trying to keep comments decent
If May resigns at 5pm Thursday – in half hour from now I ll put up another thread – unless of course one of my editor friends wants to do it. As I ve said before – I don’t own the site but try to help to run it .
I think you’re doing a wonderful job, I appreciate it very much. Mr Kitty and I moved to France in 2014 because we couldn’t face what was going on in the UK ( we love the food and wine as well) and not expecting a referendum that would return a leave vote. So no BBBC apart from the website, we can get Sky but they’re going down the Beeb route and raising Mr Kittys blood pressure as Newsnight used to do, we rely on all UK based brave souls who watch and listen to the bias. I feel swearing in posting counter productive and agree that has no place here.
Yes Fed – don’t give up youre doing a sterling job. I don’t post so much nowadays (the msm news is getting so crazy that I cant help but think I’m in Alice in Wonderland land) but I still log in, every day, and enjoy seeing what ‘normal’ people here have to say. We’re kind of an endangered species.
As for the recent thing about bad language (and overtly nasty and offensive posts) there’s always a 3 strikes rule. Mind you, the way things are going – soon anybody posting here could be under threat of arrest for any old made-up hate speech crime.
Very grateful for the work you are doing with this site. I could be wrong but it seems that the number of contributors is increasing. Anyhow, it is very successful and I swear it is having an effect on our friends in the BBC
Depressing and sober by Rod Liddle: I am told quite frequently that a failure to leave will lead to riots on the streets. No it won’t. It will lead only to a sullen acceptance that once again, you can’t beat the establishment. It will always win in the end.https://t.co/vlQK2REAV4
Do you think the interviews outside of parliament are actively set up to catch these plonkers yelling and screaming pro eu and anti Brexit rants and dressing themselves up in blue with yellow stars, then standing right behind those being interviewed, holding up their little placards.
The shouters trying to drown out the interviews sound a bit rough. Probably drunks.
I wondered why there’s never any pro brexit people there but it’s obviously because they are all working to pay benefits to those pro eu soap dodgers with no jobs hanging about outside Parliament shouting at people.
It struck me that Sky carried out interviews in front of a gentlemen attired in Remain insignia. Of all the places to plant and point a camera they chose that one. remarkable coincidence.
Scribe – a beeb favourite: EU flag/s in the background.
Last night, a fellow with a poster on Christian salvation popped up behind the interviewee; never seen a quicker cut-away from the camera.
Wrong religion, I suppose…
@scribblingscribe Yes For some reason my father watches C4 News
and Jon Snow did his piece with Remain placards in the background
and I thought surely there must be rules about this.
I suspect those placard holders and C4 team travel in the same minibus, cos it’s such common occurrence.
Emmanuel , I’ve just come back from Westminster after my annual visit to the Field of Remembrance and got to say the area around the Palace of Westminster feels quite electric .
Being a day which feels a bit like Black Wednesday I listened to radio 5 – something I avoid except for the footy .
But – hell – isn’t it awful – some one call ‘ Barnet ‘ completely out of her depth this morning and some amateur radio type on in the afternoon / who ticks the diversity box . Not just chucking in the remain toxics but inept.
During R5 today my least favourite Tory ( after May and soubry and Ken Clarke and d grieve) rory Stewart – gave an interview in which he said that 80 per cent of Britain agreed with the brexit agreement published last night , thankfully even the beeboid said ‘ you’re kidding ‘ and he had to apologise for the comment .
By the way – mr Stewart is the prisons minister and had responsibility for the treatment of TR during his time wrongfully imprisoned .
You will have to wait until the House of Commons Bar closes and several hours have passed to get an even remotely coherent sentence from any of that lot.
Seriously I think they would be better off moving to “Yerp”.
They have zero affinity for The UK and for voters.
“I’m betting on David Davis as the next PM…”
Oh, I do hope so! Davis, Johnson, Mogg…Mrs Mop for all I care. The only alternative I can think that would be worse than Theresa is old Compo Corbyn.
BTW who the hell is that bleedin’ nutter, with the EU flags, bellowing constantly? FFS, can’t someone grab one of the flag poles and shove it, very firmly, where the sun don’t shine.
He can’t be quite the full ticket, can he?
So R4 did you yet again find a way to make a prog about the British countryside, without making it about those 80% of people that don’t fit into a minority category ?
So ITV which IMPARTIAL Los Angeles resident did you find to front tonight’s 8pm prog about immigration ?
Richard Ffing Bacon !
Coming up this evening, @RichardpBacon returns to the hospital that saved his life only four months ago, to find out what role migration played in his care.
ITV Calendar said “Bacon was chosen cos he is a strong supporter of the People’s Vote”
..then Bacon comes on and starts banging on about how he loves immigration.
“Do you think Mansfield people have changed their opinion”
Bacon “err not as much as I would have expected from national polls
… though I think Remain would just win nationally”
The Richard Bacon prog went to a RANDOM plumbing business to find a foreign worker to interviewer
..well one owned by Charlie Mullins the arch remainiac.
None of this should have been a surprise. Many of us predicted this the day after the referendum,
The EU collapses if we leave and this is why the fix went in. Sheer self preservation.
At times like these I think of how Odysseus took back his kingdom when the odds looked impossible.
Slowly and carefully testing all for their loyalty and only then trusting them.
Then when the moment was right acting swiftly and without hesitation to end it.
The enemies we face are formidable They have declared a from of war upon us .
But now they have shown their hand and we know what they are capable of doing. Lying and acting as usurpers of our democratic tradition.
Then we are now warned. But also we must be on our guard. They have nowhere to go but into oppression and tyranny.
Treezer has to go. She promised a Press conference at 5pm and she has not started yet. I have to feed the dogs and I am having to wait until she decides to attend. My dogs are not going to be happy about this, and will be making more noise than the loonies outside of No 10.
And another so-called human rights lawyer £££££ -Lord Lester – hasn’t been banned from the House of Waste until 2022 as promised but they’ve refered him back to the ‘naughty’ committee to get the right answer.
I think Lord lester is about 80 years old so I suppose the plan was to not have him in the Peers playpit again
( -anyone who missed it – he apparently promised a diverse lady a baronacy if she had a horizontal liaison with him – he being 70 at the time )
Those open minded Oxford students looking forward to listening to Steve Bannon
After the President of the Oxford Union called to vote on Steve Bannon’s visit, a narrow margin voted to go forward with the talk. This really hasn’t been a great day, has it? https://t.co/WcogGjxut3
But will Bannon be provided with adequate security? The thugs in antifa and UAF are lining up to disrupt the meeting, and were successful regarding far right Alice Weidel who pulled out citing security .
From the UAF FB page
A date with Steve Bannon: how can the #Oxford Union have sunk so low? Resist the far right! Saturday #N17UNITY demo http://www.facebook.com/events/1887445111550804/ #Noracismnofascism @uaf Stand Up To Racism
Around 800 BBC presenters are facing ‘huge tax bills’ after the corporation encouraged them to have their wages paid through private firms
It’s not a new story, but the scale of it is eye watering, with the hypocritical lefties screaming for ever greater spending while not being prepared to even contribute their own fair share !
Just one of them owes the revenue nearly half a million in unpaid tax, and it was all done by direction of the corporations directors as well !
As for Brexit, I don’t think the BBC has made up its corporate mind on the May deal. They don’t want to leave at all, and they don’t want to leave without any deal.
They don’t want Mays deal either, but they’re between a rock and a hard place knowing that if it fails the no deal outlook becomes even more likely.
Got to hand it to the BBC news editor – outgoing PM makes an empty speech and afterwards who do they go to ?
Ken Clarke ( remainer )
Hilary Benn ( remainer )
Now the weather…..
Thoughtful …. as for whether the BBC supports Mrs May – I think it wants to keep her on because of the Munich agreement she has done in Brussels – by the sound of it – behind the back of another Brexit Secretary who had the decency to head for the door .
Should the best happen and the whole deal falls in December the ReichEU and British government will have 2 months to put together basic relations cum April which I hope is where President Trump and our traditional allies come in ….. for a cost of course … and apparently we still have a Commonwealth …
We could face panic buying of olive oil, garlic , fizzy wine and continental beers .
Indeed Fedup. Unctuous Uncle Ken has perfected the art of spitting honeyed bile under the guise of impartiality. The scruffy man always behaves as though his career in politics has provided frequent evidence of competence, let alone the statesmanship the situation so obviously demands.
As for Hilary (no relation) and though I despise his father as one of the prime architects of our fractured ‘multicultural’ society, poor old Wedgewood-Benn must be giving a very good impression of a spin dryer from the depths of his family vault.
Ken Clarke was wonderful on TWatO today. Have written about it on previous page.
He said leaving without a deal would be a total disaster for UK and its economy, which translated from Remainer-speak means ‘the UK will thrive outside the EU without the Brussels ball & chain around its legs’. After saying all that he said, “No-one knows what will happen next.” and then he inadvertently pointed out that he is a deceiver for predicting that it would be a disaster to leave the EU without a deal. You said it, Ken!
From 18m09 secs up to 22m39secs – approximately – if you wish to listen on Radio iPlayer.
I know one expects facetious comments from me. I voted out
at the Referendum. My number one concern was open borders.
If what Mother Theresa is telling us is true then this ill, brave very
hard working women deserves at least our respect.
I have to admit I am not the cleverest person in the world but
have a modicum of intelligence and I really didn’t understand
all the details of what I was voting for. I understand more now.
I just don’t believe we can walk away without a deal without
very severe hardship to alot of people. I for one, and you may
call me naive am supporting Theresa May.Ok now tear me to
severe hardships to which people , not me or mine, maybe to the people I voted against, in which case fine they are the ones who have caused so much hardship to many millions in this country
The problem has been many fold and to me this has been like a tragedy playing itself out to an inevitable conclusion.
The problem has firstly been that May was never up to the job, she promised as Home Secretary that we would leave the Human Rights Act, and then after making that promise, told us she thought it would be too difficult.
If it was too difficult to leave the Human rights act then it was too difficult to negotiate Brexit.
Secondly there was no preparation done by the previous incumbent who admitted he was idle and didn’t want any hard work (this is the same of all who attend the rotten school). It seems to have taken months to structure a vision of what Britain might have wanted.
May rejected all external help. There is a ‘rumour’ that May cannot function without advisors, and having fired off David Davis she fell back on Civil Service remainers to progress Brexit negotiations.
I was conflicted over which way to vote and my mind was made up after realising that Merkel was in sole charge of the EU when she vetoed all of Camerons suggestions – this would have avoided a referendum, and she without recourse even to her own political colleagues opened Germany’s borders to millions of migrants. This was illegal under EU law, but neither Germany nor Merkel has been held to account by the EU.
It became clear that one person was in Ultimate charge – which as I recall is something we fought against in WWII
This isn’t a deal. This is a Withdrawl Agreement. It would have been perfectly possible to invoke Lisbon Treaty Article 50, give notice and leave.
If we accept this Withdrawl Ageement we will pay £39 billion plus and be locked into a new arrangement in which we aren’t free to negotiate trade deals with the rest of the world and which it will be up to the EU if and when we can leave.
Sometime, if the EU feels like it, it might get around to negotiating ‘a deal’ (new trading arrangement). But bear in mind that the EU isn’t very good at this sort of thing, 10 years against Iceland’s six months, so it might be 2030 before we get ‘a deal’.
Goodness knows what May has been snorting but it is hard to believe that even she believes what she has been saying.
Yes – and as I was browsing the ReichEU seems fond of reviews ‘Every 4 years ‘ and cases running in the ECJ going on and on – with 2028 mentioned at one stage. The ReichEU might have its first civil war by then with the blues versus the greys…
#bbcqt What is it with the BIAS BBC. Every bloody week 4 people on who voted stay in the EU on. Why not have 4 Brexiteers on. Can’t it’s the BIAS BBC. Once fantastic program load of bollocks now. Good luck Tim Stanley, against them 4 MUPPETS. Especially dweeb KINNOCK. pic.twitter.com/65rPHAJxYN
— ASKdes ????????????????????????????♂️ (@ASK_des) November 15, 2018
BBC Radio trailing a new ‘comedy’ featuring a Muslim comedian.
The joke they are trailing which presumably is the funniest in the so called show :- ” I mistakenly paid my rent into the Princess Diana Memorial Fund”……….is this the slightest bit funny ? Should we take offense ? Should we tune in ?…..NO. !!!!!
Nearly as bad as the one on now who is more camp than a row of tents, but still feels everyone needs to know he’s ‘gay’.
Camp comedians have a long and celebrated history in Briton, in fact one of the highest paid, long before TV was a female – male impersonator. Danny La Rue, half the carry on team, Larry Grayson, Frankie Howerd etc etc.
It is truly ridiculous of any Gay today to make some kind of statement they have faced ‘oppression’ the only oppression they have really faced is over the expectation they can succeed without needing to be funny. None of the old hands named above ever needed to announce their sexuality, everyone knew and those allusions were the funny part, for an audience credited with a modicum of intelligence and not needing an unfunny comedian demanding they laugh simply because he or she is Gay and feels that’s enough.
Good post Thoughtful. I always think the same . I don’t need to know your sexuality – you are either funny or you are not…and most on BBC particularly the radio are definitely not…often they have used their ‘gayness’ to promote themselves and I assume people are too scared to say you may be gay but you are not funny in case they get accused of homophobia
I see that the BBC are getting nervous at the thought of a leadership challenge with the Tories as they might end up with someone they don’t like, or who won’t like them.
R5Dead last night was very guarded about rocking the boat with their bias, and few statements from the usual suspects ended with a sneer.
It was implicit though, because by now, the whole of the UK assumes that the BBC will soon to be a busted flush, and will be carved up after any election, be it a GE or just a common-or-garden leadership race.
Complex or simple? Yes to both. You can make it either if you wish.
It’s complex: disentangling yourself from all the connections made over 40 years is going to be a challenge.
It’s simple: you cannot both leave and stay at the same time; in that sense, a ‘compromise’ is simply not possible.
Your problem is time. Put in a committed Leaver once the referendum result is known, and you’ve two years+ to address the complexity.
Put in an uncommitted Remainer and expect trouble. The latter can’t loose. Why?
If she puts up a good show, and the project succeeds against all odds, she’s a hero; if the project fails, she’s got what she really wanted in the first place.
It doesn’t take a genius to realize the outcome of a second referendum if you have just ‘proved how impossibly complex leaving would be’, given that most of us would be tired of all the uncertainty.
I believe it was Ireland, who ‘got it right’ in a second referendum, when the first one came up with the wrong answer. And we know who all are keen on that second referendum in the UK…
“It’s complex: disentangling yourself from all the connections made over 40 years is going to be a challenge.”
It makes you wonder how on earth over fifty nations achieved independence from the British Empire?
Did they have better negotiators or did they have the BBC?
They certainly didn’t have Mrs Chamberlain who was negotiating on behalf of the EU.
If this deal goes through I do hope that every single time someone on QT says we need more money for this or more money for that, that if a rep of the Govt implies that we can’t afford everything, that we roundly remind them that as a country we are happy to spunk away £39 billion of our money for NOTHING, so seemingly there are bundles of money available for all.
Clearly no one is counting our cash or worrying about how it is being spent, so I guess the taps are open and austerity has come to an end.
And again, how short sighted are we. A trade deal hungry president in the US that is keen to do a deal with us and what we do – flip him the bird.
The forward thinking of our ruling elite is just staggering isn’t it?
Did you listen to Andrew Dilnot and Martha Kearney on BBC R4 1.45-2pm, M-F this week: ‘How to Spend £800bn’. On Monday or Tuesday, Dilnot was speaking as if the Government was being very generous to us in its public spending.
BBC Beyond 100 Days … Katty Kay “For two years it has been absent from the World Stage, because it does not have the bandwidth to deal with other things. Brexit negotiating process, which ever side of the fence you are on, is consuming the Government to such a degree that on major issues Britain cannot get involved. A time when we have power up for grabs around the World, the American Government pulling back from Leadership. And people might have looked to Britain to fill in somewhere, it’s not possible because of the complete chaos.”
the American Government pulling back from Leadership … North Korea. the American Government pulling back from Leadership …. Saying Islam is stupid. the American Government pulling back from Leadership … caravan of peace from the south.
taffman – I guess the ‘over fifty nations’ had leaders committed to the cause: an Nkrumah, a Kenyatta, a Nyerere, a Ghandi, a Nehru, etc etc
No compromisers there, who would have wanted to half stay a British colony and half not be one. They all knew exactly what they wanted.
And yes, no bbc to tell them it couldn’t be done anyway…
I don’t know what he’s waiting for. The time is now Jacob. Do a Trump and say I really didn’t want to but the country is going to shit and now is the time to save it. I know it’s a big ask but your country desperately needs your wise sage and counsel.
Message to Al Beeb: If the bulk of the nation wanted to remain in the EU they would have voted for the LimpDems in the last general election. They didn’t, so the LibDems had only a few seats and are now nearly a financially bust political party.
That my friends, is an indication of the feelings of the nation.
Al Beeb is reporting that Carwyn Jones of the Welsh Assembly is calling for another referendum.
People from the rest of these Great Islands please note, that he and his white elephant do not, repeat NOT, represent the people of Wales.
“Al Beeb is reporting that Carwyn Jones of the Welsh Assembly is calling for another referendum.
People from the rest of these Great Islands please note, that he and his white elephant do not, repeat NOT, represent the people of Wales.”
I heard the press conference with TM earlier on the radio.
Did anyone else notice how apparently nervous she seemed?
Fidgety, getting names wrong, stumbling and bumbling over her words.
I think she knows her time is up as much as she is trying to convince us otherwise.
BBC Katty Kay Beyond 100 Days (Parody of News) … “It is still the case that when I speak to leading business leaders (gives no names) that the one thing they fear more than a Hard Brexit is a Jeremy Corbyn Government.” 19:17 BBC Beyond 100 Days Parody News.
Forgive me if someone’s already mentioned this article from two days ago, but I’ve only just seen it. In the tech section of the Beeb’s news website there’s an article about how several twitter users have been ‘grossed out’ by the sight of a yellow furry Pikachu in the new ‘Pokemon’ movie trailer. As if that wasn’t garbage enough, they even opened a HYS on it!! Over 4 Billion a year they swindle from us and feed us crap like this utter non-story. People’s opinions on twitter is not news.
The Conservatives have betrayed their supporters.
A lot of UKIP voters moved back to support the Conservatives in the last GE because they thought that the Tory Government were basically Brexiteers .
“Labour accepts the referendum result and a Labour government will put the national interest first.
We will prioritise jobs and living standards, build a close new
relationship with the EU, protect workers’ rights and environmental
standards, provide certainty to EU nationals and give
a meaningful role to Parliament throughout negotiations.”
Keir Starmer notwithstanding, officially Labour is pro-Brexit. Don’t let them forget it!
I’m surprised that the bBBC haven’t picked up on the story in the Mail and Metro and others about ex-One Direction band member Zayn Malik.
It seems that young Zayn, now safely ensconced in New York rather than his native Bradford, has bravely or stupidly announced that he is also now an ex-Muslim. The usual backlash already apparently. Must be the far right obviously.
As the bBBC more often resembles Heat or OK! than an actual news channel, it’ll be interesting to see if this features as a headline, on Newsbeat or the Entertainment/ Gossip pages of the webshite or even if at all on the bBBC. Normally they love this sort of stuff but as It could be considered as representing Islam in a less than positive light, well maybe not so much in this case, especially as Zayn is now an apostate. We know what many Muslims think of those and how they are regarded/ dealt with in the kommunitee. Maybe it’s best not to draw attention to it.
I said I was surprised they hadn’t picked up on it yet, I’m not really you know.
@Rameezay Hi – I work for the BBC Asian Network and we're doing a discussion about Zayn Malik on our show today. Would you be interested in taking part? If so, please follow me back and I'll DM you more details. Thanks!
They had a big debate about it on the Asian Network a couple of days ago. Well that’s something, fair play to them, but not too many are going to hear or be aware of what might be an enlightening debate while it is hidden away there.
There’s a money saving opportunity for Lord Tony right there. BBC Asian Network has about 630,000 weekly listeners according to Rajar. Even if you add on the 1 million that ‘Black music’ station Radio 1 Xtra gets per week you would still have to add another 8 million to match Radio 1s 9.6 million weekly listeners.
Radio 1 is aimed at listeners from the same 15-30 age group as the other two, but just not necessarily at listeners of the same colour. Is there only ‘White music’ played on it? Or course not, there’s no such thing apparently and it wouldn’t be allowed. In the interests of multi-culturalism and to reflect the worlds of both modern Britain and of supermarket adverts surely then the funding of only one station, Radio 1, should be more than enough for all.
Tommy update : I see Wales online half-report on event that happened at the Swansea school yesterday
Of course they say that
“Swansea school bombarded by Tommy Robinson supporters after former EDL leader’s attack”
.. an “attack”
What an “attack” by bazouka ?
..an “attack” by petrol bomb ?
phase 1 : head teacher verbally attacks and threatens the unknown child..and TR’s personality
Phase 2 : TR complains about this on his Facebook page, choosing to keep not suppress this teachers name
… So the newspaper is like saying “A mugging victim has ATTACKED the poor mugger by making a statement to police”
The article has no open comments of course
Say Tommy Robinson's name & the headteacher of Birchgrove Comprehensive School will try & scare the shit out of you. When approached by adults about this matter the school shut their facebook & twitter account down. Is only kids they like to intimidate? https://t.co/qxRSHBe9GN
Wow second night in a row that when I referenced a tweet about TR , the original tweet got deleted about an hour later
That anti-Tommy guy has deleted his 2 tweets , but I have screenshots of most parts of it.
.. Blinking heck is this how it is ? that, I have to screenshot everything .
I’ve come across that before when discussing with activists that I’ve had to routinely screenshot cos of them routinely deleting posts that made them look stupid.
We have confused the real issue of parliamentary democracy, for already there has been a fundamental change. The power of electors over their law-makers has gone, the power of MPs over Ministers has gone, the role of Ministers has changed. The real case for entry has never been spelled out, which is that there should be a fully federal Europe in which we become a province. It hasn’t been spelled out because people would never accept it. We are at the moment on a federal escalator, moving as we talk, going towards a federal objective we do not wish to reach. In practice, Britain will be governed by a European coalition government that we cannot change, dedicated to a capitalist or market economy theology. This policy is to be sold to us by projecting an unjustified optimism about the Community, and an unjustified pessimism about the United Kingdom, designed to frighten us in…………We shall be choosing between the unity of the UK and the unity of the EEC. ………I believe that we want independence and democratic self-government, and I hope the Cabinet in due course will think again.
* Tony Benn Speech given in the Cabinet meeting to discuss Britain’s membership of the EEC, as recorded in his diary (18 March 1975)
“Our Party must speak for the overwhelming majority in our country. Labour is a broad church and can be broader still.”
– Jeremy Corbyn Labour Conference 2018
overwhelming majority in our country
The most recent Census in 2011 highlights that in England and Wales, 80 per cent of the population were white British. Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other) ‘groups’ made up 6.8 per cent of the population; black groups 3.4 per cent; Chinese groups 0.7 cent,Arab groups 0.4 per cent and other groups 0.6 per cent.
overwhelming majority in our country
According to the 2011 Census, Christianity is the majority religion, followed by Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism in terms of number of adherents. Among Christians, Anglicans are the most common denomination, followed by the Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists.
overwhelming majority in our country
“In 2016, around 2% of the population identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB). This has increased from 1.7% in 2015 (a statistically significant increase). London had the largest proportion of the population who identified as LGB (2.7%), which could be associated with a relatively young and diverse population.”
overwhelming majority in our country
General Facts and Figures: In Britain over 10 million people have a limiting long term illness, impairment or disability – this is over 18 per cent of the population. The most common types of impairment for adults in Britain are those associated with a difficulty in mobility, lifting and carrying.
URGENT STATEMENT: @uklabour abhors the huge waste of time and energy this nation has expended on the ongoing #Brexit negotiations, ignoring what matters most to the British people: Palestine, Latin American socialism and the potential contamination of organic muesli.
— Jeremy Corbin MP, Prime Ministerial Parody (@CorbynSnap) November 15, 2018
According to Al Beeb Mrs Chamberlain “Is going to see it through”.
Has anyone noticed how many Remainers in the media support Mrs Chamberlain?
What does that tell you?
Also whenever the debate about the Brexit Vote comes up on the media they hardly talk about a ‘no deal leave’, yet the referendum vote was remain or leave.
The people voted for simply – leave.
Leave means leave, thats a no deal leave .
What happens after the transition period, in 2021 and beyond, is not clear, as this will be decided as part of the negotiations on the future EU-UK relationship.
It was of course meant to be an implementation period. May and Co have no idea what to implement, even if the EU sanctioned it. For once I agree with Wee Jimmy Kranky who describes the plan as “blind Brexit”
What’s the photo got to do with Brexit ?
beside’s tellings us that in BBCland women outnumber men 2 to 1
and that a third of people are non-white.
…rather than the 15% in the real world.
Just been watching Sky news seeking to terrify the populace of this country with appalling scare stories from a Police Federation bod and business analysist. Apparently if we left the EU without and agreement with the puppet masters of the EU then the UK wouldn’t be able to get medicines or food and there would be riots in the street.
I have had a gut’s full of this nonsense.
It is delivered as if it is fact, not speculation with no alternative view offered.
I think in reality the NHS is going to be overwhelmed by injuries caused by people shrugging their shoulders and rolling their eyes …
Im trying to think of what mainland Europe sends to Britain which would cause civil disorder . An instant recession caused by sudden big increases in unemployment could have a knock on effect but HMG will have financial wiggle room due to the contingency fund and saving of the 39 billion bribe .
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andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7430zw4zqyo Remember partygate, well…
FlotsamMar 10, 06:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I thought the decision to appoint a foreigner to be Governor of our central bank to be a shockingly bad…
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0q1pl1eldno Just look at the length of the article the…
I can’t help thinking….if the likes of the bBBC, actually stood up for the hand that feeds them, so to speak, and got behind the country instead of dragging it down-that we would not be in this mess. Had they been positive about us taking back our sovereignty etc then our hand might have been stronger in negotiations. I think May has been the victim of her own (state sponsored) propaganda.
I’ve just heard that Gove has rejected the offer of becoming Brexit secretary.
So at least May won’t need a stab vest.
JRM currently on bbc tv news channel
I notice in parliament, Ms May said i.a. we could have ‘no Brexit at all’, with a challenging look…
Well, well.
He’s (JRM) insisted he will not be putting his name forward as prospective party leader.
May is a very good actor. The whole thing is a pantomime.
“It’s Brexit”
“Oh no it isn’t”
“Oh yes it is”
Oh dear.
“800 BBC presenters could face tax investigations, says watchdog”
Let me just put these words written a while ago but in fact quite up to the moment- Perhaps the EU leaders in Brussels could be pursuaded to walk past every white grave-stone in Normandy and pay a personal ‘thank you’ to all British, American and Commonwealth soldiers who gave their lives so that Europe could be free. They should be reminded that Britain had to borrow $120 billion dollars in 1945 to fund this freedom. And it took the British taxpayer 61 years to repay that debt. It should therefore be suggested that the EU repay us this figure first, along with all the interest we accrued from that borrowing. Then perhaps, we can talk about paying our share of their bar bill but not before.
Do we a new Brexit thread ?
or new prime minister thread ?
I’ve put separate threads up before but there has tended to be ‘ cross comment ‘ so I thought I’d leave things until Friday evening .
I’m trying to do basic stuff here now as I have very thin skin so am hurt by the smart remarks about trying to keep comments decent
If May resigns at 5pm Thursday – in half hour from now I ll put up another thread – unless of course one of my editor friends wants to do it. As I ve said before – I don’t own the site but try to help to run it .
I think you’re doing a wonderful job, I appreciate it very much. Mr Kitty and I moved to France in 2014 because we couldn’t face what was going on in the UK ( we love the food and wine as well) and not expecting a referendum that would return a leave vote. So no BBBC apart from the website, we can get Sky but they’re going down the Beeb route and raising Mr Kittys blood pressure as Newsnight used to do, we rely on all UK based brave souls who watch and listen to the bias. I feel swearing in posting counter productive and agree that has no place here.
Fedup2, an unenviable job for sure, but I for one am most grateful to you and your associates in working voluntarily to keep the site active.
Mrs Kitty / Flak
Thank you .
I suppose Friday we might get the Ledsome or someone else resigning and the silent Boris/ Gove surfacing for the leadership challenge game .
And sooner or later some bullendon chap called Cameron will say something . Was he at the Cenotaph ? Did not hear about him ….
Yes Fed – don’t give up youre doing a sterling job. I don’t post so much nowadays (the msm news is getting so crazy that I cant help but think I’m in Alice in Wonderland land) but I still log in, every day, and enjoy seeing what ‘normal’ people here have to say. We’re kind of an endangered species.
As for the recent thing about bad language (and overtly nasty and offensive posts) there’s always a 3 strikes rule. Mind you, the way things are going – soon anybody posting here could be under threat of arrest for any old made-up hate speech crime.
Very grateful for the work you are doing with this site. I could be wrong but it seems that the number of contributors is increasing. Anyhow, it is very successful and I swear it is having an effect on our friends in the BBC
Rod Liddle :
Paypal isn’t finished yet. First they came for Tommy Robinson then they came for……
Do you think the interviews outside of parliament are actively set up to catch these plonkers yelling and screaming pro eu and anti Brexit rants and dressing themselves up in blue with yellow stars, then standing right behind those being interviewed, holding up their little placards.
The shouters trying to drown out the interviews sound a bit rough. Probably drunks.
I wondered why there’s never any pro brexit people there but it’s obviously because they are all working to pay benefits to those pro eu soap dodgers with no jobs hanging about outside Parliament shouting at people.
It struck me that Sky carried out interviews in front of a gentlemen attired in Remain insignia. Of all the places to plant and point a camera they chose that one. remarkable coincidence.
Scribe – a beeb favourite: EU flag/s in the background.
Last night, a fellow with a poster on Christian salvation popped up behind the interviewee; never seen a quicker cut-away from the camera.
Wrong religion, I suppose…
@scribblingscribe Yes For some reason my father watches C4 News
and Jon Snow did his piece with Remain placards in the background
and I thought surely there must be rules about this.
I suspect those placard holders and C4 team travel in the same minibus, cos it’s such common occurrence.
Emmanuel , I’ve just come back from Westminster after my annual visit to the Field of Remembrance and got to say the area around the Palace of Westminster feels quite electric .
Being a day which feels a bit like Black Wednesday I listened to radio 5 – something I avoid except for the footy .
But – hell – isn’t it awful – some one call ‘ Barnet ‘ completely out of her depth this morning and some amateur radio type on in the afternoon / who ticks the diversity box . Not just chucking in the remain toxics but inept.
I’m betting on David Davis as next PM …
During R5 today my least favourite Tory ( after May and soubry and Ken Clarke and d grieve) rory Stewart – gave an interview in which he said that 80 per cent of Britain agreed with the brexit agreement published last night , thankfully even the beeboid said ‘ you’re kidding ‘ and he had to apologise for the comment .
By the way – mr Stewart is the prisons minister and had responsibility for the treatment of TR during his time wrongfully imprisoned .
Any idea what Clarke, Soubry, Grieve et al think of ‘The Deal’? If they’re happy then we know it’s BAD… 🙁
You will have to wait until the House of Commons Bar closes and several hours have passed to get an even remotely coherent sentence from any of that lot.
Seriously I think they would be better off moving to “Yerp”.
They have zero affinity for The UK and for voters.
I like DD…I bet on him in the past 🙁
I’m not sure he’d want to be Party Leader any more…
“I’m betting on David Davis as the next PM…”
Oh, I do hope so! Davis, Johnson, Mogg…Mrs Mop for all I care. The only alternative I can think that would be worse than Theresa is old Compo Corbyn.
BTW who the hell is that bleedin’ nutter, with the EU flags, bellowing constantly? FFS, can’t someone grab one of the flag poles and shove it, very firmly, where the sun don’t shine.
He can’t be quite the full ticket, can he?
I’m quite impressed by Daniel Kawczynski, Conservative MP for Shrewsbury.
There’s a fair amount of talent in the party. Shame it rarely reaches the cabinet. Insecure PMs to blame?
So R4 did you yet again find a way to make a prog about the British countryside, without making it about those 80% of people that don’t fit into a minority category ?
So ITV which IMPARTIAL Los Angeles resident did you find to front tonight’s 8pm prog about immigration ?
Richard Ffing Bacon !
Nazi Murder Mysteries looks a good wartch on Channel 19 at 8pm
13:2, not much ‘gender equality’ in the NHS then!
ITV Calendar said “Bacon was chosen cos he is a strong supporter of the People’s Vote”
..then Bacon comes on and starts banging on about how he loves immigration.
“Do you think Mansfield people have changed their opinion”
Bacon “err not as much as I would have expected from national polls
… though I think Remain would just win nationally”
How the hrll can ITV’s prog meet impartiality rules ?
The Richard Bacon prog went to a RANDOM plumbing business to find a foreign worker to interviewer
..well one owned by Charlie Mullins the arch remainiac.
None of this should have been a surprise. Many of us predicted this the day after the referendum,
The EU collapses if we leave and this is why the fix went in. Sheer self preservation.
At times like these I think of how Odysseus took back his kingdom when the odds looked impossible.
Slowly and carefully testing all for their loyalty and only then trusting them.
Then when the moment was right acting swiftly and without hesitation to end it.
The enemies we face are formidable They have declared a from of war upon us .
But now they have shown their hand and we know what they are capable of doing. Lying and acting as usurpers of our democratic tradition.
Then we are now warned. But also we must be on our guard. They have nowhere to go but into oppression and tyranny.
Treezer has to go. She promised a Press conference at 5pm and she has not started yet. I have to feed the dogs and I am having to wait until she decides to attend. My dogs are not going to be happy about this, and will be making more noise than the loonies outside of No 10.
You know those lawyers that we pay to help Rohinga and Palestinian refugees, and who fly BUSINESS class.
And another so-called human rights lawyer £££££ -Lord Lester – hasn’t been banned from the House of Waste until 2022 as promised but they’ve refered him back to the ‘naughty’ committee to get the right answer.
I think Lord lester is about 80 years old so I suppose the plan was to not have him in the Peers playpit again
( -anyone who missed it – he apparently promised a diverse lady a baronacy if she had a horizontal liaison with him – he being 70 at the time )
Those open minded Oxford students looking forward to listening to Steve Bannon
Stew Green
But will Bannon be provided with adequate security? The thugs in antifa and UAF are lining up to disrupt the meeting, and were successful regarding far right Alice Weidel who pulled out citing security .
From the UAF FB page
A date with Steve Bannon: how can the #Oxford Union have sunk so low? Resist the far right! Saturday #N17UNITY demo http://www.facebook.com/events/1887445111550804/ #Noracismnofascism @uaf Stand Up To Racism
and the Guardian
Surprised no one has posted this, but then maybe I didn’t check far enough back?
Around 800 BBC presenters are facing ‘huge tax bills’ after the corporation encouraged them to have their wages paid through private firms
It’s not a new story, but the scale of it is eye watering, with the hypocritical lefties screaming for ever greater spending while not being prepared to even contribute their own fair share !
Just one of them owes the revenue nearly half a million in unpaid tax, and it was all done by direction of the corporations directors as well !
As for Brexit, I don’t think the BBC has made up its corporate mind on the May deal. They don’t want to leave at all, and they don’t want to leave without any deal.
They don’t want Mays deal either, but they’re between a rock and a hard place knowing that if it fails the no deal outlook becomes even more likely.
Got to hand it to the BBC news editor – outgoing PM makes an empty speech and afterwards who do they go to ?
Ken Clarke ( remainer )
Hilary Benn ( remainer )
Now the weather…..
Thoughtful …. as for whether the BBC supports Mrs May – I think it wants to keep her on because of the Munich agreement she has done in Brussels – by the sound of it – behind the back of another Brexit Secretary who had the decency to head for the door .
Should the best happen and the whole deal falls in December the ReichEU and British government will have 2 months to put together basic relations cum April which I hope is where President Trump and our traditional allies come in ….. for a cost of course … and apparently we still have a Commonwealth …
We could face panic buying of olive oil, garlic , fizzy wine and continental beers .
Indeed Fedup. Unctuous Uncle Ken has perfected the art of spitting honeyed bile under the guise of impartiality. The scruffy man always behaves as though his career in politics has provided frequent evidence of competence, let alone the statesmanship the situation so obviously demands.
As for Hilary (no relation) and though I despise his father as one of the prime architects of our fractured ‘multicultural’ society, poor old Wedgewood-Benn must be giving a very good impression of a spin dryer from the depths of his family vault.
Ken Clarke was wonderful on TWatO today. Have written about it on previous page.
He said leaving without a deal would be a total disaster for UK and its economy, which translated from Remainer-speak means ‘the UK will thrive outside the EU without the Brussels ball & chain around its legs’. After saying all that he said, “No-one knows what will happen next.” and then he inadvertently pointed out that he is a deceiver for predicting that it would be a disaster to leave the EU without a deal. You said it, Ken!
From 18m09 secs up to 22m39secs – approximately – if you wish to listen on Radio iPlayer.
I know one expects facetious comments from me. I voted out
at the Referendum. My number one concern was open borders.
If what Mother Theresa is telling us is true then this ill, brave very
hard working women deserves at least our respect.
I have to admit I am not the cleverest person in the world but
have a modicum of intelligence and I really didn’t understand
all the details of what I was voting for. I understand more now.
I just don’t believe we can walk away without a deal without
very severe hardship to alot of people. I for one, and you may
call me naive am supporting Theresa May.Ok now tear me to
severe hardships to which people , not me or mine, maybe to the people I voted against, in which case fine they are the ones who have caused so much hardship to many millions in this country
The problem has been many fold and to me this has been like a tragedy playing itself out to an inevitable conclusion.
The problem has firstly been that May was never up to the job, she promised as Home Secretary that we would leave the Human Rights Act, and then after making that promise, told us she thought it would be too difficult.
If it was too difficult to leave the Human rights act then it was too difficult to negotiate Brexit.
Secondly there was no preparation done by the previous incumbent who admitted he was idle and didn’t want any hard work (this is the same of all who attend the rotten school). It seems to have taken months to structure a vision of what Britain might have wanted.
May rejected all external help. There is a ‘rumour’ that May cannot function without advisors, and having fired off David Davis she fell back on Civil Service remainers to progress Brexit negotiations.
I was conflicted over which way to vote and my mind was made up after realising that Merkel was in sole charge of the EU when she vetoed all of Camerons suggestions – this would have avoided a referendum, and she without recourse even to her own political colleagues opened Germany’s borders to millions of migrants. This was illegal under EU law, but neither Germany nor Merkel has been held to account by the EU.
It became clear that one person was in Ultimate charge – which as I recall is something we fought against in WWII
This isn’t a deal. This is a Withdrawl Agreement. It would have been perfectly possible to invoke Lisbon Treaty Article 50, give notice and leave.
If we accept this Withdrawl Ageement we will pay £39 billion plus and be locked into a new arrangement in which we aren’t free to negotiate trade deals with the rest of the world and which it will be up to the EU if and when we can leave.
Sometime, if the EU feels like it, it might get around to negotiating ‘a deal’ (new trading arrangement). But bear in mind that the EU isn’t very good at this sort of thing, 10 years against Iceland’s six months, so it might be 2030 before we get ‘a deal’.
Goodness knows what May has been snorting but it is hard to believe that even she believes what she has been saying.
Yes – and as I was browsing the ReichEU seems fond of reviews ‘Every 4 years ‘ and cases running in the ECJ going on and on – with 2028 mentioned at one stage. The ReichEU might have its first civil war by then with the blues versus the greys…
Is Tim Stanley the leaver on tonights question time.
BBC Radio trailing a new ‘comedy’ featuring a Muslim comedian.
The joke they are trailing which presumably is the funniest in the so called show :- ” I mistakenly paid my rent into the Princess Diana Memorial Fund”……….is this the slightest bit funny ? Should we take offense ? Should we tune in ?…..NO. !!!!!
Nearly as bad as the one on now who is more camp than a row of tents, but still feels everyone needs to know he’s ‘gay’.
Camp comedians have a long and celebrated history in Briton, in fact one of the highest paid, long before TV was a female – male impersonator. Danny La Rue, half the carry on team, Larry Grayson, Frankie Howerd etc etc.
It is truly ridiculous of any Gay today to make some kind of statement they have faced ‘oppression’ the only oppression they have really faced is over the expectation they can succeed without needing to be funny. None of the old hands named above ever needed to announce their sexuality, everyone knew and those allusions were the funny part, for an audience credited with a modicum of intelligence and not needing an unfunny comedian demanding they laugh simply because he or she is Gay and feels that’s enough.
Good post Thoughtful. I always think the same . I don’t need to know your sexuality – you are either funny or you are not…and most on BBC particularly the radio are definitely not…often they have used their ‘gayness’ to promote themselves and I assume people are too scared to say you may be gay but you are not funny in case they get accused of homophobia
I wonder if he makes jokes about 1slam
It’s been a trying day. So let us have some Christmas cheer. A song from Donald.
Thank you, brilliant!
Thank you very much – the Christmas number one in the making – bet it wouldn’t get on Top of The Pops ……
I see that the BBC are getting nervous at the thought of a leadership challenge with the Tories as they might end up with someone they don’t like, or who won’t like them.
A lot of anti Mogg memes going around as well from the left which shows that they have a lot of work on their hands!
“this deal delivers what people voted for and it is in the national interest,” she said.
Reality check: …..yes she needs one!
I think you’re right, Smoogs.
R5Dead last night was very guarded about rocking the boat with their bias, and few statements from the usual suspects ended with a sneer.
It was implicit though, because by now, the whole of the UK assumes that the BBC will soon to be a busted flush, and will be carved up after any election, be it a GE or just a common-or-garden leadership race.
Complex or simple? Yes to both. You can make it either if you wish.
It’s complex: disentangling yourself from all the connections made over 40 years is going to be a challenge.
It’s simple: you cannot both leave and stay at the same time; in that sense, a ‘compromise’ is simply not possible.
Your problem is time. Put in a committed Leaver once the referendum result is known, and you’ve two years+ to address the complexity.
Put in an uncommitted Remainer and expect trouble. The latter can’t loose. Why?
If she puts up a good show, and the project succeeds against all odds, she’s a hero; if the project fails, she’s got what she really wanted in the first place.
It doesn’t take a genius to realize the outcome of a second referendum if you have just ‘proved how impossibly complex leaving would be’, given that most of us would be tired of all the uncertainty.
I believe it was Ireland, who ‘got it right’ in a second referendum, when the first one came up with the wrong answer. And we know who all are keen on that second referendum in the UK…
“It’s complex: disentangling yourself from all the connections made over 40 years is going to be a challenge.”
It makes you wonder how on earth over fifty nations achieved independence from the British Empire?
Did they have better negotiators or did they have the BBC?
They certainly didn’t have Mrs Chamberlain who was negotiating on behalf of the EU.
PS….vote UKIP!
Nice to see a supporter.
Yes and I already closed my PayPal account before they had a chance! ????
BBC Strangled Vowels and Mispronounced Names Dept.
Gave me a belly laugh when Guy Verhofstadt’s name was read as Gay Verhofstadt by the News reader on the 1pm R4 News today.
Even the BBC’s spell-check & predictive text software on their PCs and tablets has ‘a bias’!
If this deal goes through I do hope that every single time someone on QT says we need more money for this or more money for that, that if a rep of the Govt implies that we can’t afford everything, that we roundly remind them that as a country we are happy to spunk away £39 billion of our money for NOTHING, so seemingly there are bundles of money available for all.
Clearly no one is counting our cash or worrying about how it is being spent, so I guess the taps are open and austerity has come to an end.
And again, how short sighted are we. A trade deal hungry president in the US that is keen to do a deal with us and what we do – flip him the bird.
The forward thinking of our ruling elite is just staggering isn’t it?
Did you listen to Andrew Dilnot and Martha Kearney on BBC R4 1.45-2pm, M-F this week: ‘How to Spend £800bn’. On Monday or Tuesday, Dilnot was speaking as if the Government was being very generous to us in its public spending.
BBC Beyond 100 Days … Katty Kay “For two years it has been absent from the World Stage, because it does not have the bandwidth to deal with other things. Brexit negotiating process, which ever side of the fence you are on, is consuming the Government to such a degree that on major issues Britain cannot get involved. A time when we have power up for grabs around the World, the American Government pulling back from Leadership. And people might have looked to Britain to fill in somewhere, it’s not possible because of the complete chaos.”
the American Government pulling back from Leadership … North Korea.
the American Government pulling back from Leadership …. Saying Islam is stupid.
the American Government pulling back from Leadership … caravan of peace from the south.
taffman – I guess the ‘over fifty nations’ had leaders committed to the cause: an Nkrumah, a Kenyatta, a Nyerere, a Ghandi, a Nehru, etc etc
No compromisers there, who would have wanted to half stay a British colony and half not be one. They all knew exactly what they wanted.
And yes, no bbc to tell them it couldn’t be done anyway…
Why are Leadsom and Fox still in this sham of a cabinet?
Payne by name
Are they waiting to see Rees Mogg to hand in his ‘letter’ of application for PM’s job ?
Perhaps he will in the next hour ?………….
I thought JRM had already handed a letter in? Have I misunderstood?
TWatO said it was in this morning. Maybe the Montacutie was passing on FakeNews?
Hey Taffman, you edited that after I’d asked the question!
I was referring to the 1922 committee letters
Yes I certainly did ! 😀
I don’t know what he’s waiting for. The time is now Jacob. Do a Trump and say I really didn’t want to but the country is going to shit and now is the time to save it. I know it’s a big ask but your country desperately needs your wise sage and counsel.
Message to Al Beeb: If the bulk of the nation wanted to remain in the EU they would have voted for the LimpDems in the last general election. They didn’t, so the LibDems had only a few seats and are now nearly a financially bust political party.
That my friends, is an indication of the feelings of the nation.
Al Beeb is reporting that Carwyn Jones of the Welsh Assembly is calling for another referendum.
People from the rest of these Great Islands please note, that he and his white elephant do not, repeat NOT, represent the people of Wales.
Dych chi’n gallu dweud hynny unwaith ‘to.
“Al Beeb is reporting that Carwyn Jones of the Welsh Assembly is calling for another referendum.
People from the rest of these Great Islands please note, that he and his white elephant do not, repeat NOT, represent the people of Wales.”
Hapus ? 😉
I heard the press conference with TM earlier on the radio.
Did anyone else notice how apparently nervous she seemed?
Fidgety, getting names wrong, stumbling and bumbling over her words.
I think she knows her time is up as much as she is trying to convince us otherwise.
An awful thought:
Could ‘Merkel’s Millions’ be her new Sturmtruppen?
JimS I’d say that’s perfectly plausible.
BBC Katty Kay Beyond 100 Days (Parody of News) … “It is still the case that when I speak to leading business leaders (gives no names) that the one thing they fear more than a Hard Brexit is a Jeremy Corbyn Government.” 19:17 BBC Beyond 100 Days Parody News.
Forgive me if someone’s already mentioned this article from two days ago, but I’ve only just seen it. In the tech section of the Beeb’s news website there’s an article about how several twitter users have been ‘grossed out’ by the sight of a yellow furry Pikachu in the new ‘Pokemon’ movie trailer. As if that wasn’t garbage enough, they even opened a HYS on it!! Over 4 Billion a year they swindle from us and feed us crap like this utter non-story. People’s opinions on twitter is not news.
Walk Away Cooper_Man
But Cooperman, surely that is hate crime against yellow furry creatures! I hope The POLICE (POLItically Correct Enforcement squad) are on the case!
The Conservatives have produced a Remain document instead of a Leave document.
The pro-Remain Labour have agreed to vote against the Remain document.
It’s at times like this that we certainly don’t require a Monster Raving Loony Party as we already have two.
The Conservatives have betrayed their supporters.
A lot of UKIP voters moved back to support the Conservatives in the last GE because they thought that the Tory Government were basically Brexiteers .
Labour Manifesto 2017:
“Labour accepts the referendum result and a Labour government will put the national interest first.
We will prioritise jobs and living standards, build a close new
relationship with the EU, protect workers’ rights and environmental
standards, provide certainty to EU nationals and give
a meaningful role to Parliament throughout negotiations.”
Keir Starmer notwithstanding, officially Labour is pro-Brexit. Don’t let them forget it!
I’m surprised that the bBBC haven’t picked up on the story in the Mail and Metro and others about ex-One Direction band member Zayn Malik.
It seems that young Zayn, now safely ensconced in New York rather than his native Bradford, has bravely or stupidly announced that he is also now an ex-Muslim. The usual backlash already apparently. Must be the far right obviously.
As the bBBC more often resembles Heat or OK! than an actual news channel, it’ll be interesting to see if this features as a headline, on Newsbeat or the Entertainment/ Gossip pages of the webshite or even if at all on the bBBC. Normally they love this sort of stuff but as It could be considered as representing Islam in a less than positive light, well maybe not so much in this case, especially as Zayn is now an apostate. We know what many Muslims think of those and how they are regarded/ dealt with in the kommunitee. Maybe it’s best not to draw attention to it.
I said I was surprised they hadn’t picked up on it yet, I’m not really you know.
So Stew,
They had a big debate about it on the Asian Network a couple of days ago. Well that’s something, fair play to them, but not too many are going to hear or be aware of what might be an enlightening debate while it is hidden away there.
There’s a money saving opportunity for Lord Tony right there. BBC Asian Network has about 630,000 weekly listeners according to Rajar. Even if you add on the 1 million that ‘Black music’ station Radio 1 Xtra gets per week you would still have to add another 8 million to match Radio 1s 9.6 million weekly listeners.
Radio 1 is aimed at listeners from the same 15-30 age group as the other two, but just not necessarily at listeners of the same colour. Is there only ‘White music’ played on it? Or course not, there’s no such thing apparently and it wouldn’t be allowed. In the interests of multi-culturalism and to reflect the worlds of both modern Britain and of supermarket adverts surely then the funding of only one station, Radio 1, should be more than enough for all.
The tweets about the item were minimal
so either i was very short or listeners weren’t interested.
Tommy update : I see Wales online half-report on event that happened at the Swansea school yesterday
Of course they say that
“Swansea school bombarded by Tommy Robinson supporters after former EDL leader’s attack”
.. an “attack”
What an “attack” by bazouka ?
..an “attack” by petrol bomb ?
phase 1 : head teacher verbally attacks and threatens the unknown child..and TR’s personality
Phase 2 : TR complains about this on his Facebook page, choosing to keep not suppress this teachers name
… So the newspaper is like saying “A mugging victim has ATTACKED the poor mugger by making a statement to police”
The article has no open comments of course
“School was forced to delete Twitter account in face of onslaught after headteacher named in Facebook post”
An Anti Tommy guy tweets a post claimed to be from a “pupil”
Who says that
#1 Special security measures were taken at the school today and police vans were outside screenshot1
#2 Claim that the head had not threatened the pupils nor threatened to call the police but had merely been mistaken in saying “that if this had happened in the outside world then you could be put on a suspected terrorist list” screenshot2
Wow that “pupil” writes surprisingly like a teacher
… or head-teacher would write, don’t you think ?
Wow second night in a row that when I referenced a tweet about TR , the original tweet got deleted about an hour later
That anti-Tommy guy has deleted his 2 tweets , but I have screenshots of most parts of it.
.. Blinking heck is this how it is ? that, I have to screenshot everything .
I’ve come across that before when discussing with activists that I’ve had to routinely screenshot cos of them routinely deleting posts that made them look stupid.
We have confused the real issue of parliamentary democracy, for already there has been a fundamental change. The power of electors over their law-makers has gone, the power of MPs over Ministers has gone, the role of Ministers has changed. The real case for entry has never been spelled out, which is that there should be a fully federal Europe in which we become a province. It hasn’t been spelled out because people would never accept it. We are at the moment on a federal escalator, moving as we talk, going towards a federal objective we do not wish to reach. In practice, Britain will be governed by a European coalition government that we cannot change, dedicated to a capitalist or market economy theology. This policy is to be sold to us by projecting an unjustified optimism about the Community, and an unjustified pessimism about the United Kingdom, designed to frighten us in…………We shall be choosing between the unity of the UK and the unity of the EEC. ………I believe that we want independence and democratic self-government, and I hope the Cabinet in due course will think again.
* Tony Benn Speech given in the Cabinet meeting to discuss Britain’s membership of the EEC, as recorded in his diary (18 March 1975)
“Our Party must speak for the overwhelming majority in our country. Labour is a broad church and can be broader still.”
– Jeremy Corbyn Labour Conference 2018
overwhelming majority in our country
The most recent Census in 2011 highlights that in England and Wales, 80 per cent of the population were white British. Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, other) ‘groups’ made up 6.8 per cent of the population; black groups 3.4 per cent; Chinese groups 0.7 cent,Arab groups 0.4 per cent and other groups 0.6 per cent.
overwhelming majority in our country
According to the 2011 Census, Christianity is the majority religion, followed by Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism in terms of number of adherents. Among Christians, Anglicans are the most common denomination, followed by the Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptists.
overwhelming majority in our country
“In 2016, around 2% of the population identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB). This has increased from 1.7% in 2015 (a statistically significant increase). London had the largest proportion of the population who identified as LGB (2.7%), which could be associated with a relatively young and diverse population.”
overwhelming majority in our country
General Facts and Figures: In Britain over 10 million people have a limiting long term illness, impairment or disability – this is over 18 per cent of the population. The most common types of impairment for adults in Britain are those associated with a difficulty in mobility, lifting and carrying.
overwhelming majority in our country
According to Al Beeb Mrs Chamberlain “Is going to see it through”.
Has anyone noticed how many Remainers in the media support Mrs Chamberlain?
What does that tell you?
Also whenever the debate about the Brexit Vote comes up on the media they hardly talk about a ‘no deal leave’, yet the referendum vote was remain or leave.
The people voted for simply – leave.
Leave means leave, thats a no deal leave .
ps vote ukip
Brexit Q&A: Your questions answered
What happens after the transition period, in 2021 and beyond, is not clear, as this will be decided as part of the negotiations on the future EU-UK relationship.
It was of course meant to be an implementation period. May and Co have no idea what to implement, even if the EU sanctioned it. For once I agree with Wee Jimmy Kranky who describes the plan as “blind Brexit”
What’s the photo got to do with Brexit ?
beside’s tellings us that in BBCland women outnumber men 2 to 1
and that a third of people are non-white.
…rather than the 15% in the real world.
Just been watching Sky news seeking to terrify the populace of this country with appalling scare stories from a Police Federation bod and business analysist. Apparently if we left the EU without and agreement with the puppet masters of the EU then the UK wouldn’t be able to get medicines or food and there would be riots in the street.
I have had a gut’s full of this nonsense.
It is delivered as if it is fact, not speculation with no alternative view offered.
I think in reality the NHS is going to be overwhelmed by injuries caused by people shrugging their shoulders and rolling their eyes …
Im trying to think of what mainland Europe sends to Britain which would cause civil disorder . An instant recession caused by sudden big increases in unemployment could have a knock on effect but HMG will have financial wiggle room due to the contingency fund and saving of the 39 billion bribe .